Park Shin-hye headlines Pinocchio as reporter who can’t lie

Ah, so now we have the reason behind Pinocchio’s title — the drama features a heroine who can’t tell a lie. She’s a character who suffers from Pinocchio syndrome (I think it’s called different things, but they mean a condition where your body shows a physical sign whenever you lie), which makes her hiccup whenever she isn’t being honest.

That’s a pretty cute conundrum to put a drama character in, since I’m just imagining all the ways that could become embarrassing in the presence of a crush or an unpleasant boss. I don’t know how realistic the condition is, but coming from the producers of I Hear Your Voice, I’m prepared to just count it as a random mutant ability/curse anyway. It can’t possibly be weirder than hearing people’s inner thoughts, could it?

Park Shin-hye (Heirs) has now confirmed that she’ll be headlining, which isn’t a surprise; Lee Jong-seok (Doctor Stranger) is still considering, but I expect the confirmations for everyone else to start rolling in pretty soon. Lee Yubi (Gu Family Book) and Kim Young-kwang (Plus Nine Boys) are up to play the second leads, in what will likely be a rookie foursome much like the one in You’re All Surrounded.

The SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama from the writer-director team behind I Hear Your Voice will be a coming-of-age story featuring twentysomething cub reporters at the city news desk. They dive into an environment where every day is a battleground, and spend 24 hours a day together chasing the latest stories. It’s described as a drama about youth, love, failures, and growing up.

Park Shin-hye’s heroine chooses to be a reporter because of her inability to lie without a case of the hiccups. I don’t really know how useful that is for a career in journalism compared to the ability to detect other people’s lies, but we’ll go with it. Hopefully she’ll be a lively character with lots of spunk and winsome flaws to scrub that depressing Heirs girl from my brain.

Pinocchio follows She’s So Lovable in November.

Via Osen




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I was mildly dissapointed with Gapdong, the last drama of this writer but I liked IHYV enough to get excited for this but then again it's Park Shin Hye headlining.


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You're mistaken: The writer of Gap Dong is Kwon Eum Mi, not Park Hye Ryun.


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Just borrowing your post. Lee Jong-seok is currently first on search rankings... and there are articles about him and pinocchio as well as articles about him and suzy. I'm guessing there's 2 possibilities if his name is trending, the first is he's casted in pinocchio already, and the second is he's dating (perhaps rumored) suzy. Can someone enlighten me on what's happening?


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Really ???? I've never seen such articles claiming suzy & jong suk's dating .. Anyway , I'd have loved it so much if suzy was to be courted against jong suk instead of shin hye :( But I guess she's busy doing her upcoming movie ... Fingers crossed , fighting?


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thank god the female lead isn't Suzy tbh, she literally cannot act at all (facial expression, line delivery, body language.....can't manage any of them).


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i agree like seriously everyone is like suzy this suzy that but that girl can't act and psh isnt that great at acting either its just because theyre popular


Doubt it - Suzy is more of a "man" than LJS.


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Oh @ you implying that just because he is a certain way, it makes him less of a man. Good old ignorance and insecurities about masculinity.


Yes - b/c he is a certain way, he is less "manish."

No one refers to Justin Bieber as "manly."

Yeah, some girls don't like manly guys but I don't think Suzy is one of them.


And there are other K-actors who aren't "manly" who have more of an appeal than LJS.



There is not just one way to be a man, your viewpoint is outdated and derives from sexism. He can act any way he wants and still be a man. Just because he doesn't let society pressure him into acting macho does not mean he's less of a man than any other guy. And if you're talking about his looks then that's equally misguided. Don't try to backtrack, you originally didn't say "manly", you said "a man".

Like I said, this is from ignorance and insecurities. I hope you're young because if you're an adult who never learned any better-- that's just sad. It's never too late to educate yourself though, I'm rooting for you lol.




current articles about LJS include:
- he is rumored t be dating miss a's suzy (JYPE says its not true; i think his side is saying they barely know each other?)
- he had a fan meeting/autograph signing thing in gangnam
- he was offered a role in pinocchio; is considering it favorably


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Yay? PSH has just never been an actress I look forward to seeing. I hope this role is as spunky as Lee Bo Youngs in IHYV. She needs to play a different character imo.

I am also seriously suffering from Lee Jong-Seok fatigue. Would love her paired with someone else.

I wish the second female lead was the main lead tbh.


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It's ok, don't worry.
I'm 100% confident that the real plot summary goes like this: 'Pinocchio, the story of a wooden actress who learns to kiss like a real, live person!' Otherwise why would they have casted her?


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YES! That's a show I'd watch


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That's sooo not gonna happen, she'll play the innocent type again I just see it coming... *sigh*


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Well you better get used to her, because you're gonna be seeing a lot more of her beautiful and flawless face soon!


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SIGH "@Park Shinhye .................." why don't you go troll somewhere else?


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What?....you have the right to post but not her fans? Is this blog just for critiques then?


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I said that because the above commenter was clearly trolling.
Scrolling down, you will see some of her comments had to be deleted even.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as its stated with respect.


Yeah, and it would be really cool if she could actually... you know.. ACT?


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Well said, we are surely getting more PSH for a while. I'm glad for her popularity. She is nice and talented , and deserves what she has. I don't understand why people hate her that much, I agree she is a horrible kisser and she ruins all those romantic kissing scenes, but come on korean dramas don't have such passionate kisses either. Plus, you can't just her acting based on that, she is cute, she can cry, she can act hurt and painful characters and get chemestry in and behind the set...i'm glad she's back and I hope this drama makes her shine and keep going forward on her career


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*puts face in palms and sighs*


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I am also seriously suffering from Lee Jong-Seok fatigue.

Why? Just because he continuously takes acting jobs like actors should instead of only doing one drama/film every 1-3 years while living off easy endorsement money?


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Is this what is happening when we don't see certain actors around much? I swear some actors go from project to project to project with no breaks in between, (Park Hae Jin, Lee Bum Soo, Lee Jong Seok, Jin Se Yon), and then there are those who I wait forever to announce their next projects. Is it the lack of offers or are they just being picky?


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Well I don't know about supporting actors, but for lead actors who get both scripts and endorsement deals thrown at them, this is sometimes the case. For example, Wonbin (I love him though, I'm just using him as a popular example) has been criticized by knetizens for not taking an acting job in years but still appearing in cfs year round.


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i don't understand people who complain about actors appearing too often etc; they could just NOT watch the show.


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Ditto. Not to hate on her or anything but she just doesn't do anything for me. I guess it's personal preference.


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When is it useful not to be able to lie? Priesthood?
Anyway PSH is in for a challenge, fingers crossed she'll deliver.


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In fact, the role suits her. She is quite the nun type...I believe this is the reason why I liked her so much in You are so beautiful, and disliked her anywhere else.

So, despite my initial disappointment, I will look forward to this drama. Lee Jong Seok and Lee Yubi are so damn good, and Park Shin Hye does well the naive+wooden thing. Maybe they will make a good combination :D


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Good point!
And indeed when 3 out of 4 are great, that's a gift. Fighting Pinocchio.


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When your friend turns into an enemy :)


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I'm excited for this! It sounds unique enough to be fun. And it's not that crazy when you consider the reactions some people have when they lie - blushing, stammering. This could be seen as an extreme extension of that, if you're looking for an explanation :).

I read somewhere the two leads will be uncle and niece, through some weird family thing, even though they're the same age. So, no love line -that will be new. Does this mean no romance? I find that idea surprisingly appealing.


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Would be finding Night Watchman so much more enjoyable if the barely there romantic angle were scrubbed entirely; the photography, music, and action scenes in the last few episodes have been much better and the story has finally picked up. Needs much more of little girl ghost.


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The leading girl in Nightwatchman is meh,,, with sword swinging and not much talk, even Yuhno outshines her.


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Ooh. If that's true - and it's a kdrama, so it seems highly unlikely - it could mean a loveline with the second leads instead. Lee Jong Seok and Lee Yubi? Sold!


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It also sounds like it could be a Park Shinhye vs Lee Jongsuk scenario because their characters work at rivaling stations and have different ethics.


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School 2013 had no romance, and it was fantastic for it because they developed the other kinds of relationships so well.

Also, the leads are uncle and niece?! That's a new one, though I would be even happier if that meant Lee Jong-seok's love line would be with Lee Yubi. (is it even true, and would SBS even allow two of Korea's hottest young stars to headline a drama and not have a loveline together?!)


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Ohhh! New post. *clicksrightaway*

Awww, but it's not the FTLY 19 recap. *sadface*

Reads post. Hmmm, a possible IHYV reunion? *happyface*



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omo. you too? hahahahah.


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@jhu Lolol me too
been refreshing since last night :-(


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and trust us FTLY lovers to come sabotage another post and make it all about their show. i miss talking to you all! <3

i'm going to burn a candle and maybe some incense and send good supportive vibes to gummi-chan so she can finish her recap sooon.


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yeah, lets not do that but wait patiently for our FTLY fix to come. Cant believe its all ending in about an hr.
Sobs furiously


LOL you guys. I just left a comment on the Ep.18 recap because I was missing all our spazzing so much. And then come here and see this. :D

*hangs head at the shameless hijacking of post*. Tch tch.


Not to rain on your parade, but if the Next Recap to Post is an indicator, FTLY recap might be out tomorrow morning seeing that MSH Ep 5 is up next.. unless they publish two posts tonight..


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I'm waiting for both recaps and my F5 button is used to it by now :)


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Looks like you might be right after all. )=


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This is hilarious!

So funny how this blog is such a huge part of our lives. Watching a drama is just not the same w/o a DBs recap to go w/it, lol!


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I totally agree!! My kdrama enjoyment is enhanced because of the DB recaps :D. I don't watch dramas that aren't recapped by these girls!


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OMG finally someone to commiserate with. It usually comes between 2 and 4pm my time, and it's 10pm now. )=


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Bummer. I'm honestly not sure how it happened, but somewhere along the line I went from liking Park Shin-hye, to being indifferent, to sorta/kinda disliking her. I can't help but wish someone else had taken the lead role instead, but who knows, maybe this will be the role that flips my opinion yet again. I certainly hope so because it sounds amusing, cute, and fun.


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That's weird Ik, I liked her the most in Tree Heaven which was probably her first drama.


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See, I liked her in Stairway to Heaven, Tree of Heaven, and You're Beautiful . . . but nothing after that. And that's after having seen her in Flower Boys Next Door, Cyrano Agency (the movie), You've Fallen for Me, Hayate the Combat Butler, Heirs, and a ton of variety shows. Maybe the variety shows did it, I don't know. I was looking forward to this drama though, so it's somewhat disappointing. I'll try to go into it with an open mind though - maybe it's just the roles she's been choosing lately.


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Oh Angela you've probably seen her in everything she's ever been in! I think I see a patron here, the older shows up until the movie were better than the more recent ones. Did she not improve or is she unlucky with her picks...


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It's ok, no one likes you either.


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Touche, lol.

Sure am glad I'M not a famous actress who puts themselves out there for public scrutiny, otherwise that may have actually stung.


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To think I used to at least respect the Park Shin Hye fans on this site for not behaving like immature brats when someone says they don't like her ( unlike the fans of LJS' last leading lady)

Looks like you changed that.


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[Comment deleted. -jb]


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oh please, you're an embarrassment to me and any other sane Park Shin Hye fan on here. Nice trolling.


[Comment deleted. Let's play nice here. -jb]


.....you've already violated the commenting policy here in multiple ways, and looks like you want to continue.

Please consider yourself reported for abuse. I may not be able to do anything about you, but the owners of this website certainly can.


I understand the frustration but please, let's remember that feeding the fire only makes it worse! Some of the replies have been just as incendiary.


@javabeans - you're right, it was better to just ignore it. I apoogise.


LJS's effect? LOL


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hehe, well, I don't see it happening to Lee Bo-young ;)


Oh, jeez. Is this real life? Contrary to what you seem to believe, people ARE allowed to lament casting decisions. I understand that it must be exhausting being Park Shin-hye's fan numero uno (obviously), so maybe take a nap and see if you feel any better afterwards. Can't wait to chat. XO.


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News flash: PSH is making more money than you will ever make in your lifetime. She will be fine whether or not someone makes a mildly critical comment about her on dramabeans, and does not need your help. As such, I suggest you stop wasting your life being a keyboard warrior for a multi-millionaire celebrity and focus on improving your own life.


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I suggest we just report the troll to JB/GF instead.

It's clearly only here to insult and bait people no matter whether they're PSH fans or not, there is no point in engaging.


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Yes, please. This is the way to go.


seriously...,from the plot alone its easily could be the next rating hits drama...at 1st i thought it was LJS who will be that Pinocchio..and if it true,its going to be fun..but it turn out the Pinocchio is the female one...and that female one turn out to be PSH...lol..creepy Pinocchio already in my imagination..lets wait n see..


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Just curious, what from the plot synopsis does it make seem like the next rating hits drama?


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How does the synopsis tell you it's going to be a ratings hit?
I am.sincerely curious


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its simple...unic storylines...


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Huh? How is it unique, based on what we know so far?

We just had a drama of rookie policemen, now we get rookie reporters.

A character challenged with lying isn't a new concept either, starting with Pinocchio, but you can find more examples (of all kinds) easily: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CanNotTellALie

The hiccupping then? Si On was hiccuping in Good Doctor not all that long ago. Not permanently, but also in specific situations.

It might well score high ratings, but at the moment that's probably down to the casting / writer-team (IHYV).


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any drama with rookie policemen story are stupid..that why that kind of drama always flop..its always the same spoil brat policemen..as you said.,this drama might score high rating bcoz of writer team..its true..you maybe think rookie reporter and rookie police is just the same concept... but its no bcoz its depend on the character itself..Park Hye Ryun wouldn't make a Pinocchio as a police..why? bcoz it going to be useless in the story..what can police do with her hiccup whenever she tell a lie..?and what police have to do with not being honest..?this writer basicly know that the best Pinocchio story will only happen if she tell a story about a reporter.Being reporter means she can't hide anything..Reporter shouldn't tell a lie or else hicupping in front of people or maybe on the tv live or something..but how can someone being honest all the time..for me PHR will make a very good job just like how she make IHYV..only my opinion..


hahaahaa. talk about rating, I will not surprise if our upcoming wed-thu drama between 3 major broadcast network lead by Iron Man because people are curios about the iron thingy. well, bcoz the other upcoming two dramas She's So Loveable and My Spring Days are cliche plots. we'll see..

I am giving Park Shinhye a chance tho coz I love almost of her shows except for Heirs coz I watch that show bcoz of Kang Haneul and Kim Jiwon. (have been their fans since TTBY era)..


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PSH casting is right up SBS’s alley as the network revealed that she was their number one choice for the role and are thrilled she accepted.

The drama producer, iHQ, has been in constant call to have the actress take over the lead character in Pinocchio.

So people need to stop doubting her because the grand team already aiming her from the first time.


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That's a lovely picture of Park Shin-Hye. I really like her clothing too.

The premise sounds interesting enough for me to check this drama out when it airs.


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I do not know why but i have this image of Go Mi Nyeo running around looking fr next headline


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I like Shin Hye, a lot, but did not want to take this project, this is not more of the same


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Shin-hye really looks different in photoshoots


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Hiccups huh ? easy cure. Just swallow water nine times without any pause will fix it.
Anyway, it would be more challenging and funny whenever she lies, she farts. Heehee...


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Hiccups and journalism ...... um, ok.


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I wonder, if PSH is so popular, why doesn't she make more movies instead of one drama after another?:)

Since I like this writer I guess I'll just have to give her one more chance.


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She's at least done some movies, though - other tv superstars like Lee Seung-gi and Lee Min-ho didn't make a movie until this year. She's got a sageuk coming out sometime later this year, too.

I feel like she experiments a little more with her movies and for the most part, uses tv roles as popularity tools. (which I am fine with because I liked FBND a lot).


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Yes, I wonder about them too. Maybe they don't like the medium? I doubt they don't get any offers. Maybe they don't feel confident? I always get curious. :)


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Does anyone know if Kim Woo Bin is still in talks for lead? I'd love to see PSH x KWB couple : ) I loved them in The Heirs way more than PSH x LMH!!


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I read he passed on the role and that's why they asked Jongsuk


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I can teach her how to lie ... and count the stars.


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I like PSH for the most part. I think she is a perfectly capable actress and is likeable on screen, though I do think she sometimes has trouble injecting life into underwritten characters (e.g. Heirs). The writers of IHYV have proven they can write female characters who aren't the typical cookie cutter candy heroines, though I think a lot of the credit should also go to Lee Bo Young who was able to make the character so likeable. In all, I don't think PSH is the most interesting choice but I think she's in good hands with this project so I think she will be fine. At the very least it can't be any worse than Heirs...


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I need to see her play a character that isn't a goody-two shoes wimp. Then, I might like her.


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Lee Bo young is awesome, but the writer does write winning leading characters.. But in the 2"dramas that i know she wrote, i think she follows a specific formula for leads' characterizations and story arcs. Dream High & IHYV- Hyemi & hyesung as the prickly, arrogant, opinionated, frank, blunt heroines who are rootable and become more likable each ep, Samdong and Sooha as the intelligent, forgiving, passionate, totally in love & utterly devoted hero, Jingook(shihyuk) & lawyer kwangwoo as the utterly decent, good-looking, dependable 2nd lead heroine initially crushes on, baekhee and doyeon the short haired, ambitious frenemy who's ultimately likable.. Even though I would like the writer to draw out different characterizations & think her capable, even the same formula wd still make the show enjoyable & maybe help revive Shinhye's name, which is in a crapper after Heirs much like Gu Hyesun's, post BoF.. PSH works best in non-cutesy, serious roles like ToH & FBND, & it only worked in YAB since her charac ws an innocent nun.. A college co-ed or world-weary being all wide-eyed innocent doesn't suit her.. Concern, sadness, glaring, touched - these expressions R more natural & suited fr her..


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Your comment describes exactly how I feel :) I'm rather neutral on her, but in well-written roles I like her quite a bit. So with this team, I actually think she has a really great shot at stepping it up because in IHYV its characters were its strong point. And this premise sounds pretty fun so far and has a pretty good foursome in the works so I'M stoked.


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Oh crap! I was hoping she'd decline this drama. Poor Jong sukkie!


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She's a massive upgrade from Jin Se-yeon though.

(and even that is an understatement)


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compared with his prev lady, he got lucky tbh


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I just don't like Park Shin Hye. Which is weird, because I love those Hwayoung/Hyoyoung twins and they look similar.


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Hyoyoung is actually a really good actress, she has some chops all right!

Shame she's from some unknown idol group so her agency probably doesn't have SM level clout to get her into lead roles anytime soon.


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She is the most wooden on-screen kisser I have seen. How could she not be more excited about all these beautiful men she gets to kiss? If she could just stop furrowing her brow while she is being kissed........


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I like PSH as a person.. As an actress though, I think she can be better if she or her agency ever decide to take some risks and give her roles that show some range like a heroine that's a bit immoral or someone that kicks butt. Also, enough with the wide eyed lip smacks. Normal people never kiss like that.


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You are reading my mind. I think PSH is such a nice girl, i think she is pretty and i always feel bad saying how basic and mediocre she is as an actress .

But i feel that could change if she took on a riskier role and stoped playing it safe. This drama is one more proof of that.It`s basically the same thing she played in FBND and YAB only in reporter world. I hope there is more twist to this drama and her character with some dark elements and any hint of complexity.

But i noticed her fans only care of her getting high ratings and popularity awards. They don`t want to see her develop as an actress as long as she is popular. That`s maybe the reason she is taking the safe route.


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I don't think it's totally fair regarding FBND. It was supposed to be a completely different character for her. Sad, depressed, neurotic, not just shy and wide eyed which is how she played. So maybe she is unable to go to a darker or even a little bit more complex place.
But that's just my opinion, many people liked her role and her portrayal there.


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I agree. FBND was a character she could experiment with and actually make a lot more neurotic and darker. I do like her modeling, and I don't hate her as a person but I do believe her range as an actress is too limited for the dramas of today. Kdrama fans are just expecting more to connect with characters and Park Shin Hye can't deliver.


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I don't always like PSH but i kinda always watch her dramas... well i hope she delivers and I like Lee Jong-seok... don't know if they'd make a good pair but i adore Lee Yubi, so i'll watch.

I'd want to see Moon Chae-won doing this character, don't know why


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I hope that this role will make me like her again. I've been finding all her character choices infuriating.


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I have to say, I don't get the Park Shin-hye dislike/hate. I like her. I don't think she's a phenomenal actress, but I think she's a good one, at the very least. I've liked her ever since I saw You're Beautiful, one of the first dramas I've ever seen. I think that it's not her acting ability that should be called into serious question (though I do think she could improve), but the writing of some of the dramas she takes. She can only do so much with the material she's given. If the writing is subpar, then the acting will be too. That's what I think, anyway. You people can take it however you want.


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I will say that your comment has a lot of merit. But as an artist, part of the package includes the roles you decide to play and the depth you translate into your characters. Most of the dislike of PSH, from what I read, is not personal, but merely an expression of how people dislike her take on the characters she plays and the dimensions she introduces into her character.

Also, the fact that most, if not all, of her roles are similar, she's always the protagonist, damsel in distress, never the antagonist, and it's almost always a rom-com, not a murder mystery, family drama or anything else.

Also, if you copied and pasted her character from one drama to the next, there's very little difference in how they are played, so it gets boring.

For someone with as much acting history as she has, and as popular as she is, the audience expects MORE and when she doesn't deliver, they are disappointed. Now, if this happened with only one drama, it would be easier to ignore, but it seems to be a repeated problem, and it eventually turns the viewers off her as an actress.


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....except that her earlier tv work (including Goong S, where she did play an antagonist) and film work do not always have her in the perpetually crying Candy mode, like some people like to claim. Her role in Cyrano, for instance, was borderline vixen, but compared to the number of international fans who watch dramas, international fans don't tend to watch movies as much, so aren't aware when an actor has done a break from the usual on the big screen.

She's not a great actress, but in many respects she is a good one - far better than the likes of Shin Se-kyung or Jin Se-yeon (who hardly ever seem to vary their facial expressions onscreen, no matter whether they vary their roles or not).


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I like Park Shin Hye in the first 2-3 episodes of every drama, but the problem with her is that she does not follow through with characters as well as the part that she is like a wood puppet that has no emotions... In the past I've blamed the writing because in most cases the characters are not well written and the material seems to be vague, but at some point you have to somewhat blame the actor too, it's the actors job to give depth to a character, she's fallen short of doing that on a few occasions. And even if I like the writer and Lee Jeong Seok if the acting is sub par, for me, the appeal of the drama will be gone.


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I just hope she's not playing another Eun Sang. I trust the writers to give me another spunky Hye Sung.


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PSH is almost as bad an actress as Gu Hye Sun but at least GHS is prettier. Not going to be able to watch this even though Lee Jong Seok will be in it.


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Gu Hye Sun has actually improved a lot. Did you watch her recent drama - Angel Eyes? None of the usual quirkiness or unease in front of the camera. She was very natural.

I think she took off a few years decided to revamp her acting after putting a lot of thought into it and she was successful by all accounts.


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I really need her to NOT be a candy. Losing faith, Park Shin-hye. And no, it's not just the candy characters, it's also how she plays them. Hope this is good!


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Main thing I'm hoping for: please do not channel You're Beautiful and pull out that overly cutesy hiccup. Damn, I found Go Mi-nam one of the least tolerable role of hers.

Never really been keen on Park Shin Hye, but found her okay in Cyrano and Don't Worry, It's a Ghost. Perhaps she just needs to play against type and take a break from those weepy roles (heh, the first time I ever saw her was in Stairway to Heaven and we all know how that drama was...). Hopefully, the script will be able to work its magic on her, because the writer here is the main draw for me.


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PSH... NO. Sucks.


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Yay!!! Hope shin hye will nail the role...


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Awww... I was hoping it would be like Jim Carrey's Liar Liar, where she can't lie due to a curse or spell.


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compared to actresses like "Park Bo Young","Song Hye Kyo","Go Ara","Moon Chae Won","Han Hyo Joo","Ha Ji Won" & "Shin Min-ha",Park Shin Hye's acting TOTALLY SUCKS!! She is 25 years old & may have grown up as a girl,but she has NOT grown up as an ACTRESS!!

I know that her personality is good but I her acting really LEAVES much to be desired!


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yah!!! park shin hye

"Make your haters your congratulators"


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Why people are hating on psh here???? Shes so loveable..most natural..number one actress now..i dont get it.. i think i can guess why.. most of people hating and condemning her is fan of that woman from snsd right? Please just focus on your idol dont disturb park shin hye! Your idol acts worst..and plastic...


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Nah, I've been following this discussion for a couple of years now and they really, really just think she's a bad actress. She has a good glow on camera, but she seems to only pick roles--or gets roles picked for her--in which she simpers and looks sad and contributes nothing else to the scene.

I ran across a scene from Heirs that someone posted because of Lee Min Ho. The two male leads quarrel over Park Shin Hye's character in a restaurant, the argument moves out to a pool, and eventually she gets thrown into the pool. And all through the complex scene, her character just looks wimpy and hurt, hardly moves except to get from place to place or when one of the men pushes or pulls her, and is essentially just an object the two men are fighting over. No feelings or words or actions of her own.


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I agree with you, but I don't think anything from Heirs should be used as an argument against her acting. And especially not the one you used? That scene requires nothing from her than what you stated. And especially since the writing of Heirs itself makes her character /just/ an object that two men are fighting over... I don't think it's exactly a point of contention why people think she's frustrating there. I'm not a fan, but PSH actually pulled a solid enough performance to warrant her some respect with the bloody fucking awful character she got stuck with.


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park shin hye is really one note as an actress. She's good in crying scenes and that's about it. She has a tendency to overact and pull O_O faces. I will say that she has a very likeable face and that's why I've never disliked her


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I was so turned off by this actress that I will have to wait and see what the beanies think about the show before I would ever think of watching even the first episode.


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Wait, do you know PSH in real life? Or just by interviews?

I mean, she totally acted like a diva at dramafever awards, she is sweet with her fans and on screen, but the staff suffers to please her. ( At least the staff from drama fever awards )


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Im curious, in what way, may I ask?


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LIAR! I never heard of this.if u cant give us proof then u a big liar.. stop with fake stories.. shes gonna be the best for at least 10 years.. better than your faves..


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Blegh. Pass.


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Opinion: As a foreigner of Korea this I can say, I watched dramas and movies ranging from hollywood, bollywood, latin america and other asian countries, and I can honestly say that Ms. Shin Hye Park is a credible actress, She can definitely deliver. I was introduced into korean dramas and movies through Ms. PHS's acting in the movie entitled "Miracle in Cell No. 7". Now, I am so into Korean dramas, movies and music because of PSH. It is so frustrating for foreigners to not be able to watched these dramas at its scheduled airing w/o having to wait for months to watch it. I cannot understand why Koreans are not proud that PSH is within their reach, as many foreigners love her.


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In the synopsis LJS and PSH characters are uncle and niece by law only, but not for real. The story is LJS's parents die and he changes his identity and name and have to keep it a secret so he becomes PSH's "uncle". So yeah there will be romance between the two leads.


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Not really a fan, and pretty neutral about the prospect of LJS and PSH together. But reading through these comments, I'm sorta disappointed. Wil DB become one of those sites where I won't be able to muster through the comments section bc people are being needlessly hostile and mean?


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It's been for quite a while now. SOME of the posters here feel the need to project that they have superior tastes when it comes to choosing which actors to support and dramas to watch. And basically they cannot take criticisms themselves, but they find it perfectly fine to criticize k-actors because apparently, an anonymous poster in the internet's feelings is far more important and precious than an objectified entertainer from a foreign land.


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Gosh, not her!! Lee jong suk please dont take on this role. You really need a GOOD come back after the mess called "DR STRANGER"


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A reporter who can't tell a lie? LOL
We wish.


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Lol, it's Park Shin-hye! Haters gon' hate.

Though I agree with most of the comments here regarding her acting and overall awkwardness, I still like her and is a fan, so I'm definitely looking forward to this drama. Lee Jong-suk or not, I'm sure it'll be a fun watch. Also intrigued in the story and character descriptions.


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It would take A LOT of spunk to rid the impression of her role in Heirs. I remember yelling at the screen 'Why?!' many times.


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Love PSH and this characterization sounds interesting. I am sure she'll appear cute while hiccuping. Hwaiting! It'll be cute to be paired up with Lee Jong Suk!


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I never watched Heirs so I can't speak on her acting there but she bores me as an actress which I almost feel bad saying because she seems like such a sweetheart in real life. Maybe she could surprise us, who knows? LJS doesn't intrigue me much either but he's still considering anyway.

The premise sounds pretty silly so the execution is going to be important. I'd have less doubts if it was being aired on TVN, just my current bias.


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HEIRS is currently the most popular Korean drama in the world. The survey was done by Showbiz Korea with 188 countries participating in it. This news was aired by Showbiz Korea via Arirang TV (Korean Channel).

40% causcasians and 26% latinos or latin Americans watched it at least on Drama fever, only 15% including yourself, Asians watched it through Dramaf ever.


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I am a fan of PSH and she is one of my top korean actress. I am very supportive of all dramas and m6vies. It is so annoyiing to read all those ugly comments of her. I personally feel she does not deserves them at all. You gugs are too fast tn draw the line. All the roles she has choosen to play SHE CAN DELIVER.


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