
Healer: Episode 9

And we’re back! Did you all manage that weeklong wait without too much angst? Judging from the hoppin’ recap thread, I’m guessing this episode couldn’t come a moment too soon. Thankfully Healer follows up that last episode with one that’s on par with what we’ve come to expect of this show: cute relationship developments, some heart-tugging glances, a dash of intrigue, and strong character moments on multiple fronts.


Tei – “눈이 하는 말” (What the eyes say) from the Healer OST [ Download ]

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So, that kiss. It’s not like we haven’t all rewound and rewatched it a dozen (…hundred) times already, but it’s a nice place to resume, out on the rooftop after Healer saves Young-shin from a grisly elevator death. He pulls away gently, looking at her with this… intensity. Agh.

She reaches out a hand toward him, but he steps back out of range now, because superhero identities must be preserved. He keeps looking at her as he steps away, and she holds out her hand and feels only snowflakes. At least it’s a first snow of the season, which has a nice romantic connotation to it.

Moon-ho comes bursting out onto the roof, so frantic with worry that he shouts her other name, “Ji-an-ah!” She’s utterly dazed (…cause that kiss blew her mind) and takes a while to gather her thoughts. Verging on tears, she stammers out a disjointed explanation of coming here at Moon-ho’s request, nearly dying in an elevator, and being saved by the Healer.

She starts to hyperventilate as the shock sets in, and Moon-ho grabs her in a hug, patting her comfortingly. She adds, “And that person… almost died because of me…”

He starts to lead her away, calling her Young-shin this time, but she stops to look around for her cell phone—it was her mother’s, and she can’t lose it. She thinks it’s in the elevator, but Moon-ho suggests they find it later and helps her away.

Around the corner, Jung-hoo watches them leave. He tells Min-ja that the elevator was tampered with deliberately, and that the culprit must have been in the vicinity as it broke down. He puts Min-ja to the task of securing CCTV footage, as well as tracking Moon-ho. When ajumma asks what he’ll be doing, he looks a bit fidgety as he says he’s gotta go find something. A cell phone, perhaps?

But as he’s walking, his leg suddenly gives out from under him and he stumbles. The misstep has him looking spooked, and Min-ja can’t believe her ears when he admits he tripped. Then she notices his abnormal vital signs with concern, while he feels his thumping chest and then his lips. Aw, you’re adorable. Also you had me worried for a second there.

Young-shin is equally as out of it, and as Moon-ho only knows about half the reason, he pulls over the car and checks her pulse in concern. She assures him she’s unharmed and doesn’t need the hospital, regaining some of her composure, now remembering the (falsified) reason she went to the building in the first place. Don’t they have to meet their informant?

Moon-ho asks what he supposedly told her in that phone call, and apologizes for her getting caught up in a warning meant for him. Deciding that her house is open and therefore dangerous, he heads for his own. He makes her a warming drink and smiles at her upbeat mood, while she admits to holding back the urge to burst into song (though we know that singing is her coping mechanism).

She adds that she’s also holding back the urge to ask him something (although I guess by saying so, she’s no longer holding back) and wonders what it means to use her to send Moon-ho a warning. Furthermore, now she recalls that he called her a different name.

He first feigns ignorance (“Did I?”), then explains that Oh Ji-an was a girl he knew, and it was just a mistake spurred in his panic. He tries to gloss over the rest of the conversation, but if he’s not going to give her answers, Young-shin would rather go home. At warnings of danger, she replies, “I’ll be fine. The Healer will protect me.”

Moon-ho informs her that the Healer takes money to perform jobs, and that he isn’t motivated by goodwill or righteousness: “Don’t trust him.” He asks her to stay because he feels uneasy otherwise, and I find it interesting that when he’s being glib she’s really not having any of it, but when he gets earnest, that comes through. So she stays.

Moon-ho steps out of his apartment, and the sight of the slightly open stairwell door has his suspicions firing. The stairwell is empty, but operating on a hunch, he speaks into the open: “For protecting her today, thank you. Either as a danger bonus or an expression of gratitude, I intend to pay you generously. And I’ll make one request. If you receive a job request from the other side, opposite me, I ask that you give me a word of warning. Since I was a regular client, you can do that for me, can’t you?”

He leaves, and Jung-hoo watches from several flights above.

Young-shin still has misgivings about Moon-ho, but recalls words her father once told her, back when he’d first adopted her: “To try trusting just once, which would lead to gradually trusting more.”

In a flashback, we see Dad peering in on a scared Ji-an, who huddles in a playground structure at the orphanage. The director tells him of the difficulties they’ve had in connecting with her, because she hides herself at every opportunity and won’t sleep inside, eating food that they leave outside her hidey-hole.

Undeterred by her lack of response, Dad makes goofy faces and sits outside her hiding space for hours, telling her stories and singing songs. Ji-an doesn’t react, but we can see that she’s intrigued, and eventually she emerges and sits by him as he sings.

As Young-shin writes a note for Moon-ho, she tells us that it wasn’t like the entire world became more trustworthy after meeting her father, since there were times when she’d find herself hurt by people she’d opened up to.

She leaves the apartment, only to be stopped at the sight of the open elevator. She tries to shake off the fear, and thinks, “But it was okay. If you have even just one person who’s truly trustworthy, even when you’re let down, it doesn’t hurt as much.”

So off to the stairwell she goes, and thinks, “Now, rather than mistrusting people, trusting is a bit easier.” She starts the long climb downstairs, singing to herself. Remaining several flights above, Healer starts heading down after her.

Rightly guessing at the source of the elevator sabotage, Moon-ho grabs Secretary Oh and shoves him into his brother’s office, asking if Moon-shik has decided to no longer be human. Moon-shik is genuinely in the dark since he tells his underlings to take care of things without specifying the methods, and Moon-ho supposes this time was no different: “But you shouldn’t have touched Ji-an.”

That name has Moon-shik looking up in alarm. Moon-ho shoves Secretary Oh aside and looms over his brother, saying that he could at least understand saying that a living child was dead, if only to push Myung-hee to continue living. He sneers when hyung acts surprised at the idea of Ji-an being alive and found, warning him to cut the act.

Moon-shik swears that he didn’t know. So Moon-ho asks if it was the Elder, then, who sent this “message.” He issues the gravelly warning, “Whoever he is, if he so much as touches a fingertip on Ji-an again, Myung-hee noona will be the first to hear of it. That’s what you’re most afraid of, isn’t it?”

Moon-shik warns that Moon-ho’s crossing a line. Which seems rich, coming from him, really. Moon-ho says that he loves Myung-hee too, and that he can’t just stand by and watch as the noona he loves remains under the same roof with the man who hurt her daughter. Moon-ho’s face twists in pain as he says, “I can’t do that.”

As he steps outside, Myung-hee greets him with her usual warmth, tsk-tsking about the brotherly fighting and doting on him as usual. Moon-ho looks at her with all that extra emotion in his eyes today and tells her that he’s sorry. She tells him it’s okay, but he lays his head in her lap, shedding tears.

Moon-shik watches at a distance as she soothes him, then faces his secretary to demand the exact details of the Elder’s orders. What exactly was he meant to do to the child, and what exactly was meant to be hidden from him?

Just then, the hidden paneling slides open in the office and the TV screens display a countdown clock. Ajumma’s hacker voice crows the warning that this is how much time they have until the Healer turns over Go Sung-chul’s murderer to the police, as well as letting out crucial footage on broadcast television, on all the highest-rated programs.

Next, Min-ja calls Dae-yong, who’s in the middle of a stakeout of Young-shin’s home. Jung-hoo declined to enlighten her as to his own activities, so Min-ja calls him next, though he’s turned off his line.

To her surprise, Teacher’s voice cuts in—he’s made himself quite at home at the Healer pad, eating the birthday cake he’d brought over. He wants confirmation of some facts, because his mind is connecting the dots: Moon-ho wants DNA of an orphan woman, and he’s pretty sure it’s gotta be Ji-an.

That night, Young-shin walks along with her stalker antenna up, casting looks around her as though trying to catch the Healer unawares, and deflating when she doesn’t see anyone. She misses seeing that Jung-hoo’s watching from the other side, keeping apace with her from a distance.

An idea strikes and Young-shin ducks into a phone booth and calls Bong-soo (from memory, since her cell phone’s still lost). He answers while watching her from a building nearby, and she lies that she’s testing her memory for phone numbers, and that he’s number 19, which makes him smile.

She asks why his voice sounds funny so he half-teases that it’s past his bedtime, only to have her apologize and start to sign off. His flustered response is adorable as he hurriedly says he’s already awake, forgetting again to use the polite jondae with her. She grumpily tells him to just cut down to banmal already, since his constant back-and-forth is confusing her.

To commemorate his banmal approval, Jung-hoo offers to listen to her talking allllll night long—ha, like it’s a big favor he’s granting. He guesses she called because she wanted to talk, and she admits it. So she sits down to settle in for a chat, and he does the same.

She sighs over the loss of her mother’s phone, which she calls a hot pack for her soul, which would keep her warm on days her heart was cold. Jung-hoo pulls the cell phone from his pocket as she talks—it’s broken, but he has it.

He wonders why she doesn’t head home, but she says she’s not in the mood for her father’s third degree… although her real reason is that she’s waiting for somebody. Heart in his throat, Jung-hoo asks, “You’re waiting?”

She says she’d thought that the person might show up if she waited, swooping in from behind. But he isn’t coming, she says with disappointment. “He’s certain to have something to say to me,” she tells him. “He can’t just say nothing like this.”

She heaves a sigh and tears start to fall as she says, “I’m… ready to hear. I have things to say too. But he’s not coming. I don’t think he’s coming anymore.”

Jung-hoo looks torn, listening to her sniffle over the line but unable to do anything about it.

Based on Teacher’s suspicions, Min-ja looks at the DNA report, and seeing the numbers support the hunch has her bolting up in agitation. She’s putting together some pieces of her own: The man Jung-hoo’s father is said to have killed is Young-shin’s father. Both adults take in the awfulness of fate to have the first person Jung-hoo start to care about be linked to him in this way.

Young-shin’s arrival home is greeted by an irate father who demands to be given a reasonable explanation for her absence and ignoring of calls. She uses some of her charm to slip by him into the house while Dad blusters at her.

Moon-ho arrives home to find the note she left behind, saying that he’d ordered her to go to sleep. Since she can’t sleep in a bed that’s not hers, she is heading home in order to follow his command.

Next Moon-ho calls Detective Yoon—they need a contact at the police station to whom they can safely hand over the footage taken from President Hwang’s safe. Detective Yoon is flattered to be contacted but says that he’s not quite their guy—he works in the cyber crimes department and doesn’t have much power. But Moon-ho adds that the footage was obtained via the Healer, and suddenly Detective Yoon is all ears.

Moon-ho explains his hunch that Hwang and his backer may soon engage the Healer’s services, and his aim is to uncover the backer. He wants Detective Yoon to share his investigation findings with him, and to put Young-shin under police watch, since the Healer will be sure to be in her vicinity. It’s the ultimate bait: “Don’t you want to catch the Healer?”

Jung-hoo heads home and immediately clues in on to signs of somebody’s presence. He makes his way inside carefully, though one look at the (mostly eaten) cake is enough to identify his visitor.

Teacher’s tea is still steaming, so Jung-hoo knows Teacher’s still around somewhere. He yells at the old fart to show himself and runs through the compound looking for him. “I have something to say to you, you damned old man!” he shouts. “I need to ask something, so show yourself, will you!”

Oof, his hurt rage is heart-pinching, and he screams in frustration before falling on his knees. He asks his teacher what he ought to do, saying, “You’re my teacher… you should teach me.”

In the morning, Young-shin races in to work and finds Moon-ho waiting in the lobby, wearing a hard face. She apologizes for leaving the night before, but his expression softens as he says he ought to apologize, and that he can breathe now that he’s seen her face. She blinks at him in confusion.

Dae-yong parks outside the building to begin her day of keeping watch over Young-shin, and notices a couple of strange men pulling up and taking photos. She calls Jung-hoo, but he ignores the phone, watching his leopard documentary for the umpteenth time.

Moon-ho informs Young-shin that no cell phone was found in the elevator and offers her a replacement phone, which she declines until he calls it a company expense. He says he spent the night trying to figure out how to keep her safe, like sending her to study in Europe, which he was sure she’d laugh at.

The other option: making her famous. Her conspicuousness would draw attention to anybody going after her, but fame could also bring its own set of risks, so he leaves the decision to her.

She asks for the reason for her life being in danger in the first place, and Moon-ho replies, “Because you’re with me. Will you believe that at least for now?” Clearly not the whole of it, but it’s as much as she’s going to get for the time being. Young-shin opts for the famous reporter choice.

Detective Yoon’s investigation takes him to President Hwang, who remains vague and unhelpful about his mysterious attacker. But when the detective plays the video taken from his safe, Hwang’s eyes widen in alarm. He feigns surprise and ignorance, and Detective Yoon doesn’t press—but his request to see Hwang at the station for some additional questioning gets his message across.

Moon-shik sees the Elder, who readily apologizes for dealing with Young-shin without conferring with him first. It’s an answer that pre-emptively defuses the tension, though the Elder points out that it was still a necessary move, because Moon-ho has been digging into his background for the past decade. Anytime he or his enterprises did anything, Moon-ho was there, ready to poke his nose into things.

For what it’s worth, Moon-shik tries to downplay his brother’s activities, as though he’s nosy but ultimately powerless. The Elder sees differently, saying that while he’d wanted to recruit him to their side, Moon-ho has set up his own newspaper and nearly got his hands on “the LA video” (which they diverted, thanks to the Healer). The Elder names Moon-shik’s “two very significant weaknesses”: his wife and brother. He can’t have a girl becoming a third one.

Moon-shik answers calmly that he’s well aware of the weaknesses, but calls
them “mortal wounds.” If they are injured, he wouldn’t be able to recover. And the Elder has no need for dead soldiers.

“I will take care of my own problems,” Moon-shik states firmly. “And I will be the one to decide the manner in which I handle them.”

Just then, a call comes in. President Hwang’s harried voice booms in over the speakerphone, demanding to speak with the Elder. He’s definitely committing a faux pas here, skipping steps in the proper hierarchy to go right to the top, not realizing that the guy he’s ordering to hand over the phone to the Elder IS in fact the esteemed Elder.

Hwang says he’s in a spot of trouble and won’t die alone, threatening to spill everything he knows about the Elder. Ha, okay dude, dig that grave deeper. Hwang is loud and crass and going about this entirely the wrong way for our genteel Elder, but for now the old man doesn’t set him straight. He’s got more elegant ways of dealing with problems, and he confirms with Moon-shik that they still need a fall guy for the Go Sung-chul murder. Looks like a suitable patsy just showed up.

Today’s the day of Assemblyman Kim’s press conference regarding his mayoral candidacy, and Moon-ho briefs his Someday team in preparation for their first internet broadcast. They’ll report all the basic stuff, but he also intends to include their own exclusive tidbits, which are enough to get Editor Jang gulping that it’s too hard-hitting.

Moon-ho’s not scared, though, and directs his team to get into place. Sure, their first broadcast is bound to be full of errors and bad edits, but he reasons that there’s no way to know until they try.

Jung-hoo arrives just as Young-shin is hurrying out, and she just grabs him and orders him to drive. “Let’s go,” she says. “Let’s get famous.”

Annnnd from a distance, somebody snaps photos of them and sends them to Detective Yoon. He sets his partner on the job of investigating everyone around Young-shin—and not just their work experience, but also their height and body size. Ah, he’s thinking the Healer might be hidden in plain sight. Maybe the clumsy detective isn’t so hapless after all.

The Someday team hits a roadblock right off the bat, because they aren’t even being admitted to the hall. They’re only putting on the show of a press conference, accepting preapproved questions from preapproved reporters, to shut down any mention of the Yeon-hee scandal.

But Moon-ho’s eagle eyes spot a sign posted in the lobby—a commitment ceremony is being held in the hall right next door. And it’ll be tough for the press conference folks to prevent entry into an event that’s not theirs.

He calls Young-shin while she’s on her way over, and Jung-hoo sees her new phone and mutters under his breath. Moon-ho gives her the revised mission to assume a disguise, and sends them to a salon friend to help make that happen. While Jung-hoo fidgets nervously (and Young-shin holds him firmly so he can’t ditch her), a flock of stylists descends upon them.

While they’re separated for measuring and dressing, Jung-hoo and Young-shin talk over the phone, with her assuring him that this is all part of a reporter’s work. Jung-hoo jumps and fidgets the whole time, looking miserable and embarrassed and completely flustered.

They chat lightly back and forth throughout it all, with him sighing that he’s not in the mood for jokes because he was up late thinking, and her teasing about him thinking at all. She asks what he was thinking about, and he answers, “I guess you could say I was looking for an excuse.”

What kind of excuse, she wonders. “An excuse so I could meet again,” he answers.

Transformation complete, a newly dashing Jung-hoo is brought out, looking fan-freaking-tastic but also like he’s about to crawl out of his own uncomfortable skin.

Next is Young-shin’s turn, and despite tottering in her heels, she looks completely different in her sophisticated new style. Jung-hoo stares, not that he needed a makeover to be more in love with her, and she takes in his change and tries to wolf-whistle her appreciation (which comes out as a squeak instead).

She holds out a hand for a hi-five, but he gallantly offers her an arm instead, and she takes it.


What a gorgeous pair. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the makeovers, shall we? Not that these scenes are ever a surprise to us viewers who are already familiar with stars looking like shining, polished stars… but it’s still gratifying all the same to experience the transformation in the context of their characters.

I hardly think we need the shiny new looks to make Jung-hoo go gaga for Young-shin, but I suppose it’s an icing-on-the-cake situation to have him see her as extra-beautiful. I was glad of Young-shin’s reaction as well, because I was worried she might see her gawky companion through new eyes and suddenly be into him—I hate that trite moment in all those makeover movies where it’s the ugly-duckling transformation that spurs a character to open their eyes. I won’t be naive and say that looks don’t affect a person’s attraction to another, but in narrative moments, it’s pretty dissatisfying to have that be the catalyst, like the final stamp of approval: Oh, he kinda liked her before but now it’s really real! So when Young-shin teases him about his new look, I was glad to have her being as dorky as ever with the hi-five and the failed whistle, which I found utterly adorable.

If we must move on to less shallow notes (…and I suppose we must), I enjoyed how despite the very Bong-sook-ish squirming that happened during the prep, it’s actually Jung-hoo who adopts his new fake identity (on top of the one or two he’s already working) with aplomb. I’m anticipating some slip-ups and goofy moments from Young-shin, who may look chic but keeps her tomboyish mannerisms, but Jung-hoo has the excuse now to drop the Bong-soo facade and be a little more controlled and commanding. Not that he really needs to be any more dashing to win us over. Let’s just call it fanservice and drink it in.

Getting a bit heavier for a moment, I have to take a moment to appreciate Moon-ho and his emotional turmoil, because Yoo Ji-tae plays him so thoroughly. I can feel just how twisted up he feels inside, and after his previous attempt to drop hints to Myung-hee went horribly awry, I can understand the fix he feels caught up in. It makes legitimate sense now that he would choose to keep the truth quiet until the situation comes to a resolution, because it’s too delicate a matter—and emotionally traumatic—to risk setting off without a happy result assured.

I don’t see him as a part of a romantic love triangle, but he functions narratively in many of the same ways as a conventional rival, both for Myung-hee and for Young-shin. It’s a testament to the writing, I think, that I feel that his character’s motivations are well-drawn and credible despite the fact that on paper it all sounds quite convoluted—loving someone as your sister-mother-first-love, feeling tormented by conscience, being beholden to her and her child, and being someone who both helps and hurts, righteous and guilty.

The drama also meets its one-squeeworthy-scene-per-episode minimum with the phone call scene, which was sweet on more than one level. It’s always enjoyable to watch Jung-hoo’s reactions when Young-shin talks about the Healer; it’s like my narrative crack for this drama. I live to see those little moments, whether they be excited or dumbfounded or gratified. But it’s also nice to have Young-shin reaching for Bong-soo again, even if she lies about the reasons for calling him. (The lie is totally okay because Jung-hoo knows she’s really after a confidante, and he finds her fib amusing.)

This is a case where I don’t actually know how I want Young-shin’s love triangle to go, because right now her understanding of both Bong-soo and Healer are limited. With her current knowledge of both men, choosing one would be giving up the other, and you could argue for either one. I mean, of course they’re both the same man, and the awesome part is that we know she’ll get to have her cake and eat it too—but that part comes much later. Anticipation of that moment keeps my heart fluttery about the developments, and it’s also why I get to enjoy the angst leading up to it. It won’t be till she can reconcile all the parts in the same identity that the tension will resolve, and until that happens I intend to enjoy every drop of that conflict. Yum.


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Just a friendly reminder (and info for newbies) that dramabeans commenting policy says "NO SPOILERS" (yes, it's in caps in the policy). I haven't read all of the comments, but it seems like most people in the Healer threads are doing a great job of respecting the policy, however I have seen a few spoilers here and there. Sometimes that's worse because the spoilerphobes get lulled into a sense of safety and decide to read all the comments, only to get spoiled by one or two commenters.

When the policy was officially announced,(http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/07/introducing-our-dramabeans-commenting-policy/) lots of Beanies said that they were relieved because they hate spoilers. Javabeans herself has said time and time again that she hates coming across spoilers, and she has to moderate the comments, so please don't ruin it for her either. There were a lot of us that couldn't participate in the K2H threads towards the end because of the spoilers, and girlfriday was really frustrated about it herself.

As far as I know, the spoiler tags still work~ but it seems like a lot of mistakes are made and spoilers still leak out, or people respond to the spoilers without using the tags.

It appears that some commenters don't realize that the policy includes spoilers based on previews. The official policy says no spoilers about "anything that has happened in a series beyond the recap in which you are posting". Many of us, including JB, avoid watching previews, so please don't comment here about plot developments you saw in a preview. There are lots of other sites like Soompi where you can go to discuss all of that.

Sincere thanks to the overwhelming majority of you who've contained yourselves and respected the no spoilers policy. Healer commenters rock, and hopefully we can keep these threads safe for all of us and headache-free for our Head Fangirl, JB.


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[Tumblr, credits to @dreamingsnowflake2013]

"Just when you think the episode can’t get possibly any better, this show surprises you again and delivers THIS, leaving you squealing in joy like a lunatic (which is all sorts of problematic when the whole house is asleep except you)! I swear this got to be one of the shippiest scenes I have ever seen and I’ve seen some pretty shippiness in my time! Whenever JH and YS appear in the same shot, it doesn’t matter whether they are mere inches away or the other is standing on a different side of the street rooftop.

There is something impossibly romantic and soul-stirring seeing JH following her silently, watching over her from the shadows like her silent knight, her protector. With his beautiful face and dark, tormented eyes, he really looks like a guardian angel, sent to protect her, though a fallen one, his wings cut off and dressed in black. Always hiding in the darkness, always alone. His eyes never leaving her; he relishes each shiver, each sigh while smiling gently, almost dotingly, at her noctural antics.

MY FEELS! She calls him from a phone booth, which I suspect still exists solely because of the kdrama industry, and it’s ONLY HIS number that she remembers! And it’s HIM with whom she wants to talk, with whom she feels the most comfortable and whom she trusts the most, even with her fears and secrets. I think that, on one hand, JH is blissfully happy to be the one but on the other, he must be suffering because whenever she opens her heart to him it breaks his. Look at YS’s happy face when he picks up! She literally brightens up the whole street with her smile, like a sun, and he is pulled to her like a moth to a flame. And she MAKES HIM SMILE! He is so happy that it’s his number she remembers, despite pretending he doesn’t, that he even jokes with her and she allows him to use banmal with her because she can no longer listen to his weak tries at jondaemal. I love how he gets startled after she tells him he sounds tired and wants to end the call, and fumbles that it doesn’t matter now. Awww! The boy just wants to talk to her and to hear her voice, more than she does!

OMG! JH has her phone! I didn’t notice it during the livestreaming because it was lagging! Not only did he save her, he also saved her precious phone! Does the awesomeness of this guy know no bounds! Please, tell me, he’s repairing it for her and giving it to her! The genius of SJN is never-ending - so one of the main reasons why JH is supposed to be a genius with machines is because of THIS! I LOVE HER! He grows so solemn after he learns it was her mother’s phone, a dear memento. He can understand her on so much levels because they share their parents issues."


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Thanks @dreamingsnowflake2013 if you're ever reading this. I just love your writing. It's just like reading a passage of a really good romantic book, except this is much better since you're describing a scene which had been brought to life and it has so many feels! :)


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[Tumblr, credits to @dreamingsnowflake2013]

"…and then, he starts to withdraw as if all the emotions were too much. But he can never truly leave her, can he? She is like crack to him and he is an addict who needs more of his fix because one taste is never enough. So he lingers as he always does, never letting her out fo sight. I love that he immediately calls MJ to locate where MH is taking her and I believe his reason is more than his hunting instinct and that he is far more concerned over YS’s safety, he feels jealous and uncomfortable leaving the girl he just kissed alone with another man.

OMO! He is so utterly baffled by that kiss that he slips! The light-footed, rooftop-leaping Healer slips and he is even getting HEART PALPITATIONS! Hopefully, it won’t get around that a kiss is all that it takes to send the invincible Healer on his knees. Don’t tell me kisses are supposed to be his kryptonite?! Does he suffer from the same condition like DMJ and YWCFTS?! LOL! I love that perplexed expression on his face - it appears as if he’s about to suffer a cardiac arrest any second! The best thing about it that YS is as affect as he is! It must be a huge shock for her - the man she believed kept protecting only because of money, suddenly risks his own life to save hers and than kisses her so passionately out of blue. It doesn’t take a nuclear scientist to guess that MH did NOT pay him to do THAT! This realization sends her reeling and literally takes her breath away!

She doesn’t stay at MH’s apartment because she believes Healer will be watching over her and will protect her! The girl knows JH better than he knows himself! So, of course, when she is afraid to take the elevator because of the traumatic experience earlier and decides to use the stairs instead, he is there to listen and enjoy her already legendary Kpop renditions all the long way down, while giving her the sweetest smile ever! I love how he keeps swaying his body and nodding his head to the sound of her singing, and then, when he catches himself at doing it, is totally embarrassed! That’s what it means being under someone’s spell! Please, someone tell me, that they’ll be having a singing and dancing duet in the future!"


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Wow those words just reflects everything I've been thinking but just can't put it to words....awesome writing :D


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Wow AnnaAkana!

What sterling shipping this is!!! Every detail of their interactions taken into account! And elucidated for a fuller understanding of the 'ship. Good stuff AnnaAkana!!!

Another reason she left MH's apartment was of course, because she wanted to be accessible so that Healer could meet her again. She needed to know what that kiss meant... whether it meant the same thing to him as to her. Her hope and desperation to meet him again and know this, coupled with her trust that he would be watching her, brought her out despite her fears.

Such endearing trust!!! *Sigh 3x*


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@Daisy @Growingbeautifully @Minihaha

I agree with you guys on everything that was said about @Annakana's post. So awesome....the feels lol. I'm shipping this couple so hard :)


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It's like you read my thoughts and wrote them down so completely, without fault.

I second everything you wrote in your last two comments. It is so sweet that he smiles and bobs to her singing only to be embarrassed. he is even more sweet when he stutters, when trying to think of how to keep her chatting to him longer on the phone. he is sooo affected by her, he just doesn't understand how that is possible and needs Teachers help to explain this unknown feeling......
He is definitely talking to her as Jung Hoo rather than as Park Bong sook-ah. When will she put 2 + 2 together to get healer!


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Thanks, if only I can write that good. Those words were actually from Tumblr that I've found. I've put the credit at the beginning of the quote. They're from @dreamingsnowflake2013. She write quite beautifully and even has pics to it. I thought it would be nice to share it here.

Here's another quote/thoughts from here I found:


I've pasted it in comment 159 below. But if you search through her Tumblr posts, she has a lot more :) I just found these relevant for this episode :)


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Woah, over 700 comments? Healer's on fire! This drama has been so good since week 1 and I am really glad to see that it consistently puts out strong, squee-inducing episode.


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my thoughts exactly, I was like "Dang, haven't seen that many for quite some time"


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and it only took exactly 24 hours to reach this amount! for an odd number episode, it is quite a feat!


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Right!? Even episode 8 took almost a week to get as many comments as it did! This has been within less than 24 hours! I really can't believe it and yet I can, because it's just that good :D


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I think everyone is loving this too much to the point where those who used to be readers only felt compelled to comment when everyone else. That's how addictive this drama is :)


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Geez, if the ep 8 took week to accumulate comments, then ep 9 took 1 day, and i wonder what will happen to ep 10, with all the waiting longing, scribbling walls and nail scratchig?!pfttt..ottokee..ottokeeee


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Maybe 2000+ comments? If not 3000+ hehe


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With all troops like this?It could be done gurls! :)


I have no doubts you FANTASTIC people! Closer to 2,000 for Episode 10!!! Yeah!


Yup I believe it could be done too! :D


Already watched episode 10 guyss.. and it's sooooooo freakin' good..
i'm so upset b/c now must wait for next monday..
Omo.. mondaaay-ya please come sooner T.T


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Haha you're lucky, I still haven't watched ep 10 yet since I've been busy and have only watched ep 9 now. Only just caught up with the recap and reading comments. Shall watch ep 10 later and see you all there to comment! ~


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Ep 8 comments passed 1000, and Ep 9 here is approaching 800.

Ji Changwook is breaking the internet.


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esto es una locura, demasiados para leer todos


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"Ji Chang Wook is breaking the internet"

We're creating new records in his name. XD


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Amen to that ^^


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LOL he is, I hope this is his break massive drama break :)


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arghh that didn't make sense at all haha *damn you lack of sleep!!*


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The episode ended much too quickly. Why why whyyy. I'm already feeling the starting of the withdrawal symptoms, as we are, with ep 10, at the halfway mark and the show shall end soon. What am I going to do afterwards? I fear severe withdrawal with this one.

I think my favorite part in today's ep was the beginning part, where Young Shin's walking down the street, and he's following her quietly. Content in seeing her, yet wanting more. I do find him pitiful, as you can tell he wants to exist as something more in front of her, openly, but he's prevented from being so and has to protect her from the shadows. Which is all as well too I suppose, since if he was to open up then he'd be placing the both of them in danger. I'm wondering when the truth shall be uncovered and left out there for all to see. I really wonder about her reaction to Healer when she finds out who she is. What kind of reation are you guys hoping for?

As for this whole past/present mystery thing, I am intrigued. Exactly what happened in the past that leaves our characters so buried in that time, and so haunted? Moon Shik, I slide over, but that conversation he had with Moon Ho- about being the same as Moon Shik- has me wondering. How do the brothers play into Ji An's disappearance all those years ago, and how did her "death" occur? What I'm most looking forward to in the uncovering of the mystery is Young Shin and Myung Hee's reunion of daughter and mother. And although I feel Myung Hee might hate Moon Shik afterward, for his deceiving her for so many years, I do wish that his punishment won't be too harsh. He is human, just a very twisted version with his own messed up scruples. I hope that he finds his way and teams up with Moon Ho to fight against the higher powers. That would be something great to see.

The makeover scene. Gah, I need to get screenshots of all the outfits Jung Hoo wore. That phone conversation at the end was so sweet. He was up all night thinking of an excuse to meet her again (as Healer I'm presuming)? *melts* He was so adorable in the beginning, where his knees go weak after the kiss. So much squealing.


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[Tumblr, credits to @dreamingsnowflake2013]

"JCW continues to astonish me with his acting; he did it in Empress Ki and he does it again now! The heart-wrenching mix of shock and wonder that changes to devastation, bleak hopelessness and resignation. It’s like having within his reach the things he wants the most for a second and then had it abruptly snatched away, as the reality downs at him with the realization that it’s Healer whom she wants. Be it Healer or PBS, each man is a lie concocted by him. He’s been lying her from the beginning; it’s killing him because his feelings are sincere and he wants be honest with her but he fears that revealing the truth would make him lose her forever. He wants YS to love HIM, not the Healer not PBS but HIM - because it’s him, JH, the man who’s been protecting her, desiring her and loving her the whole time. Well, this is the downside of being so epic that the only man you can be jealous of is yourself - no other man can compete with you but your alter ego. Jung Hoo, you life ruiner!

Of course, he can’t leave again, returning to the booth, basking in her presence as if he could feel her there, desperately using every opportunity to steal any piece of her. It gutted me to see him standing there - so vulnerable and devastatingly alone. It doesn’t take 9 years of watching kdramas to know that he is keeping that star origami as HIS own personal hot pack.

OMG! That moment when he completely breaks down under all that loneliness, frustration and hopeless love for YS. He’s being abandoned yet again, in a moment he desperately needs help, when he is shattering inside! Who can blame him for wanting to retire to his deserted island after having to live for 20 years like this?!

The next morning he is lying lifelessly hidden in his sheet cocoon suffering from lovesickness - my poor puppy - while dealing with it the best way he knows: watching his favourite leopard documentary for the umteenth time and I think he is ready to sob again. Don’t take it so hard, JH, I cry over polar bear documentaries and abandoned dogs. Just like for YS her singing, this is a coping mechanism for him but I guess it doesn’t help him any longer because previously it was only an animal he admired, but now even that damn leopard reminds him of her. It’s her whom he wants to take with him to that island of his or anywhere would do as long as she would be with him."


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owh my, the writting totally echoing my sentiments!


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This is epic writing and analysis man oh man, EPIC!

Kudos to @dreamingsnowflake2013 who may not even know she (I believe it's a she) is being quoted here!!!

Just brings out all the feelings again and the scenes replay in my mind!!!


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Yeah this writing is just amazing! Please re-post more in the future. I just wanna read all of @DSF2013's thoughts :D


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Haven't had your fill of JCW yet? Try KARA:Secret Love which I found on HULU.
Episodes 9 & 10 - it's a revelation.


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I watched that too last week! JCW plays an angel there :) for those who wanna watch but can't access Hulu here's the YouTube link:

KARA Secret Love Drama Ep 5 - Gyuri [Eng Sub]: http://youtu.be/RnmtQ33Noik

Just note, although this is 10 episodes (~30 minutes each), YouTube bunches them together as 5 episodes, each episode 1 hour. Each of the 5 episode has a different love story with different actors/girls of Kara in it. JCW is in ep 5 for YouTube (which is the same ep9-10)


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This is the link for those who wanna see all 5 episodes (I.e. ep 1-10)


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Sorry my bad...forgot to paste the link hehe



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I think his storyline is one of the better ones. Definitely rewatchable


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I just watched all of them thanks to you guys. And @Emi757, I have to agree with you, out of the 5 JCW's one has the best storyline


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Yay, finally got to watch with subs! I don't like ready the recaps before seeing the show but it seems I'm definitely in the minority. Holy comment avalanche!!!

My random thoughts while watching:

- Um, didn't Healer leave his car by the entrance to the elevator building? I thought for sure that would have given away who the Healer was with that one

- I'm enjoying the multiple identities of Healer, and I think they're starting to bleed into each other. I don't mean that I think it's bad acting, I think the character himself is a little confused. He's never had to hold up different identities for so long. It's kind of fun to see him trying to figure himself out while also being multiple people.

- I kind of want the brothers to find a way to work it out....but I'm sure that can't happen for the dramatic pay off and dynamics

- I'm not entirely sure what Moon Ho is up to. First he's grateful to Healer for saving Young Shin's life, and he's hiring him to keep helping, but he's also expecting him to backstab him and so is pre-emptively setting him up to be taken down by the detective?

-Yummy arms

- Inevitable makeovers but they sure are pretty, and....so excited by the previews!


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I agree with your point 2 in part - I don't think he ever had any other persona before. It was just himself, and then Healer (who is supposed to be anonymous, a nonentity, no identifiers or pictures or personalities other than 'does a good job' and 'doesn't blackmail his clients with the jobs he does').

But now he has to be Bong-soo, and he has to act out the 'superhero' role that Young-shin sees him as, that Min-ja called him out for - he doesn't HAVE to, but he's falling into that role, that romanticism, you know?

And I can't tell with his voice either - he doesn't always speak in the nervous Bong-soo tone with Young-shin. Sometimes his voice is deeper, or softer, or formal language or banmal or etc etc - so I totally agree with the part that all his characters are bleeding together for him~~~


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I don't think he had a full fledged persona but he's clearly been, say, a cleaning woman? Just quick characters to get whatever it was he needed for a job. But yeah he's pretty much just a 'courier'. But he gave the impression that it's not his first time taking on a disguise like that.

I do start to wonder how much Korean I'm absorbing and how much I'm actually understanding when he switches voices, etc. But even without the actual words his facial expressions are so good and show which character mode he's in.

Ah, I'm enjoying this show so much.


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Ooooo, is that a Ji Chang-wook header I see? :)


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Yeah I just saw 2 or 3 different JCW headers when changing threads !!
They are awesome :)


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Ooh baby! You know you made it when you're heading the dramabeans website. Go go Healer-!


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Oh shoot! I didn't get to see it. Now it'll take a long time b4 it gets rotated back.

@Omomo, et al., pls make a lot of JCW Headers. We need to see him up there every time!


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I'm so giddy and happy after the episode. Can't wipe the smile off my face! I keep biting my lip and smiling randomly and ahhh, my heart feels excited too.


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I just finished ep.10 but WHY NO PREVIEW!!!!
*Throws the table over*
*smashes a mirror*

6 days of unbearable waiting
and addictions
Evil producers
WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-/
Excuse me, I have anger issues :( :( :(
*huddles in a corner crying for several hours and screaming in rage*


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Actually I don't think the producers may be doing it on purpose. Healers was filmed earlier but it looks like the episodes have caught up and they're touching live filming territory now. They're pretty much filming live and considering this is an action-pack film, I'm slightly worried for JCW. I hope he's not exhausting himself too much since he's actually doing theatrical music while doing filming for this drama too.


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Yeah I think it's because they're actually doing live shooting now too. Before it was prefilmed a couple of months ahead but looks like their schedules got lagged behind. Now the episodes have caught up with them..


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I Am squealing happily over ep.10 yet quite anger over ep.11
Monday would you please come sooner I will trade you my house and everything *hands over possesions* pretty please TT-TT TT-TT TT-TT TT-TT TT-TT
*returns back to crying behind a bush*


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Good morning, dearest beanies! Here's the first 2 things I did before even washing and dressing up:

1) Listen to JCW singing To the Butterfly live (how can this man be so perfect at everything :D)

2) Check out dramabeans for more crazy and non-stop fangirling (me included)

I'm waiting fervently for ep 10 recap and eng sub! To lessen the agony of the wait, I assure you guys, just tune in to JCW's To the Butterfly 24/7 (or at least put it on replay a few times)


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Hey Edeline, had breakfast yet? How about a sandwiching some drama stills of JCW with that song?



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Thanks GB! Will check out those stills :-)


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wow good job people let's keep the comments rolling


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That voice <3 <3 <3
Thanks Edeline for saving my life and I am forever indebted
*bows 360 degrees*


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Glad you like it, dearie! :) Did you listen to it live?

For other beanies excited to check out JCW's awesome singing, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmV6Nn_PTG8

I've been promoting this song for days lol


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Wow! what a fantastic voice!! He needs to sing a song for Healer's OST! He sings with such beautiful emotions! Many thanks for the link!!


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Wow his voice is amazing as expected from our talented JCW <3


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@ sephora013

Sure thing! Come on in... enter our world of delirious, diverting fangirling and high flown flaky fun.....

You've just got to sign here, you know, where you agree to give up normal life as you know it, drool on our mark (don't worry we help you out with a PPT presentation of JCW photos) and slosh in the drool pool with us. :D


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This was supposed to be comment 150.1 but got abducted to 169!!!


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Dear everyone who watched ep10,

Do you actually understand Korean or do you like to watch it raw anyway because you're super desperate?




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@ akamiso

LOL Do you even need to ask?? We're desperate, lovey, just desperate!!! Well OK, we're desperate AND some of us actually have picked up Korean AND some of us might even be Korean and as you can see in the comments above, some of us are learning Korean.

I download Healer episode subs from http://subscene.com/subtitles/title?q=healer&l=

Just put the required episode subs into a folder, open up the downloaded unsubbed episode (you should have that too of course) using VLC Media Player - select from menu bar Video - Subtitles Track - Open the subs file you saved and wah lah! you get your episode playing and subbed!!!

Enjoy :D


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Um no worries lol I'm well versed with sub files being a J-drama subber myself :D

Just curious about how soo many people are talking about ep10! :D So I can be jealous of the people who speak Korean haha.


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If u watch enough KDs raw, then rewatch w subs, and take some K lessons, you'll get to the pt u can pretty much understand the live stream, if there isn't any legal-speak or tech-speech. Sagueks are exceptions.

U know, experience counts; plus there's a will, there's a way.


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I forgot to thank all those of you who helped me out with finding sites to watch Healer. Thanks you guys!


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@ KDaddict


35:12 - that's the precious scene that I was talking about.

Whooooohhhhhhh!! I will replay that scene over and over and over again. I am dying of Giddiness just watching that:D :D :D


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Oh sorry about this post. Kindly delete. Was not aware of the "Commenting Policy" of DB. I am reading that policy now. Sorry :'(


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Ya, be sure to label Spoilers as such; Better yet, don't include them in the wrong thread.


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@ KDaddict

I am sorry that was not my intention. I was just referring to my post @ 105.1. I was not aware of the policy though, not until I saw the post of spolierphobe. If I knew about that policy beforehand, never would have I attempted to do such. Am really sorry.


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I keep telling myself to stop rewatching my favorite scenes and coming on here and start work already, but I just can't do it! Healer Ruined Me Support Group groupies, do you guys have any tips on how to tame this obsession?


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Yeh, just embrace it.


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I'm now going back and forth between work and the thread lol. At least listening to the OST in the background helps.


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I'm also lucky in that regard - I can listen to the OST at work over and over again.


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@ Skyofblue

What, you thought by joining the Healer Ruined Us Support Group you'd get to TAME your obsession?!!!

No, no dearie, if you read/signed our registration form, you would know that we are here to *support you* in your *obsession*, you know, take the edge off your Withdrawal Symptoms ... Fangirl along with you....Squee at the right times ... Scrape you off the rug if you become goo ... that sort of thing... TAME your obsession!!! I don't think so LOLOL! We most solemnly swear to keep you grounded in this sweet addiction, Yeah!!!


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Sorry for cracking a joke at your expense, but know that u won't mind.


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Don't believe a word GB says. She's just trying to lull u into this cult. Once in, you'll gain a whole new obsession, i.e. commenting on JCW and your obsession of him, and you'll get crazier by the min.

Tame this obsession?


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I feel you just supported what I said... LOL!


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You know what? I can't tell what's what anymore. Honestly.
So take that as an advance on an apology when the time comes that I step on your toes w one foot, n put the other foot in my mouth.


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@KDaddict and @GB

Hahahahaha you girls are so cracking me up this late at nice. Your comments are fo funny. Please do continue to keep this up :D




Glad I'm not the only one who has lost their minds over this drama. I feel like I might go crazy waiting for the subs for ep 10. XD


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You're definitely not alone!! I'm waiting too.

Turns out my online hours are super different from everyone else's on here, whenever I'm around there's no comments, whenever I leave it's like +300 comments :P

I can't believe I'm resorting to working to distract me from this drama. It's supposed to be the other way around right?? Whole new level of crazy.


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You think that's strange. I actually don't mind the fact that I have jury duty tomorrow at 8:30 in the freaking morning ...because I figure I'm at least getting it over with during the already-torturous wait for this drama. I've got it so bad.


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Whoaaa. When you don't mind jury duty, that's when you know sh!t got real XD

Omg all the daydreaming I would do while waiting doing essentially nothing all day long....

Unless you're one of those people who just really love the duty. Never met one though.


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I'll never be able to get jury duty. At least you get days off work, right??? Pretend that you're in the I Hear Your Voice courtroom and replace the prosecutor's face with JCW's (in your mind, of course!) :D


I literally look forward to mondays now. THAT'S crazy! lol


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I had that same thought!!! We must be the only people in the world actually looking forward to mondays! I suppose we're lucky in a way? :D


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I clicked on healer after watching Pinocchio go down the drain as the most disappointing and most hyped k-drama of 2014. I made a mistake. just because the team that made I hear your voice compelling did not mean that they will strike the same perfect pitch in Pinocchio. what a big letdown that was. so, I turned to healer and boy, was I flabbergasted with surprise.

the lead female character firmly anchors this story of intrigue, mystery and romance. she is the rock on which everyone else will tear themselves apart trying to breach, and she doesn't even know why, a turning device made proper use of by this very imaginative writer.

this is how you write a compelling character: she has to have a solid backstory. she has to have a quirk. she has to have an inner life. she has to have ambition. she has to have a job! otherwise, she doesn't add anything to the table of plot and devices and will work only as a convenient healthy pair of ovaries when the series wraps up. ouch!

healer got me at the second episode when the girl did a cute and sexy impersonation of tom cruise's most famous scene. awesome!

i'm not really into the guy, who looks too ordinary for my taste but he's okay. as long as the writing holds up it's end of the bargain i'm fine with anything this writer does to this intriguing bunch of characters.

the writer of Pinocchio should watch this series. dude, I only have one question? why in the world did you revisit your last series? was it really in that need of a desperate revision? and big business as the culprit? really? as in, really? would have been more believable if you had made it oil. yon lang.


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I don't think Pino's THAT bad it's still my second favorite drama of the past year. It's stalling a bit but it was really good for a long time, exciting and emotional. It clearly didn't need 20 episodes though. I think that's why it's dragging. I still love it in a different way than I do Healer


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JCW is so humble and down to earth!He's not some diva-like and suffer from prince-charming-sydrom i suppose, i mean take a look at this vid, he's willing to do the "work":



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Haha unlike Jang Geun Seok? :D


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Hahaha lol

[P.s. sorry Jang Geun Suk] :P


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@Daisy @akamiso



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i laughed so hard at JH's wowed face after YS picked the door lock- figures that the way to a Healer's heart (besides having an amazing rack) is a girl's lock picking skillz xDD

man it's a tough life *cracks knuckles*


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So, did anyone actually send a screenshot of the comments to Ji Chang Wook via twitter?


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I wonder that too... I wouldn't mind doing it but I just don't have the time to. Maybe if episode 10 reaches more than 2000+ someone could spread it across twitter?


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Who are all waiting for ep 10 recap like I do? I noticed that the rating for 10 is 9.2 percent, highest than it has ever been. Agreeing that rating doesn't mean much but I wonder if people started to notice the awesomeness of this show?


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Really? that's really good yay! Maybe more people are starting to notice this show more. Do you know what the ratings are for it's competing drama? Like how does this drama rank compared to other dramas on the same timeslot?


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It is second after Punch and it beats P&P, hopefully next week it will beat Punch. I have not started on that yet, does anyone think Punch should be a higher rating show than Healer?


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I slept for like 5 hours and woke up to 800+ comments?! WHAT? WHAT THE WHAT?! This thread is bursting at the seams it's ridiculously awesome! You guys are the best, ever.

Ep10 recap! Heeeee. I. Cannot. Wait. *refreshes DB by the minute*


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Good morning (or nap?)! I won't be waiting today since I didn't even get to watch the episode yet so don't wanna see the recap. Guess I'll have to join in the next day.

When I come back to check out the next episode's post, make me proud, everyone :D

/off to bed


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Morning for me. :)

That was my plan too. Until my resolve crumbled and read ep10's recap anyway because resisting is futile! Mwahaha.


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It's 11pm for me - these days I'm just too busy that I'm only able to read this at night after finishing work.

I hope next episode will break records with 2000+ comments this time. Make me proud too guys!


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Hee hee hee. 500 hours. 800+ comments. That's what I said to myself just now!

Trying to tear myself away fr this page to do sthg called Life.


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Life? What is life?


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Hehe - yup life no longer exists once we're in dramaland. I'm supposed to be sleeping now after a long long day at work and after finishing extra work too. So exhausted, yet I don't feel tired after going to dramabeans to read comments on this recap after (finally) watching this episode.


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I know hey, I slept for a bit and now to wake up and find 900+ comments. whoa!

Ya know let's try and make it 1000 comments again even though I know we already have the recaps for ep 10 posted. But heck I am not gonna read that yet considering I haven't seen the ep yet so I'll help break records by cpmmenting here. Let's go back all the way to page 1 of comments ;)


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It's getting closer to 1000 comments now :D :D :D


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Very glad I marathoned to catch up.
This drama is great and the lead actor is perfect for the part to add all the right humor, action, and romance spice to the mix.


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So glad you joined the excitement with us. This show is just awesome. JCW is a superb actor and really knows how to naturally bring his character to life.


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Omg we all are officially in ji chang wook universe


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How can we not after seeing his awesomeness? :)


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Oh. My. God. How can two people be this attractive!? ?
Btw thanks for the recaps and you know just being you! ?


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It's a complete transformation! Two adorkable people becoming eloquent...but still a little awkward. So. Cute.♥


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*elegant (damnit autocorrect!!) lol


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hey guys... having problem right now. :( need your solicited advice.

my lawyer boss asked me to have a meeting with her at 1pm today, so supposedly I should be preparing now, what with 45 minute travel time.

but i can't stop myself from reading this thread and commenting about Healer, and JCW, and ep 10 recap is coming, and with all the love and welcome I have to reply to.. and post, and wail for the next ep... waahhhh... i don't want to go anywhere but here!!!

i may not keep my job, or she may sue me for ditching her, or she may disinherit me (she's my godmother, and will give my christmas present today!) but what will i do?

question... does this mean i'm an addict now? is this normal for the people drooling on the gutter?!

any suggestion, guys...?!


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Do the meeting and rewatch ep 10 later ( at least 5 times) to make up for having a day job. Us druggies still need to keep our jobs to pay for our crack aka dramafever , Hulu, soompi tv or whatever your streaming site is, oh and the Internet that you are using to access DB is not free neigher, definitely do eveything to keep your job :) it's not normally but it's ok and welcome to the JCW club !


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Keep the job, girl. You can continue fangirling and spazzing in your head eventhough you have to leave the magical cloud (or site) for awhile.
In the mean time, download all Ji Chang Wook songs (or if you already have them) and listen to them on your way to your fairy godmother. Have a nice day.


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Hi polaris,
I haven't had time to check if u replied to our effort at stopping u at the fire exit, but here u r!

Well, I've to venture out into that real world today in an effort to bring home some of that non-virtual proverbial bacon. (Tasks have ignored n been piling up over the past week.) So, I take a shower to wash off the drool n that gutter smell, get dressed and get out of the house, knowing that the new recap will be up soon, and the loony bin will be here, bigger n growing faster, when I can rejoin.

BTW, my husband pulled the plug on our router last night in order to get me to quit commenting.

So u are in good company. See u later, alligator.


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yes dear... i read your warm welcome, and left a comment there.

thanks for the support, as told... there's our 2 lives, and the normal (-ish!) life need to pay her bills as huskie there reminded me...

pfft... darn normal (-ish) life! you're such a bothersome to my perfectly drooly-gutter life!

ohh... i forgot i already scraped my fingers and zombie-walking to the bathroom already... hehe!

pay the bills! pay the bills!


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Omg KD we are soul sisters same thing happened to me ..my husband did the same totally ..


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Oh, this makes me feel so much better.

I thought he was being Uniquely mean and unreasonable!!!


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No I got a fantastic warning ...my internet connection will be disconnected for real if I don't control myself .. Sniffs sniffs


Tell him he'll have to sleep in the den forever if he dares.


I'm almost scared to start watching this show because of how obsessive people seem to be about it WTF??


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Yes, One flew over the Cuckoo's nest.


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Yes, come to the dark side. We have Wookies. I mean cookies. Cookies.


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I love that name. I'd call us The Wookies!


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Hahahaha so funny


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Get on the bandwagon. You'll never regret it.


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It's good for a reason. You should really jump on the train with us all....trust me you won't regret. This drama is too epic - from the plot to romance♥

You know what they say...YS x Healer - it's a better love story than Twilight ;)


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Our (beanies) boy crazy at the moment: JI CHANG WOOK. Amen.


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yeah, you're right... pay the bills! pay the bills! pay the bills!
that's the mantra I should be thinking...

then there's Healer-yah... Bong Sook-kie... (banging head to the wall)

pay the bill! pay the bills! pay the bills! (scraping my fingers off the keyboard... zoombie-walking to the bathroom) :p


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polaris, get out of here already and to work!!!


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The rating of this drama for international fans must have already reached more than 20%. Success!!! There are so many positive comments about this drama everywhere on the Internet! Yay!


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I'd say maybe internationally it's successful but I wish we can influence the Korean audiences to tune into this drama more. Rating-wise in Korea isn't as high, so it's a little underrated. I still want this drama to be really successful and well-deserved since it's one of those rare gems you find in dramaland.


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Love love love this drama, they get everything right, and the leads are so ADORABLE it's just pure pleasure and fun to watch!


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I know right, they are just adorable! Two oddballs - they're really well suited to each other :)


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More beautiful words from @dreamingsnowflake2013 [Tumblr]:

"There are five certain things in the life of a Kdramaland male lead - first love, Samsung/LG smartphone, time jump, tears and a makeover. Not even Healer himself can escape the famous kdrama makeover. Especially when he is cornered by three salon ladies who are feisty and extremely enthusiastic about their job. And who can blame them?! Oggling, touching, measuring those rippled biceps, triceps, 50cm broad shoulders,… Some people have luck! How I envy them! He stood no chance against them. I believe the final count is Healer vs Salon ladies - 0 : 7. But to be fair, they had the superior numbers.

All that hilarity that ensues! JH and YS are really two peas in the same plot, such two cute oddballs. I’m utterly astonished how great JCW is at comedy, though. I knew he was good and his PBS act was funny but this, this is a competely different level! The facial expressions and the body language are pitch perfect! I particularly love the one with the neck tie - it’s as if he’s just seen his worst nightmare, LOL (no doubt a meta on JCW’s KBS Drama Award appearance where he was sporting one) and then the last one!

How uneasy JH is while being surrounded by so many people and how flustered at being the centre of the attention. Nor is he used to being touched and most certainly not by so many people at once. I believe this is the first time we see Healer truly scared because I don’t think that he is barely mantaining his PBS cover. If you think about it the only one with whom he’s been having regular personal contact is DY and even with her he barely speaks. He’s never met Ahjumma and he does most of his commissions by himself during night without getting in contact with anyone - he must remain unnoticable, basically invisible. Therefore it’s no wonder he is freaking out. I remember his Teacher mentioning his autistic behaviour before and JH really does show very moderate symptoms of Asperger, though I’d say that it’s more the consequence of all the trauma and misery he’s experienced rather than an actual disorder."


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Haha I love the part where you mentioned

"JH and YS are really two peas in the same pod, such two cute oddballs."

They really are, don't they? Perfect wording imo :)

As for the makeover, I think his reaction is the real JH here - not BS or Healer. Ahh JCW...just two words - Awesome. Acting. ♥


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*aren't they (typos...lol dunno why I bother to keep correcting myself when it's so obvious I'm lacking sleep) haha


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here i am dripping with soap and water, my boss just called to ask if i'm on my way... i just told her i do... (evil laugh!)

well, i refreshed the page and... ep 10 recap is here! weeeh... but i will go to jail if i ditch my boss, so what to do? what to do?

you guys will visit me right?! nooo... (banging my head again!)

pay the bills! pay the bills!


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Polaris, ikaw yong galing 'pinas dba? Nakagat ka na rin pla ng bug named Ji Changwook. ;)


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yes, giegie... ako nga ito :) namamaga pa rin hanggang ngayon ang kinagatan, hehehe! sana ipalabas ito, malamang GMA kasi 2 soap na ni JCW ang kinukuha nila.

happy to find you here... see you around! enjoying this addiction so much! :)


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Hahahaha namamaga pa din????? Nakakaloka! See you in episode 10 recap thread. ;)


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This is one of it's kind of makeover where the man is more transformed than the woman.

So many moments in this episode. The confrontation between the brothers and the elder & his big wig minion were equally intense in a different way, the tele-conversation which ended with love-sick sobbing CYS is so heart-breaking. CYS's adopted father is truly a good person, aargh and so many more great meaningful scenes.

Just caught up with the show and unbelievable thread..OMG!


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I agree, it's refreshing when we see the guy gets transformed more than the girl. He suddenly became a man of pure eloquence *fans self* AND I also love YS too. Despite looking so pretty at the transformation, she still has her tom-boyish character to her. Especially that attempt of trying to wolf whistle (it's so cute). The transformation was for both and it highlights how both well matched BS and YS's character turned out in terms of before and after. they were both adorable/cute/awkward before and then both feeling awkward but amazed at each other's transformation. It was like a typical rich guy transforms poor girl kinda scenario which is why I find this take refreshing to see :)

I'm glad you've caught up with the rest of us. This drama is daebak! ♥


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*elegance sorry typo. But I guess I could say eloquent as well since BS didn't even stutter his words at all :)


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I adored the pay phone booth conversation (I find it ironic that the Clark Kent/Superman switcho-chango always took place in a phone booth, Bong Soo/Healer so reminiscent of that). It was one of the sweetest exchanges I've seen in a long time. Very romantic.

ff to the ending - whoa! handsome ~ between the kiss at the beginning and the make-over at the end of this episode, my heart beats for you, Healer. And offering his arm instead of the high five *fanning face*


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I love the phone booth conversation too and how the writer uses many references to super hero's stories. So far Healer is most similar to Superman. even the epic rescue scene when he was holding into YS with his other hand gripping to the cord above, his pose is very superman-like. It's like he's superman flying himself lol

What I'm most surprised of is myself, I never expected to fangirl so hard for JCW. He's playing such an awesome character here with a lot of cuteness at BS and manliness as Healer. This is what differentiates it from City Hunter imo. LMH's character in CH was a jerk to Kim Nana in the first half of the drama, while here BS/Healer is so sweet to YS. This really sets up a good dynamic between the two leads.

I also love the building up til the romantic scenes with small developments in between in the earlier on episodes. And yes, last scene/make-over was very stunning!! (squels!). I find my favourite scene of the make-over is when BS was being so cure in trying to run away. Just wanna give that guy a hug ♥


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932 comments?! Wow. I'm SO glad I jumped on this train; it was a bit late in the game, but nothing that an 8 episode marathon well into the morning can't fix. I watched the first episode a few weeks ago, and it didn't really capture me all that much and seemed very convoluted. But I pretty much live on dramabeans, so after all the praise and positive blurbs (I chose not to read the recaps just in case I wanted to watch it - good choice), I decided to give it another go.

URGHH Jung Hoo ...! I love the dichotomy between his two personas and how each interact with Young Shin. I cannot wait for the big reveal!

The story is so well written and even though everything is linked and tied together, it doesn't feel as if it's left to coincidence and that it JUST SO happened to be that way. I know that drama worlds are small, but there's only so many times characters can run into each other and develop plot before it starts to feel contrived.

I didn't expect to enjoy this drama this much but I am very happy to have started it. Very sad that subs are a day behind (I understand about 70%, but I need that 100% to fully get into the episode), but it is well worth the wait!



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Welcome to the Healer's fanclub :) it's never to late to jump on this train. The more people we have enjoying this drama, the merrier. I first jumped on this train too when it was up to episode 6 and Javabean's blurb was making me curious since she was spazzing with this drama - which is quite rare, unless a drama is THAT GOOD. So I decided to give it a try after reading her recaps and have never looked back. Heck, it even got me out of my shell to comment. I've been a silent reader for ages in this site without ever bothering to comment.

JH's two personas is so at the opposite ends of each other that I find it really awesome. He's like a completely different person and JCW is doing an amazing job at acting BS and Healer perfectly. I seriously can't wait for the big reveal either and I personally hope it is YS that discovers his identity first. That would certainly change the dynamic between YS and BS. But wouldn't it be great for Sunbae to protect her junior (aka BS), while knowing that he's Healer and protecting her at the same time? I feel like this is a first in kdrama, since we would now have the girl protecting the boy and vice versa. It won't be one-way all the time.

As for the story, I feel like it is well thought out. The writers have really thought about every single details - from the name of Healer's email (mobieus) to even where JH lives (which is at an abandoned building - very symbolic of his character in always being alone), to how he relates people to the animal kingdom, to even using references to other works that makes us relate to it well, etc [see comments 72.1.1, 73, 147 on ep 8's recap if you wanna know what I mean].


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Can anybody pls help me to know how i can download ep 10 ? i m trying to download from dailymotion but it looks like they have removed the content. somebody pls help !


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@ Trinity

Dramabay has it subbed up to 93% right now. That is quite good enough if you don't need to know every single sentence of the dialogue. :)


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You can download it from smallencode.
Here is the link


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Myasiantv already has the full sub of episode 10 :D


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Beanies!! 950+ episodes for an odd numbered episode? Wow I'm amazed :D *pats on back*


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Irk, that's pretty amazing. I can't believe in just 1 day we have over 950+ comments either. I seriously only expecting 400 at most. This drama is epic!


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YES EPIC!! I was truly shocked when I saw that 900+ comments had already accumulated amid the slosh of fangirl-drool :) maybe it'll hit 1000?


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LOL this is what I call the epitome of epicness ;)

P.S. Am I too late to join in fan-girling this episode? Looks like everyone has moved on to episode 10 already and I've only just watched this an hour ago. If only my life isn't so busy with full time work and studies *sighh*


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Ya know what...I shall help it boost up to 1000. Just read this recap so I'm gonna what everyone wrote in the earlier comments which I had skipped before to avoid spoilers :)


oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!! this show is freaking killing me.......ma comment is late though! good work javabeans!!!!!!!! love d beanie community!!!


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@emerald, me too!! This community is awesome and the amount of support/love we have for our favourite drama is sure infectious (in a good way of course). All the more fun when new beanies join in :D


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hi, dear beanies... finally back from work, i wonder why this day seems so looong?! maybe because it's my first day at work after swooshing in drools with you guys! :)

so, i did a good job... ready to pay the bills, now... off to the gutter i go... wooohoo! :D

be back later, got to watch ep 10 first... see you on the other side "Wookies" hehehe... i really like that name!


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Welcome back :)

God me too, except I finished work at 7pm today (stayed after hours to complete work), now it's 11.17pm over here and I've only just had dinner, watched ep 9, and now catching up on all the missed comments...thanks to my busy life. :)


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YAY the 1000th comment :D

*let's celebrate people*

Healer FTW ♥


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OMG just returned to dramabeans and saw the amount of comments here!!

Well done beanies!


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