Pinocchio: Episode 12

Pain paaain go away, come again another day! Turns out yesterday’s episode wasn’t the worst of the heartbreak, not by a long shot. Our hero decides that he doesn’t deserve to be happy anymore and seems determined to spread the pain around while he’s at it. This plan is good for nobody, I want to tell him, but he’s dead-set on doing things the nobly idiotic way, because he’s a drama hero and it’s a day that ends in “y.”


K.Will – “하나뿐인 사람” (One and Only Person) for the Pinocchio OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 12: “The Magic Flute”

The clock winds down to news hour and both networks begin their broadcasts, with Hyung sitting down for his interview at MSC and Dal-po bracing himself in a sound studio at YGN. Yoo-rae peeks inside the room and pouts at how unfair it is that Dal-po gets the big story for his first official on-camera report, and though she’s in the news lineup tonight as well, she guesses her mother will be asleep before her segment ever airs.

Grandpa fumbles with the remote to hurry and record the news just in case In-ha or Dal-po debut, and Dad tells him not to bother—they can do this every night till the cows come home, but the kids aren’t showing up on that TV.

At YGN, Editor Jo thinks Gyo-dong was rather cruel to have Dal-po break the story about his own brother, but Gyo-dong says stoically that it’s what Dal-po wanted. Though he seems worried too.

We switch over to MSC, where In-ha looks on nervously as Hyung sits down at the news desk next to Mom for his live interview. Mom introduces him as a national hero and even brings up the fact that they’ve met before, thirteen years ago when he came to her to do an interview about his father.

She plays the interview—the good parts this time—and Hyung doesn’t miss the chance to point out on live television that she edited it quite differently then and now. He recounts verbatim what she said thirteen years ago about cutting out his entire my-father-is-a-hero plea in favor of the story she wanted to tell. Mom gets flustered and tries to move on to the next question, and Hyung notes bitterly, “It’s funny how through editing, one person can become the devil, and the other a hero.”

Mom can’t bring herself to admit she was wrong or apologize even when faced with her mistake so baldly, and just says that all the networks were misinformed. But she assures him that she and MSC are more mature now, and they’re the ones who corrected past mistakes and reported his heroism, after all.

But he disagrees and says she’s doing the exact same thing today, only in reverse—thirteen years ago she turned a hero into the devil, and today she turned the devil into a hero, because he’s a killer. He then turns to face the camera and says that he’s a murderer, and that they can find out on YGN. Ha, okay not funny, but kinda funny.

With impeccable timing, YGN breaks the story that “national hero” Ki Jae-myung confessed to murdering three people. As the story airs, Chan-soo watches the broadcast and flashes back to the moment that Dal-po gave him the location of the manhole. He told Chan-soo the truth—that Ki Jae-myung confessed his crimes to him because Dal-po is his brother.

Dal-po’s news report includes an interview with Hyung, which he must have done right after outing himself as the informant. He confesses to killing all three plant workers and provides Dal-po with the evidence, and Dal-po reports that Hyung couldn’t live with the public image of himself as a hero and decided to turn himself in.

In-ha watches the YGN broadcast with bated breath, and at the end of his report, Dal-po signs off, ” Ki Ha-myung, YGN News.”

Oh noooo, Dad and Grandpa! Ugh, I can’t believe they’re finding out this way. They gape at the television and Grandpa murmurs numbly, “What is he saying? Why is he not Choi Dal-po, but Ki Ha-myung?”

Mom sits in the dark at the MSC news desk, stewing in rage, and flings her script into the air. Outside, Dal-po stands at MSC’s door waiting for Hyung to come out. A row of police cars lies in wait to take him away, and Dal-po runs up for one last conversation.

Hyung asks if he did well on his report, and Dal-po nods. Agh, his puppy eyes are just stabbing me in the heart right now. Hyung says he stuck it to Song Cha-ok, and Dal-po can’t hold in his tears any longer as they glance over at the officers waiting to arrest him.

Hyung regrets that their time together has been so short, after being apart for so long. That’s what I’m sayin’! We couldn’t have waited two weeks or just one more pizza before the big confession?

Dal-po cries that he’s sorry for not finding him sooner, and Hyung cradles Dal-po’s face in his hands as he says that this is just the beginning for him now, and he has to battle Song Cha-ok on his own. “Show Song Cha-ok, and me, what a real reporter is.”

Dal-po is sobbing by now, and Hyung holds it together long enough to get in a pinky swear, just like the one they shared the last time they saw each other as kids, and rumples Dal-po’s hair. Dal-po clutches onto Hyung and wails into his chest, not letting go, and Hyung finally lets himself cry as he hugs him back.

At home, Dal-po bows before Grandpa, who asks quietly if he’s found a place to live (he’s moving into Hyung’s old apartment), and if he really has to leave. Grandpa says he doesn’t care what his circumstances are, because to him he’s just his son Choi Dal-po, and asks if living here was so hard for him.

Dal-po chokes back tears as he says yes. What. Why would you break Grandpa’s heart like that?? He LIES that he had a hard time living here, all the while thinking to himself the opposite: “No, I was happy, happy enough that I feel sorry to my brother.”

Grandpa’s heart sinks as he realizes how much Dal-po must have suffered, but then he’s even more heartbroken when Dal-po says he wants to reclaim his real name… and asks for Grandpa to disown him. I hate you for making Grandpa cry. They both shed tears, but Dal-po remains firm in his decision and thinks to himself, “I’m sorry Father. I don’t think I should be happy anymore.”

Dal-po packs his suitcase and Dad saunters in, looking pretty chipper about getting his own room for the first time in his life. He casually asks what happens now between Dal-po and In-ha, and Dal-po assures him that he needn’t worry anymore—they’re over.

Suddenly Dad says, “Don’t go.” Omg, I didn’t know I HAD any tears left. He apologizes for the things he said that might’ve hurt Dal-po’s feelings, and asks him not to go. But Dal-po says he’s sorry and resolutely walks out to the door, and bows to say goodbye to Dad.

It’s then that Grandpa breaks down in wailing sobs alone in his room, and that’s when I lose it too. Dad calls out to both Grandpa and In-ha to come out and say goodbye, but they refuse to come out of their rooms, and In-ha cries against her door as Dal-po leaves.

She finds their family photo left behind on Dal-po’s desk, and in his new home, Dal-po unpacks a recent photo of him and Hyung, and puts it next to their old family photo with Firefighter Dad. On Hyung’s desk, Dal-po finds a pen with the inscription, “To my little brother, Ki Ha-myung.”

Dal-po goes to visit Hyung in jail, and Hyung keep a bright face for Dal-po’s benefit and makes sure that he’ll be at the crime scene reenactment, since it’ll be the last time they can see each other on the outside.

Chan-soo’s detective team leader calls Dal-po cruel for turning his brother in for an exclusive, and Chan-soo is suddenly reminded of the rumors he started in high school about Dal-po. This time he rises to the occasion in Dal-po’s defense, and reassures him that he’ll look out for Hyung at the crime scene.

The place is teeming with reporters, and the MSC team sees Dal-po hanging back behind the crowd and turn their camera on him. But the YGN team plays interference to protect their rookie, which is sweet.

Dal-po has a hard time watching Hyung get swarmed by reporters, and they both remember what it was like to be chased down by cameras in front of their home as kids.

But Hyung is comforted by the sight of Dal-po in the background, and gives a little reassuring nod, and Chan-soo tells him that he doesn’t need to answer the reporters’ questions, ushering him past the crowd.

Dal-po can barely stand by the time he returns to the precinct, and In-ha finds him in that shaky state. He heads to the elevator to avoid her, and she runs over to steady him on his feet and ask if he’s okay.

He pushes her away and tells her that he’s fine, and when she tries to stop him again and calls out his name, he pleads, “Don’t call me by that name. I’m fine, so don’t worry about me and don’t comfort me. Don’t do anything. So that I don’t fall apart, so that I’m not shaken, don’t do anything.” All In-ha can do is stand back and watch him go.

She runs into Mom in the MSC bathroom, and Mom asks if In-ha knew that her uncle was a killer’s brother, thinking it frightening. In-ha just looks back at her with an icy cold stare and retorts, “Why, I’m a killer’s daughter. You killed someone with your words.” Dayum.

Song Cha-ok’s name becomes synonymous with “fabricated news,” and netizens go to town making parody posters of her with movie title puns. Yoo-rae puts her sasaeng skills to use in creating an anti-fan club, and uploads a snarky video of Mom’s lecture at MSC, which seen in hindsight is just Mom digging her own grave.

Yoo-rae is mostly doing this because she feels bad that she fought with Dal-po about his hyung’s story without knowing his connection to it, and says she learned that what is just a news item to them is life and death to someone else.

Mom tries not to let all the bad press get to her, but she’s in as many headlines as Hyung is, and she can’t help but be on edge. She spots Dal-po on her way to work and stops in the street to confront him, acting like she’s above it all and totally not ruffled.

But it’s Dal-po who has the upper hand, and he notes that she must be feeling desperate, since she’s answering questions he never asked, and with a shaky voice at that. “Are you afraid of me now?” She denies it, and he tells her not to ever let on even if she is, or to fall apart easily: “Otherwise it’s no fun.”

Dal-po narrates that he was curious to see what would happen to Song Cha-ok, and whether the story would flame out quickly or catch wind. In the ensuing days, the story only grows bigger, and flames get fanned as people dig up old fabricated news stories.

It grows to citizen protest outside MSC, and a third network reports the story of a man who claims that his bus driving business failed because of Song Cha-ok, who falsely reported that one of his drivers committed suicide because of him.

Mom apologizes to her director and admits to reporting the case as a suicide without checking the medical reports, and even he’s shocked at the extent of her rashness. He tells her she’ll have to give up the anchor spot if this story turns out to be true. You’d think he’d pull her off the desk anyway, given how bad things look, but whatever.

She quietly tells Il-joo to investigate the suicide case and report it directly to her, but Princess calls them out on going over his head when he’s the Cap around here. He says that there’s only one way to prove that the truth is the truth, and assigns In-ha and Beom-jo to the case. Mom looks worried, but that’s exactly what Princess wants—for them to figure out what really happened, whether she wants it or not.

Over at YGN, they discuss going after the bus driver story, and Gyo-dong puts Dal-po on it (he’s calling him Ha-myung now—I’ll consider swapping names, but I like just calling him Dal-po). Yoo-rae gives her best puppy pout, so Cap belatedly adds her to the team too.

Dal-po visits Hyung and tells him about the bus driver case, and how it’s a chance to bring Song Cha-ok down once and for all. She won an award for that story, so if it turns out to be misreported, it’s over for her.

The case involves a 40-something bus driver who was fired for embezzling a measly 600 won (Can it really be called embezzling when it’s fifty cents?) and reportedly committed suicide due to depression after losing his job. Dal-po tells Hyung that if the real story is different, it’ll be enough to knock Song Cha-ok out of the news business for good.

Hyung says he’s looking forward to it, and Dal-po asks after his lawyer. They met once but Hyung seems a little unsure, and says that the lawyer seemed a little off. Dal-po doesn’t like the sound of that and asks for the name and number. Is it a public defender? Please be who I think it is.

Beom-jo calls Mommy to tell her about his latest case, though he sounds utterly deflated as he admits that he’s trying to get over his feelings and make a clean break from In-ha, because it’s too hard being in this fight that he has no chance of winning. He intends to tell In-ha the truth about the text messages, in hopes that if she hates him, it’ll make things easier.

Mommy suggests that he give up on being a reporter too, since it’s a job he started solely to be close to In-ha, and he doesn’t put up much of a fight. He turns down an offer for a blind date saying it’s too soon for that, but Mommy insists on sending a picture anyway, and he gripes until he checks his phone and finds a picture of Suzy. HA. He totally considers it for half a second, but tells himself it’s too soon.

He takes a deep breath and holds a palm to his cheek as he looks at In-ha working, and tells himself that it’s okay—he’ll take the hits if she hits him, and the swears if she swears at him. So he sits down next to her and blurts out the truth, and she slaps him so hard that it leaves a welt on his face and knocks him cheek-first into the wall.

That turns out to be his fearful imagination, but it’s scary enough for him to reconsider the confession, and instead he asks meekly if In-ha is still mad at the person who stole her text messages for thirteen years since things might not be so bad between her and Mom otherwise.

But In-ha thinks it’s the reverse—if Mom had gotten those texts, she probably would’ve told her coldly to stop calling. She used to be mad at the text thief, but she isn’t anymore because that person was like her own personal forest, and her diary for thirteen years.

Beom-jo beams to hear that, but then it dawns on him that this wasn’t the reaction he was seeking if he wanted to cut ties with her. He mutters under his breath that he can’t clean up his feelings if she’s being like this, but it’s clear from the look on his face that he wasn’t really about to stop liking her even if she had left welts on his face.

In-ha and Beom-jo head downstairs to ask the bus company CEO for an interview, and at first he’s resistant to speak to anyone at MSC, but agrees when In-ha explains that she’s a Pinocchio. Dal-po and Yoo-rae come up and ask to join the interview, and Dal-po and In-ha realize that they’re on the same story.

He pulls her aside and orders her to drop the case, which seems a little presumptuous. But thankfully In-ha says as much and tells him to mind his own beeswax. He argues that he’s going to tear her mother down with this story, but seeing her makes it difficult for him and he hesitates out of concern for her. See how breaking up didn’t really solve the nugget of the problem, you two? Angst if you do, angst if you don’t.

But she doesn’t back down: “Don’t concern yourself with me. Fight properly, and don’t hesitate.” She says that she thinks the same—that her mother isn’t fit to be a reporter—and plans to show that to the world.

She adds, “I know how hard it is for you. You’re not fine. You cry yourself to sleep every night and you miss Grandpa every second. But because of your brother you’re pretending to be okay. I know better than anyone that you’re not fine, but I’m not going to worry and I’m not going to comfort you! Because more than anything, I don’t want you to fall apart.” I love it when she’s right.

Il-joo reports to Mom that the bus driver did die of a heart condition and not suicide, and that the family members lied six years ago because they were angry at the bus company for his unfair firing.

At the coffee shop, Beom-jo comes up to Dal-po and tells him that he’s on his side, and offers up Mommy’s power in case she can help get Song Cha-ok ousted. Dal-po gives him a funny look and Beom-jo asks self-consciously if that sounded like he was chaebol-bragging, and he swears that he hates that kind of thing but wanted to make it clear whose side he’s on. That’s so cute.

The four of them split up to interview the victim’s family and coworkers, and Dal-po decides to go see Song Cha-ok directly to ask about the story. Beom-jo hands Dal-po his ID tag so he can get inside MSC, and then stops to point out how this is clearly proof that he’s on Dal-po’s side, heh.

Dal-po finds Mom in the cafeteria and rather enjoys asking if she’s having a hard time right now, adding that he understands what it’s like to be oppressed by false rumors. She gets up to walk away and he follows to ask why she’s not suing for defamation since it’d be so easy to clear her name.

She acts as if it’s not necessary to bother with every little false rumor out there, but Dal-po asks, “Can you prove that they’re false rumors?” It’s exactly what she asked Hyung thirteen years ago outside their house. Mom finally loses her cool and shouts defensively that she CAN prove it, and Dal-po baits her by asking if she checked the medical report before reporting it a suicide.

She says that there was plenty of reason to believe it was a suicide, like his will and his family’s statements. Dal-po just keeps repeating the one question, and she erupts, “I DIDN’T NEED TO CHECK IT!” He smiles and thanks her for answering the question, and walks out of MSC with a smile, as Mom gets the word from her boss to step down from the news desk for the time being.


Yay, Hyung’s lawyer turns out to be Cha Kwan-woo (cameo by Yoon Sang-hyun), who complains that Dal-po came to see him and relayed the comment about him seeming spacey. He then opens his case file and cringes to see that he’s brought the wrong one, HA. But he promises Hyung that he memorized the case details already, and that he made sure to give his dog to his little brother too.


I’m so mad at Dal-po for lying to Grandpa and making him cry. Go sit in the corner for a week! I don’t even want to look at you! Guh, I can’t believe that’s the best he thought he could do for the family that loved him all those years and STILL loves him even after finding out his real story. What pains me is that Dal-po thinks it has to be one family or the other, like he can’t be Dal-po and Ha-myung at the same time, or else he’s betraying Hyung. He’s cutting ties thinking that he doesn’t have the right to be loved by both families, but that’s just wrong—he already IS both Ha-myung and Dal-po, and he already loves both families. That’s not cheating; that’s just lucky.

With all the pain he’s suffered, he should be scooping up every ounce of familial love the world has to offer, not denying himself happiness. Atonement doesn’t work that way. Not to mention that it’s totally not even your fault that Hyung killed people! The only reason I’m not flipping a table right now is because I trust that eventually he’ll figure this out and come back to the family that loves him, and realize that he doesn’t have to lose Hyung in the process. It’s just frustrating to watch it unfold, because until the last episode, In-ha and Dal-po were doing so well sticking up for each other and defying the standard your-mother-killed-my-mother (indirectly) angst.

But now they’re denying their own happiness for each other in the name of revenge, which is noble, sure, but maddening in that it doesn’t actually change the fact that they love each other and have the same concerns they did before. I understand the symbolic gesture in freeing each other from everything except their familial obligations, but ultimately it changes very little in a concrete way, which we see today when Dal-po still tells In-ha to drop the story. I much preferred In-ha’s approach in this episode, of just telling Dal-po exactly how it is: You’re not fine, lying liar, but fine, I won’t comfort you, doofus! I may be paraphrasing a little. If it weren’t for her moments of directness, I’d probably blow a gasket. I know, separation angst must be had, blah blah. The cosmos wouldn’t grant them happiness if they didn’t sacrifice their love with pure hearts, blah blah. Yes, but what about Grandpa?? What did he ever do to deserve this, huh? *pout*

The fact that Dal-po and In-ha are apart will likely start to become more interesting going forward, if they end up on opposite sides of the story and In-ha finds herself having to defend her mother against her own wishes. It would be too easy if Dal-po got everything he wanted in the bus driver case, all neatly tied up with a bow; he’ll likely face some ethical quandaries of his own and have to be put to the test to see if he’ll bend the truth to get what he wants, or stay on the straight and narrow even if it means that Song Cha-ok lives to deliver the news another day. I just hope there are more twists and turns along the way, because the bring-Mom-down conflict doesn’t hold a candle to Hyung’s story and the way it guts Dal-po. Thankfully, I don’t think we’re going to stop seeing him just because he’s in prison now—maybe Yoon Sang-hyun’s cameo (wheeee!) will bring the focus to his trial, giving us the chance for one more bro-hug?


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I feel like this episode was strongest in the moments with Dal-po and Hyung (seriously, Lee Jong-seok's heartbroken baby face looking up at sorrowful Hyung like a little boy who just wants his big brother, it KILLS ME), and with the family storyline in general. (how could he make Grandpa cry! I mean, I understand that Dal-po is punishing himself, but he doesn't have to! Get that through your head, kiddo! I mean, even Dad asked you not to go.....*cries*)

case-of-the-week was usually the weak spot in even IHYV, and it's kind of looking like the same here, even if it gives us the odd bromantic moment with Beom-jo declaring alliance with Dal-po/Ha-myung, and it is nice to see the four rookies back together again even if the ostensible second leads are largely unused plot devices at this point. (hyung made it so all our feels are belong to him)

And I'm with everyone, I have a feeling this case isn't going to go Dal-po's way as easily as that 'gotcha!' smirk suggests.....I wonder how that storyline will unravel, and whether the Ki brothers will actually find revenge to be not quite what they expect.


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I find this episode and the last very annoying, I mean all that stuff with breaking up with In-ha and the family was so unnecessary. Dal-po is a complete idiot becos am not enjoying the whole revenge thing becos he gave up a lot for a revenge that is already supposed to be over, SCO has little to lose and that little she has lost it I.e her daughter who I wouldn't say was hers to begin with and the pulic hates her, her secret is out in the open. I think we should move on to some other plotline and forget about this revenge thing because its over, what more do you want for her kill herself, that would make u no better than her, I like hyung's style of revenge better because he was the one who did everything, he cleared his father's name, sent DP proof that he killed that man. Sorry if am annoying anyone with my rant cos am not actually watching yet but b4 u guys think the worst of me for judging a drama am not watching let me explain I am from Nigeria which is in africa so its hard to get hold of the dramas as soon as they air, it takes at least 1 month b4 it gets here, sad isn't it? So I av a favor to ask, did hyung send him a video as the evidence and did hyung's face show and did the dead manager's face show? Please I need to know because I have a theory but I wouldn't want to share if am not sure out of respect for those watching.


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Oh did I hear someone say that adorable lawyer from I hear ur voice who always wore this trouser not so long in order for his white socks to show is making a cameo next episode? Yoon Sang Hyun *squee* I LOVE OSKA AND LAWYER CHA


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Yes Oska (from Secret Garden) / Lawyer Cha (IHYV) will be with us next week. I hope it will be a longish cameo and not just a couple of minutes. :)


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@ Tura
The evidence that Hyung sent was a photo of the manhole covered with a pile of bricks that he placed on it to seal the victim in. There was no video and no show of the manager's face or Jae Myung's. However hyung used the informant's phone to call Ha Myung and he admitted to being his own informant.

In this Episode, Ha Myung is at that scene in the photo with Chan Soo and a corpse recovery team and there is a body that has been found.

Does that burst your theory or support it?


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Thank you for listing the name of K.Will's song ^^ I knew I heard his voice at 30:08 in this episode cx


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*OST question here!* :)

Could anyone be so kind as to pretty please point me in the direction of the lovely (instrumental?) song playing in the background as Dal po leaves their apartment and moves into his brother's?

It plays for quite a while, as Grandpa and In-ha cry, etc. and it is so, so pretty, I wish I could just live inside of it! :D

I've searched the entire OST and all the songs available on the Pinocchio recaps, but can't find it. :[ I really hope a file of it exists somewhere!

I would be incredibly grateful if anyone knows the answer!


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I absolutely agree with you that the music playing in the background that you mentioned is truly beautiful and poignant but I have not been able to find it either. I will try to find it and will let you know as soon as I get it.

I also absolutely LOVE the music playing in the background when DP/HM met his Hyung (JM) outside the TV station before Hyung was apprehended just after he did the live interview.

The music was just so spot-on because it sounded grand and heart-tugging at the same time considering the scene of the brothers being torn apart again after having found each other after 13 long years.

I have not yet found that music either. Will be looking for it non-stop.


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Thank you for the reply. I feel much less alone in the hunt now! :) I had to re-play the scene you mentioned and you are so right! Whoever is scoring these scenes is doing a wonderful job. I will also continue to look and let you know if I find anything!


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You are most welcome, dear. And I can assure you that you are not alone in the search. I am very sure there are others who are just like us, loving the scoring of this drama and searching all over for the scores! ;)

And how right you are about how awesome the scoring for this drama! I am so impressed by the talent!! ;)

Let's persevere and hoe that we will find the scores and enjoy listening to them to our hearts' content, and hopefully soooon!! ;)


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Hi there @Tracy!

I've searched high and low and what I found is that the closest the music score is Roy Kim's song for the drama OST.

I attach Roy Kim's song here :




I think the music in the background is an instrumental version of Roy Kim's song.


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Hi !

I see I'm not the only one looking for the music background in episode 12 ! I spent a month searching for it but I could not find it

But as I listened to all the instrumental music in the OST list, I think that this music we are looking for is another version of Tears in the crowd. If we listen carefully to both we can hear that some part of the orchestral melody in Tears in the crowd string was arranged and replaced by a vocal, and they added guitar solo on it to change a little bit the song, but the melody is almost the same as Tears in the crowd.

I did recognize the song because Tears in the crowd was one of my favorite instrumental OST and when I heard the music in episode 12 I immediately thought of Tears in a crowd string

Most of the time, when they use many version of a song in a movie, they only put the original version and the instrumental version in the OST track, so it's really difficult but I hope it's not impossible to find it.


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Up! Still looking as of this moment. :(


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A bunch of tears episode. I cried like a crazy when brother's hug scene "hyuuuuung~~"
And I appreciate what Chan-soo's did for Dal-po shake, try to gave them a moment and protect hyung at the investigation's set.

And I can't wait to meet Lawyer Cha, kyaaa, I missed him!
GF! You're super fast at the last 2 Pinocchio's recaps, aren't you on holiday??
I just love you GF, thank youuuuu


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i really love pinocchio but the story is already zeroing to the ki brothers making them the center of it and our 3 main leads on the sides especially with the preview of having lawyer cha.r we now heading to the court den.not to mention our pinocchio lead. i hope the writer is not losing the real story in here just because of the overwhelming acceptance of hyung character.
as for hye sung and in ha.
in ha character here is not yet fully developed but i like her more than hye sung.
she is stronger than hye sung. hye sung when she lost soo ha became a loser,having no direction.while in ha is strong enough to let dalpo go.
soo ha loves hye sung because she testified against min jung gook and felt obligated of protecting her.what if its the other girl,the prosecuter who testified does that mean its going to be her that soo ha loves not hye sung.
dalpo loves in ha even he knows she is cha ok daughter,he even tried to fight his feelings towards her.
hye sung at the beginning is a good for nothing lawyer,who doesnt care about her clients.and also she became dependabke of soo has ability to win the cases.its a good thing that she have people around her to make her realize what a defender should be.
in ha is determined to be a reporter to a point that she still pursue her dream even she is rejected too many times. she believes she can do it and is confident about it.for those 3years she also does part time work tho it was not shown,her father tells it so.


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@ she
Are you thinking that the next episodes will include some court scenes?

You have done a nice comparison of Hye Sung and In Ha. Hye Sung was also a little too full of herself and arrogant to begin with and not willing to admit the truth. In Ha however begins by being likable immediately and is very real and down-to-earth, and of course truthful.

I suppose Soo Ha's attachment to Hye Sung was due to gratitude and to keep his promise of protecting the one who defended him. It does not follow however that gratitude will definitely turn to romantic love, so there is no way to know that Soo Ha would ever have liked Do Yeon instead. Probably a compatible personality would be the determining factor rather than who testified.


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Is the show going skip to 2014/2015 at some point?
It's still in 2013 now right?


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I cried so much after watching the last two episodes. In a way I can understand Dal Po's choice. He felt so sorry for his brother because he blamed himself for not looking for him much earlier. And while his hyung was living in rage over losing his family members and spitting revenge, Dal Po was living happily with Granpa and In Ha. That's why he said he didn't deserve to be happy, because that'd make his brother so pitiful. Granted Jae Myung made his choice and it was a terrible one, but he thought he was all alone and had nothing to lose, that is until Dal Po showed up! His brother was living such a tragic life, and to deny him the revenge that basically motivated his life? Dal Po had to take on revenge for Jae Myung to stop, it's not physical harm but revenge is revenge and Dal Po couldn't do it by being In Ha's bf, because that'd be cruel to In Ha. I understand that he had to be a stranger to her in order for it to work, it's pretty twisted logic but an understandable one. Cutting ties with his adopted family was the most cruel choice because he was not only hurting himself but his adopted family, but I think Dal Po was motivated to do that because In Ha's in the family, and Dal Po is the happiest with Granpa, which he shouldn't be considering how much tragic his brother's life is now, and with revenge on his mind Dal Po can't be with his loving family. Because it all make sense to me, I was crying as I watched him made all the choices, I was hurt to see Dal Po hurt but I hurt more when he cried clinging to his brother. It's a love he denied his brother of by not looking for him much earlier. It was all guilt. :'(


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What if In Ha’s mother kills herself like Dal po’s mother ?
what would hapen between In Ha and Dal po?


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That would be tragic ! Im scared for dal po and inha honestly we still have eight episodes left and a lot can happen in that time? i hope dalpo knows what hes doing


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I have a bad feeling about this revenge business. Does anyone else have the sense that this revenge may end up starting to wreck In Ha's life? Just having Cha Ok not be a reporter anymore seems too easy. There are too many episodes to go. I'm scared.


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@ Kelli
Truthfully, when it comes to any business to do with revenge, the feeling is bad and should be. It should not be taken as the thing to do, although it happens so often in dramas.

Not only In Ha but everyone who cares about her and even the ones who are taking revenge will be hurt.

Maybe that's why we have that many episodes left. After showing us the happy 'springtime-summer' we have to go through 'autumn-winter' and hope that our favourite characters figure out that being divided and revenge is not the answer, but that it is unity and forgiveness that resolves the hurt.


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It was a heartbreaking in epi 12. I cried so much at the scene when the brothers hugged before the police took him. It was so sad, I cud feel the pain Ki-ha myung was feeling. It broke my heart. LJS's acting has improved since the t epi. He can displays beautiful facial expressions. I love him. He is an actor to watch out for in the future. PSH is doing such an excellent


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sorry for the incomplete comment. PSH is doing an excellent job heee. I love the two leads. Great drama and a good writer. I hope Pinocchrio would be awarded as the best k-drama of 2014.


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I actually understand why dalpo left his family and inha. He feels guilt because he lived a happy life while his bro was suffering. I feel like he feels conflicted with his brother being back so that's why he needs distance


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Sheesshh...Dal-po now is my sworn enemy as he break granpa's heart fall apart :'(.How can he ?.BTW youre funny :).


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I have seen the leads being referred to OTP many times.
What does OTP stand for?


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OTP means One True Pairing.

It refers to the main leads as the couple of the drama.


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Full series of Pinocchio with Eng sub - https://www.facebook.com/WatchKoreanDramaEngSub


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About the epilogue, Lawyer Cha was mentioning about the gift from Hyung to Dalpo/Ha myung right? It's a fountain pen instead of the dog isn't it? xD Just wondering lol.


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Can I know the background song during grandpa crying?


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what is the sone that is played in the part when ki jae myung and ki ha myung make their pinky promise? does anyone know?


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Hello! The scene where Dal Po's hyung is reinacting the crime he made, can someone please tell me what is the instrumental background? It is always played during confrontation scenes. Thenkyu


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what the instumen when Dal po report his brother. do you know?


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what the title song at minute 18:09? Pliss.. help me :(


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