Modern Farmer: Episode 12

Yoo-na’s arrival in Hadurok-ri shakes things up as expected, with some interesting and unexpected results. And she’s not the only newcomer to the village, as it seems everyone has decided to try a little country air. Things are changing in the sleepy little village — some for the better, some for the worse, and some for the downright weird.


Min-ki and Yoo-na enter the yard, causing reactions from the family ranging from shock that an idol is in their midst, to outright animosity. Min-ki begs Yoon-hee (while Hyuk’s eyes roll right out of his head) to let Yoo-na stay a few days, and Hong-gu excitedly offers to bunk with Min-ho so she can use his room. Min-ki makes her a bed and tells her to sleep now, and they’ll talk later.

Min-ki asks the family to keep Yoo-na’s presence here a secret, for fear of drawing attention. He apologizes to Min-ho for missing his picnic and offers to take him someplace fun, which is all it takes to get back in the kid’s good graces. Yoon-hee watches Min-ki prepare some food for Yoo-na, and does some eyerolling of her own.

The boys go to catch more grasshoppers, and on the road they meet Soo-yeon’s bar owner friend (whose name is Mi-ja), who’s just a tad overdressed for the country. Han-chul takes her to Soo-yeon, though she’s not as welcome a surprise as he thinks.

Sang-deuk’s mom asks him where he slept the other night, hopeful that he’s got a girlfriend, but he deflects and she says she doesn’t care who he’s with as long as it’s not Mi-young. She’s desperate for a daughter-in-law, and tells her son to sleep out as often as possible, hee.

They arrive home to meet Mi-ja, who asks if she can stay a few days. Of course Sang-deuk’s mom only wants to know if she’s married, and on hearing she’s single, happily agrees to let her stay and starts listing Sang-deuk’s good points. Subtle, Mom, real subtle.

The first thing Mi-ja does is follow a weird smell to the closet, where she’s nearly flattened by an avalanche of sweet potatoes. Soo-yeon tells her to cut the crap and asks why she’s here, and Mi-ja tells her that the thugs who are after Soo-yeon had come to her bar to threaten her, and the less-scary one had gotten drunk and said Soo-yeon stole his boss’s money. Mi-ja wants to split the money, but Soo-yeon tells her they have to find it, first.

Back home, Min-ki peppers Yoon-hee with questions about Yoo-na, but she’s not inclined to take care of her unexpected and unwelcome guest and tells Min-ki to take care of her himself. She gripes that Yoo-na hasn’t come out of the room, not even to help make dinner, but Yoo-na comes out then and hears the criticism.

Min-ki brings her some water, and tells her not to mind Yoon-hee. Yoo-na tentatively questions why he hasn’t asked her about what happened, but he says he doesn’t need to know because he trusts her. He offers to take her to eat, but she seems depressed and only wants to sleep.

It’s market day and Yoon-hee is stressed, because Min-ki’s attentiveness to Yoo-na is making them all late. They all help load the truck while Yoon-hee bosses and complains, but when she tries to do too much and lifts a crate of apples, her back goes out with a loud CRUNCH.

The boys carry her inside and she has to admit that she can’t go to the market like this. They don’t want to leave her immobile in bed, but she insists, and the noise draws Yoo-na to see what all the commotion is about.

It’s cute how Man-gu, who’s so proud of being on the cutting edge of technology, has no clue who she is. Everyone keeps telling him, “That’s Yoo-na. You know, Yoo-na!” and Man-gu just keeps repeating, “Okay, and I’m Man-gu!” Yoo-na offers to take care of Yoon-hee, and the guys override Yoon-hee’s insistence that she’s fine, and leave her alone with the last person on Earth she wants to be alone with.

The market is bustling, with the boys’ pea puff and roasted grasshopper booth a runaway hit (hee, Ki-joon thanks their customers with a hearty “Thank you very kamsa!”). Sang-deuk and Mi-young throw each other awkward glances all day, and Man-gu wonders aloud where In-ki and Sang-eun are today.

They’ve gone to the temple to light a candle for Sang-eun’s mother’s memorial, and In-ki talks to his wife and tells her their daughter has come with him. He apologizes that it took him so long to introduce them, and Sang-eun bows to her mother for the first time. She breaks down crying, and she and her father sob their sorrow for their lost mother and wife.

Min-ki and Ki-joon count their considerable earnings for the day, and Min-ki spots Bul-ja at the next booth, looking mighty cozy with a handsome guy. They can’t understand what the two are saying as they’re speaking in Bul-ja’s native language, and the guys tease Ki-joon that his “wife” is having an affair.

Ki-joon loudly claims that he’s glad Bul-ja met a guy, and he hopes they get together, but nobody’s buying it. Min-ki wonders how Yoo-na is doing, and Hyuk snipes that if he’s so worried he should go home, and stalks off.

It’s Awkward City back at the house, as Yoo-na literally just sits next to Yoon-hee and watches her. They sit like that until a mosquito bites Yoon-hee’s foot, and Yoo-na offers to scratch it. She scratches too hard, then too soft making Yoon-hee giggle, until she finally gets it right. It’s hilarious how seriously Yoo-na is taking this, as if scratching a mosquito bite correctly is life or death.

Back at the market Han-chul asks Ki-joon if he’s unattractive, telling him that Soo-yeon told him to give up on her. Ki-joon wonders if Soo-yeon is into women, causing Han-chul to blow up at him.

Ki-joon jealously watches Bul-ja and her new friend talk, not realizing that they’re talking about the fact that Bul-ja likes him. Her coyness looks to Ki-joon like she’s flirting with the other guy, and he tells himself that it doesn’t matter because he only thought she was pretty — it’s not like he’s in love with her.

Bul-ja asks Ki-joon to borrow some ribbon, and he tells her to catch and tosses it… right at her face. He gives a nasty little laugh, then realizes that he only imagined it. Thank goodness, because that’s not at all nice. What’s even worse is that he does throw the ribbon on the ground, and by the look on her face as she picks it up, she knows he meant to insult her.

Man-gu’s mom sees this and sends Ki-joon for drinks as punishment, and when he gets back Bul-ja asks for two drinks for her and her friend. He gets them but shakes them up first, and crows when they get sprayed in the face. But again it’s his imagination, and instead he’s the one who gets sprayed.

Yoo-na is back to silently watching over Yoon-hee, refusing to leave no matter how Yoon-hee insists. Finally Yoon-hee claims to want to sleep and earns a little privacy. In truth, what she needs is the restroom, and she manages to half-drag herself there alone.

But when she tries to hoist herself onto the toilet, she hurts her back further. The noise brings Yoo-na running, and Yoon-hee is forced to ask for help. She’s humiliated, but Yoo-na couldn’t possibly be any sweeter, and even helps Yoon-hee get her pants off.

Yoo-na helps a horrified and dignity-free Yoon-hee back to bed, and bless her heart, she even brings Yoon-hee some food when her stomach growls. But Yoon-hee can’t even feed herself so Yoo-na does that too, and Yoon-hee perks up when she realizes that Yoo-na is actually a pretty good cook.

Yoo-na tells her she’s had to be a good cook, since she’s been on her own since she was fourteen. She’s also good at cleaning, laundry, and fixing appliances. Suddenly Yoon-hee has a newfound respect for the young woman she’d assumed was a spoiled city girl.

Min-ki treats everyone at the market to lunch, and Ki-joon ends up sitting across from Bul-ja and her friend. He seethes at how friendly they are with each other, and imagines himself standing and mashing both their faces into their food. Too late, he realizes that he didn’t imagine it this time — oh no, the look on poor Bul-ja’s sauce-smeared face is awful. Everyone yells at Ki-joon, and he freaks out while Bul-ja only runs away silently.

Everyone arrives back in the village after the market, and agree to have a drink together to celebrate. Sang-deuk and Mi-young both try to bow out but are talked into staying, and all of the boys but Ki-joon find reasons to skip the get-together.

Soo-yeon tries to get Mi-ja to go back to Seoul, but she sold the bar and has nowhere to go. A determined Han-chul brings Soo-yeon some more sweet potatoes and vows to never give up on her, but he stops when he hears Soo-yeon and Mi-ja arguing inside. He overhears Mi-ja asking Soo-yeon why she doesn’t like her after all the things they did together, and after Ki-joon’s comment it does sound like she’s talking about dating.

When they start to worry that the villagers will kick them out if they hear about their “past,” Han-chul gasps with maidenly horror, because now it definitely could sound like they used to date. Seeing their silhouettes intertwine through the window is too much for his delicate sensibilities, and he makes enough noise that they hear him.

Yoon-hee does finally get some sleep, and she wakes up late and hobbles to the living room to check on her son. But he’s already eaten because Yoo-na’s fed him dinner, and she even checked his homework and cleaned the house. Impressed and humbled, Yoon-hee sincerely thanks Yoo-na.

Min-ki arrives home boasting of their booth’s success, and brings some things for Yoo-na since she had to leave Seoul quickly. He notices Yoon-hee’s jealousy and proudly presents her with a gift too — HA, it’s a hot pack for her back. She gripes and he asks impishly if she’s mad, and gives her her real gift, some fancy eye cream for her wrinkles. Yoon-hee chases Min-ki out of the room for that, but she smiles at the thoughtful gift once he’s gone.

The villagers have a drink and Man-gu’s mom asks why Sang-deuk and Mi-young seem so distant, but their loud and wild-eyed denial that anything’s happened makes it obvious that something happened. Man-gu notices that Ki-joon is drinking an awful lot, and he yells at Man-gu’s mom when she accurately determines that he feels bad for how he treated Bul-ja.

Man-gu is still wondering what happened to In-ki today, though his mom says to leave it alone since In-ki is weird, and she doesn’t like him. But Man-gu is so thrilled when his friend shows up that he doesn’t even notice at first that In-ki just spoke to him. I love how In-ki is all innocence, asking, “What’s the matter?” when everyone stares at him.

In-ki is happy to finally have a chance to thank everyone for everything they’ve done for him and his daughter. Man-gu leads a toast to his friend, who refills Man-gu’s mother’s glass and apologizes for causing her frustration. In-ki’s new “honey-voice” is impressive, and she’s suddenly seeing him in a new light — and it looks like her admiration is returned.

Ki-joon wanders around town complaining about Bul-ja when he runs into her and her friend sitting and talking. Again he doesn’t realize that they’re discussing him, and Bul-ja tells her friend that she should stop liking Ki-joon because she’s not good enough, only being an illegal worker. Awww. Her friend puts his arm around her to console her, and something in Ki-joon snaps.

He stalks over and grabs Bul-ja’s wrist to pull her away, but she twists her arm free and demands to know why he’s treating her this way. He tells her that he doesn’t like it when she smiles at other men, and orders her not to look at or smile at anyone else. Coming from Ki-joon that’s as good as a confession, and Bul-ja knows it.

Sang-deuk gets caught peeing in public again by Mi-young, and she brings up the other night, but calls it a mistake which hurts Sang-deuk’s feelings. But he swears he feels the same and says they should pretend it never happened, and they both insist they’re nothing but oppa and dongsaeng to each other.

They go back to the party and drink a lot more, until they’re both red-faced and snarly and nastily repeating at every opportunity that they’re just oppa and dongsaeng. They’re the last ones left after Man-gu leaves for home, insisting that it’s no big deal for an oppa and dongsaeng to drink together alone.

Finally Sang-deuk asks Mi-young if that’s all they really are, and she grouchily says that it is since he said it. Sang-deuk roars that he doesn’t want that, and Mi-young screams that she doesn’t either, and they dramatically attack each other. Saw that coming a mile away. But in the morning when they wake and find themselves naked in bed again, there’s more horrified screaming.

Yoo-na gets up early to help with breakfast, apologizes to Yoon-hee for the inconvenience of having her here, and tells Min-ki that she’s leaving. Yoon-hee asks if she has anywhere to go, and offers to let Yoo-na stay when it’s obvious that she doesn’t. She says it’s because Min-ho would miss his pretty noona, and tells Yoo-na that she’ll have to earn her keep, but Yoon-hee actually looks happy to make the offer.

Ki-joon cringes at the memory of his alcohol-fueled almost-confession the night before, but when Bul-ja approaches with a big smile and a gift like she used to do, he actually smiles back for the first time. She doesn’t even look at Hyuk or Min-ki standing there, having taken his “don’t look at other men” very literally. That’s so cute.

Ki-joon babbles that she took him too seriously and that it doesn’t mean he likes her. I love how she’s not buying one word of it, and just grins like, “Sure, whatever you say.” She leaves him with an adorable smile just for him, and he mutters that he’s crazy but can’t stop his own smile.

Ki-joon is happy that Yoo-na will be staying, but Hyuk isn’t so thrilled and asks how long she’ll be in Hadurok-ri, and how long Min-ki will act like her guardian. He points out that Min-ki isn’t in any position to take care of her, making Min-ki demand to know why Hyuk keeps picking fights with him.

Ki-joon breaks up the bickering before things can get heated, and they all greet In-ki as he passes by with his cart. Ha, they also don’t notice he’s speaking now until he’s already gone.

That night, Soo-yeon and Mi-ja get suited up to go treasure hunting, and they pass close to Han-chul where he’s sitting and wondering what kind of relationship they have. He hides and listens as they talk about Mi-ja’s new mask, but she gets whiny when a loose string keeps getting caught in her mouth and she begs Soo-yeon to fix it. Soo-yeon doesn’t have anything to cut the string so she uses her teeth, and to Han-chul it looks like the two women are kissing right in the street.

Hyuk finds Yoo-na sitting alone and enjoying the starry sky, and he makes a snide comment that she must not be worried about her career since she worked sooo hard to get there. He asks how long she intends to use Min-ki, and tells her to go back to Seoul.

Min-ki overhears and asks Hyuk who he thinks he is to say that to Yoo-na, and Hyuk makes another nasty comment but his eyes look like he’s trying to keep from crying. Min-ki is ready for a fight now, despite Hyuk telling him to stop before he really gets mad. He angrily invites Hyuk to go ahead and get mad, as Yoo-na and Yoon-hee both try to break them apart.


Be careful what you wish for… I asked for something to happen, and that’s exactly what I got. I’m thrilled to see something other than cabbage growing in Hadurok-ri, even if it’s anger and bitterness, because it means that old wounds and misunderstandings can be aired and dealt with. Hyuk and Min-ki have been getting along relatively well so far, but only because they have a mutual unspoken understanding not to mention the past. But it’s still there looming over them, and Yoo-na seems to be at the epicenter of both their band’s breakup and their personal quarrel. Strangely, Min-ki seems better able to move past whatever it is even though he was more resistant to Hyuk’s joining the cabbage-growing venture at the beginning, and despite his cheery demeanor, Hyuk seems to be the one who is the most immediately affected.

Until now I’ve been assuming that Hyuk knew something about Yoo-na and their agency CEO, but given how much anger Hyuk seems to be carrying around (and the fact that not once has Yoo-na tried to deny anything), I wonder if it’s not something far more serious. I notice that Hyuk hasn’t smiled once since Yoo-na came to town, and my gut feeling tells me that it would take a situation much more dire than “I saw my friend’s girlfriend and our CEO together seven years ago” to make a near-total change in his demeanor just because the girl showed up for a few days. I’ve had a niggling worry for Hyuk since early in the series, but now it’s a big worry, and I almost dread finding out what it is that he knows and has been hiding for all these years.

On the other hand, I get no red flags at all from Yoo-na herself — she truly does seem like a sweet girl who means no harm, who wants to be liked and wants to feel useful. Even after all these years, she still fights the CEO every single time he tries to wrangle her into a situation she feels uncomfortable about. Her interactions with Yoon-hee and her taking care of Min-ho seem genuine and heartfelt. I really hope she turns out to be as good a person as she seems, because they both could use a female friend of roughly their age. So I’m doubly intrigued and worried about whatever it is that Hyuk knows about Yoo-na, because while I hope that he hasn’t been in the wrong all this time, for his own sake, I also hope that Yoo-na didn’t do whatever it is that Hyuk believes that she did.

Regardless, this is all speculation, and I truly have no clue what we’ll find out about the past and about the band’s breakup. Back when I thought the show was simpler and easy to predict, I would have said that Yoo-na and the CEO were having an affair and Hyuk found out, and that’s why he punched the CEO and broke up the band. But now, knowing what I know about the writer’s ability to take what seems like simple characters and familiar situations and turn them on their ear, I have no idea what we’ll discover about the band, Yoo-na, and the truth of seven years ago. I just hope that whatever it is, the people of Hadurok-ri will be able to help the boys heal and become stronger in their friendship.


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Love this show.


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Hmm, ki joon really made my day with this episode. The imaginings and finally, when he didn't realize that he acted out his thoughts for real, yea, dipping bulja's face and her friend's in jjajangmyun, that totally cracked me up!

Lollypip recapped this so seriously, maybe she didn't find the ki joon scenes funny, oh,well.

i don't care anymore who ends up with whom between Minki-yoona and hyuk-yoonhee. as long as there's kijoon and bulja. and kijoon will likely be noticed here and more projects for him in the future, he is only 17 so good for him.


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Ki Joon is my favourite too and his scenes are just hilarious. I was really surprised that the actor is just 17. He´s really good in comedy..


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Bul-ja is just the cutest thing ever! I wish she was in it more.


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I used to be able to figure out dramas pretty well, but this has me stumped! Yes, I kinda know how it might go, but this writer sure makes me wonder how it's going to be played out. Amazing! Love it!


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yeay...i'm surprised yoona is not evil and actually nice; how does that help them progress the minki/yoonhee love line then? i'm really surprised


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Yoona is soooooooooo sweet and adorable. All i can say is that almost everyone in this drama is giving everyone else a second chance...so I hope Minki gives Yoona a second chance ..whatever the big secret is.

Thanks for the recap.


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I wish Hyuk would give her a second chance. It can't be easy for her being pimped out like that.


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agree with you ^^


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I think Hyuk liked Yoona. And that he was upset to see the CEO pimping her out like he did for his own sake, not MinKi's.


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He wouldnt be angry with her though...he seems to be protecting minki.


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I am with u there!


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Maybe the CEO had some dirt on the boys back in the day and was ready to blackmail them but Yoona found out and begged the CEO to stop in exchange for staying with the CEO's label indefinitely. Hyuk just happens to find her with the CEO while she was begging and he misunderstood.


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I definitely think the CEO did some dirt or maybe Yoona allowed the dirt to be done. I think if it was a misundertanding Yoona probably would've told Hyuk about it. They've apparently talked about the situation before.


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it makes me think minki and yoona will end up together because there is no reason for him to no like her...she's a nice girl ^^


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yeah, the writers really went out of their way to make us like her...so whatever happens, whatever we find out...we're already full of goodwill toward her.


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I love this show. I love all the characters even Yoo-Na. She made me crack up with the way she was so earnest about helping Yoon-hee..it would be so cute if they had a sismance to balance out the bromance on this show (which is so adorable). I love how everyone here has depth and I love all the funny situations that all the citizens of Hadurok-ri managae to get themselves into! 8 episodes left, keep it up writer-nim XD


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I can't stop giggling over Bul-ja x Ki-joon! xD

ah, I'm happy not to see Mi-young's daughter, Idk why but that little girl kinda annoying for me -_-v

Love this drama so much! :D


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Good thing we got a confession this episode. I was starting to get annoyed at Ki Joon for acting all irrational towards Bul Ja. She's such a catch and I could never understand his hesitancy.


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yeay, she's adorable except for being an illegal alien - i wonder what the laws are in korea for being legal - marriage? :-)


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Honestly I was starting to get a bit annoyed with him as well even though they're the only couple I care about. It would maybe be ok if he his character was actually a teenager like the actor is...but these guys are mid-twenties...treat Bul Ja right!


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I am soooo happy the confession finally happened! Ki joon and Bulja are my favorite part of this show.


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I really loved this episode. And normally, I'd be all, ew, that's gross to most of it, but it made me laugh regardless and I couldn't stop watching.


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I'm so curious about Yoona's story. What happened there? They way she reacted at the end of the episode...she looked worried about separating the guys, but didn't seem shocked to hear Hyuk's words. This might be my perception, but she seems to know what Hyuk thinks she did wrong...

For the rest, it was an awesome episode. The only thing I don't buy is the main love square, there is no progress there,.. or maybe it is too slow to build up tension? Ki Joon and Bul Ja have more chemistry, haha!!
Well, I am fine with it, as long as they don't force any couple ending up together. I would be content with just some personal growth and strengthened friendships. Let's see what happens :D


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I agree! I still think the end game will be yoona and minki...we are past the halfway point and he still loves her. But well its my wish...i dont want to see his love and dreams , which he had for a decade, wasted.


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I just don't get why they aren't getting a move on with the minki-yoonhee romance if that's what they were gonna do...there's only 8 episodes left...

I feel like instead of the time spent on the bar lady coming down to stay with soo-yeon, they should've spent more time on the leads.


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I feel like they really wasted a lot of time on the soo-yeon/mi-ja (bar hostess) lesbian misunderstanding... I mean there's really so much to cover 1) minki-yoonhee-hyuk-yoona storyline 2) the buried money 3) what about growing the cabbages and selling them and making an album 5) what about han-chul's diagnosis (how can it be a mistake after having gone to the hospital twice now) so it's really less likely that it was just simply an error 5) what about minho's dad and will he return or have any part of these people's lives? 6) sandeuk-miyoung, and his mother and her daughter coming to terms with their relationship.

I enjoy but it is worrisome that show has really a lot to cover and only 8 ep left. I really hope they bring a satisfying conclusion to the many many storylines that they have going on at once.


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"but she seems to know what Hyuk thinks she did wrong…"

I think so too. In ep 7 (the ep where Yoo Hee used Yoona's bathroom), Hyuk assured Yoona that he keeps his promises. Now, he's angry that Min Ki still acts like Yoona's knight and Yoona's reliance on Min Ki in times of crisis. So, it's likely that Hyuk's covering up for Yoona, not for her sake but to protect Min Ki from discovering something involving Yoona that's likely to hurt Min Ki should he know of it.

What that something is, I dare not venture to guess. This show is something else when it comes to its twists. :-D


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I am beginning to think that Grandpa initiates all new comers to the village with his 'moist' almonds!

LOL at the harp music when Yoona scratched Yoonhee's foot! Yoona's action looks like she was playing the harp on Yoonhee's foot.

I am actually somewhat tiring of the couples but looking forward to what Inki and Snake can contribute to the boys's album debut.

Also wondering who is going to dig up the $5 mil in the fields.


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most almonds = like a hazing ^^

I really wanna know where the money is too^^


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When I think of what Hyuk "saw" I can't help but think that he was too quick to judge or find fault. I have an idea of what he believes happened. If it really did, why would Yoo Na stay in that company?


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This thought came to me a few episodes ago of our love quadrangle.
They pair off perfectly. Here's how:

Dimples. Dimples should be paired together!!! The more the merrier. Hyuk and Yoon-hee smiling happily together, just imagine the cuteness overload!!!

Then the two blondies hook up. Beautiful and golden. ^^



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Oh that is a good thought. I did think the two blondes were matched.


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I wonder if Hyuk's mom was involved or knew the agency CEO ? She was a singer, right? I'm thinking it has something to do with the CEO, his mom, and something that Yoona did or didn't do that is similar or reminding him of his mom.


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Dear Ms. LollyPip, how are you?. Do you know the name of the writer?, it seems she/he is someone to follow. If this quality keeps up, it could be interesting to keep in check his/her other works, like the Hong Sisters.


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Very good question!


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And easy to find the answer to. Most kdrama wikis will list the writer on the series info page. AsianWiki says the writer of Modern Farmer is Kim Ki Ho (http://asianwiki.com/Modern_Farmer), and you can click through from there to see other things he's written. I looked him up on DramaWiki too, and they have an even longer list of his previous work.


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Thank you, Because of Reasons. It seems to be one of the writers of "Hello, Francesca". Now I have some references to dig into ;) .


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There are two Kim Ki Ho's. Modern Farmer's writer is under screenwriter 2. The other Kim Ki Ho is Fashion King writer.


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Yes, that's right; following the writer link from the Modern Farmer page, either at AsianWiki (the link I gave because it's the site I use more often) or DramaWiki, will take you to the page for the right Kim Ki Ho.


Oh, that's scary.


Ahh..i always thought that Modern Farmer's KimKiHo is the same person who wrote Fashion King lol XD thats why i kinda worried about how MF will turn out before it aired..
and now its proven to be a great drama with good script..so it is different Kim Ki Ho after all^^Thanks for the info



this article has a picture of Kim Ki Ho, so it could help with the search for his previous works.

http://asianwiki.com/Kim_Ki-Ho_%28screenwriter_2%29but this is the Kim Ki Ho who wrote Modern Farmer


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Ki Joon and Hwa Ran (Bul Ja) are so cute. That enormous smile that you captured in the screen-cap and that whole interaction between the two of them was just so cute I could hardly stand it. Cute, cute, cute! I love it.

I keep wishing for someone to make a super-cut of all the time Ki-Joon says "Wow." It's gotten to the point where I'm just waiting for his "Wow" in any given episode. I think he's my favourite character in the show so far (and that's saying a lot, because I like almost all the characters very much). The actor playing Ki Joon does so in a really natural and convincing way; he's doing a really good job.


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I like it when and how he says "wow" too.


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That "wow" gets me everytime :-))


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Such a great drama. Every episode is like unwrapping a present. Contents unknown. It's impossible to dislike any character or any situation. The writer has a big, big heart and big life experiences to be able to capture personalities so beautifully. So well done it's hard to describe my appreciation.


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I agree. So well done. No evil characters. So many funny moments and heart warming scenes. The other day, I reminded of fish-slap scene while I was swimming in the gym, and laughing had water in my nose. lol.


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What if...everyone going to end up with no one? With the exception of ki joon and bulja. Because they're too obvious


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Loving this show a lot!

The horror when Ki-joon actually dumped Bul-ja's face in jjajangmyun. Hahaha!

I like that Yoona is a sweet person. I think Hyuk just misunderstood whatever he saw between CEO and Yoona because she went to the party after her road manager begged her.

Thanks for the recap.


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Went into this episode fully prepared to dislike Yoo Na. But she was so sweet! i like her - as you said, no red flags at all.

Ki Joon - OMG. the cuteness overload of his side eye roll yet the almost smile that he just cant contain. Imagine the wattage if he gives in and smiles openly!

As someone said before - i could watch an entire series of Ki Joon and Hwa Ran. they're SO cute


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Thanks for the recap!

I admit I didn't really like Yoona till this episode. Then I awww'ed at her and Yoonhee. Was that... sageuk-speak? Heh. XD Writer-nim has managed to turn my expectations upside down again.

I've convinced a friend to watch MF too, so after watching every episode we compare notes. Now I'm not sure if the end game is Minki/Yoonhee, Hyuk/Yoonhee, or Minki/Yoona but I'm now thinking of a possible Hyuk/Yoona. My friend suggests, tongue in cheek, Minki/Hyuk and Yoonhee/Yoona. Heh. I told her it would be a different kind of drama altogether.

Anyway... it's that there's been this denial / animosity covering feelings theme in this episode-- you have Kijoon acting like an ass towards Hwaran, and you have Sangdeuk and Miyoung being super-defensive. And then you have Hyuk being openly hostile towards Yoona. I get that it could be him being mad at her over the past, or because he thinks she could hurt Minki, and now she could hurt Yoonhee too since Hyuk thinks Yoonhee likes Minki (although this part, you'd think he wouldn't mind so much since it would give him a chance to step in with Yoonhee, so...), or he's mad at her over something else entirely, for his own sake.

And Minki actually remembered to bring Yoonhee a present! So I'm not giving up hope. :P The way they interacted was like "You thought I'd forgotten you? I haven't forgotten you." And he looked very pleased with himself too. Mixed signals, Minki-ya, be careful!

Heh, writer-nim is managing to cover a whole lot of social issues, isn't he... now we have Sooyeon and her friend getting mistaken for lesbians. XD (I'm sad it isn't the real thing, but, baby steps, I guess.)


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I'm not giving up hope either. And isn't makeup a significant gift? Only given to significant women in their lives such as to their mothers or wives/gf?


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And that actually took me right back to To The Beautiful You, heh.

But yes, makeup/beauty products is a rather personal gift. Although here again we're being confused because it's also a gift you might give a family member such as a sister.

The thing that's giving me hope is that Minki also hasn't done this before. He's gone from that jerk who didn't care about what could happen to Yoonhee (this is the guy who foisted on to her the blame for Mr. Flower's demise!) to this guy who now brings home a gift. Also, the way he handed them out, he's like "Oh right, Yoona, I brought you some stuff you needed," and then goes on to take the time to tease Yoonhee with what he brought HER.

While we're on the Minki / Yoonhee subject, I've been thinking about it since I posted my comment above, and after some counting, I realized that those two seem to have the most actual skinship (the others are Kijoon / Hwaran, and Sangdeuk/Miyoung). He's piggybacked her, he's carried her, he's hugged her, that time he was coaxing her to finish the "three steps one bow" he kept snuggling her, practically. They slept on each other's shoulder on the way home, and there was the ride on the four-wheeler... and after they carried Yoonhee to her room this episode when she hurt her back, when they all left, I'm sure I saw him pat her on the leg as a farewell. Heck, look at the main photos for the recaps in Episodes 7 and 10. In contrast, Hyuk got in a snooze on her shoulder and was smacked awake afterwards. And although Minki and Yoona seem close, I haven't noticed any actual skinship, even when they were in Yoona's apartment they were sitting apart.

Still hoping! Heh heh. :D


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You're right, Laya! And with Hyuk, it was he that had his head on YoonHee's shoulder (like a child to mother act) and he had his jacket hoodie on. I don't know if there's significance, but cloth between their contact. Whereas, YoonHee had her head on MinKi's shoulder which is more what a woman would do to someone she likes. But maybe I'm just reading into things hahaha.


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Hahaha... "child to mother" and then we remember that Yoonhee reminds him of his mom, so...

I think the traditional elements / tropes are still there, it's just that MF is so different from the dramas we're used to that we're not noticing them. The "childhood first love" trope, for instance-- we got hit with that immediately, but it got turned on its head when Minki failed to recognize her immediately and when he did he was horrified. The piggyback ride is there, but neither of them is drunk or injured-- instead we got toilet humor. And now we have the gift, and it's makeup, but he passes it off as a joke and she chases him out.

Yeah, totally clutching at straws here too. :P But it's got me wanting to go back and rewatch what we've got so far.


I bet Minki will be upset or get mad when he finally know the truth behind the secret from Hyuk & Yoona. Minki would say " How on earth you kept hiding all these things for so long to me, are you really a friend?" For Yoona, " i trust you all my life & why you did this to me? am i nothing to you?, you choose your own career over me?
It hurts when someone betray in front of your face. And i'm sure Yoona will leave Minki for good cuz she knows she's not worth for Minki's care & honesty.
Of course, I'm not yet hopeless but still hopeful for our Minki-Minho-Yoonhee.


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Well, Minki IS kind of a hothead, so he might get mad. Perhaps more at Yoona than at Hyuk, if they're both hiding a secret that would hurt him. He trusts Yoona, but he's always said he doesn't quite trust Hyuk.

I kinda like Yoona now though, she seems more human. Unless writer-nim overturns all our expectations again.

Anyway, maybe it would be better if Minki finds out that he likes Yoonhee, not because Yoona did something that hurt him or because Yoona's "not worthy" of him, but because he just likes Yoonhee better than her. You don't need to be "better" or "worthier" than a person to be loved by someone, you just need to be loved for yourself.


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I would really like to knew what Yoona did that's so amazingly bad and totally not
the CEO's fault, but all hers, that Minki would never get over it.


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sageuk speak + gayageum sound effect totally win ! :D


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That was great! It was like YooNa was waiting upon a court lady in a sageuk drama. Hahaha


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Modern farmer gets better and funnier with each episode. The scenes this episode were hilarious! Glad to see Quite a following for the drama :)


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kijoon and bulja scenes are the best


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I laughed throughout this whole episode. When they played the dramatic music every time Yoon Hee needed help, Ki Joon thinking he was only imagining sticking Bul Ja's face in the bowl, the misunderstanding with Seo Yeon and her friend...too funny.


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Someone needs to spill the beans... It's been 7 years of misunderstanding and suppressed anger.

Actor playing Ki Joon is very talanted - definitely somebody to look out for.

Also I remembered from episode 11, when dads were teaching their kids at school, I don't know what kind of Uzbek Man Gu and his wife were speaking, but that was the clearest Russian I've ever heard...


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In the recent episode of Misaeng (another one of my fav this season) - one of the interns spoke pretty flawless (with good accent) Russina. Ko So Ra sounded so sexy when she spoke Russian on the phone.

BTW - the actress playing ManGu's wife - she speaks pretty good Korean for a foreigner!


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Wow, so much Russian in Korean dramas recently. Was the speech in Misaeng coherent or like a bunch of random words?

>she speaks pretty good Korean for a foreigner
I noticed that too! I was actually surprised how good she was.


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In Ep 11 Misaeng at the 32 min 34 sec mark of the drama - actress KANG So Ra - spoke in sentences - business 'language' in a phone conversation with Russian contact if u are interested to take a peek.


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Where did all the ajuhma pants go?? They have been MIA for the last couple of episodes.

Missing the ajuhma fashion on all the folks.

Bring it back! Please?


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I love this show. The whole cast is spectacular. I want them all to be happy:)

Whatever it is. I hope Minki and Hyuk comes out better friends. Hyuk really had good intentions keeping promises but is probably the most wounded too. I want him to be loved.

I've been shipping YoonHee and Minki but my heart goes out to Hyuk most. I dont want him to hurt. :(


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The line "There is zero normalcy in this neighborhood" is one of my favorite lines from a Korean drama ever.


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Does anyone happen to know the name of the song playing when Yoon Hee was dragging herself to the bathroom? It sounds so familiar, I know that I've heard it somewhere


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Never mind, it just came to me. It's from Gu Family Book, I knew I recognized it :)


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I still maintain that MinKi and YoonHee will end up together. The fact YoonHee likes him is enough on each own. When they were young he was the one with the feelings but now the tables have turned. And somehow i don't think this has been done for no reason.

Sure, we've reached ep 12 and he still doesn't seem to like her in a romantic way. But the same counts for YoonHee when it comes to Hyuk. She still shows absolutely no romantic interest in him whatsoever. She only smiles with her heart solely because of MinKi.

About Yoona, I still don't like her. Cause I don't like the whole MinKi-has-to-get-money-and-return-to-his-former-glory-to-be-with-her premise. I need more information about her to have a change of heart.


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