Standby: Episode 87 (Highlight)
by javabeans
A Standby highlight that DOESN’T have anything to do with Ha Suk-jin? Who knew this day would come?
This show is totally lagging for me these days, but this episode came along and was so sweet and wistful that I felt sad all over again that the rest of the show wasn’t as solid.
Still, I’m happy to have the highlight, which centers around a loveline I never thought I’d care about. Plus: I love reimagined folk/fairy tales, so thumbs-up on that score.
Acoustic Collabo – “사랑이 멀어져가” (Love drifts away) [ Download ]
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The episode kicks off with Shi-wan seeing how noona So-min’s still crushing on Ki-woo, and in his quietly disappointed way, he just sighs. And while I’ve never felt too invested in his crush on her, I do think his reaction is just as much if not more out of concern for So-min than himself since he can see she’s just going to come out of it with disappointed hopes.
He sees Kim Yeon-woo working on a screenplay at the restaurant, intent on sending it in to an open competition. He says it’s cathartic to work on his real-life issues in a fictional script (and with all the stress he faces at the office, one imagines there’s a lot of that), which gives Shi-wan an idea to try exorcising his own frustrations in fiction.
And thus “The Story of Mong-ryong” is born.
Based on the famous folktale of Chun-hyang, Shi-wan’s version just does what all those fusion sageuk projects of the present day are doing: Take the familiar and give it a small twist. In Delightful Girl Chun-hyang did the modernized version, The Story of Hyang Dan made Chun-hyang’s servant girl the heroine, ero-sageuk movie Bang-ja Chronicle did the same with the hero’s servant. Anyway. You get the point.
In this version, Shi-wan is Mong-ryong, the carefree young man who drinks with gisaengs (Ye-won) and tells his uptight, studious, brainy (pfffft) buddy Kyung-pyo to loosen up and live a little.
Since we can never let the Moon/Sun parodies die, ever, Shi-wan/Mong-ryong shines with inner light and the ladies literally fall at the sight of his beauty. Contrast that to his haggard-looking servant Bang-ja, who’s a year younger than he is (snerk) despite looking like his grandfather. As a result, lazy Bang-ja has something of an addiction to health tonics, and sneaks them whenever he can.
Mong-ryong thus has a bit of an inflated ego, knowing he’s a hot catch. So when he bumps into a servant girl who’s wistfully looking at a table of hair ornaments, he assumes it was just a ploy to get close to him. ‘Cause, you know, she’s only like the ten-thousandth girl to use that excuse.
So-min plays the character of Hyang-dan, which makes this episode’s interpretation closer to The Story of Hyang Dan (although, really, the tale is so well-known that it’s like saying one Cinderella story is similar to another).
Mong-ryong acts like it’s SO ROUGH being so in demand, but he finds Hyang-dan attractive and requests a rendezvous. Hyang-dan sees him for the playboy he is and turns him down flat—and when she falls and he accidentally unties her jeogeori ribbon trying to hold her up, she slaps him in outrage. She storms off thinking the worst of him, and he’s intrigued. He spends the next few days lost in thought, distracted from his usual pursuits.
Thing is, Mong-ryong is engaged to the lady Chun-hyang (Soo-hyun), who happens to be loud, mannerless, and excessively tall. (The sight gag between them is a nice highlight.) His father Jin-haeng (which, aww) is much sterner than the doofus we know—though no less anal about straightening and cleanliness—and proceeds with the arrangements.
Mong-ryong realizes who Hyang-dan is when meeting Chun-hyang for a proper date, and finagles an excuse to talk to her privately. He has been carrying around a message for days, in the off chance he should run into her again, and hands it over now. Hopefully this will prove that he’s serious about her, and not just dallying for pleasure.
So-min unfolds the letter, and finds a drawing of herself. He’s written a note by it, which says that even when he tries to stop thinking of her, his mind automatically turns to her anyway.
So-min is touched, wondering if perhaps he’s sincere after all… but tells herself no, he can’t be. He’ll marry Chun-hyang, and she’s still the servant girl.
Except… then she hears that Mong-ryong called off the engagement, leaving Chun-hyang wailing at the humiliation. But there’s nothing to be done, because he’s firm and unbudging.
Daddy Jin-haeng is furious, and decides to send Mong-ryong to the capital. Not (only) as punishment, but to turn his focus to his studies and do something worthwhile.
That convinces Hyang-dan that Mong-ryong was sincere about his declaration, and she rushes off that night to find him.
Mong-ryong admits that he’s unable to do anything for her now, but he intends pass the civil service exam and become a man with some power. Then he’ll return for her; he asks her to wait for him.
By way of answer, she hands him a message of her own—a drawing of his face and the accompanying note: “I give my heart to you, so even if it’s from afar, please think of me.”
As a token of his affection, Mong-ryong kisses her on the forehead. Then one cheek, and the other. There, he says, he’s provided her with her bridal rouge (the dots worn on the forehead and cheeks for a wedding), “So you must marry me. Will you do that?”
She nods, and he kisses her again. It’s sweet.
Three months pass, and we find that a new magistrate has arrived in town: It’s Ki-woo, playing the part of (famously wicked and corrupt, HAHA) Byun Hak-do. I love that Shi-wan’s screenplay makes Ki-woo the villain.
Magistrate Byun is misusing his time and funding today by holding a “girlfriend audition,” which, hee. Nasally assistant Suk-jin presides over the event, and calls forward all local hopefuls to show their talent and seek the magistrate’s favor.
Simon D does a little intro rap (“Oppa’n Joseon Style!”) and then, lady Chun-hyang is called forward.
Chun-hyang declares that after losing out on prime husband material with Mong-ryong, she’s going to reel in the magistrate for sure. But her gawky attempt at seduction falls flat and Magistrate Byun orders her sent back home.
Suk-jin leans in to say that she’s actually just his style—so if the magistrate doesn’t want her… can he have a try at courting her? Aw, Suk-jin. Well, they say love is blind.
But Chun-hyang doesn’t want to be discarded, so she doubles her efforts and shows him her horse dance, and he grumps that she should be sent to jail instead. His officer grabs her arm, and Hyang-dan darts forward to help her mistress.
But that just makes Magistrate Byun take interest in the servant girl, and orders her brought to him. He propositions her to be his girlfriend, offering to elevate her out of the slave class, but she staunchly refuses.
He first assumes she’s just playing hard to get (’cause how could anybody possibly refuse him?, goes his logic), but his persistence makes Hyang-dan more resistant, and she challenges him to be ashamed of himself.
Not bloody likely, that. He has her tied up and interrogated like she’s just committed a capital offense (for refusing His Hotness!). Then he forces her to make a choice: be my girlfriend or be beaten. Oh, honey, when you put it that way…
Hyang-dan rattles off a classical edict to explain her refusal, which of course goes right over the brutes’ heads. She declares that she has a sweetheart, and Magistrate Byun accuses her of leading him on and being dishonest. On with the beating!
That’s when the proceedings are interrupted by the undercover inspector sent by the capital to investigate misdeeds within local governments. Like Internal Affairs, Joseon style.
The inspector has heard of Magistrate Byun’s widespread corruption and charges him with his crimes. Hilariously, he cowers, which just makes Shi-wan seem cuter for writing his fantasy in such extremes. Hee.
Mong-ryong has the wicked officials carted off, and while keeping his face covered, he turns to Hyang-dan. She refused the magistrate’s advances, but what about his? He offers her more in return, citing his greater power and assets.
Hyang-dan remains firm and states that her heart is claimed. He points out that feelings can change, or that her man could fall in love with another. She answers that he left her with a token of his love, and therefore, “I will wait until I die.”
He asks if she gave a token to her lover in return, and she answers yes, beginning to recite the note she’d written—which he finishes for her. Finally revealing himself, he assures her, “Even from afar, I thought of you.”
Mong-ryong frees Hyang-dan and apologizes for taking so long. She tells him, “No, it is fine because you are here.”
He asks, “Will you be mine, staying by my side for the rest of your life?” She answers, “I will.”
It’s a short and sweet episode, nothing groundbreaking and more thoughtful than it was funny, but I really loved the simplicity of it. A lot of the details were adapted from the original story, so the trajectory is familiar: The folktale has Mong-ryong and Chun-hyang marrying quietly before he goes off to the capital—he’s a nobleman’s son and she a gisaeng’s daughter, so their social gap presents an obstacle. In the time he is away, Chun-hyang remains firm in rebuffing the evil magistrate, demonstrating the ideals of a steadfast, virtuous woman. Mong-ryong returns as the inspector, gets rid of the magistrate, and reunites with his wife. She is lauded for her values and elevated in status by the king, allowing them to live happily as a married couple.
This is a couple I haven’t rooted for, mostly because I don’t feel they work together in the Standby world proper. He’s in high school, so any relationship that might arise would feel temporary and fleeting. Not that you can’t paint a young first love meaningfully even when it ends, but I don’t really see it working out for them; they’re in different places in their lives. So-min is in that part of adulthood where you’ve identified what you want, and you’re starting to head in that direction. While Shi-wan excels at everything he does but doesn’t seem to be planning for his adult life just yet.
Plus, she’s still hung up on Ki-woo, which, urg. At this point I’m just tired of Ki-woo, which is sad given how much I loved him early on. But when the writing turns you into a bland, sometimes-mopey, sometimes-angry guy, there’s a limit to how much you can coast on “He’s capable of being cute, even if he isn’t cute here!”
It’s odd, but perhaps the lack of likelihood that Shi-wan and So-min could work is exactly why I felt an emotional tug at this episode, because it adds a hint of melancholy. It’s a happy ending, but it feels bittersweet since it’s just a wistful fantasy in Shi-wan’s head. Unattainable, but no less real in his heart.
So while this was just a one-off episode and probably meant to be a quick little escape from the “real” world of the show, I thought it was a notable standout. Plus! Working out Shi-wan’s frustrations by making Ki-woo such a lech, and Grandpa a doof, and (awww) best friend Kyung-pyo a genius? How adorable is that? It makes Shi-wan seem childlike, in the best of ways; he’s so often in the role of old soul that I love when he’s given a chance to be petty and boyish.
On top of that, this was thematically a lot stronger than the show is on a regular basis. I wish they’d embrace that side more—the part that isn’t as funny, perhaps, but resonates with real feeling.
Tags: featured, Im Shi-wan, Jung So-min, Lee Ki-woo, Standby
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1 s'Hia
September 19, 2012 at 10:21 AM
sorry bcoz of my stupidity here...
I want NG ep 3 recap right now..
now .,look like i'm going crazy!!
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September 19, 2012 at 10:36 AM
But Arang needs an emergency recap of today's episode. Sato thinks he knows how to administer CPR.
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Village Mrembo
September 19, 2012 at 4:11 PM
woah there! easy now! some of us have another 12 hrs b4 we can watch the show subbed so yeahs thanks for remembering that next time ; )
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September 19, 2012 at 10:49 AM
Not the time or place for this comment.
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September 19, 2012 at 12:36 PM
ha ha ha true JB !
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September 19, 2012 at 2:25 PM
Hahaha....Etiquette people!! Say thanks, then ask for more...nicely
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September 20, 2012 at 5:28 PM
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2 redfox
September 19, 2012 at 10:50 AM
you have a worng title there
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3 redfox
September 19, 2012 at 10:53 AM
oh sorry no you dont. hah you managed to confuse me
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4 crazedlu
September 19, 2012 at 11:07 AM
totally hoping you would post about this standby episode after reading your twitter. yessss. now i don't have to filter through the eps to find this.
yeah. what could've been...
friggin kiwoo. - -;
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5 jules
September 19, 2012 at 11:30 AM
I liked the sweetness of this episode and the fact that Siwan rewrote Soo-hyun and Ki-woo's characters and made them annoying and rather unlikeable, because I'm petty like that.
I did wonder why the show chose to do a Mong-ryong/Hyang-dan parody, rather than simply sticking with Mong-ryong/Chun-hyang, particularly as the story is pretty much straightforward Mong-ryong/Chun-hyang, so why turn it into Mong-ryong/Hyang-dan? Then I wondered if this was the show's small way of acknowledging that they'd screwed up the lovelines.
But no, this is Standby, and even a point that small would be giving the writers too much credit.
Oh, show; what you could've been... It makes me want to cry. (And then punch you in the face.)
Thanks for the recap, javabeans!
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September 19, 2012 at 1:58 PM
lol, about punching the writer, so true, it could have been so sweet.
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September 19, 2012 at 2:14 PM
I think it has something to do with the unattainable quality of the romance -- it's an impossible romance in the Joseon era, but (as Shi-wan's ending voiceover notes), they managed to overcome social mores to live happily ever after.
The Chun-hyang story also has an element of the class divide, but as we know, the original story already has them traversing that divide successfully.
So Shi-wan wrote a story where an impossible love becomes possible... because that's his "catharsis" from the real-world situation where the love remains out of reach. Sadness. But it's also, I think, why I felt for the episode: that touch of bittersweetness despite the happy ending.
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September 19, 2012 at 3:45 PM
Where the parody fell flat for me was the fact that Si Wan's love is unattainable not because of external factors but because So Min simply does not feel the same way about him. I'm all for being faithful to your love but at some point you have to step back and stop pining. This show made a huge mistake when it decided to go Ki Woo/Soo Hyun instead of Ki Woo/So Min.
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6 hellochloe
September 19, 2012 at 11:31 AM
Thank you - I've been following ur recaps (don't think I can, no, should commit to any shows now, period. Furthermore I tend to go crazy when a ship doesn't go my way.)
Can I just say OMG first scene that you posted. I've always had this weakness for Unrequited Love Angst. I'm feeling THE FEELS.
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September 19, 2012 at 1:55 PM
thanks so much Javabean for the great recap of ep. 87. I had such high hopes for the return of So min, since I loved her in "Playful Kiss", this show was a big disappointment. But your recap of this episode brought back the love of what could have been.
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8 Sara L
September 19, 2012 at 2:51 PM
This was better than the main storyline! Simply, but poignant.
And is it bad that I keep thinking So Min would have been a great Yeon Woo in MoonSun!?
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September 20, 2012 at 1:23 AM
I've been wanting for Jung So-min to be in a Sageuk since Moon Jae-shin's happily ever after! Ha! On one hand I agree about her being a great Yeon-woo in Moon/Sun, but on the other hand since the writing was not as good as SKKS, I'm happy that she was not in it. I would've probably continued watching M/S after episode 10 if she was in it even if Yeon-woo's character was pretty boring. I think she could've made it better like what KSH & KMS did to the King & Queen characters.
I want to watch this episode of Standby.
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9 kdramapedia
September 19, 2012 at 3:22 PM
awww, this was cute!
I stopped watching Standby oh, about 70 episodes ago, and I see that I haven't missed much. But based on your recap, I will have to make sure I catch this episode!
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10 kooriyuki
September 19, 2012 at 4:20 PM
I agree with Javabeans, that Standby is not as funny as it could be, and Ki Woo is URGH recently, I kept rooting for Suk Jin despite him being the clearer ass with vested interest.
This episode is pretty outstanding :)
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11 ck1Oz
September 19, 2012 at 4:40 PM
Oh thank you. I just watched ep 105 yesterday. I must admit to skipping Standby the last 3 weeks since the loveline started.
I might go back and watch this episode then. It's sad that it might be the best of the lot. Where did this drama go, sigh. I am so disappointed.
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12 Sunshine
September 19, 2012 at 5:26 PM
couldnt stop laughing...i have yet to see this series yet i can imagine all the scenes that went on in here! gotta check out this ep! thanks
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13 Jleez
September 19, 2012 at 7:00 PM
I'm so lost. o__o
What's "standby", and why is there a random episode 87 recap? D:
Totally in the dark, LOL.
Is this just a random episode recap? xD Heh...?
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nomu nomu nomu
September 19, 2012 at 8:04 PM
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14 XYZ
September 19, 2012 at 10:51 PM
Thanks so much for this episode recap. It makes me smile ear to ear. I love this episode of Standby. The rest of the storyline is so intolerable..., but I kept watching hoping it would improve. I was also giving it a benefit of the doubt that it may be more funny and interesting if I understand the language. Lately I find myself fasting forward a lot. Sign
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15 lei
September 20, 2012 at 2:38 AM
thank you for the recap JAVABEANS! it makes my day complete since i came back here again and again for searching news about jung so min.
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16 Melmax
September 20, 2012 at 6:08 AM
JB thanks, brings back thoughts of the 2007 version with Choi Si Won & Seo Ji Hye--which was also quite adorbs. I'm still rooting for this show, but not drawn to it like I thought... Such a waste of a great cast... Thanks JB...
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17 christy
September 20, 2012 at 6:53 AM
Thanks for the recap jb! It's a shame that standby turned out to be such a disappointment. I've officially given up on it, but thanks for checking in with the more interesting tidbits!
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18 Maggie
September 20, 2012 at 8:55 AM
thank you jb,
Standby is a total wreck ! a high school boy wanting to marry a noona ? nonsense plot.
and while his adopted father still can't get marriedto a woman maybe marrying his housemaid ?.
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October 21, 2012 at 8:01 PM
Do you live in a cave? It happens!!
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19 Rovi
September 20, 2012 at 6:59 PM
When I saw "The Story of Mong-ryong", I snorted. And laughed, really.
Like, they imitated what "All My Love" did in ep.117. This time it was entitled "Mongddang-dyeon" (몽땅뎐) (like a comedy skit for a drama), and it starred Hwang Ok-yeop (Jo Kwon) as a stuck-up kkap Lee Mong-ryong, his twin sister Hwang Geum-ji (BEG Sohn Ga-in) as Seong Chun-hyang, Yoon
DooDooDoojoon as Bang-ja, Director Kim (Kim Gap-soo) as Bang-ja's father, and everyone's like they based this off from "Bangja-jeon"...XDI love this one~!!! XD
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20 momogi
September 21, 2012 at 11:25 PM
I Love the song but I can't download it in mediafire, something about copyright protection.
I googled it but can't find it anywhere.. is anybody know where I can download the song? thanks
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21 Mints
May 10, 2015 at 2:16 AM
This is like three years late but I'm new to the word of kdrama. I really love dgch and I don't understand why this drama would go out of its way to give choon hyang's story to her servant? It makes it out to be that the girls are interchangeable and kind of devalues the original love story/dramas like dgch? I don't understand I'm mad. :(
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