Book giveaway: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han
by javabeans
This is a little out of the ordinary for us here at Dramabeans, but we thought we’d offer it up to you guys anyway: We have three copies to give away of a young adult novel, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, written by Korean-American author (and drama fan) Jenny Han, which features a Korean-American heroine and is centered around a contract romance.
This is not a book about K-dramas, but it sounded kinda right up our alley so girlfriday and I gave it a read and both really enjoyed it. I found it sweet and clever (I love young adult novels, I love romance, and I love dramas—the book hit my sweet spots), and we’re happy to have free copies to send your way for three interested Dramabeans readers.
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before features a half-Korean high school student as the protagonist, Lara Jean; she’s the middle sister of three, and together they call themselves the “Song girls” after their mother’s surname. The plot gets going when Lara Jean’s love letters—the ones she writes to boys she’s been in love with, never intending for them to be sent—get mailed accidentally (horrors!), and what ensues is a really cute, funny story of contract dating, love triangles, bickering couples, sisterly bonding, and growing up.
Aside from the cute romance and touching family moments, I have to say I was really happy to read about a Korean heroine in a novel where her Koreanness is a clear presence without the novel being all about her being Korean, if that makes sense. And despite not having anything explicitly to do with Korean dramas, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t picturing a few dramaland actors in the roles, thinking this would make a cute TV series.
Leave a comment below, sharing your favorite K-drama that includes contract dating. (Author Jenny names My Name is Kim Sam Soon as hers. I might have to pick Dal Ja’s Spring for mine, even though it only barely qualifies for contract dating.)
Be sure to leave a valid email address, since that’s how we’ll get in touch with winners.
Deadline: Thursday, April 17, at midnight PST. We’ll announce winners shortly thereafter.
If you’d like to buy the book instead, it was just released by Simon & Schuster today so it’s now available.
(This post is not sponsored and we weren’t given anything to do it; we just liked the book and were offered the chance to give it away to our readers. And who could complain about free books?)
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501 Hazel
April 16, 2014 at 2:19 AM
Definitely Goong (Princess Hours)! I'm still not done with it yet since I just recently watched it (I know, I'm late!) but it has the epitome of cuteness and royalty so, no regrets there. Also, Yoon Eun Hye is a great actress I was surprised that she's also the one in Missing You since she plays a completely different personality there.
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502 Amanda
April 16, 2014 at 2:31 AM
Master's Sun!!! I'm gonna be shameless and say it - please pick me, I'd love to read this! It's a bit strange but I do enjoy reading dramas than watch 'em.
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503 Melbeanie
April 16, 2014 at 2:52 AM
I hope I win. This book seems to be a fun read (and it's double fun if it's free!).
Well, my first Korean drama ever is Goong, and is one of my favourites still. Does this qualify as contract dating? I reckon that it hardly qualifies as one because, as everybody knows, it's actually an arranged marriage. But I love the dating within the marriage, and they both planned to divorce later on, so it was really a sham at first. Hence, it may qualify, uh loosely, as a contract dating of sorts (alright I'm really trying to squeeze this in, hee).
Goong clicked as this involves a girl next door, a prickly prince which was not so handsome but was strangely becoming handsome as the episodes wore on (although there were no physical transformations - Lee Shin's clothes remained abysmal until ep 23) and the Korean Drama staple that I seem to never tire of -- the love triangle, which of course elicits jealousy which I looove (I love leads going jealous-crazy over the girl).
The drama dragged for awhile alright, but it was still unforgettable with all the hijinks that went on -- the prince's first stay with Chaegyung's family, the first night they "slept" together, the beach/ royal resort date, etc. and my favourite? The kiss amid the shoppers on a busy street -- I could watch that again and again and will never tire of it. That was just classic! Well, the making out with the passionate kiss in the palace wasn't bad either but the street kiss was really daebak! I also have a thing for crying guys and Joo Ji Hoon was the first one I've seen who cries like you'd want to hug him or something. Of course, there was Kim Myung Min, then Cha Seung Won, Kim Rae Won, Kim Soo Hyun later on but JJH is my first. So yes, Goong would be my favourite drama with, uh, a contract dating of sorts because it has unforgettable funny scenes (Yoon Eun Hye is so loveable and cute as the princess) and memorable gooey, melt-your-insides-that-make-you-feel-so-in-lurve scenes.
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504 aiesyahmd
April 16, 2014 at 2:58 AM
What come to my mind are...
1. Lie to me
2.Dal ja spring
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505 katara
April 16, 2014 at 3:11 AM
Definitely, Full House.
It may not be the drama I've seen but I enjoyed it lot. Best times :)
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April 16, 2014 at 3:12 AM
* a lot.
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506 aceprinccess
April 16, 2014 at 3:11 AM
It's FULL HOUSE for me! Watched it on local TV in our country years ago. Way back when I was in High School. Ah! I feel so old. Now I have downloaded it in my PC. :) I love watching it over and over again. :D
I wish I will win! YAY! I love books like this! And its given by dramabeans too! WOW! I really want to own it.
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507 tracy
April 16, 2014 at 3:32 AM
Prime Minister and I :))
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508 mona
April 16, 2014 at 3:38 AM
FULL HOUSE all the way
....... Classic ......
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509 amber
April 16, 2014 at 3:53 AM
Coffee Prince definitely.
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510 Catherine
April 16, 2014 at 3:54 AM
GOONG! One of the first dramas I have watched and still love it after watching it for the 4th time.
Coffee prince and creating destiny are also great.
Thank you for this giveaway!
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511 teddyburr
April 16, 2014 at 3:58 AM
For me its FULL HOUSE,well it is not a contract dating but a contract marriage so I guess it is still counted? :D
It is the one that first introduce me to different korean dramas. It reminds me of my childhood. It was really funny and cute,it captures my heart the moment I saw it.
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512 reihime
April 16, 2014 at 4:06 AM
I would say my favorite contract dating drama is Goong because it was my first kdrama love which was also the reason why I stumbled upon dramabeans back in the day when kdrama recaps were sparse. I loved that it was like an alternate world modern day Cinderella story and that the contract marriage enabled the leads to eventually learn how much they actually cared for one another. The OST was a perfect complement to the beautiful setting, and I also had a huge crush on Joo Ji-hoon >.<
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513 tsukiness
April 16, 2014 at 4:20 AM
i love song hye kyo even before this drama but i didnt think id love her even more with this. its completely different from all the tearjerker films and series she had done before. and rain, i wouldnt have known him without this drama. they were so cute together, watching them banter in this series was so fun to watch and the storyline was simple but was greatly executed although it was a bit cliche but still overall it was a great watch and definitely i would a must watch for those who are starting to watch kdramas :))
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514 lentils
April 16, 2014 at 4:25 AM
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515 fishy
April 16, 2014 at 4:26 AM
Full House - one of the first dramas i watched and made me fall in love Song Hye Kyo :3
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516 Naamwindiwgn
April 16, 2014 at 4:30 AM
thanks for such a lovely offer, ladies -- seeing this post is probably the highlight of my day today...erm, i think i'll go for Park Shi Hoo and Yoon Jung Hee's story from the drama Family's Honor! true, the entire film wasn't about contract dating but their love started out with one, and i think i think acted out beautifully :)
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517 may
April 16, 2014 at 5:09 AM
Definitely MY GIRL ! Love the leads so so so much and ship them too <3 How happy I was to have them back tgt in a drama, HOTEL KING ! YAY ! I'm so happy and love both dramas a lot cos of the leads . Ahhhh... :') the memories. Watched MY GIRL when I was so young . Hotel King brings back a lot of MY GIRL nostalgic memories . :')
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518 Marise Yasmine
April 16, 2014 at 5:16 AM
My favorite contract drama is also My Name is Kim Sam Soon. It is also my favorite because it was one of the first dramas that essentially started my obsession with Asian dramas.
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519 mw
April 16, 2014 at 5:17 AM
Coffee prince!!
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520 haibara18
April 16, 2014 at 5:19 AM
Full House. The drama that started it all.
It's not my first kdrama, but definitely one of the reasons I'm still stuck watching kdrama diligently till now. Though there are tons of better drama out there, full house holds a tender spot in my heart. Love the lead actors, the chemistry, the funny bickerings, the pretty house and the ost (hate the 2nd lead btw). The story touched me in a way that I don't expect it to be. And it made me realise that I would prefer to fall in love with a stranger I'm forced to live with, rather than loving a man wholeheartedly only to found out later that he might be my half brother.
Love the giveaway ladies!
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521 toomz
April 16, 2014 at 5:31 AM
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522 marie
April 16, 2014 at 5:35 AM
1st Shop Coffee Prince - cute ^-^ <3
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho - funny :P
Empire of Gold - cold V-V
Marry Me Mary - the worst
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523 CityHunter8472
April 16, 2014 at 5:37 AM
Full House!
This one's actually on behalf of my sister, since I technically haven't seen FH myself.
Too bad I can't count the informal domestic arrangements in City Hunter. You know, when Yoon-sung and Na-na agree to live together. "Clean up the dog poop and you can live here for free." "Kiss me and that's $500." Etc. Hee, hee.
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524 Kaen
April 16, 2014 at 5:53 AM
Does Coffee Prince count? It was for a pretty short time. ^^ If not, then Kim Sam Soon and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho! ^^ I love literature, btw, right now studying comparative literature in Korea, so I loved the idea. :DD
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525 Nesser Gold
April 16, 2014 at 5:59 AM
Delighful Girl Choon Hyang! it was soo cute! loved it :D
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526 Belle
April 16, 2014 at 6:32 AM
I don't know if you'll ship to Europe... But I adore reading romance as much as I adore watching kdramas!
As for contract dating... If Coffee Prince counts, then definitely that one. I will always have a soft spot for Gong Yoo's performance. Han Kyul was just so heartbreakingly loving and great. He also wore the hell out of those shirts..
The contract ended pretty quick, but it's what started the confusion and tension anyway. :)
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527 bbchuu
April 16, 2014 at 6:37 AM
My favourite has to be My Sassy Girl Chun Hyang. No drama nowadays can manage to pull off being ridiculous yet so heart-tugging at the same time, isn't it?
Mong-ryong and Chun-hyang just have the best relationship ever, especially when he was chasing after her after the separation angst. I like to thing they fought into the sunset instead of riding into it HAHAHA.
Not only was MSGCH one of the first dramas I watched, it also has a kind of charm that just makes rewatching it so easy. I've watched it a total of 10 times! And I'll give anything to have an OTP reunion... but that probably isn't going to happen haha.
Let's not forget the bizarre retellings of the original Chun-hyang story that turned our Chun-hyang into a badass...
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528 nen916
April 16, 2014 at 6:38 AM
Full house is favorite contract marriage drama and the book sounds interesting and funny
Thanks ladies for all the hard work on the site
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529 Obsidiana
April 16, 2014 at 6:42 AM
Ah, contract-marriage: You either love or hate that genre....guess there is no in-between! But as a motive for hijinks and bickering it can be quite enteraining. The first one I saw was "Mary stayed out all night". Okay the unfolding of the story was a mess, but the overall premise was fun. Seeing that it was my first drama
with that topic, I cherish it
nonetheless, especially because of the indie vibes. Having walked down the drama path further than ever imagned, I think that this drama teached me one essential lesson: The crazier the premise, the funnier the ride itself;-)
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530 Deliane
April 16, 2014 at 6:53 AM
My Girl! If only it was my very first drama and I was too young to question the plotholes and illogical happenings. Lee Da Hae was adorable in it, though I can't say I remember much else haha
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531 strawhatz
April 16, 2014 at 7:08 AM
Mine is Goong. Loved it so much until I watched it 3 times. Yoon eun hye was great in it, and i'm her fan since then
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532 mattie
April 16, 2014 at 7:09 AM
my name is kim sam soon!!!
i had so much fun watching it, and i still do watch it, i just love sam-soon's personality
I do love contract dating set-ups in dramas, i hope they do it more,
and i also do love reading, i hope i win :)
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533 aggie
April 16, 2014 at 7:14 AM
So many to choice from but mine would have to be Family Honor
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534 toni2chopper
April 16, 2014 at 7:14 AM
Goong is my favorite contract marriage drama, and also my favorite drama of all time :)
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535 Tracey Tran
April 16, 2014 at 7:18 AM
OMG most anticipated read of this year for me! This is like a dream come true, books and dramas coming together *squeal*.
Anyways, there are so many but I'm going to hand it to Goong/Princess Hours because of how I enjoyed the fluffiness, humour and dorkiness of the main female character. I've rewatched it a couple of times and loved it every single time as well!
(I want to sneak My Girl in as well because even though it wasn't a dating contract, it was still somewhat of a contract and Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae are the best!)
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536 Myrah E
April 16, 2014 at 7:41 AM
Last year, a friend recommended a YA novel to me and because I trust her taste in books I proceeded reading it without knowing who the author is. The first sign of awesomeness in that book was when I read a Korean name in the Dedication and the second one was when I learned one of the three female protagonists is Korean. Fast forward to two books later, I declared myself a Jenny Han fan. Having learned that she is Korean-American, I immediately assumed that she is a drama fan as well. I didn't have proof for a long time now but this post totally confirmed it. THANK YOU, JB! My two worlds (books and dramas) has just collide. Incredible!
And now back on the topic of favorite K-drama that includes contract dating... Mine is Full House. It made me giddy just by watching the chemistry between Rain and Song Hye Gyo. Because of my Full House experience back in high school, I always have a soft heart for dramas that has contract dating/marriage in it.
OMG. I hope I win. ^^
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537 Sarah
April 16, 2014 at 7:42 AM
For me it would have to be Full house - it is a classic, for all the obvious reasons. Plus it involved an actual contract! :)
But, Goong is another of my favourites (the manhwa ending sucked biiig) and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho - the fox bead sharing was sort of a contract no? ^^
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538 Chee vue
April 16, 2014 at 7:42 AM
Anything you guys enjoy is really interesting to me. I would love to give this book a read, the title is already sucking me in. If I don't get the free book , oh wells I'll buy it!! I love reading young adult novels, but it's hard to find a good one. My favorite kdrama of all time is Secret Garden. It's a twist and all and I kid you not,, everyone thought Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won looked real hmm hmm together.
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539 MhsC
April 16, 2014 at 7:47 AM
Goong :) My first drama ever :))
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540 Chee Vue
April 16, 2014 at 7:47 AM
Oh,, I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were giving out contract dating-like dramas. Haha. Now I feel like an idiot. That's what happens when one does not read instructions I guess. Lol. Well my favorite one is full house!! The drama that got me going for more. It was so much "small world" this and that and so much sadness. I remembered crying. );
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541 Meo
April 16, 2014 at 8:21 AM
Mine is My Name Is Kim Sam Soon too.
Love the heroine! A character I wouldn't forget!
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542 Allecia
April 16, 2014 at 8:35 AM
Haha! Everybody's gonna kill me for this, I name 'Mary Stayed Out All Night' as my favourite contract marriage K-drama. Why? It's one of the most un-angsty ones out there. It ends up being a light and amusing watch.
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543 Ai
April 16, 2014 at 8:42 AM
My favorite K-drama contract dating will be Coffee Prince. Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye played characters that embark on a gay contract dating to mess up his grandmother arranged blind dates. Yoon Eun Hye played a convincing tomboyish character that was mistaken by Gong Yoo as a man. So there starts an entertaining contract dating rom-com.
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544 BeccaBoo
April 16, 2014 at 8:47 AM
Full House :) It is the best contract marriage out of all the kdramas I watched. Plus it's a classic hehe.
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545 melojieha
April 16, 2014 at 9:01 AM
I dont remember any drama about contract dating too much cuz i've been watching too much k-drama since year 2005 something except for Fullhouse.I think it was such a cute story.teheee
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546 Sher Lynn
April 16, 2014 at 9:09 AM
So many good dramas with contract dating / marriage!!
All of them with Yoon Eun Hye.
My Most favourite is definitely Lie To Me :)
Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan look too cute as a couple!
Love this drama loads! Recently re-watched it again :)
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547 Wendy
April 16, 2014 at 9:10 AM
Goong first and foremost; it has it's flaws but it holds a sentimental place in my heart as my first k-drama. Coffee Prince and Lie to Me... is it me or does YEH do a lot of these contract relationship dramas?
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548 niKai
April 16, 2014 at 9:14 AM
Rather than contract dating, my choice in this case is more of a contract marriage. And it's not even the central story or involving the main leads. In "It's Okay, Daddy's Girl", the elder sister actually entered into a marriage of convenience due to financial problems and the guy agreed to get married so that his parents will get off his back. What I found refreshing in their union is the fact that they respect each other and the guy was not acting like a jerk at all, given the context. He actually treated her with kindness and respect, unlike the more typical characterization of a hero in the same situation where the said hero normally is doing all kind of ungentlemanly and crude/rude behavior towards the heroine. Granted most stories have couples forced to be together without much benefits to them besides satisfying the elders who inexplicably think they made a perfect couple so being passive or cold to one another is a given retaliation of sort, but I do not condone being outright rude or immature, so the fact that this particular couple in IODG manage to act decent and not make things hard on each other is such a great thing to see in dramaland. Maybe because they arent the central characters, the need for excessive drama in terms of their interaction is not required for the series to keep things 'interesting'. They can afford to be mellow and down to earth. But then again, the series as a whole is rather down to earth itself so overall it was not a jarring characterization.
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549 daydreamer
April 16, 2014 at 9:29 AM
My favorite was Coffee Prince ;)
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550 ziee
April 16, 2014 at 9:33 AM
Princess Hours, arranged marriage is counted as contract dating, eh? My very first korean drama that draws me into almost an addiction. Aaah the beauty of first love for my drama resume :))
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