High School King of Savvy: Episode 9

The workplace romance hijinks are here! Our new couple’s romance pretty much spans the whole episode, making it an irresistibly adorable watch. Our leads really outdo themselves with their budding romance, but it’s a pretty accurate representation of being head over heels for someone. Through some hilarious and mortifying hijinks, we’re given a confirmation of why these two belong together and a slight foreshadowing of why they don’t. But put that all aside to ponder about later because this episode requires some proper squealing and cringing from the cuteness.


Having affirmed their feelings, our couple makes out with no care for the passersby or the barking dogs. When Min-seok takes off his arm sling, Soo-young looks worried, but he assures her that he’s totally fine. Then, he swoops in for some more smoochies, a panacea for heartbreak and apparently injured arms.

The two walk hand in hand while Soo-young worries nonstop about Min-seok’s arm. Is it because of the earthquake? It’s not broken, is it? But Min-seok smiles and says he’s happy. He likes how Soo-young worries about him and regrets that he should have just broken it. Soo-young calls that nonsense and lightly punches him, but Min-seok overreacts. She doesn’t believe him at first, but his continuous cries of pain fool her. When she gets close to check his boo-boo, Min-seok grabs her and sneaks a kiss on her forehead.

They continue to walk together, and Min-seok thanks Soo-young for accepting his confession. In reply, Soo-young apologizes for making him wait. And because he’s on a roll today, Min-seok sneaks in another one with a peck on the cheek.

When the two lovebirds reach Soo-young’s house, Min-seok says he doesn’t want to leave. They adorably argue over who should leave first, so Soo-young proposes that they leave at the same time on the count of three. But of course that doesn’t work out either, as they both look back at each other and laugh. A man awkwardly passes between them complaining about the noise, and they finally decide to part ways.

Soon after his farewell, Min-seok gets a call from his coach, which can only mean one thing: punishment time.

The whole team watches Min-seok suffer the consequences of his absence, and his friends shake their heads, unable to understand Min-seok’s behavior. After his punishment squats, Duk-hwan and Tae-seok go to collect him, but he collapses. He giggles like a mad man on the ground, and Duk-hwan presumes that he’s lost his mind from the hour-long punishment. Min-seok shares the love and giggles but can’t get up because his legs have gone weak from the squats.

Min-seok calls Soo-young, and when he admits that he misses her already, he swings his legs like an excited little boy. Soo-young seems flustered but continues to worry about Min-seok’s injured arm. Behind her, Yoo-ah sends Min-seok a supportive text, but he brushes it off as a message from a friend and continues his phone call with Soo-young. He asks her out for their first date after work, and she agrees to think about what she wants to do.

After Soo-young gets off the phone, Yoo-ah confronts her sister about her very obvious dating. Soo-young confirms that she is indeed dating the Chief Director, and Yoo-ah tells her to introduce him sometime. She agrees to (but I strongly object).

Even after the call, Min-seok is still in love mode and kisses his phone… only to be caught by his two friends. The three of them sit on the field to talk about the situation. While Tae-seok lies on Min-seok’s lap, Duk-hwan tries to knock some sense into him, saying that Popcorn Sister doesn’t even know that Min-seok is Min-seok, not Hyung-seok. How will she react when she figures out he’s actually a high-schooler?

After a bit of hesitation, Min-seok says that he’s decided to only think about his feelings for Popcorn Sister and nothing else. His friends grab him and excitedly comment on how romantic he is right now. They ask eagerly about the “chupa chupa,” or better known as kisses, and chase him around with more embarrassing questions.

Back home from a good weekend, Min-seok is extra excited during breakfast and tells Dad that the food is especially good today, though Dad claims that it’s just their everyday breakfast. Min-seok also comments on how handsome Grandpa looks today, which just makes his day. He gives Gramps and Dad a kiss on the cheek before heading off to school/work.

Soo-young and Min-seok walk to work together being all cutesy, but they’re interrupted by the retail team ladies. They comment on how Soo-young looks so dressed up today; does she have a date? Looking embarrassed, she rushes into the building while Min-seok smiles.

It’s just another day at work, but it’s a start of a new workplace romance for Min-seok and Soo-young. Through the blinds of Min-seok’s office, Soo-young sends him a sign to meet her up on the roof. Assistant Manager Yoon looks at them suspiciously as they carry out their secret romance.

President Yoo asks Director Nam about the guy who used to chauffeur for the late Lee Jung-soo. Director Nam remembers him as Choi something and says that he hasn’t heard from him since Lee Jung-soo’s accident. President Yoo thinks back to the day when he saw Dad on his bike and says that he saw someone similar to Chauffeur Choi recently.

As Min-seok and Soo-young share a meal on the roof, he comments on how good the food is. She playfully slaps his arm in response, and Min-seok overreacts in pain. But Soo-young’s not fooled this time and feeds him more food. They discuss the possibilities of a vacation together, all while Min-seok talks with his mouth full, but they’re interrupted by Ji Dae-han and Assistant Park who are heading towards them.

They immediately jump into the role of boss and secretary, with Min-seok scolding Soo-young for bothering him with his work schedule when he’s eating. She runs off, and Min-seok takes his leave as well while the two retail members make up excuses for being on the roof.

Min-seok catches up to Soo-young and tries to hold her hand, but she refuses: “I am a confident modern woman who knows how to separate work from personal life.” So Min-seok orders her to hold his food and lead the way. But he quickly links arms with her, and they skip away arm in arm under the watch of Jin-woo.

Jin-woo runs into Soo-young by the restrooms, and he comments that she and Min-seok look good together. He also adds that she seems to take matters pretty lightly, seeing that she quickly changed her feelings for Min-seok. Just before she walks away, Jin-woo asks if she really likes Min-seok. She turns around and says that she does because he isn’t two-faced, unlike someone. Oof, Jin-woo looks affected by that.

Back in the office, Ji Dae-han mentions to the team that it’s Assistant Park’s birthday today. Sang-hee offers to sing him a song if he buys lunch for the team, so the retail ladies sing him a simple happy birthday and look at him expectantly. Looking a little bitter, Assistant Park agrees to take them out but buys them all the cheapest noodles on the menu.

Dae-han suggests that they all go out for a team trip sometime soon, and they all agree to go on a hiking trip. We catch him breaking into a smile when Yoon-ju says that she’d be up for the trip. Assistant Park says that he can’t make it, and Min-seok and Soo-young both give excuses as well. Assistant Manager Yoon proposes they go on the hiking trip with the people available and smiles knowingly at Soo-young.

In the bathroom, Sang-hee tells Yoon-ju that she senses something different about their Chief Director nowadays. She thinks that he’s dating and wonders who gets the honor of dating such a young, handsome, perfect guy. Soo-young sits on the toilet listening to the conversation and happily raises her hand, saying “Me, me, me!” in her head.

Sang-hee goes on to reminisce about her past dating life. She recollects one time when a past boyfriend took her on a trip and stalled to miss the last train back. He obviously was looking to spend the night with her; men have ulterior motives when they take their girlfriends on trips.

Having heard this, Soo-young thinks back to Min-seok’s proposal to go on a trip. She walks out of the bathroom and jumps back in surprise when she runs into Min-seok. He tells her that he’s been thinking about their trip and suggests that they go to Nami Island. His suggestion to go to an island raises more red flags, and Soo-young rushes away.

While preparing herself some coffee, Soo-young thinks about Min-seok’s motives in taking her on a trip. Dae-han approaches her and starts a conversation that she doesn’t hear, as she’s too busy in her own head. She walks away without acknowledging him, and he nods that he’s once again ignored.

Soo-young resorts to the internet for the answer to her question, and people respond saying that the guy must have other reasons for taking her on a trip to an island. They warn her that all men are wolves and advise that she go out to get some lingerie. She gasps in surprise and looks back to Min-seok, who’s drawing hearts on his window for her. Ha.

Min-seok gets an email from Coach with a detailed analysis of their upcoming opponents, but he slams his laptop closed when Jin-woo unexpectedly walks in. Jin-woo hands him some files for work and tells him to look them over. Before he leaves, he asks Min-seok to delay their meeting next week, and Min-seok quickly agrees, wanting Jin-woo out of his office.

Jin-woo meets with Director Nam to discuss his progress on investigating Min-seok. He updates that things didn’t go as planned, but he’s sure that Min-seok is hiding something. It’s only a matter of time…

Min-seok and Soo-young go out for some street food, and they have a cute moment where Min-seok wipes the ddukbokki off of Soo-young’s face. As they reach Soo-young’s house, she quickly tries to send him off, saying that he should rest up for their trip tomorrow. She pretends to head home, and as soon as Min-seok is out of sight, she’s off…

To the lingerie store, where she checks out some of the lacy undergarments because they’re “interesting.” She stands in front of a mirror with one and takes off her glasses with flair, only to hide away in embarrassment when someone pops out of the dressing room. HA.

Min-seok tells his friends that he’s going to an island, and they automatically assume that he’s got some other motives going on. Their eyes drop down, and Min-seok hits them for their obscene thoughts. But they claim that they’re the normal ones and continue to tease Min-seok.

Continuing their conversation as they eat, Min-seok assures them that he’s 18 years old; he couldn’t even if he wanted to. Duk-hwan continues with his fantasies and plays girlfriend-boyfriend with Tae-seok. Min-seok shakes his head at their representation, and they quickly laugh off the conversation like the immature boys they are.

At Comfo, Team Leader Kim complains to Director Han that he’s canceling their arrangement to get drinks today. Team Leader Kim says that if he cancels, he has to go home and take care of the kids. So Director Han hands him an envelope, which appeases Team Leader Kim until he realizes that it’s a mere 5,000 won coupon.

Jin-woo watches this whole interaction from behind and thinks back to what he overheard by the bathrooms – Min-seok assuring that he won’t get caught. Jin-woo slyly invites Team Leader Kim for drinks, saying he was canceled on last minute as well.

Soo-young packs her new lingerie and proceeds to wax her legs just as Yoo-ah walks in. She hides her bag, but Yoo-ah looks at her suspiciously. She’s not going to spend the night, is she? Flustered, Soo-young shoos Yoo-ah away and runs to the bathroom to take care of the waxing.

Team Leader Kim takes Jin-woo out for drinks and tells him that he’s honored to be invited by Jin-woo, who asks him to drop the formalities. As Team Leader Kim reaches his drunken state, he addresses Jin-woo informally and pinches his cheeks; on the other hand, Jin-woo begins his investigation.

He asks what Hyung-seok was like in high school, and Team Leader Kim starts giving him unclear and conflicting descriptions because he’s switching between thinking about Min-seok and Hyung-seok. Thankfully, Team Leader Kim doesn’t give away any secrets but he throws a fuss about how frustrating Hyung-seok is.

Jin-woo’s plan goes awry, as he ends up piggybacking a drunk Team Leader Kim to grab a taxi. Team Leader Kim bites Jin-woo’s head and insists on a second round, but Jin-woo sends him off.

In his room, Min-seok looks up places to go on the island. Dad walks in and assumes that he’s watching porn but nods in understanding. He asks Min-seok to go grocery shopping with him tomorrow on his day off, but Min-seok claims to have hockey training again.

Soo-young struggles to sleep through the excitement for the next day, and she even sees Min-seok in her dreams, where he approaches her seductively. Soo-young wakes up a couple times, slapping herself, laughing, and eventually falling asleep. Thanks to her inventive imagination, Soo-young wakes up late the next morning, but nevertheless, the two are off on their first trip.

Once they arrive at Namiseom, Min-seok asks what Soo-young wants to do first. She still seems pretty sensitive about this whole trip, but soon enough, they’re running to their first destination hand in hand.

Min-seok is asked for his ID at the bike rental station, and he begins to take his out until he realizes that he can’t – that would reveal his true age. He claims to have forgotten his at home and grabs Soo-young’s ID. In her picture, she looks chubbier, and after a moment of silence, Min-seok laughs that she looks cute.

And so their date begins with bike rides, frolicking, and taking pictures. They roam around like any other couple, freely enjoying the pleasures of the landscape and running around for their cute mini photo shoot.

As they walk through the trees, Min-seok notices the pensions. He comments on how cute and similar they all look while Soo-young’s mind races about why he’s mentioning pensions. Min-seok wants to take a picture of them with his phone, but he can’t find it.

Soo-young’s mind automatically goes to Sang-hee’s conversation in the bathroom about how her former boyfriend pretended to lose his wallet, buying time to stay on the island. She looks at Min-seok with dubious eyes as he tries to remember where he lost his phone.

They end up running back to the restaurant where they ate, but the employee tells them that his phone is nowhere to be seen. Soo-young offers to call his phone just in case, and sure enough, Min-seok’s phone is in his backpack. This confirms Soo-young’s suspicions, and she’s sure that Min-seok will find another reason to stay behind.

Min-seok drags her along to take one last picture with a couple statue, and he comments that the guy approaching them looks very similar to Assistant Park. Lo and behold, it is Assistant Park! He lives on the island and walks around them, thankfully not noticing the two. Min-seok cannot believe the coincidence and walks away alone in shock.

Realizing that the last boat departure time is nearing, he grabs Soo-young and runs. They make it onto the last boat, and although Min-seok looks relieved, Soo-young looks pretty disappointed. She thinks back to Sang-hee’s conversation and the internet advice, which both reach the same conclusion: If the guy doesn’t try to stay behind, he doesn’t find you appealing as a woman.

On the train ride back, Soo-young sits with her sunglasses on and doesn’t interact with Min-seok. He tries to rest his head on her shoulder, but she rejects that as well. At the station, Min-seok tries to figure out what’s wrong, but she doesn’t tell him.

Duk-hwan and Tae-seok are hanging out at Tae-seok’s Chinese restaurant, but they’ve ordered Chinese delivery from another place. Haha, what?! Speaking in Chinese, the delivery guy says that this restaurant looks like it’ll close down pretty soon.

Just as they’re about to dig in, Duk-hwan gets an S.O.S. call from Min-seok, who still can’t figure out what’s wrong. Duk-hwan seems to figure it out just as Soo-young walks out of the bathroom. Min-seok follows her out and apologizes. More specifically, for taking the last selfie with his face pulled back to look much smaller than hers. Ha, if only the problem were as simple as that.

Soo-young begins to walk away, but Min-seok grabs her bag. It falls, and he discovers her secretly packed undergarments. She claims that they’re just scarves, but Min-seok finally realizes what’s going on. It doesn’t make it any better that Soo-young is confirming all of his suspicions as she’s trying to explain that she did not prepare to stay overnight.

Min-seok is speechless and stares at her, frozen in shock. Soo-young tries to defend her claims but eventually tells him the truth. She prepared to stay the night because that’s what everyone told her. She asks Min-seok is she’s even a woman in his eyes. “Why do you like me? Why are you dating me?” Mortified at her confession, she walks off.

Only after she walks off does Min-seok break into a smile. He chases after her and assures her that he does like her. He’s been controlling his nerves the whole trip and jokingly asks if he should just lose control.

He opens up his arms, and Soo-young jumps in. She cries out in embarrassment, but Min-seok reassures her that he’s crazy for her. Soo-young gets out of the hug, claiming that she’s hot, but Min-seok sneaks in a back hug before leading her to a cooler place – the ice rink.

As Min-seok skates around in his natural habitat, Soo-young comments on how he’s good at everything and that he should try hockey. Min-seok lies that he doesn’t really like hockey and proceeds to teach Soo-young how to skate. They have a nice little date at the ice rink, enjoying each other’s company.

Afterwards, Min-seok brings Soo-young a warm drink and they talk on a mat set up on the ice. Why they don’t just sit on the bleachers is beyond me, but I guess it does look nice with the ice rink in the background. Soo-young compliments Min-seok and says that he’s pretty savvy, and in response, he tells her that she’s pretty tiring. He always needs to look out for her. Aww.

Min-seok notes that Soo-young seems pretty good at skating. She explains that her father taught her when she was young. That brings up the topic of family, and she says that Dad passed away when she was in high school and that she’s been living with her sister in Seoul for the past eight years.

Soo-young asks about Min-seok’s family and the hyung he mentioned. Min-seok confirms that he has a hyung and adds that although they look alike, their personalities are completely different. He lets it slip that he misses his hyung but quickly corrects himself, saying that he wants to introduce him to Soo-young.

He then asks about what Soo-young was like when she was younger. Was she odd like she is now? Or was she cute and pretty like she is now? She says that she was just an ordinary girl with no special talents, but she also didn’t really work hard in school. She kind of just spaced out. Min-seok agrees that he can see that and gets asked about his younger self. He hesitates, but she assumes that he was cute back then (or technically, now).

It’s the next morning, and the two seem to have fallen asleep on the ice rink. They wake up shivering and sneezing, so Min-seok takes Soo-young out to get some warm soup.

Jin-woo arrives at work on a Sunday to take care of business, except it’s not his business. He heads to the retail team office, ready to dig in.

At the restaurant, Soo-young says that she has to head home to her sister, but Min-seok tells her to sit down. He notices that she seems to be quite careful around her sister, and Soo-young admits that although her sister is younger, she seems like an unni. When the food comes out, the lady gives them salted shrimp, but they both refuse because of allergies. They’re amazed at this similarity and bond over the allergic reactions they get.

Meanwhile, Jin-woo is snooping around in Min-seok’s office. He sits in Min-seok’s chair and opens up his laptop. There’s nothing special in his email, except for the hockey opponents analysis sent in recently by Coach, which throws Jin-woo off. He assumes it’s a hobby, but just as he’s about to close the laptop, the notification bell rings. It’s a new email from the real Hyung-seok, titled, “It’s been too long, hasn’t it? It’s hyung.”

Jin-woo’s hand hovers over the mouse, while Min-seok happily steals food from Soo-young’s bowl. He looks confused but intent on solving this mystery. And he’s only one click away.


Oh man, things are going down. If Jin-woo doesn’t find out now, he’s at least going to have a fine-tuned radar to catch all of Min-seok’s mistakes. Now that we’re here, I wonder how Jin-woo will react to the secret. Use it to his advantage? Kick him out? Flip a coin? Either way, it’s time for our doe-eyed rival to step up his game in both his work and personal life. And maybe even disturb his cool professional demeanor by overlapping the two.

That’s exactly what our main couple is doing and it’s freakin’ adorable. But I’ve got to admit, they are so unrealistically cute. And while that does bother me a bit (I criiinge), I think that the mawkishness is intended. It’s only fitting that our strange and quirky mashup gets the weirdest factor of cute. Or the intention could be to cover up the elephant in the room that only started to get addressed in this episode: the age gap. It’s news to nobody that the age gap has been the one strikingly uncomfortable factor in this whole romance. And while nothing illegal was done, the elephant still hasn’t been properly addressed because just like smoochies can cure injured arms, cutesy romantic hijinks can cover up the elephant. We’ll have to wait it out to see how this whole matter unfolds.

Regarding the whole island trip fiasco, I don’t necessarily agree with how Soo-young reacted, but these things are to be taken lightly – it’s a rom-com after all – and it was quite humorous to see the progression of the reactions. The bigger the expectations, the bigger the disappointment, and though her fall was far from graceful, Min-seok was still there to embrace her in the end. I’m really enjoying how this love line is playing out, since we’re seeing many more similarities between the two. Their talk at the ice rink revealed that they understand each other emotionally, as they’ve both experienced loss.

They also seem to be at a similar mental age. It’s funny yet sad that Soo-young admits that Yoo-ah seems like her unni because although it’s ironically true, that makes Yoo-ah one step farther from being at Min-seok’s level. The scene with Soo-young’s call and Yoo-ah’s text to Min-seok basically revealed to us that Yoo-ah is pretty much out of the running. Again, the bigger the expectations, the bigger the disappointment, and I can see Yoo-ah falling hard. Ouch.

Now about our love triangle… I think it’s safe to say that a case of Second Lead Syndrome is creeping up on me right now. Maybe it’s the age thing that’s still bothering me with the main pairing, but I still want to see Soo-young and Jin-woo work out. It’s entirely Jin-woo’s fault for being an ass, but I want him to fall for Soo-young again, this time with genuine interest. He has so much potential to grow throughout the show, and I hope he’s not wasted as a flat jerk character with family issues. We’ve already seen the depth he’s capable of, and if anything, he has so much pretty. I mean, look at him, he’s so adorable you just want to pinch his cheeks.

This is the first time I felt a bit of absence from our minor characters, but I understand the trade-off. More romance means less character time, which has both its benefits and downfalls. While I want the romance game to stay strong, I’m hoping to see more of our very important minor characters as we go forward. Where was Gramps? I need more of Gramps! It was telling that the romance was taking over Min-seok’s priorities in the scene where Dad invites him to go grocery shopping; the excuse is always “hockey training.” Despite the absence, I feel that we’re coming back around to the focus of family, especially with Hyung-seok’s reappearance and Dad’s looming storyline. Maybe it’s a sign that Min-seok can return to his normal life soon, though I would argue that it’s too late for that. The damage is already done.


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Thanks for the recap!

I seriously need to sue TVN for over-cutenesss. This is hands down the cutest episode I have ever seen ever since I started watching Kdramas. Team Leader Kim getting piggybacked by Min Woo is just the icing on the cake. lol


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The date trip was a bit much, kinda awkward to watch and a tad embarrassing when the whole intimate apparels got revealed, I cringed. I mean, who would just loosely pack that in their bags, seriously, it should be hidden deep inside the bag where they will never be discovered, just saying. For the just in case .Ok, let it go but that was such an embarrassing moment and it ruined the atmosphere for me. Whoever wrote that date trip scene just went overboard. Anyway, that was done, ep 10 is fab and am looking forward to the recap by Dramallama. *** Seo in guk , you are truly the Superstar K, you are really working hard, it is nice that you are looking healthy, so sexy, really. And if I may add, Best Kisser, do they hand out this award , coz you are so it! Mwah! <3


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Why is the age gap so glaring here? It is just 10 and in reality , it is just a 5 yr gap between seoinguk and leehana. Is it cause of soo young's ensemble on the date trip, that was just major frumpy. Why did I cringe a bit here, I did not blink my eyes on witch's romance , when that was a 19 year gap for real, I even relished it. Coz maybe the chemistry between uhm Jung hwa and park seo joon was that good. / soo young was her utmost nerdy girl self here and minsuk at his most talkative phase guess that ruined the mood. how did I get through that? By concentrating on Seo in guk looking mighty damn good in that white BOYS polo shirt tucked in a semi faded ,mini ripped denims. (Gosh, if my bf looks as good as that immabe crazee) #hotsexycool much!/ I want Jung soo youngs red jumper dress, too. Seriously, you should have worn that on the date trip with your hair down like that , shorts would hv been nice, too, just a casual get up, o, well, who was the friggin stylist for that scene?! You are fired!


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See..i totally loved the underwear thing. Every couple needs some embrrasing thing to help them further bond. And the scene was useful for so many other things. They needed a scene where sex was discussed. This is a rom-com after all... and kdramas are always having to mention sex obliquely.

So hero and heroine needed an intimacy moment. They also had to deal with her insecurity and her discomfort with her body image. In real life, sex is what often makes some insecure women feel their boyfriends love their bodies. So the underwear thing was an intimate substitute for sex. He also needed to see that an older woman might be expecting sex on an overnight date. It makes him realize the seriousness of the situation. So i don't think the writer was wrong there. He/she wrote exactly what the scene needed. And no doubt future scenes in this drama will parallel-with-a twist (or refer back to) this scene.

Admittedly, i would've stuff the lingerie deep in my bag but I doubt heroine thought her bag would spill out like that. She's not up on how to hide one's lingerie away.


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at least she bought those undies in white, hmm, very virginal. still I never thought for a moment he would even try to seduce her on the first date. they should have at least kissed on their date, aish, if that's my bf I would just hold hands with him, hug him and kiss him on the cheek and just stay close. I would be so glad that he didnt seduce me and got me on the boat on time. aish, pahbo, jung soo young. so embarrassing...


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She's been a daydreamer all her life though...and probably a lover of dramas and romance novels---she'd believe in possible seduction


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Now that the two are actually dating, I can decide if I like the pairing or not, based on actualization rather than speculation. And I decide - hohum!

Someone told me that the on-screen mannerisms of the secretary (an old-miss-in-waiting) caused a splash in Korean viewership, particularly among, wait for it, old misses and ajummas. So tvN is jacking it up and overplaying it. I don't know if that's true, but this episode certainly seemed in danger of having its brain evaporate.

I am sure it was a cute episode to certain type(s) of viewers. I yawned my way through it. If you want cute in everything in life, go get a puppy. But you do not want your man cute. Trust me.


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"someone told you"??? ah come on! And don't be harsh. There really are folks with those odd mannerisms. So if certain people connect to the character, why assume the director is playing it up? Tone down the cynicism a bit. Why should cuteness offend you?


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Personally, I loved the cuteness of their date. But I'm just one of those people who likes when guys act cute and goofy, lol.

Honestly though, I don't care whether the guy is cute or manly or a blue haired alien. I'm not interested in a guy who falls into some 'one size fits all' stereotype. I just want a guy who is his genuine self. And if his genuine self is cute, then so be it. I'm down with that!

I'm More Concerned with how he treats me, how he treats himself, and how he treats those around him. Does he have integrity. That's what I want to know.


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Amen. And a guy whose heart is healthy enough so he can connect positively and honestly with me and with other folks



It's so tiresome, the way people think men should be so limited in the way they express themselves.

I am loving Seo in Guk here, especially because he doesn't hold back on the over-the-top cuteness, but when situations come up, he doesn't hesitate to throw down. I think he's really great at playing up this all-laughs-all-aegyo but youd-trust-him-in-a-fight thing.

And more to the point, as you say, he's completely excited about the heroine, and treats her like gold. In most dramas, Seo In Guk's character would be the second lead. God forbid the sweet guy actually win.

(I'm a little worked up about this today, because I finished Nodame Cantabile recently; which is a great example of manly-man lead being a complete jerk to the female lead. Not that all manly-men are jerks, but that there are a lot of ways to be an awesome man, none of which involve being a jerk.)


Know what, though, MWG, when Jin Woo talks about how some women like bad guys (in epi10), he's expressing what totally goes unsaid in most kdrama-rom-coms. By having Jin Woo voice such a sentiment, and by having the lead guy be sweet, the writers totally challenge the trope. IN YOUR FACE Trot Singers and other rom-coms of your ilk.


Carole McDonnell, that was one of my favorite moments of that entire episode.


I'm one of those people that likes the cute and goofy types too, hahaha. I think I lack fun and laughter in my life or something.

But of course! A guy who is his genuine self, yes to that right there!


I love their relationship because it's not really based on sexual compatibility but rather based on mental and emotional one. The age difference never once bothered me just because I never really thought of them as sexual partners but more like soul mates. I think the writer is really good at conveying that. I never felt any sexual tension between the two. They seem like two 8 year olds dating. They do all the cutesy stuff but you kinda expect nothing further would happen.

A bit off topic, I am getting concerned about Lee Ha Na. I always see bruises on her arms, thighs and legs. I just hope it's only because she bruises easily. Still, it worries me.


Cute is sooo not overrated. One things get bitter around the relationship, some aegyo can be very refreshing.

I think those date scenes were meant more to be funny than to be gooey with romance. I'm remembering their pictorial moments again and I'm just grinning. The whole episode was meant to be a comic relief because as far as I can tell, I'm gonna be crying next week and I need those funny moments to hang on to.

I ready to both laugh and cry so hard for this drama.


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if my man is as cute as SEO IN GUK, i really wont mind. I think it is worth going gaga over, I mean seo in guk really, this guy really has a great personality, compared to other korean actors or kpop idols, he is so adorkable! I did my homework and was on youtube for days just checking and he really is something!


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at least she bought those undies in white, hmm, very virginal. still I never thought for a moment he would even try to seduce her on the first date. they should have at least kissed on their date, aish, if that's my bf I would just hold hands with him, hug him and kiss him on the cheek and just stay close. I would be so glad that he didnt seduce me and got me on the boat on time. aish, pahbo, jung soo young. so embarrassing...


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Thanks for supperrr speedy recap! <3

Great show, but am I the only one that thinks that Min-sook and Soo-young's relationship almost seems forced or awkward..I see greatttt potential for friendship and they were the cutest pairing when they were just friends, but the dating seems a little off, and I don't mean the age gap or anything. Idk, maybe its just me lol

and yes team leader and jin woo omg sooo funny!


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I'm with you on this..everything seems over the top and they made such a great friendship pairing..romantically they seem wasted to me..everything seems cute but nothing sexy or steamy..romance should be able to develop to the next level but with theirs i cant see it goin further then puppy love..


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I know, so weird. I was totally wanting them to get together, but now that they are, it doesn't seem right, age gap or no. I've switched to team JinSoo.


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You are not alone, once Min Suk started to like Soo Young, I just started to switch off, I think Seo In Guk is doing too great a job acting as an 18 year old. Min Suk is not ready for marriage mentally and physically... =p
Btw, I was totally rooting for the leads in Witch's Romance.


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omg, the leads in wwitch's romance were a whole another thing, they literally oozed of chemistry!! Minsook n soo young have great chemistry as in they r perfect supporting roles of each other but romantically they just don't fit..


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I agree that the Ji Young/Dong Ha pairing in Witch's Romance was oozing with sexy chemistry and I loved them!

But... I don't think all romantic relationships need sparks flying 24/7. In reality, most couples don't really have the chemistry that Witch's Romance portrayed and there are quite a few couples that have same kind of chemistry that Min Suk & Soo Young have with each other.

Even though it doesn't ooze sexy right now, it's probably because they're both conservative and naive in the area of love which I appreciate a tad bit more than fast-paced relationships.

If Soo Young was with Jin Woo, he'd probably radiate that sexy chemistry but Soo Young? Nah, it's not her.
Also, I'd rather Soo Young be single than with Jin Woo because she deserves so much better, after all he's put her through.

Just a personal opinion :)


totally agree, Sonny!


How do we know Soo Young is ready for marriage? Just because you're over the age of 25, that doesn't mean you're ready to tie the knot.


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I thought it was interesting when MinSuk's friend said, "No, not live with her unmarried." Ah, teenagers! so conservative


jinwoo is one ice-cold male, he is not capable of any warmth, so screwed up. whatever, ... where is recap for ep 10, ah, yes, late again as usual. hopefully, it will be here tomorrow.


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I wasn't feeling it a bit but this episode COMPLETELY changed my mind!!! They are so, so cute (and yes awkward but together which makes them match so so so much more). I expected the over the top cuteness because of their personalities and how much they seemed to like each other. Loved this episode..


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I need more of Lee Soo Hyuk. He's just amazing ^^
This episode was too cute, i kept squealing in front of my laptop. But i honestly wish that Jin Woo gets the girl.
Thanks for the recap.


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I dont like Noona romances period. I particularly despise high school kids falling for older women.
This drama is completely changing my opinions. Min Seok How can someone be so adorable immature yet so thoughtful. It just feels natural between SY and MS inspite of all the age difference. JW needs to work on his issues before even trying for her again as he will defn end up hurting her more. The sisters part is the real triangle which is killing me. Not that i want MS to fall for YA but the fall out bw sisters is going to be really hard.
I hate Seo In gook hate him completely for making me fall irrevocably and hopelessly in love with him. Seriously am plain obsessed with this guy consciously and unconsciously think about him most of the times. Am getting married this November and all I dream about is In Guk (not quite unlike SY dreams). My fiance has been extremely patient and sweet until now, dont know when it will run out.
I do think it is more appropriate and less icky if JW ends up with SY and MS with YA, but honestly Screw it who cares about appropriate I just want MS and SY want these two holding hands riding bicycles and being adorkable forever.


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With the noona romance i havent given up on the show but am far less interested now..i used to wait impatiently for this show to air..but now im jus reading recaps from it..romance hijinks are cute but i dont feel true romantic chemistry between them..maybe its the age gap lingering behind my head..but i feel since she never been in a real relationship she is also experincing puppy love..


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Even if it's puppy love, it's love, right? Teenagers in love or immature folks in immature love....it's still love. This is their first date after all. How much sizzle could realistically happen since A) she is coming off a crush on angsty melancholic cruel Director? and B) he is a teenager pretending to be her boss?


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I'm actually curious about this: what exactly is the definition of puppy love to every individual? How do you know if it's puppy love? Are crushes considered puppy love? Is there an age limit to puppy love? Is there a time limit to puppy love? These are questions I ask myself when people bring it up.

What is the difference between puppy love, a crush, a one-sided love and actual feelings of being in love? I don't think love is as straightforward and simple as people make it out to be, so much so that they think they can rightfully stick a label on it based on their own experiences or definitions.

Love is something different to everyone and there are different forms of love as well. All of us have different expectations from love and even friendship. Does that mean that friendships have that many labels too? Is there a form of "puppy friendship" ? :o

I'm actually being serious about the friendship thing, lol. Is there such a thing? Friendships you form when you're a child? I'm curious. Someone, humour me? Haha.


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I'm wondering too. It might mean that the love is sweet but not fated to endure harder times...the way one loves a puppy before all the hard work of it being an actual dog hits you...all that being at each others heel, etc.

But I suppose puppy love has the school friends bromance equivalent. After all, there are people who say that elementary school/high school friendships don't last past college or into adulthood.

Is it possible Min Suk will have different male friends and a different girl friend in the future? Sure. But it's not written in stone that young love orimmature love can't weather life and adulthood. And if we're dealing with kind-hearted folks who are loyal and decent and who respect each other, it's possible that so-called puppy love can mature to something deeper.


Yes, that's true. Weirdly though, my closest friends till today are the ones I've had since I was 13/14? Not the ones I've met through university, college or even work. I mean, my best friend is someone I've known since I was 6 years old and we're still together more than 15+ years later.

I agree. Puppy love, as what some people choose to call it, can become deeper with time. There are people who marry their high school loves, after all! Isn't that 'supposed puppy love' Referring to the feelings those couples had in high school or even younger?

It's not right to judge someone's feelings for another, especially when they've only been together for...what? In this drama, it's been A week or two? We can't predict the future, so we don't know if they'll still be together 5 years from now or maybe... They will.

We know that the hard times have arrived for the couple and we will see in the coming weeks if they can get through it and still accept each other for who they are. I choose to have faith that they will find happiness together (: even if it takes time.


i'm married woman and i'm obsessed with seo in guk. it's been 2 years now.
poor my hubby, i always discuss about in guk doing this and doing that and told him i was dreamt about him (not romantically).
my husband told me that my love for seo in guk is a blind love.
love my husband so much.


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Well I do hope when he does become my hubby he will be as patient as yours.. Lucky you sweetheart..


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You and me! I enjoy lots of actors, but I have to admit, my love of Seo In Guk is not just about the acting. :)

As to the age gap, I hope they keep things innocent, and then cause some situation where one of them has to go away for a few years, like until he's 21 or so, and then have them get back together. For whatever reason, I'm way less ooged out by such a gap with a 21-year-old than I am with an 18-year-old. I feel like most people do so much growing between those years. I know I'd feel that way if the genders were reversed, and it's really no different here.

Times are different, no? My grandpa, at 28, married my 18-year-old grandma, right after he was her teacher in high school. I can't even think about that.


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Definitely missed the minor characters in this episode! And I had to peek through my fingers while MS found SKs underwear in her bag - second hand embarassment right there!

But maybe they needed to strech the romance cutsie-ness out this time, because they need to work the 2-ep extension?!


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I was literally cringing in embarrassment when he found the lingerie in her bag! I could never live something like that down!

As for the minor characters, no worries! They'll have their share of the spotlight again in the next episode :D Lots of it, actually!
I'm guessing the cuteness overload in this episode is to make up for the level of chaos that happens in episode 10?

I'm not that keen for a 2 episode extension, unless it's really necessary. I like the pace that it has now but if it gets me more MS/SY interactions of the HAPPY kind, I'll accept ;)


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Agree! If they use the 2 eps for cuteness, not for drama and heartbreak, I'm all in! :D


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Omg, the scene on the field with the threesome... Duk-hwan and Tae-seok's "You were so romantic there" and squealing like high schools girls...SO funny.

I must say again how these three actors nail the high school persona and mentality. Move over Heirs..


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They are SO freaking adorable!

and min seok really did seem like a high school student on his date, all giddy and excited, meanwhile soo young completely fit with him in that way. So, I guess they do sort of fit mentally, with the dash of childishness along with the wordly maturity in alot of cases. I enjoyed the episode fully. But, now I'm also looking forward to what jinwoo is going to do, he obviously has started taking interest in soo young, he might even possibly like her. So, what with min seok's secret coming out, I think there is a chance that jinwoo/soo young pairing might happen despite the end note being minseok/soo young. All in all, this was a wonderful episode, with cuteness overload. Looking forward to more and as the episodes go by, I keep feeling even worse for sooyoung's sis. she's going to be really heart broken!


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I got butterflies just from reading your recap! Thanks dramallama! Can't wait to watch the episode!


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I liked SY-MS together from the beginning. And after this episode I just cannot give up on them, they are too cute as couple. Where there is love, age is just a number. I'll ship them till the end!!

Anyway, after this cuteness overdose, I feel like I can die in peace XDD so I will just ask for the show to keep being as good as it is now, and give us an entertaining and funny story. I will not complain too much about who ends up with whom. :D


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age is jus a number but when the kid is in highschool and since its korea he might not even be 18 and she is almost 10 years older..most the time its divide your age by 2 and add 10..this age gap is a little too far for my taste..different story if she was 34 and he was 28 but given that he has no experience in anything..i'm staying away from this show for awhile..maybe waiting till it ends..


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I think there's a big difference if it's a high school kid knowingly falling for someone older than an older woman knowingly falling for a high school kid. So far, there really is no guilt or ick factor because the "adult" is unaware of the real situation. The writer has done a good job of keeping the adult guiltless in this situation and in (rightfully) preventing the viewer from piling guilt and responsibility on the adult partner in this relationship.

When the truth (of the age-difference, and of the relationship to the sister) is known, the pain felt by the adult part of the couple will be very hard to watch....but by that time we will be so invested in the OTP and will have seen the purity and depth and rightness of their love that we will be cheering them on. The writer will have willed it for the characters and the viewers and we will have no choice but to want them to be happy...because our happiness and our belief in the world nd our belief in the world will depend on them getting together.

It'll be a hard road...but when Yoo Ah accepts the love, we will too. Fingers crossed for a happy ending.


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Well that just sums it up perfectly.


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I had so much fun watching this episode before I really started to think about the couple's situation. In dramaland, age does seem like just a number. But things are a little different in real life when actual minors are involved. That's the thing that makes me hesitate in really enjoying this couple. After watching the episode, I checked on the age of consent in South Korea and Min-seok is likely underage. (I think people need to be 20 years old according to the Korean age system before they can legally consent.)

I agree that the show is doing a good job in keeping the ick factor to a minimum because Soo-young is unaware of the age difference. But on the other hand if this were a real life situation, I'd be really disappointed in Min-seok for not letting Soo-young know his real age. She's blissfully unaware that her fantasies- if actually lived- would be sex crimes. The potential for disaster is high.

But this isn't real life. In rom-com dramaland, noonas will fall in love with high school boys and few people will question the women's sexual deviancy. That said, I do appreciate that this show is actually exploring the issue! As an adult, Soo-young has expectations about her relationship with Min-seok, and he knows he can't meet them. As charming as the two characters are together, this just isn't the right time for them, what with him lying about who is his and all. The big question for Soo-young's future is Jin-woo vs. the inevitable time jump to an older Min-seok.


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Yeah, you're right. This is dramaland. A dreamy place where rich chaebols fall head over heels for common poor girls with no apparent charms. Where girls can dress as a man and no one will notice they are women for months.
Among all these things, the story of a high schooler that falls in love with his older secretary is not that bad. And as you said, they are portraying well the problems that this relationship brings. Min Seok is already worried and Soo Young is likely to break up with him when she finds out...so I think it will be good enough for me to buy it. Moreover, this is supposed to be a comedy, so I will not take it too seriously.


So true about the potential for disaster. And heck if i were writing this i would probably have added a whole darker aspect and get poor heroine hauled into the police station for child rape. But that's me.

Thing is: there are potentials for disaster everywhere. Daddy Chaebol's relationship with ex-mistress could spill over if repressed stressed-out son doesn't start chilling. Office love affairs...could lead to disaster if some anal someone decides to actually enforce some arbitrary empoyment law against in-office romances. Right now, most of the folks in this drama have a kind of live and let live attitude.


I really liked your explanation, but I see it the opposite way. I have a little different perspective of age gabs in relationships because my oldest brother started dating a 16 year old girl he met through sword fighting practice when he was in his mid-twenties. Her parents loved my brother from the start and they're still together a decade later. I think the age gap is less acceptable in Korean society so it's a little icky to me that Min Seok is in high school, but I find it far more uncomfortable that Soo Young has no idea what's going on.

Jin Woo has been such an asshat to Soo Young, Min Seok knows how much she's been hurt and yet he doesn't think how his own lying to could hurt her more? That immaturity and naivete fits his character is so fitting for his character, but I sincerely hope the ending is not as sugary sweet as this episode. I would love to see some gritty, bittersweet growth from both characters where they end up being friends rather than the OTP. I'm not exactly hopeful though. C'est la kdrama.


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so true about the ick factor and korea. The age hierarxhy thing. That's why noona romances are probably more revolutionary as a drama there....the frisson of the forbidden.


My aunt and uncle are 10 years apart in age difference, she is the oldest. They have been happily married for more than 20 years, have 3 kids and still love each other. He married her when he was about 20. I don't know to be sincere age is sometimes just a number.


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Yes, I agree. I have no issues with the age gap at all because it does happen in real life, albeit not often. Maybe I'm too open-minded about everything?

We see couples with large age gaps get married but obviously, they meet at a younger age right? It had to start somewhere.

What I get from the comments with issues about the MS/SY pairing is the fact the he still wears a high school uniform when he's not playing a 'director', other than the problem with a 10 years age gap and the lies.

I'm curious. Was there this much debate over Flower Boy Ramyun shop's otp whose male lead was a high school student for pretty much the whole drama, even when they got together? They did a time skip in the last episode when he went to the army after high school but she accepted him before that so... She knew he was a high school student but still...

What if their roles were reversed? The girl is in high school and the guy is 10 years older than her. This may cause some debate as well but I highly doubt it would be as bad as compared to a situation where the woman is older. Somehow, people seem to accept those relationships more easily.. and they do happen quite a bit in real life too.

Serious issues aside, there are actors I like who are 15-17 years older or even 4 years younger than me that I'd have no issues marrying if I had a chance with them, hahaha!


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Well, it is not like they are going to marry and have kids now. They just met and like each other. It is expected that they will break up when Soo Young finds out the truth about him. So it is not likely that they will progress too much in their relationship soon.
I always thought the writers would make them reunite in the future, when Min Seok is already graduated from high school and a proper adult. This is the legal scenario I am looking forward. Therefore, no problem in shipping them.


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Another great episode! Could our favourite couple be even cuter!?!

By the way, was that the statue of Winter Sonata on Namiseon island? I'm pretty sure it was. Ha Ha


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I knew that was that famous statue of characters from some famous drama, but I couldn't I remember which one. Thanks for pointing it out!


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this WAS the cutest episode so far...........
though this over-cuti-ness makes me worried for the next episodes.....
they are completely adorable and Lovely together..

Thanks to a VERY intelligent Writer and Director..!!

i dont wanna accept this but i m also suffering from SIG-mania... plz stop being so very cute... :D

i love So YOung too; she is so adorable.. :D

and YA... i m so worried for her; but ATLAST she had to accept the truth anyway;; the sooner the better; I hope she recover soon.... and move on form HOLDING ON-policy-of-love................
All the best to YA.. :(

Last But not the Least;
Thanks a lot Dramabeans;
for a fast and awesome recap!!
Fighting!!! :D


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Sigh, yes ):

Seo In Guk, why do you have to be so adorable and perfect in this drama? This drama made me fall in love with him as well!

Watching the BTS of the drama doesn't help either! He is the epitome of cuteness behind the scenes as well. He's practically illegal D:


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u r sooooo right...... :D


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There's something about a guy who seems so fun and cute and yet is able to shift into a serious, sensible character too. And the acting quality--- it just spells artistic intelligence, compassion, and sensitive too. game over. The eyes, the shoulder width and the buh hind is like chocolate icing on moist chocolate cake. Like please lemme take you home to mommah. Haha


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Hey!! Director Nam is the Combat Boots in You're All Surrounded!!
Apparently after "he" died, he hunts for a job and landed in Comfo! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Sorry out of topic... but it is amusing... he plays two different role in short time and he totally nails it!


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Aw, such a cute episode and an adorable couple!!

I'm guessing the storm is coming. Hope they can make up in the end! They are just perfect.


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This recap expresses everything I felt watching the episode tbh.

The main characters are adorable and I love them. Also they are obscene levels of cute together but I just can't get over the age stuff at all and I adore noona romances. I think it has to do with him not even being a high school senior yet; bc the age gap in Witch's Romance was bigger and I was all about the OTP.

And I've developed a massive case of Second Lead Syndrome. Lee SooHyuk is so very pretty and Jinwoo's so very messed up.


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Garsh, Can an episode possibly betoo adorable and cute? I have now filled my squee quota for months!
It's quite a testament to the show that an episode dedicated to our otp having all this romantic payoff ...and yet I still missed seeing all our other cast of characters (did anyone else want to check in with the hiking/rock climbing crew)
Still a solid episode, with all this hours cuteness overload should help when the more angst filled ones are to come. (Which I may be slightly excited for. This is a first)
Oooo and random but I loved how the pd was trolling us so bad by focusing in on the love motel right before it cuts to min soek taking her to the rink. Great directing writing and acted doth a grand show make.


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OH MY GOSH THE LOVE MOTEL!!!! I was like 'No! Do NOT go there, writers! DO NOT!'

And then they went to an ice rink instead. Phew. That was a relief, lol.


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Oh my gosh! This is the noona-est of noona-dramas. It makes me remember why i love noona romances. This is the high school romance both of them should have had, whatever their ages. I was just grinning and smiling and oohing all episode.

I suspect we HAVE to have a time-jump in the future and an open-ending in order for this relationship to work. Or we'll go the way of (was it?) Busicuit Teacher? (the drama with jung il woo?) where he simply does not get the girl.

Jin Woo is best for Yoo Ah, i think. I'd like to see that pairing as well. I'm totally in love with Jin Woo. So wounded, shaky, broken, insecure, emotionally fragile. I suspect he would be cared for by our heroine but Min Suk and our heroine are made for each other because they match each other joy for joy. Joy in a partner is a great trait and few people have it. And the main leads just bring out joy in each other that the second leads don't.

Thanks for the recap.


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I think I won't be too sad with an open ending either as long as family and friendship ties are afloat and strong. It would be a bit refreshing to end a drama with free and single characters, with a potential for forever. I like the thought.

although the two are perfect for each other, I have to watch how they deal with the storm and the angst in order to decide if I want them to end up together. :)

But no way do I like Jin Woo for SY. Too much harm done on his part as well.


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Yep, Jin Woo's coping skills are seriously lacking. I understand he's under a big mental strain and all but dang! he coud still manage to learn to direct his anger at the appropriate person -- Daddy-- and not attack the weak or use the weak to attack the strong. Hs power issues are weirdly at odds with his Dad's. Not that his dad doesn't use power plays, but Daddy chaebol knows how to tell people not to fawn and knows how to challenge the assiness that power creates in people. Jin Woo is so messed up-- gorgeous wounded soul that he is-- that he could turn out to be a real user-asshole.


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Precisely. Curiously, the daddy doesn't seem to be that much of a bad dad since he obviously thinks of his kids and even bothers to buy cuff links as a birthday gift---an indifferent gift, but a sliver of thoughtfulness nonetheless. I mean at least daddy chaebol knows he should care. Right now, to me it's looking like daddy chaebol must have gotten himself into some badass trouble way back his mistress-ing days and JW seems to be the ultimate reminder and irrevocable scar of his mistakes. I'm guessing it's related to the Lee family mystery, and I'm guessing that JW might learn a truth that will make him understand his father's actions towards him, and then eventually accept his insecurities, and then eventually be friends with the Lee boys. Only then will he heal. Right, now he needs to ride his own motorcycle and scream his own curses. Right now his insecurities are just eating him up, which is sad because I think he's a sensitive boy.


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ooh wow!!! I hadn't even though of the possible healing the secret/mystery would bring! Thanks for that insight!


thank u so much! because i wanted Jin Woo's wounds to be cured.... but i couldn't see a way..

i was most worried because of him..
I hope what u said might really happen and he ends being happier; more satisfactory with his life and out of this great stress... ouuri baby.. :(


I wonder why we haven't seen Chairman's other kids or his wife yet. Would be interesting to see Jin Woo's reaction to his half-sibs


Biscuit Teacher is the one with Gong Yoo, and he gets the girl. Jung Il Woo was in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, but he he gets the girl there so...

I'm always worried they'll use some sort of Serendipity (the movie she was watching when she fell for Yoo) reference, and I don't like it lol. Well, at least they find each other ahaha


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Ah gee...my mind today. I keep remembering a drama where Jung Il Woo was in love with his teacher and he didn't get the girl. Did it have Candy in its title? Aish, why is my mind failing me?


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It's "Flower Boy Ramyun Shop" I believe


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Except he gets the girl in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop. They share a pretty steamy kiss at one point too, lol.


I think the drama you're referring to is High Kick (the first one with Kim Bum and Park Min Young). That one was really well done, it was bittersweet and well pretty realistic lol.


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okay..had to google it: Unstoppable high kick was the noona romance...but our hero --JIW-- didn't get the girl/noona. Sorry about the mind-freeze there.


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OMG didn't know about that show at all!!! Aaaack

I don't see this show ending without the ~OTP~ together but we shall see (hopefully they will heehee ^^)


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'Joy in a partner is a great trait and few people have it.' This is such a perfect summing up of this couple. They are both just so joyful.

Personally, I think a time jump without an open ended ending would be best. Witch's Romance had an open ended ending, and it was the biggest travesty. (Seriously, after what we went through with the ex showing back up, we deserved a more 'finished' ending then that.)

The leads don't have to get married at the end or anything, but we don't need some 'I don't know if we'll still be together in five years' malarkey either. Just show them in a happy, healthy, adorable relationship. Just give us a happy ending.


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Haha, I agree with you!

I watched the TW version of Witch's Romance so I knew that the ending of the korean version would be similar, but the open-ending in that drama felt lackluster in a sense.

I'm hoping for a time jump without an open-ending in this too because as realistic as it may be to not know what your future holds for you...

Happy endings are never overrated! I want everyone to be happy! A finale overflowing with happiness! I can dream!


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haha, Happy endings are what we watch dramas for, right?

It's not that everything has to be tied together in a nice little bow. We just don't even need to Think about the future. Let the future take care of itself. I can make up my own future for the couple, lol.


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yrah, agreeing. i think time jump with HFN or HEA would be best.


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I was happy with the ending of "My Name is Kim Sam Soon". I could live with that.

Also I love your quote. Perfect for this couple and beautiful in it's own right.


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Thanks for the recap, dramallama. I am not swooning over this couple, but the extreme quirky cute works well enough to move the relationship forward. Although Soo-young is not growing on me, but grating me these days.
But there are actually two elephants int he room for me - the age gap and the identity cover-up. They're obviously connected, but really two different animals. I'm not sure Soo-young can be expected to get over both.

Jin-woo has issues that we need to find out more about, too.


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I wanted Minseuk and Sooyoung to be together. This episode somehow made me go back to my first choice man. I cringed in many parts and the fact that Sooyoung doesnt know that he is 18 has started to make me feel uncomfortable. Everything will hit the fan and it's not going to be pretty. I was fine, even excited, with the IHYV and Witch Romance's pairings..but this one has issues that I am curious to see how it unfolds.

Bring on the mysteries of the families.

As for Jinwoo: swoon-worthy short scenes at the bar and the whole fashion show catwalk into the office building on Sunday part. Delicioso. I rewound the latter part.


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But then again, I don't think Sooyoung and Jinwoo will be happy together. Their temper being very different. I will just watch who ends up with whom, as the characters seem to make my feelings like a yoyo about pairings. Hee.


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Totally agree. Heroine is strong for Jin Woo but who would be strong for her? And so far...he seems to only understand weak women. Plus inferiority complex and repressed anger.... and emotionally-wobby as he can be, he gets really nasty when he is thwarted. He's got a long way to go to be a healthy person in a relationship.


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Yeah, I just can't get on board the JW SY ship anymore. JW just keeps destroying it for me. I think JW deserves a melo drama spinoff all to his own.


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I understand what you mean!! He keeps destroying the idea!


Lol, he does need a melo drama of his own!

I don't have any issues with his inferiority complex because I'm practically the same, but his lack of respect towards Soo Young and her life (even Min Suk at times) has pushed my limits.

He's directing all his warped feelings in the wrong direction and if he keeps doing it, he's going to lose everyone who genuinely cares/cared about him.

No one should have the right to belittle you consistently, especially when you don't deserve it.

I felt so sad for all the leads after watching episode 10, except Jin Woo because dude, you don't get my sympathy after stepping on people and picking fights like a child.

On the bright side, I'm glad that the truth was revealed to all parties involved, especially Yoo Ah, even though I hated that they never gave Min Suk the chance to reveal it himself, making him the bad guy for being too late. Typical kdramas.


Sonny, your comment has spoilers :(


Eeep. Apologies lulu! D:

About the reveal right? Gah, sorry about that. Well, at least I didn't mention how it went down. That's still a surprise if you haven't watched it?

Sorry to those who didn't want to know!


Great point!! We did see his glimmerings of happiness and laughter with Sooyoung. And its not that Sooyoung isn't strong, maybe Jinwoo needs someone much stronger, more sass, and a bucketload of love and rainbow vomit from someone who has so much of it. (Yoo Ah? Ahh I will wait and see!)


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Aigoo, we're being so romantic here...hoping/thinking love (romantic or bromantic) can heal Jin Woo. Maybe he just needs major therapy.....not that kdramas deal with mental health issues all that well.


i thought about Yoo Ah/Jin Woo couple too;;
I actually saw a BTS of the two they were so cute together;
here it is


Rainbow vomit, bwahahahahahaha.

I agree that he needs someone stronger and sassier (and with a bucketload of rainbow vomit love, lol), but like Carole says in a comment above mine, he Definitely needs therapy. And he needs therapy before he needs a romantic relationship.


seeru, I have no idea what was going on in that video, but I was laughing my head off. It was so random and weird and oddly fun and adorable, lol.

They definitely look like a cute, potential couple in that video, but for some reason, I just don't like the idea that much.

I'm probably just being hypocritical, lol.


hahaha Carole! True that he might need therapy poor Jinwoo. Or a holiday. Or the K-Drama way, sent off to live in the US for a few years. I never got that. If I am a young rebel, I would love to be sent off overseas.


I like this drama when it's not falling into k-drama stereotypical plotting. So there were moments when i got annoyed when the writing went cliched -- like Min Suk's attempt to confess the truth....and of course he couldn't because she fell asleep. So a part of me thinks the pairing of Jin Woo with Yoo Ah would be too cliched. But then another part of me thinks, "the four leads would make a really good extended family" so for that....I might give in.

I've been thinking Jin Woo has some issues he got from his father re women are concerned. Bad boys/cheap women etc. So i definitely think therapy might be necessary.


Sonny, I was still shouting OH MY GOD at the end of episode 10. No worries, it was still a big surprise.


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I kind of hate Jinwoo as a character.. I think because that character is almost always the lead, the rude guy who's OH so wounded, treats the heroine terribly and we're supposed to love it. One of the big reasons I'm a noona romance fan is because of how rarely we end up in that territory. You get some of them (Flower boy ramen shop), but mostly, it's more Women who still want to marry or Witch's romance. Which is fine by me.


Jinwoo gives serious face/catwalk, doesn't he? I could watch a show entirely about him wearing beautiful things and giving face.


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Yoo Jin Woo can give me face all day long if he wants. He is SEXY pants.


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Jin Woo/LSH's strut and side eye are EPIC.


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Thank you for the recap!

This episode was cute, but it was almost too much cute; I missed the family connections too. But it may be the calm before the storm, as Minseok can't keep fooling everyone forever. Particularly Sooyoung! I don't think Jinwoo is going to find out yet, it's too early in the series and I can't see him keeping quiet about it. As adorable as Minseok and Sooyoung's date was (the ice rink!), Jinwoo also had my favorite scene this episode with drunken Team Leader Kim. "Jinwoo yah~~"

I can't bring myself to root for any couples right now, despite all of the cute and the pretty, pretty actors and actresses. I would actually be alright with everyone just ending up as allies and friends at the end, though I don't at all expect that to be the road the show goes down lol. Plenty of time left for characters and relationships to grow though.


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I too, was totally not into these Noona romances. But I don't know why this one does not bother me at all. But I still have my hopes on Director Yoo and Soo Young even if he is a total jerk. I mean he can change. We all love when the jerk turns into a prince.


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Personally, I've never had a "thing" for Noona-romances, but I quite like this one, and the dynamics don't really feel like a Noona romance at all.

It's funny, but until this drama, I never knew how squeamish so many people were about age gaps. It's definitely reflective of society that normally frowns on Older woman/ younger man pairings, I'm just surprised to see it in the drama community where I thought Noona-romances had become a cliche. Sure, it's unconventional, but it's 18/25. Give him a year or two and he'd be in university already. I think the main issue should be the fallout when she realises he's not Lee Hyung-Suk, but his kid brother, rather than the 7 year age gap between the two.

As hot as Jin-Woo is, I've pretty much disliked him since episode 5 for his asshole-ry. This episode only worsened that with his conniving actions I'm surprised to see so many people shipping him with Soo-young and Yoo-Ah. I think they both deserve better, no matter how beautiful he is.

One thing that disturbed me this episode was how immature Soo-young was. I liked her from the beginning, but for all her talk of being a "modern woman" (whatever that should mean), her inability to communicate with Min-Suk was frustrating. I rolled my eyes when she got mad at him for not suggesting to stay the night and jumping to silly conclusions like "oh, he's not physically interested in me". I dislike wishy-washy heroines, and never saw her as one until this episode, so I hope it's just a passing phase and she goes back to her usual self!

Cute episode otherwise and Seo In-guk just shines like always. For me, he was just a run-of-the-mill actor before this, but I'm a real fan now and will be keeping tabs on his future projects!


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For me, it's less about an older woman/younger man pairing and more about an adult woman/high school kid pairing. I liked IHYV's pairing, once Sooha aged up, and I loooved Witch's Romance and Dalja's Spring. It's the fact that he's not even out of high school yet that keeps me from rooting fully for these two. (Suggestions of a Jinwoo/Yoo Ah romance make me even more squeamish; she's a high schooler and he's a 30 year old man!)


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The thing is we are supposed to feel that element of weirdness -- from the heroine's side. And passion from the hero's side. So we can identify with the joy of the love and also with the devastation to come when the heroine realizes and when our hero has to "wait" for her to accept his adult love.

One can be squeamish at the love and pro the love at the same time. That's what makes this noona story work so well, because of that tension in the viewer. It's the conflict of the central plot that enthralls us, the viewer. Which is why the story works so well.

So many rom-coms have silly made-up contrived angst. Noona romances--if done well-- have an angst that is totally organic to the situation and --if done well-- create true conflict in the viewer as well. And also, true catharsis, identification, and the feeling of having emotionaly grown in how we look at life and accept what brings us discomfort. So this drama works really well in that way....at least so far. Am hoping the drama keeps being perfect and wonderful.


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I love this comment like a million times!

That's what I really find this drama successful----it has the ability to engage its viewers no matter the dissenting opinion. For some reason, one just keeps making tabs about what would happen next. Curiosity has absorbed us and we took the bait of the noona-dongsaeng set up. We keep wondering what happens next even though we have a clue. If I watched this on a marathon, I would finish it all night.

IMO, to enjoy watching the drama, one has to just let it go and be like whatever. I swear I love it.


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I just made the biggest mistake of watching the raw of epi 10....aaargh! How'm I gonna sleep now?


Gosh. All of your comments are just spot on with this drama.


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THIS! I now have a better mindset to watch this drama. So far I have not left it yet. There must be a reason.


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Wow, that's exactly what I was trying to say, but you said it so much better!


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did anyone notice how cute Jin Woo looked when he smiled??


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He looks cute doing anything, lol.


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Gosh; is it only me who thinks that he is so Vampirsh!!!
this trait makes him so damn attractive...!

*forgetting for some time about his character in this drama..


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I don't think I can love this show any more than I already do <3
this is my drama equivalent of candy, I don't expect it to be realistic and I don't care about the age gap as long as watching it makes me happy, seriously this might be the best kiss scene I've ever seen in a drama

selfish me...I just want more of that sweetness


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Same here.


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Episode 10 is breaking me. Episode 11 will jist crush me.


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Omg, I don't even understand how I feel about this couple. It's like they're so wrong, they're right. The drama really does do a good job of giving us just as many reasons to root for them, as they give reasons not to.

The lucky thing is, I'm enjoying their adorkable romance so much that I don't mind them breaking up for a while because that definitely seems like it has to happen once Soo Young finds out. I admit it would be hard for me to watch her end up with Jin Woo at this point, despite liking them together so I definitely want it to end with Min Seok and her getting together once he ages up a bit.

The funny thing is, I'm actually looking forward to her finding out because I think that, while it will make things harder, it'll also be fun to see her helping out with all the hijinks as his secretary!


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And to add the that last part: I also think it will be a lot more entertaining to watch Soo Young try and resist her feelings for a high school student lol.


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I can most definitely live with that. I remember I Need Romance 3 and the whole sweet potato shennanigan---they'll be just like that, and in the office. I imagine Soo Young will forgive Min Suk because the kid has been both honest and reasonable. He has earned his credibility. But I doubt she'll jump right back into being lovers. I can imagine them being directory-secretary and playing all sorts of push and pull hijinks. Ha! That woukd give me laughs.


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if they have managed to hide their lovey-dovey ways from their co-workers (although i think the elder ahjussi whose desk is beside our heroine suspect something) then how will they hide the fact that their relationship is broken? Gonna be sooo hard for both of them. Hope heroine doesn't up and quit or any such thing. Anticipating much stress to come


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all of u are so cool; that u had made ur mind already...
I went into a stage of shock and trauma after watching episode 10; because i wasn't expecting it so close...

Okay; i will think like u and solace myself;
After all I believe that SY will get together with MS (guessing from first episode starting)
Thank u for giving me good vibes about it... B|

Ottakajo! i feel so bad for Jin Woo too; i want some1 to take care of him too.. :'(


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how he dressed is that lee jong suk style in IHYV. still not buying it.


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My heart is all over the place. This episode gave me hearty laughs. I think it's one of the funniest. I love that the drama isn't so serious. Sometimes it even feels like the production is trolling. Haha. I love that I feel great after watching it.

I enjoyed Episode 9 because it felt like a fan-service break more than a real plot-in-line episode. Those awkward scenes that were sometimes even too funny for meaning are just priceless. Yet they managed to show Soo Young's self esteem issues, and the couple's honest interactions. It's true---age is a factor for this couple and sex at that point would just be abuse.
I just love how the drama isn't rigid and just light and tangy like orange. This episode even slightly felt like a variety show! It's like everyone let loose. Except for Jin Woo of course and it feels like he's missing out on the party.

However, I've seen episode 10 screencaps and I've read the forums, and my heart is back on track with the plot. Even more, I continue to love the pace of the drama and I'm just enjoying it completely. But I'll wait for the ep 10 recap. :)

By the way, what's the title of the song that Ji Dae Han is always singing? :D


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"what’s the title of the song that Ji Dae Han is always singing?"

Magic Castle!

Jo Seung-woo also sings it in God's Gift - 14 Days. This is my favourite rendition.


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Ooo wait, better link to actual clip: Jo Seung-woo singing Magic Castle (siiiigh can you tell I loved this XD)


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perfect! I've been racking google trying to find out. Thank you very kamsa for this! ^^


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yeah i saw the raw and wow! Ish has hit the fan. Looking at the subs will be the first thing i do tomorrow morning.


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I went to the soompi forum to look at the King of High School thread...then had to stop myself, because I was going to end being spoiled for episode 10, and the moment I spoil even a small part of a drama, that's the moment I lose interest in watching.

But unnnnnnggggghhhh. So many feeliiiiiiiiiiings.


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anyone know what song played while they're at ice rink?


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People do u remember how the drama began? She knows the truth n she helps him get to school. I don't know if they r together as a couple but she looked happy!!!


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i remember..but i don't trust it. could be a wish/dream sequence and could be them being only good friends. I lost my confidence in those drama openings that often are just a bit misleading.


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Word. Does anyone remember queen in hyuns man opening scene that featured boong do riding a horse whilest time traveling to the present? Pretty sure they never connected the dots on that one.


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BTW their cuteness was sweet!!! on another note jinwoo's comment that he doesn't like cheap women. OMG!! he is hurting n he is lashing out!!but i like how she didnt cower away.


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Oh yeah, did anybody else enjoy the raindrops keep falling on my head soundtrack? hahaha i really think that it made the scenes twice more funny. I think my head will explode from all this humor. I love you director-nim! (and i mean the drama director) hahaha


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i found myself wanting to fall in love. Thank you, butch cassidy and the sundance kid! Falling in love is so much fun. all that giddy joy!


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I want to fall in love like that too with tons of giddy cuteness. Reality is never so perfect though, is it? ):


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In reality, I tend to over think as Soo Young does but no such Min Suk ever manages to stick with it. LOL


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You speak the story of my life, lol.


I think part of the draw is that as much as Min Suk is immature...he is also mature in ways that most guys his age aren't. Like his brother said, he's brazen and fearless.

And...what I think is super cool is he's actually good at the job. He may be more like his brother than he thinks. That presentation was awesome! That makes him 'feel' older than he is.
All of the kissing is pretty much a closure in who's gonna get the girl.....and they will have a time jump...they will have to. Maybe he will go abroad like his brother and become just as scouted. :)


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OK, I don't know if this means anything at all, but I happen to notice this photo from the opening scene in episode 1 - MS in the helicopter - he's wearing a ring! Couple ring perhaps? But SY doesn't seem to be wearing a ring.

The pic is somewhere in the middle, with MS in the helicopter with headphones: http://www.dramabeans.com/2014/06/the-new-boss-clocks-in-on-high-school-king-of-savvy/


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oh wow, yes, he is wearing a ring in that pict but not in his ring finger, he wore it in his index finger.

maybe it's not a couple ring.
Seo In guk usually wears a ring when he performs as a singer.
in that periode of time when he filmed the 1st episode he also busy as a singer. he had a fan meeting at taiwan and later at japan. maybe he just forgot to wore off his ring :D


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oh wow, yes, he is wearing a ring in that pict but not in his ring finger, he wore it in his index finger.

maybe it's not a couple ring.
Seo In guk usually wears a ring when he performs as a singer.
in that periode of time when he filmed the 1st episode he also busy as a singer. he had a fan meeting at taiwan and later at japan. maybe he just forgot to take off his ring :D


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Looks like it really is at his ring finger - the 2nd last finger. Index finger is the one beside the thumb, right?

Would be great if somewhere in the whole show, this 1st ep scene is shown again, once we more or less know what exactly goes on. Unlike the Queen Inhyun's Man opening.


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Thanks for the recap!

I feel that Min-seok and Soo-young were so nauseatingly sweet because you just know that trouble is looming and that sooner or later, the secret is bound to come out. It's like the writer(s) thought, "Enjoy it while you can; angst and heartbreak are up ahead!" That's why I didn't mind how overly cute they were when I am normally annoyed by such behavior.


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I know right? Like we're all being padded with mush to cushion our fall. I've seen the previews for 11 and oh dear, it's not for the weak of heart. I've never felt so broken by a preview before.


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I've seen the preview for episode 11 and I feel so frustrated! Everything that's happening between the otp, I can understand but... damn it, Soo Young! Why must you turn to Jin Woo for help to get away from Min Suk?!


Am I supposed to be okay that he's using this opportunity to get back into Soo Young's good books? >(


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Here is Sonny with a spoiler again! Thanks so much, Sonny.


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Definitely a noona romance. They will have a separation for a few years for some arbitrary drama reason and she'll come back and he will be a better age. He obviously never liked her sister. Secondary lead is obviously a secondary lead.


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Seo In Guk is definitely more entertaining in this sort of drama and 1997 than his role in Master's Sun.


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Lol! I have to confess that I completely forgot about his role in Master's Sun and I liked that drama! I COMPLETELY FORGOT THAT HE WAS EVEN IN THAT DRAMA AS THE SECOND MALE LEAD D: I watched it last year and I forgot! Wow.

I feel like such a horrible person since I really adore him now, haha!


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I'm pretty sure his whole MO in Master's Sun was to look good while wearing suits.

Which, you know, wasn't terrible. At all. But yeah, he's so much better in this mode.

No Breathing was even more like that. My whole response was basically, "He's stunningly pretty." But if you asked me the plot? I couldn't tell you. And I'm not sure I would watch it again, despite the pretty being AWFULLY PRETTY.


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Haha. I've seen both productions and only Master's Sun was good. The other was just pft. His character in the movie wasn't very different from his character here in HSKoS. But I have to hand it to SIG though, he remains strongly consistent in his acting ventures. Also, despite his role being small in Master's Sun, his character there remained recognizable until the end. His character in that drama did nothing for the plot whatsoever, but he remained in character and was able to carve a tiny part of the drama for himself. But since his character was almost so insignificant, it's so easily forgotten. Hahahaha. But I daresay, he was matched with big guns like Gong Hyo Jin and So Ji Sub at that time so not bad at all.

Lee Soo Hyuk right now is showing interesting potential. I'm not struck as a fan, but I don't think I'd mind watching him in other works either.


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Oh, he didn't do badly in Master's Sun, I agree. They just didn't give hm much to do at all; that's really what I meant by just wearing suits. I wouldn't actually give him a negative review in MS, except by contrast to him chewing up the scenery here and in AM1997.

(And by that, I don't really mean he's overacting here. One thing I really like about him as an actor is that he seems so committed, no matter how ridiculous or silly his character is. He has that rare gift for being completely silly when the script calls for it, but somehow making you believe that the character is coming from an honest place. Even while shedding any self-consciousness or coolness. I really like that.)


I have so many feelings about this drama and this episode that I immediately typed them up beforehand while they were still fresh in my mind simply so I could comment on this recap when it came out, lol. There are so many feelings, I'll have to separate them into two separate comments just so they aren't one insanely massive wall of text.

Did I mention I have a lot of feelings, lol?

First, my thoughts on this episode. For a horrifying moment there, with the whole discussion about both of them losing their fathers and the allergic to shrimp bit, I thought the writers were setting us up for a seriously awful birth secret (Surprise! Soo Young and Min Seok are siblings!). But then I reminded myself that math wise, that wouldn't work, and that the drama writers were just doing what good writers do…giving our main couple some actual common ground and us as an audience a reason to root for them to be together.

Goodness was that a terrifying five minutes though.

I will say I was so anxious the entire date about where the writers were going to take it. It was suuuuuch a cute date (I loved everything about it), and I really wanted them to have it, but I don’t want this couple Anywhere near the bedroom for a Good while. How about when Min Seok is 23? That seems like a safe age.

This is why I love Min Seok though. Yes, he's a teenage boy who's interested in sex, but he’s not sex crazed like his friends. He wants to have a relationship, not a sexship. I also think (at least I hope) he knows that would just be so far out of the bounds of appropriate that he isn’t even entertaining the idea of a sexual relationship with Soo Young.

But good grief, when is the secret gonna come out? I am literally on pins and needles right now. It’s not that I’m eager for it to be revealed, but it’s kind of like when you have to rip off a particularly sticky band-aide. You’re not excited about ripping it off, because it’s going to hurt like hell, but you also know it has to happen. I just love this couple so much, and I want them to get a happy ending, and in order for that to happen, the truth’s gonna have to come out. Maybe they can run the band-aide under water for a few minutes and get it really soggy so it doesn’t hurt when it comes off?

I swear. If this show goes to pot, it will be my fail of the Year. I will probably be heartbroken for months.

Writers! Keep this ship on course! For my sanity’s sake!


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I don't understand Korean dramas obsession with high school boys dating an older woman. I don't mind the younger man older woman romance, but if the boy is still in high school I see them as still kids. I don't know I just find it weird that's why I really couldn't fully enjoy the date. They are cute together but once he's back in his high school uniform it kills it for me.


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Thanks so much for this super-fast recap, dramallama!

I adore MS's two besties! Duk-Hwan is really the smarter of the two and the voice of reason for MS.

Team Leader Kim's interaction with MS is missing in this ep but oh well, we got him and JW. The moment he agreed to go for the drinks, I was really afraid he would blurt out the secret. Thank goodness, he didn't. Phew!

I love the part when MS said he's crazy for SY! OMG! SY, you are so damn lucky!

MS should be so happy that SY thought hockey players are cool. But why did he have to deny liking hockey?


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Second comment and I'm finished, lol. In the comments section of the last recap, a lot of people were saying that some of Min Seok’s behavior came off as almost (or exactly) like sexual harassment, and the general consensus for why Min Seok was behaving that way was because he’s young and ‘immature.’ I've thought over those comments since then and I want to challenge that idea a bit. While none of his behavior bothered me, I definitely see why many people found it to be edging towards sexual harassment, so I don’t want to argue for or against that argument. But I don’t think him being young is the only possible explanation for the behavior. There are plenty of grown men who behave the same way. And just as many who behave far worse.

Age has nothing to do with being a creep.

I think often, parents share part of the blame. (When it’s a young man like Min Seok, at least, although I imagine some of those grown men's parents weren’t too particularly helpful in teaching them how to treat women either.) Most girls are taught from a young age to look out for certain behavior from guys, but many parents aren’t sitting their sons down and going into specifics about just what kind of behavior is appropriate with girls and what isn’t. They aren’t saying, ‘Look, when you like a girl, it’s not okay to do x, y, or z.’ Either the parents assume their sons will know better or they don’t even think about it or they don’t care at all or some other variation.

I think another large part of it is that he’s not really thinking from the position of a boss. As we’ve seen already, he knows nothing about workplace etiquette, and how could he? He’s a teenager Pretending to be a boss. He’s viewing the position the way he would that of being a student and he's behaving accordingly.

As far as the ‘immaturity’ thing goes, I was in agreement with everyone about Min Seok's maturity level, but I think I've changed my mind. There is a pretty big difference between maturity and experience, but it's also pretty common for people to get the two confused with each other. Obviously, Min Seok is very young and inexperienced and that shows in how he handles the different situations that are presented to him. But there are plenty of adults who have lots of life experience with absolutely no wisdom or maturity to speak of. Min Seok, on the other hand, has not only been steadily growing and maturing as a person this entire drama, but he’s actually already shown just how much maturity he already possesses. His straightforward way of dealing with problems. His loyalty to his family and friends. His willingness to stand up for others. His willingness to apologize when he’s wrong. His desire to do things well. His desire to do things the Right way. (I could go on.)

He’s got integrity (even if he’s still learning how to use it). And in my dictionary, that’s the Real definition of maturity.


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I believe you hit the definition of maturity right on its head. Thumbs up!


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Thanks for the recap! Wow, it's really fast! I haven't even "digested" this episode properly! haaha

I really, really want to put on record here to thank the subbers for subbing this drama really fast too. I love you all!


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Wow. This episode had me laughing for most of it. I think my favourite part of the episode was probably the whole ice-skating scene because it was so sweet ? And maybe because I'd like to go ice-skating with a boyfriend once in my life, hahaha!

Plus, I loved the scene where he hugged her after the lingerie fiasco! Personal opinion? Ignoring the legalities, a man who knows how to treasure the woman he loves is a keeper. The whole sex thing does show that Min Suk isn't your typical high school boy. He has a level of maturity when it comes to such things (especially RESPECT) that many adults lack. So, he's mature to me in ways that matter.

Their date was so nauseatingly adorable! I agree that the cuteness was over-the-top at times but I still loved it! Cute antics is my kind of thing anyway ?

I've already watched episode 10 but I won't spoil much other than Min Suk tried to tell her! GAH. Typical kdramas and their dramatic reveals when it comes to secrets. They never let the parties involved handle their own problems, man ?

And I need to confess something! Even if Soo Young doesn't choose Min Suk in the end (BIG IF BECAUSE THEY'RE MY BABIES AND I'LL TAKE MIN SUK ANY DAY IF SHE DOESN'T WANT HIM) , she shouldn't be with Jin Woo the way he is now. For her own sake.

He's not getting any better, especially when it comes to her. I feel like he used to have some form of respect for her but now? It's gone. She doesn't deserve to be treated the way he treats her, no matter how gullible she is. She's not an object without feelings that you can hurt just to rile up her boyfriend or make her change her mind.

I admit that his personality is more of a typical main lead in many kdramas but they get BETTER with time. Him? It's getting worse because he's so consumed with hatred for the wrong people and for the wrong reasons.

I know he had a painful past but that does not give him the right to treat people who aren't arseholes themselves, without any self-respect ?

Damn, someone needs to punch him silly and teach him to be someone who deserves to be loved. MIN SUK, DO THE HONOURS. That way, we'd still get bromance! I miss the bromance days between them ?


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Sonny's right. Jin Woo has definitely reached a new low of assholery. Just saw ep 10 and here's a quick public service announcement for anyone who likes or ships Jin Woo in any way: it's a rough watch. I'm a sucker for dark, broody male leads (especially those who do their brooding in the shower) and my Second Lead Syndrome took a beating this week.


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Jinwoo's giving me emotional whiplash. I feel so sympathetic towards him in some scenes and wish someone would give him a hug--and then the moment he gets within ten feet of Sooyoung, I want to shove him off screen for her sake.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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Jin Woo needs friends, haha. We need to give him some friends by the end of this drama or else, he'll continue to be a broody, lonely man-boy.


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I wonder how Yoo Ah could fall for someone who doesn't have friends. (If she falls for Jin Woo) After all, she was saying that was one of the great traits hubby lee has...that other men/boys like him.


damn damn damn! *runs to watch episode 10*


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I continue to be SO impressed by this show. Reading everyone else's comments, I think the variety of reactions really proves how well the drama is carrying out it's premise. I am also conflicted- they seem to work so well together as a couple, but I can't completely invest in them because of the age difference. When MS was kissing SY in the beginning, my knee-jerk reaction was to slap him for doing that with his noona, LOL! But the rest of the episode was so unbelievably cute that I came to love this pairing so much more than I thought I ever could. And yet the slight discomfort remains.... This is not a weakness for the show, but, imo, a deliberate choice by the writer. The tension between the real life obstacles and the too-good-to-be-true romance is so intriguing and feels so true to life. The show isn't pretending MS's age and life experience don't matter like some noona romances, but is instead asking those difficult questions that come along with the premise- Does age really matter? Can a relationship that starts in lies succeed? What does it really mean to be a mature person? I honestly am not sure how the show will end up answering these questions and if MS and SY will really work out long term ( though I'm betting they will, hee hee :) , but I do expect to continue to thoroughly enjoy the journey. Whichever couple ends up as the OTP, I think all our characters will grow and continue to be fascinating and sympathetic. If every show was as consistent and heart-tugging and hilarious as this one, I would die of drama-induced sleep deprivation XD


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omg I just can´t he is so adorkable! That giggle and all the motions and chattering away and mouth full talking. Omg so perfect. I am so enjoying this ride.

and why is it that Jin Woo is being sneaky but I am drooling all the same. if only he wasn´t there cause I keep missing whole sequences in this drama cause my mind goes blank..

oh, but now what? and what about Min Seoks´ Dad being the driver?
and what about hyung, I really need to know more soon.

Seo In Gook, you are AWESOME. Seriously, outstanding! Thank you sooooooooo (in the weird voice koreans make) much!


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I feel like I want to know a lot more. time for some explanations-revelations. seriously the very last time now.


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The more I see MS and SY the more I root for them...they both have a playful innocence to them which balances them out. While we didn't get as much screen time from our second leads, I did enjoy what little bit we got...esp since we got to see more MS & SY which I think is necessary if we are supposed to really believe in their chemistry, which is a salient factor considering the age gap. As for the outlandish cuteness, I think that's intended...I feel like everything in this show is over the top, but I like that, considering how serious this show can get at times.

As for Jin Woo...I don't like how quickly he can turn into an ass when he doesn't get his way. His comments to Soo Young in the hallway about her being fickle was uncalled for especially considering all that he has already put her through. I still think his story line is interesting but as for him and getting with Soo Young, I really hope not...he needs to work on himself before he gets with anyone.


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I ditched gym for later to watch 2 episodes of Savvy!

I skipped watched this last night and glad to see that most of it are SY and MS and its so sweet. I totally forgot that I once supported SY and JW to realize serendipity. I still pity JW but lately he is being an ass.


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Anyone who ever shipped Jin Woo and Soo Young are probably experiencing shipper's remorse right now after watching episode 10. He is such an ass and a half! lol


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Sigh. He is. A beautiful ass but an ass nonetheless. I hope for a turnover a new leaf.


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His manipulative behavior is exasperating, but somehow I find the rare moments when he makes himself vulnerable utterly poignant. His interactions with his father in ep 10 were some of the most intense scenes in the episode. The writer isn't taking the convenient escape route of turning him into a two-dimensional villain; all his suffering and cruelty are laid bare. It's powerful stuff for what seems on the surface to be a fluffy rom com.


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That is why it is hard for some people (me) to really hate the character as he has family issues that could either make or break him. His scenes with his father and mother can be so heart-breaking.

I blame Jin Woo for the choices that he made so far concerning Soo Young especially. But some people have a different mental ability to rise above the awful family history and be a positive person overall. He does need help and love.

Lee Soo Hyuk isn't so bad at the acting too. He and Woo Bin are good models turned actors. For anyone who is interested, LSH will appear in the coming ANTM Finale episode held in South Korea as a guest judge.

Yes, I googled him. Hee.


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Well, you can definitely see how the writer is trying to show us that he is not evil by nature but by circumstance. Most of his asshole scenes are preceded by a bit of family background, mostly him being abused by his father or (like in episode 10) alcohol induced. Too bad for him, I like Soo Young too much to let him off the hook.


Aigoooo, true. I will never allow myself to be in a relationship with a Jinwoo. I do hope that the bad guy (Jinwoo) would be seen getting help in the finale at least. Love the scenes where Sooyoung stands up for herself whenever she is with him.


aigoooo is right in saying that his dark side is family-induced. I believe it wasn't just the alcohol that drove him nuts, it was the fact the daddy chaebol showed how he favors min suk in that scene. wops.


I think this was the most romantic episode I have seen in any kdrama. SIG realy pulled this cuteness off, which is not easy for a guy. As a character, she is a little too milk toast, schloompy, and nerdy - which I find distracting, but seeing her sleep with her glasses on was truly a hoot.


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Ugh, show, like I didn't love you enough already... somebody teach me how to throw a mean right hook....I'm feeling like messing up Jin Woo's face


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noooo! *blocks Jin Woo* every bad boy has hope. cmon, I was a teacher, I cannot give up on any kid. and even though he is older than Min Seok, he is still also such a kid, conflicting morals, hasn´t found his own ground, insecure. but I believe he can still grow. please give him a chance and don´t mess up that face!


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*teachers' ex-teachers' handshake* I know what you mean.


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me three


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da too...


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dramallama ~

Thanks for the recap. I'm really enjoying Lee Hana, Lee Soo-hyuk, and Seo In-gook.

Lee Hana and Seo In-gook are great together.
Lee Soo-hyuk plays a really convincing jerk.

Soo-young is an adorable dork. In the restroom, "It's me, it's me." LOL.

The cold shoulder that Soo-young gives Min-seok. "What's wrong? " "Nothing!". Hah, true to life there

Min-seok has done a pretty good job controlling his urges. He's had some good kisses with Soo-young, though.

I think he started out as protective, has moved on to wooing and I'm not sure if the show is going to delve into anything more physical than the kisses.

Has anyone interviewed Lee Hana and asked her about her kissing scenes? "Thousands of fans want to know.. "
I wonder if she could answer without blushing.


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To the blushing question - an unequivocal NO! Ha!


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I swear to God, I have not seen another drama with such cuteness!! I was squealing, laughing, shrieking, blushing and smiling like crazy.. Min Seok n Soo Young are just f-ing cute.. Explosion of cuteness. XD..

Also, this one of those few dramas where the lead hero is not just an arsehole to the heroine, which is interesting. I never really like the idea of a hero who abuses his heroine. Also, another surprise is that the second male lead is the jerk here instead of the usual golden-oppa who always stands by the heroine.

Somehow something has always bothered me about Soo Young and Min Seok.. I cant really put my finger to it. Unlike most other viewers, I dont mind the absence of sexual tension in between the lead pair. I think its ok to be just like Min Seok and Soo Young.

But I have this uneasy feeling about them. And, no, I dont mind the age gap either. What is that doesnt feel right about this adorable pair to me but yet I cant seem to get enough of them??? God, help me out, pls..

And Jin Woo, I have to say, he is a twisted character. I would not have felt sorry for him if his back story wasnt revealed. And I do feel sorry for him and if he finds love, that would be great. I think he just needs a nice warm hug... A really warm one.

Min Seok is a very weird character. He is just so contradictory all the time.. I mean, he is naive, all in all. He is childish and immature but also mature at some point. He is impulsive and emotional but also measured and cautious at some points. He is young but he is responsible. He is loyal and sweet but short tempered.. He is just so... Min Seok.. One hell of a character people. I do not get him at all.. Like he is just so confusing to me, in a predictable way..

What am I even say? So ironic..



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Yes, a REEAAALLY warm hug, lol! Any volunteers?


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:D :D :D :p


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So I've been thinking why I'm uncomfortable with the leads as a couple and I think I've finally figured it out. I'm not a big fan of noona romances but I can go along for the ride on something like I Hear Your Voice because the setup shows you that the younger man has had experiences that have already stolen his childhood--he's already different from his peers and is already mature before his time.

But in this drama I can't help but feel the relationship is inappropriate because Min-seok started out as such a typical teenager. Furthermore, in noona romances like IHYV the male lead is shown as fundamentally lonely and needing the female lead because she creates a family and a home for him.

But Min-seok has a wonderful, loving family and and awesome group of friends. And I'm worried for the fall-out for Soo-young.

But also I look at Jin-woo's situation and he is so very lonely that I can't help but feel that Soo-young's warmth would complete him. And yes I do have second lead syndrome.


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True, the trope tends to be: "Something really must happen to someone to make him challenge the status quo" But that kind of trope, although often true, does tend to make different love stories seem almost a product of neurosis...i.e. "he only likes her cause he's troubled." Or "rich boy likes poor girl because she's feisty and doesn't care about his money." But can we trust that normal folks can fall into unusual loves?

I guess i could see Min Suk's life as being a little atypical. His dad died or committed suicide (supposedly), causing guilt and then brother goes off leaving younger son with stranger. This is not a typical life. It's a happy found family but it's not the most typical so it might have affected Min Suk in a way that makes him put up with certain things.

He put up with his stalker even though most teenaged guys would have really told her off after a while. He liked Popcorn sister because she was grieving over a rejection...and he felt responsible for getting her picked up off the street by someone.

All the leads have abandonment issues so I can see the connection between them. Just that Jin Woo is a total mess.


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"He put up with his stalker even though most teenaged guys would have really told her off after a while."

That was the one thing that showed immaturity for me in him. Min-Seok wants to be loved, wants to protect people so it's difficult for him to just say no, in that he is similar to SY, he just does it so much smoother. :)

The grown up thing to do would have been to push the stalker away for good because it will only hurt her more later but untill 9 he took theeasy way out and let her keep chasing him.

Apart from that I agree that MinSeok is much more mature than his peers because he had tragedy in his life and still turn out a good person. Add a leading lady that is a complete dork and unbelievably silly and I can't feel squicky about the age gap because the mental age is the same for me.

NO time jumps please show!!!


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true, he really should ubderstand the old "cruel to be kind" thing and really insist that stalker leave his side. I suspect the same part of him that tolerates Yoo Ah is the same part of him that makes him so patient with Halbae and even absent brother.


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I think he has been very direct with Yoo-ah. He's told her "no" countless times, he's ignored her, and he even told her off once (without apologizing for it). The only time he conceded to her was when she basically blackmailed him into going on a date with her. When you look at his actions around Yoo-ah, he hasn't led her on in any way, shape, or form. What more do you want from him? I know Yoo-ah's stalking is portrayed as pretty harmless on the show, but this critique of his character seems reeks of victim-blaming to me. Has he ever shown active interest in Yoo-ah? Has he ever encouraged her romantic endeavors? Why is it his responsibility, or even a sign of maturity, to scream at her so she backs off? No means no. he’s told her “no” countless times. If the genders were reversed, we would not be criticizing the stalked person, or characterizing her as “immature” for not being “stronger” in her rebuff of her stalker.


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true...you do have a point there! I just wish he hadn't kept the skates


I haven't gotten to that part yet! :P


In my perspective, Yoo Ah knows Min Suk has no interest in her at all but it's her fighting spirit that's breaking her. She refuses to accept no as an answer and believes that love is worth fighting for. She'll suffer a truly hard fall. However I think she'll know she has no fight in this when she finally puts Min Suk and YA together.


riarallahssi, I think you have Yoo Ah spot on.


Unfortunately, I think the only way Yoo Ah is going to get is if Min Seok sits her down, tells her in the plainest words possible that he is not interested, and then tells her they can't be friends for a while. He needs to cut her off completely, drop her Hard, in order for her to get it. I hate saying that, because it seems so cruel, but it's actually the kindest thing Min Seok can do for her. Otherwise, she's gonna be hanging onto to her crush on him for forever. And Yoo Ah deserves to be with someone who actually likes her.

Of course, Min Seok's not going to do any of that, so it doesn't really matter what any of us say, lol.


Yeah, that's true.

I don't think he should be blamed for Yoo Ah's behaviour and actions towards him since he really has never led her on.

His behaviour towards her doesn't reek of immaturity at all, but more of someone who has tried every method that's decently possible (yet not purely cruel) to get her to give up on him, but it's always been a failure.

She's just too tough! Giving up is not in her dictionary. I think she believes that if she never gives up and fights for his feelings, he'll eventually accept her but we know that's not going to happen, especially in real life.

As for him indulging her at times, it's mainly because of his friends, isn't it? For example, when she made food for him and he clearly didn't feel comfortable accepting it? He only did in the end because his friends told him to.

Even though they already knew Min Suk had a girlfriend, they still let Yoo Ah go through with that surprise party for him and give him the skates which they probably know she bought using the money she earned from her part-time job.

I mean, really? Why would you do that? She's not actually going to kill you guys! It really puts Min Suk in a difficult position because he rejects her continuously but his friends don't help him make her move on because they feel sorry for her, even when they know that Min Suk has someone he loves.

I'd actually hate being in Min Suk's position in such a scenario. Tough love, man.


But realistically, aren’t people who’ve experienced trauma from a young age in fact less capable of participating in a healthy relationship than those who’ve had more “normal” experiences? I get why the trauma plays well in kdramas, but if we’re psychologizing here, isn’t Min-soek (who has a very strong support system & ample examples of what it means to love and be loved) far more suited to hold his own in a relationship? I feel like other more “tortured” heroes have become obsessed with their noonas as a sort of panacea for their troubled past. Min-soek just seems to genuinely enjoy Soo-young. That seems so much healthier to me than the alternative.


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Definitely agreeing with you on this one. As much as I love Jin Woo as a character and genuinely want him to fall in love with someone, he is too wound up and 'potentially' volatile for a serious relationship right now.


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I guess that makes sense.. From what I have seen Min Seok who is the younger of the lot seems to be taking care of Soo Young more than the other way around. He is mature for his age but not as mature as an adult would be..

Jin Woo, on the other hand, like you suggested, may hurt Soo Young on the long run.

I never saw any proper indication of Jin Woo's real feeling for Soo Young. I think he is attracted to her concern and care mostly. He needs some real loving attention and only Soo Young has done that so far..

I never understood how Min Seok starting having feelings for Soo Young, it felt too rush but so far, he has portrayed feelings for her quite naturally for a 18 year, at least..


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If I understood what you said correctly, people who went through trauma at a young age do tend to be broken in adulthood. But not necessarily.

I have a friend who was beaten, locked up and scolded by the father just for the fact that she did not do well in school. But along the way, she found a reason to forgive the father, and fix her relationship with him, and today, has one of the most loving father-daughter relationships that I have ever seen. He is her step-father. She has forever been the nicest girl in school. and now the nicest woman/mother/wife/employee. She is my best friend, and now works with me.

On the other hand, I know a guy who received so much love from his family, but turned out as a dishonest, irresponsible man/husband.

Interventions in life happen to people that help the traumatic ones overcome their grief.

But I am not talking about noona romances though.


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