Kolorful Palette: Perfect pair [Healer]

I’ve been out of town for a few weeks, but I told myself very sternly that when I got back I would make sure to check out all the new dramas. Of course I did the sensible thing and caught up on Healer instead. I’m happy to say I have no regrets about my decision (or my inability to act on my decision, which I suppose is more accurate).

It wasn’t very difficult to find a scene to draw from Young-shin’s little visit to Jung-hoo’s hideout since it was packed with amazing moments, but I ultimately chose this one because it shows how sweetly comfortable they are together, it’s a great shot of both of them, and because looking at it makes me wonder what they’re thinking while they stand there looking at Jung-hoo’s private island (my favorite artwork has always depicted images that make me want to know more, and this moment is kind of like that). We know that up until recently Jung-hoo wanted to bring Young-shin with him to his island, but can he really envision that, or does he see them living a normal life, or perhaps not getting their happy ending at all? Is Young-shin simply content, or is her mind a whirlwind? Either way, her apparent contentment is admirable considering how many questions she must have. If it were me I would most definitely be nagging for details.

I think my favorite thing about Healer is that it never actually goes where I’m afraid it’s going to go. Jung-hoo has had plenty of opportunities to go full noble idiot on us, but he never takes the leap. Similarly, Young-shin has had numerous chances to believe the worst of Jung-hoo, but she never does. Past dramas have taught me to expect misunderstandings at every possible turn, but they never seem to come to fruition in Healer. My training must run deep because every time such a potential situation arises a big knot of dread wells up in my stomach and I think, “Oh no, this is it. This is where this show disappoints me.” This week there were plenty of examples, like Young-shin finding out about her dad being murdered by Jung-hoo’s father. After all the lies and secrets I thought that this would be it, and she’d finally break it off with him, or at least keep her knowledge about their parents a secret. But nope! The whole issue was pretty much resolved within 20 minutes, and they decided to just find out the truth behind the case instead. And if Jung-hoo’s father did do it, or they can’t find out, no worries because apparently this is the only drama couple on the planet that doesn’t care about the sins of their parents. It makes me utterly giddy, especially since it results in moments like the kiss in front of Young-shin’s father (which was perfectly executed I might add, for both tenderness and comic value).

Those potential misunderstandings are usually irresistible bait for writers because they can force drama and tension for weeks before they are resolved. I expected to wait at least a couple episodes before Young-shin found out Jung-hoo’s father might be innocent. Or for Jung-hoo to get over his anger towards Moon-ho, or for Young-shin to forgive either of them for keeping her mother a secret. Thankfully Healer’s writer seems to understand that the show is plenty interesting as it is, and instead gives us lead characters who communicate like adults and don’t even need the strife of a love triangle to move and compel us.

The whole lovey-dovey sequence at Jung-hoo’s lair is another great example. It’s the perfect opportunity for Jung-hoo to nobly break things off for good, and it’s an equally perfect opportunity for Young-shin to be furious at Jung-hoo for his lies or give him an ultimatum. When Jung-hoo did try to halfheartedly send her off, instead of getting annoyed or threatening she told him not to because he would cry his whole life. How can she understand him so painstakingly well? At that moment my brain was screaming, “YOU TWO ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER.” I sincerely apologize for my use of all-caps (something I am abhorrently against) but I swear it was in all-caps in my brain. They’re such a good OTP it hurts.

This scene really didn’t need much so I just used a really basic style and simplified the colors to better match the vibe. I feel like I’m drawing this drama an excessive amount, but I promise to do something different next week! Sixteen episodes in at this point, I think it’s pretty safe to say that Healer isn’t going to drag or bore us before the end (no extension please!). If one of the newer dramas can entertain me half as much I’ll consider myself lucky.


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So beautiful! I really enjoy how you deconstruct the Healer scene and pick something that has so many emotions to be excited about and let our minds run with those exciting emotion! Healer has been a true gem of a drama and just amazing!


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Fanderay welcome back :) have been wondering where you have been.

@latewatch, I couldn't agree more. I think she chose the best scene that exemplifies their emotions for one another. One of my favorite scenes....

:) :)


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Thanks for the beautiful art scene, I also feel that this scene representative so much without a word being spoken.
I for one, am head over heels with Healer and I wouldn't mind at all if you depict another scene from the show, because right now I can't get enough of it ... :)


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Awesome Fanderay !
My favorite OTP <3


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Beautiful as always Fanderay!

You always manage to write about Healer and our OTP in such a beautiful way! I absolutely love reading your thoughts!


"I think my favorite thing about Healer is that it never actually goes where I’m afraid it’s going to go. Jung-hoo has had plenty of opportunities to go full noble idiot on us, but he never takes the leap. Similarly, Young-shin has had numerous chances to believe the worst of Jung-hoo, but she never does. Past dramas have taught me to expect misunderstandings at every possible turn, but they never seem to come to fruition in Healer."

So true! Healer continues to constantly exceeds expectations. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


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Thank you for your Healer artwork. I also loved this scene where he just envelopes her in his warm embrace!


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Wow beautiful :)


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It has been months a drama captured me like this. I might actually trust the writing and directing to be awesome till the very end.
I see a box set on the way to join the collection :-)


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You are so right! I never knw this drama was going to give me the unexpected and i find myself watching episode 14 over and over again. This are d best matured couple so far; no love triangle and no misunderstanding just d birth secret. OMG!! Healer is so sensible and fun and i like the healer himself and d fighting scenes are so GREAT! Thumbs up healer cant wait for episode 17


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Your art work really captures the essence of the scene and the feelings the OTP are projecting to us, thank you.

And you are right, we should have more faith and trust that this drama will stay fresh and stays unpredictable.


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Gorgeous Fanderay! ♡♡


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LOVE! ❤❤❤

One of my favourite moments was when Jung-hoo tells ahjumma to not advise him to run since he didn't know how to do so.


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This drama is amazing. Draw as much of it as you want, LOL.


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I hope Young Shin will become an heiress of Moon Shik's property, sell it and buy that island of Jung Hoo's dream.


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If I were them, I wouldn't want anything or any money related to MS, however it was obtained!


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Then JH will have to forever earn as 'an honest thief'. If he's still dreaming of that island.


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Lovely artwork Fanderay! And love your analysis of the scene and the drama overall. It's quite teprue, what you said about up the drama not following the usual angst trope. I'd had the same singking feeling in ep 16, when YS found out the truth, but she reacted in a YS like way, and the air was cleared up within no time.


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Please, @Fanderay, may we have some more???? You can catch up with other dramas later!


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@Lunatic4kd lol totally agree sweety, more is what's better ;)


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@lunatic4kd and @TurkishRose

Maybe if we petition enough , she would cave in and stay with Healer for at least one more drawing ??? :D


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@@Divyrus lol you think she will give in and give us one more artwork at least? So why don't we vote here shall we, anyone for another healer artwork, say I do :)


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Well..this is like my first comment on db eventho I'm an avid reader...but I really need to join in the voting..Lol! The Temptation of Healer ;D
I DO!!!
(anything related to JCW is - "I DO!")


@ TurkishRose

I say we vote now.

Yes, let's have another, please?

Can't seem to have enough Healer. :-)


@ lunatic4kd, Divyrus, TurkishRose, dzleen,

Yes I petition for it too .... and I did under Comment 42 below. Can't ever have too much of Healer artwork. There are so many beautiful scenes! There's the poor forgotten Dae Yong kicking ass, there's Teacher being cheeky, there's Ahjumma being gorgeous & motherly and saying she's not a mum (LOL), Myung Hee tenderly touching JH (or in future episode with Ji An???), Moon Ho being bromantic with JH and of course 1,000s of cuts of our OTP.

I add my vote to yours!! More Healer artwork please!!!


@dzleen, @patinalee, @Growingbeautifully :) yes let's keep em coming guys, hopefully fanderay can give it a thought at least :)


Yes! I vote for more artwork on Healer ! :D
Thank you so much for your beautiful artwork, Fanderay !


Haha, your comment made me realize that even though I usually hate it when commenters write in all-caps, I haven't been bothered by it at all in the Healer threads 'cause I totally get their need to shout their feels from the rooftop. Healer's inducing a lot of all-cap thoughts in my brain, as well. :D

Thanks, Fanderay~ awesome as always!


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i agreed with every single word of this post that i was nodding the entire time i was reading it and then i clapped when i was done *double thumbs up*

thank you for sharing your amazing art!!! please always continue to share them too <333


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I have missed you Fanderay ! And I KNEW that you would be drawing Healer when you are back !!!!


Especially screaming in your head part when she put the blunt truth before him !

And please please please let other dramas wait !!! This drama is a gem. I so wanted to see rooftop confession to see as your painting , with both of them looking SO comfortable ! ( Just throwing it out just in case you are taking suggestions :P )

And about your painting, the screenshot of this scene was my phone wallpaper and now it's your painting ! Thank you !


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@@Divyrus, lol I second the recommendation of rooftop confession. So sweet when he was intently looking at her, it would look so nice artwork wise ;)


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Yes , I have such a weird soft spot for that scene that I keep going back to it ! I wish to see that scene on DB banner as well !
That scene with both of looking at each other, just talking and being SO comfortable is so so so so so rare !


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@Divyrus and @dramachalant, totally gonna rewach that scene again and again as well. It's actually one of my top favorite scenes if not the top scene.


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@Divyrus b/c of your comment, I think I'll have to re-watch the rooftop confession for the nth time again. ^^

P.s. I'll be adding some more wishes to our post in recap #16 soon :D


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the rooftop confession scene is one of my favorites moments in this drama!!! i just really really love that scene. it was so heartbreakingly perfect in every way! the way he reacts when YS rejected him. his disappointment was so real you could feel it and the way he looks at her.. soooo much feels!


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@anythinggoes, totally agree about that scene, my total favorite.

** off to watch that scene again ...... :)


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what a drama....... awesome as always????


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Ha. I am also against all caps. I read your statement as "I swear in all caps in my brain," and I thought, oh! I do that! I swear in my brain in all caps all the time!

Uh, and then I reread it correctly.



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Its okay, swearing and all caps goes synonymous in my brain :P


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I agree with everything and yes they are so perfect for each other.
Your painting really captured that moment so well, beautiful <3


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Such a beautiful portraying, love it :)


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Yes. Yes. And more Yes, Fanderay!

I agree so much with what your article said regarding, "Healer." Thank you so much for your beautiful artwork, but even more so, the additional time that it took for you to explain your thoughts. Of which, I might add, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

A great deal of "Healer's" charm is that it deals with problems (Big problems!) in a more….healthy way (is that a good way to put it?) than other drama OTP's. Our main couple DEALS with the problem. And even better, they ACTIVELY deal with their problems TOGETHER.

I Lurve it.

Thank you again for your posts!


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This is absolutely beautiful just like the drama..your paintings are always a treat to watch Fanderay.. Thank you


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Thanks Fanderay! Welcome back and thank you for sharing your painting and thoughts. I love Healer so much and totally ship them.


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Just beautiful, Fanderay! ^^
Couldn't agree more. They are perfect for each other.


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No noble idiocy. No love triangle. Misunderstandings between the OTP solved in 15-20mins.....PERFECT DRAMA!!!


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Well technically there was a love triangle LOL But the best kind :D


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Ah, well I would argue that there is no love triangle. Rather, there is a love square: Healer, Bong-sookie, and Jun-hoo :P love them all~

And as usual, very wonderful picture Fanderay!


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Jung-hoo, sorry. I still keep getting names confused ^^;


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I always enjoy your commentary on this drama (and the artwork, of course) so much, thank you!


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This is a gem... Thank you :) <3


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I really love your artwork, Fanderay!
And to top it off, it's a real drawing! Not screencapped picture with effects.
So beautiful!! :)


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Just amazing Fanderay! I always love your insights on Healer and how you deconstruct the episodes. Can't you be a guest recapper on one of the episodes. I would love thay!

Thanks for the beautiful artwork yet again!


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Another DAEBAK drawing from an AWESOME artist. Thanks, Fanderay, for the GREAT analysis and for sharing our LOVE for HEALER.

Caps used in the same context Fanderay uses them. *waves*


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I've been surprised by how much I've been enjoying this drama, and it's for the reasons you list. It's lovely to see a show where the characters actually, gasp, talk to each other. For a story predicated on secrets and hidden identities, the younger generation is refreshingly honest about how they feel and what they want, and for me, it makes the scenes more dramatic, not less.


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Thank you. This is so beautiful and precious just as the drama itself <3


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Definitely my favorite scene of this episode...very naturally acted by JCW and PMY...


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Fanderay, your artwork is beautiful as always. It makes me wonder if the actors know about your wonderful creations. Have you ever considered giving the originals as gifts? What a lovely way to remember the characters that they portrayed or for a PD to remember his/her work! I can imagine that getting a Fanderay original would quickly become a much hoped for treasure.


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You should check out Kill Me Heal Me too! It's another new drama really worth checking out, I guarantee you won't be bored from the beginning to the newest episode so far. It's so good.

Talking about Healer, I also second what you said about potential misunderstandings thing, that thankfully the writer didn't drag it out and resolve it in a short time. I really hate it when dramas do that, so I thank God that the writer didn't do it, and the characterization of the characters are great. Especially Chae Young Shin. I like her reaction to everything, it's not over the top like makjang dramas and thanks to her personality as well, she didn't go berserk for long and prolong it. That's one of the things I like about Healer. And I hope it will keep up to the end.


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I second that. Check out KMHM. It's an awesome drama, after watching it healer somewhat faded into the background.
...And no way healer and his girl should escape to the island, after all he told us he doesnt know how to run away...sides, maybe after the latest developments the heroine could at least became a journalist and start asking questions and do some research, huhh?


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Thank you Fanderay for the visual treat and wonderful words. It has been an agonizing four days of waiting until Monday, so this is like a shower of rain on parched ground. Or... let's be real, like a small shot of heroine to an addict? I have not felt this sweet torture for such a long time. Healer has certainly awakened my kdrama addiction that has lain dormant since city hunter. I am so in love with this show and all the three leads. Can't wait until Monday but then that means we will only have four more episodes, and then three... and then... nooo, can't bear to think about it ending!


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@ wits

There does not seem to have been in my experience of watching a reasonably large number of shows, to have been an addiction quite like this. Until now, I cannot believe what I have done (and *sigh* failed to do) because of Healer! LOL! It's is a strange experience, surreal and yet so diverting. So I'm (staunchly avoiding feelings of guilt and) enjoying this 'shot of heroine' too! :)


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Can I just be shallow and say that Healer is HOT!!! New crush alert!!!


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@ Dawn
You most certainly can ... and it's not that shallow to admire what is beautiful and handsome and ... well yes .... to crush on it/him as well. Who am I kidding!!!! This Ahjumma is the biggest culprit here! LOL!


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Yes... for sure...this noonas not innocent either...


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Lovely painting, Fanderay! Aww, this is the fourth one for Healer, yes? Thank you for investing so much in this drama! I definitely wouldn't mind more, but I guess that would be too greedy of me. Hehe.

Your thoughts are so on point! "...apparently this is the only drama couple on the planet that doesn’t care about the sins of their parents..." "..."gives us lead characters who communicate like adults and don’t even need the strife of a love triangle to move and compel us..."

YES YEEES. THIS OTP IS FANTABULOUS! They're up there already in the top spot of my otp to beat. (Can't help it! I just feel the need to scream in all caps too lol).

But the writer is even more fabulous! I love how she saves us from all the unnecessary pain of going through mind boggling noble idiocy and contrite love triangles that don't even make any sense. This is always my problem with other shows. We all know the OTP in any drama is gonna end up together anyway, so why prolong the agony? Thank you Song Ji Na for giving such a refreshing couple. *builds a shrine for this OTP and Song Ji Na*


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Fanderay, once again, I thank you for sharing your great talent with us, for your thoughts and reasons and best of all for doing "the sensible thing" and catching up on Healer so that you gave us this beautiful piece of art.

I also am of the opinion and understanding that some of the best art are those which make us stop to ponder, to wonder, to imagine more beyond what the canvas can say. And you have chosen splendidly with this cut.

Illuminated by the picture of a hot sunny island, enfolded in loving embrace in the cold, dark apartment, I wonder what went through their minds separately? What did that picture mean to them, ... or did they already register that the light, warmth and comfort that, that island represented, was already literally within their arms.

It is a testament to the phenomenally textured and layered writing, that until now we have not run out of new and good things to say about Healer - new and more beautiful things to draw and paint as well. This story and the topics raised, or the way topics are so skillfully handled, make thinking and drawing Healer an inexhaustible activity - and gives so much pleasure, it is scary! That is among the many things that seems to have drawn us to this show and is perhaps the reason you have been continually inspired to draw from it as well.

I add my 'voice' and vote to those above who are requesting (pretty, pretty please!!!) - to keep watching Healer and please do, do, do give us more art from this beautiful show. :)


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Amazing work! I enjoy reading your thoughts on the drama too. Please do at least one more Healer art! They have so many great moments together.


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Thank you Fanderay for the artwork you share with us...The piece above really captures such a beautiful moment between SJH and CYS...wonderful...just really makes you thing their thoughts that moment :-)


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i meant *think* about their thoughts that moment :-) s


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Awesome art and description Fanderay.i started watching Healer only after reading an article of yours;many thanks for that too.


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Lovely drawing, lovely thoughts, lovely show. Thank you.


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4 drawings for a drama. FOUR. Yeah, the amount of love you gave to this drama will surely make other dramas green in envy. Like... "what? it's HEALER again??? You didn't even draw me one." <-- maybe that's what it sounds.

Yeah.. I also admitted that Song Ji Na surprises me a lot. She kept guiding us towards that direction, aka K-drama universal cliches, but when we're almost there and are ready to sigh, she took a sharp turn and proved us wrong. If all drama writers, ok..maybe that's too much, if half drama writers' brain do work and function like hers, maybe our life will be much nicer and happier.

Now I'm challenging HEALER to tease you so mercilessly, by being beyond the awesomeness it already is, giving us lots of wonderful scenes, that finally you give in and dedicate another drawing for them.. again. Yeah.. I want to see that happen. And.. I have this inkling it will happen. ehhehehe.....


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Healer deserves all caps!


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♡♡♡ Kahnsamhida Fanderay! !


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Hi Fanderay, thank you for this beautiful drawing. Your small recap is so beautifully written as well. I loved the way you describe why you liked Healer so much. Everything you have written are all true! Because of that, I have raised Healer one notch higher again against any other drama! Cant really get enough of Healer especially now that it is nearing its finale...so sad actually :(

More drawings to come my dear!!!


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