Odds and Ends: Giving thanks

javabeans: So everyone here in the States is probably still in a turkey-induced coma from Thanksgiving, which was on Thursday, which is when we honor the spirit of gratitude of our colonial forbears who survived particularly harsh conditions in their first year on the continent by watching football and internet shopping.

girlfriday: Yes, some things are sacred in America.

javabeans: Apparently some people get really intense about the specific stuffing recipe you use, and how you carve your bird. Here I am thinking, “What, chunks that fit in my mouth aren’t good enough for you?”

girlfriday: That stuff always makes me laugh, because when you eat your plate of Thanksgiving food, doesn’t it all end up tasting like gravy mash anyway? It’s a lot of effort for food that’s then overpowered by the taste of sauce, no matter what special recipe you used or how early you woke up to start cooking.

javabeans: I guess I’m not that big on the holidays, because to me it just seems like a lot of work for a meal. When I’m with family we at least make an effort to actually give thanks for stuff, but I had a friend day this year so we just mostly shoved food in our faces and I only remembered I’d forgotten to feel grateful after they’d gone home.

girlfriday: Oh right, giving thanks. We should maybe do that.

javabeans: Maybe we could list some things here. Feeling maudlin?

girlfriday: Fine, if you’re going to make me. Let’s see… I’m thankful for the fact that my work uniform is pajamas and fuzzy slippers.

javabeans: I’m thankful for my health, even if it fails me every December while writing reviews, because if anything the revolving door of ailments reminds me on a regular basis that it could always be worse.

girlfriday: I’m thankful for the fact that we’re almost done writing the Beanie Polls, because hundreds of one-liners is actually a lot of work.

javabeans: I’m thankful that for every oppa the army taketh away, we get one back. With abs!

girlfriday: I’m thankful for noona-killers, and heroines with sass.

javabeans: I’m thankful that there’s still something to love about dramaland, even if it puts out some stinkers regularly.

girlfriday: I’m thankful that rom-coms still make me swoon.

javabeans: I’m thankful for all of the actors who make me swoon.

girlfriday: I’m thankful for Ha Woo-jin.

javabeans: I’m thankful that I still really love writing recaps, after writing a thousand of them.

girlfriday: I’m thankful that we’re not sick of each other.

javabeans: I’m thankful that we have new minions to help alleviate our recapping burden, although honestly I think it’s more that we spread our disease to them than them taking it away from us.

girlfriday: I’m thankful for all our readers, who remind us every day that we’re not the only crazy people out there.

javabeans: Yes, thanks to you all, and happy holidays!

girlfriday: …Are we done now? Can I get back to internet shopping?

javabeans: Oh, and I’m thankful for internet shopping. Okay now we’re done. Go forth and buy stuff!

girlfriday: It’s the American way.


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Why is this so perfect?!?! I'm thankful for all of you guys! Whenever I'm having a bad day I can just come on here and read things that make me laugh! Thanks guys! I hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving!


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I wish there was still a like button because I feel the same way. That's exactly what dramas are - a nice break when you're having a bad day. And Dramabeans just increases that enjoyment for me by providing interesting insights, clever commentary, and a great community of people who love what I love - so I'm thankful to you guys too!


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+1, Like, ditto, me too!


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This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for a lot of thinks.

In relation to all the things kdrama, I'm thankful for the endless recaps and the amount of work DB put into it. KAMSAHAMNIDA!

I'm extremely for the 4 dramas I've watched this year. Firstly, You From Another Star. It was a great drama that hit the right notes. Yeah it was a bit overrated and probably didn't deserve it's mega-fame and popularity, but I guess these are the sorts of dramas people like, unlike the others I'm about to talk about.

City Hunter. Oh boy. Where do I start? I am beyond thankful to have watched it. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I chose to watch it. The first ep hooked me, and each ep after that, like the first 10 or 11 eps, I had myself thinking that this was the greatest show of all time. And I still do. It's pretty much ice, cannibas, crystal met, ecstasy, and all your other drugs combined into one roller-coaster of a drama. The fact that there was no season two has to be the biggest disappointment in my life.

Liar Game was pretty fuckin amazing. No romance, no romance (which mind you, are key elements to a kdrama) and yet I was still so damn entertained. The games left me on the edge of my seat and its complicated nature wasn't what I was expecting from a kdrama. I think people got turned off from the complex rules, which is a real shame. I also believe that those that watched the anime wouldn't have enjoyed the kdrama nearly as much. Stop comparing the anime to the kdrama ffs, they're both different and you'll won't be able to enjoy the kdrama I'd you keep thinking about the drama.

Pinocchio? PSH has proven her haters wrong, this is her best role by far. Cute, relatable, funny, overdramatic, honest, caring, smart... LJS has improved from IHYV, his acting here is great.
And their chemistry is sizzling, thanks in part to the awesome script.


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@ Shitty Hunter,
About this, "to the kdrama ffs," what does "ffs" means/stand for?


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for f**k's sake


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I didn't know that. Oh this is too funny. That and the original sentence it was for. :-)


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Hi Shitty Hunter, I can totally relate to the way CH sucked you into the kdrama blackhole from whence there is no return. For me, CH is the kdrama that my brother and I watched together and now reference all the time. (He watches one or two a year with me, so this Christmas I have to choose the next one well). btw, I have a cartoon on my blog -click owl - on the cimitoons page that you will immediately recognize by its signature scene on the screen).

ff means fast forward in my tv waching world, but I see it can have other meanings...haha.


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Oh so you really love City hunter, Shitty Hunter? I honestly thought you were sarcastic all this while.


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girlfriday: I’m thankful for Ha Woo-jin.

HAHAHAHA I was laughing for a whole 5 minutes because of this. I did not expect this in the list, but I agree, this is something we really have to be thankful for.

"I’m thankful for the fact that my work uniform is pajamas and fuzzy slippers." --- Ohmygod how perfect are your lives? I'm so jealous of you, girls.

Happy thanksgiving!


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That line by GF made me laugh as well. Now I am waiting for @ Shalini to chime in... And I look forward to her reaction.
This is a GREAT work uniform "I’m thankful for the fact that my work uniform is pajamas and fuzzy slippers.”


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Here I am! You know me too well, Ivoire
HWJ has definitely made my year. As for my affection for him: https://anunstoppablesun.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/vlcsnap-2014-10-24-22h23m11s205.png
Perhaps it's the dimple
Or LSY's natural charm
Who cares? I'm going to keep swimming in that dimple xD


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I'm thankful for Ha Woo Jin too.
And I wish I could go back to the days when my work uniform were my pyjamas. :( I deeply, deeply envy you girls.


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Ha Woo Jin is indeed a gift to all


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I second this, wholeheartedly. We need more!


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yes, this particular thanks is golden.


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who is this ha woo jin?


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Only the hottest male alive xD I recommend watching Liar Game. Pretty sure you'll get his appeal in a second :P


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LOL ... this was perfect. I haven't had a turkey since I left the states seven?! years ago... the closest I get to turkey is turkey ham. :)
I'm thankful for this site :)


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I'm thankful for Dramabeans and having you wonderful girls recapping for us! :)


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I've been in Korea for over three years now, but this year I actually made an effort to do SOMETHING for Thanksgiving instead of just letting it pass me by like every other year. While my husband and in-laws went down to the country to make kimchi (and my mother-in-law INSISTED that I stay behind to celebrate American Thanksgiving), my friend and I went to Outback and ate expensive steak. It was nothing like turkey, but the red wine sauce on my steak did taste a bit like gravy and at least there were potatoes. My friend got the mashed potatoes and said they were horrible, so I'm glad I opted for baked. So all in all, it was a good night.

As for being thankful? I'm thankful for the husband I love and my awesome in-laws. I'm thankful for my adorable albeit annoying dog. I'm thankful that my job seems to be getting better and is still leaps and bounds ahead of other places I've heard of. I'm thankful that the computer I brought with me to Korea has not kicked the bucket yet because I don't want to buy a new one. I'm thankful that my neighborhood is quiet and safe and occasionally affords me the opportunity to see filming crews and celebrities. I'm thankful that my wedding came off with only a couple of minor hitches and that most of the pictures turned out well. I'm thankful that I love Korea the way I'd hoped I would but had worried that I wouldn't. And I'm thankful for the DB community for inspiring me to take the leap that brought me here years ago, and without which my life would be entirely different.


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Congratulations, chingu... Wow, has it been 3 years?? I am glad that you've found happiness in woori dramamotherland .... Best wishes


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@cingdoc - Thanks, chingu! I'm such a terrible friend, and I miss you all terribly but real life is too exhausting to be able to keep up with twitter. :( I hope you are all doing well! If anyone is ever in my neck of the woods be sure to drop me a line! (Maria and Heather have my kakao.)


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I'm in the process of making a huge tub of kimchi right now.

Your husband and in-laws make your kimchi for you?
I am soooo envious...which is probably the opposite of thankful.
I will be very thankful when I'm finished though.


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Haha! Well, last year my mother-in-law went down without telling anyone she was going, and this year she told me that I absolutely had to stay and observe American Thanksgiving. I did promise that I would go next year, though. And Husband got dragged down because he had to drive the car. :P

But yeah, I lucked out with my in-laws. They're super nice and don't really have high expectations of me as an American. One day I'll start working on being a better daughter-in-law, but it's so hard getting motivated lol.


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LOL I love you guys. I'm thankful for dramabeans and all it's recaps!


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I'm thankful for Kim So Eun.


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I am thankful that I catch up some kdramas when I was at my parent's house for two and half weeks. As they take care of my two boys and my newborn daughter. :)


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I'm actually curious about how you choose pictures for your non-recap posts. They seem so apt !


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I'm thankful for Dramabeans for making my drama journey more wonderful. Even if I don't always agree with you guys, it's always great to be here :)

And I'm thankful that Javabeans loves Delightful Girl Choon Hyang as much as I do ;)

I'm thankful for Korean dramas! :D

By the way....who is the actor (and drama) in the first pic?


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@ snow,
The drama is "http://asianwiki.com/Surplus_Princess" and the actress is Jo Bo-Ah.


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she is Jo Bo Ah from Surplus Princess drama and her acting is so fun there!


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@Ivoire and @lalala

Thanks guys :)


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@ snow, you are very welcome :-)


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I am also thankful for Ha Woo Jin!


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I'm thankful for you guys and the rest of the recappers. :).


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I'm thankful for Dramabeans. I'd have a really boring drama-watching experience if I didn't get all the recaps, news, reviews and laughs from here.

I'm thankful to you girls for everything DB but more importantly for reminding me right now that I'm not the only one who blew a whole lot of money for Black Friday sales lol.

Happy thanksgiving everyone!


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I'm thankful for having DB's to come to everyday to make my day better. I'm thankful for the wonderful kdrama community that I've found which help enjoy watching kdramas even more. Of course I'm also thankful for continuing to find kdramas that I love.


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Me too. Me too. & me too.



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I am thankful for all the years that I have been coming here at least once a day to read and laugh and swoon and sometimes cry. Thank you all so much.


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Thank you guys!
I love coming here to make sure I understood an episode properly or to see if anyone read into something the same way I did, lol.


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In addition to family, health, and other blessings, I am thankful for:

• Javabeans (your love of writing recaps) & Girlfriday (kdramas still make you swoon)
• Dramabean recappers/minions past & present: Gummimochi, HeadsNo2, Averagerobot, Awcoconuts, Dramallama, Fanderay, LollyPip, Odilettante, & Saya.
• Dramabeans website
• Beanie commenters
• Fan community for Asian dramas.
• Discovering and watching my very 1st kdrama in 2012. • Even as 2014 winds down, I'm still an avid fan of kdramas (plus the occasional Japanese & Tawainese dramas).


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I concur with your list, August. I am a 2012-er myself, with over 200 kdramas under my belt now, and there's no looking back. Dramabeans is the best daily go-to spot for me as a fan of Asian dramas, and I enjoy everything about it! Fighting!


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Im a june 2013 and in litttle more than 1 year i have watched close 100 dramas thanks to his wonderful sites. I would not be the fan im without their addictive recaps, trusting their taste, rating to try new dramas.

I seldom go one day without checking out Dramabeans. Im thanks for JB,GF, their helpers and all the awesome fellow fans i see posting in this site.


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I am a 2010er. It almost seems like we are describing important events in our life like birth or graduation.


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THIS!! LOL! I'm a 2012-er too…but I think I'm only a bit under 100 :)


I am thankful for the five years that Dramabeans has found me good shows to watch and the beanies who shared the good , the bad, and the wtf moments with me.


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Thank you for being part of my kdrama family. What would kdrama be without you guys, dramabeans, and the rest of the beanies...thank you! Thank you!

<3 <3 <3


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Although I do not celebrate Thanksgiving, I do give thanks on a weekly basis and among the people, events and things that come to mind are definitely all of you, the crew of Dramabeans and all commenters.

It's lovely to connect in some way with you, my wider community, to read your thoughts and be read, to start thinking and re-thinking and to respond and receive your responses too. It may be Kdramaland that we inhabit from time to time together, but it carries us into our realities and makes our days warmer and brighter. Thanks ALL!! :D


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I'm really thankful for dramabeans, the commentary and community here is really something any kdrama enthusiast or newbie SHOULD give thanks for.

(also really thankful that I had the bright idea of switching to another browser since dramabeans has not been working properly in chrome for me for the last few WEEKS)


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Im so thankful for Dramabeans. It's been 4 1/2 years of lots of fun.

More power!


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Whoaa, just realized I've been around for almost the same amount of time. Thanks Dramabeans for always making our days a little brighter ^^


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We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia, but we are so globalised now I'll add in my 2 cents worth!

- I am grateful for Dramabeans and the community here, I don't comment much but I pretty read every single post and giggle my way through the comaraderie in all the comments!

- I am grateful for discovering Kdramas this year. Kdramas are not as well known in Australia as other countries outside of Korea. As much as You from Another Star is overrated it piqued my curiosity enough to check it out an discover a whole treasure chest of new stories to swoon/cry/angst/giggle over.

- I am grateful for health and family, cos without that we've got nothing!

Cheers everyone and happy internet shopping!


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Haha happy thanksgiving guys! We are thankful that you guys are always around to make us laugh and take us through this crazy world of kdramas!


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I am thankful for all of you at Dramabeans. Thank you very very kamsa.


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I am sincerely grateful for all you've done for us, JB, gf and all the recappers- the detailed recaps, the insightful comments & of course a site where all us beanies can meet.
I'm also thankful for all the chingu's that I've met here( since 2006 while I was waiting for my diagnosis).
Thank you.... from the bottom of my heart.


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oooof. i feels so lovey-dovey today. you guyss!


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I'm thankful to my sister who accidentaly brought the movie My Little Bride from her friend without even knowing what language it was, way back in 2009.
I'm thankful for a certain plagiarising composer, who plagiarised the DGCH ost song, and I ended up watching the drama.
I'm thankful for hong sisters, because after DGCH I watched some lame dramas and was about to turn off when I came across You're beautiful.
And I'm thankful for that drama because, that is how I landed on dramabeans!
I'm thankful for you two and all the beanies.
I'm thankful for kvariety because it made me laugh at one of my worst times.
And lastly I'm thankful for Ha Woo Jin!


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I'm thankful to you all, to Dramabeans and its recappers and of course the ever awesome Javabeans and Girlfriday. To all beanies, thank you for having great, funny and addictive comments and discussion.
To drama gods for allowing great dramas to come and entertain us on daily basis.
For my 2 and half years being k-drama addict, this site has been my go-to site everyday. I always check DB first thing in the morning, afternoon and evening. Although I'm not always reading all recaps and agreeing with your drama choices but I respect your choices and hopefully you always stay healthy and positive.
May Dramabeans stays in internet for a very long time!


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well, more than Woo Jin, I am thankful for Do Young, the sexiest creep ever.
I am thankful that we got to see very different sides of some actors
I am thankful for some new favorite sassy actresses I got to know - they ROCK!
I am thankful for the balanced casts of dramas, we got some great ensembles this year, where every character was worth their weight in gold. Or cabbage.
Thankful for faithful sidekicks

but all the abs in the world won´t compensate, uh... about time I got myself arrested, don´t you agree? yeah.


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Loved this "the sexiest creep ever". Boy, you got that right, SSR is honestly a chameleon xD


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SSR is seriously scaring the creep out of me, of which I'm grateful for :)

Thank you for everything you do, JB, GF, ALL of the Minions, kudos to you! And all Beaners, thank you for spazzing, disagreeing, commenting, pretty much making my daily life in dramaverse incredibly fun!


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- Javabeans, Girlfriday, gummimochi, HeadsNo2
- the new members of the Dramabeans team
- everyone from around the world who make up the Dramabeans community and who take the time to share your comments with all of us

I'm thankful for your existence, for your awesomness, and all your work.

All of you are what make Dramabeans just so fantastic and the drama-viewing experience so much fun!


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I'm thankful for Thanksgiving, kdramas, DB, God...and my sanity!


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I'm thankful for dramabeans and PotUP and twitter.

And Song Jae-rim and Kang Do-young.

I'm thankful for Season 2 of Liar Game.

(See kdrama gods, I already thanked you. Now make it happen.)


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I'm thankful for the Dramabeans site which has elevated my joy of watching kdrama, keep me in a good mood when everything at work seems like they're trying to make me jump out the window.
Thank you Javabeans + Girlfriday + headsno2 + lollypip + oddilletante + gummimochi + awcoconuts + dramallama + saya + fanderay for the amazing drama arts!

I'm also grateful for noona killers: Yoon dong ha (witch romance) especially stands out this year! Perfect romcom drama for me!

And thank you for all beanies for their entertaining comments! I love this site :)


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omg Dong Ha, made me believe in people again. one of the few heroes who isn´t cold and indifferent but kind and empathic through and through. I am so grateful for this character.

and Dal Goo! I am thankful for golden hearted thugs.


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I'm thankful that dramabeans exists!!!


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First I'm thankful for Jesus without whom I'd be be in a mental ward or dead by now.
I'm thankful that I got to see my mum after 4 years.
I'm thankful that I have hope for better days to come
I'm thankful that I have faced what I hope are the last of my hardest times and through that I have been able to unmask true faces.
I'm thankful for my phone that has faster downloads and allows me to watch dramas in Hd.
I'm thankful that even though I'm in a continent where Bruce Lee and Jackie chan are the only Asians people know, I live in a country where kdramas are sold and Internet is cheaper compared to my home country.
Lastly, I'm thankful for dramabeans a place where I can come and talk and laugh about kdramas without being judged about it.
Oh, I'm also thankful for Ha woo Jin and for watching some pretty amazing dramas this year Empress ki , it's okay that's love, glorious days, liar game and the first halfs of fated to love you and marriage not dating which were great not so much the second half.
I am Not thankful for trot lovers that destroyed Ji Hyun woo 's comeback and still not thankful for ever watching Dr.Jin.


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I'm thankful for the beanie polls and year end wrap up reviews.

Really, I look forward to it for months. "Is it time yet?" "Is it time yet?" "Isn't it time yet?"


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I'm thankful we get to do this all again next year!


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I'm thankful for Dramabeans . . . And for Korean actresses being trained to look funny and beautiful while eating.


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im grateful to all dramabeans recappers. :)

MARAMING SALAMAT. (thank you very much)

the kdrama world is a much better place with you.


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In my country we don't have Thanksgiving but because you really shouldn't need a reason to say Thank you I would like to add my 2 cents.
- Big Thank you to JB and GF to all the work and fun that you put in this website. I don't comment very much but I'm being a reader for many years already, times flies when you are having so much fun :)
- To all the minions and their wonderful work with recaps, art, etc...
- Also thank you to all of you, the beanies, because although JB, GF & Co are the heart of the web, all of you make me love even more everything about Dramabeans, all your comments are the cherry on top of wonderful recaps. As I said before, I don't comment but I read all yours and make me feel part of such a lovely community.
Finally to Kdramas in general, the good, the bad and in between, thanks to them I became a part of something very special.

Thank you A


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Though this year has been filled with grief for our family, there are still so many things I am thankful for. I need outlets for the stress and burdens I have to shoulder these days, and while I've only been able to watch 1 drama over the past year, I'm thankful that I've been able to continue keeping up with drama news and downloading what I want to watch whenever I'm able. And I'm very thankful that I still have options for downloading now that the torrent section of d-addicts is gone!


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I'm thankful that I discovered the wonderful world of K-dramas this year (thank you, Netflix & Vampire Prosecutor!)

I'm thankful for Drama Beans, where I can squee and whine in company with other folks who understand.

In a related vein, I'm thankful for the awesome women who started this site, and their wonderful recaps, which have saved me from watching shows I would have hated, and spurred me to watch shows I'd never have tried otherwise. :)

I'm thankful for a whole pile of supernatural-themed TV shows I'd never have known about in previous years. :)


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ahahahah this was hilarious to read thankful for every oppa that goes to the army we get one with abs XD

Fancy Nancy’s YouTube


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Hi Fancy Nancy - I am new to your you tube site and loved the Innisfree run down. Very cute, you are sweet to buy mask gifts for friends. The member card is a good move I think. I am fascinated by face masks because of kdramas, but I've had a hard time finding the ones that are paper that you place over entire face. More often I can find the gel or paste that dries and peels off. They're just okay-ish, but does any one know a brand and where to buy the white paper ones in the States?


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I love those masks! I have found them (all kinds of varieties) at both my local Asian supermarket (Chinese-owned) and the little shops that are usually Korean-owned that sell real and fake hair. But Amazon also has them. So refreshing!


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Haha, I'm thankful you guys used screencaps from two of my favourite recent dramas for this post. Still mourning the end of Let's Eat.

Thank you to all the Dramabeans crew and the intelligent, awesome commentariat for making watching dramas even more fun, entertaining and insightful. I always look forward to hearing what you all have to say about the shows I'm watching and i'm always excited to see that you're recapping (or have recapped) a show I'm watching. I hope you all enjoyed the holiday (and actually took a break and relaxed a little!)


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I am thankful for all the folks at DB - recappers, reviewers, artists and also fellow commentors.

All your insights added to my understanding and appreciation of kdramas. Your funny observations give me belly laughs that is good for my health.

Thanks to SKorea for churning out those kdramas! I saved so much money just watching kdramas online after i cut the cable!!

Also thankful for kdramas which introduced me to kpop thru actors n OSTs.

Thankful that kdrama was the bond that binds me to my good SKorean friend here in NTexas.

Thankful that kdrama is helping me learn another language! I can now call stupid co workers in another language!

Thanks to kdrama i can ogle at some young (and not so young) beautiful actors n actresses all week long.


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In my country we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, and I thought it was a beautiful non commercial date. LOL
But some years ago we "imported" blackfriday! Now we have the shopping crazyness without the beauty part of being thankful... But I'll start being thankful now:
Thanks for all the amazing recaps Javabeans, Girlfriday, Gummimochi, HeadsNo2, Averagerobot, Awcoconuts, Dramallama, Fanderay, LollyPip, Odilettante, & Saya.
And thanks @August. I did a ctrl+C ctrl+V of your list...


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Ah, I can't wait for the beanie polls. Thanks for everything y'all do. I'm not sure I would ever have the patience to do it, no matter how much I love watching dramas.


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I'm thankful for Dramabeans and POTup and dramaland. The last couple years would've been a lot harder without these perfect escapes. Like several other beaners said, you guys get me through rough days. I'm also thankful for every tomorrow--a chance to dust myself off and try again.


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i'm thankful for MISAENG!!!


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