
Healer: Episode 13

Big movements ahead! As fun as it was to watch Bong-sookie being jealous of himself, it’s time for life to step it up and throw bigger frustrations in his path, which are equal parts entertaining and angst-inducing. Plus, with the outing of some truths come new unanswered questions, throwing our characters off-balance as they try to figure out how to juggle what they want to know with what they can stand to know.


Nemesis – “슬픈 사랑의 왈츠” (Sad love’s waltz)Download ]

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Backing up a few moments, we rejoin Jung-hoo’s mother as she is approached by Secretary Oh at the restaurant. She lies that she’s been out of contact with her son for a decade, and says she’s here to meet a friend. Secretary Oh offers to wait with her, and when Mom nervously excuses herself to visit the restroom, he swipes her cell phone.

Aha, so Mom’s not in danger after all, and she slips out the back. But Jung-hoo doesn’t know that, since her phone is tracked to Secretary Oh’s car, and he charges into the trap willingly. He fights the SS thugs in the parking garage until he’s hit with a tranq dart, then goes on the run, making it up the stairs to the roof.

That’s where he gets shoved aside, his Healer trappings stripped from him in a flash: It’s Teacher, and he dons Jung-hoo’s cap, glasses, and bloodied jacket, even cutting his arm to make the impersonation credible.

So when Yo-Yo and his posse order Healer to show himself, Teacher meets their incredulous faces with a sheepish grin. He says, “Whoops, I’ve been caught.”

Min-ja calls Young-shin and asks her to search the premises for Bong-soo, who is likely injured. Young-shin scours the area and heads down to the parking garage just in time to see the SS gang screeching out.

Young-shin overhears Detective Yoon reporting over the phone that somebody’s been caught, then spots the drops of blood on the floor. So when Min-ja calls back, she tells her frantically that Bong-soo must have been taken away by the goons.

But Ajumma tells her firmly that Bong-soo isn’t moving, so he’s hidden somewhere on the premises. Young-shin asks suspiciously how Min-ja knows, but time is of the essence and Ajumma entreats her to hurry. So Young-shin continues the search, and when she recalls Bong-soo saying he likes high places, she heads upward.

She makes it to the rooftop, where traces of blood lead her to Jung-hoo, slumped in a corner. She hurries to cradle him in her lap, covering him in her coat. In tears, she calls emergency services for help, begging them to hurry.

Jung-hoo is taken to the emergency room, where the doctors are more concerned with his unconsciousness than his bleeding, wondering if he took drugs. While he’s treated, Young-shin calls ajumma’s number, only to get a recording that it doesn’t exist.

Sitting at his bedside, Young-shin asks Jung-hoo to wake up, since she’s bursting with questions she wants to ask. Jokingly, she hovers in front of his face and sing-songs, “Bong-sook-ah, wake up~”

His eyes start to flutter open, and she sits up excitedly. He sees her blurrily and murmurs her name, holding his hand out to her. She takes it, and immediately he appears to sink back into sleep, although his hand keeps a tight grip on hers—and once again she’s reminded of her handhold with the Healer.

Last time she shook away the thought, but today’s circumstances have her brain whirling differently… and she thinks of the little details that now fall into place… like Healer asking how many pills she took, and Bong-soo handing her those pills.

She drops his hand in shock and rears back, seeing him through new eyes. She runs to his car and starts searching for clues, and comes upon a little case. Inside, she finds a tiny folded paper star—it’s the star she made while chatting on the phone with Bong-soo, sighing about the Healer not coming to her. Jung-hoo, you hopeless romantic.

She recalls his confession on the rooftop, when he’d told her he could live “in the appearance you want, for a long time, being very careful, next to you.” It sounds different in the context of knowing, doesn’t it?

When she returns to the hospital, Jung-hoo’s awake and changing into clothing brought by Dae-yong, who takes the first opportunity to excuse herself from this awkward scenario. Jung-hoo freezes at the sight of Young-shin, knowing he’ll have to make a convincing explanation, and also that he doesn’t have one.

So Jung-hoo says lamely that he took some sleeping pills that kicked in late. His arm injury, then, “is because I fell asleep… and… tripped.” It’s super unconvincing, and they both know it.

Young-shin asks how Dae-yong knew he’d be here. He doesn’t have an answer, and after a moment Young-shin offers him the excuse, saying that she got a call from someone who might be his mother, and that she was so preoccupied she forgot to call back. His mother must’ve searched all the hospitals in the area.

Jung-hoo asks if this gave her a scare, and apologizes when she says it did.

It certainly feels like they both know that they’re lying to each other, playacting this scene because they don’t know how else to handle it. As he starts to leave, she stops him to ask that he’ll be back in the office tomorrow, like she’s scared he won’t be. He signals yes.

She holds it together until he leaves, and then her tears spill over.

In the car ride, Jung-hoo hears from Min-ja that his mother is safe at home. That’s a relief, but he’s upset that Teacher got taken in. A sudden thought makes him check that the paper star is still in its case, and he’s relieved to find it there.

Jung-hoo ignores ajumma’s directive to rest and orders the car to Moon-shik’s home. The bastard messed with his mother and Young-shin: “So I have to make sure he can’t.” Ajumma asks if he means to give him a beating like he did to Hwang, but Jung-hoo growls, “I’ll kill him.”

Ajumma and Dae-yong both refuse to take him there, so Jung-hoo forces Dae-yong out of the car. She’s pretty tough and fights back, but he gets the upper hand and is ready to charge after the baddie.

It’s a good thing Dae-yong isn’t afraid to challenge him, and she has the keys. She shoves the phone in his face so Min-ja can yell some sense into him, about how he can go ahead and kill whomever he likes—but does that mean he’s ready to give up ever seeing Young-shin again? They need to find out why Young-shin was targeted, and don’t forget that Young-shin’s mother lives in that house.

Frustrated, Jung-hoo beats the steering wheel. But at least he’s been stopped.

At home, Young-shin’s strange behavior has her father and ajusshi worried. She stares vacantly for a while, and then the tears have them really alarmed.

“Dad,” she says brokenly, “that jerk deceived me all this time. Everything single thing he said in front of me was a lie. And I didn’t know and told him everything.” But she couldn’t confront him, “Because if I told him I knew, he might just leave. Because I might not see him again, I couldn’t say anything. And I can’t not see him again—I can’t handle that.”

Dad doesn’t press for an explanation, but he and ajusshi are both curious about the source of her heartbreak. Ajusshi knows she has two crushes, but doesn’t think this is about either one. Instead, his mind fixes on Bong-soo—Young-shin doesn’t confide her feelings even to them, “but she does to that dummy.” So he’s the one.

Dad brings her a warm drink later, and Young-shin asks why he chose her, pointing out, “I’m difficult to love.” There were lots of more lovable kids at the orphanage, but she was a difficult child.

Dad laughs as he recounts her difficult traits, but says he didn’t take her: “I just waited, and you came.” He explains sitting there quietly until she took his hand first, and so he brought her home. He says he was prepared to wait longer, but she came to him faster than he thought, reminding her that she’s not very stubborn.

She leans her head against Dad’s shoulder and assures him that she’s very nearly done crying.

Watching the CCTV feed, Min-ja sees Moon-shik and his guards arriving at SS headquarters… and then moments later, a couple more cars pull up. She chuckles upon recognizing Detective Yoon and reaches for a cell phone…

Moon-shik is ushered inside to confront the Healer, who has been insisting he’s a good old friend. Moon-shik confirms this and asks for privacy, extending a hand that Teacher cheerfully rejects. He sticks to the explanation that he’s been the Healer all along, laughing that it was quite fun taking Moon-shik’s money. Then he asks pointedly, “Is Myung-hee still sleeping? How many hours does she sleep a day?” What an ominous thing to say.

That sends us into a flashback to the hospital in the aftermath of Myung-hee’s accident. Teacher arrives out of the blue, a few months out of prison. Moon-shik greets him warmly, but Teacher’s full of hostility and says openly that Moon-shik’s actions are suspect. He outlines the odd sequence of events: Three bears go out “hunting” for a story and two die. The survivor quits his junkyard and suddenly gains a high position at a newspaper. Moon-shik asks his friend to hear him out, but Teacher’s not having it.

In the present, Moon-shik explains that Jung-hoo came asking about his father, and that kids don’t know “what sacrifices we made” to build up their world. Teacher laughs in his face, but Moon-shik warns, “I will not tolerate the destroying of the peace we’ve preserved in this world. We call those people outlaws. Why do you live as an outlaw?” Teacher makes a claw gesture and retorts, “Because I’m a bear.”

Moon-shik asks if Teacher has teamed up with Moon-ho to dig up the past. Teacher replies that two papa bears have died, leaving behind two mama bears and two bear cubs: “There have to be three bears for the song to work.” Then he sings the childhood ditty about a family of three bears, with Mama, Papa, and Baby.

Moon-shik warns that he’s very angry, and not to make him angrier. Teacher asks, “Were Gil-han and Joon-seok the last people you killed? There are more, aren’t there? But don’t think about messing with the two bear cubs. I’m going to protect them. Because I’m Papa Bear’s friend.”

Detective Yoon and his partners are surprised when patrol cars join them in front of the building. Hearing that they received a report that a kidnapping victim is inside, Detective Yoon is thrilled at the excuse to charge in.

Moon-shik is ushered out the back exit to avoid being seen, and Teacher sings the Three Bears song at his departing back. Moments later, the detectives arrive.

Jung-hoo’s mother is secretly photographed as she meets Jung-hoo in front of her apartment. He’s aware that they’re being watched and tells his mother quietly of the situation. He asks her to act like she’s seeing him for the first time in ten years, and she answers that it’ll be easy to act happy to see him.

They relocate to a cafe, and he apologizes for never giving her his number and only calling when he wanted to see her. But he won’t be able to do that for the time being, he says, to keep Mom safe. She doesn’t protest or ask questions, and they both notice when their stalker enters the cafe and sits nearby. He sets out his cell phone casually, recording their conversation.

So when Jung-hoo’s voice gets hard and he says that today is the last time he’ll be seeing his mother, she goes along with it. He tells her to be happy in her new life and forget him, and that she did him a favor in abandoning him so he could find his own path.

Even though the words are for show, Mom still gets emotional as she apologizes. Jung-hoo issues a cold goodbye, saying that he’ll wrap up his business here and never come back to Korea, but mouths at her not to cry. Then after he leaves, Mom bursts into heaving sobs.

Flashback. Mom watches her (other) son playing on a playground, shocked when a young Jung-hoo arrives and declares, “Found you.” He eyes her with bitterness but she’s only concerned for his health and tries to give him her coat, which he shoves away. Mom falls to her knees sobbing, and then his little half-brother charges up to him and bites his leg, telling him not to make his mother cry.

Only now does he know that Mom has a new family, and that hurts. Jung-hoo says accusingly, “Why can you live with him, but not with me?” Mom just sobs, “I’m sorry,” and Jung-hoo yells at her not to cry, because then he can’t say anything.

As he leaves, a man chases after him to say that it was all his fault, and that he begged Mom to marry him, and that Mom always speaks of Jung-hoo while crying. Jung-hoo looks back to see his mother watching and asks if cries every day. The husband admits that Mom cries easily, and Jung-hoo tells him to make sure she doesn’t anymore.

He knows that the coat the man is carrying is for him, so he just says gruffly that he’ll take it, and walks off having done what little he could to make Mom feel better. Agh, such a little big man, grown up before his time.

Next Jung-hoo goes to Moon-ho, who assures him that nobody will mess with his mother anymore—Moon-shik was only testing whether Jung-hoo was the Healer. He says that his hyung isn’t so low that he’d keep going, which seems like it could be true in this case, but also seems naive of Moon-ho. I hope for his sake he’s right.

Jung-hoo reminds him that his brother used Mom as bait and tried to kill Young-shin. His impatience is at odds with Moon-ho’s infuriating calm, and he demands to know why Young-shin was targeted, intent on ensuring that she’ll never be in danger again. Moon-ho tells him a man named the Elder is the real one pulling the strings, and that’s who they’ll need to go after next.

Jung-hoo asks who this “we” refers to, and Moon-ho replies, “You and me, and probably Young-shin.” Jung-hoo’s not very interested, guessing correctly that Moon-ho’s tactic will be to expose the Elder using the media. Jung-hoo is just interested in finding his father’s police files and getting rid of the evil, to which Moon-ho chuckles that killing one Elder will just lead another to take his place.

Just then, the doorbell rings, and Moon-ho sends Jung-hoo to answer it, saying merely that it’s “the woman I like.” In irritation, Jung-hoo opens the door… and finds Young-shin there. Wait, did Moon-ho just confess his intentions?

They freeze to see each other standing there, the air strained between them. Then Jong-soo joins them, completing the team, though he remains the one leg that’s hopelessly out of the loop.

Moon-shik urges Myung-hee to take her pills and go to sleep, but she decides she wants to spend more time awake. She says it’s fine if she’s in pain, but she wants to do some thinking, since it’s been ages since she’s done any. She starts with twenty years ago, asking about her hospital bills—she was laid up for a year in a VIP room. How did he manage to pay for it all?

He has a ready answer—he sold his junkyard—but Myung-hee says with a cold smile that she’s going over the math. And when he takes her hand, she pulls free again.

Moon-shik doesn’t understand the sudden change, and it unnerves him. The sight of his water glass grabs his attention, and he inches it closer to the edge of the counter, almost in a trance, until he pushes it over the edge. It shatters. Foreshadowing?

Young-shin gets to work on their new story—digging into the background of the next mayoral candidate, aka Moon-shik—and interviews Moon-ho as a part of it. She traces Moon-shik’s trajectory from 1992 till now, finding his sharp rise to media executive quite unusual.

Moon-ho recalls how in those days, a lot of visitors had come by daily—but they weren’t from the media. Jeil Newspaper was on the brink of bankruptcy, but an investment company named Omega bought up shares, and immediately afterward, Moon-shik became president. “Isn’t that interesting?” he asks.

Jung-hoo snatches a moment to connect with Min-ja, worrying about Teacher being held at the police station. He’s ready to charge in to free the old man himself, but Min-ja orders him to stay put, feeling assured that Teacher will take care of himself.

It’s bad enough that Young-shin is distant with him, but now Jung-hoo has to watch her chatting cheerily with the boss and sidekick. Moon-ho assigns them each a stack of research to get through by tomorrow, and ignores Jung-hoo’s protest that he’s busy tonight. Jong-soo, on the other hand, is happy to go home with Young-shin to work together, and Jung-hoo simmers in the background.

So the three reporters head over to the cafe, and Dad welcomes the newcomer. Jong-soo’s eager to impress Dad, to Jung-hoo’s disgruntlement, and Dad and ajusshi try to figure out which guy made Young-shin cry. They’d thought it was Bong-sookie, but seeing her being so friendly to the other guy, they’re no longer sure.

Jung-hoo shoots daggers at Jong-soo (seriously, if looks could kill) as he reads over documents with Young-shin. Finally he heads out in agitation, looking for a drink, and Young-shin finds him there to offer him a choice: east or west. He picks east, and she tells him the result: They’ll stand next to each other for a minute and talk.

He asks what west would’ve gotten him, and when she says a ten-second hug, he immediately turns to her with outstretched arms and says, “I want to switch.”

At least that makes her laugh, and he says he’s relieved, because he thought she was angry with him. She replies, “I’m not angry, I’m holding back.”

“Holding back?” he asks. “Yeah,” she replies, “from wanting to hold hands.”

He stares down at her, surprised. “I want to hug, and talk all night,” she says. “And kiss too.” Omg. He’s stunned speechless, and then Young-shin clarifies, “I want to do that with him, but I’m holding back.”

Ah, boo. Note that in Korean, it totally sounded like she meant she wanted to do those things with Bong-soo, until that last part. I’m sure that ambiguity was intentional, too—it’s her small way of expressing her feelings while preserving his facade.

When she moves away, Jung-hoo stops her and comes around to face her, like he’s going to say something… do something… But then he shakes his head, unable to take it any further.

“He still hasn’t come,” Young-shin says. Jung-hoo says, “He’ll have a reason.” She agrees, but says the guy is still a jerk. And thus, even though she’ll wait for him, “Still, it makes me furious.”

He acknowledges that, and for a brief second, Young-shin rests her forehead on his shoulder. He reaches up to touch her, but she pulls away and moves past, their hands barely brushing. And then Jung-hoo reaches back wildly to grab for her, but only gets empty air. He looks crushed.

In the morning, Min-ja catches a glimpse of suspicious activity on her security monitor: Secretary Oh meeting someone. We don’t see him clearly, but she seems to recognize him.

Teacher eats breakfast in custody, and Detective Yoon arrives to interrogate him, starting with the name Jo Min-ja. Teacher feigns ignorance but Detective Yoon isn’t fooled, since Min-ja, his former sunbae, is listed as visiting Teacher in prison five times. She taught him all about hacking, and yesterday he encountered a familiar pattern.

Teacher smiles and says he’ll have to surrender himself: “I am the Healer.”

Outside the station, a police officer drops something in to a trash can, and the camera lingers on a small glass vial. Hmm.

Min-ja calls Jung-hoo once she’s recognized the man who met Secretary Oh—one of Detective Yoon’s minions. Crap, so an insider at the station is in cahoots with the baddies. At that, Jung-hoo starts running.

Teacher gives his statement, giving the basics of his Healer activities, and volunteers to start with the most recent and work backward. He fidgets with his collar and adds, “I don’t have much time.” Shit, what was in that vial? Shit, what was in his breakfast?

Young-shin continues her research and comes upon a happy photo of Moon-shik and his wife. She lingers on Myung-hee’s face, though she doesn’t quite know why yet.

Teacher offers up information readily about his latest work being for Moon-shik, confirming that he’s acquainted with the cases of Go Sung-chul and President Hwang.

But suddenly, he begins foaming at the mouth, even though it doesn’t wipe the smile from his face. “I told you,” Teacher gurgles. “I don’t have much time.”

His head drops onto his chest. Detective Yoon tears out of the room to get help.

Jung-hoo hurries to the police station and sees the ambulance out front. A body is wheeled out on a gurney, a sheet pulled over its head. An arm falls limply from under the sheet, revealing the telltale wound on Teacher’s arm.


Noooooo, not you, OG Healer! At first I wondered if he’d poisoned himself, but upon consideration I think it’s likelier that Teacher recognized the symptoms kicking in and decided he would confess before he died. I was angry with him for the way he abandoned Jung-hoo, but I’ve grown really fond of him, and found his combination of smiling facade and seething undertone to be really compelling. This drama has done a fantastic job casting everybody’s past counterparts and Teacher is one of the highlights, where you can really see how one grew into the other. His constant grin can be aggravating sometimes, particularly when Jung-hoo’s dying for him to be serious, but it’s completely in line with his character—and as an added bonus, it’s gratifying to see how much it pisses Moon-shik off.

That scene with the old friends was one of my favorites, and it’s because Teacher is so glib that it’s powerful when he lets that steeliness show through, as he did when he vowed to protect the bear cubs. He may not have foreseen that he was walking into his death when he took Jung-hoo’s place, but it was still moving to see how he took on his fate anyway. Maybe it even satisfied him to think he died via poison that might’ve taken Jung-hoo instead. In that way, Jung-hoo’s two closest loved ones have both shoved him away to protect him, and it’s extra poignant (and yes, frustrating too) that they would willingly accept the smaller pain to spare him a greater one. The fact that he’ll learn this far after the fact feels like one of those great sorrows of growing up—you don’t appreciate things until it’s too late to take back your reaction. But that’s life.

It seems likely that Moon-shik gave the order to kill Teacher after their face-to-face, which adds another to his body count tally. Sigh. It’s interesting to see that in the flashback scene, Moon-shik may even have had an explanation that made some kind of sense—it doesn’t absolve him of his decision to sell his soul, but I do believe that at one time, his heart was in the right place. And funny enough, I feel like if the five friends had remained alive, Moon-shik wouldn’t have been tempted away to the dark side, because even if he didn’t have everything he wanted and his thirst for greater things in life remained unfulfilled, the friendships would have been enough. But once that cracked, Moon-shik lost the shield of their influence, and then it’s just been bad choice after bad choice.

I find Moon-shik a nicely shaded character who doesn’t strike me as being a one-note villain, but admittedly he’s getting eviller and eviller, enough that I have little sympathy for his actions. I got chills at the suggestion that he might be doping Myung-hee on purpose, to keep her insensate and caged at his side. Prior to this episode I thought he was taking advantage of her condition to keep her housebound, selfishly but with good intentions. It didn’t strike me that he would medicate her so heavily that she would spend most of her time asleep—and that’s particularly creepy, because it suggests that he wants her as a possession, not a partner. If he’s truly just trying to keep her pain-free, then maybe he’s not quite the devil incarnate. But now I can’t shake the idea that he’s keeping her on needless drugs so that she doesn’t think for herself, and that makes me shudder.

Moving on: Young-shin knows!!!! I wasn’t sure what I wanted of her reaction to the discovery, but it was interesting to me that she was more betrayed by Bong-soo than she was excited to know who her Healer was. Granted that could just be that shock is the first reaction, and she’ll come around to gladness next. But it makes sense that she was hurt by Bong-soo, because she’d poured out her heart to him in a way that was much more intimate than the moments she’d spent with the Healer.

I loved that Young-shin told Jung-hoo that she was angry with him, because while we all know (and are waiting for the day when) she’ll forgive him eventually, the ends don’t justify the means—that’s not a good enough excuse. It matters how you do things, and it matters that she’s hurt in the process, and even though she recognizes that she won’t stop having faith in him, she won’t postpone her feelings just because he isn’t ready to explain himself yet.

So I loved that little moment when they brushed by each other, wanting to touch but not emotionally ready yet. I appreciate that as much as we want them to just shove aside the logic and take everything out into the open, there are credible reasons for why they haven’t gotten to that point. In the meantime, they’ll speak in veiled comments about some mythical third person, and I’m excited to see more of that because those double-entendre conversations can be so revealing—where they’re speaking about one person but meaning another (…although okay, Healer and Bong-soo are still the same guy). Ironically enough, the false front can allow them the freedom to be honest about their feelings in a way they can’t be in a plainspoken way, and that is never a bad thing.


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Omfg I cant believe teacher died!!!! So unexpected for me I was like "why is he touching his collar???" and "not much time?? what do you mean?" and then bammmm and even though he hardly appeared his death had such a huge impact and I was gaping at that scene. I can't even imagine how JH is going to react D:

I love that scene between Young Shin and her dad it had me tearing up a little same with the scene with young Jung Hoo and his mum especially when he said "Why can he live with you,(LONG PAUSE) but I can't?" SOBBING NOW

I just need them together now my heart can't take this any more. This drama is the only drama that can make me grow crazy over the couple just staring at each other and brushing their hands against each other honestly what has happened to me.


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The otp pain is real, people!

Just look at all of us spazzing at their slightest interactions. :D


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"You were startled right? Because of me. Sorry."
OMFG why do I feel like JH is apologizing for tricking her and pretending to be BS. He probably knows she knows. Their conversations are so layered it's giving me heart pain.


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Yes, I love the complexity of their conversations.

JH just hates having to lie to YS.


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I definitely think that he knows that she knows he's healer. Haha, that's a mouthful. But you can probably tell from the way she's saying how she's holding it in but she's angry and she's saying these thins right in his face afterwards, leaning on him and not letting him touch her and stuff /flails/


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THAT apology was so well done.

Its like it hurts him to lie to YS!!!!


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Poor souls!
An then YS saying she will see him in the office tomorrow, right. Pfftt


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Yeah, I love how cryptic they're being about it in their exchanges. That alone makes it extra fun to re-watch those scenes for the millionth time :p


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So I have a question.

"East or West?"

Kill me softly, show.


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Would "west" result in a 10 second hug with JH?


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was it 10 second or 10 minutes? i am thoroughly confused because on different websites that was reviewing or fangirling, they have different answers. i wish i could understand korean but... 10 minute hug or 10 second hug???


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10 second hug! although 10 minute hug would be even better!


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ah, 10 seconds it was, thank you! 10 minute didn't make much sense but it was totally cute how he immediately faced her, "I want to switch." Hehehe.


A lot more than a hug would have happened in 10 mins.


I like where your thoughts are going :P


I wouldnt mind dying in the hands of this Show.

Not a bad way to go, not bad at all!


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We've to go one way or another. This is a good way to go.


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Hi, guys. I read your comments about not crowding this place with too many un-productive comments (aaahing and ooohing over this amazing show). But I think I'll have my say this time, because personally it's really important to me to thank EVERYONE on this website, especially javabeans and girlfriday. You rock, guys. I live in Iran, (You know, that country in Asia which is so much misunderstood on the global stage, because of the selfishness of those who are in power...) and it feels so great to be connected to so many people all around the world through this site. You have no idea how joyful it is to come here, and read your comments, and hear you expressing the things that are on my own mind and feeling the things I feel and enjoying the things I enjoy. So this is really a comment of appreciation rather than an expression of opinion concerning the show. I became an avid reader of the site after a certain incident (I was feeling very down one day and came upon this site by accident and read an argument between JB and GF about kidnapping Hyun Bin (I think) and keeping him to themselves and I laughed my head off and explored the other parts and racaps. I was particularly interested in those about Reply 1994 (since I've married my childhood sweetheart) and Master's Sun (we both cried at the end of ep 12, the recapper and I)). Anyway, I just wanted to say how I appreciate enjoying your company from afar, considering the fact that we certainly won't be able to meet face to face one day in this lifetime:)). Keep up the good work. Hmm? And thank you.


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Ohh, Lucifera, you are warming my heart. This site really does help with bringing people together, and I am thankful for it, and for JB and GF. I, and the other beanies too I'm sure, hope to see you around often.


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Aw, well if it's a comment as wonderfully heartfelt as this one, everyone's going to want to read it! This site really is an amazing way for people around the world to celebrate a common connection, and none of us spend enough time each day expressing our thanks to all the recappers and our fellow DB community for making it such a wonderful place to come and discuss our thoughts :) Thanks for such a lovely comment!

On another note, I think I remember this post on Hyun Bin and now I want to go find it LOL!


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So glad to have you here, Lucifera. Imagine, someone from Iran participating (fingerling and discussing substantively). It's so amazing how international the demographics are, isn't it?

Also, am really intrigued by your handle.


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Actually, I needed a unique name for my informal email, and Lucifer was (naturally) already taken. :))) The devil in me liked this one. :))


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And I love people with a devilish streak in them. :-))))


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Aw Lucifera, welcome!

I can relate how Dramabeans can be such a wondeful thing for a bad day. One good laugh is all you need to know you are gonne get okay soon.


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Hi Lucifera,
Korean drama can be such enjoyable escapism, which we all need from time to time. Considering that it is also free and harmless, I'd say it's a really good pass time. To have a website that informs you about them, and acts as a platform to meet like-minded folks, what can be better, right?
Don't mind the naysayers. There'll be some in every crowd. Cheers.


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I don't know what transpired in between, but I do remember dramabeans having the function to 'like' comments. That would certainly help with reducing the oohing and aahing comments if we could just give similar comments the thumbs up. Anyone knows why the function was taken away, and if we could please have it back? :)


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I think JB said that having the Like button did weird things to the webpages. So it had to be taken away.


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Aww your comment is wonderful and heart warming. Do write more.
There's a reason why I'v been frequenting this blog ever since I encountered it years ago in my search for dramas to watch. It's a great place that allows you to express the overflowing feels you get from dramas like Healer, together with many other fangirls. (^_^)


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welcome :)


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Consider checking out Answer Me 1997 since you liked Reply 1994. I liked the former over the latter more. Jung Eun Ji rocked there!

With a handle like Lucifera, maybe you'll love Eun Ji's Sung Shi Won there. :-D


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My heart just drop!


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and does anyone think that it's weird how both of them are like 28 or 27 years old (i'm not sure about this but i think in the drama, they said they were) but jung hoo still dresses like he's a college boy when he was in disguise like ????? isn't that a little too far fetched. just an observation, but he did look cutie in that outfit!


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Thanks for the recap, JB!

Okay, a lot of people have written a lot of amazing comments! I've actually read a bunch of them before commenting so I don't really feel the need to analyze any of the big things at the moment. But here are just a few bullet points (P.S. Note that the beginning of this post is only left here, to contrast what I set out to do....with what actually happened...LOL):

- TEACHER!!!!!!! GAH. At first, I was confused and upset because I thought that after insisting that he was going to protect the 'bear cubs' (so wonderful here!), that he was committing suicide! And I was like, "how can you protect them?!!! No, don't do it!" But then, I realized that Moon-shik (now, completely and utterly dead to me) had him killed :( *sob* It's just so tragic because him and Jung-hoo didn't really get the chance to really make up!

- Myung-hee sent shivers down my spine! You go girl! I'm officially a fan of Do Ji-won because she's done an exceptional job so far, especially in this scene.

- The reveal! Wow, there were certainly many ways that it could have been handled, and I'm actually finding myself very happy with how things went. I was one of the ones who wanted the drama to tease a little bit more with the reveal, have her fall more for Bong-soo etc., but I'm actually finding this to be a lot more compelling and would rather watch a few episodes of this stage, rather than spending more time with Young-shin in the dark. It's important that the show get moving and the central three begin to come together for the final stretch (*sob* don't even want to think about it), so as fun as the jig was, I'm glad it's up so that we can head to new places.


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- What I love about how Young-shin handled the reveal, is that it actually showed how much she cares about Bong-soo, when you think about it, rather than Healer. So it weirdly accomplished what I wanted (for her to pick Bong-soo), just in a less obvious way (which I actually think is better).

Meaning that, the reveal didn't make her go "Oh, Healer is Bong-soo, the guy always by my side. I'm so lucky", but rather, "OMG, Bong-soo the guy I've told everything to, the guy that I always expected to be by my side is Healer, which means that BONG-SOO isn't who I thought he was, that Bong-soo could one day just disappear now because he's Healer". All the feelings of betrayal and the fear of losing all feel more connected to the Bong-soo persona.

So I actually LOVE how this actually ISN'T good for her. Because she's realizing that Healer isn't invincible, right as she's realizing that he's Bong-soo. She was so eager to be in a romance with Healer and yet, now that he's Bong-soo, she's faced with the reality of what it actually means to, not just want someone who's constantly in danger, but to actually know and love and need them in a tangible way. For this reason, I actually felt her love for Bong-soo and Healer come together seamlessly and I freakin' love it so much and can't wait for more.

This is one of the great aspects of this drama. It feels like a whole new and interesting stage of the romance is about to begin (given, a much more angsty one too :( ).

As for these 'bullet points', let's just say I was never a good note-taker...


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omg me too, i totally agree on her focusing more on Bong Soo (also really wishing she can start calling him Jung Hoo soon because feels and remember the scene where Myung Hee called him by his real name idk but i'm anticipating for it) means that she cares more about the side where he isn't healer although that's what made her love him at first. I think it's also part of the way he stuck by her side and confessed to her as Bong Soo that's making her stick Healer to this identity instead.

All in all, I am really really excited when these two can finally get together!

(( this is a personal note, you don't have to answer if you don't want to but is this Chandler from Choir? Though it's probably not, but I don't know many Chandler's. It's a unique name! ))


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Haha! It's probably not me, but I was in Choir in high school! So if you're referring to a few years back, then maybe? LOL. :)


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OMG @Chandler!

You described what I wanted to say about Young Shin actually in love with Bong Soo and her reacting in such a way to Bong Soo shows that he is the one she cares about, not Healer. It's great because you are then not in love with the idea of a "super-hero" or "hero" but a real man with real feelings and weaknesses.

They will go far, these 2! They are not in love with the illusion of each other. They know each other's weaknesses, and spend so much time together as a working duo (and Bong Soo as the confidant most of the time but I bet he loves listening to her!) that mutual respect and admiration is evident.

Sigh I love this OTP. But the love of my life has got to be the chameleon Ji Chang Wook with those to-die-for-expressive-eyes and to-drool-for-50cm-shoulders. His acting really rocks!


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@Chandler and @Jen Well said!!!!!! That's what I was thinkking but you guys managed to put it into words so much more eloquently than I would have been able to. *furious clapping*

Gaaaaah, I love this show. It has hit all the right points.


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Yeah well said girls! It's so great reading your thoughts, as they help me get a deeper understanding of our OTP's relationship.


@Jen @dramapenchant

Thanks so much, guys!

Yes, this couple, this drama, everything is wonderful.

And I really can't wait to see what's in store for us in the future! I know that we have some angst coming up, but I sincerely hope to get an episode ending soon that mirrors Episode 9's...only this time they're completely on the same page and ready to take down the Elder together! It would be so awesome to see them grow into an even stronger team than they are now!


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I absolutely LOVE this post Chandler. You really have a way of thinking things out well. The way you described the change in dynamic in the relationship between Young Shin and Jung Hoo gave me a new perspective on the revelation, thank you.

Great analysis Chandler. :)


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Aw, thanks so much, Sky! :)

Yes, I found writing about it actually helped me to get new perspective myself. This is why I always end up writing so much because I'm actually figuring out my thoughts as I go haha! I knew there had to be a reason why I loved how things went this episode and just tried to pinpoint it as best I could.

So happy you appreciate it!


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OMG Chandler, you said it so perfectly!!

On how both characters were so different and how they came together so seamlessly!

Going on a date, holding hands all with someone whose face she doesnt know can be exciting and little sad, but actually finding who they are and moreover finding he is who has been her side all along must make it so REAL to her and in one instant I bet she got scared.

Love feels all right kind of butterflies until the moment you realize you had fallen in way deep.


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Yes exactly! It was fine for Young-shin when Healer was just this mysterious guy that made her heart race and that she was just beginning to build this connection with, but finding out he's Bong-soo propelled her into feeling a heightened sense of connection with Healer way faster than she expected. All of a sudden he's become so much more precious to her and she's in such great fear of losing him that she just doesn't even know how to act around him.


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Great posts, @Chandler (and @Jen)!

Chandler: love how you outlined all the layered reactions, especially this one: "Bong-soo the guy I’ve told everything to, the guy that I always expected to be by my side is Healer, which means that BONG-SOO isn’t who I thought he was, that Bong-soo could one day just disappear now because he’s Healer”.

Young Shin has a protective streak a mile wide, and if she was protective of Healer when he was a double murder suspect, she has a hundredfold more reasons to protect Boon Sookie!

I like how this OTP is so good at making each other comfortable - like his "confession" on the rooftop - Bong Soo cracked a joke and lightened the mood right away. Likewise, she'll diffuse the tension by kicking him in the shin or pulling the "sunbae" rank.

I'm really curious how she'll handle the additional revelation that they used to be childhood playmates and that they "lived together" on Moru Moru Island!


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"I’m really curious how she’ll handle the additional revelation that they used to be childhood playmates and that they “lived together” on Moru Moru Island!"

- Oh, me too! I'm so curious to see how that revelation changes things. Really, part of the reason I'm glad they had her find out so quickly in this episode is because I recognize that there's so much more ground for the show to cover. I'm actually hoping next episode will have her finding out at least some of this information. Time to let her know what's going on so she can help too!


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Yes, Young Shin and her mom are the only living parent-child left. Now with Myung Hee the only survivor of the group of friends (apart from evil Moon Shik), the only way for the original "Healer" group to truly come full circle is for mom & daughter to join forces!

I've been anxious that they keep leaving Young Shin in the dark about the Group of Five - at the moment, she hasn't even seen the photo. She's a smart cookie - I just want to see her go head to head with Moon Shik!

I wonder why the memories are more deeply buried for Young Shin than for Jung Hoo? Was it the abuse she suffered? I want them to discover more sweet childhood memories together! (Go on, Uncle Moon Ho, jog their memories!)


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Aye, aye with all the lovely posts here! Thanks, Chandler, I get the gravitas of YS reaction better now. It´s not only that she might loose Healer if she let´s him know, she might lose her best friend Bong-soo as well, the one, who´s supposed to be by her side at all times. It´s all exciting and mysterious with Healer, but she cares for Bong-soo a great deal.
I thought she´s hurt because the fear of losing Healer, but now I see that she was shocked over the possibility of losing them both.


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Pls dramabean how I get to see pictures whenever am surfing dramabean. I hav been trying so I can be seeing pictures. Pls can you help.


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Hi @Annie

I could help if I know what you're trying to say... are you not able to view pictures in the recap or those pics aren't big enough in your browser, or you just want to save them...?


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I have a question and would love to hear your theories.

How did the car get to the hospital? I thought YS don't drive? Don't tell me she's got a relief driver to drive the vehicle to the hospital? Or she drove there herself without a licence? O.O


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That's a question indeed !!!!


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If you mean, bringing Bong Soo to the hospital, she called 119 (Korea's 911), remember?

If you mean the car Bong Soo was driving and parked across the mall - I think it was still there when CYS rummaged the compartments and found the paper star. The hospital was near the vicinity of the mall. Dae Young brought it over to pick up Bong Soo after she got the key from CYS (implied by what DY said.)


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Cys gave keys to Dy after she searched the car the only possible explanation is there was a hospital near by.. Though not very much convincing


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That's not necessary. We don't know how far the hospital is from the mall because we it didn't show how she got from the hospital to the car...


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I think that Ahjumma called his sidekick and she raced to the scene at the mall and then drove the car to the hospital. Notice that she had the bag with the coat that Bong Soo's mother had bought for his - so that means she picked it up at that restaurant spot.


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Wait! I take that back. I forgot that YS had the car key…...


Well...this episode made me feel so much that afterwards, I was unable to think about or do anything else. I even considered going to sleep early. ha Well hours later, I'm still thinking about the show and wishing I had someone physical nearby that I could express my love for this show to.

Even though the show didn't progress in a way that I was beforehand wishing it would, I ended up liking how writer-nim handled the revelation even more! Mainly because usually, the hurt individual will spend an entire episode sulking and being angry. To the point that yes, I understand you're angry, but get over it already. So I am so glad she dealt with those emotions quickly She still is hurt, but she's not stupid and knows how much she loves/needs him. gah...How perfect is that. It's real, that tension.

I was so afraid that she would embrace him only upon finding out his identity as Healer. But this way writer-nim did it, it only shows more how much they both love each other. And we already knew that because of how she always happened to find herself confiding to him and being unusually comfortable around him.

That last screencap of their hands... how his is reaching out for her longingly but hers is moving away slightly... I like how it's not abrupt but very subtle. So beautifully sad. I really feel for him. I know he's grown up used to being thrown away so I can't wait to see him develop the courage to trust CYS.

It's been a long while since I've enjoyed a romance drama. Well Healer, I can say that I love this drama.


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I'm impressed w/ the fast meme. Hahaha.

I was reading tweets about healer and its inevitable comparison w/ City Hunter and didn't quite figure it myself why until then. I love the OSTs and Eternal Flame of MLTR but maybe it's about the editing and Background Music. Healer could have been really good on action scenes too but sometimes are quite off and shots are dark on fighting scenes so it's not as bad ass as it can be unlike City Hunter. They could have done better. I dunno but maybe that's it. But everything else is good. It stands out in other aspects like good pacing of the story and there is chemistry and unique squeeing moments.


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hahahaha! This is precious! Thanks @gina for sharing the link.


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City Hunter does action flashier/better but Healer absolutely kills it with the romance and pacing. I kind of feel sad that Healer is compared so much with it....cause I really feel it's so been so much better written and acted... But it's like it lives under the shadow of it's predecessor because they share similar genres/tropes and well the actress.


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Of course I'm speaking of in general, not in regards to the twitter post. That's cute.


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Did they just kill the Teacher? O.o
Why, why and why??? :'-(

I mean what the heck directiors?! As I mentioned in the comments in the previous review, the moment when Moon-Shik finds out that the Teacher is Healer it would be so much fun!!! And as I expected, that moment was so precious and entertaining! :D I actually planned to enjoy this moments, not just in one episode but you know until the end!!! :D They just killed all my hopes! :D

I hope they will fix this with for example having even more interesting scenes when the Daddy comes back! :D


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Which Daddy are you referring to, @Bojana?


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I mean JH's father who is yet to come back from the dead. I guess that conversations between him and Moon-Shik are going to be soo interesting!!! :D Can't wait to see it.


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You think JH's dad is still alive? I wish he was, that would be very interesting. But I find it unlikely seeing that his dad was innocent and doesn't have a reason to hide.


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He is actually in the cast for this show. An older actor, so I suppose he is still alive and hiding :D.


NO go away! Well this is iiiiintersitingggg! You do realise that's a major spoiler and that I have to kill you now! ;-)


I checked on koreandrama.org but I now when I checked it again it seems weird. I think they did a writing mistake. Before I didn't carefully look in the photo of this "older actor" but he kind of looks like this secretary with OCD :D. His name is just under young actor so they probably switched it. OMG I so hoped this was true.
Sorry because of the false alarm but I didn't know they did a mistake in typing.

But I know right, it would be so much fun if he is alive somehow.


This is so random but...where are you from @Bojana?


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I am kind of a global citizen :D. I am everywhere. Originally I am coming from Serbia or call it Ex Yugoslavia. But I don't live there. Right now I live, work and study in Norway and travel around the world :D.

What about you?


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Serbia too , that's why I asked, Your nickname is familliar..

For me .. I will move to Malta soon :) Nice to meet you :)


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LOL Wow! Nice to know that Serbia is following Korean Dramas too!

Malta? Sounds interesting!

By the way, where do you live in Serbia? Which city? Nice to meet you too! :D


I'm from Nis... And, yes, there are small group of Serbs that follow korean dramas, I am one of the volunteer translators :)


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Off topic:(not really) Did anyone else notice how the nurse lifted Jung-hoo's shirt and exposed his stomach to..wait, why did she even do it? Surely not to change his clothes because he was wearing the same clothes after, nor to check his wound because it's in his arm. :D

Anyway, I loved how Young-shin's reactions after she found out about PBS's real idendity. She's hurt and angry he deceived her but she's also open for explanation and she's not forcing it out of him. Instead, like what her father did in the past, she's waiting for Boong-sookie to be ready and explain everything to her. She's not the "you deceived me, I hate you and I don't want to talk to you and get the hell out my life" kind of girl. I love her character. I expected her to give him a kick or two though, just to see his reaction, Boong-sookie way. ;)
Thank you for the recap JB. ^^


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Haha sneaky nurse but you can't really blame the girl. It's JCW, what would you do if you were her


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What would you do if you were her.
I would check every inch to make sure there are no more wounds besides that one on the arm. The only responsible and professional thing to do.


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Sub-thread: Dreamingsnowflake2013’s ANALYSIS EPISODE 13

~The Love of a Friend~

"I will protect them because I’m a friend of their fathers." – YJ

Leave it to SJN to rip her male lead’s heart out and shred it to pieces while he watches; no one does it with quite the same sado-masochistic thoroughness like her. How much more will JH have to suffer before he can find peace and happiness? How many more crosses will he need to bear? How many more innocent lives will need to be sacrificed for one man’s greed?

This is going to break JH - losing the closest thing to a father he’s had in his life. YJ might have abandoned JH 8 years ago but there is no doubt how much he truly loved him. JH was the son he’s never had, the son he was ready to die for and whom he kept protecting until his final breath. When he says to the detective in the interrogation room that there isn’t much time, it hits you that he ate the food despite knowing it was probably poisoned, and that in that moment when he took JH’s place on that staircase he literally offered himself in his his stead. He already knew that the cost of his bravery would be his life.

[Credits to Dreamingsnowflake2013, Tumblr] http://dreamingsnowflake2013.tumblr.com/post/108614793879/the-love-of-a-friend-i-will-protect-them


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The scene where teacher died is really sad to me and dreamingsnowflake really captured his sacrifice so fluently. Thanks for this viewpoint :)


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loved this episode... *sniffles and dabs eyes*


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Sub-thread: Dreamingsnowflake2013’s ANALYSIS – HEALER’S GUIDE TO DATING SERIES

Part 1 (Episode 11) – Illicit Rendezvous

Love him or hate him but you can’t deny that this man’s got STYLE! Nothing is more romantic than a midnight date in a closed VIP cinema; forget that it involves multiple criminal offences including trespassing, unauthorized use of another’s property… - nothing thrills like the danger of discovery. In the beginning, JH amazes her with probably the longest and the most swiftly prepared candle lit way in Kdramaland, on which end is awaiting her a talking bunny toy (nothing but the best for Healer’s girlfriend). This all is crowned by Lee Seung Gi’s and Moon Chae Won’s cameo appearance AKA the screening of their new movie Love Forecast (I suspect the movie will hereby become a must-watch for every Healer fangirl out there) that won’t be officially released until January 15, but what do you expect when the help of the legendary hacker Ahjumma was enlisted and she is playing the unwilling cupid in this operation. In the end, he even arranges for her a ride home in a limousine with a chauffeur (can’t let his accident-prone girlfriend freely wander around Seoul without a proper escort. I bet that all those money saved up for his island has come in handy).

I adore this silent and “blind” date because despite the fact that no words are spoken, it manages to convey so much. Besides, all the squee-worthy angsting is like seeing my fantasies coming true. It’s a stolen moment between these two lonely people who keep being attracted together and after it’s over, you wonder for a second if it wasn’t only a dream. It illustrates they whole relationship - JH always watching her from the darkness. It begins to be obvious from the start, that JH didn’t come to watch the movie but to watch HER, to bask in her presence, to BE WITH HER in the only way he can right now. Only with her he’s able to smile so freely and to enjoy himself this much. Seeing JH watching YS leave always manages to break my heart. MY FEELS! The moment when he completely loses his control and catches her hand is charged with so much unspoken tension and longing (his tormented expression - how does JCW do it?!)! When their hands, his male, calloused and strong and hers female, white and dainty, begin to slowly move and their fingers intertwine until they hold each other like they didn’t want to ever let go…OMG! OMG!!! The gesture is so intimate and electrifying! What strikes me the most about this moment is the unadultered, mutual longing and the sheer intensity of their emotions.

Seeing the way their relationship is right now, I can’t help but think that it’s JH’s whose love is more profound; his feelings are more developed, more complex and stronger. He knows exactly who the woman he has fallen so irrevocably in love is; he knows the real her. He’s seen her both at...


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...her best and worst and her imperfections only make him love her more. He needs YS more than she needs him right now - at this stage YS could still somehow live and find happiness or content without him but it’s already too late for JH. For him she’s already become his only hope, his candle in the darkness of the night. On the other hand, YS’s emotions are rather blurred and complicated and partially based on a fancy illusion - she is still far too much affected by her Healer hero worship. She needs to get over it and to know the real man. It’s an emotional jumble - there is Healer, the legendary night courier, the comfortable PBS, JH, the man who saves her, holds her, kisses her… These three blend together and are connected by the vague, odd familiar feeling of the little boy she’s forgotten.

On a more shallow note, doesn’t JH look like the prince of darkness in the last picture? He appears to own it or to be part of it! SWOON!

[Credits to Dreamingsnowflake2013, Tumblr] http://dreamingsnowflake2013.tumblr.com/post/107929857799/healers-guide-to-dating-illicit-rendezvous


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Healer is such a romantic ♥ love reading this, thanks!


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Sub-thread: Dreamingsnowflake2013’s ANALYSIS – HEALER’S GUIDE TO DATING SERIES

Part 2 (Episode 12) – Premarital Training

After the salon ladies, Healer has found his match again - a potato and an onion. Now, it’s clear why he doesn’t carry any weapons with him - with a knife in his hands he is more dangerous to himself than to the opponent onion. He might be lacking in some areas but nothing so serious that it would disqualify him as a prospective spouse. Though, he still needs some training regarding household chores (particularly cleaning) and cooking, you have to admit he is great marriage material for YS. Young, handsome, virile, rich and, what’s a miracle, sane despite all the terrible things that happened to him. And even if he was not, it’s not like she has any other option since he is literally the only man on the entire Earth she can sleep with. After seeing his unlimited stamina and bare chest (multiple times), I’d say she’s won a jackpot.

JH’s expressions (particularly the disgusted and defeated one after failing peeling his first potato ever! LOL!) and YS’s reactions to his futile attempts to score a victory against vegetable crack me up so much - you half-expect him to snap and say: “What’s sorcery is THIS?!” I suspect it’d be easier for him to break into a Swiss bank than peeling one single potato. I love how she teases him and tricks him into putting his fingers to his eye. LOL! And her adorable smile!
You’ve got to love Kdramaland where even the most cold-hearted and tormented man can be tamed and healed by the power of love and heroine’s home-cooking. You can’t really blame JH for it after he’s been spending some 8+ years eating all alone nothing but fried chicken and pizza. I even suspect he has some sort of food abandonment trauma - after his mother left him he didn’t eat those potatoes until he ate the ones made by YS (so she cured him out of it) and we’ve never seen him eating ramyun so far after what happened on his birthday 8 years ago. It’s so heartbreaking to watch him being so uncomfortable eating with someone a home-cooked meal and unused hearing ‘Bon Appetit’ or returning the sentiment so much that he stutters. He’s lived a reclusive life for so long that even these mundane things are completely new and foreign to him. It is almost as if he’s been already living on a deserted island of his own this whole time.

The scene is hilarious, however, what makes it even better is that it shows how functional and compatible they are on everyday basis. Finally, do you see how close their feet are under the table?! Awwwww!

[Credits to Dreamingsnowflake2013, Tumblr] http://dreamingsnowflake2013.tumblr.com/post/108030012879/healers-guide-to-dating-premarital-training


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Haha this scene was so cute and it made me laugh :)


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Sub-thread: Dreamingsnowflake2013’s ANALYSIS – HEALER’S GUIDE TO DATING SERIES

Part 3 (Episode 13) – Jealousy Management

Sometimes I really think that the only reason why JH wants to spirit YS away to that uninhabited island of his, is because he is jealous of every single man who dares to come near her within 3 metres distance. I suspect that even a dog of male sex wouldn’t be spared. Frankly, if looks could kill, there would be two more corpses in the Seoul morgue today and SomeDay News would be in need of a new owner and a spy. Fortunately for them, murder is against Healer’s policy. Still, I wouldn’t tempt him fate if I were them.

To say that JH has a complicated love life would be the understatement of the century plus he isn’t exactly a master lover. He tends to stumble just at the mere mention of kisses and the actual kissing business causes him heart palpitations. But do not despair because his trusty uncle is there to help his inexperienced nephew in getting laid (my mind’s in a gutter). It’s so understandable that the ever-observant MH would notice JH’s interest in YS - when a man tends to end every second sentence with words like “Young Shin” or “I will protect Young Shin”, it doesn’t take an investigative journalist to figure out the epic level of his crush. So while using the pretext of the interview he is actually PLAYING A MATCHMAKER! MH is purposely baiting JH the whole time and later, he even arranges more quality time for him with YS. MH was never supposed to be the third wheel of the love triangle, instead he’s become a YS&JH fanboy! BEST THING EVER! Awwww, the sideway glances and knowing smiles he keeps giving JH - there is no doubt that MH is going down with this ship, too!

MY FEELS! The look YS and JH exchange after she enters! Spy, it isn’t the first time you’ve cockblocked my OTP! Let me give you a friendly reminder - be careful because people have died in this show for less!

[Credits to Dreamingsnowflake2013, Tumblr] http://dreamingsnowflake2013.tumblr.com/post/108601752619/healers-guide-to-dating-jealousy-management


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P.s. I should say thanks @TurkishRose for teaching me how to get these texts bold/italics/deleted! :D

Enjoy Dreamingsnowflake's analysis guys ♥


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Yes thanks @TR and @Anna too - I just learnt how to do it by reading your comments as well :D


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As always, dreaming snowflakes has everything down pat.
Thanks @AnnaAkana for diligently posting her blogs here.

However, I don't know if I am just the one, but the bold-face parts kind of bothers me. Maybe it's just my eyes. The itals and the cross-strikes are okay (JB and GF use them all the time). Maybe a line or two that really need to be highlighted is fine. But whole paragraphs -- the readability suffers, I think.


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Thanks for your opinion, I was actually testing out to see if anyone likes reading it that way - since that is how the original post looks like on dreamingsnowflake's account. She writes most of her analysis in bold.

I'll keep that in mind for next time. Inserting the bold actually took more time, so the less I have to do to repost the better! :)

I appreciate your input so thanks heaps for reading :)


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Kamsahamnida, @AnaAkana.




Thanks for these @AnnaAkana!

I died laughing at this part - "But do not despair because his trusty uncle is there to help his inexperienced nephew in getting laid (my mind’s in a gutter)."

Hahaha don't we all wish he could get laid and make babies ASAP!


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haha that's my favourite funny part too :)


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Now, on a completely shallow note (and perhaps I shouldn't have been focusing on this in this particular scene), Ji Chang-wook was like seriously SO FREAKING ATTRACTIVE during the scene in the hospital, right after he woke up.

Like, I'm not sure what was going on, but everything he said, the way he said it (no, seriously. apparently him saying "I'm sorry"= me fainting), EVERY LOOK HE GAVE (with. those. eyes.), the way his hair was styled, EVERYTHING ...this sentence isn't even a sentence anymore. That's how attractive he was in that scene. And ok, every scene. But especially that scene! (Seriously?! When he gave the 'ok' sign?!!) That's it, I need to stop.


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His eyes are the best and so expressive! I love staring at them all day. JCW is one of the very few actors who portrays emotions really well through his eyes. Another actor who has expressive eyes is Misaeng's Jang Gu Rae (played by Im Siwan). I really felt the character for both....and they're both my favourite shows ♥


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This sentence isn't even a sentence anymore! That's how I feel when I start talking about the relationship on this drama to others! And especially about him!!! I just can't imagine any other actor taking this role with success... This role was meant for JCW, and thank GOD he took it and made it his own! He is amazing!!!


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I feel you bro!! I love how his hair was messy and he had that laid back look like wowoowow so attractive. Oh and when he said 'I'm sorry' in that low, whispery voice he got me fainting too


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"That's how attractive he was in that scene. And ok, every scene." Hahaha Right! Right! I actually find him extra gorgeous in the cafe scene when he was leaning on the counter. So handsome. ^^


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Oh wow yeah, he is gorgeous. I was thinking that he really needed the rest in the hospital, he is always busy running around.


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I adore you! You have such a way of putting your emotions into words! Yup, apparently everything that's caught my attention has caught yours too. Hey, I'm a member of a site on KDramas in which everyone writes in Persian (That's our language, btw), and the page on Healer has reached the number 78, which is unique in itself, and everyone simply loves the show. They also put the links for Behind The Scenes and the MVs made by fans there. Such a bonus! I spend half my time reading your comments here and their comments there:))) I loved the hospital scene too. And the last part, "Let's switch". So sweet! Oh, this show has ruined me for all the others, I have a ton of Japanese TV series and animes I want to watch (I love Japanese as a language, but don't have the time to seriously study it) and Pinocchio and Valid Love,etc., but I don't simply want to, 'cos I have to watch Healer's episodes over and over again!


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THAT ENDING! *sobs* why did teacher have to die? WHY?

And it especially broke my heart when I saw JH's reaction to seeing teacher's hand fall out of the stretcher. I have a feeling he's gonna go a bit crazy since the only father figure he knows has died :(


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I'm crying too :( it's so sad and the worst part is teacher hasn't made up to JH yet. He passed away after saying how he will protect his cubs :(


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I want a real kiss and a bed scene already writernim!!!!

The chemistry between these 2 is so palpable....I want more touchy touchy moments.

But from the preview, it doesn't look like my it's going to happen anytime soon.

But we reached dbl digits... yeah....10.3% by being 2nd, Punch was 1st at 10.4%

but we are 1st in Seoul with 11.3% and punch 10.5%

Healer Fighting!!!!!!!


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It would be nice if they have babies/a family of their own in the finale episode. I want to see a scene where JH teaches his son how to fight just how teacher once taught him :)

Please writer-nim, I want a good happy ending!

On another note, the 10.3% rating is for nationwide right? I'm glad Healer is 1st in Seoul though :)

Healer Fighting!!


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Can I just say how much I love the women in this show? From Min-Ha and Dae-Yong to Young-Shin and Myung-Hee, I find them all smart and strong in their own way.

I was also very pleasantly surprised how during the scene where JH faked the fight with his mom, he actually filled her in on what was going on, rather than just be a Noble Idiot. (Though the words did have an element of truth to them.). N


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Exactly, this is one of the many reasons why I love this show. There's no dragging on with secrets for too long and especially all females in this show are not depicted as dumb or clueless. We really do have strong and smart females and THAT is what I love about this show. Every character is complex and spot on. Kudos to the writer, director, and actors for all their hard work. It really shows in the drama :)


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Jung Hoo with his mom. Yong Shin with her dad. I can comment and race about every scene in this episode, but those 2 scenes were golden! You could feel the love!

And can I just say I've watched that cafe scene 1K times already? Ok, make that 10K.... Haha


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oho, so now he knows that she knows and she knows that he knows she knows, lol. the plot thickens :D

i don't want the pace to slacken thugh... and lol, more jealousy please!
but i have to admit i like the way the plot is getting more complicated, and people who were in the background of the JH+YS romance are coming into the light.

and dad and ahjussi already know who made YS cry lol. they have the spidey sense when it's about YS :D

there won't be a preview for next week after today's ep, right? i want a preview already :(


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p. s. is teacher really-really dead? this is dramaland, they don't always stay dead lol.


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Well my opinion is I really think Teacher's dead since he died quite fast before the ambulance came. Unless somehow miraculously he has an antidote with him (which I highly doubt since he's detained with the police).

As for previews, seeing how they're on live-shooting mode at the moment and action scenes are quite hard to get right in a few takes, it takes longer to film. So my guess is the preview won't be released yet until Friday like usual. On a positive note, JCW just finished his musical recently so that means it frees up more of his schedules to film Healer :)


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his face did look a lot drawn, poor guy doesn't get much rest :(

but what if teacher and the detective are doing a fake death thing - saw something in the preview for ep 14, not sure how to take it - to protect teacher from whoever wants him dead? i'm not sure the detective is sly like that, but teacher could be.

but if he's really dead... omo, does that mean JH will take it out on ahjumma? she kept saying teacher doesn't need rescuing, he'll rescue himself if need be, and now he's dead... will JH blame her too (because that little-boy-lost look on his face definitely means he's already blaming himself.)

and oh... mama bear in the song better be myung-hee. imagine her finding out about ji-an and getting all growly. i want an ending where mama-bear takes down elder for trying to mess with the cubs :D


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Monday came. It was a long wait. This show is the only reason I hate Monday a little less than I used to!


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when bong soo said that he wanted to change his answer to west... hahaha! cuteness overlooooad! :D

noooo teacher... why did you have to die this early? what's gonna happen to healer now.. he'll in so much pain. everyone left him already.. and now you?!

can't wait for the next episode... i bet it's gonna be sooo sad and dark for our healer... *sobs*


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ikr, that scene was very cute and very Bongsoo-like of him to say something like that. I kinda think it's also the real JH's personality coming right out as well. So. Cute.

Teacher dying had me in shock, I really didn't expect him to go this early (if not at all). I was thinking there's just so much unspoken words between teacher and JH. Teacher wanting to protect JH like his son and then dying right afterwards had me in tears. I officially hate the bad guys...they deserve to die 1000x hmph

I can hardly wait for next episode...gonna watch it live!


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Jcw's new insta post: http://instagram.com/p/yE0dcluJp3/
im sorry JB. I know you asked us to post less comments with just squealing over jcw but after watching 13, my thoughts are all over the place. I still haven't recovered from the shock, so i cant make any analytical coherent comment atm.
so for now please allow me ecsape from the dramaworld and just to drool over jck's happy face.
I'll be back with clear mind (if that is even posible) after i finish planing my masterplan on how to kill MS .


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Thanks for sharing this link @millionstars!

JCW really is the best for always communicating with his fans through sharing pics of him so that we don't miss him too much. I always love his selcas and compared to lee min ho (who hardly posts much slecas) I love all this photos more ♥


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I know right. I hate it when celebrities join social medias but harldy post anything.
Let's just hope that JCW will continue posting at the same rate. Although one picture everday would be even better but i know he's very busy so wont be greedy ; D


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Lol sorry my sentence doesn't even make any sense. I really shouldn't comment until i fully recover


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haha don't worry it made sense to me :) I haven't recovered much after watching this episode either lol


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Gosh those lips! How can we refrain ourselves from squeeing after seeing a pic of him like that? :D
Nice to have you back @millionstars.


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Oh hey giegie
Yhh my exams are finally over so now i can give all my time to jcw/healer now.
Oh thanks for your comment on my pic :) i realised its hard to communicate through Instagram so if you dont mind can i add you on fb instead?


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@ millionstars
Don't mention it. You're pretty btw, both of you. ^^
Sure you can add me on fb, norie jane is my fb account. Thank you!


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Just 20 more minutes until live broadcast!

*waiting in anticipation*


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Urghh im not infront of my laptop right now :s
hopefully the livestreaming is supported on phone too


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Actually you can livestream on your phone too using youtube!

Here's are the links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASec-swRNNo


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This one has a count-down until next episode starts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9Bbj-CoZ-M


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otherwise it's actually better to watch on KBS2 since it'll help boost international ratings for the show :)


Urghhh commeting through phone is so frustrating.
My reply is on 129.
ill watch it on my phone for now and after i get back home in 30 mins, ill start watching it on kbs2 ;)


Haha no worries, I know what you mean. I always use DB on my phone too and posting is sometimes annoying with all the autocorrect and replying to comments sometimes goes to a new comment instead LOL


Thanks you so much bongsookie
*sendinghugs* :)


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You're most welcome @millionstars ♥


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I love the attention to detail that the actors are giving their roles. Especially the past/present actors. For instance, both teachers crinkle their nose mischievously when they talk. It's awesome. RIP teacher, we'll miss you!


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Oh NOOOOOO TEACHER! Waeeeeeeee :(:(:(:(

He has completely won me over in such a short period of time, I wish he was on the screen more. Gah, my smiling Teacher, you'll be missed.
I can't get over the fact that he has already suffered too much, and for a big part by the hands of KMC. The price is way too high. KMC at least I hope you'll rot in prison for a long time!

(though I am still not sure whether he was the one who ordered sec Oh to poison Teacher or the Elder.)


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And poor Min-ja is going to be devastated! :(


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I was wondering if the conflict between generation would end with the death of the group from the photo. After all Myung hee has a very poor health and here Teacher too ! The only one left is Moon shik but I think he is to involved in the origin of those bad events to be safe at the end... I fear the worst for Moon ho since he is the one who took the photo... haha, I know I am a ray of sunshine !


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1 more minute...so exciting! :D


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5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Now!


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Looks like Youtube doesn't work for me :(

But anyone wanting the link to KBS2 here it is



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omg the episode was so intense it made me cry a lot T_T
cys please don't cry at least she has her dad to lean into but what about ori junghoo his saboo died and he don't have anyone omg I just wanna hug him oh baby.......
love moonhoo wild smile when he order jh to go with cys I think he smell something happens between them aigooo.....
the young moonshik is soo handsome hehe
and I think too that myung hee will take a huge step from now on but hope that she wil I don't like reviews it's something like spoilers for me hehe who is like me in this?


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I noticed that in some comments people cheer that YS chooses Boongsookie instead of Healer. I understand it and I can agree in some points but... (there is always but :D ).But Boongsookie is not exactly the "real" him. I guess he is kind of locked in both BS and Healer character, being unable to show his true self. As BS, he has to pretend to be clumpsy and can't even express his own feelings.When I say feelings it doesn't mean confession (because he already did that) it's more about other feelings. He is not able to share his pain or worries with her. I feel like deep inside he wants to share his life story with her, if he feels pain to scream out loud or just get a warm hug from her :D, kiss and all... Those two connected because they both had difficult life. So they kind of heal each others wounds from the childhood.

While he is Healer, he has to hide himself and can't really just randomly say: "Hey babe, I am the Healer!" He is also conscious of the fact that her life would be in danger. I guess that's why he wanted to catch the bad guys first and then show her his real self. But I don't think that's really BS. BS didn't have to hide his face thou, but BS has to be clumpsy all the time and pretend to be someone (as YS described "not being a man") who is afraid of bugs and SS. And we all know that JH is not someone who can easily get scared. JH is not BS that's my point :D. That's why I think that he is struggling a lot now. He is lonely and hurt by the people who were very close to him. He can't share the pain with YS while he is both Healer and BS. She always thought that BS is a rich boy who probably lives in a villa and have everything he wants. Of course he (BS) told her that his mom remarried but still he couldn't even scratch the surfice of the things which really boderes him.

He as JH really needs her right now, and in the same time he can't tell her the truth at this point. That's why he is in such an agony. I don't think YS is the only one who "holds it in". I think that actually JH is very pittiful right now. Poor thing, has to bare all this pain by himself being completely alone, and the only person he connected with is angry at him (of course she has a good reason to be angry but she doesn't know the other side of the story too).
I mean if we just put ourselves in his shoes and imagine:

-your father, in the eyes of the world, killed her father
-you had f***ed up childhood, being abandoned by own mother and everyone close to you
-you are completely lonely, living life from day to day like a parasit, being too lazy to even empty the trash box lol (sounds like depression lol). Not to mention dreaming about an island in the middle of nowhere.
-the only contact you have is Ahjumma who is isolated from the rest of the world as well. She probably didn't see the light of the sun for months lol.
-you finally found a love of your life and someone who get's you
-you can't confess your feelings to...


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...to her becuse the situation is too complicated.
-you risk your life couple of times in order to save her
-your mom almost got kidnapped
-teacher dies instead of you
- your silence makes your girl angry and now you are all alone again

Aigoo... My heart hurts every time when I think about it!!!


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I don’t think YS is the only one who “holds it in”. I think that actually JH is very pittiful right now

yes that's what I feel like poor Jung hoo he really need someone to lean into especially after his saboo death... please cys open the door for him please T_T


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@ Bojana
You definitely have some points there.

I guess I like the fact that YS is coming to terms with liking PBS now when he is less like the original PBS and more like Seo Jung Hoo, although he still did not reveal who he really is.

Yes, poor JH is so isolated even in his grief and is to be pitied. To have those whom he loves so close to him and yet not within reach. Such excrutiating irony. And one big reason we are so gripped by this story and it just does not let us go! :)


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I will check now the Episode 14 lol!!! Cross fingers! By the way did you mention somewhere in the comments about Google thing and where do we live, fan meeting? :D lol

I hope there are people on my side of the globe so that I can drink tones of coffee and watch dramas with them :D.


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Yes, Bojana, I see you found our Sub-thread on where we are and mentioned that you are in Norway. You can do a CTRL+F search on each page 1 from Episode 11, (at least for this sub-thread, it should always be on page 1) and look for 'Norway' or 'Where we are' and browse to see where people have mentioned they are. :)


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It's a funny evening. I've been distracted and forgot to get to the first few minutes of the show while it aired, and then coming in late, I found that the streaming lagged so badly I was watching a slide show instead of a video LOL! Well having a few "stills" of JCW is better than having nothing at all Heheheh.

I take it that I'm not meant to get too much out of Ep 14 for now and will wait to patiently re-watch on Dramabay.

Have fun you all! I'm enjoying reading you all slowly as RL continues to suck me in, inexorably.

I've decided that since another recap will be out tomorrow, I might as well post anything that strikes in Ep 14's recap comments instead of in Ep 13's. See you there!! :)


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That was an excellent reveal in which Young Shin focused more on the fact that Bong Soo wasn't who she taught he was rather than Healer was Bong Soo. How clever! Bong Soo's betrayal superseded Healer's identity.

Also very brave of her to be able to say she knows he must have his reasons and she will wait but she is furious all the same.

And that was one of the best scenes depicting mutual longing that I have ever seen. Loved Young Shin's momentary resting of her head on his shoulder and Jung Hoo's hand reaching back to hold onto her after she is gone.

I am looking forward to the hand holding, hugging, talking all night (preferably while hugging in bed) and kissing after the explanations and I am truly hoping we won't have to wait for all the other reveals first.

I don't know what to say about Teacher other than this must be the most heartbreaking death since best mom ever died in IHYV.

I loved Jung Hoo's scenes with mom both in flashback and current time. He is so strong and caring. After his abandonment he still loves and cares for her so much he doesn't want to see her cry. The shaking of his head when she said I'm sorry and his mouthing don't cry killed me.


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Wow...ahjumma sure is pretty when she dresses up properly :)


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Anyone thinks so too?


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More significant than beauty, I like it very much that she has Style and Character.


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In the flashback when she was working with detective Moon? She is pretty. I especially like her perm. It suits her character so well. :D


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Yup I agree I love her character not only just looks but also her personality and character too. She has spunk and style (when it needed)...the best ahjumma character out there for me and definitely my favourite too in kdramas :)


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Oh, it does my heart good to type out that name of yours! TQ for choosing it! I think I'll need to reply to you everyday, just so that I can type it out all the time!

There hasn't been a character of hers that I don't like. Such a range.
I like her when she is dressed up n pretty. But I actually like her Hacker ajumma even more. I love her hair, her glasses, the crazy socks she wears, the colourful mugs she uses, and the woollen vest over the back of her chair! The costume dept has done a gt job giving her char a real life feel, even tho she rarely moves from her computer.


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+100 I agree with everything you said there...just the way you described her was perfect :)

Aww thanks, I was actually surprised no one chose this username yet, and I LOVE Bongsookie (LOL), so it's only natural I would choose this name. I was previously going to use "Bongsoo" but then I saw someone already with that username. I think Bongsookie sounds more endearing and it especially reminds me of the scene where YS talks to her dad on the phone saying "Bongsookie, Bongsookie" :)


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A round of applause to young Teacher & old Teacher for a superb acting - portraying a person characteristic with precision! From body language & intonation to piercing eyes & mouth form while laughing - imo, 95% similar!


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Aww You-shin totally floored me in this hour. It's very strong how she got to understand Jung-ho so much that she's willing to put her feelings and desires aside because she knows he can't come to her for obvious reasons. Damn you Kim Moon-chik!
And I was especially touched by how she was upfront about her feelings to JH and her father. Aw father-daughter moment was so beautiful, I keep replying their scenes! He is the best father she could wish for, her real parents would be proud.
I was kinda cheering for dad to take Bong-soo by the collar and shove him against the bookshelf just like last time- ha!

I keep replying BS and YS's scene in the cafe. And I can't stop squeeling! Their little encounter is both beautiful and heartbreaking. UGH Why can't they be togother??
And dude how sorry are we that you didn't pick west?! Darn. :D
Jung-ho was there, YS wanted to talk and hug with BS but kiss JH, well what a loser. :P


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OMG YES!!! Ep 14 is daebak :D


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Initially I was groaning at how the previews/ episodes are getting a bit cryptic... but the last few scenes saved ep 14 and made Healer an ever more stunning drama :)


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@Edeline yes I agree! it makes Healer one of the very best drama out there for me. Actually, correction, it's the best drama haha. I'm gonna be so sad when this drama ends :(


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Nice one, Bongsookie :) All hail Healer!!! *bows*


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yes! the best drama!!! my current addiction since gaksital...
it's been sooo long since i got addicted to another k-drama!
o healer-ya.. what kind of magic did you spell on us?!!!


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What's "Gaksital"? Is it really good? :)


@ Bongsookie: yep.. gaksital is really goood!!! you can read the reviews here at dramabeans! :)


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Ah really? haha and here I thought it's a japanese drama (my bad :( ) Okay...shall go off to have a look! thanks for the recommendation :)


Gakistal (Bridal Mask) is stunning!!!! Out of the 100 dramas I've watched up to Healer - which is now my favorite - Gakistal is so over the top amazing and emotional that I fell on the floor weeping from amazement and joy at the final scene. It is also an important history lesson from the days of occupation by Japan 1910 to 1945. Joo Won is superb - incredible action scenes. Just great in every way. Don't miss it.


nomu nomu daebak!!! <3 <3 <3


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I obviously don't even need to write a thing right now.

Everyone who has watched episode 14 understands me.

I am ruined.

I have died and gone to heaven.

Thank you and good bye.


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OMG omg omg YES! like 10x....I can't say how much love this episode so much ♥♥♥

I have officially died too and in Healer-heaven :)

P.s. I just love YS here. She is such an amazing girl and so rare to find in kdrama ♥


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I agree, Young-shin is awesome. A girl after my own heart. :D

You know what, I don't need subs, I just want it to be Monday again! *cries*


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"You know what, I don’t need subs, I just want it to be Monday again! "

Oh YES please!


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Oh no Chandler! :( Come back please!!! We need to talk this out a little, without the spoilers of course ;)


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@Edeline...I believe Healer heaven is just too good to return from ;)


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HAHA... but please come back guys! I need y'all to alleviate my current state of near-insanity :(


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I'm still here in body so don't worry....only my mind is off to Healer-heaven :P


i know... i almost had a heart attack at the last scene!!! arghhh


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OMG! I was just about to post a comment about how Chandler would love episode 14. Yaaaaaaay! I love this writer, she's a mind reader! :D I'm gonna go crazy, damn this show!


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YESSSSSS SHE KNOWS WHAT WE WANT GOSH ;) those few OTP scenes just before the epic last scene? I was squee-ing with so much feels


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Ahhh….just reading this has me squee -ing….just this….now I have to be late for work so I can catch it unsubbed somewhere...


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Joining you in heaven!

I think my squeeing is been heard all the way in the grocery store down the street... Oops.


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let's all stay in healer-heaven for a while until the next episode.. haha

i forgot to take my heart back after that last scene...


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Shall we? Maybe time will move faster in there...:D

I am feeling light headed and shaky...I am glad I have you guys to confirm what I saw. <3


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And I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this either. It's lovely to fan all you guys here with me in squeeeing ♥

Healer-heaven, here I come!


I can feel you. Just remember to come back from heaven on Monday, you will not want to miss the next episode.

Healer has officially ruined me, it's a comfort to know that I'm not alone.


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All my wishes came true (well, almost all)


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OMO episode 14 is so SO good! I have goosebumps and tears in my eyes :') I love how every episode gets better and better. Please keep up with this writer-nim, you're doing such a good job!

Can't wait to read the next recap! ♥


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I particularly love CYS and Ahjumma in ep 14! Kim Mi Kyung is a fantastic actress.


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Ah, Bongsookie, help! did you watch it live?

My stream was lagging so horrbily I lost last 20 min, and saw only one last shot of the OTP at the very very end
Did I see what I think I saw?!?!?!
Or have I finaly become completely crazy and delusional?!


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Lol, judging by the amount of OMGs going around I think I have my answer now :D


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Without any spoilers, yup what you thought you saw was correct :D


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Thanks ... :D


It was bad this time, I think we crashed it...*giggles*

Yeah I think you saw what you thought you saw. LOL


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Thanks!! :D

Awwwww.... now I have to stuff some food in my mouth to keep it shut until tomorrow :D


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Have a drink too, don't want you to choke on your food! ^^


Lol, thanks :D will do... though I feel drunk already.... :D


OMG! just finished watching ep 14.. and though i couldn't understand what they were saying.. my heart wants to burst at the last scene!!! argh... i can't wait another week for this!!! huhu


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same ♥ it was a great ending ♥♥

But sad news...that only makes me want to see the next episode NOW. Huhu but I have to wait for another 6 days :(


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and there's no preview for episode 15! oh show... i can't even!!!


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I think the no preview is not the drama's fault - they're in live shooting mode now and for an action drama it is actually quite hard to keep up with schedules. Plus JCW just finished his musical too so doing both musical and shooting Healer must have been a time constraint. I'm sure preview will be released in a few day's time. Just be patient :)

Last time if I can remember properly, preview was released on Friday :)


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oh i see.. thanks for the info! :)


You're welcome :)



Ok I just finished watching episode 14 raw. I shall not say any spoiler here, just wanna scream:

How am I going to survive the next 6 days is beyond me. My brain is bursting.

Can't wait for the recap of episode 14 tomorrow, looking forward to what everyone has to say.


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yes... let's just scream!!!! arghhhhhh


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Let's all scream together *ahhhhhhhhhhhh* sigh, Monday please come fast T.T


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You said it all, KDaddict ;)


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Same here, see you in Healer-heaven ♥


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Omg JCW's eyebags and his tired eyes... definitely suits his role in ep 14 but it breaks my heart :'(

Please stay healthy and happy, Chang-Wook dear!


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I do hope his tired eyes/eye-bags will be the last time we see here. He just wrapped up his musical so hopefully for the coming episodes his schedules will be more freed up a bit and he won't have to lack sleep so much. JCW really is a hard working guy. Hopefully he's able to just focus on Healer now that his musical has finished :)


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He's truly a respectable actor :) yup I saw his IG updates with regard to the end of The Days Musical! I love the song(s) that he sang in it.


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Me too! and I love his voice, it's so deep and nice. I could listen to him sing all day ♥

he's my perfect ideal guy haha


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I know right! His voice is so deep and soothing *sighs dreamily*


EVERYONE. Don't say a thing. Keep it in. Let everyone experience it. It's seriously so amazing!!!


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Yes thanks @Chandler, out of respect for everyone here who hasn't seen the new episode yet, please don't say anything and keep it in. We can express our excitements but don't say anything about the new episode.

I hope those who will be watching it soon shall have an awesome viewing experience too ♥


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I so obviously know, BTW I watched it raw with 0.000 knowledge about Korean language.....Lets just say it again, I am grinning like a stupid person, my family thinks I have finally lost it.


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Yup, lets keep it in...... :D

Ah, JB, can't wait to hear you SCREAM :D


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+1 haha love your comment. Yes, JB can't wait to read your recap. We all love seeing you squeal in your recaps :)


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Yeah it was amazing but the thing is I was crying from the beginning to end of the episode :( I just cant bear to see him like that... I know it's all acting I must be gone crazy totally ... I just hope from the next episode every move will be in favour of the good ones only 6 are remaining. This is the high time


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