High School King of Savvy: Episode 10

This episode might start out cute, but it sure doesn’t stay that way. The simmering conflict between Min-seok and Jin-woo finally comes to a boil, and the lies Min-seok has been piling up begin to come crashing down. Public opinion, which has been split so far on the controversial issue of Jin-woo, is sure to become even more divided now. Is he a misguided puppy who just needs a hug, or an utter and irredeemable jerkface? The jury’s still out, but after this episode our second lead has a long way to go.


Jin-woo is about to click on the tantalizing email from Hyung-seok, when the bumbling Team Leader Kim walks into the office. Jin-woo throws off suspicion by claiming to have left his cellphone in Director Lee’s office earlier. He has no choice but to leave with Team Leader Kim, who is still over the moon about being in a friendlier relationship with Jin-woo. Jin-woo doesn’t exactly look thrilled, but he agrees that they can speak comfortably when it’s just the two of them. He postpones their coffee date, however, so he can go back inside and read Min-seok’s email.

Meanwhile, Min-seok and Soo-young are having yet another nauseatingly cute date. Then Hyung-seok’s email arrives, which Min-seok deletes immediately after reading. Hyung-seok apologizes for asking so much of his little brother, but asks him to hold on a little longer because the end is in sight.

Jin-woo goes back to breaking and entering, only to find that the message is gone. In the restaurant, Min-seok lies to Soo-young that the message was porn sent by his younger brother. Really, Min-seok?! That’s the explanation that just springs to mind, huh?

Hand in hand, our lovebirds stroll down a tree-lined avenue. It’s the longest time they’ve spent together so far, and they chuckle that it’s going to be difficult to explain to others. Soo-young in particular will have a tough time convincing Yoo-ah that all she did was skate all night with her handsome director.

Soo-young drags Min-seok to a fortuneteller in spite of his lack of enthusiasm. The tarot reader says their love is like the beautiful days of spring… but that’s not all. The brick wall card represents an obstacle to their love. One of them has a secret, she warns, or a difficult situation that will cause trouble for them. Whoever could that be, I wonder?

Min-seok gripes to Soo-young that she should have just listened to him, instead of going to that quack fortuneteller and ruining her mood. Then, as fate (or a meddling writer) would have it, they run into Tae-seok and Duk-hwan walking in the opposite direction. “Min-seok!” Tae-seok calls out, before Duk-hwan smacks him upside the head. Min-seok greets his “younger” friends with a strained grin and a whispered warning to Duk-hwan.

Time to introduce the girlfriend to the best friends! Min-seok tries to keep his deception going, while Duk-hwan and Tae-seok stay on their best behavior. The lies pile up, as Min-seok has to explain how he met these boys when he so recently arrived from Germany. “They’re my brother’s friends,” he begins, then backtracks when Tae-seok flashes him the danger sign. “They’re my friends’ younger brothers,” he amends.

Min-seok lays it on thick, saying that Duk-hwan and Tae-seok idolize him and want to be just like him. He tries to wrap up the meeting before it can go too far, and Duk-hwan asks “hyungsoonim” (the term for an older brother’s wife) to take good care of Min-seok. “He may not look it,” he says, patting Min-seok’s face, “but he has a young and innocent side.” He also asks her to be understanding and stick with him through any obstacles, trying (and failing) to keep a straight face.

When Min-seok comes running home after his extended date, Duk-hwan and Tae-seok are on the steps waiting for him. They tease him about how he was so adamant that it wasn’t that kind of getaway, when the first thing he does is spend the night. Duk-hwan invites him to spill the beans. Instead, Min-seok gathers some rocks and pelts his dirty-minded friends.

Relaxing on the steps, they talk about Min-seok’s new relationship. Duk-hwan observes that Soo-young is like no woman he’s seen before, almost like she came from space. Min-seok laughs that that’s “my Secretary Jung’s charm,” and his endearment gives the other boys goosebumps. But as Tae-seok points out, there are problems beyond the nausea-inducing cuteness. First is what happens when Soo-young finds out the truth — she’ll be really hurt. Second is Yoo-ah, who still has no clue that her Husband Lee is seeing someone else.

Min-seok’s dad comes outside with the trash, startling the boys. He scolds Min-seok for staying out all night, and accuses him of scheming with Hyung-seok and keeping him in the dark. Min-seok claims to have fallen asleep at a friend’s house after playing video games, apologizes, and laughs sheepishly. Stop making Dad worry, Min-seok!

Soo-young can’t stop talking about Director Lee, although first she has to convince Yoo-ah that nothing inappropriate happened overnight. She brags about how her director is so popular with his guy friends, and how his eyes seem to light up when he smiles. Yoo-ah notes that her Husband Lee shares those traits… yeah, I’ll bet he does. Yoo-ah soon tires of her sister’s gushing, leaving Soo-young to ask, “Don’t you want to hear about my date?” “No,” Yoo-ah replies, but Soo-young starts sharing anyway.

Min-seok takes off for a clandestine lunch with Soo-young. When Team Leader Kim asks where he’s going, he scolds the team leader for always nagging at him. It cracks me up whenever Min-seok takes advantage of his fake identity to give Team Leader Kim a hard time. Min-seok taps Soo-young’s desk not-so-subtly on the way out.

Dae-han tries to ask Yoon-ju out for lunch, but she heads out with the other office ladies instead. Dae-han ends up on a man-date with Assistant Manager Park. Team Leader Kim watches everyone filing out of the office and asks forlornly why no one’s asking him to eat lunch. Aww, poor buddy.

Min-seok and Soo-young eat lunch at a noodle restaurant, but it turns out to be the same one Dae-han and Assistant Manager Park choose. They duck out quickly, and Min-seok pulls a pretty slick move to pay with his credit card from around the corner.

Assistant Manager Park confides that he’s thinking of making a move on Go Yoon-ju, which is the last thing Dae-han wants to hear. He begins a litany of Yoon-ju’s faults, including her gangly long limbs that make her look like a giraffe. He declares that even if they were on a deserted island together, he wouldn’t see her as a woman. Methinks the lady doth protest too much…

Min-seok and Soo-young chuckle over the close call. They nudge each other lovingly, until Soo-young misjudges her own strength and knocks Min-seok over.

After lunch, Min-seok runs into a frazzled Team Leader Kim in the bathroom. “Where did you go? Who did you eat lunch with?” he demands, prompting Min-seok to protest that they’re not lovers or anything, so why does he need to know? Team Leader Kim admits that he’s going crazy with all this subterfuge, blurring the line between keeping control and becoming obsessed. He tells Min-seok about the upcoming meeting that will take place in Suwon.

The Retail Team meets with Jin-woo’s crew for a briefing. Team Leader Kim arrives late and tries to laugh it off, convinced that his new relationship with Jin-woo will buy him some slack. Jin-woo politely reprimands him, but it still doesn’t dim the team leader’s giddy belief that they are secretly BFFs.

Jin-woo seems determined to put on his Ass Hat for this meeting. He asks Soo-young to bring iced coffee for everyone, ostentatiously offering her his credit card and specifying a further-away place to get the coffee from. Min-seok can only watch, getting angrier with each moment. It gets worse when Jin-woo asks Soo-young to leave the meeting after bringing coffee, saying that she will be more useful answering phones. Min-seok protests, but Soo-young leaves as requested in order to avoid a scene.

Min-seok tears off after Jin-woo once the meeting ends. He grabs him and demands to know what he thinks he’s doing. Jin-woo is coldly and deliberately insulting as he says that while Min-seok might have a “special relationship” with Soo-young, to him she’s just a secretary. Min-seok is ready to throw down, but Soo-young comes around the corner before he can launch the first punch. She manages to hustle him away, saying that Jin-woo isn’t worth getting mad over.

Jin-woo slumps back in his chair in his office, looking utterly exhausted. Min-seok gets to his office and kicks his desk, venting his frustration. A text arrives from Tae-seok informing him of a mandatory meeting for the hockey team. He informs Team Leader Kim (who shouts “Again?!” only belatedly tacking on the polite ending), then leaves the office early.

Assistant Manager Park starts his office seduction strategy, scooting his chair over to Yoon-ju with a puppy video to watch together. Dae-han can’t stand seeing the two of them cozying up so he jumps between them, laughing heartily at a video that hasn’t started yet. Pfft.

It’s time to leave work, and Soo-young receives a text from Min-seok asking to meet later. Assistant Manager Park ups his game with a pair of movie tickets, asking Yoon-ju if she’d like to watch with him. Dae-han isn’t having any of that, and rudely pushes Yoon-ju into her seat and raises his hand eagerly, demanding to watch the movie with Assistant Manager Park instead. He drags him off, with Yoon-ju looking very confused indeed.

Soo-young is leaving when the Managing Director flags her down and asks her to take some documents up to the president’s office. Once again, he gets her name wrong (he can remember Robert Pattinson’s name, sure, but not his own employees).

Jin-woo walks into his father’s office as the president is cleaning one of his golf clubs. I’m thinking he should wait until Dad puts the golf club down, but Jin-woo immediately requests that he visit Jin-woo’s mother at the center. He even gets down on his knees, begging the president to go just once, because his son asks it of him. Of course this is when Soo-young arrives with the documents. She leaves them and gets out of there at top speed.

Just as Soo-young exits the building, a car comes speeding around and gets into an accident. Jin-woo is the driver, and the man whose car he rear-ended starts yelling at him. The shattered glass from the brake light catches Jin-woo’s eye and triggers a panic attack. His vision fades to black.

When he comes back to his senses he sees Soo-young, who has stayed to make sure he’s all right. He staggers when he gets up, and Soo-young tries to stop him from driving. She offers to call a driver, interfering with his efforts to start the car until he shouts: “Don’t worry about me and just GO!” But Soo-young is the one who ends up driving, while Jin-woo sleeps, completely worn out, in the back seat.

Meanwhile, Min-seok and the hockey team are doing punishment squats for poor academic performance (Min-seok in particular has been a bit of a “dummy” in class lately…). Once he’s finished he runs to meet Soo-young in the park, but she’s not there. He checks his phone, wondering if she would leave simply because he’s a little late.

Soo-young drops Jin-woo off in the parking lot of his apartment. She’s about to leave, but Jin-woo wants to know why she keeps appearing before him. He asks her to stay with him, even if it’s just for a moment. “I’m sorry,” she replies, “but I have an appointment.”

Jin-woo guesses that it’s with Director Lee, and Soo-young starts to leave. Jin-woo strides after her, turning her around and kissing her forcefully on the mouth. She pushes him away, the strap on her purse tearing in the process. Then she slaps him across the face and leaves without another word. Jin-woo stays in the parking lot, holding a hand to his cheek.

Soo-young meets Min-seok in the park. He’s worried about her and asks where she’s been, to which Soo-young lies that she met a friend and that her purse strap tore on the bus.

Dae-han and Assistant Manager Park finish watching the movie and leave the theater. The assistant manager thinks that Dae-han has a crush on him, what with his recent clinginess and all. Dae-han denies it, and then denies the shrewd follow-up accusation that he must like Yoon-ju instead.

To prove his disinterest Dae-han continues to list Yoon-ju’s flaws, although in doing so he shows exactly how closely he’s been watching her. He suggests all of the other women in the office as alternatives, even Soo-young. Interestingly, Assistant Manager Park is much more vehement about not liking Han Sang-hee than the others, just as he was earlier in the noodle restaurant.

Min-seok walks Soo-young home until he gets a text from Tae-seok saying that Duk-hwan has a bad fever. He opens his arms for the cheesiest goodbye hug ever, then runs to check on his friend.

The emergency turns out to be a surprise party orchestrated by Yoo-ah. She and the boys are wearing party hats, and Yoo-ah has prepared a feast in addition to the skates she bought with the money from her part-time job.

When she takes a call from her sister the boys explain everything to Min-seok. He learns about Yoo-ah’s misconceptions about his family situation, and how hard she worked to buy him such a nice gift. He looks at the skates, marveling that they look really expensive.

Min-seok tries to give the skates back to Yoo-ah after the party. He even tells her that he has someone he likes, but Yoo-ah thinks he’s lying because he feels bad about accepting the gift. She says he should keep the skates, since she gave them as a friend and a fan, and wear them whenever the old pair gives out. He can only sigh as she walks away. Min-seok looks like he’s really starting to feel the weight of all his lies.

Soo-young is about to ride the elevator to her office when Jin-woo appears. They stand awkwardly next to each other, then Soo-young leaves just as Jin-woo starts to say her name.

Yoon-ju corners Dae-han in the stairwell, scolding him for talking about her behind her back. She’s heard everything from Assistant Manager Park, and takes the opportunity to confront Dae-han about his words. She calls him out on all his insults, including the comment about her body shape and lingerie. “Have you seen it? Have you?!” she demands, cornering him like a gangster out to collect a debt.

She begins to lay out the importance of maintaining the status quo in the workplace, when Dae-han musters his courage and kisses her. “I like you!” he says breathlessly. “Would you shut up?” she asks, then kisses him again, pushing him back against the wall — rawr! Hurrah for Office Romance #2!

Team Leader Kim shows up at Min-seok’s school to take his fake director to Suwon for the project meeting. He starts scolding Min-seok in his usual harried, frenetic style, only to pause when two women walk by. “I’m his uncle,” he says with a fake laugh. “I’m teaching him a lesson. He took some money from his classmates. Can’t you tell he’s like that just from looking at him?” Pfft.

Soo-young takes a call from Min-seok up on the rooftop. She’s about to leave for the Suwon meeting as well, although she falls silent when Jin-woo comes up to the rooftop. “It’s nothing,” she says over the phone, walking past Jin-woo as though he doesn’t exist.

Jin-woo waits for her with his car and offers to drive her to Suwon, saying he would offer a ride to any employee. She declines and tries to walk away. “Shouldn’t you give me a chance to apologize?” he demands. But Soo-young quietly replies that he shouldn’t have done something to be sorry for. “It’s because it’s you that I’m not getting in the car.”

Min-seok and Soo-young are like two kids in a candy factory at the reception, scurrying around trying all the food. In the background Jin-woo knocks back glass after glass of champagne. The Comfo president comes over to introduce a business partner to Min-seok, and tells Soo-young that she’s doing a good job. She gets a call from Yoo-ah and rushes out to the hallway to talk in private.

Min-seok goes out after her to bring her back to where the food is, but Jin-woo comes out and blocks their way back into the main hall. He asks after her purse, deliberately revealing that it broke when she was with him. He further apologizes for his actions, saying that he thought girls liked “bad boys,” but now he knows she isn’t that type of girl. With every new insult Min-seok gets angrier, until he can’t take it any more and punches Jin-woo in the face. Yeah… Jin-woo definitely had that coming.

Jin-woo pauses for a second after Min-seok and Soo-young return to the main hall. Then he bursts inside, goes after Min-seok, and catches him flush in the jaw. The fight is on, as the assembled businessmen and the president watch the brawling directors. It takes quite a few hands to pull them apart, but the damage has already been done.

Soo-young patches up Min-seok after the fight. He wants to know why she lied about meeting Jin-woo, wondering if it was because she thought he wouldn’t understand. But the real reason was that Soo-young feared that Min-seok would get angry, and then lash out in a way that could hurt his career. She lied to protect him, and knowing Min-seok’s fiery temper as we do, she has a point.

But the day’s events have convinced Soo-young that she was wrong. She remembers what the fortuneteller said about secrets, and she feels bad about the secret she kept. She promises to tell Min-seok everything from now on, no exceptions, since strong relationships are built on trust. That’s a hint, Min-seok — take it.

Jin-woo drowns his sorrows at a bar, throwing back something a little stronger than champagne. He knocks into another customer when he stumbles, and almost provokes a fight. He bows drunkenly and slurs out, “I’m sorry,” but then yells at the man who tries to usher him out of the bar.

Min-seok stares into space, still wracked by guilt over lying to Soo-young. Meanwhile Yoo-ah asks her sister if she’s going to the parent-teacher conference at school the next day, scolding her for thinking of her new boyfriend more than her only sister. Soo-young promises to take some time off work. Then Min-seok calls, asking to see her right away.

They meet outside of a convenience store, where Min-seok buys her a few beers and popcorn. He’s trying to tell her the truth, but by the time he musters up the courage, Soo-young is already plastered. She passes out before he can say anything, and Min-seok sighs that he can tell her later. Yeah… like that’s going to work out.

The next morning Min-seok eats breakfast with Dad and Gramps. Dad is adorably worried about the meeting at school, asking if he should wear a suit. He doesn’t want to look shabby when he appears at school so rarely. Gramps tells Min-seok to have a good day at work, calling him “Director,” and Min-seok is out the door. Dad reminds Gramps that Min-seok is going to school, not leaving for work, but Gramps stubbornly insists he’s heading to work.

Poor Team Leader Kim has to cover for Min-seok again, when he calls to say he has to be at school that morning. Then Soo-young requests some time off to go to her sister’s school. He lets her leave, muttering that everyone is going to school today.

He goes to get some coffee, only to interrupt Dae-han and Yoon-ju in the middle of some serious smooching. They pull apart just before he sees them, and Dae-han uses his paper coffee cup to hide the lipstick on his face. “You were eating something delicious, weren’t you?” Team Leader Kim says. Oh, Team Leader Kim…

Min-seok talks to Soo-young on the phone, neither one aware that they are at the same school, separated only by the window. They miss each other by seconds, as Soo-young goes to meet Yoo-ah and the teachers.

After meeting Yoo-ah’s teacher, Soo-young laments that she didn’t bring a gift. She heard that teachers these days don’t even accept drinks, but after seeing the other guardians with gifts, she regrets not bringing anything. Yoo-ah tells her not to worry, and asks if she wants to meet Husband Lee. Thankfully Soo-young says she has to go back to work, and leaves after admonishing Yoo-ah to study diligently.

Duk-hwan and Tae-seok run into Soo-young, who recognizes the young and handsome friends of her Director Lee. They turn down her offer to buy them food, then escort her politely — and very quickly — to the front gate.

They report the close call to Min-seok, unaware that Soo-young has returned to school. Duk-hwan, Tae-seok, Min-seok, and Soo-young all reach the front entrance at the same time, walking from three different directions. Soo-young and Min-seok lock eyes, freezing. Yoo-ah’s cheerful voice rings out: “Husband Lee!” She rushes to Min-seok to hug his arm playfully, then stops when she sees her sister. “Unni… why’d you come back?” she asks. Min-seok can only stare at Soo-young, shell-shocked.


Yikes, that didn’t end well. We’ve had a few close calls before, but I don’t see how Min-seok is going to get out of this one without telling the truth. Oh well… we’ve had our cuteness (and quite a bit of it, especially last episode), and now we need our share of heartbreak. With an ending like that, I can imagine that the betrayal Soo-young and Yoo-ah are going to feel will not disappear quickly, or easily. Min-seok has been lying to both of them, if not in fact than at least by omission, and he’s passed up enough opportunities to tell the truth that the damage will be even worse.

Jin-woo also hit rock bottom this episode. He humbled himself into the dust before his father, without any success. Then Soo-young tries to help him, and he repays her kindness with anger and sexual harassment. I feel for Jin-woo, I really do — he is as alone as it is humanly possible to be, and he is only now realizing what kind of person he threw away when he rejected Soo-young. That said, taking out his misdirected rage on Soo-young and Min-seok is not the way to deal with things, and no amount of personal suffering makes it acceptable to act the way he did.

Considering what happened this episode I’d say there’s nowhere left for Jin-woo to go but up, but Jin-woo has consistently amazed me with his ability to make himself and everyone around him more miserable. Then again, they say that misery loves company, and it looks to me like Min-seok and Jin-woo are both going to be pretty miserable for a while. Maybe they’ll have a chance to clear the air somewhat, coming to an understanding that doesn’t involve fistfights or displays of dominance in front of Soo-young.

The ending of this episode really frustrated me. I suppose it had to happen sometime, but Min-seok really did make it worse than it had to be. Did he honestly think it was a good idea to get Soo-young drunk before he tried to confess to her? That’s the kind of conversation that should happen sober, and he’s seen Soo-young drunk enough times to know that. His desire to clear up everyone’s misunderstandings “later” has led directly to the current disaster, which I hope he realizes in time to earn the forgiveness of the people who trusted and loved him. Prepare to grovel, Min-seok — and even that might not be enough.

Even with the prominence of the main couple and Jin-woo this episode, the show still found time for the tertiary characters to shine. Team Leader Kim’s running gag with Jin-woo this episode was strangely moving, even as it was hilarious. His obvious glee at being on close, personal terms with Jin-woo was actually kind of heartbreaking, since it is so clear to the audience that Jin-woo was only using him for his own ends. Team Leader Kim might be a neurotic goofball, but even he deserves to have a friend who genuinely cares for him.

And last but certainly not least, this episode embedded the budding romance between Dae-han and Yoon-ju within the major plot in a way that, to me, felt very natural. The rest of the world doesn’t freeze when the main couple approaches a crisis, even though many dramas make it seem that way. Life goes on, and there are other loves, other crises, even if they don’t necessarily make the spotlight. Dae-han’s misguided but earnest efforts to keep Assistant Manager Park from hitting on Yoon-ju were both funny and moving, which is a balance that Savvy manages so well. I cheered whole-heartedly when Yoon-ju backed Dae-han into a corner (literally and figuratively), where he had no choice but to declare his love.

My only worry now is that the Retail Team is becoming more incestuous than a bunch of teenagers at band camp. We have two official office romances so far, with (I think) potential for another between Assistant Manager Park and Han Sang-hee. All it would take now is a tempestuous affair between Assistant Manager Yoon and Team Leader Kim, and nobody on that team would get any work done ever again. Retail Team, fighting!


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Was totally on board for the roller coaster of emotions that occurred this episode.

For some reason this episode got me on all on the Jin-Woo train, and I'm not sure how. Perhaps empathy for his internal struggle he's having. Still has a long way to go, but him (and his abs) still have a shot at redemption in my eyes.

Dae Han was super adorable, and I just adore his character progression, and knew their was a reason why epi 9. didn't thrill me like it should. The secondary characters are too fantastic to be sidelined.

Also, does anyone lol anytime Min-Seok is wearing that "Boys" shirt?

Muchas Gracias for the recap Purple Cow!


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And to add, Min-Seok wearing a Mickey Mouse watch! Oh, so cute.


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'Nauseatingly cute'? It's two lovers on their first date. Whatd you expect instead? BDSM?


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That BDSM comment really cheered me up( I know am weird). I thought it was a lovely kidlike first date for two people at the same maturity level at heart.


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Lol, BDSM!


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OK, I really have to ask…what's BDSM?


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That white polo shirt with BOYS written on it is an obvious joke of sorts, but whatever, it looks good on minsuk coz Seo In Guk has a similar outfit like that a year ago in the Mamma Mia show and he was like a page out of a magazine. So I was really happy they resurrected that outfit on the date. / as for Jinwoo, I think he will redeem himself later on, I don't know how but just to divide the audience as to who should be the better man for soo young, tho he showed his bad side already, warts and all. Two years of crushing on a guy, then he gets your hopes up only to know that you are just being used for whatever purpose it may serve him... Then he just treats you like you are nothing, do you honestly think, she would still like him? All she feels now is pity after the hurting, coz that wasn't really a heartbreak. So as to how fast she made the turnaround and accepted minsuk's feelings, in a span of approximately 48 hours- elementary,my dear savvies - that was a rebound. A good one at that. Jinwoo feels remorse coz he wants soo young coz he seriously needs a friend but he doesn't really know how to get her back now. So for those who still wants jinwoo n soo young together, get a grip, it ain't gonna happen. He will just mistreat her like he already did. Yoo ah and min suk? Oh, please, not gonna happen, ..do you know who will take interest in yoo ah? Yea, it's the tall guy who doesn't even know that she likes yoo ah. Just wait for it.


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You bring up some interesting points, and I certainly agree that Yo-Ah will end up with one of MS's friends, and I hope it so, because its obvious her and Min Seok aren't to be but her story is going to become awfully tragic coming up so hope she gets some sort of happy ending.

As for Jin-Woo, I honestly have no idea how his story will play out, which is partly why I'm so fascinated with him as a character. Obviously he hit rock bottom this episode, and did horrible things as a a result. I wouldn't dare suggest that he be redeemed just in time for Soo Young's affection (though the writers are so good, I could visualize a scenario of that happening and me being okay with it)

More what I'm hoping for is a redemption of character, where he steps out from of his father's shadow, stops repeating his dad's mistakes and takes control of his own life. Because this episode was so Jin-Woo focused we got a rather intimate viewing into his psyche, and something about this hour really connected to his character in ways I hadn't before.

Like you said, he needs a friend more than anything else and I hope both Min Seok and Soo Young could be that for him. It would be interesting he were to become friends with MS, just in time for hyung to arrive and Jin-Woo will suddenly have a interesting dilemma on his hands.


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Yeah...am thinking Yoo Ah and Min Suk's friend would be perfect. And less typical than the sisters paralleling Jin Woo and Min Suk. I'd be kinda disapoointed in the writer's creativity if he fell back into the old trope of bringing the second leads ogether. Am thinkng/hoping that Jin Woo and Yoo Ah are maybe brother and sister. Just hoping.


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Ms. Carole Mcdonnell, I clicked on your name coz it was of a different color compared to the rest of us here on the comment section, and it took me to this author's page. Is that really you? I'm sorry but just really curious. thanks.


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yep. That's me. I'm a writer. If a name/link is yellow on dramabeans, it's because the name is linked to a blog.


wow! just wow, maybe I didnt think you would be interested in Korean dramas or I didn't find any reference to it in your page (well, I just browsed actually) so amazing. :-)


:-) Thanks, in awe! Now i'm getting self-conscious. There was a time when there were more yellow-linked folks here. I kinda hate standing out but it takes so much finagling to change webstuff now.


PS, in awe:
sometimes i talk about dramas on my blog.


Can anyone clarify to me the significance of the "BOYS" shirt to me? I found it a bit on the "homo" side. Please, please, pretty please!


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re: BOYS printed on white long sleeved polo, just to signify that the one wearing it is a boy pretending to be a man, but aren't all men just boys at heart. I just love the writer's sense of humor so tongue in cheek!


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They're saying that it's a bad joke (to me)/ hint at the fact the Min Suk is actually 18, not 28. He's a boy (age-wise), not a man although I think he's manly enough for me ;) Hahaha.

SIG looks amazing in that shirt and attire though so I really don't care about anything else. *shrugs*


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Totally off topic, but whenever I want to laugh I watch those excerpts out of the Mamma Mia episode..."Omma!"

Makes me laugh just thinking about it.


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Also off topic, after watching this episode a few times (if I really like an episode I watch it with subs to understand then without subs to concentrate on the facial expressions that I would miss because I was reading the subs), it looks like Jin Woo split his pants later in that episode. I saw it while he was stumbling at the bar after that big fight. hehe I think all of the ladies here would be more than happy to verify that for me. lol


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Yep, I can't stop laughing the first time I noticed the "Boys" shirt.
*hint*hint*hint* for Soo young


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Jin woo is a great character, the more he acts terrible and causes people around him to get angry and upset the more I feel sorry for him. The scene when he got down on his knees showed that he does have compassion but it is just so misplaced. Then there is the fact that he has essentially no one, his father hardly acknowledges him, no one at work knows they are even related. And his mother is someone that he has to look after rather then the other way around. I still love min seok and sooyoung as leads but hopefully by the time the drama ends Jin woo won't still be the bad guy.

I may be mistaken but I think in the first episode 'popcorn unnie' helped him with his change of clothes for school so they will hopefully patch up things well but it is hopefully going to be a enjoyable ride up to that point.


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I've gone through any video I can find of Seo In Guk- from music vids, NGs, Cfs, I live alone show, tv guestings, fan meeting in Japan, taiwan to where it all started Superstar K. I even found his high school vid where he was singing Cisco's Incomplete with his schoolmate (it was good). The guy came a long, long way to where he is now, he totally deserves all the accolades and the love that fans have for him all over the world. He isn't stuck up or full of airs like some kpop idols and not as reserved as some actors who guard their privacy coz well, maybe they think they are such a big deal. Maybe coz he comes from humble beginnings that he is able to appreciate his fans and tries his best to give back all the love that they or we are giving him. even guys like him, some guy commented on youtube that SIG is his mancrush, and he is not gay or anything, he just thinks SIG is cool. He really is. if you could see the behind-the-scene vids of high school king, there's this poster pictorial they did where the three of them have to pose and soo young put hers arms around the two guys, right after the camera click, jinwoo immediately left, he doesnt even talk to her much. he doesnt even smile. but in one photo he even adjusted SIG's buttons coz they came loose and in between takes Jinwoo can be seen laughing at something SIG said. just saying... I hope you guys can find time to search , I'll start you here


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Just saw the ep 11 preview of High School King and from the looks of it, Jinwoo is going to fight for his so-called love until the bitter end. while Minsuk battles out his conflicts. How long do I have to wait for ep 11 with subs? 72 hours. Maybe I should just go hide under the rock for 4 weeks so I can go on a marathon watch from ep 11 to 18. Yea, right, like I could... sheesh, curious much!


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I feel your pain, waiting is so hard.


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I'm so unexcitedly, eagerly awaiting the next episode, lol. If that even makes sense.


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Really loved this episode! Very excited to see how everything plays out in the following episodes. It's so refreshing to watch a drama where every character is interesting in their own right.


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Jin Woo is a very strong character. I used to be very interested in his personality because he had a certain charm along with his arrogance. I love SIG alot, but truth be told, I'm loving Jin Woo here a lot. His cold demeanor has something to say. He looks like a first lead, but that isn't happening. Yeah, Min Seok and Soo Young are cute, but they are a bit nauseating now. In contrast, Soo Young and Jin Woo have a certain passion flowing through. Truth be told, I wouldn't be surprised if Soo Young and Jin Woo ended up together. They had it coming. Also, now I want Yoo Ah to end up with Min Seok.


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Yeesh, I find it so disturbing that assault is being likened to "passion." What happened between Soo-young and Jin-woo was assault, plain and simple. In addition to the verbal assault that he has been flinging her way since the moment she realized what a sleazeball he was & stood up for herself.

I wouldn't find that less sexy if it were covered in spiders and dipped in mayonnaise. Jin-woo is a self-destructive boy in need of years of serious therapy before he is capable of being in a relationship with anyone other than his mother. I'm sorry, but that's how I feel about that. :P


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I'm definitely in agreement with you on this one. I'm not sure where this supposed 'passion' is. Soo Young has absolutely no desire to be with Jin Woo anymore. She's practically Repulsed by him. (As she should be.) Jin Woo Clearly has no romantic interest in her. He's just fed up with being mistreated. He's so Angry and fed up, that he's taking it out on Min Seok and Soo Young. As much as I LOVE Jin Woo and want to wrap him up in a warm hug filled with love, I don't want him dating ANYONE until he's been through at least 6 months worth of intensive therapy. When your self esteem issues are so serious they make you Violent, then dating is just out of the question.


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Yeah, Jin-woo's advances have nothing to do with his heart. He is playing a power game, plain and simple.

This show introduced us to Jin-woo at a very interesting time: when he was on the cusp of turning into his father. We care about him because we see how he became this way & we've watched him make all the wrong decisions. It's a little like watching a train head straight towards a broken bridge--we want to shout "no! stop! put on the breaks!" but there it is, with all its momentum, motoring towards destruction. At this point, only Jin-woo can put the breaks on his life, and I just hope that he has enough humanity left in him to do so.


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wow! YES!!! So true. Great insight.


This is the perfect description for Jin Woo and his behavior.

Unfortunately, I think Jin Woo is going to have to completely wreck his life before he really gets it. I don't want it to happen, but sometimes it's all that works.


I completely agree. I too think that he has no romantic interest in her. I think though, from the clip with him and Yooah off Youtube, that she's the first girl he has 'fallen' for. Not Sooyoung no. He only wants to keep her close because she is the only one who treats him right.


Amen to that. The whole go-get-us-coffee-from-across-the-street fiasco was also extremely disturbing. If he could manage to deliberately give her a hard time after even after possibly considering he is having feelings for her, dear god what kind of violence would this man be capable when he starts getting jealous within the relationship? I just can't buy it. I'm sorry. Offense against women is just not okay.


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I'm REALLY glad the writers/PD basically made it come off as harassment and very clearly crossing the line (and not passion) with Soo-Young's purse being broken, the way she was clearly shaken up when she met up with Min-Sook and how she didn't give him the time of day and told him off later.

Soo-Young is the only other soul that knows so much about Jin-Woo's situation and she has sympathy for him but obviously will not stand for his abuse and BS. I'm glad to see that. Hopefully, Jin-Woo will realize that he needs to change his behaviour if he wants her anywhere near him and he needs to GROVEL and I mean, GROVEL at her feet.


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Agree. I'm all for forgiveness but trouble is..if someone has shown that his go-to self defense is to be outrageously cruel...then he'll probably continue that cruel habit. If Jin Woo is to be redeemed in our eyes, he must be presented with an opportunity to be nasty and must be strong enough to resist his typical emotional weapon.


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I really don't want to know how you came up with the euphemism - "I wouldn't find that less sexy if it were covered in spiders and dipped in mayonnaise." ICK! I'm still drinking my coffee! (Pretty accurate though.)

I also agree with your sentiments.


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LOL, welcome to the twisted world of my imagination. It's not pretty in here. :P


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You know what? I can pretend to accept that you want to root for the 2nd lead because he can change but I think it's too late for changes in terms of love when it comes to Soo Young but...

Please don't say Yoo Ah should end up with Min Suk. Min Suk doesn't love her and he hasn't shown any form of interest in her at all even with her continuous meddling in his life. When I say interest, I mean interest in all forms. He doesn't seem to know anything about her personally. Weird, isn't it? They've probably known each other for awhile too.

He appreciates her and everything she does for him but the more she does for him, the guiltier he feels. I feel sorry for him just as much as I feel sorry for her, in a sense.

If I were her friend, I'd be brutally honest and force her to move on and find someone else who deserves her affections. Yoo Ah deserves a guy who actually loves her. Ignoring her stalker-like tendencies with Min Suk, she's a wonderful girl and I'm sure she could find someone whose just as amazing as Min Suk or even better for her!

The two of them could be great friends if they get past this one-sided love thing though.


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Agreed. So many girls really need to learn the difference between love and possession, because, even if they don't, the one on the receiving end of it (be it her love interest or her children) will figure it out. You know what happens then.


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I couldn't agree more. The way I see it, Min Seok tried to gently let Yoo Ah down by telling her to stop doing things for him and that he likes someone else and she refused to listen. It isn't like he knew that Yoo Ah was Soo Young's sister so the only one who is really owed a legit apology in this messy situation is Soo Young. Yoo Ah needs to move on.

As for Jin Woo, while I'm definitely interested to see how his character will develop, I also can't see any sort of romance between him and Soo Young at this point. He needs to work on himself before he dates anyone...because his violent outbursts when he doesn't get his way seem very reminiscent of his father's in the flashbacks we've seen.smh


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Yep. As sorry as I feel for Yoo Ah (which isn't as much as before after watching episode 11), Soo Young is the only one who deserves and has earned the right to receive an apology from Min Suk.


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Zoey, you are kind-hearted but I disagree with you on each and every point regarding the four.

For SIG, neither girl looks suitable. The elder sister is clearly to be a dating lesson but not the ultimate date for him. She is someone he is meant to experiment with but grow out of. The younger one - I just can't figure out what the hell she is doing on this earth. Is she Madame Yoo in waiting, for every psycho middle-aged man-eater has to get a start somewhere? Or, will she eventually turn into a Madame Curie? But she's going to have to lose that oh-I-can-get-any-boy-by-being-obnoxiously-aggressive outlook on life. What an affront to boys whom she believes she can manipulate and domineer all the time. That phrase - He's Not That Into You - comes to mind every time I see her on screen. SIG is too good for either of them.

Jinwoo reminds me of a dog that, as a puppy, did not spend enough time in human company and, as a result, grew to become uncomfortable or scared or downright hostile around humans. Oceans of therapy cannot reverse his condition at this point. The best case scenario might be that he becomes fully aware of his own pathology but learns to manage it. That can happen, but don't hold your breath - it is really unlikely. (I will not mention the worst case scenario, but you know what it is.) On the other hand, the elder sister, herself being a misfit in so many ways, might actually break the code and find a way to reach out to him. And amply rewarded for it, given his family connection and all. After all, what other dating prospects can she realistically have at this point?


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Someone should really set up an audition for SIG's wife, I'd be moreeeee than excited to know who could possibly fit the bill. Of course names are running off my head so quickly, ahem, I'm so curious about the kind of girl he'd really like.


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I too love the Jin Woo character - as a character (not as a person). He does despicable things but somehow manages to make it interesting.

He did hit rock bottom this episode. I didn't mind the forced kiss so much mainly because she had a chance to fight back. Which she did. And the build up to that scene was very well done. It was also not shot in a romantic angle so I was good with it.

What I truly hated was the way he acted during the meeting. He embarrassed her and put her down in front of her colleagues and she was not in a position to say anything. I just couldn't stand that bit. It's a horrible feeling being made to feel small in front of a group of people and I'm sure Jin Woo knew exactly what he was doing. And sadly his actions weren't to bother her so much as it was to bother min suk.

The SY and JW relationship was very adult. Whereas MS and SY one is very young and innocent.

I'm torn between which couple to ship. I think MS is the perfect match for her - but unfortunately the stage in life that they are both at doesn't make me root for them. Also, with all the scenes of Yoo Ah and SY cuddling together while asleep - like mother and daughter , i honestly think it's too complicated a relationship.

Whereas JW and SY - OMG he's so volatile he's scary. She might be able to handle him, but after being with such a nice, well rounded guy like MS, how can she adapt?


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Gizzles. Big things going down!! Puppy Min-seok = Teenager. I don't like the way he tried to handle coming clean. Good thing he's playing a teenager and not a grown man because I could totally see a teenager rationalizing the same way. I really, REALLY hope they don't let him weasel his way out, especially because we're at Episode 10 now. I want consequences, strangely enough. And how 'bout a little mystery unraveling when it comes to Hyung-seok hyung. And NO, I don't want hyung swooping in all, "Hey guys, I'm Min-seok's older brother here to bail him from his web of lies (even though technically I started it)." That would suck. I want Min-seok to feel the weight of lies crashing down on him and for him to figure out a grown up solution to the heartache he has caused/will cause. Come on, Show! You can do it!


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I think his way of approaching the truth wasn't great, but at least he tried. He's so afraid to lose Soo Young and yet, he wants her to know about him. The real him when he's not pretending to be a 'director'.

I don't think a grown man in drama-land would handle the situation very differently. How many dramas have we seen where "adult" male leads ever choose the right way to convey the truth? Almost never? They usually end up screwing up, don't they? In the end, this is a drama so there's no way they'd let the truth be revealed in a more realistic manner.

Anyway. I think that even if he had come clean about the truth the "supposed" right way or the way an adult would (how would an adult do it? I'm an adult, age-wise, & I don't know what the right way would be because it differs depending on the other party involved), the end result would have been similar with a loss less 'pow' in the reveal.

Soo Young isn't the type to face problems head on, especially on her own. She tends to hide and avoid confrontation when she's put in a tough situation. We'll probably see this quite a bit in the next episode.

Yes, she has changed and become more daring in terms of telling Jin Woo off, but she's still changing. We all know that change takes time and when we are learning to change, get unexpectedly thrown into something we least expected, we revert back to the way we don't want to be.

She probably wouldn't have listened to him explain the whole story while sober. Obviously, he didn't want her to get drunk while trying to confess the truth. He wanted to make the atmosphere more comfortable and make it easier for him to tell her. Basically, do something she loves (we know how much she loves drinking with popcorn) to ease the conversation along.

Getting drunk is her own doing because she loves drinking and can be such a drunk, haha.
As much as I hate to admit it, alcohol makes her a lot more daring and honest with her feelings. She shows her feisty side when she's drunk!

Anyway, I hardly think his hyung is going to turn up anytime soon so Min Suk is on his own in dealing with the aftermath of this mess. I actually feel sorry for him because in the end, his brother indirectly caused this and it seems like Min Suk always ends up having to deal with the mess his brother leaves behind. I really need more on his backstory ):

Well, at least he has his best friends, right?


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so true! Any adult guy in kdamaland couldn't have come clean in an acceptable way. Kdrama lies always explode on the liar; never a way to reveal them before the effects of the lying are in full-blown operation


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Lol. I know grown K-drama men would've done the same. That's why I said I'm glad he's actually a teenager, because then, I understand where he's coming from. I'm not against Min-seok. I'm rooting for him to rise above his current approaches.


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I know what you mean, crazedlu, and yes. He'll probably grow over the next 6(8?) episodes which I look forward to seeing, especially with the current crisis he'll be facing over the next few episodes.


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Yeah, I think the writers will leave Min Suk to his own devices here, no help from hyung. It is a good thing, since he can ask for forgiveness and experience some personal growth.
But it is also truth that he is doing the fake director thing only because his hyung asked for it, and one cannot control when falling in love, so I cannot blame him entirely for what happened.
I feel bad for SY and MS, hope they will make up soon. I'm looking forward to next episode so we can see what happens!! :D


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Holy hell, this show is the best ever and it slayed me dead with emotions this episode. Dead, I say!

I continue to be impressed with how realistic these characters are. How flawed yet lovable they are. Should Min-soek have been braver in admitting his lie to Soo-young without getting her drunk first? Of course. But I wasn't frustrated with it, because it was so relatable. Of course he is terrified to tell her. Of course he doesn't want to destroy the most important relationship in his life. Heck, I didn't want him to either! Even though a big part of me did, just as big a part of me didn't. That right there is a successful drama.

I applaud the production team once again for using high-stakes situations to propel the narrative forward and flesh out our characters. I love that the situations are perfectly constructed to force our characters to grow, whether they want to or not. It was so satisfying to see Min-soek, when confronted with his own hypocrisy, really grapple with the consequences of his lie and decide to do right by Soo-young and tell her the truth.

I actually found it incredibly satisfying that he didn't just turn into a superhumanly brave person & break the news to her without a hitch, because it reminded us that he's moral but still terrified to lose Soo-young. Similarly, I found it incredibly satisfying to see Soo-young cover up Jin-woo's assault (which, sidenote: OMG that assault was so disturbing and such a brilliantly portrayed antidote to all of the "let's pretend forced kisses are hot" moments that abound in kdramas) because it was so realistic and it highlighted a problem in their relationship: that she didn't trust Min-soek to react to the news with a cool head. I was majorly fistpumping the writers for allowing Min-soek and Soo-young to handle the revelation of that lie with such grace and maturity, when less skilled writers would have gone for the cheap drama and allowed the story arc of this episode to center around Min-soek being tricked into believing that Jin-woo & Soo-young were having an affair, or something. Instead, we get another example of a conflict bringing even more depth to their relationship. I can't remember a drama where a female lead, when caught in a lie, is able to respond with maturity about her lie as a relational problem--that, yes, she should've told the truth, but there was a reason she didn't, and that reason is the responsibility of both herself and Min-soek to address.

It's details like that which make me root so hard for our OTP. At the core, their relationship is built upon such open communication, trust & respect. I truly get the sense that these two share an intellectual and emotional bond that comes around once in a lifetime if you are lucky.

Of course, that's what makes the revelation at the end all the more devastating, because how do you possibly recover from a deception like that? Not only does Soo-young get the revelation about Min-soek being...


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Ugh, I really wish dramabeans would warn you when your comment is too long! This is like the third time that I've lost a good chunk of a comment because of the character limit. Maybe I should take the hint and write shorter comments? NEVER!


...Not only does Soo-young get the revelation about Min-soek being a high-schooler, but she probably now believes that Min-soek has been two-timing her WITH HER OWN SISTER. Talk about a double whammy. I have to applaud the director once again for handling that final moment so elegantly. I could see the shock, confusion and heartbreak written so plainly on Soo-young and Min-soek's faces. What an incredibly acted & directed moment, and so devastating for us viewers. I felt my heart stop along with theirs as the truth came out.

I have to say, I'm actually glad that I didn't have time to watch episode 10 sooner than tonight, because I don't think I could've handled waiting a whole week for episode 11. As it is, I am jumping out of my skin to see the fallout from the big revelation.


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Wow, I hadn't thought about the whole "is he a playa?" angle. Yikes, yes! Wow, she isn't confident enough to believe she could be his only love. Ah gee! What a mess or her! Especially after what Yoo Ah said about players.


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I hadn't considered that element before, but the way it shook down at the end of the episode, with Yoo-ah running up to her "hubby" and grabbing his arm...I don't see how Soo-young could get any other impression, given the circumstances and how much Yoo-ah goes on about Min-soek. Let's hope that this situation catalyzes some major growing up for Yoo-ah, in addition to our leads. I'm so curious how she will react in light of the new information (assuming that the information comes out for her too)--will she be upset with Soo-young? Min-soek? Will she see that Min-soek has zero interest & back off? There are so many believable ways this could go, but I really hope it ends up affirming her bond with her sister while also affirming her own worth.


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Yoo Ah hasn't seen her unni ths happy in ages,though, so maybe she'll be cool about it and be the one to convince Soo young that Min Sukis not a player.


Maybe, and it would be good reality check for Yoo-ah to learn that she can't control another person's feelings, no matter how much she wants to. It will be a painful lesson to learn, but aren't they all?


Your comment left me without much to say, except I totally agree with you. Their faces at the end were devastating! Actually, his facial expressions from the time she stated she would tell him everything, were so full of mixed emotions,; it just got to me. I actually don't know who I feel sorrier for - Soo Young or Min Soek. I also feel a little bad for the little sister too, but not as much as for them. The director really did that beautifully, including the friends in the background.

I wish I hadn't watched it as soon as it came out, because it has been a looooooooong week. To make it worse, I won't be able to find out what happened till Thursday! Arghhhhh!

Also, never thought of the 'playa' angle. Interesting.


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You are spot on.
There is a big part of me that wants to root for him with all his mistakes and there is yet another part of me, that is throwing stones at him in my mind.
And am pretty sure that is intentional ! That's why this writer is such a freaking genius.
None of us are able to (most of us from comments I saw so far) are able to fully onboard this couple because it seems off with that elephant in the room, and that is what the writer wants.
Instead of will they or won't they of every kdrama ever, this gives me a feeling of should they or shouldn't they ! Because both makes lots of sense, and it feels so real. Just like you never know for sure in reality, even though you are so deep in love, you never know what's around the corner. You never know that was wrong for you all along until you are out of it.
Am not saying they are wrong for each other , am saying its in their hands ! For first time, am feeling these characters to be so real, that I want what they want not what I want ! That is one brilliant writing there !!!!!


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Late to the party but better late than never, eh? KOHSS is now my all-time favourite Kdrama.

I was reading everyone's comments, reminiscing the wonderful moments in the drama (politely ignoring those that suggested that they felt uncomfortable with the OTP - coz please, my sensitive soul can only take so much of criticism about something that I LOVE so much).. and I thought I should reply to you

How can you so beautifully articulate the thoughts in my mind?
"I truly get the sense that these two share an intellectual and emotional bond that comes around once in a lifetime if you are lucky" - That's exactly why I love the OTP. Thank you writer-nim for writing such beautiful characters.
Thank you Rearwindow for your amazing thoughts. :)


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I honestly really loved Min Seok's attempt at telling Soo Young the truth. I didn't get the impression that he was trying to get her drunk (I genuinely think he's above that), so I wasn't bothered by him suggesting she get a drink. She's the one who chose to drink so much. I don't recall seeing Min Seok forcing drinks into her hands or anything. I'm also positive he was already planning on trying to tell her again and most definitely would have if he hadn't got caught at the end.


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Agreed. Beyond him saying "come out and get a drink with me," he wasn't forcing alcohol on her or anything. It just felt so real to me that things went down like that. Real life is messy, full of mistakes and misunderstandings and small conflicts. That's what makes this couple feel so real--they deal with the small stuff. Now let's hope that they deal with the big stuff as well. :)


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I imagine he thought it would be easier for Both of them that way and just wasn't fully thinking it through. After all, he's 18. He's never had to do something like this before. He's bound to mess up.


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Exactly right, he IS all of 18. And the scriptwriter wrote what a typical 18 year old boy in just about any country or culture would act, say (or be afraid to say), and procrastinate. Instead of criticizing him for acting like 18, we should be thankful that we didn't get a completely unrealistic and out-of-character handling of this situation as if he were a 40 year old mature adult. We commend this drama for being real in other areas, so why not commend it for having an 18 year old act as an 18 year old?


I love all your comments, friends :D

I just needed to come here and say this. Haha!


james94131, Yes to everything you said. And he's actually doing way better then many grown men would do (at least I think so), so I feel like it's fair and just to cut him some slack.


I really believe that he wanted to tell her the truth in that scene and he would have done so the next chance he had when they were alone.

I'm guessing he made her drink so that she'd accept the hard truth with more stride if she had some alcohol in her system. And this is a personal opinion but I get the feeling that if Min Suk had told her while she was completely sober, there's a high chance that she wouldn't have listened to the whole story and instead left him there, stranded in mid-sentence.

Anyway, all of us know that kdramas never make big reveals simple and clean so there was no way the drama itself would give Min Suk the chance to be honest about it for once (-__-) After all, if they let him tell the truth, there wouldn't be people rooting for the 2nd lead right?

On a completely irrelavant note, can I kick Jin Woo in the arse, just once? PLEASE?


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I feel like she would have given him a chance to tell her the whole truth. She might have run away After hearing it, but I do think she would have heard him out.

But we'll never know now. Curse you dramas and your need to keep people from having Real conversations about Real things!

And I'm right behind you on kicking Jin Woo in the derrierrerre. If I can hug him at the same time, lol.


Hahaha! I'll kick him and you can hug him at the same time. Solves the problem, yes?

But Yeah.
We will never know if she would have listened to him or left mid-way. Damn dramas. They never let people have proper conversations.


I so wish she would stop drinking. Period.


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haha, I don't mind that she likes to drink, but you get used to it after living there a year and seeing people do far, far worse.


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The honesty between the OTP ...and heck! the honesty between all the characters -- primary, secondary, and tertiary! Even the conversations between Chairman and Jin Woo. I looooooooooooove these writers for that. True they are writing a drama with four high-concept tropes (guy dating his "girlfriend's"sister, identical doppelganger, teenager pretending to be an adult, AND noona romace) but they've infused such reality into the story!!!! Please writers, keep this reality and honesty til the end.


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Jin-Woo DEFINITELY has quite a lot of making up to do…but I have to say, his life is pretty darn miserable. I am all aboard the Jin-Woo train. I hope that his character sees the light, and that he doesn't become a mustache-twirling villian. I love the depth of emotions that his storyline had gone. His father has proven himself to be devoid of human grace. I REALLY want something good to come of all of Jin-Woo and his mother's suffering…and if it is to the expense of Jin-Woo's father, I don't think that I would mind too much after his horrible rejection of Jin-Woo's pleas for his mother's sake.

That being said… There is NO EXCUSE for sexual harassment BY ANY CHARACTER (Leads included!!! *coughheirsandotherdramascough*) such as the forced kiss in an empty garage *shudders*. I don't know why Korean Dramas do this. At. All. It is so demeaning to women. The wrist grabbing is pretty offensive, but… literally grabbing a woman and sexually attacking her?! No excuses Korea. You really need to stop romanticizing this. Seriously. Stop.


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I actually LOVED how this show handled assault--by treating it as ASSAULT. Not as a byproduct of passion, or overactive hormones, or as an unfortunate-but-inevitable-aspect-of-being-in-love, but as a scary and pathetic attempt to gain power over another human being. I think this show did the exact opposite of "romanticize" the attack. It made me actually afraid for Soo-young both in the parking garage and any time that Jin-woo approached her after that. When he stepped into the elevator with her, I held my breath out of anxiety until she stepped out. That is actually very successful and responsible handling of sexual assault, in my opinion.


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I completely agree! Just one of the many aspects this show is going above and beyond standard kdrama tropes with.


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Ugh, yes. I'm super freaked out for Soo Young's safety right now. I LOVE JIN WOO!! But I HATE his actions. And I will Jump the Jin Woo ship if he gets too much worse.


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Yeah, Jin-woo's a fantastic character & I love him, but he is sosososososo wrong for Soo-young (I mean, she doesn't even tolerate him, so it should be a moot point). I seriously want him to get some therapy & some friends. That's what he needs right now. Oh, and a new job far, far away from his abusive daddy.


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I imagine just being far away from daddy would do an immense amount of good for him at this point.

Gosh, I hate his dad. But then, I don't even Hate his dad. I just...hate him, lol.


. As much as I'm captivated by him, I wouldn't even ship Jin-Woo with myself. Lee Soo Hyuk on the other hand though....

Anyway, I only ship Jin-Woo in a bromance with Min-Sook and maybe even becoming a honorary member of Min-Sook's family with dad and grandpa. This is also with him realizing he needs help and actually getting help


Lol, Deb.

I ship Jin Woo in a bromance with Min Suk too! If only they could have a good heart-to-heart talk without the fists, they'd probably get along better.

As for his daddy, I don't actually hate him because I don't know much about him other than he's a failure as a father to Jin Woo. I'm curious about what exactly happened between his father and mother, other than the flashbacks we've seen. They don't tell us much.


From how I see it, Jin Woo instigated the fight. He knew Min Seok will react. He wanted a big wallop badly.

I hope he has really hit rock bottom because how many times have we said that already?

Like you said Purplecow, he shouldn't lash out his frustration on Soo Young and Min Seok but they are the only one whom he can show his true colours, especially Min Seok.

Jin Woo knows he can get some sort of reaction from Min Seok even though it's through taunts. Any reaction is better than no reaction. He just couldn't take being ignored anymore. Which is why he reacted so badly when Soo Young pulled Min Seok away outside the hall. He feels invisible in his father's eyes and he couldn't take being that with others.

Poor sod. Every action he's taken so far has made things worse. And rough kissing a girl will not get you the girl...HELLO?!


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I've been trying to put my finger on just what it is Jin Woo is trying to get out of doing all of this, but I couldn't formulate it into words. I think you've explained it perfectly. He's sick of being ignored, so he's trying to force everyone to pay attention to him.


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Only if you cures cancer or ends the hunger in the world could I look at gim without revulsion. He has a really shitty personality.


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The best scene for me in this episode is when the camera point out minseok face from side while in the voice over soo young promise never keep secret from him aymore. The expression priceless.


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Amen !
I kept reading comments and wondering how come there is not one mention of that scene !
I always liked seo in guk and adore him but that scene, there was so much written in that half angle face that I fell for his acting !
The camera and the cinematography was excellent !
And I felt it kind of poetic that the scene was in playground. It felt like the lies were suffocating him all around for that one moment and hugging her helped him breathe !

He is seriously rocking this role so so so good, I don't know how to praise him more !!!!


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I surprised too that someone didn't mention this scene earlier.the way he looked at her....damn. Seo In guk nailed that scene.He's grown so so much as an actor. This drama fully shows how much potential he has as an actor.In some scenes like this,when they are no dialogues,his eyes speak a thousand words.


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I think next episode is going to be a real turning point for Saavy. We're moving past the premise now and it's time for the show to step up it's game and prove it's just as good as we've all been thinking, or for it to lose direction and focus, at least some what. I have faith that it will remain awesome, but we'll see!

I am also, miraculously, still on board the Jin Woo train as well. This episode made me hate him so much for how utterly nasty and pathetic he was acting, but it made me feel even more sorry for how pitiful he is at the same time. I think it's because I understand his motivations and emotional pain so clearly. Now that's good writing. :) I really hope his character pulls through and ends up in a likable place- rock bottom does not equal lost cause.


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You're so right. The writers have done such a good job of making Jin Woo a shitty person without making him a shitty person. (If that makes sense, lol.) We hate how he's behaving, but we don't hate Him. We just want to see him find some healing so he can learn to treat himself, and those around him, better.


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Love this line: --> "rock bottom doesn' equal lost cause."

The interesting thing is there are a couple other dramas out now with jerks who treat their OTP really badly but who are redeemed pretty quickly. All their jerky behavior seems paint by the numbers coz we know they're just being jerky. If Jin Woo and Soo young were fated to get together, it would be Secret all over again...and yet somehow unbelievable because the cruelty here feels so real and natural while the cruelty in Secret felt over-the-top and the cruelty in Trot Singer for example seems so contrived. It just makes me love these writers so much for exploring relationship cruelty in such a real way.


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Well, I also feel sympathy for Jin Woo, he seems to be such damage child. Hope he recovers and ends up being friends with Min Seok...they have a lot in common, maybe Jin Woo's dad had something to do with Min Seok's parents death.
I hope he ends up in a good place, but never with Soo Young. He treated her very badly from the beginning. He fired and insulted her...I think she is kind enough to forgive him if he changes, but hope she will not consider him as a lover, because she deserves better.


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I feel like my heart got ran over by a Mack truck with this episode.

Between the secret finally coming out between our main couple (at least Part of the secret) and Jin Woo finally completely losing it, this episode was CRA. ZY.

And I loved every minute of it, lol.

I'm one of those people who usually struggles at the midway point in dramas (where the real angst begins), but not here. I am SO invested in these characters that I have actually been Anticipating the angsty mid-quarter. (You know a drama is good, when you Enjoy the angst rather then have an intense desire to rage quit, lol.)

We’ve just been building up to this moment for so long, that it is such a relief to finally be here. I was Particularly excited for that fight between Jin Woo and Min Seok. When Jin Woo was just like ‘The hell with this. I’m done pretending. Time to go for broke,’ I was shouting in my head (because it was late at night, and I didn’t want to wake anyone) ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ I’m just so ready to see Jin Woo let out some of that hostility. It's unfortunate that Min Seok has to bare the brunt of it right now, but goodness am I glad Jin Woo's getting some of it out. (Min Seok can totally handle it anyway.) Now that Jin Woo has made a complete ass of himself, he really has nothing left to lose. He can just go up to Mr. President and tell him the truth...that Mr. President makes him feel worthless.

The most beautiful and poignant moment the entire episode is definitely when Min Seok and Soo Young are sitting on the bench, Soo Young talking about the importance of not keeping secrets and Min Seok looking so heartbroken and remorseful over the fact that he’s been keeping One Whopper of a secret this entire time. The choice to focus on them both from behind and slowly pan forward until all we can see is one side of Min Seok’s face was sheer brilliance.

And goodness did he look sad.

And how fabulous were all of our side characters this episode? I just knew Mr. Everyone Ignores Me was shooting himself in the foot by saying all those ridiculous things about his crush. I just KNEW it was going to get back to her. And it did.

Then they made out in the stairwell and the office break-room, lol.

I take it back. I was wrong. Talking about the girl you like behind her back just might work in your favor, lol. (This advice should be ignored. It is a terrible life decision, and will blow up in your face.)

But if the drama writers don’t utilize Mr. Older and Wiser to help bring our leads back together once the dust settles and everyone’s gotten their feelings worked out, it will be Such a waste. He already knows there’s something up between Soo Young and Min Seok, so he’s gonna notice right away that something’s wrong between them now. He’s really the perfect character to help them mends things (because we all know things are pretty much broken at this point). He’s a voice of reason who can be there to give them both some sound, friendly advice.



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Oooo! You're right, that would be a perfect use of Mr. Older and Wiser! ( I can't think of the character name either right now, lol) I have been missing his character lately and I also noticed that he seemed to have cottoned on to our two love birds. Excited!


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Mr. Older and Wiser's character name is Assistant Manager Yoon.


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I love how Manager Yoon always gives knowing looks but of course, minds his business. I bet he will be the voice of reason in the future. You can tell he totally ships them though ha.


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Would be soooooo good if the daughter of Mr. Older and Wiser ended up with Jin Woo. Jin Woo would get the dad he always needed. Yep, am thinking ahead.


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Standing ovation for this comment! I especially love your comments about that bench scene. What a brilliantly directed and acted scene. I also loved that Min-soek was uncharacteristically in black for that scene. It's like you could see him age five years in that one shot, as it dawned on him the gravity of the lie he'd been downplaying.

I was actually dreading the angst until this episode, because I care about the characters so much that I didn't want to see them experience heartbreak. Now, I am welcoming the angst for the very same reason...because it would be more painful to both of them to live a lie than to put it out into the open & deal with the consequences. Because now that their relationship has more depth to it, it is necessary for them both to know each other completely in order to continue growing together. And if there's one thing this couple is good at, it's dealing with the consequences. Soo-young couldn't mask an emotion to save her life, and Min-soek has this tenacious need to get Soo-young to talk things through, and I am hoping that with Mr. Older and Wiser's intervention, these two will talk and talk and talk things through until they fall asleep on the ice and wake up to talk some more.


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I don't go back and re-watch scenes in dramas almost ever, but I've consistently done that with this one (I especially loved that Kiss, lol), and I went back and watched that scene probably 3 or 4 times in a row. In that one scene alone, he looked like he had aged ten years. I was just sitting there in awe of how grown up he suddenly looked.

I honestly don't think Min Seok realized how big of a deal it was for him to keep his age a secret. I think he thought it would all work itself out on it's own, and that conversation was the key moment where he realized 'Hey. It's not that simple.'


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I agree with everything you said about the bench scene. Those are the type of defining moments for a couple where you realize you are becoming very close and intimate but for Min-Sook it is the moment reality hits him about what he had been trying to ignore about their relationship. The bubble burst for him in that moment. They were crossing the line from puppy-cute romance to intimate relationship and he knew he would have to tell her the truth.

The scene was really well set up and beautifully shot.


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I love all these comments, and I love everything you guys said! You guys bring up amazing points, and I agree with all of it!

Min Suk realised that the only way for this relationship to work out and become a steady relationship is to tell her the truth about his age.

I just remembered! Wasn't 'baby-faced beauty' another drama which had the lead, played by Jang Nara, lying about her age and name to her boyfriend? Haha. I was just reminded of it!


I feel like it was also the moment when he suddenly realized 'I like this girl enough to RAT MYSELF OUT (not shouting, just emphasis). If I want to keep her, my only hope of doing so is coming clean.'


oh my! me too. I must've watched episode 9 and 10 three or four times!


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Mr Older but Wiser is sooooooooooo cool. Love everything in your comments, too.


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I think most of us watching felt like we got hit with the Mack Truck of Doom.

As for your's and everyone else's comments here - I couldn't agree more.


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Curse that mack truck with all of it's feelings.


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*sigh* Jin-woo.......

Writer-nim, please don't make him ultimately a jerkface. Please.


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He is a jerk, he has a real shitty personality. No matter how you were traumatised in your childhood, when you're a boss, you have to stand up for your employees. Not initiating a witch hunt, but finding the real culprit using your BRAIN. Not firing your employee just because she expressed her feelings and this made things inconvenient for you. Not to say he is more abusive than his dad when in love.


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Jin Woo does have a shitty personality - interesting as it is. I don't think he got her fired because of her feelings for him. When his boss implied that JW was the son of the president, JW must have assumed that Sy was the one who told him.

I don't think he's the kind to bother with a girl who has fallen for him - but he would be quite ruthless to a person who could be a threat to him.

And yeah, there's no excuse for his behavior - especially harassing employees who can't fight back. I also really hate how he passes really snide hurtful comments about SY - both to her and to MS.


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Wow, that's an interesting analysis. I hadn't thought about it that way.


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...note totally unrelated to the drama, but...Seo in Guk has got himself a bit of a booty. Anytime he wears those blue jeans of his that are slimmer at the bottom then the top, it becomes so obvious. This isn't a bad thing or a good thing. I just think it's adorably cute, lol. Has he done his military service yet? If not, it will be a sad day when he does. Because that adorable booty will be gone, lol.

(I have so many things to say that one comment cannot contain me and my feelings, lol.)


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For me, this drama is more a "Seo In Guk appreciation show" than anything else XD!!


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He hasn't gone for military service, I believe.
And I'm with you there, Christina!
Mmm, I just appreciate seeing him on my screen.
It's like candy for my eyes.

And dreaming about what it'd be like to be in Lee Ha Na's place for a day just so I can appreciate him up close and personal ;D

Everyone is so busy swooning over Lee Soo Hyuk so I'll just nab Seo In Guk for myself, hahaha!


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You're gonna have to fight me for Seo In Guk, lol.


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one of my fave Seo in guk moments



Damn, I thought I could have him to myself!
Fine, we can fight fair and square!
Or... what about a truce? Sharing is caring ;)

AWWWW. Birth secrets! He's so adorable.
But wow, his mum is amazing! HAHA.


he is! Soooooooo squee-worthy and sweet. He probably has no prejudices against noona romances.


OMG Carole, that clip is too funny! It shows that he is a really funny and grounded kid. It really made me more of a fan. :)


Carole. That video. ALL the good things.

It's official. I need to marry him.

Sorry Sonny. I'm not much for sharing. But you can come to the wedding, lol!


No way, OhSoEnthusiastic!

How could you decide on a wedding date?!
We haven't even had a fair game to win his heart D:
That's so cruel!

I'm gonna go to your wedding discreetly and nab him. He'll be like a runaway groom. HAHA.

Although, I'd probably be the least of your worries. Imagine a stampede of girls(maybe even boys,ha!) crashing through when they hear about it.
What a nightmare, lol!


Oh gosh. I can just imagine it. Hordes of saesang fans with torches and pitchforks at the ready.

Seo In Guk's worth it.



Damn right he's worth it ;)


Okay I just have to join the queue for marrying SIG's booty. I swear I'm over the moon in love with this manchild.


Oooooh! Last week I sooo wanted to punch Jin Woo in the face... but Puppy beat me to it (sorry, red fox!)... too bad it didn't feel as good as I thought it would (curse you Writer-nim for having jin woo punched just when I was starting to feel a liiiitle sorry for him, dude's having a bad week) anywho I'm glad everthing's out in the open... we've had our fill of cute.... now it's on to the angst.. I say bring it on


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i've been waiting for this one, thanks for the recaps. fighting!!!!


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woah, everyones masks have fallen. I wonder if Yoo Ah still has one we don´t know about?

dear writer, it is just a drama, so can they please stay together? let her realize how sad she is without him, more than from him lying to her. That no matter what she does, she cannot push him away.
an let Yoo Ah hear her sister crying and decide the two people she likes most should be happy. can it be like that, please?

I am not watching until I know they´ll be all right. I can´t take it, these characters are too adorable. I don´t want heartbreak. Please.

It is hard for me to stay on Jin Woo wagon, but I also feel he is about to do a 18 degree turn. he is very close to changing and trying to be a better man for real. Jin Woo, the jerk is not the real you. lose that mask.


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180 degree I mean.


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Sorry, but can't agree with you. Everyone seems pleased that this drama is written with more realistic characters than standard kdramas. So in the real world, how many 18 year old BOYS are capable of a serious LTR with a 28 year old WOMAN? If the Min Seok-Soo Yong romance continues, then we'll have the all-time noona fantasy which will seriously undermine the credibility of the show.


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Agreed. Plus in the real world, how many teenagers or young women in love with a guy would not show a selfie with her boyfriend to her younger/older sister ASAP but wait to have them meet? So dramaland it is.


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Lol. I love how you capitalise the word 'BOYS' because this type of scenario does happen quite often with girls and it's generally more accepted by society. (Me though? I'm open-minded about these things because society's rules are overrated and society doesn't get a say in my life)

I believe it's possible for boys to have such an experience but realistically speaking, a relationship won't be at its serious stage until he's got some form of income (in real life that is). I'm not saying this just for 18 year old guys, but all people(girls and boys) in relationships... unless your partner is filthy rich ;D

That aside, I agree with Denali.
The part about Soo Young not knowing who Yoo Ah's "Hubby Lee" is... that's unrealistic in too many ways.
There is no way she wouldn't have shown her sister a picture of him at least once!

Not just boyfriends, mind you, but I show pictures of actors I like to my friends and even my own Mum, for goodness sake! Haha.

Also, didn't anyone find it weird that even though Soo Young told Min Suk where she was and what she was doing there (attending a parent-teacher meeting in a high school), it didn't even cross his mind that it could be at his school?

Do all schools in Korea have their Parent-Teacher meetings on the same day?! Considering that they live in the same neighbourhood as well, wouldn't you think that Soo Young's sister attends the same high school as you, Min Suk? Especially when your school is having a parent-teacher meeting day as well?



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To the parent-teacher comment, there are so many people in Korea with so little space to accommodate them, that there are a number of schools within the same town. My little bitty country town had two elementary schools within walking distance of each other (actually, it might have had one or two more, but I'm not sure). Parents can, and do, also move there kids around different schools a lot. This is set in Seoul, the most populated city in Korea, so I can only Imagine the number of schools that are there. It's Totally possible for him to assume she was at a different school then his.


Ah, I see. Thanks for your view about the parent-teacher comment, OhSoEnthusiastic!

I live in Singapore and it is too overpopulated here. There are tons of schools within my area of different education levels. (primary,secondary, college.etc)

I just thought that if they live in the same neighborhood and I was Min Suk, I'd probably have considered that it might have been the same school.

I know students can change schools and attend schools that aren't even near their area of residence but you know, the same school thing would have been my first thought. That's all, haha.


Sonny, yeah. I see what you're saying.


what excuse me. I dont consider them realistic. you must have some happy people where you live, we dont, really. so, no idea what anyone considers realistic I think they are unrealistically cute and I love them and it is a fantasy so be it


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This. Drama. Is. Brilliant.

This drama proves itself yet again. Honourable mention - the Jin Woo Soo Young kiss scene. Now, you see, any other drama & this would have been wrongfully turned into a passionate scene. But no. This drama went "_l_" to all those dramas & actually showed it as it was - assault. & it was not something that just my brain told me either. I actually felt it. This drama is a GEM. Thank you drama. Thank you for finally giving me things I had always wanted.

Another mention - Min Suk's reaction on finding out that Soo Young was with Jin Woo & lied about it. Ok see when Soo Young first lied to Min Suk, I admit to getting uneasy & thinking "oh drama....you have been so good so far. Please don't fall now". We all know how it would have played out in another - guy gets to know at a crucial moment, misunderstands, ensue unnecessary stupid angst. But here, oh no no no. When Jin Woo uses it, you can tell that he didn't doubt Soo Young even for a sec. He got angry because Jin Woo was using it to insult her. & then later, he gives a small hurt laugh while saying "because I might misunderstand? I am not that kind of guy though...". As I said, this drama.....is a gem.

About Jin Woo....I have never shipped him with Soo Young. Neither does he bring out my maternal instincts. Nope. & really, for all those who have second lead syndrome - shouldn't you be rooting for Min Suk? Cause Min Suk is the nice second lead type of char whereas Jin Woo is the tortured male lead type of char we have seen in oh so many dramas before. Anyways, as if Jin Woo himself wasn't bad enough, Min Suk is so good that Jin Woo looks even worse XD I actually pity Jin Woo for being pitted against Min Suk XD

Also, about Yoo Ah. I have never shipped her with Min Suk either. BUT, I saw the extra scene between Yoo Ah & Jin Woo, posted by TVN on their YT channel &....I ship them. & in the drama they have had just one scene. It's sad cause it doesn't look like they will be meeting & talking anytime soon. The show will probably make them meet in the last ep & leave the story-imagining thing to us. I would have loved to see how their relationship would have developed. If the extra is any indication, it would be just as funny & good as Min Suk & Soo Young. Besides, the one scene they had, felt like those "fated meet" moments. If people don't get it then you will get it once you see enough dramas XD I am too lazy to type anymore here XD

Final thing - thank god the dreaded moment has come already. All this time, I had been at the edge of my seat, dreading this scene. & not in the "oh no angst" but in the "no I don't want to see Min Suk sad!! :(" way. First time a drama has made me feel. Care about the chars. Just another feather on this drama's hat.


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Another thing - is it just me who found the fight scene strangely.....erotic? XD!!!! Even I don't understand XD! I kept replaying that scene & fanning myself XD!! & I am not even crazy for bromance! But that scene.....it felt like foreplay XD!!! The "pheromones" were high XD! ROFLMAO it will be so funny if they put in a Jin Woo X Min Suk scene in. As someone's imagination, the way Soo Young imagined the seduction scene XD Of Jin Woo & Min Suk fighting & at one point, the testosterone & passions being high, Min Suk slams him against a wall & crashes his lips to his in a bruising kiss. If it happens, I would kill for a making vid of it XD!!! Please TVN! Listen to me XD!!!


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no, no, it wasn't just you! ::still fanning self::


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me too! I foresee slash mvs of them on youtube.

I think there is amazing chemistry between the 2 guys. I loved everyone of their fight scenes - especially the one in the bathroom during the offsite.


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Oh gosh! Christina, your comment was hilarious!

Soo Young would probably have thought of something like that if she had continued to believe that Min Suk was in love with Jin Woo ;)

Actually, I wish they hadn't demolished her idea about it so quickly! I would have loved to watch an episode of her wholeheartedly believing that Min Suk has a crush on Jin Woo.

Just imagine the things she would say or do around them, especially when they're together! I'd pay to see that! HAHAHA.

All the possibilities!


Finally!!! someone with the same views. I don't understand the ones who are suffering from second lead syndrome here. Before, we usually root for the second lead when he is the good guy and the main lead is the asshole ... but here Jinwoo as the second lead is just so mean and so undeserving of SooYoung... I just don't get it... I'm Team Minseok all the way. Sooyoung deserves a guy who adores her, protects her, understands her and who always looks out for her well-being... who puts her first and foremost above others.

From here on, it will be heartbreaking for Minseok but I am confident it will be a happy ending for him and Sooyoung because he deserves the "GOOD" in this story.


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No worries. I'm always and forever on Min Suk's side, in love and war :)

BUT I'm hoping for Jin Woo to get some form of a happy ending that includes friends, some closure to his family problems and... bromance? Love requires more healing time but bromance would be okay. I'm totally on board for bromance all over the place.


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i really love this show! at first.

but in 2 recent episodes, i lost my interest.
idk, i love almost all the cast, i like the story, i like their acting, but i can't stand with lovey dovey act between the leading role.

WHY oh WHYYY? the writer made soo young's character stick like that eventhough she has a boyfriend now.
minsoek is forgivable because he still a high school kid, but she? she keep acting silly all the time. huhuhu.

it'll be good if jin woo end up with her, because he can balance her character, and min seok end up with yoon ah.

but my feeling say, yoon ah will be end up with one of his friend and it means min seok still end up with soo young :(


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To me, the way they acted on the date (which I thought it was very cute but I'm in seemingly in the minority) is fairly consistent with their characters and how their relationship has developed. I fully expected the silliness, cuteness, etc. Min-Seok is obviously very outgoing, silly and doesn't hold back but we also saw that in Soo-Young the more she got closer to him. Also, they were in PUPPY LOVE stage with the guy in the relationship being comfortable with being very expressive and cute and Soo-Young seemed to love it and reciprocate it. I think it's something she really needed after how down she'd been feeling for the past 2 years before Min-Seok came to Comfo.

Remember, everyone says Min-Sook is "refreshing" for his age. Even the company president who is usually very uptight laughs and feels relaxed around him. He has that effect on many adults he meets (minus Jin-Woo).

Anyway, just my take on how they acted. I understand if it turned you off though, absolutely nothing wrong with that reaction and you definitely aren't the only one that felt that way.


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omo.. i agree with ur perception of 'refreshment..'
m 19 n i xactly feel the same way!!!!!!!!!!!
bdw 4 those who want a bit more 4m rom com genre, try watchin' marriage , not dating.. since much has not been said n written about it my intial expectations wer quite low.. but once u watch it it totally gets into you!!
thanx to this drama my entire weekened has been planned!
mon-tue : high school kin of savvy
wed-thurs: fated to love you
fri: high school love on! ( though the sec episode truly put me off)
fri-sat: marriage not dating!
damn sundaysssss!!!!!
p.s sp mistakes guaranteed!


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I lovoove Marriage Not Dating and it's a whole different animal and just as enjoyable for me. Same for Fated to Love You! Really great rom-coms out right now.


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I see that you're 19, but can you please write with better spelling for those of us who aren't? I'm interested in what you have to say, that's all.


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Nothing to worry about. Yet. It's too early in the show for Min Seok to be discovered. From what I understand, he looks like his older brother's identical twin, which is weird, btw, but hey, it's Dramaland. Listen. If Lee Joon Gi in Joseon Gunman, with his unforgettable face, can boldly deny his identity when his beloved AND his sister stumble on him and scream, "Turaniiim!! Oraboniii!!" Why can't Seo In-Guk do the same? All he has to do is to deny he is the Director and claim he is himself right there on the spot. Which I suspect he will do - it's the only defense that make sense at episode 11.


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From the first scene, we know Soo-Young is (seemingly) the only one at the company aware that Min-Sook is in high school so it might not be too early for her to know. Also I'm pretty sure Min-Sook told her he only had one hyung so he might not be able to suddenly say he's the director's younger brother. I don't want to spoil anything even with episode 11 previews so who knows.


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You were right, Deb. I didn't see the episode 11 preview.


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Where can I watch the preview of ep 11?


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Also wanted to add it was obvious in Jin-Woo's face that he knew who she was and that he'd been caught. On top of that, he has the same haircut. I mean, the writers could ignore all that so he's free to to make up something and not get caught but I hope they don't.


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not to mention the band-aid and the bruise from the fight.


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Yeah, the scrapes and bruises are a clear giveaway, considering that Soo-young was the one who stitched him up.

Regardless, I think narratively it is definitely time for the revelation to come out, especially if our OTP is to actually repair their relationship. I care about their relationship enough to want to watch them work through the fallout of this major deception, including Soo-young grappling with the realization that the man she's in love with is a HIGH SCHOOLER. That alone would provide enough conflict to fuel a drama. I honestly don't know how she will react to it--or how I would react to it in her situation.


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She and Min Suk share a love and respect for manners. Which is good. But i wonder if maybe she could toss away propriety for once and just do the "wrong" thing and allow herself to challenge society at large. She alwayss tries to do the right thing. Hooray for her doing the wrong thing? (This is a drama after all, so all will be forgiven....although...my son did have an older girlfriend back in the day. I didn't mind but the woman --7 or 8 years older-- was a trip)


He's got the bruised face from the fight with Jin Woo. I looked at his busted lip in that last scene and thought, there's no way to lie out of this. SY bandaged him up.


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I'm sorry, but if it doesn't get revealed yet, I think I will pull out my hair. How downright cruel it would be of the writers to pull something like that on us, make us begin to mourn for their broken relationship, only to come back later and say 'Ha! Just kidding.' They've been far to consistent so far to do that to us now.

Considering he's already committed to telling her the truth, I don't see him lying his way out of this. Especially not with that look on his face.


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I re-watched that heartbreaking last scene four times. Can't put into words how well that was done. I felt every emotion....how Soo Young's eyes so briefly flickered to her sister before turning back to Min Seok and his expression was just so....

This show is too good. I've never been a fan of Jin Woo and more so now. I actually closed my eyes when he jumped her and that repulsion was tangible. If a guy I don't like suddenly kissed me like that....I'd be just as shaken up and no way in hell or earth would I even consider him as a potential.

The office romance on the side was such a nice touch and as you rightly said, it was done so naturally and wasn't dependent on the leads romance.

Now Monday....where are you?


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I figured the moment of reckoning had come but the end still made me scream a couple of times. Just the way it was set up and on top of that, both sisters were there.

I'm not sure if Min-Sook will lie his way out of this one. I'm not sure he would even TRY to since he was planning to tell Soo-Young anyway. I am wondering if the younger sister will find out the truth too.

I'm actually kind of happy the truth is finally out but I feel terrible for Soo-Young. She's been on top of the world with a new job, a new and wonderful relationship that filled her with joy and then she's faced with that sight. I

Knew this would happen but the writer, PD, actors have made me appreciate every step of the journey to this point. It's one that could easily turn many off due to the difference in age and the main character's facade but yet I'm rooting for every character.

We've reached (most likely) a big turning point in the drama and I can't wait to see what happens next!


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Oh that Dae Han, I dunno how that mind of his works. Was that his courtship ritual? C**ck-block every guy at the office that comes near Yoon Joo until she becomes fed up and ask him out? lol Good thing that stairwell surprise kiss confession worked out for him. That scene could have gone so bad (a slap response and an HR interrogation for the next scene).

So Jin Woo has finally won the asshole of the year award. He so deserves it. lol I am a bit surprised that there are still a few people rooting for him to end up with Soo Young. Even if he ( by some miracle) redeems himself, I don't want Soo Young to be with a guy so messed up like that. And I don't think he's even as interested in Soo Young as Min Seok is. I liken Jin Woo to Jan Brady and Min Seok is his Marcia. He just wants everything that Min Seok has.

It seems like the cat is finally out of the bag with that cliffhanger and it's pretty much right on point as far as episodes go. I just hope the big reveal just stays between him and the sisters and they actually talk it out. I am really looking forward to the next few episodes because I have no clue how everyone is going to react. Yoo Ah's lover mantra of sticking to it will surely be tested. I just hope Jin Woo never finds out. I don't want to see him break his own record in assholery.


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Lol. If Jin Woo finds out about Min Suk's secret, it'll probably be the end for everyone involved in the scheme itself. He will probably take his assholery to a whole new level the way he is right now ;)

I can just imagine: he'll be pissed that an 18 year old beat him in work, love and whatever else.
Knowing him, he will choose to make Min Suk suffer unless he takes a step back, evaluates his choices in life and chooses to go down the good man-boy route.

And weirdly enough, I think that family issues are going to play a bigger role once the SY/MS relationship problems are MOSTLY stabilised. I think we might get a more melancholic Min Suk in the later episodes, not just from a broken heart. His family issues have been mentioned in a subtle way but never addressed.

As much as I'd like to see Jin Woo have a change of heart, I'm interested in Min Suk's backstory. Give it to me, show!


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I hope Gramps stays healthy and stays in their home with tmem. Another drama might add an inorganic "sick halbae" plot twist to am up the angst. Am trusting the writers not to disappoint me


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And I'm waiting for the shoes to drop on all the parents who seem to be connected to traffic accident deaths. Jin Woo seeing the broken brake light as blood may tie into that as well.


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I also have a feeling that his mom's condition, his anxiety problem and Minseok's hyung's disappearance are all tide in to that incident.


wow, yes! hadn't thought of that. Wonder if he was in the car when the accident occurred? Who was he with? Love it...rom-com becomes mystery.


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I know! There's a lot of episodes left . . . Dun-dun-dun-dun! :)


I'm thinking the writer loves honesty so we might be surpised with some pretty non-drama heart-t-heart real talk. Will see, though. Sometimes the writers veer away from drama tropes, sometimes not so much.


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'Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!'

Now I really want to see Jin Woo say that, lol.


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I spent this entire episode finger-gunning JW… Oh man, how can he screw up so badly? :( Such a tragic character! Maybe the show wants to show us that no matter how bad things get between SK and MS, JW will not be a viable second choice? It that is indeed the case, then the show is doing an amazing job!

On another note: I am very happy for Giraffe and No-one-notices-me-Boy … and how hilariously he tried to prevent that other dude (dammit, can't remember names) from dating her.
Yes, the minor characters make this show, while the major ones are off having their dramatic show-downs and heartbreaks.

Oh, and of course - as always - thank you for recapping this show and giving us your opinions. It is a fun read!


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I think I'm in the minority for never warming up to the idea of a romantic relationship b/w Minseok and Sooyoung. It's probably from their earlier interactions as director and secretary that though amusing often times, can be irritating at other times. Ironically, I find the 18 yo acts like an overbearing father towards 28 yo Sooyoung. Lol. He's overprotective and sometimes condescending towards her ability to stand on her own. He treats her as if she's this meek clueless person he can order around (perhaps, the clueless part is not so far off). Granted, he thinks it's for her own good, but the approach is a bit unappealing. Even his confession of his feelings to her was rather aggressive and pushy. She just had a fall out w/ her 2yr crush! You might argue that he did back down and give her space after realizing how she felt, but in the end he did run back to her again to assert his feelings. Imagine if she never reciprocates. It'd be very uncomfortable for her.

This imbalance character dynamics changed a bit when they started going out since she can now be in the same level with him as his girlfriend. She speaks out and asserts her opinion more. But I still think her voice is still drowned by his more often than not. I think Minseok is not doing it intentionally. He's just the stronger (and louder... hehe..) character compared to her. I hope this time away from each other will help Sooyoung become a stronger person who is more confident, mature and can take lead. She said Minseok is good at handling things. I'd like to see her be better than an 18 yo in handling things in life.

The two will have a lot of growing up to do before they can be at the same level with each other in a romantic relationship. Minseok needs to become more mature by taking up his responsibility as a student (does he ever study??) and by learning to dial down his brash attitude (he also needs to become of legal age). Sooyoung also needs to mature up by working on her confidence, people skill and street smarts. I do appreciate her talking back to Jinwoo about his awful treatment of her though. That's when you know she's not some pushover.

Here's hoping for Sooyoung's character growth!! Minseok, please grow up too! You got a good heart and values. Now, you need a good head on your shoulder as well. And writer-nim, please don't let Jinwoo become a one-dimensional villain. He has such a good back story. Please let him redeem himself soon.


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I am in the 'our aecond lead is a jerk' team. The fact that he was abused by his father is sad, sure. It doesn't mean he should be self-centered and to hurt others. To prove himself to his father, he abuses his employees, the woman who inconveniences him is fired by him. Then he realises he is afterall interested in her, so he starts to abuse her to win her back.


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I just love this show, and I love your recaps too! Thank you so much, I was waiting. I can imagine it takes a lot of work and time to do, but it is so much fun for us fans, we appreciate it.

I am really happy that the cat is out of the bag. We knew it was inevitable, and none of the problems we saw could resolve until that happened. Judging from that first scene at the start of episode 1, I don't think SooYoung will blow his cover. She will probably do as she has done before, run away a little and then go tell him off. Then she'll help him. YooAh will hit him upside the head and then go beat on his two friends. Then we will be worrying about when JinWoo finds out and what he will do.

So when is hyung coming back? What's he been up to all this time? And does Manager Kim know him from college? He was talking to JinWoo like they were college pals and said they looked alike, as though he had seen both of them.


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Monday will be a riot!


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I'm too tired to type a long post but I loved this episode so much!

The scenes between Soo Young & Min Suk were adorable and sweet. They make me smile just from watching their interactions. I feel envious at times! If only I could find a Min Suk in my life too, sigh.

I won't comment on everything else in the episode because I'll probably mention them through replies on other comments.

I’ve seen the preview for episode 11 and I feel so frustrated!

Firstly, Soo Young! Why are you turning to Jin Woo for help to get away from Min Suk when he tries to talk to you?!
I AM SO UPSET. Why Jin Woo? Worst choice possible, Soo Young!

Secondly, am I supposed to be fine with the fact that Jin Woo is using this opportunity to get back into Soo Young’s good books? CAN I CHOOSE NOT TO BE OKAY WITH IT?


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Hello there. Had been looking for you. I can't find you on twitter :(

& yes it IS sad that she turns to Jin Woo. I had expected as much. She knows they are at loggerheads. What better way to hurt him than go to Jin Woo. & looking at the last scene, she probably thinks he was not only lying to her but also two timing her with her own sister.. She probably thinks he was wooing her just for fun. As a bet with his friends. Cause let's be honest, there are such asshole people in this world. So she not only feels hurt but also like a fool. & if the teaser is any indication, it's clear she isn't really interested in Jin Woo (probably). I hope she doesn't start seeing Jin Woo in a new light though & see Min Suk as a two faced person. Not cause I think the end couple will change but because it will hurt TT_TT remember she called Jin Woo a two-faced bastard? It will hurt hurt if she calls Min Suk that TT_TT & back when she had said that to Jin Woo, I KNEW the words will come around once again TT_TT


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Oh dear, my username is 'Sakuraki91' on twitter! Try searching for it?

Anyway, yeah. I hate that she's turning to Jin Woo for help because he's only going to take advantage of it, as seen from the preview.

Jin Woo really has the typical jerk-type male lead character down to a T (without the getting better as a person part though). Can't we have male leads who don't take advantage of the heroine when she's in a slump and put the moves on her? Can't he just... be a listening ear and comfort her (not in a physical way like hugging, nope) but maybe treating her to something she likes or..basically, approach her in the platonic sense first and foremost?

The preview makes it seem like he just skipped the platonic approach to being a comforting source and went straight to, "yes! MS & SY are having problems, so it's my chance to shine and win her over for myself! "

I repeat, that is not redemption! Especially not in the face of a very real situation like this that I've seen more than once in real life.


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Soo young has to figure stuff out herself. If she does the teenaged computer thing and asks the cyber-ether for adviceon her love life...then she isstill immature. I think she has to trust her own positive heart as well instead of assuming the worst. She has to learn to trust her own intuition re Min Suk


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Where did you watch the preview for ep. 11? MUST WATCH AM HIGH SCHOOL SAVVY-OBSESSED ZOMBIE.


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It's uploaded onto tvN's youtube page :)

Here are the links:



They uploaded them on Friday or Saturday. I can't remember which day it was! Haha.


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My heaaaaarrrrrttttttttt

Thank you very kamsa!!


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Episode 11 preview sucks! Hopefully, it's misleading (some of the previous previews have been a little misleading as well), and it's not going down quite like we think it is.

Dear God. Please. I promise to eat all of my vegetables from now on, if you just make Soo Young NOT GO BACK TO JIN WOO.


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I personally don't think she's turning to him in any way. It feels more like he's forcing himself on her and trying whatever he can to get her to like him again. I think it's a possibility that they'll become friends, but nothing else. She's just sympathising with him because she knows what he goes through.


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Haha. We're both praying for the same thing.
Please let the previews be misleading! PLEASE.

If she does turn to him for help, it may be because he just happens to be present when she's trying to avoid Min Suk (the getting into his car part in the preview) Although, I'm hoping that she gets off straight away because being with either of the guys right now( especially in a car with Jin Woo) is just plain uncomfortable for her.


You know what?
Your take of the preview isn't comforting either. Lol!
I get the same feeling from him too and that's not a good thing.
I want them to be friends, but he's currently aiming for more than that. Wish he'd start slow with her if he really wants to win her over, sigh. Jumping the gun isn't going to work in his favour.


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Getting into a car with Jin Woo is just a Terrible. Life. Decision. for Soo Young right now. He's reached the point where we don't really know what he might do next. I don't want Soo Young riding around with him alone in an enclosed space.


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Okay I've read around the forums and from my perspective, episode 11 has not disappointed me at all. I have yet to see the full video but so far I enjoyed it. Especially the epi 12 preview. *wink


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Yep, it didn't disappoint. I just watched it and for the first time while watching this drama, I actually starting tearing.

I felt sad for most of the episode, sometimes pissed but it still made me laugh quite a bit. A good mix of comedy and sadness went on.

... I think I'm still recovering from SIG and his ability to make me an emotional mess D:


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There it is---the mark of a truly loved drama: the tears. THAT is what Reply97 has done to me that no drama ever has yet again---YET. SIG's eyes have it all.


Soooooo loved this episode! oh the feels! I generally am distant from most dramas but this episode really reall touched my heart (along with episode 9) and I've been thinking of them ever since they aired.

I so hope episode 11 brings me the same feels when it portrays the emotional devastation to come. Yeah, bring on the angst but make it real...not overdone or camp. When heroine was heartbroken after her confession to Jin Woo, the grief was shown well but in an immature, chillike, teenaged crush, campy sort of way. Am thinking the heartbreak heroine is going to display should be a little more "adult" or "real" because she has grown as an adult a bit and because this was a requited love....not the pale kind of romanticized romance novel love she had toward Jin Woo. So I'm waiting to see less stylized campiness in the way this actress portrays the grief and am waiting to see how she'll begin her new relationship as an adult with the more matured Min Suk. Also waiting to see how she will handle Jin Woo falling in love with her. So am really reallt invested in you, Show/Director/Writer/Actress; don't disappoint me.

I wonder how Hyung Suk wil fit into this Retail Team. Am hoping he isn't as unlikable, ruthless, calculating or cold as Team Leader says. If he uis, wouldn't the group see through him.

I keep wondering if a birth secret or a murder secret awaits us. Will see. Thanks for the recap.


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The idea of a calculating Hyung Seok having to act out a playful Min Seok that's impersonating Hyung Seok is giving me a blast. LOL. Wouldn't that make an awesome icebreaker for the cold hyung?


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It'd be funny to watch. Would be funny if older bro had to repai the favor and go to school as MinSuk because the plot required it. Would be cute if the scene we saw in the very begining with Soo Young helping MinSuk do the deception was really Soo Young with Hyung Suk rather than Min Suk. Ah, the mind overflows.


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Now that I think of it, it might be better if SY ends up with neither of the boys. If she chooses MS, then it'll be awkward for her & YA (and also, I won't buy it unless the writers could provide a good story/reason behind them getting back together. And that would be too bad since I'm not a fan of noona romances) And if she chooses JW, (UGH. I want them to be endgame so bad. I'm a SY-JW shipper btw) she might feel inferior whenever she's around him (unless JW gives her a makeover like a classic kdrama scene) and with all the nasty things JW did to her, why would she even trust him again?

However, despite the things JW did which made him detestable, I'm still on his side. (Choo...choo.. Jin-woo train!!!) I just can't help but to sympathize with him. Watching him go through all that just makes me want to teleport to kdramaland to help him out.

Come on Jin-woo you can do it! Get your act together! It's not yet too late! We still have 8 episodes to go man! :D


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Gotta say how much I love that the guys in this drama aren't shallow. Min Suk's friends don't even think about stuff like how normal Soo young looks. They think and see only her heart-- which is "radiant." In the same way, Dae-Han is in love and he knows all the flaws of his lego giraffe but none of those externals matter. Such a sweet human show


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I can't believe there are people who want Jinwoo for Sooyoung... Our heroin deserves better than that.

Minseok may have hurt her by covering up his identity but he is the only one who is WORTHY of her.

I just had to say it.

Team Minseok all the way. :D


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Awww, hi :D

I love you, just saying.

I don't hate Jin Woo other than the occasional "Be thankful you don't exist in real life because I'd physically drop-kick you & that's not enough to teach you a lesson on respect" but I'd rather Soo Young be single than with him.

He may redeem himself as a human being but as a love interest? Not going to happen in my eyes. I would like to see them be friends by the end of the show though, Min Suk included.

Everyone should just be friends with each other by the end of this drama ):


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Yes! Friendship and allies for everybody!


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I am so in love with the writers of this show. I mean, this particular episode can easily turn into a kdrama cliche - heroin helping the bad guy, that is the classic nosy heroin that kdrama lands really love. But it doesn't look too forced, at least for me. During that particular scene, if I'm in Soo Young shoes, I'd do the same. I'll call a substitute driver or something cuz Jin Woo really does look unstable.

And the scene after that? The usual - "Please don't leave me, stay here just for while" said the bad guy who finally realized he may have feelings for the heroin after all. I was actually thinking 'Arghh no, she's gonna stay for sure' But then she left, and I literally fist-pumped the air HURRAY for the writers. And when Soo Young left without a word in the elevator scene? GOLD. Soo Young might look weak, or like Duk Hwan said "She's from space" but she's a strong woman and because bad guy is her superior, she can't really shout at him at work no matter how angry she is, instead she just walk out on him. Ugh. The satisfaction. And not accepting his ride? Thank you writers!

I also agree that the scene on the bench was beautifully shot. This is the first work of Seo In Guk that I've watched and I think he's a superb actor. That reassuring hug and bittersweet smile at the end tugged my heart.

Bring on the angst now writersssss


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yes...and i loved her retort when he implied she owed him the chance to apologize to her. Heck, people who hurt us aren't owed a chance to apologize.


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Can someone give suggestions on where I can watch this!! It's driving me crazy to miss it, I've tried so many sites!


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dramafire dramacool, gooddrama... might beon huluor dramafever, but not sure


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also kdrama.com got streaming rights


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Thanks for the recap! This drama has me hooked!

Also, this might be overkill but do you think that Jin woo's scene with the drunk guy at the bar tells you something? To me it illustrated how Jin Woo has been conditioned to respond with politeness to violence and with anger to people showing him politeness. This probably developed from his exposure to is father's violence. But I might be overthinking it...


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I'm not sympathetic towards Min-Seok on how his secret got ousted. I agree that he knows exactly how she is when she drinks and I felt he used that as an excuse to get out of really honestly trying to tell her the truth: "If only I sit her down, get some beers into her, stammer my way to the truth, then it won't be my fault if she just happens to pass out before I get to it." I agree with the writers with that scene because we all know that Min-Seok doesn't really want to come clean because he knows his friends have a point so I felt it was true to character. I just don't agree with him.


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You have every right to your opinion, but I don't agree with it.

I believe that he really wanted to come clean but just like if any of us were in his position, we'd procrastinate and fear the outcome. He is well aware now that there is a high chance he'll lose her (temporarily at least) because of it.

He understood the weight of the lies he was made to uphold and the effect it could have on their relationship in the long-run after that bench scene. Just because he couldn't do it in the end though, doesn't mean he didn't want to.

To me, asking her to get a drink was not to get her drunk but to make the atmosphere around them feel more comfortable for a serious conversation. Has anyone realised that every time they have a serious conversation of sorts, it's over beer and popcorn? I think it's just their thing now.

I'd explain further but I've already done so in a comment above so I'll leave it at that.

It's fine if you don't agree with me though :)
We all have our own opinions.

This isn't related to my point but Soo Young really should stop drinking so much. It's so bad for her health, haha.


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But we all know as well how much she really remembers about those conversations. She's never even connected the dots to why he calls her Popcorn Sister in the first place.

I mean more on a subconcious level that he doesn't want to tell her. I didn't mean to imply that he had nefarious thoughts to avoid telling the truth, but subconciously he sort of realized how he could postpone it. I agree with your assessment to why he did that and that is why I agree with the writers deciding to go that way. It does fit with his character and the relationship they've built, but it doesn't make it right for him to have done it that way. Does that make better sense? In other words, he could have handled it better, but no one is perfect and we all have moments like that. He did what he thought he could, but obviously it wasn't enough and now we just have to hope that handles the fallout well.


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I think you made yourself clearer this time, haha.
Well, I think any of us in this situation would subconsciously not want to tell the other party the truth because the outcome won't be good. His heart probably didn't want to tell her because it'll hurt her but at the same time, his brain told him he had to. After all, mind over heart right?

As for his method for confessing, yeah I know. We all make mistakes like that. His way of revealing the truth was far from perfect but I don't think there was a perfect way to do it, since Soo Young(given her personality) would probably never have listened to everything he had to say if he really had managed to get it out in the open the first time.

Anyway, his decision to tell her was on such a short notice, basically an impulse which is pretty much just like him. Lol.

Let's hope all of them can handle the fallout well! I'm probably not going to watch episode 11 live tonight because I don't think I'm prepared to have my heart shatter, hahaha.


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Based on Episode 12, I guess she remembers those drunken nights better than I thought. lol


I love this drama so much! And thank you purplecow for making me laugh even harder with your comments!

Just a thought: What if the reason big brother can't be there is because he's working on a hostile takeover of the company, or some other revenge, using Min-seok as an unwitting spy, with access to all the computer files? It would serve Jin Woo and his Big Daddy right, what with their abuse of power. There have been hints dropped that MS's big brother is nothing like him, but is cool-headed and crafty.

Also, how funny is it that Gramps knows what Min-seok is up to? Is that because he's psychic, or has he been stalking his "Pretty Girl" SH, and seen it for himself?


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oh wow!!!! That's a thought! Would be sooooooo good if we got a good revenge for Minsuk's dad's death and for Soo Young's dad's death.


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I think ever since he accidently said he was going to work, the thought stayed with Gramps (during ep 4, after his friends got drunk and stayed over at his place);)


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I'm pretty sure we're going to find out that Hyung is a complete tool, lol. But I can totally see it being revealed that he's trying to take over the company or bring it down or something. (Since the president was clearly involved in the death of Min Seok and Hyung's dad in some way.)


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Yeah, I agree that it's letting Soo Young drink before he confesses wasn't the best strategy. But honestly I think Min Sook is trying to build up his courage, taking a bit too much time as she was on her way to plasterdom.

I for one LOVED the universal reveal at the end! Dramas where secrets deflate like a slowly leaking balloon frustrate the heck out of me.

I guess it remains to be seen whether the writers back out of it in episode 11--hard to imagine though.


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Btw, I love how many comments this drama gets--testimony to awesome writing, directing, acting!

If I miss the initial window (and you know, sleep?) I'm so far down the page!


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This is the fate of second lead.. either female or male. Whatever your personality is, you still can't get the lead. Doesn't matter if the seconds are good and kind or bad. The fate is you'll never end up with the leads.

If the male lead forced the kiss, he still can be forgiven.. if the male lead treated the girl so wrong and bad.. he still end up with the girl. Same goes to female lead, if she so clingy.. she still can make the boy fall in love with her. And it's normal for some viewers if the leads end up together. If this is second leads, it will be unnormal for most viewers.


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My sentiments exactly. I find it funny that so many people think that Jin Woo's character is so unredeemable. I have watched so many dramas where the male lead has done much worse. Even the male lead in this one trapped the main female lead in his office. But people where okay with that. Jin Woo is the second lead and doomed to never be forgiven.


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Jin Woo isn't irredeemable, but his actions till now have been shitty and he hasn't tried to redeem himself in the right way yet. His personality in this show? Yeah, like a typical kdrama lead from a melodrama if I had to choose a more specific genre.

One HUGE MAIN difference between him and all those other main leads with the same behaviour? Guess what, Soo Young isn't IN LOVE with him nor does she even really LIKE him anymore. She only feels Sympathetic towards him. That's why his actions towards her come off worse to some people than any other typical lead behaviour.

Many Typical main leads usually make up for their assholery over time but Jin Woo hasn't even started his descent onto the path of being a decent person so until he does, why don't we get over the typical stuff and accept the show as it is?

Besides, people find it refreshing that for once, the main lead is the nicer guy from the two. That's rare, isn't it?

And wow, the male lead in this one trapped the female lead in his office? That pisses me off so much. That wasn't some asshole move on his part.

He did it for her sake because the conversation wasn't something that should be heard by her colleagues and Soo Young wasn't the least put off by it. She just didn't want to face the situation at hand because that is the way she is. When did he TRAP her? Did he LOCK the door? Corner her against it? No, he did not.

If he was just her boss and she was just his employee, then yeah it would have been an unsettling situation but that isn't the case with them. Both of them don't treat each other the way a boss and employee should. As they say, they're pretty much best friends and allies. That's how they treat each other and that's why I didn't feel uncomfortable at all with that scene.

And really? Are you really going to use that one flimsy scene to make the main lead an equally bad choice? Really? Amazing.


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I can tell you the drama which male lead used female lead because of his revenge.
I can tell you the drama which male lead still forced the female lead even though he choose to married another woman because his family and he already hurted her so much.
I can tell you the drama which the male lead kissed the female when we didn't know that she is in love with him or not and they getting fake marriage.
I can tell you which drama that although the female is his ex wife and he started being jerk when they met again... he kissed her in her sleep and forced to kiss her when she said she didn't want to start over.
I can tell you the drama that most people didn't want the female with the second because age gap or he's younger than her.

If I wanted, I can give you other lists which drama that male lead is as jerk as Jin Woo. My point is... this is drama rules... the golden rules where the second only become cheerleaders in drama. Not every drama, but most drama. And the viewers following the rules, no matter what personalities the leads are.. they still good people. No matter if the female lead changing heart or used the second male as her shoulder go cry, she's still right to choose the lead because she love him despite whatever things he did to her. The viewers still found a reason to see that he's still can be forgiven.

I guarantee... even though Jin Woo changed to be an angel, his sins will not forgotten and that's the reasons he never be forgiven for some people.


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Unfortunately, I'm not saying that you're wrong.
My comment was towards the reply made on yours.

I've been watching kdramas since I was 13 years old so I know that there are main leads like Jin Woo that still end up with the female lead. There are dramas where tons of people root for the 2nd lead and yet, the female lead ends up with the male lead.

Thing is, this isn't our story to tell. It's the writer's story and they usually have their whole storyline planned out such as who ends up with who. Therefore, we have to go along with it even if we aren't happy with the outcome because like I said, not our story to tell. It's just the way dramas work.

It's a typical kdrama trope to have the leads end up together, but isn't it good to get a nice main lead for a change? This drama doesn't break all the drama tropes, but they have broken some of them. That's good enough for me.

Anyway, it's not that everyone hates Jin Woo. A minority of fans actually hate him. The rest of us still love his character but he is the second lead, so yeah... he may not get the girl and that may be the curse of being the second lead. I don't disagree with that, although I do have some memory of a drama(s?) where the main leads didn't get together. Can't remember though, never really liked the drama itself. Haha. Maybe someone else can follow up on this?

I want Jin Woo to have a happy ending just like the rest of the characters. Even if it's not with Soo Young, I believe he can find someone who suits him when he's ready for a relationship. Do I ship them together? No. I don't like the way he treats Soo Young and Min Suk now, but I know he can change with time and I will forgive him if he learns to respect others.

Secondly, I am too invested in my otp and have never shipped Jin Woo with Soo Young from the beginning sooooo... yep.

Anyway, my reply was because of the way Min Suk's action in the office was described, not kdrama tropes.

I know there are people who felt uncomfortable about it but not to the extent of saying that he "trapped" her in there (he really did not).

That's all I wanted to say. Peace, people :)


My fault... sorry.
I didn't quote your sentences at first.
I replied you because you've said this :
"One HUGE MAIN difference between him and all those other main leads with the same behaviour? Guess what, Soo Young isn’t IN LOVE with him nor does she even really LIKE him anymore. She only feels Sympathetic towards him. That’s why his actions towards her come off worse to some people than any other typical lead behaviour."

That's why I gave you the list of drama when male lead as jerk as Jin Woo and female lead didn't love the male lead at first or being out love but magically they still end up together.

And this :
"Thing is, this isn’t our story to tell. It’s the writer’s story and they usually have their whole storyline planned out such as who ends up with who. Therefore, we have to go along with it even if we aren’t happy with the outcome because like I said, not our story to tell. It’s just the way dramas work"

That's the point that I wanted to tell, this isn't our story. It's still mystery who end up with who, yet when Jin Woo supporter still wanted to see him with Soo Yoong.. others commented that it's wrong, it's too late, it's not fair for her.. bla bla bla

There's a chance for JW-SY, though it's little but I guess -knowing how drama rules are- every second lead supporters already know in the end.. they will be heartbroken.


Don't worry, icha. It's okay :)

I know what you are trying to say, so don't worry about it.

Yeah, there are fans who still want the SY/JW couple to happen for various reasons. Some of those reasons, I understand (like the healing thing. etc.) but I'm pretty sure some of those fans on board with that ship just prefer it over SY/MS because it's "legal" and has more promise for "sizzling chemistry".

I was fine with SY/JW until this episode because I've been through similar experiences like the ones Soo Young has had to go through because of Jin Woo. Example? The meeting scene, except it happened to me when I was still in school.

Too much of the way Jin Woo has treated her brings back bad memories. I'm just someone who can't truly accept people who don't show others any self-respect, even if they have problems of their own. It's demoralising and it can be detrimental in the long run.

Maybe I'm treating a relationship between them too realistically since it's just a drama but I could never be with someone who did those kind of things to me at one point, even if he changes himself. That's why I don't want Soo Young to be in a relationship with him because I'm afraid of how their past interactions will affect her in the long-run. Soo Young may be able to heal him but I don't know how much she'll be able to withstand before she cracks. She's strong, but I don't think she's that strong as of yet.

So, in my case, I don't support the relationship mainly due to personal reasons and well, I love Min Suk's character too much. Haha! As for the rest, they probably have their own reasons for not supporting it.

Anyway, everyone has a say whether we like it or not. People who ship SY/JW comment on posts by SY/MS shippers, and vise versa. That's just going to keep happening till this drama ends.

There are 6(or 8) more episodes so there's lots of time for anything to happen. Look on the bright side, even if SY/JW don't get together in the end, I'm sure the drama will give their shippers happy scenes to fawn over this week & the next at least? Soo Young & even Min Suk can heal Jin Woo as friends, so he can still be happy by the end of the drama even without a romantic relationship.

Why don't you try to ignore those comments by others if you don't like reading them? I know that it's hard to ignore though.

Sorry for word-vomiting all over your post, icha!


Thank you for the recap!

Auuugh, Jinwoo! I really hope this episode was rock bottom for him and we'll see him start climbing up. I completely concur with everyone who's made mention of him taking after his father to some extent; when he gave his speech in a previous episode about how his father consistently hurt his mother, I wanted to shake him and point him at Sooyoung and what he's been doing to her. I can overlook him being a jerk to Minseok, since he thinks there's something strange about him working for Comfo, but I can't quickly forgive the way he's treated Sooyoung.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Sooyoung better get so many apologies from both guys in episode 11. She deserves them.


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The episode 11 preview makes my heart hurt!!!

I take it back! I take it back! I don't want the secret out yet! I take it baaaaaaaaack!


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You have to watch the epi 12 preview to heal yourself. It will be over soon, I promise. Hush now, hush now....


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I saw someone else commented about the ep. 12 preview, so I checked it out and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Let us all wear our ridiculous goofy smiles and do a happy dance together! Episode 11 was bittersweet so I really need a good dose of sweet candy from episode 12.


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So I'm just going to say that I'm not a fan of k-drama as a general rule of thumb but this series has me hooked. From the character development to the storyline, everything is true to the premise that was set up in the beginning of the show: Soo Young being all clueless and too trusting with her emotions (we all knew she was up for heartbreak the moment Min Seok smiled at her); Min Seok and his never ending brashness with his act-first-think-later attitude; Jin Woo with his brooding silence, the perfect facade that is just waiting to crack. This show has me so emotionally invested because honestly, Soo Young has had her heart broken twice by men she who aren't what they appear to be, and I honestly want things to be better for her, because if anyone in the show deserves it it's her, with her dreams and her wild aspirations.

I hope the writers continue to stick to the characterisation they set up in the first few episodes and never change the character dynamics for anything in the world. Most of all, I'm really curious about how they'll fix it, and I really look forward to the development of the Jin Woo-Soo Young relationship, because I can see them becoming best friends in the future.

And let's not forget Soo Ah who has had to grow up because of circumstance, living with her sister alone in an apartment away from their mother. She displays a surprising amount of depth for a largely side-character, and it honestly would be so much easier for me if she didn't treat her sister well at all! As it is, I hope they continue to show that strong sibling bond she and Soo Young share despite both of them being in love with Min Seok (ugh, I'm probably just setting myself up for more angst).

Overall great show, I really enjoy the direction this is taking (it's really a romantic comedy and it doesn't delve too much into the technical, "job" side of the show the way other dramas do, what with the girl usually being surprisingly adept at doing her job - think Baby-Faced Beauty) and it's a great watch thanks to the believable characters and great plot development. Can't wait for more!


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This is one of those dramas that you think is "predictable" but really isn't.

One of the things I appreciate about this drama is the unconventional yet somehow realistic romance between people brought together by a less ideal circumstance.

I think the characters are interwoven well, I applaud whoever came up with this drama, the scriptwriters, production team, etcetera.

All the actors and actresses are great, my goodness, they play their roles well with such genuine passion.

The last scene in this episode made me choke on my food, i was not breathing for a moment, i was so caught up with the drama and UGHHHHH



ON A SLIGHTLY different note, I have a strange feeling that Jin-Woo & Min Soek might be (half) BROTHERS, i think the President knows Min Soek's dad, perhaps because he had an affair with his ex-wife?????

MAYBE that's the reason why Min Soek's older brother is trying to avoid working for the company???

my speculations and this drama is killing me



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This is one of those dramas that you think is "predictable" but really isn't.

One of the things I appreciate about this drama is the unconventional yet somehow realistic romance between people brought together by a less ideal circumstance.

I think the characters are interwoven well, I applaud whoever came up with this drama, the scriptwriters, production team, etcetera.

All the actors and actresses are great, my goodness, they play their roles well with such genuine passion.

The last scene in this episode made me choke on my food, i was not breathing for a moment, i was so caught up with the drama and UGHHHHH



ON A SLIGHTLY different note, I have a strange feeling that Jin-Woo & Min Soek might be (half) BROTHERS, i think the President knows Min Soek's dad, perhaps because he had an affair with his ex-wife?????

MAYBE that's the reason why Min Soek's older brother is trying to avoid working for the company???

my speculations and this drama is killing me




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Seo In-guk's on the OST!! http://youtu.be/TvDhgoNhwho

I didn't think I could adore him more that I did yday but apparently I can!! ❤❤❤


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I REPEAT, THE CUTE AND LIGHTHEARTED COMEDY IS STILL AROUND... with angst mixed in here and there.

*crying tears of laughter and relief*

I was so relieved after seeing the preview that I went around my house hugging everyone. HAHA.


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I don't know if the preview will be able to top the sheer cuteness of you and this comment though!


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Nobody appreciated my hugs though ): I felt like the Team Leader for awhile, Haha! They probably thought I had gone mad because I was giving bear hugs while laughing & crying and saying, "they're gonna be okay, they'll be okay."

Well. I was probably a little insane at that time..but believe me, episode 12's preview is sooooo good! Can't wait till the rest of you see it! :D


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Yes!!!!! Ha! Finally someone on the highs with me! And episode 11 was great. All the characters are consistent.


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You've seen the episode 12 preview too!! YES. Let me give you a virtual bear-hug! This giddy happiness needs to be shared, hahaha!


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Waaaaah! Let's do a happy dance!!!! Hahahahaha! I just love it. I just love it!!


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I usually download episodes of shows I like off of asiatorrentsDOTme

Meanwhile here's the E12 preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2NnIoZNWHQ&index=5&list=UU9w-h_ciMmX64TcLRcb1xPg


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I feel like you are my drug dealer, haha.

Also: Episode 11 is up on kdrama.com!! TOO EXCITED.


"drug dealer", ha!!

Sharing the goods with my fellow HS savvians! heeeeeee


Thank ya' Jesus!


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2-3 pairs of potential office romances, all of which noona-dongsaeng. Ha. This show. :))


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Hahaha! I realised that they finally set the seeds for the other possible 'couple' some people wanted after seeing a certain video on youtube. It took 11 episodes, lol. Although, I think there's more than one suitor in the running for her now. Can't really say anything, and it's killing me. Gah.


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We're going to have to keep talking in code. Does this have anything to do with an impromptu dinner with some kyeopta extortion?


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Yes. Kyeopta extortion! Nicknames! Smiling at text messages!
Plus, someone seems more concerned for her than his own 'bestie'. Did you notice?


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yep, TOTALLY caught that a certain someone being super concerned about her. ^^


Now I really want to see this video. Can you maybe post it with a Potential Spoiler warning above it? I don't mind spoiling the story if it's about romantic hijinks, lol.


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Nevermind, I've now seen episode 11 and I've totally figured it out your 'code,' lol.


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bwahahahahaha, I didn't even notice that! That's awesome!


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Am I the only one that noticed the way the camera cut to a man hidden from view watching. The whole fight scene between jw and ms could It be somebody connected to the elusive and shady hyung? I really. Enjoyed everyone's view about this drama


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Wasn't that Team Leader dying of shame and stress? Not sure though.


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I think that was Team Leader Kim. He panicked. Was there anybody else behind him?


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I just have seen episode 11 and preview of episode 12. It is gonna be hilarious, I can promise you that (Grampa will appear again, hooray). Soo young is awesome character :) I'm happy they keep the romanic comedy feel and do not make it too much dramatic :P but I won't spoiler anything since this is recap for episode 10 :P


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I assume you mean episode 12 is gonna be hilarious? Yay! Thank God! I know episode 11 is gonna be a hard watch, so I'm glad that episode 12 (might) give us a little break from the heartache. (I say might since the writers like to troll us a little bit with the previews, lol.)


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I'm having those reservations too. Why do I get the feeling the writers will be pulling the rug from under my feet and take me to the end of the episode wailing like a baby, before I get lifted up again in the actual end. I hope it happens in a single episode.


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Haha. It seems like some of the scenes in the preview for episode 11 may be from episode 12? All of it didn't occur in episode 11.

Please don't cheat my feelings tonight, preview. I need the cute, the banter and just... MY HEART NEEDS HEALING AFTER EPISODE 11'S ENDING.

I'm still emotional even though it's been HOURS since I watched it. Ugh.


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Episode 11 must not be watched without 12 waiting around. And to think the worst is yet to resolve itself. The hormones in this drama!

I. I'm so excited for the episode 11 recap. No, I need it. Like a drug.


Yes :) episode 11 is not that heartbreaking as I thought it would be so tissues were not needed lol. I don't know when it will be subbed for those who do not speak Korean but I can asure you that you wont be disappointed ^^


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It's up on kdrama.com now. I still found it heartbreaking but in a satisfying way that worked for the overall story.


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I watch it raw, but thanks for the info :)