
Healer: Episode 9

And we’re back! Did you all manage that weeklong wait without too much angst? Judging from the hoppin’ recap thread, I’m guessing this episode couldn’t come a moment too soon. Thankfully Healer follows up that last episode with one that’s on par with what we’ve come to expect of this show: cute relationship developments, some heart-tugging glances, a dash of intrigue, and strong character moments on multiple fronts.


Tei – “눈이 하는 말” (What the eyes say) from the Healer OST [ Download ]

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So, that kiss. It’s not like we haven’t all rewound and rewatched it a dozen (…hundred) times already, but it’s a nice place to resume, out on the rooftop after Healer saves Young-shin from a grisly elevator death. He pulls away gently, looking at her with this… intensity. Agh.

She reaches out a hand toward him, but he steps back out of range now, because superhero identities must be preserved. He keeps looking at her as he steps away, and she holds out her hand and feels only snowflakes. At least it’s a first snow of the season, which has a nice romantic connotation to it.

Moon-ho comes bursting out onto the roof, so frantic with worry that he shouts her other name, “Ji-an-ah!” She’s utterly dazed (…cause that kiss blew her mind) and takes a while to gather her thoughts. Verging on tears, she stammers out a disjointed explanation of coming here at Moon-ho’s request, nearly dying in an elevator, and being saved by the Healer.

She starts to hyperventilate as the shock sets in, and Moon-ho grabs her in a hug, patting her comfortingly. She adds, “And that person… almost died because of me…”

He starts to lead her away, calling her Young-shin this time, but she stops to look around for her cell phone—it was her mother’s, and she can’t lose it. She thinks it’s in the elevator, but Moon-ho suggests they find it later and helps her away.

Around the corner, Jung-hoo watches them leave. He tells Min-ja that the elevator was tampered with deliberately, and that the culprit must have been in the vicinity as it broke down. He puts Min-ja to the task of securing CCTV footage, as well as tracking Moon-ho. When ajumma asks what he’ll be doing, he looks a bit fidgety as he says he’s gotta go find something. A cell phone, perhaps?

But as he’s walking, his leg suddenly gives out from under him and he stumbles. The misstep has him looking spooked, and Min-ja can’t believe her ears when he admits he tripped. Then she notices his abnormal vital signs with concern, while he feels his thumping chest and then his lips. Aw, you’re adorable. Also you had me worried for a second there.

Young-shin is equally as out of it, and as Moon-ho only knows about half the reason, he pulls over the car and checks her pulse in concern. She assures him she’s unharmed and doesn’t need the hospital, regaining some of her composure, now remembering the (falsified) reason she went to the building in the first place. Don’t they have to meet their informant?

Moon-ho asks what he supposedly told her in that phone call, and apologizes for her getting caught up in a warning meant for him. Deciding that her house is open and therefore dangerous, he heads for his own. He makes her a warming drink and smiles at her upbeat mood, while she admits to holding back the urge to burst into song (though we know that singing is her coping mechanism).

She adds that she’s also holding back the urge to ask him something (although I guess by saying so, she’s no longer holding back) and wonders what it means to use her to send Moon-ho a warning. Furthermore, now she recalls that he called her a different name.

He first feigns ignorance (“Did I?”), then explains that Oh Ji-an was a girl he knew, and it was just a mistake spurred in his panic. He tries to gloss over the rest of the conversation, but if he’s not going to give her answers, Young-shin would rather go home. At warnings of danger, she replies, “I’ll be fine. The Healer will protect me.”

Moon-ho informs her that the Healer takes money to perform jobs, and that he isn’t motivated by goodwill or righteousness: “Don’t trust him.” He asks her to stay because he feels uneasy otherwise, and I find it interesting that when he’s being glib she’s really not having any of it, but when he gets earnest, that comes through. So she stays.

Moon-ho steps out of his apartment, and the sight of the slightly open stairwell door has his suspicions firing. The stairwell is empty, but operating on a hunch, he speaks into the open: “For protecting her today, thank you. Either as a danger bonus or an expression of gratitude, I intend to pay you generously. And I’ll make one request. If you receive a job request from the other side, opposite me, I ask that you give me a word of warning. Since I was a regular client, you can do that for me, can’t you?”

He leaves, and Jung-hoo watches from several flights above.

Young-shin still has misgivings about Moon-ho, but recalls words her father once told her, back when he’d first adopted her: “To try trusting just once, which would lead to gradually trusting more.”

In a flashback, we see Dad peering in on a scared Ji-an, who huddles in a playground structure at the orphanage. The director tells him of the difficulties they’ve had in connecting with her, because she hides herself at every opportunity and won’t sleep inside, eating food that they leave outside her hidey-hole.

Undeterred by her lack of response, Dad makes goofy faces and sits outside her hiding space for hours, telling her stories and singing songs. Ji-an doesn’t react, but we can see that she’s intrigued, and eventually she emerges and sits by him as he sings.

As Young-shin writes a note for Moon-ho, she tells us that it wasn’t like the entire world became more trustworthy after meeting her father, since there were times when she’d find herself hurt by people she’d opened up to.

She leaves the apartment, only to be stopped at the sight of the open elevator. She tries to shake off the fear, and thinks, “But it was okay. If you have even just one person who’s truly trustworthy, even when you’re let down, it doesn’t hurt as much.”

So off to the stairwell she goes, and thinks, “Now, rather than mistrusting people, trusting is a bit easier.” She starts the long climb downstairs, singing to herself. Remaining several flights above, Healer starts heading down after her.

Rightly guessing at the source of the elevator sabotage, Moon-ho grabs Secretary Oh and shoves him into his brother’s office, asking if Moon-shik has decided to no longer be human. Moon-shik is genuinely in the dark since he tells his underlings to take care of things without specifying the methods, and Moon-ho supposes this time was no different: “But you shouldn’t have touched Ji-an.”

That name has Moon-shik looking up in alarm. Moon-ho shoves Secretary Oh aside and looms over his brother, saying that he could at least understand saying that a living child was dead, if only to push Myung-hee to continue living. He sneers when hyung acts surprised at the idea of Ji-an being alive and found, warning him to cut the act.

Moon-shik swears that he didn’t know. So Moon-ho asks if it was the Elder, then, who sent this “message.” He issues the gravelly warning, “Whoever he is, if he so much as touches a fingertip on Ji-an again, Myung-hee noona will be the first to hear of it. That’s what you’re most afraid of, isn’t it?”

Moon-shik warns that Moon-ho’s crossing a line. Which seems rich, coming from him, really. Moon-ho says that he loves Myung-hee too, and that he can’t just stand by and watch as the noona he loves remains under the same roof with the man who hurt her daughter. Moon-ho’s face twists in pain as he says, “I can’t do that.”

As he steps outside, Myung-hee greets him with her usual warmth, tsk-tsking about the brotherly fighting and doting on him as usual. Moon-ho looks at her with all that extra emotion in his eyes today and tells her that he’s sorry. She tells him it’s okay, but he lays his head in her lap, shedding tears.

Moon-shik watches at a distance as she soothes him, then faces his secretary to demand the exact details of the Elder’s orders. What exactly was he meant to do to the child, and what exactly was meant to be hidden from him?

Just then, the hidden paneling slides open in the office and the TV screens display a countdown clock. Ajumma’s hacker voice crows the warning that this is how much time they have until the Healer turns over Go Sung-chul’s murderer to the police, as well as letting out crucial footage on broadcast television, on all the highest-rated programs.

Next, Min-ja calls Dae-yong, who’s in the middle of a stakeout of Young-shin’s home. Jung-hoo declined to enlighten her as to his own activities, so Min-ja calls him next, though he’s turned off his line.

To her surprise, Teacher’s voice cuts in—he’s made himself quite at home at the Healer pad, eating the birthday cake he’d brought over. He wants confirmation of some facts, because his mind is connecting the dots: Moon-ho wants DNA of an orphan woman, and he’s pretty sure it’s gotta be Ji-an.

That night, Young-shin walks along with her stalker antenna up, casting looks around her as though trying to catch the Healer unawares, and deflating when she doesn’t see anyone. She misses seeing that Jung-hoo’s watching from the other side, keeping apace with her from a distance.

An idea strikes and Young-shin ducks into a phone booth and calls Bong-soo (from memory, since her cell phone’s still lost). He answers while watching her from a building nearby, and she lies that she’s testing her memory for phone numbers, and that he’s number 19, which makes him smile.

She asks why his voice sounds funny so he half-teases that it’s past his bedtime, only to have her apologize and start to sign off. His flustered response is adorable as he hurriedly says he’s already awake, forgetting again to use the polite jondae with her. She grumpily tells him to just cut down to banmal already, since his constant back-and-forth is confusing her.

To commemorate his banmal approval, Jung-hoo offers to listen to her talking allllll night long—ha, like it’s a big favor he’s granting. He guesses she called because she wanted to talk, and she admits it. So she sits down to settle in for a chat, and he does the same.

She sighs over the loss of her mother’s phone, which she calls a hot pack for her soul, which would keep her warm on days her heart was cold. Jung-hoo pulls the cell phone from his pocket as she talks—it’s broken, but he has it.

He wonders why she doesn’t head home, but she says she’s not in the mood for her father’s third degree… although her real reason is that she’s waiting for somebody. Heart in his throat, Jung-hoo asks, “You’re waiting?”

She says she’d thought that the person might show up if she waited, swooping in from behind. But he isn’t coming, she says with disappointment. “He’s certain to have something to say to me,” she tells him. “He can’t just say nothing like this.”

She heaves a sigh and tears start to fall as she says, “I’m… ready to hear. I have things to say too. But he’s not coming. I don’t think he’s coming anymore.”

Jung-hoo looks torn, listening to her sniffle over the line but unable to do anything about it.

Based on Teacher’s suspicions, Min-ja looks at the DNA report, and seeing the numbers support the hunch has her bolting up in agitation. She’s putting together some pieces of her own: The man Jung-hoo’s father is said to have killed is Young-shin’s father. Both adults take in the awfulness of fate to have the first person Jung-hoo start to care about be linked to him in this way.

Young-shin’s arrival home is greeted by an irate father who demands to be given a reasonable explanation for her absence and ignoring of calls. She uses some of her charm to slip by him into the house while Dad blusters at her.

Moon-ho arrives home to find the note she left behind, saying that he’d ordered her to go to sleep. Since she can’t sleep in a bed that’s not hers, she is heading home in order to follow his command.

Next Moon-ho calls Detective Yoon—they need a contact at the police station to whom they can safely hand over the footage taken from President Hwang’s safe. Detective Yoon is flattered to be contacted but says that he’s not quite their guy—he works in the cyber crimes department and doesn’t have much power. But Moon-ho adds that the footage was obtained via the Healer, and suddenly Detective Yoon is all ears.

Moon-ho explains his hunch that Hwang and his backer may soon engage the Healer’s services, and his aim is to uncover the backer. He wants Detective Yoon to share his investigation findings with him, and to put Young-shin under police watch, since the Healer will be sure to be in her vicinity. It’s the ultimate bait: “Don’t you want to catch the Healer?”

Jung-hoo heads home and immediately clues in on to signs of somebody’s presence. He makes his way inside carefully, though one look at the (mostly eaten) cake is enough to identify his visitor.

Teacher’s tea is still steaming, so Jung-hoo knows Teacher’s still around somewhere. He yells at the old fart to show himself and runs through the compound looking for him. “I have something to say to you, you damned old man!” he shouts. “I need to ask something, so show yourself, will you!”

Oof, his hurt rage is heart-pinching, and he screams in frustration before falling on his knees. He asks his teacher what he ought to do, saying, “You’re my teacher… you should teach me.”

In the morning, Young-shin races in to work and finds Moon-ho waiting in the lobby, wearing a hard face. She apologizes for leaving the night before, but his expression softens as he says he ought to apologize, and that he can breathe now that he’s seen her face. She blinks at him in confusion.

Dae-yong parks outside the building to begin her day of keeping watch over Young-shin, and notices a couple of strange men pulling up and taking photos. She calls Jung-hoo, but he ignores the phone, watching his leopard documentary for the umpteenth time.

Moon-ho informs Young-shin that no cell phone was found in the elevator and offers her a replacement phone, which she declines until he calls it a company expense. He says he spent the night trying to figure out how to keep her safe, like sending her to study in Europe, which he was sure she’d laugh at.

The other option: making her famous. Her conspicuousness would draw attention to anybody going after her, but fame could also bring its own set of risks, so he leaves the decision to her.

She asks for the reason for her life being in danger in the first place, and Moon-ho replies, “Because you’re with me. Will you believe that at least for now?” Clearly not the whole of it, but it’s as much as she’s going to get for the time being. Young-shin opts for the famous reporter choice.

Detective Yoon’s investigation takes him to President Hwang, who remains vague and unhelpful about his mysterious attacker. But when the detective plays the video taken from his safe, Hwang’s eyes widen in alarm. He feigns surprise and ignorance, and Detective Yoon doesn’t press—but his request to see Hwang at the station for some additional questioning gets his message across.

Moon-shik sees the Elder, who readily apologizes for dealing with Young-shin without conferring with him first. It’s an answer that pre-emptively defuses the tension, though the Elder points out that it was still a necessary move, because Moon-ho has been digging into his background for the past decade. Anytime he or his enterprises did anything, Moon-ho was there, ready to poke his nose into things.

For what it’s worth, Moon-shik tries to downplay his brother’s activities, as though he’s nosy but ultimately powerless. The Elder sees differently, saying that while he’d wanted to recruit him to their side, Moon-ho has set up his own newspaper and nearly got his hands on “the LA video” (which they diverted, thanks to the Healer). The Elder names Moon-shik’s “two very significant weaknesses”: his wife and brother. He can’t have a girl becoming a third one.

Moon-shik answers calmly that he’s well aware of the weaknesses, but calls
them “mortal wounds.” If they are injured, he wouldn’t be able to recover. And the Elder has no need for dead soldiers.

“I will take care of my own problems,” Moon-shik states firmly. “And I will be the one to decide the manner in which I handle them.”

Just then, a call comes in. President Hwang’s harried voice booms in over the speakerphone, demanding to speak with the Elder. He’s definitely committing a faux pas here, skipping steps in the proper hierarchy to go right to the top, not realizing that the guy he’s ordering to hand over the phone to the Elder IS in fact the esteemed Elder.

Hwang says he’s in a spot of trouble and won’t die alone, threatening to spill everything he knows about the Elder. Ha, okay dude, dig that grave deeper. Hwang is loud and crass and going about this entirely the wrong way for our genteel Elder, but for now the old man doesn’t set him straight. He’s got more elegant ways of dealing with problems, and he confirms with Moon-shik that they still need a fall guy for the Go Sung-chul murder. Looks like a suitable patsy just showed up.

Today’s the day of Assemblyman Kim’s press conference regarding his mayoral candidacy, and Moon-ho briefs his Someday team in preparation for their first internet broadcast. They’ll report all the basic stuff, but he also intends to include their own exclusive tidbits, which are enough to get Editor Jang gulping that it’s too hard-hitting.

Moon-ho’s not scared, though, and directs his team to get into place. Sure, their first broadcast is bound to be full of errors and bad edits, but he reasons that there’s no way to know until they try.

Jung-hoo arrives just as Young-shin is hurrying out, and she just grabs him and orders him to drive. “Let’s go,” she says. “Let’s get famous.”

Annnnd from a distance, somebody snaps photos of them and sends them to Detective Yoon. He sets his partner on the job of investigating everyone around Young-shin—and not just their work experience, but also their height and body size. Ah, he’s thinking the Healer might be hidden in plain sight. Maybe the clumsy detective isn’t so hapless after all.

The Someday team hits a roadblock right off the bat, because they aren’t even being admitted to the hall. They’re only putting on the show of a press conference, accepting preapproved questions from preapproved reporters, to shut down any mention of the Yeon-hee scandal.

But Moon-ho’s eagle eyes spot a sign posted in the lobby—a commitment ceremony is being held in the hall right next door. And it’ll be tough for the press conference folks to prevent entry into an event that’s not theirs.

He calls Young-shin while she’s on her way over, and Jung-hoo sees her new phone and mutters under his breath. Moon-ho gives her the revised mission to assume a disguise, and sends them to a salon friend to help make that happen. While Jung-hoo fidgets nervously (and Young-shin holds him firmly so he can’t ditch her), a flock of stylists descends upon them.

While they’re separated for measuring and dressing, Jung-hoo and Young-shin talk over the phone, with her assuring him that this is all part of a reporter’s work. Jung-hoo jumps and fidgets the whole time, looking miserable and embarrassed and completely flustered.

They chat lightly back and forth throughout it all, with him sighing that he’s not in the mood for jokes because he was up late thinking, and her teasing about him thinking at all. She asks what he was thinking about, and he answers, “I guess you could say I was looking for an excuse.”

What kind of excuse, she wonders. “An excuse so I could meet again,” he answers.

Transformation complete, a newly dashing Jung-hoo is brought out, looking fan-freaking-tastic but also like he’s about to crawl out of his own uncomfortable skin.

Next is Young-shin’s turn, and despite tottering in her heels, she looks completely different in her sophisticated new style. Jung-hoo stares, not that he needed a makeover to be more in love with her, and she takes in his change and tries to wolf-whistle her appreciation (which comes out as a squeak instead).

She holds out a hand for a hi-five, but he gallantly offers her an arm instead, and she takes it.


What a gorgeous pair. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the makeovers, shall we? Not that these scenes are ever a surprise to us viewers who are already familiar with stars looking like shining, polished stars… but it’s still gratifying all the same to experience the transformation in the context of their characters.

I hardly think we need the shiny new looks to make Jung-hoo go gaga for Young-shin, but I suppose it’s an icing-on-the-cake situation to have him see her as extra-beautiful. I was glad of Young-shin’s reaction as well, because I was worried she might see her gawky companion through new eyes and suddenly be into him—I hate that trite moment in all those makeover movies where it’s the ugly-duckling transformation that spurs a character to open their eyes. I won’t be naive and say that looks don’t affect a person’s attraction to another, but in narrative moments, it’s pretty dissatisfying to have that be the catalyst, like the final stamp of approval: Oh, he kinda liked her before but now it’s really real! So when Young-shin teases him about his new look, I was glad to have her being as dorky as ever with the hi-five and the failed whistle, which I found utterly adorable.

If we must move on to less shallow notes (…and I suppose we must), I enjoyed how despite the very Bong-sook-ish squirming that happened during the prep, it’s actually Jung-hoo who adopts his new fake identity (on top of the one or two he’s already working) with aplomb. I’m anticipating some slip-ups and goofy moments from Young-shin, who may look chic but keeps her tomboyish mannerisms, but Jung-hoo has the excuse now to drop the Bong-soo facade and be a little more controlled and commanding. Not that he really needs to be any more dashing to win us over. Let’s just call it fanservice and drink it in.

Getting a bit heavier for a moment, I have to take a moment to appreciate Moon-ho and his emotional turmoil, because Yoo Ji-tae plays him so thoroughly. I can feel just how twisted up he feels inside, and after his previous attempt to drop hints to Myung-hee went horribly awry, I can understand the fix he feels caught up in. It makes legitimate sense now that he would choose to keep the truth quiet until the situation comes to a resolution, because it’s too delicate a matter—and emotionally traumatic—to risk setting off without a happy result assured.

I don’t see him as a part of a romantic love triangle, but he functions narratively in many of the same ways as a conventional rival, both for Myung-hee and for Young-shin. It’s a testament to the writing, I think, that I feel that his character’s motivations are well-drawn and credible despite the fact that on paper it all sounds quite convoluted—loving someone as your sister-mother-first-love, feeling tormented by conscience, being beholden to her and her child, and being someone who both helps and hurts, righteous and guilty.

The drama also meets its one-squeeworthy-scene-per-episode minimum with the phone call scene, which was sweet on more than one level. It’s always enjoyable to watch Jung-hoo’s reactions when Young-shin talks about the Healer; it’s like my narrative crack for this drama. I live to see those little moments, whether they be excited or dumbfounded or gratified. But it’s also nice to have Young-shin reaching for Bong-soo again, even if she lies about the reasons for calling him. (The lie is totally okay because Jung-hoo knows she’s really after a confidante, and he finds her fib amusing.)

This is a case where I don’t actually know how I want Young-shin’s love triangle to go, because right now her understanding of both Bong-soo and Healer are limited. With her current knowledge of both men, choosing one would be giving up the other, and you could argue for either one. I mean, of course they’re both the same man, and the awesome part is that we know she’ll get to have her cake and eat it too—but that part comes much later. Anticipation of that moment keeps my heart fluttery about the developments, and it’s also why I get to enjoy the angst leading up to it. It won’t be till she can reconcile all the parts in the same identity that the tension will resolve, and until that happens I intend to enjoy every drop of that conflict. Yum.


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I'm mighty pissed at Moon Ho for requesting info from the Detective in exchange for details regarding Healer's whereabouts!

Does he really believe that Healer's a night-courier who'd do anything for money?? Someone who would switch sides in a heartbeat & start working for Moon Shik and the Elder? Didn't he see that he gave the hard drive to CYS even without any explicit command to do so! And then he earnestly risked his life to save CYS, without any guarantees or contract for money upfront!

I just hope Moon Ho realizes, before it is too late, that Healer's moral compass is indeed pointing due north.. And he needs Healer if he plans to put up a decent fight against Moon Shik and the Elder!


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Tho I'm not at all please w what Moon Ho did, we can't exactly blame him for being very wary of Healer, n want to make the pre-emptive strike. Reason: Just b4 MH hired Healer to find out and then to protect YS, Healer was hired by the other side, i.e. MS, to escort Go w the LA vid. So MH only knows that Healer switches sides w/o batting an eye. Since MS has more money than MH, there is nothing to stop MS or Elder to hire Healer to hurt YS, and far as MH knows, Healer would just take it as another job.


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yep, you are right! Moon Ho's thinking is justified cos to him, Healer's no better than SS goons, who'd side with whoever gives a fatter pay cheque... Hopefully, he starts sensing that there's something else, something more meaningful that's driving Healer's actions!

I guess my first thoughts over the matter are just my protective instinct over Healer talking! Lol! And yes, I'm that far gone, in love with uri Healer that I've become possessive of him! :D :D


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Possessive and protective. Can't help it.
In a rare lucid moment, I try to make sense of the show, but it doesn't last long.


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Kim Moon-ho being suspicious of Healer just sparks things up. It would be way too easy if he had just trusted him blindly.


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Just keeps getting better and better. Looking forward to more cute couple moments.


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I love this drama.

Makes me happy to watch, makes me sad to see an episode end so I have to rewatch.

I love the song, so i have it as my alarm tone.

Love it!

Yay for dramabeans and for Healer!


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It's always great to have some samsooki love stirred into the pot~ thanks for joining us! Is Mrs. samsooki a Healer fan too?


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um, she is a fan, but not as big as me. =)


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No Spoilers...
Ep 10 delivered
What we hope to have more of - signed, sealed, delivered!
It's moving along real good and although I'm not smiling as much as I did yesterday, I'm satisfied.
Plus there was some fan service too, very nice of the PD ;)

Now to wait for subs and recaps!!!!


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Yes, my heart is aching so much, I need a week to recover before the next episodes!! Arrgghhh....is this how a heart-shattering-into-a-million-pieces feels like? It hurts...it hurts so much for JH/Healer...


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Yeey for fan service! How can we survive this life without it. Can't wait to watch the next episode!


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I don't mind if the whole ep 11 contains onlythe fan service for 1 long hour!Can we really have that, please :D


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Geezzz! What a cliffhanger. How will I survive the next 6 days?..Huhuhu! :'(


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So many revelations. Too much too handle.

Anyways, thanks for that *lick* during the couples date. It made my day ( *passed out* Hahaha! ). I will treasure that scene till next Monday. I'll be satisfied for now. Wishing for more sexy *licks* in the coming episodes. Hahaha!


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Hey, I watched w eagle eyes, w/o blinking. I didn't see nobody licking nobody. Ha ha ha.
I'm delirious enough. Don't tease me like that.


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It was Healer/JH licking his lips while the two (JH and CYS) were talking. Not understanding anything from their conversation gave me the chance to just focus on their actions. Looking at JH at that moment was priceless. Ohhh me! Captured and printed! ( *inside my heart and mind*). Hahaha!


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You BIG tease you. My heart skipped a beat, u know.


@ KDaddict

LOLOLOL!!!! Teased to death, I am *falling off my chair, tummy hurts* :D


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"I didn't see nobody licking nobody."

HAHAHAHAHA!! Help!! I think a person can REALLY die from laughing so hard!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! ;)



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*Rummy takes.... I mean... tummy aches... apayo*



Yes!! MAJOR tummy ache from laughing too hard!! Hellllpp!! Hahaha!! LOL!!


Who would have known: Spazzing is like a PJ party in jr hi!
I revert back to being a teenager on the verge of sexual awareness. Boy, this is weird n yummy.


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Weird and yummy? I am so with you on that!!

Arrgghhh...the perils of this love!!

It's so bad...that it's goooood...kekeke ;)


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It's so bad..it's goooood.


currently torrent eps 10.


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WOW, that's super fast!


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TQVM! :-)


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Lol JavaBean giddiying this show so much crack me up...
This superman lovestory make us feel like teenage girl got first crush. Mostly got meeboong to CJW.
Wow look at the number of comment tho. I think Healer ep 8 recap is got most commented recap to date on DB 1000++++ *0*


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You guys!!! Aren't we all excited! I can't with my life... I'm so excited. I've read all the comments! And yes, to every single one of you.... . Love the recap!


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It's an incurable infectious communicable communal disease.


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It's only ep 10, and already we got No preview!


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Right?! I mean, with that kind of cliffhanger, I guess we should have suspected they would deprive us of a preview. But it just makes the waiting so much harder! This is why I shouldn't let myself get used to watching the previews in the first place :(


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Exactly!!! What is the show trying to do to us???? Why no preview, wae-yo??!!! WAE!!!


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I think the writer knows we need time to recover from ep 10 before giving us another heart-attack-inducing preview?? ;)


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Poor comfort I say @kay, beggarly, impecunious comfort!!!



So true @GB! Sooo true!! hahaha! ;)


I think they want to make us more crazy drool dripping nonstop zombies while chanting healer ya bong sook ah repeatedly while trying to cope with daily chores.

Is my name included in the list of Healer Ruined Us Support group?


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But yes, azack77!!! come be supported...

But what's this .... did we fail to honor your 'registration' by our rites of initiation?

No sloshing in our little pool? How remiss of us!!!

Hey guys .... how many inches of drool do we have now? Got space for one more?


Growingbeautifully, thank you for the welcome!

I think I may have step on someone a few times. Too much drool.. can't see clearly! I'm sorry, guys!!


:D Good one azack77!!

I think I lost my watch in all that liquid because I just don't know where the time has gone!!!

OK, who took the long gloves? Not up to the up to the wrist ones .... loooong gloves, up to elbows... Yeah!


I seriously didn´t give a rat´s ass when the first news about Healer came out, despite my love for Park Min-young, and now I´m such a fangirl it´s beyond ridiculous. Even succumbed to watching Empress Ki to fill the loooong days in a week before the next dose of Healer. Ruined.


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"Didn't give a rat's ass when the first news about Healer came out." That's only bcos you hadn't met uri Ji Chang Wooki yet.

Empress Ki is wonderful. Enjoy. Better than banging head on the walls in a straitjacket.

As much as I wish it wasn't PMY kissing him (but moi, Cough, kidding), I must admit that she is really cute and lovely in this drama. There I said it.


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Partly due to the hair, I suppose. Different and so much better than the long straight black hair in SKKS, CH and New Leaf.

And mostly the character - the cute girl next door - very relatable. Real.


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Empress ki is the awesomest.can't stop gushing about it.
It's right up there with the holy grail of drama s My lovely Kim Sam soon.


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@KDaddict You said it, I hadn´t met Ji Chang-wook yet. I don´t know where my eyes were wondering, no, seriously, like where??? I literally swooned the other day watching some red-carpet pictures of him. I know it´s nothing to brag about in this thread, but I don´t do "swoon":D Really, never, ever:D
I´m somewhere in the middle with Empress Ki. Despite the lovely whiny emperor, I have trouble with suspending my belief to levels where you can throw babies over a cliff. I get it, this is how Empress Ki rolls, so I´m not complaining. Maybe I´ll get back to it, when I´m hit with a really bad case of JCW again (which might happen tomorrow evening already). Oh, dear.
On Park Min-young, I don´t know, I just love her character and she´s awful cute with her new hairdo. So tiny, but gutsy person choosing to trust people despite her fears and really bad experiences (some people might want you dead - go figure, Hilfiger). I just love it whenever she flies to Bong-soo´s rescue. Badassery performed in mittens and over-sized jumpers.


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@ eva

"I just love it whenever she flies to Bong-soo´s rescue. Badassery performed in mittens and over-sized jumpers."

Hehehe cutest description of our little heroine, how can he and we NOT love her!


Just concentrate on the yummy parts.
Babies over cliffs? That happened? Never mind.


Focus KDaddict, focus now...

We're on the Healer thread, not the Empress Ki one.

No booting out babies here, .... but..... maybe we need to boot me out of this pool though. I'm getting kind of wedged in!!!! *squeeze squirm* Aaaah!


Omg hahahhaha I also started watching empress ki just to fill my ji changwook quota for the day. And even though Healer is doing well in ratings, I can't help but wish the ratings would be higher so jcw can reach kim soohyun/lee min ho level of popularity.


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Aye, he totally deserves it!


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okay now. just finish watching the raw, so with half understanding, and no preview for ep 11, i just know that this week i'll be like effin nut! i bet when the ep 10 recap up, the comments would be full of sorrow and longing *scratchingmynailsonthewalls* argh, those evil crack peddling producers! How will i live m life functionaly??????!!!!!


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I know!! Oh my gosh why no preview??

Guess we'll be back to rewatching old episodes, stalking JCW on Instagram/ Twitter and agonising here over at dramabeans...


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thats the story of my life too
constantly checking my Instagram and reading other beanies' comments here


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Or u can start watching Empress Ki, after your exam.


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how did you know that i have exam? were you talking to me? or does everyone here has exam
btw guys i just had this awesome(?) idea. have you guys heard of the KBS international "A song for you" program? we should all request ji chang wook and he can sing for us :D :D :D :D


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LOLOL!!! over that exam... yeah, well we ALL do have an exam, didn't you know??? We have to have our brains exam(ined) for doing this and not sleeping! HAHAHA!

But you are really having an exam? Rest well and study!!!


About that Brain Exam…….

My doctor said:
Exploded ovaries have destroyed hormonal balance in body, thus affecting brain chemistry n function. It only leaves intact the amygdalae in the limbic system (lizard brain).


@GB and kdaddict
lol you guys are hilarious.
all of us seem to be showing same symptoms.
and yhh i really do have exam in 4 days :S so really, i have 2 kinds of exams i guess. uni exams and the brain exam(inaction) LOL
its still just 5pm here in uk so thankfully I'm not sleep deprived. where are you guys from?


@ millionstars

Hello UK Beanie, it's 5.21am in my local Singapore time right now, on Wed 7 Jan 2015. It must be a Tuesday night where you are?

Yes, I know, I know, if it is still before 6am, so what am I doing up and did I actually sleep at all ..... kekeke.... I'm wondering that myself!!! *scratch, yawn* A Healer fan has to do what a Healer fan has to do,... no scratch 'fan' and read 'addict' *rumpling hair ala Ahjumma* *bleary grin*


Hiii there
and yhh its still just 11:30 pm here. So sad that I wont be able to watch subbed ep 10 before I sleep :/ I did some serious 3 hours continuos revision just so I could reward myself with ep 10 but sighhhh life's tough when one doesn't understand korean.
I think ill probably wake up before 5 am too and check Viki to see if its fully done :D
as for now im about to watch empress ki. *peace* ;)
I dont sleep. I wait. Lol


Did somebody say "ovaries explosion"? I need some ovaries donation 'cause mine can't function normally at the moment.



You come to the wrong place looking for ovary donation. Go to a thread where the commenters still have theirs intact.


Beanies! If you'd like more stalking, check out JCW's one-episode drama called KARA secret love and also his live song called To the Butterfly (which I recommended yesterday)

I promise you his deep and alluring voice will get you replaying the song a hundred times over :D


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Thanks for the recommendations! I've heard the song and you're right, his voice is sultry and sexy! Will try to watch the KARA drama. ;)


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Glad you like it, kay! The song is from Empress Ki, which is yet another impressive drama which JCW starred in :)


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Thanks Edeline.... I watched the KARA mini-drama or MV or whatever but have yet to catch To the Butterfly.

There should be 50 hours in a day!!!!


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You'd absolutely love the song :-) remember to listen to it live hehe

Ikr!! More time to devote to our dear JCW.


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I've been listening to that song in my car LOL. And his episodes of KARA Secret Love are what made me want to watch him in a full length drama so much. I'd watched him long ago in Sol Pharmacy, but never really got into anything else he was in. Still what little I saw of him in Empress Ki and the KARA eps made me wish he'd be in a really good drama I want to watch. So I'm so glad he's in my new favorite drama!


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Haha the song's really good huh, Chandler? Try the live version! Link's below :)

JCW's also in this rather popular drama called Smile, Dong Hae but never did it dawn on me that he'd be on my favourites list! I really love his style and mannerisms in Healer (and also Empress Ki)


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Yeah, I've always wanted to check him out in that because I also like the lead actress (she was super cool and likable in I Live in Cheongdamdong, also Ghost Detective), but I just never really got into it.

But, with Healer, he finally has one of THOSE characters. You know, one of those characters that will go down in history as one of my all-time favorites and yeah, I did not expect that at all. And then the drama itself is just so so good :)


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oh i just watched that yesterday. I've got 500+ screenshots from that LOL
and yhh I've heard that song too. I've been listening to it every morning. love his voice. i also like his song from five fingers, although i didn't watch that drama that song is really nice. you should check it out if you haven't already. i can't remember the name right now though :/


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Haha I watched it yesterday too... till about 4am?

The song is really nice and it tugs at my heart so... alright, will check out the five fingers one as well!


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The song is entitled "Fill Up" and yep, it's beautiful. :)

So you know how Healer will make me happier (yes, even happier than I am now which is pretty darn ecstatic already)? JCW singing for the OST! Oooooh. I miss his gorgeous voice. I've abused the replay button for "To The Butterfly" like 10000x. My ears are itching for a new song of his.


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OST by him sounds perfect! if he does sing then ill probably be listening to that song 24/7.
we should so request for his appearance in the "A song for you", that'd be so cool. ji chang wool singing for us eeeeeeeeeeee
sorry if i don't make sense I'm just really hyper right now haha


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But nooo, how can i cope with another heart ache seeing uri healer-ya make a lovey dovey with another gurls instead uri young-shin?huhu.. #yepdefneedbraincheck #imultrapossesivelikethat


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Hi, dear beanies! I'm from the Philippines and it's a lot of firsts for me. *first to watch a running kdrama (I know now, I lived a boring kdrama life!) *first to watch in raw (I have no idea what their talking about, but it satisfies the eyes so its good... thank goodness there's JB!) *first to participate in a forum (the GUTTER and the DROOLS... me want to be there, too!) I also want to register to the Support Group... I can feel the symptoms already... me need Healer badly! So guys... please take me in... please, please!


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Why hello there @polaris!

Welcome! Warmest welcome to the land of JCW/Healer lovers!! ;)

We can't promise you heaven but we sure can promise you a memorably-zany ride that is sure to entertain you!! ;)


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thanks for the warm welcome... with all the love you're giving, feels heaven here already :) thanks a lot!


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Come here polaris!
We the experienced and the shameless will do our best to ruin u for good!


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thanks a lot, dear beanie... i'm ready for the ruin, what with the Support Group's stretcher just out there, and the Healer in the room... hehehe! :D


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I thought membership is automatic upon posting! :-D


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There, there patinalee, not to worry, I have your name down too... just wade into the drool for your 'baptism'...LOL!


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Must you crack me up every single time? Oh lordy. :D


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Welcome! I remember my first airing drama was hard to get used to waiting for and imagine it must be even harder when the drama is this good. Don't worry, we're here to support you. :)


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so right... and thanks for the support, I never knew how watching a running drama (this good!) can ruin one's life... no wonder we have a Support Group... but I'm a little bit concern... is the Emergency Room big enough to accomodate everyone? :)


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Hey there my fellow Filipino. Welcome ^^


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Hello, Kabayan... so happy to find you here... I'm really wishing they (ABS or GMA?) bring Healer here on us. But I think GMA has more chance, 'coz they got Smile Dong Hae previously and Empress Ki is playing now, me thinks they're loving JCW, while the ABS drool over LMH. what ya think?!


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Polaris yaaaaaay!!! Gusto ko sanang magtagalog kya lang bawal eh so anyway, I am soo happy too meeting a fellow kabayan here ;) Regarding Healer, yeah GMA would probably buy the rights. How is the reception for Empress Ki? And did you watch Smile Donghae? ABS can drool over LMH for all I care, I'm so into JCW right now. :p


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Ok polaris, you know what you're in for don't you?

*handing out the boots*

Into the drool pool, my dear!


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I think we might be scaring her.


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Oh... polaris... polaris... over here.... not there dear, that's the fire exit. ;)


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Running away thru the fire exit as fast as her legs can carry her.


@KDaddict, @Growingbeautifully

HAHAHAHA!!! Must you both make die laughing every time??!! I only 1 life gals!! ;)

I sure hope @polaris hasn't run away screaming from our pool of drool over the you-know-who,
otherwise known as Healer,
otherwise known as Jung Ho,
otherwise known as PBS,
most definitely known as Ji Chang Wook. ;)


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Ooops, typo : I only HAVE 1 life gals! ;)


@ kay
With us love, you have at least 2 lives.

1) Your normal life (or what you, poor soul, think is normal *manic laugh* )

2) Your virtual life and soul, which unbeknownst to you, you have sold to us ... at least the parts of it where you get tickled pink!!!! So laugh my chingu, till you run out of tears (and drool) and breath and come back after you've picked yourself off the floor. :D



HAHAHAHAHA!!! I am rolling around on the floor laughing right now and I am not interested to pick myself up yet...I am happy over here...

Why bother picking myself up when the very next comment from you would guarantee me rolling around on the floor again??




Damn! Can u believe my husband pulled the plug on our router to stop me commenting last night! And I missed this fun.


oh no... you guys... don't worry, i just went a while so i can get all the necessary stuff. i'm all equip now:

- boots (thanks GB... the pink one please!)
- drool proof keyboard
- vest for floating with emergency red button (in case someone needs to go to the ER)
- ear plug (somebody suggested that for all the giddy screaming)

thanks for the warm welcome, guys... ready for the ruin now!


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So u guys have said all I wanted to say and much more, I'd like to add, the Ost is so good, suits healer perfectly, u just know something good is about to happen," Oh my love "as opposed to "love is the moment... " *cringe *
Wish OST's would also be included at the end of year review, my best would be The Empress ki OST.
Someone mentioned a Healer ruined me support group, where do I find fellow addicts?


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Argh "Love is the momeeeeeent!" OST is so bad to the point that I cringed every time it's played on Heirs....I find Eternal Love here 10x better. I love all the OST here :)


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I bet they can play Love is the moment on Healer repeatedly and we'd all love it.


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haha so true, we probably....but I can't even picture a cheesy song as that on Healer at all!


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My love for JCW has made me wanna watch Empress Ki. It's been on my to watch list for awhile but the 51 episodes seems a lot. Is it that good? :)


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Yes, very. I don't normally watch sageuks but EK got me hooked (up until the middle, anyway).

JCW was a darling in there playing an immature yet cutie pie emperor (and *cough* sexy as a crazy conqueror later on) plus his chemistry with Ha Ji Won was off the charts!


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YES!!! JCW was such a cutie pie in there :-) It was what got me hooked


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Thanks guys, I shall definitely watch it in my spare time!


YES IT'S THAT GOOD ! I don't normally like sageuks either, I just stumbled on it at the blowing air into her mouth /kissing to save her from drowning in the bath scene on a local channel, piqued my curiosity. Bought the dvds all five of them and watched for three days straight, hardly slept unless my body just shut down from exhaustion, no more than 2hrs, never cooked and hardly remembered to eat.I can't remember the last time a drama did this to me, kinda hated it for that.It never had a dull moment and each episode ending was loaded with suspense that you could not, not watch the next episode immediately. In one word Empress ki is Fantastic.


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right, right... but i like the sniffing of Nyang's kerchief the best... hehehe!


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Yes. JCW. Ha Ji Won. Joo Jin Moo. All very good.


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@ k lava

Looking for the Healer Ruined Us Support Group (and Fan Club)???

Step right this way k lava.... just avoid stepping on patinalee ... oh!!! no, no, don't trip over polaris *maniacal laugh*


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Tkhihihi thank you @Growingbeautifully I'm right behind you , I know I'm going to have so much fun here.

#Healerruinedussupportgroup should trend on twitter hihi off to hashtag, has anyone done it,if not I'm going to start it.
Join me beanies.


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Be our guest k lava, I'm not active on Twitter but I do have an account... errr... I think so.... got to check my note book.... now where did I put it?


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oh... so you're the one who trip on my **tt while i'm drooling away waiting for ep 10 recap?! hehehe!


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Now I'm supposed to take a shower and go to bed?
Wait, why does that come out seeming more than its literal meaning? Not my fault. I don't mean anything by it. I swears.

OK, I'll stop now b4 I get booted out of the camp.


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Hi @KDaddict, just so you know, I replied to your twitter question at comment :)


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Thank you, Sweetie. Luv you. HUG.


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You're welcome ♥


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@ KDaddict

Sure, sure, we believe you, ;) honest!!!


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To those who are looking for the best version of JCW singing live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmV6Nn_PTG8

From a fellow addict :D


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This will make your ovaries explode again. We're all going crazy, huh?


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Shoot! I missed his Taiwan fan meet. Must go to one next time! Must!!!


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You live in Taiwan, KDaddict? :) How did you find the song?


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No, Edeline, I don't live in Taiwan, but I can go to Taiwan, and anywhere else where he has a fan meet. Where there is a will, there is a way, u know.


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And don't get me started w the song, at this hour too. I need some sleep, n some modicum of sanity!
Will talk more about his singing later in the week, when we are all waiting with clenched jaws for next Mon.


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Good for you! When my parents start to be a little more lenient with me, maybe I'll get to travel all over the world to meet my darling JCW too :)

Absolutely love his singing.


Omo Omo the comments are on steroids it was 397 before I took a call and now it's 464 wow just !


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believe me, it will be 900 and counting.

we are going nuts together :D


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Well, going nuts seems to be the order of the day over here at the wonderful world of lovers of Healer/JH/PBS/JCW. ;)

*pass the nuts, please*



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Did anyone else watch to the very end though? They didn't put a preview, but they showed another angle of the OTP's kiss in the montage of moments at the end.

Oy, the things I need to notice in order to get me through the week.


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Yup Chandler, that's what I termed fan service... showing us again their made over look and the kiss.... so that they could cheat us out of a preview!!!! *wail*


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Just for the sake of it, I'm gonna make comment here 501th before going to bed. Now we're definitely 500+ comments ;) night everyone!


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Night! (why not make 1 more comment?)


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Gah I still can't sleep and on my phone. Okay, this is my last comment before bed now. The extra 1 more comment :)

Now I'm gonna go off to dream about Healer ;)


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Hehe, I was actually going to say dream of Healer tonight, but I wasn't sure if I should feed the obsession ;)


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Way to go Chandler, prudence is a virtue, let the poor child sleep in peace!!! But what am I saying, she's going off to dream about Healer anyway and there's nothing we can do about it! :D


I think all of us would just LOVE to dream of Healer ;)


Guess what I dreamed about!!! Really.... do try and guess!



Don't tell me...don't tell me...your dream...is it JCW topless?? Kekeke ;)


Cant' believe it's taken me the whole day to finally come back here!!!

My dream: I ..... dreamt ...... of ...... you, Beanies. That's why I have this strange impression I did not sleep last night.... feel as if I've marathoned commenting!!!! LOL!

But it's all good, I've been here for hours enjoying myself and the number of comments in Ep 10 recaps keep rising phenomenally by the minute!!!


Just came back to this convo

Hahahaha you guys are so funny! LOL

@Growingbeautifully Awww your dream is just awesome and nice :)


See u all in my dreams.


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Nightmare, that was! I think I really did LOLOL! Gosh, dang, did I even sleep???!!!


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Teru ahahaha LOL


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In these last 12 hours we have exceeded 500, I say again, OVER FIVE HUNDRED comments!!! I am humbled and silenced in the face of your extraordinary fandom-ness and love for the show and JCW.

All power to those who are waking up and who will be commenting next!!! :)


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OMG what has been happening??? Do you guys not sleep or are we in opposite sides of the world?! I comment, go to bed, come back to check and it's already past 500 comment. OMG.

I can't keep up with this atm but we have a whoooole week for ep10 so all I can say is... I will be back !!!! (muahahaha)


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Don't we sleep? Well, that's love for Healer/JCW for you! ;)

We can survive with sleep-deprived bodies and bleary-eyed looks all for the love of the one-and-only Healer aka JCW aka JH aka PBS... ;)


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Foregoing sleep here. It's almost 2am and I'm still up. o.o I've turned into a Healer zombie.


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Now is 3am in my country.. i just finished ep10 raw and i'm itching to rewatch it.. but if i watch it then i will not be getting any sleep at all as i need to be ready for work at 7.. oh no.. should i watch it again now or tomorrow? what to do?! no!! i need to!! nownownow!!


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Lol, same! I went to sleep last night and I come back and see near 700 comments! It's 696 at the moment. Oh my goodness, you guys are all awesome! I'm putting off schoolwork at the moment, to watch JCW be awesome on my screen, so I will be back in an hour to contribute to the thread. Hah, I have no doubt we'll be reaching that 1000 mark.


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Wooohooo!!! At this rate, the comments for episode 10 may easily exceed 1000 comments, right, JCW/Healer lovers? ;)


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Exactly :) let's hope for that.


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Yes, let's spread the love more, shall we? ;)


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Yeaaaaah! :D


Anyone watched episode 10 with English subs yet, if you have, let me know where. Happy Healing everyone.


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@k lava

Sure. Once I get the Eng subs of episode 10, I will update in the episode 10 recap. ;)


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MY appreciation for JCW went so many notches up!! To do this, emote, look good (inherent for him), with little sleep!! ahhhhhh...

BTS of an action scene: http://youtu.be/5P3hSERzbMQ

Aww, at him apologizing when he fumbles


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I didn't realise it before but those action scenes must really be hard. Plus his real life persona is very BS like, this and his running man episode just confirmed this for me.


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@k lava

Yes, the real Ji Chang Wook is a lot more like Park Bong Soo than the Healer or Jung Ho BUT the real him can also be hot, sexy, sweet and so considerate of people around him! ;)


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yep, so true! I see a sincerity in JCW that is totally endearing and quite a quality to have, especially when you're a star and all.. he's sincere, and honest and considerate, and on top of it all Park Bong Soo-like adorable! He's the real deal! And that too, without even taking his freakishly handsome looks into account! :)


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Oh nooo JCW... the action scenes look tough :( in fact, JCW commented in an interview that he's scared of heights/ stunts


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True, JCW is honest enough to admit he's scared when doing the stunts and yet because he is such a professional, he has been praised by the director and everyone for doing the stunts without showing tiredness or complaints. ;)

Which is why I find him utterly adorable!! ;)


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Precisely! I love that he's so genuine plus professional. You can really tell that he has a deep passion for acting (both in dramas and musicals) :)


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You are so right!! He is a true professional with great passion for acting, and a very nice, easy-going and down-to-earth person at that! The perfect package!! ;)


This may be wishful thinking, but do you think Healer's ratings will boost after Pinocchio finishes airing?


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There is always the possibility BUT considering how even with so much LOVE that Healer is getting now and yet the ratings has not shown much change, it depends on whether or not those who were watching Pinocchio would switch to watching Healer after Pinocchio ends.

But personally I have never paid much attention to ratings because not all really good dramas received the attention they deserve, while less than palatable dramas may gain more attention that converted to higher ratings. ;)


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How true. Ratings does not (always) reflect quality of the drama.

Having said that, ratings does factor in the direction the drama takes. Panicked producers of low rated dramas make changes to ramp up the ratings which more often than not butchers the drama, plots are changed, planned episodes cut short and such other nonsense.

Thus it's the hope that Healer garners more attention with the SK viewers to boost the ratings, freeing the production team to maintain the excellent current track it's now on.

Healer, hwaiting!


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It will right? RIGHT?? :D


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Yeah I suppose then, I do feel like dramas like this should've been more recognised amongst Korean audience. I really don't get them...they love the Heirs so much and yet a great drama like this doesn't get much attention. What's up with viewers over there?!?


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You asked a VERY good question! ;)

God knows why certain dramas that are so love outside Korea can be ignored in Korea, and vice versa. ;)


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Well from what I understand, a lot of young Koreans are watching most of the dramas online. As of Heir, umhpff, maybe young kids like those kind of stories or the ahjumas...


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Healer and Pinocchio aren't competing for ratings. Healer airs on Mon-Tues while Pinocchio airs on Wed-Thurs. Healer airs on the same day as Punch and Pride & Prejudice.

The drama that follows Pinocchio is Hyun Bin's comeback drama after getting discharged from military service!! So, yeahhhhhhhh... that's THAT!!


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P&P is close to ending right?


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Right now I think, Punch is Healer's main competitor (I've been reading the recaps for this one too, and I say it's pretty darn good!). It's #1 as of the moment with Healer at #2 not too far behind (with only 1% difference).


Young Shin was sparkling in ep 10!! The part where she threw off her coat and confronted the rotten politician... so much feels


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not having seen ep 10, there's something about ep 9 that I'm wondering about - When Jong Soo (the spy reporter who's followed Moon Ho to Someday) already carried a camera to Assemblyman Kim’s press conference, then why did PBS go to the conference as a cameraman?


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Ha ha.....

Perhaps the spy records video for the planned broadcast of the Press Conference and BS photographs stills of the event?


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For those who absolutely can't wait to see JCW again....here's a magazine shoot he did last month. And got he is SEXY (rawr!)


Enjoy his hotness here girls! ;) xx


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His arms are so masculine and the way he's looking at the camera....


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His EYES are his best features, imho ;)

But his hot body cannot be ignored either! Hehehe!! ;)


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yes!! his eyes. I've been so distracted by his eyes throughout this whole 9 episodes. i keep forgetting to read the subtitles and so i always have to replay the scenes millions of times, not that I'm complaining. i never get tired of looking at his face haha


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Soooo true!! Soooo true!!! His eyes are like this deep pool of sexiness-overload that just sucks us in!!! Arrgghhh... ;)


agree with you 1000000000000%
your and all the other beanies' comments here are making me soooo happy. I'm not even exaggerating. i am literally smiling from ear to ear while reading people's responses.
well well gotta go have my dinner now. talk you you later or maybe tomorrow in the ep10's post(if i manage to stay away from all the electronic devices till then that is).



"agree with you 1000000000000%"


Dear @millionstars, you really crack me up with that!! LOL!! ;)

Thank you for your kind words but the truth is I am the one who is so happy and thankful to have this wonderful to fangirl with fellow fangirlers over uber cool, hot, mesmerising Korean actors and super adorable, endearing Korean actresses in unforgettable and life-changing Korean dramas. ;)

Welcome to our lovely abode, prepared by the incomparable and utterly-endearing Javabeans and Girlfriday!! :)


Ooops, missing word : ...this wonderful PLACE...


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thank you so much!!!
hotness overload jsbfsababsdmsmdbbsdfb
I'm turing into a puddle.....


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lol thanks again.
but oh noooooo! now i don't know which picture to set as my mobile wallpaper :S
sexy or keep calm?

ohhh i know! hot picture as my mobile wallpaper and keep calm as my laptops' wallpaper. Yayyy problem solved :D


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Wow! Mind=Blown!!

And you wouldn't believe, I actually checked out these pics on my laptop, with my parents right in the same room.... Of course I had to suppress all my reactions, but trust me, I was internally fangirling so hard, with all the kyaas and the omos and the aigoos!!! Lol!

I guess I've just perfected my poker face! ;) ;)


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Girl friend check this one: http://youtu.be/a-1C5ZTStE8

yep, I KNOWWWW!! If he were standing on the street in that white shirt I'd have stopped my car and duh-duh-duhhhhhhh!! hahahahaaaaaaa

I'll have to defend JCW here - I know he identifies w/ PBS nd may be a heodang BUT there are many facets to one's personality. For instance, at work I tend to gravitate towards being a bit serious while to my friends and family I'm a ham and can be a train wreck often times. Ask about me - you'll get two quite different opinions!! ^^


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I just did, and I don't know what to say.... I think I've lost my ability to form coherent sentences!!! Struggling with all the feeeels!!! Lol! This video's definitely not meant for the faint-hearted! You know what I mean! ;) ;)

JCW may be no Healer in everyday life, but that Healer-like confidence, that poise is definitely there somewhere within him! And boy, does he know when to turn on that Healer-like holy awesomeness!!!


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This time were you able to fangirl 'internally'?! ;)

How lucky was that fan to have met him in Hong Kong. It was a location shoot. This video has been replayed by me innumerable times. No guesses why?! muwahahahaaaaa


Hot damn does that guy know how to pose!! Beautiful video - thank you for sharing!!


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Hey namedx! are you the @namedx from the Soompi's Master's Sun thread?


@Sunshine. Yes, the very one, lol.


It's you, Sunshiiiiinnnnnneeeeeeeee!! Lol sorry, didn't recognise you by name coz you're missing the digits at the end. I see you've found your new crack!?


Why do you all do this to me? I'm fangirling so hard, I'm wondering if this is good or bad. *rapid breathing* The suits are the best. The best. the best... *echoes* What a beautiful photoshoot.


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...the best *continues echoing*


Having a community to fangirl/squee/spazz/flail is the best, no?! Sharing the LOVE, sistah!!


wow.... just wow.... He's handsome... has anyone met him? Is he nice to the fans?


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HOLLYMOLLY!i just got goosebumpssssssssssssss when i see HOTNESSSSSSSS. I'm all giddddy and squeeeee and try not to scream in case my 3yo son would wake up and see his mommy hugging her laptop screen :D i'm batshit crazy!somebody saveeeee meeeee


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Erm @AnnaAkana

Wow O.O


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Congratulations, fellow Healer aka JH aka PBS aka JCW lovers!!

We are only a few comments short of 600 comments!! :)



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Few comments short?!?


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Pleeease, Imma gonna make this the 600th comment ;)


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I made the 1000th comment. Me win mwhahaha :P


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its already 604 now :D


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K2H and City Hunter were two of my favorite dramas but I think Healer has already beat them to be my most favorite (up there with Queen In-Hyun's man). I think I liked K2H and City Hunter but didn't LOVE the first half when our hero was acting like a jerk. Healer is awesome because our hero doesn't have to act like a jerk to create a cover for his true sweet self. I can't wait for the second half and how awesome it will be. Kim Na Na found out about City Hunter's identify in ep 9, you think YS will figure it out soon enough? Maybe ep 11 and that's why there was not preview for 11??


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Oh my gosh QIHM is one of my favourites too! It's in the top 3 together with Healer and Secret Garden :)


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My top 2 favorites are Healer & Secret Garden too! With the Master's Sun on the third spot..

I usually have a tough time finding dramas where I adore the male and the female leads equally.. SeGa was one such drama for me, the only other that I can think of is Healer!

I'm totally loving Young Shin! not just do i adore her with Healer/Jung Hoo/PBS/ but I also adore her on her own! She's just so real, all her reactions, her quirks, that dancing & singing, glib talk and most of all, her relationship with her Dad, & his ahjusshis, her trust, her friendship, her wish to continue trusting Healer... ah, i could go on and on.. i'm liking her more and more with every episode!


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I am totally the same i.e. having a tough time finding dramas where I adore the male and female leads equally. Of course K2H and QIHM are the two exceptions, and now Healer!


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K2H! My top two favorite drama)
huskergirl, it's interesting that Healer is #1 for you, because I just couldn't stop comparing it with City Hunter until recent episodes and I found plot developments not as major and not as epic as in City Hunter. Or maybe I just got spoilt by Pinocchio which until episode 10 was developing super fast and almost every time was step ahead of viewers' expectations.


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I guess it is a fresh love type of thing, City Hunter has been over for a while now and I love LMH but Heirs sort of ruined it for me, JCW is still perfect and dreamy. The anticipation is making me think I love Healer more :)


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I see. Fully agree with LMH/JCW remarks, I got very disappointed in LMH after Heirs, honestly.
And after episode 10 (trying to comment without spoilers), I partly take back my words on slow plot development) maybe they are using odd episodes for conflict building as bridges between very epic even episodes.


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Okay.. I was planning on reading all the comments, but then I saw that that would mean I'd have to read 596 (!!!!) comments. Well.. glad to see that this drama at least gets the attention it deserves on this site :)

Thanks for the recap!

Btw, Jung Hoo acted so funny during the makeover scene XD


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You should see episode 8 recap's comments then. It's 1000+ comments haha


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I think the reason for that is because after episode 8 we had to endure the excruciating wait of ONE WHOLE WEEK before this week's episodes 9 and 10 and so we vent our frustration by commenting practically non-stop at the episode 8 recap!! ;)

If this trend continues, I foresee after the episode 10 recap comes out, the comments may well exceed 1000+ again! ;)

Or...may even overtake K2H's record-holding 2000+ comments??!! Woohoo!! I sure hope so!! ;)


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Let's do that!Make healer-ya break the record! with no preview in advance, we neeed to vents out, right?! :D


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Absolutely!! I totally agree!! Let's vent to our hearts' content, and break the record at the same time, shall we? ;)

Let's go!!! ;)


What in the world?!!!' I thought it was a glitch at first!!!


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There's no such thing as a glitch in Healer's world dearie :) Healer is just too smart to let something as simple as a glitch get in the way of its awesomeness ;)


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Congratulation folks!! ;)

We have gone beyond 600+ comments!! ;)

Woohoo!! Thank you so so much for all the love!! I am so enjoying reading all the words of love for the you-know-who!! ;)


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Ooops, typo : *Congratulations*


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When am I gonna finish watching ep 10 (raw) if I keep replaying the scenes of Bong Soo/ Healer? :(


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Bummers gotta wake up early... in fact, I've to be out of the house just a few more hours from now :(


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I think Healer/JCW is ruining us all with lack of sleep!


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But hey, not that I'm complaining :D


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i don't think any of us here would mind losing sleep for JCW. well, i certainly don't.
i need to buy a unlimited space pen drive. i think I'm going to fill up all the memory space in my laptops with JCW's screenshots if i don't lol


Yes, it's really ruining us all... that's why I'm in the Healer Support Group ;) need some help with withdrawal issues


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It took me nearly 3 hours to finish ep10 raw.. i kept replaying again and again..

Hell.. i dont understand what they were saying but my eyes couldnt move from the screen..


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Lol I'm desperately trying not to watch it until subs are out..proving real difficult though!


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Another action scene BTS: http://youtu.be/2aSY0AmJTKU


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I'm so worried about Healer, guys. If he was only Healer... he could stalk Young-shin (or whatever else) as much as he would want, being all mysterious and dashing and showing up to save her life and what not....

but because he's Bong-soo too, his face is photographed, his hair is being slicked back, this person who no one can know is being measured and looked into and looked at and remembered and....his identity is in so much danger >_<!!

The detective had a small throwaway comment - 'look into her co-workers, their backgrounds, current address, body size'...and those are all things Healer CAN'T have (otherwise he'd be traced)....


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My first comment here since I have always been a silent reader... first of all I absolutely love the recaps written here. Im not lying when I say that I start and end my day by reading the recaps here even if I have already read it once. <3
And finally about the show... Damn you sexy, mysterious, absolutely charming, dorky and handsome healer. I dont think I have ever crazy for an actor like this. And the otp just oozes chemistry that I can literally feel the sparks onscreen. Hats off to everyone of healer team especially to the lead actors. You got me hook, line and sinker <3
Coming to the episode.. where should I start? Seeing the almighty healer flustered because of his possible first kiss made my day. He knows that he feels something for CYS that he has never felt before but cant really pin point what that feeling is. And I havent noticed a comment about this (because the comments are going up at a speed of 200m/s :P ) but I noticed that when young shin was singing while going down the stairs, jung hoo had this dorky smile on his face and almost bobbed his head along with her singing and then suddenly realised what he was almost about to do.. That was a definite improvement from his wtf face whenever YS starts singing xD And im looking forward to young shin getting to know that healer and park bong soo are the same person. I mean how embarrassing and awkward would it be for her when she gets to know that she confessed about her crush to her crush without knowing that he's her crush? Lol I cant wait to find out xD
Fangirling moment of the day was the phone call between young shin and jung hoo. Yes jung hoo because it was healer talking to her as jung hoo. Maybe young shin was too preoccupied with her near death experience and kiss and moon ho being creepily nice to her after all he said to her but yeah that was all jung hoo. To be honest I feel like park bong soo isnt entirely a disguise for jung hoo. Maybe the actions and way of speaking is different but I like to believe that bong soo is the dorky side of jung hoo that no one knew about. During the scene at the end I dont even think jung hoo was acting as park bong soo. The scene which was totally hilarious by the way amd I almost choked on the water I was drinking because of ji chang wook's expressions. I have always been a fan of actors who expresses their emotions and acting through their eyes and ji chang wook just earned himself a new fan.
And moon ho.. although i like your character a lot, I didnt like how he put CYS as bait for healer. I know you are protective about CYS and the only reason why i justify his behaviour was because he doesnt know that healer had already started feeling protective of CYS even before MH had asked him to protect her.
Concluding this very long and pointless comment :P but cant help but rant because thats all I can do. This drama has made me wish for a messed up family in my past so that I can have my own healer, thats how magical...


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And how can I forget the scene where jung hoo breaks down? It was just overwhelmingly painful to see his confident mask disappear as he desperately seeks for someone to talk to. Chae young shi has park bong soo.. but who does seo jung hoo have? I almost cried seeing him so frustrated and upset like that. I just hope he is able to open up to his teacher about everything he is going through :'(

P.S: can I be that blanket jung hoo was cuddling with while watching the documentary? Pretty please? :3


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LOL I noticed Jung Hoo almost bobbin his head up and down along with YS too - I thought I was seeing things, so had to rewind it. Great scene! And his toothy grin in that moment, most adorable!

Great comment Lizzy, very insightful! Do comment more now that you're out your shell. x


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Hahaha ikr?! At first i thought he would go with his wtf expression like he usually does.. But imagine my surprise when I saw him enjoying her singing. Definitely an improvement :P
And thank you so much. I wasnt sure if my comment made any sense because I had soooo much to write but didnt know how to express it in words... I think all of us are having the same problem here. No matter how much we write, how much we fangirl and how much we analyse, its never enough. Thats the charm of this show <3


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I agree that it was a great comment, Lizzie~ thanks for delurking! I hadn't noticed the head-bobbing thing, so I'll look for that when I rewatch.

To be honest I feel like park bong soo isnt entirely a disguise for jung hoo. Maybe the actions and way of speaking is different but I like to believe that bong soo is the dorky side of jung hoo that no one knew about. During the scene at the end I dont even think jung hoo was acting as park bong soo.

Same here! Bong-soo seems to be an exaggeration of Jung-hoo's dorky side, not a false persona. It was adorkable how flustered he got when he realized he shouldn't have implied that CYS had woken him up (since he wanted to keep talking to her). And there have been quite a few moments when no one was watching Bong-soo in which he still was dorky in his actions/reactions.

I hope you keep commenting, Lizzie~ but there's another commenter here that goes by the name "Lizzie", so you may need to alter your screen name.


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"It was adorkable how flustered he got when he realized he shouldn’t have implied that CYS had woken him up (since he wanted to keep talking to her). "

Best part in that scene for me.xD You could see the wheels turning in his head as to see how to prolong the conversation xD Lol at his dialogue "Since you allowed me to speak informally from now on, I will listen to you all night" He wanted to sound like he was doing some big favor for her xD Kudos to the writer for coming up with such scenes and dialogues that I enjoy so much


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IKR? So fun to appreciate these little details together.


Now the healer is going to be exposed because KHM told the detective and now there are pictures of it. I didn't like that, now he's exposed! ohhhhh can't wait for episode 10! and all of your recap and comments.


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Do most of you agree that the love triangle is Healer-Young-shin-Bong-soo?

I thought it was [unattainable hero reporter - Young-shin - Healer] (her crushes that were 'impossible') and then in real life, Healer - Young-shin - Moon-ho. Both who are protecting her and she doesn't see Bong-soo as anything other than really a sister.....

But it is kind of significant that Young-shin can talk to Bong-soo and she wants to talk to Healer - she can speak freely with him/them, but with Moon-ho there is something that he can't tell her, and stuff (about Healer) that she won't tell him.

Unbeknownst to her, she's treating Healer and Bong-soo the same way by trusting him a lot, while she's a bit more wary of Moon-ho.


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My thinking goes that it is. I think KMH is going develop feelings for CYS. But in episode 9 he acted more like a fatherly figure. But in the future I think he will develop feelings for her. I think he has a more platonic thing for CYS biological mother... But that's just me... Do you think so too?


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It might be the poster (with the three of them) that's been giving me that vibe. I know that Moon-ho's emotions are all mixed up with his memories, guilt over his actions and his brother's actions, in family that he didn't have, that he was kind of 'adopted' into by Myung-hee & his brother's friends, and all that.... so his feelings for Young-shin are largely protective and wanting the best for her --- but that's still more emotional connection than what Bong-soo gives to Young-shin (strictly friends at this point, aside from any heroics and swooniness from Healer).


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Oh Has JCW gone to his military service?


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Nope!! :/

At the Healer press conference he mentioned that he's planning to enlist this year.



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oh nooooooooooo! not when I've just discovered him! :( :(

I wish he changes his mind, and decides to delay enlistment!


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He'll be turning 29 (Korean age) this year... i believe the deadline to enlist is before their 30th b'day. If he does enlist I would rather he go after filming Healer than another average drama/movie, etc. Better to go on a high...


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what age is he in American age? 27? Yeah, but do you think he'll return?


@JPT: If I'd have been his (I prefer to think of ONLY one relationship w/ him amongst the myriad of choices I have) gf I'd have known. Unfortunately, I'm not so can't answer your question.

JCW will be turning 28 this year (universal age, lol)


NOOOO :'( :|

It sounds like he wants go for the experience and not just to get it over with, so I am a little tiny bit happy and support him for that.


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I just discovered him tooooo.... I hope when he returns he jumps back into acting.... that's possible right?


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oh, this guy LOVES acting - he loves performing in musicals as much as on being the small screen/movies. I feel like it's at the stage where he's honed his skills. Both singing and acting!


Of course, with so much talent? Babe he is not going unnoticed! Two years are nothing.

I am usually not into 25+ dramas, especially Saeguks, but I'm here and now promising to watch Emress Ki from beginning to end! (it got Ha ji-won too for God's sake...)




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Yup. I'm pretty much going crazy waiting.


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Some comments are hilariously funny! Do you even sleep, guys???


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We take turns. Someone drew up a roster somewhere and the thread's now active 24/7.

Now where did that roster go....em.....


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And I think I have an idea who that someone is. ;) I swear, seeing how the comments keep on increasing in number just amazes me.


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@Growingbeautifully, Lol thank you for the reminder over at episode 8! Re-posting it here for you. Just got back from work and the first thing I did was switch on my laptop to see Healers commenting away crazily!! It's manic, and I love it!! Can't wait to see what episode 10 brings!!



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Lol and I see Healer's running energy is rubbin off on people here, over 600 comments and no sign of stopping. Ruuuun Healers, ruuuun!


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this comment made me laugh.... lets run free!!!


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Seriously, I get the sudden impulse to run from rooftop to rooftop after watching Healer in action. Of course, I'd probably lose my life in the process, but damn does it look appealing. This show should come with a cautionary warning: do not try this at home!! Ha!


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We can always feel the adrenaline running through our blood in our dreams. It's simple. Just dream of Healer, and then dream of yourself running beside him. What a great dream it would be. *sighs contentedly*


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Lol, now that's some dream.


@ JPT and namedx and Skyofblue
800 comments and rising!!!!

Howdy folks! *breathe, breathe* Still running? *pant*
Gotta keep up *pant*
You saw that comment about parkour? *pant, pant*
That's what Healer is supposed to be doing, but his buildings are not easy to just run to, jump on and fly upwards to land on *pant pant pant*

Poor chap was suspended for wires and really panting on a cold night? just making it to the top LOL! and *pant* Kudos to JCW!!!

I need to get off my butt and exercise more *groan*


LOL all that *panting* and healer in the same line is giving me the goosebumps!!! Too much energy @Growingbeautifully, ahahahaha!


I like to nominate Ji Chang-wook to be the hero of the next show about multi personalities. WOULDN'T HE TOTALLY NAIL THEM, because if there's one thing we all learnt from Healer is that he can be all he wants to be and still be looking extremely dashing! *swoon*.

But Kim Moon-ho crying broke my heart. Aww. Please let him be with Noona in the end!


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oh YES!! I remember last week there were comments about learning more about SJH! While Healer and PBS were complete opposites... I feel like we've learned this week so much about SJH through Ji Chang-wook's nuanced acting. It's the little things he does - bottom lip shivers, nose flares, eyes get all fluttery! I've forgotten the number of times I watched the scene when CYS learns that she's a job for Healer. That split screen was most welcome. He's beyond marvelous.


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He owns every scene whether as the adorkable Bong-soo or the cool and collected Healer, I am taking it all in. I would not mind seeing him play 10 personalities at once. :D
Yoo Ji-tae is the big movie start here, but man Ji Chang-wook is catching up!


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Anybody spot Cherkel, who is like the biggest fan of Ji Chang-wook ever there was?? Hope you're happy somewhere in your Healer-bubble...:-)


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I'm sure she must feel like a proud noona since she used to fangirl over him for years. She's supporting him in the best way possible by providing information on JCW in English. She's one of the admins at http://jichangwookkitchen.com/

She's met him in person as well you know to receive those hugs from him! I'm kidding about the hugs!


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Omomo looks gooood! She has the real previews up with amazing photo's.

Disappointed! I want second hand hugs!


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Yeah, I was just about to say that there's something wrong with this picture, in having this deluge of comments about Ji Chang-wook, but no Cherkell. (For anyone who doesn't know, Cherkell is to Ji Chang-wook as Mary is to Song Jae-rim. And if you don't know who Mary is, well then you need to hang around dramabeans a little longer.)

I think Cherkell wrote that she was gonna go to Korea again right after Christmas and watch her Precious in his musical. (Precious is such a perfect way to describe JCW, isn't it?) Maybe she's decided to stay there and stalk him full-time to keep the new influx of rabid fangirls away from him... Anyway, no question that she has dibs.


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Wait, I do not know who Cherkell is.... :( COuld you explain further?


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I gather that Cherkell is one of the Chefs (creators and admin persons) of the wonderful English JCW site Ji Chang Wook's Kitchen. Read more about the cooks in:




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Hi JPT~ cherkell has been a longtime commenter here, and for years now, she's been gushing about JCW in most of her posts. She seems to spend a lot of her vacations flying from the US to Korea in order to catch JCW's shows and fan meetings. She even got a hug from him at one meeting for being the fan who had traveled the farthest to get there.

Thanks for the added info, Growingbeautifully!


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Wwow!!! Go Cherkell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys for the explanation!!!! :D I hope Cherkell can meet him more often!!! I support you Cherkelll!!!!!


20 more comments til 700 mark. Anyway, reading everyone's comments have been insightful and so funny at times! Why had I just discovered JCW now too?

Loving it here because despite all the fangirling, everyone's comments with proper spelling and grammar. That is the one thing that I love about dramabeans that is so different from elsewhere. People really do put thoughts into their comments when it comes to analysis and others appreciate your thoughts and add further to the discussion!


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CYS was awesome in the beginning but they had to end her cool moment like that :P *Please give me a moment (basically hours and days) to admire the fine specimen by the name of ji chang wook .*moony eyed*
Lol at jung hoo getting jealous because of the call between CYS and MH. if MH was there he would have basically burned into ash with invisble laser beams shooting from jung hoo's eyes :P
I think he was trying to get rid of CYS' s newly found fear of elevators. And I know I have said this before but I love it that in front of CYS he turns into this nervous mess whenever there's some skinship between them now that he have realised that he might possibly be falling for CYS. I cant wait for the subs to release so that I can understand that scene on the rooftop :O
And the scene with the teacher just breaks my heart into pieces for jung hoo. How betrayed must he have felt. And they had to end the episode like that without any preview... -_-


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I need to speed up my Korean Language learning! i'm watching every episode twice - once where i'm looking at the subs simultaneously so i know what's happening and once just so i can stare unblinkingly at JCW beautiful face. Not that staring at his chest (thanks to sub) is a hardship but damn....that face. he's got a million expressions and I.Need.To.See.Each.One. in slow mo


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hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaa . I want to learn Korean tooo... We should make a club or something!!


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I would be so up for this lol. I've started translating some of my favourite song lyrics after learning Hangul for about a month - amazing what your love of Kdramas can make you do. Needless to say, it's a beautiful language and I'm thrilled at how much of the vocabulary I've already come to retain in this head of mine which is like a sieve on the most part!


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I have to learn hangul... I'm starting on Friday...lol no joke...


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Ah have fun, it's actually rather easy to master so long as you keep at it diligently!


How do you learn Hangul? Don't tell me by just watching dramas, because I am doing just that for the past seven years and I only got the basics like "thank you" and how to greet...tell meeee.


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Try this site - talk to me in korean (http://www.talktomeinkorean.com/) they have a series of levels and lessons within each level that goes graudally from really simple to more complex. they really are the most awesome teaching aid for hanguk. but their's is geared more towards spoken korean, so i would suggest learning at least the basic alphabet before getting started with them


Lol I've been watching Kdramas for over 7 years now - trust me, you find yourself understanding a lot more than you think!! But the thing with Healer is that there's a lot of dialogue which consists of specialist jargon pertaining to the reporting and the political world, so that can throw you off at times as it's not as familiar to you.

I'm currently using a book called 'Mastering Conversational Korean: Korean for beginners' Tuttle pub. Henry J. Amen IV & Kyubyong Park - highly recommend it!


Yes, I agree with SR - Talk to me in Korean is also a fab place to start!


I have been watching korean dramas for the past 4 years and trying to learn from subs. And I still understand only half of what happens onscreen while watching it raw. :P Especially in healer because since its a fast but not too fast paced drama. And there's also the fact that its the only drama wheee I havent waited to watch the episodes until subs are released xD


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I just started... November 2014. And my first kdrama was Tomorrow's cantabile! lol


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I really liked tomorrow's cantabile in the beginning. However I dont think they gave enough justice to the drama and the ending was kind of mellow. I think I had too much expectations having watched the japanese version :/
Another reason was of course Joo won <3


I love Joo won. He's so handsome!!! :D smiling like a dork* What other dramas do you like?


Umm.. recent ones? 2013 was my favorite year for k dramas because of I hear your voice, the master's sun, my love from another star. I just absolutely adored these 3 dramas. And aside from healer I also watch Pinocchio although im not so addicted as I am to healer. Although I think I was addicted before I started seeing healer xD


@ Liz

"I also watch Pinocchio although im not so addicted as I am to healer. Although I think I was addicted before I started seeing healer
That's what we mean by Healer Ruined Us... LOL!... all other shows pale by comparison.... no time/not interested to watch/appreciate other shows ..... everything else is on hold until drama ends its run ... no time to eat or sleep .... Must . Read . That . Next . Comment !!!! *manic laughter*

Joined the Club/Support Group???


Welcome to the group you guys!!!!! LOL don't worry! I think I live 24/7 in dramaland. LOL. we need some soju! LOL


You guys how do you do it,I understand a bit of Korean from dramas and can write the romanized version but for the life of me the alphabets have defeated me, the letters just look like symbols and if I look at them for too long I feel like I'm getting a headache.


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Already did. And im happy to be ruined xD


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I've started watching Empress Ki. I feel like I have to study history for this show! Did you guys watched Empress ki? did you liked it?


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I watched 24 episodes I looove it so far !
JCW is very good in this with amazing chemistry with Ha Ji-won :)
will watch the remaining episodes while waiting for next Healer episodes...


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the girl is from Secret Garden, right?


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Yep, she's the one. And from Hwang Jini.


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Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaav it


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As I´ve understood, you really don´t have to study history to watch Empress Ki, or maybe you do, so you can enjoy what they´ve made out of it even more.


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Nobody's gonna see this anyways so I may as well confess "JCW and I are having an affair"!!!! Ha ha ;)


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The fact that it's a quoted statement, does that mean I'm able to refute it and disregard it as being completely unsound!! :p


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wow..... confessions... LOL I got two questions? Is he a good kisser? oh and, does he know English? teach him some English, so his fans in USA can talk to him in a fan meeting... LOL keep it up sister.. lol proud of you!!!


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He spoke a bit of English for his daily "Smile, Donghae" - I'll have to admit it was pretty decent.


I'm thinking his proficiency in English will be at a beginner's level. I'm sure if you leave him a simple msg on twitter/IG he'll get it!


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Hahaha I am about to go to sleep but I can't stop laughing at your comment.


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Gah, and now MyAsianTv isn't worrrkiiinggg. What is this atrocity? I need to get my fix of Healer for this week! Do you guys know any site that has the episode completely subbed and with good quality? Viki doesn't work for me, and sadly I don't know how to work VPN's (quite honestly, I don't even know what they are. very limited knowledge about tech stuff).


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Try dramabay.com
As far as I know its one of the very few site that releases the raw and sub version fast aside from myasiantv


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This one is fast!
Drama.net, not as fast, but gets them from viki with good video quality.


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Yeah. DB usually releases the raw video within 1 hour after the episode has been aired...


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I get this my drama Crack from YouTube raw of episode 10 is already out and I'm sure in a few hrs subs will be available.


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Just finished watching this episode and oh my good. Healer-ya i thought i couldn't love you more, but guess what i do love you even more. The scene where he was looking for his teacher was so emotional, i just wanted to jump in my screen and hug him, really couldn't he just stay there for just few moments?
And also the scene with young YS was heartbreaking, such a little girl had to go through so much pain, the man that did that to her deserves some serious beating.
And the scene near the end where he was getting make over so hilarious especially when he ran away.
Also thanks @growingbeautifuly for that support group, if it's not too late i would like to join, i think that in this moment i really need one.
And of course thanks javabeans for the recap


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Hey sephora013

I replied to you this morning (my time) but the reply seems to be lost!!!

Sure thing!!! Of course you can join us.

You just need to sign on this dotted line .......
you know, where you abandon normal life as you know it, agree to drool upon our mark (don't worry we have pics of JCW to help you along) and slosh along with us in the drool pool. (What? drool drying up? Ep 9 - last 10 minutes re-run quick!!!)


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HAHAHAHA!!! It's official! You are the resident Queen of laugh-till-we-die moments, along with @Omomo and @KDaddict!! Indisputable Queens!! Hail the Queens!! :)



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