Pinocchio: Episode 8

You know you like a character when you see very plainly how everything’s about to go terribly awry for him, but you keep telling yourself that it’ll be okay—through some kind of magic, he won’t be faced with his most devastating heartbreak yet, and he’ll come out on the other side without losing anyone he loves. If we say it enough times, it’ll come true. That’s totally how this works. You’ll see.

Note: Next week’s recaps will be a little late, but I’ll be working hard to get them out as soon as I can!


Every Single Day – “Non-fiction” for the Pinocchio OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 8: “A Lucky Day”

As Dal-po is suddenly confronted with the brother he’s been searching for, he looks down at Hyung’s outstretched hand with hesitation. He narrates that he thought he’d run and hug his brother when they finally reunited, that the tears he’d held back all this time would flow like a river.

But things look bad for Hyung, and Dal-po can’t shake what he already knows about the container fire, and the fact that he came here to meet the plant manager’s possible accomplice.

Dal-po (voiceover): “I had the terrible feeling that Hyung might’ve made a choice that shouldn’t be made. I was afraid.” So he answers, “My name is Choi Dal-po.”

What Dal-po doesn’t know is that Hyung turned the plant manager’s phone on just before arriving in the busy square, which brings Chan-soo and a team of detectives out looking for their murder suspect.

Dal-po catches them arriving out of the corner of his eye, and hurriedly drags Hyung into a café. But of course Chan-soo happens to see Dal-po’s face in the crowd and calls to see where he is, only to have Dal-po lie that he’s at the station. D’oh.

Hyung tries to give Dal-po the money back for the bumper, insisting that his coworker accepted it without his permission since he never intended to collect. Dal-po in turn offers a new envelope of more money, and the brothers sit there pushing their envelopes back and forth at each other until Hyung finally says they’ll just take one each and call it even.

Dal-po worries about him getting into trouble at work for the truck not being fixed, but Hyung says it belongs to him—he’s been delivering water for ten years now, and owns the truck outright. Hyung asks about his job, and Dal-po says he used to drive a taxi… but can’t bring himself to admit that he’s a reporter now. He lies that he’s unemployed.

So Hyung jumps up to buy the coffee then, and when Dal-po protests, Hyung asks how old he is and pulls rank: “I’m the hyung, so I buy.” Oof, the way Dal-po looks up at him with stars in his eyes as he says, “Yes, Hyung.” He even copies Hyung’s order and I just want them to hug so badly, it’s making me crazy.

They walk out together, and suddenly Hyung throws his arm around Dal-po and looks at their reflection in his truck window: “Do we look alike?” Dal-po is shocked that he might recognize him, but Hyung says that his coworker said they looked alike, but he doesn’t really see it. Dal-po: “Yes, we do. We look a lot alike.”

Hyung tells him that he’s a good person for leaving his number after hitting his bumper, and when they shake hands to say goodbye, Dal-po holds on a little longer, like he can’t bear to let go. “Hyung… can I call you that?” Hyung wonders when they’d see each other again, but agrees to let him and takes off.

Dal-po quickly gets in a cab and follows him home, and narrates that there were a million questions he wanted to ask Hyung when they finally met—whether he’d lived well, was ever sick, had gotten married. But now, only terrifying questions are swimming through his head, like why he’s on the list of calls last made by the man who falsely accused their father and is now missing.

He wonders if it could be coincidence or something more, and walks up to ring Hyung’s doorbell. But he pulls back as he thinks that the possibility that it isn’t is too frightening and cruel to handle.

Dal-po’s team leader Hyun-kyu is pacing in the halls, his fuse already burnt to a crisp at the fact that Dal-po ran off without permission and isn’t even answering his calls. Editor Jo asks which of his newbies is making him crazy—Sasaeng or Cockfight? Ha. Editor Jo says it’s his fault for not being hard enough on them (really, you’re telling the scary team leader he’s not scary enough?) and Hyun-kyu declares that Cockfight’s going down.

Dal-po comes back to the station and simply apologizes for being late, and Hyun-kyu starts lighting into him. But Dal-po calmly interrupts to say that he has a question, and Editor Jo jumps in to say that this is a time for him to be punished, not ask questions.

Dal-po ignores that and asks anyway what he’s supposed to do if he finds a suspect before the police do, and suddenly both Hyun-kyu and Editor Jo change their tune entirely, and Editor Jo says they’d be able to get footage of the arrest as it happens, practically drooling at the thought. They congratulate him and ask who the suspect is… and Dal-po says he didn’t find anyone. Phew.

Hyun-kyu and Editor Jo stand there agape as Dal-po says he followed every lead like Hyun-kyu taught him and will continue to do so, and walks away. They look at each other and wonder if Cockfight just toyed with them, and Director Lee walks by and says that’s exactly what happened, heh. He looks over at Dal-po, a little impressed.

Over at MSC, Beom-jo follows his team leader Il-joo all the way to the men’s room to beg not to be put on a different team, and over in the women’s restroom, In-ha overhears Il-joo and Princess arguing about whether Mom is helping In-ha out behind everyone’s backs.

Mom happens to be there too, and In-ha follows her out to ask that she defend her, or at least give her credit where credit is due. The boys listen in, as Mom coldly tells her to call her by her title at work, and says that In-ha doesn’t deserve the same treatment as other reporters who got here on their own merits.

The other guys have to stop Beom-jo from running over to interrupt them, and they watch In-ha’s face fall as Mom tells her that nothing’s changed—she still thinks that In-ha isn’t fit to be a reporter.

Gyo-dong contemplates a post-it with Hyung’s name and number on it, then calls Dal-po over and tells him he found his brother. Dal-po grabs him in a bear-hug and thanks him profusely, and when Gyo-dong pries him off in embarrassment, Dal-po just clings to him even harder, and wraps a leg around him. They look like they might be making babies in the middle of the office.

But it turns out to be Gyo-dong’s imagination, and he decides that would be far too mortifying. So he calls Yoo-rae over instead, and tells her to give the post-it to Dal-po. He watches from his desk in anticipation, but then Dal-po takes it and simply gives him a silent solemn nod of acknowledgment.

Gyo-dong is even more flustered at the lack of overflowing gratitude and mutters, “That’s…it?!” Hahahaha. He wants his cuddles!

He follows Dal-po out to the elevators and points out that he used all of his contacts to get him that number, and swears he’s not fishing for credit or anything, but he put a lot of effort into it thinking Dal-po wanted to find his brother.

Dal-po says soberly that he’s a little hesitant about calling now, because he’s scared that this person might not be the hyung he knew. “Thirteen years is a long time.” Gyo-dong watches him go feeling more confused than ever.

In-ha walks out of work still frustrated over Mom’s coldness, and yells at her growling stomach for adding to her troubles. Of course she happens to be standing right outside the restaurant where Dal-po is eating, and she runs off, embarrassed. He calls to tell her to eat, promising not to say anything.

She comes in and finds that he’s already ordered for her, and they swap egg parts like always. She asks why he’s eating alone when he could call his girlfriend, and he finally tells her the truth about Hye-sung Navi. She takes this in with a quiet, “Ah.”

The meal breaks the ice between them, and on their way home In-ha tells him about Mom and admits that Dal-po was right about her creating a Mom fantasy in her head. She says that it’s extra disappointing because she spent so many years building up those expectations, and he says he gets what that feels like now.

She wonders how he’d know, but he just says that he gets it—you wish you could go back to before you reunited, because then at least the fantasy made you happy, whereas now the more you get to know the real person, the more it pains you.

In-ha smiles and says that’s exactly how she feels. She wonders if they’ll be able to go back to the way things were—comfortably chatting as uncle and niece, like this. Dal-po stops in his tracks at that and says, “I can’t do that now.” Whoa.

Dal-po: “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. Can you?” In-ha turns around and says that she can… and hiccups. Eeeeee! She tries to run away, but he follows her into the crosswalk and spins her around to face him, and then leans in for a kiss.

She throws a hand over her lips, so Dal-po just kisses her gently on her hand instead. There are no words spoken between them, but he watches her as she lowers her hand and looks up at him with different eyes.

He smiles and pulls her in for a real kiss—or kisses, as the case may be—sweet and soft and tingly, as the snow comes down around them. Proper swoon.

The heavy snowfall becomes news fodder by the next day, and both stations send reporters out to catch footage of people having accidents on the icy roads. It seems callous to set up cameras just to catch people slip and fall, but I guess this is what reporters do.

In-ha gets her first assignment to be on camera, and dances in excitement as the other reporters at the police precinct look on jealously. She high-fives Beom-jo so hard that he yowls in pain, and she skips off to call Dad for clothes so that she’s presentable on camera.

Meanwhile, Dal-po chases Chan-soo down to ask for updates, and Chan-soo asks if he happened to be out in that busy shopping square last night, because he thinks he saw him there. Dal-po sticks to his story and says he must’ve been mistaken, and Chan-soo lets it go, but we see that he even followed Dal-po and saw him walk away with another man. He wonders now why Dal-po would have reason to lie. Uh-oh.

Dal-po is even more worried when he finds out that the reason Chan-soo showed up there is because the plant manager’s cell phone turned on in that square. Dal-po shakes the gnawing suspicion out of his head: “It can’t be. It can’t be.”

In-ha runs up to declare her big happy news, and pouts that Dal-po’s congratulations aren’t congratulatory enough. So he swoops her up in a hug, and then she’s freaking out that people will see. He just holds on and says he’ll congratulate her, if she’ll tell him it’ll all be okay. She wonders what’s going on with him, but he won’t say, so she pats him on the back and tells him everything will be okay.

Dal-po jokes that he’s jealous she’s the first of the rookies to be on camera, and asks if she’s going to wash herself, since she looks terrible right now. Ha.

She doesn’t argue and says she’s on her way to wash up, which she has to do in the police bathroom sink. Only, the water gets shut off after she’s worked shampoo into her hair, and she looks around in desperation for water… and her eyes land on the toilet. OH. NO. Don’t do eeeeeet!

The next thing we know, she’s drying her hair in the hand-dryer and putting on makeup. You didn’t. Say you didn’t. She walks out good as new and smelling of shampoo, and then the camera pans down to one of the toilets filled with soapy water. LOL.

Dad and Grandpa make their way to the police station with In-ha’s clothes, and Dad complains the whole way there about having to run errands for his daughter for something so insignificant. But the second they arrive, Dad is suddenly asking every single person he sees if they know where he can find, “My daughter Choi In-ha, the very first reporter out of her colleagues to be on camera!” He’s so adorably proud.

They’re shocked when they arrive at the reporters’ hovel, and Dad is especially worried to realize that In-ha sleeps in here with all these other people… including Dal-po. One of the guys says that Dad needn’t worry—they’re all too bleary-eyed here for romance, though he catches himself and says that he might want to worry about Dal-po since he likes somebody now.

Alarmed, Beom-jo jumps in to say that Dal-po likes Yoo-rae, and points her out. Grandpa beams and Yoo-rae stands there wide-eyed, and chides herself for not having noticed allllll of the obvious signs.

She runs into Dal-po and tells him that she’s sorry, but she has zero feelings for him, and doesn’t have any room in her heart for another man, holding up a picture of her idol oppa on her phone. Ha, well, she is a sasaeng.

He has no idea what she’s talking about, and tries to interject that there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding, but she refuses to let him say anything and just says that she’ll respect his feelings and he should respect hers. She says they’ll never speak of this again, and walks away before he can ever correct her. Pffft.

Beom-jo fesses up to making up the lie, which gets Dal-po all riled up, that is until Beom-jo tells him that Dad and Grandpa are here and were seconds away from finding out about him and In-ha. Dal-po can’t exactly argue with that reasoning and shuts up.

In-ha gets dressed and asks Dad and Grandpa how she looks. Dad: “It’s amazing. They make makeup that makes you uglier?” Heh, I love that Dad will only make fun of her to her face, even though he’s so proud behind her back. Dad is particularly excited when he sees Beom-jo’s mommy come by to give them earmuffs and hotpacks, and learns that In-ha’s well-mannered partner is a chaebol heir.

Both YGN and MSC teams head out to get footage of people slipping on icy roads, and it becomes a battle for the best locations. In-ha has a map of slippery spots prepared by her real estate agent father, while Dal-po knows some good spots from his taxi driving days.

As they spread out to scout locations and ask local residents about bad roads, Dal-po ends up back in front of Hyung’s house, and takes the opportunity to peek inside his truck and try to open the door. It’s terrible timing, because Hyung happens to be coming back home in time to see Dal-po there acting suspicious.

The worst part is, a neighbor comes by calling him “Reporter Man,” and tells him about an icy road she just found. Hyung’s eyes widen as he realizes that Dal-po is a reporter, and that he might’ve approached him on purpose. This is bad.

Meanwhile, In-ha finds a great spot with icy stairs for her team to shoot, except that she starts to hiccup when they stand there watching people hobble down the steps, just waiting for them to fall. Beom-jo instinctively helps a man who falls, and In-ha realizes that it’s niggling at her conscience. Their cameraman yells at them to stop helping people, but In-ha can’t stop hiccupping, until Beom-jo finally steps in to save a group of kids from falling.

Back at the station, the MSC director can’t believe they have to scrap the piece because of In-ha’s hiccups, but Mom says she already sent out other teams knowing this would happen, and they have footage from them. The director wonders what use In-ha will be if she can’t even do a simple story like this, and Mom says that she’ll take care of In-ha shortly. Damn, is she already going to get fired?

In-ha and Beom-jo return and get yelled at by Princess, and In-ha can’t even apologize without hiccupping, and admits that she doesn’t know what she did wrong. Is it so wrong to help people?

Princess screams at them that if they want to save people they should go into volunteer work—a reporter’s job is to report the news, and make it seen by people, and lawmakers, and the president. He points out the shortsightedness of only saving those people on those stairs. Because in that time, they could’ve reported the problem on the news and caused the city to make changes on multiple icy roads. Dang it, he has a point.

In-ha finally understands and apologizes, and asks for another chance. She gives up doing the on-camera report, and just asks for another shot to get footage of falls. Princess gives her one last shot, and Mom tells him that if In-ha doesn’t come through this time, he has to fire her.

Dal-po and his team return to the station, and when Yoo-rae slips on her way out of the car, he stoops down to help her up, and she makes a big deal of refusing his help. He seems to have given up trying to explain himself by now, and just lets her think whatever she wants. It turns out that Hyung has followed him all the way back, and he watches warily as Dal-po heads back to YGN.

Princess waits by his phone, nervous about In-ha after raising a big stink, but is delighted to get the report that she’s doing a great job and even getting interviews with locals. Princess makes a point of repeating all that loudly in front of Mom, and points out that they needn’t fire her anymore.

Mom isn’t so sure and wonders if Princess is trying to pick a fight over this, but he says he learned something from In-ha today—that a reporter should have those concerns and crises of conscience, because that’s what sets them apart from tabloid news. He thinks that In-ha will become a good reporter someday.

Dal-po and Yoo-rae head back out to return to the precinct, and Yoo-rae asks to take separate cabs because all this closeness makes her uncomfortable. He just complies and lets her take the first cab, and laughs to himself.

But when he’s alone, he turns to find Hyung standing there glaring at him. Hyung asks if he’s a reporter at YGN, and why he lied about it, and what he was doing snooping around his place. Dal-po backs up, a little frightened, and says that he happened to be in that neighborhood and saw Hyung’s truck.

Hyung slams him up against a tree and screams, “Don’t ever call me hyung again! Don’t come near me! All reporters are horrible and disgusting!” Ugh, it’s the same thing that Dal-po once said to Gyo-dong, but to hear it directed at him from his own brother is so heartbreaking. He storms off angrily, leaving Dal-po crushed.

A drunk driver gets caught at a checkpoint, but stupidly decides to try and make a break for it in his big truck. Great, we have a truck of doom and a drunk idiot behind the wheel? What could possibly go wrong?

In-ha and her team are set up to shoot an intersection and agree that they’ll just spend ten more minutes before calling it a day. In-ha asks their cameraman if he never had their doubts, and he says of course he did. It’s just that you do this enough times and find yourself even hoping for the unthinkable—for something terrible to happen right before your eyes. Well, you had to go and say that. Now you’ve jinxed us.

Hyung’s truck happens to stop at that very intersection, where he’s stopped at a red light and up ahead, a little boy is slowly hobbling across the street with a crutch. The cameraman shoots in the boy’s direction in case he slips and falls, but then they start to hear sirens blaring in the distance. Oh no.

What’s terrible about this is that everyone can see what’s happening from a mile away, but there are so many things going on at once. The high-speed chase comes closer and closer, as the drunk driver gets more and more reckless trying to outrun the cops. They start to come towards the intersection head-on, and Hyung looks over at the little boy and all he can see is his little brother Ha-myung.

The boy tries to hurry across the street but trips and falls, and the truck comes barreling down the street and suddenly swerves, which sends it toppling over onto its side. BUT it’s at the top of an incline, and the icy road sends it sliding down the hill right at the little boy. Ohmygod.

The reporters are frozen in place and the little boy braces for impact… when suddenly Hyung’s truck shoots out and careens into the oncoming truck, bringing both to a dead stop.

The cops pull the drunk driver out and Hyung stumbles out of his truck. I don’t even know how he’s still walking, but he comes over to the little boy and asks if he’s okay, calling him Ha-myung. He’s relieved to find that the kid is safe, and then collapses on the boy’s shoulder, bleeding from the head.


Wait, Hyung can’t die, can he? That would be too mean. Even if he killed those people and went dark, there has to be a chance for Dal-po to regain that relationship, even if it takes a lifetime of visits to the penitentiary. Right? Agh, if Hyung dies before Dal-po gets to say everything he didn’t say, I’ll never forgive youuuu! I honestly don’t think Hyung can die, because Dal-po has yet to face his biggest conflict—whether or not to come forward with his increasingly intensified suspicion that Hyung is a murderer, and what to do about that story as a reporter.

It’s already such a crackling conflict when Hyung finds out what Dal-po does for a living, and spits the same vicious words back at him that he used to say about reporters. And because he lied, Dal-po has no defense and can’t even backtrack to the truth because Hyung has already decided he isn’t trustworthy. I have no idea how Dal-po can salvage this, but I swear, if I don’t get my sobbing brotherly reunion, I’ll take back every nice thing I said about this show. I will! I’ll do it!

One of the things I’m enjoying about this drama is the stuff in the periphery—side characters from both stations who make me laugh in the two seconds they have onscreen, the rookie partnerships, the wacky but adorable parents, and the everyday problems of living ’round the clock at the police station and having to wash your hair in toilets. *shudder* Up until now, Beom-jo and his mommy had the most personality, but Yoo-rae has become more interesting in this episode, as well as Princess and the MSC staff. Of course, he still doesn’t beat gruff-on-the-outside, marshmallow-on-the-inside Gyo-dong. C’mon, Dal-po, all the man wants for Christmas is a bro-hug!

The title of the episode is a reference to a 1924 Korean short story, about a poor man who never had a lucky break his whole life. Despite his wife’s protests he goes out to work and has a fantastically lucky day and makes a lot of money, only to return home to find that his wife has died. So I sort of knew going in that there’s no such thing as a lucky day, and that any luck that befell our characters would come back tenfold in bad luck… but still I didn’t expect this. I must’ve been distracted by the kiss halfway through—it made me forget that I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

In all fairness, it was a very distracting kiss. I like the easy chemistry between our leads, and the way that scene progresses with tiny looks and changes in expression. What really works for me in this relationship is that In-ha is so likable that when Dal-po looks at her like he’s over the moon, I get it. It did surprise me that he suddenly went from barely being able to touch her, to a backhug with empty excuses about being cold, to sudden kisses, and perhaps that overarching progression feels a little like we’re skipping some steps.

But I won’t complain about a romance that barrels along at a zippy pace, and it’s made possible by the fact that In-ha can’t hide her feelings in any way. Maybe Dal-po couldn’t handle pretending that he didn’t hear her hiccupping confessions any longer. It’s also sort of refreshing that the obvious angst (their complicated family dynamic) isn’t enough to stop them from expressing their feelings, though I do get the sense that Dal-po is just burying his head in the sand for now. It’s bound to come up when Dad and Grandpa find out, but after today, I’m with him on this one—let’s keep it a secret for as long as possible.


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Sniff sniff


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This writer is so good at portraying different sides of a story/character! I can’t believe I’m so emotionally invested in a side character who is also a murderer.


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My thoughts exactly.


I totally agree with girlfriday's comments. If we don't get a good, satisfying reunion between the brothers at some point, in jail or not, then I don't care how many kisses in the snow there are, I will hate this show! FOREVER!!!


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Now that you mention it........, it's a distinct possibility, isn't it?


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is it weird that until i read the recap i didnt even consider hyung dying add a possibility? i just figured that, since they got that all on camera (right??) it would be a big story, cos obvi quick thinking everyday guy saving injured child from drunk driver is a much better story than people falling down because ice, and then hyung would become some kind of local hero and is be that much else when his evil sounds are exposed.

or maybe he will just die idk things tend to be better when they don't happen the way i think they will


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Damn. First, I love how well paced this drama is. I wasn't expecting hyung to figure out Dal-po was a reporter until probably 2 or so episodes from now.

Second, man I love how hyung is basically what Dal-po would be had he never been adopted by grandpa. Said the exact same things. And that tear that fell down Dal-po's face after he got shoved to the tree by his brother. So damn sad.

Third, I'm really loving all the side characters. Gyo-dong for example. A lot of interesting and charming characters.

I really can't wait till the next episode. So glad my finals are done this week.


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loving this drama. I still can't remember the names of the actors though. weird.


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I know right. I can't remember all the names of the side characters... So in my mind its just handsome Cap, Princess Cap, evil headband teamleader, scary soft voiced teamleader. :D


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OK, I am a little behind on reading the recaps. I am not up on the nicknames. Who is Princess Cap? The non-balding twat from MSC? That's a good name for him.


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That kiss *-* he is one of the best kissers in kdrama i was dreading it because of PSH but it was perfect and so romantic.


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I definitely give him props for the success of that kiss...the man is smooth...and can kiss...I bow to you LJS for making PSH almost look normal kissing a man back.


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the director covered PSH's face by focusing on the guy's side instead. our attention was focused on him and not her. and he was hot I give you that.


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She at least closed her eyes and didn't look like a deer on the headlights lol. She was still a little stiff but you could see she was kissing him back.


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Oh there are so many gifs floating around tumblr, which shows that the girl also reciprocated the kiss. And also after replaying it so many times(guilty as charged). I don't think so. It was mutual. She kissed right back. Might as well been your attention that's focused only on him. ;)


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Stiff? Why y'all so tho? If you can't properly praise the girl as she deserves, don't mention her at all.


@junwon You have replied wrongly to me. I think ur comment was meant for the above person(blueribbon). Always check before whom you are replying first. I am actually defending the girl here. You can see that from my above comment.


@ Rayon Yeah, I was referring to the girl above, since I mentioned 'Stiff.' Not you. Don't take it personally, the comment just came after yours.


@ Rayon btw, i sometimes use junwon as my username. On my laptop, it's leejunki. Sorry for the confusion, but don't take it to heart.


Lord, "almost look normal kissing a man," you say? There is no hope for you grumps.


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Thank you! What's up with everyone obsessively criticising PSH and her kisses? I haven’t seen these “awful kisses” but she is an excellent actress, if she looks stiff or unresponsive I assume that has more to do with the script and the directing than the actress.


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Thank you! It is hard to like Internet comments without a like button, but I like your comment and wish I could like it twice.


You should see se of those kisses, they are cringe worthy to say the least. I do agree that it was probably a directing choice for PSH to be involved in so many awkward losses and glad they finally just let her kiss a dude like a normal person.


*kisses (not losses, though...)


The kisses ARE awkward. But APPROPRIATE for the characters that she was playing.

Except maybe Heartstrings, but I'd lay the responsibility on the director though. And Shinhye and Yonghwa are good friends, they have zero romantic chemistry though.

The only kisses I'd say were cringe-worthy, were in Heirs. Ugh, that mess.


Maybe the problem was in the lead actors in front of her. She had horrible kisses with Jung Yong-Hwa & Lee Min-Ho who are stiff as a board (I'm sorry I cannot take Lee Min-Ho seriously ever since the poodle hair in BOF and think he was only relatively tolerable in City Hunter and Personal Taste) while had great kisses with Yoon Si-Yoon & now Lee Jong-Suk who are more free spirited, relaxed and frankly better actors. I wouldn't want to kiss a whiny Lee Min-Ho either :D


Yep you said it he is smooth alright :D. He has good chemistry with the actresses he is paired with. He also had good kisses with LBY in I hear your voice, especially the kiss in the last episode. The way he looks at them before kissing them is what makes it so romantic.


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Like like like like like your comments!


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Is it safe to say that Lee Jong Suk is giving Lee Min Ho a run for his money when it comes to kissing?


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Nah. It still can't beat any of the kiss scenes from City Hunter.


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You're right. I just saw the kiss (I often read the recap first before watching the subs so that I would understand what I was watching). Lee Min Ho is the better kisser.


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Well, he at least is getting better kisses out of PSH, so maybe?


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LJS definitely got a better kiss out of her. I think their chemistry is better also. Whether that's due to the script/actor/director/drama gods/ or trucks of doom I don't know.


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Considering for Heirs, the director told LMH not to tell PSH that he was going to kiss her, naturally that scene wouldn't be too smooth. It was cringeworthy, that's why PSH grabbed onto him like that, brows furrowed, confused as she should be. She was basically assaulted in that closet. She didn't consent to that, and yet she's the one who gets all the backlash.

A big fuck you to all the people who blame her ONLY, for the mess that was Heirs. And to the rest of you who won't give her a break.


jongsuk@ If what you say it's true, it's really bad from the director's side and all the rest on the set, as they didn't try to oppose to such an unprofessional and disrespectful way of directing the kiss scene. I cannot blame PSH for the bad kiss then.
I don't like most of her on screen kissing, but in her defense I can say that it might be due to age gap with the kissing partners, who were much older than her or maybe not the best kissing partners for her. I like the way she kisses in FBNDoor and in Pinocchio though. So Perhaps she just needs the right partner. Otherwise I have no complains about her acting. She delivers well what the story and directors ask her to do.


Nothing beats Gong Yoo and his kisses! hahaha Lee Jong Suk is a close second. :)


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I was pretty neutral about LJS in the beginning. Thought he only had a whole lotta chemistry with Kim Woo Bin in School 2013.


The way Dalpo looked at Inha - that unspoken tenderness, longing and love - made the kiss legit. Inha is relatively new to her feelings but he has been in love with her for a long time and he finally let it show. That last look he gave her before he swooped in for the real kiss - that was k drama gold. PSH looked natural in her response..and that's good enough. LJS can conjure the rest of the magic.


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I love LJS as an actor the first time I've seen him in Secret Garden. I'm moved by his acting as a gay guy. He's a good actor. LSG is my favorite actor but LJS comes at a close second.

Still, when it comes to kisses, LMH is the best.


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Oh yes! He was the gay song writer who was in love with Oska!


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Ohmygod I totally forgot that! It's been so long but yeah, he did a really good job there.


I started rolling my eyes when I saw that wide-eyed (fake) first kiss then LJS went in for the kill and I have to say PSH looked pretty decent in that kissing scene. Props to PSH!


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Perfect kiss!!!!!!

When she put her hand on her mouth, I screamed "Are you insane?"... I was so afraid he 'd stop himself or a car would interrupt them, but it didn't happen... I'm so happy!!

Nice episode, by the way, so much stuff... I'm starting to like Mommy and Beom Jo, so hilarious! They're still creepy, but in a good way!


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Lol I was also a little worried about their 1st kiss because of PSH. I remembered how much i wanted a good in Flower boy next door & it sucked, but i'm so so happy with this kiss and with the chemistry between them.


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i'm always screaming HYUUUUUNG NOOOOOO. he is such a tragic character, a good person pushed way over the edge; you can see what might've happened to Dal Po if he wasn't adopted by such a loving family. when Jae Myung limped out and called the kid Ha Myung my tear dam broke. I BETTER GET THAT REUNION DRAMA I BETTER GET IT T_T


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There was shouting when I saw the last five minutes!


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If Hyung dies or amnesia, i think I'm gonna drop this song.
Ugh this feeling for Hyung TT.TT


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Oh amnesia would be so good at this point!! Dal Po would be able to spend some time with his hyung and the killing spree would stop. Also, Chan So or whatever his name lead would go dry!! I never wanted amnesia in a drama until now!!!!


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Love the pace of this show. It has never been boring or predictable.


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I think Dal Po no longer refrain his actions towards In ha because he has become so vulnerable with Hyung. He needs comfort and someone he could trust and love and that is his current family and In ha.

Also, chemistry is really everything. I could really see they are in love, when I was never convinced in Heirs. Drama land is amazing.


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Best. Kiss. Ever! Didn't think that they would top the "non-kiss" toast dream sequence, but this was soooo much more squeal worthy. Park Shin-hye has redeemed herself and Lee Jong Seok is wonderfull, as always.


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Awww...hand kiss.


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Really, nice, wasn't it?


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Hurrah! You did it PSH! And thanks to the ever wonderful LJS for making that kiss possible...!


I stand corrected! Kudos to both PSH AND LJS. I just think now its inappropriate to say that LJS made all the effort into that kissing scene... While PSH was just lucky to have LJS as a partner...so im gonna give them equal credit for that and also to the staff, writer and PD. It was a cohesive effort and not just because of one person. :)


@ Rgin, at least you're willing to give her the credit, unlike others, who won't get over themselves.


PSH is improving when it comes to kissing her co-stars. About time, too.


I don't even love this couple- I think they're adorable but I have others I love a lot more- but even I think that was seriously the best kiss in a kdrama EVER. Just unbearably sweet X3


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We missed our window of opportunity with the Beanie awards! If only this episode had come out a little sooner, I think they might have won best kiss of the year!


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Soooo good and sad.
This ep shot my beom jo is a pinocchio theory to pieces-unless. . . he was more serious than we thought about the farting comment to In-ha than we thought and there have been SBDs happening all over the place.
Thanks for the awesome recaps Girlfriday!


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Oh, I forgot to add that PSH totally upped her kissing-cred. I am off to watch that scene again without the lurking fear watching another frozen face being gnawed on.

BTW I am totally loving the emotion and philosophical questions this drama is raising, but am apparently only capable of commenting on the shallowest of matters. *insert shrugging icon that I have no clue how to make*


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Ugh! Hyung! I hate/love it when dramas do this. They SHOULD be on the same side but Hyung's dark side made it impossible now.

This is one of those rare dramas for me where romance and the rest of the story is equally interesting (sometimes even more). In the large scheme of things, the family opposition to their relationship doesn't even seem that big of a deal (though I'm sure we'll see it play out too)


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What a beautiful backdrop for their first love kiss!!!

I totally love love love Pinocchio and all the episodes are just getting better and better...

one episode i'd say this is better than the last...then the next one ups the next episode...

i love how all the actors/actresses in this drama are Totally OWNING their character....from the little ones to the sidekicks all the way thru our OTP....

I can't wait for next week....wish we had a daily dose of this series!!!

thanks for the recap...


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"Don't touch".

Lol Lee Yu-bi is killing this role. Love her.


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She totally is! I loved the increasingly peeved faces Dal Po kept pulling after she was gone xD Should be interesting to see how long the misunderstanding continues and what her reaction will be upon the discovery that Dal Po and In Ha are an item!


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I'm afraid that she'll end up falling in love with Dal-po before discovering that Dal-po and In-ha are together


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Same! The first time she talked to him she said she would never bring it up again... then the rest of the episode we see her becoming slightly more obsessive about it. I mean, do you blame her? There aren't that many sasaengs that could withstand the idea of Lee Jong-suk being interested in them in real life, no matter how loyal they are to their bias.


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She is really good! But the misunderstanding is funny because even now Yoo Rae is so straightforward with Dal Po about not seeing him as a man.

and it is more funny since just on last ep recap, I said that I like Dal Po and Yoo Rae's relationship because it is purely friends/coworkers level on both sides. I don't want her to be a typical jealous or clingy female second lead now but she is so funny.


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Yes! It's really refreshing that she's not the typical second lead so hopefully she'll stay independently weird and cool.


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She's so great! Love Lee Yubi!


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I hope she does, but I also hope she is under the misunderstanding that he likes her for quite some time. Perhaps even when evidence to the contrary starts to mount.


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I have a hunch that the hospitalization might prove to be an opportunity for them to develop hints for the brother that Dal po is his little Ha-Myeong. Might give Dal po the chance to donate blood to help with Jae-Myeong's surgery or what not, so that in hearing that they're similar blood types (or better yet, blood types with a special disorder or something), it may build in reconciling the fact that Dal Po is Ha-Myeong later on when big bro finds out.


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City Hunter here we go lol


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Yes, it was a wonderfully distracting kiss, girlfriday. So much better than the wooden one with Yoon Shi Yoon in FBND or the awful one in the closet with LMH in Heirs.

I am glad I held out until this week for eps 7 and 8. I am amazed that the writing actually pulls off the story between an impossibly selfish un-mother and a daughter who goes to lengths to win her mother's approval (dare I say love?) even if it means working under her mother's harsh crust.


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PSH is improving when it comes to her kisses. :-)


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Omo! GREAT kiss!!!○.○romance is definitely building up!!! But not that happy that hyung did such things.very sad!!! All dalpo wants for Christmas is a hug from his hyung...:'(


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While I am not a fan of mom, I do wonder if she has a little bit goodness.

She doesn't lie to her daughter or manipulate her with false hopes.

And I cant help but notice this chain of events. In-ha does good reporting. People gossip that it was just from help from her mom, not actually ability. Mom acts and rebuffs her daughter and calls her a parachute hire to be gotten rid of. Suddenly those gossipers are helping In-ha and defending her abilities.

Whether Mom's intentionally acted after hearing the gossip to protect her daughter or just to protect herself, I am waiting to see.


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Nice observation, you have a point there, what In ha's mother maybe doing is tough love.


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Could be too... Cause... There are limited flashes of tenderness moments when we see here look at in ha... Just really very few though... Lets just cross out fingers!


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It would've been tough love if it wasn't for the fact her mom never contacted her once for all of those years she lived with her dad. If she had meant it as tough love…I'm sorry, I don't buy it. That woman is many years too late. I whole heartedly hate her.


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I don't buy it either! She hired a pinnochio for her benefit and even if she's showing tough love right now, it's probably the least she can do. It doesn't make up for all those years she ignored In Ha.

I really hope the drama/writer doesn't try to make her a good person in the end, I would be VERY annoyed (especially when they made Hyung a murderer).


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I completely agree with you! Would that make them star crossed character arcs?


Have you noticed how her mom clicks her pen when she might be hiding something? I think Mom's also a Pinocchio, and her coldness grew as she had to get better at hiding herself. Over her career, she learned to be really tough in order to survive, and it's no secret she doesn't think In ha is tough enough for this business. She's never going to be sweet, but I think she has the kind of integrity that prevents her from cushioning the people she cares about. She wants In ha to know exactly what she's getting into.


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I actually have been really impressed with Mom for not lying and manipulating In Ha. I totally expected her to pull the Mom-Card and pretend she cared when she first approached In Ha about the job. But she was like "Don't get it twisted, we just need you for publicity." I respected that. And she was right for calling In Ha out about referring to her as Mom on the job, especially if she wants to be respected for her own merits. Other than those two points, though, she's the worst thing ever. Can't stand to look at her smug face.


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OMG YES I KNOW! I was tempted to close my eyes just like I do in her other kissing scenes ((because of the awkwardness)) but I didn't and I'm swooning right now. Major props to LJS for making it look like a real kiss. And even more props to PSH for finally venturing out of her comfort zone.


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*high five* I was actually saying "oh..please don't kiss, please don't kiss…she's been doing sooo well in this role!" and then to be pleasantly surprised right after. Nice job, LJS! And PSH to really tried her hardest!


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At least in this drama, she was well aware that it was a kiss scene she was participating in, unlike Heirs. Where she was attacked with a kiss in a closet, without her consent basically.

Also, maybe it turned out to be a good kiss because Choi Inha is a confident young woman, not:
- a nun-in-training who's pretending to be her brother
- a shy, shut-in writer
- (i'm not sure why she had no good action with yonghwa in heartstrings, but they had zero chemistry anyway)
- let's not even mention Heirs

She has great chemistry with Jongsuk though, I'd say that has a lot to do with the ease of the scene itself.


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Wow. Definitely didn't see that coming. Just wow.

So I'm still mad they made hyung a murderer, but I think the end of this episode really highlights the contradiction of his character in an interesting way. That he would be so dark as to gruesomely murder three men but self-sacrificing enough to drive into certain death for the sake of one boy. Now I'm willing to consider that the writer actually knows what they're doing with the character(even if I don't like it). Both the murders and the heroic save were motivated by hyung's fixation on the past. He's totally controlled by it so that he can't move past his rage over his father's death and he also can't move past the love and regret he has for his little brother. Because he sees no future for himself, he doesn't care if he destroys his soul through revenge or throws his life away in reckless heroicism- it's already all moot in his perspective.

However, I really wish we would start to see that he has even a hint of remorse for what he did. If he really is the good person he seems, it makes no sense he could be so unaffected. If he slowly begins to break down it will be more interesting and also hopefully allow him to eventually repent and have a shot at redemption. I guess he needs something/someone to confront him and make him question himself..... I'm looking at you Dalpo =_=. Go save your brother's soul!!!


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See I actually have a huge issue with Hyung. I love him, and I love his tender scenes but really....he planned and carried out three murders. There's no way he's that sweet and angelic in so many other ways. If the explanation for the murders is that he was always this great guy and then snapped when he overheard them...well, the snap will have a more lasting effect. He's feeling more and more like a writer's tool than an actual believable character to me.


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Yeah, it's not really snapping if you took the time to plan out an elaborate frame and THEN killed them all, is it? Before this episode I would have whole heartedly agreed with you, but now I have some hope the writer really does have a complex arch for hyung planned out and it's just been sloppily executed so far.


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Oh, I think there's definitely a plan/arc in the works for him. I just am not sure that I believe it. I feel like a lot of things happened to get him started on that arc but that those things...I don't know. It doesn't feel authentic to me. Too much too soon? Too much emotional flip-flopping?

But I still love Hyung. Blargh.


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I have to disagree, a lot of people seem to think that because he is sweet and nice he can't be killing people, that's not true, human nature is more complex than that, lot of otherwise nice and good, people can do serious wrongs, when they feel justified, he feels that it's in his right to exact vengeance on these people because they did him wrong and he didn't deserve it.

When you are in a dark place and depressed, you do flip flop around like that emotionally ex : people with borderline disorder, manic depression.

I know people that even if they don't have some psychological disorder, that you would think are good and nice people but do some mean things out of anger, because they feel it's their right since they were unfairly treated, and are surprised when you tell them that what they are doing is wrong.

Hyung feels that it's his right considering that he ls lost his family because of them that the workers die. It doesn't change the fact that he his good to everybody else because nobody else did him wrong so why should he be mean to them, his moral compass, just included vengeance killing as a righteous thing to do, since he has nowhere to direct his grief and anger, He's not killing random people he's exacting vengeance, so he doesn't feel like he's being bad by killing these guys since he perceives that they deserved it.

To him they need to be punished, it's a vigilante way to thinking, he has good ideals but fees that he is in the right to be judge and executioner.


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People can flip flop with emotions but no killing fundamentally changes you whether you think it's justified or not. His "nice" scenes are practically back to innocence. He' very angelic in his niceness. That kind of flip can be seen in serial killers for sure but it's something that's general there for a long time not something that happens because an event makes someone snap.

Manic depression is completely different. Hitting lows and highs is certainly a difference in people but no...it's not kind of this naïve innocence. And that's a chemical change causing the flip flops.


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I totally agree with you, Versatile29! His acting out is his effort to make sense of the world. His family suffered from injustice that was never rectified. The people we usually would trust to tell the truth, the press, the police, the warehouse witnesses, and even the Pinocchio witness, all let him down. He doesn't have trust in the system anymore, so he's trying to get justice through his own hands. And don't forget, he's had 13 years of loneliness to stew in that mess. Such a well-done character! You can see his faults clearly, but from his perspective, he's not the villain of the story. He's just the vigilante.


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I think with Hyung, because he's suffered the unjust death of his whole family (or so he thinks) he's more prone to emotional outbursts, and they seem to depend on the level of his hatred. The three people who he killed were directly involved in his dad's death and slander; reporters, who he vehemently hates, were indirectly involved; but he's fine with regular people who weren't involved in the incident at all.

And I do think he'll feel remorse and guilt later down the road. It's just right now, all he's feeling is rage. They killed his dad and caused his family to go to ruin, but they weren't feeling bad about it at all, even laughing it off and feeling relieved that dad was dead (he overheard talking about it, remember?). Based on that one scene where we saw him shaking from first seeing the news broadcast, I'd say he's more scared of being caught right now. But once the truth is revealed (and it's revealed that Dal Po is his brother), I think that's when he'll feel real remorse.


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Real remorse. I have a feeling he'll likely try to kill Dal Po first, especially with the reporter-In Ha connection. Then he'll feel really sorry for it.


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I have some thoughts about hyung. One is that in Korea apparently, according to I Hear Your Voice, murderers get out of prison in 10 years. So he could still have a life afterwards. Ha. If that is comforting at all. Another thing is that it looks like he is being set up as the villain, (as a clash between brothers) but maybe they are trolling us. We did not see the first two murders happen and he could have let the manager out of the manhole. The argument against that is that he seems to still have the phone. Either that or the manager is hiding out and stalking him. But he seems like such a nice guy most of the time. He did not take money for his truck and of course his reaction to the little boy in the street. So we can do is wait and see.


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But then someone else would have had to stage the first two deaths as an accident. They've already said someone committed the murders and tried to cover it....and made it look like the third was responsible. Even for a show like this, that would be a whole lot of coincidence for hyung to show up and know what guy was going to look like the murderer without hyung having actually committed the murder.


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The kiss was perfect, this kiss was everything it should be you could see the desire, the passion and the love, it looked like they both enjoyed it and were lost in the moment.

There was a nice build up, the chemistry was great.

I think Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye do a great job of expressing many things by the way they looked at each other. I could understand everthing they felt at that moment, sometimes action is better than words.


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This. *claps* They do have amazing chemistry.


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That kiss!!! Aahhhh, still swooning here!!! (Writer park seems to have a penchant for writing in kisses in the eighth episode of her dramas) So glad Dal Po finally just threw caution to the wind! And I'm assuming that In Ha and Dal Po are dating now, right? It is a bit strange that their relationship went back to 'normal' so quickly after all that awkwardness and struggling with the uncle/niece factor...It does feel like we skipped a step but I won't complain! More kisses please!

Hyung better not die!! I want that heartfelt reunion!! The more scenes hyung have on screen, the more I feel for him and the more attached I get to his character! He's soooo pitiful! Is it bad that I kind of want hyung to get away with those murders? Can we call in lawyer Cha who can turn guilty into not guilty? Just sayin'


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Oh and I totally with this:

"What really works for me in this relationship is that In-ha is so likable that when Dal-po looks at her like he’s over the moon, I get it."

Because too often in dramas are we presented with a heroine who we're supposed to believe makes all the boys swoon but I have NO idea why. With In Ha I totally believe it when the story tells me that Dal Po is head over heals in love with her! She's just so darn lovable!


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As opposed to "She's So Lovable"! I was constantly shaking my head over that drama.


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How much does starting to reconnect with his own brother, despite the doubts, make him feel like he has his own family, and lessens the fear of messing with the "uncle" relationship?


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Considering "reconnnect" is kind of a strong word for finding out your long lost hyung is a potential murderer who then verbally attacks you......probly not much.


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In fact I expect that as he finds out more about how much his real hyung is messed up it will make him cling harder to the stable family that he has left.


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So PSH finally can kiss thanks to LJS?
The kiss is so sweet and gentle.
Whatever LJS does, it works with PSH. The only other co-star to make her kiss like normal people is YSY in FBND.


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*pulls out hair*


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LOL it's quite sad that we're so happy when actresses in kdramas can "kiss like normal people". It's the small victories.


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@kanz My thoughts exactly. LJS & YSY ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Though, I felt this one a tad better than her kisses in FBND because she looked so natural and for once, didn't have that pained expression she usually has when she kisses, but I'm probably biased :-)


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I would say its a combined effort. I mean, we need two hands to clap, Don't we? A kiss becomes perfect, when both the actors put in their effort together. And its not like the actor is going to teach the actress on how to kiss anyway. But i must say, the chemistry is magic between these two. :)


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I agree with you there. It really is a combined effort as whole. LJS would be kissing thin air if PSH didnt even made an effort, so i say its props to them both and lf course whole pinocchio team who are behind cameras.


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Totally Rgin. *Virtual hug* :)


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LOL at Yoorae's idol oppa being Heechul. He and Lee Yubi are really close in real life. They've been hanging out since he played the son of Yubi's mother Kyeon Miri in Golden Bride. Cute. :)



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Ah so that's Heechul? I have been wondering about the idol in question because I can't see his face clearly...


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Ofcourse it's Heechul.. it's his trademark pose? Or at least to me..


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Ummmmmmm can Heechul have a cameo? Please?


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I second this!


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Thanks for the recap, GF! ^^

Been watching this drama and enjoying it a lot since each ep. brings surprises and it's fast-paced. Finally decided to comment because it's THEIR FIRST KISS!! XD Teehee~ That was perfect. Gentle and sweet and totally swoon-worthy. Not like the wooden, frozen kisses that we tend to see. =P I'm so happy that DP finally stopped repressing his feelings knowing that IH can't hide hers and he really doesn't want her to have to anyway. LJS's quite a kisser... ;)

The Hyung-DP relationship is just heartbreaking... I didn't expect that Hyung would find out so soon about DP being a reporter not long after DP just realized he's his Hyung. Those exact same words about reporters must have really struck DP hard coming from his Hyung. =( I totally feel what GF said about wishing that the impending heartache could just magically disappear and the bros can just reunite and be happy. But it seems inevitable for lots of conflicts to be coming DP's way...

Love that IH's Pinocchio syndrome and conscience is actually teaching her Cap a thing or two. Loved how he purposefully praised IH in front of her mom during that phone call. I think he knew that his mom was gonna cut her from the team and did that whole outburst to teach IH why they can't just help those people who were slipping and falling. That was his way of protecting her from being fired before she could even prove herself. That was heartwarming. =) P.S. Loved PSH doing the WOOHOO victory dance at scoring her first reporting opportunity. ^0^

All the other characters are great, including YR's misunderstanding of DP's interest in her. Makes me wonder if DP would need to pretend to like her whenever Dad and Grandpa are around. Also, loved how IH's dad was complaining all the way and then switched into boasting mode about his daughter once he reached the police station. Haha...

GD's imagination of DP hugging him in gratefulness was totally hilarious! Even having DP wrap his leg around him?!?! This bro needs some lovin' from DP!!

The last scene... I know Hyung will not die just yet. There's still much to happen between the two bros for things to end. But now I wonder what will happen... We know he's a murderer, DP has his suspicions already, but with this latest development, would he not be viewed as a hero now by the community since he drove his truck into the slipping white truck to save the kid's life? It would be interesting to see how things play out... I really hope Hyung will know who DP is soon!! They need some tearful hugs and time together before the ultimate doom occurs...


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Hmmm...the way this story is going, they'll going to fight a lot first before that happens.


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I keep living in denial and thinking the man in the sewer is still alive and living on rats. Or Hyung is feeding him pizza while he sets up the case for him to go to jail.
Sigh. Until they find the body, I'm going to stay in la-la land.


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Yeah, that'd actually be a relief. I've been reading others' comments about the possibility that Hyung is still keeping that man alive and not responsible for the murders... I'm curious to see what the writer will do and whether we have been purposely misled thus far. =P I'd wanna stay hopeful as well since it's so heartbreaking if DP were to find Hyung to be the murderer sometime down the road...


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While not my first prediction, It would be incredibly tragic if he did die. Dal-Po would literally be in the exact same position he's spent the entire series trying to forget (dead family member being suspected for murder). The two biggest differences would be that he is now in the reporters' position and this time, his family was actually responsible for the murders.


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Hyunnggggg....arghhh now what? It's gonna be okay right? Right?


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I am still hoping against hope that Hyung isn't a murderer. That he was somehow a witness to the other two deaths and then came up with a kidnapping scheme.

We didn't see him kill those guys. We only know what he told that guy to scare him, he could be feeding him....

And then we would have the perfect set up, Hyung blamed for deaths he didn't commit, just like his dad. Will our reporters have learned their lesson and report accurately?

Delusional, I know. But the folly of assuming you know the truth is a central theme. I will not give up yet.


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Do you really think so?? Let's be delusional together! I can't believe I'm hoping that Hyung trapped someone in a manhole and is feeding him to keep him alive. What a horrible thing.

But at this point, anything's gotta be better than three life sentences right?

...If he lives. *SNIFF*


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for some reason (other than hopeful wishing) i don't think hyung is the murder either. i think the dude he now has trapped inside the tunnel actually is the murder. i can't help but think of the 3's arguments and fight over the land, money, deed thing when hyung meets them again for the first time (and also hears them coldly rejoice and laugh at his fathers's death by their hands *i would snap too*). also the fact that we haven't been shown him doing the deed and the theme from his father's own death and slander being what we think we see and believe to be truths may not actually be the truth (the pinocchio dude "truthfully seeing" their dad) also has me thinking hyung is not the murder.


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That or he's suffering from dissociative personality disorder from the trauma he's experienced and he can cite mental illness as a reason for a lighter sentence. :-)


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I´d go with being mental, because well, he is one.


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Right!? I still think that hyung is not the murderer. He might as well killed the one in the manhole, but the two others... i doubt it. I mean, just showing burnt hands poking out of the white sheet does not prove that hyung murdered them. *chanting "hyung is not a murderer" for thousandth times*

And hey, LJS is a master in bromannce. They ought to show more side of him with Cap!


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I hope you're right because I really don't want Hyung to be a murderer.

And, to amp up the tension, In-ha should be the reason why Hyung is blamed from the deaths.


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You read my mind! Thank You!!!! I thought I was stretching it because hyung's story is killing me soooo much that it's hard for me to enjoy all the little fun bits. I feel soooo relieved now that I will be able to enjoy the rest of the show without this hollow feeling pulling down the romance and smothering my giggles. Wow- I feel good now. Thanks!


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So glad I read this! I thought I was the only one holding out hope but I had the exact same thoughts. There must be a reason that we haven't seen Hyung actually kill anyone, right? I mean, with this writer's last murderer, we saw everything (still terrified). I posted a similar theory to yours on the next page.


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I'm with you anduril!

Fantasizing that not Hyung is not only not dead but that we will find out his victim did not die (we know he intended it :-/ so I will expect consequences).

That said, gf is right... if Moon had been released from the manhole, wouldn't he have gone to the police? Or maybe not, since he has culpability for the fire.

Hoping for some intervening storyline...

Best PSH kiss I've seen. I've thought in the past her kiss acting might be at least partly the result of director instructions.


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WOW! You are a thinker! WOWEEE! that would be be awesome. OMIGOSH. Normally, I have this terrible habit of predicting what will happen. My co-watcher HATE it. I can't do it with this show. It's the best! WOW. I never would have thought have your suggestion.


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omg, hyung seeing that little boy as ha-myung just killed me. please, can the brother reunite already. please, please, please.


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I was yelling NOOOOOO! The entire time hyung was on screen.... Because he is just so covered in these dark aura of vengeance. Even his smiles are bittersweet and you can feel and see how this man who once had a good heart turned dark. He probably still has a heart but its just too covered in anger, hurt and all the bad things combined that had happened to him and his family. Oh please give poor hyung a chance for a life... Even if he ends up in jail.... I'll take that!

Can i just pinch yoo rae? She is such a bundle of spunk and cuteness!... I hope she stays that way ;) and is her oppa kim heechul? Hehehehe... Oh and gyo dong.... You softie!

I hope pinocchio continues its good pacing and momentum. Fighting!

Thank you for the recap girlfriday!


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Part of me wonders - is it possible that Hyung didn't kill anyone? I know the story implies that he did it. But all we saw was the burned hands and the rocks on top. Maybe those two die randomly and Hyung planned to kill the guy but changed his mind and trapped him somewhere else. I know it's mainly my wishful thinking. But, this Hyung seems so nice and a nice person, regardless of how vengeful they've become, should feel something when started killing people (not one, but three). There was not a scene that Hyung got haunted by what he did. Also, these people were the main reason why dad went in and got misunderstood, but it wasn't all their doing. The other Pinocchio and the reporters who were also the culprits. I just felt like death is such an extreme solution given how the incident occurred.


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Thank you very much to the director, writer, camera angle and LJS for making that kiss with PSH a legit. For me that was the best kissing scene for PSH.

Thabks for the recaps ?


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It definitely was the best kiss that she's had.


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hyung hyung, i want him to be happy, i cant wait for their reunion its going to be epic, this is one of the best dramas i hve watched n its only half way ish


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Hyung was bleeding from the head after the accident and he fainted, and called the little boy Ha-myung, I am thinking he can't die it's too soon, but considering how bad things are all around, he thinks Dalpo is trash reporter, he killed people,and again he was bleeding from the head, I think Hyung will have amnesia after the accident and not remember that he killed people. Same as Soo Ha in IHYV but reverse. Maybe he'll only remember his childhood and forget all the painful memories. Then things will be even harder for Dalpo because he only will know the truth.


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Great episode.

Love the OTP chemistry. They're great. PSH was suprisingly good here. She erase the Eun Sang (who I really can't manage to like) completely from my mind as I watch In Ha being bluntly, quirky and adorable. LJS also suprised me with his upgraded acting skills. He tend to overreacting before (in my opinion only) but now he seems really good in managing his emotions. Kudos LJS, PSH.. good job.

The supporting characters..
I don't really get Bum Jo. He is OK, but not charming enough. KYK are doing a good job though.
Yoo Rae.. instead of cute.. I find her slightly irritating. Hope that gonna change as I get to know her more in the upcoming episodes. Nothing wrong with LYB, I get slightly irritated with her character, not LYB. She's doing a good job though.

One of my most favorite things is the relationship between In Ha and her dad. Love. Them.

The kiss though. Damn hot! To be honest I'm expecting more changes after the kiss, but I guess I have to wait.

And I hate waiting.


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"One of my most favorite things is the relationship between In Ha and her dad. Love. Them".

Same pinch. One of the best father-daughter pairing in kdramaland. So natural and adorable those two. I actually missed their interaction and choi family being together in general in the episode 7.

Thank god! They again had an awesome scene together this episode. What a cute dad.. Bickering first to run errand and then turns a 360 degrees asking for his most beautiful precious daughter/ first reporter from the gang. And that proud look on his face. lol. Another epic scene. CHOI FAMILY IS LOVE. :)


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I love how Dad and Grandpa's eyes bugged out of their heads with both Yoo-rae (so smart and cute!) and Beom-jo (a CHAEBOL for crying out loud). You could practically see them writing their names into the family lineage. It's going to be hard breaking that fantasy.


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Ok, I wasn't expecting the accident. The show totally surprised me in the direction it chose to go. So hyung has become a hero? Kudos to the drama for showing that the same person is capable of light and darkness.

Not to be macabre or anything, but I couldn't help feeling that the accident occurred at such an opportune moment for In Ha. If she hadn't broken the charcoal, helped those kids and gotten scolded, they wouldn't have been out at the time they were to witness and film the accident. This will stick it to her mom, she's now (directly and indirectly) responsible for two major scoops their news station has landed since its inception.

On a very frivolous note. THANK YOU LEE JONG SUK. He'll forever go down in my book for being one of the few actors that helped PSH to successfully complete a great onscreen kiss. No bug eyes for this one, LOL. If you notice they had an entire conversation through looks alone, in which he asked for permission for the kiss and if it was ok to go forward and she acquiesced. Very mature and great acting.

This drama is getting better and better. I love all the cast, including growling Sunbae Kim Gong joo who's a sweetheart. Considering that some of the cast and crew were involved in IHYV I had great expectations for this drama and it didn't disappoint.


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I noticed the conversation too! So refreshing.


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MSC Cap not only plays sage but gets the satisfaction of putting In Ha’s mother in her place. I honestly love how he pulls it off (he did it this exact way in IHYV with Prosecutor Seo as well, loved him them, love him now) and how he’s unashamed to admit that even a seasoned veteran like him has a lot to learn from CIH. Though looking at Mom’s cold face, I don’t think she really get it. Either that, or she’s thinking real hard. The difference appears to be real subtle, though she did display some interesting in the phone call Cap received. I honestly wonder how deep her coldness extends, the very depths of her soul? Or is it simply an icy shroud?
Meanwhile YGN’s Cap is utterly awesome, what with his daydreams of getting the living daylights squeezed out of him by DP’s massive hugs. His disappointment at DP’s subdued reaction is adorable. Poor thing, if only you were a day earlier, you’d have gotten a hug.
SBJ continues to play white knight, trying to save In Ha from her mother’s cruel dismissal and taking the brunt of the blame of the failure to record footage by being the first to begin rescuing the kids. He’s pretty sweet, but clearly can’t hold a candle to Dal Po and he knows it. Honestly, saying that DP liked YR to Grandpa and Dad pissed me off a little because now it creates yet another lie that DP needs to worm his way out of. Can we please have DP reveal his relationship soon? This dating in secret thing is likely going to drive me nuts, especially seeing that there isn’t going to be must opposition from the familial quarter. Dad, aside, that this. We still have a hurdle there, hopefully it won’t be dragged out for too many episodes.
AND THAT KISS. Three cheers for PSH’s not pulling her usual wide-eyed face! I didn’t watch Heirs so this is the first I’m seeing of her much, much improved abilities in that quarter. LJS has this amazing ability to really make you feel every emotion he wants to you. Trepidation, fear, pain, just as I said above, and now love. Man the way he looks at her is no joke, really. And I’m glad that PSH is really stepping up her game as well and not playing a limpid eyed maiden as some leads are wont to do. The confirmation of their feelings was awesome to see as was the following tender hug in the stairwell. This couple still has a while to go and a lot of issues to sort out, seeing how DP continues to keep everything bottled up. It’s going to be quite the journey, seeing how these hidden secrets and feelings come out, what with CIH’s mother, and JM, and those three dead men and DP’s father’s death all being intertwined. And hopefully, our leads will stick together as the pieces fall into place. They honestly make the cutest couple, and it helps that there is some serious chemistry between the two. That kiss was so damn tender, with the way he kissed her hand before going it for the real deal *swoons* Gosh was that adorable!
Extended thoughts:


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Damn, this drama moves fast. That kiss caught me by surprise that I half-expected it to be In Ha's imagination just like Gyo Dong's minutes before. I'm ecstatic they're together, but at the same time can't help feeling disappointed at how there was no grand I've-liked-you-for-13-years confession. Let's hope their happiness is not short-lived. Hurray for Park Shin Hye learning how to kiss. Maybe it's not her; maybe it depends on the co-star as in she has to like her co-star in order to kiss well.

When Hyung called himself "Hyung," my heart skipped a beat. If you only knew. I didn't realize Hyung held a grudge against YGN, too, but then again, all the stations' reporters were equally guilty in accusing Dad. I understand Princess' reasoning, but how can reporters sleep at night if they witness someone in need and consciously make the decision to not help? Good Samaritan law (as in Seinfeld) should be followed. I can't believe Beom Jo and In Ha just watched as that little boy hobbled across the road. Crap, what we all feared came truth: Chan soo is good at his job. As much as I don't want Dal Po to cover for Hyung, I even more don't want Chan Soo to arrest Dal Po for obstruction of justice.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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You know, I don't think they were actually close enough to try and move that little boy out of the way. It wasn't possible for them to actually do something imo :/


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That kiss, not good for my heart. And I want more :)
Lee Jong-suk, you're the best kisser so far, I still remember when he kissed Lee Bo-young, even made Ji sung super jealous.
And please writer-nim don't make uri hyung dead. Dal-po needs him...
And GF, your recap really made my day, gomabsemnida :)


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Soo yeah, I was expecting the kiss, because after all it is episode 8.... (and after 3 years of watching kdramas I know episode 8 marks the first kiss scene, if it hasn't happened till then).

I have to say: I was pleasantly surprised. The surprise did not stem from LJS, but from what we all know, that PSH normally has that cold-fish-kiss thing going on... This time it came across as a very natural 1st kiss, and it was sooo sweet! This to me proves two things: she has grown as an actress and that the right scene partner can make a HUGE difference. I hope, going forward, that all other kisses in this drama will be good.


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or it's just different role/script/director

People give her too much credit like she would get to decide how the kisses look like

Sometimes I feel bad for the poor girl


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Tell me about it. They'll never give it up imo, or they'll never give her the credit she deserves.


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Yeah, what can a girl do to get some credit? They're just jealous she gets to be partnered with all this man candies...


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Uh huh.


I absolutely enjoy my singledom, but every time I watch a kdrama with an OTP like this, I would ALWAYS be cursing the universe with all my might, screaming things like, “Life, get me a freaking boyfriend stat!”

Stupid kdramas.


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I just wanted to say that I love your name. Lol. I think he ruined several of us, but nice of someone to voice it. Hehe.


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Aw, thank you! Yes, he is a life-ruiner, isn’t he? I would probably use this name in this site from now on, unless another worthy and worse life-ruiner comes along. And I’m looking forward to that actually! Haha. Dramaland, give us more of this kind of characters!


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Tell me about it? Sigh... You just cant help but hope to have one of those but then you realize....that they only exist in K-dramaland...*sniffs*.


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It makes me so conflicted and so invested.

Hyung has to be okay, but when you brought up that Hyung might die I thought, "Maybe that's okay because then Dal Po won't have to go after him." Because I'm pitying Hyung so much, he doesn't deserve any of this and he should never have gone down that dark road.

But I'm sure the writers aren't going to kill him because I'm positive Dal Po and Hyung will have to make up (in prison makes it even sadder). But still.

I love that the writer isn't afraid to go deep and she constantly has great plot after plot so I'm consistently invested because anything can happen.

And now away from the angst, OMO THE KISS! It had Me swooning to hard. I freaking love the way Dal Po looks at In Ha.


thanks :D


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Roy Kim? That voice /swoons


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Dat stare before da kiss tho, dayuuuuuum.

When will I meet my very own Choi Dal-po? *sniff* (confusing relationship excluded of course)


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I really hope it will not be a total heartbreak for Dal Po. Please. Please. Please. The power that be.

With that out of my way, I can't believe Kim Hae Sook. Her other memorable acting for me was in 2012 Childless Comfort. Where she was the embodiment of filial daughter in law and homemaker mom. I really love her here, with her superb high voice and over the top concern for Beom Joo.

I love everything here and just want to close my eyes for the upcoming grief.


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reading the comments i am so glad i am not the only one who suspects (wishful thinking or not) that hyung is not a murder. one of the big themes of this drama is that things are not what they appear to be. what we think we see, and think to be true are not truths and can have a domino effect on many lives.

i don't think hyung killed those people. i think the lier ahjussi he trapped is the actual murder or orchestrated the murders (i keep going back to the three's argument over land deeds and money when they reappear in hyung's life). we never actually saw hyung do anything. we just saw the burned hand (which the one dude burned by accident when they were arguing over the land deeds at the korean bbq) and made assumptions. hyung has lier ahjussi trapped slowly waiting for him to decay/die as his father did -which is all kids of f-ed up-. i just want someone to find the guy before he dies so hyung can serve time for kidnapping and endangerment and not 3 life sentences. my theory of who done it is most likely wrong but i still don't think it was hyung.


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I definitely don't think Hyung would die or have amnesia. He is the pivotal of the show main conflict plus the stakes has went up in that now Hyung may be view as a hero which will eventually hit harder when it turn out the opposite ... Plus Hyung turn to the dark will bring around that tragedy of that event since Cha-Ok has to bear her part in it ... PD Hwang was remorseful but Cha-Ok had destroyed a family yet shows no remorse and so to have Hyung go dark gives the shows a rich compelling story: both to Dal-po and In-ha when she finds out her mom plays a role to it


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I don't think he'll die or get amnesia either. Everyone's up for amnesia but I'm not feeling it :/


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I dont want hyung to have amnesia either.


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Another great episode. Dal Po and Hyung scene so heartwarming. The way Dal Po look at him is like screaming 'hyung I miss so much, where have u been all this time?'.
The kiss scene is too sudden to me. Don't blame me cuz I was hoping for long time love confession like 'i love for first time I saw u' are we are swooning for most romantic love confession ever. sorry I just being delusional ?
But yes I'm happy for the kiss. Lee Jong Suk is one of actor can kiss that make u swooning. Great actor. Damn those hand-kissing is the most romantic kiss scene ever in kdrama. Ok I'm being delusional again ???
Next episode juseyoooooo.


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i think i can know what gonna happen. Hyung will never gonna die. And he may gonna be asked to been interview as for being saviour. Or also may gonna be accused as a same thing like his father, pretend to save a person to got a reward! Ohh that gonna be so cruel because that hyung is actually a good person except that he still think all reporters are bad... and if that happen, he will more and more angrier toward them and i afraid that even his good side left gonna turn bad side also.


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Oh that kiss...swoon.....PSH has gotten MUCH better!

The title of the episode is a reference to a 1924 Korean short story, about a poor man who never had a lucky break his whole life. Despite his wife’s protests he goes out to work and has a fantastically lucky day and makes a lot of money, only to return home to find that his wife has died.

^^ this is why i read re-caps, I miss all of these things while just watching with subtitles....such an interesting title for the episode...


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I am only left with the impression of two things:

HYUUUUNNGG!!!! *sobs* he can't be unredeemable, right? Right??!!


THAT KISS. (LJS and PSH, you both did well. The hand kiss.....and then him leaning in to kiss her again.....this is a magic that Heirs never had)


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