Modern Farmer: Episode 13

This whole episode centers around the romances (or lack thereof) happening in Hadurok-ri, and it feels like everyone keeps taking one step forward and eighteen steps back. One couple may end before it even begins, while others look like love is in their path whether they like it or not. A new village challenge to find a way to promote their apples leads to lots of music and hilarity, and some accidentally overheard words lead to heartbreak.


Yoon-hee manages to break Hyuk and Min-ki apart before they come to blows, dragging Hyuk away with her and leaving Min-ki and Yoo-na alone. Min-ki angrily asks why Hyuk keeps acting that way around Yoo-na, but she just says it’s nothing and for some reason, Min-ki doesn’t pursue a more concrete answer.

Around the corner Yoon-hee also asks why they were fighting, but Hyuk just smiles and says they grew up fighting and that it was no big deal, but that it makes him happy to see her worry about him. Honestly, the more he smiles the more suspicious she should be getting, but everyone lets it go for now.

Ki-joon is confused the next morning, not understanding why Han-chul is so depressed or why Hyuk and Min-ki fought. Hyuk only says he got jealous that Min-ki always takes Yoo-na’s side, and Han-chul perks up and asks if Hyuk is “like that” too. Just then the boys see Soo-yeon and Mi-ja walking and looking pretty snuggly, and Han-chul bursts into tears.

Man-gu finds Sang-deuk drinking makgeolli in the rain and sighing over Mi-young, who pulls up in her car to say hello. Sang-deuk flings himself down the hill (HAHA) to avoid her, and just the mention that Sang-deuk was here a moment ago sends Mi-young peeling out and leaving Man-gu wondering what he said.

The boys stand in the middle of their cabbage field in triumph, proud of the gorgeous crop they’re growing. Min-ki is even moved to tears, this probably being the hardest he’s ever worked for something. Hyuk finds a cute little snail, and the boys all crow over the snails they “grew” along with the cabbage. Min-ki even takes a call from the agricultural manager and invites him over to see the “cute” little snails.

Of course Man-gu rushes over because those cute little snails, and their big appetites, spell doom to their cabbage crop. Unfortunately the only way to get rid of snails is to crush them by hand. So they do, hilariously apologizing to each one and getting rid of them with tears and shaking hands. Awww.

Sang-deuk decides he can’t keep avoiding Mi-young like a coward, and goes right to her coffee shop to talk. He takes a few deep gulps of liquid courage, and Mi-young says she knows last night was a mistake. But that’s not what Sang-deuk is here to say — he tells her he was serious and he wants to start again. HAHAHA, is that “Love is the Moment” playing in the background? OMG it is, this is brilliant.

Man-gu, In-ki, and Yoon-hee discuss how to promote their apples for better sales, and Man-gu’s mom brings them some lunch. In-ki compliments her cooking, and Man-gu notices the change in his mother’s voice when she talks to him, making her wonder what’s wrong with her.

Sang-deuk stands outside his house and informs his mother in no uncertain terms that he will be dating Mi-young, and dares her to do her worst. Too bad she’s not actually there, hee. He finds his mother but before he can speak, she tells him about a nightmare she’d had that he told her he would marry that awful Mi-young. She says she’d beaten him with a club until he was paralyzed, and Sang-deuk goes white as she resumes beating a dried fish with a club.

Yoon-hee calls a village meeting to discuss the solution she came up with to promote their apples — a national singing contest is coming to their town to audition singers. They’ll hold auditions to send someone from their town, which should help get the word out about their apples. All of the villagers think they’re the perfect singer to represent Hadurok-ri, but I’m thinking the town is in trouble.

Ki-joon finds Bul-ja looking sad because it’s her mother’s birthday, and Man-gu won’t let her make international calls. Ki-joon figures it can’t cost that much, and offers her the use of his phone. It’s sweet of him, but he’s regretting it two hours later when she’s still talking and shows no sign of ending the call. She finally runs down the battery and he grumpily snatches his phone back, but softens when she apologizes and explains that she hasn’t seen her mother in three years.

Yoo-na makes a huge meal for the family and they all exclaim over how long it’s been since they saw a normal meal — even grouchy Hyuk’s eyes widen over her delicious cooking. The mood changes when Yoon-hee’s aunt arrives and says the mood sure is nice since Yoo-na cooked. Put on the spot, her husband is forced to say that he prefers her instant ramyun over this kind of cooking, and she giddily runs off to make him some. Poor guy was this close to having a nice meal.

Uncle says the boys should audition to represent the town in the singing contest, but they still haven’t filed a move-in report, so instead they’re put to work as the judges and back-up musicians. Man-gu auditions first, and it’s hard to say which is worse, his dancing or his singing, and he’s eliminated after only a few words. These judges are tough.

The auditions go downhill from there, and the villagers are eliminated one by one. Even Grandpa tries his luck, hilariously choosing to sing EXO’s “Growl,” but eventually there’s only Sang-eun left. She begins to sing “Goose’s Dream,” and she’s not bad, but everyone’s eyebrows shoot up when she hits the emotional moment of the song and blows it away. Dang, the girl has some serious pipes.

They sit later to plan her audition for the actual contest, and Yoon-hee tells Sang-eun that it’s crucial that she get an interview with the MC so she can promote their apples. She’s figured out that he likes contestants with funny costumes, and presents Sang-eun with a big poofy apple hat to wear on the show. Somehow I don’t think this is what Sang-eun had in mind.

The MC also likes lively dances, and this Sang-eun can do. Yoon-hee drops the bomb that the school will let them use their rehearsal space in return for teaching students to play guitar, which looks about as fun as it sounds. Han-chul draws the short straw with Min-ho’s bullies, who would rather ask a million silly questions than learn.

Snake and his lackeys are still trying to rid their field of rocks, but soon In-ki shows up to help. Snake is grumpy and ungrateful, so In-ki asks if he still hates him, and HA, Snake says he liked him better when he didn’t talk. He tells In-ki he’ll hate him forever, but there’s no heat behind his words, and In-ki invites him for a drink.

As they drink, Snake notices Min-ki’s guitar leaning against the house. It turns out that In-ki already knows Min-ki has been using it, but he doesn’t know how he got it. He and Snake have an impromptu jam session, and they’re playing a beautiful slow song when Man-gu’s mom comes by. Suddenly her world turns to sparkly slow-motion when she hears In-ki’s sexy bass voice.

Sang-eun and the boys happen past, and Sang-eun is startled to see her father singing and playing guitar. Min-ki is just as shocked to see that Snake can also play, and Snake informs them all that In-ki used to be very famous and that Min-ki’s guitar used to be his. Ki-joon asks who Snake is, and he lets Min-ki panic for a moment before winking and simply saying he’s a weekend farmer. Whew.

Ki-joon finds Bul-ja starting up a tractor in the rain (I love that he calls her Hwa-ran, though I’ll keep calling her Bul-ja to avoid confusion), and stops to talk to her. He asks her to be a backup dancer for Sang-eun, and she initially declines. He convinces her by mentioning that if they get on TV, her mom will be able to see her. He goes with Bul-ja to her delivery since it’s raining and he has an umbrella, which just makes my heart melt, and she teaches him to drive the tractor in a dual explosion of cute.

Sang-deuk is back to avoiding Mi-young, but she corners him to talk about his confession. He lies that he told his mother they were starting over, and goes in to hug her, but when he sees his mother approaching he pitches Mi-young into the muddy ditch. HAHA. After his mom leaves he joins Mi-young in the mud, and admits he didn’t really speak to her, and promises to tell her today and take Mi-young on a date tomorrow.

But when Sang-deuk goes to actually confront his mother, he finds her in bed with an IV, having dozed off at church and had another nightmare about him and Mi-young marrying, causing her to collapse. Grandpa reminds Sang-deuk that his mother has a weak heart and asks what he wanted to talk to her about, but Sang-deuk backs down again.

Sang-eun practices her apple-hat dance in her room, but snatches off the hat and sits on it when her father enters. In-ki is pretty drunk, but not too drunk to notice the apple hat, and he hands her a bag. It’s a sweater to wear for her audition, and he tells her that from now on she should do what she wants and not be a coward like her father. Awww, Dad ~sniffle~.

The snail-squishing doesn’t get any easier for the guys, though apparently Han-chul has decided to just eat the cabbage rather than sell it. He whines that the girl he loves can never, ever, ever love him back, and Hyuk yells that he should wish her well and let her go. That’s some good advice there, my friend. Maybe you should take it?

Sang-eun and Bul-ja practice their audition number, and Bul-ja wasn’t lying when she said she can’t dance, though she looks ridiculously adorable in an apple hat. Yoon-hee compliments Sang-eun on being such a great entertainer, and Sang-eun gets ambitious and shows her she can do a head-spin. Except she falls and hurts her neck, effectively removing herself from the audition process.

There’s another town meeting to decide who should audition in Sang-eun’s place, where Hyuk mentions that Yoon-hee is a good singer. She tries to decline but is convinced to sing (after shooting Hyuk a dirty look), and her voice is absolutely lovely, so the village elders vote her in immediately.

Min-ki actually criticizes Yoon-hee’s singing, and refuses when In-ki volunteers him to be her vocal coach. In-ki whispers that he knows about Min-ki’s debt, so Min-ki very enthusiastically offers to coach Yoon-hee. But Yoon-hee turns out to be an even worse dancer than Bul-ja, and Min-ki loses his temper at her.

So they bring in a professional dancer, Yoo-na, who’s happy to be able to do this and repay Yoon-hee’s kindness. Yoo-na’s little booty-shake move has Yoon-hee protesting, but she’s forced to agree to the dance in order to promote the apples.

It’s Mi-ja’s turn to whine about never getting to sleep, since Soo-yeon is making her help with mural-painting in addition to digging at night. When Soo-yeon goes for more paint, Han-chul approaches Mi-ja to talk about Soo-yeon. He tearfully tells Mi-ja that Soo-yeon loves sweet potatoes and asks her to make sure she always has some. He instructs her to buy Soo-yeon dried sweet potatoes when they’re out of season, and not be shocked when she cusses.

Mi-ja is understandably confused, and asks why she should keep Soo-yeon supplied in sweet potatoes, and Han-chul yells that that’s what you do for someone you love. He tells her that he knows everything, that Mi-ja and Soo-yeon are in love, and Mi-ja bursts into great gales of laughter.

Soo-yeon hears the end of this exchange and Han-chul tells her he saw them kissing, but Soo-yeon sets him straight about the loose thread and yells at him for having a dirty mind. Han-chul is so happy, he doesn’t even register that Soo-yeon is furious, and he hugs her then falls and rips his pants.

Mi-young waits in town with a lunchbox for Sang-deuk, then goes to get him some water. Man-gu’s mom knocks on his car window and lets herself in the car, but Sang-deuk can’t tell his mom’s best friend that he’s waiting for Mi-young, so he drives off without her. Awww.

Yoo-na does her best to teach Yoon-hee and Bul-ja the choreography (while Min-ki and Ki-joon look on wearing the apple hats, hee) and Min-ki loses his temper at their badness again. He decides they should just quit, and Yoon-hee apologizes for being terrible and leaves. Ki-joon fusses at Min-ki and tells him to stop comparing Yoon-hee to Yoo-na, which is sweet as well as insightful.

Yoon-hee wanders the halls of her old school and stops to look at the piano she used to play. Min-ki goes looking for her, and finds her playing the piano the way she used to do when he first fell for her. They both comment that the school hasn’t changed, and Min-ki takes Yoon-hee around and shows her all the places where he carved his innocent love for her into the school walls. That is so freaking adorable.

But when Yoo-na finds them, Min-ki calls his carvings “just scribbles,” deflating Yoon-hee. He makes it worse by saying how pretty Yoon-hee was back then, making it sound like he doesn’t think she’s pretty now. Yoon-hee begs off rehearsal for the day, and watches sadly as Min-ki and Yoo-na leave together.

Hyuk finds Yoon-hee staring nostalgically at the carving, correctly guessing that rehearsal didn’t go well. Yoon-hee admits that Yoo-na being so good makes her nervous, so Hyuk offers to help her in return for granting his wish later.

Once again Mi-young catches Sang-deuk in the act of public urination (you’d think he’d have learned to use a bathroom by now) and when he’s done, he tells her about his mother’s collapse. He promises to tell his mom about them soon, but Mi-young says that she also caught herself hiding from Man-gu’s mother earlier, and thinks they aren’t confident enough in their feelings.

Hyuk gives Yoon-hee dancing pointers, but he gets a little too close when he tries to help her with a certain move, and his proximity causes Yoon-hee to jump away. Looks like she does find him attractive, because when he jokingly asks if she’s falling for him, she protests a bit too much.

That night Yoo-na goes outside alone, and calls her friend Min-ah to ask how things are at the agency. Min-ah tells her everything is crazy since she left, and that the CEO is looking for her. Yoo-na assures her friend that she’s fine, and asks her not to tell the CEO that she called. Min-ki finds her and sits with her.

Hyuk and Yoon-hee walk home, Hyuk still teasing Yoon-hee about falling for him, and they stop when they hear Min-ki and Yoo-na talking on the other side of the wall. They overhear Yoo-na ask Min-ki about Yoon-hee, and he admits that he used to practically stalk her, he liked her so much. He tells Yoo-na he doesn’t like her that way anymore, but that he does worry about her and feels sorry for her. He emphatically insists that he doesn’t have any feelings for Yoon-hee anymore when Yoo-na teases him.

On the other side of the wall, Hyuk and Yoon-hee have heard every word. Yoon-hee watches Min-ki with a stricken look on her face, and Hyuk watches Yoon-hee’s heart break.


Things are coming to a head in our main love tangle, and while I’m glad to see some things moving forward, I’m also saddened whenever Yoon-hee is faced with the fact that Min-ki doesn’t feel towards her the way she feels towards him. I still feel like it’s up in the air whether they’ll end up together, though I know it’s been hotly debated and probably will continue to be, because I still haven’t seen anything from Min-ki that indicates that he feels anything towards Yoon-hee than exactly what he told Yoo-na. I think he feels a lot of nostalgia for his first love, and I think he likes and respects Yoon-hee now, and he definitely identifies with her son’s situation and wants to help the little guy. But I don’t think he’s feeling anything romantic towards her (at this point), because I don’t really see him doing anything beyond what a friend would do in any situations involving Yoon-hee herself. He truly seems to see her as a friend and nothing more.

And yet Hyuk still isn’t doing much to step up and make himself indispensable to her either, though he’s getting better at being there when she’s at her low points. I still think he’s coming at this all wrong, because Yoon-hee isn’t someone who will just take someone’s words at face value. Hyuk can tell her he likes her all day long, but what Yoon-hee needs to see is action. She’s already been left by one man who, if my hunch is correct, chose his musical career over her and her country lifestyle, and I can understand why she’d be a bit gun-shy to trust another musician who, so far as she knows, is only in town temporarily. Hyuk is going to have to step up for real, and make himself necessary and permanent to her in a very tangible way, if he wants her to take his feelings seriously. And I hope Hyuk’s plan isn’t just to be there when she’s let down by Min-ki, because that won’t work for a woman like Yoon-hee, either. She’s so entrenched in her family and her village, any man who wants to be with her is going to have to be willing to give up his lifestyle for hers. I feel like Hyuk could do that, since his own life is so empty, but again he’s going to have to be willing to prove it to her.

What’s really strange is that, while I don’t see Min-ki having any romantic feelings for Yoon-hee, I don’t even feel that he has strong romantic feelings for Yoo-na, either. It’s like he sees his lost past in her, and a chance to get back what he used to be — a rock star with a future and a beautiful girlfriend in the same business. But in the present, all I get from him is that he feels responsible for Yoo-na somehow, and likes being the white knight who comes to her rescue. He hasn’t approached her in a romantic way at all, at least not since she came to Hadurok-ri. And I see more and more how Min-ki is feeling pride in his farming, and pride in the knowledge he’s gaining, and the connections he’s making with the land and the villagers. I could easily see Min-ki giving up music and staying in the country, if he can find it in himself to give up the shiny dream for the even-more-satisfying reality.

So if the key to Yoon-hee’s heart turns out to be, who is willing to give up the big city dreams for the earthiness and happiness of the simple life, we’ve got a real contest on our hands. Will Hyuk be willing to do it for the woman he claims to love, or will Min-ki do it because he already loves the life and just doesn’t know it yet, and also win the lady in the process?


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National Singing Contest with Yoon Hee representing the village?! I smell a makeover!


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Thanks for the recap LollyPip!

You filled in some of the blanlks as i watched the not-fully subbed episode yesterday. I am beginning to think that not just apples and cabbage bloom in Hadurok-i - LOVE is blooming everywhere too.

Those apple hats were cute. Were they parodying Crayon Pop?

And those seaweed sideburns on Yoon Hee's uncle were classic!

And if they don't stop Sang Deuk from public urination soon - someone ought to take a pair of scissors to those wee-wees soon!

As to the love tangle - i think Yoon Hee needs to resolve matters with Min-ho's dad first as she has un-resolved matters with him - before she takes on either Hyuk or Min-ki.


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Ki-Joon I'm so proud of you!! Not only did you have some selfless moments but you actually initiated something purely to make Bul-Ja happy!! *sniff* He's growing up so fast.

To be honest this love triangle/quadrangle is not interesting to me. I like them as individuals and I want to know more of their past but I really don't feel romance between any pairing.

And I know it's mostly a culture thing but I really hate that Min Ki was saying he's just showing interest in her because he feels sorry for her or pity for her. Come on! It's fine if there's nothing romantic but you should care about her as a person. Making someone purely an object of pity takes away from their humanity and person. (It's not as huge as that sounded but it still rubs me the wrong way)

And while I do think Min Ki has been acting helpful without ulterior motives, he should be old enough to realize that those actions mean things. With adults they can understand variations of love and caring but for Yoon-Hee's son, Min Ki has been acting like too much of a father figure. If he leaves after the cabbages, that boy is going to be very hurt. It's a random reference but has anyone seen Jerry Maguire? There's a scene where Tom Cruise's character gets yelled at by someone for basically dating a woman because he fell for the son. Kids are adorable, but connections are forged very quickly and very deeply. He should have thought a bit more before acting like a husband (telling Yoon-Hee what to do as a mom, or how to take care of herself with the truck thing) and a father (showing up to parents day, etc.)

I still don't understand the Han-chul romance (or that they've dropped his medical storyline for the moment). I think they're so unsuited for each other but the plot keeps dragging them out and I'm sure they'll end up together.

I really enjoyed the plot of the singing competition though. Any storyline that brings together so many of the villagers makes this show really shine.


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The problem with the medical storyline is, and i will be blunt here, the girl who plays his love interest AOA's Mina just lost her father to cancer. I dont believe that any director or FNC's super religious ceo will make her go through that pain....but we will see maybe they will leave her out somehow?


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I heard that. It must be such a hard time for her.

I think they dropped this storyline a ways back though. I'm one if the ones who believes it's a misdiagnosis but is just wish they hadn't but it in the plot to begin with. It seems so superfluous now.


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at this point,there is possibility that Minki doesn't end up with either Yoonhee or Yoona


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I want Lee Minki to end romantically with no one. I think he is a strong character that will focus more on his way of life than finding love.


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Kudos to the stunt team. Those hill tumbles were amazing.


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Those ditch-flinging instances where my LOL moments.


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Hmm...I see Minki as being fine alone since he keeps doing things to help people but still not trusting anyone and keeping his secrets to himself

Hyuk...and Yoona...there is a problem there centered on Minki but Minki seems to be fine with ignoring it for the most part. Pretty sure it's Hyuk who is going to demand it be resolved since he's been putting up a facade about it and Yoona is pretending it doesn't matter


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He didnt want it resolved for the last 7 years which broke uo their group? But well Minki didnt seem to do much about it either but he was still intouch with the other two members in day to day life....Are they avoiding it because its something big? Or something actually small? Minkis indifference is probably due to his debts and that he really needs the money at this point. Hyuk has ignored him for the last decade, I think he probably gave up expecting much from the guy and honewtly that grin is starting to make me mad.....


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This show´s a slow burn. Having an actual conflict as a cliffhanger and then pulling a face that nothing happened - felt kinda cheap. Anyhow, seeing ep 14 the romance is still on, it´s just...burning even slower, but considering all the other storylines, at least it won´t get boring anytime soon. I guess nobody watches this show for romance. Still, my heart sank when Min-ki said that he´s just feeling pity for Yoon-hee, that´s an awful thing to hear from someone you care about. I wish I had discovered this show after it´s run. It´s such a comfort food that I want to eat it up all at once.


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I have to admit that I was really annoyed that they didn't reveal anything at the beginning of the episode. I was so excited to finally have a reveal...and then nothing. All that for them to just move on a pretend nothing happened.

I just hope they don't wait much longer. I want several episodes for everyone to deal with the fallout and evolve. I don't want a last minute thing that causes drastic changes just in the last episode or so.


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I don't know... I just feel like the love quadrangle is going nowhere at this point. You'd think you'd see some progress by now with the show more than half over. This drama isn't really one that allows hongki to shine, so in that respect, I am a bit disappointed. But it does allow alot of the supporting actors to shine. It is most unfortunate that they can't get a love line with their leads when that's supposed the be the main course.

If any couple shines, it's kijoon and bulja.


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Also I have to add I hope there is less of the sandeuk and miyong couple because they are my least favorite couple.


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I also don't care to see much of Sandeuk and MinYoung. And I know he has to pee a lot due to all the makkeolli he drinks, but enough of the pee scenes.


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Yes, please. Enough with the pee. First Hanchul had all the bathroom humor and now it's all Sandeuk. It's not funny. It's not my sense of humor to begin with but even if it was, having him do the exact same pee scene in every episode would kill any humor in it.


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The romance tangle is frustrating, but at the same time not... this was never a romance drama really... it is a situational drama and as there are people they happen to confront romance at some points. But like in real life feelings don't always get matched up and not everybody ends up with somebody, and I kinda think that is cool to see. That being said ki-joon and bulja/hwa-ran are adorable.

Also I'm not really bothered by San-deuk and Miyong as much (though her daughter is super annoying and i don't trust her since she cheated...) I find them kinda funny, the love line that really annoys me is han-chul just cause it feels too forced.


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Sorry, but once again i totally can't agree with you. This drama is perfect for HongKi. No one else could play Minki as well as HongKi did. Actually it's quite difficult role. It has a wide range of feelings to express and he does it perfectly. Of course i don't mean he is the only one good actor here, nor that he is the best ever actor in the world but he is going a great job for what the character is. I'm really happy HongKi it trying such an unique, unconventional hero. He dare to try things that most of the actors would afraid to try. That also shows how comfortable he is as an actor because only the good actors dare to risk with unique role in unique projects (the same goes to Honey Lee, too).
By the way, Hongki never choose a drama only because it will make him a big star (because he is a big enough for his young age and has time enough to grow even more) or that his character would be loved by everyone and it will bring him more fans. HongKi is choosing dramas/movies that can touch his heart and that are really fun to read the script. It's so easy and boring to play the perfect chaebol like KangJoo so that was enough for him and he is doing now a totally different role. And yes, he shines in that, too. A lot!


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Well said! Agree with you totally.


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first and foremost, my condolence to Mina and her family. hang in there girl :(
this week epis really push the romance pentagon huh lol. i think i finally get the msj behind Modern Farmer intro. watch the full intro if you want to see who are the main OTP in this show.
KiJoon just post 2 pic of himself and Bulja in green house. i guess they continue filming with other couples besides Hanchul and Soonyeong.


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anyone know the name of the ending theme song in this episode?


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I think the song is upcoming OST for this show and some are buzzing that the singer is Joo Joonyoung. the song is nice tho ! :D


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I think the song is upcoming OST for this show and some are buzzing that the singer is Jung Joonyoung. the song is nice tho ! :D


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I wonder when Hyuk's or Yoona will spill the bean already about what happen 7 years ago. I've been screaming at the screen in the past episode for some to spill the bean already


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Hyuk really needs to step it up. I'm starting to get impatient with him. I guess he really thinks that just because a smile helps him cover his pain it'll help everyone else too? He doesn't understand yet that Yoon-Hee needs someone to take action with her/for her, and not just smile and act happy. C'mon Hyuk, I'm cheering for you! Even if Min-Ki and Yoon-Hee end up together in the end somehow, I hope you manage to find some happiness.


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Thanks for the recap!

How long is this series anyway? Because it's a bit late in the game for Minki to realize his love for Yoon-hee or his non-romantic love for Yoona. There is a lot of innocence in the Yoona relationship...and yeah, definitely guardianship more than a passion. Minki is just plain old protective of women i guess. But no kiss yet with any of the couples? Not really.

The InSooni song was soooooooo perfect. A song about isolation from a singer who grew up isolated and who is now a national treasure. Go, Mr Social-chnger PD-nim.

I do wish kdramas didn't use the easy ugly woman unworthy of love trope so oftenm though. If they had flipped it a bit and made Sang Deuk's old love be the "ugly" girl and the so gae ting girl be the "beautiful" one. Ah me, Korea when will this worship of beauty end?


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you will see the glimpse of Minki and Yoonhee relationship in epi 14. reversed psychology and a make over definitely works on someone like Minki :p


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I saw epi 14 but still...if he only starts liking her when he sees how cute she is after the makeover...it's so shallow. Same thing happened with Ki Joon. It just really bothers me. I was hoping to see something different. Not the same old first lead romances


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Agree with you on this...it better be something more than 'oh i love her because she's pretty after the makeover.' that's so superficial


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Honestly I give Ki-Joon a slight break because they both seemed like it was a more childlike crush anyway, but the story with YoonHee is much more adult. She is a single mother. She needs a man, not a boy who suddenly finds value in her because her beauty is being shown off. Or until that point can only define their relationship as him having pity for her.


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I'm guessing the make-over is temporary since it is only for the competition and her current look is more functional for her everyday life, so while this may make Minki notice her, he'll still have to love her in her everyday look. (I haven't read epi 14 so I could be way off). This writer seems able to turn normal tropes into something new so I have hope.


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yes, you're right about the trope-changing. I hope writer keeps a clear mindful plot...although the kdrama treatment of "ugly girl" still bugs me. That trope is pretty ingrained.


It's 20 episodes, I think. No spoilers, but after episode 14, I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next week!


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I really didn't think I will enjoy and care so much for this show.. :) This show is like sweet candy that I can't get enough of...

In the beginning I really thought Lee Ha Nui looked weird but now I love her dimples when she smiles hahah

An applause to the writer, I came to care for each character in this show and that doesn't happen a lot for me..

I just hope they cut the bathroom jokes by 50% and the ultra close ups hahahah maybe by 30%..



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where can I find Haraboji singing EXO's Growl cut? I need to show it to my friend ?


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Random-ish question: What happened to Han Chul's little runt-of-the-litter puppy? After having served its symbolic/metaphorical purpose, it just disappeared from the story.


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Wow I'd totally forgotten about the puppy. Poor hungry puppy got abandoned!


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OMG - that's right. THE PUPPY! C'mon writers - bring the puppy back.


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In a way, I am watching the show more for the character moments and the "zero normalcy" than the romance. If everybody decides to just be friends (except the adorable Ki-joon and Bul-ja), I would be fine with that. Their hijinks are entertaining enough.


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In total agreement. Ki Joon and Hwa Ran are the only couple I really care about; they are just too freaking cute!


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Thank you for the recap!

Am a bit tired of the lack of progress on the romantic front with the leads.

I do find Ki-joon and his girlfriend to be just as cute as can be, so that helps a bit.

The treasure hunter and her bff is the most boring story line evrrrr. yawn.

If Sang-deuk could stop the drunkenness and public urination, I would like that.


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And I hope they make more scenes on In Ki singing :D not of Man Gu's mom falling for him, those I can do without, but I really like his singing voice :)


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Hmm, I disagree with many that Min Ki is displaying purely friendly feelings for Yoon Hee. Obviously he hasn't actively realized what those feelings exactly mean, but I definitely feel like the writers are setting up that turn around. I've been convinced of this since the "when you're sad, I'm sad; when you smile, I smile" (or whatever the quote was) scene. I think he cares about her a lot and all of his denials seem like excuses to me. Although it seemed callous, him describing their relationship as one based out of "pity" or "sympathy" was just him trying to rationalize his investment in Yoon Hee and Min Ho, imo. Also, with the series being 20 episodes, the pacing makes sense to me. I think it just feels like a long time since Yoon Hee has been catching feelings since episode 7. I'm remembering in Let's Eat when Dal Goo didn't realize his feelings for Soo Kyung until ep 12/13 in a sixteen episode run, and it still made sense and felt organic.


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Going slightly off-topic about Dae Young/Soo Kyung in Let's Eat. I think Dae Young realized his feelings way earlier than episode 12/13; to me, after it became obvious to the viewer that he liked her, it also became obvious (in hindsight) that lots of his past actions and interactions had been because he'd been liking her for a while. If I recall correctly, there was even a bit where he talked about some insecurity he felt in showing his feelings, because he didn't feel adequate to "take responsibility" (in kdrama terms) for her. I felt that he'd had feelings for Soo Kyung almost all along, but had been hesitant to be open about it.

Sorry for the off-topic; I couldn't help but jump on the chance to talk about Let's Eat, because it's one of my fave dramas, and I especially enjoyed how the relationship between Dae Young and Soo Kyung developed. Even though you and I interpret its unfolding in slightly different ways I agree with you that it made sense and felt organic and real, and I loved that about it.


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First of all, thanks for inadvertently correcting me on Dae Young's name. I think I have Liar Game on the brain and that's why I called him Dal Goo, haha.

And I actually agree with you re: his feelings and how they developed. I guess I meant that those feelings didn't become completely explicit until those later episodes.


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Also, I want to chime in that Soo Kyung/Dae Young are one of my favorite drama romances, too. Definitely one of those relationships the writers built from the ground up and I really /got/ why the two characters fell in love with each other.


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It's time for Minki to be in denial of his real feelings toward Yoonhee. I guess he is too invested on his cabbages than trying to find love. His affections for Yoona doesn't seem romantic at this point but he made it very obvious whenever he reacts with worry/care for Yoona than Yoonhee. I'm more excited to see Minki-Minho moments to see two kids enjoying the day though.

It seems to me that only Kijoon has not secret to hide from his band mates. We already have Minki on his debt, Hyuk regarding the CEO thing and Yoona, and Hanchul with his "terminal" illness. Well I'm very glad that he is not in denial of her anymore and I love their moments together;Kijoon and Hwaran are so shippable.

I guess this episode marks the end for Yoonhee's struggle to not fall for Minki... For sure, he will notice the differences that she will be doing now and will wonder a lot why..ahahahha.

Hyuk's styles in trying to convey his serious feelings for his noona are all flops... I think he really needs to drop all the cutesy cutesy stuffs whenever he wants to be treated seriously and step up his game. It's time to be more aggressive!

and omg EXO's GROWL narrative/rap version form haraboji ahahaaaahh...no wonder Minki and Hanchul's faces went like that.


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I think the main love line is going pretty normal. It's not a romantic comedy, the producers called it human drama so it just follows the promised. We are watching a very human realistic story with some comedy elements to make it easier to digest because it's quite unconventional in comparison with the typical k-dramas.
Also, despite of it's short format, it's not the late night dramas but it's in the slot of the early evening dramas whose target is the whole the family and are bit more "conservative" than the late night dramas. So we can't really expect explosive romance, passionate kiss scenes and etc.
Minki is such an idiot! I really want to kick his a** for all the stupid things he said to his Yoon Hee noona because he don't really mean any of this words. I think he already has strong feelings for her but he just have problem expressing his feelings. It was the same when he was with his mom and step-sister. He seemed to be indifferent but his actions shows us that he really loves and care about his mom and little sis.
Minki is a boy who grew up without love and care, he had to struggle with life from a child and now it's difficult for him to be "weak" showing his feelings for someone. His way of showing affection is talking harsh words but doing kind things.
That is Minki, he's not a CEO like Kang Joo (of BOTC) who has refined manners. He is village boy, a rocker, poor guy he don't understand all these "romantic" stuff.


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And i personally know people like Minki, so it's very realistic character. I'm happy that for the very first time we have the main leads who are so unconventional hero and heroine! Yoon Hee is not the typical, stupid doll in gorgeous package who thinks only how to marry a chaebol even if she has a perfect but poor man next to her who is willing to give his life for her. Here we have a strong woman, a caring single mother, who is living quite well without a man and who don't really needs to fall in love in any of the two guys. She is a woman who wouldn't fall just for Hyuk's dimples or for Minki's cuteness, she is a woman who won't easily give her heart and she would do it only if she really see that this person worth it. It's the first k-drama heroine that i really could respect!
MinKi is also an unique character. We've seen tons of chaebols for the main lead who are arrogant at first but when they meet the poor girl they miraculously turns into a candy-cotton. That's so much unrealistic. It would be great if all men where like that but they are not! Unfortunatelly most of the real life men are just like Minki. And i'm happy to see one hero like this in a drama even if he makes me mad when he is harsh with YoonHee. But at least that makes me feel like i'm watching a real couple not a fake one. The real couple also don't need to have a sparking chemistry to be a good couple. Just not in all couples the chemistry is visible but more important is what their hearts feel.


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Both of you have excellent commentaries!


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You do make a good point. It would have really helped if they showed Minki singing 'Glass Castle' completely instead of cutting it short, because it's where Yoonhee first fell for him. That way the viewers can have a better sense of her perspective.


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On a completely off-kilter note, kudoes to Honey Lee for de-glamorizing so wonderfully for this drama. Right down to the low-angle shot in the dance scene where her feet look twice the size of Yoo Na's in those clod-kicker shoes of Yeon Hee's.


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She's doing such a great job! And didn't know she can sing too! Park JinJoo has a great voice and Kwak Dong Yeon can sing as well. There's several videos of his singing. So many multi talented people!


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maybe it' just me ... but i think Hyuk is Yoonhee's younger brother but they have a different father.

first yoonhee's face is looks like Hyuk's mother' face... then yoonhee said that Hyuk mother's song is yoonhae' father favorite song... and then from what i saw is Hyuk treat yoonhee like his family that he love not like a Man who fall in love to a Women.

-sorry for my bad english :(


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Your English is very good. I also thought about them being siblings from when we found out that Hyuk's mother was the singer who sang that song. And same dimples!


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Thank You :)
ohmy.. i forgot about their dimples hehe


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What song title sang eun & bulja dance?


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It's Secret's "Starlight Moonlight"


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does anyone know the name of the song Snake and In-ki sing together?


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I want to know too


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QUE BAILA Sang-eun y Bul-ja


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