God’s Gift – 14 Days: Episode 9

Things are gettin’ good. The action revs up, the plot thickens, the list of baddies grows ever longer, and our characters start to make some crucial connections in the case. But most importantly (and most adorably), they start to connect to each other as well. Is it wrong to hope that Mom walks out of this with a daughter, a divorce, and a new boyfriend, or is that tempting the fates a little too much?


It’s pouring rain as the Snake show opens to a monologue about how five years ago on a rainy night just like this one, he lost the person most precious to him. He says he’s standing at the gates of hell to give a gift from God, and welcomes the goddesses of hell—cue screaming fangirls, Saet-byul and Young-gyu included.

At the same time, Dong-chan arrives at the abandoned warehouse and in a flash of lightning, spots Soo-hyun tied to a flagpole on the roof of a building. Not. Good. Dude, she has bait written all over her.

He just goes straight for her, climbing up the ladder to cross the balance beam at the peak of the slanted rooftop. He shakes her back to consciousness and manages to untie her gag, but she comes to her senses just in time to see a man in black approach from behind.

Dong-chan turns around and meets him halfway for one epically badass fight, all rain-soaked fury and deadly moves. They struggle as they fight on the narrow beam until Dong-chan gets one good kick in, and they both go sliding down to the ledge.

But this guy isn’t like the others, and he gives back just as much he’s getting. He gets the upper hand and twists Dong-chan’s arm until it makes a crunching sound that makes me wince. Dong-chan just keeps fighting with his one good arm, clinging with every ounce of strength he has left.

It only gets worse for him—Dong-chan fights with this raw desperation, clearly on the losing side by now, but refusing to let go. They finally go tumbling off the roof together and land on a pile of boxes on the next ledge below, and Dong-chan starts throwing everything in his path, but the guy just keeps coming like the freaking Terminator.

As he’s picking up things to throw, Dong-chan grabs a can of spray paint, and manages to get close enough to spray the man in the eyes. He staggers and takes off his gloves to wipe his eyes, and that’s when Dong-chan gets a clear view of the man’s hand—it’s Tattooed Man.

The spray paint doesn’t delay him for long, and soon he’s got Dong-chan by the neck, hanging off the edge of the building. Dong-chan struggles to grasp at anything, but the man lets go, and Dong-chan falls.

Thankfully a car is there to break his fall, but he’s in bad shape. And THEN, Tattoo the Terminator comes down dragging a sledgehammer behind him. Crud.

He presses Dong-chan’s face to the windshield with the hammer as he asks, “Why, do you want to live?” He doesn’t wait for an answer before lifting the giant hammer above his head and swinging it with a loud roar.

It comes crashing down, but on the windshield just inches beside Dong-chan’s face. The man says, “If you want to live, don’t interfere.” And then he walks away. Ohthankgod. I don’t understand why he isn’t dead, but I’ll take it.

The man goes back up to the roof, and this time he trades the sledgehammer for a knife. Eek, did he mean don’t interfere with his killing Soo-hyun? He approaches as Soo-hyun screams in fear, and Dong-chan cries, “Ajumma!”

He tries to peel himself off the hood of the car, but just lands on the ground, unable to move. The man inches the knife closer, and closer… and then… cuts her ropes? Wait, are you not the bad guy?

He leaves her there, and Soo-hyun is frozen in shock for a second before she realizes she isn’t going to die. She races down to Dong-chan.

Back at the Snake concert, Sae-byul’s still busy rockin’ out, and someone arrives in the very back. It’s Grandpa Byung-ho, dressed like a very important man with minions at his side. Innnnteresting. What’re you doing here, gramps?

Soo-hyun is riding in the ambulance to take Dong-chan to the hospital when Jenny calls with bad news: Saet-byul is missing. She calls Ji-hoon to ask if he knows anything, and he remembers the Snake concert and guesses she must’ve gone there. But of course he’s still being watched and bugged, so the man from the apartment across the way hears exactly where they’re headed.

Soo-hyun tells Dong-chan she’s sorry and runs out of the ambulance. Ji-hoon gets in his car but immediately gets into a fender-bender in the parking garage, and then gets delayed again when the cops pull him over for being accused of a hit-and-run.

Meanwhile Dong-chan, crazy person that he is, gets out of the ambulance and limps back to the abandoned building. He yanks the sledgehammer out of his windshield and drives off in his car. Do we need to knock you out for you to get medical attention?

The concert winds down to the encore, and Snake comes back to sing a ballad dedicated to the person he lost five years ago in an accident in the rain. He says that that person is in hell now, but the song is meant to guide the way to heaven.

Grandpa Byung-ho has seen enough and leaves the concert escorted by his chauffer. As his car pulls away, a familiar motorcycle nears the arena.

Tattoo grabs a staff jacket and heads toward the crowd, and Saet-byul is at least keen enough to run away from the concert staff (because she’s underage and doesn’t want to get caught). Young-gyu takes her by the hand and they run, and she loses her cell phone in a fall.

They huddle behind a rack of clothes, and then a tattooed hand pokes through to try and grab her, like a horror movie. Young-gyu pulls her closer and out of reach from the scary hand, and all Tattoo can manage to grab is the backpack off her back. Another staffer interrupts just in time and closes the van doors, locking Saet-byul and Young-gyu inside.

Soo-hyun arrives at the concert and searches the crowd desperately, but Saet-byul isn’t there. Something makes her stop in her tracks though—the infamous Nemesis tattoo design, flashing all over the concert venue. Is Snake a part of all this too?

The clock counts down to midnight. Eight days before the incident.

Soo-hyun hobbles backstage, her shoeless foot still wrapped in bandages, screaming for her daughter. The band’s manager calls her a crazy person and security starts dragging her away when Dong-chan arrives, all white-knighty with his bruised face, all, Who’s calling my ajumma a crazy person?

He pulls her close (like they don’t get to touch her, swoon) and she shows Dong-chan the Nemesis tattoos that the entire band is sporting. Lead singer Te-oh just watches silently.

Saet-byul and Young-gyu get stuck in Snake’s van and keep quiet as the driver unwittingly takes them for a spin to pick up the band.

Meanwhile the band’s manager sits Soo-hyun down and explains that the tattoo was used because the new album is a tribute to Te-oh’s brother who died (apparently he liked the video game). Te-oh doesn’t seem at all concerned about the missing girl, and just smirks when he’s in the clear.

As they walk out, Dong-chan sighs at Soo-hyun’s bandaged foot and says this is why people call her crazy. He kicks off his shoe like it’s such an annoyance, but then stoops down to put it on her foot.

She asks how he came here instead of going to the hospital, and he grouses that she sure does notice quickly: “Why didn’t you ask tomorrow?” He thinks it’s obvious that he would’ve come after her when she ran out of the ambulance like that, which is what makes him him.

He spots a staffer walking by with Saet-byul’s backpack, which he notices at first glance. He decides that they should go back to the apartment where they first ran into the guy, because his fingerprints should be all over everything.

Young-gyu shakes Saet-byul awake in the back of the van, and they climb out (leaving her helmet behind). She lights up to realize they’re at Te-oh’s house, and wants to leave the birthday present she made for him.

So she and Young-gyu sneak inside to Te-oh’s room and leave the present on his nightstand. She sees a picture of Te-oh with a girl, and Young-gyu asks if she’s sad that her idol has a girlfriend, but she says no—she likes someone else and it’s a secret. Cute.

They hear Te-oh coming to the room and have to hide in the closet while he argues with an old man. They can’t see, but it’s Grandpa Byung-ho. (He doesn’t talk to him like he’s his grandfather, so it must be some other kind of relationship.)

Saet-byul and Young-gyu bide their time in the closet, and discover a tiny attic space above. It’s decorated like a child’s room, and they find pictures of a young Te-oh with his older brother.

There’s a group picture among them, and Young-gyu recognizes the girl in it as “Soo-jung noona.” He takes the photo, deciding he wants to show his uncle.

Downstairs, Te-oh is fuming at Grandpa Byung-ho, upset that he would’ve spent his whole life assuming that his brother’s death was just an accident. Grandpa says he didn’t ever want Te-oh to find out the truth. He’s against Te-oh getting mixed up in this, but Te-oh says he’s not afraid to die. Grandpa warns that it doesn’t end there—the people around him could get hurt too.

They’re interrupted by a crash when Saet-byul drops a snow globe, and Te-oh discovers them snooping. Grandpa peeks in and recognizes Saet-byul, and sneaks away before she can see him.

Dong-chan and Soo-hyun go to Tattoo’s apartment, where detectives Woo-jin and Ho-gook have arrived ahead of them. But the place has been cleaned out without a trace that anyone was ever there.

Woo-jin tends to Soo-hyun right away and Dong-chan gets extra feisty, griping that he told Ho-gook to come alone. They don’t look inclined to believe Dong-chan, but Soo-hyun backs him up.

He describes Tattoo’s height and build (even his shoe size), and says he’s left-handed and definitely trained—special forces, he decides. They start to head out to look into possible suspects, but Dong-chan stops Ho-gook and tells him to go to the abandoned building first, and pick up the glove he stuck in between buildings to preserve evidence.

Strangely, Woo-jin decides that he’ll be the one to pick up the glove, and sends Ho-gook to the station to look for suspects. That’s suspicious, right?

Once the cops leave, Soo-hyun remembers that in the original timeline, Saet-byul went missing the night of the concert but they got a call from a local police station and picked her up there.

She and Dong-chan head there hoping that history will repeat itself. Dong-chan answers a worried call from Mom because Young-gyu is missing, but then he gets escorted into the station along with Saet-byul.

Soo-hyun sighs in relief, but yells at both kids for breaking promises and being irresponsible. Saet-byul cries that she was the one who dragged Young-gyu along, and Ji-hoon arrives and tells Soo-hyun to stop embarrassing them.

Soo-hyun scoffs at his idea of shameless and refuses to let him take Saet-byul home, calling him unfit to be a father. He turns it right back around on her, pointing out that she’s the one spouting crazy nonsense, taking their daughter to some stranger’s house, and then losing her. Well, when you put it that way…

He says he’s not proud of the things he’s done, but he’s Saet-byul’s father and he’s taking her home. She tries to stop them, and Ji-hoon looks down and notices the giant shoe on her foot. He sneers, “Is it that bastard’s?”

Ji-hoon is the one to look over in Dong-chan’s direction and notice that he’s lying on the ground twitching. Ack! He tells Soo-hyun to go to him, and she finally gives in and lets Ji-hoon take the kids.

Woo-jin goes to the abandoned building alone, and finds the glove wedged where Dong-chan left it. He bags it as evidence, which is promising, and then he climbs up to the roof where he finds Soo-hyun’s shoe.

Soo-hyun ices Dong-chan’s wounds in the hospital, and the doctor wonders how he ran around like this when he must’ve been in extraordinary pain. Aw. Surprisingly nothing’s broken, so he just needs to rest.

Soo-hyun calls Woo-jin to ask if he found anything, and he picks up her shoe as he replies with a smile, “Nope. There was nothing here.” WHAT. Dammit, not you too. He tosses the shoe and the glove in a trashcan and lights it on fire.

Meanwhile, Ji-hoon digs through Saet-byul’s Snake backpack at home and wonders where it went. Where what went?

Flashback to the night he found the jewelry evidence (found in Killer #1’s apartment) sitting on Soo-hyun’s nightstand. He recognizes a ring, inscribed: JH ♥ TH. That ring is still tucked inside Saet-byul’s helmet, which she left behind in Snake’s van.

Up in his attic, Te-oh reads the letter he found in a music book that says he no longer wants to be a shameful hyung to his little brother. He wants to get out of this hell, and “No matter how much they threaten me, I’m going to speak the truth.” It’s signed Yoon Jae-han.

Dong-chan wakes up with a start from his recurring nightmare, and is surprised to see Soo-hyun there. She tells him that today is the day that Saet-byul gets kidnapped, and he urges her to go be with her.

Saet-byul is still giving Dad the silent treatment by morning, though she’s chipper enough to eat her favorite food when Dad isn’t looking. As she eats, the camera pans over to that photo that Young-gyu took last night, poking out of her bag. On the back is written: “Princelings in Moojin.”

Young-gyu and Grandma come by to watch Saet-byul, and before Ji-hoon can protest, Saet-byul happily takes Young-gyu upstairs. Grandma plays nice as Ji-hoon leaves for work, but then goes straight to his office to dig for her son’s case file again.

Ji-hoon sneaks back in and catches her red-handed, sticking the rest of the handwritten notes out to ask if this is what she’s looking for. Should I be worried for Grandma’s safety?

She pleads on her knees, insisting that Ji-hoon knows her son is innocent and he’s the only one who can save him. He tells her coldly that she’s mistaken, and refuses to give her the rest of the pages.

He accuses her of maneuvering herself into this job, which she doesn’t deny. She was planning to beg him to take another look at her son’s case, but now thinks he knew all along that her son was framed.

He yells at her to get out, and she grabs him and screams at him to save her son. She stubbornly goes back to the bookcase and reaches for the files, and he angrily yanks her off the stepladder until she falls to the ground. You did NOT just do that to a grandma.

Saet-byul and Young-gyu come running in and she gasps, crying that Daddy is mean for hitting a grandma. Soo-hyun arrives home just after Grandma and Young-gyu leave, and she asks Ji-hoon what happened.

He insists Grandma just fell and asks defensively how she can think he’d hit someone after living with him for ten years: “Don’t you know me?” She fires back that she doesn’t know him at all—she didn’t know he was a cheater, after all.

She asks again about the email threats, and he hands her the whole box of his case files from ten years ago to let her have a look herself. She takes them, and says she’s taking Saet-byul too.

She asks Saet-byul if she wants to do something fun, and agrees to take her and Young-gyu out to pick up the fixed camera. They go on a play date and Young-gyu gives Saet-byul a present to thank her for fixing his dad’s camera.

Soo-hyun takes pictures all day and just takes in Saet-byul’s sweet smiling face. She wonders to herself:

“That this moment is true happiness, that each moment we’re together is precious—why did I not know this then? God, please save our Saet-byul. Give me the chance to be a good mother to this child.”

Dong-chan’s crew arrives at the hospital to fawn over him, and he lights up instantly when he hears that Soo-hyun is in his office right now.

He picks up his phone and gets all googly-eyed and shy, fidgeting with his blanket as he asks what she’s up to. Ermagerd, it’s so cute.

But her answer alarms him—she’s there reading through Ji-hoon’s case files from ten years ago. He races back there, trying to seem casual, and picks up a packet of files to look through.

He needn’t have worried though because Ji-hoon already omitted his brother’s file, but that just makes Dong-chan wonder even more—why?

Ji-hoon calls Soo-hyun back home because he has something to say. He’s already got a bag packed, and he tells her that he’ll give her a divorce so she can come home now. He doesn’t like it that Saet-byul is sleeping elsewhere, so he’ll be the one to leave.

Soo-hyun lets him go without a word, and then checks on Saet-byul who’s asleep at her desk. An open page in her diary says that Mom and Dad are always fighting because of her and Mom is sad. She vows to be a good daughter from now on and stick to Mom’s side like super glue.

Soo-hyun finds the mystical polaroid stuck in the pages of the diary, and then she remembers that after Saet-byul died in the original timeline, she found her keepsake lockbox mysteriously unlocked.

She finds the key in the drawer and opens it, where she finds the picture that Young-gyu took from Te-oh’s attic. As soon as she picks up the photo, the polaroid in her other hand starts to change, and Saet-byul faintly appears. Omo.

She shows both pictures to Dong-chan, and his eyes bug out when he sees the group picture. Soo-hyun guesses that the killer came back here to take that picture along with the last page in Saet-byul’s diary because they linked him to the murder.

They open up the diary, but Saet-byul has yet to write the page that’ll be ripped out, and Soo-hyun wonders what she could write that would incriminate the killer. She decides to go to Moojin to try and figure out why a picture taken there of all places has anything to do with Saet-byul, and why her body was found in Moojin when she died.

Dong-chan becomes increasingly panicked and gives the excuse that he’s not feeling so well, and runs out. He gathers his breath outside and wonders what Soo-jung’s death has to do with any of this—did he really miss something in the original case?

Dong-chan takes Soo-hyun and Saet-byul down to Moojin, though he keeps mum about this being his hometown. He lets Soo-hyun out to ask some local villagers about the people in the photo, and offers to split up and take Saet-byul.

Soo-hyun finds a couple who recognize the girl in the photo as Lee Soo-jung, a girl who was famously pretty in their tiny town. They say that she only had eyes for one boy though, and they loved each other epically. Aw.

Dong-chan takes Saet-byul to the river, and when she calls out to him and waves, he sees Soo-jung waving back at him.

The couple tells Soo-hyun that the girl died tragically, and was killed by her beloved’s older brother no less. That triggers a memory of the murder case she investigated in the original timeline and she asks, “Is it Ki Dong-ho?” They confirm that it is, though she doesn’t link Dong-chan to any of this yet.

Dong-chan snaps pictures of Saet-byul and then she notices the guitar in his trunk and makes adorable puppy faces at him until he plays her a song.

He sings a lovely rendition of The Classic’s “Magic Castle.” (A shout-out to Jo Seung-woo’s The Classic?) I just want it to go on forever.

Saet-byul listens enthralled. As he sings, he starts to see Soo-jung again, smiling back at him.

After he plays, Saet-byul asks if the song is about her, and tells him that she has a confession: “Wait ten years and marry me!” OMG so cute.

She makes another puppy face so he laughs and says sure why not. Though he tells her she has to grow up pretty, because he hates ugly women.

She promises to do her best, and then climbs up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

He hugs her and promises, “Ajusshi will protect you.”

Soo-hyun arrives at the river as the sun is about to set, and finds the spot where the picture was taken. Saet-byul runs over to her for a hug, and then Soo-hyun hears Saet-byul’s voice crying out from down below in the river: “Mommy!”


Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. The first sign that Soo-hyun is actually changing Fate comes when she makes the first connection to Soo-jung’s murder. Maybe the link isn’t Ji-hoon after all (though he’s still super shady, don’t get me wrong), but Te-oh and his brother. Because otherwise, who else would know that the photo exists or went missing in the first place? Also, what the heck is Grandpa Byung-ho’s deal? He’s obviously more than just a benevolent old fogey if he’s this involved in the original case, which means he’s sticking to Dong-chan’s side for information, or worse. It makes me wonder if his death in the first timeline is of natural heart failure, or he just knew too much.

I’m really happy that our two murders are finally coming to a head, which means that Dong-chan isn’t just a wormhole piggybacker here—he was sent back because it’s all one case. I don’t think any of us thought his connection would be coincidental by any means, but now it’s looking more and more like one killer is behind both murders. And him envisioning Saet-byul as Soo-jung is a great way to ground that thematic link—not as the love of his life, but as his chance to fix things and save her. He was too late for Soo-jung, but this time around he can save the day.

I really hope he fesses up to Soo-hyun soon, because I don’t think I could stand it if she hated him or worse, suspected him of being the killer. I understand why he’s desperate not to be associated with such horrible events, besides the fact that he’s clearly got a chip on his shoulder about murderer’s blood running through his veins, enough to feel like he had to prove himself as a cop.

But the longer he sits on this, the more suspicious it’s starting to look, and Soo-hyun is going to find out. When they were looking at the photos I just wanted to shake him until spilled the beans. Not awesome, Captain. Just tell her already! Maybe start with a serenade so that she wants to marry you too, and THEN tell her about the murder. Romance-murder-romance: like a compliment sandwich, but different.

Is it possible that Woo-jin is a killer? If anything, he might be a corrupt cop (er, okay, IS a corrupt cop), but I wonder how deep his badness goes. Suddenly I’m seeing the bad blood between him and Dong-chan in a different light, because what if he interfered and set him up to fail on purpose, or ratted him out to their superiors because Dong-chan would’ve uncovered his secrets and dirty dealings in no time? Even now Dong-chan is a better cop with sharper instincts, so maybe the threat wasn’t competitive in nature, but a move to protect his corruption.

Also, how many shady men can Soo-hyun have loved in one lifetime? Any other ex-boyfriends we should know about? It’s almost comical how many baddies this show has, though the thing that makes it work is that everyone is out to protect his or her own interests, which gives everyone (literally, EVERYONE, even the freaking nanny) motive to take that final step over the line. I do think it’s probably safe to let Grandma off the hook, and maaaaaybe even Ji-hoon, who despite being a terrible husband, does actually love his daughter. Besides, you get points for speeding the divorce along. We’re on a clock here, mister.


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Thank you girlfriday for the recap. Did anyone notice the chopsticks in the girl's hair. They are the same chopsticks from the Destiny's owners hair. The owner was the DC's first love's mother.


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Also when SB is kidnapped Woon-Ji asked SH if she wanted to talk to him, what if he was trying to entertain her while SB was kidnapped? Also Woon-Ji know DC from the past what if they were both in love with the same person and because she didn't correspond him he killed her. Maybe he is trying to do the same thing with SH and separate her from her husband?


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0_0 Wow at he chopsticks comment. You guys have such eagle eyes. I'm usually just sitting through the episode clutching my hands and hoping neither DC, SH, or SB get hurt. Can't really spare attention for much else. Let's see if I can keep my eyes peeled better for the next one.

But. That connection between Soo Jung and the restaurunt owner is interesting...


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Yea. Good point about Woo Jin. He's definitely suspicious. He burnt the evidence away, so obviously he doesn't want Dong Chan or Soo Hyun to find out who the guy was.

Either he is that guy, or the dad hired him to sort of dissuade Soo Hyun and Dong Chan from further investigating.

Or he's part of a bigger team. I don't know, I feel like definitely either way, though, Snake isn't going to be the kidnapper. Otherwise that would be just sad. Plain sad. I mean, the little girl looked up to him.

And speaking of which, Saet Byul, please please listen to your mom and don't run away anymore please.


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Totally called that in last weeks comments. Now if I could only figure out whodunit.


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"You areeee myyy dessssstinyyyyy..."

Can't resist :D


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I missed the chopsticks - there is just so much going on in this show that if you glance away you miss something.


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sooo true. I don't think i have seen a korean drama like this one before. soooo complicated and well written with soo many plot twists and hidden secrets.

One thing that i think is kind of amazing is that prior to the time jump after SB death, we thought that both the dad and how he blamed SH for SB death and WJ in how he tried to help were kind of superfluous to the main kidnapping and such, but now we find that freaking everyone is connected into this conspiracy plot.

I still think that somehow the president and his chief secretary dude are related to this too. beyond the fact that they are deciding whether korea brings back the death penalty, the fact that they name dropped Grandpa's name and how they can't believe that they are now on opposing sides hints at the fact that there is some past history that will come to light.

My current theory is that the boys in the picture must have killed Soojung and that there was a massive cover up of some kind.

Sooo interesting! can't wait to see how everything shakes out! Wish they still had previews at the end of the episodes.


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Went back to episode 1 to confirm
That's Soo Jung in the photo with the Destiny owner!


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So I was right to suspect Woo-jin in being involved somehow. It all started when he knew about the Gangnam murder’s death all those episodes ago. He knew too soon and if my frequent crime show watching has taught me anything, it’s that when people find out things matters. So he’s a definite insider, but we really don’t know why and we don’t know if there are any more of them.

Is the guy who pulled over Ji-hoon also in on it or was he just a normal cop that responded to a call from the guy who was hit and called it a hit and run? Was that Woo-jin fighting Dong-chan because that would explain why he had mercy and didn’t kill either of them but it doesn’t explain why he was so shaky while going to retrieve the evidence on the roof. Doesn’t match up with the fighter we saw who was very agile and had special training beyond normal cops it seemed.

Speaking of that car guy, he’s part of it clearly but was he the one spying on him? That’s the only reason he’d be close enough to get in a car and prep that scene right? But we don’t know who he is beyond that so it doesn’t help us piecing together this whole thing.


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Ji-hoon is such an interesting character. An asshole for sure but I can see him existing in the real world more than anyone else. Is he refusing to let her see the documents about Dong-ho’s murder because of pride and he knows he might’ve prosecuted wrong, or because he was part of some conspiracy to pin the blame on some murders on Dong-ho? And if it was the latter was it voluntary or was he being threatened by someone like mysterious car meet-up man from a few episodes ago? The more I see him the more unsure I am of what it could be since everything seems more and more plausible.


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Not much to say other than the fact that I melted into a puddle of goo when jo seung woo started singing. Apparently everyone, including the staff, were entranced during the shooting of that scene.. Acting talent and musical talent..can you be more perfect? Dong-Chan, or Jo seung woo -- is there even a difference? I love you both anyways.


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And the "Ahjussi will protect you" pretty much sealed the deal for me.


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mmm hmm..


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Ooh do share the article on this! I hope they release bts filming for this scene!!!!


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i totally swooned (little saet-byul has flawless taste!), but at the same time, i think i was more conscious of my heart aching for dong-chan's tragic past. i wanted to cry for him.


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Agree, JSW plays the character with unbelievable nuance as Girlfriday pointed out previously!


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He is one of the reason why I want to go to Korea. I want to watch him on stage, live. He is more amazing live than on screen. My favorite from Jekyll & Hyde.



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Lovely. Thanks for sharing.:D


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Thanks for the recap girlfriday!

I was suspicious of Woo-jin since last ep, but I was sad to see his shadiness confirmed this ep. I almost thought he was the fighter in black at the beginning of this ep (similar height/ build), but then I realized he probably wouldn't have been able to hide the tattoo. I wonder if he genuinely does still have lingering feelings for Soo-hyun, or if it's all a mask. If it is genuine, I wouldn't be surprised if he switched sides sometimes later.

7 days left! I'm glad to see Soo-hyun sticking so close to her daughter's side. Also that she obviously trusts Dong-chan with Saet-byul, but that could go wrong later in sooo many ways. It was sad and tragic, but also, seeing your murdered ex-girlfriend like that *cannot* be healthy.

"Romance-murder-romance: like a compliment sandwich, but different." LOLLL I'm pretty sure almost everyone has picked up on Dong-chan's crush by now except Soo-hyun herself.


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I have tried to withold judgement and just let the actions of Han Saet-Byeol in God's Gift - 13 Days play out for storyline purposes. But Episode 9 just might be a turning point for me.

Every child's development is unique, complex, and greatly influenced by environmental factors and the experiences he or she has.

Han Saet-Byeol’s constant behavior of leaving home and heedlessness in following her mother’s protection and parental guidance makes it seem as if her character should have been (or was originally) written for a Preteen/Preteenager/Preadolescent instead of an eight (8) or nine (9) year old child.

I recognize/realize that Saet-Byeol’s and Ki Dong-Chan are fictional characters. However, the act of an eight (8) or nine (9) year old girl confessing to and kissing an adult male is just creepy and inappropriate to me. Unfortunately in this day and age and as a society we have witnessed too many children experiencing childhood abuse and being victimized by adults - family members, authority figures, strangers, and institutions.


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Er, then by extension are you calling Tablo's daughter Haru creepy? Haru, the girl whose face goes all red (according to her father) just because she saw GDragon's picture? (Admittedly, she hasn't confessed or kissed him (on the cheek) yet, but she's only 4, so...) *jokes*

I didn't think SaetByul's actions were creepy. I thought they were just the result of innocence, naivety and fantasy and it kind of happens in the real world without abuse, especially when a child looks up to someone with something similar to hero worship.


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I forgot to add that I think that it's only creepy if the Ahjusshi takes her seriously.


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I agree, I didn't find it creepy or inappropriate at all when SB confessed to her crush of DC and gave him a peck on the cheek! It was an innocent kiss (like one a child gives to a relative-which I hope DC will actually become one soon *cough*) and confession, one that stems out of her idolization of Captain Awesome! I think many of us here probably had a similar type of crush growing up. Plus, DC clearly didn't take her seriously and only made a comment that reflected how much he wants to protect her and ensure that she lives to grow up prettily!


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@Peeps, autumn93, Rashell, and Lee

I agree and disagree with some of your points.

God's Gift - 14 Days falls into the following genre categories: melodrama, suspense, thriller, action, time travel, mystery, crime, fantasy, and time travel. And it's primary premise is about a mother who goes back fourteen (14) days in time to save her daughter from being "kidnapped and murdered."

I agree with "I actually think its sad, that because of the sensitivity about abuse, we take innocent normal gestures and see something bad in them."

However, this drama is intense with dark undertones sprinkled throughout. We're piecing together clues trying to solve the puzzle of who the kidnapper/murderer was. If it was another type of drama with lighter fare then the confession and "peck on the cheek/innocent kiss" would have been less of an issue/sore point for me.

Ki Dong Chan and Han Saet Byul (as well as Kim Soo Hyun for that matter) just met have known each other for less than eight (8) days. I am simply speaking on social norms (behavior and cues) in a given context. Of course, because it's a drama parts of the story are rushed. Let me state for the record, that at this time I do not think that Ki Dong Chan is "abusive" to or has intentions of hurting or harming Han Saet Byul and her mother Kim Soo Hyun.

I wish that "innocence, naivety and fantasy" and "hero worship" without the chance of it leading to abuse was always the norm, attainable, and within reach for all children in the real world.

I'm still not convinced that an eight (8) or nine (9) year old with two parents plus a nanny/caregiver employed to watch over her would constantly be allowed to continue spur–of–the–moment behavior of leaving the house and freely roaming the streets.

"Not everything needs to be read in such a cynical way, and I think you’re reading a little too much into this." Maybe, although I am trying not to be cynical. Nonetheless, the drama is about the death of a child as the result of being kidnapped and her mother trying to keep history from repeating itself by changing the course of events.


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There us nothing inappropriate or creepy about an 8 or 9 year old idolizing a male adult who they have formed a bond with. Saet Byul doesn't understand the sexual connotations of marriage. She just sees it as what you do when you grow up and ajusshi is someone she wants in her life in the future. (Get in line, girl!)

I actually think its sad, that because of the sensitivity about abuse, we take innocent normal gestures and see something bad in them. That scene was sweet and showed that bond between them was mutual. There was nothing there that was in the least abusive, IMO.


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Storyline wise, it helps the story that Saet-Byul is both young (8-9 years old) and rebellious in the fact that she can't stay in one place. You really couldn't have the story going without either trait. The story would have probably turned out pretty different if it had meant Saet-Byul to be a preteen-teenager, anyways.

I personally found the last Saet-Byul and Dong-Chan scene to be purely innocent and cute. He's clearly humouring her, and not seriously considering a romantic relationship with her (now, or even in "10 years"). Not everything needs to be read in such a cynical way, and I think you're reading a little too much into this.

Just my two cents, though!


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I presume that you realize that child abuse and victimization now is actually less than it was some 40 years ago - it is just not covered up or ignored near as much.

But I do agree that it seems like the part was written for someone more in the 12 to 14 year old range - I just cannot really see a 9 year old acting like she does.


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My older sister when she was 4/5 yrs or used to often say that she will marry our father when she grows up and I used to like my brothers' friend when I was hardly 3 yrs old and used to confess that I will marry him... it is innocent and naive for children to fantasize marriage and usually children says they will marry the person whom they admire and like.
It is creepy when the adult think on the same line...like how what a beautiful child she is and he will marry her when she grows up... Also when adults abuses their power as a guardian then it is sad but coming from a child it is all cute!
Also that scene means a lot in the story line like mentioned by "girlfriday". Lie how he sees Saet Byul as someone he has to protect now on... also Dong Chan is now doubting his own verdict of the story and also he was given a second chance to set it all right...


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@windsun33 & Kaybee

Last week I attended an event focusing attention on and discussing the plight of exploited, abused, and homeless children and teenagers. My awareness or perception of this subject matter was fresh in my memory and heightened in my consciousness.

One of the things that I appreciate about kdramas is that it still offers us frequent images and glimpses (auras) of innocence in the world.


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I was...beyond shocked to see Woo Jin being shady. Now if Dong Chan turns out bad in later episodes....I don't think I can continue this show.

Things slowed down in this episode, but, the plot certainly has thickened. With regards to Woo Jin, he has the exact build as the guy with the tattoo. Have we ever seen his (Woo Jin's) arm yet? Their hair in the back is also similar....

While I am annoyed with Saet Byul's behavior, I understand she's a child, and children don't think. But storyline wise... CHILD PLEASE STAY IN ONE PLACE.

As for Dong Chan, he is by far my favorite male character in the history of kdramas, and I have seen way, way, way more than my fair share. First time I've openly said "I LOVE THIS CHARACTER." I'm hoping with everything I have he stays loyal and true. We need Captain Awesome.


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i think you should be prepared... somehow i think everyone will have their shaddy time and being suspected, include DC... but in the end of the day we will find out who is the real one... even if they try to make us suspicious of DC, i will never ever believe Captain Awesome is the bad guy...


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ditto! XD


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Gah! This show! Dong Chan singing was really a highlight. Can he get any more charming. (Btw... I have Classic to watch next on my Job Seung Woo list. Watched Sword with no Name last night.)

For some reason I take more pleasure in reading the analyses of the other commenters on these threads than writing one myself. This really is a great show that gets all the investigators out.


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Please watch Marathon as well.... a little slow but one cannot help but admire Jo Seung Woo as a versatile actor.


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Ermahgerd, Dong Chan singing while strumming on his guitar. God's Gift must be referring to him right?! I just melted into a puddle of rainbow and happiness when he started singing.. and then when Saet-byul asked him to marry her later with that big puppy eyes.. Too damn cute!

Finally we're getting some connection between the two murders, I still think that Ji-hoon is also involved in the past murder though. DH was convicted of killing 3 people (all three are ladies, right?), one of the victims named Jung Tae Hee, which seems to be the initials carved on the ring. How's the ring connected to the case 11 years ago are again another puzzle.

I do have a feeling that one of the guys in the picture is the president's son. Mr pres used to be close to granpa, so I guess the sons must have known each other as well?

And I'm glad to see SH getting back to her own smarty pants self and start connecting the hints from the old timeline to the recent timeline. I think her character just need time to grasp hold of the situation, esp after realizing that she's only chasing after a red herring.

I also hope that Dong-Chan would confess soon, I'm nervous to see where this situation would go once Soo-hyun finds out about how closely related he is to this case... from someone else.

And Woo Jin, whoaaa.. I know I'm suspecting everyone, but it still didn't take away the shock factor when I found out about it!


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LOL, your first two sentences cracked me up. "God's gift must be referring to him right?!" Perhaps he was an extra bonus?


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Loved this ep!!! God you really can't trust anyone!!!!

Ok first off Woo Jin is such a suspect and I agree that he has the build of the murder! But the fact that he was there when they recieved the call makes me doubt its him.

Second of all I went on Wiki to see the cast and it actually says who the murder is(will not be saying who) Yet I still feel like its probably wrong, I feel like theres someone else so this really does confuse me!!

And omg can I just say that I want Dong chan and Soo Hyun to get together so badly!!!


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i went and looked up the wiki page for the show after reading your comment, and i'm left scratching my head—is the murderer's identity based on any fact released from the production? or did someone write that in there to mess with us?! :)


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Wiki just spoiled the story for us. Not cool, Wiki. NOT COOL!

Anyway, since wiki is an open project, I would assume that someone wrote that after today's episode.


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omg! I really hope some random person just wrote that in and that it's not official! I definitely don't remember reading that line before. And it's not even in proper English anyway. Ahhhhh


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Come to think of it, I can write a fanfic there if I want to...


yeah, i don't think it's true. i don't think anyone knows anything beyond what was broadcast up till today—it's my bet that someone wrote that in there for giggles. i don't consider my viewing experience spoiled at all.


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Just tell me one thing- It's not Dong Chan right? (i don't want to spoil it for myself by looking at the wiki site)


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i don't think that bit on the wiki page is reliable. i think it's more someone put that in it there to mess with us fans :) i mean, i don't think anyone but the writer herself knows the truth as of yet... what i'd give to get inside her head/computer. haha


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eh, it isn't there anymore...? unless i'm missing something :p


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yeah...it's not there.
But still its a good thing as even though I had opened it out of curiousity ...I still didn't wanted to spoil my story.


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Words cannot express how much I enjoy this drama. Each episode so thrillingly reveals more and more layers to each character's shady past. Basically the only characters I feel are true-blue are Soo-hyun & Saet-byul, and I absolutely love how Dong-Chan's history is becoming more entwined with the mystery behind Saet-byul's original kidnapping & subsequent murder. The actor who plays Dong-Chan is now on my list of Must-See actors, especially now that I know he can sing!


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Wonderfully insightful and hilarious recap Girlfriday!!! Yes, we are on a clock here and I personally don't think it's too much for SH to walk away from this ordeal with a daughter, a divorce and a Awesome new boyfriend! Please!

DC is definitely a knight in battered and bruised armor, limping to the rescue of his ahjumma once again! SH and DC are just too cute together!! And DC was soooo cute fidgeting with the blanket while taking to SH on the phone like a young boy talking to his crush for the first time!! <3

DC seriously needs to fess up to SH about his connection in all of this because my heart would break if SH ever doubted DC for a second! Look at all he's done for her and SB!!

As for the picture, who are the three guys? I'm assuming one is Theo, the other is his brother, and the last one is DC, but why didn't DC and Theo recognize each other?

JSW's singing just melted my heart! Really, I wished it went on forever! I knew that tune was familiar, so it was from The Classic!!! :D

As for WJ, I'll take it a little further and propose my theory again that WJ probably was the one that shot YG, not DC, but he framed DC for it out of fear for his career and out of jealousy at DC's awesome detective skills! During the shooting scene, 1) it wasn't clear who DC shot and 2) during the the investigation hearing, WJ's facial reaction to DC's quitting wasn't shown which makes me think there was probably a smirk of some sort there. Also, in ep. 7 when Wj apologized to YG, my suspicions just went way up!!

Absolutely loved the justiposition of SB's possible fate with the fate of SJ during the serenade. This time, DC will save a loved one, when previously he wasn't capable of doing so! Also, many viewers have brought up the hairpin SJ was wearing which turns out to be identical to the one the mom-owner of the Destiny Cafe had so SJ is probably her daughter and our duo's goal of going back in time is to uncover the truth behind the murders 10 years ago!!

Wow I love this show, DC and JSW more by the episode!!!!


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1. i groaned when woo-jin burned the glove and shoe, because it feels like it's what this drama's gonna keep doing to the end—keep moving the shade onto EVERY character. i wouldn't be surprised if ho-kook will be next. but does WJ know tattoo guy's identity? we saw him freeze a little when dong-chan was instructing ho-kook on how to find the glove, and he offered to go there instead of ho-kook. so it seems like he knew something beforehand. what did he know?

i hope he's not really a bad guy. one "good" guy (ji-hoon) turning out to be a not-so-fine character is disappointment enough. i just hope it's only something semi shady, and not so sinister as purposely setting dong-chan up. if the latter is true, i think he never intended for young-gyu to get hurt, and so his apology to young-gyu was genuine and heartfelt. grandma wasn't even in that scene, and young-gyu is mentally ill, so there wasn't any reason for woo-jin to be fake with him.

2. does anyone remember the wallet that soo-hyun lost when she and dong-chan were after cha bong-seob? when she couldn't find it in her bag, they assumed that cha had taken it and she worried that he might come find her. but after cha was captured, on the night that he was killed and soo-hyun was waiting at the police station to hear what he had to say to her, that female detective brought it to her, saying they had found it in her car. i wonder if the wallet will end up playing any significant role in this mystery?

3. i gotta admit, i didn't think soo-jung's murderer and saet-byul's could be the same guy, but it does make sense story-wise now. the only reason this didn't cross my mind was that SB's death was accidental (well, the police had suspected that SB died when she fell into the lake trying to escape her kidnapper, seven days after her kidnapping), and soo-jung's seemed intentional. if SB's kidnapper wanted SB dead, why was she still alive seven days later?

4. why was the jewelry from cha bong-seob's house in SB's Snake backpack? is it where ji-hoon originally stowed it?

5. why didn't they go to min-ah to find out more about tattoo guy? SB told dong-chan she'd seen the guy at min-ah's, and it looks like min-ah actually knew him.

6. maybe i'm being naive and too optimistic, but i want to believe in our "good" guys—dong-chan, grandpa, grandma, woo-jin, ho-kook, dong-chan's agency colleagues. i don't think we've been introduced to soo-jung's killer yet (who may or may not be SB's kidnapper). i don't like saying SB was murdered because technically, she may not have been.



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one more thing—this show is absolutely meticulous. everything has been planned and plotted from episode 1, and i love it.

the president's son will have a part in all of this. i'm not sure if it will be sinister, but there's got to be more to that scene where the president asked his son if he couldn't come live in korea now. initially it seemed like he went abroad to study 10 years ago, and never really came back to korea to live.

i wonder if the 10 years is significant?

i wish we could get a clear timeline, just to keep all these cases straight. has it been clarified whether soo-jung was killed ten or 16 years ago? i watched the episode where soo-hyun's hoobae was driving to dong-ho's jail, but i couldn't tell if he said ten or 16 years...


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Viki translated that sentence as several years, but Dramafever translated it as 16 years (and tbh, I trust Viki more than DF). Soo Hyun was looking through a document in the car, and it was dated 2002. So 10-11 years is probably the correct one. Also when they got out from the prison and met DH's mom, the guard said that she's been visiting regularly in the last 10 years.


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thanks for that—i went back and rewatched it, and you're right. the copy of the article soo-hyun was reading on the case was dated april 2002 (so possibly not soo-jung's case?), and i think the hoobae said 10 years. what he said was a toss-up between ten, 16, or 10-something (십몆년전) years. and the jail guard did say the mother had been coming to visit for 10 years without fail.

so around 10 years ago soo-jung was murdered/president's son went off to study abroad. young-gyu was 6 years old and had presumably been adopted when he was 5, having lived with dong-ho for just one year according to dong-chan.

5 years ago, snake's brother died.

4 years ago, young-gyu at age 12 was shot during the hostage incident. we don't know the identity of the father who threatened to kill young-gyu—that is, which girl's father he was. soo-jung's, or one of the other victims.

around this time, dong-chan quit the force and set up his investigative agency.


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I am still trying to figure out that 15 or 16 year part - it was definitely in two different subs that I saw. (though it is possible that someone just copied the original Viki sub).

From what I had figured out is the original murder he was convicted of was 15 years ago, the additional two (at the retrial(?)) were 10 years ago.

Or it could just be an error in subbing or translation or a typo. I should go look at the DF one, it is usually the most accurate.


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I think the retrial happened a year after he was first convicted. I can't recall the exact scene, but I think it was mentioned during the trial. If SJ was killed on 2002, and the retrial happened in 2003, and since the opening happened in 2013 (a year before our current timeline), then 10 years is approx the correct number of years.
I actually have had some issues with DF subs, I've encountered some mistranslated subs in the past when I watched it there, so I tend to trust Viki's subs more


Hi Windsun33,

This is how I understand the Mu Jin Serial Killing timeline.

1. Two girls are killed - time period not mentioned, probably close to the third murder.

2. Third murder. Soo Jung's - 10 years ago.

3. DH is arrested; he confesses to killing SJ and denies the other two murders - 10 years ago.

4. DH admits to all the three crimes a year later - 9 years ago


Hi Windsun,

This is how I understand the Mu Jin serial killing's and DH's trial/conviction timeline.

1. Two girls are murdered - More than 10 years ago, exact date not provided.

2. Third girl, Soo Jung, murdered - 10 years ago

3. DH arrested. He confesses to SJ's murders and denies the other two - 10 years ago

4. DH confesses to all three murders - 9 years ago.


Yes I love a well thought out plot, not one that makes up crap as the show airs!


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I just about died when DC started singing 'Magic Castle'! JSW has such a great voice I could listen to him all day <3 And I can't blame SB for wanting to marry him^^ I would want that too :D

I can't with how many possible baddies we have and show is gonna be the death of me because of all the mysteries but that's why I love it so much!

I am a little annoyed at DC though for keeping his past a secret! Just tell her already so she can help you find out the truth (and get together and be a family because as of now I no longer feel guilty for shipping him and SH^^).

Also, can JSW please sing an OST (or two, or three) for the drama? I need more of his singing voice!


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Yep, too bad there's a line out the door to snatch up this hottie! And I'm one of the people in line haha SB, to the back (even if you're an adorable 8 year old-a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do)!

Right?!?! The moment he saw the picture was such perfect timing to come clean!! I was really hoping he would, now SH will wonder why he didn't tell her the girl was his girlfriend who was murdered! -_- Last person I want doubting DC is SH!!


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Okay, I realize now that the scene with Dong Chan and Saet Byul and the guitar was supposed to be sweet. And it is! Such a cute father/daughter dynamic.

BUT when Dong Chan was seeing Soo Jung, I was kind of disturbed. Not because he was seeing her in Saet Byul's place, but because he seems really psychologically unstable there. Now I feel as if he's an unreliable narrator. That whole time they were by the lake, I was on edge. Idk, maybe because this show is just so unpredictable.

And then, when Saet Byul said "Mommy" at the very end, that voice! Gave me chills...

Maybe I'm creeping out at the wrong parts in this show O_o


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Yes, they are the real father-daughter duo in this show!! So cute!!

I didn't find that to be disturbing in the least and didn't see it as DC being psychologically imbalanced. I just thought of it as a way of showing us how DC hasn't been able to move beyond the events of 10 years ago and that by playing the guitar SJ gave him again, after much reluctance, it's like he's making his first step to reconciliation and determination to finding out the truth behind her death!!!! He's finally not going to let the events haunt him and will take steps to correct any wrongs! All of this needs to be done before he can truly heal and move on with his life (preferably with SH and Sb)! :D


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Maybe he was seeing SJ in SB because in some way they are the same. They were victims of a murder, but now he has the change to save SB, something he couldn't do with SJ. Also it could be that he was just remembering, SB as SJ were only memories of when SJ was alive and probably did the same thing. They probably walked along that lake and he sang to her when when she was alive.


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'Is it wrong to hope that Mom walks out of this with a daughter, a divorce, and a new boyfriend, or is that tempting the fates a little too much?'.........I too share this sentiment...hehe! Hope this can be possible! Most kdrama are all about makjang that makes no logical sense so why can't Soo hyun gets all that?....*sign* wishful thinking....???


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.....we are at the halfway mark and it's already D-day? Wow, imagine the twists they have to throw our way.


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one thing that bugs me - if Woo Jin was going to burn the glove anyways, why did he bother to put it in that bag? & isn't that shoe Soo Hyun's? why burn it?

also that smile when he burned them, it didnt come off as sinister. well it could mean 2 things. first, that he couldnt pull off the expression or second, it was intentional. if its the second case then that smile felt as if.......um how should i say this. when he picked up that shoe it looked like he was thinking something over & then it all clicked. so when he burned them, it looked like......he was letting go of the case? like he was burying some secret he just came to know, forever & ever in the darkest parts of his memory? not in a bad way. but say......like.......lets say FOR EXAMPLE that Soo Hyun is the murderer & he covers for her by burning it. because he cares for her.

or lol my perception is wrong XD

well i have already swooned over Dong Chan & Jo Seung Woo a million times so this time i wont. this time i will talk about what frustrates & that is HOW HE STILL HASNT FESSED UP!!!!! god i am so frustrated!!! cause the longer he stalls, the more suspicious he will look to Soo Hyun when she learns the truth (& she WILL learn it). the one thing i absolutely wont be able to handle is Soo Hyun being suspicious of Dong Chan after all they have been through. but since the show has dragged this out for this long then it means that we will definitely get to a point where Soo Hyun suspects Dong Chan TT_TT NOOOOOOOO TT_TT

& damn that scene where Soo Hyun lets go of Saet Byul to tend to Dong Chan who had fallen on the floor!!!! that is a huge moment!!!!


by the way Jo Seung Woo is a very popular musical actor so yes he sings XD


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Unless they were already in a bag, put there by Captain Awesome? Not sure, it was never really mentioned, just that he had stashed the glove there - but not sure when he would have had time to bag it.

At this point I don't think Woo Jin is involved in the murders (how many now, over how many years?) but is involved in some kind of cover up and conspiracy. The bigger question to me goes back to when he testified at the hearing - I think he was lying and covering up something there also, like perhaps there was a 2nd shooter?


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What if the one must die for the other to live part of the prophecy doesn't refer to the killer?

What if instead it refers to Saet Byul and Dong Ho or Soo Huyn and Dong Chan?

Wouldn't that throw a wrench in the works, and give one or more the opportunity to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the others.


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I can't imagine if in the end, DC is the one who killed SB. Sometimes, it can be someone that we didn't expect at all to be the murderer.


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He needs to tell her, it's going to be so much worse when she finds out later and from someone else.

SH letting SB go with him the day she's meant to be kidnapped shows how much trust SH has in DC. I'm bracing myself for how ugly the fallout is going to be when she finds out the truth.

It's both good and bad the prophesy is so ambiguous the person who needs to die so SB can live can be pretty much anyone.


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Thanks for the recap.

Saet Byul is such a hassle, ugh if she'd just stay still and Soo hyun is leaving her around too much. I was so worried during the first part where Saet Byul was so freaking curious

But I am glad that Soo hyun realizes that the extra days she's getting with Saet Byul should mean something. I get that she trying to stop Saet Byul from dying, but by doing so she is missing out quality time with her daughter.

Srs everyone on the show is shady!! I can't believe Woo Jin did that?!
Dong chan is the only One i trust.

Btw sometimes soo hyun pisses me off, ESP Shen she abruptly yells at people for her daughters whereabouts and how she will die. Be quiet! And she needs to watch her better, argh


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This show is amazing


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I didn't realize Jo Seung Woo was the main character from The Classic. My feels for my first Korean film...

This drama has so many grey characters, I love it. The baddies or possible baddies have actual motives for their actions, and as the story progresses they become more interconnected with the arching story at hand.


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still enjoying the show but I was kinda angry/ irritated with Saet Byul- for her age, it is really NOT ok to worry her mother by always slipping out to watch Snake or go places. Doesn't the gal know any bounds??? Especially when she sneaked into Te-Oh's room - I was like !!!! And she even wanted to steal the snow globe, my goodness! And then usually when she get reprimanded greatly, she will start to cry (ok, now then you act like your age?!)

I was horrified when woo Jin burned the evidence - we can really trust no one; I dont think he is the murderer but i will buy the idea that he is jealous of DC and he actually push the blame of shooting DC's nephew on him so that he can rise higher than him. He could have burned the evidence coz he dont want him to score the credit in front of SH. So far all the bad guys have their own hidden agenda and they just make up the pieces of the whole puzzle. but well, they can't have two male Heros in the drama, so uri DC is really THE ONE AND ONLY MAN, keke.

I suspect Te-Oh's bro actually saw the real murderer but maybe when he decide to speak up and testify he got killed by the murderer but it was made to look like an accident? There were four people in the photo, excluding DC's gf, Te-Oh and his bro, the last guy could be the suspect (which could be why the bro hesitated at first?)

Grandpa Byung Ho could be Te-Oh's relative or whatever, and he may have learnt the truth from the bro. Maybe that's why he wanted to give his inheritance to DC coz he was sorry for DC and his bro.

It's agonizing when there's always no preview!!!!


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This episode makes me wonder why Woo Jin be the shady character too??
What's he??
I'm crazily curious why he was also the shady character. Back in the beginning of the drama, Woo Jin met SH accidentally in TV station, and it was the day when SB was kidnapped by the tattooed man.
From this episode, I got conclusion that WJ knew the tattooed man and he didn't want the identity of him to be known.
So, what's this?? Is WJ involved?? He was also invoived in kidnapping SB in the TV station??
He intentionally lured SH and made SB kidnapped??
OMG, this drama DAEBAK!!! The writer's great.


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I love this show. No one can be trusted at this point. I was surprised when Woo Jin burned the evidence, but I'm not convinced he's one of the baddies yet.

Did we ever find out who put that camera in Saet Byul's room? What ever happened with that?

I'm not sure how much more of Saet Byul's crying I can tolerate.


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More and more it is looking like there are multiple murders & cover ups, conspiracies, and bad guys. Somehow I think they are all tied together though.


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So this is the episode where I get to see No Min Woo...been wondering when will he show up. I haven't got time to watch this drama, yet, hopefully soon, before I read all the recaps and spoil the fun..er, mistery.


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Fab episode , thanks for the recaps. is woo-jin protecting the killer, he knows that the prosecutor wrongly accused the innocent so he is helping the killer(snake's elder brother) achieve his goals. Is he alive still ? who killed the other 2 girls apart from the JH's girlfriend...? I could not relate the ring's initials ??? how does the no#1 killer knows abt this case ??? what did he want to tell SH ? ...ooops this drama is killing me with anxiety !!! I would rate this drama 10/10 for the fight scenes wow amigo it was breathtaking, this drama is on hollywood level what stunts in the rain ...totally captivatiing. !!!


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This show always keeps me at the edge of my chair...phew
I just love how the show is going forward keeping us all packed into its suspense...I sincerely hope that everything ends well for everyone.
Also-I knew it,I knew it....I knew that Woo Jin is not a nice guy and he finally showed us his damn creepy face...argghhh


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Honestly I'm just shocked that so many people are surprised Woo Jin could have something to do with it. In my mind, the guy that they always give the clearest alibi for (in his case, meeting with Soo Hyun when Saet Byul was kidnapped) is normally my main suspect to be part of the "Big Bad" conspiracy. And beyond that, what has he really done to make him trustworthy? Every time I see him glaring for whatever reason I always get big chills down my spine and even from some of the promo pictures he looks quite evil. I'm sad that they "outed" him this early though because that means he is probably just another red herring or only slightly involved. I really wanted him to be one of the main conspirators because I could never work up any attachment to him.

Also interesting that Jae-han is the name of Te-oh's brother. Leaves the mysterious "JH" on the ring more nebulous.


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I am wondering Soo-jung died almost 10yrs ago. Saet-byul is 9-10 yrs old. Is Soo-jung born as Saet-byul?


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I didn't notice who wrote this review at first. But by the time I finished reading it, I went up to read the name of the reviewer that totally got my attention and made me laugh too. The comments, the writing....Glad to have you back girlfriday! Hope you stay on!


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I've been suspicious of Woojin for a long while, but I can't help but think that things would be too obvious now that some shady business on his part has been revealed. I am sure that there is more than meets the eye. I'm glad that someone else noticed the hair pin in Soojung's hair and how it was the same one worn by the woman in the magical/mysterious shop. My sister pointed the pin out to me as we were watching the episode.

And now that Snake (No Minwoo) has a more significant role in the show, my friend, Carole, can rejoice! :)

Speaking of Snake, what do you all think about the way his story was introduced or integrated into the show? Do you think it should have come sooner or that this was the right time? I know these are broad questions but I was thinking along these lines as I was watching the episode yesterday. Perhaps it is the right moment, as we had to get all the red herrings (there are probably more to come) at the beginning. Now we are getting into the story proper. But even the red herrings have had some connections to the real story. Anyway....


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Yeah, one thing I really like from this show is that those red herrings actually intertwined with the story at hand and help shed some lights into the characters. The first serial killer made us know about YK's background and also uncover one vital piece of evidence that is connected to the past case -the earings and ring- and also lead us into the tattoo guy, the tattoo and the meaning behind it, the creepy shopkeeper, the peeper, JH's affair, etc.
Everything was planned out since the beginning, sure there were some logic lapses and some conveniences in the middle, but I'm impressed at how the main mystery is slowly unraveled through the tiny hints left in the past episode.
And I have read some comments about how it's stupid to make everyone a suspect, but I actually dig it. The show allows me to think, put some hints and take some wild guesses myself. I just love it!


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I've been silently lurking around and reading the very smart comments here because I didn't have anything as smart to contribute. But I just have to post this because I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. KI DONG CHAN I'M ALL YOURS!!!!!

I've been resisting his charms every week and telling myself "eyyy, he's not THAT cute/handsome/cool/hot/amazing/whatever adjective" but it's been a losing battle. And in this episode when he took up the guitar and sang, it's over. I knew it. So yes, up the ship I go! And fellow Ki Dong Chan lovers, I feel you guys now~


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@Giovonne Your comment made me smile. Know that you are not alone :)


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Hehee, I just have to say ur comment is awesome.
Made me smile so much. ^^ ♥


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Dammit, not you Woo-jin! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Now I know how Baek feeled when she said she trusted Ji-Hoon lol. It's not that I had a blind trust in him, since I was suspecting everyone more or less (especially since it seemed obvious that someone from the police was involved), but I really thought that at this point, making him an obvious suspect would be too much of a stretch. We see him taking care of DC's family, genuinely apologizing to YG (genuinely as in "it didn't look fake", since there was no one else around), we know he cared about SH's education and we see him involved with their cases (staying with SH when she is in disguise as Mimi, arresting the baddies). He was even at the train station to stop SH from being hit. This better had an explanation, because how I see it, the writer involved WJ in all this just for the sake of it, for shock value. I would have bought it more if he had proven to be more passive in regards to the cases and that YG scene completely threw me off. Now all we need is a FB showing that it was WJ who shot YG and I'm done.

Will develop on the rest a bit later LOL.


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LOL! I was totally waiting for comment about Woo Jin.

All jokes aside, it really is a let down when a character you liked turns out to have a bad side to them.

I wish you well buticut!


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Sorry for not replying back to your comment from ep8, strained my elbow the following day...so couldn't wouldn't type with one hand, it was driving me crazy :P I always like reading your comments because you definitely have a knack for pointing out clues and making thought-provoking comments :)

I agree with you that WJ's turn for the worse in this episode was a bit out of the blue...although I always had an inkling that he wasn't what he seemed. I thought it was too convenient (and too early!) for him to be the baddie from the inside, so who knows...maybe this is just a red herring. But it always seemed a bit too damn convenient that he suddenly wanted to meet up with SH, after all these years, when SB was getting kidnapped...and there's gotta be more than just his involvement in this bigger conspiracy (I highly doubt this would all go down this way with just WJ).

I actually saw the "I'm sorry" to YK two-pronged...either he was sorry for going against DC (and ultimately getting him to resign from the police force)---or he was the one who took the shot. So, if the writer is gonna take it in the direction of the latter...maybe then WJ shouldn't have been as "active" in working the case as he has done, or then it would've been more believable, like you said.

Oh...and I have yet to watch ep10 yet, I'm hoping to get to it later tonight. Looking forward to your insight later on!


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Ugh no one can be trusted, okay, woo jin. & I beg you writer-nim, do not ever make DC a bad guy here, or even worse, a muderer. DC can you just tell SH the truth?! it probably would have been easier for both of you to uncover all the mysteries. Be brave, Ki Dong Chan!


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This was such a good episode. Like always. Can Dong-chan get any cuter? But then he doesn't TALK about IMPORTANT things! I wish he would so Soo-hyun doesn't hate him and they can be cute together after all of this is over. Because they WILL both survive, right? With Saet-byul!

I'm glad that Snake/Te-oh had a bigger role in this episode, and it makes since that his hyung's death would have something to do with all of this. I'm not willing to rule him out as a suspect (because EVERYONE is a suspect, except Soo-hyun) because he's just so damn shady. Like Ji-hoon. And Woo-jin now, apparently. I never liked him, but I thought that at least he was a good guy. I guess not.

How does all of this fit together, I wonder? The plot is so wonderfully crafted, and very convoluted at the same time. I may have to marathon the episodes just so I can fully understand everything we've been told or that's been hinted at. And, a little more of Dong-chan doesn't hurt either, just sayin'. :)

Thanks for the recap, Girlfriday!


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Thanks so much for the recap.

So true about everyone having something to hide. It's been so long since there's been a cop conspiracy I actually cared about.

Am wondering if Woo Jin did some nasty deed to Ji Hoon back in the day as well. Ji Hoon is definitely a scuzzy type of character and yet --in some weird way-- I think of him as trapped. But by whom? And by what?

I was sooooooooo happy to see No Min Woo. He always tries so hard to create his characters...and whether he overdoes it or underdoes it, he always makes me smile at his efforts.


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I agree with the idea of Jihoon being trapped. And everything is unraveling. He is becoming more emotional and looks very ready to burst.

I am sure that there is plenty of No Minwoo to come so feast your eyes!


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I totally LOLed at this:

"Maybe start with a serenade so that she wants to marry you too, and THEN tell her about the murder."

Yeah, because you can do no wrong when you're singing and strumming that guitar, Dong Chan. :D


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Am I the only one who's unable to give in to Dong Chan's many, many, MANY charms because of that little voice in my head that keeps reminding me of the little girl's hair pin he found in his pocket in the original timeline? The very same strawberry hair pin Saet-Byul was wearing the day she went missing?

Everytime he does something awesome, I remember that hair pin and my fear goes up a notch. An then I remember those drunken blackouts, and it goes from bad to worse. I don't actually think he's the kidnapper/killer, I just know we're in for a great deal of pain, and I'm already wincing in anticipation.


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I haven't watched Episode 9 yet but I'm reserving judgement on Dong-chan as well. It's not just the hairpin. Something about him doesn't pass the smell test for me just yet. His line of work, for example. In the original timeline, he enters Soo-hyun's apartment illegally because he thinks she owns money to his loan shark client, Saet-byul comes home and he uses her presence to frighten Soo-hyun into paying up. It's all a case of mistaken identity, of course ha ha, and he doesn't physically harm Saet-byul but the fact is he uses a vulnerable child for his own questionable ends. My drama Captain Awesomes never do stuff like that.


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Also Dong-chan is presented as a very ambiguous character with lots of shades of grey in the first two episodes. Re-watching these first two is pretty interesting because everything that is happening in Episodes 3-8 (still haven't watched Ep 9) is in reaction to what has happened in the pre kidnap/murder of Saet-byul. He's engaged in a fairly shady line of work, he has mysterious flashbacks to an eerie, and as yet unexplained, event, he has blackouts when he drinks, he's testified against his own brother (who may have been set up) in a high-profile murder trial. He uses a child to get her mother to pay back a loan by threatening the child with harm. He also tells Saet-byul that Soo-hyun owes him money because the first thing the kid says to her mother is,"if you borrow money, you should pay it back".

Episode 1 & 2 Dong-chan seems to be quite selfish. He takes care of himself but he has a mother and mentally handicapped nephew. We don't yet know exactly what has happened to make him and his mother estranged but still.... he seems to be doing absolutely nothing, even behind the scenes, to help them and they are obviously having a difficult time financially. When Young-gyu first appears waiting for his Grandma outside the apartment building, he's completely inadequately dressed. He's wearing summer sandals and a sock with a big hole in it and a light jacket and it's cold outside! Especially since we now know that Dong-chan might be the one responsible for putting him in this state to begin with but that's still not clear. He seems to have left Young-gyu completely in the care of his aged grandmother. Dong-chan hasn't, as far as I can tell, manned up to his responsibilities as a son and uncle at all. Even Rooftop Grandpa calls him on it.

I like Dong-chan as a character. He's interesting, ambiguous, complex, multi-facetted and the actor is very easy on the eyes. I'm reserving judgement on whether or not he's all that Awesome a Captain just yet.


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At this point, judging by how things are going, the blackouts are probably an entire red herring and the reason we never saw what happened during them was just so they can have a vehicle to use now and reveal everything. The pin is either because he crossed paths with the abductor or simply because someone (Woo-jin :( :( :( ) is trying to frame him - after all, he got rid of the evidences.


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That's actually what I've been thinking as well! What I'm worried about is how this will play out in this timeline, and how painfull it will be for us to watch him being framed, losing Soo-hyun's trust, and having his heart crushed in the process.

Maybe if I don't let myself care for him too much, it will be less crushing to watch?


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If you figure out the clue on how to not care, give me a call. Because I will be horrified to see my poor Dong Chan go through tragedy.


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...I didn't watch him sing. Does that help?


I completely missed that point. 0_0 Noooooo.

Dear Writer, if you make Dong Chan a bad guy in any way, you are going to live the rest of your life haunted.
By me.
And the rest of those who wish to join me.


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All I have to say is, Ki Dong Chan - you own me !!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3


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I think this is all a conspiracy theory and it goes all the way up to the President and his cabinet.

I think in order to gain votes and popularity they needed a big cause to fight for, the death penalty. I don't think the President himself is involved but i think his number 2 is behind it all.

Which is explains why Woo-Jin (high profile police chief) and Ji-Hoon (high profile public defender for human rights) are intertwined in this whole thing as well. Also explains why it is so hard to catch the tattoo man, the crime scenes/evidence is always scrubbed clean- probably by the police themselves.

The reason Min-ah knows the tattoo hand man is bc the tattoo man persuaded Min-ah to seduce Ji-hoon so that they would have something to threaten and control Ji-Hoon with, but because that wasn't enough they took his daughter- and ultimately (unintentionally/intentionally?) killed her. I think the President's #2 is trying to make Ji-Hoon start up another high profile case- Gangnam murders, so that they would gain the publics favor in order to gain more votes. From SH's flashbacks of how she fell in love with JH, we find out that Ji-Hoon used to be an avid advocate of the death penalty, however he is now a Human rights defender.. I think he switched sides bc after working on DH's case. JH became aware that the govt has so much power and seeing that it is possible for an 'innocent' man to be convicted.

Tattoo Man:
The tattoo man is just another red herring. DC was right and he was trained in the special forces. If the tattoo man was pure evil, he would have just killed DC and SH since he had the perfect chance to do so. But bc, he is only receiving orders, he's probably just doing what he is told. Although, he could be Te-Oh’s older brother..

Te-Oh's brother- Jae-Han:
"he no longer wants to be a shameful hyung to his little brother. He wants to get out of this hell, and “No matter how much they threaten me, I’m going to speak the truth.” It’s signed Yoon Jae-han"--- i think that the secret that Jae-han is hiding is :
1. Jae-Han is the killer but since he is a "Princeling"-which probably means someone important's son, his dad (someone important) framed DC's brother instead- since DC brother is mentally ill, he was an easy target
2. Jae-Han found out about the President's cabinet's plans and how they are killing innocent people "for the greater good"
3. Jae-Han got “brain washed” and his now a big supporter of this cause- since, he does not want Soo-jung’s death to go in vain, he is now the one leading the “cause” and doing this all for the greater good of Korea.

I think he's following orders from higher up. He smiled when he burned the evidence bc i think he believes that this is the best way for him to protect SH. The more SH knows the more she will be in danger. Woo-jin is probably aware that many innocent lives has been taken for this "cause".

The ring: JH <3 TH
I’m really...


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wanna know, who is JH and TH? im curious.


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The best part of this episode: Jo Seung Woo singing. Magic Castle brings back DB5K memories. When Saet Byul begged Mom to stay at Dong Chan's house, I thought Saet Byul was shipping her mom with Dong Chan, but as soon as she told Young Gyu she likes someone else, I realized she was shipping herself with Dong Chan. That is going to be awkward if Soo Hyun ends up with him.

It's interesting that Te Oh believes his brother is in hell. I doubt it's because suicide = hell, so Te Oh must know his brother did something bad before his death. All along I guessed the ring's initials stood for Ji Hoon, but the JH is more likely Jae Han. Besides Tae Oh's brother in that picture with Soo Jung, I want to know who the other two guys are.

All our killers/potential kidnappers are like cockroaches. They never seem to die, no matter how much you hit them with a car or throw them off a ledge. I refuse to believe the paramedics just let Dong Chan out of the ambulance without treating him.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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Well well,
Did anyone realise that the president and his crew had NO screen time? Looked a lil' odd to me - if you must ask...


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Just want to point out something - Soo Jung (Dong Chan's dead girlfriend) was the daughter of the cafe owner in episode 1.


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Hi Chingus!
First post in dramabeans ... thanks gf for your awesome fast review for GG!

I'm curious about something about the murder case of Dong-chan's girlfriend and Saet-byeol's ...

What are you thought if SB is murder because she discovery the real culprit of DC' girl?
And .... the mastermind is ... Snake's brother!
He's dead! Yes .... but Granpa knows he is the murder and is tryng to cover up his deeds! He frame DC's brother for the case .... in an attempt to rid his grandson!
And in his final life and guilty conscience decides to leave his inheritance to DC!

Anyone have this thought?

Sorry for my english ... i'm brazilian crazy fan of dramas!

Love you guys!


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i don't think there is any problem with your english, it's understandable, your theory might be possibly true, the killer could be Snake's older brother, i'm thinking the killer must be one of the three guys in the photo with soo jung...


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Aaahh~ I really like reading all the comments in here. :)

There's a lot of investigators here. Lol.
And i agree to only one thing: DC singing Magic Castle is really daebak. Awww~~ <3

I will really hate writer-nim if ever he made DC a bad guy. Please don't. Jebal. ^_^

Thanks for the recap GF!


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she is the most troublesome child ever!


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