Misaeng: Episode 11

It’s a bittersweet ride for Sales Team 3, as they set things straight but find themselves as the target of scorn. While they’re awarded for their commendable work, they also become victims of workplace politics and suspicion. As for our newbies, they’re slowly but surely finding their place. They find pleasure in the small accomplishments that ultimately become significant advancements. Learning to find your place is painstaking, but it’s the first step to finding your sanity in the chaos of the workplace.


Late on the latest gossip, Seok-yul runs around the office frantically looking for Geu-rae to ask about Chief Park. When he finds him, Geu-rae ignores his hysteria and approaches Baek-ki to thank him for his help. Behind them, the audit team heads to Sales Team 3 with boxes to collect Chief Park’s items, and Seok-yul gapes at their sight.

Seok-yul follows Geu-rae to the scene, where Chief Oh and Dong-shik watch the auditors pile all of Chief Park’s papers into boxes. Dong-shik notes that this is the biggest case of corruption since the company’s founding. As the audit team leaves, Geu-rae narrates the series of events that followed: all the previous bosses Chief Park worked under were called into examination, meaning that Manager Kim also couldn’t avoid blame.

Chief Park desperately asks the executive director for his mercy, and the executive director seems to respond favorably. He acknowledges that salarymen often have to be conmen and gamblers. He knows Chief Park’s dedication, but it’s too late now. Chief Park’s face falls as he realizes that he has no other choice but to face the consequences.

The demotion notices are posted, and Manager Kim prepares his leave. He tells Chief Oh to buy a drink after he settles into his new position and shakes the hands of each person in his department with a farewell message. As he leaves the office, Chief Oh recollects all the times under his boss, starting from when he was a newbie up until now. He bows one last time and can’t hide the devastation in his face as Manager Kim turns the corner, out of sight.

Geu-rae reflects on the outcome of this situation in baduk terms. When you are losing with the black stone (which has the advantage of making the first move), you start to wonder if the small wins are worth it if you’ll ultimately lose anyway. But when you are winning, you start to look at the world differently. You’re thankful for your opponent and every move you’ve made to make the win possible — the smaller moments were what made the win possible.

As Geu-rae passes by Chief Park being escorted out by the audit team, he continues, “If you forget the significance of the smaller moments, you lose sight of the whole game. When did you start losing those moments?”

The executive director’s secretary reports that the CEO has made an appearance, and we see that he’s arrived at the office to thank Sales Team 3 for their important work. He presents each of them with a bonus, and the whole office applauds their achievement — except for the people who are lined up under the executive director, of course. Young-yi knows better than to clap but sneaks in mini claps with her fingers. Hehe.

The executive director arrives to greet his superior as the CEO notes that Chief Oh’s promotion is long overdue. He also recognizes Geu-rae’s important role in this case and leaves him with some newbie advice — to make a habit of thoroughly checking your work to avoid mistakes. After he leaves, Dong-shik whispers to Chief Oh that he’ll probably be a Deputy Director soon. Chief Oh calls it nonsense and cautiously watches the executive director leave with the CEO.

As predicted, the CEO tells his assistant to set up a promotion for Chief Oh, as there’s no better guarantee for a salaryman than a promotion. Manager Ma gets off the elevator, and the CEO notes that he’s the temporary placeholder for Manager Kim’s position. The executive director remains noticeably silent through the conversation, and the tension ends with the closing elevator doors.

At home, Chief Oh’s sons celebrate their father’s promotion, though they don’t know what a promotion is. All they know is that their mom and dad are happy, which means they should be happy. He calms them down and presents the bonus to his wife, who divides the cash and sticks a stack into his wallet. He goes through the obligatory rejection of the money but then happily takes his full wallet. And the first thing he does is order pizza, which gets another round of cheers from his kids.

Sales Team 3 is back into their daily grind of work, with the now Deputy Director Oh (but we’ll just keep calling him Chief Oh) who’s still meticulous as ever. Geu-rae narrates that the team’s silent dedication to work is due to the unfortunate case with Chief Park — it was not a success to be celebrated. “We didn’t feel a difference within our team, but we could feel the difference in the gazes directed at us. We had taken out a sluggard from our team and a saved the company from a drawback. But we were given uncomfortable looks because others questioned if we had benefitted at the cost of a team member.”

As Sales Team 3 walks through the office for their meeting, all the office workers stare at them. The office members had become sympathetic towards those who had resigned due to this incident, but no one disputed the fact that someone had to take responsibility.

Chief Oh calls Dong-shik and Geu-rae to the roof to address the issue. He tells them that they’re in an uncomfortable position and warns them not to become hostile. They did the right thing and reminds them not to forget that. Geu-rae notes that he’d created a guide for them; they just need to follow through.

Chief Jung tells Assistant Manager Ha that he heard from loudmouth Seok-yul that he made Young-yi transport all the chemical products to the port on her own. The other team member comments on how scary Young-yi is but Chief Jung starts to praise her before catching himself.

Assistant Manager Ha calls Young-yi to the break room and gives her the Russian part of the contract to take care of. She’s dumbstruck but happily realizes that she’s been requested to help him with actual work. Before he leaves, he adds that he won’t be cutting her any slack just because she’s a girl.

Seeing that Assistant Manager Kang is looking through his approved contract, Baek-ki asks if there’s anything wrong with it. His boss criticizes his unprofessional jargon and long-winded articulation of the business. If he’d thought of this contract as his own, he would have written it with better composition and active voice. Baek-ki politely acknowledges this, but Assistant Manager Kang knows that he has no idea what’s wrong with it and hands him a sheet to edit as an exercise.

Sure enough, as soon as Assistant Manager Kang is out of earshot, Baek-ki wonders what is wrong with his written contract, claiming that he’s knowledgeable enough in professional jargon and concise writing. He takes a look at the sheet of paper with convoluted sentences and goes outside to start editing them.

Chief Oh and Deputy Director Sun talk about their hopes for good manager replacements, but their conversation is cut short by a team member under Deputy Director Sun. He frantically tells her that Manager Ma requested some sort of approval but was so vague about it that he has no idea what he’s talking about.

In a quick flashback, we see that Manager Ma scolds the team member for not knowing what he’s talking about: “You know, that FDA thing or something that foods need to get approval from in the U.S. Something like that — don’t you know what I’m talking about? That something. It’s that something! Are you under Deputy Director Sun? That’s why a woman can’t take those positions — she can’t even properly train her team member.” As frustrating as ever.

Deputy Director Sun goes directly to Manager Ma to figure out what he’s asking. She calmly asks if he’s requesting FDA approval, but he diverts the conversation elsewhere, saying that she should know what he’s talking about. She lists off the approvals she’s already gotten for the product and tells him to get back to her if he remembers what he’s requesting from her.

She starts to leave, but Manager Ma characteristically adds that she should be thankful to her husband for living with her. Not one to lose, she turns around and warns him that his second charge of sexual harassment probably won’t end with just a pay cut. That’s right, you tell him.

She returns to her desk and tells her team member that she’ll take care of approvals from Manager Ma from now on, much to his relief. He then asks about her conversation with Chief Oh and admits that he doesn’t want to be moved to Sales Team 3. Then a timely message arrives, notifying the office of Sales Team 3’s new member, Chief CHUN KWAN-WOONG (Park Hae-joon).

Dong-shik expresses his relief to Geu-rae about their new team member during their coffee break. He assures Geu-rae that this guy is normal and has experience on their team before. He entered the company with work experience — not the process that Geu-rae and the newbies went through. Dong-shik says that he’s had some bonding moments with this guy when he was on the team, and his excitement seems to relieve Geu-rae’s worries.

Chief Chun is given a cordial welcome by the team, and quickly excuses himself to wrap up his things at his previous position. Geu-rae notices that this new team member set up his desk as soon as he arrived and found his place. Contrary to the comfort he expected to feel with whoever succeeded Chief Park, Geu-rae notes that Chief Chun gives off a strange aura of tension.

Seok-yul finishes his report and submits it to Assistant Manager Sung. When asked about the polyester report, Seok-yul defiantly states that the polyester report isn’t his work to do. It only takes a few seconds for Assistant Manager Sung to find an error in the report and make his point. Seok-yul made a mistake, and Assistant Manager Sung tells him that he would have known the difference had he done what he was told to do as training.

He’s reminded that people learn from their mistakes and continues to be scolded as Geu-rae and Dong-shik pass by. Geu-rae distinguishes the two terms from his internal dictionary, and Dong-shik smiles, impressed at his memorization skill.

In the elevator, Dong-shik starts out with praise for Geu-rae’s ability to memorize all these terms. Geu-rae explains that it’s easy if you find the connections between the words. Dong-shik says that with that logic, he should also understand how the connections work with different companies, but he doesn’t. He lightly accuses him of never understanding the connections, always asking questions, which causes Geu-rae to quickly drop his smile. Ha.

As they exit the elevator, Dong-shik bumps into Baek-ki, who drops his sheet of sentences to edit. Baek-ki quickly grabs the sheet and takes the elevator down, but Dong-shik recognizes the exercise as something Assistant Manager Kang always gives to his newbies to help improve their reports. Dong-shik acknowledges that it’s very effective, which causes Geu-rae to pout. If it’s effective, why didn’t he give him that sort of assignment? Dong-shik leans in and whispers, “Don’t worry, I’ll make you throw up writing the reports.” HA.

Young-yi speaks in fluent Russian doing her assigned work. Chief Jung and the other team member watch dumbfounded while Assistant Manager Ha sneaks in a small smile. After her call, she’s asked to carry out more odd jobs (picking up shoes, buying cigarettes), but Assistant Manager Ha takes her side, saying that she has actual work to do. She excuses herself to make copies first before carrying out the errands.

Young-yi smiles as she makes copies and when Geu-rae arrives, she jokes that his fly is open. He immediately looks down, but she thanks him for the respectful bow. He’s a little thrown off by her playful attitude, but they laugh nonetheless. Hearing their laughs from the next room, Seok-yul asks how his colleagues could be in such a good mood when he’s in such a bad mood. He requests that they all go out for drinks later.

After chugging a glass of beer, Seok-yul claims that his boss is the worst. Expressing his resentment, Seok-yul says that he manipulates him and feigns innocence, so everyone thinks he’s the good guy. He gets a call from his boss, and his colleagues tell him to pick up. He eventually does, and a drunk Assistant Manager Sung apologizes and requests that they have a drink together to work out their issues.

Seok-yul leaves Young-yi and Geu-rae awkwardly in each other’s company, and they decide to leave. As soon as Geu-rae stands up, Young-yi averts her eyes and says that his fly is open. He catches himself before being fooled again, but Young-yi insists that it’s real this time. Shocked, Geu-rae quickly looks down, and she once again thanks him for the bow. He freezes as she walks out laughing.

Now drinking with his boss, Seok-yul tries to clear the misunderstandings. He says that he’s happy to do anything that’s assigned to him, but Assistant Manager Sung says that it’s not assigned to him — it’s just all Seok-yul’s work.

They repeat the same phrases to each other, and at one point, Assistant Manager Sung calls him a sociopath. That gets Seok-yul worked up and he exclaims that he’ll do everything he’s told. But he can’t deal with Assistant Manager Sung getting credit for his work. Again, he’s called a sociopath, and that’s enough to provoke Seok-yul and cause him to drop the honorifics in anger. As soon as he does so, he realizes his mistake.

Assistant Manager Sung calls him a psychopath and leaves, as he’s no longer in the mood for drinks. Seok-yul follows him but gets stopped by the waiter, who hands him the huge bar bill. Seok-yul’s apologetic attitude immediately flips to anger, and he starts cursing.

Young-yi and Geu-rae walk together, and she notes how it’s starting to get cold. He offers his suit jacket, and she comments that he’d be a good boyfriend. Geu-rae gets hot in embarrassment, and she’s amused by his reaction. As they continue to walk, Young-yi says, “Fall will pass, then winter, then spring. And soon enough, it’ll be one year for us.”

Geu-rae stops and notes the “us” in her statement. He thinks back to Chief Oh’s declaration of “our kid” and tells her that last spring, he longed for that “us.” He happily repeats her statement that it’ll be a year for them and gives her a wide smile.

It’s another end of a work day, and our newbies wrap up their days. Baek-ki spends his night at the office, finishing up his work and then doing more sentence editing while Seok-yul sits in the bar with the bill and drinks out of the whiskey bottle. Young-yi and Geu-rae walk their separate ways to go home.

The next morning, Geu-rae and Dong-shik greet their new Chief Chun. He seems friendly enough as he tells Geu-rae to cut his hair and calls Dong-shik into the meeting room, but his façade drops as he’s privately addressing Dong-shik. He tells Dong-shik that the workplace is not a joke and that he shouldn’t drag in the memories they’ve had in the past.

Dong-shik immediately drops his friendly attitude and asks Chief Chun if he has a different reason for joining the team. Chief Chun has no ulterior motives but hints that the person who sent him to the team may. Before he leaves the room, Chief Chun tells Dong-shik that they didn’t do anything wrong but warns him that they’re being watched. They sent him specifically because he’s personally closer to the team, implying that his job is to get close to them and report their activities.

They return to their desks, and Chief Oh notices the strange tension when they arrive. Chief Chun asks Dong-shik to send him the current business files, and he comments aloud on the business plan that screwed Chief Park. He requests to look through the files on the business, which causes an outburst from Chief Oh.

Walking over to Chief Chun’s desk, Chief Oh warns him to just do work and not get pulled into the game. “Do you know the reason why people get pulled into games? Because they play games instead of doing work.” He asks that they grab drinks after work, and Dong-shik gives his boss an appreciative look.

Seok-yul approaches Assistant Manager Sung with the receipt for last night’s drinks. His boss just scoffs and gives him a word of advice: “I didn’t tell you this last night because I thought it would be too offensive, but you have to change your personality if you want to adjust to society. Honestly, you’re a bit of a sociopath.” With that, he leaves Seok-yul to his silent violent fit.

Baek-ki continues to work on his sentence editing and has a sudden thought about Assistant Manager Kang’s comment on writing the phrases with active voice. That gets his wheels turning, and he begins to put together better, concise sentences. Assistant Manager Kang watches his newbie struggle with a tinge of pride.

Sales Team 3 goes out for after-work drinks, and Chief Oh asks Chief Chun if he still drinks by himself nowadays. He confirms that he does, and Chief Oh seems to understand. After accepting drinks in compliance with business partners and clients, sometimes you just want to have a drink for yourself. In your underwear and watching baseball, Dong-shik adds.

Chief Chun apologizes for having mixed feelings and ulterior motives before joining the team. He says that he’ll do his best to adjust as a Sales Team 3 member. He then turns to Geu-rae to ask if he has any requests for him, and all Geu-rae can come up with is if he really needs to cut his hair. Chief Oh interprets Chief Chun’s silence as a yes, and they joke about Dong-shik also straightening his hair for the sake of their team’s visuals.

Chief Chun arrives home and takes a swig out of the water jug in his refrigerator. He looks at the bottom of his fridge where the alcohol is and hesitates with his decision to have a solo drink. When he gets into bed, his wife notes that he didn’t have his regular solo drink and comments that he must like his new team. He nods.

The next morning, all the teams go into their meetings to plan next year’s business proposals. ‘Tis the season for budgets, action plans, and business performance management. All business items include the collaboration of different departments, so everyone is busy with meetings. Sales Team 3 works several days and nights until exhaustion, and Geu-rae notices his burnt-out team members.

He thinks back to some relevant words from his baduk mentor who told him that the reason why he doesn’t improve in baduk is because he restricts himself by rules and methodology. While methods and strategies are essential, baduk would not have survived this long if it were purely based on repeating existing strategies. He’s advised to break the norms and go the unconventional route.

After a moment of hesitation, Geu-rae suggests that they try the Jordan business plan — the one that got Chief Park fired. The whole team freezes. Chief Chun says that they’re not allowed to steal business ideas, and Dong-shik tells him not to bring up Jordan for the time being. But Geu-rae presses on and gives his honest opinion that the Jordan business plan is appealing, without the corruption and politics attached to it.

Seok-yul walks through the office with his coffee looking for his daily scoop of gossip. He notices Sales Team 3 looking pretty serious during their meeting and slowly approaches the room. Seeing that they’re all looking at Geu-rae, he assumes that he’s being scolded.

Baek-ki finishes his sentence editing and prints his final version to turn in. He hands it to Assistant Manager Kang, who after a quick browse, approves of the edits. He crosses out one unnecessary word, but Baek-ki seems proud of himself, smiling at his small accomplishment.

Seok-yul calls Baek-ki and Young-yi to discuss Geu-rae’s scandalous suggestion about continuing the Jordan business plan. Baek-ki shakes his head in disapproval, saying that Geu-rae should have known better, given his team’s situation. Young-yi disagrees, saying that she sees Geu-rae as decisive — someone who goes for the win. Seok-yul asks if she’s fallen for him, which earns him an incredulous look from Young-yi. When Baek-ki jumps in and tells Young-yi that she thinks too highly of Geu-rae, Seok-yul asks if he’s just jealous. That earns him another look of disbelief.

Seok-yul has no idea what Geu-rae is thinking, but Baek-ki concludes the discussion by saying that Chief Oh should and will reject the proposal. On his way back to his desk, Baek-ki looks at his sentence editing sheet with disdain.

Sales Team 3 has halted its marathon meetings, and the team members think in silence over the possible consequences of accepting this business proposal. Even with this unconventional idea that came from a newbie, the team members need a justified reason to reject the proposal. But they strangely cannot determine whether they just don’t want to do it or if it just won’t be worth it. Whether it’s taboo, or worth a shot.

Chief Oh seeks the advice of Deputy Director Sun and Chief Go, but they both advise him not to. There’s still a fresh stigma attached to the project, and the justifications for executing the project are weak. He needs some validity to back up the move, something more than just profitability.

He takes Geu-rae to the roof to ask if his sole reason for wanting to pursue this project is the profit. Geu-rae acknowledges the commendable business model, but he claims there’s more. He feels that the team has left this project unfinished. The whole company has thrown contempt from Chief Park to the team, and he wonders if simply reporting the corruption is enough. He wants to reestablish the business to normal so that the company can gain back the maximum benefits.

Chief Oh nods at his points and says that Geu-rae probably thought of this because he’s a newbie. But Geu-rae’s given him enough reason to pursue the project, and he says, “Let’s give it a shot.”


This felt like an especially meaty episode, with all the goodbyes, introductions, and reappearances. I could have done without the reappearance of Manager Ma (ugh, that frustrating man), but I’m glad that he reappeared with Deputy Director Sun, who’s always up to wipe that smug smile off his face. For a moment, I was afraid that we wouldn’t be able to wave goodbye to our lazy, venal Chief Park. I had a feeling that the executive director could let Chief Park off the hook because they’re corrupt buddies, but I’m glad Misaeng reminded me that it’s more realistic and smarter than that. Having proved his fraudulence, there was no reason for Chief Park to linger in the workplace any longer, as there are plenty more conflicts to face. In fact, his absence had a more powerful impact on the team. They were ironically forced to face the consequences of doing the right thing.

Speaking of consequences, I was sad to see Manager Kim go, especially with the montage of his relationship with Chief Oh. Despite the contention, there was an unspoken respect and understanding between these two. He made an honorable choice, a selfless one, knowing that he has higher stakes because he’s higher up in the company hierarchy. But I guess there are worse ways to leave your position (e.g. Chief Park).

In regards to Chief Chun, I think he’s a great (I loved how Dong-shik described him as “normal”) addition to the team, but I would be wary of his future moves. Seeing how he initially approached Dong-shik, he doesn’t seem completely detached from the manipulation of our executive director. He seems genuine in his contributions and seems to be on the same page as Sales Team 3 so far. But I find it difficult fully trusting anyone outside our original Sales Team 3 trio, who are pretty immune to the workplace politics.

As odilettante noted in the previous recap, there is a lot of subtlety in this drama that is difficult to capture into writing. Sometimes, it’s almost as if the show wants you to interpret an expression in your own way. It’s like trying to read people in real life, but there’s no real way to get into their heads. To expand on this concept of subtlety, there are also nuances in baduk that are difficult to express and appropriately parallel into the workplace without explaining the whole game. The show does a great job with integrating concepts of baduk into Geu-rae’s interpretation of the workplace, but to really pick up on the comparisons being made, it would be helpful to have some foundational knowledge in the game. I think we can still understand the point being made, but I can see how a fundamental understanding of baduk can make enrich this drama-watching experience.

Like in this episode, Geu-rae’s comparison with banjip in a baduk game is hard to explain. His basic insight about the workplace still gets across (the small victories matter and contribute to the final win), but the extra depth of understanding is hard to achieve without a fuller background on baduk. I’ll admit that I don’t fully understand the nuances of the game, but looking up these smaller details allows me to have a greater appreciation for the comparison. Other aspects of the game, like breaking norms and going the unconventional route, are more easily understood because they’re broader concepts that click with a general audience. Still, it must be said that all the references to baduk never fail to impress me. They’re so simple yet quite compelling.

I loved the progress our newbies made in this episode. Well everyone other than Seok-yul. It’s funny that he’s the last one to adjust, since he’s so smooth at the workplace in other respects. He’s too stubborn, or maybe too short-sighted, to realize where he stands right now. I don’t blame him for flipping his lid — Assistant Manager Sung is quite frustrating — but he’s not going to last too long if he doesn’t compromise or adjust. Either he’ll lose his shit or he’ll lose his job.

Young-yi getting acknowledged for her skills is one of the highlights of this episode because first and foremost, she deserves the recognition but also because of that delightful side effect of being in a good mood: playfulness. Although it was bordering the line of uncharacteristic, her silliness was great. Her earnest angst and patience with being her department’s maid was worth it. She’s even getting the support of her main anti-fan Assistant Manager Ha.

Baek-ki was kind of adorable and deserves praise for his perseverance. I found his small smile after getting approval from his superior so gratifying. He seemed like the last person to find the joys in the small achievements, so it’s even better that he’s diligently working on half sheets of sentence editing homework to turn into this teacher. But it’s only a warm-up, so he’d better stretch his muscles for even more baby steps. Soon enough, he’ll realize that the little progress he’s made matters, even if it’s doing something as basic as abridging sentences.


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I love this show. So. Much. Might be my top favorite kdrama ever.


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I concur.

I have no means to put my love for this show into words, but it warms my heart and puts smiles on my face every time I watch – even when there are hard moments to suffer through, they are always worth it. Best of all, all characters are fantastic, esp. our Sales Team 3 + all the newbies.


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Manager Sung though: how should SeokYul handle him? That drinks bill was too nasty.


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Firstly, learn his lesson and not get himself into situations where the guy can leave him with bills to pay.

Otherwise, we'll have to wait and see – we don't know much about Manager Sung yet, but there may be revelations yet to come!


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I agree, seriously this is the best k-drama I've seen.


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Me too. This show is great.......and it looks like Korea also agrees with us ^__^


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+1 Korea should do more dramas like this.


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Great recap, thanks dramallama.

I was really pleased about the heftiness of this episode (it was meaty, for sure) and wow, almost a year in the life of the interns as well.

I wonder if we'll be seeing a mistake from JGR who is translating his knowledge of baduk to politics/life at the office. But in episode 12 (mini-spoiler/nothing major skip if you didn't watch) he wonders whether his decisions in baduk helped him win since he ended up washed-up and if he made a mistake using his baduk strategy in real life. We've seen JGR make some really ballsy decisions that really helps him distinguish himself from the other newbies who are well-trained, accomplished, smart but he is the one with the strategy and the will.

Loved Kang So-ra being cheerful, Young-yi who cracks jokes and smiles is such a great character to root for. Baek-ki is learning and has really accepted his role in his team and that's awesome too. It's Seok-yul who is (surprisingly) the problem now. I feel like he's going to snap and do something stupid because he is awful close to lashing out and throwing some punches. His boss is miserable and is like that group member who doesn't do any work but ends up getting a good grade because your group carried him. Unfortunately, Seok-yul has to compromise some way of taking his work...

Chief Chun. He seems like a good guy, he really does, but I don't know how things are going to work out. Even after watching episode 12, my feelings are still rather mixed. Overall, I think I missed out on a LOT of details this time around and so I'm going to rewatch once I finish studying for upcoming finals...happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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My feeling with Chief Chun is that he got burned in the past – after he had left Sales Team 3 – which left him disillusioned and cautious (although he does not reveal this easily). I don't think he'll necessarily 'betray' his new team, but he'll have to relearn how to approach work their way again, which isn't by putting work politics first, but by putting work itself (including a radical business proposal, presented in a new way) first.


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Sorry, it's out of topic but I can avoide myself not to post here.

ZE:A's Im Si Wan's band mate namely ZE:A's Junyoung will hold a fan meeting this Friday. If you are in Seoul or Korea, please support him.

[TRANS] 141124 Leehoo’s post on fancafe: 2014.11.28 Friday PM9 ZEA’S AFTER PARTY

Details regarding the schedule and venue would be made known through Star Empire in the middle of the week!

After collecting our fans’ responses/messages, we’ve managed to push back the entrance timing to the furthest we can go!

It is expected that I’ll show a new side of me while performing and DJ-ing.

The event was initially prepared for a smaller theater… (But) I wanted to show that Moon Leader’s scale is different so the plan would be that the venue would be special(,) together with special guests(,) for the performance.

The poster and photos, together with this main photo, would be revealed for the first time.. (So) only the ones who come! ㅎㅎ Can keep (them)(.) ❤️

This performance, which would be free-of-charge, is a present to ZE:A’s so please do come and I’ll accept/receive all the attention and love without any desire/request(?)(.) ❤️

The timing of the performance is one when many of our fans can make it and decided upon after collecting positive comments.. Those who think that the timing (of the performance) is too late and wish for it to be at 7~8PM(,) please write me a reply.. ㅠㅠ

It’s been a long time since we’ve last met(,) so would it be fun? Or not!

Translation credits: kimlixus


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I mean cool, but ???


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But..it is in the wrong page, right?

However, after ZE:A's Junyoung started his wars to Star Empire, I've become to like him.

He brought some issues in that war:

1. mistreatment
2. underpaid but overworked
3. slapped by his ceo
4. mentally and physically abused.

They were told by Idol not only ex trainee from x agency or Y agency. Please, support him.


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Please, give ZE:A a chance! If you listen to the song, you will like them just like me. They have awesome song.

Try to listen to this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUz4ccO2TJg

It was arranged by ZE:A's junyoung. You will like it for sure.


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i like aftermath in r&b mix.. like the one ze:a five did on that huiyeol sketch program( i hope i got it right). the one where kevin sang 'home' & siwan solved the rubik's cube in 37 sec.


that would be nice. ze:a has been treated quite unfairly by the management and it took guts for junyoung to spill it out. if it wasn't for the boys' individual projects, they could not survive with those incomes. are all 9 coming?


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There is no info about that yet. But, indeed there will be guests. I hope they are 8 other members.

But, I guess, Siwan cant come because He is so busy with Misaeng.

Please, come. Because it's free.


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too far away to attend. honestly, am not into idol thingy. but i came to love ze:a thru siwan. and i was surprised that i kinda like their songs. i like aftermath, watchout, the day we broke up, man 2 man... you know, watching misaeng with siwan in it reminds me of ze:a early days, especially those wing car performances. the boys really suffer back then. siwan is GR in a way.

anyways, good luck to them all. junyoung, keep your ducklings together! siwan, kwanghee, kevin, hyung shik, heechul, taeheon, min woo, dong jun, listen well to your captain!


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The same here... I dont like idol before but ZE:A's Junyoung catches my eyes with his action lol. They suffered a lot back then.

Please, try to listen heart for 2, all day long, ghost of the wind, only one 4 u, one, someday (one and someday are ballads). The message from the two songs are amazing.

Yup, listen well to your leader. He put his career on the edge because of all of you. ZE:A's Junyoung loves his members more than he loves himself.

He kept his mouth shut up when he broke his leg on dream team and the PD of dream team told him to say that he got injury while he practiced so that they didnt need to pay compensation for him.

However, when he saw tae Hoen bleeding, he couldnt shut up anymore. He exploded.


Aftermath moon leader's version is my favorite but I like man to man too,

Other songs that I like are all day long, one, someday, only one for you, heart for 2 (it's good).


I want to be adopted by the Resources Team, and work with Baek Ki and his boss all day long :D


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Isn't Baek-ki in the Steel team?


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Oh yeah? They get me distracted :D


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Thanks for the recap.

Poor Seok Yul. He's getting back what he dished out to Geu Rae in the beginning...and getting it back in spades. Terrible destiny to meet your match...and i totally dislike his boss. It's the kind of person Geu Rae would grow up into if he got his way.

Mr Straight-laced addition to the Team might be there because Exec Director wants hm to loosen up a bit and to learn to think outside the box. If Baek Ki hadn't loosened up, he might've ended up like this guy. Bith guys have business noonchi that could be stifling.

Not sure if Young Yi suffered some sexual embarrasment or even a love affair with Mr Han. Or maybe it's something else... will see.

I love Geu Rae so much.


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Who kept calling her in earlier episodes?


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Thanks for the recap, dramallama!! I just loved your analysis of the show!

I don't know if anybody else found it special, but when Chief Oh helped JGR take his bite of the cheese dish, it was so cute and touching- it was like what he would do for his kid- and that's what JGR feels so touched about- that he's treated as their kid, when all his life, he had to work hard at doing odd-jobs and being adult of the family. I replayed that scene about a hundred times- it was so adorable!


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andromeda, it IS cute! GR looked like a little kid noy knowing how to eat the dish and struggled with the cheese. chief oh's reaction is akin to a father, which i believe, that's what GR sees him as.

and GR, though he learned so much about the 'outside' world, he's still has that naivety and innocence. i love how YY managed to fool him twice and when she said he'll be a good boyfriend in the future, his ears went all red. heh.


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You're definitely right, GR sees Chief Oh as a surrogate father. I think that was most tellingly shown when they were all frantically trying to find Chief Oh and GR flashed back to his father's funeral. I just love their relationship!


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No, I noticed the cheese-feeding as well. And the fact that JGR was kind of stuffing himself! Which was also nice contrast to the beginning of the drama and his first outings with Chief Oh and Dong-sik, when he was not at all used to eating at these gatherings.

I also love how both Oh and Dong0sik treat him like their kid / friend, again, their relationships have grown so, so much when you compare it with the first episode or two. Best team ever.


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"No, I noticed the cheese-feeding as well. And the fact that JGR was kind of stuffing himself! Which was also nice contrast to the beginning of the drama and his first outings with Chief Oh and Dong-sik, when he was not at all used to eating at these gatherings."

But that was cow's anus and this is sweet spicy cheese chicken dish we are talking about! I'm sure Geurae is a very honest man when it comes to his taste. He refused the mackerel tail even if that meant his poor mother would have to dispose of it.


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Not sure it's a matter of taste... I put it down to being from a poor family and not having had the chance to eat all kinds of dishes. And/or lack of experience of not having been taken out by your elders/mentors and them treating you like it's supposed to happen because of his total lack of social life. Like it was a situation he was either familiar or comfortable with. Now, he's significantly more relaxed, enough to grab one bite of cheese after the other without needing to be encouraged.


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*neither familiar or comfortable with

Need to go to bed, past midnight here!


i agreed. being very poor means you don't get to eat meat much. those who have been through hard times will know how valuable food is. you stretched your budget so every one in the family can eat. GR is more comfortable with eating out with colleagues now, so he can eat without being bashful. he eats like a little boy though.. lol. (btw, ze:a fans will know those ze:a boys can really eat! yup, siwan included...i supposed all those dance routines help the boys in staying skinny.. but they always eat like locusts!)


Hmm, I was trying to be funny, but I guess my humor didn't work. I agree that GR was uncomfortable eating with his bosses the first few times because who wouldn't be having a meal with strangers who just became your superiors at work?

However, I don't think it's the case that he never had a similar kind of experience or that coming from a poor background he didn't have a chance to try that kind of food. As revealed in a previous episode, GR already worked in another company owned by his baduk sponsor until their preconceptions about him (just because he used to be a semi-pro baduk player) became too much for him. I'm sure he has experienced what a company life is like there too. As for him being too poor to eat meat, I guess I'll have to blame K-drama stereotypes and exaggeration, but an average Korean, even those not doing so well like GR's family, can afford occasional chicken and yang gopchang (the food Sale Team 3 had the 1st time). Actually when someone says yang gopchang, the first thing that comes to mind isn't some gourmet food one only gets a chance to try when the boss pays with the company card, but a "poor man's food" or only for those who have developed a taste for it (read ajeossi's here).


Same here.


The other thing I noticed is that our innocent Jang Geu Rae can knock back his drinks very well!

Even when they were entertaining Mr "Second Round" Moon, Dong Shik was more drunk than Geu Rae!


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Oh gee, i feel so cynical. I kept seeing product placement..disguised as touching scene.


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Pwahhhhh Carol! Too cynical!!!



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I don't mind PPL if done subtly. After all, they have to cover the drama making costs somehow. In my opinion, the PPLs in Misaeng are done relatively well.


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I wish this was not the case, but unfortunately one of the most notable PPL in Misaeng has been in the form of tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship. No doubt about it being stealth marketing at work. Essentially in every episode, you can expect to see the placement of tobacco products either in the mouth of or in the hands of a main character(s). More so if a scene happens to take place on the rooftop of the company, either the main characters will rely on cigarettes or they will be taking a smoke break.

Tobacco is a major risk factor for noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases. Tobacco use kills nearly 6 million people every year.


Ha, was that Agent Cha from DS?


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oh.wow. great episode! it shows how being patient pays off. in a way, geu rae's strategy of staying cool in the face of adversity worked not only for him but for YY & BK too. by being patient and retreat a little, they gained those small victories. YY's and BK's smiles said it all. of course, these two has a long way to go but they're getting on much better with their immediate boss.

i pity SY for having such a boss. i get it that the boss is 'training' him but to leave him with a bill.. that's too much. i wonder why SY never reported this to their boss. but i simply love SY for being a nutcase and he's still as busybody as always. yo-han really breathe life into this character!

chief chun.. i am still scratching my head about him..but i supposed he's torn between his old colleagues and the ED. which side should he betray or stay loyal to? the next episode, well, he's being mean to GR but i guessed he's stressed out over the situation and took out his frustration on thr newbie who caused it all.

it's s bittersweet episode where we can see light moments among the newbies and also between GR & DS. too bad abt manager kim but at least he's not out of job. i wonder which mr. kim who resigned.. but i'm touched with mr. oh willing to take on GR's suggestion. it means a lot to GR. in a way, what GR said is true.. when there's some 'mess' and things go helter skelter, you don't sweep it all under the rug. you cleaned the mess up and put things back in order again.


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I love this show because it has so much depth and heart. I was hesitant as to whether it would be appealing enough since it's a 'office drama' but I'm so glad I starting watching it because it is so much more.
Someone made this point before - that nothing's ever just black and white, so none for the characters are just either good or bad. They're human after all which makes the drama so much more real.
And Chief Oh is rapidly rising on my list of favourite drama characters!!


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Am I the only one who thought about something else when YES asked O2 "Shall I take off my jacket for you?" and when Manager Cheon's wife asked him "Are you going to sleep right away?"

Lots of yummy scenes in this episode. Like when Cabbage Jang missed that perfect score from Manager Kang by one word but was nonetheless so happy that he laminated it. And YES getting all cheesy in that chicken place. That nothing-comes-between-you-and-me look. I wouldn't mind some of that cheese fire chicken rib stuff myself.


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The scene where Baek-ki returns his concise version of the text to Kang was absolutely wonderfully written. I've been very impressed with Jung Yoon-jung's scene writing in "Arang" (much less with the plot writing though) and these kind of scenes are the reason why.
Kang looks at the sheet, says "Good", returns it, Baek-ki is wary to pick it up, and just when he decides to take it, Kang takes it back, erases ONE FRICKING SYLLABLE, and returns it to Baek-ki. Who takes it, turns around, looks just a tiny bit disappointed before he starts to smile complacently. (I think the acting wasn't perfect in that scene, but that's petty nitpicking.)


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I liked that Baek Ki's reaction to the minor correction was more "dang, how could I have missed that?" instead of seething resentment, which would have been his previous MO.

He's come a long way! (but judging from how he continues to dismiss Geu Rae, he's still got a fair way to go)


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Though, honestly, this is GR biggest blunder so far. As a person, I'd agree with BK on this wholeheartedly, as I wouldn't have the kind of faith in GR as YY seems to have.

Of course, there is envy behind BK's rationalisations: GR got a position in his team where he CAN make inconceivable proposals, while BK is given nonsensical homework - and to make things worse, YY is partial towards GR.


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Yes, perhaps so, but Geu Rae can take full advantage of his newbie status to make outrageous proposals, as he doesn't know the ropes/doesn't know any better.

Ultimately, of course, it's down to Chief Oh putting his neck on the line (as well as Dong Shik & Chief Chun's) by acting on the proposal. Geu Rae as the bottom-ranked staffer will cop the least heat if things go pear-shaped.

Agree 100% re Baek-ki's motivations. He was happy with his small task up until now. To cap it all off, Geu Rae's tight-knit team is the envy of all the other newbies.


I don't get what's so bad about SeokYul's behaviour/reaction. His boss IS an ass. A complete, unbelievable ass. It's one thing to order your subordinates around, it's bad enough that he takes credit for Seokyul's work but it's a whole, frigging new level to make SeokYul pay upwards of FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS (I haven't forgotten the coffee he didn't pay for either!) for his own entertainment. And he calls SeokYul a psycopath on top of that. DX I would have been frigging pissed too. No one touches MY money!

If it were me, I would have been plotting some way to make my supervisor's non-work attitude shine in front of my big boss.


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I don't think it's that SY is wrong really, it's just that he's not being smart about it. He needs to figure out some way to deal or change the situation soon or he's gonna self-destruct O.O! Poor guy. Although I do enormously enjoy his furious reactions XD


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Seok Yul should learn a few tactics from the way Geu Rae handled him at the presentation.


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Thing though....Seok Yul did this kind of thing on a smaller scale to Geu Rae. We forgive it now because we've gotten to "know" him but as the characters said "He has met his match."

Not to say his boss isn't an ass but...sad though it is... Seok Yul has met his destiny. He did some shady stuff before being hired def. And he's changed and is actually doing work. In the external non-office world, he is totally doted on and loved by his dad's coworkers. Might be best for his own growth that he has had to go through all this. Not that I like it...but....ya know... Korean drama... destiny.


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Eh... Actually, I don't mind so much that SeokYul's supervisor is throwing all the work to him. I agree, dude had it coming, plus, it's so common in real life too that everyone has to figure some way to deal with it. what ticks me off is the unpaid bills. FIVE HUNDRED BUCKS. How can a supervisor demand that of a newbie at all?

As you can tell, I get super sensitive when it comes to money. It's one of the few things that tips me into revenge territory. I absolutely hate spending on what I am not willing to spend on.


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I agree. It's one thing to pass off your works to your inferiors, at least in that case, you can argue you're helping them to be thoroughly trained. But to make them pick up your tab when surely their salary is less than yours is completely bastardy. Poor Seok Yul (even though his red face fit in the office was pure gold. The actor is so good!)


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I've been trying to think how I would deal with this. Me, I would see about giving the receipt to human resources or whoever handles business expenses and say I was called last minute to my supervisor's business entertainment, he left sick, and this was the bill. I would add that I trust it's business entertainment since he and I did not have a plan to meet socially and that I understood him wanting to meet about work.

And, from then on out, always claim not to have money, or that my card is maxed out from prior things.


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I wouldn't say seokyul's reaction is bad. It's more normal, but he needs to learn how to be patient like Geu Rae and Youngyi if he wants to make his situation better.

I wonder why Youngyi started cracking jokes at Geu Rae. I thought it came out of nowhere, but she's usually more serious around her coworkers.


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Yeah, it was a little strange, but honestly GR is the kind of person who is just begging to be pranked, isn't he? I sure would :D
I think YY was feeling a lot of relief and happiness after a long time and it came out as being jokey with GR. I think she honestly feels closer to him than anyone else in the office and I love that's she comfortable enough around him to mess with him. They could be so cute together! :3


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True. I don't think she could resist pranking him. Also, Geu Rae appears to be someone who she feels safe and comfortable around. I don't want romance, but I want the characters to develop feelings for each other. I do sort of see a love triangle happening among these two and Baek-ki.


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Yeah, YY's "Your South Gate is open" humor is so off-the-wall and childish (I remember kids playing this prank in elementary school), but at the same time, wonderfully in tune with GR's mom's dry, face-slapping sense of humor. If GR and YY ever went out together, I think she'd hit it off really well with his mom.


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I mean, she is a rather weird and awkward person, isn't she? When she's not her uptight self, she has been making strangely misplaced comments like when she was teasing Baek-ki on their horror date. I was still undecided whether her sense of humour is extremely lame or very mischievous.
I think this episode made it very clear that, at least towards Geu-rae, she doesn't restrain herself from making the lamest possible joke. Twice.


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I thought at first her joke with Baek Ki at the cinema was her trying to rile him up a bit since he looked uptight (and was not truthful about his blind date).

But her jokes with Geu Rae made me think that she might be 'jest-challenged' ie socially inept at telling a good joke LOL!


Which is great, btw. She is already way too perfect as a character and needs some fundamental flaws badly - and a cringeworthy sense of humour is a rather witty flaw.


Ahhh, and there was that joke she pulled with pointing out the next day was Monday rather than cheering up Baek-ki.


ah, the sweet interactions between mama duck and her duckling! yes, u guys are right. GR is just the person one can't resist to pull a prank on. he's shy and naive, easy target. but it's such a warm fuzzy feeling to see these two, who suffered the most, can laugh freely. how on earth can these characters able to make us cry and laugh with them so easily?


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I think dramallama touched on it but she's in a much better mood because she's finally getting recognized in the office and Assistant Manager Ha is giving her real work/defending her and we even see that he has some pride in her.


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Did you notice how the boss is suddenly sober once SY addresses him in the wrong way? This was a nicely crafted trap by the boss who knew exactly how to get SY where he wanted him.

The way he shamelessly and remorselessly manipulates and abuses SY, in combination with exploiting SY's personality, strikes me as not uncharacteristically of a person with a antisocial personality disorder. Which renders his accusation of SY being a psycho- or sociopath so ridiculous.


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Psychopaths/sociopaths are exactly the ones to blame everyone else.


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I love every episode of Misaeng. Its the best office drama for me to date. I don't know of SY's boss has a point on his advice to SY. Its sad to see Mr. Kim go especially when he supported Chief Oh. I really like this drama for showing how a person should stand against corruption and bearing the consequences of being the whistle blowers.

I'm still excited to see how Geu-rae ended up chasing a man in Jordan.

I too looked at wikipedia for Baduk information to grasp Geu-rae's comparison to the game.

My joy in watching Misaeng even grew when I saw from Namsan tower Geu-rae's building. I was so ecstatic when I tell my friend, Hey that's Geu-rae's building and he works at the 15th floor.But I didn't use the telescope in the observatory to see if maybe they are there at the rooftop.

Thanks for the recap!


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lol. That's cool. I'd have used the telescope to check if Sales Team 3 was up there. :D


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Whoohoo, new character!! I really like him so far- just my type :3 hehe, jk I do actually like him for legit reasons too. I think he can really become an awesome addition to our team and I love how he changes all the dynamics. Honestly I think Chief Oh could use a down-to-earth guy who can challenge his crazier ideas.

I'm also really intrigued about Cha's connection to the ED and what their real motives are, but I'll save it for the next episode recap.


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Did anyone else expect the city lights to form hearts again behind Chief Oh at the end? HAHAHAHA omg Geu Rae's opinions being valued and trusted give me so many feels ugh


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i so relate to SY, yet i wasn't the newbie, my mgr was. but exactly like the mgr, she took credit, constantly claimed the damsel in distress (so I had to do the work) & used my personal items w/o replacing them. she came late & left early on a daily basis. unfortunately i didn't have SY's guts to speak up. eventually my mgr got rid of me & everyone else under her that dissed her. Now she stands alone for all to see her incapabilities. bad move, in my opinion. H/e I'm happier in my new position cuz I'm appreciated by the new group. so i totally cheer on SY when I see him stand up to his boss. I'm totally living thru this character. punching the air with him; haa.. I just can't do the middle hair part thing.


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Good to know your patience won out in the end!

It makes me wonder too, sometimes, why it takes bosses so long to figure out what's under their noses. Some people just get away with murder, even though everyone else can see it!

As for "I just can’t do the middle hair part thing." - hahaha, I beg you, please don't! :)


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We had a temp like that in my unit. My boss adored him but the guy spent more time watching YouTube and playing games than anything else. It was so frustrating but thankfully his period with us came to an end.


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Oh hair! hair! Yes it's been troubling me...almost distracting me from the scene at times LOL!

Byun Yo Han without that centre parting actually looks great, but I just can't take Suk Yool seriously, decked out as he is. He makes a great foil in looks to all the corporate stereotypes, though. But I just want to side part his hair each time he comes on screen!


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Captain Jang will making his debut next episode!


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ahahahaha! captain jang! poor geu rae was so bashful about that!


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Thank you so much dramallama for shedding light on Chief Chun's actions/ attitude. I was a bit taken by his interaction with Dong Shik and a bit angry since gosh darn it! Dong Shik is awesome and should be treated like a King! Also your explanation with the black baeduk stone was super helpful and yeah, watching this without the knowledge of baeduk makes me a bit sad since I can only imagine how much more I would get out of this drama if I did know!

I was right in my initial surmise that Baek Ki needed a mentor like Assistant Manager Kang to lead him because while he's exacting and his methods can be frustrating because he's just not giving you all the information you need to do better, he does just enough, it's exactly what Baek Ki needed. This method works because much like Geu Rae, Baek Ki needed to start from the first square in term of his attitude in the work place.

I seriously love the women of this show: Young Yi with her integrity, sly humor, and man, that tiny clap was amazing! Director Deputy Sun with her competence and badassery when it comes to laying the smack down with that disgusting Manager Ma.

Finally, how adorable was Geu Rae's pout at Dong Shik for not teaching him the way of the report writing. So cute!


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I started watching this last week and I wanted to watch it slowly to catch every moment, but I couldn't resist watching every episode and just caught up today. I'm really surprised by how good this show is. Acting, directing, music, story, everything just clicks with Misaeng.

Man, what a bittersweet victory for Sales Team 3. I'm glad Chief Park's gone, but I'm going to miss Manager Kim, especially now that we have to deal with Manager Ma for who knows how long. I think Chief Chun is okay for now, I think he was just uncomfortable with being moved to a team that everyone's watching, no matter how close he was to them originally, it would put a lot of pressure on him.

Yay, Young Yi finally gets to do something! I'm so happy for her and her teasing of Geu Rae was adorable.

I probably have way too much fun watching Seok Yul and his boss go at it. That moment when Seok Yul dropped honorifics and his boss sobered up was hilarious. Seok Yul isn't the type of person to back down (and he shouldn't, $500 ain't chump change), but I'm seriously worried about him keeping his job because he looks like he's about to snap.

I also think that the baduk analogies are hard to understand sometimes since I'm not familiar with the game, but I think dramallama broke down the concept of banjip well enough for me to get the gist of what Geu Rae meant, so thank you for that. I might have to read up on the game myself and re-watch some episodes to see if there's anything else I missed.

Thanks for the wonderful recap!


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Misaeng.. or my preferred title "No Trope, No Problem". I haven't seen any Kdrama tropes on Misaeng. Nothing obvious anyways. lol


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Oh, there are. The "choose your partner (wisely)" thing they did in episode 3 is not an uncommon trope, for example, and the whole "in vino veritas" thing is one of the most abused tropes in K-dramas, just to name two.


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I would agree largely about the lack of tropes. I do enjoy the little "lesson" we get at the end of every episode from Geu-rae. Reminds me of the Reply series, which does the same thing.


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So many moments to love in this episode, especially the smiles that are so rare in Misaeng!!

Suk Yool's jaw drop when the audit team walked in

Chief Oh's bow to the retreating Mgr Kim - so much encompassed in that gesture...regret, thanks, respect.

Chief Oh and his family and the sounds of his sons giggling. His wife putting money into his wallet and the cheers of the children over pizza.

Baek Ki talking to himself over summarising his "homework".

Geu Rae's smile with Dong Shik in the lift when talking about remembering the terminology/joining the dots.

Mgr Ha's smirk when Young Yi finished her Russian phone call.

Geu Rae's face when pranked by Young Yi the first time, and Young Yi's laugh when she pranked him a 2nd time.

On the walk with Young Yi, Geu Rae's long smile when he said us 'uri'.

Dong Shik's face when Oh told Chun not to play games.

Kang's long, quiet observation of Baek Ki working on the summary.

Geu Rae touching his hair top and back in consternation, when told to cut it while Sales Team 3 was out for drinks. Dong Shik's shock when told to straighten his.

Baek Ki's expression and hiding a smile when he got the approval.

DD Oh's determined look when he said to Geu Rae at the end, let's do this.


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I dunno if it was this episode but I like the scene where Chief Oh offered Young Yi his "tripping" services when he saw her on the roof looking frustrated.


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when mr. oh told geu rae that they should take up on his suggestion, that song'fly' came on.. i dunno but i feel proud of GR. mr. oh is risking it to listen to his newbie's idea for a business item but i think he knows GR has good reasons. he wants this boy to fly on his own.. be courageous, learn from mistakes, etc. nice touch, that song.


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Oh's family celebration. "Promotion!!" "Deputy!!" "Pizza!!"

These very short scenes with Ha, especially the smirk during Young-yi's phone call. They don't need longer shots because the foundation of Ha has been well elaborated since episode 8. Love it!

Geu-rae's hair. Hilarious. Especially when their team is in crisis again and Geu-rae's most pressing problem is whether he really has to cut his hair.


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I think I'm missing something about the hair. JGR is someone who had no problem doing the most ridiculous tasks like giving a guy a massage in the middle of work but he seems to be hesitant about a small hair cut? Even before the first eps I had already thought about the hair style being a little off, either they want to show his self-absorbed side, making it a symbol of him being so focused on the job he doesn't even sees his hair as being different than the norm there or he has some attachment to the hair style, meaning it represents his uniqueness among the other salarymen, or it is memento from the freedom of style in his baduk days. Am I reading too much into it??? :)


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Maybe he just likes his hair this way and is vain enough to make a stand for it. I'd like the contrast to his attitude towards most other things.


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Yes, I'd like that too. Not sure if it will ever pop up again though because one thing I don't like very much in Misaeng is how there are tons of tiny interesting tidbits about characters and relationships that show up briefly but never get developed.


I think it's quite impossible to provide continuation fragments for even 10% of the bits the show gives us. I actually like the fact that I cannot assume too much about a certain scene - Is that just a characterisation scene? Is it relevant for the overall plot? etc.

Sometimes there is a sudden continuation (like at the end of ep4, where GR suddenly apologises to YR; like in this episode, where the conflict of Sun and Ma from ep5 is readdressed, etc.), but that is only possible for a small number of topics.


I like the fragments that are not continued. I think this reflects real life very well – tiny little things that sometimes pop up but never end up having much meaning, or not until perhaps much later.

As for the hair – it's his hair! I don't see it unprofessional or radically different from the others, it's not shoulder-length, or in a ponytail, or dyed blue or something. Indeed, I'd pick at SY first, his hairstyle looks like from the 60s or 70s to me and looks much more out of place.

Plus, I'd hate it if someone told me to cut my hair.


Oh yes, so many little great moments - or should that be great little moments?

Misaeng certainly treasures each stone on the board, and I love every moment of it!


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I love Chief Oh's strategy, commiserate with your colleagues but celebrate with your family. That way he doesn't take out his bad day on his loved ones. I guess I could learn from him. Can't say how many times I've brought a bad day at work, home to my loved ones. I just don't want to get roaring drunk like he does, though.


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So many great scenes in this wonderful episode. But the best for me must have been the interaction between CEO and ED. Those few seconds at the elevator, the looks, no words, and the resulting tension. Such great acting/editing. Really took my breath away.


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I really love any group scene featuring three or all four newbies. These kind of scenes have been somewhat scarce, but they were all fantastic.

This episode, we had the follow-up of the first "fly" scene. Once again, SY pops up from the background. GR gets in just a little sting against YY ("I'm not that happy") before they are off drinking and listening to SY's ranting monologue. It's a short scene and most of the acting is done by the beer bottles, but it's just fabulous.

The other scene is the one where BK, SY and YY discuss GR's reactivation of the Jordan deal. After the expected prelude (BK criticises GR inconsiderations, YY kind of defends GR), SY as moderator gets bored and takes it to a personal level - making very reasonable (if pointed) accusations in the process.


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That scene of the 3 newbies talking about Geu Rae... seems to say something about the speakers.

Suk Yul thinks GR is wrong to suggest taking over the Jordan business on top of first contributing to Park's dismissal. He can't believe that GR is capable of ideas so 'twisted' and outrageous. I wonder if SY is a conservative.

Baek Ki is upset that GR of all the newbies, whom he continues to underestimate, gets to do the 'big' stuff while he had merely managed to do a bit of summary as 'homework' and had been so pleased with himself. The jealousy element is probably true. BK has all along been resistent to being truly friendly towards GR.

Young Yi seems surprised but complacent and is able to say with certainty that GR likes adventures / to take risks, but her tone says that, that is an OK attitude to have. SY asking if this means she is romantically interested in GR though is taking it a step too far.

GR seems to be the least likely person among all to rock the boat, but he seems to keep doing it much to the consternation of his colleagues :D


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I think SY thinks it is the wrong move because it jeopardises the team's fate even further. They have to deal with the fact that they are the outcast team already, and GR adds more fuel to that fire. SY is very sensitive to team mood, much more than to team success.

I fully agree with your resume on BK. BK tried to be friendly with YY, but not with SY and GR. He accepts SY as the oddball he is, but he revealed his disapproval of GR more openly since GR became more and more successful. It matches his kind of elitist thinking.

YY has been "interested" in GR very early on, I remember that the only kind of reactions BK got from his peculiar advances towards YY where when he mentioned GR. Later, GR was the only co-worker she talked with in a more personal tone.
There is definitely SOMETHING going on between those two. It doesn't help that the show added strange bits like the "Don't go away" scene (GR sleeps at his desk and YY watches him while he speaks in his sleep), or the "'Us'" scene in the current episode, or the fact that the show went out of its way with that random teacher girl asking YY whether she dates GR.

I don't think that SY pointed remarks are without any foundation.


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i agree about BK's jealousy towards GR. i mean, BK is the guy with such great resume but ended up far behind the GED holder who was nicknamed 'the clueless one'. come to think of it... GR is fast becoming that "GED Legend" SY has said in Ep. 6.


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@Jon G.
Taken in the light of how SY mentioned the team's dicey situation, your take on what SY's thoughts are probably correct.

Speaking of advances towards YY, I recall that in the beginning, GR desperately needed help in answering the phone and he actually hung on to YY's hand to get it. She did not shy away or affect any alarm at this. Their dynamics was that of an expert helping a novice.

Perhaps it is because GR never did make an advance towards her that she is more comfortable with him.

Subsequently, when the newbies were hired, SY offered his hand in congratulations and she did not take it. Perhaps she thought him a greasy character?

Now there is the enigma of her relationship with Mr Shin of Samjung, who looks at her so intently, while she seems to want to avoid him. I look forward to understanding YY more and to a revelation to this little conundrum ...or actually to all the puzzles that have emerged.


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As I remember it, he didn't touch her hand, though, he pulled at her sleeves. He, indeed, has some restraint at getting too close to her (the tie in the elevator, or the multiple attempts he needed to finally confess to her that he got her hair tie).

However, this very first impression of him, as this helpless and clueless kind of guy didn't allow her to feel threatened by him in the way she seems to feel by many of her other (male) coworkers. (I'm sure "threatened" isn't the right word, it's just that she tries to keep her distance from them, ignoring hand-shakes, gets angry on being touched, or being treated as a "female", etc.)

Her prepossession towards him allows her to be much more open to GR than to any other co-worker, even after she realised he IS a competent and even brazen worker.

SY is perceptive enough to realise the different treatment GR gets from YY.



In Baduk(or known as Go in western. whatever) black make a move first.

So black have an advantage over white.
Black's first move advantage is generally considered to equal somewhere between 5 and 7 points by the end of the game.

Because of that reason, there is a rule called "Deom"(known as Japanese word "Komi" in western).
White has 6.5 points for compensation. That is "Deom".

And that 0.5 point is "banjip"(it means "half point").

So winning or loosing in banjip mean you BARELY won(or lost) the game.

I hope this is helpful to you guys. (despite my bad english. english is not my mother tongue)


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Thanks dramallama!

I was nervous throughout this ep since I get the strong feeling that the Executive Director's intentions towards Sales Team 3 are anything but friendly. He was positively shooting death glares when the CEO dropped by to hand out the bonuses and discuss Chief Oh's promotion. Now with Manager Ma at the helm, and an enigmatic Chief Chun, it feels like there's trouble brewing...

With colleagues like Manager Ma (and possibly the ED), who needs enemies?

Intriguing move on Geu Rae's part to push the Jordan project. I can see exactly why no-one wants to touch this tainted project with a barge pole, but it's precisely because Sales Team 3 were the ones who purged the corruption, that they're the only team who can complete the project. They created waves with the whole audit and scandal, which left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Now, in a sense, it's their duty/mission to patch up their mess by making the project a success.

It's also one way to restore the honour of their fallen comrades (ie Manager Kim and all the transferees), by showing that they didn't necessarily make bad business decisions - the project was essentially a good one, and still is.

I agree that Seok Yul's $570 drinks bill was ghastly - surely a company of that size would accept it as disbursements/expenses?

Lastly, it was so nice to see Young Yi's playful side, and the well-deserved recognition she got from AM Ha! I hope he develops into a staunch ally, and becomes less and less shy about supporting her!


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dramallama, thanks for the recap.

Lastly, it was so nice to see Young Yi’s playful side

Yes, nice to see her prank Geu-rae . I'm dying to find out what caused Young Yi to leave the other company.


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In Baduk(or known as Go in western. whatever) black make a move first.

Black's first move advantage is generally considered to equal somewhere between 5 and 7 points by the end of the game.

Because of that reason, there is a rule called "Deom"(known as Japanese word "Komi" in western).
White has 6.5 points for compensation. That is "Deom".

And that 0.5 point is "banjip"(it means "half point").

So winning or loosing in banjip mean you BARELY won(or lost) the game.

I hope this is helpful to you guys. (despite my bad english. english is not my mother tongue)


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Very helpful, thank you!


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So when GR lost his game by .5 points, does it mean that he lost as a result of banjip???


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yes. banjip=0.5 point.

lost game by 0.5 point = lost game by banjip.

same expression.


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That must feel even worse. I think I can know appreciate the frustration he felt...he barely lost.

Thank you for your explanations.


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When Chief Oh gives such a speech and then smiles like at the end of this episode, don't you feel moved and want to give him a hug?

Really, I am a fan already.


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OK, folks, help me out! I'm trying to remember all the clues we've been given so far about Young Yi's previous job and her relationship to the mysterious Mr. Shin, but I can't remember the details. I'm hoping the dramafever hivemind can help me pool our recollections.

What I recall: she got some phone calls she didn't want to pick up. Didn't she answer one? I vaguely recall one exchange to say stop calling me?
(and why did we think it was her dad? was that a mistranslation, or is she getting phone calls from more than one person looking for her?)

She seems to have just moved into a new place, not yet unpacked. Did she have to leave somewhere suddenly?

There was a flashback to an argument in a parking lot in which we saw here with her different hairstyle-but I can't remember the dialogue! Anyone remember what episode that was in?

There's the scene where we see Mr Shin trying to get her attention in the lobby, she avoids him and runs off. Chief Oh observes. Looked like ex-lovers to me. Or did he make unwelcome overtures?

There's more in ep. 12 that I don't want to spoil. I'd be really grateful for any help locating these scenes in earlier episodes so I don't have to rewatch them all before next week.....


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For the argument in a parking, I think that she said something like she doesn't like to be protected or something, that she wouldn't see Mr Shin as a heroes because of what he did (we don't know what)... but I don't remember which episode it was. Sorry.


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I have not had time to watch Misaeng this week. That should be an indication of just how mad crazy my week has been. Can't participate in comments. Or read recap cause I want watch it first. I am bereft. The end.


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Me too I haven't been able to watch for two weeks now. I refused to read the recaps, but somehow I caved in.



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I refuse to cave, will sacrifice sleep tomorrow night, have hardly been sleeping cause of work as it is. Missing my Misaeng community though, I am like people talk to me!...but don't tell me anything about the last 2 episodes :-D


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It's here... it's heeerrrre!!

E13 30 sec preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBgOn-PTmXw

E13 15 sec preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je-cXGuych4

Deputy Chief Oh and Geu-rae get me all teary-eyed!! *sniffles*


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Omo, are we getting a gratuitous KHN shirtless scene?


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Knowing Misaeng, it won't be a gratuitous shirtless scene, but a perfectly well motivated and justifiable shirtless scene, LOL! Either way, KHN shirtless *0*


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aaargh!!!! now i am curious like crazy! can't wait for it! what's with the ducklings? why is BK looking so sad? what's happening to ST3? augh! this is bad. i'm missing misaeng even more!

btw, heard in siwan gifted every cast n staff with jackets from paul frank (whole hauss). the ST3 looks good!


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Now I'm kicking myself harder than ever for being absent from recaps for so long, one of the great joys of this series was the commenter community and I feel sad I missed so much.

But I did feel bad when Manager Kim left :(

and I admit, I had the tiniest bit of squee when Geu-rae offered Young-yi his jacket. I love how he has a low-key little crush on her, it's so plausible but so subtly handled.


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