Plus Nine Boys: Episode 12

The honeymoons are over, and real life starts to hit our plus-nine boys as they try to navigate the rocky waters that come with their new relationships. Friendships are at stake, feelings are hurt, and more than one couple starts to unravel under the pressure. But there’s hope that maybe they won’t all crash and burn, and maybe they could even come out of this stronger if they can only hold tight and believe in each other.

Track 12: “Lean on me”

After their tickle fight the mood turns more serious and Jin-gu leans in to kiss Se-young, but her doorbell rings with exquisite timing. It’s Jae-bum, and Jin-gu wants to man up and go talk to him but Se-young convinces him to hide and let her deal with it this time. To his credit, Jin-gu looks extremely unhappy about handling things this way.

Se-young steps outside with Jae-bum, who’s brought her some herbal medicine since she’d claimed to be feeling unwell that day. It’s unclear whether he heard a man’s voice inside, but he definitely picks up that something is off. For a moment Se-young looks like she might come clean about dating Jin-gu, but Jae-bum stops her and leaves. Se-young and Jin-gu watch Jae-bum walk away sadly, both of them looking miserable for having deceived their friend.

Jin-gu gives Se-young his patented bear hug and tells her not to think so much. He reminds her that there are two of them in this relationship and that she doesn’t have to struggle so hard by herself, and says again that he’ll be the bad guy and talk to Jae-bum. Aw, he’s so sweet. Se-young relaxes into his comforting arms while Jin-gu thinks that if you can’t dive into love, you don’t deserve it.

At the park, Su-ah orders Min-gu to sit and listen to her, but he stands his ground. She apologizes, saying that it was never her intent to fool him and that she wanted to tell him about her past so many times. Min-gu turns his back so she yells at him that he created this illusion about her all on his own, and that he kept chasing her, so why is he running away now?

Min-gu denies that he’s running away, it’s just that he’s a simple person and can only think of one thing at a time. All he can think of now is that she deceived him — he just wants to go home and think.

Back at home, Mom (Noona) follows Kwang-soo into his room to call him stupid for dating a single mother, the one type of woman she told him not to date. She orders him to straighten up before things get too deep, but Kwang-soo only says that his relationship with Da-in isn’t what she thinks.

He tells her that Da-in was the one he almost married ten years ago, and she’s even more upset now, knowing that he’s seeing her again after the way she devastated him. Kwang-soo stays calm and asks her to just support him, but Mom is beyond reason and just tells him again to break up with her.

Not even bothered, Kwang-soo calls up Da-in to apologize for the surprise encounter in the elevator. He tells her that he always regretted losing her, and that he promises never to let go of her hand again, asking her to do the same. Da-in, as usual, says very little.

The instant Jin-gu wakes up the next morning he sends a sappy text to Se-young, who must have been waiting for it since she texts right back. She sends a selca of herself still in bed with an “I miss you” message to someone she calls “Dummy,” but they both freak out when they realize that she accidentally sent it to the office group chat. Oh no, I’m cringing for you!

Everyone at work now knows that Se-young is seeing someone and they’re all wondering who it could be. The only person who knows is Gossipy Sunbae, who looks like she’s about to burst into flames with the information, and Jin-gu shoots her “don’t you dare” glares.

When Se-young gets to work she plays it off like she meant that text for a friend, but her denials are so over-the-top that Jin-gu starts glaring at her too, to signal her to shut up. During all this, Jae-bum texts Jin-gu to meet him for coffee, and they head to the roof to talk.

Jae-bum wonders out loud who it was that Se-young meant to text, and tells Jin-gu that he went to her place last night and she was acting strange. Jin-gu starts to say something, but he’s interrupted by a call from Se-young frantically calling him to their stairwell.

She immediately starts thinking up new inventive ways to hide their relationship, but Jin-gu still thinks they should just come clean. He wants to tell Jae-bum because keeping this secret isn’t right, but Se-young is too chicken. Jin-gu says that by putting it off she’s just lying, and that hits home so she reluctantly agrees to let Jin-gu tell him they’re dating. Jin-gu invites both Jae-bum and Go-eun out for a drink later, deciding to make a clean sweep of the news.

Min-gu is listless and quiet at practice, moping over the truth about Su-ah’s rough past. His friends (who are eating sausage dipped in marshmallow fluff, which is so disgusting) ask him what he plans to do, sure that Su-ah didn’t intend to lie to him. They wonder if he’ll call her noona now, which has Min-gu rolling his eyes.

Su-ah fingers her wish bracelet from Min-gu and declines her friends’ invitations to go clubbing, telling them to grow up and study. She’s in no mood to talk, and when she gets to the street and sees that Min-gu isn’t there waiting for her as usual, her face falls.

Min-gu and Su-ah both go for walks, each thinking of the other, and when Su-ah climbs the stairs to the library she sees Min-gu standing at the top waiting for her. He asks her simply, “Do you like me?” Su-ah says that she never regretted being a bad girl until she met him, because she didn’t want to disappoint him. Min-gu asks her to date him again, and holds out his hand — after a long moment, Su-ah takes it.

She asks if he’s going to keep calling her by name, asking him to call her “noona,” but he flatly refuses. She in turn refuses to call him “oppa” anymore. These two are so cute.

Kwang-soo and Da-in enjoy the sunshine by the river, and he decides to teach her to ride a bike. She’s awful at it, so he compromises by taking her for a ride on a tandem bike. She misses a call from Eun-seo’s school while riding, and when she discovers that Eun-seo was hurt at school, she feels terrible that her daughter was crying for her while she was out having fun.

On their way home they run into a nosy neighbor lady, who notices that Kwang-soo is carrying Da-in’s things and says that people will gossip because he’s a bachelor and people will think he’s dating someone he shouldn’t. And that’s your business how…? Kwang-soo just grandly says that she can think what she likes because he doesn’t care, and ushers Da-in and Eun-seo inside.

In the elevator Kwang-soo is proud of how he handled that situation, but Da-in looks uneasy. She pushes the button for his floor against his protests that he’ll take her to her door, and he notices that something’s off (I honestly don’t know how he can tell, since she’s just not talking as usual). He drops her off and says to call him if she needs anything, but he’s noticeably worried.

Later Da-in’s doorbell rings, and this time it’s Mom with more food for her and Eun-seo. But the food is just an excuse to talk to Da-in about dating Kwang-soo, and Mom pulls no punches as she tells Da-in that she likes her but she thinks a previously-broken relationship can’t be mended again. She makes it clear that she doesn’t consider Da-in to be an appropriate wife for her brother. And again I say, that’s your business how…?

Da-in tucks Eun-seo into bed and cries, while at the same time Kwang-soo looks at the matching rings he bought and smiles to himself. He’s so happy, it’s breaking my heart.

Jin-gu, Se-young, Jae-bum, and Go-eun go for drinks, and Jin-gu texts Se-young that he’s going to tell them that they’re dating now. She stalls him multiple times, until Go-eun gives her the perfect opening by asking her who she meant the text for that morning (and poor Jae-bum looks a little sick), but Se-young again lies that it’s nobody. Jin-gu sits there getting more and more frustrated that she won’t let him tell the truth.

Seeming to be honing in on something, Jae-bum asks Jin-gu in front of everyone why he rode Se-young’s bus all that time, and again Se-young lies about it just as Jin-gu is about to confess. Jin-gu’s face darkens and he kicks Se-young under the table, then he excuses himself while using their “I need to talk to you” code.

They meet outside and he tells her to stop, and she says nervously that she decided to wait and tell them tomorrow. Jin-gu says he’s telling them tonight, right now, but Se-young continues to interrupt every time he starts to talk. By now even Jae-bum is trying to find out what Jin-gu is trying to say, but Se-young is frantic and out of control.

When Jin-gu stops to pay the bill on their way out, Se-young takes the chance to grab Jae-bum and take off, leaving Go-eun to wait for Jin-gu outside. Go-eun invites Jin-gu to another restaurant, just the two of them, but he turns her down. No fool she, Go-eun asks if he’s the person Se-young meant to text that morning, and he just says, “I’m sorry,” and runs.

He catches Se-young just as Jae-bum is putting her in a cab, and this time he ignores Se-young’s pleading and talks directly to Jae-bum: “Jae-bum-ah. I’m really sorry. I like Se-young.” Jae-bum looks to Se-young for a denial but she can’t meet his eyes, and the expression on his face is crushing as the truth dawns. To make things perfectly clear, Jin-gu takes Se-young’s hand and tells Jae-bum that they’re dating. Jae-bum turns and walks away from them, ignoring Jin-gu as he calls after him.

Jin-gu hugs a devastated Se-young close as he thinks that at twenty-nine years old, even though there were many reasons not to, he chose love (over friendship). Meanwhile Go-eun walks home alone and cries, and Jae-bum takes a taxi as he processes his friends’ betrayal.

Da-in thinks over Mom’s words at work the next day, completely distracted, and gets a text from Kwang-soo to meet him outside. He sits her in his car to show her pictures of his friend’s trip to Machu Picchu, saying they should go someday, not noticing that she’s (somehow managing to be) quieter than usual. He natters on about the trip and finally notices she doesn’t seem excited.

Da-in says that she remembers now how hard it was for her back when they dated before. She tells him that she feels lonely with him now like she did then, because she hasn’t felt like she could show her feelings. I’m sorry, but whose fault is that? Certainly not the guy who’s been begging you to talk to him for months.

Kwang-soo swears that she won’t feel lonely anymore, but she’s too scared to start relying on him again, having felt strong and independent for the first time without him. Kwang-soo matter-of-factly says that he loves how he feels now, and that he wants her to feel like she can rely on him. Da-in simply says that she’s sorry and goes back to work.

Min-gu dresses up after practice and fixes his hair to be all suave and mature-looking, and his friends joke that he looks like he stole his uncle’s clothes. They’re impressed that dating a noona has made him so adult, and he just breezes past them and dismisses their childish antics.

He takes Su-ah to a nice restaurant, even paying with his own credit card instead of Mom’s this time. He catches Su-ah’s longing looks at some guys drinking at another table, and hilariously thinks she wants a soda instead of the alcohol she was really craving. I guess the clothes don’t necessarily make the man.

They go to see a movie but Min-gu is stopped, as he’s not old enough to see it. Su-ah tries to console him but her efforts only make him feel smaller, and they start to head home. They’re stopped by some wrestling sunbaes of Min-gu’s, and the leader of the group is a jerk to Min-gu while Su-ah suspiciously tries to hide behind her hair.

The leader notices her anyway and recognizes her, calling her “Bong-sookie noona.” His whole demeanor becomes deferential whenever he talks to her, then switches to meanness again when he talks to Min-gu. He laughs when Su-ah says they’re dating like it’s the funniest thing ever, offering to teach Min-gu a lesson if he doesn’t respect her. Just when Min-gu thinks they’re leaving, the ass turns back to tease him about pooping himself during the match before.

Min-gu is silent on their walk home and it’s Su-ah’s turn to try to charm him out of his black mood, saying that she barely knows that guy and they can see the movie later. She cheerfully says he’s cute when he sulks and she doesn’t care what happened during the match, but Min-gu snaps at her and lashes back by mentioning her graduation album. Oh honey, this is not how you try to look mature in front of your girl. Su-ah says that she was trying to cheer him up, not make fun of him, and that he’s obviously just a high-schooler. Ouch.

Go-eun is cold to Jin-gu at the office, and he notices that Jae-bum’s workspace has been cleared out. He gets an email that there’s a new executive director being announced today, and he puts the pieces together. Sure enough, Jae-bum is ushered in as the new executive director, looking like he’s made of ice and stone, and he carefully avoids eye contact with Jin-gu and a very shocked Se-young.

The two of them sit in their stairwell just taking turns sighing, and Jin-gu admits that he knew about Jae-bum’s family connection to the company, and how he hated the idea of not working his way to the top. Se-young wishes this were all a joke, adding that she feels bad for Go-eun too, and Jin-gu sweetly strokes her hair and apologizes. He takes the blame for everything, and reverts back to his standard adorable teasing until they both end up smiling.

Jin-gu offers to take some reports up to the new executive director’s office, giving Se-young an encouraging nod on his way up. Jae-bum still refuses to look at him and Jin-gu asks if he’s okay anyway, but gets no answer. He says that he wanted to tell Jae-bum, but Jae-bum interrupts to say in a very stern and formal voice that they can’t stay the same. He gives Jin-gu stone-cold look of hate, and with that, their friendship is over.

Jin-gu thinks to himself that love doesn’t always go as planned, that you run up against obstacles or get caught in traps. We see Kwang-soo standing alone as Da-in walks away, and Min-gu snarling at the bus computer when it announces him as a minor. Jin-gu says that that’s why love is difficult, as he and Jae-bum stare at each other with nothing, and everything, looming between them.


First of all, I have an announcement to make — I officially wash my hands of Da-in. I’ve been hoping for several weeks now that she had a good reason for still being closed-off and uncommunicative with Kwang-soo in the present, but I’m tired of making excuses for her. She’s had plenty of chances to talk to Kwang-soo about what happened in the past, and about what she’s feeling now, and yet she continues to shut him out. I no longer think Kwang-soo had any real responsibility in their breakup ten years ago; or if he did, it was negligible and mainly that he just didn’t know he was doing anything wrong because Da-in kept saying everything was fine. His only mistake was believing her when she told him she was okay, and you can’t convince me that trusting your partner’s words is a bad thing.

And now she’s done it to him again, led him to believe everything was great then slamming the door in his face without giving him a chance. I feel that he would have back then, and would now, listen to her if she would bother to open her mouth and talk to him. But she refuses to do that, even while she admits she still feels uncertain about their relationship, and even though he’s practically begging her to be honest with him. It’s too hard to watch him learn from his mistakes and try so hard to reassure her that he wants to be the man she needs, and have her just turn away. She doesn’t deserve him, and I’m done with her.

I have more hope for Min-gu and Su-ah because, while he’s definitely got good reason to be upset about many things, Su-ah is finally showing him her true self and that true self is pretty damn awesome (and I gotta say, I called it, I knew she’d be great!). Su-ah isn’t a gangster girl anymore, but neither is she the demure little sweet thing she’s pretended to be. She’s something in between — a girl who knows what she wants and doesn’t want and is willing to do whatever is needed to get it, yet who is understanding enough of Min-gu, and patient enough, to give him the ass-whooping he needs to grow up. And he may not know it as he mourns the loss of the perfect girl he built her up to be in his mind, but in reality she’s the absolute perfect girl for him. She can get him to wake up from his fantasy world and see that who she really is, is about a million times more amazing than the princess he created in his mind.

But I’m mostly hopeful for Jin-gu and Se-young, because even though she lets her fear take control far too often when it comes to Jin-gu and their relationship, he knows her well enough to know exactly how to tease and hug her out of her own head. He constantly reminds her that she’s not alone — she’s one of a set now, and she can trust him and rely on him to be there for her. It’s so swoony and romantic, I don’t know how she doesn’t melt into a puddle every time he says it. But he’s not even saying it to be swoony and romantic; he truly feels that way about her and he’s committed to making this work, which is way better.

Not that their obstacles are behind them, because this thing with Jae-bum just got so much worse on them than they could have possibly imagined. Not only has he shut them out emotionally, but now he’s put himself into a position of authority over them at work, and I feel like he’s doing it for all the wrong reasons. The timing is too perfect for this decision to be anything but revenge on his part. He’s lashing out at them in the only way he can, by putting them in a subservient position to him, and if he wanted to he could make their lives miserable. I just hope Jae-bum remembers that they love him so much that they lied to save his feelings, and however misguided that is, they did it because they wanted him not to be hurt. I don’t want him to do something unforgivable and completely destroy their friendship, and I just hope they can get through to him before it’s too late.


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I hate it when friendships are broken up over girls. Bromance ftw!

Thanks for the recap!

& I'm so glad to see the mobile version is running smoothly now :-)


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Oh god I feel so much for Go Eun and Jae Bum. Even though Se Young and Jin gu are my favorite couple on this show, I can't help but hurt for Go Eun and Jae Bum.
Definitely know the feeling of getting your hopes up on someone/being strung along. I kinda thought it was annoying how Se Young kept trying to avoid it. Her lying only made it hurt more. And I feel like Go Eun's feelings were brushed off too lightly


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ughhh dude i know exactly how it feels when your crush chooses your best friend...and your best friend knew the ENTIRE time how you felt about your crush, but dates them anyways. It's like two punches given at the same time, and it's absolutely crushing.

I do feel like Jae Bum is given more weight because Go Eun is obviously more experienced in terms of dating, while Jae Bum is literally experiencing his first love. Also, the relationship between Jae Bum and Jin Gu seems to be a lot deeper than Go Eun and Se Young, so he's probably getting more attention in the writing.


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If you will look closely, both guys haven't told each other that they like the same girl. JB only told JG when he was rejected by SY.

On JG's part, I understand why it was hard for him to tell his bestfriend. Imagine, at the night when he had decided to finally let SY know about his feelings, he saw JB kissing SY. He waited a year just to confess. It was hard for him. And then he will discover that his besfriend has already taken one step ahead of him.

It's easy to say that he should have told JB first before dating SY. Yes, you're right. But, if you're already in that situation, it is easier said than done. It is hard to confess to your girl bestfriend that you like her. But it is more difficult to say to your boy bestfriend that you like the same girl.

On SY's part, she already reject JB. And, JB knows SY has no special feelings for him. In the past few episodes, everytime SY wants to say something (about her feelings), JB always stops her from talking about it.


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In my book, if it's between friendship and love, it's friendship that you choose.

Which isn't even to say that Se-young and Jin-gu shouldn't feel what they are feeling, or shouldn't be dating... But Jin-gu knew how Jae-bum felt and he should have told him the truth before starting to go out with Se-young. And before both (both knowing) spent days lying about it.

I can't blame Jae-bum at all. I'm not sure if gaining a position of authority means he's getting "revenge", he could just be closing himself off emotionally. I mean, would you want to sit across from your two closest friends who basically just stabbed you in the back?

Honestly, these kind of situations... I know them from high school days, and they are always incredibly painful. The love relationships never last and the friendships are often destroyed, or, if recovered, they are never the same like before.

I think Jae-bum has every right not to be friends with them ever again. Of course, in connection to work he needs to treat them professionally, but if he kept his distance forever, I really can't blame him.


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First of all, Go Eun- I really don't understand WHY she should be so upset or why Jin Gu and Se-young need to even feel bad about telling her. Yes, she told Jin Gu how she felt about him, but he told her that he was not interested. But she kept on hoping... that's her choice and her mistake. Neither JG nor SY need to feel guilty that they are seeing each other. I know that SY did say that she was not seeing JG when GE asked her some time ago, but that was in the past. Feelings can change and she should be a big girl and move on.

As for Jae Bum - come on, the girl told you that she was not interested; there were so many signs to show that there was something between them; especially the year long bus ride; and Jin Gu knows Se-young better than him and he knows that; As his best friend, how could he not put 2 and 2 together? Even people at the office were speculating.... Is he so cloistered in his own world that he can't see what's happening outside?
Sure he's hurt... but they did not lie to him. Never once did he ask either JG of SY if they liked each other. They didn't tell him earlier because they too need to sort things out for themselves, and office romance can be difficult. And they were actually considering his feelings.

Furthermore, to deliberately take on the management role now to make them feel bad, is so petty. I had respect for him when he told JG that he wanted to rise to the ranks on his own merit, and now because of this, he goes back on his principles? He's behaving like a totally spoilt brat... "If I can't get what I want, then I'll make it difficult for you too!" At this point, I'm not bothered that JG has lost his friendship - it's not that worthy. In fact, throughout the show, it has JG who has been the better friend.

I think they should both quit their jobs, and travel to Europe like Se-young wanted; start a travel company of their own, get married and have at least 4 adorable children. Go Jin Gu! Fighting Se-young!


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I'm not particularly fond of Mom/ Noona right now. It might be a social taboo, but PLEASE, let your brother have his fairytale ending. I mean it's not 100% since Da In is still unsure. However, let these 2 at least have a chance... and if it's meant to be , they will have a family. Noona, you know well the hell that your brother had last time, why???!!! do you have to crush his hope, his love & his happiness!!!


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I agree. After all the complaining about how he won't get married, it's ridiculous for her to oppose Da In. Da In is also frustrating me, though. She has been ridiculously uncommunicative and passive. I would love to see her stand up to Noona and fight for her love.


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I can see the point behind older sister's reaction: your brother has become an emotional vegetable, and now he is dating a woman who has a previous obligation (dating someone with children is never easy: you have to deal with both their needs and understand you are second to the child) AND the one who broke him in the first place (far more important). Da In is bad news in any language and for any man. That woman is just frustrating and hard if not impossible to please (you don't know what the heck is she thinking. Would you like to be in a relationship where you don't see anything coming until your partner explodes?).


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I don't know...once she knew Dain was the one who crushed Kwangsoo I could see her protective instincts kick into high gear


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I love Jin Gu and SeYoung most. That hug in that last pic looks beautiful and perfect to the two of them. Two broken souls. I think Jae Bum is an ass. He didn't want to listen to his best friend and breaking up with him just because you didn't get the girl is a pathetic excuse if you saw one. When Jae Bum used to like Se Young, Jin Gu stood shut-mouthed and grieved inside. This asshat shows to the world that he wants Se Young back and hates Jin Gu now. What a clown. I hate men like that. And I love Jin Gu for being supportive. That's so admirable. Learn from Jin Gu how to be a real man, Jae Bum. In the 19ers story, I love that it's Su Ah who's comforting Min Gu this time, hanging onto him, not wanting to let go. Gangster girl learns to love. I love this drama as much as I loved Reply 1994.


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You can't blame JB too much. He had all of a day to process everything. Give him some time to get his shit together. He just got "punched" by his best friend and his first love. It came out of the blue as well. It's not like JG has told JB that he likes SY. By the end he will realise and support their love for each other.


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Yes, I'm hoping the guys will be friends again, but the ominous thing is, almost immediately after the reveal, JB was announced as the new Executive Director and this after telling JG a few episodes back that he didn't want to use his family connections to move up the company. He has placed himself as a work superior to both JG and SY. And by his curtly terse treatment of JG when the latter hands in the requested report, things don't look too peachy for our couple and the guys' friendship. Vindictive times ahead?

Hopefully not.


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I'm absolutely loving this show so mucchhhhh ~ It's probably my favourite one of the year at the moment. SO PERFECT ~~ I'm really loving Min-gu and Su-ah/Bong-suk - sho much cutenesssss <3. Now that everything's out there, they're free to be themselves to each other and it's really giving them much room to grow and although they just let out all the secrets, they already have such an insight into each others feelings. ^^

I get that Se-young doesn't want to hurt Jae-bum's feelings, but it was pretty frustrating having her procrastinate their big announcement. I like how Jin-gu is really straight forward about everything and although it hurts now, i think in the end it'll all pay off. Hope Jae-bum comes through - don't let go of that bromanceeeee!

I've totally given up on Da-in - it's frustrating that she's not even trying to change. It's almost as if she believes she's not wrong at all, it's pretty selfish and my heart is just breaking because Gwang-soo is so head-over-heels for her. I just hope his heart can take it T_T.


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i'm not sure da-in warrants all this hate against her though? from the very start, it's been established that she's a sort of introverted, quiet character, although a little more chatty with her friends. maybe the way she broke up with him without any closure was cruel, but she'd just bottled it all up inside and exploded, and maybe she's just wanted to run away from her problems. in this week's episode, she said she was sorry that she ended things that way, because she was so young and immature. i do think there could have been a more compelling explanation about her reasons, and whether she'd actually moved out straightaway, etc., but i get it. and she's been quiet and reluctant in this new budding relationship as well because of the stigma of being a single mother, and to test whether he would be able to handle this responsibility, and understand that her child was a package deal, a priority at all times.
the whole part where kwang-soo was excited about plans for a winter vacation was cute, sure, because of his enthusiasm, but you have to notice how he sort of steamrolled all over her, didn't really let her get in a word edgewise- i mean, he'd already decided when and where he'd go, and gone and booked their tickets without any consultation, without thinking that she might not be okay with this. i understood what she meant when she said then that she remembered why he made her feel lonely. i'm not sure why the recapper is choosing to ignore elements of kwang-soo's behavior and just blaming da-in for when his attentions and feelings are unrequited. i don't think she deserves this much blame at all.


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In a way you're right, maybe it's true that she's just introverted, but that doesn't make it any less okay. So maybe Kwang Soo should've consulted her before booking tickets, but she doesn't really talk to him. He doesn't just ignore her really, he's just trusting her when she says okay. It's not a bad thing, and yes he should pick up on Da In's feelings but she doesn't give much...what I'm trying to say is Kwang Soo is not a mind reader so he can't make Da In happy unless she says SOMETHING. She doesn't say anything which is her fault, and while she doesn't deserve so much hate, I believe that Da In bears most of the problem in this relationship, if she at least cried when she's sad or smiled when she's happy, we could say maybe Kwang Soo did something wrong, but Da In didn't.


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Im an introvert. Most of the time i overthink and blame myself when people dont understand me (bc i didnt talk). This thing called da in just mopes and blames everything else. Thats called being an ass. Not introverted.


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LOL. That's quite funny.

I get why a lot of people are frustrated by Da In's character. Yes, it's true Kwang Soo steam rolls over her a lot, but you've got to figure they wouldn't have come this far in their renewed relationship if he didn't do that.

Initially he had zero encouragement from her but kept steam rolling her until she began to thaw and in her own way let him know that she was on-board with the relationship.

What hurts my heart is how HARD Kwang Soo is trying to make this relationship work. I don't see an equal participation in Da In, I kind of feel that she's just in for the ride, that she'll be equally happy if she were alone in her own company. Her daughter is pretty much the same, never says anything only responds by smiling and nodding.

I don't know if I see a happy ending for this couple. At some point in a relationship, you HAVE to say something, express your thoughts, likes and dislikes or she's going to find herself in the same position as before, lonely, because she's not expressing herself properly.


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Bros before hoes, Man.

Not cool.

*sucks in air and hopes for the best next week*


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Seyoung ain't no hoe.

*Stares defiantly at you*


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Hoes? Seriously? No. Just, no.


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I agree with you Lollypip. I'm through with Da In too. It hurts that Kwang Soo tries so hard to make her happy and be a man she can lean on, but she's just stone cold. She doesn't express herself, and that's not okay. Relationships are built on trust and communication. She's being so frustrating, I can't put up with her.

As for Se Young and Jin Gu, I'm torn. On one hand, how Se Young kept avoiding the truth only made it worse in the end, and I truly feel bad for Go Eun and Jae Bum. But on the other hand, cutting off a friendship and getting a promotion to gain authority over them is not cool Jae Bum. I understand that he's hurt, but the whole time he made advances on Se Young, Jin Gu stayed quiet no matter how much it hurt, because Jin Gu loved the two of them so much, he wanted them to be happy. Which is really admirable, because it's very hard to do. I don't know what Jae Bum will do next, but I know it's not going to be good, but I hope he'll come to understand and accept this.

There was a major feeling of déjà vu for me watching Su Ah and Min Gu. I kept thinking of High School King of Savvy the whole time. The whole 'minor' and 'immature' thing is something I've seen before. I'm glad Su Ah finally showed her true self and became the strong one in the relationship. Although Min Gu was frustratingly immature in the end, it reminds us he's still a teenager. I'm hoping he'll learn things and mature while being with Su Ah.


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Jae Bum will have to figure out the answer to the question he posed while the friends were drinking - why did Jin Gu take Se Young's bus even though he has moved away. Jae Bum will then realise that Jin Gu has been pursuing Se Young much earlier than him. Jae Bun must also be honest and admit that he had cut off Se Young whenever she started to indicate that she had no romantic inclinations towards him - on at least two occasions, after dropping her off home on her birthday and after he gifted her with the herbal meds outside her apartment.

And yes, I feel bad for Go Eun too. I like her honesty and forthrightness. She tells her guy she likes him then gave him space to like her back, no pressure. I hope she bounces back soon.

With only two episodes to go, I hope whatever Jae Bum does next in not too nasty. :-(


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What Jae Bum is doing is a guy thing. As far as he knew, he had dibs on Se Young and she was off limits so he feels completely betrayed by his best friend. It's one of those unwritten rules between guy friends. I feel bad for Go Eun but thems the breaks. Jin Gu never once strung her along. He was just nice to her and nothing more. I was more surprised that no one really freaked out that Jae Bum suddenly became the new director.

I'm really proud of Park Chorong. Her acting in this drama has been pretty good. I wonder if she practices with Eun Ji. If Min Gu is gonna keep dating Bong Sook then he's gonna have to check his ego at the door because she is just too awesome for him.

Da In has such a defeatist attitude which makes me wonder how the heck did she snag a husband to begin with. It seems like she shuts down then bolts every time there is any sign of trouble. I hope she pulls a disappearing act on him again but this time, he will not blame himself for it since he did completely change for her and it did end up with the same result. He can finally move on this time.

Thanks for the recap!


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This is the drama that introduced me to A-pink and Park Chorong. I have heard of Eunji being from a girl band, but have never been bothered to look them up.

But now I love Chorong and am a new fan of them after watching A-pink on Showtime!


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Sorry, I don't think this is a "guy thing".

Se-young has the right to like (and ultimately choose) who she wants, but Jin-gu should have been honest with his friend before going out with her. It's just not a nice thing to do to a friend, behind their back.


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No DongGoo, no watch.


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Maybe Dong Goo's moment will be next week. There are still 4 episodes left.


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You must have missed it. This show has 14 episodes only, and next week will be final week. See Ep 11 recap.


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I have a personality similar to Da-in's. Seeing how many people hate her, I now realize why people hated me so much when I was younger and in school. I guess adults just don't tell people they hate to their face that they hate them.


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I admit, Da In is the one I relate to most too. I am almost cripplingly conflict adverse and have an incredibly hard time opening up about anything personal. I recognize that this is a large factor in why I am an old maid, that I am sabotaging myself, but still can't seem to change.


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Thank you FGB4877 for writing a positive comment. I immediately regretted leaving my comment because I thought people would be annoyed with me and tell me to get over it.

@Amilia I am incapable of changing too. I guess I will always be stuck this way.

To stay on topic, I understand the Da-in character. It's very difficult to share deep personal feelings with anybody because people will criticize you for feeling that way or worse laugh at you and maybe even label you as strange or crazy. It's safer to say nothing.


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Dearr LC, there are lots of wonderful introverted people who has left us a lot of beautiful things. One of my personal favorites is Lady Murasaki Shikibu, author of The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari). You could say that a lot of the beauty in Japanese soul is thanks to her work and her very existence.

Aside of that, a deep feeling is beyond the realm of words. There is a poem by Sir Walther Raleigh (1552-1618). You can find it at http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/the-silent-lover-i/ .

The Silent Lover

PASSIONS are liken'd best to floods and streams:
The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb;
So, when affection yields discourse, it seems
the bottom is but shallow whence they come.
They that are rich in words, in words discover
That they are poor in that which makes a lover.

On the other hand, a great love always show signs, and when remembered, it leaves a scent. Sometimes to love someone is to cook for them when they are hungry, listen to them when they are worried and let them cry when unbearably sad.

To keep this post related to the current series, I haven't seen any signs of that from Da-In to Kwang-Soo.


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Dear Ms. LC (I suppose you are a woman), there is nothing bad about being quiet and introverted, the thing is that people wants to know you and get along with you. If you don't show your emotions and what you like, they can't relate to you.

Best scenario, they think you are boring and move on; worst scenario they invent their stories about why you behave like that, they believe that their ideas are the actual truth and then you are bullied.

Also, Da-In is the kind of person who says everything is OK, bottle up their feelings and then explodes; sometimes triggered at the worst moment with what seems a random action (and since it's not expected it becomes a really bitter experience). It would be like hiking through beautiful scenery then stepping on a landmine. Please don't do that.

Some of that misunderstanding can be dispelled with some empathy and initiative, and of course some courage. You can't be everybody's friend, but generally if you care about people, you are happy with their success and feel sad when they are sad, they feel understood. When you live long enough, you start to understand that yes, you can do a lot for other people with your hands, but the sincerity in your actions is what makes the difference.

Sorry for the long post, and hope you take it with all the love of someone who has been on both sides of the coin. Please also bear in mind that at this very moment someone could be having a hard time, and be consoled (or simply get an insight) by this chat. And please don't feel like the odd person out, since a lot of people have experienced something similar.

Best regards, FGB4877.


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I wish Se Young would stop depriving me.. er, Jin Gu of another kiss.

Don't do this, Jae Bum-ah. Don't throw away ten years of friendship over a girl. From the way he kept dodging the subject every time Se Young started to talk, he already knows she does not return his feelings but is too afraid of rejection. I was frustrated with how Se Young kept pushing off Jin Gu's attempts to confess, but Jin Gu should have just blurted it out. It really is not her fault when she tried to be honest with Jae Bum many times, but he just wouldn't hear it. I understand their main concern is Jae Bum, but it bothers me how they never dreaded having to break the news to Go Eun when both of them knew for a fact Go Eun likes Jin Gu. Go Eun even had to invite herself to their coming-clean party.

Jin Gu's mushy KaTalk to Se Young scared the crap out of me because I was worried he sent it to Go Eun, or worse Jae Bum, by accident. Then as soon as the group chat started, I was like oh no. That sunbae cracks me up with how she was dying inside having to hold their secret. It is ironic how both times Se Young was the culprit in spilling the beans when she was the one who did not want their coworkers to know in the first place. The hands of fate intervening.

I love how Min Gu and Su Ah were able to get back together so quickly without extended moping. Proof that young people possess a love conquers all mentality. What R-rated movie were they trying to watch? Min Gu should be admitted to 19+ movies. It is interesting how buses declare passengers to be minors.

I've been done with Da In at least six episodes ago, but still I thought she made progress when she finally apologized to Kwang Soo in the previous episode. At this point, I just don't care what happens to them -- whether they end up together or apart, whether they are happy or sad -- I have no feelings on the matter. Kwang Soo is suffocatingly clingy and has started to be inconsiderate of her job, always calling her out when she is busy. She even tells him "I'm busy," yet he insists on talking, claiming it'll only take a minute when in reality, it takes much longer than that. I feel sorry for her part-time worker always having to cover for her.

Thanks for the recap, LollyPip! Looking forward to the finale next week.


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I don't want to give Kwang-Soo a free pass (it is always dangerous) about his clingy behavior. Sometimes I think believing in something like destiny can help you a lot (since it gives you strenght and a sense of trascendence through your actions), but sometimes I think it gets your flexibility away from you. I would hope that Kwang-Soo would start dating other women, since he is stuck with someone who is not good (even borderline) for him.


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Have to say, poor Kwang-Soo. Strong emotions are an addiction and I can see his feverish stalking of Da-In as a by-product of his scar. A healthy man with healthy emotions would see her, greet her, have a small chat (or not since it is Da-In) and then going on living his day.


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Yes, this is now a new pet peeve of mine in regards to kdramas. You can't just interrupt people at work!! This is their livelihood. In Marriage not Dating, I found it super disrespectful that the mother-in-law constantly pulled Jang Mi out of her work to attend to some minutiae, and here, I cringe every time Kwang Soo says "It's OK, you have a part-timer." It's Not OK!


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I've had it up to here with interfering relatives on KDs. Are Koreans REALLY like that? Really?
He is your BD brother, not your son. He is 40, not 14. He stills loves his ex-GF. He hasn't gotten over her in 10 years.
You've been worried about him not dating for years. Now he's finally dating again. If you don't like her, he can easily move out of Your apt, if it is indeed Your damned apt.
I'm losing all respect for such interfering persons in Korean culture if KD after KD after KD are depicting them accurately!


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I get your point. It´s just so alien to me too. I think it´s a cultural thing. Just like kneeling in front of your dissaproving parents to beg them to accept your significant other. I love my parents and we are very close but I would just leave and hope it will pass. And it would eventually.


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I think you have to grow up in an Asian culture to really understand this - family is the core of everything. Which is why there's a big joke in most Asian cultures that when people marry, they don't marry each other - it's basically two families marrying each other instead. Not that I feel that the Mom/Noona is right, but just to explain the context and the reason why folks watching the drama can relate to it. Her brother, whom she raised more like a son because he was so much younger than her, was broken 10 years ago, and more than the single mother (although it really doesn't help she's a single mom) I think she really feels that her brother isn't better off with Da-in (and by the looks of it I have to agree with her and wish the both of them would quit making each other miserable). That's also why you see so many scenes of children begging on their knees to get their parents' acceptance of their relationships, and why parents so often threaten to cut off their children entirely if they don't do something that they think is 'right'. I do believe all this is changing of course, but I can't deny that some of these mindsets still exist. It's complex but it is also culture, and I think we just have to be mindful to respect others' cultures while watching dramas. Not to mention that dramas are often exaggerated shorthand or caricatures of certain stereotypes which we all have to take with a pinch of salt. Or...you could choose not to watch the dramas that frustrate you or skip the parts that do. Just sayin'.


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The neighbour makes me angry; the sister makes me angry; Se Young makes me angry; Da In makes me angry.
Better to go watch Shin Min Ah on Running Man instead. That makes me laugh.


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Yeah, I was pretty frustrated this episode as well. The mom meddling way too much into her brother's (the uncle's) life. Se young avoiding/interrupting Jin Gu every time he's about to tell their friends about their relationship. And Da In... well, no surprise there.


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I don't know. I get why the SIL is interfering, it is coming from a place of affection. It is real easy to say just let him love who he wants but being with a person with a kid is hard, particularly here in Korea where the social stigma is still pretty harsh. And I don't just mean loving the child hard because for some people that comes naturally, I mean dealing with an extra family that gets a say in the life of a child you now see as your own hard. It's naive to say that they should just go for it. And on top of that Da In is the woman who made him an emotional vegetable for the last decade, she probably had to watch him go through the hell he went through, why would she want her brother in law to enter a relationship with a woman that has already scarred seemingly him for life.

On top of all of that Da In is probably the least cooperative woman ever. I get being introverted, but being introverted and being unwilling to actually discuss your feelings are not the same. I say unwilling because she has no problem telling all her girlfriends how terrible she thought Kwang Soo was so it is not a matter of being unable to verbalize her feelings, she is simply unwilling to verbalize them to Kwang Soo. I want Kwang Soo to be happy but if there is a way for this to happen without Da In I hope the hope goes that route.

As for the other two couples, I hope they pull through, they are so cute together. That is all.


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I might be a minority since most people are rooting for a happy ending for Samchon but i'd like him not to end up with Da in at the end. I can understand that Da In is the type to shut up about her feelings and not open up to people easily so i don't fully blame her. That's who she is. But it also means that you can't expect her to completely change once she decides to be with Smachon. Looks like he's planning marriage in his head,and one of the key for a successful one is communication. I don't dislike Da-in,its just that i feel they arn't exactly suited for each other. Urgh! now i sound like mom/noona.
He should come to the realization that he gave his 100% and more,worked really really hard on the second chance (how many of us are lucky enough to be given a second chance),but at the end of it its still not working out.Make peace with his past,finally get the closure he deserves and move on.


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I agree with your sentiment esp the last bit about making peace... Yes, KS, you've given your all this second time around ....


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I doubt that you're in the minority, because I share your opinion as well. I've always hoped that Gwang - Soo will use this opportunity to get over Da In. The way she left him crippled him emotionally. If he can get over her, then he can move on with someone else who is emotionally communicative and can make him happy.

As for Da In, even though it's clear she likes Gwang Soo, she still has the same habits - she's not communicating. He has to read her body language to know how she's feeling. Fortunately, he's been spot on in his assessments. God help him if he ever finds he interpreted it wrong! I don't like all these mind games, personally, I just wish that even though she's quiet, she's still be able to let him know her mind so he doesn't have to keep guessing.

I don't blame his Noona for wanting to break them up, she has a valid point. If it didn't work out between them all those years ago when they were both single and unencumbered, what would make it easier for them now that Da In is a divorcee with a child, and an ex who would probably still have a say in how the child's life is run and ex-in laws too? There's more entanglements and baggage in this relationship than there was before.


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Completely agree with what you commented in the last paragraph. It might seem like Mom/Noona is yet again playing the Helicopter mom card like in other dramas,but in this drama i actually understand why she's doing it. The last time they broke up,uncle went to an emotional paralysis for over a decade,its only she has doubts about the realtionship being a success this time around too.


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The 19's story is so cute. Specially Su ah/Bong suk, she is awesome! While Da-In.....well I just skipped when she is on screen. I knew she will not say what she really feels.


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No one can make a marriage work w a woman like Da In. Some ppl are just not made for marriage. They'd just screw up the marriage and make life miserable for everyone involved. She is one such person. She deserves to live peacefully with her daughter. Let her be.


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I can tell that you're unbearably frustrated. You keep coming back to comment on the same thing, haha.


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I beg your pardon, there were 3 pts:

1. about interfering relatives in K culture;
2. about the women's behavior in this drama;
3. about Da In as a marriage partner.
I don't think they were 'the same thing'.

If I was thinking systematically, I'd have put all 3 pts into 1 comment. But TBH, it's totally not worth the synapses.


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I knew it would be read wrongly.....

I apologise if I've offended you but I didn't mean to call you out or insult you. I was just very amused.

And to me all three kind of are related and seem to stem from the same core frustrating point, so they're as good as the same point to me.

Happy commenting,


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Uhu sure.


Well, to be honest, I don't hate Da In at all, I feel like she's one of the character that is close to reality, that's how people behave after having so much hardship, they just become emotionless and just living the day, focusing only to the people they are close to (in this case, her daughter). I'd rather Da In to be single forever, not that Kwang Soo is not good enough, but Da In seems more comfortable to be alone. Some people don't understand that you've faced many difficulties alone, to the point that you no longer expect someone to come, because having hope like that is just gonna make your heart break when they didn't come at time u need them the most.


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The problem with Da In is that she was like that ten years ago when they were dating. Way before her single motherhood. She is actually a very sweet person and KS likes her so much for a reason.
And I think she wants to be with KS, but his sister interference is making Da In take the easy road AGAIN and distance herself from him.
I still have hope that she'll realise that she shouldn't run away from happiness because second chances are rare.


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What hardship? A boyfriend who was working too hard? Who still always asked if she was ok? Her bad marriage? Which may have been due to her own poor judgement and inability to communicate her needs?

She seems to be open and able to communicate with others and seemingly unable to open her mouth mostly with kwangsoo!! It is frustrating to watch.


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Man...my reaction to Jaebum immediately switching to an executive position is to wonder what his personality is REALLY like. He knew Se Young wasn't interested in him and he knew the day before that it was probably Jingu. He asked him on the roof so he could tell him and knew that was what the dinner was about. His response seems very calculated.


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I have to say I absolutely have no sympathy for Jae-bum. He had no hope whatsoever with Se-young and if he didn’t know that he was deluding himself. Even if Se-young was terrible in telling him she was dating someone else she never gave him hope. She tried to tell him so many times there was no hope for him but every single time he cut her short and continued living in denial. He cannot expect her to stay single just because she cannot return his feelings.

On the other hand, both Se-young and Jin-gu could have handled the situation a lot better. There was no need for Se-young to be there when Jin-gu told Jae-bum they are dating for Se-young to witness his disappointment. Jin-gu should have told him when they were alone and he should have made it clear that they had something between them 2,5 years ago, way before Jae-bum told either of them anything about his feelings, and because of what happened then Jin-gu could not approach her for a long time even though he liked her and that’s why he continued taking her bus for a whole year. He should have said when Jae-bum told him he confessed to Se-young he had no hope so did not say anything but somehow things happened and he found it difficult to tell him. Similarly Se-young who knew Go-eun liked her oppa should have spoken to her alone.

However, setting how they were told aside I think Jae-bum is acting terribly childish and pompous. At this point if anyone is damaging their friendship that’s him. If he is expecting two people in love to stay away from each other due to his selfishness and one sided love he is no friend to either.


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+1. How I wish they'd bring back the like button!


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Min Gu and Su Ah are my favorite couple in the series for this episode. I like their honesty and how they didn't let their conflict drag but faced it head on. I really hope Min Gu sticks with Su Ah, because he really does like her. He just needs to be more mature and check his ego at the door. And I think they'll be good for each other because they genuinely care for each other. Sooner or later, they'll both wind up in College and then the two years' age difference will cease to matter.

I love Se Young and Jin Gu's relationship as well. I just wish Se Young was less of a coward and more honest, and allowed Jin Gu to tell Jae Bum of their relationship earlier. But all's well. What will be will be, the worst that can happen is that Jae Bum's relationship with his bestie is broken and he frustrates his former friends at work because of his new position. But I hope he'll be the bigger man and not do that. Initial spite is OK and understandable as he is reeling from a broken heart, but carry out the spite for longer than acceptable and it becomes NOT COOL at all.

PS - Someone ought to tell the youngest bro Dong Goo that he can't act and to find some other interest. I wonder how they are going to wrap up Dong Goo's story line.


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Hello AdAl, there you can write a fanfic:

Little Bro falls for Da-In's daughter after Uncle starts dating the TV weather girl (and after Da-In's and Uncle's relationship gets healed); and since Da-In's daughter is as silent as her mother, he learns to read her gestures and body language becoming a master of both arts and a hell of a good actor as he applies his new acquired knowledge ;) .


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Or maybe DongGu can be a kid's apparel model. He's cute and it should be able to last him a few years. But more importantly, models have no verbal lines.... :P


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Agreed ;) . Thanks Buddha he has a lot of time to live and improve!. I wish a happy ending for him as I desire a happy life for every children.


Having been at one point or another in my life on both sides of the equation, all I can say is that I sympathize with both Jin Gu and Jae Bum.

In the end, we rarely ever get to choose who we love. It just is and it just happens ... and it's a very hard thing to accept when you're on the losing end of love.


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I can't wait for GS and DI to go on their separate ways. I think GS would've had a better chance with DI if he had allowed her to come back to him at her own pace, when she herself was convinced that she wanted to be with him. But he's all about what he wants now and on top of that, his sister's opposition .... I can see why she felt lonely going out with him and why she would feel that way again (even though her own tacit personality doesn't help).

I was annoyed with SY for the first time in this drama. I was screaming just tell JB already or at least let JG tell him! If he must know, it's better that he knows even one day, one hour earlier rather than later. In the long run, that will lessen his pain.

Finally, who would've thought that it would be MG's insecurity (as a high schooler) rather than BS's dark secret that would jeopardize this couple's love most? I hope MG overcomes it like he did BS's past because they are so adorable together. I am rooting for this couple to be the end game. Come on, MG, you're Suah's destiny and the kind of milk you like best is I lovewoo you.


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Amen to officially washing hands of Da-in. Oy vey. I'm done.

I want Jin-gu as my boyfriend. How great is he?


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Lol fall in line please


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I now want to beat Da-in with a tuna. So if anyone knows how to beat a fictional character with a fish I couldn't lift by myself, let me know.
Sorry about the tuna thing it's just ever since I played Shadow Hearts: Covenant years ago and one of the characters used a frozen tuna as a weapon my life goal has been to beat someone with a tuna.

I never thought I'd be rooting for Min-gu and Su-ah to actually be together but I am.


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In marriage not dating, han groo beat the good doctor with a died fish at the ancestor worship ceremony. We need to find the dried fish.


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A frozen tuna maybe?. It is big and hits hard, and also you can prepare sushi afterwards to celebrate!!! ;) .


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Suah is just so much fun!!! I was laughing so loud at the beer- 7up mishap..


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hmmm its good that you have the mobile ver. now hahah.
and i think that 1 of them will get a bad ending.


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Can you help me? What is the song at the end of plus nine boys episode 12? :( the one after jae bum told something to jin goo in his office, help me please!


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