Emergency Couple: Episode 17

Death leaves no person unscathed, and there’s no way to predict how someone might react when death touches them. As this episode highlights, loss affects all of us, and can do different things to different people. Our characters react to loss in some unexpected ways, and I only wish it didn’t have to take such a tragedy to make that happen.


After leaving Chang-min’s father’s room, Jin-hee is in a daze as she walks through the hospital alone. She sits in the ER break room, remembering Dad’s last words to her that he can die happy because he’s seen Jin-hee become a doctor. She holds her white coat and badge and finally breaks down.

Ah-reum arrives at work and takes a call from Yong-gyu. She chirps brighty at him, teasing that he’d better come to work today, then suddenly becomes serious and asks him where he is.

The head nurse takes a call, and informs the doctors that Yong-gyu is in an ambulance on the way to the ER after taking a severe beating. When they wheel him in, he’s covered in blood and in a semi-comatose state.

The doctor asks Ah-reum if she knows what happened, but she says that he was fine when she left him at the bar the night before. Ji-hye treats him, muttering that Chang-min’s father just passed away, and now this. What a great start to the day.

Chang-min is at his father’s funeral, greeting guests while looking as if he’s barely holding himself together. He tells his aunt and uncle to comfort his mother, because she’s having a harder time than he is.

Chun-soo is at his computer putting in a request for time off on Chang-min’s behalf when Jin-hee comes to see him. He’s called her in to tell her to take the day off, and she puts up a token resistance but gives in rather easily.

Yong-gyu wakes up in the ER to see Ah-reum there taking care of him. She asks him what happened, but all he says is that he wanted to get beaten up. He admits he’s an idiot, and Ah-reum just smiles and tells him not to do that again, and not to disappear. She passes on the news to him about Chang-min’s father.

Jin-hee goes to the funeral but chooses not to approach Chang-min yet. The rest of the interns also go to pay their respects, but Chang-min says that he’s fine and they should go back to work, despite being obviously not fine at all. In fact he looks pretty scarily awful, and it’s worrisome.

Chun-soo and Ji-hye come to the funeral and see Jin-hee serving food to the guests, like she’s a member of the family. The interns also take note of this, and as they head back to work, Yong-gyu supposes that it’s not over even when it’s over.

Chang-min’s aunt and mother find Jin-hee serving the guests. His mother tells her she doesn’t need to be here, but for once she’s not angry. She just says that it will be hard on both of them. Jin-hee responds that this is all she can do for the man who was so supportive of her, asking again if she can stay. Chang-min’s mother tells Jin-hee that she knows her husband cared for her very much, and then is overcome with tears again.

Chang-min joins them and also asks Jin-hee to please leave, going so far as to take her wrist and gently lead her out. She apologizes to him, but he says that there’s no reason for an apology. Chang-min understands that she wants to help, but he just wants to get through this and he doesn’t know how to also console her.

Jin-hee counters that he’s hurting more, and she should be the one consoling him. He again asks her to leave, and invites her to just come as a guest next time.

Doctor Kim finds Yong-gyu in the ER to ask if he’s okay to work. He tells Yong-gyu that he’s arranged for him to work in the radiology department in order to rest while he heals from his injuries. Yong-gyu is happy not to have to see patients, but he deflates when he realizes that not being in the ER means he won’t see Ah-reum. That would be his biggest concern.

Doctor Kim thumps Yong-gyu on his injured head for being a lovesick dork, and Ah-reum is instantly there fussing at Doctor Kim for hurting him. Doctor Kim thumps Yong-gyu again and flees, leaving the two to coo at each other over Yong-gyu’s poor widdle head.

Young-ae pulls Jin-hee into a private room to tell her that she’s been so busy that she hasn’t had time to see an OB/GYN about her pregnancy yet. She wants to get a blood test to see if everything is okay with the baby, so Jin-hee volunteers to do the blood draw for her.

Jin-hee tells Young-ae that she needs to get to the doctor for an ultrasound, and Young-ae admits that childbirth scares her. She says that she’s not confident she can be an intern and have a baby at the same time, and asks Jin-hee for advice. She says that she can’t stand her husband since she got pregnant, and Jin-hee thinks it’s possible that Young-ae feels upset that he will advance in his career and leave her behind.

Later Chun-soo finds Jin-hee sitting alone, and guesses that she’s having a hard time. She tells him that Chang-min’s father was more than a former father-in-law to her, because he was so supportive of her through medical school. Chun-soo tells her that even though he didn’t know the man personally, he was highly respected. He gives her the advice not to try to hold back her grief.

Chang-min’s uncle joins him at the funeral, and asks if he knows why his father quit being a doctor. He says that just after Chang-min got married, a patient died during surgery. His father had done his best, but the patient had asked him not to tell his family that he was ill. The patient’s family blamed Chang-min’s father anyway, and caused him to doubt himself.

Chang-min says that he never knew this, and never thought to ask why his father had quit being a doctor. His uncle says he’s telling him this because he doesn’t want him to blame himself for not being able to save his father, or give up on himself too. Chang-min just listens and quietly cries.

Chang-min’s aunt tries to get his mother to eat, crying that she’s worried that she and Chang-min both are going to get sick if they don’t take care of themselves. Mom just pours herself some soju. She remembers when her husband told her to be healthy and take care of herself, and the time they all went to eat crab and he asked her siblings to respect and take care of her.

Jin-hee comes back to pay her respects to Chang-min’s father, as a guest this time along with her mother. Chang-min’s mother tells Jin-hee’s mother that she didn’t need to come, but thanks her sincerely. Jin-hee’s mother knows how she must feel, having also lost her husband, and says she knows how hard it is to hurt so much and yet go on living. Chang-min’s mother thanks her again, and then stops Jin-hee to thank her too. She’s so soft and sincere that even Chang-min breathes a sigh of relief.

After the funeral, Chang-min visits his father’s office. He finds a box with his father’s fishing gear in it and remembers that Dad had asked him to go fishing with him soon. He sees the calendar with his birthday circled in red, and breaks down in loud sobbing tears.

At the hospital, Ji-hye is on the phone with her daughter’s father. She’s angry, saying that she’s not asking for anything hard like child support, but just for him to get a blood test done. He hangs up on her and she turns around to find a stone-faced Chun-soo standing behind her.

He asks in a too-controlled voice what kind of bastard that guy is to abandon his own child. Ji-hye says that he’s nothing to her but he’s still the father of her child, so Chun-soo should watch how he speaks about the man.

The ER director breaks the news to Chun-soo that he’s suspended for punching Professor Ahn. Ahn wanted Chun-soo fired but was convinced to settle for suspension and a salary cut, only because he didn’t want to have to run the ER himself.

Chun-soo storms off to confront Professor Ahn. When he finds him, Ahn asks (in a smug tone that makes me want Chun-soo to punch him again) if he’s come to thank him for only suspending him. Chun-soo snarks that yes indeed, he’s very thankful that he’s not fired. Professor Ahn says that he heard the ER can’t function without Chun-soo but he thinks that’s nonsense. Chun-soo invites him to fire him then and do it himself if he wants, which makes Ahn pause.

Chun-soo apologizes for punching Professor Ahn, but says that he hopes he won’t hear any more things about Ahn in the future: things like him insulting divorced employees, or sexual harassment rumors like that time last year. Then he just walks away like a boss, leaving Professor Ahn spluttering.

Ji-hye performs an ultrasound on Young-ae, but it turns out that she’s not pregnant. Ji-hye says false positives can happen, which must be the case this time. Young-ae is thrilled enough to do a little happy dance, but poor Sang-hyuk looks crushed.

Ji-hye keeps Chun-soo company while he packs his things to take home during his suspension, and he asks if she really needs her ex’s blood test since she said that her daughter was fine for now. She says it would be good to have for later, just in case. She wishes she hadn’t even called, because she found out that he’s living with some girl. This prompts Chun-soo to call him a bastard again.

Chun-soo says that he feels bad for her daughter, but Ji-hye mentions that she’s only here in Korea for a year – she’ll join her daughter again soon. He asks if she’s thought about living here, which seems to give her pause. But she just says she’s comfortable in the US with her parents and her daughter. She sees an old picture of herself and Chun-soo together and tries to take it, but he grabs it back all, MINE. So cute.

Jin-hee is treating patients in the ER, and a nurse comments on how busy it is with Chang-min and Chun-soo both gone. One of the nurses blurts the news about Chun-soo’s suspension, which is news to Jin-hee.

She asks Ji-hye about Chun-soo’s suspension, but Ji-hye makes light of it like it’s just a nice little vacation so he can rest. She tells Jin-hee not to blame herself since she’s obviously feeling guilty.

Chun-soo is reading at a vacation house when Ji-hye calls him to cheerfully taunt him about how well it’s going in the ER without him. She casually mentions that it’s Jin-hee’s day off and oh yeah, she told Jin-hee where he’s staying. Then Jin-hee calls him next and says she’s nearby, wanting to know where exactly he’s staying. This throws Chun-soo into a mini-panic, and it’s adorable how he runs to fix his hair and shave, muttering about that Big Rock.

He runs out to meet her, and of course the first thing he says is a characteristically curt, “Why are you here?” He grunts for her to come in, which just makes Jin-hee laugh. When they get inside she presents him with the food that her mother sent with her, which he obviously thinks is sweet, though he grumbles at her not to bring food next time. He invites her to sit and it’s so cute how he tries to hide his mess under…more mess.

Jin-hee notices that he cut himself shaving, and he admits that he was in a hurry, then hilariously looks like a deer in headlights when he realizes he gave his excitement away. He asks why she’s here, and she says that she feels bad that he got a suspension and salary cut because of her. Chun-soo insists that it wasn’t because of her, and admonishes her to work harder while he’s gone.

Chang-min is home in bed with an ominous-sounding cough when Yong-gyu calls to check on him. Chang-min sounds like death as he says that he’s fine, but he’s just too tired to talk. Yong-gyu hangs up and Ah-reum asks how Chang-min is doing. (Has anyone else noticed how she’s always right near Yong-gyu lately?) He thinks that she must be pretty worried about Chang-min, and she admits that she is but doesn’t seem as concerned as you’d expect.

Jin-hee is in the middle of telling Chun-soo how she doesn’t know what to do for Chang-min, and he just says that she should follow her heart. He tells her that looking at her and Chang-min together reminds him of his parents who were also divorced. He muses that everyone must have different reasons for divorce, since you can’t know for sure when you marry someone that you’ll stay happy with them forever.

He’s sounding awfully enlightened about the whole thing, but then Jin-hee pulls out the book she borrowed from him and remembers that the advice he just gave her is underlined in the book. HA, he’s busted, though he tries hard to look innocent. She reads the underlined passage aloud, and we see images of Chang-min alone in bed and looking even sicker than before.

Jin-hee’s stomach growls loudly, so they take the food outside to grill. Chun-soo goes inside, and Jin-hee tries to light the grill but it’s windy and she manages to light her coat on fire instead. Chun-soo comes running and throws water on Jin-hee’s jacket to put the fire out. He stares at her for a moment, then reaches over to gently wipe a smudge of soot off of Jin-hee’s face. The nervous tension seems to break and he smiles at her.

After dinner, they have coffee and make small talk about the food, and Jin-hee suddenly asks Chun-soo why he’s not married. He says he’s not sure, but she wonders if it’s because of his parents. The awkward is back as Chun-soo searches for an answer, and all he comes up with is a pithy, “Is it?” A great man of words, our Chun-soo.

Ah-reum stops by Chang-min’s apartment to check on him, but there’s no answer in response to her knocks or her phone calls.

Chun-soo drives Jin-hee home, and makes her promise to work hard until he returns to the hospital in two weeks. She apologizes again, not having realized that her divorce could cause such serious problems for someone else. He says he’s not just “someone else,” and that he doesn’t think of her as “someone else” or he wouldn’t have gone so far as to punch someone on her behalf.

Chun-soo says that he understands now why Chang-min has been rude to him, but that it looks to him as if things aren’t over between Chang-min and Jin-hee. She admits that she feels that way, too. He starts to say something else, but Jin-hee’s phone rings.

It’s Ah-reum, still outside Chang-min’s door and getting more and more concerned. Jin-hee rushes to Chang-min’s place, lying to the doorman that she’s his wife in order to have him let her in. She finds Chang-min still in bed and whoa, he looks really bad. She can’t wake him up and starts to call for an ambulance, but he rouses enough to touch her hand and croak out a weak, “I’m okay.”

Jin-hee berates herself for not coming sooner, saying that she knew he might get sick like this but she didn’t have the courage to come. She gets him medicine and food and manages to get his fever down. Chang-min thanks her but tells her to leave, and Jin-hee asks why he always seems to be trying to kick her out lately. She promises to leave after he eats.

Ah-reum comes back to see if Chang-min is okay, and she’s relieved to hear that he’s better now. Jin-hee thanks her for calling her, and Ah-reum leaves without seeing Chang-min.

Jin-hee gets herself a drink, but stops as she reaches for a glass. In a jar on the table is her wedding ring that her sister pawned and Chang-min bought back. Before she can gather her thoughts, Chang-min comes out of his room, and she tells him that Ah-reum stopped by to check on him.

Chang-min says that he feels bad for the way he treated Ah-reum. Instead of answering, Jin-hee just holds her hand out to him, with her wedding ring in her palm.


If anything good has come from Chang-min’s father’s illness and passing, it’s that finally people seem to be turning their focus to making peace with each other. Chang-min and Jin-hee are speaking to each other more kindly, and Chun-soo seems to be trying to understand Chang-min’s attitude towards him. Even the mothers had a nice moment of peacemaking, which was lovely to see. Death can either bring people together or tear them apart, and I love that the legacy of Professor Oh will be one of understanding and caring for each other. He may not have been a warm and fuzzy type of person, but it was clear that he wanted his loved ones to care for each other, and I was glad to see them honoring that.

The biggest change occurs in Chang-min’s mom, who truly seems to be making an effort to treat people better. She makes a point to thank Jin-hee for trying to save her husband, when I was so afraid that she would blame Jin-hee for his death. She even tells Jin-hee how much he cared for her, and I’d like to think that she’ll take that knowledge to heart and see that Jin-hee really is a person that she should respect and treat well. It’s important for this to happen for many story-related reasons, but mostly I’m glad that the writers have given her a reason to change that resonates as true and genuine, rather than her just taking it easier on Jin-hee because Chang-min tells her to. I hope this trend continues for Mom, and that she becomes a better person from this tragedy.

Chang-min is also a very different man in this episode. He hardly looks anyone in the eye and barely speaks, and it seems as if the one-two punch of Jin-hee’s rejection plus his father’s loss has beaten him. Knowing Chang-min, I expected more raging anger, but seeing him just so defeated is very hard to watch. It’s interesting that, as Jin-hee points out, Chang-min spends this whole episode (and the previous one as well) telling her to leave; leave the waiting room, leave the funeral, leave him alone even though he’s sick. He’s not even angry; I think he’s just trying to honor her wishes and give her the space she requested. I also think a lot of it is his trying to spare her grief; I don’t know if he truly understands how close she was to his father.

On the other hand, tragedy brings people closer, and Jin-hee finally seems to be trying to get closer to Chang-min even if only to be there for him in a difficult time. I hope that if anything good comes of Dad’s death, it’s that the people in our story realize that you have to appreciate people while you have them. Life is too short to push away the people that you love no matter what form that love takes, even if it’s a residual love for a person with whom you once shared hopes of a future together. Seeing Jin-hee reach out and try to make a connection with Chang-min is a good thing; I’ve been waiting for weeks for her to take an active role in making peace with him on some level, rather than just tell him to keep his distance.

Jin-hee’s visit to Chun-soo is interesting on a lot of levels. It’s obvious that there’s interest on both sides, and it was good to see them both relax a little around each other. But it’s telling that Jin-hee isn’t there for long before she starts to talk about Chang-min and how she doesn’t know what to do for him. I think that Chun-soo is right when he points out that things aren’t over between Jin-hee and Chang-min, and I’m glad that she admitted that it’s true. I feel bad for Chun-soo, who is just barely starting to loosen up around Jin-hee, but it’s mature and understanding of him to encourage her, in his way, to tie up the loose ends of her past.

No matter what happens on the romantic front, because at this point I can still see any number of ways this could go, Jin-hee still has a lot of things to work on when it comes to her past relationship with Chang-min. She and Chang-min need to have a good, honest sit-down about what happened between them, and find a way to put to rest all the hurt and upset they still carry. Then they can either move forward with each other, or separately – but neither of them will truly be able to move on and have a healthy relationship with anyone until they settle things between themselves.

But for the first time since the beginning of the show, I feel like they’ll be able to support each other and get through this together, one way or another.


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Indeed an emotional week.

Choi Jin Hyuk && Song Ji Hyo's crying moments? Ugh TT

Even Chang Min's mom made me cry.


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Its indeed a birthday tragedy.its really break me into tears..


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This week was really hard. In a way I was disappointed they had to kill a character in order for the others to grow and learn. Thankfully his death became, as you said, a legacy. Not a burden. But so much crying and Chang-min being super emo is so saaaaaad. What happened to all the cheery hijinx? *flips table*

On a brighter note, really happy that Ah-reum is warming up to Young-gyu more, even though, again, it takes him having a mental breakdown to make it happen. I suppose in dramaland, nothing happens unless the bad comes to town.

Aaaannd seeing Chief Gook being so awkward around Jin-hee makes me feel secondhand awkward. Poor guy. Will he have his happy ending?


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A great episode.

Changmin's mom definitely redeemed herself. I can start liking her.


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She redeemed herself so much that I find it hard to believe.


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I have really enjoyed watching the characters develop in this show. These latest two episodes were hard to watch but the emotions all felt honest.

I like that Park Joon Geum has been given the chance to play a more complex character than the usual monster in law. I also like the work that the costume designer and make up designer did with her to underline her transition.

It is nice to see grown ups acting like grown ups. Four episodes left. Here's hoping that the rest of the show continues in this even handed vein.


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Thanks for the recap!
I hope they do get closure on the past. I think it's time for Jin Hee and Chang Min to figure out how to move on. Some how this episode made me disconnect with the leads and not be as invested in their outcome. Maybe cause a huge part of me hopes that they don't get together. It seems a bit predictable for the show to go in that direction.
As for Chun Soo, even if he doesn't end up with Jin Hee, she's been good for him. He can start his own journey to become whole. Maybe he'll make peace with his parents and settle in a healthy relationship. I don't think his opening up will be for naught.
Oh! And I was super relieved to confirm that Ji Hye's kid is not Chun Soo's!


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Growth,development all essentially to the story . Yet I missed the fun and the love.


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While I agree that Chang Min wants to spare Jin Hee pain, I don't think that is the reason he keeps sending her away. She has made clear, and he acknowledges, that leaving is more painful for her, so putting her needs first would mean letting her stay. He doesn't. He kindly gives her her appropriate place. A short visit as a friend. Staying would help. He acknowledges that, and immediately tells her to leave anyway. Why? Because HE hurts more than she hurts, and he is broken. He cannot take any more pain.

He loves her. They both know it, but this is not a selfless stance. It is a healthy and honest stance. The layers of his pain are masterfully drawn.

1. Of course he hurts because his father died.

2. He hurts because he is a doctor and could not save his father.

3. He hurts because while his mom is finally manageable, look at her. It has got to be terrifying to see her so broken, and how draining to see your mom broken and know you and everyone around also feel relief as well as sorrow for her. Think how much energy it would take to process that kind of inner turmoil in the best of times.

4. In his devastated sense, the pain he was already beginning to finally feel for his broken marriage has escalated dramatically. He understands what the divorce really means, that they can't pretend - how inappropriate it is for Jin-Hee to act like a family member at the funeral. He sees. That means he also knows how inappropriate it was for him to insinuate himself into Jin Hee's life. Not that he is thinking this through - it is gut level, visceral awareness. This is real, unalterable recognition.

5. He is frighteningly flat and devastated, but he cannot accept comfort from the one person who could offer him that. She does offer it, adding an exquisite layer to the pain, because he cannot accept under these conditions, conditions he brought on himself. Ack, the layers! It would hurt even more if he accepted comfort from her, and he literally cannot take that.

6. The divorce hurt his father all these years!

7. Yes, he wants to comfort Jin Hee to ease her pain. He can't.

8. Comforting Jin Hee is probably the only action he could take that would be comforting to himself. The rest of it is taxing duty, and he is managing his duty admirably, but duty and self preservation and even respect for his mother's pain do not allow him to comfort her in order to feel better.

9. I think there is a longer list, but it hurts ME too much to look deeper right now. Damn. Like I said, masterful.

The marriage is really over, and finally seems completely irretrievable to him. He is guarding the appropriate boundary in a kind and healthy manner, even in his devastated state, when they desperately need each other.

That circle is broken.

Which we know makes way for a fresh start. But for Chang Min it must be like looking into a mirror reflecting a mirror reflecting a mirror, an unending holagram of hurt.

He know that...


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This was particularly well put Mostlyamused. I'm glad we've gotten to see the devastation of both these characters at different points in the drama.

Thanks for the recap LollyPip. I really like your writing style and ending thoughts :)


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I enjoyed this analysis, especially point 4.

In this episode we also got to see clearly what Chang Min meant when he said, early in the series, that part of why their marriage ended was because Jin Hee had a tendency to allow herself to get lost in her feelings, to the exclusion of all else. And I think we saw that happening here -- her conversations with Chang Min about her father's illness and death were all about her and her feelings and what Tae Suk had done for her... It was quite self-centred, and Chang Min handled it with an admirable amount of grace and tact, and a great deal of maturity. I really respected his behaviour in this episode.

For me, the episode was effective in that it finally convinced me that it might actually be possible for Jin Hee and Chang Min to have a decent relationship. I'm thinking that on the spectrum of friends, lovers, or nothing, friendship would be the most believable thing for them at this point in time, with perhaps the hope held out of a gradual evolution into a mature, healthyand mutually beneficial love.

What both intrigues me and worries me at the point in the show is that I genuinely don't know what's going to happen with the core relationships that have been set up, but I think it could be something interesting. I hope it's something with a little more substance to it than JH and CM quickly and easily get back together and live happily ever after, because that would feel kind of glib after everything that's happened, and especially after this episode. The potential for me to be disappointed is high, but I remain hopeful.


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Before Dad got sick, I had been hoping that he would come work at the hopital and set things right!


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Emergency Couple and Sly and Single Again have so many plot points in common!


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I agree but I like the supporting character/actor on EC. I like all of them well except for the MIL but since the last couple of episode I don't hate her at all I actually felt sad when her husband died. Dr. Shim is awesome, Clara surprisingly I actually like and of baby gook is my favorite. lol


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I was sure after watching this episode that Ji Hye’s child was not fathered by Chun Soo, but I'm having second thoughts now. What if that blood test she was requesting was to check paternity? Like maybe the man in the US was a rebound, as soon as Ji Hye got there, and he wouldn't take a paternity test earlier? And Ji Hye wants to confirm that he is the father now, because if he isn't, Chun Soo is? It's still possible. Or not. For some reason the writer has dangled this kid out there throughout the show. For some reason its been hinted that Ji Hye and Chun Soo's past breakup had something to do with his unwillingness to marry and have kids. For some reason the writer had this kid have some kind of growth deficiency. Maybe to only be a red herring, but all that stuff is out there.

Otherwise, this program has been the "It sure sucks to be Chang Min" (other than his internship going well) show for the last few weeks, so I'm glad we may be finally turning the corner on that with him and Jin Hee.


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But why a blood test then. A DNA test should suffice and I think the guy would be glad to do it if only to possibly prove that the child is not his. Blood tests tell so much more than a simple DNA test.


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ooh, because child support! While simple, proof of paternity comes with obligation. I did not even consider that until now! We did just hear her say, "I am not asking you for something hard like child support!" Oh my. Maybe there is a question of paternity. Ack! I thought the question was finally laid to rest in that scene, but there it is still dangling. Sheesh!


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Good point, maybe it didn't occur


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Sorry,...maybe it did not occur to the writer that a dna test would suffice.


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It is only recently that DNA tests have become totally routine, fast, and cheap. A lot of people have not caught up yet - including a lot of writers. Saw a 2013 drama where they said it would take 6 weeks. In reality now, if you want to pay extra you can get one in two hours.


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I don't know whether the episodes before that you watched might not have the right subs, Prof. Shim's daughter have health problem that possibly need transplant or blood donor, or plasma donor. She asked for blood test is to know whether the father is compatible with the daughter. That's why it is not paternity test -- not for child support


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Wasn't the child's problem growth related? Chun Soo did ask how old the child was. Answer: 4 years old. Chun Soo and Ji Hye were separated for 6 years right? So there was that sigh of relief from Chun Soo when given this information. He did say that he felt bad that maybe it was because of his commitment-phobia that Ji Hye made a wrong decision but just going out with just anyone. But you beanies are giving the writers quite a good monkey wrench here. It will make the second leads' stories interesting.


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You are right, but it could be that since the info could also be used to petition for child support, the man is resisting because of legal liability. In which case, curse Shim's ex all you like, Chief!

My best guess is that the writers are just goofing with us, dangling this paternity issue out of reach.


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Did they really have to kill the father? It almost seems like the writers took the easy way out. :/


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What is up with all these deaths in dramaland? A close relative just died in my family and I come to dramaland to 'escape' and BAM more deaths!

Other than that; I loved the two episodes. I thought jin hee and chang min nailed the feelings of grief when someone they've loved is lost. Can't wait for next week's hopefully lighter episodes.


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I'm sorry about your relative. My condolences to you and your family.


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I was staring at Jin hee's orange (?) parka jacket when she visited chun soo and thinking oooooooo what a nice jacket. And was like noooo when the jacket caught fire (was seriously pretty upset). And then she wore it back again and it seemed it wasn't burnt? Idk I'm confused haha


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I thought it was a slip-up too, but then I remembered that Chun Soo said it was only burnt on the inside. So the nice jacket isn't entirely ruined!


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LOL the burnt spot is luckily only in the inside of the jacket..so she can still wear it~ ^^


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While we're on the topic of her jacket (and I love how we're obsessing over something that was probably a minor point to the writer and average viewer), if my jacket had been burnt in the inside, there was no way in hell I would wear it over a white/cream sweater. The soot would be a bitch to remove.

Also, while it was a sort of funny scene, I feel the writer is quite inconsistent - one moment Jin Hee is this super talented and quick thinking ER doctor, and next, she doesn't know what to do with a small fire she started, and flails uselessly until Chief Gook shows up to save the day with the pitcher of water right next to her...


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Yes, I noticed and scoffed at that too, how Jin Hee somehow transformed into a helpless flailer, all "Ottoke? Ottoke?!" I guess it was supposed to be funny, but I though it was rather ridiculous.


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I can understand that. People can be really competent at work and useless with house matters.


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House matters perhaps, but most people learn in like the 2nd grade about something like that.


"..and next, she doesn’t know what to do with a small fire she started, and flails uselessly.."

That is one of the three or four things that really get on my nerves about k-dramas, even though I try to ignore it. I think what bothers me is not that tropes like that happen so often, but that they only happen with women.


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c'mon~ not everyone is perfect..jin hee may be super talented and quick thinking but she can have a panic attack too..don't you think?? :)


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It's very normal... Just like Ji Hyo in real life when you think about it..... she can do all things including the highest bungee jumping in the world but helplessly flails when it comes to small bugs..
That will make her human! :-)


While I am firmly on the Jin-hee/Chang-min ship, I really love that I don't know who JH will pick. The writers of this drama are really good!


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Good at trolling us. Lol. But I will concede I really love this drama, but I think it is because of the acting, not the writing. The actors have stepped up, especially CJH and have delivered even when the pacing and plots of the writing haven't always met our expectations.


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The jacket burning was the most pointless bit of business ever, unless it becomes a plot point in a later episode.

I wondered if it were a product placement for clothes you can burn and wear, without losing you image of being stylish.

It it were an excuse to have Chun Soo touch Jin Hee's face, they didn't need that contrivance. Barbecue sauce would have taken care of the excuse for skinship.


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I think the situation also gave Chun Soo an opportunity to demonstrate that he would not freak out and escalate her tendency toward ditzy clumsiness outside the ER.

And Someone may notice the charring at an inopportune time later, since the point was made she can still wear the coat.


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indeed, the death of your loved ones can really change people for the better or worse..having the experience of that when my older sister passed away (at the age of 18 y/o) in a car crashed..it was really hard on us..seeing my mother break down..i can understand chang min feelings..but the good side is that my oldest sister change really drastically..she became more responsible and mature which is a surprised for everyone in our family because before she always create probems(troublemaker like jin-ae in a sense)..rarely sleep at home and so on..i really hate her back then and have no respect for her at all...but things had changed now~ so, what i'm trying to say is good things comes too, not all is bad... like jin hee read in the book; 'wise people always get the correct anwer by making it the right one'

on side note, please bring the comedy next week writer-nim~ i can't stand the emotional feeling..haven't cried this bad since watching 'i miss u' GAWD!! >,<


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I love Lee Pil Mo's portrayal on ChunSoo! I think he plays that awkward side to him perfectly!


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So they kill a dad here and another one over at Sly's-copycat ;)


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"Our characters react to loss in some unexpected ways, and I only wish it didn’t have to take such a tragedy to make that happen." Lollypip, in some ways, tragedy is a universal way of leveling the playing field. Like we saw here, it leaves everyone's greatest fear of being alone exposed. this was especially true for the poisonous mom (her own description of herself) who admitted that about herself too late to remedy her marriage.

The peeve I have is that the com is no longer paired with the rom, and we're left with a pretty mundane way of wrapping up the show in a much more melo fashion. So all that's left is to tie up the little romantic threads which if predictable, and hope for that big, pretty, swoon-y kiss to happen.


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I have to admit I haven't been happy with the melo direction over the past few episodes, but at least it brought in some serious movement. I swear I couldn't take one more episode of having JH on the fence and not having a clue regarding her feelings or emotions for anyone. At least we now have her admitting she doesn't thing things are over with CM. Finally. But I still don't think the writers have completely turned her over to CM yet. The door isn't shut on CS yet (thought it seems likely)and now we have the added complication that CM keeps pushing her away for her own good.

I love this drama and I am invested in it until the end, good or bad. And I will admit, I am one of those people who will forgive a multitude of bad writing sins for the sake of a gorgeous kiss of closure before it all ends. I will forgive a whole freaking lot if the writers give us something really sweet and satisfying between CM and JH before it all ends. Because going in I expected a ROM-COM where the leads get together at the end, I hope the writers will at least give us that after the last 3 to 4 episodes of pure undiluted drama and pain they have put us through.


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Poor Chang Min. I am queasily dreading the possibility that Chang Min will turn to Ah Reum, partly because it seems easy, and partly for his mother, and partly to push Jin-Hee toward Chun Soo... And that ah Reum, finally realizing she will never ever be first in his eyes even if they marry will reject him.

Don't lean in that direction, Chang Min. You already hurt enough.


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I really felt for awkward lunkhead (and I say that with love!) Chun Soo in this episode. The scene where he was literally running to meet her, and then as he saw her approach he slowed down to a nonchalant stroll to try to conceal his eagerness was so cute.

He really does like Jin Hee a lot, and he's trying so hard to overcome his natural awkwardness and emotional reticence. We can see how much of an effort it takes for him to verbalize his feelings towards her, even in small ways, because it is not in his nature to be expressive in that way, it's a very difficult thing. And yet he gathers up his courage repeatedly and kind of blurts his feelings out as best he can. I really sympathise with the effort he is making to be open (and therefore vulnerable) when he is clearly the kind of person who prefers to shut his feelings up tight under his gruff exterior, and pretend that they don't exist. (I also appreciate that the Chief recognizes and acknowledges this aspect of his character as a flaw/problem -- I like that self-awareness.)

On top of that he also has to deal with the fact that the woman he likes has not just an ex-husband, but an ex-husband who works in close proximity with both of them, and an ex-husband with whom she clearly has unfinished emotional business. That can't be easy for him, and he's handling it surprisingly well, all things considered. I felt genuinely bad for him when Jin Hee came to see him and spent all that time talking about Chang Min; and he accepted it so patiently and gently, too, bless his heart.

During this last episode, it occurred to me that when it comes to the romance the person I'm most concerned about isn't either of the Oh-Oh couple, it's actually Chun Soo. Because he has really put himself out there for Jin Hee and I would feel really sad if that all came to nothing. Especially since for a guy like the Chief, because he's so closed off, prospects of romance are few and far between (didn't he say that he's never had a girlfriend apart from Dr. Shim?). Who knows when he might get a chance like this again?

Of course, there is always the option of him ending up with Dr. Shim, but seeing how head-over-heels he is for Jin Hee and seeing that Dr. Shim knows it, a Shim-Gook pairing would feel like he was settling for his second-best -- the familiar, when what he really wants is someone to make his heart flutter. And that would be unfair to Dr. Shim and her awesomness, I think. Plus, she has a daughter to consider and I think Chief Gook's step-father potential is a little questionable.

We'll see what happens. To me, Chief Gook has become such a sympathetic (thought imperfect) character, that I really don't want him to end the series alone, back in his emotional fortress.


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I just wanted to say I loved your comment these are the reasons why I'm rooting for Chun soo too. He's just so precious. By far my fab character in the series.

But after being trolled last ep with the kiss and then Jin hee running to Chang min after the phone call :( my Chun soo/Jin hee ship went down faster than the titanic :'(

Drama you better give my Chun soo a happy ending if not I might just have to build an emotional fortress myself to handle the heartbreak :(


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I'd rather the drama ended with SJH/Gook being a future possibility than rushing the relationship just to pair the spares because ITA he's crushing on OJH pretty hard and SJH does deserve better than being the consolation prize.

There are hints he still likes her, like holding on to the photo, but it's not enough when he's being an awkward puppy around OJH.


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I am totally with you.

While Chang-min has shown remarkable growing up maturity, restrain and sensitivity this week, and I feel his pain ...

Yet it IS still extremely heartbreaking to realise (esp in that last moment when JH ran to Chang-min at the end of their awkwardly-romantic evening) .... that this would also mean that = after all the courageous and effortful opening up for our clam (10x the difficulty for Chun-soo, compared to the average Joe out there) .... that he will NOT get any positive reinforcement for his efforts.

Even Chun-soo himself remarked on seeing them together, that it didn't feel like it was over yet. How big is it of the man to even want to acknowledge that fact, not dismissively squish or deny it.

It took soooo much for Chunsoo to put himself and his emotions out there. To take 5 steps forward so painfully and bravely ... only to fall 10 steps backwards into his "emotional fortress" with the result.

It's so UNFAIR! :(((


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Cripes! Never have I cried so much for a KDrama!! Reminded me so much of my Dad's passing and the reactions...they nailed it! The Mom tugged at my heart...tough as nails on the outside and so fragile on the inside...nice to see the inside appear. Hope it continues to show. I am a binge watcher and finally am watching the ongoing dramas. Tis a tough thing waiting a week for the new episodes and so not disappointed with what's playing! Love Dramabeans!! Thank you! Love your job, right? Kekeke


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I am definitely rooting for the Oh-Oh couple. They are obviously still connected to one another whether they like it or not. And with the mums learning to connect via this tragedy, the mother factor is now turning into a non-factor. Which to be honest, was a pain throughout the earlier episodes. Now I guess, it is up to the couple themselves to sort it out!


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"... supposes that it’s not over even when it’s over."

No. tvN, no. I have not fully recovered from the Chilbong's pain(I refused to watch the final episode btw lol), don't you dare pull out that card again on EC....

My opinion regarding this episode has been exactly described by the comments above so I'm just gonna pinpoint other things:
- Chun-Soo's smiling face when he wiped off the dirt on Jin-Hee's face is everything. I had to pause and stare at it for a few seconds just to embrace the beauty of it.
- Ji-Hye is one of the best characters that has appearead on kdramaland for a quite awhile. She is so awesome, I wish that the writers would give her a happy ending because she truly deserves it.

Such a sad episode, nonetheless.


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I don't agree that she is all that awesome. She started out that way somewhat, but has reversed course. I find the female leads in Sly and Single and God's Gift much more awesome.

I blame the writer - this "reversion to stereotypes and clichés" seems to happen quite a bit with dramas that go past 16 episodes. Like a lot of stuff is just put in as filler - like the burning jacket scene, which I thought was just stupid.


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I just want a happy ending for Chun Soo. He's such an adorable yet awkward gentleman. Chun Soo, come to the U.S. and I'll marry you instead. :D


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Lots of interesting characters in this show!

Jin-hee is slowly becoming one of my favorite Kdrama heroines along with Song-Yi. Something about her is just relatable, real, and...I dunno, I just feel good getting to know her.

I can understand Young-ae's feelings regarding her child. I guess it's good for her she's not pregnant, and it's not like they lost the child, it was never there. Trying to figure it out with her husband is the hard part.

Maybe it's just me, but Dr. Kim seems like he might have a little thing for Yong-Gyu. I started feeling this a while ago, and recently it's little things like being more (kind of comically) concerned for him last episode and their interaction this episode. Either way, they're funny to see together, especially Dr. Kim. Wouldn't mind seeing more of his face lol


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Re Dr. Kim and Yong Gyu, it's not just you! I'm definitely seeing a budding bromance there. I wish we got to see more of their dynamic, because I think they make a very entertaining pair.


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haha I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought I was reading too much into it and they were just like any other colleagues.

They are funny to watch, especially together so hopefully we see more in these last episodes.


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I haven't been keeping up with episodes, but I've been reading the recaps. One thing I have to say is that I'm so glad Ah-Reum is not the typical bitchy second lead (at least that's what I'm getting from the recaps).


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I have to admit that I am not really on board with this drama much anymore. It seems to have gotten more and more melo and clichés. Still watching it, but barely. I am simply not buying many of the rom and com setups anymore.


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Love this drama.

CJH was awesome, and it reminded me of him in Gu Family...:-)


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Ah, Choi Jin Hyuk.. hope we get to see him in another rom-com again soon! But he's planning to enlist in the army already, right? We'll wait for you, Oppa!

It'll be interesting, maybe still frustrating for shippers on either side, to see where the Show will take us. If it gives us Jinhee & Changmin back together, I hope it does so in a satisfying manner.


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16 n 17 is such an onion slices! ChangMin crying beside his father's body and the scene when Jinhee breaks down...
Beside all that gloomy
By any chance, if I put a smudge on my cheek, will my handsome co-worker wipe it for me than give me a killer smile like Chunsoo does?


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Thanks for the recap LollyPip!

I really enjoy watching what Choi Jin-Hyuk brings as an actor to to the screen with his characters. He was impressive and the most memorable character as Koo Wol-Ryung in Gu Family Book. Even with limited time on screen in Heirs, Choi Jin-Hyuk captured our attention and made us care enough to speculate curiously about his character Kim Won. And now in Emergency Couple, he has portrayed and balanced Oh Chang-Min with varying degrees of emotion (affable, confidence, lovesick, yearning, sullenness, jealousy, grief, comedic, brazen, passionate, domineering, motivated, competitive, etc.)

Oh Chang-Min is not and is far from perfect but Choi Jin-Hyuk makes you want to tune in and see his character's journey from beginning to end.


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I agree. CJH has done a wonderful job and has taken a very flawed and at times very unlikeable character and has made him someone I can root for. Bravo Jin Hyuk, you are amazing!!!!


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Thanks for the recap.


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I dont know who i'm rooting for anymore! one min its CS and the next its CM. Imagine being in Jin Hee's position


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They need to have add sci-fi to this drama genre so the lead girl could be cloned and both first and second lead guys will get the girl and all would be well.


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It's not mentioned in detail, but there were 2 touching scenarios for me:
1) When Chang Min's mum was downing soju at the wake, she thought back to what her hubby said over the rare lunch, saying that he's been neglecting her, asking her sisters to take care of her, listen to her, be there for her, and he gave her a nice big piece of crab. It dawn unto her that it was her hubby crossing out his bucket list, making sure she will be taken care of... and she started wailing uncontrollably.
2) When Chang Min went to his dad's office, saw the shopping list on the things to buy for a fishing trip, saw all the brand new and unopened fishing supplies his dad prepared, saw his birthdate being marked out on the calendar, he realised that even though dad has been distant, he loves Chang Min and was looking forward to finally spending some time fishing and bonding with Chang Min before he runs out of time, but Chang Min didn't take it seriously/urgently and dad didn't get to fulfill his wish... and Chang Min started sobbing uncontrollably from regret.


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Yes, thank you for reminding me of both of these great scenes.


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I'm really enjoying the show and I love how the setup actually deviates from the usual Kdramas where the main arc is on the male lead (often with an "unforgettable" first love) who meets a new girl and falls in love with her. Often I can't help but feel sorry for the first love who comes back into the picture and finds that she no longer has a place in the guy's heart. I love seeing the interactions between CM and JH, a couple once married, as they cross paths again in a hospital setting. It's kind of like a healing process for the two of them. The close proximity of which gives them a chance to rediscover the traits they once fell in love with, witness each other's growth, reflect on what truly went wrong. Even perhaps getting another shot to make it right this time round. I for one would love that to happen as this somehow feels more consistent with the overall theme and tone of the drama.
I like that the writer took time to show us how the main characters' attitude towards love are shaped and defined by their experiences and personalities - CM's " i want you therefore you are mine" style to now understanding JH's heart, JH who has come so far since she hit rock bottom and yet still remembering the hurt and thus seemed to be content to let relationships take a backseat, CS who has a complex due to his divorced parents and JH who has such a mature and big-hearted approach to love.
These 2 episodes especially, the actors have really shone with their portrayal of emotions which feel so real and come across from deep within, especially CJH in this episode and certainly Scary Mother-in-law. Their acting really got to me and made me cry.
So far I'm really addicted and finding myself wanting to continue this journey and seeing what the future holds for our characters. In the next few episodes, I hope JH will soon be able to find her answer to the same question she asked CS in the car: “Which do you like better, someone familiar, or someone who makes your heart flutter?”


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Or even better, someone familiar who makes your heart flutter. OCM could cover both bases... As could OJH for him, given that elevator scene.


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Definitely. I agree with you. She is not unaffected by him at all. Not to mention her dreams about him. I don't think I have seen her dreaming about the Chief.

I think CM does both to her...makes her heart flutter and he is familiar to her. And hopefully with the MIL situation improving, they might have a chance to work out some of their trust issues.


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Usually and majority of the drama we get a hint who the main OTP are especially just by looking at promotional poster BUT... in EC I thought it was a story about second chances and OTP is SJH and CJH. Ep 17 JH finally gives a hint she cares of CM and even keeps on talking about him a few minutes after she arrived at Chief Gook's home. All this logically makes me think Changmin and Jinhee will get back togeter. BUT somehow something is whispering or keep coming up in my mind that JH might end up with Chief. Of all the dramas I've watch its the first time I was unsure if the main OTP would really get together in the end. I mean there's only 4 more episode to go and still who JH would choose is still unclear. Either the writer is trolling us or he/she is also confused. I just hope we have a satisfying ending because this is a ROM-COM. I watched this to laugh and feel all mushy although I expect mellow I don't wan't a tragic or open ending.


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Great recap but I think I'm about done with this drama it feels like the writers aren't even trying at this point. To be honest the scene with Jin Hee and Cheon soo I felt was just to fill in for time. There was really no reason for that scene when it's obvious Chang min is going to end up with Jin Hee... Poor Chief lost his job, hope he gets a happy ending. Anyway I think I'll stick with your recaps rather then watching, Emergency Couple lost my attention no longer eager to watch it -.-


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I'm frustrated by Song Ji Hyo's acting and I just need to vent or a bit.

SJH is someone that I want to like because she looks like a sensitive, kind, down-to-earth person. Nevertheless, I'm not a fan of her acting. In fact, I'm distracted watching her because I keep thinking that she reminds me of Wednesday in the Addams Family movie with the pale skin, large eyes, lips that barely move when speaking, and droopy face that makes me think there's an ever-present black cloud hanging over her head. Granted, the past 2 episodes have been pretty sad, but this is the feeling I've gotten from her for the past 17 episodes (that is, when she wasn't pulling faces for the comedic moments in the earlier episodes). I just think that she would be better suited for melodramas or sageuks (although I wasn't a fan of hers in Jumong or Mandate of Heaven either). It seems like people are fans of her because of her subtlety. I, on the other hand, think her expressions are a bit too subtle and result in lack of range. I think Hwang Jung-Eum or Shin Min Ah or any of a number of actresses, can say the same lines that SJH says in this drama and it would come off as natural and yet not Wednesday-like. That's just my opinion. Ugh - I hate leaving a negative comment, but her acting has been REALLY bugging me, especially when I feel like it's contributing to the lack of chemistry between the two leads. Again, this is just my opinion. Btw, thanks for the recap, Lollypip.


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