God’s Gift – 14 Days: Episode 5

No, I did not kidnap dramallama or solabelly and lock them in a shed so that I could recap this episode. They’ll be back to continue recapping, provided I get my ransom at the trashcan drop by the Han River. Please be patient; it takes time to prepare that many unmarked bills and a paper bag.

Soo-hyun has the chance to change the future when the killer’s fate rests literally in her hands. Does saving her daughter mean becoming a killer herself? Well we know what Jang Hye-sung would have to say about that.


Song Ji-eun – “너에게 갈 수 있다면” (If I Could Go To You) for the OST [ Download ]

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The killer’s life hangs in the balance as he dangles from Soo-hyun’s outstretched hand over the ledge of the third floor in an open construction site. He begs for his life, but Soo-hyun remembers the words of the mystery café owner: “That fate ends when one of two disappears.”

She murmurs aloud that he has to die for her daughter to live, and does the unthinkable: she lets go.

The killer starts to fall. Dong-chan races to catch up from the floor beneath them. And just as the killer gets his foot caught in a rope on the way down, Dong-chan grabs the other end.

Dong-chan yanks him back up by the leg, and the killer scrambles over him once he’s safe. Of course, it only takes him about two seconds to then turn the tables and attack Dong-chan, because he’s evil.

He catches Dong-chan off-guard and strangles him halfway off the ledge, and that finally jolts Soo-hyun out of her daze and gets her running down to them. Dong-chan struggles to breathe, but manages to reach up to push the killer off of him.

Dong-chan pounces with fury, screaming that he just saved his life and this is what he repays him with. By now he’s actually angry, and when the cops finally reach them, Dong-chan is punching the daylights out of the killer and actually has to be dragged away, kicking and screaming.

Lead detective Woo-jin takes over and has the killer arrested. He tells Soo-hyun to go home and get some rest before coming to the station tomorrow to give her account. He thanks Dong-chan, who brushes it off like he’s being patronized.

Woo-jin asks him to see Soo-hyun home, using her name very familiarly like he’s always done. Dong-chan notes how weird it is and gets cutely protective: “Soo-hyunie? Aren’t you being a little inconsiderate, calling someone else’s wife by name?”

Then Dong-chan notices the killer staring Soo-hyun down, and steps in between them to block his view and be threatening right back.

Once the police clear out, Soo-hyun’s legs finally give out. She sits in a daze and asks, “You knew, didn’t you—that I would let go?” Dong-chan pretends not to know what she’s talking about.

She asks why he saved the killer, when it could’ve all ended there. But Dong-chan says that doesn’t give her the right to kill him—that’s for the courts and the law to decide. Dong-chan: “I can’t make you a killer, can I?” Wow, I didn’t think it was possible for you to be hotter, but there it is.

She worries that something will go wrong and the killer will be released, but he assures her that it’s all over now. My episode count says differently, but I’ll let you have your moment.

Tears spill out, and she finally lets herself believe it: “My baby is alive.” He smiles up at her and says she looks pretty damn cool right now, and she bursts into tears and leans on him as she sobs.

But the clock just continues to count down, and tells us that it’s now 12 days until the incident.

While waiting in the street for Dong-chan to pull the car around, Soo-hyun calls her husband Ji-hoon and asks to speak to Saet-byul. He’s exasperated that she’s been gone all day and night without a word, but she just pleads with him to let her hear Saet-byul’s voice.

So he rouses Saet-byul from sleep to answer the phone, and Soo-hyun apologizes for nagging her to study, and promises to let her go to Snake concerts and quit all her tutoring classes, and even cheat on tests. Ha.

But Saet-byul is already fast asleep, and Soo-hyun sighs, wishing she could hear her voice one more time. Dong-chan interrupts to tend to her bleeding neck, fussing over it until she complies.

He runs off in high spirits though, and then tells her the good news: the last victim made it through surgery and is still alive. He beams: “You and I—we changed fate!” She breathes a sigh of relief and repeats the words, “We changed fate…”

He runs back to the car with medicine for her scrapes, and tries to direct her as she applies it before getting so exasperated that he just does it himself. She looks at him intently as he gets really close to her, and he decides that she must be wowed by how handsome he looks up close.

She thanks him for helping her and asks what made him change his mind. But he just changes the subject and tells her she might want to go to the hospital tomorrow to get checked out, just in case.

That’s when she notices that he’s scraped up everywhere worse than she is, and starts tending to his cuts: “You’ll have scars all over your already ugly face!” He corrects her: his sexy face.

He looks adorably smitten when she blows on his bruised hand like a mom, and she deadpans that that makes him her bratty rebellious son. He’s still impressed by her badass fighting skills back there against the killer, and she just says matter-of-factly, “That’s what a mom is.” She says his mother would’ve done the same in that situation, which gives him pause.

Hubby Ji-hoon is waiting for her in the garage when she arrives with Dong-chan, and it makes for an awkward homecoming. She takes Ji-hoon inside, and Dong-chan lingers for a moment, wondering where on earth he’s seen that man before. He mutters that it’s not on TV—he just can’t place it.

Ji-hoon flips out to see her bruised and dressed like she’s been on a clubbing bender, and asks what’s going on. But she just hugs him and sighs that his embrace feels so warm.

She apologizes for everything she’s put him through, and promises that she won’t be running around like a crazy person anymore. He’s careful about bringing up her fear of Saet-byul dying, but she calls it a nightmare that she mistook for reality, and says it’s all over now. He hugs her back in relief.

Dong-chan has another of his recurring nightmares about a man dumping a body in the river, and wakes up in a cold sweat

Soo-hyun has a happy breakfast at home, and Saet-byul gasps when Mom lets her eat whatever she wants and agrees to take her to the Snake concert with her friend Yong-gyu.

She even says she’s going to quit her job so she can play with Saet-byul all the time now, and thinks to herself, “Thank you, God, for bringing Saet-byul back to me.”

Grandpa Byung-ho is basically living with Dong-chan now, and complains about all the heart-healthy foods Dong-chan keeps serving, insisting he’d prefer something for male stamina. Ew, halbae!

Dong-chan asks him to hand over the money now since he did a good deed, and begins to recount in detail how he caught a serial killer with nothing but his bare hands and ninja stealth skills.

Grandpa whaps him upside the head and calls him a liar. He agrees to believe it if Dong-chan can bring forward a witness as proof, and shows him the contract that says just that.

So Dong-chan goes straight to Soo-hyun’s house to pick up his spy gear, and says that he doesn’t plan to go down to the police station when it’ll be an open-and-shut case once they test the killer’s DNA.

He brings up Grandpa and asks if she’ll tell an old man that he’s a good person and talk him up like he saved the day. Soo-hyun guesses he’s trying to impress his girlfriend’s father or something, but insists, “No, I don’t have a girlfriend!”

She laughs and agrees to tell Grandpa the truth. Still, he harps, “I said, I don’t have a girlfriend!” Lol, she’s not even asking about that anymore. All I’m getting from this exchange is that he really really doesn’t want her to think he has a girlfriend.

They’re interrupted with bad news from the precinct though, and when they rush down there, Woo-jin tells them that they’ve found no trace evidence that ties the killer to the victims. The blood on his clothes doesn’t even match the last girl, and Soo-hyun realizes that it’s her blood from their struggle in the car.

Dong-chan remembers that the killer was wearing different clothes when they fought in the apartment earlier that night, but he still doesn’t understand how they didn’t find any of his DNA at the scene. Crap, this is looking bad.

The killer looks pleased with himself, not even sweating the interrogation, and in flashback we see why: he circled back to the apartment after Dong-chan ran after him, and wiped the place clean and changed his clothes.

Woo-jin sends his detectives back out into the field to find something, anything, that’ll tie him to the crime scene before they run out of time and have to release him. Dong-chan gets up in Woo-jin’s face to ask how he could mess this up when he handed him a killer on a silver platter, but he knows the same thing that Woo-jin does—without concrete evidence, their hands are tied.

Soo-hyun stops in the bathroom and gets peeved when a woman splashes water on her while fiddling with her ring, but it jogs a thought and she runs out to ask Dong-chan if it’ll count as evidence if they can find the victims’ belongings in the killer’s home. She remembers that the second victim had a ring that got caught on her sweater, but it wasn’t in the evidence photos after the crime. They decide to check it out.

Meanwhile, the killer gets food delivered to the interrogation room and pickpockets the deliveryman’s cell phone while no one is looking.

Saet-byul runs out when she sees Yong-gyu hanging around at the gate, and when he asks dejectedly if she has a new friend now, she takes out her extra special super ddak-ji that Dong-chan made for her and gives it to him as a present. Aw. He lights up and happily agrees to go to the Snake concert with her.

Ji-hoon is just about to leave the office early so he can go to the concert, when he gets an urgent call… from the killer. OH NOES. He’s not going to end up being the killer’s defense attorney, is he??

Dong-chan and Soo-hyun go digging around in the killer’s house, being careful to wear gloves as they search for murder trophies. As he digs underneath a drawer, Dong-chan finds a seemingly innocuous gold ring and a picture that alarms him: it’s his mother with his nephew Yong-gyu. He hides it from Soo-hyun, not knowing what to make of it yet.

They check the bathroom last, and then suddenly two cops come into the house answering a call that someone broke in. Dong-chan jumps into the tub with Soo-hyun and pulls the curtain shut, insisting that they can’t get caught like this. The officers come so close that there’s nothing but a wafer-thin shower curtain between them, and while they’re right there Soo-hyun accidentally knocks an hourglass off the shelf above her.

Dong-chan catches it like the ninja cat that he is, and they thankfully avoid being caught tampering with evidence. He sticks the hourglass back on the shelf as they get ready to leave, when Soo-hyun sees something shiny sticking out in the sand. Yahtzee.

Ji-hoon arrives at the police station and sure enough, he’s here to see the murder suspect who was detained without evidence and brutally beaten without cause. Well when you say it like that, it makes your wife sound like the bad guy. This is going to be terrrrrible, isn’t it?

He asks to see the client and immediately starts arguing with Woo-jin about beating up a suspect during interrogation. (It’s hard to wrap my head around the timelines, but they haven’t met yet. Right?) Woo-jin insists that the cops aren’t responsible for his injuries, but the killer swears they were the ones to beat him.

While sitting down with the killer, Ji-hoon answers a call from Saet-byul and apologizes for missing the Snake concert, and the killer looks way too keen on learning this tidbit about him. (And Saet-byul is a strange enough name that even if he didn’t know who Ji-hoon was before calling, which is already unlikely, that name should ring a bell.)

He’s about to force Woo-jin’s hand and get the suspect released, when Soo-hyun and Dong-chan rush in with two pieces of jewelry they found at the house. I’m confused about them needing to hide in the bathroom if they were going to present the evidence themselves anyway, but whatever. Details, shmetails.

That stops them from releasing the killer with seconds to spare, and Woo-jin takes the jewelry to have the victims’ family members identify it. That’s when Ji-hoon passes by in he hallway and screeches to a halt when he sees his wife standing there.

Soo-hyun is understandably at her wit’s end when she hears that he’s representing the killer she just risked her life to capture, and cries that Saet-byul will die if he goes free. He rails when she brings up that crazy idea again, but she doesn’t care if he believes her.

He tries to tell her that he’s not saying that the man is innocent—he just isn’t being treated fairly according to the letter of the law, and his job is to protect human rights. I know it’s totally reasonable when he says, “I’m just doing my job,” but I’m with Soo-hyun when she looks up at him like he just betrayed her.

Things go from bad to worse when the victims’ family members don’t recognize the jewelry. She pleads with them to look again, but no dice.

The order comes down from the top of the food chain, and Woo-jin is ordered to release the suspect. Soo-hyun looks at him smirking from the other side of the glass, and flashes of Saet-byul’s body at the lake and her funeral come flooding in, until she just goes blind with panic.

She looks down at the table where Woo-jin’s gun is sitting, just asking to be picked up. She waits for her moment and then before anyone can react, she grabs the gun and runs into the room and locks herself inside with the killer.

She disables the camera and stops the audio recording in the blink of an eye, and raises the gun in the killer’s face. He actually enjoys it, asking for details about how he kills her daughter, and promising to fulfill all her wishes by doing just that.

Soo-hyun tells him to confess because it’s all over—his last victim survived, and once she wakes up, she’ll put him away. But he just tells her to confess first about why she let go of his hand. In the end he refuses to say a word: “I have so much that I need to do once I get out of here.” Shudder. She shuts her eyes and screams at him to die, and pulls the trigger… but he gets up and pulls the gun in closer: “You have to disengage the safety first.”

She manages to get the gun back after losing it in the struggle, but Dong-chan rushes in and holds her back before she can shoot. He drags her outside, kicking and screaming. She pounds on his chest and cries that it’s his fault for saving that bastard and letting him live.

By the time they trudge back inside, Woo-jin is undoing the handcuffs to let the killer walk free. Soo-hyun loses it again and grabs him by the leg, refusing to let him go. She screams that he’s going to kill Saet-byul, and by now I’m more terrified that she’s giving him motive.

They have to peel her off of him and let him go, and then they get hit with yet another disaster when another detective rolls in to arrest Dong-chan for the third victim’s attempted murder. What. He gets hauled away, and Dong-chan just tells Soo-hyun to go protect her daughter first.

She runs home in a panic, and sighs in relief to hear that Saet-byul is studying in her room. But then the note on her door reminds her that she did the exact same thing in the past timeline when she went to the Snake concert without permission. The room is empty, just like before.

She rushes to her car, and trips and falls in her haste. She ends up dropping her keys underneath the car and has to reach for them, but something stops else her short. Blood?

We cut away to Saet-byul and Yong-gyu in line for the concert, and she goes to the bathroom alone where a man stops her on the way out. Eep.

Soo-hyun arrives at the venue and she and Yong-gyu scour the place looking for her. Panic mounts, but then they see Saet-byul approach, and oh phew, it’s Dad she ran into earlier. He just got there faster than Mom did.

Snake arrives to a crowd of fans, and Saet-byul wants to join them and give her oppa a birthday present. Soo-hyun refuses to let her go or see the concert at all, and when Saet-byul pitches a fit, Soo-hyun accidentally knocks Yong-gyu over, breaking his camera. Uh-oh, things are still happening the same way. She clocks the moment with recognition.

At the same time, the killer has decided on a different target altogether, and creeps up to a hospital bed. Ugh, I knew telling him that his last victim was still alive was a bad idea.

He opens the curtain… and out jumps Dong-chan. Hey, tricksy, when’d you have time to do that?

A flashback to Soo-hyun’s discovery under her car reveals more than just blood. She finds the bag with the knife and clothes that the killer stashed there in a hurry while being chased by Dong-chan, knowing that this way it wouldn’t be found in his neighborhood by the police.

Dong-chan smirks that he’s done for now, and then takes out the photo of Mom and Yong-gyu. He demands to know what the killer is doing with a picture of his mom, and the reaction is legitimate surprise: “Your mother?” But the cops break it up before Dong-chan can get any answers.

Dad lifts Saet-byul’s bad mood by reading her Hansel and Gretel, and she smiles to hear the happy ending at the end. Ever the human rights defender, Dad wonders if the witch was really a child murderer, because what if she wasn’t and was wrongly burned at the stake? You WOULD interpret it that way.

Woo-jin has enough evidence to hold the suspect this time, but the killer asks to speak to Soo-hyun. He says he was planning to take this secret to the grave, but she changed his mind and he wants to tell her what he knows. He’ll only tell Soo-hyun, and he adds that they’ll regret not hearing what he has to say.

She agrees to come down to the station to talk to the killer, and ignores Ji-hoon’s pleas for her to understand his side of things. To her, it was a simple betrayal, and she shuts him out. When she leaves the jewelry they found in the killer’s home sitting out, Ji-hoon looks at it curiously.

When Soo-hyun gets to the station, Woo-jin tells her that she can talk to the killer once he’s back from the crime scene reenactment. He’s being transported as they speak, and Dong-chan is following in his own car, intent on keeping a hairy eyeball on the guy. Good, because I don’t trust the police to get him back like they promised.

Sure enough, the police van turns down a windy country road, and suddenly a truck pulls out of nowhere and slams into it. The van goes tumbling down a hill, and Dong-chan runs down to help everyone out of the car.

In the chaos, he doesn’t see that the killer has gotten out on the other side. Before he even thinks to look up, Dong-chan gets whacked on the back of the head.

I don’t know how, but it’s not enough to put him down. Despite bleeding from his head, Dong-chan gets up and chases the killer on foot. Go, go, go!

At the station, Woo-jin gets a call that makes him yelp. And then Soo-hyun’s phone rings just seconds later. It’s Dong-chan: “He’s dead.”

He drops a bloody baseball bat, and it lands on the ground with a clack… beside the killer lying there, in a pool of blood. Holy crap.

Soo-hyun picks up her wallet that the cops just returned to her. She pulls out the photo of her and Saet-byul from the mystery café. There’s still no Saet-byul.

Woo-jin comes over and adds even more bad news—the third victim just died at the hospital.


Ohgod, they haven’t changed fate at all, have they? What a great triple-twist episode. It actually started to feel like a rake gag when they lost the killer for the zillionth time in the car crash, but him ending up dead is a fantastic twist. Now there’s no doubt and we’ve cleared him from the roster; he’s a killer, but he’s not our killer. And worse yet… Dong-chan has now killed somebody.

It’s really starting to scare me that the case seems to be building for Dong-chan to have a dark side, which terrifies me because I love him. It’s entirely due to Jo Seung-woo, of course, who is nothing short of amazing. I can’t rave enough about what he’s doing in this drama, from smarmy to gleeful to righteous to dangerous loose cannon, all with such believable nuance. He makes my day, Ki Dong-chan. I even love the name—a pun on “awesome”—because I believe that he’d name himself Captain Awesome if he could.

But he’s got a violent streak and blackouts that we can’t ignore, right? I refuse to think badly of him until someone puts a gun to my head with irrefutable evidence, but what I love about this drama is that no one is safe from suspicion. It’s a good kind of unsettling, as far as storytelling goes, because the second you get attached to someone and feel like there might be a bunch of good guys on the same side, we get the reminder that no one’s in the clear except for Mom. She’s our only good guy.

I trust Dong-chan because he had the presence of mind to keep Soo-hyun from becoming a killer. That to me says enough about his character. But I admit to gasping aloud when he dropped the bloody baseball bat. Because killer or no, I’m not sure he was asking to be bludgeoned to death with a bat. Did he tell Dong-chan the secret he was going to tell Soo-hyun? Does it have something to do with Dong-chan’s family, or the murders his hyung is in jail for? And ack, does that bring us back to the possibility that Dong-chan didn’t somehow accidentally brain him with a bat while trying to do the right thing? Say it ain’t so.

I love the way Ji-hoon is being used in this new timeline as well. You don’t think there could be a downside to marrying a human rights lawyer. But as it turns out, when you’re trying to put a killer away, he becomes a new adversary. What’s great about it is that he’s technically in the right, and I totally buy that he’s the idealistic sort of man who believes in what he does. It makes the conflict so rich because Soo-hyun doesn’t give a crap about ethics when her daughter’s life is on the line, and it puts them in opposite corners. It’s a much more interesting way to explore the rift between them, rather than just having them fight over her disappearing all the time for her crazed mission. For that alone, it might’ve been nice to have this killer around a little longer.

Yunno, ’cause it’s not like the show’s about to let us off the pins and needles anytime soon. Might as well embrace the anguish and go for broke.


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I honestly wasn't looking forward to this drama very much... But it's SO GOOD. I feel like it's dragging me up and down over and over again and yanking my feels everywhere. >.<


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May i ask a quite unrelated question? How many episodes does this drama have?


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16 episodes


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Some sources say 16 some 24.


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a naver search says 16 episodes, but i wouldn't mind if it was longer!


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I thought it was 20...


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I agree. I wasn't expecting to be so enamoured either.

One thing I can't understand: why is everyone telling a suspected murderer who their female relatives are?


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I know right. It's like, hellooooo?? A man named Danger is staring right at your face!


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Lee Bo Young is so pretty. Even with the bloody and bruised face. O.o

And she's a pretty good actress too. Too perfff!!


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Did anyone else notice how snake and the murderer did the same three finger salute thing? When the murderer was being released and snake came out from the car!


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Yes! I saw it too.

This show is amazing at giving clues, I wish I had the time to analize all of them!


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About the three fingers: I just noticed that!
On Viki: 46:09 is when the killer does it and 47:41 is when they show Snake doing it. Interesting!

originally posted this under the wrong comment.


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The three-finger salute by both the killer and Snake worries me too. And I don't know if the recappers noted this before or not, but the person acting Snake is Noh Min Woo from Full House 2. I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't have had such an important actor, at least more important than an extra, playing Snake if the character is insignificant to the plot.... right? Wrong, thinking too much in depth?


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I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who wanted the killer to tell Lee Bo Young the secret before he died. Now we have to wait for the ending episodes to find out what he wanted to tell her. Chincha!


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Yeah I want to know what this secret is! If it really was a secret at all and not him setting the escape plan into motion.


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The thing that stuck out to me is that Woo-jin got the information that the killer was dead immediately before Dong-Chan called Soo-hyun. WHO exactly told Woo-jin? The other officers were down. Is he involved in the set-up accident somehow?
And the shot of Dong-chan looking at the killer with the bat was all fuzzy. He did get bludgeoned in the head and was pretty far behind our can't-be-killed by anything-not-even-getting-hit-by-a-car killer. How could he have caught up unless something happened to slow him down? How could he have had enough strength in that state to beat him to death? And the bat came from nowhere to, Dong-chan didn't just have a bat on hand.
My mental wheels were turning like mad at the end of the episode! It seems like tons of red herrings being set up as usual.

Any thoughts everyone?


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Also I've never actively shipped a couple in a thriller like this. I honestly can't help it. I ship Dong-chan and Soo-hyun like mad, no shame, no regrets. I love how the show doesn't detract from the central premise for romance but the partnership and camaraderie is so strong and worked in seamlessly that you can't help but love them together. Platonic or otherwise. That's how you do it other shows, take note. You don't have to sacrifice one for the other!


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haha, i'll be honest and say i was one of those people who said they'd still be satisfied even if there was no romance but the show is seriously making me rethink that statement. Sure, I will still love this show like i do now even without the romance, but the chemistry and cuteness is beyond just two characters teaming up to rescue the daughter from murder..
I'm not actively shipping them yet, not until mom is divorced, because she is still a married woman and gotta give respect to that, even if im still finding the husband be shady.

Totally agree with your comment about them working in this partnership quite seamlessly into the plot. There's equal parts heart and thrillers in this show, with a dash of humor, which is why i am immensely enjoying this show.


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Completely agree! Totally think this is just the show's editing messing with us! DC probably arrived too late and saw that the killer was already dead. Most likely killed by the same people who set up the truck, as a way to silence him from telling SH what he knows!

Also, I'm totally shipping DCxSH also, platonic or otherwise! The chemistry is too amazing!

And right now, my bets are on SH's husband.

As for the rings from the killers apartments, were they brought home by SH (which would be odd) or were they actually switched out by her husband since it's strange that none of the relatives could identify the jewelry as belonging to their loved ones. I thought SH found them in her husband's coat jacket when she was hanging it?


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I agree with you about Soo hyun's husband. There's something fishy about him. It could be just the writers trying to throw us off, but I just don't trust him.


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Yeah! I bet the husband has some dirty business going on with the killer, it might be for revenge that the child is kidnapped and murdered.
Soo Hyun should ask her husband first. When SB died, he called her to say that he knew who was the killer, ...what a pity she doesn't remember!

And one question...what happened with that pen that SH used to stab the first killer?? No one remembers anymore?


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About the three fingers: I just noticed that!
On Viki: 46:09 is when the killer does it and 47:41 is when they show Snake doing it. Interesting!


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I think the call that woo jin got was regarding the death of the third victim and not the killer.


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On Viki, at around 1:03:45 Soo Hyeon tells Woo Jin that Cha Bong Su died and Woo Jin confirms it stating that he just got the call telling him that Cha Bong Su died instantly at the scene.

After confirming his death Woo Jin then tells Soo Hyeon about Mimi dying.


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I did not quite get that bat-in-hand scene, but thinking back, we did not actually see exactly WHO beat the killer with the bat, and the bat just magically appearing seems a bit odd, as Dong-Chang was definitely not carrying one before.


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I think if you see it again, Woo Jin got the call first about Mimi then heard about Killer on his way to SY.


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Why do I have a feeling that Ji-hoon has something to do with the murders???


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He is definitely hiding something. Right from the very beginning I couldn't trust him completely. Something shady about him. And even with all the shady stuff Dong chan is into, I am involuntarily rooting for him.I would be pissed if it turns out that he has something to do with Saet Byul's killer.


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the dream that dong chan keeps getting (that of a man carrying a women's body).......i have a feeling that , that man is ji hoon.....


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I can't agree more. It's just a hunch, but I am starting to think Ji Hoon is that guy, especially because I refuse to believe KDC to have something to do with that.

As far as realism goes, such a guy as Ji Hoon, who seems so idealistic - shouldn't he have a past that actually made him like this? I'm thinking he is hiding a huge secret for someone who has evidence of him.

Because I sure as hell can't believe a dad would even try to protect a guy who is going to kill his daughter, even if he thinks its just his wife's nightmare. He wouldn't act...but actually setting him free is fueling my suspicion.


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How did the killer know the lawyers phone number?

Back near the beginning, Dong-Chang sees the husband and is sure that he has seen him before but cannot recall where.. perhaps on one of his previous life divorce/blackmail things? Or as a customer of that PI outfit?

Even with a couple of almost fatherly gestures, I am still thinking that hubby is pretty suspicious. Perhaps that is what the killer wanted to tell SH?


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given the clever (tricksy!) editing of the show, i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't the husband the killer called. murderer or not, he'd be rightfully entitled to a lawyer/a phone call to obtain one.

i think whomever he called, it wasn't a lawyer, but someone who could help him out in his situation, who then made the right moves to send ji-hoon there.


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about Ji-Hoon "What’s great about it is that he’s technically in the right, and I totally buy that he’s the idealistic sort of man who believes in what he does. It makes the conflict so rich because Soo-hyun doesn’t give a crap about ethics when her daughter’s life is on the line, and it puts them in opposite corners." and people being suspicious of him...

I think he's not that white, for sure, because wasn't he on hiw way to kill his someone, his daughter's murderer ?, while Mom was drowning herself?
Though I understand the situation making no sense whatsoever for him in the present time line. And trying to abide by the law even when he suspects the guy's not innocent.

I think he does have something to do with Dong Chan's brother's murder case, but I don't get the feeling that it was him... yet?
And what's with the ring or the earing he recognized anyway? ...

I really like the show so far!
Thanks for the recaps!


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Well, one of the ring's initials was JH.


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Thanks for the recap!

That truck is wayyy too convenient. In keeping with the government conspiracy aspect, it's entirely possible that that truck slam was planned, either to help the killer escape--or to give them an opportunity to kill him once it seems he's about to reveal his secret after so long.


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I am not convinced at all about any government conspiracy. Perhaps one or two individuals within the police department with a past to keep covered up.


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Thanks for the recap Girlfriday! So glad you are jumping on the bandwagon also!!!

I absolutely love KDC and JSW's portrayal! So amazing!!!!

Here's hoping DC didn't actually kill the killer with the bat! The show is way too good at editing scenes, plus he was too injured and where would he get the bat from?? I think he happened on the crime scene after the killer was silenced...


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In addition I share the same sentiments towards Jo seung woo as you do. I started this drama for lee bo young and as always her performance is commendable, heartbreaking yet nuanced enough that it doesn't feel overbearing. However I've fallen in love with ki dong chan and his enigmatic yet lovable character. Jo seung woo is amazing and I'm so glad both the leads get an equal amount of screen time. I really hope the writers can do justice to both story lines. I'm literally on the edge for for today's episode.


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So with you Anon. You pulled the words right out of my mouth. Jo Seung Woo + Lee Bo Young together is magic. Two very talented actors both putting in riveting performances (not to mention very tangible chemistry) = enjoyable watch.

Just wanted to include two of my favorite lines from him in this episode:

"I can't make you a killer, can i?" -- Oddly swooned.
"You look pretty damn cool right now" -- Double swoon.

His character really gives off a certain warmth that soo-hyun needs in this kind of situation, even if it's sometimes masked underneath words like "im handsome, right?" or when he tries to change the subject whenever soo-hyun wants to thank him. To a random passerby he may come off as arrogant, but you can see how humble and awesome he is through his actions..


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This is a long post. Bear with me or feel free to skip ahead :-)

1.I really want to know where Dong Chan has seen Soo Hyeon husband. He clearly stated that it wasn’t on TV so they have to have met somewhere.

2.When Soo Hyeon’s husband asks her if she still feels like Saet Byul will die, I feel ask if he ask her hesitantly. Did anyone else feel like something was off? As if he’s checking to ensure that she won’t be playing Sherlock not because he cares but because he doesn’t want her to discover something?

3.I wonder who is linked to the murder that Dong Chan keeps dreaming of. Could it be Soo Hyeon’s husband (is he linked in some sort of way? This would explain why Dong Chan finds him familiar)? Could it be Dong Chan (as the killer; repressed memory).

4.I wonder why the camera zoomed in on the cctv in Saet Byul’s room. What does the writer want us to see? I recall Dong Chan removing the cctv that him and his crew had put in, does that mean that someone else in the house had installed a cctv? Could it be the father…. Or could it be Soo Hyeon herself (assuming that my theory of her being continuously sent to the past until fate is changed is correct….this would explain why the paper in Saet Byul’s notebook was ripped and why the lock on Saet Byul’s box was broken)

5. Anyone else curious about what's on the ultimate ddak-ji paper that Saet Byul gives to Young-Gyu. What piece of the puzzle will that ddak-ji play?

6. Is anyone else wondering what that three fingered salute the killer did means (he did it to Soo Hyeon while leaving the police station the first time)? Does it mean that he is going to kill his 3rd victim?

7. Hmmmm, why does the killer have a picture of Young Gyu and his grandmother. Why does the killer seem overly surprised when Dong Chan said that it was his mother who was in the picture. The surprise was more than just “Oh that’s your mom!” surprise… there seemed to be something else there…

8.Out of all fairy tales why does the dad choose Hansel and Gretel such a morbidly creepy fairy tale to read to a child at night (the two main characters in the fairy tale get threatened to be eaten by a cannibalistic witch who lives in a tasty edible gingerbread house)…..how creepy. Why didn’t he read her something like Cinderella? A lot of happenings seem symbolic in this drama, with that being said, could the writer be telling us something? Is Saet Byul’s killer a female who seems innocent on the outside (old lady; gingerbread house) but whose evil on the inside (kills children by fattening them up and then putting them in the oven to bake…). I also find it interesting that the dad uses this fairy tale to explain his line of work (he states that the witch is innocent until proven guilty etc.) Each time the camera veers onto the father’s face I get the creepiest vibes….did anyone else get an odd feeling?

9.Did anyone else notice how the camera pans over the sketch of the wanted killer? I found it noticeable because...


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9.Did anyone else notice how the camera pans over the sketch of the wanted killer? I found it noticeable because it brought me back a couple episodes where the kidnapper clearly states that the sketch of him is incorrect…. I hope just like I remembered this, Soo Hyeon remembers also.

10.The Gangnam killer is supposedly dead and we are led to believe that he died as a result of Dong Chan hitting his head with a bat. Questions: where did Dong Chan find that bat? If he is indeed the killer of the killer, why would have have killed the killerr? Why not malign him, break his leg, break his arms…why kill him? Did the killer provoke Dong Chan? Was he going to reveal some secret about Dong Chan’s past to Soo Hyeon and Dong Chan in a fit of rage kills him to protect his secret? How did Dong Chan even catch up to the killer who was so far ahead of him? How did he had the strength to kill him after having been knocked in the head? Also, what happened to the man who was supposedly calling for help…where did he disappear to? Why did he drive in front of the police car the way he did (very similar to the way the killer in I Hear Your Voice did). Also, Woo Jin gets the call first and states to Soo Hyeon that the killer died instantly at the crash scene; however, we viewers know that the report given is false. We clearly see Dong Chan hovering over the listless body of the killer a far ways from the crash scene. Something is fishy here. Did Dong Chan call and lie? Why did Dong Chan not have the heart to make Soo Hyeon a killer but he has a heart to make himself one. Doesn’t this give Dong Chan a darker side? This brings me back to his blackouts (GirlFriday mentioned this too). I wonder what’s going on here.

11.Is anyone else wondering about the ring and earring that was found in the sand timer? Who do they belong to? Why does the writer want us to believe that Soo Hyeon’s husband recognizes them? The ring is clearly not the ring that the 2nd murder victim wore hers had a design while this one seems to just be a plain circular ring.

12.Lastly, Mimi dies and Soo Hyeon still sees that Saet Byul is missing from the picture. At the end of the episode Soo Hyeon and the shop where she took the picture at both gray out. This could be as a result of the directors editing or it could also be symbolic. Does this mean that just like the shop disappeared Soo Hyeon will also disappear this time?


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Whoa thanks for all those questions. I'm actually even more intrigued over whats in store next. Unfortunately I have no answers but your thoughts were enough to provoke my own. I was actually forced to reconsider my own theories after reading ur post haha


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I forgot to mention: Fate is changing. I don't recall the officers getting hurt in the first go-around and yet they did here in the second go-around (police vehicle flips and falls down slope). Also, I don't recall the killer being killed the first time either....Fate is changing, but so far it seems like it's changing for the worst since new lives are getting hurt this time.


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nice questions. you've made some observations that i didn't think about or catch onto either..


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i refuse to think that saetbyul's daddy has something with this whole situation TBH.

i also refuse to think how the writer/pd/camera gave us the look on jihoon's face when he saw the rings.

but, do you guys remember how the culprit looked shock when jihoon talked with saetbyul on the phone? the culprit looked like he didn't know about the family. about who's saetbyul's dad. the scene gives me hope for saetbyul's dad. i hope he doesn't do anything bad.

for dongchan, i bet he's the nice one. he's the protagonist.

ah, and i refuse to think that woojin has something too with it.


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All very good questions that I have been pondering myself - I even watched this episode again (something I very rarely do) - to see if I had missed something.

#1, 5, 10, and 11 I think are the biggest questions and/or clues. One of the victims said that they did not know anyone with the initials XX and YY - so who are they, and will anyone follow up on that?


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Hi Sunny,

Those were some very thought provoking questions! Here is my take on some of those:

1. I'm also very curious to know where DC has seen HJH because it's obviously going to be very important since he has brought it up twice now

2. I also got that feeling when HJH asked SH that question, but then again, he just gives me the creeps sometimes...

3. Please don't be DC!

4. I was thinking that the cctv that remained in SB's room was one that DC just didn't get a chance to remove since he was first busy trying to convince SH to talk to gramps and then later was interrupted by the call from the police department. I think the fact that the show decided to focus on that cctv tells us that it will be of importance and might record an important hint later in the future.

5. Hmmm interesting, didn't think about the Dakkji paper being important but know that you mention it...

6. About the number three I have no clue, I thought it had to do with death but that's the number 4...

7. When DC asked the killer why he has a picture of his mom, the killer was way too shocked, making me think that he himself is related to mom or YG...

8. Once again, HJH just being creepy with the fairytale selection. Probably some kind of hint but don't know what it is

10. Right now I'm sticking with, the killer was silenced by whoever sent the truck to stop the police transport vehicle. DC probably just showed up too late to stop it and now we won't know what the killer had to tell SH! -_-

11. I said this in an earlier comment but it really looked like the jewelry was found in HJH's coat jacket or something. Why would evidence be allowed to be taken home from SH? I just think HJH switched out the jewelry that's why none of the family members could identify them. Did I watch that scene wrong?


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Thanks to you all those who have responded thus far,

#4. That's true it could be a second one that was installed by the team, however, I think I will go back and re-watch the episode where they installed them just to double check.

#10. I didn't think of that scenario at all. This plot gets thicker and thicker.

#11. Good catch. I also wonder why she had 'evidence' with her at her house. I actually had thought that it was her coat but now that you mention it, it could be the husbands. Why would he have it though? hmmm....


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#10 This point is quite complicated, because if the truck "accident" was related to what the killer was ready to tell Soo-hyun, there weren't too many people who knew that he wanted to talk to her - only Woo-jin and maybe a few other people from the police. If I am not mistaken, hubby did hear her talking on the phone, but didn't quite know where she was headed to.

Or maybe whoever set this up did it fearing that he might say something important, without actually knowing that he was ready to do it? He knew too much and needed to be silenced at any cost. End of story. He could have told her either something in regards to Dong-Chan, either to Ji-Hoon or either in regards to someone entirely different, like Snake. My gut tells me that more than anything, that confession was in regards to the former one.


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hi sunny, for #7, i remember the killer is younggyu's teacher and he's actually very caring to him.. don't know why, but i've a feeling that they are not his target..


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This is true, however, I still wonder why he had that picture. It's not like the picture was placed in a frame it was hidden in an inconspicuous place. Why would he hide a picture like that? Why do people hide pictures in general? Isn't it because they have something they want to repress/deny or keep away from seeing eyes?


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I agree. He hid it for a reason and I'm thinking he might be related to Hot Chan...erm Dong Chan.


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Hi Sunny. You have many great questions but I'm going to try and answer number 8. As we all know nothing is done/said in this drama without a specific purpose. I believe that Ji-hoon chose to read Hansel and Gretel in order to 1. teach his daughter that a person is innocent until proven guilty (even when the evidence seems overwhelming) 2. a person is entitled to the benefit of the doubt (which is probably the same as point 1 lol). Also, the writer(s) are making a point: just because the witch's house is full of the bones of dead children, and all evidence points to her guilt, doesn't mean that she killed those children. The writer(s) is challenging the audience. There are a few people who suspect that Ji-hoon is the kidnapper because he gives off creepy vibes. Likewise, people suspect Dong-chan because he has a violent streak and experiences blackouts when he drinks. However, does this mean that they're the guilty ones? Even when all 'evidence' seems to point to their guilt?

Thanks again for bringing up such interesting questions!


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ooooo Daebak! I didn't think of it that way. Very very true.
Your points are proven in that the Gangnam killer was not who a few of us theorist thought. The teacher being the killer came out of the blue for me.

I'll keep your observations in mind.


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My money is on THE HUSBAND.n dong chan is freaking AWESOME ?


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Isn't it interesting how Lee Boyoung's characters in both "I Hear Your Voice" and "God's Gift" have significant others who defend the murderers of their loved ones because of their dedication to their line of work? In IHYV it was Lawyer Cha and now it's her husband...


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If I remember correctly there was somebody at the accident that DC told to go get help right? Was that the truck driver? What if he went up and got a bat that was inside the truck already. Also I might be reading to much in to it but when the killer is being transported in the car at the end it seems like the cop (the one that is not driving) gives him a signal. He touches the side of his nose and the camera shows the killer looking determined, prepared and the thriller music plays.


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And, thanks girlfriday! I wasn't expecting the recap to be up so quickly, but thank goodness it was - I needed someplace to process my confused thoughts about this episode.

Speaking of, more to follow. (You didn't honestly think that I, the serial rambler, could limit myself to 3000 characters?)


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This show always knows how to give us good cliffhangers.
I never finish an episode with "that's it?"
I get goosebumps all over once the episode ends.


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Here's the promised monster of a comment, muahahaha.

Goodness, I still haven't quite got my breath back yet. That was one heck of an episode: some lovely quiet moments to begin with, but boy did it end with a bang. This drama just keeps getting better and better.

Firstly, I'm glad that my earlier character assessment of Ji-hoon was vindicated. He is definitely the 'logic is king' type, but it's interesting how girlfriday noted that there's some idealism in the mix too. I found his take on 'Hansel and Gretel' rather charming, as well as slightly sad. It seemed as if he were trying to convince Saet-byul, and thus Soo-hyun by proxy, that he'd done the right thing. I love this conflict of ideals between the spouses, as I can completely understand both points of view. Soo-hyun is pure pragmatism and justifiably so, considering that her daughter's life on the line. On the other hand, Ji-hoon is an idealist through and through - even when he admitted that he believed that Cha Bong-sub was probably guilty, he stood by his principles. (Of course, we cannot tell what would happen if Soo-hyun were to convince him of Saet-byul's fate. I was very annoyed with her when she shut him down completely after he asked to talk. I understood why, but come on! Communicate!) Meanwhile, Dong-chan lands right in the middle as a shade of grey: he has belief in the legal system, but isn't above a few fisticuffs... and goodness knows what else.

What on earth happened at the end?! I refuse to believe that Dong-chan was the culprit. He may well have a darker side, but cold-blooded murder is not within his purview. That baseball bat could not have come out of nowhere, and my money is on the suspicious, conveniently behatted, truck-driver. Now he *did* come out of nowhere, timing his actions perfectly so as to cause the accident. I'm guessing that his motive was to keep Bong-sub from spilling whatever secret he was going to confide in Soo-hyun. So that points the finger at someone connected to the police: how else would they have known that the police van was going to be passing by in the first place? I still don't like the look of Ho-kook, so I'll be keeping my eye on him.

Furthermore, I noticed that Bong-sub was lying on his back - therefore he must have been facing Dong-chan when he fell. However, his wound seemed to have been located at the back of his head, so Dong-chan couldn't have been the assailant. Dong-chan was also holding the phone in his right hand, whilst the bat seemed to have been dropped from the hidden assailant's right hand - landing on Bong-sub's left. This is all pure speculation; seeing as we didn't even get a full shot of Dong-chan and Bong-sub, their respective positions are still murky. And on top of everything else, is Bong-sub actually dead? I'm staying on the fence until the death certificate comes in.

Ji-hoon, despite my soft spot for him, seems to be coming under suspicion. As much as it pains me, the...


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As much as it pains me, the silhouette in Dong-chan's dream does look awfully like him. I had considered that he might have been involved - in a legal capacity - in the case of Dong-chan's brother, but I dismissed it. It seemed too unlikely that Dong-chan would have forgotten the face of someone so important; besides, the case only took place a year ago. I desperately want Ji-hoon to be innocent, so he can continue playing happy families after everything has been resolved.

Speaking of, that brief respite of happiness was wonderfully sweet. Not only the shenanigans around the breakfast table, but all the hugging and consoling and joking was lovely. I am still rooting for the married couple to pull through, but I have to admit that the quiet scenes between Dong-chan and Soo-hyun were all quite touching. Whether they were each fussing over the other in the car; or resolving each other's worries; or protecting each other in their own way - they seemed terribly compatible. I want them to be best friends after this (so Soo-hyun can dump that questionable Mina), but I can see why shippers are turning up. At this point, it seems that it's still strictly platonic for Soo-hyun, whilst Dong-chan was rather excessively insistent that he was single.

But you can clearly see why Dong-chan would fall for her. Soo-hyun is awesome in both senses of the word. I continue to love how active she is in this investigation: she's the one who remembers the ring and finds the evidence. She does everything I've wanted a heroine to do. Even when she's hysterical in her desperation, she doesn't just take things lying down. Legalities be damned - she'll threaten that criminal at gunpoint; or latch onto him, kicking and screaming. Did I mention that I adore her?

Now for Cha Bong-sub. Creepy as anything, that evil bastard. I am so impressed that the drama made him more than a simple red herring: everything is getting curiouser and curiouser. I didn't notice the three-fingered salute was the same as Snake's, nice catch Anon. I think he did it to Soo-hyun to frighten her, by showing that he knew that her daughter was a fan - or even that he knew where she would be. After all, he overheard Ji-hoon talking to Saet-byul over the phone. And you could see that Soo-hyun's panic spiked after Bong-sub did it, so I guess it worked.

But how did Bong-sub know Ji-hoon's phone number? Initially, I was worried that the two of them were in cahoots - and thank goodness those worries were quickly dispelled. It might be possible that Ji-hoon just came up as the first lawyer Bong-sub looked up, since he is a prominent figure in his field. On the other hand, I'm not dismissing anything as coincidence. It gives me the shudders to consider that he might have known of Ji-hoon's relationship to Soo-hyun.

Meanwhile, Bong-sub is definitely connected to Dong-chan in some way. I agree that he was definitely shocked when Dong-chan identified his mother in the picture...


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I agree that he was definitely shocked when Dong-chan identified his mother in the picture. Would it be too much of a twist if they turned out to be related? And the fact that Young-gyu was in the picture means that Bong-sub must have intentionally chosen to work at his school, ugh. It is odd how the photo was only of Yong-gyu and his grandmother: does that mean that it was taken after Dong-chan's brother was incarcerated? If so, the three must have been in contact with each other up to quite recently. That makes it strange that Bong-sub would not recognise Dong-chan, and vice versa.

Seeing how a ring was hidden with the picture, I speculate that the two must be connected in some way. Perhaps Bong-sub was married, and Yong-gyu was his child - who was given up for adoption. That makes Mimi the mother, which suggests that the motives behind the murders of the other women were connected in some way. And Woo-jin did comment that Bong-sub must have a pitiful life, what with his reasons for killing.

Heck, maybe Dong-chan and his brother were adopted as well. Dong-chan could have become an impromptu part of the family after saving Young-gyu from that hostage situation on the rooftop; whilst his 'brother' and Young-gyu could have been adopted from an orphanage for the mentally ill.

As for the jewellery in the hourglass - skull top lady's family didn't recognise them. The ring at least was clearly not hers - she was wearing two: the one which was caught on her coat was much bigger than the one found, whilst the other was a simple silver band. So where are they? Did Bong-sub really take them as trophies? And more chillingly, the discovery of unattributable jewellery makes us wonder if there are other victims lying dead out there.

However, that does not seem to fit with Bong-sub's modus operandi - which I discussed in a previous comment. In that case, they might very well belong to his hypothetical wife, although that raises the question why they weren't in the drawer with the other suspicious items. (Maybe their hiding place symbolises how Bong-sub wants to turn back time to a happier point in his life?) Alternatively, the initials engraved on the ring might provide us with a clue: 'J.H.' and 'T.H.'. Mimi was checked into hospital under the name Lee Jin-seon - unless that's a cover identity - but the jewellery may be connected to Ji-hoon. That might explain his reaction to them, when he saw them atop Soo-hyun's dressing table. It would also handily account for why Bong-sub called him as a lawyer.

By the way, I had to do a double take when Soo-hyun addressed one of the men as the victim's son. I'm not sure if it was skull top lady's son - she looked much too young to have a child that age - so perhaps his mother was the first victim. Anyhow, it may have just been me, but wasn't that Kwak Jung-wook? If so, he'll presumably be playing a bigger part in the plot as it develops.

Wild speculation is always fun, but...


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Wild speculation is always fun, but you just can't discount anything with this show. It's so fantastically plotted, and places before the audience so many different possibilities that fingers are pointing every which way. I cannot wait for the next episode. Rock and roll, baby!

P.S. That nanny is the worst babysitter in the world.


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I totally missed the fun, the subtitles were ready during my sleeping hours LOL. I should learn Korean some day

I know, right? There hasn’t been a show like this in quite a while – where each and every episode is a cliffhanger. I think that if I would have the chance to see all episodes, I would finish them in two days, just because of the anguish LOL.

Ji-hoon is quite an interesting character. As I explained below, I get his conflict – he’s torn between doing what’s MORALLY right and what’s LEGALLY right. He knows he is helping put a possible criminal back on the streets, but he can’t help but defend his legal rights. Law doesn't punish all of the world's irregularities. It’s going to be so messy when he’ll go against his own rules to punish his daughter’s kidnapper, just because things got personal.

I wonder if the Hansel and Gretel tale also foreshadows Saet-byul’s kidnap – maybe everybody will assume she was brought to the “gingerbread house” to be eaten (killed), but what if?

I have a wild theory about the ending of the episode, but I wouldn’t hold too much onto it, especially since every time I suspect Dong-Chan of something, the show pretty much gives me a slap in the face for distrusting him LOL.

It’s not that unlikely for Dong-Chan to forget what he saw – if he is in his late 20s (although 30s would be more plausible), he was young when that happened and it’s possible that the memories are blurred.
As for the three fingers, I think Soo-hyun thought he was showing her the number 3 as in her daughter will be the third victim (Mimi was not dead already). And the phone number…hmmm…maybe he googled human rights lawyers? He didn’t seem to know he was actually related to Soo-hyun until he heard Saet-byul’s name on the phone.

To me, it seemed like Mimi was indeed Young-gyu’s mother and that the killer wanted to punish her for abandoning him. Now the question is WHY would he care so much about Young-gyu. Could he have been a teacher to those kids just so he can track those who abandoned them and punish them?

LOL with the P.S., but just fire her already!


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This show is kind of frustrating to watch. Series of Unfortunate Events, anyone?

And I noticed the 3-finger salute in the pic with Saet Byul, but I guess she got that from Snake? Anyways, we should watch Dad to see if he uses it. I think Mom is up against a whole hidden organization rather than just one man.


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My God...this episode was a killer.


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"It’s entirely due to Jo Seung-woo, of course, who is nothing short of amazing. I can’t rave enough about what he’s doing in this drama, from smarmy to gleeful to righteous to dangerous loose cannon, all with such believable nuance. He makes my day, Ki Dong-chan."

This is also exactly why I am currently so enamored with not just the complex character but because of Jo Seung Woo who breathes life into Ki Dong Chan.. With each passing episode I fall deeper in love with Dong Chan and Jo Seung Woo as an actor. To see him in 16 hours of television instead of the measly 2 hours in a movie is such a joy. The guy doesn't enjoy the vigorous drama schedule but this was a project that he wanted to take on, probably due to the interesting story and complex character. He's branded himself on my list of fav. actors, basically.
And how can a guy so easily switch from silly, sweet, sexy, mysterious all in one? My goodness. Okay, done fangirling here. More on next episode.


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You can keep fangirling. I don't mind. I have been in love with this man since I saw him in The Classic. I even watched The Horse Doctor because of him. He really lights up the screen with his warmth even when he is being cold-blooded (or trying to be). I just love how he keep telling her that he doesn't have a girlfriend. I really don't want to ship them together to keep the focus on the mystery, but who can't want to ship him with somebody?

And Soo-Hyun is THE bad ass mom; in fact, I think we should just get t-shirts made with that saying: "Bad Ass Mom". She deserves some warmth and faith and admiration. He gives her all of these.


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Tell me about it. I'm so mermerized by his acting here that I have started watching his movies AND Horse Doctor. Problem is I think by the time I have finished watching all of his works, I'll have nothing to tide me over when God's Gift is finished.


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as of episode 5, i'm right with you! he was, like you said: "silly, sweet, sexy, mysterious all in one"—all those things, and more. up till episode 4, i thought him a great actor, but i didn't know who he was or that he was a film star—he was a completely new face to me (though i'd HEARD of him). but this episode was the game changer! or it just took me a few episodes to really warm up to his charm :)


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So how many episodes is God's Gift? DramaFever says 20, Wikipedia says 24, and AsianWiki says 16.

I've been thinking and I realized I've thought that the person Dong-chan's brother was covering for was Dong-chan pretty much from the beginning. Just the blackouts and other things were to hard to ignore. I realized I felt manipulated like that was what the writers wanted me to think. So now I'm not sure what to believe anymore, maybe Dong-chan didn't kill the killer nor did he kill the killer, maybe.


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Koreandrama.org is usually the most accurate, and it says 20 episodes.


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I was thinking that 16 sounds like the right count especially with how each episode is covering the whole day, and we are counting down towards the 14th day.
But I don't know anymore now with all this different information. Sometimes I feel like this show is trying a little bit too hard to be mysterious, what with the no-preview policy and no definite episode number


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Gorgeous car.. I just can't help, just have to mention it. I used to have a C3, gorgeous as well.

About the scene where Dong Chan helped her with the medicine, I was pffffting so hard because hey, there's a mirror yes, right in front, just pull the flap down.


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Every episode I sit there biting my nails and fervently telling myself that Ki Dong Chan is gonna turn out a good guy in the end, because if he does not I WILL DROWN THE WORLD WITH MY TEARS OF DISAPPOINTMENT.

I luve him =(

Thank goodness we at least have Mom to trust in.


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Every episode I sit through the whole thing biting my nails and telling myself that Ki Dong Chan will turn out to be a good guy in the end, because if he does not I WILL DROWN THE WORLD WITH MY TEARS OF DISAPPOINTMENT.

I luve him =(

Thank goodness we at least have Mom to trust in.


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1) ALIWHRILTGEHUAERGYIGZFJBFUWAEZKYWGA THE SOO HYUN X DONG CHAN MOMENTS IN THIS EP!!!!!!! that scene where he sees the killer looking at Soo Hyun in a creepy way & he comes in between them & threatens him back! then when Woo Jin called Soo Hyun in a familiar way he goes "hey! aren't you being too familiar with someone else's wife?"! & of course!! the scene in the car!!!!! her crying in his arms!!! & his cute awkwardness! did you see his hand? when she was crying against him he hesitated a moment before awkwardly patting her on her back! then them completely stuck together in that bath tub!!!!! yeah it was the killers but I DON'T CARE! then that scene in Saet Byul's room!! & his strong insistence on not having a girlfriend as if he wants her to know at least that much no matter what! & finally, when the killer was released & Soo Hyun loses it again & grabs onto him trying to stop him, everyone came forward trying to wrench her away from the killer & Dong Chan was doing that too but when the other officers grabbed her he was all "let go of her!! let go of her!!" SYEKGAYILGRIYEGRAGRIETGYIBI WHEN ARE YOU TWO GETTING TOGETHER!!

2) i dunno why everyone is so shocked by Dong Chan supposedly killing the killer. why? well think about it. they did so much but he keeps slipping away. imagine the mounting frustration. on top of that he found his nephew & mom's pic in the killer's house. that angered him even more cause he thinks maybe his mom was going to be one of his victims in the future too. remember he asks him the same thing in the hospital too? so we know he thinks like that. now lets see the situation here. there are no police around, he is weak cause of the head wound, & lets say he caught up with the killer. we know he is not strong enough to be able to beat him into submission then drag him to the police station. & of course the killer wouldn't have kept his mouth shut. under these circumstances i wouldn't find it surprising if he kills the killer. doesnt have to mean he has some hidden darkness in him.

3) now the truck thing was obviously planned. which just gives us more proof about all this being a plan to push the execution of murderers. & yeah the people in the truck could be the ones who kill the killer. to shut him up in case he decides to talk. maybe the killer disappeared around a bend & when Dong Chan reaches the spot, he finds the killer dead.

4) Dong Chan was holding the phone with his right hand & then we see someone throwing down the bat with their left hand (you see it SLIGHTLY & its very short) so he definitely touched the bat. WHY WOULD HE TOUCH THE BAT!!! I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!! IF SOMEONE EVER LOOKS AT IT FOR FINGERPRINTS THEY WILL FIND DONG CHAN'S!!! CAUSE OBVIOUSLY THE ONE WHO KILLED THE KILLER WOULDN'T BE LEAVE HIS FINGERPRINTS ON THE BAT!!! I DON'T LIKE IT!! I DON'T WANT DONG CHAN TO BECOME A SUSPECT LATER ON IN THE SHOW!! I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH!! OTL

5) anyone find the guy who tried to call for 911...


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5) anyone find the guy who tried to call for 911 a little suspicious? i mean it could be nothing but the camera zoomed in on his face which in such circumstances they don't do. & also we couldn't see his face. his face was in darkness. now say if the writers did want to give a cameo actor some screen time, they would zoom in on his face & at least show his face. but here, they zoomed in & we couldn't see his face. also the fact that he supposedly didn't get coverage to call 911 & yet someone did manage to call Woo Jin. a little suspicious. maybe he was the one who was driving the truck & had come to make sure the killer is dead but Dong Chan comes along so he quickly disguises himself as an officer.

6) that dream Dong Chan has? it sure as hell isnt his brother who threw his body. his brother is rounder. that one's silhouette is of someone thinner. now i said even if Dong Chan kills the killer it doesnt mean he has an inner darkness. cause Soo Hyun would have done it. heck she already tried to do it once. yet she doesnt really have an inner darkness. while i don't attribute this incident to that trait, during the previous episodes i DID think if perhaps Dong Chan has an inner darkness. if perhaps Dong Chan was the one who killed the woman for whose murder his brother was arrested. cause his brother was genuinely shocked. & there were other small things like Saet Byul's hairclip in his pocket, the blood on the sleeve of his shirt. also when he was fighting those guys while being drunk we see him getting beat up while was.....um...."conscious" & then we cut to him in his house, with barely any scratches. he too only remembers what we saw. nothing after that. now if he really got beat up then trust me he would have looked way worse. but there he was, barely injured. which means he beat those other guys up after loosing his......"consciousness". & then his sidekicks talking about how he manages to always come home in good shape everytime. as if, when he is not "conscious" he is way more....alert. in other words he has split personality & his other personality takes over when he drinks. but i hope he isnt a bad person TT_TT i love Dong Chan too much TT_TT besides we all think that all this is being done to push the executions of criminals right? but Dong Chan wants to protect his brother!!! unless........his other personality is doing all this to get his brother killed & this case finally fully buried & him leaving scratch free. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WRITERS PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!!! I LOVE DONG CHAN TOO MUCH *SOBS* PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!

7) i too noticed the torn pages & the lock being open. BUT i dunno how that can be explained with this cause that would be.......time travelling? this is time resetting. there's a difference. i dunno how to explain this. um.....see the lock being unlocked & the pages being torn can only happen if there was another Soo Hyun who came back & did it while there was already a current Soo...


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7) i too noticed the torn pages & the lock being open. BUT i dunno how that can be explained with this cause that would be.......time travelling? this is time resetting. there's a difference. i dunno how to explain this. um.....see the lock being unlocked & the pages being torn can only happen if there was another Soo Hyun who came back & did it while there was already a current Soo Hyun. you get it? two Soo Hyun's in one place. that would also explain the hidden camera that the show zoomed in on. now i read another theory here about Soo Hyun going back again & again until fate is changed. well if that is so, since this isnt time travelling but time resetting, & since Soo Hyun 14 days later doesnt have memory of going back again & again, does it mean everyone's memory is reset after the 14 days if fate isnt changed? but a memory reset theory has holes. cause there will be proof on TVs & stuff that what they remember is different from what happened. which means events reset too? if events reset too then it doesnt explain why the lock was unlocked, the page was torn & the camera in the room. why didnt they get reset? also lets hope the memory reset thing doesnt happen now if it is true cause that would mean Dong Chan & Soo Hyun would forget eeverything & each other NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

8) while the lock thing is a mystery, i am not so sure about the page & camera? the page could easily have been torn by Saet Byul for some reason like say having written something too cheesy. or if she needed paper for jotting down something & take with her. & the camera could have been placed by Soo Hyun after coming back & when they were removing the cameras, since they got interrupted by the phone call, they could have just forgotten to take the camera down. & the camera zooming in on it, could mean that this camera which they forgot to take down later records something that will be a huge help to the case?


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ah! i forgot one thing! 9) that three finger salute. maybe the killer knew about Snake & that was his way of telling Soo Hyun "i am going to get your daughter now"
this is the wiki description for Theo, the one in Snake who did the three finger salute "After witnessing his beloved older brother's suicide, he went into a long period of depression. He decides to fulfill his brother's lifelong dream of becoming a musician in his place, and successfully becomes the front man of the rock band Snake. He is Saet-byul's favorite idol singer. However, unforeseen events threaten to quash his dreams altogether when the shoe of a missing child is discovered in his van. Although he isn't prosecuted as a criminal, he is still considered as a possible suspect in the case." this does not sound like he is a part of the group who are behind Saet Byul's death. but maybe his older brother was? & Theo learned this salute from his older brother? maybe his older brother didnt commit suicide but was killed by the EEEEVUUURRRRLLL organisation cause he wanted to back out or cause they suspected he was gonna talk & then they made it look like a suicide?
Theo could be in on this whole thing too. XD


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I still get nightmares from how creepy Jo Seung-woo looked in the trailer so I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be the killer.

Also: I wonder if he had anything to do with the case his hyung went to jail for. Like, say, committed the crime himself but served his brother up to the cops.

Ahhhh, seriously! This drama is awesome!


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which one? can you give me link? i have only seen the one with only lee bo young


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I can't wait to watch episode 5! I was a bit let down by episodes 3 and 4, but after talking about it a bit some faith was resorted. No matter my problems, I'm still super excited that this type of drama exists!

If anyone is interested, my friend Sumi and I will be recording discussions about the episodes every week. The discussion for episode 3 and 4 can be found here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI0yq8jF1Nw)


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I found it distracting that the husband is keep being excluded.

e.g.: the scene when SH took the gun & tried to threaten the killer with it & tried to make him confess.
The husband is nowhere to be found during that scene, nvrtheless he was there in the scene just before that, furthermore after the scene he was the one who drops the killer while SH went home by herself.


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Guys, Ji Hoon can't be involved. Indirectly or have ties to the killer, perhaps, but he can't be seriously involved in Saet Byul's death. Remember, episode two ended with him living separate from his wife and going on a rampage to destroy his kid's killer.
(speaking of which, I'd love if we could somehow bring out that side of him again. maybe he's finally convinced of the danger and turns just as ruthless as his wife. they're a fascinating couple, both initially calm and pragmatic, but he too abandons morals when he realizes who hurt his precious daughter.)


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It's going to be heartbreaking if he will go on a rampage targeting the wrong individual. This would go against two of his rules 1) never blame someone without having enough evidence 2) don't violate human rights. If it's the right guy, he'll violate those precious human rights by wanting to have him killed.

He's making such a case for the two of them, despite the potential of turning his wife against him. He's definitely a conflicted individual, having to do what's LEGALLY right instead of what's MORALLY light.


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i agree with you. i don't think ji-hoon will be saet-byul's kidnapper. given the character bios, it looks like he has a few things to hide, but no matter what shady thing he might have done in the past, he seems like an extremely loving father and would never willingly let harm come to her.

i don't think dong-chan will be the kidnapper either... like with ji-hoon, it'd just sort of go against the "rules." the show can't make us fall in love with dong-chan and then flip the tables by making him the bad guy. well, they could, but that'd be messing with the viewers' faith in some of the seemingly fundamental things about the show (that dong-chan has got his heart in the right place), and that wouldn't be very nice.


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and also, didn't she doodle pictures of herself with her parents on the walls of that warehouse she was locked up in? she had drawn a picture of herself with her dad and mom on either side, with captions to boot. it was definitely an expression of her longing to be returned to her family, poor thing.

so if ji-hoon had kidnapped her, and there's a strong possibility she knows her kidnapper's face given that she probably followed him willingly, initially, she wouldn't be wishing for her father. my two cents.


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Hello everyone!

I wanted to draw your attention to a very strange finger gesture made by the killer. He took his pointer, middle, and index finger and swiped it across his forehead. I thought to myself, this must be significant.

Later in the episode when Soo-hyun enters her daughter's room, after realizing that she isn't in there studying, the camera zooms in on a sequence of computer screen shots of Snake. In one of those screen shots he makes the same gesture as the killer. Does this mean something? Are the two connected? Or was the killer a closeted Snake fan?


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Good observation.

Any1 knows who play the role "snake"?


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Hi, doel :). Snake is played by actor/musician/singer, No Minwoo.


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So it IS him! I've been doubting my own eyes for as long as 5 episodes, lol. Thanks Peridot. Let the swoonage begin.


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Oh so he took over from Lee Ki Kwang.

NMW must hv some kind of impt role, so I'm looking fwd to his appearance in the 2nd half of drama.


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My sister and I noticed something last night and I wonder if anyone else did as well. Do you remember the strange three finger gesture to the forehead that the killer gave Soohyun as he was leaving the station? Well, Snake is making the same gesture in one of the pictures on Saetbyul's screen saver. What is up with that?


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At first I thought it was a hint to soo hyun that he would be attending snakes concert hence the whole snake hand gesture(then again not many middle aged men keeping tags on young idol guys), but it could also be much more important than that.


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It was mentioned in several previous posts, but the significance of it is all speculation at this point.


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Don-Chan would not kill the killer, obvious because he is seeking answers just like SooHyun is.

Leader WooJin and geeky husband 'no me traen buena vibra', in my theory they look like suspects.
In husband's case I thought because he maybe hurt one the killer's family that is probably another reason he is taking part to being his lawyer and help, but after showing that Mr. Killer died, I'm back to he's one of the suspect as well.


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i remember it clearly, there was a scene when dong chan was being a witness for his brother's case, he confessed that his brother was a murder. But, in dong chan's dream..im so damn sure that it isnt his brother who threw the dead body. So Did dong chan lie?


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Well, the scene with Dong-Chan confessing could be from a recent re-opening of the case - after all, their mother pushed for him to say he's innocent. I am saying this because at the first audition, he must have been around 14 years old and he couldn't have possibly looked like in present time. Also, we have to take into account that Dong-ho might not have always had this body structure. We saw in a flashback that he was quite lean when he was younger. Everything seems to point towards his innocence, but he might just be guilty as well.

As for Dong-Chan lying, 14 years (or maybe even less) is a fragile age - who knows if he actually saw it or if he was lead to believe that he did.


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Ahhh I came late to the party, because I was already asleep by the time the English subs were ready LOL. I will write down my own thoughts and then I will proceed to read everyone else’s. That’s my usual MO, so that I don’t get influenced in any way – although I hope I won’t repeat too many things that others said as well LOL. Girlfriday, let them gooooooooooo, what have you done to your minions?? Hahaha

Ok now on to the episode:

1) I know this is not a big deal considering all the other things which happened during the episode, but how could the police leave two injured people at the scene, without even calling for an ambulance. What the??? At least they could have given them a lift. Instead, SH and DC had to clean their injuries themselves.

2) I smelled a bit of jealousy there when Woo-jin calls Soo-hyun’s name casually and Dong-Chan gets irritated. LBY and JSW are really on fire. Not to mention that she gives him THAT LOOK when he heals her wounds. They are definitely OTP, but I have such a bad feeling about it.

3) I find it interesting how early on Dong-Chan mentions he stopped himself from killing him. That was the first hint that he’s definitely got killer instincts he can’t always control. And in that particular scene, it wasn’t even him who refrained from doing it – the other ones stopped him. He is definitely messed up and haunted by it – he doesn’t want other to become like him (a killer) and the violent outbursts are a bad sign.

4) The morality issues are stronger than ever, with Soo-hyun, Dong-Chan and Ji-Hoon. Soo-hyun considers Bong-sup deserved to die, but Dong-Chan believes she didn’t have the right to kill him, since there is a law which will take care of him. Ji-Hoon IS the law here and he’s the one who helps a murderer get released, despite not believing in his innocence. It surprises me how someone like Dong-Chan invokes the reliability of the law, when he wants to save his brother from being executed. The line between what’s morally right and wrong gets so blurred here. Do we have the right to punish someone if the law fails to do it? Is it right to defend someone just because it’s our job, even though we know he is probably guilty? Can we still invoke the violation of human rights, if that has the potential of releasing on the streets dangerous people? The show raises interesting questions, especially the one involving the human rights, since even today we hear about cases in which people are released from prison, despite everything pointing to them as being guilty, just because of a messy police investigation.

5) It was so painful to watch her cry believing it was over, when we know it’s not and so sad that even though he promises Saet-byul that she will do everything she can to please her, Soo-hyun falls into the same mistakes and repeats the same things which distanced her from Saet-byul (the broken camera).


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6) There are so many connections here between the characters that we don’t know of! My brain hurts! There is definitely something going on between Bong-sup and Young-gyu which goes beyond him being his teacher. I mean, what teacher keeps a picture of his student and mother in his drawer? While Bong-sup didn’t know the woman was Dong-Chan’s mother, he definitely knew she was Young-gyu’s grandmother. And if Mimi truly was Young-gyu’s mother, I believe he killed her as a means to “punish” her for abandoning him. Now as to why would he care that much for Young-gyu, I have no idea. I was thinking that maybe Bong is the same person who kidnapped Young-gyu when he was just a child and who gets shot by Dong-Chan. But why?

7) Dong-Chan says AGAIN that he saw the husband before and NOT on TV. I still think that cheating might be involved, but he is kinda a lot around home to be a cheater, right? The jewelry with the J.H. initials do put him into a compromising position – why would he keep a killer’s belongings, if he had the opportunity to give them back to him when they were together in the car? He looks worried that Soo-hyun discovered him with them, although when Soo-hyun confronts the victims asking if the jewelry belonged to them, he doesn’t have any reaction when he hears the initials. Clearly he didn’t want to get rid of them, otherwise he wouldn’t have kept them in his pocket. As for T.H., I was thinking it could be the Snake lead singer. They mention his name is Te-Oh, although I don’t know why would there be the initials of a man’s name on women’s jewelry.

8) We get a better look at the killer from Dong-Chan’s dream. Here is a refresher for how these two brothers looked when they were younger:
Don’t forget that the brother looked way leaner when he was younger and the killer maybe looks too mature for him to be Dong-Chan. 16 years ago, Dong-Chan was probably around 14 at the most, so I don’t know what to say.

9) I have a bad feeling about the removed CCTV from Soo-hyun’s home, but with the remaining one in Saet-byul’s room. I wonder if the scenario with the CCTV from the kidnap will repeat itself, as in we will get to see Saet-byul going somewhere, but we won’t have the angle from which the abducter can be seen.

10) I found it to be far-fetched that the killer has time to clean the house, since it didn’t seem that Dong-Chan ever lost track of him.

11) Saet-byul gives Young-gyu the folded paper she took from his father for the game. Hmmm

12) I could have sworn I saw that picture with Young-gyu and the mother before. I might need to check the previous episodes.


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13) There is also a connection between Bong and Snake. Bong makes the three fingers sign and Soo-hyun thinks it’s because he warns her that Saet-byul will be the third victim (Mimi was still alive at that time), but what if in fact he warns her to look out for Snake?

Screencap: http://s30.postimg.org/6vuj5m54w/vlcsnap_2014_03_18_16h12m00s181.jpg

He might know him, since Snake sings at that gathering with the disabled people that Bong-sup was taking care of. What if that’s what he wanted to say to Soo-hyun, when he calls for her? It’s also interesting that the killer seems to head to that Park where the concert would be held, but we see him at the hospital afterwards. It’s either this or something Dong-Chan related…he might have made some connections after finding out that he was Young-gyu’s uncle – maybe warn her about him instead?

14) The truck accident seems to have been premeditated with the purpose of killing Bong-sup, since it starts only when the police car appears. Could Ji-Hoon be involved, realizing that Bong-sup was about to reveal something about him instead? But then, if the accident was on purpose, why didn’t the truck flee the scene? Hmmm

15) When Dong-Chan goes down to check on the car and passengers, he asks someone (the truck driver??) to call 9-1-1, but he leaves when apparently he doesn’t have phone signal. I believe that Dong-Chan actually killed that driver instead and not Bong-sup.

16) Bear with me here, ‘cause this is a bit complicated. I am now returning to the multiple personality disorder attributed to Dong-Chan. I think Dong-Chan had a blackout of sorts at the scene, also suggested by the blurry vision when he sees Bong-sup on the ground. We know from Woo-jin that Bong-sup was actually killed in the crash – we can assume that the truck driver managed to make that phone call and notify them. Now what if Dong-Chan was actually pursuing the driver, but in his mind, he thought he was actually trying to chase the killer? This would explain the appearance of the bat – truck drivers must have one with them. And the fact that Bong-sup has the injury at the back of his head, but he doesn’t lie on his face, like he should, might be another indicator that things are happening in Dong-Chan’s mind. We only see things from his perspective and his mind is unreliable. As much as I would want him to have his hands clean, it’s entirely possible for him to distort the “reality” we are seeing on screen.


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17) Interesting how both Ji-Hoon and Soo-hyun tell a story with an apparent tragic ending, although we assume the opposite. In the Hans Christian Andersen story, we would think that after so many sacrifices, the mother saves the daughter at the end, yet she lets her go anyway, puzzling even Death. In the Hansel and Gretel story, we believe it has a happy ending since the witch died, but as the father tries to explain his job, he suggests that it might not be a happy one, since we can’t be sure that the witch actually killed the other children. Also, I noted that the CCTV camera which stays in the room is placed in a house resembling the gingerbread one from the story. Could this be a coincidence? Could this be a hint of how the actual events will unfold? Saet-byul is tricked by someone she knows into following them, possibly leaving clues (bread crumbs in the story) – clues that Soo-hyun might find when she will look for her and she somehow outsmarts his kidnapper, by escaping. This goes with the police saying she might have drowned when she tried to escape.

18) Young—gyu always carries that camera with him, but seems incapable of taking pictures himself. When he tries to take a picture of Saet-byul, we see he doesn’t actually press the button and this prompts Saet-byul to say that the camera is broken, before Soo-hyun actually damages it. Hmmmm


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I am going here on an awful lot of limbs. I am not sure yet if the show tries to paint Dong-Chan as the culprit in various scenarios just to debunk them later or if the show will prove Dong-Chan to be innocent so many times, that we will stop suspecting of him at some point. Is this a red herring in a red herring? Are we supposed to keep suspecting of Dong-Chan or are we meant to let it go, since it has been proven again and again that he is a good guy.


Hello buticut :). I agree with a number of your points and have made similar suggestions in an earlier post. I posited in an earlier post that Saetbyul, in the original timeline, may have met someone she knew/recognized as she was running towards her nanny. The nanny was distracted and wouldn't have noticed. And the unidentified person wasn't caught on camera.

I also noticed the different physique of the man in Dongchan's dream. Viewing things from Dongchan's perspective is like reading a story from the point of view of an unreliable narrator. Even the dream may be a distortion of the events that unfolded. Many viewers feel that there is a dark, hidden side to Dongchan's character...a side of which he might not even be aware.

But is this a misdirect? Of course, may things on this show are meant to mislead us, lol.

I'm also keeping my eye on the ex-boyfriend, Woojin. We have not been privy to his perspective or even other things in his life. Then again, everyone remains a suspect. And I also mentioned the three finger gesture made by both the now-dead serial killer and Snake. I wonder what it means....


Hello there, Peridot :). I will try to recover the lost time and bring my contributions to other posts - the commentators here are as fast-paced as the show itself LOL. I believed since early on that Saet-byul saw someone familiar and the show keeps giving hints pointing to that. The nanny wasn't even looking at the door, her mind was probably on Go-Stop LOL.

Moreover, I wonder if the CCTV is where it is so that we can find out more about what happened with the chest and the missing page. If this has anything to do with the kidnapper, it's because he is familiar with her/her house.

I don't know what to say about Dong-Chan, because during the course of the show, practically the only evidences that there is something fishy going on with him are the strawberry hairpin and the fact that he has blackouts (when drinking). Other than that, even when he did give us reasons to suspect him, things were easily cleared in the next episodes. Also, on the phone he doesn't specifically say he killed the guy, only that he is dead (if the subtitles were correct). They are playing with us, but like I said, is it so that we feel like fools for having suspected him or to stop suspecting him at some point, so that they can surprise us?

I love and hate the show for misleading me on a number of occasions LOL.

Yup, this ain't over - we already knew or at least strongly believed that this was not the guy and this is supported by the picture in which Saet-byul is still missing. Woo-jin, just like anyone else LOL could still be a part of the kidnapping, which probably go on a larger scale than this, which seemed more personal than anything.

The three fingers gesture intrigues me. We know from the first time that the killer would have headed to the park to see Snake and support the kids and he seemed to go there this time around as well. He must know Snake on some kind of level.


I am freaking out at not only the picture of his mother and Young Gyu being found at Cha Bong Sub's house, but Cha Bong Sub being legitimately surprised when Dong Chan confronted him in the hospital. The teacher is not preying on his student, is he? Or is Mimi Young Gyu's birth mother after all? Or was Cha Bong Sub Young Gyu's kidnapper whom Dong Chan may have shot? Or is Cha Bong Sub Mom's long-lost son? (I hate this theory the most because Dong Chan would have two brothers who are killers.)

My favorite part of this episode was Dong Chan's twenty-second reenactment of how he captured a serial killer. His "but the window wouldn't open!" tantrum was precious.

I never suspected Dong Chan even before the drama aired when we only knew the premise (entirely due to my love for Jo Seung Woo), and I stand by that. There is no way Dong Chan is the killer/kidnapper. (Neither do I believe Young Gyu killed Saet Byul.) Cha Bong Sub's death was self-defense. They can't convict Dong Chan for his death.

Thank you for your one-episode cameo, girlfriday!


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I loved that re-enactment part as well! The window-wouldn't-open-tantrum and also when he was waiting for the killer to jump down. Precious 20 seconds! :D


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Hello everyone, again :)

buticut shared a screenshot of Snake giving the three finger salute. In addition to his eye makeup that gives him the appearance of wearing a mask, my sister and I noticed that he has a pink ring/mark around his wrist.

This pink color reminds me that when Saet-byul's body was discovered, she had pink paint/makeup on three of her fingers. What do you guys think about this?


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Oh YES! I went back, because even though I remembered her pink fingers, I wasn't sure if she had the nails painted at the time of abduction, but from the looks of it, she didn't.

Screencap: http://s24.postimg.org/crt8z1upw/vlcsnap_2014_03_18_20h26m27s22.jpg

I am still not entirely convinced that the abduction was done with the purpose of harming her and it could definitely be Snake-related. Maybe she was seen in his presence when everybody thought she had already been kidnapped and someone who wanted to harm him assumed they were close and kidnapped her. I mean..what kidnapper brings nail polish to the victim? That throws me off and makes me suspect that in fact she was taken to two locations.


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Thanks for sharing the screencap of Saetbyul's fingers. My sister and I were looking for it :).


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Hi buticut! Thank you for sharing the screencap.


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You two are welcome, I am here to serve :-)


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There was at least one error in the writing that nobody seems to have caught.

Where she steals the gun to try and shoot the killer, he tells her she has to release the safety - But revolvers don't have a safety.


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I wouldn't know that, I thought every gun has a safety feature. lol.
I was more bothered by the fact that Woo-jin just leave his gun in the table like that


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Most people don't know that, and apparently a lot of writers don't either, as I have seen that same mistake in other dramas, movies, and books.

There are a lot of technical and mechanical reasons for it. All rifles and semi-auto's (and full auto military) weapons have a safety because a round can be chambered ready to fire, and the safety prevents it going off accidently. Revolvers work differently so they don't need a safety.


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Okay, new theory! What if Ji-hoon is actually the killer of the woman who Dong-ho went to prison for killing? What if the reason Dong-chan finds him familiar is because he saw him at the scene of the crime all those years ago and just blocked it out when he saw Dong-ho move the body? What if all Dong-chan's current blackouts are due to guilt at sending his brother to prison for a crime he didn't commit? What if Dong-chan was so traumatized by it that he blocked out most of it and that's where his nightmares come from? I know that's a lot of what if's but I really hope I'm right, or close to being right because I don't want Dong-chan to be evil or a killer. I also don't think he killed anyone at the end of the episode, and we're only made to think he did. I bet that's it and that there's some twist involved.

I also don't trust Ji-hoon. This episode especially had several suspicious moments for him. One, for example, when he came to the killer's defense. How did the killer have his phone number anyway? Second, the look he gives the victims things. What if Ji-hoon and the killer were connected and killed the woman from all those years ago. The ring could be that woman's. Ji-hoon probably regrets what he did (though he still killed her) and tried to move on, but the killer enjoyed it, kept the ring, and continued to kill.

A lot of theories, I know, but I believe them until I'm given evidence to the contrary. Mostly because I love Dong-chan thanks to Jo Seung-woo, who is AWESOME!

I hope Soo-hyun can save the day at some point and neither she nor Saet-byul nor Dong-chan die. Please, show!

Thanks for the recap, GF!


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I had the same thought (and some other thoughts) as well when DC said that JH looks familiar to him. Also with how he was telling Hansel and Gretel the way he was telling it. It sounds like he is feeling guilty about something he has done in the past. Maybe he was the one who killed the kid and put the blame on DC's brother or maybe he also witnessed the crime and knew that DC's brother is not guilty. It would explain why he is so adamant in his reasoning to defend the killer.

I'm hoping that DC wouldn't end up as the bad guy in the end, but at the same time I like how everyone is a suspect right now, not excluding my favorite character. I think that's what heighten the intensity and suspense of the drama as well for me.


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So many thoughts but I have to run in a hot minute, so I'll try to keep it short. I also haven't read through all the comments, so apologies if I reiterate some stuff.

1) I actually found this episode really aggravating. I felt like we were relying a lot on human stupidity/error and the cockroach-like nature of the killer who SERIOUSLY. NEVER. DIES. (ok, until the last minute. but still. what does he put in his wheaties??) to create plausible suspense. Plus, JI HOON. omg. wtf man. At the very least, he should've taken the time to listen to his freaking wife's side of the story, and recused himself from advocating for the killer. I mean, come on. I also find it surprising that he learned enough to defend him, but didn't know that he had attacked his wife.

All that said, there were some interesting developments and I continue to love our leads when they're actually able to do detective work, and not actively getting hindered by the incompetence/implausible malignancy of the people around them (unless Ji-hoon is in on all of this, which...I would not rule out at this point).

2) I wonder who's filming Saet-byul's room.

3) I'm not convinced yet that Dong-chan actually murdered the killer. Am very suspicious of the truck driver, who may not have wanted the killer to talk to Soo-hyun.

4) With the story of Hansel & Gretel, my mind immediately connected them to Dong-chan and Soo-hyun who spent a while on "the witch's" trail (the murderer) only to be foiled time and time again. And, by Ji-hoon's suggestion, possibly deterred from catching the real "witch."

5) I found it strange that Yong-gyu's camera wasn't actually working even before it was knocked over & broke. Not sure what to make of that.



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Hi rearwindow!

1) These last two episodes (4 and 5) do make us go for the suspension of disbelief, especially in regards to the killer, who seemed to have 9 lives! Seriously, I want my body to endure as much as he does lol. You see, although I gave Ji-Hoon a lot of crap, I sort of understand where is he coming from. That's why I never wanted to be a lawyer in first place, because I wouldn't want to be put in a position where I have to defend someone I know is definitely guilty. He does what's legally right, but it pains him that it's not morally right, but what's not morally right isn't always punishable by the law.

2) The CCTV is still from Dong-Chan's team, I believe. He was starting to remove them, but got distracted and left that one there. I guess it will be another scenario where we don't see everything because the CCTV only managed to grab an angle.

3) I went to see that scene again and I think it's telling that he doesn't actually say I KILL HIM, just that he's dead. Either he went completely bonkers and it all happens in his imagination or, all of a sudden, more people appeared at the scene. Editing must be messing with us.

4) Not only that, but I also thought that it might suggest how Saet-byul will actually end up being kidnapped - someone she knows bringing her to a "gingerbread house", she outwits that person and escapes, but everything ends in tragedy with the drowning.

5) Same here, although he didn't even try to take that picture (he wasn't pressing any buttons). Could the killer have gone to the park before the hospital? After all, he mentioned going there when they release him. Maybe he met Young-gyu there and destroyed evidence after finding out he and Dong-Chan were related.

6) YES hahahaha


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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, buticut! Warning! Excessive ranting to follow!

1) Although I argued fiercely last episode that the Ji-hoon/Soo-hyun marriage was basically over (and of course believe that tenfold now), I've actually been something of a Ji-hoon apologist up until now. But I'm sorry, I don't care how dedicated to your work you are, once you find out that your WIFE was viciously attacked and threatened by the man you are going above and beyond to help release back into the world, AT THE VERY LEAST, you pull her aside and check to see how she's doing/get her side of the story/etc. Not just for his wife's sake, but for his daughter's! Jesus. If he felt that was a conflict of interest (and it very well may be), he should've stepped down and let some other damned lawyer deal with it. It's not like he was assigned by the government to defend Stabby McCockroach there, seeing as Stabby was only able to enlist Ji-hoon's help by STEALING SOMEONE'S CELL PHONE AND ILLEGALLY USING IT IN THE BATHROOM (also: WHY IN THE HELL did the police allow him in a public bathroom stall, unattended? How was the delivery man allowed to bring his cell phone into the cell with him? How did these things happen?!?? WTF??).

I don't see his circumstance as being one of morally right vs. right by the law at all. I see it as an instance of him going out of his way to choose his work/dedication to his abstract sense of justice over his family. I wouldn't have found this plot element nearly as aggravating if he had 1) allowed any concern for Soo-hyun's well-being to overshadow his concern about his job (EVEN MOMENTARILY!), rather than immediately dismissing her and launching into a defense of his actions; 2) been more evenly matched with the police force (aka: not possess herculean abilities to set Stabby free, while the police are unable to even temporarily jail a man who is SATAN INCARNATE); 3) expressed any frustration, anger, sadness, or worry at all over how shitty the situation was instead of being a goddamn cipher. He's just too composed all the damn time! It's not logical to me!

Methinks his take on Hansel & Gretel was actually something he needed for his own peace of mind, a fairy tale that he had to swallow in order to sleep at night, far more than it was a lesson to Saet-byul.

Also, why in god's (un-gifted) name weren't the police able to hold Stabby McCockroach on aggravated assault charges when he brutally beat the shit out of Dong-chan and Soo-hyun? It's elements like these that totally make my blood boil.

I really need to stop ranting, but you should've seen me while I was watching this episode! I'm surprised my computer made it through the experience unscathed!

2) The way the camera lingered on the...well, camera...made it seem like a kind of ominous presence in the room. It felt kind of big brother to me. I expect that it will come into use further down the road in some delightfully creepy way, possibly by our...


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...I expect that it will come into use further down the road in some delightfully creepy way, possibly by our kidnapper.

3) Given how editing messed with us w/r/t Stabby's magical wipedown of the apartment--and for that matter, Stabby's near death by hand-unholding, I would be very surprised if the ending of this episode were as straightforward as "Dong-chan beat the shit out of Cockroach and he died." I mean, where did the baseball bat come from? Why would Dong-chan have killed Stabby when he (presumably) needed to get more info out of him? Who smashed into the police van, and why? Where are they now? Why would Dong-chan suddenly abandon his strong moral compass to kill a guy when he could incapacitate him instead? Most importantly: What makes him believe that Stabby isn't just playing dead like an opossum or a zombie, and that he won't rise up horror movie-style and snack on his brains. IT COULD HAPPEN.

Seriously though, it just seems unlikely to me that DC would just go to town on Stabby, unless Stabby told him something really horrible about Young-gyu. Who knows, though. I could very well be wrong. I definitely think there's a reason that we weren't shown DC actually beating Stabby, and he only said "Stabby is dead" rather than "I killed Stabby."

4) Oooh, yes, I love that interpretation!

5) Yeah, I found it strange that he didn't try to take real pics too. But then Saet-byul said "your camera is broken" before it broke, which I found strange. It's definitely possible that the killer could've gone to the park before the hospital, but would he have known that Young-gyu was there?



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1) LOL it’s a bit awkward how the tables turned, due to the fact that I pretty much despise Ji-hoon. I still believe their marriage is over, since they never actually try to solve their differences. For Ji-hoon, solving means waiting until mommy stops talking about Saet-byul being killed, while Soo-hyun is so immersed in her investigation, that she doesn’t even care about giving her whereabouts to him. He’s not even the first person she thinks of – rejecting several of his calls and when she finally answers, she wants to talk to Saet-byul. Again, it’s like closing an eye and pretend nothing is happening – just because you choose not to sort out your differences, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. LOL with Stabby McCockroach HAHAHAHAHAHAHA – I love that nickname.

To his credit, when he agrees to defend the guy, he didn’t know it was the same one who harmed his wife and also when he gives him a lift in his car (WHAT THE HELL???), the killer thanks him for trying to prove his innocence, but he tells him not to be mistaken, since he didn’t defend him because he thought he wasn’t guilty, but because his rights weren’t respected. I think this is just to show that he cares about his wife in a superficial way, since it’s clear to me that for him, his job is more important. I just want to believe that if it would have been Saet-byul instead, he would have destroyed that guy.

If we are to take the storytelling literally and not search for hidden meanings, more than a lesson to Saet-byul, it was a way to get her on his side and feel that he is not that alone in his cause – just like you said, so that he can sleep at night. Although, HELLO, if you live in a house where you have skeletons in your basement, isn’t this a pretty good evidence LOL?

Sometimes, they are stretching way too much the suspension of disbelief and the number of instances is starting to rise. I guess Stabby McCockroach ( LOVE hahaha) was allowed to have an attorney anyway, but it’s still baffling to see how easily is the police outsmarted sometimes. I think this is because they want to paint Dong-Chan as the super-smart investigator, who is way better than anyone from the police, but this is a frequently seen error – you raise the moral value of a character by lowering others, so that the contrast between them is more evident. I just wish both Dong-Chan and the police would do their thing, without making the police look like idiots, so that Dong-Chan looks like a genius in comparison. We already know DC was the best there is – no need to dumb down the others to prove this point.

Yay for the saved computer LOL. I think it would be hilarious to watch the show with a group of beanies and see how everybody freaks out at some point or another.


3) I do feel cheated sometimes by the editing, because they are on the verge of crossing the line between being clever and pretending to be clever. A proper killer would have had gloves at least – it’s BS for him to go back to the apartment and clean it – HELLO!! Not to mention how much time it takes. Unless there was a helper there who came to the rescue, but probably not. It would have been perfectly fine for him to act carefully right from the beginning, by not having his blood mixed with the victim’s and by not leaving any traces of DNA or fingerprints. He could have even cut the skin off his fingers, so that he doesn’t have fingerprints – I think they did it in the movie Seven. And come on, Dong-Chan was meters away from him and Woo-jin was on his trails as well after a while – there is no way that he would have had the time to clean the apartment or change clothes (Imma take this jacket, put on another one, place it in a bag and throw it under the car).

The I-bet-you-didn’t-see-this-coming editing can end up being tiring if they omit the plausibility detail – it’s ok to mess up with it as long as we are convinced that it was entirely possible for the events to happen that way. Like…I can believe that DC didn’t kill Bong-sup since he didn’t say he did it (only that he is dead) and we didn’t actually see him doing. This editing works because we didn’t see anything of what happened, but if they show us Dong-Chan beating the sh-t out of Bong-sup, only to see in the next episode that a person magically appeared and finished the job, then it’s cheating.

Yeah, at this point we should be surprised if what we see is actually what really happened. It’s enough alright that we suspect everybody LOL.

DC more than anyone needed the guy ALIVE, but we did see that violence can get in the way of his good-natured character. After all, he needed TO BE STOPPED from killing him the first time, rather than stopping due to his better judgment.

5) He would have known because he was there the first time around as well (the killer, I mean). It seemed that he organized the whole event for the disabled ones and he might have assumed that Young-gyu was there, since they were all invited. Also, Saet-byul arrives after Young-gyu, who was already there and we don’t know what happened before her arrival.

HAHAHAHAHHAHA…well, at least that’s an indicator that they DIN’T. Fate is bitchslapping them hard LOL. I hope Mimi dying was the wake-up call. It’s not over ‘til it’s over.


It looks like Ho Goo (or whatever his name is, the other cop that keeps helping Dong Chan), is a bad guy in helping the killer. In the van, while they were transporting the killer, he was rubbing his nose which looks like some kind of sign, and then out of nowhere they get hit by a tractor.

Also, No Min Woo is way too skinny, everytime I see him in anything I think he's anorexic. He needs multiple cheeseburgers.


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I thought he did that because of some awful smell (fart? lol). But I highly doubt that anyone of them was involved, since the car crashed with all of them inside. That didn't look like some help attempt at all - it seemed that whoever did it wanted to shut the killer's mouth for good. Now the fact that the killer has 9 lives is a different story...


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Unless the truck driver KNEW that the killer was a human cockroach, and used that to his advantage. I mean, it's basically public knowledge by now. :)


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am i the only here who don't want soohyun and dongchan to have a love line? heck, i even skipped the part when they were in the car helping each other to clean the wounds.

i just... i just want soohyun, jihoon, and saetbyul (if she can comeback) to live as a happy family like before :'(


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i just have a gut feeling that the husband is not so perfect as they seem to portrayed him. he seem a little suspicious too. but this drama is great! i've been waiting for jo seung woo ever since the horse doctor, he is truely an amazing actor and im glad his is doing movies and dramas and not just musicals.


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"My episode count says differently, but I’ll let you have your moment. "- i know right! omg this drama is so stressful. I LOVE IT.

also, im all for them having a love line. wootwoot~ i think he's falling for her already. kekeke.


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Does anyone know when the recap for episode 6 is coming ? It was aired yesterday right?


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This is my theory about this drama, hope you guys enjoy
- There is a secret organization, which the Justice Minister as head. The members include some high-profile politician, ect.. One of them has affair and is the real father of YoungGyu.
- JH was working for this organization. He is their main lawyer.
- DongHo knows something about it, but he is not able to tell anyone due to his disability. However, the organization want to get rid of him. JH has put him into jail and sent YoungGyu to the orphanage.
- ChaBongSuk is also a member/or was hired to kill the woman. He knows about JH and YoungGuy's real father. JH helps him to get out of prison. After knowing that he cannot avoid charge, he intend to tell SH about everything. However, after seeing the rings SH took from CBS's house, JH knows that CBS knows everything and wants to confess. He told "the boss" and the organization get rid of him.
- However, the organization want to silence JH, hence, they kidnapped SB. SB death is something they didn't plan. JH knows who is the culprit and go after them after seeing the picture.
- DC saw JH in his brother's trial I think.
Thanks :D


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From the start when she went back in time she should have just immediately packed her bags & fly halfway across the world with her family!


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She already tried to do that, but she had to return, because Saet-byul had an anaphylactic shock on the plane. Soo-hyun then realized that no matter how far she goes, she can't escape fate - she must fight it. That's why she decided to stay there and fix things.


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I'm a year late, I know... But the internet is forever! Wasn't it strange how the cop Dong Chan always asks for favours did this weird nose gesture right before the accident? Like a signal. If my hunch is correct, him being involved means Soo Hyun's old flame is involved as well. And I'm getting the feeling that the animosity between him and JH goes beyond jealousy.

I really need to stop reading the recaps before the drama, but it just gets so intense!


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I really hate this drama. The actress thinks she has great acting, but everytime she gets dramatic she's like a lunatic lol. Terrible acting. The script is also poorly written (or is it the directing)? How can a cop's phone get stolen that easily? Why didn't she talk clearly with her husband ? Omfg this drama is like a bottom rate junk. I'm curious with the storyline but the script and acting are terrible!


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