
Healer: Episode 9

And we’re back! Did you all manage that weeklong wait without too much angst? Judging from the hoppin’ recap thread, I’m guessing this episode couldn’t come a moment too soon. Thankfully Healer follows up that last episode with one that’s on par with what we’ve come to expect of this show: cute relationship developments, some heart-tugging glances, a dash of intrigue, and strong character moments on multiple fronts.


Tei – “눈이 하는 말” (What the eyes say) from the Healer OST [ Download ]

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So, that kiss. It’s not like we haven’t all rewound and rewatched it a dozen (…hundred) times already, but it’s a nice place to resume, out on the rooftop after Healer saves Young-shin from a grisly elevator death. He pulls away gently, looking at her with this… intensity. Agh.

She reaches out a hand toward him, but he steps back out of range now, because superhero identities must be preserved. He keeps looking at her as he steps away, and she holds out her hand and feels only snowflakes. At least it’s a first snow of the season, which has a nice romantic connotation to it.

Moon-ho comes bursting out onto the roof, so frantic with worry that he shouts her other name, “Ji-an-ah!” She’s utterly dazed (…cause that kiss blew her mind) and takes a while to gather her thoughts. Verging on tears, she stammers out a disjointed explanation of coming here at Moon-ho’s request, nearly dying in an elevator, and being saved by the Healer.

She starts to hyperventilate as the shock sets in, and Moon-ho grabs her in a hug, patting her comfortingly. She adds, “And that person… almost died because of me…”

He starts to lead her away, calling her Young-shin this time, but she stops to look around for her cell phone—it was her mother’s, and she can’t lose it. She thinks it’s in the elevator, but Moon-ho suggests they find it later and helps her away.

Around the corner, Jung-hoo watches them leave. He tells Min-ja that the elevator was tampered with deliberately, and that the culprit must have been in the vicinity as it broke down. He puts Min-ja to the task of securing CCTV footage, as well as tracking Moon-ho. When ajumma asks what he’ll be doing, he looks a bit fidgety as he says he’s gotta go find something. A cell phone, perhaps?

But as he’s walking, his leg suddenly gives out from under him and he stumbles. The misstep has him looking spooked, and Min-ja can’t believe her ears when he admits he tripped. Then she notices his abnormal vital signs with concern, while he feels his thumping chest and then his lips. Aw, you’re adorable. Also you had me worried for a second there.

Young-shin is equally as out of it, and as Moon-ho only knows about half the reason, he pulls over the car and checks her pulse in concern. She assures him she’s unharmed and doesn’t need the hospital, regaining some of her composure, now remembering the (falsified) reason she went to the building in the first place. Don’t they have to meet their informant?

Moon-ho asks what he supposedly told her in that phone call, and apologizes for her getting caught up in a warning meant for him. Deciding that her house is open and therefore dangerous, he heads for his own. He makes her a warming drink and smiles at her upbeat mood, while she admits to holding back the urge to burst into song (though we know that singing is her coping mechanism).

She adds that she’s also holding back the urge to ask him something (although I guess by saying so, she’s no longer holding back) and wonders what it means to use her to send Moon-ho a warning. Furthermore, now she recalls that he called her a different name.

He first feigns ignorance (“Did I?”), then explains that Oh Ji-an was a girl he knew, and it was just a mistake spurred in his panic. He tries to gloss over the rest of the conversation, but if he’s not going to give her answers, Young-shin would rather go home. At warnings of danger, she replies, “I’ll be fine. The Healer will protect me.”

Moon-ho informs her that the Healer takes money to perform jobs, and that he isn’t motivated by goodwill or righteousness: “Don’t trust him.” He asks her to stay because he feels uneasy otherwise, and I find it interesting that when he’s being glib she’s really not having any of it, but when he gets earnest, that comes through. So she stays.

Moon-ho steps out of his apartment, and the sight of the slightly open stairwell door has his suspicions firing. The stairwell is empty, but operating on a hunch, he speaks into the open: “For protecting her today, thank you. Either as a danger bonus or an expression of gratitude, I intend to pay you generously. And I’ll make one request. If you receive a job request from the other side, opposite me, I ask that you give me a word of warning. Since I was a regular client, you can do that for me, can’t you?”

He leaves, and Jung-hoo watches from several flights above.

Young-shin still has misgivings about Moon-ho, but recalls words her father once told her, back when he’d first adopted her: “To try trusting just once, which would lead to gradually trusting more.”

In a flashback, we see Dad peering in on a scared Ji-an, who huddles in a playground structure at the orphanage. The director tells him of the difficulties they’ve had in connecting with her, because she hides herself at every opportunity and won’t sleep inside, eating food that they leave outside her hidey-hole.

Undeterred by her lack of response, Dad makes goofy faces and sits outside her hiding space for hours, telling her stories and singing songs. Ji-an doesn’t react, but we can see that she’s intrigued, and eventually she emerges and sits by him as he sings.

As Young-shin writes a note for Moon-ho, she tells us that it wasn’t like the entire world became more trustworthy after meeting her father, since there were times when she’d find herself hurt by people she’d opened up to.

She leaves the apartment, only to be stopped at the sight of the open elevator. She tries to shake off the fear, and thinks, “But it was okay. If you have even just one person who’s truly trustworthy, even when you’re let down, it doesn’t hurt as much.”

So off to the stairwell she goes, and thinks, “Now, rather than mistrusting people, trusting is a bit easier.” She starts the long climb downstairs, singing to herself. Remaining several flights above, Healer starts heading down after her.

Rightly guessing at the source of the elevator sabotage, Moon-ho grabs Secretary Oh and shoves him into his brother’s office, asking if Moon-shik has decided to no longer be human. Moon-shik is genuinely in the dark since he tells his underlings to take care of things without specifying the methods, and Moon-ho supposes this time was no different: “But you shouldn’t have touched Ji-an.”

That name has Moon-shik looking up in alarm. Moon-ho shoves Secretary Oh aside and looms over his brother, saying that he could at least understand saying that a living child was dead, if only to push Myung-hee to continue living. He sneers when hyung acts surprised at the idea of Ji-an being alive and found, warning him to cut the act.

Moon-shik swears that he didn’t know. So Moon-ho asks if it was the Elder, then, who sent this “message.” He issues the gravelly warning, “Whoever he is, if he so much as touches a fingertip on Ji-an again, Myung-hee noona will be the first to hear of it. That’s what you’re most afraid of, isn’t it?”

Moon-shik warns that Moon-ho’s crossing a line. Which seems rich, coming from him, really. Moon-ho says that he loves Myung-hee too, and that he can’t just stand by and watch as the noona he loves remains under the same roof with the man who hurt her daughter. Moon-ho’s face twists in pain as he says, “I can’t do that.”

As he steps outside, Myung-hee greets him with her usual warmth, tsk-tsking about the brotherly fighting and doting on him as usual. Moon-ho looks at her with all that extra emotion in his eyes today and tells her that he’s sorry. She tells him it’s okay, but he lays his head in her lap, shedding tears.

Moon-shik watches at a distance as she soothes him, then faces his secretary to demand the exact details of the Elder’s orders. What exactly was he meant to do to the child, and what exactly was meant to be hidden from him?

Just then, the hidden paneling slides open in the office and the TV screens display a countdown clock. Ajumma’s hacker voice crows the warning that this is how much time they have until the Healer turns over Go Sung-chul’s murderer to the police, as well as letting out crucial footage on broadcast television, on all the highest-rated programs.

Next, Min-ja calls Dae-yong, who’s in the middle of a stakeout of Young-shin’s home. Jung-hoo declined to enlighten her as to his own activities, so Min-ja calls him next, though he’s turned off his line.

To her surprise, Teacher’s voice cuts in—he’s made himself quite at home at the Healer pad, eating the birthday cake he’d brought over. He wants confirmation of some facts, because his mind is connecting the dots: Moon-ho wants DNA of an orphan woman, and he’s pretty sure it’s gotta be Ji-an.

That night, Young-shin walks along with her stalker antenna up, casting looks around her as though trying to catch the Healer unawares, and deflating when she doesn’t see anyone. She misses seeing that Jung-hoo’s watching from the other side, keeping apace with her from a distance.

An idea strikes and Young-shin ducks into a phone booth and calls Bong-soo (from memory, since her cell phone’s still lost). He answers while watching her from a building nearby, and she lies that she’s testing her memory for phone numbers, and that he’s number 19, which makes him smile.

She asks why his voice sounds funny so he half-teases that it’s past his bedtime, only to have her apologize and start to sign off. His flustered response is adorable as he hurriedly says he’s already awake, forgetting again to use the polite jondae with her. She grumpily tells him to just cut down to banmal already, since his constant back-and-forth is confusing her.

To commemorate his banmal approval, Jung-hoo offers to listen to her talking allllll night long—ha, like it’s a big favor he’s granting. He guesses she called because she wanted to talk, and she admits it. So she sits down to settle in for a chat, and he does the same.

She sighs over the loss of her mother’s phone, which she calls a hot pack for her soul, which would keep her warm on days her heart was cold. Jung-hoo pulls the cell phone from his pocket as she talks—it’s broken, but he has it.

He wonders why she doesn’t head home, but she says she’s not in the mood for her father’s third degree… although her real reason is that she’s waiting for somebody. Heart in his throat, Jung-hoo asks, “You’re waiting?”

She says she’d thought that the person might show up if she waited, swooping in from behind. But he isn’t coming, she says with disappointment. “He’s certain to have something to say to me,” she tells him. “He can’t just say nothing like this.”

She heaves a sigh and tears start to fall as she says, “I’m… ready to hear. I have things to say too. But he’s not coming. I don’t think he’s coming anymore.”

Jung-hoo looks torn, listening to her sniffle over the line but unable to do anything about it.

Based on Teacher’s suspicions, Min-ja looks at the DNA report, and seeing the numbers support the hunch has her bolting up in agitation. She’s putting together some pieces of her own: The man Jung-hoo’s father is said to have killed is Young-shin’s father. Both adults take in the awfulness of fate to have the first person Jung-hoo start to care about be linked to him in this way.

Young-shin’s arrival home is greeted by an irate father who demands to be given a reasonable explanation for her absence and ignoring of calls. She uses some of her charm to slip by him into the house while Dad blusters at her.

Moon-ho arrives home to find the note she left behind, saying that he’d ordered her to go to sleep. Since she can’t sleep in a bed that’s not hers, she is heading home in order to follow his command.

Next Moon-ho calls Detective Yoon—they need a contact at the police station to whom they can safely hand over the footage taken from President Hwang’s safe. Detective Yoon is flattered to be contacted but says that he’s not quite their guy—he works in the cyber crimes department and doesn’t have much power. But Moon-ho adds that the footage was obtained via the Healer, and suddenly Detective Yoon is all ears.

Moon-ho explains his hunch that Hwang and his backer may soon engage the Healer’s services, and his aim is to uncover the backer. He wants Detective Yoon to share his investigation findings with him, and to put Young-shin under police watch, since the Healer will be sure to be in her vicinity. It’s the ultimate bait: “Don’t you want to catch the Healer?”

Jung-hoo heads home and immediately clues in on to signs of somebody’s presence. He makes his way inside carefully, though one look at the (mostly eaten) cake is enough to identify his visitor.

Teacher’s tea is still steaming, so Jung-hoo knows Teacher’s still around somewhere. He yells at the old fart to show himself and runs through the compound looking for him. “I have something to say to you, you damned old man!” he shouts. “I need to ask something, so show yourself, will you!”

Oof, his hurt rage is heart-pinching, and he screams in frustration before falling on his knees. He asks his teacher what he ought to do, saying, “You’re my teacher… you should teach me.”

In the morning, Young-shin races in to work and finds Moon-ho waiting in the lobby, wearing a hard face. She apologizes for leaving the night before, but his expression softens as he says he ought to apologize, and that he can breathe now that he’s seen her face. She blinks at him in confusion.

Dae-yong parks outside the building to begin her day of keeping watch over Young-shin, and notices a couple of strange men pulling up and taking photos. She calls Jung-hoo, but he ignores the phone, watching his leopard documentary for the umpteenth time.

Moon-ho informs Young-shin that no cell phone was found in the elevator and offers her a replacement phone, which she declines until he calls it a company expense. He says he spent the night trying to figure out how to keep her safe, like sending her to study in Europe, which he was sure she’d laugh at.

The other option: making her famous. Her conspicuousness would draw attention to anybody going after her, but fame could also bring its own set of risks, so he leaves the decision to her.

She asks for the reason for her life being in danger in the first place, and Moon-ho replies, “Because you’re with me. Will you believe that at least for now?” Clearly not the whole of it, but it’s as much as she’s going to get for the time being. Young-shin opts for the famous reporter choice.

Detective Yoon’s investigation takes him to President Hwang, who remains vague and unhelpful about his mysterious attacker. But when the detective plays the video taken from his safe, Hwang’s eyes widen in alarm. He feigns surprise and ignorance, and Detective Yoon doesn’t press—but his request to see Hwang at the station for some additional questioning gets his message across.

Moon-shik sees the Elder, who readily apologizes for dealing with Young-shin without conferring with him first. It’s an answer that pre-emptively defuses the tension, though the Elder points out that it was still a necessary move, because Moon-ho has been digging into his background for the past decade. Anytime he or his enterprises did anything, Moon-ho was there, ready to poke his nose into things.

For what it’s worth, Moon-shik tries to downplay his brother’s activities, as though he’s nosy but ultimately powerless. The Elder sees differently, saying that while he’d wanted to recruit him to their side, Moon-ho has set up his own newspaper and nearly got his hands on “the LA video” (which they diverted, thanks to the Healer). The Elder names Moon-shik’s “two very significant weaknesses”: his wife and brother. He can’t have a girl becoming a third one.

Moon-shik answers calmly that he’s well aware of the weaknesses, but calls
them “mortal wounds.” If they are injured, he wouldn’t be able to recover. And the Elder has no need for dead soldiers.

“I will take care of my own problems,” Moon-shik states firmly. “And I will be the one to decide the manner in which I handle them.”

Just then, a call comes in. President Hwang’s harried voice booms in over the speakerphone, demanding to speak with the Elder. He’s definitely committing a faux pas here, skipping steps in the proper hierarchy to go right to the top, not realizing that the guy he’s ordering to hand over the phone to the Elder IS in fact the esteemed Elder.

Hwang says he’s in a spot of trouble and won’t die alone, threatening to spill everything he knows about the Elder. Ha, okay dude, dig that grave deeper. Hwang is loud and crass and going about this entirely the wrong way for our genteel Elder, but for now the old man doesn’t set him straight. He’s got more elegant ways of dealing with problems, and he confirms with Moon-shik that they still need a fall guy for the Go Sung-chul murder. Looks like a suitable patsy just showed up.

Today’s the day of Assemblyman Kim’s press conference regarding his mayoral candidacy, and Moon-ho briefs his Someday team in preparation for their first internet broadcast. They’ll report all the basic stuff, but he also intends to include their own exclusive tidbits, which are enough to get Editor Jang gulping that it’s too hard-hitting.

Moon-ho’s not scared, though, and directs his team to get into place. Sure, their first broadcast is bound to be full of errors and bad edits, but he reasons that there’s no way to know until they try.

Jung-hoo arrives just as Young-shin is hurrying out, and she just grabs him and orders him to drive. “Let’s go,” she says. “Let’s get famous.”

Annnnd from a distance, somebody snaps photos of them and sends them to Detective Yoon. He sets his partner on the job of investigating everyone around Young-shin—and not just their work experience, but also their height and body size. Ah, he’s thinking the Healer might be hidden in plain sight. Maybe the clumsy detective isn’t so hapless after all.

The Someday team hits a roadblock right off the bat, because they aren’t even being admitted to the hall. They’re only putting on the show of a press conference, accepting preapproved questions from preapproved reporters, to shut down any mention of the Yeon-hee scandal.

But Moon-ho’s eagle eyes spot a sign posted in the lobby—a commitment ceremony is being held in the hall right next door. And it’ll be tough for the press conference folks to prevent entry into an event that’s not theirs.

He calls Young-shin while she’s on her way over, and Jung-hoo sees her new phone and mutters under his breath. Moon-ho gives her the revised mission to assume a disguise, and sends them to a salon friend to help make that happen. While Jung-hoo fidgets nervously (and Young-shin holds him firmly so he can’t ditch her), a flock of stylists descends upon them.

While they’re separated for measuring and dressing, Jung-hoo and Young-shin talk over the phone, with her assuring him that this is all part of a reporter’s work. Jung-hoo jumps and fidgets the whole time, looking miserable and embarrassed and completely flustered.

They chat lightly back and forth throughout it all, with him sighing that he’s not in the mood for jokes because he was up late thinking, and her teasing about him thinking at all. She asks what he was thinking about, and he answers, “I guess you could say I was looking for an excuse.”

What kind of excuse, she wonders. “An excuse so I could meet again,” he answers.

Transformation complete, a newly dashing Jung-hoo is brought out, looking fan-freaking-tastic but also like he’s about to crawl out of his own uncomfortable skin.

Next is Young-shin’s turn, and despite tottering in her heels, she looks completely different in her sophisticated new style. Jung-hoo stares, not that he needed a makeover to be more in love with her, and she takes in his change and tries to wolf-whistle her appreciation (which comes out as a squeak instead).

She holds out a hand for a hi-five, but he gallantly offers her an arm instead, and she takes it.


What a gorgeous pair. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the makeovers, shall we? Not that these scenes are ever a surprise to us viewers who are already familiar with stars looking like shining, polished stars… but it’s still gratifying all the same to experience the transformation in the context of their characters.

I hardly think we need the shiny new looks to make Jung-hoo go gaga for Young-shin, but I suppose it’s an icing-on-the-cake situation to have him see her as extra-beautiful. I was glad of Young-shin’s reaction as well, because I was worried she might see her gawky companion through new eyes and suddenly be into him—I hate that trite moment in all those makeover movies where it’s the ugly-duckling transformation that spurs a character to open their eyes. I won’t be naive and say that looks don’t affect a person’s attraction to another, but in narrative moments, it’s pretty dissatisfying to have that be the catalyst, like the final stamp of approval: Oh, he kinda liked her before but now it’s really real! So when Young-shin teases him about his new look, I was glad to have her being as dorky as ever with the hi-five and the failed whistle, which I found utterly adorable.

If we must move on to less shallow notes (…and I suppose we must), I enjoyed how despite the very Bong-sook-ish squirming that happened during the prep, it’s actually Jung-hoo who adopts his new fake identity (on top of the one or two he’s already working) with aplomb. I’m anticipating some slip-ups and goofy moments from Young-shin, who may look chic but keeps her tomboyish mannerisms, but Jung-hoo has the excuse now to drop the Bong-soo facade and be a little more controlled and commanding. Not that he really needs to be any more dashing to win us over. Let’s just call it fanservice and drink it in.

Getting a bit heavier for a moment, I have to take a moment to appreciate Moon-ho and his emotional turmoil, because Yoo Ji-tae plays him so thoroughly. I can feel just how twisted up he feels inside, and after his previous attempt to drop hints to Myung-hee went horribly awry, I can understand the fix he feels caught up in. It makes legitimate sense now that he would choose to keep the truth quiet until the situation comes to a resolution, because it’s too delicate a matter—and emotionally traumatic—to risk setting off without a happy result assured.

I don’t see him as a part of a romantic love triangle, but he functions narratively in many of the same ways as a conventional rival, both for Myung-hee and for Young-shin. It’s a testament to the writing, I think, that I feel that his character’s motivations are well-drawn and credible despite the fact that on paper it all sounds quite convoluted—loving someone as your sister-mother-first-love, feeling tormented by conscience, being beholden to her and her child, and being someone who both helps and hurts, righteous and guilty.

The drama also meets its one-squeeworthy-scene-per-episode minimum with the phone call scene, which was sweet on more than one level. It’s always enjoyable to watch Jung-hoo’s reactions when Young-shin talks about the Healer; it’s like my narrative crack for this drama. I live to see those little moments, whether they be excited or dumbfounded or gratified. But it’s also nice to have Young-shin reaching for Bong-soo again, even if she lies about the reasons for calling him. (The lie is totally okay because Jung-hoo knows she’s really after a confidante, and he finds her fib amusing.)

This is a case where I don’t actually know how I want Young-shin’s love triangle to go, because right now her understanding of both Bong-soo and Healer are limited. With her current knowledge of both men, choosing one would be giving up the other, and you could argue for either one. I mean, of course they’re both the same man, and the awesome part is that we know she’ll get to have her cake and eat it too—but that part comes much later. Anticipation of that moment keeps my heart fluttery about the developments, and it’s also why I get to enjoy the angst leading up to it. It won’t be till she can reconcile all the parts in the same identity that the tension will resolve, and until that happens I intend to enjoy every drop of that conflict. Yum.


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Thank you so much for the recap! I know I am not the only one in feeling this way, but man do I love this drama (so far). My heart went out to CYS and to Healer in this ep. I love these characters, and to see how they long for information, for love, for closeness, for intimacy makes me feel for them. I appreciated that we got an understanding and a reason for why CYS and her dad like to sing together (and dance). I really loved that flashback scene, that showed young CYS still traumatized, and still unable to trust anyone, hiding in one of the play structures at the playground. I loved how patient her dad was, and how creative he was in waiting for her to come out of her shell. It made sense that to the present day, CYS’s dad does not care about looking silly and weird (to his customers), when he sings and dances in his cafe. I love that it is a ritual they have, to express the mood they are in. @ GB, when CYS eventually came out, and gently touched him, I said, “Kyaa!” :-) That was so endearing.

I also really loved (even though it is hard on Healer), how CYS always turns to PBS, when she wants to talk to someone. And Healer is falling harder and harder for CYS, *Sigh, and Kyaa!* So on one hand, he can talk to her often (or any time), and he can see her often, b/c he is PBS (and he can even have skinship with her, even if it might be the innocent kind), and on the other hand, he can’t reveal who he is (yet?), and he can’t love her (yet) as SJH. What a dilemma, to be in a love square with yourselves (the three of you), and the girl you want. I loved their phone conversation, and how by following her, he basically walked her home, and made sure she was safe.

I really felt for Healer, when he came home and Teacher was gone. This was another time when he needed him, and Teacher left (though I can kind of understand why, but still). Healer has no one to talk to, no one he can truly open his heart to, and share what is bothering him or getting him excited. He wanted to talk to Teacher (probably about his dilemma), he wanted the opinion of someone who might understand, and Teacher was not there. That scene really moved me.

About the scene at the end: Healer as PBS simply continues to be hilarious, JCW is a hoot, and I really love his PBS persona. So shy, so awkward, (is he ticklish?). It was so funny, when he was trying to run away from a group of women, who had their hands on him. How many men would do that, in real life? (I am just being facetious). And he did clean up nicely, not that he was not attractive before. PBS reminded me of James Dean, in the way he crinkled his forehead, and in the way he looked at CYS. Did anyone else notice that when he spoke to CYS in that last scene, he spoke as Healer, and not as PBS? He was not stuttering, and he looked very confident. Loved it, when he offered his arm to her (instead of high fiving her), and walked away, strutting his stuff. What an ending to the ep.


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I also loved the scene between MH noona and KMH. The way that he could lean on her, and cry on her shoulder (and receive comfort from her), many years ago, was the way that he could (still) do it in that scene, and (still) be comforted by his noona, many years later. When MH noona finds out that KMH knew about CYS/JH being alive, that might not be pretty.


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Couldn't agree more with you :D


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Hello Grey, PART 1:

That scene between MH noona and KMH moved me to tears. I actually cried, watching it. I agree with JB that it is a testament to YJT's great acting as KMH, in expressing and in showing us the myriad of emotions KMH goes through, and feels. I love KMH's relationship with his noona. She was the 1st woman in his life (or the most important one, when he was still a child), and she has remained a very important figure in his life, for understandable reasons.

I like how JB explained their relationship, and I felt the same, watching them. However, I don't think I could have put into words (as well as she did) what she said. I have been thinking about this drama since the 1st episodes, and one of the things I do is ponder over past scenes, when I watch new episodes. So this scene made me think back to the conversation KMH had with his former boss, aka his former girlfriend. She loved him so much she had proposed to him (seeing that he wasn’t proposing), and he had turned her down, NOT because he did not love her (the girlfriend), but because the feelings he had for MH noona AND the guilt of knowing what had happened in 1980 and in 1992, AND of knowing that OJA/CYS was still alive are eating up at him. Having found OJA, KMH feels that now, he also owes her.

As JB explained (or implied), it is not that KMH’s love for MH noona are wrong or bad, and I see it that way as well. This drama does a great job at giving you one scene, which can tell you a lot about the relationship of the people involved in the scene. So in the 1st couple of epis., the bantering between KMH’s boss and KMH was interesting to me. Also, the way he could flirt with his boss was quite telling, and finding out that she was his former girlfriend (who would have loved to marry him), made sense, though I could also argue that not everyone flirts (or flirts in that way) with their past lovers.

Then we had the scene where Lady Boss went to KMH’s place, and how she felt ashamed of being jealous of a younger woman (CYS), that KMH wanted to put under her wing. When she spilled the wine, KMH took her hand, and VERY gently, wiped it. The way he was doing it, felt and looked like he was actually caressing her hand, and maybe he was. There was also the way he was looking at her, as he was doing that (with tenderness). THAT made her uncomfortable, and she took her hand away. I have to admit that I found that scene to be quite intimate, yet very telling. I personally believe that KMH still cares about KMJ (his former girlfriend), and that he might still be in love with her. However, the guilt AND the debt he feels towards MH noona and her daughter, are so overwhelming that he cannot give his full attention to another woman (in a romantic way).

And as JB so well explained, KMH saw how MH noona reacted to him trying to bring up her daughter, so he probably feels bound (meaning restrained, chained) and limited, as to how he can help both women, especially MH noona...


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@ Grey,

Sorry, my paragraph was truncated. This is the whole thing, and PART 2 is below amie's post. Sorry about that :-(

"And as JB so well explained, KMH saw how MH noona reacted to him trying to bring up her daughter, so he probably feels bound (meaning restrained, chained) and limited, as to how he can help both women, especially MH noona. It seems that he might be able to do a lot for CYS (for now), however, as we know, there will still be that moment when CYS finds out the truth, and learns about her connection to KMH, and realizes how much he knew, and for how long he knew. That will probably be a painful moment, for both."


LOVE that phone booth scene, sweet and heartwarming, and they're not even talking cheesy. It is funny that Park Bong Soo has to compete with none other than his great self. It kinda hurts that Yong Shin is so comfortable with him but he is more of a confidante than a potential boyfriend. It is only coz he presented a cowardly version of himself but that fact aside, Park Bong Soo is a total hottie and too bad the girl can't see that coz well, it is kinda hard to top the Healer.
what I find strange was the kiss, yes, we got the feels coz we can see his handsome face but hey, girl, you never saw his face, what made you assume that he could be cute and never peaked when he kissed you? yea, I know pulling off her bonnet would ruin the moment , just saying.
Moon Hoo is a real big guy. I hope they won't have a fight scene coz he can just throw the healer across the room like a rag doll. scareeee
The Gay Stylist is soo good, I hope he can be a regular character. just a few frames but he really made an impression.
*** "Instead of the person you're waiting for, can't it be me?" Epic!
******If Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young would really be a couple in real life, I'll give out a dozen balloons to random children in the park. I would really be happy like that, won't you be?! ;-)
Now on to watch Episode 10 raw.


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@ Grey, part 2:

I also feel for KMH, because even though he would like to bring up CYS, he is also taking a chance on his noona being angry at him, and of her (maybe) pushing him away. That would hurt him deeply, if that were to happen. Both (KMH and MH noona) really do love and care about each other deeply, and I love watching how that is expressed. The actors and actresses in this drama are great, they make you feel (truly) what the characters are feeling. It doesn’t get any better than that, and this is why dramas are more than escapism for me: they make me think, they make me feel, and quite often, they make me reflect on my own life, and on my own relationships. This might come off as cheesy, however it is true for me.

I would also add that I wholeheartedly agree with everything JB said in her 5th paragraph, and because I don’t see KMH in a romantic love triangle, I feel comfortable about the ways in which (and the reasons why) he loves MH noona and CYS. I also do appreciate (greatly) this, “he functions narratively in many of the same ways as a conventional rival, both for Myung-hee and for Young-shin.” This drama has been great writing so far, true indeed.


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Ivoire, do you have magic fingers? I'm marveling at how you can type so much in such a short time. :D


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@ Omomo,

Hello dearie! This is what happens when you don't have (much of) a life, or rather, when your life consists of work, a little bit of sleep, and dramas. I have to say though that I don't watch many dramas at once. I like to watch one or two (but usually one) intently, and I become immersed in the story and in the characters, trying to understand as much as I can. I find that it makes for a much more rewarding rewatch (later on), because I learned so much the 1st time I watched, and asked questions, and read others' comments, and commented as well. I think that is what I really love, about my drama watching experiences, with each drama I have watched (since I started watching Kdramas), I have always learned some new things. And those things could be about the culture, the food, the language, the actors, the process of acting, etc... It's usually not just one thing, or something that is strictly related to dramas.

So now, I have a question of my own, @ Omomo: I wrote you a (long) response in ep.8 recap, I believe. Did you get a chance to read it? I was just curious...

I forgot to mention the DMJ moment Healer had, after he kissed CYS. His after-kiss (body) reaction was so strong, even MJ picked up on it, and commented. That made me smile. I knew Healer was affected by CYS, I just didn't know it was THAT strong, and apparently, neither did he.

Also, Teacher left after finding out the connections between CYS and MH noona and OGH (CYS's dad), and also how they are linked to Healer's dad. That idea/theme of Healer's dad being a murderer had been brought up some epis. ago, however I don't believe that Healer's dad killed CYS's dad. I am thinking that he was framed for it, and that things were strategically presented to make it look like he had murdered his friend (for some money).

I also can't help, but wonder if and how much of a role the Elder played in that (murder). Did you see how quickly he talked about framing Dir. Hwang for the murder of the informant from LA? No wonder KMS doesn't seem to hesitate, when it comes to murdering people. With someone like The Elder above him, why would KMS think twice about killing someone?


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I saw this ep raw and I don't understand Korean, but doesn't Healer initially answer the CYS's call as Healer rather than PBS? I noticed he didn't stutter in the beginning of their conversation.

I also agree with you about Healer's dad that he was framed for CYS's dad's murder.

And to all commenters on this site - love to read your comments. It comforts me knowing that I am not alone in my KDrama obsession and it definitely makes the watching more enjoyable.


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Actually during the beginning of a lot of their phone calls (especially when Healer is in a sad/melancholic mood), he just talks to her in his normal voice and switch over to his PBS voice a bit later on. I was wondering why YS never picked up on that, but this time she did. She asked him why he sounded different and he excused it (he deeper voice, no stuttering) as being him just woken up from sleep.


I agree that he often starts of in Healer voice...but she can't really compare so...she just thinks it's odd. That's also why he often messes up with honorifics and everything. I know he's gone undercover for his job but he's never had to maintain a personality this long he tries never to be seen or able to be recognized) so he slips up a fair amount.


Same here, I tend to focus one drama at a time. Due to my one-track mind, there's no way I can focus on anything but Healer as of now. More than the drama itself, the interactions that you encounter with fellow fans and things you pick up along the way are what makes drama-watching a truly great experience. So yeah I agree with everything you've said!

I don't think I have, but I will get back to it and reply asap. :)

Haven't watched YFAS in full, so I'm afraid I don't really get the DMJ reference.

Healer's father was no doubt framed, by Moon Shik or Elder, that we do not know of.


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Incapacitated by the kiss - that's the YFAS moment.

JH went weak-kneed after that loooonnnnggg smooth smooch that he almost tripped, toppling over the bench instead and with his vital signs going haywire.Something that had never happened to him before, bewildering both himself and Hacker Ahjumma.

In YFAS, Do MIn Joon would react even worse after kissing Chong Song Yi - he'd actually faint and have high temperatures - something about him being unable to exchange bodily fluids with humans.

Both male leads in the two different have similar reactions after their kiss. In YFAS is was biology based, in Healer it was just something that JH was new to, which with frequent practice will quickly be taken in stride, I'm sure. :-)


@Ivoire , your comments are always very interesting to read.

I too believe some episodes ago that Jung Hoo's dad was definitely framed and whilst he was in police custody during the investigation he was murdered but made to look like he committed suicide. I believe that Gil Anh (Ji an dad) investigated into the Elder's business, something that the Elder needed to keep quiet, so killed him or caused an accident in which Gil Anh died and Myung Hee paralyze. I'm convinced that Secretary Oh is the assassin.


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I absolutely agree with @omomo.

HOW is it you could write (or rather, type) so much with lightning-fast speed? ;)

I was refreshing this page so much and when it finally appears, and I managed to squeak out my 1st post, yours have already appeared!! ;)

And you always have such insightful and engaging insights into the drama that your every posting is such a joy to read!! Thanks so much!! :)


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Lol! Her comment was up before I could even type OMG HEALER. Ivoire, kudos to you! I've said this before and I'll say it again - I love reading your posts! :D


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@Omomo!!! You crack me up!! "Before you could type OMG HEALER??" HAHAHAHAHA!!! ;)

I know, right? Ivoire must have some magical formula to always be so fast with postings because I cannot for the life of me be as fast no matter how hard I try. ;)


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Her brain must crunch out words at the pace of 10 words per second! :D As for me, it took me around 30 seconds to even formulate this tiny 2-sentence comment.


@Omomo!!! Hahahaha!!! You are tooooo funnyyy!!! ;)

But I totally understand your predicament
because I think we are both in the same boat
when it comes to JCW -
our brains just go to sleep,
making us incapable of putting words together coherently in a normal way -
because we are just too enraptured by JCW's blindingly-awesome expressions
that make us go weak at the knees
and turn our brains to mush...

*looking again at JCW's lovely face with moony eyes*


I tend to be a silent reader and was from long time ago, but sometimes I just can't hold it in =)).

Guys, maybe Ivoire has the Autocomplete function or you know, some dictionary function on :d.

Just kidding, but you're really typing fast. And writing deep. I enjoy reading your comments. Yours too, people. This is so nice comunity to share your thoughts 'bout kdramas!


And I wonder how you always manage to be first, whenever you post? Even now with all the Healer-fans refreshing the page?


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LOL! Superfast fingers!


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Thank you Ivoire! I can tell how much you appreciate the drama and the cast members :-)

The character and relationship development is truly marvelous! Healer, hwaiting!!!


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I saw the episode without the English subtitles and my knowledge of Korean is limited to the common words and greetings so you can pretty well guess how much I love this drama. I was eagerly waiting for this recap to understand some of it. And I agree with everything you said. But I think the teacher knows the whole truth but I guess he lacked the strength that was required to fix this mess. He did train the healer so someone with his skills/knowledge must know the truth even if he can't prove it. If I am right, the teacher is the guy who had said to Myung-Hee and Moon-Sik that his one sided love if kept within himself will end up ruining their friendship. That is what partly or mostly led to that accident/suicide or the murders. And I loved all the scenes between Young-Shin/Healer/PBS. This show is so awesome. There is a love square where three of the guy are ultimately the same person which ends up giving us so much more in terms of romantic moments in different variety. Also I was worried that Moon-Sik will figure out who the healer is, he is intelligent and the resemblance the Healer has with one of his dead friend is uncanny. I am still dreading that and really hope, he won't be the one, let it be Moon-Ho instead. And is there anyone else who wants to see more of Taemi and her interactions with the rest of them or is it just me??


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@ Blue winter rose

Yes, Teacher (Jung Chae Bom) is the one who rode the motorbike and ended up in jail and he was the one who told Moon Shik to confess/declare his love to Myung Hee.

We are waiting to see how that failure to confess is linked to the tragedies that befell 3 members of their group. Teacher might actually have been saved because he was in jail. If he had been out with the rest and trying to stop whatever was happening, he might have been killed as well.

I believe (and this was commented on before) he has suspicions, but he has chosen not to dig around to unearth the truth. But maybe because he chose to train as Healer, none other than the son of Joon Seok, he might be unconsciously (or is deliberately but not overtly) preparing the way to expose the truths behind those tragedies.

Moon Shik who is now alerted to Healer/looking like his dad, to Ji An who is YS, and who has investigated them, is likely to be the first to put the pieces together and discover who Healer is.

Moon Ho has Bong Soo too close to him, he may actually overlook him.

But yeah, I wish Moon Ho, Jung Hoo and Young Shin could get together, with full knowledge of how they are related (I know, Iknow... it will be angst time for our OTP) and be on the same page in the bringing down of Elder.


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Regarding the original tragedy, the thing I've started to wonder about is MH's part in it. Remember how MH was running toward YS/MH/IJ's house, but was bogged down like he was running in quicksand? I'm wondering if the dream sequence is suggesting that he was aware that something bad was going to happen, and is wracked with guilt that he got there too late.

(And wasn't that a beautifully crafted sequence? ...we could look at it and immediately recognize that dream.)


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My dear Ivoire, let me catch a breath after getting home in the rain (from work where I lost Internet connection) to home where my power tripped!!!

Sigh.... not going to be a smooth drive to post but I am going to try! :D

Yes that was a kyaa moment for me too. If you see my thoughts in Comment 48... I was so touched and inspired by the child and the adult Young Shin. I applaud daddy for find the way to reach her past her fears and insecurities. And for bringing her up enough so that she can operate like normal most of the time.

He said she could treat him like a robot and switch him off or on as she liked. He handed her control in a world where adults are in charge and where some do abuse children. He is so sweet.

It brought to mind that in Episode 1... she had thoughts about being an android/robot ... she was reflecting that although she is grateful to have met this dad, she wanted to at least see her real parents once, to find out why she was abandoned so that she would feel like a real person and not just an android/robot/thing. *heart breaking a little*

Food for thought in a world where people are treated as objects.


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Yes, control is a very important theme and it is closely related to loneliness and trust in others. CYS's heart was totally walled off; her traumatic past forced her to be unable to control her ability to trust and believe in anybody. Her
dad was the first chink in her armour, handing her the control and giving her a reason to trust again. It was a conscious, controlled decision for CYS to trust again. So it was extra heartwarming that in CYS's voiceover in this episode CYS mentions that it was, on the contrary, becoming easier for her to trust rather than to suspect someone, despite all the possible heartache and pain misplaced trust could give her.

Healer is in the exact same situation like her; being abandoned on all sides, leaving him unable to trust again. His future plans to live on an isolated island are all about his failure to control himself from needing anyone else. Hacker Ahjumma said that he was unable to leave anyone, always clinging onto the remnant relationships that are barely hanging by a thread. That's why he needs to go to a desolated place, that would force him to cut off contact with all people, giving him the illusion of having control over himself, his need to rely on or need people. But now, there's this bumbly, clumsy but good-intentioned, righteous girl stumbles into his world, his world turns on its head, literally when he tripped on himself after the kiss. His control is practically nonexistent now; he cannot stop himself from rushing to CYS's aid, even without the cold hard cash of KMH's backing him. I think the kiss is also out of impulse too; having such a close shave to death, he is in a rush to confess his feelings by action. In one of the earlier episode, he stole into the sleazy Hwang's house to teach him a lesson and steal a tape just for the reason of easing this inexplicable ache in his heart, that we all know is due to his desire to help CYS out of the pinch she is in. I live to see their telephone chat; it totally brings back the romance in a mundane conversation :)


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Daebak Hoila!!! I'm so impressed with your exposition. Wanting to be in Control, having the illusion of Control, giving Control and taking it. Wow!!! *bows in respect*


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Debak indeed. Really like how you captured all of that.

"always clinging onto the remnant relationships" Likening his relationships to being a discarded remnant is such a poignant way to put it.

Regarding his stumbling after the kiss. The romantic in me saw it as a heart fluttering thing. However, I suspect there's another layer to it.

In this episode, there were multiple narrative threads about people's weaknesses being used against them. If you connect this with the main conflict metaphor that the writer has been using for the Healer - the leopard documentary where the injured leopard fights valiantly as it's being attacked by hyenas - his stumbling takes on new meaning. He now has a weakness that the hyenas of his world can use to bring him down. In the last episode MK and YJ saw it coming and tried to pull him off the 'savannah'. In this episode MH becomes the first 'hyena' to start exploiting his weakness.


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Excellent observation, Gidget. We're all gonna freak out when the hyenas really get to him-- good thing we're in this together.


Wow! Keep developing those threads Gidget! You people are great in seeing patterns and similarities and not only that, interpreting what they could mean. Just wonderful!!!



This will be pretty rough around the edges because I'd need to go back and watch past episodes to pull it all together. But I've thought that MH's conflict metaphor was relayed to us via the hypothetical question he asked in an early episode: If you're trapped in a room and are destined to die there with no hope of escape, do you wake the sleeping people who are there with you? (Or something close to that.) It had a obvious application to his dilemma of whether to tell noona about her daughter. But I see another possible layer.

We saw that Teacher had warned MS to confess his feelings or they would cause damage. Then connect this to MH's dream sequence. He was running toward YS/MH/IJ’s house, as though he was going to try to stop something from happening. But he was bogged down like he was running in quicksand. I’m wondering if the dream sequence is suggesting that he was aware that something bad was going to happen on account of his brother, he didn't say anything, and is wracked with guilt that he got there too late to stop it. Through his silence he feels a defacto accessory to the crime.

To atone for that, (in line with the metaphor) he's dedicated his career to trying to wake people up who are trapped by the political/economic machinations of the Elder so they can try to free themselves from his grip. In this episode we learned that - contrary to what MS said in his library...that MH knew his (MS') secrets and did nothing about them - that the Elder is aware MH has been tracking his (the Elder's) activities and trying to expose him. Ominous observation. Based on his central conflict metaphor, will MH be trapped by the Elder - destined to die and unable to escape?


wonderfully written. so true about those metaphors. I love that Healer has a subtle theme in every episode although they have a central story and mystery that needs progression.
Yes, I am also going to freak out majorly when things go really bad, glad that I am not alone in this though.



Beautiful reply!

I ship JCW and PMY so hard, I have never done this before. Its not normal anymore.


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"Its not normal anymore."



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@ Gidget, Hi :-) !

I am glad you saw my response to you in ep.8. Because I responded late, I was concerned that you might not have seen it.
I really love reading your comments, I always do, by the way, so please keep those comments coming. Also, your post in ep.8 made me smile, and reminded me of my sister. She had mentioned to me buying a Mac in the past. I do currently have a PC, and I have heard from Mac users that they don't regret their purchase, so I am keeping that in mind, for the next computer I will buy.

I am glad that we beanies can catch up on each other, or that we simply let people know when we have responded to a comment. It does feel like a community in that sense. I look forward to reading your future comments, @ Gidget :-) Now I need to go watch Healer, ep.10, so I can get ready for today's recap :-)


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Do you understand Korean? If not, where are you watching the show. It's now 4 hours after you posted and I still can't find eng subs. ?


@ Gidget,

No, I don't understand Korean, not fully. A few expressions here and there, and I can recognize Banmal (informal speech) and some Jondemal [sp?] (formal speech). I watch the episodes raw, and I try to figure out what happened. A great exercise in learning the language, methinks. If I have the time, I go to Soompi (Healer thread), and I look for some recaps (by scene) the soompiers have posted. They don't do the full ep., just some scenes, and that gives you an idea.

What country do you live in (if I may ask)? I live in the US, and I am a subscriber on Viki, but there is a 2 weeks wait for the currently aired episodes, so I go here, because they post the ep. with Viki's subs:


They post the ep. raw at 1st, and once the subs reach about 85% or more (I think), they add those, so you can watch the ep. almost fully subbed. Best option I have found, so far. I hope this helps :-) I also like viki's subs, so I like to watch dramas there, or on sites with the same subs.


just a random comment!
Sorry to take advantage of your hierarchy in this comment section!
M awestruck.. Have never seen so many comments for any drama yet.
This drama has been hitting all soft corners in my heart , making me anxious about my withdrawal syndrome.
Very few shows do that to me. Even though it hurts but Its worth watching a drama like this!


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I really liked the glimpse back with her father as well. I really like their scenes together but unfortunately there aren't that many of them. I understand it's because of the way the plot is going, and it's no fault of the writers, but I really enjoy their few moments interacting. I appreciate when a writer can make relationships outside of the romance seem and just as squee-worthy.


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Hello beanies!!!!!

So many great comments, not only here, but throughout the thread. The day is getting away from me, and my computer is acting slow again. I was hoping to respond to all the comments under my section by the end of the day, however it doesn't look like it will happen. I know I have said this before, however, I will be back to respond. I have so much to add, to what you guys have shared. I am glad we have a whole week to comment on epis. 9 and 10 of this great drama. See you guys either here, or on ep. 10 recap :-) !


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I have been refreshing this page like FOREVER!!



Off to read!!


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Omg it's up...off to read it


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I have been refreshing this page like FOREVER!!



Off to read!! Yippeee!!


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Me too!
been crazy waiting for the recap... Thanks Javabeans!!


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We are so in love with this drama (or Ji Chang Wook) or both, aren't we? ;)


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Glad to meet you, fellow lover of Healer and JCW!! ;)

Let's savour this wonderful feeling!! ;)


both of course @koreandramalover/kay

Well, I'm so crazily in love with JCW way before Healer... but here his character is soo cool!! And he has many disguises I love :)


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@kanz !!

Me too!!! I have liked JCW since "Smile, Donghae" and back then he wasn't as luminous as he is in Healer now, but he was gorgeous nonetheless!! Hehehe!! ;)

And you are so right!! JCW is soooo cool here it's off-the-charts cool, if there is such a thing!! ;)


Back in his "Smile Donghae" days JCW was sweet and cute looking... He's definitely gotten more chiselled now.


JCW is magic.....I cannot believe that he's enlisting after this drama..

In this age of botox and frozen expressions, He is one of the few young actors whose forehead and the whole face actually moves with expressions.

He is a beautiful man and an amazing actor and it's really a real bonus and an absolute pleasure to watch.


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Could someone artsy make a Bong sook/Jung-hoo/Healer banner or two? Please?


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I second your wonderful suggestion!! ;)

I can't draw to save my life, so someone who can, can you save us, please? hehehe ;)


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Thank you, koreandramalover/kay =)).

I am so happy that someone thinks about JCW's banners or lack thereof like me. His expressive eyes and facial expression....



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You are most welcome, fellow JCW/Healer lover. ;)

I am more than happy to share the joy of having JCW splash across the DB for our viewing pleasure! ;)

Just like you said, his super-expressive and soulful eyes!!
I can drown in them...
Aaahhh... ;)


I would love to. But a banner for what? Dramabeans? (Because honestly I think it's also high time JCW gets his own banner in here). If DB accepts entries, it would be my pleasure to churn out some.


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You can draw? That is fantastic!! Perhaps if you could do one, capturing JCW with one of his most heart-breakingly-awesome looks/smiles/expressions, then find out from Javabeans if she would be able to fit it somewhere in Healer's recaps' thread here? ;)

Thanks so much for your kind offer!! You are awesome!! ;)


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I can draw, yes, but I was actually referring to the rotating banners/headers in DB. Maybe I can come up with some featuring JCW. :D


@omomo: I've read in DB's faq page that JB accepts headers from anyone, so please, please send your greatest masterpiece of JCW to her! You could find details on how to send headers in the faq. :-)


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I see. Thank you! I'll submit a couple of banners once they're finished. :D


Omomo, you are awesome!


No, thank YOU, Omomo :) Yeay! Can't wait to see your JCW banners up there! It should be so awesome! And could you please submit lots and lots of them so that the headers will rotate back to him again and again LOL oh my, Healer just made me nuts...

I haven't been head over heels with anybody like this since Yoo ah in in SKSS. And recaps of that drama also garnered hundreds of comments back then. So happy to be a part of the Healers community! Oh, and somewhere up or down there, sorry I just lose focus in this Healer frenzy, somebody mentioned about a supporting group or any kind of group regarding Healer? Count me in!


Here they are! I hope they're all to your liking. (I will also submit them to header thread).

1 - http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah282/omomona/header6_zpsb5628a81.jpg

2 - http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah282/omomona/header5_zps69c3d065.jpg

3 - http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah282/omomona/header7_zpsd5c457c2.jpg

4 - http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah282/omomona/header4_zps6f45513f.jpg

5 - http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah282/omomona/header2_zps97310ab6.jpg

Will definitely make some more later. :D

P.S. I almost typed "healer" instead of "header" up there. Must be because of the one-letter difference, or my fingers are just too used to typing Healer. Hahaha.


Here they are! I hope they’re all to your liking. (I will also submit them to header thread).

P.S. I tried posting all five headers in one comment earlier but it got held up for moderation (too many links, I suppose) so I'll post them one by one. :) Also, don't mind if ever the original comment shows up (once it gets approved).

1 - http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah282/omomona/header6-edit_zpsc67009be.jpg


5 – http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah282/omomona/header2_zps97310ab6.jpg

Will definitely make some more once I have the time. :)


Wow, those are fantastic!! So many and so quickly, great job!


Thank you so much, Omomo =)). I had been a lurker for the longest time until yesterday. Healer ruins other shows. I do not enjoy other shows I am currently watching as much as before.

Someone over at Soompi made those adorable JCW eggy dolls. I hope she would line them up and create a banner too.

I wish they gained a lot higher rating in Korean. Hope they will hear the buzz and give it a try.


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Yes, Healer ruined me good too. I can't even make myself watch other on-air dramas now. My mind keeps going back to Healer. To that, I sing: "Something always brings me back to you, it never takes too long~" (Guess the song title! For fun. :P)

I also saw those eggy dolls. They are adorable! The fan who made them is very talented. :)


@ Omomo

Omo! Omo! Daebak! Lovely work... at the moment I think I'm partial to No. 2, but I really want to see what else you have... later on... when you have time.... Thanks so much!!!



Thank you!!! Yes, I'll try. :D For the love of JCW lol.


I can't wait to see them on DB headers. The comments here are well over 500 already. No pressure or anything =)))).

Nice to meet you, Omomo =)).


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*quietly screaming*

Omomo! You are very talented! I love the color/tone/shade and everything. Could I request a Bong-sook-ish one?


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Kamsahamnida! :) Sure thang. I'll work on it later. Hee hee. I have something perf in mind.


Pretty Omomo ^^ No. 3 is my favorite.


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I liked 2 the best. But they are all excellent.


awesome. i love the 4th the best, then the 3rd or 5th :)
but all the banners are so beautiful !!


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Omomo!! You have ALREADY DONE them??!! Wow!! Really Wow!!! You are a super-duper gal!! :)

Thanks so much!! I love them all!! Let's see if we can get more people to choose or better still, if we can have all of them splash across DB in a loop, wouldn't that be great?? ;)

Thanks once again@Omomo!!! You are too precious for words!! ;)


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Super thank you, everyone, And I'm glad you like 'em. Positively giddy to see some already up there too! :D


Look! Look! Omomo's banners are already up! *clapsfrantically*

@Omomo, I tried to post comments yesterday, some of them replying to your header links, but failed. Hope today DB won't reject me lol. Your banners are amazingly beautiful! Thanks!


Oh my god they're amazing. O.O

I'm dying internally just looking at them. Thank you so much!


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Have to yet read the recap (will do when I finally watch with subs) but I enjoy this drama way too much for it ot be healthy :P

I'm currently re watching ep 1-8 and I only just binge watched them last week :P (yeah I know I'm late to the party but at leat I'm finally watching^^)

This OTP gives me so much life and I go down with this ship! I mean..I actually watched this ep via live stream :P Addiction got me good with this one.

I don't actually get why I didn't watch from the beginning because...so many actors I like and I wanted to check out a Ji Chang Wook drama anyway... My brain must have failed me...epically xD


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Yay! Thanks for the recap!

Still waiting for subs to come out! :( Wish viki didn't have the 2 week hold on the episodes...


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1) I absolutely loved how the kiss made uri invincible Healer weak in the knees!

2) The flashback to when Young Shin's dad was trying to gain her trust was too sweet for words!

3) Jung Hoo silently following Young Shin to watch over her was the sweetest thing (But as they say, peripheral vision in kdramas=non-existent lol)! Young Shin was right in that she definitely has Healer to protect her! Lucky duck! And that phone conversation was so cute! <3 When Young Shin said "There's someone I'm waiting for", that look in Jung Hoo's eyes made me emotional *tears* However, anyone else wondering when the pay phone was going to run out of minutes ;P

4) Secretary Oh is tiny compared to Min Ho (aka Yoo Ji Tae)! Seeing Min Ho throw evil secretary around was pretty awesome!

5) Did not like how Min Ho doesn't trust uri Healer-ya and has officially turned Young Shin into bait -_- I was already constantly worried about his identity being revealed but now with detectives following Young Shin around 24/7 to catch Healer is making me 10x as nervous! Good thing Healer's assistant was there to see the men with the cameras so hopefully team Healer will once again be ahead everyone else!

6) That make-over scene was AMAZING! Loved everything about it! The music was great, Bong Soo trying to run away was hilarious and that voice-over dialogue was so telling! And of course, our OTP looks gorgeous together!

7) My heart's already breaking for Jung Hoo when he finds out the "truth" about his dad and his connection to Young Shin :`(


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8) Oh how sweet was it that Jung Hoo went back to retrieve Young Shin's phone! Of course as soon as she mentioned how important it was to her, I knew he would but still, it adds on to that idea that he really is willing to do anything for her!

9) Although they're the same guy, I'm ready for the heartache and turmoil that will arise when Young Shin has to choose between Bong Soo and Healer! THIS is the kind of love triangle I live for!


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@ dramapenchant

You've taken the words out of my mind and put them down just right.. +10 no, make that x10 ...

I was feeling the same way about the same scenes.... great minds think alike, you think?


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@Growingbeautifully You're always too kind! :D

This show is so good that I can't believe I was actually hesitant to start it a few weeks back! Thank god I decided to go for it and here I am! The only good thing that came from waiting was that I had 8 episodes to catch up on but now that I'm hooked and all caught up, the wait is almost unbearable! Never have I wanted Monday and Tuesdays to come sooner!


I bet you the phone is going to be how she will find out that PBS is healer!


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That or it'll be his so-called excuse to be able to meet her again under the guise of the Healer. I'll be happy regardless! :D


Dramapenchant, about being nervous on healer finding out about his dad. I was nervous too, but don't you think it's all been set up? By Kim moon shik? I think so because otherwise it's just too sad.


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@Saema Oh I'm confident that MS (or the elder) set it up but JH doesn't know that so when he finds out the "truth" (thus the air quotes :D ) he'll be devastated, which is something I'm bracing myself for...

But I'm glad that JH isn't like his teacher and will definitely look into the matter rather than just let it slide!


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I think Moon Ho's main agenda in making Healer the bait is so Young Shin gets protection from all those detectives around her. I am just hoping that instead of Healer being outed by the detectives, Moon Ho gets to know and find the connection with Jung Hoo and so the three (Healer, Moon Ho, Young Shin) can now work as a team in their fight against the baddies and in their search for the truth.

The Healer threads are just exploding. It has been quite some time that a drama gets these many comments. Kamsahamnida, you all kindred drama addicts, my wonderful Beanies! And, of course, to uri daebak recapped, JB. She's just awesome!


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Try youtube. Full subs less than 12 hours later.


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Good to know. Someone also suggested DramaBay. That's been pretty fast too.


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Also myasiantv.


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It's up on Dramafever now if you prefer legal sites. I know most people prefer the Viki subs but two weeks seems so long! DF is about a one day delay. They post Tues/Wed.


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Oh my, I think my wording in my original post was rather confusing. I just mentioned viki because they are the fastest subbers but I actually do watch healer on myasiantv since they are the next best thing and rather fast. It's just that since they upload the video only after viki is done subbing, the wait feels just that much longer that's why I wished there wasn't the hold...

Anyway, Thank you everyone who took the time to share viewing sites :) you're awesome and probably helped quite a few people!


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OMG! I've been refreshing dramabean's page for the last 15 mins. And it's finally out!


Can't wait to feast my eyes into this recap!


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Whoo thank you for the recap JB! Still loving this drama and this episode. I was afraid of setting myself up for disappointment, but nope, going strong! They're doing such a good job of leaving us hooked with that episodely squee scene. :)

I'm all for Young Shin falling for both of them and being all cutely conflicted! After all, Bong Soo is beginning to act more like himself... I loved it when she let him speak in banmal and his voice in that scene is just so unlike Bong Soo that she should notice something already ;)


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@ akamiso

I was noticing that he forgets to stutter or use the higher pitch BS voice. He seems to throw it in when it occurs to him but he forgets again. And when they were all made-over... that was definitely NOT Bong Soo. Still because he is right there in plain sight, Young Shin just did not notice... or maybe she though the clothes make the man heheh! and accepted the un-Bong Sookishness of his offering his arm in lieu of a hi-5.


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Thank you so much, Jb! I've watched without subtitle. Really thanks for your recap.


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YAHOO! It's here! It's here!(Imagine my comic reaction when I refreshed the page and saw that the recap was up - I actually stood up from my seat and did a little happy dance. Oh deary.)

Thank you JB! Thank you, thank you! Will comment again later after I finish reading.

Healers, let's continue the madness in this thread too, yes?


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Normal life abandoned? - check

Fingers poised over keyboard? - check

Madness being revved up? - check! Check CHECK!!! :D


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Hahaha omg GB!


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HAHAHAHA!! GB!! What ARE you trying to do to us?? Are you trying to kill us...with laughter?? HAHAHAHA!!! ;)


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@ koreandramalover/kay

Oh dear, do laugh but please don't die!!! Although there are definitely worse ways to go LOL!

Guess what I'm doing right now even while typing this......???

I'm already streaming KBS2 one hour in advance, yup, without understanding more than a word here or there, I'm streaming in ads, closing credits, you name it. Not going to miss a moment when it finally starts!!!

Sadly the video quality is poor but of course I'll rewatch and rewatch and .... yeah

And wow I am seeing one celebrity after another appearing in the ads. Their CFs are really what brings in the dough I think. Catch you again!!! :)


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GB dear!! How COULD we be so similar? I am so there with you! The live streaming site in on while I am using the time to respond to the comments here.

Oh, I do hope the video quality will be better when the drama comes on for you.

Take care my dear and catch you again too!! ;)


Oh, the recap is up and we can go nuts together!

First, Healer gets weak in the knees after the kiss. This is sb who never trips even when other ppl attack him. And his throbbing heart! He is that affected by the kiss. I guess that answers Qn’s viewers had on whether that’s his first kiss or not.

More than anything else in this ep, what gets my goat is the Teacher for running out of Healer’s pad, leaving behind a cup of steaming hot tea and a screaming JH crumpled on the floor! (Poor Jung Ho ya, come to noona!) Would it have killed u to stay for a min and talk w you student, whom you haven’t seen or talked to in 2 years? Perhaps the years in prison have ruined u. Get some psychiatric help, you perverted old man.

So Teacher and Ajumma don’t know the truth behind the deaths of YS’s dad and JH’s dad??? They only know what the media reported, that JH’s dad killed her dad, then killed himself? Why do I find that difficult to swallow? I know Teacher said he didn’t want to find out the truth, so he escaped to South Pacific. But isn’t that terribly irresponsible vis-a-vis his friends, and his student? Don’t want to judge him too harshly, but…...

Moon Ho being so attentive must seem inappropriate if not creepy to YS, as she doesn’t know his reasons. For all she knows, she is nobody to him, just his shield. So why would he be so concerned w her if he doesn’t have ulterior motives, she might wonder.

Now that his fight w the other side is escalating, I can understand that Moon Ho is worried about Healer switching sides if the other side offers him more money, thus putting YS in danger, bcos Healer’s just a mercenary soldier. So it’s a pre-emptive measure to put Detective Yoon on Healer’s back. Still, I don’t like it. It might not put Healer in danger, but it sure will complicate his life that has already suddenly gotten complicated. (Poor Jung Ho ya, come to noona!)

Oh no. Detective having Bong Soo's backgd investigated. Will it blow his cover?

Based on MS’s conversation w Elder, it’d seem like MS is not OK w bumping off YS. If that’s the case, what does he intend to do w YS when he finds her? Remember he ordered his sec to look for her. It’s not like he can take her home to introduce to or live with MH. Well ya, live w MH but it’d be w/o him, which is the last thing he wants on earth. I just don’t trust this guy. Perhaps one day the Elder will go so far as to threaten MS w his 3 weaknesses, n he’ll rebel. We can hope.

The phone call from Hwang will set things in motion. Coming weeks will show the fall out.

How can Ji Chang Wook be so funny, seem so natural, turn it on and off, as Healer, JH and BSoo? He is the funniest as BSoo, and BSoo is the funniest when these women have their hands all over him, ripping his clothes off. It’s at once hilarious and vicariously satisfying! I’ll imagine myself one of them. Rewind and Rewatch, 100 X.

THAT strut in the last 2 secs, in that...


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THAT strut in the last 2 secs, in that double breasted suit and coat, w YS on his arms. That STRUT. OK, rewind and rewatch, 100 more X.


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Contrary to his very first appearance in this drama, with him being all perverted with the virtual tennis player, uri Jung Hoo is actually pretty inexperienced. And so innocent! Me thinks he was just being pretentious during that time (as a side effect of being a perfectly healthy young man yet living a hermit-like life), acting as if he has loads of experience under his belt when truthfully he prolly had very little physical contact with real 3d women before.

Lol, was having the same reaction. While watching: YUP, THAT'S RIGHT! STRUT YOU STUFF, BAE! Oomph!


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Typo: *your stuff


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LOL! "Come to noona"


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Technically, JCW oppa (this is the first time I called him that lol) is several years older than me, so I can't be his noona (if you intended the "come to noona" part to refer to me, because I might have misunderstood you).


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Hmmm... I thought azack77 was quoting KDaddict LOL!

Wow you young'un. Great to know you!

As for me, I gotta say "Come to ahjumma!" LOLOL!!!


It was me, asking him to "Come to Noona" a couple times in my comment. It's me me me that I was calling out to him.
Sorry. Didn't want to include you at all, esp. since you r younger. Don't need the competition, u see.


Here everyone older than JCW is a Noona. No one need be an Ajumma or Halmeoni when fangirling.
I know a fangirl who is 71. When talking about her bias Bae Yong Joon, she said recently: "He doesn't make my heart flutter so much anymore". I found that darling.


@ KDaddict

"I found that darling." ??? So cute!

OK, you can probably call me Unni :) Kekeke I find that darling too!!! *big blinky eyes at you*


I haven't seen her around in quite a while, but there used to be a Beanie named come2noona-- I always thought that was the perfect screen name.


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I remember her :-) ...


I'm thinking that both Jung-hoo's and Bong-soo's identities would have been taken care of, at least digitally. He and Min-ja can't be sloppy, right?

Especially with Jung-hoo and military service. It doesn't seem like he was old enough to complete the service when he became Healer. If nothing was done to his identity and/or records, Healer will have to be on 21-month hiatus because Jung-hoo has to serve.


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Ah, you are really clear-headed to be able to think of his MS, clearly the clearest headed one among this bunch. Kudos.
U r right. Ajumma prbly isn't sloppy. Thanks for the comforting thought. Or else I swear I'd lose sleep worrying about him the new 7 days!


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Yeah, I really hope that when the Old Fogey tells Jung Hoo about his dad that he also mentions his doubts and misgivings about the case. Don't want uri Healer to have to suffer any more heartbreak...

Even though I know Moon Ho's reasons for his over-attentiveness towards Young Shin, *I* was getting creeped out lol so I can imagine how she must be feeling! As for the detective, I'm going to trust that Team Healer put a fake background check in place for this very occurrence. Also, since Healer's assistant saw that Young Shin was being watched by the detectives with their cameras, hopefully that's give team healer the advantage.

Yep, didn't like that turn one bit! I'm always worried that Jung Hoo's identity will get blown, even though I know it'll have to happen eventually! I am curious to know about Moon Ho's relationship with Jung Hoo, as in as his "uncle's" son, not as the Healer. We know how much Moon Ho cared for Young Shin/Jin An but he must also have had a pretty good relationship to Jung Hoo as a child too right? That group of friends were close (if we ignore the jealousy, murder etc. portion).

I feel like MS is already planning a rebellion...

Hmm, from what I gathered, Hwang will be set up as the killer of that one dude, so will that mean uri Healer won't be a murder suspect anymore?

I cannot heap on enough praises for JCW! I've definitely been converted to his fandom ^^


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I'm mighty mad at the Old Fogey right now.
Why did he leave w/o a word n went for 2 years w/o contact, living it up in S Pacific having a ball?
Would it kill him to sit w JH for a cup of tea, n finish that BD cake together?
Breaking in, leaving a finished BD cake to tell him that Look, I was here but didn't care enough to see your face was mean.
He was supposed to be really tight w his other 4 buddies, n when ajumma asked him about whether JH's dad killed sb, all he said was:
Ya, that's what they all say.
Come one now, really? That's the depth of your friendships?
In Eastern tradition, the Master-student relationship is a binding one. He's not acting like a Master should.
If he cared for JH or his dad at all, he should be more caring then and now.
I believe JH's heart is going to get broken good in tonight's ep. More guy!

We haven't be shown even 1 scene of Moon Ho being in JH's presence when they were kids. JH's parents were the first to acquire a home of their own, so I'm sure there should have been times when the gang gathered there too. We'll have to wait to find out about that mystery.

Healer just got up and decided to be Clark Kent one morning. I hope ajumma has his ass covered by forging his background all the way back to his fake parents n fake birth cert.

Ya, at least Hwang being offered up as the murderer will take the heat off Healer, for the time being.



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Teacher did go to prison for 11 years for his friends. Timeline-wise, he went before the children were born and was released after all hell broke loose.

I'm hoping that his attitude of "what good is the truth now" will change because even though nothing could be done about the past, something still may help the future of Jung-hoo and Young-shin. This should be enough to motivate a man who sacrificed himself for friendship.


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"I am curious to know about Moon Ho’s relationship with Jung Hoo, ... That group of friends were close (if we ignore the jealousy, murder etc. portion)."

His father was killed and blamed for both deaths. There had to have been some sort of conflict between the adults, and the children would align with their family members.

Thinking back to the old days, the thing I've been wondering is why neither JH or YS seem to remember the friends of their parents. They were both old enough. I remember the names and faces of most of my parents' closest friends from when I was around that age... (4-5 years old). I could understand a scenario where YS has a memory block due to the abuse she suffered after she was separated from her parents. But it'd be hard to envision why JH would have a memory block too.

Does anyone know why they can't recognize them?


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@Gidget I feel like JH's dad was collateral damage in that situation, so his death probably wasn't intentional but in the end they used him as a scapegoat. The adult conflict seemed to have resided solely in the love "triangle", or more, MS's obsessive love for MH...the other 4 members were probably unaware about just how far MS was willing to go and probably had a rather harmonious relationship...this is all conjecture so we'll need more flashbacks

I've also been wondering why JH doesn't seem to remember Ji An or Moon Ho (at least his name perhaps) even if he can't remember the adults...YS I understand due to her abusive childhood experience but I'm not sure about JH.


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I too wonder about Moon Ho and his relationship with Healer's true self. Everyone has something to say about the missing girl but nothing about the boy. Interesting.


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Very interesting indeed! (and rather sad too, because as you said, everyone has something to say about Ji An yet they seem to completely forget or overlook JH
*y nobody care for him?!?*)


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Do you guys think the writing might be at fault for not explaining why nobody wonders about JH, who seemed to have been JA/CYS playmate, at least once? Now that you guys have brought that up, I find that curious as well. Some people in this drama act as if SJH did/does not exist. (I could understand, if KMS and the Elder wouldn't want SJH to exist, especially if they find out that he is Healer).


OH. MY. GOSHHHHH!! This episode was squee-worthy alright.

This OTP makes me SO giddy and happy - Ji Chang-wook is killing me from the perfection that is his emoting skills and him slipping effortlessly b/w PBS and Healer's personas is a pleasure to watch!! It isn't until he reluctantly ends the
kiss, slowly opens his eyes, steps away from her, and she reaches for him that I realized how perfect and romantic this kiss was. Him trailing her to ensure
her safety, their conversation over the phone where she starts crying and him helplessly looking on, and THE makeover!! gahhhhhh, these feeelssssss!!
The preview to E10 ain't helping any!

That's the limit of coherency that can be expected from me!!

Looks like in E10 le shit is going to hit the fan! ughh, not looking forward to how Jung-hoo reacts to learning the connection b/w his dad and YS's dad.


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...excuse me, I'll be back when my brain restarts...



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this is the best comment i read so far ;)


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;D I'm still having trouble with coherent sentences....



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@ harukogirl
May I offer you membership in our Healer Ruined Us Support Group (Comment 57 and following) for addicts who have gone beyond the pale of reason and reasonable language skills?


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Exactly the state I was in ^^. Happy not to be the only one. Aaaah and this love triangle:Healer vs. Young shin vs. Bong Sook, so clever. Healer thankU for ruining my life !


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The perfection of this comment is that it could refer to so many parts in this episode.


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SO. EFFIN. GOOD. That callback to young Myunghee saying young Moon-ho can cry in front of her while old Moon-ho is about to do just that (while kneeling and placing his head on her lap no less, gaaah my heart) is soooo good it hurts, even I cried at that scene.

And Jung-hoo falling for Young-shin deeper and deeper by the second, and his struggle with his feelings and whether or not he should out himself? Gaaaaah I can watch this forever. With the show being this great, I feel like it’s Christmas all over again.

And holy moly, the ep 8 recap comments thread is CRAZY. We have so much love for Healer, eh?


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Also, I love love love KMH but his selling out of Healer in return for CYS’s protection and to get a move on in his personal gameplan with the Elder is a pretty huge dick move. That is how you repay the person who saved your precious someone’s life? Shame on you, KMH, shame on you.


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In KMH's defense, he can't really trust the Healer since he thinks of him as someone who's only interested in money. To KMH, he sees the act of Healer saving Young Shin's life as a convenient arrangement (after all, no Young Shin = no target to protect. No target = no need for his services. No mission = no pay). KMH just wasn't aware that Healer is emotionally attached to Young Shin.


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Yes, it is one way to look at his reasoning. But Healer has proven time and time again how valuable of an ally (for lack of a better and more apt word) he is to KMH, from successfully finding CYS and gathering info on her, up to the countless times he had saved her from danger. Healer’s work is foolproof, and tried and tested, and even if KMH is only looking at him in a client-errand boy standpoint, I still think it is foolish of him to be dangling his best “man” as bait and potentially losing him to the wolves. And alas, in exchange for the services of a yet-to-be-known-if-as-reliable-and-good-as-Healer entity.


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In addition to not knowing Healer's attachment to Young-shin like Omomo says, I doubt Moon-ho knows Healer's "no-killing" policy. Rather than losing him to the highest bidder, as in the LA video case, and having him (perhaps working with Doble S!) come after Young-shin, it's better that Healer is caught by the police, as soon as Healer notifies Moon-ho that he is switching sides.


Actually, Moon Ho probably thinks he's just putting in place a really good safety net in the event Healer turns against him. Think about it - Healer is after all unknown to him, and he only knows him as an errand boy who is willing to take errands at the right price. Given how good Healer is in the industry, he probably feels like he can't take the risk of having Healer take a job that would put CYS at risk (since he doesn't know of their connection). Asymmetrical flow of information sucks. As viewers all of us are probably screaming at our screens (I know I certainly am) but I can totally understand why he's doing what he was doing - not just because the character is well written but also because of the nuance that YJT's acting brings to the character. Ugh this will seriously trip Healer up and I am biting my nails in anticipation of the shit hitting the fan and how Healer will get out of a really tight spot!


I hated that part! KMH will be responsible for the healer's demise, and then CYS will be caught in the middle. :( So sad.


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And awww at SJH’s I’m-already-asleep misstep during the phone conversation with CYS. His fumbling for the words/excuse to keep the talk going is toooo adorable. Gaaah, that whole phone conversation scene was everything.


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D'awwww. :")

The thing I love about them is that they actually have these long conversations. That goes to show that their budding relationship is built around communication (which outlines their understanding and trust in one another), and not just blind attraction.


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Yeeeessss. What I love most about their relationship (besides the ridiculously good romance) is their human connection. SJH has been completely cut off from human connection before CYS. He may have underlying concern and maybe affection for Ahjumma and Minion and vice versa but their interactions thus far have been somewhat professional. His relationship with CYS, on the other hand, albeit as PBS, is very personal and brimming with warmth and it’s mostly due to CYS’s affection for him (even if only as PBS). She’s slowly and surely opening him up for human affections and watching him go through that is such a treat as far as his character arc is concerned. That’s why we are there with him with even his littlest bit of CYS-related feeling/reaction, because we know how far he has come from to arrive at this.


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Character development at its very best! <3


@ hawoojinruinedme and Omomo

What can I say (especially since I had no choice but to come late to this thread LOL!) I agree with your analysis and comments and the arc of growth towards Jung Hoo opening himself up to give and receive love again. So true and so good to read it laid out like this. Thanks!


Yes. Yes. Yes!!! Agree with everything you all are saying! That's why I loved his use of the past tense in episode 8! So wonderful that it's YS's overwhelming warmth and protectiveness for PBS that pushes him out of his shell of isolation! He's lived his life being abandoned and expecting to be abandoned by everyone so it's only apt that it'll take someone like YS to move him, to make him hope and believe in the possibility of love.

I'm guessing that island of his is going to have TWO inhabitants and a tiger now...


We've been very lucky with good dramas lately with dramas such as Misaeng and Pinocchio. But I am finding 'Healer' to be absolutely magical. I love the chemistry between Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young. Ji Chang Wook is really shinning in this drama.

Thank you javabeans, your recaps definitely adds to my love for 'Healer'.


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Yes, Magical is the right word to describe this series.


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Yes, it's so magical I feel like I need to continue to live in the Healer world! This series is the best EVER!


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The love triangle:

Healer vs. Young shin vs. Bong Sook.

I'd love to ask the question how it feels to be in competition with oneself over a lady's heart. May the best man win! :-)

On a more serious note. This addictive series just keeps getting better and more addicting. I can barely wait for Mondays and Tuesdays I fidget all week.

Thanks for recapping this drama Javabeans.

BTW Why is Healer's mentor never there when he's so badly needed.?! Poor Healer!


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Good question! This Me, You and Me (again) love triangle is so interesting. It's one of the extremely few LTs out there that I find myself completely liking, especially 'cause it involves two versions of Ji Chang Wook. Aigoo. <3


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Does anyone know what the ratings for Healer are? I'm just curious to learn if the domestic audience appreciates this drama as much as international viewers do. Strangely the buzz online about this drama has been quite silent. It's only being reviewed on Dramabeans and a few other blogs.


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The ratings are so-so (7-8%+). It's a bit under performing, but we international audiences can't really do anything about it. I've learned to ignore ratings ages ago and just enjoy the drama for what it is. The taste of Korean viewers... well, let's just say they are 'varied'.

Despite that, feedback has been warm so far. What it lacks in widespread recognition, it makes up with the enthusiastic reviews and fan response. ;)


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Yeah the ratings are ridiculously low for the quality that this show is churning out! Once again, I do not understand Korean viewer taste in dramas!

However, like @Adal, I am curious to know about the show's buzz factor in Korea! While it seems pretty clear that international fans are loving Healer, what is the domestic attitude towards this drama? I know there are dramas that don't do too well with formal ratings (especially in this ratings climate) but how *popular* is it? How's the online viewership ratings?

Anyone know? Javabeans? Girlfriday?

Thanks in advance! :D


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I like this drama, but I don't love it. A lot of ppl in Korea might agree with me. In my opinion, the show had a slow start and a mediocre first episode. Episode 2 sort of did hook me in and made me into a regular watcher of this show. For me, the action and majority of the Healer scenes aren't that great and this show has become more interesting with less of those scenes. I think the Healer is at its best during its rom-com and feel good moments. Another small problem that I have with this drama is how it has kept the antagonists' backgrounds as a mystery for too long. It's a not a big issue, but I want to know and care more about them from earlier on.


Last night highest rating was Punch which was at 9-10%. So Healer is not that really far behind...


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Mon-Tue primetime dramas generally don't accumulate high ratings nowadays. So really, 7-8% is not *that* bad (of course I wish it would be higher). If Healer can catch up, then very good! If not... then eh, I'll still be here, along with The Healer Support Group, spazzing our way until the end.


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I always be your loyal-silent reader of your post, Javabeans! I always like your post because you actually have the same thought as mine, so it's easy to digest your post....

I really love how fast you post the recap, and I always stand by on my monitor the day after the latest episode airs, just to wait your recap about it..l.

I hope you don't get bored to this drama and become lazy to post the recap on time, because I only count on you! Big thanks for your great job! ^^b


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Love love Healer! Just started watching new years weekend and already binge watched it all! What a fantastic episode! And loved your recap of it! One of the most heartwrenching moments for me was when Healer screamed for teacher to teach him, and I interpreted as his heart hurting so much from being in love but not being able to fully express it, or even admit it to himself. That, coupled with that adorable and dawning expression when he fell at the beginning, are what made this episode for me. Ugh, now have to wait til tomorrow!


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This drama has got me good. Its one of the few dramas that i would wait for at 3am to see the RAW ep. Its been so long since I've fangirl this hard and DAMN! It feels so good! I'm majorly crushing on JCW!!


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You and me sister!! I stayed up till 4am this morning (dawn?) waiting for my download to finish and finally watching the episode. And restraining oneself to squee loudly and passionately in the wee hours of the night so as not to wake the family? Physically painful. Waking up at 6am to get ready for work? Terrible. But really, I’ll do anything to satiate my Healer addiction.


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Haha!! The struggle is real! Here's to another late night (early morning :P) wait for ep 10!


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Yeap. I'm with you! :)


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I stayed up past my very early bedtime for your recap! Thanks so much.


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Thanks for the recap!
I loved the parallel Noona-Moon-ho scenes.
He doesn't have a real sexy crush on her, but he loves and needs her so much. Like you said, his twisty insides are awesomely portrayed.

I also loved playground scene. Who else would have been that patient with the little girl who arrived with broken bones and bruises - I can't even stand hearing that - than great Dad?

Love this show.


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Gathering my thoughts about an episode has never been so hard.

- Makeover scenes are always fun! And this one is especially a riot to watch because we get a totally hot guy in a wife beater in all his squirming glory. I supposed I wasn't as WOW-ed when I saw them all dressed-up because I'm used to seeing JCW and PMY looking immaculate in formal events, but it makes for a very nice change in scenery as opposed to their usual look in the drama.

- This otp is eating away at my heart. I feel for them so much. In the translation for the preview, Jung Hoo (supposedly speaking as Bong Soo) says - "Instead of waiting for someone who may never come, can't it be me?" The feeeeels. It hurts, but it hurts GOOD. You know what I'm talking about? IT HURTS SO PAINFULLY GOOD. OTTOKE?

- Moon Ho, man, do I feel for you too. That inner turmoil practically bleeding out of the screen is affecting me, largely thanks to YJT's convincing acting skills.


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Yoo Ji Tae is really great portraying Kim Moon Ho. Those eyes!! I really want to hug him.. Poor Moon Ho who's torn between the truth and his brother.


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Yeah, but the brother is not as horrible as I thought he was. I had suspected him of murdering his close friend just to be with the wife, and framing Healer's father for the murder; but now it turns out he isn't really a murderer just a person who abandoned a traumatized orphan girl who really needed him.

I wonder what really happened all those years ago? And what part the Elder had to play in the deaths of Healer's and Ji An's fathers.


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Now my heart hurts , and I don't want it to stop hurting!!!!!

Am stuck in traffic fan girling over day's worth of squeels in comments and just dying to get home to see the next episode !
The travel is gonna take a hour!


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Woo-hoo! Finally Monday night is here! Javabeans, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


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*sigh* I think I'm falling deeply with this show like how Healer falls for Young Shin. Desperately waiting. Desperately stalking. So near and yet so far.

Is it possible for a one whole episode with just our OTP glued on the screen? Pretty please? I can't get enough of them. They're just so cute, romantic, and at the end of this episode, they're SOO drop-dead-gorgeous.

..because I can feel how the show will take us on Jung Hoo's conflicts. His first love, his first HEARTBREAK.. and all of that because of the PAST. and I bet all of those murders are misunderstanding. And why does the Healer/Jung Hoo have to suffer after being oblivious of whatever happened in the past?

There are more secrets than what we are seeing I think. Because Jung Hoo's dad is kind of side character in what we have seen so far. How did he get involved in Ji-An's father's murder?

Waa. Lots of questions. I don't think I can sleep properly til tomorrow. HA. Because I'll be "THINKING OF AN EXCUSE TO MEET" <- which is one of Jung Hoo's slips/clues that Young Shin didn't get.

I'm not ready for any heartbreak yet. Jung Hoo's outburst kills me. I wish I can handle more. (this is JCW's magic! Owning the character sooooo greaaat)

Javabeans, I'd like to let you know how much I enjoy watching this drama while reading your recaps/comments. Thank you for feeling giddy with us here!


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@ sundaechoc

+10 on having our OTP on for 60 minutes of the episode. They can try on different clothes and talk on the phone all day and it would be riveting! LOL!

So true, what you've said here. Not sure if I do look forward to or actually prefer to avoid all the angst that is coming up, and like you said, not because it's Jung Hoo's fault but because of the PAST.

WRT to Teache disappearing on him: I too felt for poor Jung Hoo, abandoned again just as he needed someone to talk to, on his Birthday to boot, and just by a few minutes.... *heart breaks* so sad, so sad for him.

On a happier tack: Let's think of some excuses Healer could use to meet up with Young Shin.

1) Errr... I just happened to find this phone (in the lift) and I think it's yours?

2) I just came by to pass you more woolly hats without any holes in them so that we can, you know like date, you know, on the rooftop...? :D

3) .... (ideas anyone?)


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GB dear! I knew you could come up with such great ideas on how Healer can meet up with YS again and again and again and forever!!! ;)


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But we need more ideas, you know, I only came up with 2!!! :)


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"(hundred)"? Oh, please. Let's be real. I think we all have replayed it many more times than that.

And aw, I love that moment after when Young-shin also puts her hand out to feel the first snow :) And Healer gets weak in the knees! Also loved the father-daughter flashback, and okay, I loved the phone call, the makeover, everything.

Don't have lots of time, but loved:

"Anticipation of that moment keeps my heart fluttery about the developments, and it’s also why I get to enjoy the angst leading up to it. It won’t be till she can reconcile all the parts in the same identity that the tension will resolve, and until that happens I intend to enjoy every drop of that conflict. Yum."

- You said this perfectly! This is why this drama is so much fun to watch. The journey is so exciting because I have no idea how everything is going to unfold. All I know is I can't wait for more!

Thanks so much, JB!


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I wanted to talk about the scene with healer and KMH on the stairs......
at the end MH placed a rock on the floor and closed the door.... and the angle from the hallway ...i think he may have gotten a look at healer ... any thoughts


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I thought it might be that too...I guess he could have been returning the door to how it was, but the way it was shot has me thinking it could be that.


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I don't believe MH saw Healer's face.
MH is just an observant guy. He saw the stone that propped the door open, so knew Healer was there in the stairwell, keeping an eye on YS in his apt. He wanted to tell Healer that if the other side should offer him more money (than MH can afford to) n he decided to change sides, to please give him warning. That's all there was to that scene that I can tell.


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oooh yes I was wondering why he put that rock there...


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I'm so giddy with emotion after reading everyone's comments. I'm so excited to read i was not the only one refreshing the page every 10 mins. You guys are awesome.

Let's continue with the Healer obsession full-force.


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How much do I LOVE that she already has Bong Soo’s phone number memorized. I don’t even know my own mother’s cell phone number. THAT’S LOVE RIGHT THERE.

For the first time ever, I watched an episode via a live stream. My Korean is limited, but I don’t really need to understand what’s being said. Ji Chang-wook’s face says it all. That boy has magical eyes.


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I like this drama, watching because of our emperor. but my top favourite is punch. please do the recap of ep 06


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aaaaahhhhhh..... if i become hospitalized, healer team should take the responsibility :P... why is it soooo addicting ??? the series have a tendency to finish the episode in such away that u cant help but waiting for the next one like a crazy fan !!!!!


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I am so glad I am not the only one up and obsessing over this one - I have to hurry up and learn Korean so I can understand versus having to impatiently wait for the Eng subs!


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Not gonna lie, Ji Chang Wook is million times hotter after the makeover!! Freaking super duper hot as if he's not hot and handsome already!!

The OTP moments come interluding with more heavy scenes, so I don't die of sweetness or bored by evil people talks.. Yes, this writer knows what she wants to write... feels so good when the drama seems knowing the direction already instead meandering aimlessly in the middle.

Btw, does anyone know the song Young Shin sings in the stairs? I have heard it, but forget the title... Thanks in advance.


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healer has my heart


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Gah! The strut! The telephone scene! I thought it was so sweet when she wrapped the scarf around her face as she was crying in the phone booth~ normally, I'd interpret that as someone seeking refuge (and perhaps it was, in part), but in this case, she reminded me of a fluffy bunny in the snow whimpering "Why isn't Healer coming and pouncing on me?". It's really cute how in this drama, covering her eyes with a scarf/hat = a green light for skinship.

I wonder if later, she'll discover that Bong-soo has the star she made in the phone booth.

The giddiness is contagious and loads of fun~ thanks for the epic enthusiasm, everyone!


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I do agree that YS covering her face with scarf while talking was so so cute. ))


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She's crying, the poor girl, as love-sick as the rest of us.


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Not just the folder paper stars, but more significantly her mom's phone, which JH being handy w mechanical things will have fixed for her. And she'll know for sure that Bong Soo is indeed Healer, and they'll be united, reconciled.


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Ahhh that hopefully that star will come back into play! :D


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I feel that part of the covering her face was in hopes that Healer would come again and see that she was waiting for him with her eyes closed and be encouraged to approach her.


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I think you are right! It COULD be her way of wanting to WILL the Healer to appear in front of her because the times when he did, he covered her eyes.

And also because she was overwhelmed with her emotions and tears from missing Healer sooooo much!! Poor gal!! I am so feeling what she's feeling!! ;)


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I love this drama so much.

You know the problem I have with makeovers, this one included, is a unique one, in that I almost always find the woman more attractive before the makeover than after.


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love the drama... i do hope that there's enough story to sustain 11 more episodes though...

yoo ji tae's acting is stellar.... i like park min young's acting much better in healer than city hunter

also have really come to appreciate ji chang wook's acting....he's really made the character his own and can't image anyone else in it... is there such thing as being too handsome....he is just drop-dead gorgeous


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And I have dropped dead over him... sorta!! :D


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Hahhahahaha!!! I am dyyyiiing here!!! But please don't die my dear! You need to live to enjoy JCW's loveliness!! Hehe ;)


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Love love you so much Javabeans for your super fast recaps!! Was waiting for the whole morning. Thank you^_*:)) Love love you too, HEALER-ah....


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Thank you so much for the recap. Have watched it in viki without full subs and missed some points. But after reading your recap and comments got it full. Thanks once again.
I like the speed of this drama. OTP moments were great and flashback of Young shin childhood as well as KMH moments with his brother and noona. Excited to see the next ep.


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Thank you very kamsa JB for the recap!


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Javabeans you do this so well. Thanks again. You enhance my viewing when the episode finally comes out with subs. I can take some time to watch the actions and facial expressions and watch the episode unfold. What great portrayals we are getting to view. Happy New Year!


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I want Moon Ho to get his noona at the end of all this. The ex-girlfriend producer isn't going to work for me; if she knew him at all she should have been a lot more careful with his brother. And he loooooves his noona, and watching him fighting with himself about protecting her or telling her all is really good TV.

The ex just rubs me the wrong way, and she also brings out the worst in him with those weird slimy flirty comments he has to use to dissuade her. Now we've seen Ji An being utterly unmoved by those tricks, and knowing Moon Ho admires that as a trait from her mother - c'mon! Run away with Myeong Hee and build her a kitchen!


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I thought I'd have to wait one more agonising wait for ep 10 :( thank you dramabeans for the speedy recap! To be honest, I couldn't really read it because just seeing one picture of Healer gets me squealing and dizzy


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Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! There's another episode tonite... omo, I think I'll watch it streaming without subtitle.


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Awesome episode again. I almost cried during the scenes of MoonHo-Noona and when Healer was looking for his Teacher..
Boonsook is really cute and funny duing the makeover scene ^^
The preview looks awesome. Can't wait to watch E10 !!

Thanks JB, I really enjoy reading your recap and comments !!


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Yes! Thank you! Off to read first.

Anyway, subs out on dramabay.


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Subs out?? WOO HOO! *does a little dance*

But can someone tell me whether this website is called dramabeans or javabeans? Also, what does OTP mean?

Omg I really cannot bring myself to read the recap... Healer's picture gets my heart pumping and my knees on the ground


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The site is Dramabeans. It was set up by Javabeans. And OTP is One True Pairing in this instance JH-YS.

There's a glossary of terms somewhere on this site which you'd find useful in your pursuit of kdrama watching. Look for it if you have time.

Scrolling right up the page and clicking on 'About' is also a good idea. Have fun! :-)


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Oh thank you so much! Been waiting for subs at my usual site for hours but I always have to wait two days after airing time. Dramabay and you are my new favourite things in this world. :-)


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Where is growingbeautifully? Are you still sleeping?

Hehe.. Can't wait to read your comment.


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Passed out from excitement and lack of sleep, and heart pumping too fast. I know, cos I almost did! ?


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Hey KDaddict, I amazed myself that I did not pass out. Did get weak and slide off chair and became floor goo but redsun kindly scraped me off....

I replied to your Ep 8 comment 187.1.3 btw on what it is like if I am not cutting back LOLOL!


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Mwahaha, at your service GB!Call me anytime when evet you need some scrappin' LOL :D

You know what, after reading these hundreds of comments and realizing that there's like a sea of healer addicting fans. I wonder, by the time healer are wrap up, i think we need to set up a supporting group to cope with the withfrawn symptoms ya know. i bet it's gonna be fullhouse, lol. But then i think again, Na..it wont do us any good, since when we just gonna talk about JCW over and over again, and the symptoms only get worse , pppfttt


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@ redsun

Thank you kindly for your offer... I have yet to find time to watch fully with subs,... when I do, I may really have to call on you LOL!

WRT Withdrawal and a support group, see Comment 57 and feel free to join us in the Healer Ruined Us Support Group and Fan Club, exclusively found in DB Healer recaps.

It may not make the symptoms of withdrawal go away, but at least you'll know, you're not alone. :)


@ Growingbeautifully

Something along the lines of 'misery loves company'? :-D


Is it ok if I paraphrase it as "Lovesickness Needs company"?


LOL! Call it whatever you wish but *I NEED COMPANY* LOLOL!


@ KDaddict

Oh yes! Assuredly. Please do! :-D


Don't care what it'll be called, I am joining!


Welcome Fab!

Err.... do we still take out the galoshes and push newbies into the drool pool?

Fab....Fab... come back here!!!


*hides* I can't swim! *cries*


Here I am, here I am, *pant! pant!* I'm supposed to be working LOLOL!!! I'm sooooo HAPPY to be here with you!

Managed to wake up and appear normal (operating word is appear) but even as I work, which may take a lot more concentration than usual LOL! I'm still checking on us Beanies and loving us all!!!

Keep it coming folks... I commented somewhere on this thread too.... don't know where!!! by the time I hit the Submit button dozens of new comments had come in Hahaha... gotta skim through everything to find what I wrote. Read ya again!!! :D


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After the makeover, PBS acts like a super star. He is so confident and majestic! That image reminds me of the Emperor in Empress Ki. I love this drama!


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Right?! I love how he offers her his arm!!!


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I love everything about Healer and I love everything about javabeans's recaps. You both make me so happy, thank you!!!


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Thank you dear JB. You are phenomenal. You've been posting other articles even as the show was about to air, or while it aired and before you posted this recap. And you managed this recap with choice screenshots all by the time I finished lunch!! I take my hat off to you.

While this episode made me smile a lot, hyperventilate, squee and fan myself, it also interspersed heart (heart wrenching might be too strong... ) tugging moments.

I'm thinking of how our characters need to be healed. Several of them do, but at the moment, I am thinking of Young Shin,... and all the Young Shins of the world.

A child traumatised by violence so bad her body was broken and a mass of bruises. So much so that she needed to be holed up to feel secure, so fearful that it took hours and many songs and an auto switch on/off button on future daddy's neck (this part was the cutest!!!) for her to learn to trust again. I was almost in tears considering how this child has managed to survive and grow past some of that.

I was sad that to all that trauma, has now been added the fear of entering an elevator.

I was uplifted that in spite of being fearful, she still decided to trust. Hopeful that because of that kiss, given at that right time, YS was able to operate with a degree of security in venturing outside the building alone, believing that Healer would protect her for herself and not for money.

I was elated that she would choose to unload her pent up emotions on dear sis Bong Sook-ie. I take my hat off to all the Young Shins of the world who go through horrors but who choose to stand up and trust again, and hopefully to love and find love as well. Here's to the healing of broken children and broken Healers and even those who are trying to care for them. :)


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Such a beautiful comment, GB.

Yes, it's truly saddening that Young Shin now has an added, unnecessary fear of elevators. Oftentimes I think that her vivacious self is partly meant to stave off all her anxieties and worries, some of which have been festering within her for many years.

I very much like how we're all analysing this drama on a deeper, more meaningful level.


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Thank you Edeline and Yes, we are here not only because we are having fun and entertainment, but because we are sharing so much with each other and discovering from the analyses of each episode, lessons for life, issues to consider and fears of our own to confront. :)


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"..lessons for life, issues to consider and fears of our own to confront."

Ur, I'll think about that when my capacity of reasoning returns. Later.


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Hey GB , first of all a great thank you to all of your comments! I have never replied to you before.

Your comment on lessons of life is kind of so true. Even though its all fantasy and fiction and that there won't be a healer rushing to save us when our elevators get stuck, but the mental process and strain and challenge young shin goes through it is so right.

I have had very bad last 6 months personally where i lost trust and which was topped off by a accident and harassment that it has a big red bulb in my head.
I get scared all the time so easily and even though its hard, I just try everyday day hoping one day am not so scared anymore.

And you saying that is words that made so much sense and I am finally able to put words on what I had gone through.

In comparison, suddenly everything seems easier thinking about young shin. Normal people may argue she doesn't exist, but she does in my head.

Anyways thanks GB for putting it so beautifully like your name :)


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Awww Divyrus, I am so touched. Thank you so much for your sharing, really. I'm humbled and glad that my words and thoughts have reached you and have helped in any way. Yes, even those of us who have not had 'big' bad incidents to traumatise us, ... we too still have all kinds of brokeness in us. We ALL need to be healed in some way, to forgive and to be forgiven.

I don't know if you believe in God who cares, but know that you are not alone and that I will be praying for you. And know as well .... that you are growing beautifully too. *Hugs and Smiles*


The metaphor of the Healer watching out from above and ready to listen is apt, isn't it?


@ Gidget
As in, ... 'as an angel watches over her from above?'

Yes, apt. :)


Aw, you described it perfectly. That father-daughter meeting scene is probably my favorite scene of the episode AND one of my favorite father-daughter scenes of all-time. Just lovely.


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Totally very agree - this episode made Dad to be a true hero - for rescuing Young-shin, with old songs and the off-button <3!


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Once again, an exceptional set of comments, GB dear!! So beautifully-expressed and so true!! ;)

I am so loving reading all your comments!! But no time to comment now because episode 10 is coming soon. Will come back and comment. Your comments deserve to be responded in kind. ;)

Thank you for your sharing, GB dear!! See you again!! ;)


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@ kay

Oooh *blush blush* Oooh no, really? (I'm not asking for more praise, no I am not). Thank you so kindly! I had no clue it was so deserving of a response in kind ... ooooh

The funny thing, you know, I felt that so many comments were out already and I felt I should read most if not all before saying much because I could be repeating what someone else wrote.... so I just caught on to that one idea that stuck in my head (before having the time to read everything) and hoped that it was unique in the posts.

Maybe that is why I was meant to be late to this party. Maybe those thoughts and not others, were meant to be read?

Will definitely read you again, with joy and gladness!!!


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What a beautiful comment.. You made me tear up.. As a mother of daughters i really hope no Yongshins in this world but the world has so many flaws made by humans that we can only hope and wish that our children will be safe and there is a hero that can protect them.


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Thank you azack77, very kindly. I've got 3 children myself, and it's true what I was told, the minute the children came along, it's as if we have hostages to the world. We cannot control what the world may throw at them. We can only give them as much as we can to help them make their own shield and maybe where necessary and right, their own sword as well. :)


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Can't believe that this is the last week before go to hostel. Huhu


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Seriously I will craving for it so badly there, believe it or not I have been dreaming about this drama. Many times. Dreaming in my own dream.


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@ Iris
You can still visit us at DB in hostel, right? If not, I am saddened (and horrified) for you, but if yes, then come and do not feel that you are alone!!! :)


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Thank you for your concern. But it is not allowed in my hostel. Waiting for ep 10 right now. Can't wait for it


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@ iris

Back to school?

If drama watching is prohibited, you'll be in good hands reading JB's recaps here, at least to tide you over until you can resume your drama watching.



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well, i think the same thing too. well, people say great mind thinks alike. Lol haha