Lee Shi-young breaks hearts in Valid Love

I was starting to worry that this drama wasn’t going to make broadcast from the scant promo and lack of news on the subject, but we finally get a peek at tvN’s next Monday-Tuesday drama Valid Love. The new drama from writer Kim Do-woo (My Name Is Kim Sam-soon) and PD Han Ji-seung (Alone in Love) looks beautiful and really well-made… it just also looks really melodramatic, which may totally appeal to a great many of you (I’m just probably not the ideal audience for it).

Uhm Tae-woong (Could We Love) and Lee Shi-young (Golden Cross) star as a married couple who met while he was a substitute teacher at her high school, and Lee Soo-hyuk (High School King of Savvy) plays the other man she falls in love with while still married to Uhm Tae-woong. Heartbreak and gnashing of teeth ensue.

What’s startling is that we’re introduced to the heroine’s inner monologue via two teasers, and she narrates over the beautifully-shot images… well, stuff that kind of makes me hate her, to be honest. In the first, she says: “Just because a coin’s front and back sides are different, it doesn’t make it not a coin. My love is like that — it’s just two loves, the same.” That’s the faultiest logic I’ve ever heard, AND you’re using it to try and validate your extramarital affair?

And in the second teaser, she narrates over Uhm Tae-woong’s angsty batting cage session: “I love you — you, and that person too. I’m sorry I love you both.” Uh, so you’re sorry not sorry, is what you’re saying. Gee, I wonder where my sympathy’s gonna go in this drama. It’s okay, Uhmforce, I’m here for hugs.

Valid Love follows Liar Game and premieres December 1.

Via tvN


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So my biggest fear just became reality; infidelity is the main plot. &^%&&**%^&*. Why is the cast so good?? Pfffttt
Come to mommy Uhmforce!


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Sigh. I may not be the best moral judge, here, because, anything Li Shi Young says in that voice and with those big, sad eyes, it is going to make perfect sense to me.


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Does it really work on men? That voice and sad face just annoys me, but I'm a woman. I find that fake cutesy extremely annoying.


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Well, I'm a (straight) woman and a fan. I think she has a nice voice and her melodramatic acting is improving, but would it make me feel for a cheater? Nope. As much as I like her, a character is a character.

But the way Quiet Thought phrased it, it looks like he/she is aware of that distinction too. :P


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As several wise American comedians have asked: "Have you ever found yourself apologizing to a crying woman even though you didn't do anything wrong and don't even know what she's crying about, just to make her not be crying anymore?"


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OMG seriously. That coin logic is ridiculous. When flipping a coin, you pick heads or tails. You don't get to pick both, otherwise you'd win either way. Life doesn't work that way. Love the PD, but won't be watching this. And that's a certain fact.


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re: When flipping a coin, you pick heads or tails. You don’t get to pick both, otherwise you’d win either way. hahaha
*Lines up behind JB for hugs.*
Angsty batting cage scene was funny though. If the whole show is ridiculously overwrought I could still laugh at it. Eh such a waste. Maybe the teasers are misleading and its not that bad? It wouldn't be the first time we were tricked by teasers...though its usually the other way around when the teasers are great but the show fails (cough MSH cough)


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wheres that thumbs up when you need itttt


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I thought that was the whole idea behind the coin metaphor. She loves both men the same because they are two sides of the same coin but she also knows she can choose only one side. Her marriage happened because she saw only that one side of the coin but then she found out there is another side and know cannot make a decision and doesn't want to randomly flip the coin because society, morality, feelings etc. things that involve actual human beings.

That being said, she did seem a bit self-centered and overly dramatic. The trailer made me dislike her but at the same time really intrigued as to what she is really thinking and feeling.

And Uhmforce <3


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This is a very good analysis. You got the idea right in the head. The story line is very much realistic. I hope that this drama may be viewed by a lot of people because Valid Love is such an excellent drama worth watching.
Nobody is perfect and sinless, hence, we don't have the right to judge people portrayed by the lead actress here.
It is not justifying what is wrong. If you study the background story, the lady played by Il ri lost her father at an early age. Probably, this is the reason why she fell for Hee tae, subconsciously Il ri is looking for a father figure. That's why when she met Carpenter Kim, the love she felt for him is the real love between a man and a woman. And who are we to say that the series encourages extra marital affair? This is very narrow minded.


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If the thumbs up button still existed, I'd actually click it a few times for your comment!

Seriously... That coin logic fails me. I've always been repulsed with extra marital affairs as a main theme. The fact that they are trying to justify it just makes it worse. Good going drama, drive a lot of your viewers away before even airing episode 1.


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Well.I do hope there is another suitor for UTW's character......


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Han Soo-Yeon is cast as Uhm Force's first love from college.


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Normally, I'd be SUPER excited about a love child from the writer of MNIKSS and the PD of AIL, especially with a good cast like this-- but this is a there I don't want to go to. I'm disappointed, but hey-- there are plenty of other dramas in the see!


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I just looked up the plot description of Alone in Love and was intrigued. How does it rank on the melo-drama scale?


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Lame joke, but the truth is that Alone in Love is a mellow drama, not a melodrama. In fact, it may be the mellowest drama I've seen. There is a tragic event from the past that still has a strong impact on the OTP in the present day, but emotions are handled in a very true-to-life way. There are no histrionics, and almost no drama clichés. The whole thing is lovely and restrained and the PD deserves a lot of credit for that. The writing and the cast are also top-notch. However, because it is so mellow, some people will find it boring, and I think it's best to watch it when you're in the mood for a hot-chocolate-on-a-rainy-day kind of drama.


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Very true. The thing about Alone in Love is that, despite how mellow it is, it has a way of imbuing wit and humor into it's smaller moments so it makes for a rather enjoyable watch. I loved that about it. And the characters are just wonderful. It's one of those dramas that may not be addicting or completely feel-good, but it surprises each episode with moments and dialogues that just get to you and, ultimately, leaves you feeling rewarded at it's end. Not for everyone, but definitely worth checking out.


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Ooops, I meant *given how mellow it is, not despite.

The pun confused me because "despite how MELO it is," would also have worked there lol.


The shots, I also really enjoyed seeing the shots in AIL. All of your descriptions fit AIL to the T, I think.


The important question: is this a drama version of the movie My Wife Got Married?


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Good question.


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Eh yeah, the plot does nothing for me. I feel like this would be a lesson in torture for me.


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Why is it a U.S. coin in the promos? Isn't that weird?


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That was my question as well!


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This Drama's story is a version from movie Perfect murder Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Paltrow and Viggo Mortensen
Also there is an Arabic version called ( as long as) .
Actually I don't like the story itself .


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I actually thought this show was going to be a comedy, oops. COLOR ME SHOCKED


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Guhhh will my love for Lee soo-hyuk be strong enough to make me watch this, as I really don't do melodrama.


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Valid love
Am pretty sure that the writer's description of love is worlds apart of mine. Likewise, I find it equally wrong/harmful for all parties involve in an extramarrital affair and to openly swoon over married men. As viewers, haven't our brains been used to fantasize over married actors, yet defending it like it's no big deal, usually because of our TV/computer screen that separates actors from our real world, because supposedly nothing will ever happen between them and us? And yet, if we were to meet them, get to know them, what would we eventually do if they were equally attracted to us? The thing is, once you get used to doing something wrong, it actually turns into right after a while. Just like Lee Shin-Young's character.


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Never been really in love with 2 persons at the same time? Enough room in my heart for 2 men if they are that complementary, at least in a fantasy world. Since it's a melo (tvN is surprising me here) we know that it won't end well in the show...


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hm... I will watch it sounds interesting because i have seen real life scenarios where wife left the husband for younger man and even though it is very vulnerable subject i would like to see what the drama will execute


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I will probably watch this because Uhmforce (and I also have a pretty big soft spot for Lee Soo Hyuk) but uuuuuuuuunnnnmnngggggghhhhhh melodrama.

And the heroine seems totally despicable.


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Geeez.... cheating... is a no no no.

I'll pass on this one.


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I heard it's a remake of Perfect Murder/Dial M for Murder and still...N O P E


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I just hope it doesn't go too melo that it turns into a comedic farce.


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Personally, I don't mind her "logic", because her logic is one I am sure many cheaters have and one that is important for us to understand her character. It's very possible to be confused about one's feelings and like two people. It happens all the time and sometimes, it leads to cheating. Not everyone who cheats is doing so with malicious or indifferent feelings.

What I will mind is if the series somehow condones or even justifies its female lead's logic by the end. So it all depends on what the moral will be. Hopefully, it will be about her discovering this very logic is faulty and that fear/doubt of choosing only hurts everyone involved.

I mean, while she is narrating this, they do show her husband suffering. So I have a feeling her words are meant to sound very dishonest at this point. I can hope, at least. I usually avoid cheating stories because I'll be very pissed if they present it in a positive or overly forgiving light. So the melo tone is actually comforting.


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Totally agree. I hate adultery but will forgive it if the cheated upon person is a good soul. But dang!!!! There is love and there is loyalty.. I'd think loyalty would count for something? And heck if the adulterous love is valid, i hope that doesn't mean she has to bed him. (Tapping my chest now because of LSH)


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Though 'adultererous good soul' is a bit of an oxymoron, isn't it?


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Well, though cheating is inconsiderate and wrong I think it's debatable if that actually makes you a bad person (I mean, I don't think you'll have anyone coming to defend your choices, lol). And even that is if we just assume people (or their souls) can be described as simply "good" or "bad", haha.


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Yes, I am also very hesitant because I am very judgy when it comes to marital infidelity (in real life, it is always ugly, ugly ugly) and kdramas have a way of letting off female characters, no matter how horrible they are, with a slap on the wrist and a token redemption.


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I know! Why is that?


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i don't like adultery but watching it could be interesting, we can get good insight about that. I like temptation n bad love, it's about adultary too, that drama is harsh but it reality, it was painfull but really happen in real life


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Hrmmm.... I like the teaser but pass. I might watch it later on when I am bored. I have so many other kdrama to catch up already.


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Last time I read that it's supposed to be a rom-com, I was rolling my eyes. And now they're out of my socket. I don't think I'll be watching this.


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Oh Dang, I HATE being conflicted. Secret Love was so easy because Husband was a douche and there was a whole world of weirdness we wanted heroine to be freed from...but this. ...argh! It seems more realistic so far...at least in its melo way.

It reminds me of that annoying moving about a married woman who loved two men. Her husband and her new lover. And in the end, she lived with both of them..one upstairs and the other downstairs. Yep, it was a Korean movie. My wife has a lover? Something like that. I so hated that movie because the girl was so personalityless in her supposed joyous carefree life...and such an empty canvas on which we ust projected some kind of personality. It felt as if the writer was showing how sweetlly innocent and free-spirited she was and how attractive it all was.

And dang, although I like LSH and his sweet face and wonderful voice, if this woman is anything like that..i shall have to avoid it like the plague. Plus the whole stress thing about adultery. Is she going to represent ahjumma me? Or is it going to be an exercise in free-spirited confusion? We shall see.

Thanks for the update.


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I think you mean Naked Kitchen. Gah! That movie made me so mad! As much as I like Shin Mina, I wanted to smack her character into the next century when she reasoned that she deserved both men. Plus, the writer made Joo Ji-hoon cry on a plane while sitting in a foetal position, I will never forgive her for that.


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She's talking about "My Wife Got Married", 2008, with Joo Sang Wook as the second husband (only reason I watched it).


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The only really successful take on that storyline was The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom with Shirley MacLaine, a 60's foray into wackiness that I think worked because it was just so out there it was coming from another planet. Still remember the inflatable brassieres...


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If I had to pick between these two men, it would always be Uhm Tae Woong on any given day...Lee Soo Hyuk just doesnt do anything for me ever


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Dammit, I want to see Lee Soo-hyuk's beautiful face, but not in this context! Never like this! I cannot take the melodramas. Better luck next time, actors I love.


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if it doesn't get overly-melo i "might could" deal.


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I think I should say this from the start, the second lead syndrome is strong with this one. I have such a soft spot for Lee Soo-hyuk it's ridiculous. I've never actually seen Uhm Tae-woong in anything though. I love Lee Si-young, she has such a strange real life persona, at least from what I saw on WGM, and I love her acting (Wild Romance forever fan here). So, two of my favourite people in unacceptable situations, just while I was about to take a break from dramas? Sigh, melodrama or no, I'm going to find a way to watch this.


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I could root for this drama if it was a three act single episode. One that showed her rationalizing, then two that showed the men each telling her 꺼져.

They could fill the rest of the drama's time slot with a broadcast of a trafficcam and I'd watch it out of sheer gratitude.


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Could Uhm Tae Woong have starred opposite any other actress? Sadly I can't watch this.


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yeah this really isn't the drama for me, I'm just not one for dramas about cheating it's why I don't like love triangles because it always feel like the leads a skating towards cheating. So I'm probably going to pass on this one.


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Ehhhhh, I'll watch it still. I like all involved and I'm willing to see how this will turn out as always. Kind of like that she is unapologetic for now since other stories always have to have the person feeling conflicted in some way. Why not?! It'll be so interesting to get into that mind even if I don't care for it, tbh. Who says you have to like the main character for a drama to be enjoyable, anyway?


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Also, hmm..I wonder if she's thinking is her love less valid because she also loves another? I'm sure everyone would say yes. But mmm, I've no idea, I've never loved two people at the same time unless celebrities count and I don't think they do lol.


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Really depends on the type of love.
Erotic love? Possibly (but, ick!).
Brotherly love and Familial love? Definitely.
Sacrificial love? Hmmm. You can love many people sacrificially. However I don't see how this type of love is compatible love with an affair.

Regardless of how it's packaged, the violation of marital trust is not love. I'd say an affair is actually hateful because of it's sheer selfishness and duplicity.


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Well, I am just talking about the love between lovers, of course, lol. I think we all know familial love can stretch to many.


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Haha, my comment above aside. I'll probably still end up checking it out...


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It couldn't hurt, really. I just seriously love Lee Si Young and am excited to see her in something again. Plus, I always enjoy how she plays the "villain". It'll be nice to watch an anti-heroine. We get so many anti-heros who aren't always the easiest to root for. A change of pace is good and welcome. :)


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Because, yeah, the only kind of love that exist is the one where we can only love one person.


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I don't condone cheating, but I also don't condone killing, yet I watch dramas with protagonists who do so. And I'm sure I'm not the only who does. The fact is that dramas are fictional stories that do contain imperfect human beings, whatever their reasons for being flawed may be. Cheating sucks, yes, but it is not the most terrible thing a person can do.


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Just based on the whole coin thing, I can tell that the script would probably have me yelling epithets at the screen ... so I'll just give this one a pass with no regret. Especially since I'm already in the minority that found Samsoon an excruciating watch.


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I will try to watch this for Lee Soo Hyuk because he is so gorgeous that I can't breathe. But if it goes down the road of ridiculous, I will only watch clips of him.


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I just feel bad because I totally sympathize with anyone who could get with Lee Soo Hyuk. I'm sorry, (I'm also 23 so I'm a young'un) but it's just... Lee SOOOOOOOOO hot.
It's okay, Uhmforce. Maybe you can get your girl back and I'll get Lee Soo Hyuk so we can all be happy okay


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This is one I really need to be recapped so I can just read it and not have to be mired in the melodrama trenches. Then I can just watch specific clips of Uhmforce and Lee Soo Hyuk. This would be great especially if it follows Dial M for Murder, because I don't want to see Uhmforce become a murderous d-bag or have to kinda wanna to root for the adulterous couple because at least they're not trying to kill folks.


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All I could think of with that coin promo is "why is she using American money? And why a dime? Nobody flips a dime?" Then I started thinking "Does Korea have coins?" Even the poorest candy always has some crumpled up dollars to bills to pay off her loan sharks with but I can't remember ever seeing coins. Maybe they are just less dramatic... who can enlighten me on this?


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I'm just mad. Adultery? Bah. Nothing you could say to me could justify it. I will skip it, thank you very much even though I love Uhmforce. Plus, after My Spring Day, I couldn't handle a melodrama for love nor money. Too exhausting.


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It's funny. The plot of this show doesn't pull me in at all but for some reason, all of the negative responses to it from the get-go makes me want to check it out. I often find that happens - when people really hate something (as in a form of media), it makes me want to try out that thing myself to see if I will have the same response. I'm not really looking forward to any new shows anyway so I guess I can put this one on the list.


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This reminds me of a Korean movie I saw a while back. Hated it.


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Adultery? Ummmm...I think I just skip this one. Although they have Uhm Tae-Woong. Might watch his other project as well.
But, I will surely line up to hugs Uhmforce lol


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THANK YOU person who brought up Naked Kitchen.

Once again, a case of 1. beautiful cast, 2. lovely visuals, 3. decent script, and 4. UTTERLY FRUSTRATING CONCLUSION.

(Ugh, I wish I could know the conclusion in advance, because if this turns out to be like that movie, then I'm a big NOPE on it, even if Uhmforce is enough to basically make me watch *anything.* Can't. Do. The. Hurt. Again.)

Even if, as was suggested, it frowns upon adultery, do I want to put my heart through the doubtless emotional angst to come to the conclusion I already hold? AAAHHH why so beautiful cast? Can we just have an epilogue of Cyrano Dating Agency with Uhm Tae Woong and Park Shin-Hye? Please? Nice, happy things?


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I am so there. Lol


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I'm very excited for this drama. Uhm Force!!!


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I'm also curious about all this negative response. We all see plenty of shows in which all kinds of violence happen and nobody is against it as long as it is plausible. The show isn't yet saying it is right or wrong, it is just a part of the plot. I don't remember many people complaining about cheating in Secret Love Affair.


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Man,Lee Shi-young is so beautiful!!!!i must say i know hat my wish won't come true but i hope the hero won't accept the girl back and she stays with the guys she cheats or so..u know that saying ...remain with the second lover because if u trully loved the first there wouldn't be the second one...hate the plot love the actors


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Being able to romantically love more than one person is 100% valid and happens to a lot of people. Monogamy is not the be all, end all of romantic relationships or marriages. Open relationships/marriages happen; group relationships/marriages happen. Those are not the same thing as cheating. Cheating is when you get romantically/sexually involved with someone without your partner(s) knowing about it and consenting to it.

If the writer actually goes forward with the main lead loving two men equally, what she is trying to express is polyamory, which is definitely something that I welcome more in media. However, every time someone mainstream tries to do a story about polyamory, they always go with the cheating plot line which is also indicative of the writer's bias.

"The Naked Kitchen" and "My Wife Got Married" were both kmovies about poly women who end up in triad relationships with two men. "A Bizarre Love Triangle" was a third kmovie about a poly bisexual woman who ends up with her husband and her girlfriend. However, the writers of all of these stories chose to talk about polyamorous women through the lens of adultery which I think is SO wrong on several levels.

I don't mind cheating as a plot line for a story because it happens but cheating is so hurtful and such a violation of trust that I absolutely hate when clearly monogamous (probably heteronormative) writers always use it to talk about poly people. It reinforces the prejudice that poly people already face and the stigma around poly relationships in general.

I just wish a writer would talk about this without resorting to a useless cheating love triangle trope. Not every poly relationship involves cheating and lies. In fact, for a poly to work, it requires the utmost trust and communication from all those involved. To approach this topic like these writers keep doing is such a gross disservice to the poly community. I'm so completely tired of it, tbh.


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Omg, someone finally said it! THANK YOU!

Why is the concept of loving two people so impossible to some people? So frustratiing.


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>If the writer actually goes forward with the main lead loving two men equally, what she is trying to express is polyamory.

If one of guys doesn't know or like the fact that she has 2 lovers it is still cheating, it is an affair and the fact that she loves both equally doesn't change anything.

I'm sort of doubtful of polyamory stories because I feel they are always the same, everyone is carefree and happy until jealousy comes and destroys the relationship. Do you know any good polyamory story?


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Yes, I agree. She's just cheating. When I said "goes forward with her loving two people" I meant , maybe the writer will change it up in the middle and reveal that the woman really wasn't in love with two men equally at all.

Sometimes in cheating stories the person cheating has some epiphany that they really only loved the current partner and it was a momentary lapse; sometimes they realize they fell out of love and found new love with the lover; and sometimes they learn they don't love either person. But with all of those, they're still monogamous people. By "monogamous," I mean that they ascribe to the belief that a true relationship is one person with one person.

I've not yet found a polyamory story that didn't involve cheating, distrust, jealousy, etc. either. I've zero recommendations. :/ I'm still waiting on a poly rom-com movie to happen. lol


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