Pinocchio: Episode 8

You know you like a character when you see very plainly how everything’s about to go terribly awry for him, but you keep telling yourself that it’ll be okay—through some kind of magic, he won’t be faced with his most devastating heartbreak yet, and he’ll come out on the other side without losing anyone he loves. If we say it enough times, it’ll come true. That’s totally how this works. You’ll see.

Note: Next week’s recaps will be a little late, but I’ll be working hard to get them out as soon as I can!


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EPISODE 8: “A Lucky Day”

As Dal-po is suddenly confronted with the brother he’s been searching for, he looks down at Hyung’s outstretched hand with hesitation. He narrates that he thought he’d run and hug his brother when they finally reunited, that the tears he’d held back all this time would flow like a river.

But things look bad for Hyung, and Dal-po can’t shake what he already knows about the container fire, and the fact that he came here to meet the plant manager’s possible accomplice.

Dal-po (voiceover): “I had the terrible feeling that Hyung might’ve made a choice that shouldn’t be made. I was afraid.” So he answers, “My name is Choi Dal-po.”

What Dal-po doesn’t know is that Hyung turned the plant manager’s phone on just before arriving in the busy square, which brings Chan-soo and a team of detectives out looking for their murder suspect.

Dal-po catches them arriving out of the corner of his eye, and hurriedly drags Hyung into a café. But of course Chan-soo happens to see Dal-po’s face in the crowd and calls to see where he is, only to have Dal-po lie that he’s at the station. D’oh.

Hyung tries to give Dal-po the money back for the bumper, insisting that his coworker accepted it without his permission since he never intended to collect. Dal-po in turn offers a new envelope of more money, and the brothers sit there pushing their envelopes back and forth at each other until Hyung finally says they’ll just take one each and call it even.

Dal-po worries about him getting into trouble at work for the truck not being fixed, but Hyung says it belongs to him—he’s been delivering water for ten years now, and owns the truck outright. Hyung asks about his job, and Dal-po says he used to drive a taxi… but can’t bring himself to admit that he’s a reporter now. He lies that he’s unemployed.

So Hyung jumps up to buy the coffee then, and when Dal-po protests, Hyung asks how old he is and pulls rank: “I’m the hyung, so I buy.” Oof, the way Dal-po looks up at him with stars in his eyes as he says, “Yes, Hyung.” He even copies Hyung’s order and I just want them to hug so badly, it’s making me crazy.

They walk out together, and suddenly Hyung throws his arm around Dal-po and looks at their reflection in his truck window: “Do we look alike?” Dal-po is shocked that he might recognize him, but Hyung says that his coworker said they looked alike, but he doesn’t really see it. Dal-po: “Yes, we do. We look a lot alike.”

Hyung tells him that he’s a good person for leaving his number after hitting his bumper, and when they shake hands to say goodbye, Dal-po holds on a little longer, like he can’t bear to let go. “Hyung… can I call you that?” Hyung wonders when they’d see each other again, but agrees to let him and takes off.

Dal-po quickly gets in a cab and follows him home, and narrates that there were a million questions he wanted to ask Hyung when they finally met—whether he’d lived well, was ever sick, had gotten married. But now, only terrifying questions are swimming through his head, like why he’s on the list of calls last made by the man who falsely accused their father and is now missing.

He wonders if it could be coincidence or something more, and walks up to ring Hyung’s doorbell. But he pulls back as he thinks that the possibility that it isn’t is too frightening and cruel to handle.

Dal-po’s team leader Hyun-kyu is pacing in the halls, his fuse already burnt to a crisp at the fact that Dal-po ran off without permission and isn’t even answering his calls. Editor Jo asks which of his newbies is making him crazy—Sasaeng or Cockfight? Ha. Editor Jo says it’s his fault for not being hard enough on them (really, you’re telling the scary team leader he’s not scary enough?) and Hyun-kyu declares that Cockfight’s going down.

Dal-po comes back to the station and simply apologizes for being late, and Hyun-kyu starts lighting into him. But Dal-po calmly interrupts to say that he has a question, and Editor Jo jumps in to say that this is a time for him to be punished, not ask questions.

Dal-po ignores that and asks anyway what he’s supposed to do if he finds a suspect before the police do, and suddenly both Hyun-kyu and Editor Jo change their tune entirely, and Editor Jo says they’d be able to get footage of the arrest as it happens, practically drooling at the thought. They congratulate him and ask who the suspect is… and Dal-po says he didn’t find anyone. Phew.

Hyun-kyu and Editor Jo stand there agape as Dal-po says he followed every lead like Hyun-kyu taught him and will continue to do so, and walks away. They look at each other and wonder if Cockfight just toyed with them, and Director Lee walks by and says that’s exactly what happened, heh. He looks over at Dal-po, a little impressed.

Over at MSC, Beom-jo follows his team leader Il-joo all the way to the men’s room to beg not to be put on a different team, and over in the women’s restroom, In-ha overhears Il-joo and Princess arguing about whether Mom is helping In-ha out behind everyone’s backs.

Mom happens to be there too, and In-ha follows her out to ask that she defend her, or at least give her credit where credit is due. The boys listen in, as Mom coldly tells her to call her by her title at work, and says that In-ha doesn’t deserve the same treatment as other reporters who got here on their own merits.

The other guys have to stop Beom-jo from running over to interrupt them, and they watch In-ha’s face fall as Mom tells her that nothing’s changed—she still thinks that In-ha isn’t fit to be a reporter.

Gyo-dong contemplates a post-it with Hyung’s name and number on it, then calls Dal-po over and tells him he found his brother. Dal-po grabs him in a bear-hug and thanks him profusely, and when Gyo-dong pries him off in embarrassment, Dal-po just clings to him even harder, and wraps a leg around him. They look like they might be making babies in the middle of the office.

But it turns out to be Gyo-dong’s imagination, and he decides that would be far too mortifying. So he calls Yoo-rae over instead, and tells her to give the post-it to Dal-po. He watches from his desk in anticipation, but then Dal-po takes it and simply gives him a silent solemn nod of acknowledgment.

Gyo-dong is even more flustered at the lack of overflowing gratitude and mutters, “That’s…it?!” Hahahaha. He wants his cuddles!

He follows Dal-po out to the elevators and points out that he used all of his contacts to get him that number, and swears he’s not fishing for credit or anything, but he put a lot of effort into it thinking Dal-po wanted to find his brother.

Dal-po says soberly that he’s a little hesitant about calling now, because he’s scared that this person might not be the hyung he knew. “Thirteen years is a long time.” Gyo-dong watches him go feeling more confused than ever.

In-ha walks out of work still frustrated over Mom’s coldness, and yells at her growling stomach for adding to her troubles. Of course she happens to be standing right outside the restaurant where Dal-po is eating, and she runs off, embarrassed. He calls to tell her to eat, promising not to say anything.

She comes in and finds that he’s already ordered for her, and they swap egg parts like always. She asks why he’s eating alone when he could call his girlfriend, and he finally tells her the truth about Hye-sung Navi. She takes this in with a quiet, “Ah.”

The meal breaks the ice between them, and on their way home In-ha tells him about Mom and admits that Dal-po was right about her creating a Mom fantasy in her head. She says that it’s extra disappointing because she spent so many years building up those expectations, and he says he gets what that feels like now.

She wonders how he’d know, but he just says that he gets it—you wish you could go back to before you reunited, because then at least the fantasy made you happy, whereas now the more you get to know the real person, the more it pains you.

In-ha smiles and says that’s exactly how she feels. She wonders if they’ll be able to go back to the way things were—comfortably chatting as uncle and niece, like this. Dal-po stops in his tracks at that and says, “I can’t do that now.” Whoa.

Dal-po: “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. Can you?” In-ha turns around and says that she can… and hiccups. Eeeeee! She tries to run away, but he follows her into the crosswalk and spins her around to face him, and then leans in for a kiss.

She throws a hand over her lips, so Dal-po just kisses her gently on her hand instead. There are no words spoken between them, but he watches her as she lowers her hand and looks up at him with different eyes.

He smiles and pulls her in for a real kiss—or kisses, as the case may be—sweet and soft and tingly, as the snow comes down around them. Proper swoon.

The heavy snowfall becomes news fodder by the next day, and both stations send reporters out to catch footage of people having accidents on the icy roads. It seems callous to set up cameras just to catch people slip and fall, but I guess this is what reporters do.

In-ha gets her first assignment to be on camera, and dances in excitement as the other reporters at the police precinct look on jealously. She high-fives Beom-jo so hard that he yowls in pain, and she skips off to call Dad for clothes so that she’s presentable on camera.

Meanwhile, Dal-po chases Chan-soo down to ask for updates, and Chan-soo asks if he happened to be out in that busy shopping square last night, because he thinks he saw him there. Dal-po sticks to his story and says he must’ve been mistaken, and Chan-soo lets it go, but we see that he even followed Dal-po and saw him walk away with another man. He wonders now why Dal-po would have reason to lie. Uh-oh.

Dal-po is even more worried when he finds out that the reason Chan-soo showed up there is because the plant manager’s cell phone turned on in that square. Dal-po shakes the gnawing suspicion out of his head: “It can’t be. It can’t be.”

In-ha runs up to declare her big happy news, and pouts that Dal-po’s congratulations aren’t congratulatory enough. So he swoops her up in a hug, and then she’s freaking out that people will see. He just holds on and says he’ll congratulate her, if she’ll tell him it’ll all be okay. She wonders what’s going on with him, but he won’t say, so she pats him on the back and tells him everything will be okay.

Dal-po jokes that he’s jealous she’s the first of the rookies to be on camera, and asks if she’s going to wash herself, since she looks terrible right now. Ha.

She doesn’t argue and says she’s on her way to wash up, which she has to do in the police bathroom sink. Only, the water gets shut off after she’s worked shampoo into her hair, and she looks around in desperation for water… and her eyes land on the toilet. OH. NO. Don’t do eeeeeet!

The next thing we know, she’s drying her hair in the hand-dryer and putting on makeup. You didn’t. Say you didn’t. She walks out good as new and smelling of shampoo, and then the camera pans down to one of the toilets filled with soapy water. LOL.

Dad and Grandpa make their way to the police station with In-ha’s clothes, and Dad complains the whole way there about having to run errands for his daughter for something so insignificant. But the second they arrive, Dad is suddenly asking every single person he sees if they know where he can find, “My daughter Choi In-ha, the very first reporter out of her colleagues to be on camera!” He’s so adorably proud.

They’re shocked when they arrive at the reporters’ hovel, and Dad is especially worried to realize that In-ha sleeps in here with all these other people… including Dal-po. One of the guys says that Dad needn’t worry—they’re all too bleary-eyed here for romance, though he catches himself and says that he might want to worry about Dal-po since he likes somebody now.

Alarmed, Beom-jo jumps in to say that Dal-po likes Yoo-rae, and points her out. Grandpa beams and Yoo-rae stands there wide-eyed, and chides herself for not having noticed allllll of the obvious signs.

She runs into Dal-po and tells him that she’s sorry, but she has zero feelings for him, and doesn’t have any room in her heart for another man, holding up a picture of her idol oppa on her phone. Ha, well, she is a sasaeng.

He has no idea what she’s talking about, and tries to interject that there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding, but she refuses to let him say anything and just says that she’ll respect his feelings and he should respect hers. She says they’ll never speak of this again, and walks away before he can ever correct her. Pffft.

Beom-jo fesses up to making up the lie, which gets Dal-po all riled up, that is until Beom-jo tells him that Dad and Grandpa are here and were seconds away from finding out about him and In-ha. Dal-po can’t exactly argue with that reasoning and shuts up.

In-ha gets dressed and asks Dad and Grandpa how she looks. Dad: “It’s amazing. They make makeup that makes you uglier?” Heh, I love that Dad will only make fun of her to her face, even though he’s so proud behind her back. Dad is particularly excited when he sees Beom-jo’s mommy come by to give them earmuffs and hotpacks, and learns that In-ha’s well-mannered partner is a chaebol heir.

Both YGN and MSC teams head out to get footage of people slipping on icy roads, and it becomes a battle for the best locations. In-ha has a map of slippery spots prepared by her real estate agent father, while Dal-po knows some good spots from his taxi driving days.

As they spread out to scout locations and ask local residents about bad roads, Dal-po ends up back in front of Hyung’s house, and takes the opportunity to peek inside his truck and try to open the door. It’s terrible timing, because Hyung happens to be coming back home in time to see Dal-po there acting suspicious.

The worst part is, a neighbor comes by calling him “Reporter Man,” and tells him about an icy road she just found. Hyung’s eyes widen as he realizes that Dal-po is a reporter, and that he might’ve approached him on purpose. This is bad.

Meanwhile, In-ha finds a great spot with icy stairs for her team to shoot, except that she starts to hiccup when they stand there watching people hobble down the steps, just waiting for them to fall. Beom-jo instinctively helps a man who falls, and In-ha realizes that it’s niggling at her conscience. Their cameraman yells at them to stop helping people, but In-ha can’t stop hiccupping, until Beom-jo finally steps in to save a group of kids from falling.

Back at the station, the MSC director can’t believe they have to scrap the piece because of In-ha’s hiccups, but Mom says she already sent out other teams knowing this would happen, and they have footage from them. The director wonders what use In-ha will be if she can’t even do a simple story like this, and Mom says that she’ll take care of In-ha shortly. Damn, is she already going to get fired?

In-ha and Beom-jo return and get yelled at by Princess, and In-ha can’t even apologize without hiccupping, and admits that she doesn’t know what she did wrong. Is it so wrong to help people?

Princess screams at them that if they want to save people they should go into volunteer work—a reporter’s job is to report the news, and make it seen by people, and lawmakers, and the president. He points out the shortsightedness of only saving those people on those stairs. Because in that time, they could’ve reported the problem on the news and caused the city to make changes on multiple icy roads. Dang it, he has a point.

In-ha finally understands and apologizes, and asks for another chance. She gives up doing the on-camera report, and just asks for another shot to get footage of falls. Princess gives her one last shot, and Mom tells him that if In-ha doesn’t come through this time, he has to fire her.

Dal-po and his team return to the station, and when Yoo-rae slips on her way out of the car, he stoops down to help her up, and she makes a big deal of refusing his help. He seems to have given up trying to explain himself by now, and just lets her think whatever she wants. It turns out that Hyung has followed him all the way back, and he watches warily as Dal-po heads back to YGN.

Princess waits by his phone, nervous about In-ha after raising a big stink, but is delighted to get the report that she’s doing a great job and even getting interviews with locals. Princess makes a point of repeating all that loudly in front of Mom, and points out that they needn’t fire her anymore.

Mom isn’t so sure and wonders if Princess is trying to pick a fight over this, but he says he learned something from In-ha today—that a reporter should have those concerns and crises of conscience, because that’s what sets them apart from tabloid news. He thinks that In-ha will become a good reporter someday.

Dal-po and Yoo-rae head back out to return to the precinct, and Yoo-rae asks to take separate cabs because all this closeness makes her uncomfortable. He just complies and lets her take the first cab, and laughs to himself.

But when he’s alone, he turns to find Hyung standing there glaring at him. Hyung asks if he’s a reporter at YGN, and why he lied about it, and what he was doing snooping around his place. Dal-po backs up, a little frightened, and says that he happened to be in that neighborhood and saw Hyung’s truck.

Hyung slams him up against a tree and screams, “Don’t ever call me hyung again! Don’t come near me! All reporters are horrible and disgusting!” Ugh, it’s the same thing that Dal-po once said to Gyo-dong, but to hear it directed at him from his own brother is so heartbreaking. He storms off angrily, leaving Dal-po crushed.

A drunk driver gets caught at a checkpoint, but stupidly decides to try and make a break for it in his big truck. Great, we have a truck of doom and a drunk idiot behind the wheel? What could possibly go wrong?

In-ha and her team are set up to shoot an intersection and agree that they’ll just spend ten more minutes before calling it a day. In-ha asks their cameraman if he never had their doubts, and he says of course he did. It’s just that you do this enough times and find yourself even hoping for the unthinkable—for something terrible to happen right before your eyes. Well, you had to go and say that. Now you’ve jinxed us.

Hyung’s truck happens to stop at that very intersection, where he’s stopped at a red light and up ahead, a little boy is slowly hobbling across the street with a crutch. The cameraman shoots in the boy’s direction in case he slips and falls, but then they start to hear sirens blaring in the distance. Oh no.

What’s terrible about this is that everyone can see what’s happening from a mile away, but there are so many things going on at once. The high-speed chase comes closer and closer, as the drunk driver gets more and more reckless trying to outrun the cops. They start to come towards the intersection head-on, and Hyung looks over at the little boy and all he can see is his little brother Ha-myung.

The boy tries to hurry across the street but trips and falls, and the truck comes barreling down the street and suddenly swerves, which sends it toppling over onto its side. BUT it’s at the top of an incline, and the icy road sends it sliding down the hill right at the little boy. Ohmygod.

The reporters are frozen in place and the little boy braces for impact… when suddenly Hyung’s truck shoots out and careens into the oncoming truck, bringing both to a dead stop.

The cops pull the drunk driver out and Hyung stumbles out of his truck. I don’t even know how he’s still walking, but he comes over to the little boy and asks if he’s okay, calling him Ha-myung. He’s relieved to find that the kid is safe, and then collapses on the boy’s shoulder, bleeding from the head.


Wait, Hyung can’t die, can he? That would be too mean. Even if he killed those people and went dark, there has to be a chance for Dal-po to regain that relationship, even if it takes a lifetime of visits to the penitentiary. Right? Agh, if Hyung dies before Dal-po gets to say everything he didn’t say, I’ll never forgive youuuu! I honestly don’t think Hyung can die, because Dal-po has yet to face his biggest conflict—whether or not to come forward with his increasingly intensified suspicion that Hyung is a murderer, and what to do about that story as a reporter.

It’s already such a crackling conflict when Hyung finds out what Dal-po does for a living, and spits the same vicious words back at him that he used to say about reporters. And because he lied, Dal-po has no defense and can’t even backtrack to the truth because Hyung has already decided he isn’t trustworthy. I have no idea how Dal-po can salvage this, but I swear, if I don’t get my sobbing brotherly reunion, I’ll take back every nice thing I said about this show. I will! I’ll do it!

One of the things I’m enjoying about this drama is the stuff in the periphery—side characters from both stations who make me laugh in the two seconds they have onscreen, the rookie partnerships, the wacky but adorable parents, and the everyday problems of living ’round the clock at the police station and having to wash your hair in toilets. *shudder* Up until now, Beom-jo and his mommy had the most personality, but Yoo-rae has become more interesting in this episode, as well as Princess and the MSC staff. Of course, he still doesn’t beat gruff-on-the-outside, marshmallow-on-the-inside Gyo-dong. C’mon, Dal-po, all the man wants for Christmas is a bro-hug!

The title of the episode is a reference to a 1924 Korean short story, about a poor man who never had a lucky break his whole life. Despite his wife’s protests he goes out to work and has a fantastically lucky day and makes a lot of money, only to return home to find that his wife has died. So I sort of knew going in that there’s no such thing as a lucky day, and that any luck that befell our characters would come back tenfold in bad luck… but still I didn’t expect this. I must’ve been distracted by the kiss halfway through—it made me forget that I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

In all fairness, it was a very distracting kiss. I like the easy chemistry between our leads, and the way that scene progresses with tiny looks and changes in expression. What really works for me in this relationship is that In-ha is so likable that when Dal-po looks at her like he’s over the moon, I get it. It did surprise me that he suddenly went from barely being able to touch her, to a backhug with empty excuses about being cold, to sudden kisses, and perhaps that overarching progression feels a little like we’re skipping some steps.

But I won’t complain about a romance that barrels along at a zippy pace, and it’s made possible by the fact that In-ha can’t hide her feelings in any way. Maybe Dal-po couldn’t handle pretending that he didn’t hear her hiccupping confessions any longer. It’s also sort of refreshing that the obvious angst (their complicated family dynamic) isn’t enough to stop them from expressing their feelings, though I do get the sense that Dal-po is just burying his head in the sand for now. It’s bound to come up when Dad and Grandpa find out, but after today, I’m with him on this one—let’s keep it a secret for as long as possible.


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To everyone hoping that Hyung isn't the actual murderer... I'll have to re-watch the scene again, but when he was talking to the Ajusshi in the manhole he said some pretty incriminating things. Something along the lines of "everyone believes that you killed them and ran away", and "when they find your body they won't care".

Or words quite similar (I was watching subbed so there could be some mis-translation as well). I got the very distinct idea that even *if* Hyung didn't poison those other two... he DEFINITELY intends for Ajusshi to die.

I'm nervous for Inha and what Hyung is planning for her. This episode made me think that if Dal Po keeps poking around, Hyung will decide that he can't afford to let him. When he grabbed Dal Po and shoved him against the tree, I was very afraid that he had already made Hyung's "hit list".

I can't wait for next week!


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As a writer, it will be at the audience's best interest if Dal Po actually made it to hyung's hit list. It's going to create a lot of conflict which will make for a much more interesting story.


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man im surprised (but at the same time not) of how good this drama is. i doubted it at first because of PSH, but she is proving me wrong right now!!!! her chemistry w LJS is off the chartsss. i just absolutely love the pacing and directing.


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Just my crazy logic.. Hyung has to save 2 more people to break even. lol


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Hahaha is that possible? If it is, I'll take it!


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The romance doesnot feel rushed to me. Dalpo can only restrain himself so much. Meeting with hyung is all too devastating already, boy has nothing left in him to fight with on the Inha front. It's like he surrenders and seeks comfort in the girl he loves. His kisses are sweet and tender, but also tinted with sadness. Later on when he has to really confront with the fact that his hyung might have killed three people, he will need Inha's embrace even more. Ugh, Writer nim, this hurts so good.


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Same. To me, it didn't seem like they missed any steps. Maybe it's because he didn't confess that he liked her for so long, that some think they moved too quickly. To me, it was natural. Hopefully, that confession later on will be a cause for some more action ;)


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Move on too quickly? Please. Dal Po had been liking In Ha since they were kids. And he had to control himself since she is the daughter of his enemy. I think it's long overdue for the two of them to be together.


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Commenting after a long time being away from this site.

I am a fan of this site but comments sometimes can turn one off and they kind of did to me. So, I stopped visiting.

I feel happy to be back commenting because;

The comments have finally become more objective and drama specific. I love comments that analyze the drama or comment on it objectively.

Now that I have discovered there are true drama fans in this blog that can go beyond the 'i hate his nose' and 'i hated her kiss' to actually commenting on the quality of this drama, I am happy to come back and participate in all the fun.

So, thank you Girl Friday for recapping it the same day...


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thanks GF! great recap as always :)

ah! the feels! toooo MANY feels! can't... handle... all... the feels! i share GF's opinion, i'd rather see dal-po go visit hyung in jail for the rest of their lives over having him die rate now as a hero.

i know it's all going to end badly but a childish part of me still wishes that it will turn out that the only thing hyung did wrong was trapping the plant manager under the manhole. the police will find him dehydrated, malnourished, and broken legged but still alive. the two other men really did die in some freak accident and hyung just took advantage of the situation to frame the plant manager. sigh... if only....

i imagine if the show sticks with this same pacing, assuming hyung doesn't die :( , that the plant manager's body will be unearthed at some point in the next two episodes only too add more tension and suspicion than just chan-soo's.


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Not that I want his brother to die, but if he died, then it would be an even bigger dilemma for our hero. His brother would have died a hero saving a child, which is by the way on video; however, he would now have opportunity to make him a murderer instead. Mind you he still doesn't know for sure about the killings, although he suspect it.

To be honest now that I think about it, his brother dying might be a compelling thought. Because I like the brother and feel sorry for him; however, I have a feeling that he might go even more to the dark side, considering there isn't anyone else in the drama that will act as an antagonist.


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It just hit me that the police or the nurses would have to find the manager's phone at the scene of the accident or on him. If the nurses find it, then he might be ok since they wouldn't just automatically hand it in for evidence, but if the police find it...did they show the cops who were going after the drunk? Because knowing how small this world is, I wouldn't be surprised if Chansoo was or will be involved.
And this would set the stations at a "good" conflict because In-ha and her team would be reporting him as a hero, while Dal-po and his team would reporting him as a murderer.


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All the comments about PSH's kissing abilities had me looking up in youtube for her previous kissing scenes since i never watched any of her previous dramas. All I can say is the chemistry and comfort level plays a major part. Some of the male leads were too forceful in their kisses or they look like they were sucking the life out of her...lol. No wonder she was stiff as a rock and kept her mouth shut tight all the time. Guess LJS made her feel comfortable enough to relax more and return the kiss...it takes two hands to clap afterall.

Although some felt their kiss was too abrupt or there was a lack of a 'declaration of love' from DP, but i felt it was a natural progression after IH's numerous confessions. IH is not stupid, she knows the sacrifices DP made for her all these years and I'm sure she can feel how much she means to him...way more than how an uncle would take care and look out for a niece. Their unspoken understanding says it all...no words needed to know how each other feels. DP hesitated at first since he didn't know her feelings but once she made it known to him, he can't possibly hold back anymore cos he loved her for so long and that was what kept him going for the last 13 years.

I'm so invested in this drama cos the chemistry is great all around and not just with our OTP. I just wish hyung will come back to his senses and have a happy reunion with DP.


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People would just pass off her kissing scenes as 'horrible' or 'cringe-worthy' or some other expression, without actually considering the role she plays, the director, the script. They all just place all the blame on PSH for not reciprocating when it's not her who makes the decisions, nor is it her who concludes that the scenes are good enough to put on air.

Whether she plays a nun who pretends to be her brother, a terrified shut-in editor, or a high schooler who gets violated by her possessive, obsessive clingy 'love interest' it's ALL HER FAULT anyway.

Those who think that way are actually being ridiculous and it gets so old when they go on and on about it.

I believe chemistry is important and has a lot to do with the ease of the kiss in this episode. But they will never give credit where it's due, insisting that this kiss only worked bc of Jongsuk, and oh, finally someone taught that girl to kiss! Praise the Lord.

PSH gets shit on far too much that it's unwarranted.


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couldn't agree more! :-)


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yes the kiss was great, and hyung- thats karma for you.

But why is no one is mentioning the elephant in the room.
someone once said evil triumphs when good men don't do anything.

Was i the only one outraged that every reporter there where merely observing a child's death without helping him. It was not sudden, they had time to help him, it was like there hoping the child would get hit for a better story.

sorry i was focusing on the meat of the episode and not the fluff
yay :) that kiss and hyung don't die your so hot (sarcastically)


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Oh it was definitely awful. And I was disappointed that IH didn't start hiccupping then. Sure she got an explanation from the office but you can show something is slippery and warn citizens without a boy on crutches falling let alone watching a truck come at him.


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I really don't think they were close enough, for them to move the boy out of the way or save him though. Or is that just me who thinks this way?

If you think about it, it would've been an accident that happened quickly, but they showed all angles of the scene and how it went down, just for the audience.

Might just be me, but I don't think it would've been possible for one of them to run across and save that child.


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My thoughts exactly! The editing slowed down the scene so we could see every. Person's. Face. Multiple times. It was done in order to ratchet up the suspense, but it's pretty misleading too, especially compared to the pacing from earlier when they were helping the kids down the stairs.


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That kiss. That-freaking-awesome-giving-me-butterflies-kiss.

It was intense and beautiful. Park shin hye has proved herself to be a good actress and also can deliver a good kiss. I used to find it unfair that people picking on this girl all the time for the kiss scenes when there are several other actress who perform just the same. Honestly, there was less of constructive criticism and more of hate, especially after heirs(in many sites in general). At the end of the day, actors are just following their scripts. But i am happy that she is improving and proving the claims wrong. And also the credits should go the combined effects of the actors, park shin hye and lee jong suk. The chemistry is off the charts between these two. :)


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Girlfriday, i wonder is it dalpo or hyung are u refering at for the opening paragraph?


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Is anyone else worried that Dalpo might be implicated in the murders by nature of the fact that he has been in contact with hyung and didn't say anything? I hope not, but I am scared...=/


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That would be interesting. They could report it as two brothers planning revenge. Then IH would have to make choices on her career versus what she thinks is the truth vs her thoughts on Dal Po. And of course her mom and the channel would revel in saying their competition had employed a killer.


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Oph, so true. Good for plot movement, definitely a lot of conflict there.


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I'm scared that Dalpo will get caught up in trying to cover for his brother while he decides what to do.


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Maybe...except that Dal Po doesn't have anything tying him to hyung--unless you count his Cap. They have to have him identify himself as his real identity (hyung's brother but he had no proof to confirm it) before that happens.

Maybe toward the end of the series he could be a suspect. At this point, though, it's not possible for him to be implicated for the murder. Though him being caught trying to cover for his brother is possible.


That's the first thing I thought when Dalpo was caught by Chan Soo lying about his whereabouts when he was with Hyung,I have a feeling it will come back to haunt him.


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hurray for the director and writer for giving psh the right scene for a kiss...
am wondering y blame psh for those cold kiss she have in her past drama when the director approved it.blame the director instead,she just did her work and act as she was told...


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I still don't think Hyung kill all those men... there gotta be a twist (more like can't accept? idk) . :'(

I seriously loving this director/writer conbo plus LST and even the ost... This is so good!


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I luvvved this kiss gud 1 psh


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I'm concerned that Dal Po is going to be implicated in the murders. He has multiple phone calls to his brother's cell phone, he was at the square when the other cell phone was active and lied about it, he showed no reaction during the autopsy of the two burn victims, he's been lying about his identity for 13 years, and has the same motives as his brother for killing the guy. Do we know if he's got an alibi for the container fire? Driving a taxi would give ample opportunity to be anywhere.


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I think the same thing. I am not sure exactly how this will play out. You know that MBC will try and exploit the "unlikely hero" angle with hyung too. It's gonna get so ugly. Dalpo and Inha, Fighting!!!


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This just hit me: the police or the nurses are bound to find the manager's cellphone on hyung. If the police find it at the scene of the accident that's not going to be good, but if the nurses find it on him, then they wouldn't automatically have to turn it over to evidence or anything. I'm hoping on the nurses.

This does set up another dynamic because In-ha and her team will be reporting hyung as a hero, but Dal-po and his team might be reporting him as a murderer.


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But it's just an accident. It's not like they'd go through the phone and it would be off right now so how would they know it's not his phone? Or even something to look into?


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Well, again it depends on who is actually going through the stuff because a police officer will have to arrange for the car to be towed and to gather hyung's stuff to be able to return it to him. I'm not sure if they would take the stuff to the hospital or to the police station for hyung to pick up later. If the policeman at the scene happens to be Chan-soo, he at least would know the make and model of the manager's cellphone and recognize it if it's in the car. And, him and his team saw the same guy in the area where he last picked up a signal.


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1. Am I the only one who was kind of hoping Hyung would die just so that he can have redeemed himself a little and go out a "hero" and mainly so we don't have to watch poor Dalpo struggle with all the upcoming agnst when he confirms that his Hyung is a killer? I mean, I know that it would leave us with no conflict for the rest of the series but I'm totally ok with 8 more episodes of snow kisses and Beum Jo's Mom and imaginary bro-hugs.

2. On a related note, I've worked up some pretty elaborate scenarios in which Hyung didn't do it, after all. I mean, we have yet to see him ACTUALLY kill anyone. The Container guys died of poisoning before the fire was set so, what if someone else poisoned them and Hyung, not knowing that they were already dead came later and set the fire? Then, he had some kind of pang of conscience about burying the dude alive and went back and got him out is keeping him locked up somewhere. Still a crime but significantly less jail time. To be honest, when they first showed the two bodies during the autopsy (when the newbie reporters were touring the morgue) I had a feeling it was those two Chemical Plant Workers and I automatically assumed the Boss did it as a result of one of their business deals gone bad, or possibly just to keep them quiet. It never crossed my mind that Hyung did it until they did the big reveal. I know it's highly inprobable but hope is all I have at this point. Pretty much, I'm desperate for him to be a good guy. All this back and forth with his character is making me think all kinds of conflicting thoughts (which, I know, is the point but still...). I like my villains properly villainous so I don't have to worry about them. But, if he did do it, is it too much to ask that him and Dal Po run off to safety in Mexico and start building boats, Shawshank Redemption Style?

3. The kiss was pretty spectacular and all but I still couldn't help but thinking (in between squeals of delight) "where can you possibly go from here? You're legally related?" I'm worrying less about what Dad is going to say and more about what the court system will say when you try to register your marriage. But, thinking of how beautiful your babies will be, it's worth the struggle. Smooch away!

4) Love the peripheral characters but I think Lee Pil Mo has been wasted thus far because a) he's soooooo YUMMY I want him on my screen at least once every three minutes and b) he's a good actor with a character who could be doing so much more. Regardless, the newsroom scenes always have me laughing out loud.

5) The ending scene was so good that I was able to turn off my engineer's brain and ignore the very questionable Physics and just enjoy being sucked in. I was all, "go, Hyung! Do it!"

6) Grandpa and Dad are the best things ever. How awesome is it to have a show with 3 out of 4 good parents? Of course, the one bad parent is bad enough to pick up the slack for everyone. How awful is Reporter Song?


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#2. i always assumed the trapped ahjussi killed the two plant workers and hyung at most set the place on fire. wishful thinking because i really like his character and feel so much for him and all events that lead up to his tragic fall (hyung really reminds me of lawyer oh-played by joo ji hoon-from Mawang aka The Devil, which was the one and only time i wanted a killer to get away with his crimes).

it would be interesting if hyung had an accomplice to the crime. maybe one of the dead firefighters children or sibling that is extracting revenge all these years later. i really want it to be the pinocchio man teaming up with hyung out of guilt for what he did all those years ago.


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4) YESSSS! I love every scene where Lee Pil Mo is on the screen. Not gonna lie, he is way yummier than LJS (but LJS's heartfelt acting can't be topped).


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Does anyone know the song played when Choi dal po and in ha kissed under the christmast lights on the road please?..:D


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LJS is such an amazing actor. Every emotion on his face looks so raw and sincere. How is he so perfect??

I was on tenterhooks the entire episode jumping around from one conclusion to another about how Hyung is going to react, and things turned out way differently from anything I imagined. At first I thought Hyung would do something to In Ha, but then I thought Dal Po would confront Hyung and then I was so worried Hyung would target Dal Po instead and that would be so tragic T^T

Looking at the two brothers I am reminded of what Cha Byun says in IHYV towards then end (I think he was talking to Do Yeon) and he says that the difference between Soo Ha and Min Joon Gook was that Soo Ha didn't turn into a murderous monster because he always had someone who loved him to keep him grounded and human, but Min Joon Gook had nobody. In this case, even though both brothers experienced the same tragedy, Dal Po is okay because he had the love and support of the Choi family but Hyung had nobody. I don't want Hyung to be a Min Joon Gook! :<


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I recognized the actor who plays Hyung. Yoon Gyun-Sang. Hyung was Wudalchi Deok Man in Faith! I am so glad to see any Wudalchi getting more acting gigs!


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Help! Please recommend to me some English songs that have a similar feel to Every Single Day - Non-Fiction. I love the tune. It's just a shame I can't understand the lyrics while listening to it.


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the kiss lacked spark and chemistry


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are we watching the same show


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man I'm getting SLS for Yoo rae realll bad :(


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I sooo love this drama. It keeps me from studying, but I'm so addicted.

Love the brothers, feel so bad for DP that his hyung hates him because he is a reporter. There's a chance that hyung didn't kill the other. So he is innocent until there are proof. But I'm afraid he will be accused now, because of this accident? The police with have to check his truck and things when he is brought to the hospital, won't they find the plant manager's cell then?? I really hope for a happy ending for the brothers!

Love the kiss!!! They are so cute, and when he hug her later!! Chaebol was so lame, bet he lied to Dad and Gramps because he want IH >_<

Anyone who think evil mom has the Pinocchio syndrome? Syndrome can be genetics and she keeps clicking her pen.

I can't wait for the next ep. And now that's there are more eps to watch. Maybe I can study xD


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First the kiss! Then Hyung slamming Dal-po against the tree! Then Hyung's accident! AHHHH! This show! I love it!

Thanks for the recap!


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I just have to say that last picture is a perfect advisement for LV. I luv it.


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Some Very Memorable Moments:
Dal-Po & Hyung (Ki Jae-Myeong)
Dad (Choi Dal-Pyeong) & Grandpa (Choi Gong-Pil)
Hwang Gyo-Dong's hallucination of Dal-Po's reaction vs. how Dal-Po really reacted
Dal-Po & Yoo-Rae secret one-sided crush misunderstanding
White Truck of Doom, Child on crutches crossing the street, & Hyung comes to the rescue.

Such a treat to watch Lee Yoo-Bi in action as Yoon Yoo-Rae. Kudos to writer Park Hye-Ryun for having Yoo-Rae totally flip the script with her reactions as the 2nd lead. Love it.

I enjoy the moments of comedy from Seo Bum-Jo and Park Ro-Sa. By the end of Pinocchio, this mother/son duo may end up being fondly remembered by others too.

Toilet bowl humor begone. Choi In-Ha used the toilet as a sleeping aide in Episode 7 and now lo and behold in Episode 8 she uses it to wash her hair.


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I was so busy finishing Cantabile that I forgot about Shin Hye's new drama so I checked the first episode right after I finished Cantabile and whoah! This drama has a certain charm that I get all glued up, that I needed an overnight marathon for this drama.

I first saw Lee Jong Suk in Secret Garden and by his small role their, he already got my attention. He's not that handsome alright but there's something cool about his looks and he's acting is really great.

So I finished the 8 episodes and I can't wait for the next. Definitely rooting for this lovely drama!


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Regarding PSH kissing I think it has a lot to do with the characters she portrays. For a long time she gets roles that are just "too innocent and naive" so most of her kisses she has to do as if she's caught off guard but as In-ha who is very outspoken and lovable and mature, she gets to kiss as someone who is ready and mature enough for a sweet and romantic kiss like that. and really all I see In this drama is In-ha (not eun sang or her character in heartstrin gs) so I feel it's not fitting to compare her other kissing scenes with the role had portrayed bfore.


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I thought that the leader of the factory workers killed his minions to keep them silent? And then Hyung killed the leader?

And... They're going to find the leader's phone in Hyung's car/pocket :O

I think that hand kiss was the best one since the forehead kiss in Witch's Romance D':


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I dont know why everyone is condemning PSH for being a poor kisser in Heir. If you are really watching Heir, you should know that she is opposing the relationship and avoiding Kim Tan and he was the one that forced kisses on her. What do you expect the reaction will be if the kiss was forced and with someone that you want love (yet)? Its borderline molest, but throw in a handsome dude and beautiful OST, it gives u kdrama.
She kissed well in this Etude CF with JGS, and it was a famous hot kiss. And that was like 5-6 years ago?


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whats up Beanies..

Sorry to bring this here but Im really curious for what I've read (a comment from facebook).

"Is that true that the PINOCCHIO's Lead role was FIRST offered to KIM WOO BIN, but he declined it because of conflict schedules???"

I already saw Kim Woo Bin's promotional poster of his new movie that will be out this December 24 titled: CRIMINAL DESIGNER.. and he was really cool on it..


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no, its just SIDUS HQ (Kim Woobin's Agency) media play.
Park Hye Ryun writer choose Lee Jongsuk.


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Yep. The writer and I Hear Your Voice team were really looking forward to work with Jong Suk again. This time they're making use of JS's easy chemistry with practically everyone, which is great!

SMH at SIDUS trying to draw attention to Woo Bin at the expense of Jong Suk, time and again.


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That KISS, or KISSES!!!

I guess no K-Drama kiss can top THAT KISS this year! I just squeal in delight and forgot to breathe when that scene came up - LOL, I got it bad, I know.. (^o^)>


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I sooo hate that I started this drama after it ended. I love In Ha she's so cool! this writer annoys me by making female leads characters who can't hide their feelings. In I hear your voice Hye Sung coulnd't stop Su Ha from reading her thoughts and now In Ha with her hiccups .

Whe I read that PSH was starring with LJS in this drama I was so afraid she was going to drag him under some lame acting or something like that but She's doing so well, I like her more when the character's upbeat and happy kinda like Go Mi Nam in you're beautiful, they both have great chemestry is so cute

That kiss scene was soooo cute, the locations, lights, snow... the hand omg how do they come up with that idea?


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It just occurred to me... I'm actually on my second pass of this series (missed LJS's cuteness... when is his next project coming out? -.-')

Anyway, the events occurred 13 years prior, right? In this episode, Dalpo says that he's 27. That would make the young Dalpo 14 years old when he was adopted. The kid who did portray the role couldn't have been more than 10 years of age. -.-'


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also, that look of LJS while begging for a lead from Chan Soo, with his chin on both his hands... Haha! Park Hoon! Totes adorbs!


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5 stars for this episode


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