
Healer: Episode 13

Big movements ahead! As fun as it was to watch Bong-sookie being jealous of himself, it’s time for life to step it up and throw bigger frustrations in his path, which are equal parts entertaining and angst-inducing. Plus, with the outing of some truths come new unanswered questions, throwing our characters off-balance as they try to figure out how to juggle what they want to know with what they can stand to know.


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Backing up a few moments, we rejoin Jung-hoo’s mother as she is approached by Secretary Oh at the restaurant. She lies that she’s been out of contact with her son for a decade, and says she’s here to meet a friend. Secretary Oh offers to wait with her, and when Mom nervously excuses herself to visit the restroom, he swipes her cell phone.

Aha, so Mom’s not in danger after all, and she slips out the back. But Jung-hoo doesn’t know that, since her phone is tracked to Secretary Oh’s car, and he charges into the trap willingly. He fights the SS thugs in the parking garage until he’s hit with a tranq dart, then goes on the run, making it up the stairs to the roof.

That’s where he gets shoved aside, his Healer trappings stripped from him in a flash: It’s Teacher, and he dons Jung-hoo’s cap, glasses, and bloodied jacket, even cutting his arm to make the impersonation credible.

So when Yo-Yo and his posse order Healer to show himself, Teacher meets their incredulous faces with a sheepish grin. He says, “Whoops, I’ve been caught.”

Min-ja calls Young-shin and asks her to search the premises for Bong-soo, who is likely injured. Young-shin scours the area and heads down to the parking garage just in time to see the SS gang screeching out.

Young-shin overhears Detective Yoon reporting over the phone that somebody’s been caught, then spots the drops of blood on the floor. So when Min-ja calls back, she tells her frantically that Bong-soo must have been taken away by the goons.

But Ajumma tells her firmly that Bong-soo isn’t moving, so he’s hidden somewhere on the premises. Young-shin asks suspiciously how Min-ja knows, but time is of the essence and Ajumma entreats her to hurry. So Young-shin continues the search, and when she recalls Bong-soo saying he likes high places, she heads upward.

She makes it to the rooftop, where traces of blood lead her to Jung-hoo, slumped in a corner. She hurries to cradle him in her lap, covering him in her coat. In tears, she calls emergency services for help, begging them to hurry.

Jung-hoo is taken to the emergency room, where the doctors are more concerned with his unconsciousness than his bleeding, wondering if he took drugs. While he’s treated, Young-shin calls ajumma’s number, only to get a recording that it doesn’t exist.

Sitting at his bedside, Young-shin asks Jung-hoo to wake up, since she’s bursting with questions she wants to ask. Jokingly, she hovers in front of his face and sing-songs, “Bong-sook-ah, wake up~”

His eyes start to flutter open, and she sits up excitedly. He sees her blurrily and murmurs her name, holding his hand out to her. She takes it, and immediately he appears to sink back into sleep, although his hand keeps a tight grip on hers—and once again she’s reminded of her handhold with the Healer.

Last time she shook away the thought, but today’s circumstances have her brain whirling differently… and she thinks of the little details that now fall into place… like Healer asking how many pills she took, and Bong-soo handing her those pills.

She drops his hand in shock and rears back, seeing him through new eyes. She runs to his car and starts searching for clues, and comes upon a little case. Inside, she finds a tiny folded paper star—it’s the star she made while chatting on the phone with Bong-soo, sighing about the Healer not coming to her. Jung-hoo, you hopeless romantic.

She recalls his confession on the rooftop, when he’d told her he could live “in the appearance you want, for a long time, being very careful, next to you.” It sounds different in the context of knowing, doesn’t it?

When she returns to the hospital, Jung-hoo’s awake and changing into clothing brought by Dae-yong, who takes the first opportunity to excuse herself from this awkward scenario. Jung-hoo freezes at the sight of Young-shin, knowing he’ll have to make a convincing explanation, and also that he doesn’t have one.

So Jung-hoo says lamely that he took some sleeping pills that kicked in late. His arm injury, then, “is because I fell asleep… and… tripped.” It’s super unconvincing, and they both know it.

Young-shin asks how Dae-yong knew he’d be here. He doesn’t have an answer, and after a moment Young-shin offers him the excuse, saying that she got a call from someone who might be his mother, and that she was so preoccupied she forgot to call back. His mother must’ve searched all the hospitals in the area.

Jung-hoo asks if this gave her a scare, and apologizes when she says it did.

It certainly feels like they both know that they’re lying to each other, playacting this scene because they don’t know how else to handle it. As he starts to leave, she stops him to ask that he’ll be back in the office tomorrow, like she’s scared he won’t be. He signals yes.

She holds it together until he leaves, and then her tears spill over.

In the car ride, Jung-hoo hears from Min-ja that his mother is safe at home. That’s a relief, but he’s upset that Teacher got taken in. A sudden thought makes him check that the paper star is still in its case, and he’s relieved to find it there.

Jung-hoo ignores ajumma’s directive to rest and orders the car to Moon-shik’s home. The bastard messed with his mother and Young-shin: “So I have to make sure he can’t.” Ajumma asks if he means to give him a beating like he did to Hwang, but Jung-hoo growls, “I’ll kill him.”

Ajumma and Dae-yong both refuse to take him there, so Jung-hoo forces Dae-yong out of the car. She’s pretty tough and fights back, but he gets the upper hand and is ready to charge after the baddie.

It’s a good thing Dae-yong isn’t afraid to challenge him, and she has the keys. She shoves the phone in his face so Min-ja can yell some sense into him, about how he can go ahead and kill whomever he likes—but does that mean he’s ready to give up ever seeing Young-shin again? They need to find out why Young-shin was targeted, and don’t forget that Young-shin’s mother lives in that house.

Frustrated, Jung-hoo beats the steering wheel. But at least he’s been stopped.

At home, Young-shin’s strange behavior has her father and ajusshi worried. She stares vacantly for a while, and then the tears have them really alarmed.

“Dad,” she says brokenly, “that jerk deceived me all this time. Everything single thing he said in front of me was a lie. And I didn’t know and told him everything.” But she couldn’t confront him, “Because if I told him I knew, he might just leave. Because I might not see him again, I couldn’t say anything. And I can’t not see him again—I can’t handle that.”

Dad doesn’t press for an explanation, but he and ajusshi are both curious about the source of her heartbreak. Ajusshi knows she has two crushes, but doesn’t think this is about either one. Instead, his mind fixes on Bong-soo—Young-shin doesn’t confide her feelings even to them, “but she does to that dummy.” So he’s the one.

Dad brings her a warm drink later, and Young-shin asks why he chose her, pointing out, “I’m difficult to love.” There were lots of more lovable kids at the orphanage, but she was a difficult child.

Dad laughs as he recounts her difficult traits, but says he didn’t take her: “I just waited, and you came.” He explains sitting there quietly until she took his hand first, and so he brought her home. He says he was prepared to wait longer, but she came to him faster than he thought, reminding her that she’s not very stubborn.

She leans her head against Dad’s shoulder and assures him that she’s very nearly done crying.

Watching the CCTV feed, Min-ja sees Moon-shik and his guards arriving at SS headquarters… and then moments later, a couple more cars pull up. She chuckles upon recognizing Detective Yoon and reaches for a cell phone…

Moon-shik is ushered inside to confront the Healer, who has been insisting he’s a good old friend. Moon-shik confirms this and asks for privacy, extending a hand that Teacher cheerfully rejects. He sticks to the explanation that he’s been the Healer all along, laughing that it was quite fun taking Moon-shik’s money. Then he asks pointedly, “Is Myung-hee still sleeping? How many hours does she sleep a day?” What an ominous thing to say.

That sends us into a flashback to the hospital in the aftermath of Myung-hee’s accident. Teacher arrives out of the blue, a few months out of prison. Moon-shik greets him warmly, but Teacher’s full of hostility and says openly that Moon-shik’s actions are suspect. He outlines the odd sequence of events: Three bears go out “hunting” for a story and two die. The survivor quits his junkyard and suddenly gains a high position at a newspaper. Moon-shik asks his friend to hear him out, but Teacher’s not having it.

In the present, Moon-shik explains that Jung-hoo came asking about his father, and that kids don’t know “what sacrifices we made” to build up their world. Teacher laughs in his face, but Moon-shik warns, “I will not tolerate the destroying of the peace we’ve preserved in this world. We call those people outlaws. Why do you live as an outlaw?” Teacher makes a claw gesture and retorts, “Because I’m a bear.”

Moon-shik asks if Teacher has teamed up with Moon-ho to dig up the past. Teacher replies that two papa bears have died, leaving behind two mama bears and two bear cubs: “There have to be three bears for the song to work.” Then he sings the childhood ditty about a family of three bears, with Mama, Papa, and Baby.

Moon-shik warns that he’s very angry, and not to make him angrier. Teacher asks, “Were Gil-han and Joon-seok the last people you killed? There are more, aren’t there? But don’t think about messing with the two bear cubs. I’m going to protect them. Because I’m Papa Bear’s friend.”

Detective Yoon and his partners are surprised when patrol cars join them in front of the building. Hearing that they received a report that a kidnapping victim is inside, Detective Yoon is thrilled at the excuse to charge in.

Moon-shik is ushered out the back exit to avoid being seen, and Teacher sings the Three Bears song at his departing back. Moments later, the detectives arrive.

Jung-hoo’s mother is secretly photographed as she meets Jung-hoo in front of her apartment. He’s aware that they’re being watched and tells his mother quietly of the situation. He asks her to act like she’s seeing him for the first time in ten years, and she answers that it’ll be easy to act happy to see him.

They relocate to a cafe, and he apologizes for never giving her his number and only calling when he wanted to see her. But he won’t be able to do that for the time being, he says, to keep Mom safe. She doesn’t protest or ask questions, and they both notice when their stalker enters the cafe and sits nearby. He sets out his cell phone casually, recording their conversation.

So when Jung-hoo’s voice gets hard and he says that today is the last time he’ll be seeing his mother, she goes along with it. He tells her to be happy in her new life and forget him, and that she did him a favor in abandoning him so he could find his own path.

Even though the words are for show, Mom still gets emotional as she apologizes. Jung-hoo issues a cold goodbye, saying that he’ll wrap up his business here and never come back to Korea, but mouths at her not to cry. Then after he leaves, Mom bursts into heaving sobs.

Flashback. Mom watches her (other) son playing on a playground, shocked when a young Jung-hoo arrives and declares, “Found you.” He eyes her with bitterness but she’s only concerned for his health and tries to give him her coat, which he shoves away. Mom falls to her knees sobbing, and then his little half-brother charges up to him and bites his leg, telling him not to make his mother cry.

Only now does he know that Mom has a new family, and that hurts. Jung-hoo says accusingly, “Why can you live with him, but not with me?” Mom just sobs, “I’m sorry,” and Jung-hoo yells at her not to cry, because then he can’t say anything.

As he leaves, a man chases after him to say that it was all his fault, and that he begged Mom to marry him, and that Mom always speaks of Jung-hoo while crying. Jung-hoo looks back to see his mother watching and asks if cries every day. The husband admits that Mom cries easily, and Jung-hoo tells him to make sure she doesn’t anymore.

He knows that the coat the man is carrying is for him, so he just says gruffly that he’ll take it, and walks off having done what little he could to make Mom feel better. Agh, such a little big man, grown up before his time.

Next Jung-hoo goes to Moon-ho, who assures him that nobody will mess with his mother anymore—Moon-shik was only testing whether Jung-hoo was the Healer. He says that his hyung isn’t so low that he’d keep going, which seems like it could be true in this case, but also seems naive of Moon-ho. I hope for his sake he’s right.

Jung-hoo reminds him that his brother used Mom as bait and tried to kill Young-shin. His impatience is at odds with Moon-ho’s infuriating calm, and he demands to know why Young-shin was targeted, intent on ensuring that she’ll never be in danger again. Moon-ho tells him a man named the Elder is the real one pulling the strings, and that’s who they’ll need to go after next.

Jung-hoo asks who this “we” refers to, and Moon-ho replies, “You and me, and probably Young-shin.” Jung-hoo’s not very interested, guessing correctly that Moon-ho’s tactic will be to expose the Elder using the media. Jung-hoo is just interested in finding his father’s police files and getting rid of the evil, to which Moon-ho chuckles that killing one Elder will just lead another to take his place.

Just then, the doorbell rings, and Moon-ho sends Jung-hoo to answer it, saying merely that it’s “the woman I like.” In irritation, Jung-hoo opens the door… and finds Young-shin there. Wait, did Moon-ho just confess his intentions?

They freeze to see each other standing there, the air strained between them. Then Jong-soo joins them, completing the team, though he remains the one leg that’s hopelessly out of the loop.

Moon-shik urges Myung-hee to take her pills and go to sleep, but she decides she wants to spend more time awake. She says it’s fine if she’s in pain, but she wants to do some thinking, since it’s been ages since she’s done any. She starts with twenty years ago, asking about her hospital bills—she was laid up for a year in a VIP room. How did he manage to pay for it all?

He has a ready answer—he sold his junkyard—but Myung-hee says with a cold smile that she’s going over the math. And when he takes her hand, she pulls free again.

Moon-shik doesn’t understand the sudden change, and it unnerves him. The sight of his water glass grabs his attention, and he inches it closer to the edge of the counter, almost in a trance, until he pushes it over the edge. It shatters. Foreshadowing?

Young-shin gets to work on their new story—digging into the background of the next mayoral candidate, aka Moon-shik—and interviews Moon-ho as a part of it. She traces Moon-shik’s trajectory from 1992 till now, finding his sharp rise to media executive quite unusual.

Moon-ho recalls how in those days, a lot of visitors had come by daily—but they weren’t from the media. Jeil Newspaper was on the brink of bankruptcy, but an investment company named Omega bought up shares, and immediately afterward, Moon-shik became president. “Isn’t that interesting?” he asks.

Jung-hoo snatches a moment to connect with Min-ja, worrying about Teacher being held at the police station. He’s ready to charge in to free the old man himself, but Min-ja orders him to stay put, feeling assured that Teacher will take care of himself.

It’s bad enough that Young-shin is distant with him, but now Jung-hoo has to watch her chatting cheerily with the boss and sidekick. Moon-ho assigns them each a stack of research to get through by tomorrow, and ignores Jung-hoo’s protest that he’s busy tonight. Jong-soo, on the other hand, is happy to go home with Young-shin to work together, and Jung-hoo simmers in the background.

So the three reporters head over to the cafe, and Dad welcomes the newcomer. Jong-soo’s eager to impress Dad, to Jung-hoo’s disgruntlement, and Dad and ajusshi try to figure out which guy made Young-shin cry. They’d thought it was Bong-sookie, but seeing her being so friendly to the other guy, they’re no longer sure.

Jung-hoo shoots daggers at Jong-soo (seriously, if looks could kill) as he reads over documents with Young-shin. Finally he heads out in agitation, looking for a drink, and Young-shin finds him there to offer him a choice: east or west. He picks east, and she tells him the result: They’ll stand next to each other for a minute and talk.

He asks what west would’ve gotten him, and when she says a ten-second hug, he immediately turns to her with outstretched arms and says, “I want to switch.”

At least that makes her laugh, and he says he’s relieved, because he thought she was angry with him. She replies, “I’m not angry, I’m holding back.”

“Holding back?” he asks. “Yeah,” she replies, “from wanting to hold hands.”

He stares down at her, surprised. “I want to hug, and talk all night,” she says. “And kiss too.” Omg. He’s stunned speechless, and then Young-shin clarifies, “I want to do that with him, but I’m holding back.”

Ah, boo. Note that in Korean, it totally sounded like she meant she wanted to do those things with Bong-soo, until that last part. I’m sure that ambiguity was intentional, too—it’s her small way of expressing her feelings while preserving his facade.

When she moves away, Jung-hoo stops her and comes around to face her, like he’s going to say something… do something… But then he shakes his head, unable to take it any further.

“He still hasn’t come,” Young-shin says. Jung-hoo says, “He’ll have a reason.” She agrees, but says the guy is still a jerk. And thus, even though she’ll wait for him, “Still, it makes me furious.”

He acknowledges that, and for a brief second, Young-shin rests her forehead on his shoulder. He reaches up to touch her, but she pulls away and moves past, their hands barely brushing. And then Jung-hoo reaches back wildly to grab for her, but only gets empty air. He looks crushed.

In the morning, Min-ja catches a glimpse of suspicious activity on her security monitor: Secretary Oh meeting someone. We don’t see him clearly, but she seems to recognize him.

Teacher eats breakfast in custody, and Detective Yoon arrives to interrogate him, starting with the name Jo Min-ja. Teacher feigns ignorance but Detective Yoon isn’t fooled, since Min-ja, his former sunbae, is listed as visiting Teacher in prison five times. She taught him all about hacking, and yesterday he encountered a familiar pattern.

Teacher smiles and says he’ll have to surrender himself: “I am the Healer.”

Outside the station, a police officer drops something in to a trash can, and the camera lingers on a small glass vial. Hmm.

Min-ja calls Jung-hoo once she’s recognized the man who met Secretary Oh—one of Detective Yoon’s minions. Crap, so an insider at the station is in cahoots with the baddies. At that, Jung-hoo starts running.

Teacher gives his statement, giving the basics of his Healer activities, and volunteers to start with the most recent and work backward. He fidgets with his collar and adds, “I don’t have much time.” Shit, what was in that vial? Shit, what was in his breakfast?

Young-shin continues her research and comes upon a happy photo of Moon-shik and his wife. She lingers on Myung-hee’s face, though she doesn’t quite know why yet.

Teacher offers up information readily about his latest work being for Moon-shik, confirming that he’s acquainted with the cases of Go Sung-chul and President Hwang.

But suddenly, he begins foaming at the mouth, even though it doesn’t wipe the smile from his face. “I told you,” Teacher gurgles. “I don’t have much time.”

His head drops onto his chest. Detective Yoon tears out of the room to get help.

Jung-hoo hurries to the police station and sees the ambulance out front. A body is wheeled out on a gurney, a sheet pulled over its head. An arm falls limply from under the sheet, revealing the telltale wound on Teacher’s arm.


Noooooo, not you, OG Healer! At first I wondered if he’d poisoned himself, but upon consideration I think it’s likelier that Teacher recognized the symptoms kicking in and decided he would confess before he died. I was angry with him for the way he abandoned Jung-hoo, but I’ve grown really fond of him, and found his combination of smiling facade and seething undertone to be really compelling. This drama has done a fantastic job casting everybody’s past counterparts and Teacher is one of the highlights, where you can really see how one grew into the other. His constant grin can be aggravating sometimes, particularly when Jung-hoo’s dying for him to be serious, but it’s completely in line with his character—and as an added bonus, it’s gratifying to see how much it pisses Moon-shik off.

That scene with the old friends was one of my favorites, and it’s because Teacher is so glib that it’s powerful when he lets that steeliness show through, as he did when he vowed to protect the bear cubs. He may not have foreseen that he was walking into his death when he took Jung-hoo’s place, but it was still moving to see how he took on his fate anyway. Maybe it even satisfied him to think he died via poison that might’ve taken Jung-hoo instead. In that way, Jung-hoo’s two closest loved ones have both shoved him away to protect him, and it’s extra poignant (and yes, frustrating too) that they would willingly accept the smaller pain to spare him a greater one. The fact that he’ll learn this far after the fact feels like one of those great sorrows of growing up—you don’t appreciate things until it’s too late to take back your reaction. But that’s life.

It seems likely that Moon-shik gave the order to kill Teacher after their face-to-face, which adds another to his body count tally. Sigh. It’s interesting to see that in the flashback scene, Moon-shik may even have had an explanation that made some kind of sense—it doesn’t absolve him of his decision to sell his soul, but I do believe that at one time, his heart was in the right place. And funny enough, I feel like if the five friends had remained alive, Moon-shik wouldn’t have been tempted away to the dark side, because even if he didn’t have everything he wanted and his thirst for greater things in life remained unfulfilled, the friendships would have been enough. But once that cracked, Moon-shik lost the shield of their influence, and then it’s just been bad choice after bad choice.

I find Moon-shik a nicely shaded character who doesn’t strike me as being a one-note villain, but admittedly he’s getting eviller and eviller, enough that I have little sympathy for his actions. I got chills at the suggestion that he might be doping Myung-hee on purpose, to keep her insensate and caged at his side. Prior to this episode I thought he was taking advantage of her condition to keep her housebound, selfishly but with good intentions. It didn’t strike me that he would medicate her so heavily that she would spend most of her time asleep—and that’s particularly creepy, because it suggests that he wants her as a possession, not a partner. If he’s truly just trying to keep her pain-free, then maybe he’s not quite the devil incarnate. But now I can’t shake the idea that he’s keeping her on needless drugs so that she doesn’t think for herself, and that makes me shudder.

Moving on: Young-shin knows!!!! I wasn’t sure what I wanted of her reaction to the discovery, but it was interesting to me that she was more betrayed by Bong-soo than she was excited to know who her Healer was. Granted that could just be that shock is the first reaction, and she’ll come around to gladness next. But it makes sense that she was hurt by Bong-soo, because she’d poured out her heart to him in a way that was much more intimate than the moments she’d spent with the Healer.

I loved that Young-shin told Jung-hoo that she was angry with him, because while we all know (and are waiting for the day when) she’ll forgive him eventually, the ends don’t justify the means—that’s not a good enough excuse. It matters how you do things, and it matters that she’s hurt in the process, and even though she recognizes that she won’t stop having faith in him, she won’t postpone her feelings just because he isn’t ready to explain himself yet.

So I loved that little moment when they brushed by each other, wanting to touch but not emotionally ready yet. I appreciate that as much as we want them to just shove aside the logic and take everything out into the open, there are credible reasons for why they haven’t gotten to that point. In the meantime, they’ll speak in veiled comments about some mythical third person, and I’m excited to see more of that because those double-entendre conversations can be so revealing—where they’re speaking about one person but meaning another (…although okay, Healer and Bong-soo are still the same guy). Ironically enough, the false front can allow them the freedom to be honest about their feelings in a way they can’t be in a plainspoken way, and that is never a bad thing.


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I have been thinking a lot about why I got so hooked on Healer, like when DB askedwhy this show? I think one of the main reasons is it is so refreshing how well written the series is. Every little details have a purpose, I remember in episode 8, the snow kiss...when I rewatched episode 8, when YS confessed her feeling to PBS (unintentionally), she was complaining about there is no snow, and how the weathermen are a bunch of liars, a small detail right?? In usual K-drama , that would mean nothing. I mean, there are series that I wonder why a character even exists, for what purpose for example the sister of PSH character in Heirs, like girlfriday, what I would do to wipe that out of my memory. Not to ditch on Heirs but it is just to highlight the difference in a show that is well written, thoughtful, and entertaining vs. one that is just...not. Anyhow, back to the details, in this episode, I love that everything comes to full circle. Healer has always helped out YS, but now it is YS who found him helpless, unconscious. How fun is it to see the table turns? And I think YS would even become more of a savior to JH in the coming episodes. Back to the consistent and how intentional the writer is, the east and west option is so fun because it has happened before, YS asked JH to pick east or west when he was very down and lonely. If this were the first time it happens, it wouldnt have much meaning but because it is the second time, I felt like it is more meaningful! Like in DB's podcast, my thoughts about the show are the same repetitions of 'I love it when...' but let me just get it out a couple more times, I love it when YS walked away from JH and his body just unconsciously drawn to her like a magnet, his arms, his body, just always facing her, attracted to her, regardless if he were PBS or JH or Healer, he has no choice but to orbit around her. If you rewatch all the of their interactions, everytime YS talks or does something, she has JH's 100% attention, and 80% of the time, he wanted to initiate body contact with her, starting from episode 2. It reminds me of the Master's Sun, I felt like in Healer's dark world, YS shines so brilliantly that he just can't see anything but her. And oh my, the look of longing that he gave her, why does it feel like he wants to kiss her every time he looks at her?? JCW is such a talented actor because I can FEEL the burning sensation of his look. It doesn't happen all the time that characters in a series could be open about their feelings, so I love it when (this is the last I promise) YS talked about her feelings and her longings for him, wanting to touch, hug and KISS. Oh my, that's just awesome and I am literally out of words to describe how much I love this series. I demand a second season!


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What an excellent description! You nailed it! I will add an "I loved it when" moment because my absolute squeeze moment (actually several strung together) started when she took his hand in the hospital, built to a rush of tingly joy at the look on her face when the truth dawned, then kept building as she ran to the car and found the star and then CULMINATED when she walked back into the hospital room and saw him. That look on her face, "I am seeing my love. This is the man who has saved me, who has kissed me, who has held my hand in the darkness and he's THERE, right there, sitting on that bed and he's been beside me every day and there he is, putting his hand to the back of his gorgeous skin. There HE IS." The luminous look of complete surrender in Young Shin's eyes as she saw him clearly for the first time spoke so eloquently of utter love. AHHHHHH!!!!! That moment when she saw him was my Squeee moment. OK - I have to calm down now….now…..NOW…..oh yikes, there's no way.


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I am totally with you, and I AM NOT CALMED so it's fine :)


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omg I can't agree anymore that look keep me staring at her how beautifully and wonderfully she did it just Omg!!!
(The luminous look of complete surrender in Young Shin’s eyes)


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"I rewatched episode 8, when YS confessed her feeling to PBS (unintentionally), she was complaining about there is no snow, and how the weathermen are a bunch of liars, a small detail right??"

-YES! I LOVED that detail. I actually took note of it when she said it the first time I watched and so when the end scene came and he caught the snow in his glove? Oh, I knew. I so knew. That was totally the moment when I was like, "OMG, he's totally gonna kiss her, he totally is!!!!"


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I am glad you noticed :) I didn't think he would go through with kissing her but I am glad he did and I love the small details tying everything together.


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You are so right about every single detail makes a difference in this show! It's so well directed and written... proper cliffhangers too! They have incredible use of eye conversations I have ever seen. And all the squee worthy moments!!! I can't handle this... I'm sooooooo lost in Healer Heaven!


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Agree absolutely about these details that writer-nim put in her script. I love the east-west thing -- yes, because this happened before, it was more meaningful this time. I missed the one about the snow, though. Thanks for pointing it out.

You do have an eye for detail. Here's a toast to SJN writer-nom!

Just a wee suggestion: Can you parse your post, if it is long, into a few paragraphs? Kamsahamnida!


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Yes I will definitely break it up next time! Thanks for the suggestion. I got too excited...so imagining the post be me talking and I was so excited I couldnt stop talking and it's like thislshalfdljsaljfakdfasj . :)


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If this doesn't push for a breaking of records I don't know what will.


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+50 yeah I agree, I think next recap shall be getting a lot of comments coming in :D


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Yeah, I don't think anyone will be able to stop us on the ep 14 recap. We're probably going to beat our ep 10 record without even trying to LOL...


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@ Chandler

Another runaway train of comments for ep 14? Surely yes!!

I caught ep 14 raw, with no intelligible Korean to my name. And I have no regrets.

Let me say it again:



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I still can't believe how myself and other delurkers had to come out and POST because we couldn't contain ourselves! I definitely think we can easily break records without even trying. And Ji Chang Wook has gained over 20K+ instagram followers this week alone! I hope he gets as much recognition as possible. He's so deserving!

Still trying to remain spoiler free for 14...but it's so hard!!!


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Episode 14 is so asdfghjkl; I watched it raw and I think I can watch it raw a couple more times hahaha. It's so amazing that I can see the comments thread hitting 10k due to all the squees and the spazzes ahead <3


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I'm another one who saw eps 13 & 14 raw. Can't help myself even though I don't understand Korean but I just can't help myself.


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I think I am officially drunk on Healer now...ahh I wonder how long it'll take (if ever) to become sober again. oh Healer ♥


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but really to be honest. i like the drunk me right now, so i don't ever want to become sober again lol


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hahaha yeah so true :) it's being drunk in a good way. This kind of drunkenness is much better than alcohol (which I've never tried before lol)...


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haha same here. i don't drink either but I'm pretty sure this drunkness is 10000 times better then getting drunk from alcohol.
oh and i didn't get to watch the live streaming of ep 14. it just wouldn't load :S and i came across a spoiler in instagram so urghh I'm so angry at myself right now


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Yup and the best part of being drunk on Healer is...no hangovers! just all warm and fuzzy feelings deep inside ♥ YAY

OMG the same thing happened to me too on Instagram. I was looking at JCW's new update yesterday (since he uploaded a new pic) and then I saw that one comment from his fan ranting how sad they were because teacher died. I was so angry that I almost posted a reply to lecture that person for spoiling....but I stopped myself because it was oppa's account and he did ask his fans if they've enjoyed ep 13 after it aired. Safe to say, I've learnt my lesson and shall not go on instagram right after an episode aired if I haven't seen the episode yet haha


By the way, I have a curious thought...

You know how every time YS wants to choose something between 2 options, she would ask BS to pick either East or West. And BS always picks West...

I was wondering...does it have anything related to history. I'm thinking of the Berlin wall that separated Germany into East and West. I don't know much about history since I haven't learnt it since high school (which was 10+ years ago) but from what I know, West is the better side right?

Anyone have any theory to this, or who may know more about history than I do? I was just a little curious haha :)


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Oh good one. But BS picked east this time, don't remember what he picked before. It got me thinking that he picked east because of SK's geographic location in the world. But your explanation has a deeper meaning. ^^

But I was screaming at him to pick west! West is the better side. ;-)


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Hahaha now that explains why BS wants to take back his choice, because West was obviously the better side. Aww poor Bongsookie, being so cute about it! He really wants his 10 seconds hug ♥


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BS is too cute. I have so many feels about that scene! He is like "I want to switch", and I am like let him switch girl!


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@ Bongsookie

Well, I want him get his 10 seconds hug! I needed to see that, too! :-D


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That was so darn cute when he wanted to change his answer! And the way his arms reached out to her and she giggled... I wonder how many takes they had to do to film that. So incredibly cute!


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I think BS picked East both times.


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He picked East last time she asked, so I had a feeling he was going to pick East again. LOL, Jung-Hoo ya, East isn't the only direction that exists ya know?


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where do you watch ep 14? i'm refreshing viki like crazy but it's not up yet

i'm now sold on MS have anything to do with teacher's death, if you remember the secreatary is a double agent for Elder, i'm sure Elder ordered the kill just like the time with YS

looooveeee the part when he (cutely) asked to be hugged coz he wanted the west more lol

cried a bit at the scene with his mother, him mouthing "dont cry" while saying goodbye and then playing alone at the swings T__T jung hoo ya why must you broke noona's heart so?

another thing i learnt from healer- fuzzy sweaters enhance the curvature of your butt immensely
that and JCW needs to wear cozy sweaters with overlong arms forever and ever
and bong soo needs to let me get my hands on his so pretty coats omg the blue one in this ep has such a gorgeous color!


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Hi @Siesta

I usually watch it live on KBS's website every Mon and Tues 10pm KST. It's their official website and going there to watch actually helps the channel know how much international viewers there are tuning in. So anyway for future reference and for anyone who is new to this - I'm happy to show how :)

1) when it's almost time to air, go to their website http://www.kbs.co.kr/

2) At the top left hand corner, next to the KBS logo, there should be a tab called "On Air". So click on the drop down arrow.

3) This should give a list of channels currently airing live at the moment. Click on "KBS2" tv which should then pop up a new window.

4) This new window should have the player there and at first you shall see a few ads but then it should get to the drama right after.

I hope this helps. You can have a go at it now if you want (just note, Healer have already finished airing so it'll be a different show when you go on it now). Oh and by the way, if you have an adblocker, just turn it off for KBS's site. The first time I tried doing it, it didn't work because my adblocker was on.

Good luck and any questions, feel free to ask :)


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lol at your butt comment :) but i really like his body; you know in the books they always describe the perfect male body with large shoulders and chest but with narrow hips and i think jcw has that kind of body soooo ummmm....


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Or if you don't have the time to watch livestream, you can wait for the raws. :) They're usually uploaded around an hour or two after the broadcast. Just Google search "Watch Healer (insert episode number) RAW" and some links should show up.


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I'm just trying to understand how I each episode could possibly be better than the next! I am in utter disbelief! I am constantly aching and craving for more when each episode is done and it's always when I least expect it that BAM a new exciting reveal! I'm still floored by teacher... And his cool demeanor as he knew he was leaving the world. I just keep thinking of what it will do to Jung Hoo! My heart is breaking for him!


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I'm reading my previous comment and I sound so incoherent! Haha! But I could watch this series a hundred times and still be gutted by the emotions I'd feel! His interactions with his mom, his longing for YS, his inevitable heartache for teacher.... Episode 14 cannot come fast enough, then we'll have to wait another week?!? Argh!


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Thanks for the recap!

All this time MS house is warm because of Myung Hee. Now she's become frigid to him, like that glass cup of water.

I like the trio of SJH-CYS-KMH here. Its effect to me is like Katniss-Peeta-Haymitch/Finnick from the Hunger Games (I love The Hunger Games). And that poison. Elder is like Pres. Snow.

Back from the earlier episodes, when MS said to MH that they are on the same side, I think MS did not personally, physically commit crimes but he keeps his mouth shut, letting all the crimes take place (which is what MH said he is guilty of). From this point it could be why MS and MH share the same past but they are now heading to different/opposite paths.


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Now, I guess that since everything's started to go gray, the only ray of hope left is that Youngshin and Junghoo will team up with Munho to fight the baddies together.

but why do i feel that nothing good is in store for our Munho? a guy who's the third wheel almost always ends up becoming the tragic figure of the drama...

writer ji-na has completely caught me off guard with Teacher's death...

and i cant bear losing one more member of Team Good. Trust me, a sad fangirl is a bad fangirl...!!!


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I actually hope that MH will have a happy ending too. I would really be angry at the writer if MH ended up having the same faith as the prosecutor from City Hunter...and we all know how that made us feel....


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@ Bongsookie

It's kind of hard for me to think that MHo will have a happy ending.

MS and through him the Elder, will surely be exposed. MHo will play an instrumental part in taking down those two. Whichever way you look at it, MS and MHo ARE brothers. MS has been MHo's surrogate parents, taking care of him when young. MS genuinely loves MHo, even to the extent of defending MHo before the Elder.

Even with all the moral and legal justification behind him, MHo will be acting to the detriment of his own flesh and blood. So, even if the good guys win in the end, MHo will still suffer a personal blow for his part in bringing about the end of his own brother, he won't walk away unscarred.


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Mine's the 1000th comment!!!
I Love You Healer!!!!!
Take me away(far away!)
Well, that's what you do every monday and tuesday....!!!


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LOLOL we're only at 600ish comments, not yet 1000 but I'm sure we shall get there anyway before next recap :)


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Haha! The way this thread is moving since last night, it should break 1000 soon :) Javabeans, thank you for putting up with your inbox! I'm hoping Healer ranks high in your overall ranking of dramas you've watched.


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Folks, folks ....I'm reading you and can't help laughing!

You cute kids (both young and younger) I hear you loud and clear. Dying for Monday and wanting to scream and wanting to hear JB scream... You're. the ones who are a scream. Our reaction to Ep 14 is the reason we need this thread and HRUSG and are living here in DB-land!!! I wish I could stay on here and join you, but sleep and work are a-calling me.

You're great folks to hang out with. Thanks for being wonderfully warm and non-spoilerish and see you in the Ep 14 Recap and comments which will include what I did not include in this thread, ie the International Fans Project update and a few other sub-threads. Cheers! :)


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I honestly don't know what I'd do if it weren't for this DB thread and all of you fellow, hopelessly in love with Healer fanatics. I'd go mad. There would be nothing worse than feeling alone in my own madness these days. I know hundreds of people in my life and not ONE is into K-dramas. I searched and found an email k-pal a year ago. Thank goodness for her but she's not into Healer yet.
Thank you Thank you Thank you.

You are MY PEOPLE!!!!!!!


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@ lunatic4kd

Hey there MY PEOPLE/PERSON! Same here, same here. :)


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Ah, GB.... your calm post is pretty awesome... and it would even sound convincing... if only you managed to get out of the Drool Pool.. sometime... :D

Lol, joking aside, I'm happy to hear you laugh :D

Also, I went back to check - and if I understood right you didn't watch the whole ep14? Is that right?
(Well, that would explain the calmness :D)
If it is, then, dear GB, we are going to hold you tight all through your screaming your lungs out tmrw.
ScreamFest is unavoidable at this point.

*smiles back*


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@ kappa

LOL! You're right, I gotta get out more *drool drip drip*

Thanks so much, yes I imagine you ... holding me tight now (5 hours later) as I grab another raw version. :)

I did catch bits and pieces of the 'slideshow' and enough to understand the screaming, swoons, etc, etc.... so of course I automatically woke up (I did not set the alarm, I swear) to catch this now!!. Enjoying the show! ... Errr... you don't have to squeeze quite so hard!!! :D


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Errm... sorry... you know its bundled with screaming... I mean the harder I scream, the harder I squeeeze :D
Lol, what a sound... GB... you sure have lung power :P


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Am I still alive? Am I?

I am apparently. And given enough to survive till next week.

Awaiting patiently for the next recap. A word of advice - bring ear-plugs. I think it will be loud over at ep 14. I'll see ye awesome folks there.


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LOL @Whimsicalnet you are probably at Healer-heaven right now like the rest of us who saw ep 14 :)


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Oh yeah @bongsookie. Glad to see you up here as well. I assume you have the same symptoms.

Grinning like a fool - check.
Going to various sites to revisit the last bit of the episode - check.
Eagerly awaiting for recaps and subs - check.

The bunch of addicts we've been reduced to. See you at ep 14.


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Well it is now way past my bedtime so I am off to sleep now. Hope to see everyone again in the next recap! ♥


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Goodnight and sweet dreams! see you there. :)


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Way past my bedtime too.
See you folks tmr on the new thread.


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My evening has barely started and you're all going to sleep. ;'(
Well I'll read you soon anyway in the next recap. Goodnight!


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Beanie your thoughts on this...

When Kim Moon-ho said he was expecting the woman he likes, making JH open the door for Young-shin. I think he was trying to make him jealous, b/c I am positive that he knows JH likes her(very much). ^^


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MHo likes CYS as a niece, so he is not lying that he's expecting the woman he likes.
Of course it's done to tease JHo, to get a reaction out of him. Joking is sthg done w ppl you like.


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Oh good, I thought I missed something. it's so cute how BS gets jealous so easily!


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Same, I think MH obviously knew that JH liked YS. Like the scene with their conversation in kitchen, JH always mentioned YS this, YS that lol. MH did that purposely to tease JH and make him jealous.


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After rewatching this episode, i really adore Chae Young Shin character. She's just so real. When she found out about Healer's identity, she cried, she ignored him, she scolded but she was also patiently waiting for him to tell her the truth. I love how she sexually teased him, to make him uncomfortable (he deserves it to), to get him confess to her.

Also it is amazing how she knows about him and he knows she knows even without asking her, it's like they understand each other so well and can communicate through a silent way lol.

And i also love how writer nim managed to let YS figured out about Healer within just first 10 mins. I'm glad she's not dragging it to a whole episode like some other dramas.


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This episode was amazing!
I really wish the detective guy were on Healer side, i hope it happens in the future.


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Hi guys, this is the first time I'm commenting with such a long post. For those who don't want to read, pls move on. But I'm sorry, I just have to gush about this. Can't hold it in any longer!!

What I love about this ep:
- The HOSPITAL scene, after he woke up. Tension so thick you could slice it with a knife. What to say, how to act... trying to keep up his Bong Soo persona and mannerisms, even knowing his story is so full of holes an elephant could stomp right through it. And her, filling in the gaps for him, anything to make sure he doesn't leave...And when he says "You were startled, won't you?... I'm sorry." Sorry for so many things. For her having to discover him like that, for making her worry, for this whole charade where they can't say the truth.

- The FATHER-DAUGHTER scene!!! Like many have said, BEST dad ever, The first person who showed her how to love, how to trust again, how to fight to live again. Who waited for her, ever so patiently, his mere presence reassuring her of his love and commitment. And the whole waiting analogy.. He's the perfect model of how to love someone who's not ready to confront the truth of past hurts and wounds. No wonder she managed to communicate her anger and yet her trust in him and her promise to wait for him in...

- The CAFE scene. I LOVED LOVED LOVED how they were having such an open and honest conversation just by talking about that "bad guy" Healer. Loved how she unabashedly tells him how she feels and stated her stand, basically conveying the msg that "Yes, I understand where you're coming from, but it still hurts and I'm angry. I'm holding it in, I want you, but I'll wait for you to come clean to me." And the part where she leans her head on his chest, just for a moment, because she can't bear not touching him, but leaves before he does anything further to send the clear msg that she wants honesty first. ARGHHHH the ANGST. IT HURTS SO GOOD. THIS, guys, THIS is how you create conflict and angst in a romantic relationship.

- The MOTHER-SON scene: the conversation between JungHo and his mom. The flashback revealed how JH made the decision to leave in order for his mom to be happy with her new family, but I'm sure every time they met thereafter his mom would be so full of guilt and concern for him. Loved how she teared up seeing the photo of him in his new jacket, parallels with how he accepted his stepfather's jacket in the past to make his mom feel better. And then when the stalker steps in and his tone turns hard as he says the things that need to be said to keep his mom safe from the enemy... and Mom just starts crying, because there's a slice of truth in it when he says "Since you abandoned me, I also found my own way of living." And just as in the past, he's the one telling her not to cry, because it just makes him feel more helpless. Oh goshhh, the feels. D:

Writer-nim, thank you SO MUCH for the awesome story so far, the suspense, the action, and...


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Oops did I exceed the word count? Sorry! >.<


..and best of all - the CHARACTERS - and please continue to do a good job!! I trust that you'll bring us to a satisfying conclusion! Also, to the director, the cast, and the crew, thank you so much for bringing us this delight of a drama! I don't want to jinx anything, but I daresay this has become not just the best drama of 2015, but the best kdrama I've watched (and I've watched a lot. Since the days of Goong and My Girl)!

Lastly, thanks JB and GF for providing us with this awesome site with awesome recaps! I've been a long-time lurker, but Healer has finally drawn me out.

Can't wait for ep 14!!!


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Oh boy the characters do shine! This drama is definitely memorable and hope every kdrama(or just drama in general)lover gets to enjoy it!

About that guy who was following JH and mum, do you think he was sent by KMC/Secretary Oh or by Detective Moon? Btw he is very bad at stalking, LOL.


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Stalker guy was sent by MS/Sec Oh. Flash forward to Hacker Ahjumma capturing his image meeting up with Sec Oh. He was also the guy who poisoned Teacher.


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Oh thanks dear! I just hope they fell for the act.


Because ep. 14 will still take a while here but we need to spazz now!!! Kyaaaa!! So good!!! And they do the good stuffs in a couple sweater again!!! I can't even! Spazz!!!


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Just watched ep 14. A warning to all of you. Please keep a box of tissues beside you while you watch the episode. Thats all i can say at the moment. And I have said this before, I'll say it now and I'll keep saying it throughout my whole life. Ji chang wook's acting is PHENOMENAL. Especially when he expresses emotions through his eyes. He's most attractive in my eyes when he expresses his acting through actions and his eyes more than through words. I dont remember the last time i was this moved by someone's acting. Ji chang wook.. He's just amazing. I keep falling for him and his acting more with each passing day...


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My head is far into the next episode, but I can't forget how emotion-filled this episode was. The only time a drama made me cry this much was Cinderella's Sister(well it was hard not to as they cried practically in every episode haha)

I just love KH's flashbacks of his childhood. Mainly because it shows how grown-up and sweet he was despite all the awful things that happened to him. I just wanted to reach out and hug him! I -maybe- a little understand how his mum got to the point where she had to abandon him, but I still hate it and think it was not necessary at all. He was very young and still in need of his parents' guidances, protection and love, but he had to lose them in such a horrible way. ;'(
Thankfully Teacher was there for him. But now he might be gone too...:(


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UGH is guidances even a word.


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I am so jealous!!!! I didn't read a word, because I can't see it yet! I am going off to sulk and splash all of you in your pools. I hope the doctors treating all of you for this HEALER disease give you amnesia medicine! mneh



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For every single episode of this drama I mostly just want to comment with an extended AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Every single week I'm left wishing I'd waited to watch this until it was complete. But then I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it in the same way. Anticipation and.... watching raw, then reading the recaps, then reading the subs AND THEN THE WAIT. I love it. I love this show ♥

AND I WASN'T EVEN LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. I just watched episode 1 to see what the whole night errand boy thing was about. I'm SO GLAD I did!


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@Neha As an avid Kdrama watcher, when new ones pop up, I tend to watch the first 20 minutes to see if it grabs my attention. So when this one came up, I felt the same way... I wasn't even looking forward to it!

After episode 1, I thought, ok... there's potential... let's try another episode... and I liked where it was going... but I had NO IDEA it would go where we are now! HOLY COW!

I watch each episode at least 2 times then the "favorite highlights" a 100x. This episode was definitely the cafe scene when he reaches over the counter to get a drink.... so.dam.cute! And my smiles are borderlining on crazy girl smiles! AHHHHHHHH!


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Exactly! I tend to check out lots of first episodes, and I drop them 10-15 minutes in. I thought I was getting to the point where I was going to have to take a kdrama-break for a while, but then this totally hit me in the face like hahahaha no.

I watch them all twice. And cover my face with my hands and go SQUEEEEEE and then spend five minutes after every second episode of the week going AHHHH NO WHAT HAPPENS NEXT PLEASE TELL ME I CANT WAIT THAT LONG.


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Laa laa laaa laa...

Weee, I'm so happy!!!

I do believe that PD-nim and Writer-nim are reading our comments here and making our squeeee come true!!!

I'll join the others on Healer heaven now... 'coz I'm swooning all over the place!

Laa laa laaa laa...

*dancing my way to Healer heaven swan-lake style*


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@ polaris

In a tutu? Happy for you!

Hahaha..... :-D


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@Polaris, your exuberance overwhelms me. I take it you've watched Ep14. Someone here said we should be ready with a box of tissues; but then as you say, we should also be doing a Swan Lake. Maybe I should be ready with Tchaikovsky, as well.


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shouldn't it be The Nutcracker lol


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I ended up rewatching episode 10 where it shows JH's first interactions with teacher and how they spent all those years together training and basically being each other's company. And then teacher left him, not contacting him for years. That's why episode 13 and teacher's death hit me even more. He truly was THE father figure in JH's life. I haven't read any spoilers on episode 14, but I feel like JCW just might hit it out of the ballpark again with the sense of loss and grief he'll be sure to portray. I can't wait to see it!


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...and you won't be disappointed with JCW's performance in episode 14 either :)


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Doc... I promise to report early for duty tomorrow, 'coz I know we've got a lot of works to do, specially the ER, we sure to have a bunch of emergency cases by the next thread.


I know you're in there at Healer heaven... need your assistance tomorrow on handing out the Wooky gum. We need all the help we can get for the possible stampede, and don't forget to bring extra supply of ear plugs... you know why?! :)


You and your predictions about cliffhangers... better help us at the ER tomorrow or Sky and I will pull your hair until you become Ajummah look-alike! kekeke!!! :)


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@ polaris
Glad to know you're with me on this shift, dear. From the looks and sounds of our latest cohort, we'll need a few more instruments of torture to aid us, and more ear muffs to deaden the shrillness of squees.

For the swooners : Smelling salts (with pepper) to get rid of those prone bodies littering the floor. Better to have them up and sneezing than blocking the way.

For those jealously ticked off and fuming : Tickle-o-matic to hit those funny bones and ticklish parts. If they're laughing they can't be mad.

For the super soft-hearted who can't stop crying : saline solution intravenously administered by Big Needle. We need to counteract the fluid loss what with all those tears and (ahem) other bodily effusions emitted from eyes and nose, we are going to be sorely lacking in drool for our pools.

For the goo-i-fied : bulldozer-floor-scraper on high scrape mode, as they are unusually sticky this time around. Even our intrepid @ redsun and her super scraper will falter at the glop.

For the dead and dying : Defebrillator set for 5,000 volts. Better be fried than have died (doesn't it rhyme nicely!!).


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I am in Healer Heaven. Will I even be functional to be able to report for work in a couple hours, I don't know.

GB, I'm off to go buy all those items. Surely there must be a store for people like us. Perhaps, something like Essentials of a Kdrama Addict? Its slogan- Everything you need for daily spazzing, dying, and goofying located here, cheap and on sale!

Ear muffs? I'm afraid even those will not prove of any help to the banshee screams that will occur very soon. However, I think we are becoming immune to such screams, having to help out in the holding cell and all. The noises in there, oh boy.


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I've a funny feeling one of those banshees is polaris!!! *covers ears*


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Banshee? I've graduated from that.

I think I'm more of a harpy now. *shrieks uncontrollably*


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Double up the ear muffs!!!


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I seriously feel like Ahjumma as I type away about another Healer episode! I am just sooooooo gosh darn thankful to have this site to post on and not be judged.

My sister dropped by for a few moments this morning before work and when we saw each other, we smiled like fools and gave each other a hug! We couldn't stop talking about Healer this, Healer that , before she left. We are dumbfounded that each cliffhanger episode can leave us just as stunned as the episode before!

I can't watch episode 14 in my area until 9pm-ish... so I'll be actively reading SPOILER FREE posts until then :) I use the new episodes as motivation that it will be my reward ONLY IF I get stuff done during the day, haha... so hard when it's on my mind 24/7. LOVE this show!!!


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And I'm not posting just to add to the comment count, haha... I'm posting because my heart is going to burst from this show and I need to release some pressure every now and then! How I wish I understood Korean so I could watch it raw (although I usually watch great dramas raw, then rewatch with subtitles).... but if I watch it raw, I'll just keep rewatching the darn episode all day and REALLY not get anything done! Ok, laundry... I hear you calling, I'm coming!


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You're stronger than me, I've never thought I could enjoy a drama raw, now I can't wait to watch it live!

Speaking of laundry...oops.


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@ Fab... I don't know if it's strong... For Healer, I am waiting for the subs so that when all the kiddies and hubby are asleep, I can lay in bed with my headphones on and watch it with no interruption and know what they're saying... then I can stay up until 2am without anyone bothering me and I can rewatch, rewatch, and rewatch! Haha... these bags under my eyes are worth it! :)


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Laundry? ... What's laundry?


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Nothing. Just this thing I am trying to avoid doing...^^


Oh MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am dying…just on the floor dying after episode 14….and I'm already one hour late for work and I don't care. I am done for. Episode 14 is simply the BEST - all the way through - it's the BEST…….
I am so dead
I am so ruined
I am so in love
I want to kiss the writer and director
I want to hug all of you here on DB.
………………….AIGOO…………………..I'm not dead in this moment…….I feel so ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!


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Done watching Ep.14 -raw- do not understand a words!

But it's okay, because certain scene, does not need a word, the action alone it's enough to make me understand.

(i need to restock my kleenex)

OMG at the last scene ----> me=die!!!
Post-mortem would be like: me=die, due to Tachycardiac!


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This week's episodes were so great. I have to admit I made some incorrect guesses to myself about what will happen, and I'm happy about that. They subverted some clichés in a way that is a lot better than City Hunter, IMO.


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I am so happy she knows his real identity. So exciting...
great episode, as always, thanks for recapping it.


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I loved it when she connected the dots but still had to confirm it more and sleuth in his car. Even when her hand started to shake as she reached for then held the star... brilliant! All these little details make such a big difference!


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With all the sexual tension...those 2 better be making babies soon! I think we all crave for a bed scene now that she figured out his identity (or is it just me?...my mind really is in the gutter nowadays, lord help me).

Just kidding, LOL

On a side note, I really love this episode and especially that scene at the cafe. It was just so cute and the fact that she knows who he is...and he knows that she knows too but can't say anything. So great.

And that cliffhanger! Oh my god! I wonder what's gonna happen next in episode 14... I'm refraining myself from watching the episode raw and just waiting patiently for subs. Great to see everyone enjoying Healer here and just from the spoiler-free comments above, I think episode 14 would be another great one. So I can't wait!!! :)


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Teacher's death is really sad (and devastating for Jung Hoo) but if the police thinks he is really Healer it might give Jung Hoo the freedom to let go this role (because he is not a wanted person anymore) and live his life freely... someday.


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That's Teacher's gift to JH; to start afresh, on a new slate, as JH, without the spectre of being prosecuted for his Healer activities hanging over him.

Teacher quickly admitted to being Healer when he realised he had been poisoned, giving credible statements of Healer's latest assignments. There is thus a written record that Healer is Teacher. If the police buys that statement, fine and good. If they don't, which is the likely scenario, Teacher's statements will provide the police with an opportunity to officially close the Healer case, without having to prosecute JH, towards the end of the show.

Although Det Yoon is stupid for having a blinkered view of Healer - blaming Healer for every crime he comes across without considering any other person as the real culprit - he is not evil per se. Det Yoon may very well change his view of JH Healer in the coming episodes when JH takes down the bad guys. If needed, Teacher's statements can then be used to close the Healer case and stop any prosecution of JH for his past (mis)deeds. (And let's not get into the technicalities of such prosecution, for now at least). :-)


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Its been niggling at the back of my mind since episodes 5 but Javabeans, do you, by any chance, work at KBS World as a translator because when I read you recap n watching "Healer" @KBSWorLd I found that u used some sentences that's exactly same with KBS worlds' subtitles.. I mean, I know that depending on the person a situation can always be interpreted differently..But u used the same word, same sentences and I find that amazing...And if its true its so nice to know someone who had part in this such beatiful work.. But if its not, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you..

Oh and by the way, I think its about time JiAn omma show us her claw.. Among that 5 friends (6 including everyone lil bro, Munho) they must had set their own rules in the group...MH as the mascot, MS as the transporter, Teacher as the bodyguard, JiAn appa as the prince charming, JungHoo appa as the whiz technician, so I guest MyungHee was the brain or the pacifier..

Can't wait for the next recaps...


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Yes, am also looking forward to Myung Hee being more actively involved in unraveling the truth.

Your handle - if am not mistaken, it means, Republic of Korea, Hurray! Perhaps you are a fan of Song Il Gook? His triplet sons have those names. Such a capital idea, naming one's sons this way.

This reminds me of a kdrama sometime back, Lawyers of Korea, where the male lead's name was Han Ming Guk. I so love it when a drama's title carries a pun.


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ok just finished 14 and I'm literally crying achingly for our healer who is going through such a hard time and about that amazzzzzzing ending. I'm dying just dying for next episode. one of my ultimate favorite episode ending, so sad. But beautiful.


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I've been confused about a dynamic with JHo and his Mom. I don't understand leaving him to marry/be with another guy. And she is OK with that.

So this other guy she marries doesn't want her child around? And she's like 'well, OK, I'll just leave him with my mom and come marry you' ' but I'm gonna be crying about it all the time'...?

At first I thought she may have been influenced by Kim Moon-Sik somehow, and when minion/lawyer guy met her at the cafe, I thought for sure that was it. But with the flashback, now I'm not so sure.

Would anyone be able to shed some light on this for me please?


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maybe she was thinking he was in danger of dying or disappearing if she kept digging around his father death/supposed suicide. then there's the actual social stigma around him for being the son of a killer and self-killer, and the way she sees his father's face on him every time she looks at him. maybe she really thought she was protecting him - she couldn't know when she abandoned him he'd end up in juvie then take up with teacher. i do wonder if she never did check up on him with her mom's. and when her mom died, didn't she know her son wasn't anywhere to be found, until he found her?
i wonder when he found her - before or after meeting teacher?...
she might end up a mother who loved her son enough to try to protect him, but not brave enough to do it while keeping him with her.
now, myung-hee... i'm waiting for her meeting with YS. and i loved the mama bear talk teacher had with KMS. i want to see myung-hee fighting for her baby :D


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I think Mom left mainly because of a threat to Jung Hoo's life. This was revealed during her meeting with Myung Hee. Perhaps she got married later. In epi 13, we saw that the man she married is a kind man and would not have objected to have JH live with them otherwise.


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She also wanted to spare him the agony of being associated with a father who was accused of murder and supposedly committed suicide. That's a big thing in Korea, I guess - they want to spare their loved ones from pain by association...so people end up not telling the truth. That sort of behavior is hard for us (for me anyway in the U.S.) to understand because when a loved one is in pain for ANY reason, we surround them with the truth to get them through the hard time.


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Ah, OK. I guess the association with a 'killer' father makes sense. (well makes sense in KDrama land) I've watched enough dramas to see this type of thread interwoven in various story lines. Like you lunatic4kd, I also live in the U.S. so this type of behavior doesn't seem natural.

I tend to forget about the back story of JHo's father.

Thanks to all for the explanations, much appreciated.


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It's the whole 'noble idiocy' thing too that happens in kDrama land. When someone is sick with cancer and maybe dying, they end up leaving to SPARE their loved one...as if never acknowledging that the leaving is the worst part and you really WANT to be with your loved one to allow yourself to be loved and taken care of right until the very end. It's selfish really, to do that.


Thanks you Javabeans for the wonderful recap. :)

A jealous Bongsookie is the cutest thing in the world. Bongsookah is adorable when he is jealous but can be downright scary at the same time too.
This episode was heartbreaking for me. I watched it RAW(being my very first drama that i watched raw) and understood most of what they were saying (finally watching kdramas for 4 years leads to some productivity..kekeke..).
I watched it again with subs. This show is fabulous in the way that everytime you watch it..you have new things to analyse..new things to think about. Even the villain is so layered that i am impressed with the way Song Ji Na is unravelling all the characters from the side characters to the main one.

I feel Moon Ho is totally on our OTP side as he wants some LOVE between them. Moon Ho is utterly handsome when he smiles. Divine maybe?

Ouri Wookie broke my heart this episode. First of all, this man just takes ny breathe away with all that pretty. How can one man look so great in A white sweater?
that white sweater is now forever etched in my mind and related to wookie for life. How that sweater hugs his 50cm chest so nicely.
all iv been doing is staring at his chest nowadays * blushes.
wookie also showed such great range..his eyes do it all. Every feeling, every emotion is felt..when CYS walked away..my heart broke along with him. That light brushing of the hands..that head on his shoulders..its all so momentary as if it was a dream.
Wookie and CYS seriously need to just admit and hug already. Im dying there.
When CYS was confessing about hugging and kissing..i was screaming at my screen " your man is there..just do it already"
These two people are so conflicted that it is a joy to look at their heartache. A kind of machochistic pain maybe?
i love me some LoVe pain...and my OTP is totally making me cry.
Looking at my abandoned wookie..it breaks ny heart..that he never had a childhood that he deserved..that he missed out on all the things that normal kids do. Its so sad that he aint cold or a emotionless but just someone who has been abandoned so many times right in the cold winter morning.
The tragedy is that everyone who left him left out of noble idioticy. How stupid is that?
well love makes us do stupid things..
im sad that teacher died. He was a good man and again conplex one. He did what he did out of his love and i respect him for that. When Bong sookah gets to know the real truth....he is gonna be so pained.. :(((((((

Bongsookah is in pain. I just wish all that pain CYS can wash away..right now my healer..ouri Bongsooka needs a LOVE dose. CYS should go out and give tons of that to make him feel better.


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And did anyone notice that when Bongsookah and CYS stand side by side together...they are just that perfect complimentary height..though she loooks so small in comparison to him..maybe like a bear hugging a small baby bear?
and even their clothes seem cordinated while they were talking in her house. .. i want then in couple tees and want then to sip from the same coffee. ..i want him to take her terrace watching..lock their relationship on the highest tower in seoul..and do what not..
any chance Song Ji Na might giv us that?
jaebalnom. Writernim


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Yesss, it's so cute, she's so tiny in front of him, and when he hugs her, it just acccentuates the body structure difference even more.

LOL, I feel like this Couple Clothing may be a running joke of sorts.


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And they make winter attire look adorable! SIGH


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Did you guys notice the WRIST-GRAB - or rather the non wrist-grab moment? :D

When they were talking in the cafe, and YS started to leave (the first time), Bong Soo reached for her hand to stop her. Then I thought to myself - whoa, here it comes, the wrist-grab! But to my surprise (and delight!) Bong Soo didnt pull YS to him, didn't force her in any way. Instead HE moved to face her and slowly, gently put her hand back. I loved every second of it! I love, that he never manhandles YS, always treating her gently and respectfully (the rest of kdrama leads, I'm looking at you!!!)

Also, on a less serious note, two other things from ep 13:

1. The tummyyyyyy!!!! It was only visible for a sec, but somehow that's what I mainly remember :D

2. is it only my impression or is the shapely bottom display kind of forced, purely for fan service??? Not that I complain though.... still that water was in plain sight, right in front of him, so what was he looking for under the counter... and for so looong :D :D :D
IT was esp funny, since I remember someone complaining (though not sure if it was here or soompi) that healer should pay attention to surplus princess and include that special treat, preferably every episode :D

Aaaah, the wait is killing me :D Not complaining though, JB should take her time to scream to her heart's content :D Still, its really hard not to answer some posts here..... :D


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the hands... always the hands. so much more erotic than anything else possible. so subtle, when nothing else will show the yearning they have for each other.

i sweat this OTP will burn my screen :D

the tummy, lol. what did they need to do that for? though i noticed the one doing it was a female assistant, i guess she couldn't help herself lol. *i think i could've played that scene flawlessly, too. pick me next time, pd-nim!!*

re: the butt. i didn't notice that, lol. i did notice the BS-class clumsiness of searching for water on the other side of the kitchen where it could actually be found. jealousy makes him thirsty then? aaah, so good an excuse to go away for a second and let YS come over with the olive branch. and lol @the split-second take back of the east pick! hug him already, he can't even find water, he needs all the help he can get to do basically anything when he's in love! :D

there're hands in every episode, come to think of it. even in the next one. so far, YS definitely leads with the hand-grabbing, i was watching a FMV where all she ever does is grab PS and drag him around, lol. he suffers it manly. poor, poor guy, the stuff he endures for love. i wonder if HIS hand-grabbing is a try at getting even on that game :D


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though that might be a thought-slip lol.


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Mhm... sure.... definetely a coincidence... lol :D
I would totally recommend you for the assistant position. I'm sure you would have been more thorough :D

Can you share the link for the FMV? Would love to see that :D


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grab-and-dragging begins around 1.20 and also at 3.20, but it seems a lot more :D - and she definitely has more grab-and-drags than he does :D


come to think of it... it all stems back to how she would sleep hugging his arm when they were kids. there you have it. it was written in the stars! :D


thanks @shelly!!!
Love it! :D
I'm waiting (im)patiently for the moment she remembers JH from her childhood. Its gonna be so sweeet :D


What are you doing in my head Kappa? I had the exact same thoughts, from the scene in the cafe to the beanies that were wondering about BS's "apple". Now I pay way too much attention at his backside. ?

The non-wristgrab is great, BS has never been jerky and never will. Not to mention the noble idiocy, there's non of that nonsense. :d
The fan service is fantastic! This PD knows!♡♡♡♡


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Ahaha :D
Somehow with each episode it seems we get whatever we requested for... and the writer does it so skilfully, without ever being cheesy. I'm amazed, but a little freaked out as well. Especially with latest developments - some things weren't mentioned anywhere - I just had them in my head. And now here they are...... sque....mmmmph.... mmmmmphm.....
*goes to stuff food into mouth again* :D


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It's fan-tastic! Couldn't ask for more, orr maybe for longer episodes, but that's not in their hand.
I am stuffing my mouth too while ogling Healer left and right! :D
*checks subs progress at viki*


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About the tummy, I didn't really noticed that until the third time I watched it- was only concerned for JH's arm wound. You all are way better at this. ;-)


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third time? Lol, you addict you..... :D
Having said that.... *goes to watch again*


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chinguya....please tell me where is that tummy?...i wna see badly..


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I caved in and got an Instagram account!
Now I can enjoy this beauty wherever I go. :D


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I'm not surprised that after episode 14, Soompi's thread have been exploding with comments. They've just celebrated their 500th page and counting. I can't wait to see how everyone is gonna react here in the next recap! :D

My bet...we're gonna beat ep 10's record (well here's to hoping) :)


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500 PAGES?? Woah, how many comments are there?


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Out with the old, in with the new, Fab??

No one will take it against you if you do. :-D


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Hahaha I am sure!
See that slip? I meant to write "one of the main reasons..." but it says more 'one main reason'. I am sorry Yoo Ji-tae, imma marothoning all of your movies once Healer ends.


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He's a main draw to this show for me. I love SJH and KMH equally. And I squee for both JCW and YJT in equal parts as well.


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I've been listening to the OST on full blast as I go through my day... (and snuck in watching episode 13 again, haha). I just feel so bad for JH, his only father figure, that he would have gone in to save if Ahjumma let him... he was too late to save! Sooooooo sad for him!


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With episode 14 I am in high heaven! Teacher Ajusshi should not have died, but my god every Healeraholic needed this episode! Needed the events that happened! 
Thank you writer nim! Thank you drama! Thank you healer! Thank you Ji Chang Wook! thank you park Min Young! I can now live until next Monday in peace!


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Have I mentioned how much I like Young-shin's new haircut?? I miss her messy do but YS rocks this one as well. Makes me want to cut my own...


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I like more her looks now too. Polished hair suits her best, and the cut is flattering :)


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Dearest Korean citizens.... how can you not notice how amazing Healer is....?!

Ratings AGB Nielsen


Punch: 12.3%
Healer: 9.7%
SOGC: ?/?


Punch: 13.3%
Healer: 10.4%
SOGC: 8.8%


Lol, the things healer makes me try... I know ZERO Korean... yet I learned to navigate AGB and TNS websites looking for ratings :P


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Then again.... if THAT didn't make ratings higher... maybe, the production would try harder... go further... hmhm :D


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That would really worry me - production team making changes to just to ramp up the ratings.

More often than not they'd butcher the show, changing it to something so different from the earlier episodes. Sometimes, number of episodes are cut down. Even actors get replaced, Secret Door being a prime example.

I'd rather writer nim be allowed to tell her story, her way. She's done a stellar job so far.

Writer-nim, hwaiting!!


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I've watched Punch and am not attracted to it. But looking at these ratings, it makes me wonder what can be so good about it that it beats Healer in now. of households watching. Gah.


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@ KDaddict

I watched Punch up to ep 7, until the Healer effect kicked in for me. :-D Punch has been on a loooonngg pause since then.

But I like what I've seen of Punch. Judging it of itself, I think it's tightly written and pretty intense. Kim Re Won and Kim Ah Joong are giving stellar performances there. Punch is the one show I'd hit the play button for when Healer ends.

As for the ratings, does it REALLY matter? Not so long as writer nim is allowed to tell her story, her way. Today's ratings won't matter to tomorrow's viewers just as it doesn't matter to us on board this ship, today. Healer will be judged on it's own and tomorrow's viewers will be asking the same question we're been asking ourselves today:

"Just what in the world is it that makes Healer such a cracktastic show?" :-)


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Awwww, guys, the feeeeeeels!!!

I swear this episode was a roller-coaster of emotions that had me one second jumping and squeezing the screen, and next second wanting to leave the room or throwing the laptop away by the window.

First of all, I love that Young Shin knows. The scene at the hospital was embarrassing even for me, when both of them could barely look into the eyes of the other, not knowing what to say.
Then when she was crying it was hearthbreaking, and it made me feel angry with Healer for being a jerk ;P
And later at the cafe, she was great... "I want to hug, talk all night, kiss..." wow!! I was jumping of excitement, hahaha!! And BongSookie's face was priceless then, he looked indeed like a man in love, desperate to grab her...

The part where Jung Ho visits his mother is also hearthbreaking...that little Jung Ho being rejected by his mother was too much for my poor heart.

And the end...I didn't see that coming. Teacher cannot die!!! Dammit!! that was too sudden and unexpected. I am still in denial and I don't know if I can handle it.

But all in all, I loved this episode. The plot was awesome per se, but for me, the actors took it to another level. At this rate, I will end up a big fan of PMY too, haha!! And JCW was perfect as always, I don't have words to express how much I love him <3<3<3

Sooo excited to see what happens in next episode, I bet there will be a kiss!!! **extreme squee**


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I KNOW!!! *squeeees along*


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I am rewatching the whole series because I am devastated that I have to wait for ep 15 next week. Again, another dreadful week of waiting and waiting and waiting. I realized like someone said in the comments that everything ties in together so neatly. A lot of things from the beginning eventually come back into the latter part of the drama.

What I loved about this episode: everything of course but the fact that YS will now have to be the pillar to hold up JH. Like someone else has said, I think the best persona of JCW is Jung Hoo. Through Healer and BS he gets to express himself in ways that he has not been able to before. He gets to be the cool guy to save her and the guy who is beside her all the time. Then there is JH who he wants to be but cannot be because she doesn't even know he exists.

Loved the moment she went back into the hospital and saw JH in his element. He wasn't BS or Healer, he was JH. Gosh. JCW and PMY are just so great. They never need words to convey anything when they are so great at just showing it through their movements, actions and face (those eyes)! Blown away continuously by this drama. Excellent development.


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@ Sholee and helkwo

Yup! Ruined, we are, just ruined for any other past shows .... maybe we can only look forward to future shows .... ? :)


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I think I've watched this drama 3 times already...and it hasn't even finished. yeap...That is what I do while waiting for the new episodes.


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Does anyone know of a kdrama that is just as good as Healer with all the FEELS involved?? I need something to hold me over until next monday. I can't handlee this stress!


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Same here...I thought some other dramas I've watched over years were good but now, after Healer, they pale in comparison.

Somebody help us!


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It was Gakistal (Bridal Mask) that did me in BIG TIME out of the more than 100 I've watched - but it's long and requires quite a commitment.


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I loooooved Gaksital. But yea...a bit lengthy and it had its weaker moments towards the end. While Healer keeps getting stronger. Misaeng too, had my heart bleeding on the floor. I didn't think I could find something after that one but then Healer came along. It's keeping me up into the early mornings.


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@ Sholee

I won't bother with looking for another drama while Healer is still running. Won't do you much good. You just won't be able to get into it. You'd be better off looking at Healer related stuff, the show itself or the actors etc. so long as it's in some way, Healer related. Or just hang out here.

Don't believe me? Go ahead, try looking at other non-Healer related stuff.

Just don't say you haven't been warned. :-D


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I've tried and FAILED so many times to pick up another drama aside from Healer.

Like Tei's song: "Don't know why, but my eyes only look at you..." This is my ode to this show.


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Viki is at 79% sub


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I've just had the strangest, warmest thought. It's a mother hen thing. I bet I'm older than everyone in these Healer comments (although my daughter tells me that I'm such a cool mom that all her friends are jealous) and I feel a sweet sensation of being aware of all of our fellow Healer babies asleep around the world (it's now 4:00PM California time for me). I can sense the quiet and the settled excitement of all who will wake up in their tomorrow-lands to watch episode 14 and find that Santa, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy and every gifting fairy in other cultures have all combined to give them something so deeply wonderful that their collective joy will blow the lid off of our ep 14 recap comments. Sleep sweetly, dear ones.


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Such a lovely post, lunatic4kd. Not all Healer-beanies are asleep though. Some study for an exam and lurk here every hour or so and dream about the time they get to see ep 14:)


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I. Cannot. Wait. For our rampage on the ep 14 recap. It will be EPIC.


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Just saw all of Ep 14 RAW. I have never, ever done that. OMG.



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SkyofBlue - you are not alone. I'm knocked over too but about to watch it subbed on VIKI through a UK browser.
I am so in love with this show that it feels like my heart is exploding!


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Is your heart still in the process of exploding? Mine is lying in a heap of flaming confetti right now.


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I've been doing that ever since ep 5 because I couldn't wait. Killing myself by watching the RAW without understanding a word. It well worth it though. Kept me sane.


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