Pinocchio: Episode 10

It’s our heroine’s episode to shine, and she steps up admirably to the task—as a girlfriend, a daughter, and a reporter—without losing an ounce of herself and her integrity in the process. I sometimes wonder how this show manages to make an episode where all of the shit hits all of the fans in one big emotional tornado so enjoyable, and I think the answer is: Choi In-ha. Because she’s fearless about being in the eye of that shitstorm, for the person she loves.


Park Shin-hye – “사랑은 눈처럼” (Love Like Snow) for the Pinocchio OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 10: “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”

After finding out Dal-po’s real name and what her mother did to his family, In-ha breaks down in tears as she confirms that he’s Ki Ha-myung. She cries over and over, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry…”

Dal-po crouches down and holds her hand, and gently tells her that it’s okay. He narrates that she cried like that for over an hour, and they just kept repeating the exact same words to each other: “I’m sorry,” and “It’s okay.”

After a long while, he wipes away her tears, and she stands up with determination. She asks for his story and promises to listen to all of it. Dal-po narrates that he told her his whole life story, and she listened—sometimes with tears, at other moments fired up with anger.

It’s nighttime when he’s done telling her about his past, and she sniffles back a few more tears as she guesses that he must’ve hated her quite a lot throughout the tears. He says matter-of-factly that he did, and she starts to cry again in earnest, as she guesses that he doesn’t even want to look at her anymore, and she’ll just go ahead and disappear.

He practically rolls his eyes and sighs like she’s being a melodramatic teenager, which is maybe the best reaction to noble idiocy ever. He tells her to stop crying because she’s ugliest when she cries, and complains that she’s been bawling for hours and he’s going to freeze to death trying to comfort her, pfft.

He tells to stop blubbering so they can go inside already, and says definitively that when he was Ki Ha-myung, he did hate In-ha and her mother. He always intended to leave when Grandpa got better, but that’s not the case anymore: “I’m Choi Dal-po now, and I have no intention of throwing that name away.” That reassures her, and her tears finally stop.

She starts in on one last question, but stops herself, though the hiccups just give her away when she tries to deny that she’s curious about something. She asks why he’s keeping his identity a secret from Hyung, and Dal-po asks if she can keep a secret. She immediately says not to tell her then, because she can’t keep secrets and he knows it. It’s adorable that she’s sorry he can’t share the burden with her.

They head back down, and In-ha starts to leave for the station, knowing that if she goes home like this, Dad and Grandpa will just grill her with questions and she’ll end up spilling everything about them and Mom and Dal-po’s past. But Dal-po insists she eat dinner at home, and says he’ll make it so that they don’t ask her anything.

So In-ha comes inside five minutes later and joins the family at the table. And just as Dal-po promised, Dad tells her gruffly to eat and says he won’t ask her a single thing. Grandpa shows off his brand new high-def TV, and Dal-po wonders where he got the money, realizing halfway through his sentence that he got it where he always gets it—Dal-po’s piggies. He runs to his room in a panic and all we hear are his cries from the next room.

On their way back out to the station, In-ha asks what Dal-po said to keep Dad and Grandpa from asking her anything, and he says it’s not a big deal—he simply told them she was on her period and super irritable, and would bite their heads off if they asked her stuff. HA. Okay, I see now why dating your not-an-uncle is a bad idea.

She’s pissed, but he points out that they got to eat in peace, and she agrees begrudgingly that it was a good tactic. I love that their tone is still argumentative as he sticks out his hand for her to hold as they walk away.

But uh-oh, Dad comes out just behind them to take the trash out, and sees them walk off holding hands and smiling starry-eyed at each other. And then he gets extra worked up when he sees Dal-po sneak their hands into his jacket pocket. Notably though, he seems peeved at the behavior, not shocked at the show of feelings.

The minute Dal-po walks into YGN, Gyo-dong stops and asks for the tie pin recorder. Dal-po says a little too urgently that he’ll return it himself, even blocking Gyo-dong’s hand as he reaches to unclip it. That just makes Gyo-dong more determined, and he yanks the tie pin off. Crap.

Over at MSC, In-ha can’t hide her disillusionment and refuses to get into an elevator with Mom. And in the background, Hyung is there again, still stalking her every move.

Mom turns to her cameraman to ask what he said to her earlier that day, and he spills the beans about telling In-ha what happened thirteen years ago, in an effort to warn her about how dangerous Ki Jae-myung is to her mother. But Mom is just angry that he told her anything, and refuses to listen to his fears about Jae-myung.

Gyo-dong listens to the tie pin recording, and says that it’s not evidence that Hyung killed the plant manager, but it’s motive, and enough to get the police to start an investigation. Dal-po panics and blocks the door, and Gyo-dong notes that he seems to have made his choice already.

Dal-po asks why they can’t bury it—the world thinks Hyung is a hero, so why can’t they just leave that alone? Gyo-dong surprises him by handing over the tie pin, but says that it’s not because Dal-po is right. He’s giving him some time to figure out that the truth will always come out in some form: “And watching that with open eyes, whether pretty or ugly, is a reporter’s job.” He’s a good boss.

At home, Dad is lost in thought as he remembers Little Dal-po vehemently refusing to search for his parents. And in that conversation he had with Dal-po about his feelings for In-ha, Dad had asked one more time about his past, saying that he’s not nervous about Dal-po because of his lack of money or education, but because he doesn’t know about the family he came from. But again Dal-po had refused to talk about it.

He sighs now, wondering what to do. He asks Grandpa what should be done if a family member keeps secrets and won’t talk, and suddenly Grandpa takes a 50,000-won bill out of his pocket and fesses up to taking it. HA. At this point, it’s really everyone else’s fault for leaving their money lying around so temptingly for Sticky Fingers Gramps.

In the morning, Dal-po finds Yoo-rae with her stethoscope on Chan-soo’s door, and they listen in as Chan-soo presents his case to his boss. He says he’s connected the dots between Hyung, the missing plant manager, and Firefighter Dad, and suggests that Hyung could’ve kidnapped the manager, or worse.

That makes Dal-po gulp, but for now, Chan-soo’s boss says it’s a flimsy reason to start a dangerous investigation into a hero of the people. This could end in nothing but embarrassment for their precinct, so Chan-soo is warned to leave it alone until he’s got something more definitive.

Yoo-rae asks Dal-po why Cap gave him Ki Jae-myung’s phone number the other day, and Dal-po glosses over it, saying it’s nothing. She hilariously chooses to pry it out of him with her feminine wiles, and offers to eat a meal with him if he talks, and when he turns her down, she upgrades to a selca. He turns her down again and she scoffs, thinking that he’s trying to play her hot and cold.

Dal-po takes a moment alone, as Chan-soo’s suspicions, Yoo-rae’s questions, and Cap’s warnings swirl in his head.

In-ha and Beom-jo spend the day manning the tip line at the station, and after taking a million prank calls, Beom-jo declares that the dirty precinct is better than this. When Mom comes by, Beom-jo reports that they have nothing except a bunch of pranksters and callers asking for apologies, and In-ha says she ignored the requests for an apology thirteen years ago too.

Mom points out that she did apologize, and repeats the line she said in her broadcast after Hyung became a hero. In-ha asks bitterly how a person could apologize with so little sincerity, and says that Ki Jae-myung’s anger is understandable.

Mom grits her teeth and asks defensively, “What did I do that was so wrong?” Hm, that question sounds familiar. She asks if she reported the story with some kind of personal vendetta, and shouts, “I didn’t ask because I was curious! The whole nation was curious, so I asked in their place! Why do I have to apologize for that?” Wow, it’s actually more frightening that she thinks she wasn’t wrong.

Both mother and daughter reel after their confrontation, and curiously, Mom has an entire stack of black flip-phones on her desk. That can’t be coincidence—was she searching for her old phone all this time?

Downstairs, Beom-jo’s mommy comes by to hand him a few more cell phones and asks why he’s working so hard to smooth over In-ha’s relationship with her mother. He says that he stole those texts for thirteen years, and wonders if maybe things between them might be different if her mother had received those texts. He feels like owes In-ha a debt, and that’s why he sought her out in the first place.

Mommy says that’s a relief, because she wondered if maybe he had feelings for In-ha. She knows that In-ha likes someone else, and doesn’t want Beom-jo to get hurt. But Beom-jo asks what if he’s already hurting—at first he was just curious about In-ha and it didn’t concern him if she liked another man, but now it’s starting to hurt.

That brings Mommy near tears, as she asks what on earth Dal-po has on her perfect Beom-jo, but he says that Dal-po is the person who makes In-ha laugh and cry. It’s funny that he seems more mature about this than Mommy, who pouts like it’s unacceptable.

So next thing we know, Mommy marches over to see Dad at his real estate office, and he nervously serves her a cup of tea, wondering why she’d come to see him. She cuts to the chase and says that Beom-jo likes In-ha, and when Dad says he didn’t know, her tone suddenly shifts, and dramatic music cues the inner makjang chaebol mother-in-law to come out.

She throws her tea in Dad’s face and asks how he could sit by and let his lowly daughter look up at her perfect son, and throws money in his face to take care of it.

Dad blinks in terror… only to have Mommy repeat her first question. Ha, he imagined it all. Dad’s fantasies are the best. To his utter shock, when he assures her that he’ll talk to In-ha and keep her away from Beom-jo, Mommy cries that he can’t do that—she came here to ask for his help in getting them together.

He goes home with this goofy smile plastered on his face, wondering if he’s going to become in-laws with the president of a shopping mall. But suddenly the vision of In-ha and Dal-po walking away hand-in-hand brings his dream to a screeching halt, and he decides to call In-ha to ask her directly.

I love how blunt this family is. He just calls and asks if she likes Dal-po, and she looks over at Dal-po sitting next to her, and just answers into the phone, “Yes, I do.” Dad clarifies that he meant, as a man, and In-ha says very clearly, “I like Dal-po. As a man.” Omo.

Dad just hangs up, and then immediately texts Dal-po to meet him tomorrow. In-ha wonders how Dad found out, and says that she’ll meet Dad instead and explain everything herself. But Dal-po just pulls her chair close (rawr) and says he’s going to meet Dad and do all the explaining, so she needn’t worry.

The next day, Dad preemptively shovels shaved ice into his mouth on a freezing cold day, because his insides are boiling. He asks again about Dal-po’s birth family, reiterating that the only reason he’s against Dal-po is because he won’t talk about it. Dad says that if he tells him, he’ll think about giving him and In-ha his blessing: “That’s not an approval! I said I’d THINK about it!”

So Dal-po finally tells him that his father was a civil servant and his mother was a housewife, but then he lies that he’s an only son. He says that his parents died in an accident and other relatives didn’t want to take him in, and that’s the reason he didn’t want to find his family. I feel like it’s a bad idea to lie when Dad’s being so open-minded, but okay.

Dad seems reassured after that, and starts his speech about In-ha, but Dal-po cuts him off to say that he knows—In-ha is his precious only daughter and he wants her to be protected and happy. Dal-po has memorized this speech forwards and backwards, and Dad nods that it’s okay as long as he knows that. Aw, is he giving his approval?

Dad can’t help but regret the other option though, and whines that Dal-po should know what enormous thing (chaebol in-laws) he’s giving up right now, heh. He doesn’t say it out loud and just gulps down more shaved ice, and Dal-po’s grateful smile just makes him more upset. He adds quickly that he did NOT give an official approval—he’s thinking about it. I luff Dad.

Dal-po narrates that the cost of staying silent about Hyung was sweet… at first. Hyung remained a hero of the people, and Dal-po got to be happy with In-ha. We watch as they sneak hugs in the halls of the precinct like adorable little lovebirds. “But that happiness was slowly disappearing…” We cut to Hyung staring at the flyer he took for the special broadcast news lecture that Mom is giving at MSC.

The YGN news team heads out for a company dinner, and they happen to be seated right next to the MSC team in the same restaurant. MSC loudly toasts to their success as the ratings leader, and the YGN team stews impotently.

All their attempts to counter get shut down by Director Lee, but he does perk up when Gyo-dong loudly declares that he won’t be attending the special lecture by Song Cha-ok (that Director Lee wasn’t asked to do this year) because he doesn’t need to learn how to make news out of scandal. The YGN team toasts to doing news their way, and bitterly order the cheap samgyupsal as MSC orders more prime beef.

In-ha asks if Dal-po is coming to Mom’s lecture today, and he says that all the rookies were ordered to attend. As she fixes his hair to look presentable, she tells him to say what he wants to Mom, and he says he already said everything during their YGN interview debate. She recalls with a wince and wonders if he’s reminded of her mother when he looks at her, but he just pinches her cheeks and says her face makes him laugh.

Hyung takes his dog to his coworker and asks the ajusshi to take him in, because he’s moving far away. Uh-oh, you’re planning something really stupid, aren’t you?

At MSC, the cameraman who’s worried for Mom’s safety remembers seeing Beom-jo wrist-grab Mom out of the elevator the other day and mistakes that for a crush. He looks Beom-jo up and down and feels up his biceps, deciding that a smitten bodyguard might do some good.

So he tells Beom-jo that Hyung might come to today’s lecture and do something dangerous to Mom, and asks for his help. He’s planning to tail Hyung today just in case, but can’t drive. Beom-jo’s got that covered, and takes him to his garage filled with cars all for his personal use.

They wait outside Hyung’s apartment and watch as he’s greeted by fans, and Beom-jo wonders why a hero would do something dangerous. But the cameraman says it’s dangerous to judge a person by only the ten minutes that they’ve seen, and orders him to follow. It doesn’t take long for Hyung to notice that he’s got a tail, and he calls his ajusshi friend for another favor.

Dal-po arrives at MSC for the lecture, and comes face-to-face with Mom. She remembers him and admits that she didn’t expect a taxi driver to become a reporter, and tells him to bark all he wants if he’s the wolf he said he’d be.

He tenses up and balls up his fists, fire in his eyes… but then he spots In-ha standing just behind her and holds back. He says he’s here today to learn, not bark, and even bows.

Yoo-rae arrives at the lecture hall proudly sporting her YGN jacket, prepared to cut Mom down to size because she’s still bitter about failing the MSC interview. She sees In-ha in front of her and apologizes, but In-ha tells her to do her best.

Hyung stops during his water delivery route at his coworker’s house, and in the car, Beom-jo hears the rest of the backstory from the cameraman. He’s much more alarmed when he realizes that Hyung could be a danger to In-ha too.

Just before the lecture begins, the higher-ups at YGN start sneaking in with turtlenecks pulled up to their eyes, and discover their colleagues all sitting nearby doing the exact same thing. Gyo-dong: “I was just passing by!” Uh, you work in a building thirty feet away.

Mom begins her lecture on Fact and Impact, and gives examples of how most other stations like YGN report the straight facts in the dullest way possible, while her strategy at MSC is to keep the facts but change the way the headline is crafted for most impact, which she calls adding seasoning.

Meanwhile, Beom-jo stays on Hyung’s tail even when he gets on the highway headed down to Busan, determined to keep In-ha safe. But as suspected, it’s Hyung’s coworker behind the wheel of his truck, and when we return to the lecture hall, Hyung is already sitting in the audience.

Mom turns to the floor for questions, and everyone nudges Yoo-rae to go ahead and cut her down with a direct question instead of just coughing up snide remarks from the peanut gallery. So she stands up and proudly introduces herself as a YGN reporter, and then asks if Mom has gotten Botox. Wah waaaaah. The YGN execs shrink in their seats, mortified at the question, and Mom thanks her for a prime example of fact-less and impact-less news.

She looks right at Dal-po as she says that it might be one thing if they didn’t know what a reporter does, but now that they do, it’s hard to just bark without any basis. His lips curl up in anger, and he looks like he’s about to blow. Do it! Stand up!

In-ha turns around to look at him and sees how much he’s holding back, and raises her hand for a question. Omo, is she going to challenge her mother in Dal-po’s place? She takes the mic and asks if Mom has ever ignored fact in favor of impact. Oooo, them’s fightin’ words.

Mom lies through her teeth that she’s never done that, and In-ha just sits back down. But then her hiccups start, and she pointedly says she can’t seem to understand her answer, when she knows that thirteen years ago, Mom ignored the chances that Firefighter Dad died in the line of duty in favor of breaking the news that he was alive.

She continues to say that Mom chose to edit interviews with the family members to exclude fact and change the story, making them outcasts, and leading a mother to end her and her son’s lives. She calls it a perfect example of how dangerous it is to report news with impact, without fact. Hyung’s eyes fill with tears as he listens to In-ha’s words.

Mom is ruffled, but she says that she did nothing wrong, since all she did was believe the Pinocchio witness. In-ha is reminded of giving that very same excuse in the debate, and what Dal-po had said to her in response. She says Dal-po’s words now to her mother:

In-ha: Someone once said that people believe that Pinocchios always tell the truth. And people believe that reporters only tell the truth, just like Pinocchios. Pinocchios and reporters alike should have known that, and should know that their words are more frightening than anyone else’s. That is what you did wrong—your carelessness destroyed one family. Therefore, you share responsibility in this tragedy. You experienced that thirteen years ago but are still promoting impact—I see that you’re the same trash reporter* you were then.

Slow clap. I know they were Dal-po’s words, but wow do they feel different coming out of In-ha. [*The “trash reporter” is a bit of jargon they learned at the precinct that mashes “reporter” and “trash.” The word is less harsh in Korean, but the way In-ha means it now is as scathing as it sounds.] Mom is stunned and has absolutely nothing to say in defense.

Dal-po crouches with In-ha in the hallway afterwards, and she wonders if she’ll be fired before she ever becomes an official reporter. She asks if YGN might take her instead, and he deflates her with a no. He asks why she did it when even he was doing a good job of holding back, and she says it’s because he was holding back—she could see that and she knew she’d hiccup if she didn’t say something.

He asks if she’s okay, and when she tries to avoid the question by running away, he traps her with his arms like before. She admits that she’d like to say yes, but she can’t because that’s her mother, no matter how hateful. But she hates even more that saying that will just make Dal-po worry about her. She asks him to just say what’s on his mind to her mother when he wants, instead of holding it in. He gives a little nod.

Mom tries to remain placid on the surface, but she erupts and throws her lecture notes to the ground, finally showing some signs of human emotion.

The YGN foursome crosses the street back to their station, and Director Lee wonders why In-ha’s words sounded so familiar. Gyo-dong says it’s what Dal-po yelled at her during their debate, and that it seems that the words have been delivered to their intended target at last. The rest of them wonder what he’s talking about.

It’s only when they arrive at a rest stop that Beom-jo sees the ajusshi come out of Hyung’s truck, and he calls Dal-po in a panic to ask where In-ha and her mother are, and warns him about Hyung. Dal-po runs back inside MSC… just in time to watch Hyung take the elevator up just seconds behind In-ha, staring up at her the whole time. Ack, ruuuuun!

In-ha gets off the elevator and takes a call from Dal-po, but Hyung grabs her and pulls her into a storage room before she can say anything. He slams her up against the wall and asks how she knew about those things she said in the lecture, naming the details she added like his dad’s promise to see fireworks and his mother being ostracized in the marketplace.

He says that no one but his family knew those things, and demands an answer. In-ha is terrified, but says she can’t tell him how she knows. He screams at her to tell him, just as Dal-po runs up and slams into Hyung.

Dal-po gets up to check on In-ha (Can’t we run first, check later?!) and Hyung slams him up against the other wall. Dal-po begs, “Hyung, please.” Hyung growls at him not to call him that, but Dal-po finally says, “It’s me, Hyung… it’s Ha-myung.”

A tear falls as he says his own name, and Hyung just stares back, numb with shock. He says it again: “I’m your brother, Ki Ha-myung.”


He said it! AaaaaAAAaaah! I can’t wait to find out Hyung’s response. Is this the tearful brotherly reunion I’ve been waiting for? It’d better be. I’d like to think that In-ha’s incisive questions were the thing to stop Hyung from doing whatever terrible thing he attended the lecture to do. Because he had to have felt the same sense of justified anger and satisfaction to watch Mom squirm on that stage that I felt. And it wasn’t just in the words that In-ha repeated, but in her delivery—burning up from the anger she feels for the wrongs done to Dal-po, as if they’d been done to her. Because it’s personal to her, the words ring with the same urgency as the time Dal-po said them during the debate, and in this case, there’s an added jab for Mom to hear them coming out of In-ha, the one person who might possibly get under her skin. In making In-ha the mouthpiece, Mom was forced to hear what was said. So while Dal-po did cry wolf—he failed to show up as the wolf that he promised he’d be—his bark had much more bite coming out of In-ha.

My favorite thing about In-ha is that she unequivocally takes Dal-po’s side as soon as she learns the truth, without a moment’s hesitation. She runs up to that roof to say that she’s sorry and never once lets him think that she’d choose anyone’s side but his, as if that’s a given. So instead of two people each shouldering a burden for two on their own and spending multiple episodes being noble and alone, they simply hold hands and share their burdens and become each other’s support. And in the end, In-ha shows us that when Dal-po’s problems are her problems, she can step up and be his white knight.

The icing on the cake was Dad, because the heavier storylines would’ve been plenty of plot movement alone, but it’s an extra treat to stop for Dad’s discovery of In-ha and Dal-po’s romance. I really love the funny relationship between Dad and Dal-po, and how Dad is actually not nearly as disapproving of Dal-po as he’d like to be. It’s as if his own affection for Dal-po is betraying him, because his words are stern but his soft underbelly is written all over his face, and he knows deep down that no one would treat In-ha more preciously than Dal-po would. Even though he’s not really giving anything up (because let’s be real—Beom-jo doesn’t have a shot in hell), it’s so touching that he would give up having a chaebol son-in-law for Dal-po, no matter how grudgingly he’d do it. I expected Dad to put up more of a fight, which made his reaction all the better for the twist.

What’s refreshing about this show is that In-ha might be the only one who’s really forced to be honest, but her character actually drives the people around her to be honest in response, and the result is that we get frank conversations when we want them most—right away, come hell or high water. It makes the drama feel amazingly fast, even though the events themselves aren’t that surprising, because what any other drama character might sit on for weeks, In-ha spits out in two seconds, has a good cry about it, and gets in her cuddles. That’s my kinda girl.


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THe ending. So intense and full of feels. First time I shed tears to a Korean drama in a long time. Plus the scene from the preview of ep 11 where he's crying and hitting his brother. Man. Love the pace of this show so much.


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I love that hitting scene in the preview as well! Dal-po so heart broken. Crying and hitting his older brother


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I kept replaying that scene from the preview because DP looks so heart broken and miserable. The way he clutch his hands around hyung's collar and softly hitting him while crying break my heart into thousand pieces. I know that a rainbow and sunshine reunion is impossible but please let them hug like just once. That'd be enough.


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Me too! I replayed at least 30 times.


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Lee Jong Suk has really nailed that episode ending. He was good in I Hear Your Voice and even better here! That look and the change in his voice when he admits he is hyung's younger brother. Gets me every time.


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Totally agree, that preview just makes me more amazed at how much Jong Suk's acting has improved. Can't wait to see next week's episode!


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Which is why he won the Grimae awards for Best Actor! Youngest ever!


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I agree totally right?


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Can't wait to see those scene! I'm going to have a good cry next wednesday


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I LOVE YOU girlfriday!


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That ending leave me hyperventilating and walking around the house going what… The… Hell omg. I haven’t gotten such feelings since City Hunter, and funnily enough, the ending of CH ep 10 mirrors Pinocchio eerily – both ended with 2 of the main characters facing off with one of them pressing the other against the wall. I’ll post a picture of it later. And both had such big reveals.

Before I spazz on about ep 10, congrates LJS for winning an award for Pinocchio. Richly deserved, his acting has been swell I’m curious though, how come he gets an award before the drama has even finished arriving? Were there other nominees for the award or not?

Anyway… I think ep 10 might have been the best out of all of them! This show keeps getting better, it can’t keep up this amazingness, surely not, it will fail soon and become terr– *hiccup* woods guess this show will keep being awesome

Ep 10 had the perfect blend of humour, heart and plot. I lost count of how many times I paused, rewound and watched hilarious bits, or bits where I paid extra attention to what was said.

Haraboji stealing from Dalpo’s piggy bank again lol

Lol at Dalpo making that PMSing lie to cover for In Ha, and her cute mad face after, I love their adorable bickering relationship

Dad watching In Ha and Dalpo holding hands haha, I was hoping for anotber weird imagination scene, but the one with Bum Jo’s mum was funny

Cap is really a great sunbae to Dalpo. At first it seemed like a weird move for the drama to have a Dalpo reveal his identity and past to Cap in ep 4, but it provided Dalpo to get support, courage and help from someone who is like Dalpo and has made a crucial mistake in reporting (Cap reporting on the firefighters and Dalpo with the weight-loss losing woman). Slightly off-the-cuff, but I thought that weight-loss losing woman news could have been linked to the firefighters tragedy (sounds crazy I know=))). Cap could not have been more correct in telling Dalpo that you can’t hide the truth forever, and that it will find a way of resurfacing and rearing it’s ugly face. Ugly true for a nice lie? Let the news report on the hero Hyung facade or reveal to all of his true face? Oh the conflict

Bum Ju I’d really growing on me. The fact that it isn’t a creepy stalkerish love for In Ha, but rather because he feels indebted to her for not replying or doing anything the text messages, is sweet. When she does learn that that is how he knows so much about her what will her reaction be?

Sorry guys, I just have to do another CH comparison I mean, when she does find out that Bum Ju had been lying to her for 13 years… Think about it. Mummy, Dalpo, Bum Ju, some of the most important and influential people on her life, have lied to her for her whole life. Ouch. When Kim Nana Saehee was Young Jo’s ex-husband, her reaction was heartbreaking. It wasn’t just that incident that caused her to be so sad and drink herself to...


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I keep on rewinding the hilarious episodes, too. Then again, I like Pinocchio so much I don't wait until the subs are done. I literally watch as soon as they uploaded it on Viki before they even finish subbing.

I think I know what you mean about City Hunter. It's my favorite K-Drama. Are you talking about the time when Kim Nana saved Lee Yoon Sung from Kim Young Joo?


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Btw, my Korean is very rudimentary. I've watched episode 10 at least 4 times in a single day. I kept watching it as the subs get updated. I think I might learn Korean watching Pinocchio.


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"congrates LJS for winning an award for Pinocchio. Richly deserved, his acting has been swell I’m curious though, how come he gets an award before the drama has even finished arriving? Were there other nominees for the award or not?"

It's not really irregular. Apparently Pinocchio is also nominated for this year's SBS Drama Awards even though it's not done airing yet.

In this case, the Grimae Award isn't a popularity thing and is voted by directors, they give it to the actor they feel performed the best this year (even though he won for Pinocchio, it's probably an accumulative of everything he has done this year). I'd say the Best Actor award isn't really about the drama as a whole, it's about the actor's performance so even if it's not finished the directors can vote for the actor.

No, they don't release a list of nominees to the public. They all vote and then announce just the winner. It's not about razzle dazzle, it's just directors appreciating talent.


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Congrats to LJS for winning the 2014 Grimme Award and became the youngest awardee in its 28 year history. (Sorry I am not sure whether my spelling of the award Grimme is correct or not) Your question about 1 how come he was awarded for Pinochio when it was still in the air? and 2 if there were other contestants?

The news article says he won for Pinochio but the fact to the matter is this award is given to a person who has gained the most vote from the photograph directors in the field and the judging criteria was based on two things: acting skill and the professional behavior they exhibit on the set during the filming.

1. Since it is the BEST ACTOR and ACTRESS of the YEAR in the eyes of the photograph directors, all the actors and actresses who had filmed during the year are the contestants. As one can see from the past receipents of the award, it is considered very prestigious and all the actors (male and female) who are in the field regard this very highly and natch they all want to be the next awardee and thought it to be true complement to their acting since there is only one winner in each sex who could receive out of thousands of them.
2. Although the news article mentionEd Pinochio only, the truth is it is not just for that one program they judged him by. It was all the program he was in for the one year. Period. So the bigger factor of his acting award came probably from the Dr. Stranger he finished in the Spring is the known consensus. Besides, regardless of the fact that the show had become public joke from half way through and till the end, LJS's acting was praised by all - from most all of the press, professionals in & outside of the field, general public of the drama viewers to the very thorny netizens - in unison. He was called by many as an oxizen for the show, the only thing worthy of the otherwise worthless show and many more. It was a total shock that he didn't win the Korean Drama Award. Therefore when the Grimme Award's choice was announced, everyone even anti LJS seemed to admit that the award went to the right person whose acting absolutely deserves to receive it. Sorry for the Lon
Ng rambling hehe just wanted to share the excitement.


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I love your post.


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identity from her (understand however), Young Ju didn’t tell her that his father was the culprit of her parent’s deaths, or that he was he ex-husband of Saehee, heck, even her aunt didn’t tell her that Young Jo’s father was the culprit of he parent’s deaths (might be wrong here lol). I think this contrasting of Nana and In Ha is intriguing, as both women have responded to such alarming news with strong character, and still trusting their man.

Yoon Raw is perhaps one of the weak points of the drama, maybe even the only one. While all our main characters have been going through great development with lessons learnt Yoon Rae is only really providing some comical fun for the drama. That is nice, but there needs to be an extra dimension to her as a second lead. Is there going to be a loveliness between her and Hyung, or was that just a rumour? I hope it goes through, would be interesting too see

Speaking of second leads, I think Hyung as surpassed Bum Ju and Yoon Rae as the real second lead. He’s been getting more screen time than Yoon Raw and about the same, if not more, than Bum Ju. Why was he not present in any of the Pinocchio press conference or promotions?

I think what was also fantastic about this ep was that even characters you didn’t think could be funny were funny. Song Cha Ok made a joke at the dinner about her good looks helping the news, and then shutting down Yoon Rae’s botox joke at the lecture lol.

In Ha’s attack on titan, I mean evil mummy, gave me goosebumps. Using the same words Dalpo used against him during the interview debate…wow. Was that emotion I saw in mummy’s eyes? Watery eyes? Nawwwwww. And that frustration after as she threw the papers on the ground, so she does have a conscience? What’s gonna happen to her now?

In Ha and Dalpo mirroring the Dalpo-boxed-me-so-I-can’t-escape-but-I-don’t-mind


And then the Confession omg the emotion, such great acting from Hyung and Dalpo here

We’re halfway there, yet it seems as though we’ve nearly solved all the conflict that has been thrown at us. Hyung and Dalpo’s dad’s name has been cleared and has been rightfully honoured, Hyung and In Ha now know of Dalpo’s identity, and going off the ep11 preview, Dalpo will tell everyone he is Ki Ha Myung…

Will new conflicts be created just for the sake of filling out the eps? Please no stupid noble idiocy clinches or unnecessary angst between our OTP lol. Given that Park Hye Run has done well so far, I’m hopeful she can continue the awesome writing.

P.S why does Song Cha Ok have all those phones with her?


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One reason why Hyung is getting more screentime--live filming. It's explained in Dramabeans' book, "Why Do Dramas Do that?" that the creators of the show take into account people's reactions about the show, including the characters they like/don't like, etc. and incorporate it into the drama we're watching. Since most people in this site (and even in Viki live comments) have strong reactions about Hyung, he gets more screen time.

I think that the conflicts are going to be the complications of what happened 13 years ago. However, the stakes would be bigger. We have to trust that this writer knows precisely what she's doing, especially since she's written good dramas before--I Can Hear Your Voice and Dream High.


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I disagree. I know here everyone praises park hye Ryun's writing but I think otherwise. In my opinion hyung got more screen time not because his acting was survivor to others but because the wrier and director had lost the story balance from the beginning. from the ep 1 even though they are talking about ki ha myung the younger brother the hero of the drama they were focusing on older brother's emotion and reaction then the younger one. This kind of off balance continues throughout the show. In stead of showing actions or following emotions of ha myung it is focused on brother then sco her Evel personality then in ha her cute reaction or conflict with her parents etc. and increasingly it becomes like a one man show it is all about her feelings even when the issue is about ha myung' life his past and present the screen shows in ha talks about her feelings or hyung's feelings angers resentment etc as if dalpo has amnesiac his anger and pain had never fully developed or followed by the story line like they did with hyung or in ha. No wonder everyone talks about in ha and hyung. The worst thing of all is the writer and director don't have him show who dalpo/ha myung is like they do with in ha hung bumjo even each one of the minor characters but in stead have him narrate who he is what he feels or thinks for the last ten eps. And the writer to the director he Gives more screen time and more focuses on other people then the lead male no matter who they are. If you think I am being unfair to say this replay the scenes of dalpo with inha, or with dad, dalpyung, song co, hyung or even with bumjo. You will see how has more dialogue and finishes the last words. It is amazing that dal po/ ha myung is even acknowledged as a leading male.

I think it is park hye Ryun' writing style that she seemed to focuses on female lead and shrink the role of male lead who supposed to lead the show with the female as an equal partner into female lead's love interest only as in Ihyv and Pinochio. I didn't finish dh so I don't know how the male leads end and who finally became the lead.

So far to me this show repeats the ugliness of Dr. Stranger: using LJS to promote the show by posting his character shoots in the Pinochio promotion in news articles and ending and previews to get the viewers to anticipate the next ep and lure them to watch but the actual content of the story line is focused on other characters. Dialogues and actions that are clearly should be the leads Are saying and doing by someone else's and ended up them stealing the impact.

It is no wonder why all the actresses want to work with park Hye Ryun but not the actors, unless you are a newbie. For her past lead actors who had shone brightly (ksh & LJS namely) doing her drama should get the half of the credit for their charm and superb acting rather than the characters themselves. Because no matter who and what way you see it you would never get confused for who the lead...


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Female is but always so many arguments and questions by fans and drama viewers regarding who the male lead is.

I know I am being brutaly honest about the writer and what I felt watching the show like inha her character but I still want for the best for LJS and the show and would be happy to be surprised and gladly say I was impatient and it was a good show at the end. So I reaal hope the writer and director see the imbalance of the story telling and disservice they did to the male lead who is doing his best for the show without reservations and talk about the Pinochio the boy who didn't have a name and go through the adventures and earn his name in stead of showing the Pinochio syndrome - the growing nose I.e. The hiccups, and everyone's story except the hero's. I think they have shown inha her mom and the hyung enough and need to show dalpo/ ha myung story they so announced and previewed since ep 1 but haven't showed foe the past 10 eps! Is my opinion.


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Totally agree that hyung has stolen the second lead position from Beom Jo. Only he probably wont do the usual second lead male thing and fall for In Ha, because his relationship with Dal Po is much more interesting. The casting was excellent too, Yoon Kyun Sang makes you feel all of hyung's pain and he looks very like Lee Jong Seok - they are both tall with single eyelids and similar features, and YKS is taller than.already very tall LJS so LJS has to look up at him and call him hyung..... can you tell I am a fan now kkkk

I also agree that Yoo Rae is now only comic relief for that one joke of mistaking Dal Po for liking her. I feel slightly disappointed because that was not how she was written at first. She had a more cool and balanced personality even with her sasaeng habits. And I know the actress is good/can act very well, also writer Park Hae Ryun used to write interesting female characters even in supporting roles forIHYV/Dream High so I feel surprised to see Yoo Rae in this kind of one note character. And as for hyung/Yoo Rae love line....how is it even possible to picture dark and scary/sad murdering hyung with idol obsessed Yoo Rae.... i find it hard to believe.

but this is all just minor because this otp is thebest and all the acting is good, even cold Song Cha Ok expresses emotion through her ice queen face. I love hyung and feel his pain even if he is a scary murderer, and all the family and YGN/MSC teams. Especially Cap.


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It's not a surprised that Hyung got more screentime though... Have you seen IHYV? The murdered had a lot of screen time and shined so he got a lot or recognition for it


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I really like Hyung as a villian though. He has a similar tragic background like Min Joon Gook but instead of those reveals being left to the end, I like that I can sympathize with him from the very beginning.

After next week, although it almost seems like it's end game we're only a bit over halfway through the drama. It's making me expect a plot twist. I'd really like to see even more layers added to Hyung cause I'm really liking his character so far. Maybe there's a twist to this revenge story that we aren't understanding fully yet? When Dal Po reports him, perhaps he's actually missing a part of a puzzle based on assumptions. I feel like I have a soft spot for him even though this is the first time I've seen this actor.

I really want Hyung to have a happy ending, honestly. Though I'm guessing it's going to bittersweet.


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the context alone that make you empathize and root him (and Dalpo)
That's the difference between Pinocchio and IHYV. You didn't know the back story in IHYV from the 1st ep.


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I honestly think that there is a lot to the hyung revenge that we are not seeing/being shown, that is leading us audience as well as DP to make a lot of assumptions and make him guilty without any real proof. How dark and f-ed up would it be if DP were to prosecute his brother the same way that IH's mom did his family years ago only to latter have IH be the one the dig up the truth truths of things. I don't know I feel he has jumped to conclusions on things and like branding his brother a murder, not telling him who he was the moment they met, and the lying about his own identity; is going to bite him in the arse in his relationship with hyung and also ones with IH and the family.


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Yeah someone mentioned in an earlier post their theory that he didn't really kill the other guys because none of the scheming was shown, so there's room for doubt. I don't know if we can be so hopeful but I figure it's something along those lines that we're not seeing the whole picture.

It's telling that Dal Po seems to already be turning him in cause it pretty much certifies a big game changing twist to extend the rest of the story. I have a feeling you may be right, it might even be something we can't even imagine yet. Really excited to find out.


Regarding the phones, my understanding is this: BJ actually transferred the number to several phones over the 13 years, because realistically one of those flip phones can't have so much memory space as to store hundreds or even thousands of messages. When he gave one to Cha-Ok after he pulled her out of the elevator, I imagine that may be the most recent one. Later on, his mom brought over the rest so he can give all of them to Cha-Ok.


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Totally agree. BJ said that he's been using the same number, so he just saves ALL of those 13 years worth of texts as he updates phone (after all, he's a chaebol…flip phones all those years? unlikely).


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Re: the phones. I assumed that they're all the cell phones with messages from In Ha. The texts have been sent for 13 years, and Bum Jo is a rich guy who probably got a new cell phone quite often. Immediately after we see the phones there's the scene where he's getting more phones from Mommy, and those looked like newer Smartphones.

That's how I interpreted it.


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Great point here! I hadn't considered that. I was really confused about why it would make sense to search for your old phone like that. And I didn't get why Boem Jo was bringing more phones either. I actually thought he had bought them mother/daughter couple phones to help them get there relationship going and was thinking "that's never going to work."


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Also, I hope you guys all listened to PSH's new song.

It's a gem!

That's the third song she's released this year. That's more than quite a few idols groups this year LOL


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In my four years of drama watching experience, I have seen Park shin hye in many series, YAB, heart strings etc. Never did I see her in such an awesome role. I have ALWAYS thought of her as a mediocre, slightly dumb actress. Now I can't stop re watching that amazing scene in which she repeats Dal pos words with so much confidence. Its amazing. Ah I love her!


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This role is like a revelation for PSH!


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I never liked her as an actress before because her characters cried too much or were too Candy like. Like I know she was never a bad actress on the level of Suzy or Jin Se Yeon (my standard for horrible female acting) but I thought she was overrated.

But that changed now, I really like her in Pinocchio, she is perfect as Choi In Ha. Sure there are still other actresses who are better but if even I, who disliked her before, can like her acting now, she is really not bad at all. Its not just the writing, she has great chemistry with Lee Jong Seok which I never felt in any if her earlier male leads in YAB, Heartstrings or Heirs (she had some chemistry with Kim Woo Bin there but he was nott first lead)


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You should watch her old works and movies. She doesn't pick the best role but I don't get how people claimed she can't act or mediocre. Like I have been seeing people complaining about her crying but how is it her fault that the script asking her to cry and all she did was following it LOL

I'm glad she finally got a role that does her justice.


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PSH is not really bad in acting. It's just that most of her roles are not-so-lovable (especially the one in Heirs). Good thing that the writer really creates adorable female characters. PSH has found justice! :)

LJS and PSH are the best! I squeal every time they're on screen! <3


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This episode completely changed my opinion of her. I was read to keep hating on her. Ridiculing her acting cause really it's only been mediocre up till now and this is excluding the love scenes. I was never fond of her appearance either, so even that couldn't distract me.

But now. I see she really does have the potential people have been claiming so vehemently. Give her a character that is well written with some spunk. Give her some good direction and she can be really great. I was ACTUALLY cheering for all her scenes this ep when usually I'm trying my hardest to tolerate them.


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How is her acting only been mediocre up until now? You have your hate blind you. She isn't the best actress but that girl can act and pull off anything they give her


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No, her acting really has been mediocre, by and large. I really liked her the first time I saw her, and then as I saw more dramas I realized that she's accessible and quite natural but tends to go to the same rather shallow place for each bit, which then made those reactions UN-natural. She'd cry prettily, and there was still more to it than other actresses, but it was the same second layer she was accessing all the time. She also gets stuck shouldering filler a lot.

In Pinocchio she's benefiting from an unconventional heroine and lightning-fast plotting. She's interacting with characters who instantly give her content to chew on and work with, the emotional content between characters is different, and she's also not stuck with the filler here. She's good at being natural, the problem is that directors see that and keep casting her as the SAME "natural" girl, complete with the same scenes and struggles. In Pinocchio, they gave her different stuff to do and less time to do it with - and we're noticing.


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Thank you, couldn't have explained it better myself.


Bottom line: It's still her (same) roles that you hate. Not her acting that you claimed mediocre!

She seems mediocre because she hasn't been given different roles and materials.

Like I said she isn't the best actress, but Mediocre? If she is, no matter how good the material is given to her she'd be still be mediocre.

I guess you can't please everyone


"Right", the role doesn't define the character. If all actors had to do was turn up and read the lines writers wrote, while directors told them where to stand, then we could all be actors.

For instance, second leads are often written in an almost cardboard way that most actors can carry off passably. Jo Jung-Suk (an example off the top of my head) takes second leads and bit parts and makes them incredibly compelling because of the thought he's put into the character and the meaning behind each line he speaks. On serial programs, writers will often pick up on the shading actors contribute to their characters and will play up those actor-generated elements in later scripts. Though the role might be "king's soldier" he digs deeper and gives his character dimension that's why we notice him.

While directors and writers weren't giving her much to work with, PSH wasn't doing her work on her end to differentiate those characters. She could have, she just didn't - and her produced acting was passable (mediocre) and delivered the basic elements she was hired for, so everyone just shrugs.

In Pinocchio, I still don't think she's doing much of the heavy lifting - it's the writer who's serving up fresh scenarios. Actors who excel are the ones who take something and don't just execute it but add to it. The rest are frequently... mediocre. They're not going to extra mile.


Well let's agree to disagree! Actors can only do so much... but there is a limit.
Like I have said she has a long way to go but calling her mediocre is just B.S
But it's your opinion so I shall respect it. I guess we can't just please anyone. But at least majority see her real potential through this drama.


Is mediocre bad? No it's just mediocre. And it has been but I think that's largely because of the nature of her roles being both typecast and miscast, or from poor direction.

You're being completely hypocritical, you sure your love isn't blinding you?

I literally just admitted that she's left a bad taste in my mouth from her previous dramas so I was ready to do the same her. But now I glad to see she has the potential to do more and it's finally hitting the standard. What the hell more do you want? For me to lie and say I think she's been spectacular in every drama? I liked her in the first drama I watched her in which was "You're Beautiful" so it's not like this has always been the case, but it went downhill from there. Now I'm saying that she's redeemed herself in my eyes since those days with this role.


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I'm just saying how people tend to be hard on the actresses without even considered if it's really their acting or the roles are bad...
Anyways I'l glad you see her in a different light now.
Not that she has redeem herself. Because I don't think her acting went from 0-100 in this drama. But the role is able to do her justice. (What can CES do in HEirs besides crying? And how is it her fault then?)


No I have considered that, please reread what I said.

But I still don't think that was all there was to it. In her past dramas I have always seen her as an actress where I was aware that she was acting. It's just an gut kind of feeling you can't really explain. If I have to name another actor off the top of my head that's kind of like that it be Taecyon. Their acting is passable, I can see them trying to pull of gestures but it doesn't come off naturally. I don't think it's prejudice either, I'm always open to liking more actors/actresses even if I my expectations get in the way. You know Lee Jong Suk was sort of like that to me in IHYV, I'm a very vain person so I was distracted by his looks. It was my first drama with him and I expected myself to not really like him but I was quite quickly convinced by his acting ability. It was a really nice surprise, how much I believed that he was his character.

I also said that it was this particular episode. Though she's had moments in other episodes, most notably 8, that you've been hearing from people because she's so well known for being bad at romance scenes. It still hadn't really hit me, but it's kind of been like a gradual progression that has just started to break through. A feeling like I was willing to look at her again as an actress.

I do think that it's largely due to the fact that she's now given something decent to work with. It even helps that her co-star is one who quite consistently has good chemistry with people. I mean it might have not been her fault in the past because those were the only roles she was offered, but it doesn't change how I felt. There's also cases where really good actors can almost exceed what they've been given on paper. Even with just Heirs as an example, I remember hearing much praise for Woo Bin doing just that and making people sympathize with YD even though you know how badly all those (main) characters were written.

I think Pinocchio allowing her more room to develop her skills where she's been quite stunted before. Whether it be really silly things like her not looking pained or like a deer caught in the headlights during a kiss scene haha or whether it be that she's given a plot that allows her to explore more emotional depth. I'm seeing hope in her now that she's been presented with the opportunity to reach further.


No I have considered that, please reread what I said.

But I still don't think that was all there was to it. In her past dramas I have always seen her as an actress where I was aware that she was acting. It's just an gut kind of feeling you can't really explain. If I have to name another actor off the top of my head that's kind of like that it be Taecyon. Their acting is passable, I can see them trying to pull of gestures but it doesn't come off naturally. I don't think it's prejudice either, I'm always open to liking more actors/actresses even if I my expectations get in the way. You know Lee Jong Suk was sort of like that to me in IHYV, I'm a very vain person so I was distracted by his looks. It was my first drama with him as the lead and I expected myself to not really like him but I was quite quickly convinced by his acting ability. It was a really nice surprise, how much I believed that he was his character.

I also said that it was this particular episode. Though she's had moments in other episodes, most notably 8, that you've been hearing from people because she's so well known for being bad at romance scenes. It still hadn't really hit me, but it's kind of been like a gradual progression that has just started to break through. A feeling like I was willing to look at her again as an actress.

I do think that it's largely due to the fact that she's now given something decent to work with. It even helps that her co-star is one who quite consistently has good chemistry with people. I mean it might have not been her fault in the past because those were the only roles she was offered, but it doesn't change how I felt. There's also cases where really good actors can almost exceed what they've been given on paper. Even with just Heirs as an example, I remember hearing much praise for Woo Bin doing just that and making people sympathize with YD even though you know how badly all those (main) characters were written.

I think Pinocchio allowing her more room to develop her skills where she's been quite stunted before. Whether it be really silly things like her not looking pained or like a deer caught in the headlights during a kiss scene haha or whether it be that she's given a plot that allows her to explore more emotional depth. I'm seeing hope in her now that she's been presented with the opportunity to reach further.


Hana, you didn't just compare YD and CES right? YS is considered the best role in Heirs when CES is probably the worst... KES isn't a bad writer even I'm not a fan. Her male leads shines but she can't write her female leads...

Anyways, no matter if she improved or it's the role that given her talent justice, I'm glad that you can see her in a new light


It was the first example I could think of to explain my sub point, because you had just mentioned it. It'd also be relatable.

Yeah ahuh sure.


Watch her first drama, stairway to heaven and you can see that she is a great actress. She got some of popularity awards and i guess she got it because lots of people love her more than other actresses. Thats the fact.


If she is, no matter how good the material is given to her she’d be still be mediocre.
Hi, I just wanted to add to this.

A good writer is not enough if the actor is not capabale of doing justice to the character. If she were not capable of bringing what's expected of her character we would be watching unconventional scenerios with mediocre acting. That is not the case at all.


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Just because in the past I found her mediocre doesn't mean she'll always stay that way. People develop and people learn. It's just natural. I'm sure there's tons of actors/actresses that have gotten better over the years, some maybe very slowly, some with a catalyst to drive them to push further.

The writing for Pinocchio has been on point pretty much the whole series and my opinion on her acting was still for the most part the same. Even now it's still not a 180 but I'm seeing sparks here and there that give me a bit of hope.

Maybe my judgement really is being clouded by the writing but I kind of wish that it wasn't. I'd like it if I could start respecting PSH more as an actress so that I can enjoy her more in dramas. No doubt she's a popular actress who will continue to get casted for many roles. Just have to wait and see.



Well said nicole, i completely agree.


Yes, when this writer announced new drama, I was so excited because I havent felt that urgency and squeels since last year's IHYV.
But after Park Shin Hye's casting, I lost most of my excitement.

But man, she is AWESOME here! Her jumping when she was realized her shoes are from her mom, she was JUST TOO GOOD. I love her now. She is gonna be added in my list of my very few Kdrama actresses!

And this girl should do only roles like these from now on!


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Haha yeah! I'd love to see more roles like this. I really didn't expect to ever like her again so it's feeling like kind of a miracle moment right now. I think before I started watching I was thinking of Pinocchio being her last chance to win me over and she actually pulled through. It took a bit to get over but now I'm wholeheartedly rooting for her to keep it up.

Finally people are allowed to see her range and development. Hopefully this means casting directors will consider her for more diverse roles than she's been getting the past few years.


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Hmmm... I'm more inclined to say, let her have different kinds of roles and grow with them. Let her keep getting better, surprise and delight, why not?


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I fell in love with her in Flower Boy Next Door, because she played that introvert character so well (compared to all her overly comedic roles). She is actually a great actress when she doesn't have to play dumb girls.

Pinocchio reminds me of her role in Flower Boy, so I am willing to forget all her wrongdoings :) - just give me a great drama once a year, PSH, and I will be happy ...


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exactly! I loved her in FBND and I love her in pinocchio as well. :)


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Yahoo!! Pinochhio recap! Thanks GF, I have waited for it since yesterday...

I really hope Dal Po will be okay, hyung will never hurt him and even believe him. I can't stand their separation and misunderstanding (mostly from hyung) more.

In Ha, you go girl! Even though I'm a bit concerned about her, I'm glad she's the one to tell the reality check to her mother. Fact and Impact, it's kinda true given how trashy news articles can be these days. More and more news don't bother to even check the fact first and prefer to report whatever sensational news that people might pay attention to.

Oh yeah, I really hope hyung will get redeemed before the last episode. I don't want him to go down as psycho killer like Min Joon Gook in IHYV. Let the Ki brothers reunite ASAP!!


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Loved the episode, especially when In Ha takes her mom to task during the Q&A session! She was fab! Thanks for the recaps, I love reading your analysis ... this show is simply great. When you think they will take umpteen episodes over issues, be it the Dal-Po & In Ha romance or dad accepting it or the brothers coming face to face or the big reveal ... the writers pull the rug underneath us and give up on those plotlines half way through the show! Am waiting to see what they serve us next! :D


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Is it just me or is this one of the best dramas ever? It has greats laughs, lots of tension, sweet romance, people act generally sanely and directly to each other, and it really moves along. I actually cheered when Dal Po came to the rescue and slammed his hyung to the ground. The competing dinners scene at the restaurant was hilarious. And Dad's fantasy of upset chaebol mom. The show is a joy to watch.

The preview for episode 11 makes it seem like hyung's story could be wrapped up pretty quickly, and if so, I wonder what will fill out the remaining episodes. We're only on episode 10 and there are 10 more to go.

Thanks for the recap. I'd checked right after I watched the subbed drama on DramaFever and it wasn't there, then came back and here it is! Thanks!


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I have one eeny tiny complain about it though.

With chemistry between them SO GOOD, I am just really sad this drama is in winter.
Its just skinships is more fun when its actually with skin you know, not layers of winter clothes :P
But these two make even that so NICE.



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on the preview you can see that on ep 11th, hyung's murder case will be revealed. I think the rest episodes will tell us story that will happened from dec 2013 until dec 2014 (because until 10th episode, the stories tell us what's happened until 2013)


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I also noticed that Dec.2013 date-modifier in recent episoded if not here in ep10. It is also how I surmised that there may be a time jump in the story a la IHYV (just lay off the amnesia or noble idiocy trope, Show, please!). I'm not so keen about it, but given the current setting of the drama, it's highly likely to happen.


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I'm not sure we'll get a tearful reunion just yet but am just so glad many cats are out of the bag with hardly any negative impact on the central relationships-nice one pinnocchio!


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Omo omo omo!!! I can't wait for wednesday and for Ep 11 to air!!! Its getting more exciting and it exceeds my expectations when it comes to the common tropes and cliches of kdramaland every episode..

I saw the ep 11 preview and it just made more impatient and anxious to see what will happen next episode!! :'D <3


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I love episode 10. Okay. Let's see my comments. Beom Jo and the cameraman are the worst spies ever. I mean, we're dealing with a genius here (he's as smart on the streets as he is on the books) and they're following really close. I mean, would it hurt if they move at least either ahead of the guy or a little on the side so that Hyung won't notice them?

The talk between Dad and Dal Po were so funny I laughed the whole way. I mean, Dal Po should be the nervous one since he's talking to his girlfriend's dad but he's so calm it looked like he's the father instead of Dad. Dal Po's not even fidgeting at all.

And In Ha's delivery was so superb. I think it finally got through to mom.

And the four reporters from YGN looked like the F4 walking together. It's like watching BOF 20 years later, after they had just bankrupted their companies.

There's actually preview of episode 11 after the last scene in episode 10. At first, Hyung didn't believe Dal Po but Dal Po told Hyung about the fireworks. And also on the preview, it shows that Dal Po reporting using his real name-- Gi Ha Myeong. I was counting the days to see it. :-)


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Yes, i totally love the YGN foursome! I totally agree with you that they were totally like the F4 of BOF... Hahaha but only older. I love the ygn bosses, especially Cap.


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Base on the preview it looks like Brother vs Brother.


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That mother-daughter face-off was AMAZING. I was pumping my fists through the air with every Dalpo's words coming out of Inha's mouth. I love how she said it will all the emotion and bite Dalpo expressed it with the first time. And also when Cap Hwang said that those words have finally reached its target, perfectly accompanied with all the indignation it should come with.

It's freaking brilliant that the strongest scenes of the drama thus far (Dalpo's dialogue with his past righteous self, and this) all tie back to Dalpo's emotional outburst in that YGN interview.


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YES! Her mom got schooled.

I love how at the beginning, In-ha berated herself for lacking the words to respond to her mom's conviction "The whole nation was curious, so I asked in their place! Why do I have to apologize for that?” Then in a great turn around at the end, b/c of Dal-po's pain and her mom's words reminding her of herself, she was able to respond to her mom in Dal-po's words what he wanted to say but couldn't.

She was only able to say his words w/ emotion and bite b/c she finally understood.

How great is it that In-ha and Dal-po continue to protect each other against their very own family?

And I just love Grandpa and Dad. Yay! Dad gave his approval.."begrudgingly" but he loves Dal-po!


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I absolutely love all the recaps on dramabeans especially you and javabeans! It's like reading a great picture book!


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Couldn't agree more! If I don't have time to watch whole episodes of older dramas, I just came here and read the recaps :) love their writing style. DB has the best recaps ever thanks to GF, JB and all the other recappers!


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YOU GO, IN HA!! Best. Girlfriend. Ever. Which makes me mad her boyfriend wasn't more appreciative because I thought her sticking up for him was the sweetest gesture ever. Yoo Rae's outburst at the end of her speech was me throughout her speech. Not only did she call her mother trash in a room full of colleagues and admirers, but (I presume) In Ha effectively dropped off of Hyung's revenge list because surely he had a change of heart after hearing all that, right? But I guess it's hard for Hyung to get over his penchant for slamming people against walls. Still I'm hopeful our brothers' overdue reunion will lead him to accept In Ha as his sister-in-law. Now I'm mostly worried about Dad. In the short run, Dad will probably forgive Dal Po for lying about his real family and may even like him more for being the son and younger brother of two national heroes, but in the long run, I fear what will happen when (if) Hyung is found out to be a murderer. It's almost scary to see how revered Hyung is now because the bigger you are, the harder you fall, and the public can turn against you overnight.

At this rate, I'm sure Haraboji is stealing Dal Po's money to invest for his future. His son ain't earning any interest with his money sitting in those pigs. I really expected a "I did hate you until I started to like you" confession amidst the tears. I'm still waiting for Dal Po's "I've liked you for 13 years" confession. Big sigh of relief Chaebol Mommy's cliched Chaebol Mother-in-Law behavior was just Dad's imagination. I like mother and son way too much for the show to ruin them now. I can totally see Beom Jo stepping aside (not that he ever had a chance to begin with) because whatever makes In Ha happy, makes him happy, and Dal Po makes In Ha happy.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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Girlfriday tnks 4 d recap I rili lov dis drama though I avnt watchd it buh d recaps r so awesome n pls dnt stp midway u must recap until d veri end


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I actually felt SLIGHTLY bad for the mum when PSH questioned her. And she looked a bit hurt too (or was it my imagination?) In the past few episodes we could sort of see her warming up/being SLIGHTLY more affectionate and less cold than before, so *wince* that had to have hurt, coming from her daughter.

Although I do think she deserves it. Just that, y'know, I can't believe I'm feeling sorry for a horrible character.


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Salutè, GF!
At first, i had doubt about this new drama. After following 3 recaps here, then i dare myself to watch...
i'm completely 'lost'.

Agree that this drama is different others.
It started good and great along the way... hopefully they can wrap it beautifully too!


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All the loose ends are almost tied...but we are still on episode 10... Im so curious and nervous at the same time for the remaining half epsiodes of pinocchio. Im hoping and praying that it continues its great pacing and momentum. Although i really cant think of any underlying conflict we could tackle next... Anyway im just gonna trust the writer and hope and pray that she has this all thought out!!!! Pinocchio fighting!!!

Thank you for the recap!!!!!


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I just love this show so much. The pacing and honest reactions and conversations are hitting me right in the heart. GF was totally right about In Ha's honesty forcing others to be more honest as well.
One of the things I love about this show is even when characters makes wrong/bad decisions I can still understand them. For example, Dal Po lying to In Ha's dad about his family. The lie may not have been the best decision, but I can completely understand why Dal Po would make that choice. Few things irk me more in dramas than incomprehensible decisions, and so far Pinochio has been refreshingly free of those and noble idiocy. Please let that trend continue!


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The drama is amazing and the actors are doing a wonderful job!
And I love how PSH proves people wrong and making them eating their words. She is amazing as CIH

LJS is at his best right now. And I do think the 2 leads are bring out the best of each other.

Is it Wednesday yet?


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In Ha, In Ha, In Ha, how I love you! What with NDJ and her, I’m honestly ending this year on a drama high. I love this girl so much! <3 Cha Ok is definitely being affected by her coldness. It’s a bit sad as she’s begun to fall right under In Ha’s spell, only for In Ha to find out how awful she was. And In Ha isn’t going to buy that she’s changed in the intervening years, especially after that particularly vile display with DP. Honestly, every time I think I’m beginning to like CO, she always reverts to IceQueen mode, and does something super nasty.
But by golly that lecture hall scene…seeing everything that has happened so far come full circle in such a satisfying, powerful and poignant moment was…wow. Honestly, I felt as though I was back in Liar Game for a second, watching NDJ grab that mic and yell at the others to fight with them. Just wow. That silent understanding that passed between DP and In Ha..the spine-tingling, goosebump-inducing overlay of DP’s former lashing out at In Ha, to her lashing out at her mother felt like this magnificent culmination of everything this show was and is, honesty, love and staying strong. I was with Yoo Rae on the cheer, though if you ask me In Ha should have gotten a standing ovation.
There’s an interesting parallel between JM and Ice Mom here. In Ha can’t help but despise her mother for what she did to DP’s family but at the same time, can’t help but love the mother she remembers from all those years ago, who’s only just begun to soften towards her now.. DP fears his brother but can’t help but worry and care for him being caught and tries to preserve his happiness somehow. Familial bonds go deep, but only until a certain extent. If anything, this show’s proving the opposite as DP and In Ha place their own combined family above their original separate ones. Their priority is each other and those who’ve loved and cared for them for so long. Hence why In Ha takes DP’s side no matter what, and DP takes In Ha’s side just as fervently. Judging by the preview, he’s going to stop hiding the truth and reveal JM’s ugly side to the world and in doing so, will have to reveal the truth about himself as well. The date on Cha Ok’s lecture is 2013.12.08. We’re exactly a year behind. Which means, something’s going to happen. It won’t be good, and we’ll have to skip ahead to see its repercussions. The question is, what is it? There’s DP new hairstyle (his fourth in a row!) at the end and the fact that he’s going by his real name WHEN HE SAID that he wouldn’t be abandoning the name Choi Dal Po. I’ll bet HWJ’s hand in marriage that we’ve reached DP in the present at that point, and thus the second arc of this story. IHYV had a similar format as far as I remember. But can we just not take the angsty road? Pretty please with a DalPo hug on top? *swoons*
Extended thoughts: unstoppablesun.com/2014/12/12/pinocchio-ep-10-review-and-why-choi-in-ha-is-insert-appropriately-awesome-adjective/


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Hi Shalini
Yes, I am also applauding this writer for another strong, sensible female lead in In Ha and I'm also thinking about familial bonds and other bonds.

What a person will/will not do if that was not a family member. This lecture scene with the under current of irony and the amusing, and yet with the greatest take down of Cha Ok which is so thrilling and suspenseful!

Dal Po would not "bark" / retaliate against Cha Ok's provocation out of consideration for In Ha, but because of that, In Ha stands up in place of him to challenge her mother using his words and rendering Cha Ok speechless.

Really a gem of a scene. And coupled with the funny Yoo Rae's pallid attempts to 'bark' at Cha Ok under cover of coughs, so totally ineffectively and so amusing. What a great balance of the funny and tension!

In addition, we remember that it is no other than her own daughter whom she berated before, who is taking her down more than just a peg! I find it so justified and yet so sad.

The questions remain wrt Jae Myung - what might he have done and will do to In Ha because of her familial bond to Cha Ok. Because her bond with Ha Myung/DP.

What kind of reporter can DP be because of his bond with Jae Myung?

With this writer, will it take just an episode or 2 to work all this out or will it take another year (as in I Hear Your Voice) and 10 episodes?

BTW, what is your take on why DP did not reveal himself to his hyung earlier?


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At the pace they're moving at, it definitely seems like they are heading towards Dal-po's second arc. Let's just hope that unlike IHYV, Dal-po's not gonna experience amnesia or something equally upsetting.


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@ cjt
As to arc...

I'm guessing along the lines of getting the slightly mad Jae Myung to accept DP and DP with In Ha... that may take a while, not to mention to get him to stop trying to kill some more. Might fill up a couple of episodes?

Possible sub-pot line... how about Cha Ok deciding to give as good as she got by giving In Ha a harder time?

And along a not so likely arc Cha Ok deciding that she wants to reconcile with In Ha after all.... or even more unlikely... to come to terms with In Ha's dad. That will take many episodes!!

We really want to see the development in Jae Myung now that he knows that DP is Ha Myung. Will he believe it or reject it or continue on his revenge plot regardless, which was all he seems to have lived for thus far.


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"I’ll bet HWJ’s hand in marriage that we’ve reached DP in the present at that point, and thus the second arc of this story."

HWJ as in MY Ha Woojin? Haha. I would have taken you up on this bet if only I haven't got his hand (and the whole of him) yet. Hahaha.

Kidding aside, the likelihood of a time jump is very high, given their throwaway date of Dec2013. I'm not very keen about it, but I can see why it's needed. Hyung's (murder?) case will not be wrapped up in just weeks time in the drama's universe (supposing he fesses up and a trial ensues).

Also, I'm looking forward how this time jump (if ever there will be) will be a factor in how our characters will see the world of reporting/media based on their experiences thus far. Our rookie reporters are still green, and I can see how a year or so of working as reporters would change/affect their perspective on the world and its inner workings.

It is also one of the reasons why I super love Cap Hwang, because he's the kind of teacher/mentor that lets you experience everything on your own, and doesn't force his way (mainly because he already knows what's going to happen and wants you to act and learn from there). It's definitely the hard way, especially for Dalpo, and more so since they are in the media business where everything gets blown out of proportion and shit hits much much bigger fan. But I like how Cap gives him the chance to choose and lets him live with it.

The preview already had me so heartbroken for Dalpo and as much as I want to see the next episode already, I am also dreading for it, because the angst will be nothing like we have seen before.

P.S. That "whoooo" by YYR after Inha's speech is so funny and is what I would have done in that situation.


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Thanks girlfriday!

What an amazing writer in these 10 episodes. So much balance of tension and humor and all kinds of other feelings in between.

We have dad chugging ice to cool down and insisting that he is just considering the relationship between DP and IH and not giving his consent, but in the midst of it we have Dal Po's lie about his brother. That gave me a bad feeling although I was laughing through most of it.

The day dreams of dad and last episode of Gyo-dong are scenes to look forward to! Laced with the ominous 'I Hear Your Voice;' background music, no less! More please!!!

One of my favourite scenes: to do with Irony, irony so much irony... from episodes ago ...
In Ha is told that she cannot become are reporter by her mother, because she cannot help but react to knowledge of falsehood or wrongness, but now she is able to use her Pinocchio syndrome (she started hicupping after her mum answered with a lie) to strip away her mother's smugness in promoting impactful reporting over properly researched reporting, and expose her for being ruthless, and accuse her of being no better than a tabloid reporter.

So satisfying.

Other instance of irony... Both Dal Po and Jae Myung have the same objective to restore their father's name. But in the process Dal Po becomes a reporter, the very 'type/figure' of scorn for his brother who believes he also reports slander (which is true in the case of the lady who died in the gym). DP cannot defend himself and he has made no headway in clearing his father's name.

Reverse irony? Jae Myung hates reporters and Cha Ok in particular, but is turned into a hero by Cha Ok's 'impactful' hype-filled reporting and as a result gets to achieve the clearing of his father's name and earn the respect and the apology of the public.

So many lies still to be revealed. So much truth to be unburied. More ironies to come?


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Really love the show's pacing. I was expecting these revelations to occur on later episodes but we're only halfway through and most of the conflicts are almost resolved. I hope they keep this up.


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i really didn't think this drama could have gotten any better than the previous episode but 10 proved me soooooo wrong. yes, i loved his response to her "i'll go away now etc" and i thought it really just summed up the dynamics of their relationship really well; at the end of the day they have each other and supporting one another is all that matters. it's been so long since i've seen a k-drama couple that i love and it's so great to see one in pinocchio!

i cried so much at the ending; lee jong suk did it perfectly, the way he visibly tried to hold it together and then just broke down before telling his hyung his real identity. in that moment i felt like i was in-ha, on the side watching, holding my breath, and my heart just aching for poor dal-po. ugh, so good. lee jong suk's crying scenes always, always deliver.


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and let's be honest, how can Dad complain when Dal_Po essentially paid to put In-ha through school?


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i love how deftly the writer mixes in comedy with more emotional scenes, it's not jarring at all. the dad's fantasies are a++
they put so much emphasis on the lecture and hyung attending it, that i felt sure that he was going to storm up on the stage and attack her violently somehow, but it was wonderfully subverted with in-ha's monologue.
the mother is such an interesting character. she has charisma, and she genuinely seems not to feel any guilt towards her past actions. it would've been somewhat interesting too if they had taken it in the direction where they had shown her as being a tender, soft-hearted and idealistic reporter who became jaded with time because of some incident, but no- the fact that she was like this from her early days makes it more interesting. or maybe they will flesh out her past more? otherwise i don't see how she and in-ha's dad ever married, since they've got entirely different characters.
the only thing that bothers me slightly is how easily the hyung is able to get into the building and on upper floors, when a building like that probably would require an id card to swipe in at some point.
one last thing- "kabe-don" is really popular in japan right now, where kabe=won, don=the sound made when pushed against the wall...basically it's supposed to be swoonworthy moment when the guy pushes/corners the girl against a wall. is that a thing in korea too? it's happened twice so far haha


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yeah I'm interested to find out a little back story on In-Ha's dad and mum. Why does HE hate her so much? It also confuses me how a dorky dad like that ever got mixed up with someone like her. They look like they'd have complete opposite idealogies.


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I love that there's finally a female lead who is shown that she can be the hero's white knight. It was so satisfying to watch Mom finally hear those words from someone, and it's even more satisfying coming from her daughter.

I can't wait for episode 11, I am all for the tearful and angst-filled reunion between the brothers.


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Actually about a reunion, although I'd love it, I'm kind of worried (it's only ep 11 out of 20 afterall). Will it be a from-the-heart-happy reunion or a let's-get-revenge-together-brother reunion or a rejection instead of a reunion?


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What I really love about this drama is the constant intertwining of the themes.

First its about the Truth coming out, and how it just takes time. I.e. In ha's father finding out about their relationship, Chan soo getting closer to the truth about Hyung, and the whole story about the Gi family (this one being the longest to unravel) coming about.

The second theme I really do love, albeit it is a bit more subtle, is the family bit.
Even if the father felt like he wanted to disapprove of Dal Po, he asks Grandfather what to do if "family" was keeping secrets. Seems to me, he may not even realize it, or outright acknowledge it, but Dal Po is family, and it is probably why he would have no qualms giving his approval.
To In Ha, Dal po is family, and I find it refreshing to find a heroine who breaks the mold.
As GirlFriday put it, his hurts are her hurts, and the fact that they fighting/hurting as one, i think should set the example for future dramas to come.
No to the Noble Idiocy, and yes to being open and honest.

and the final theme I love is the about identity.
The episode starts off with Dal Po stating that he is not living as Ha Myeong anymore but as Dal Po, yet he acknowledges that name in light of In Ha's safety.
She knows what that means for him, and he is willing to put it on the line for her.
I feel like the show is going to unravel this more (especially in the sneak preview of him doing the report in his real name) but I find that okay.

In the end i realize its not about him being Dal Po, but him being Ha Myeong. that HIS truth, his story, finally comes to light, that he can finally show himself to the world that forced him into hiding.
He doesn't have to hide behind that horrible hair, hid his genius, or hide behind a name given in the episodes of dementia. no... for the first time in 13 years I think we will finally be able to see Gi Ha Myeong, and the world will be able to see not only the story of a boy who grew up in strange circumstances, but also face the repercussions of their words/actions, their viewership and the power of media that can truly change someone's life.

Media effect indeed.

Can't wait for the next episode. XD



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@ Ace
I like your take on the themes. In the end, I feel, it should be because of who is family, that the truth will come out.

Araborjie cannot keep pretending he does not know DP is not his son.

Dad cannot pretend to object against a relationship that is so appropriate (and he won't have to call DP hyung anymore! :D )... but there is that rather pesky problem of the lie that DP told so we have to get Dad to accept the murderous brother of a son-in-law. This could give some flesh to an episode or two.

Even if DP had not chosen to reveal his true name for other reasons, because In Ha knows and because he is bonded with the Choi family, he would have had to tell them that truth as well.


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I definitely agree. beautifully =)

I have a feeling that he'll have to come clean after Grandfather and Father see him broadcast using his real name... and I believe the impact of what happens with the family (given we've seen the solid support) and how the dynamics shift (whichever the way the director takes it) will touch us in the heart all the more (and if there is any bit of drama given the uncle niece dynamic ::watch my eyes roll because I don't think they EVER saw each other that way::) .
They'll pull through (they better!) =D


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Yes rooting for this *un-related* couple.



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On one hand I applaud In Ha for taking down her mother in public, and on the other hand I cringe because it's akin to washing your dirty linen in public. Since it's her mother, would that conversation not be better had in private? However, Cha Ok would never have listened to her daughter if In Ha didn't challenge her in such a public forum, and the points raised were definitely things she needed to hear, as one of the YGN reporters said, the message was delivered to the person who needed to hear it.

I'm just scared about the backlash that will fall on In Ha, you can't take down a Sunbae like that and expect to get off scots free. Even if it is your mom.

One interesting observation I read in the comments on Soompi's forum, if the person affected by Cha Ok's 'selective reporting' were a random stranger rather than Dal po, the man she loves, would In ha have been as angry and indignant as she is with her mother? I think not.

I'm also concerned that Dal po is not as supportive to his hyung as I would have liked to see. They both went through hell, and unlike Dal po, hyung didn't even have a surrogate family to rely on. He's basically been on his own, it's no wonder he's so angry. For Dal po not to show himself to his brother and only reveal his identity when In ha was being threatened rubs me the wrong way and just shows his hyung that Dal po doesn't trust him.

It's the age old argument of nature vs. nuture. There's a saying that blood is thicker than water, while most writers would have made In ha loyal to her mom, and Dal po loyal to his hyung, it seems that the writer wants to overturn that saying on its head by having Dal po value his adopted family over his blood brother, and In ha support the man she loves over her mother.

I love the pacing of this drama so much! This writer definitely packs a powerful punch. All the conflicts raised in previous episodes are being resolved and secrets revealed, and there's so much raw honesty between the characters instead of relying on lies or half truths to keep the plot going. So I'm worried that the show will run out of steam before the 20 episodes end. Since the writer likes to keep surprising us with dramatic tension, I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.


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hmm Inha was upset and threw her shoes before finding out about Dalpo involved to the accident.
But Since Dalpo is involved and she has known/seen him for that long of time... and of course how important he is to her, it's got even deeper...


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But In Ha was already angry and disgusted by her mother's actions of 13 years ago even before she saw the shoe on the cliff and realised Dal Po was the missing Ha Myung.

It's personal to her as much because her illusion about her mother was shattered, as because she loved the boy who became Dal Po for her. But I agree with your point about showing the nurture vs nature argument. It's an interesting theme.


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I feel like you have a point. But I think your POV is largely due to your worldview, which again, I see and understand.

BUT but, I have no qualms about Dal Po and In Ha reacting the way they did here. It is not Dal Po's fault his brother didn't grow up in a family. It is not In Ha's fault that her mother left her. It is no wonder these two have no real attachment to their brother/mum. After finding out what his brother may have done, of course Dal Po cannot trust his hyung.

It is pretty clear my POV is heading towards nurture > nature. Always.


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That's a good point about Dal Po and his hyung. However, I think the problem isn't "is blood thick than water?" because it's not like Dal Po is siding with his surrogate family or choosing them over his hyung. He protects In Na because she's the girl he loves, and he lied to Dad because, in my opinion, he isn't 100% sure of the situation yet (whether or not his brother is really a murderer) so he doesn't want to complicate the situation.

If anything, he's protecting his hyung by trying to cover up the truth for him and letting him live as the nation's hero. This is just an assumption but I think he didn't tell hyung his true identity for his hyung as much as it was for himself. First of all, he wants to find out the truth about the murders and he's scared of what he would find, so that's obviously a big part of what's holding him back. But after he decides to bury what he did find out, it seems more like he just wants to maintain hyung's status quo in life without interrupting. He might be thinking that after hyung killed those three men, he'll stop and just live on happily as a hero in everyone else's eyes. If hyung finds out his little brother is alive, he might be more guilty/tormented because he did everything on the assumption that his entire family was dead and he had no one to live for. If hyung knows his little brother is alive and knows that he's a killer, he would probably be more ashamed than anything. At least this is what I think Dal Po would feel.


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@ Jakeline

I feel you've answered my question as to why Dal Po didn't tell his hyung straightaway that he is Ha Myung. And also why he lied to In Ha's dad about having a brother.

Too much that was uncertain and not sure how much truth to reveal. But then, hiding the truth from Jae Myung, becomes a lie. So much pain and conflict in store!


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"For Dal po not to show himself to his brother and only reveal his identity when In ha was being threatened rubs me the wrong way and just shows his hyung that Dal po doesn’t trust him."

Why should Dalpo trust him? He already murdered three people and deep down Dalpo knows that and tried to cover it up. 13 years is a long time and the first time Dalpo met his hyung was when he was investigating deaths/disappearances that his hyung was connected to. He doesn't know what his hyung has turned into, would you automatically trust a murderer just because he's family?


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samsooki's ep 9 comment pretty much sums it up for me:

"I love Pinocchio.

It is so good."


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One question I've been battling with since I started watching this drama: are bonds of family affected by time and distance? Would Dal po feel more loyalty to his brother if they had continued to grow up in the same household instead of growing up as strangers? Would In ha have overlooked her mothers fault more if she had been raised and not abandoned by her mother? Would she have taken Dal po's side so passionately (even though she loves him, barring the fact that she's a Pinnochio who can not live a lie) if they had not lived in the same household and grown up together?

I know that none of these factors of itself are deciding factors as everyone has a conscience to decide wrong from right and what part they want their consciences to play in making their daily decisions, but i do believe they are intertwined and these factors in some way influences their values, choices and behavior.


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I like that insight. I think a lot of it is the time spent together. Just like I will be on my family's side first thing in my mind, of course with trust that their actions are morally correct. I think in this case, IH and DP have such a strong relationship that they each understand each other so well. They have lived and grew up together for 13 years. I read somewhere that the reasons why we don't love our siblings romantically is due to the fact that while growing up, there's this association in our head that they are family and not of romantic interest. Both of these people know they are not family, and I think DP never truly think that they are his "blood" family since he seriously addresses IH's dad "ahjussi."

What I really like about this writer or this drama is that it's really a good reflection of how we react to things in real life. I tend to be a bit straightforward so I believe if there is something wrong, you fix it by talking about it. Then, when my anger is over, it's over I don't hold a grudge. Thus, over the years I'm a little tired of all the noble idiocy that has been shown on T.V. Communicate d* it, has been my reaction to most of the drama.

When you think that people will make a big deal, the stereotype k-drama conflict that you expect, it turns out to be not as a big deal as you thought. Simple case is dad's reaction to IH and DP dating. I find that sweet because in real life, that's really how it goes.


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When she turned to look at Dal Po during the face off with mum, I was like 'please let her repeat Dal Po's words'. And then she did. With so much conviction. That was her saying 'I love you Dal Po and your pain is my pain and I will do anything to fight for truth ALONGSIDE you'. Such support. Such trust for each other. Well done, writer and actress.

Of course let's not forget LJS, voice breaking at the end when he revealed his identity to Hyung? Golden moment. I wonder how many takes he had to do to execute that perfectly.


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Hmm I hope I'm not the only one who was not worried about Jae Myung hurting In-ha at all, even BEFORE her speech, needless to say after.

Jae Myung is and is STILL A KIND HEARTED soul to me beneath all the scary glares toward In-ha and Cha-Ok. I don't believe that he was going to kill In-ha and her mum. Reason being, they were not directly related to murdering his mum and his brother. Unlike the guy who literally set his dad as the bad captain of the team.

This does not take away any part of him trying to kill Moon Duk Soo but I'm putting my money in Jae Myung stopping after that guy.


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I was not worried about him hurting her or her mother either because like you I see that he is a kind and good person at heart and is basically doing on to others only what they have done on to him. Thus far in the drama we have not seen him hurt anyone that is "innocent" hell he isn't even going after the Pinocchio because he understand that man's mistake and I believe he knows the man probably understand his.

Hyung to me isn't insanely set on revenge, lashing out at the world, murderous and dangerous; hell we haven't even seen him commit a murder yet (we are only making assumptions based on what we think we see and this drama has already shown us the dangers of doing such a thing). At best right now, hyung is a kidnapper who may have cause a person's death through abandonment and deprivation of basic human needs). To me what hyung has wanted from Cha Ok from the very beginning was for her to realize her actions and what it lead to, own up to/take responsibility for those actions, and truly sincerely (not for the cameras or ratings) apologize to him for all the harm it wrought.

What hyung probably planned to do at that lecture was what IH did (and what DP has been want her to do), head on confront her about what she did 13 years ago and let it finally sink in to her thick head that yes she bears responsibility because it wasn't just an innocent mistake on her part, she knew what she was doing (twisting information, manipulating, lying) and knew of the weight of her words, and chose to do it anyways.

But I am biased because hyung (and all the potential and many places to go with his character) is my favorite character in the drama (followed by IH and then DP) and I am behind him in his revenge just as I was being Liam Neelson in Taken or Won Bin in Ahjussi. Some people have what is coming to them and deserve everything they are getting (and also because I don't think he killed the 3 dudes (well not the 2 but unless he let the 3rd one out and had him runaway with it being shown, he dead by now) and don't think murder is/was in the plans of CH or anyone else involved.


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Yes, I have the exact sentiments regarding what you thought. And Hyung is not my favourite(top 3 though), because I seem to like almost all of the characters we see here(minus Song Cha Ok), even Gongju and the one beside him all the time.

I have to give this drama props because there's no villains in here, but antagonists with their own belief systems in how things should be done. Even Song Cha Ok gave me the feeling that something happened to her before she changed into a reporter who believes in impact more than facts. Can't wait for her story to be revealed.

I'm praying that the guy Hyung kept in the manhole will be let out by Hyung himself, (or maybe he will have fed him water and bread because he just can't seem to let a man die in there). But all of those would mean that Hyung did not the kill the two friends, so we shall see. I'm all for the "Innocent until proven guilty" phrase. :)


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This show is really the BEST. Each episode is terrific. And the characters Dal Po, In Ha, Dad, Grand father, Caps (both teams), SBJ I could go on. In ha confronting her mom was one of the best scenes I ever saw. Will the writer maintain the same momentum for the rest of the ten episodes?

Iam anxious about the time leap, if it is happening. Iam so involved in the show, I don't want any usual k show cliches. The team has spoiled us so much. Fingers crossed.

Btw loved reading the discussions.


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I literally have no words for this episode except "I literally have no words for this episode." *sighs*


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As for me I have metaphorically no words for the drama :P


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I really hope they develop Yoo Rae's character more, for now even Bum Jeo has more character development than her. Although I do like her shamelessness, in a way it matches her past as a Sasaeng fan me thinks.

That scene in the lecture, man was I nervous and tense. I liked how in the beginning In Ha actually sat down after the first question, because it shows her hesitation in regards to the firefighter accident.

I'm not sure why I can't seem to see Hyung as a villian, its like its not convincing enough for me. He seems more like a victim due to unfortunate circumstances if anything.


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I just love Park shin hye she sure
Has proven that she can act.


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1) I laughed out loud for a minute strait when I realized that Mommy's tirade was all in Dad's imagination. I think it must have mainly been in relief because they really had me fooled with that scene. I was seriously like "no! Not you, Mommy!"

2) How wonderful is Dad? I had totally expected so much more resistance from him, but they've been hinting for a while that he us a sucker where his daughter is concerned.It's so refreshing. I really wish Dal Po had been a little more strait forward with him.

3) Why is Mom looking all around for cell phones? I said it yesterday and I'll say it again, just have your phone replaced with your old number. Honestly, I had assumed yesterday that she purposely took the opportunity to change her number so that she could avoid In Ha. But now I'm suspecting that she's just that dumb. I guess I should be happy, because of her we have Boem Jo, and he's a delight.

4) Why follow Hyung if you know exactly where they are going? Why not just go to that place and wait for him to show up? I think I understand why Sunbea makes his living behind the camera and not in front of it.

5) In Ha most likely saved her Mom's life with that speech, unfortunately at the peril of her own. But I think it's safe to say she was already on Hyung's hit list anyway.

6) Hyung has quickly slipped into terrifying range for me. I'm no longer looking for ways to save him. I want him to make up with his brother and go directly to jail where his Glares of Doom can't reach me.

7) I can't remember which episode this was in because I watched them back to back, but I was so excited to see Princess revive his IGYV Cape Flip. Been waiting weeks for that move.


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Those cellphones are from Boem Jo, remember when his mom brought him so many cellphones in the previous episode. For 13 years he just saved all In Ha messages in those cell phones so he is giving them to In Ha's mom so she can read them all. I think In Ha's mom starting to waver due to those messages and seeing In Ha now. She is still a mother no matter how cruel she is and also that is why she's more hurt hearing that from her daughter and gets angry. I think she will be more colder with how In Ha embarrassed her in front of media people.


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You're right, someone mentioned the same thing upthread and it all clicked into place for me. That makes a lot more server than the same cellphone being used for thirteen years. I we even tempted to go back to episode 3 and check out what kind of phone Beom Jo was using when he called In Ha from "Mom's" number. Of course, this means that Mom really did change her number on purpose and made no effort to regain contact with her daughter. Which I'm OK with. It's more in line with her character and now I have no reason to waste time feeling bad for her.


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@ Z

1) I'm hoping for more day dreams from both dad and the Cap. It will be sweet for dad to have one about In Ha and Dal Po as parents with cute grand kids or something :D Maybe when grandpa knows, he'll have a day dream too!!

2) Yes the characters are more down to earth and not makjang, which is such a relief. Dad's response is close to what most modern parents' would be. The problem of full acceptance may actually have Dal Po's lie as the stumbling block. How to have an open-hearted relationship with your dad-in-law if you don't trust him with basic info on family?

5) In Ha's speech may have at least delayed the worst of Jae Myung's attack or even led to herself being taken off the hit list if she was on it. He had become focussed on how she knew. Someone commented, that Jae Myung might have wanted some other kind of revenge rather than to kill In Ha or her mother, since they did not directly cause his father's death, but that remains to be seen.

7) Ah yes, the princess cape flip. I'd also like to see a scene with the fan blowing up his pants LOL! Billowing robe had more presence in IHYV because it was a total robe and not just a coat, but it was a cute gesture to revisit and to remind us.


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Yeah, I think at best In Ha bought her Mom a few days with her speech. Whatever Hyung was originally planning would most likely have gone down during that meeting had In Ha not spoken up. I have a sinkinh feeling that Hyung's real plan is to make Mom feel what he felt by taking away her family the way he feels she took away his. That's pretty much what he did with the foreman, turn him into a criminal the way he turned Dad into a criminal and he made that comment about reaping what is sown or something. I think that's the reason he's been fixating on In Ha lately. But her busting out her family secrets have him pause and hopefully, once he learns how important she is to his little brother, he will soften towards her.


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First off, Park Shin Hye is awesome! I've known it long before and I'm glad more people are seeing her that way. I know she's been hated on too many time because of her drama roles. Not always the best dramas to choose. But her movies have always been awesome. At least, for me.

Sexond, LJS! This is my first time to watch him, actually. I wanted to watch School but never got around to watching it. I always thought he looked too pretty for my liking. But I'm seeing his handsome face so enjoyable to watch.

Both leads' acting is beyond! And they're chemistry is sizzling! Although I expected it already from the get-go since their ad campaign for that clothing brand was so HOT.

And my goodness, this drama is hitting all the nails right in the head. Awesome drama! The pace is just so fast and nice. My usually-short attention span is perfect for this drama. And the forward button has also been spared. So kudos to the writers and the director! I really thought i'll be watching this based on my love for PSH alone. Instead, I'm watching it for the entirety of its entertainment value.


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Park shin hye is slaying with her outstanding performance. Not only she perfectly delivers the emotions but she even adds charisma to the character. She is owning it. You, go girl!!!

I love, love, love choi inha. How often do we get a female lead like inha in kdramaland. For me, undoubtedly, she is the best female lead character for this yr and she will remain as one of the best in kdrama history. I particularly loved that scene when she watched the old footage of jae myung and immediately felt the injustice that has been done to that family, even before she even knew her dalpo actually being jae myung's brother in ep 9. The way she dealt with the revelation and the way, she became the knight of armor for the guy who she loves. Oh.. I have deeply fallen in love with her.

*Draws a big heart around choi inha* <3

That being said, this drama is so fast paced and unpredictable. I honestly don't know how the next 10 episodes going to be. Pinocchio is definitely one of the best kdrama where even the supporting characters gets to shine. I love it.


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Oh no - I'm a little worried about the fact that this episode is called 'the boy who cried wolf'. I'm worried this might mean that either hyung won't believe Dal Po, or that maybe something will happen with Dad, because he lied to him!!! Omg it's going to be so hard to wait until next week :(


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Am I the only one who thinks that Dal Po's mother is still alive?


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@Cheng you got a point there.. :( I hope for a good ending.. Hay.. I'm obsessed with this Kdrama. I've never been like this before.


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this was a much better episode than last. the writers fired up their guns again and started shooting from the hips. most were misfires but they managed to ground it with dad's and grandpa's hilarious appearance.

don't really care for in ha. she's become not integral to the story since it's now obvious that it is dal po's. and her character can be filled by just about any actress in kdrama land.

they preempted the love angle that made the two characters interesting, especially in ha. now that she's been won and conquered there is nothing for her to do really except weep, whine and pout. she's the weak link because her character doesn't do much except survive the storm. she doesn't drive the storm, unlike lee bo-young's character in I hear your voice, but merely endures it.

yup, we're in I hear your voice territory except the lead actress has a meh character, the killer is the brother, and they swap the law for journalism.


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I kind of get what you're saying. I think because she is the only one who wasn't directly involved in the original story, she's kind of peripheral to the plot. She just happens to be tangentially connected to several of the main players. Nothing she does is really going to affect where the main conflict goes. It's still going to be up to Mom to make amends, Hyung to forgive, and Dalpo to come to terms with his past. I think In Ha's importance is that it's going to be tgr effect on the other characters that gets them to that point.

That being said, I adore her character.


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she's funny and breezy, which lightens up the mood. but she's also very underdrawn and under developed as a character. maybe she's written too goody goody two shoes for her own good?

I've just finished watching I hear your voice and I like the character played by lee bo-young. she has the same gravitas as the younger guy; her personal journey is as weighted as his, which makes her involvement with the entire plot much more real and tangible. she matters, is what I'm saying.

in ha is just too bland. if she breaks up with dal po, it wouldn't change his past and his future. if she breaks up with mom, won't matter either. if she goes with the chaebol heir, well good luck with that since there's another girl in mawari to take her place.

so all the time she's been playing what? a flower vase? move her, remove her won't matter either way.


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What's wrong with her not being directly involved in the conflict,and how does that make her bland? she matters a


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She matters to dalpo by being his constant support, she matters to cha ok because she might be the one who can change her mom. Frm your comment I can see how much you despise Park Shin hye and you hate to see people praising her work here..why dont you just stop watching or just dont bother commenting? We wont miss u either way *shrugs*


I think your watching a very very different show, first of all she is connected and plays a special purpose for Dalpo and her mother. She is not like a wallflower that just been cast for romance. Gosh, don't you see how she fights for the truth, and being the daughter of Dalpo's nemesis. What type of connection do you want? You want her to be connected on the tragedy 13 years ago. That is so makjang, look for weekend drama.


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I didnt say i want anything. I just said that I can understand where the c original commenter is coming from. I didn't even seedy I agree, just understand. I also said that In Ha is important because she's going to be the catalyst for many of the main players to face their past. And I went on to say that I love her. I don't find her bland at all. Great character and great acting job.

That doesn't change the fact that the OP also has a point about her role in the main conflict of story.


I'm aswering @neri. Sorry for misunderstanding.


You're funny.

The title is Pinocchio if u haven't already noticed. I think psh plays quite an important role here. Everything is connected whether or not she is directly involved in the tragedy. I don't know where you're coming from..... Really. How bout take everybody who's not directly connected to the tragedy out. LOL. FUNNY. REALLY. YOU ARE REALLY FUNNY.

And I think youre just not that fond of psh. Admit it and then maybe build a bridge and get over it.


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You are like choi in ha's mom, youre making impact but ignoring the fact...cant you see everyone here is praising psh for a job well done,even korean netizens and media are praising her for potraying the character so well..you must really hate her for telling everyone that her character is meh and can be played by anyone in kdramaland,you must be in pain seeing all the good praise the poor girl are getting for this character so your making impact of downgrading psh...poor you for not seeing the good acting of psh, you and cha ok must be sibling dont you think?because you are both ice queen...godbless you


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stop talking with your heart and open your eyes. her character is meh. she's not involved with the main plot, which is driving this drama. she's just peripheral to it and only serves as a salve to the poor hero's wounded heart.

i'm talking of character here and not the actress. I like her. but in this drama, she is wasted because she's not really involved with anyone, except as a love interest. she feels pain, yes, but that is second-hand because she loves the guy and is finally opening to the truth about her mother's culpability.

but the bigger stake is dal po's. it's been his story since the start. the Pinocchio title is just incidental to the entire story and was probably tagged in to give the actress some importance.

unless they make a dramatic turn, in ha will just be a tag-along character with no real importance. dude, you can even take out her character and the drama will still work.

that is why I am saying that the writers made a mistake when they preempted the love angle. with the unspoken attraction between them, the stake for in ha would have been higher. she wants approval from mom, who's basically a monster and love from dal po, who hates the monster. it should have been positioned as that but stupidly, they preempted the conflict too early in the game.

unless they make a radical turn all in ha has to do now is wait while the brother kidnaps her, mom to beg for mercy from dal po, and dal po to rescue her.

not about the actress, dude. about the story, which has been gripping me in the first to 7 episodes until they ruined it with a happy ending to the love angle. why?


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I think In Ha important in this drama her role isn't peripheral as you mentioned she is the one who push the male lead character away from revenge , her straight forward character make the hero of the story changing toward the good unlike his brother who lives in dark zone.
If she doesn't exist as you said there won't be any trigger for both dalpo to change the writer doesn't put her to play servant for hero but a knight who pull him from stupid revenge .
The same for Mother who keep denying the fact and ignoring the impact , her daughter make her waking up for her lost motherhood and for the wrong attitude toward her career .


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what revenge? dal po's mindset changed when he got the job as a reporter, which is an achievement considering he's a high school graduate. didn't he said it himself? his current name is now important than his previous name because it comes with a realistic achievement. it's like what the grandfather said: don't hide your true self. let go and let fly like the true genius you are. and that's not because of in ha either.

as I said, dal po made his own journey to self-realization without in ha because she was still in the dark the whole time. yup, I give you her importance. I mean, the hero has to have a love interest, no? all that shine and sparkle and without a girl in sight? can't be done in a k-drama, unless he's bromancing somebody which in this case is his brother.

I just don't get why the writers preempted the push and pull of the romance. it sputtered the sizzle and left in ha with nothing else to do besides kiss the pain of the wounded hero, unless of course they still have something up their sleeves and rescue her from the boredom-land they relegated her since the start of episode 9.

and the title is really misleading. she's a Pinocchio but so what? she doesn't drive the story. she's just incidental to it. it is dal po's story from start to finish, regardless of the evil mom, the network wars, etc. etc.

actually, this is the first story I've seen in a k-drama where this actress is not the main lead. and by that I mean the driver of the story. she's very good and she has good rapport with the actor but as I said, her character is just incidental. take her out and the story would still thrive and arrive at the finish without her.

and why the heck did they left her out reporting that story? why allow the chaebol guy to report it? reporting that story would have clicked her involvement with dal po's storyline much tighter than it is now. she would have unwittingly contributed to the brother's being made a hero then to realize later that he's a suspect in a murder case. it would have been ironic: the mom destroyed him, the daughter served him up as an everyman's hero. stupid move on the writers' part.

now, all we have to do is wait for the part where the brother kidnaps her, the mom to go on air and admit to her mistakes, and dal po to rescue her. I hope the drama won't go this boring way next week. I like it. I am invested in it that's why i'm writing about it. but the holes in the story, the missed opportunities....enough to drive me crazy.

and I miss the sizzle. that's why i'm angry. take out the sizzle and you basically disarmed the girl into dal-po-needs-her-because-she-matters-so-he-won't-think-of-revenge-tralalaland. phooey. I need her to be his equal not his prop. they just killed off the chemistry and everybody's fine with that? are you freaking insane?


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......bland? a flower vase? Are we even watching the same drama?

I get liking Lee Bo-young's performance and character in IHYV more, but if you take your blinkers off for a few seconds, maybe you'd notice that Hye-sung in IHYV was as "tangential" to the main plot as In-ha in Pinocchio.......both of them get caught up in events by accident/through a chance connection with Su-ha/Dal-po (and in this case, In-ha's additional connection through her mother whom she used to idolise), but that does not mean either of them is inconsequential to the main story. And thanks to Song Cha-ok, it's as much In-ha's story as Dal-po's.

And you seem to be taking everyone else's fondness for the story and PSH's character rather personally. We're not "freaking insane" for having a different opinion from yours, thank you very much. There are still ten episodes of this drama left, and I find it laughable that anyone in the comments is claiming they can predict how the main plot will go. Unless you are actually Park Hae-ryun, in which case, please carry on.


because the title is pinocchio and as the title implies the entire story is not just about the tragic life of dalpo.we are only in ep 10,and as the story goes i think they will be wrapping up the tragic lyf of dalpo by the next episode. and by the way what plot do you want,an IHYV plot.in ha being not involve in the tragedy made her unimportant?...isnt that ridiculous?...


it seems that you are angry because the story did not go the way you want it,the predictable story..


@neri You know what your long commentaries remind me of, exactly the title of this episode, "THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF".

Are we even watching the same drama? You are certainly living there on your own bubble. Her character is meh? bland? flower vase?weakling? cry,whine & pout? anybody can play the role?. She is not important since she is not directly involved with the tragedy? Removing her won't matter? I mean.. Seriously?. How about we remove all the people who are not involved with it? Your comments doesn't make much of a sense.

And oh.. Try to be a little subtle, will ya?!. Your dislike for the actress just shows blatantly.

Why don't you just drop it if you think "the writer keeps making stupid moves, her character is wasted, There is no sizzle or chemistry, rescue her from the boredom-land they relegated her since the start of episode 9, I hope the drama won’t go this boring way next week". Lol. This story is anything but predictable. As @pogo said, its just laughable with all the predictions you are claiming. And you are asking that person whether she is freaking insane?. Major Lol.

Some people just love to act they are oh so intellectual. smh.


Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! That's my reaction to this episode, for all the good, the bad, the feels, and the tension of all kinds! Just aaaaaaaahhhhhhh! SO. FREAKING. GOOD!!!!!

Thanks for the recap!


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This drama just gets better. I never liked LJS as in just appearances but I was blown away by his acting skills in I Can Hear Your Voice and Pinocchio. I'm sure the credits don't go just him alone but really these shows have great teams. Can't stop telling my friends how good of an actor is LJS. Always looking forward to his works.


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What is the soundtrack when inha was at the lecture asking her mother and shouting ep 10 ???? Plz respond


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