Open Thread #254


Rhett Miller – “Out of Love” [ Download ]

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can't be first?!


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can't believe I actually am. That's the third time this week. craaaazy!

Makes me realize ... just how much time I spend on this wonderful site! Happy Friday, everybody, it's a wonderful time to be a KDrama addict I think, so many good shows are airing! I have only recently moved from marathoning shows once they're complete to watching as they are airing (and therefore commenting more on here), and I love it (AGD is to "blame" for that, actually)

On Monday evening in my time zone, I watch Faith raw, the next morning, I read wonderful subs on here; on Tuesday evening I watch Faith subbed and the next episode raw; on Wednesday morning, I read subs on here, watch Faith subbed and Arang raw, on Thursday ... you get the drill. Simply wonderful. In between, I also watch Haeundae Lovers (so wacky), skip through Golden Time to see whether there has been any noteworthy development (so far: not).

Love this site, love KDrama, love you all! :-)
and love that Park Shi-Hoo is coming back to Dramaland soon!


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I see you've fallen in the trap of watching raw, read recaps, and watching sub. Once you get hooked it's so hard to leave. ;)
Happy Weekend!


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hehe. I think you're right!! it basically means I spend twice as much time on every drama I watch now, which is simply insane!!


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Uhh, think I am the same. Am I a kind of dramabeanyjunky (or dramabeanky ??? o_O) lol


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How do you have the time for that?


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Happy Friday . Are you still travelling?


Yep! Not much longer though :-(

I put some pictures up from Kashmir, if you are interested (and responded to your comment too).



I love your pics. I'm looking forward to seeing them.


I have that book marked to check out this weekend - can't wait to see!


it's simple: less sleep :)


@JoAnne - hope you enjoy. It's only a small sample, when I have more time I'll upload more (but time is scarce).

@kakashi - I don't know how you do it! I barely fit in watching a few dramas once....


Lol, I've started doing that cycle too! It really makes me feel I'm getting the most out of the story! Plus the language comprehension practice of the raw! Though sometimes with Gaksital I try my best to stay away from the raws and recaps until I've seen it with subs, it can kind of spoil the suspense and squees and angst if I know what is coming. But mostly I'm impatient and in the that twitchy itchy GIVE ME MY GAKSITAL state so I don't. :)


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i think many of us fall for that loop too :D

I'm focusing myself on Arang only right now, fall for it in the first news and fall deeper when the teaser came out even more deeper in the first episode.. and deeper.. deeper in the next episode o_O that's why I put my barrier to stay or cycling the loop for Arang only to keep my insanity :p


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lol! "keep my insanity" I'm stealing that phrase for future use :P


Wow, you've got quite the system. Maybe this is what I should have done to keep up with shows that subbed too slow for my ravenous tastes.

Happy Weekend! (Congratulations on being first ;) )


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Good morning, Kakashi! Or, in your case, good afternoon - lol.

I'm a little late as I tried to fit it a few hours of sleep after a long night. My Thursday night shifts seem to get busier as the summer goes by.

I watched the first episode of HLuv, but decided to cache it for a rainy day as there is too much on my plate, dramawise. It does seem like a fun ride, tho!

The PSH news made me happy! It's been a while since TPM, and his smile.

Take care!


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Good evening, Shukmeister! HLuv (like the acronym!) is kinda insane, I keep trying to stay away from it, but it keeps drawing me back in ... I don't watch the whole episodes, mostely, but just the bits that have Kim Kang Woo in them ...


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Happy OT everyone!


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Good morning!

What shows are you watching?


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Happy OT to you too ;)
do you have any plans for the weekend?


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Happy OT Weekend, Blaumauss. Hope it's been a good one. :)


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Happy OT everyone~! (:


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So how has everyone's week been? Mine was incredibly hot, hehe, on vacation in Taiwan. So humid. **dies**

Any body watching "To The Beautiful You"? I am! So how do you guys think of it so far? (: Here's my thoughts. I think Sulli's doing a pretty good job on the acting (mind the fact she looks/sounds nothing like a boy). Minho, I guess is doing an okay job of what is required of him. Not incredibly impressive, but better than my expectations. And OMFG, Lee Hyun Woo is a cutie. He's a good actor also~ and I just love the fact that he always takes selcas (snerk) and is more popular with girls online than in real life. Just makes me love him more. So far, this show is decent enough for me to keep on watching. Other dramas on my "Currently Watching" list are: To The Beautiful You, Gakistal, Arang, and Faith.

Happy OT everyone~


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I am watching TTBY. Addicted! :D I think Sulli's doing quite well, yes. It took me until Ep. 3 to warm up to Minho though. As for Lee Hyun Woo's Eun Gyul-- I was thinking, tsk, not only Jeremy'd, but Shinwoo'd as well? :D


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Yes. Definitely. Poor Eun Gyul. You just know he's gonna get his heart broken. But he's so cute. You just wanna say, "I'll take you in!" like he's a lost puppy or something.


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And that smile---!
I'm guessing he gets a loveline with Hanna though. They certainly bicker like it. :D


I also think Sulli's doing a pretty good job. As for Minho, I think Tae Joon is written better than Sano was in the jdrama, so he has more to work with. It's much more obvious that he's becoming attached to Jae Hee. There have been a couple places where I wish he'd shown a stronger reaction, but oh well.

I'm pretty pleases with Lee Hyun Woo as Eun Gyul. Nakatsu was my favorite character from the jdrama. You're right about both Jeremy and Shinwoo. :( Poor guy.

At first it was really hard to not compare TTBY to the jdrama or manga, but now I'm coming to accept it as it's own interpretation. My biggest complaint is that the dorm heads don't have quite the unique personalities they did in the others. Overall, though, I'm enjoying it enough to watch it for it's own sake. (Because, you know, I'm not watching enough dramas already. So many good ones this time around).


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I'm basically watching every show that you're currently watching. To The Beautiful You isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. The drama does entertain me so I'll stick with it as long as it gives me pretty boys to look at and a story line that isn't completely bizarre.

I sort of expected Minho to awfully butcher this role and cringed inside when he was originally cast. The guy can be really stiff at times but to my relief, he's doing just fine. I still wish that when Tae Joon initially found out about Jae Hee's gender, the shock on his face would've been more apparent rather than subtle. But honestly how much of a shocker is that? I thought it was more surprising that they actually thought she was a boy.

Eun Gyul could get together with Hanna. They bicker like a couple and I actually don't hate her despite how she really is annoying. There's room for character development.

The plot is moving at a steady pace. I haven't read the manga or watched the Japanese version, so it surprised me that Jae Hee's "secret" was outed so early in episode 4.


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LOL at "But honestly how much of a shocker is that? I thought it was more surprising that they actually thought she was a boy." So true.

I think they were also showing a contrast to how TJ feels strongly, warmly for JH whether he was a girl or a boy, while EG keeps questioning himself. One guy's rolling with his feelings, another tripping over them.

After saving JH from the bad man, I love how TJ gave JH that breath stopping hug because he cares about the person, not worrying about the gender.


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wasn't that an awesome sequence? I could not believe they went there...and then I was SO happy that they did.


JoAnne -
There are so many of them in this show.
I describe it as meaningless but breathless scene after meaningless beautifully shot scene with a little plot thrown in. All of this mind numbing gorgeous does nothing but whet my appetite for more. I think I could watch them -Minho/Sulli/LHW - stare intently while dripping with rain for the rest of my life. Especially if I am watching them struggle with wanting to kiss a boy.
It seems like the director who gave us a passionless BOF figured out how deliver scenes like the sit-up one from Secret Garden. He may or may not be up for the task of using them to tell a coherent story, but I don't care.


Hm, I may be the minority sorry, but I find Sulli just okay, but actually too subdued or expressionless in the face sometimes. I'm surprised because I see on other websites how everyone is praising Sulli's acting. There are some scenes where she's supposed to convey some emotion, but she just looks dead in the face to me (even Minho was showing more expressions in his face than her in a few scenes). One example was the scene where (may be spoiler for people that didn't watch episode 4) where she's attacked. She's running and then gets knocked down and it supposed to be scared and shocked, but her face was just blank to me. And I know she can pull these emotions because she shows them in other scenes, but it seems she turns it off in other scenes. Too inconsistent. Minho hasn't had a lot to do except grumble and act mean, so he's doing okay for me as well. His character is livening up a bit, so we'll see how he does as his character improves. LHW's Nakatsu is much different from the Japanese Nakatsu, but he's actually becoming an enjoyable character (though are they really going to pair him up with the other girl? Please don't!).


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That's because most idols are usually at the extremes, either completely deadpan, or totally over-dramatic. Sulli is somewhere in between, which in my mind is a great start.

Personally, I find her to be very natural, her smiles and physical portrayals seem genuine, with more subtlety than I'm used to seeing from idol actors. Not that I think she is really girly in real life, but it is a rather great change from her girl group image.


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Same. I tried watching the first Episode but then got extremely bored. And the acting was just....

Well, I've watched dramas with even worse acting - though I only continued cause I wanted to find out about the ending but I already knew the ending for this one!

I'm planning on continuing it but the low ratings isn't really convincing me it's doing any better in Korea.

Maybe after Answer Me 1997 airs, I'll give this a try again. So about 3 more weeks?


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I'm liking TTBY so much, I already feel guilty. Since You've Fallen for Me I was being quite careful giving chances to those fluffly sweet dramas, but I think this one is a winner!

I like most of it, including Sulli's and Minho's acting, aside everything we have pointed out (Sulli DOES NOT resemble a boy in the least, Minho stoic kind of style etc. etc.).

Lee Hyun Woo is being perfect! Please give him more screentime ok?! Hope they don't pair him with Hanna, even though I find her hilarious and all that, but he really deserves better.

Hey, does anyone else here was kinda 'WOW' with Jae Hee oppa?! I study my ass off, but my korean is not nearly as good as his. And I have Korean lineage, which doubles the 'YOU SUCK GIRL' in my head.

Now, just something that's bugging me since last episode; did Min Ho know Jae Hee was a girl before her oppa said it so loudly during their quarel? Cause when she went missing with pervert-driver, he was quite distressed, and he kept glancing at them before, like he knew it, you know?

Loved those last 2 episodes. And I'm so thankful TTBY is not a carbon copy of Hanakimi.
And the fact TTBY's OST is way better, just mas me happier.

Also, listening to J-Min nonstop.


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Yes to the above but - Oppa speaks good Korean because he is Korean - thats Julien kang and no I dont think Minho knew she was a girl I think his radar was just on with the creepy guy because he has feelings for his room-mate who he has no reason to suspect is anything but a boy


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I just messaged you a question on TTBY elsewhere if you ever see this or that.


Hi JoAnne, I left a response on your post (at the end of your thread) here:

36.4 Ivoire August 25th, 2012 at 9:48 am

I hope you will see it. Have a great weekend!


Currently LSS-ing on J Min as well. If I'm not listening to that song, I'm humming it! >_<

And I kind of like Jae Hee's oppa. Doc (Seung Ri's uncle! lol) seems to have a big crush on him.


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Hello everyone!!!!
Hope you all have a good week!!

I'm still loving Seoul <3
I have to leave soon though ;(

Love xxx


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Hello Dongsaeng!!!!

I am glad you are loving Seoul!!!! I think I left you a response last week, I will check and confirm, but I think I did. When are you leaving (to go back to England) ?


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I'm going to Vietnam on the 28th and going back to UK 12th September. It will be really odd being back...

And I've been everywhere now!! I've been to the Palaces, the stream, the museums, Insadong, Myeongdong... Namdaemun... Dongdaemun...

We are visiting the DMZ sunday and Hongdae tomorrow!!
Korean friends Unni is showing us around! Should be lots of fun!!

And yeah... no boyfriend sighting yet...
But we are gonna parade aroung Kangnam for a bit soon! We are gonna go to the street where all the actors hang out!! Should be fun!!! <3

Love!!! <3<3<3


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Hi Leaf!

I'm so glad you're enjoying your time here in Seoul (even though the weather's been pretty terrible, overall, the last few weeks).

It sounds like you've been visiting a lot of the "right" places... that's fantastic! Have you also been enjoying the nightlife? One thing I've noticed about Seoul is that it's truly a 24/7 city... There are so many establishments (restaurants, gyms, whatever) that are open 24 hours, and people totally make use of them! Walking to the subway at 6:00 am, I'll pass all kinds of typical Korean restaurants, and there hasn't been a day yet that I haven't seen groups of people still sitting around with their bottles of makgeolli and soju, finishing up their night as some other people are going to work. Amazing :)

Anyway, again, I'm really glad you've been enjoying your time here, and I hope you'll manage to see at least one famous person :)


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Hello Leaf again, :-)

I responded to all my responses, so now I can comment on yours :-) So it sounds like you will be in Vietnam for about 2 weeks, good for you!!! You are getting to visit a few Asian countries in the process, that's great! Continue to have fun!!!! I am really happy for you!!!! You will probably have to readjust to life back in the UK when you return, hello reverse cultural shock (I experienced it when I went back home many years ago). In the meantime however, you are having a lot of cultural experiences, and that is wonderful.

Will you be going alone to Vietnam? Or will you be with your Unni? (The one you are with right now). How do you like the food in SK? How is the weather there, now? The DMZ reminds me of TK2Hs and Hongdae of the current drama Hongdae Lovers, which I am not currently watching.

I had another dream with LMH this past Monday. He was filming something again. Maybe I should ask him (if I dream about him again) how you could meet your boyfriend. Is Kangnam supposed to be a fancy and rich area? Please let me know if you spotted some celebrities you know.

Glad to know all is going really well for you!!! Do you start school when you go back to the UK? What are you studying?


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Leaf! How are you? I haven't been on in so long, I didn't know you were in Seoul! How wonderful for you!


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Yes I've been in Seoul for a week now!!
I arrived after my month in China.
It's been so awesome but sad I'm going to leave now... :'(


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I'm so jealous! Now when you watch dramas shot on location in Seoul, they will be so much more meaningful!


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Enjoy your vacation while it last and hope you tell us lots of stories once you get back home.
Any luck meeting your boyfriend? ;)


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Yeah, we want to hear all the sordid details, especially with pics! lol It's been sounding like an awesome trip, and I'm glad you are staying healthy throughout it. I'm always worried when I travel that I might find some...um...incompatibilities with the local food/water.


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Hi Leaf! ^^

I'm still so jealous! hehe I'm glad to hear you are doing well and loving Seoul. Hope you took lots of pics--any cuties sighting?
Have a good weekend!


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Happy Weekend, Leaf! I feel like, Shel: I haven't been on the OT in so long in a meaningful way that I had no idea that you were Korea...or had even been to China! Talk about a whirlwind trip. No wonder it's going to feel odd being back in the UK. It sounds like you've been having a great time, though, and that's all that really matters :) So happy you're enjoying yourself.


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Happy OT everyone!


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Happy OT, Ivoire! Nice to once again talk to you :) I hope you've had a wonderful week.


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Good morning Kakashi!!! (my time zone, which is the same as DB). What time is it in your part of the world? And where are you, if you don't mind my asking?

It is nice to talk (errr... write) back to you as well :-). How do you like being first? I actually have had a fairly good week. I did stay up all night to catch up on Gaksital and read recaps and do some research (and read) about some of the things (names of movements, historical facts, etc...) that were mentioned in Gaksital, so I would have a better understanding of historical events as I was watching the drama, which made me have a major headache around 4:00am, my time (and I had slept a few hours the night before).

I was up and awake by the time the 1st article was posted today, (around 5:16ish, I think), but I decided to linger in bed for a few more minutes, so I could be a little more rested, so I could participate on OT and do other things today. I used to be able to stay up all night and be fine in the morning, but that is not always the case anymore. I know sleep can be over-rated(sp?) (for Kdrama addicts), but I am finding out that we still need it to feel better and function better as well :-). In the process, we let other people in the DB community be first :-), gotta share that feeling, right?

How was your week? Good I hope...


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It's past 4pm here (=Switzerland). I think I'm the ONLY Swiss person that watches KDrama, haha.

Being first three times feels GREAT! But ... I've been spending almost too much time on DB these days ... clearly procrastinating. You can be first next time again, hehe.

I'm so looking forward to watching Gaksital! But when, oh when?! Faith has 24 episodes scheduled and Arang has 20 ... Anyway, Gakistal is my No1 on the HAVETOWATCH list.

as for staying up all night, yes, that's a thing the young do, I mean the really young, which I am not (closer to 40 then 20 myself).

And: I had a really good week, not only but also because of Faith and Arang, which I both like a lot.


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Hello kakashi. Another european here ! Greetings from Berlin. :-)


Hello again Kakashi,

And thank you for your answer, to which I will respond to, promise. so please check back, because I will answer today :-)


Hello Blaumauss, I thought you sounded kinda German (your alias, I mean). Greetings up North!


Hello Blaumauss,

Greetings from Northern CA. My sister used to live in Alsace, France and worked in Germany (don't ask me where). Knowing that you live in Berlin brought that thought to me. I hope you are doing well.

Have a great weekend!


Hello again Kakashi,

So you live in Switzerland, I see. So glad that you like and watch Kdramas. I have a friend of a friend who is relocating from the US to Switzerland for school. She will be in the hospitality industry. I also have a friend from High school who went to Law School in the US and then married a Swiss Doctor. They live in Switzerland, and have been married for 17 years and they have 2 beautiful children. My younger sister spent a summer in Switzerland many years ago as well.

So funny you liked being 1st, but I can understand the feeling. And yes, it can mean that one is spending a lot of time on DB, often procrastinating. I know how that goes, I have been there.

Re: staying up all night, I am actually closer to your age, (a little older as it turns out, I am past 40) and I decided to stay up because I had the apartment to myself and I just wanted to stay up. I don't regret it, personally. I love being up at night (if I don't have to be somewhere the next day). It is so quiet and peaceful, l love it. I pay a price for it, but it's OK if I don't have to drive the next day, which I didn't have to.

I am glad you like "Faith" and "Arang." From what I hear, they are quite different. I only saw episode 1 of Arang and decided it wasn't for me. I couldn't get into it. So I am sticking to Faith and Gaksital, because honestly, I can't watch too many dramas at the same time. It doesn't work for me.

Gaksital is very good, just know that it is quite violent (I think). I do love the OST as well. Where do you watch your Kdramas? Do they show some of them on Swiss TV (just wondering)? Because I think there is a channel in France that shows them.

Great to hear from you, I remember you from last OT. You googled something for me and shared the info. Have a great weekend, I hope.


Ivoire, thanks for getting back to me!

Ah, no, nothing Korean on TV here, there's hardly any Korean restaurants in Switzerland either, so I was somewhat serious in saying I'm the only Swiss into Korean things, especially drama ... I watch Kdrama on Dramacrazy (almost exclusively), because Dramafever and viki don't work here. It's a very good platform and also very fast - almost as soon as the fansubbers are done on viki, it's up on Dramacrazy.

As for staying up late, I do that every single night, but never longer than 1am, since I have to go to work the next day. But staying up all night ... haven't done that in a long time, also because I have a 3year old daughter, which knows no mercy. She wants chocolate milk as soon as she wakes up around 7am. In any case, I'm quite lucky that I don't need much sleep in general, or I couldn't handle the crazy drama-schedule I'm on!!

I don't think I've ever watched as many dramas simultaneously before. I understand why you want to stay with just a few. But I was excited about both Arang and Faith for a while, and simply couldn't stop myself from getting drawn ... into both, "unfortunately". They are totally different, so that's a plus. I'm also keeping an eye on Haeundae Lovers, but have dropped Golden Time for good. It just bored me.

Hope your Friday is progressing nicely, mine is almost over!


@ Kakashi,

I was glad to respond back to you (in time). It was just a matter of time, because I wanted to get to everyone who left me a post, I am sure you understand.

I am glad to know about Dramacrazy, in case I happen to be outside the US, so thanks for that info. You have a 3 year old, how precious. I am the oldest of 6 and I have been a nanny for over 25 years (over the years, not all at once), so I totally understand. I personally don't have children, but I have worked and have been a lot with them.

So how many dramas are you currently watching right now? How long does it take you to watch one episode? (it takes me a long time, but when I am done watching it, I know the episode well, usually). That's how I like to experience my dramas.
"I’m also keeping an eye on Haeundae Lovers," does that mean you are watching it? (just curious)...

I think we are 9 hours apart. Any big plans this weekend? (besides watching a Kdrama, maybe :-)). So what language(s) do you speak? (I know there is a section that speak French in Switzerland, I think).


You are very popular, Ivoire, so you have a lot of messages to attend to on here! I guess OT-day is always very busy for you ... so nice.
Usually, I don't have much time on Fridays, so I will probably not become a truly regular OT-user - but I am enjoying myself a lot while I can, this is such a wonderful community.

I am watching two dramas seriously (Arang and Faith). I watch every episode at least twice: once raw, though I sometimes skip through long dialogues - and once with subs. I then re-watch segments I particularly like (e.g. the fight scene in Episode 3 of Arang). I like to see how much I can understand when watching them raw - I'm just a Korean language beginner, but it's super exciting even if I just understand bits and pieces.

Haeundae lovers I'm skipping through, I only watch bits that I like (there is that story arc about a hotel (again!), incl. the second lead, which I don't like much so far, so I don't watch it). It's the kind of show where you can easily do that. I did the same with "Can Love Become Money" and other shows before.

My plans for the weekend? No big plans, really, I think it is going to rain (just started, actually), so I will probably play with my daughter, do some grocery shopping, some cooking in the evening, some ironing (hate it), etc.


oh, and I live in the German speaking part of Switzerland, so I speak Swiss German, but also proper German, French, and English. My Italian is basic and so is my Korean.


@ Kakashi,

Thank you for your compliment (I took it as such) about being popular. I don't know that I am necessarily popular, as much as I tend to try to answer thoroughly to the comments I get and I ask questions, usually because I am curious. I think people tend to remember me because my screen name is unique, and because my posts can long, and because I try to answer to comments, even if I do it the following week or the week after. I like to finish the conversation or close the circle for that weekend, if that makes sense. I have also been regularly participating on OT for 9 months now, so one tends to recognize screen names, I guess. I usually answer the way I would want to be answered to, with details :-)...

I have taken to watching kdramas raw as well. I did it with Big (some episodes) (I didn't watch the whole thing), with Faith, Gaksital and a few other dramas I can't remember right now. I was afraid at first to do that, but now I am OK. It IS exciting when you catch a few words and phrases here and there and you find out you were right, isn't it? I totally understand that. I like it better with the subs though, because I still want to understand every single word, every nuance (if I can). When I watch raw, I find the recaps (Cadence does live recaps, she lives in Seoul) and read them. I do that with dramas that have recaps out quickly, otherwise I wait, read the recap and put that episode on my list of dramas or episodes to rewatch later, fully subbed.

Like you, I am also learning how to (slowly) speak Korean. Would love the day when I could understand every word in a Kdrama without subs :-). How did you come into Kdramas? Are you watching other genres like anime, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc... I personally stick to Kdramas at the moment, and would like to try "Rich Man, Poor Woman" which I have read a lot about (it's Japanese, I think). What do you think of Haeundae Lovers, would you recommend it? And what about "Can Love Become Money?" A commenter here seemed to like it a lot.

Funny that you hate ironing, because I actually like it :-). I am invited to a Birthday party tomorrow, so we will see. I speak English, French, Spanish and Bulu (my Cameroonian native language). My Korean is basic as well and I only know very few words of Italian and Portuguese.

Have fun playing with your daughter, this weekend :-)!


yes, I meant it as a compliment - I've noticed you immediately (on the OT but also on DB generally), not only because of your wonderful name but also because you so thoroughly answer all the questions. That's why everybody wants to 'chat' with you!

I came to KDrama by chance, a litte more than two years ago. I watched "Ninja Assassin", a movie which has Rain in it. And I thought "who's that gorgeous man??". I then looked for other stuff that he had done ... and the list was full of KDrama. I didn't expect to be able to watch ANY of it, but, oh wonder!, I very soon found Mysoju and soon after Dramacrazy and from there, I became an addict fast! I first watched all of Rain's dramas, and then it just took it's course ... I saw several other actors that I liked and checked out what they had done ... that led me to BOF, Chuno, etc. etc. etc.

I am only sticking to KDrama, I like them best (I gave the other a try, but admittedly only a cursory one). I used to watch tons of Anime (hence my alias, kakashi, he's my favorite anime character)

I'm learning Korean with Talk To Me in Korean, you should check them out, it's a great site! It's for free, basically, though you can also choose whether you want to pay for a download or not. Tons of podcasts, pdfs, etc. ... great concept.

Haeundae Lovers: well, hard to say. I can't really recommend it, because it's wacky/tacky and definitely not really good. But it's crazy enough to be special, so if you're feeling like something really silly, go for it!
“Can Love Become Money?” was alright, but as mentioned, I skipped through a lot of the cliché bits and mainly watched Yeon Jung Hoon (anticipating his return with Vampire Prosecutor 2 soon!!). I really like him in it.

Ah, ironing ... no, we'll never become friends. I put it off as long as I can and often end up putting on clothes unironed just because I let them lie around too long. *sigh*

And, finally (before I'm off to bed!), I learnt something new from you today, I didn't know about the Bulu language. Now I know! I went and read about languages in Cameroon, that's really fascinating.

I wish you a wonderful weekend and until soon, somewhere on DB!


@kakashi: I recently relocated from the United States to the Caribbean and have been able to access dramafever and viki using Hotspot Shield and/or Ultrasurf. I tend to use Hotspot Shield more than Ultrasurf. Hotspot Shield essentially "masks" your IP address by assigning a new address while Ultrasurf actually "hides" your IP address. Both have free versions available.


@KaKashi - My Beloved is beautiful is he not?


Happy OT Ivoire! How's your weekend? :D


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Hi Laya,

I currently have the remnants of a headache because I stayed up watching Gaksital and doing other stuff drama related. I will be OK though, I just took a migraine pill and I really want to participate on OT, so here I am.

I am giving you a hug back for the one you gave me last OT. I meant to respond, but didn't get to it, sorry :-( And thank you for the hug.

You also wrote this: "as usual, I’m juggling online class, freelance stuff, and my blog, and wishing there were more hours in the day so I can watch more dramas as well."
I hope the juggling act is going well or that you are at least managing it OK. I hear you on the "wishing there were more hours in the day to watch more dramas." I am there with you :-)

I hope your weekend started well. You do live in the Philippines, right? What class are you currently taking online, if I may ask?


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Hi, Ivoire. Just got back to this because I just woke up!
/gives you more hugs

Yes, I live in the Philippines. My weekend actually started pretty well -- watched the latest episodes of To the Beautiful You and Ma Boy, went to catch a local mall show of the actor playing my favorite Princess and I character (Enrique Gil is such a cutie!), wrote another chapter for the book I'm kinda writing, came home to find the President actually appointed the one person I thought he would appoint for the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Haha, I don't know why that last one makes me so happy, but it does. Then woke up today with another story idea. So I'm riding the good vibes while they last.

I'm taking the Fantasy and Sci-Fi class (under Prof. Eric Rabkin) on Coursera. I've always regretted not going into literature / creative writing in college, so this is kind of my way of making up for it.


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I tried to post a comment on your website and it didn't work. Asked me for a valid URL, what was I supposed to write? Here, I wrote DB, and that worked. So I was confused.


Valid URL...? What did you put in?

I think you don't need to put a website link or something, just a nickname and e-mail. So you can leave the "website" part blank.

(I wrote you a long comment below, but it's "under moderation" still.)


For the valid URL, I entered your website, the way it is written with "www." before that, which is what I do for DB and I have never had a problem since the beginning. So it ended not posting my comment, FYI.

I am still waiting to see your long comment, because it is not showing on my page yet, FYI.


Yeah, I looked at the site, the comment didn't register. Ugh. Sorry about that! It usually doesn't need a URL.

I still see the "comment is awaiting moderation" notice on my long comment. Maybe because it includes three links to Youtube vids. :(


Hi Laya,

I will wait, so it is fine. I guess the comment will post when it does. Do you know what that means "the comment is awaiting moderation notice?" I have had that comment a few times, but I never understood what it meant.
I did see that my comment didn't register on your blog, and I didn't feel that there was anything I could do about it, so I left it alone. That's too bad. Thanks for apologizing though :-) What time is it in the Philippines now?


Right now, it's 5:15 pm Saturday. :D

/glares at own blog and tells it to go sit in the corner until it behaves itself.

I think some blogs (including mine) automatically flag comments that might be spam, especially if they contain a number of links. Mine had links to some PAI fanvids. So I'll have to wait until JB or GF publishes it I guess.


Hi Laya,

This is in response to the comment you made around 5:15pm your time, the one with the link and date posted below: Laya August 25th, 2012 at 2:19 am

"/glares at own blog and tells it to go sit in the corner until it behaves itself." This was so funny and cute, made me smile. Technology doesn't always work the way we would want it to work, doesn't it? Oh well, hopefully things will get back to normal :-)

What does that mean, "to flag a comment"? (you mention that in your 2nd paragraph). I will keep on checking the site, to see if your longer post shows up, how about that? Thank you for writing a long one, btw :-) (I will enjoy reading it, since I tend to write long posts myself...)


:D The blog thinks the comment may be spam, but it's not sure, so it doesn't publish the comment, but it notifies the site admin to decide whether to publish the comment or not.

And thanks. I hope it shows up soon. :D


Laya, my answer to this: Laya August 25th, 2012 at 8:45 am

Thank you for explaining. I am not very technologically advanced, so you have taught me quite a few things during our conversation this weekend :-)


Hi Laya,

Thank you for the hugs, and I accept them :-)!!!! I wonder how we originally got connected... You must have said "Hi" to me once, right? And we went from there? So, are you the one who lives with her family and your sister has a baby (or a toddler) and you sometimes help with the baby? I am trying to remember how we originally connected (without having to check the last OTs, too many of them :-))

Where in the Philippines do you live? What city? (if you don't mind my asking). How do you like TTBY and Ma Boy (where did watch Ma Boy)? So when you say, you went to catch a show, is that like watching a movie or a live show? I just googled pictures of Enrique Gil, and yes, he is a cutie :-)! So he is the male lead in that drama (my favorite Princess and I). Do they have 2nd leads, like in Kdramas? How many episodes do the drama have, and often is it aired a week?

"wrote another chapter for the book I’m kinda writing," meaning? (why kinda writing?). Maybe you liked the person the President appointed because you think he is right for the position? If you are happy, then good!!!! Your creative juices seem to be flowing, so ride the good vibes while you can :-)!!!!

So what did you study in college then? Is Prof. Rabkin a good Prof.? (I am just being curious... )Are you enjoying the class? How long will the class be (how many months?) How often in a week do you have it? Do you guys do conference calls or how does that work? I have visited your page, and I liked it. I will have to read your recaps, some time.

It was good to hear from you :-)


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Yeah, I think it was because you said "hi" on one of my OT posts way back :D

Yup, I was the one with the toddler nephew. They moved to their own house a couple of days ago, though, so the house is pretty quiet now.

I was a Biology major in college. We go to college as early as 15 or 16 here, and family wouldn't let me take an "impractical" course like language or literature, even though that's my field. I ended up running away to Manila for 7 years, though, and working in publishing. Then got sick, so went back home to General Santos (which is also boxer Manny Pacquiao's hometown, if you know him).

I'm writing a fantasy romance (so mundane) although it's kind of on the shelf at present. Weirdly, I only seem to be able to work on it when I'm in a cafe or diner (since that's how I began working on it in Manila), so I get to add to it only twice a month when I go to the bank downtown. Maybe because trying to immerse yourself in a fantasy world needs more concentration than, say, recaps (since I only have to describe what happened in the drama) or writing articles or blog posts.

It was a live mall show, which is why I had to go watch. He was so mobbed. I was afraid I was going deaf with all those screaming fangirls, it was crazy. (Here's a Princess and I fanvid with Enrique (or Quen) and Kath: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYpYIsZXd1M ) They are both way more good-looking in person, I swear. Interesting dynamic they have in PAI-- Jao's the prince who's picked to succeed to the throne because the king's daughter is missing, then he meets this foreigner he falls in love with, and people oppose it because she's a nobody, not knowing she's the real princess. (Ah, this cutscene I also like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvKXOUUQ5YE ) There is a second lead-- Gino, Jao's best friend. (Cutscene! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IywWKtJUQxM ) Filipinos are so big on loveteams, and Kath and Daniel (Gino) are actually being thrown together more outside of PAI, so it's confusing, even if the main story focuses on Jao and Mikay. Jaomik and MiGi fangirls keep squabbling about it.

Recapping Filipino dramas is exhausting because they air in 40-minute timeslots daily on weekdays, and you never know when they end until the network announces the last two weeks. I don't know when PAI will end, but I heard they're considering an extension till October, so until then I guess. It moves faster than other local dramas though, which is a relief. You can't imagine how many weeks some dramas send their characters running around in circles trying to locate a vital clue or person who was hiding in plain sight all that time; in PAI, stuff like that gets resolved the same week. Unfortunately, the network is big on taking down illegally posted vids (which are more often than not also unsubbed) of their dramas, and their website is also only for Filipinos or something. So I guess non-Pinoys who don't have the drama on cable (TFC, the Filipino Channel) can only watch it raw if they manage to find it online. Which is why I do the recaps, sigh.

As for the President, he just appointed the first female CJ in our country after the seated CJ was impeached on non-transparency and corruption issues. She was his first appointee to that Court too, and a dissenter in many controversial cases, so I'm hoping for reforms.

The Coursera class runs for 10 weeks-- 4 done so far! We just watch videos by the prof, then do an essay on the assigned reading. The assignments are peer-reviewed. At least the class is giving me more insights about reading and interpreting what I've read.

OMG this became a long post, lol.


I watch both TTBY and Ma Boy on Dramacrazy. :D I like them both a lot! Ma Boy is still unsubbed though.

Gradually warming up to Tae Joon now... I think it was because of the angel wings. Although I was laughing at the bus scene in the rain, because, boys. In situations like that, girls tend to swing the umbrella down to deflect the splash. Although then it wouldn't have been as "romantic"? :D

I'm feeling Ma Boy seems a bit rushed, although maybe it's because I know the manga is 8 books, and the drama has only 3 episodes. I like that Irene is more realistic than Izumi though (because really, how do you disguise the Adam's apple and the deep voice, and how do you give the guy fuller hips?) and that he's more conflicted about what he's doing. Although listening to Let's Walk Together, why does it seem Sun-woong has a higher voice than the other guys in TOUCH (and I have to go back to Ep. 1 and see if TOUCH are Hyun-woo's dancer friends)?


Laya, is this the long comment you were referring to? Just wondering...


No, it's not, sorry, there's still a long comment before that. I only remembered that I didn't answer your question about the dramas so I made another comment.


Hi Laya, this post is in response to this: Laya August 25th, 2012 at 12:54 am

I have read a lot of comments about TTBY and I saw that you commented earlier as well on this OT:-). I also know that both shows are recapped here, on DB and I was thinking of checking out (more like watching) Ma Boy, since it will be only 3 epis. long, and it will give me a chance to see the gender bender genre done differently.

I am not familiar with the scene you describe in your 2nd paragraph (about the umbrella scene in TTBY) , since I am currently not watching the show, but I trust that if you were laughing/smiling to yourself, it must have been funny?

Did you read the manga books? All 8 of them? (of Ma Boy). If you did, did you like them? So if in the drama, Irene is more realistic, does that mean that Izumi is made to look more feminine in the manga? How long are the episodes of TTBY and Ma Boy (are they longer than an hour)? Would you recommend both shows? If so, why?


Ah, the bus scene in TTBY is in Ep. 3, which hasn't been recapped here yet. I was laughing more because what Tae Joon did was kind of impractical. Ended up thinking "Anything for a hug, I guess."

"Did you read the manga books? All 8 of them? (of Ma Boy). If you did, did you like them? So if in the drama, Irene is more realistic, does that mean that Izumi is made to look more feminine in the manga? How long are the episodes of TTBY and Ma Boy (are they longer than an hour)? Would you recommend both shows? If so, why?"

After I found out what manga Ma Boy was based on (Tenshi Ja Nai!), I went and read it online. Took me the better part of a day, lol, but it was fun. Yes, Izumi is more feminine-- he's even prettier, curvier, and girlier than Hikaru (Geu-rim in Ma Boy). The manga is more about Hikaru's journey than his, so I like that the drama focuses more on Irene's identity crisis for a change.

An episode of Ma Boy takes a little less than an hour, TTBY a little over an hour. I like them both; they're fun to watch, and we can always use a little more fun in our lives. TTBY is fluffier and has more cute, but then it has more time to work with, and the budding closeness between Jae Hee and Tae Joon is heartwarming. Poor Geu-rim just can't catch a break in Ma Boy, what with having a boy for a roomie and having to keep his secret, and then getting picked on by both Tae-joon and Irene's fans for different reasons. At least, unlike Hikaru, she sasses them all back. Now I'm wondering how they'll wrap this all up in the last episode-- I'm guessing they'll focus more on Geu-rim's problems in keeping Irene's secret even at her own cost.


@ Laya, answer to this: Laya August 25th, 2012 at 9:13 am

I really loved your detailed answer but it left me confused about who is who in what drama. So please help me out:

TTBY has : Jae Hee and Tae Joon as the leads? (Jae Hee being the female lead and Tae Joon being the male lead)

and Ma Boy has Geu-Rim as the female lead (who is actually female) and Irene who is the male lead disguised as a female, right.
So if I am correct, I didn't understand this: "Poor Geu-rim just can’t catch a break in Ma Boy, what with having a boy for a roomie and having to keep his secret, and then getting picked on by both Tae-joon and Irene’s fans for different reasons." If Tae-Joon is in TTBY, why is Geu-rim having prob. with his fans? (Not the same drama, no?) Does my question make sense?


I understand why you're confused. I should have explained, sorry!

Both dramas have a character named Tae Joon-- the lead in TTBY is Tae Joon played by Min-ho, a champion high jumper. The second lead in Ma Boy is also Tae Joon, played by Min-hoo (yup, confusing, since they're different characters and different actors!) and he's the pop idol who Geu-rim likes and who likes Irene.


@ Laya, answer to this: Laya August 25th, 2012 at 10:31 am

Phew!!!! Ok, now that makes sense!!!! Now wonder I was confused *Smiles* Thanks for clarifying that.

Why did the boy playing Irene decide to pass as a girl in the first place? (again my being curious), I don't mind spoilers. Ma Boy sounds interesting. Where could I go online to read the manga (of both shows, if possible) please?


Looks like my long comment is now up :D

Mangafox is a good place to try. :) Just look for Tenshi Ja Nai! for Ma Boy, and Hana Kimi for TTBY.

In Tenshi Ja Nai!, Izumi needs money for the upkeep of his dad, who has been comatose in the hospital for many years, after a suicide attempt. In Ma Boy, Hyunwoo's uncle has a management agency and it had financial troubles, so when he needed a girl for a CF but couldn't find one, he hit on the bright idea of dressing up Hyunwoo as a girl named Irene. The problem was that Irene became in demand, and they're raking in the money, so it's hard for them to end the deception.


Laya, in response to this: Laya August 25th, 2012 at 12:35 am

First off, your response was long but gooooood because I learned a lot in the process. I do remember you now. I think I responded when you mentioned something about your nephew living in the house and something else, and I made a comment about that. Was it when you were celebrating a birthday and you felt like you didn't have much to celebrate in your life at the time (or maybe I am confusing you with some else), please clarify. In any case, I remember you mentioning your sister, nephew and in following conversations you being sick and I sooooooo wanted to respond to that but I didn't, and the weeks went by. So, are you better now? (Just wondering)?

How many siblings do you have? Are you the only child living at home now? How do you like the house being quiet? I will post this now and answer your post in chunks, so you have something to read in the meantime, if that's OK. (hopes it makes sense)


@ Laya, I am going to church, so I will finish responding to your latest post later :-)...


"Was it when you were celebrating a birthday and you felt like you didn’t have much to celebrate in your life at the time?"
-Probably wasn't me. Sorry. :D But yes, I am better now, thanks. My blood pressure and potassium deficiency are being stabilized by meds, so I don't feel faint and shaky anymore, and having less stress also helps.

I have only two siblings, and my brother is also going to another city to train for a job, so after next week, I'll be the only child at home. Since my mom goes over to my sister's house to baby-sit and my dad has a job, that means I have the house all to myself all day --well, except for my old aunt who lives with us, but she's a quiet old lady. I actually kind of like it, since I'd gotten used to living alone when I was still working, so having a lot of people around all the time kind of grates on my nerves after a while.


Hi Laya,

I didn't finish responding with my post, and I saw that you actually responded to the little bit I wrote. I will be back later to finish, FYI. I hope your week is going well.


Unni!!!! How are you??
Hope you have a good week!!!
Love xxx


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Dongsaeng, <3
I will respond to your comment soon (on your post) and I posted my (long) one below. Read if you have time. Sounds like you are having a blast, soooo HAPPY for you, really!!!!!


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Hello Ivoire, long time, no talk to!


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Hello back at you , Shel, good to see you back around here. I will read your post soon. Hope all is well with you and with the family. how is your daughter?


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Helloooooo, Ivoire! Any updates on your big decision and move?


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Hello OTS,

I don't know if you read it, but I answered you in the last OT (so my answer was the last one) here: (just in case you might not have been aware of it). Ivoire August 19th, 2012 at 2:37 pm

I do have some updates, so please read below, if and when you can. I made some suggestions for you in my response in the last OT, I hope that will help. I just wanted to be helpful :-)! I will try and read your post later. I just skimmed it for now. Seems like you are staying away from dramas atm (at the moment), not a bad idea... and I totally understand.


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Hey Ivy, thank you so much, I will go read your response in the previous OT now.
Just read the main part of your comment about your job - glad to hear you've made a decision. To me, the worst part is always thinking about the choices (and, if the answer is negative, giving a negative response to the respective person), so it's good to heart you've moved past that by now. Hope a better option comes along soon - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, as always!


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Hey OTS,

I am glad you understand and can relate to how challenging last week was for me, but I guess that is part of living right? Making tough decisions and making sure that we have all the information we need to make an informed decision. I guess it is part of the (ongoing) growth and maturation process. I am glad I made it through and just continued to learn a few things in the process.
Thank you again for your well wishes, I appreciate them. I hope my answer in the last OT helped :-)...


P.S. You asked me whether I moved recently, so the answer is not yet.=) I'm moving in the second week of September and will have more than a week to finish moving my things, so I'm actually not too stressed about that.
Thanks again for your advice - will start jogging again tonight!


OTS, you are very welcome!!!
Hope that helps, let me know how that goes. Good luck with the move and everything else you have to do. Will read your post (more slowly) later :-)


Bonjour Ivoire,
Any news on the home or job front? Hope you have a relaxing weekend!


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Bonjour KL,

Yes, I do have some news. If and when you have the time, please read my long (detailed) post. I hope your weekend will be relaxing as well.
Did you have a good time that weekend you went away (with a family member, I think)?


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Just read you post. I'm glad that you have some clarity and that things are opening up for you.

I was away with friends at their home on the Chesapeake Bay. It was a great time. This past weekend was really special, though, as my 5th grandchild (a boy) was born on Sunday. So now I have 3 daughters, three son-in-laws, an adopted son and daughter, 3 grandsons and 2 granddaughters (plus a husband and 88 year old Mom, and a wonderful sister!) They all keep me really busy - which is why I like a little me-time with my Kdramas!

Too bad you are on the other side of the states as we could put your nanny services to good use here! I'll keep my fingers crossed that things work out well for you.


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Hi KL,

Good to read from you! I am glad you had a wonderful weekend with your friends. Congratulations on the addition of your 5th grandchild to the family. You guys sound like you are close (as a family) and that is great! (It's not always a guarantee that family members will be close and get along). I come from a big family, so I understand the need to get away and get lost in Kdramaland.

I think you guys might have liked me as a nanny. I am very good at what I do, I have many years of experience and I bring cultural and language experiences that not many people have. You can tell by my long posts that I am detail-oriented and that I communicate well. I am loyal and dedicated and hard working. I also have excellent recommendations. I am college educated (in France and in the US) but I really like working with children and taking care of them, which is why I love being a nanny.

Thank you so much for your good and kind wishes, I do hope that things will work out well for me as well. I hope that you will have a wonderful weekend. I think I did tell you that I spent some time (a summer) in Philadelphia, many years ago, didn't I? I have wonderful memories of my time there.


Morning Iv!!
Happy OT and weekend to you too.


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Morning Zgz,

I feel so bad :-(... I never responded to your message 3 or 4 OTs ago, but I kept thinking about you. I wanted to ask you if you knew of a place online where I could find a good recipe (in English) for the Spanish omelet with the potatoes. I LOVE that omelet. I make it every so often, especially now because the potatoes are so cheap, but I don't manage to make them as well as I saw them being done in Spain (yummy!!!!). My omelet tastes really good, it is the aesthetic (the presentation) I am having a hard time with. And I try to do it the way I saw it being done, but I never quite get the same result :-(

Congratulations on writing again!!! So, what do you write? Where (if I may ask)? Have a great weekend :-)!


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let me put my tought in order and I give you my family recipe. My mom hates onions so, we don't put onion in it, but there are a few tricks to make it look nice


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WOW Zgz,

You are making my day!!!! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I will have to try your family recipe. And please let me know about your writing (I asked you above). Was that your previous profession? Or just something you like (love) doing?


Now I am hungry and I want that Spanish omelet. You guys make it look soooo good. It comes out fluffy and full and so yellow :-)! I don't know if you can tell, but I have excellent memories of my times in Spain (both times) :-). God willing, I hope to have the opportunities to visit other provinces and cities (Barcelona, Andalucia, and many more) in the future, and practice my Spanish in the process (I am fluent, but not as quick as I used to be). I am sure you know how that goes :-)

Thank you again so much, for sharing your family recipe with me :-)!


Sorry for the delay. I had a conversation with my mom about it the other day, and since you said that your problem is the shape and not the taste, here you have a few tips.
Make sure you have the right ratio potato/egg + a pan small enough to fit all the mix and have a thick omelette. All depends on the amount of potatoes and eggs used. Usually for a small it could be 3 medium potatoes and 5 eggs (it’s not exact, since we eyeball the amounts, but I’m sure you can find more exact measurements online) and a small nonstick pan for an omelette for two. Remember, one of the things that makes it pretty is its thickness. You just need 1cm or less of space left in the pan, once you add the mix. Remember the larger you make your omelette, the harder it will be to turn.

About the mix, once you’ve slowly cooked the potato in the oil (remember that more than frying, you’re boiling the potato in oil. It has to be soft, but not golden), you drain it well with a strainer , to make sure you get rid of all extra oil. While the potato is still warm, you mix it in a bowl where you have the egg already beaten.
Once you add the mix to the hot and oiled pan, use a spatula to carefully move the content and help it set faster without losing shape. Lower the heat to avoid burning, since it takes long to cook.
I’m sure you already know this, but just in case, place a plate over the pan to turn the omelette. As you know this part is tricky, with the help of the spatula, put the omelette back in the pan and help it recover its shape. If it is a little bit burn, you can always beat another egg at that moment, and pour as much as needed over the omelette to cover the imperfections, once the second side is already cooked, you’ll have to turn the omelette again, to finish cooking the egg you’ve just added.
Once finished, let it set a few minutes before cutting it. The cooking time will depend of how cooked you like it. I like it well done, but some people like to have some of the egg in the center still soft, even running.
About the flavor, the best is to select a potato that is slightly sweeter. I really don’t know about kinds of potatoes here in the States so I can’t recommend the exact brand. In any case, you can fix this by adding a teaspoon of sugar at the same time that the salt, when you cook the potatoes.
Seasoning depends on the taste, Usually you add salt while cooking the potatoes, and also to the beaten eggs.
I hope this helps you.
Let me know if you have any other doubt ;)


Happy OT Iv! -How was your week? I hope you've finally reached the informed decision. Have a great weekend. :)


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Hi Maya,

How are you? How was your week? I did reach an informed decision (looking at all the angles), so thank you for wishing me well about that. Re: our conversation on last OT, I now remember that you are from Indonesia, because you were the one who gave me some info about the Korean-Indonesian drama that is also filmed in Bali. Any recent news about that drama? I haven't tried to find it online yet. Too busy with other things, as you can imagine.

I posted a long message below, so please read if and when you have the time.

P.S.: I do think that it is only fair that you would let your roommate unpack and put things away once she is back in the US :-). Are you currently in school? If so, when do you start? (if you were on a break).


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Hi Ivoire!

Great to hear that you've reached an informed decision, I hope it's one that you'll be satisfied with and that everything will go well from here then on.

Thanks for reminding me about the Korean-Indonesian drama, Iv. It's called Saranghae, I love you, btw. I did found some updates about it. I stumbled upon this article from allkpop: http://www.allkpop.com/2012/07/singer-tim-receiving-love-in-indonesia-for-korean-indonesian-drama-saranghae-i-love-you
I also read somewhere that Siwon Super Junior tweeted about it. So I'm assuming that it is also known in South Korea, even though only by a small fraction of people. And... I also came across the drama's clips on YouTube as well, the whole 20 episodes, although unfortunately they're not subbed yet. But since there are some English scenes, I guess you'll get the general story. You can check them here, btw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzwqMHxsAow&feature=relmfu

And yes Iv, my school started on Wednesday so I couldn't hang around OT and Dramabeans in general as frequently as I used to during the summer break. But I definitely will come back once in a while to check on responses though ;)


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Hi Maya,

So good to hear back from you. You are back in school, so it would make sense that you won't be as visible on DB and OT, I totally understand that and support that as well. School and good grades are very important.

Thank you for reminding me of the title of the drama (will save it) and for the links you included in your response. I appreciate that. I will check out the youtube clips and I hope the drama will be subbed (I really hope so). So it sounds like this drama is not popular in SK then, if only a few people seem to know about it or follow it. Hmmm (makes me curious). You said that 20 episodes are posted on YT, which means that there are 10 episodes left, because the drama is 30 episodes long. I guess we will have to wait for the rest of the episodes to be uploaded. Well, at least we have those 20 epis. up already.

I hope school started well for you. What are you studying? How much longer do you have? (Just curious :-)). Have a great weekend, Maya!


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Hi Ivoire,

I just managed to get back to OT again. No weekend for me now school and research started. Yes, looks like I won't be as visible in OT and other threads as I was these couple of few weeks back. But I still want to discuss about Gaksital to death and read the comments as well. Might drop by sometimes in Faith thread but depending on how much I enjoy the particular episode that day.

I don't mind at all. I'm currently working for my master degree in physics, and since I really really want to continue on to a phd program, I'm starting to look around for research available (in the field that I'm interested in), and hoping that the professor would have some funding that will eventually help funding me when I start working for my phd degree. I'm currently under a fellowship for the master degree, so I won't have to worry about not being funded right now. But I don't what's gonna happen once I'm finished. I just keep praying that everything will work out for the best. I have about one year left to finish my master degree and four years (at least) to get a phd degree (hopefully if everything work out ;)). Btw, I know I should've asked back at this point, but I kinda read your post to Ashley already below so I kinda know about what type of works you're doing right now, and how much you enjoy it (I hope that didn't sound stalker-ish :D). So are you considering about moving to another state right now (which I assume would be the big decision that you had to decide on)? If so, are you still going to do the same work you're doing right now?

And yes, I think the drama isn't well known in Korea itself, but Tim's fans will definitely know about it, and I would say that general public might be aware of it, just not in details. And as far as I know, I think there's only 20 episodes uploaded already, but then the drama just started running about a month ago from Monday-Friday so I think the numbers are right (for now).

Anyway I hope you've had a lovely weekend so far, Iv! And I hope I'll be able to bump into you again in OT or other threads soon.. :)


Hi Maya,

I read your post yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to respond. I will do so later (before Friday). I hope your week is going well :-)!


Happy Friday Ivoire! I hope you had a good week, and are enjoying the dramas you are keeping up with. Do you mind me asking what shows you are following and how you like them?


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Helloooo Ashley,

Soooo good to hear from you!!!! I did read your comment last week, later in the day and I did mean to respond (I don't know if I got to that, but I will check). I also remember greeting you originally when you started (I think) writing on OT and you were still in China, packing and getting ready to leave. I had answered some of your questions, but not all. I haven't forgotten that, thank you for reminding me last week :-). I think I had one question left (how I got into Kdramas and which one was the 1st one I watched?), which I will answer, promise.

I think I answered your questions in my (long) post below, so please read, if you have the time. Happy reading :-).


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It amazes me that you have the patience to write a post that long, I wish I did. Where were you going to move to in Minnesota? I am from Minnesota, born and raised, but I agree with you about the 7 month winters, they are unbearable. I will look forward to your old replys when you can get around to them.


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I can't believe you are from MN!!!!! The world is such a small place. And we meet here, on DB, of all places :-) because of our love and interest in Kdramas, how cool is that?

So I was going to move to Plymouth, which I don't know well at all. I was told it is close to Mpls. Where are you from, in MN? And where do you live right now (if you don't mind my asking)? I think you said you taught in China for about a year, where were you in China? And what do you do now? (if you don't mind my asking, again).

I lived in MN for 12 years, went to school at Hamline University in St Paul, worked in Bloomington (very close to the Mall of America) for 5 years, lived in ST Paul, the whole time I was there (close to Hamline by Snelling and Hewitt on one hand and University on the other side) and lived in Maplewood for 6 weeks before my move. I know Mpls (some) and some of the surrounding cities. I have been to Rochester, MN, Minnetonka, Rushford (small town) and other surrounding cities which names I can't remember right now (sorry) :-(

About my writing long posts, I love to write, I really do. Loved to write since I was a teenager, having pen pals in Mexico, Switzerland, and Israel (I met them on an English immersion program I went on when I was 16, many, many years ago) in England. I would hand write 16 to 20 pages (long) letters (handwritten) front and back (A4 format kind of pages). It did help improve my English, (I used the dictionary English-French) a lot. French is my 1st language.

And yes, I can patient. I have worked with children for over 25 years, so I have learned to be patient, lots :-). I come here and I pour my heart out because no one around me is into Kdramas, (my sister lives 2 and 1/2 hours away from me in Davis, she was into Kdramas before I was) and I have a friend I speak to on occasion, and we talk about the Kdramas we watch, among other things, that's about it. Here I learn about Kdramas, the language, the culture, etc... and I learn about other shows I didn't know about etc...

I tell myself every week that I should stay away from OT (or maybe consider writing shorter posts), but I haven't gotten to that yet. I am working towards that goal :-). I also love details, can you tell? I hope I can do something in the future with my writing, we will see.

I hope to read from you again :-) I am still so surprised that you are from MN, :-)


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I am from Eden Prairie, which is a suburb of mpls., next to Minnetonka. I actually went to a christian school in Minnetonka for 5 years. My family moved to Virginia a week before I went to university, and have been living here for about 3 years now. My brothers have to make sure EVERYONE knows we are not from Virginia, but Minnesota. "Pride for the homeland" as they call it. I know, what a coincidence? Like I said in my first OT post, DB really does make this world feel smaller in a good way.

I was in Chengdu, China. Roughly about the 5th largest city in China. Now I am at home for a semester working and trying to pay off some student loans. Then I will return to school until I graduate. Afterwords I would like to move to South Korean to teach, either that or go back to China. You are a teacher? And if you do not mind me asking where are you from? I saw you said your sister is your only family here in the states, did you guys mover here together?

Hope you have a good weekend, and that I can hear from you soon :)



I just read your response. I know Eden Prairie, I have a former classmate (his dad is from Cyprus in Europe and is mom is American, and they lived in Kenya for a long time because his dad worked for Coca Cola in East Africa for a while) who was one of my really good friends in college whose aunt lives in Eden Prairie, and so his graduation party was there, over 10 years ago, and we had a really good time (all the guests). Not only was his whole family great hosts, but the food was so good!!!! It was catered. There was Greek food, some African drinks made with pineapple (really good) and American food. We did have a really good time.

I have also a good family friend we (the children) call "Uncle" because he lived with his family for a few years in my country (in Cameroon, Central Africa) when he was working there, before relocating to MN (his wife is American, his family is from Lebanon, but he grew up in Senegal, in West Africa). This uncle has lived in Minnnetonka ever since they came back to MN, over 20 years ago. I have been to their home twice (in Minnetonka). If you went to school in Minnetonka, would you happen to know a family whose name starts with "T" and ends with "af"? Although depending on your age, you might not have gone to school at the same time.

So now your family has been living in VA, I take it. In what city or town? (if you don't mind my asking). The "Pride for the Homeland" reminded me of the radio show "A Prairie Home Companion" with Garrison Keillor, which was broadcasted on MN Public Radio. I remember that show because of the news from Lake Wobegon, "the little town that time forgot and the decades cannot improve ... where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average." Keillor has a wonderful radio voice and I enjoyed listening to his show. It was very clever and entertaining.

I also remember you, because I believe that I was the first one who greeted you on OT. You had asked if it was too late to participate, and I had said "Hello," and your post was on page 2. You were packing (or ready to start) and had a few days left in China. We wrote back and forth a few times before you left. So do you live in VA, now? With your family? (I think you responded to that already). So are we 3hrs apart? (instead of 2). What are you studying? for a BA or a Masters?

About me: I was born in Paris, France, lived there for 3 years (so French is my 1st language), then went home to Cameroon (Central Africa) with my parents (my dad studied Civil Engineering and my mom worked for an airline company). I lived in Cameroon for 16 years and traveled extensively because of my mom (her privileges, but my dad encouraged it as well) sometimes alone, sometimes with my siblings (I am the oldest of 6). It was a lot safer back then, and they monitored children and teenagers. I then had a scholarship to study in France (for college) so I spent 4 years in Poitiers, Center East of France (foreign languages) and then moved to the US. I lived in GA, for 2 years (Norcross close to ATL, and Athens where UGA is), but went to school in MN, because of a scholarship. I ended up living there for 12 years, before relocating to Northern CA 5 years ago to be closer to my sister, who had moved to CA 3 years before me. I am quite well traveled, and I have lived and studied on 3 different continents and a few countries. I speak 4 different languages fluently (French, Spanish, English and Bulu, my Cameroonian native language. There are over 250 Cameroonian languages, FYI). I am slowly learning Korean as well :-). I studied Spanish and Communications in MN.

I love languages, cultures, food of different places, International Affairs, Social and cultural issues (and political ones), etc... and I came across a Korean drama (Personal Taste with LMH) 2 years ago on Hulu (online TV site). I thought he was really cute, and I liked the minimum sexual content. I liked the OST (ended up buying it from a guy in Korea :-) through Amazon.com), fell in love with the language (the way it sounds) and had the TV switched to 1 of 2 Korean channels available in CA when I was home. I was hooked. Came across DB and devoured the site. I would stay up late at night, reading recaps, news articles, etc, on weekends. I delurked and started participating last December, I think, on OT, then I branched to the other features. I have learned a lot here from the bloggers and the commenters. I discovered that I love analyzing Kdramas and their characters, makes my viewing experience richer and more rounded (if that makes sense). Was afraid when I wrote my 1st long posts, but nothing bad happened, so I continued and found out that I wasn't the only one doing it (if you haven't noticed yet).

As I said to someone, I love writing and (I love talking) and this is the place I go (usually. I visit a few other sites as well) to talk about things Korean related, besides talking about it with my sister, who started watching Kdramas before me and a friend of mine who has more years under her belt as well.

I currently tutor French part-time and I did that in college as well, being a Professor's assistant. I worked in offices, but I really love working with children and I have many years of experience being a nanny so I am going back to that (and keeping the tutoring as well). If it is OK with you, maybe we could exchange email addresses (I can give you mine) and we could stay in touch that way as well. I have done so with 2 ladies here and nothing bad happened. I am not an ax murderer, (I swear :-)), and I don't think I will be as prolific on OTs in the future. So let me know, if you would like to stay in touch that way.

One of the ladies is my friend on FB now, and the other one (From OT here), I met (Cherkell) back in May with Shel (who posted today. I met her daughter too) when we went to a huge 22,000 people concert here in Mountain View,CA organized by Google and YouTube. The tickets were free and Cherkell came to pick me up. We had a lot of fun. Met a lady from my church (she also had tickets for me) who knows Kpop songs way better than I do (she knows them all) and is into Kdramas as well. She is from Ghana, West Africa, married, one son, working mom, but I think way more hip and cooler than I am. It was fun being with her as well, she knew literally all the songs and artists, *smh, smiling*.
All of that to say that good things can happen from meeting people here, just so you know. It was kind of cool to actually meet 3 people because of OT and attend the concert (it was in a park). I wouldn't have gone otherwise. This is the concert we went to:





I was trying to find the whole 3+ hours of the concert online, but you can only see parts of it on YT, I think. They had the whole thing up, before :-(

How many siblings do you have? And you are child #? How many languages do you speak? My sister who lives in Davis (and goes to UC Davis) spent 5 weeks in China 6 years ago, as part of a college program. We are all non traditional students, having all (my siblings) lived in France for many years. My two youngest siblings still live in France, and 2 passed away when I was young.

How did you like China? Was it your first time when you went? What made you go? Do you enjoy teaching? About my education: I studied in Cameroon, France, England, Spain (went there twice, and 2nd time, I had a scholarship from Spanish embassy in Cameroon) and the US. I have visited some US states, 1/2 of them I think, some African countries (Senegal, Togo, Benin, Cameroon), Europe (France, Spain, England, Belgium) and Martinique (French Territory which is an Island, considered French West Indies). I love to sing, I used to sing in my choir when I was a child and in college (we had an African choir), I was often the lead singer. Singing makes me appreciate languages (how they sound, the intonation, pronunciation etc...) and love some Kpop songs (I am selective) and I usually love Kdramas OSTs. The Korean language is beautiful when being sung, imho. I LOVE how dramatic Koreans can be when they talk, LOL...

What dramas are you currently watching? It would be my dream to go to Korea one day, and to work on a South Korea-African project of some sorts (I know those exist). I also want to learn the language, and continue to learn the culture which is in many ways similar to the African culture, as a whole, so I can relate a lot to what happens culturally (which I thought was interesting). I also love to cook, btw.

Well, you did hear from me, didn't you? :-) Happy reading, hope you don't mind the length:-)...


I do not know why it will not let me comment on your post, but hopefully you see this. I love long letters, notes, and posts, so length does not bug me at all. I just need to be in the right mood to write a long note, and on dramabeans if you press the wrong button then you lose everything you just typed (which happened to me yesterday morning), so instead I will be writing this on word and copying and pasting. I do not know if I would know the friends of yours, I went to a very small Christian school in Minnetonka. I like that you had a good time in Eden Prairie though. My family still really misses it there, and we really do not like living in the country, as we are doing now. We now live in New Market , VA. Yes I am living at home for the moment, first time in many years. I went to a boarding school for my last two years of high school, then college for 2 years before China. I plan on only being home for a semester, then going back to school for elementary education and I want to get a masters in reading specialist. I would love nothing more than to finish school, head to Asia, and live there the rest of my life (and travel to different continents of course). I love to travel and learn about different cultures. I have only been to Belize and China so far. I tried saving money to go to Paris, I have wanted to go there since middle school. College ended up taking that money, but I will get there someday. English is my only language, but I plan to change that and have started to learn Korean. I feel jealous of anyone who grew up speaking more than one language, because it is such a gift. Living abroad is in my blood, my mom grew up in Malawi, Africa as a missionaries kid. Then my parents were student missionaries in South Korea there first year of marriage. My mom loved it, and my dad could not get home fast enough, and neither of them got into Korean pop culture, so they find this love of mine funny and ironic. I have always wanted to go to China, I said since I was 6 that I was going to adopt a little Chinese girl. My best friend when I was little was a first generation Chinese American, and I spent a lot of time at her house. I ate her moms homemade Chinese food at least twice a week, saw her parents watching the Chinese news, and was just in awe by their culture. When I decided I wanted to be a student missionary this past year, China was really the only country I wanted to go to. I loved it there! Everyone told me I am more Chinese then American. I love how they respect the elders, and try to keep society respectful. You said you liked the minimal sexual content of Personal Taste, I also LOVE that. I hate seeing sex, drugs, and violence on American tv shows. I feel like I fit in better in Asia then in America, and my parents are supportive of me migrating.

I might have already told you this, but I got into Korean dramas while in China. The girl who had lived in my apartment before me left Boys Over Flowers with only Chinese subs so I watched it raw and fell in love with it. Then found Dramabeans that helped me translate what was going on. While Boys Over Flowers might not be the best k-drama ever, it will always have a place in my heart. I went to a Kim Hyun Joong concert in China and he sang the acoustic version of Because Im Stupid, while pictures of Jihoo and Jandi were in the background. I ended up crying, because it reminded me of when I first moved, and I didn’t know anyone yet, so at nights I would sit in my apartment watching BOF. In the beginning that show is what kept me from feeling lonely, which might sound pathetic or not make sense. My whole beginning part in China is so closely wrapped with k-dramas that I do not think I will ever stop loving them. I am a HUGE music lover, so of course I also got into the music. It started with the BOF OST, then Kim Hyun Joong – SS501. Then I watched You’re Beautiful so I got into CNBLUE (who is my favorite Korean band so far) and FTIsland. Shut Up Flower Boy Band – Infinite. So on and so forth. I just learn of all these music groups through OST’s. I am the type that hates American top 40, but because I don’t know how to look up unknown Korean artists I am listening to mainstream Korean music and actually like it. I love to sing also, my mom says I was singing before I could talk. I was in the traveling choir all 4 years of high school and loved it. I agree with you that singing really brings you into other cultures. I was always singing songs in Latin, Spanish, or some African dialect. I also love to cook. My mom loves to cook, and instilled the love into me. I am my family’s chief when I am home, because my mom works as a nurse full time. My dad works in business, and I have 2 younger brothers. I am the oldest, and only girl which is sometimes and great combination, and sometimes the worst. I do not know how you handled having 5 brothers and sisters, I can barley handle 2. I love to read, I am a huge book worm. My friends in China would make fun of me, because I always had at least one book in my purse. Me, and book, and my ipod are a deadly combo. I will not even know whats going on around me when I get deep into a book with music on. That’s why I love this website so much, because it combines my love of k-dramas with reading. I have read more dramas then I have watched. Since I dint have internet in my apartment in China I would download all the recaps of a show on my computer at work, then go home and read them at night. You said there are some other websites you got to, what are they? I also love kids. I want to work with them the rest of my life because I find it so much fun it does not feel like work.

Right now I am following Bridal Mask, To the Beautiful You, Answer Me 1997, Faith, Panda and Hedgehog, Ma Boy, and We Got Married. I am really only watching TTBY, Panda and Hedgehog, and WGM. The rest I just follow on here, and hope I have the time to watch someday. I have pretty much given up on American tv, but I wasn’t to big into it before hand anyway. What are you keeping up with? That is so cool that you got to meet some people you met on here. DB really is such a fun way to connect with people, and everyone seems so nice! I do not know how long this is going o be once I put it on DB, so I better stop. I hope to hear from you soon 

Yes lets keep in contact through email, that sounds like a lot of fun. My email is [email protected].


Hi Ashley,

I just saw your post (it is long, yay!!!!! *big smile on my face). I was responding to Laya earlier. I will now go off and read, but I am also going to send you a quick email. So you could check your email soon as well.

Will be back soon. I totally understand the whole "you press a button (or in my case, sometimes nothing at all) and you loose your whole message" thing because it has happened to me a few times here. Writing on Word and copying and pasting (especially for long posts) is a good idea. when I write a short post, I copy it (from the "edit" option on my computer) before I send it, just to be on the safe side. If it doesn't post, I just paste it again, and repost it. I hope that makes sense. For the long posts, I have used Word as well (like you did).

It will be good to continue our conversation by email, for the more personal stuff, I think... I want to grab a bite (breakfast, it's s 8:20am here now), respond to JoAnne who made a very funny comment about me (you should read it, on comment # 36) and then I will back to respond. Thanks again for your long post, you have no idea how happy that makes me :-). Great way to start my day!!!!!!


Hello everyone!!!! (It is morning here in my time zone, which is also DB time zone).

First, thank you to those of you who left me kind and encouraging messages last Friday. Last week was a stressful and challenging one, one of those where you have to be careful about the decision(s) you make. I was considering taking a job in MN, which would have had me relocate to Minnesota (US) where I actually lived for 12 years before moving to CA, five years ago. I am sure you guys can understand that I had to weigh and make that decision carefully, especially since that would have meant being further away from my younger sister, the only biological family I have in the States. We reunited 5 years ago when I moved to CA and we hadn't seen each other for a long time before that. So those things matter, you know.

Soooo, no MN winters for me (at least for now), I am glad to report (those can be cold, brrrrrr.... as some of you know). I felt a sense of peace after I gave my answer to the person in MN and was comforted by how she took the news. She understood my reasons behind my decision and invited me to stay in touch with her (we had had a nice phone interview), so that made me feel better as well.
Doors are actually slowly opening up here (job wise), and I am waiting on someone's answer about an opportunity to live with her (we will have an arrangement), so that is not totally squared away yet.

In the meantime, I have the apartment to myself this weekend (until Monday late night) because my friend is away until Monday. She is visiting friends and family in NY and in Philadelphia. I am invited to a birthday tomorrow evening, other than that, I am planning on having a fairly quiet weekend, catching up on "Faith," (yeah, I am still watching it :-)), reading recaps, posting some comments, slowly (re)packing (for the move) and getting ready for the week.

On the drama front, as I mentioned to Kakashi earlier, I stayed up watching Gaksital, pausing to read up on some of the historical movements that are mentioned in the drama (in those episodes), look up some military words I didn't know, replay some of the scenes (so I could finish reading the subs when they were too fast for me, or when I thought the scene was awesome, or deep or disturbing) and reading the recaps. I also stopped to write down the questions that came up for me, so I can ask them on OT on Friday. Sometimes, I stop and write some of the Korean words (how I hear them) I am recognizing and learning.

All in all, as you can tell, my process is very slow and long and elaborate (it took me 5 hours to watch 2 episodes, LOL, with bathroom and snack breaks, of course), but that is my process and it works for me. That's how I experience my dramas, if I can. No wonder I can't watch too many of them at one time, not enough time in the day for me. I think it is fairly safe to say that by the time I am done with one episode, I know almost every gesture, eyebrow raised, etc... the characters have done :-)

So for the moment, I have been sticking to BM and "Faith." I had to adjust my expectations for "Faith," but I like it. The heroine (her reactions) make sense to me (so far), considering the context. I had never seen KHS in anything and her acting to me is fine. I don't think she is over acting or anything and I buy what she is doing. I also think that she looks the part to be a plastic surgeon, and why couldn't a male Goryeo warrior date (and marry, maybe) an older woman? Someone said that (in the recap's comments) of episode 3 or 4 that in the drama, CY is supposed to be 29 and ES 33, so their age gap is actually not that big. I checked and it is true. And LMH could pass for a young 29 year old (KMJ doesn't look 40ish in AGD and yet he is 42, Korean age) and KHS is in her mid 30's, so it works for me.

Like many, I am not only interested in the main OTP story and line, but also in the 2dary characters, mainly the king and the princess, who are really well acted (love how they do subtlety). I have to say that I do love all the characters (even the baddies) and that I am interested in seeing how the drama unfolds. Really love Dae-man and his loyalty to CY (and how he follows him like a puppy) and I might be the only one, but Deok-man (another one of CY's men) reminds me of Hyun Bin in his early 20's, when he was a little bigger (think, MNIKSS, The World Within). Also love Jang Bin (sp?) and his cool (aloof, maybe?) attitude. I want him to fall in love with ES.
"Faith" to me is not as intense as TK2Hs or BM, but it has its moments when it surprises me, and it works (for me, of course). I haven't seen "Legend," so I can't really compare it to anything in the same genre, and that is fine with me. I am sure in time, I will watch more dramas and will have some references then.

BM, WOW!!!!! As GF (I think) said in one of the recaps this week, can things get darker? It turns out, they can. I LOVE the mind games and manipulations in BM, from many characters: Shunji, LKT, Rie, her dad, the count's son, MDR, etc... It is engaging, keeps you on your toes and wondering how it will all unfold.

I know BM is supposed to be violent and I expect as much, but I am still not always totally used to it or prepared for its level of violence (which I think is good on my part, phew...). Wow Shunji!!! I really liked you, (I think he is a needed character and an effective one) but man, you are gone, aren't you??? Kudos to PKW for the awesome job he is doing, he deserves all the accolades and awards he will get from starring in this drama. He truly shines here. Even his voice is creepy (the tone of his voice changes) when he is menacing or manipulative. And his face is so expressive, he uses it really well. I have a new found respect for actors and actresses who play villains and do it to the nth degree, portraying those roles like they are perfectly fitted gloves that were made for them. That has got to be draining, however.

There was one particular torturing scene with Shunji, in episode 24 (that involves water) in which Shunji's face was just like, he was not human anymore. I know we have seen that before, in torturing scenes involving Shunji, but I still marvel at how well PKW plays those scenes. Part of me can't help but wonder where actors/actresses go (emotionally) to act those scenes out, and how do they come back (I know they do, but still...). Is this partly when you know that you not only have a good actor/actress, but a good director as well? (I know I asked this question 2 OTs ago).

I now understand why people say that shows like that are not good for one's Blood Pressure, but they are sooo good, so we keep watching. Besides, we want to know what happens next, so we come back the following week. They are definitely not for the faint of heart, considering the amount of violence.

On a side note, the word "Caca" (your excellency, I think) is so funny to me, especially how seriously it is said, considering what it literally means in French, a very unpleasant term. I can't help but laugh when the older characters say it with so much respect when addressing the Japanese official (can't remember his title). I cannot see it happening at home (in my country), around a meal, at the dinner table, as we have seen in the drama :-).

So, I do have some questions, this week:

1--Someone on Viki mentioned Shunji's veins (on his forehead) when he saw Gaksital on the ground (beginning episode 24). I always wondered how actors/actresses do that, having those veins sticking out like that. Do you think something is injected in their skin or how do you guys think that happens? I am so curious about that process because it is so pronounced (the veins sticking out).

2--I have noticed that in action movies and dramas, they don't always show all the violence (beatings) (sometimes, you just hear the noise), but what they do show seems soooo real a lot of the time. Do you guys think ALL the beatings in BM for instance are ALL choreographed (I am assuming they are) and fake, or do you guys think that some of those beatings are real? Sometimes, it just seems as if, that hand really slapped that cheek or arm and that the foot did kick (hard) that person on the floor. Could those with a better knowledge than mine educate me, please?

I know this post was long, so thank you for reading it, and for responding as well. The weather is getting cold in my area, I hope you guys will have a nice weather this weekend :-). Take good care of yourselves :-)


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hello Ivorie! I've notice you are quite the active poster around here and honestly, I'm jealous of the time you have to write so much! But in skimming your posts here in the OT today, I noticed something.... I think we live close to each other! I'm also in Northern CA! In Auburn! But the ironic thing is I too just yesterday made a possible job contact in Minnesota (Minneapolis/St Paul area). I had a phone interview today, and if things pan out the way I'd like, I could move as soon as two weeks from now. It feels like a very very small world right now!!


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Hello Christy,

Sooo good to hear from you! I just read your post, and so I will be back later to respond. Please check back later or tomorrow to see if I have posted an answer. The world is really a small place at times, isn't it? :-)


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@ Christy,

Wow, it is a small world indeed!!! I do hope that things will work out for you and that this opportunity will be yours, since you seem to want it.

"honestly, I’m jealous of the time you have to write so much!" I love writing, so I put in the time, it is that simple for me. I might not always be as active here, forever, but I have enjoyed the time that I have spent writing and analyzing dramas (the ones I have watched).

I am not sure where Auburn is. I currently live in San Mateo, would that be close? I used to live in Los Altos, before that, and then in Sunnyvale. Do those towns sound familiar to you? (just wondering...)
It has been interesting to me the # of people related to MN I have come across since moving to CA, LOL. If you can, please let me know how the MN job situation goes (if you don't mind).

Have a wonderful weekend! Any plans? (Besides watching Kdramas :-)).


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ah, you are over by the bay! Auburn is about 2 1/2 hours away, on the other side of Sacramento, in the Sierra foothills, right on 80 heading up to Reno. I love it here. :) If I do end up going to Minnesota, I will miss the weather here sooo much!! I'll def make an OT report about what ends up happening since it will affect my drama watching! :)

This weekend I've actually been watching a lot of older EatYourKimchi videos, I recently found Simon and Martina off a comment in OT several weeks ago and now I follow them regularly. I'm actually heading downstairs shortly to play Settlers of Catan with my parents. I LOVE that game! Then I'll probably stay up way to late watching Faith and Gaksital again and I have one hulu video in my queue currently: So You Think You Can Dance (I can't, but I love watching people who can!) Tomorrow, I actually have quite a bit to accomplish of some freelance writing and design projects, and hopefully hear back from the architect in Minnesota again. I graduated with my Master's three years ago and have been looking for something full-time since (I'm only part-time, no benefits, hence the move back home to live with my parents and save some money!) So if this works out, and I'd be able to feel like I finally have a grown up job and move out and live near friends I made in college, I'd be ecstatic!

I hope you're having a great weekend as well and that we'll connect more here on db!


Hi Christy,

Wonderful post, loved it. Sorry I didn't get to answer this weekend. I will try to do it before next OT (Friday), and I hope that is OK with you.

I do hope you got a lot done yesterday and that your week started well. Have a great week!!!!! :-)


Hi Ivorie,
sorry I'm little late, but I saw your question about Mrs.K, I left comment on your PSH respond.
Enjoy your weekend, happy OT!


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Hi Mtoh,

It's OK to be late. I appreciate you responding back. I will go read it now :-)


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OK, thanks!


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@ Mtoh,

You are very welcome :-)! I did read your comment and I responded on that page as well, if you ever happen to read it. I hope that you will have a wonderful weekend!


Happy OT Weekend, Ivoire! I hope you've been having a good one :)


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Hi Cmrprindle,

My weekend was good and I hope so was yours. Have a great week :-)!


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i love lee min ho but i get so bored with Faith :((
i'll stick through it for the pretty though.


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Agreed! What is it about Faith that is lacking? I cannot figure it out. I thought Faith was going to be a sure fire love for me, but thats not the way it is at all.


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glad i'm not the only one. i don't think it's even my dislike for KHS and i'm not bothered with Smallville-esque special effects.

i'm going to rewatch last weeks' and marathon the new episodes this weekend - maybe i'll have a change of heart.

as of now, Gaksitaaaaaaal owns me.


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I don't think it's because of the competition (or the lingering effects of Dr Jin), but you are right. For some reason, it's not gripping my heart like Arang is.

Maybe the chemistry of the leads? I'm not really feeling it between LMH and KSH. The only two characters I feel any affinity for is Dae-man and Princess Nogoog.


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haven't started Arang but another friend told me that she likes it better than Faith ^^


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That seems to be the consensus of a lot of people, that the appeal of Arang seems to be greater than the appeal of Faith. Faith is scheduled for more episodes so maybe it's timing is that much slower. I can't really put my finger on a specific reason. :-\


Happy OT, everyone. Have a happy weekend!

Done watching up to Ep. 4 of To The Beautiful You. Going to watch Ma Boy Ep. 2. LOL the gender-bender manga adaptations on my drama list. All this fluff. Currently LSS-ing on both Stand Up and Let's Walk Together as well!

I wish Ma Boy were subbed, though-- I don't know enough Korean yet for the dialogue, so I'll have to wait until the DB recap to really understand what's going on. And Ma Boy does depart a lot from Tenshi Ja Nai... is Tae Joon the pop idol supposed to be Ayase? :D

Had quite a few WTF moments on Ep. 3 & 4 of TTBY though (k, no spoilers). But quite a few awesome moments too.


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I like Ma Boy.. but been wondering who's doing the Eng Sub? coz I dont have any idea what the story *from watching the raw* but thanks DB had done the first episode recap, can't wait for the second...


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Ma Boy is such a low-profile drama (the actors are not exactly that well-known yet except for Kim So-hyun, but I do recognize one of Oh Ha-ni's friends from PK as a member of Tackle) that I'm guessing it's being overlooked by the subbers. I hope so much that they're going to sub it, because right now I'm also just relying on DB to fill in the blanks.

It's a liberal adaptation of Tenshi Ja Nai, so I can still recognize the elements of the manga, and that at least gives me an idea what's generally supposed to happen. I actually wish it was a longer drama though, because we've got only one more episode left to wrap things up!


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I'm keeping my fingers crossed for subs for Ma Boy as well. :-\


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Happy OT Weekend, Laya! I've missed you! *hugs* (Which I realize is totally my fault, but there it is.)


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cmr!! /hughughug
I missed you too! How are you? <333


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I'm good! Sorta busy, but mostly distracted on the weekend so I've been missing the OT. And how are you?


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As usual. :D Watching dramas, blogging, writing, taking an online class.


Well hello, OT. Long time no see.

The summer went by in a huge wooooooosh. My son and his wife were here for the summer, and he and my 15 yr old got in some good bonding anime time. We love having them, but it went way too fast. So, back to law school for him and on to 10th grade for my homeschooler.

I didn't get much drama watching done over the summer, but I did see AGD which I LOVED LOVED LOVED and Big which I LIKED ...until the end. I'm now going back and watching Ghost and Gaksital is next on my list. Currently airing shows I'm watching (kind of, behind on both of them) are 1997 and Faith. And a little funny Japanese show that JoAnne or someone introduced me to called Sprout.

It's about to get crazier around here, though. My daughter is taking concurrent college classes starting on Monday, she's on a swim team, plus the three classes we're doing at home. We have friends with kids in the same programs, so we managed to figure out the very complicated carpool schedule, but I may still end up spending a lot of time playing taxi, or doing geometry at the library when there isn't time to go home in between stuff.

I missed everyone and the couple of times I popped in to just see what was going on, I hardly recognized anyone anymore. I hope you're all well and happy!


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Unni, glad to see you back in OT.
So you're watching Ghost? Great! I really enjoyed that one. Well written and unpredictable.
I take my part of the blame for Sprout *hides in shame*, but you all are loving it, right?


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Hi Shel! Good to see you on OT.

Busy busy for you! yikes! Take it easy! ^^

Happy Friday/weekend!


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I thought the ending of AGD was one of the better ones this season, very little WTH and it got tied up nicely with a big fat shiny pink bow. It might be fun to have a second season, with the F22's, but that would be asking too much I think.

Enjoy the winddown of the summer!


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I"m all for another 20 seasons with those guys. Maybe as they start having families or something. They are so fun to watch!


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[nods nods]


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Hi all!
Another tough week for me, still not watching any dramas, except for RMPW. Reading the recaps makes me want to watch Arang, though...
Speaking of RMPW, did anyone else think this episode was actually much, much better than the previous one? Loved the non-confession confession scene - the acting in it was a-ma-zing! Also, RMPW made me think that I should write the second installment in the How To Do Stuff According To Asian Dramas series: How To Fins A Job According To Asian Dramas. Because, you know, it really shows that most of the writers had never been through an actual recruitment process. My first suggestion would be to get an MBA, preferably in the States (who cares that you have to have 3 years of management experience to even apply for an MBA?:) ) - you're guaranteed to get a top management position in a corporation, especially if the owner is your father/mother/grandma/grandfather. While I'm working on a complete list, does anyone have any other suggestions?


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I'm with you on RMPW. I'm so happy that after two kind of boring weeks, things are ramping up. I just wish I'd waited and marathoned it!


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Haha, me too, KL, me too! I'm not even supposed to watch any dramas until mid-September, but had to make an exception for RMPW.


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LOL keep the writing going.
I agree with you ep7 RMPW was much better than six. The scene when both of them are walking down the street was so beautiful. Shun did a great job showing Hyuga repressing his feelings.
I want Monday to come soon, to watch the raw.


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Loved that scene. Am becoming a big Shun fan.


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Me too.
To tell you the truth I didn't remember him from Gokusen or Hana Yori Dango. I even watched the movie he directed without knowing he was the director.
But ater thsi drama I luf him, I mean his work :P


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He had a bit part in Densha Otoko, but I ping on him right away - love that profile.

And the sidewalk scene in RMPW 7...[clutching heart], it was the best! I also cheered when he backed off from Yoko, especially when I was bouncing on my reading and yelling at my television "Get your lips away from her, they're Natsuis!!"


You should have see me, when I first saw him on Densha Otoko. I was jumping on my chair of happines


@Shukmeister: yeah, i was like dyiiiiingg during the sidewalk scene. There's just something about how doramas tackle their romance.....so beautiful and evocative!! So. many. feeeels!! heh

I. can't. even!! -->



Although there tends to be less lip-to-lip action in a dorama, there's almost always more emotions flowng between the characters.


This is my first Oguri show. Yes, I may be the sole person who hasn't watched HYD. But, now I have so much stuuuuuff of his to watch. weeeee!!

Have you watched Stand Up? He's awesome in there as well.


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I love Stand Up, t is so funny. And also my secret boy obsession is in it.


This past weekend I watched Stand Up!! & Hana Kimi. B/w these shows haven't ROFLed this much in an age. Thanks to Narimiya & Oguri in the former and Ikuta in the latter. I've shamelessly been watching Nakatsu YT vids for laughs. hahaaaa.So epic, this guy!! <33


I hadn't even heard of Stand Up.

Added to "The List".

Have watched other of Shun's dramas and movies though. Woodsman and the Rain! I can't wait until Third Window Films releases the DVD in the UK. And maybe, if we are lucky, they will have film posters for sale too! (Love my Himizu one.)


Darn, just checked out the cast list for Stand Up. I'm going to have to watch that soon, so much eyecandy. :-D *superficial me*


@alua, and they are all so young back then.
Stand Up is mostly silly teen hormones trying to do what all teens want to do, but not getting any freaking chance



Ha, I'm sure I'll love it. Generally quite like high school/teen setting in dramas & mangas (if they are well written).

I will like it even more so if it's from way back when all those actors were super young. (That reminds me of that Arashi video from when Matsujun brutally wakes up the rest of the members at the crack of dawn, heck before that even. All so young, hyper and hilariously cute back then.)


@alua: and that just reminded me of how much arashi stuff I've been watching lately. The price to pay when you have a secret boy obsession


I'm actually not an Arashi fan (certainly not their music) but occasionally I watch some of their variety show things, because they are so funny and I love the feeling of the group - like they are such a tight bunch and best of friends. Like how it should be.

So who is your secret boy obsession? Ninomiya since he's the only Arashi member in Stand Up?


It was easy to guess
Well not that much fan of their music either, though after watching their dramas, some songs get stuck in my head. Can't help it. But their variety shows are funny. I've been watching a lot of them lately.


Some songs are a-okay - I know what you mean with that they get stuck in your head.


I can't get enough of that scene. Both have pitch perfect acting. How can anyman resist hugging her? and Shun showed just that - trying hard not to resist her....


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Satomi's SOOOO frickin' adorable!! I can't get over her cuteness and I die of the cute in scenes w/ her and Shun. They don't even have to say anything, lulz.


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if only her lips weren't so distracting. I remmeber her having normal lips in Kimi wa Petto, and even after that


Wait, those are fake lips? They are a little weird!


she is so cute but the lips are distracting and they dont look natural. i have seen her pics before and the lips were different !


I can't wait for Tuesday - this is when I usually watch the RAWs.=) The scene in the street was so heartbreaking, and yet you can see that they both understand what's best for Makoto at the moment, given the situation the company is in. It would have been your typical Noble Idiocy moment, but (for me at least) it wasn't exactly, because she understands why he wants her to take the more stable research job (not that she wants it, but that's another thing).
See an update on getting a job drama-style a bit further below.:)


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a funny idea of yours. I would add a guide of moral conduct for young female teachers, who notoriously seduce their students :).
Another one would be a guide for doctors, who are supposed not to sleep and not to wash because they have to be better than someone, preferably the best in the country. Being just competent is for losers :p


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Hahahaha, love the comments on teachers and doctors.:) To be honest, I'm not so much uncomfortable about the teacher/student trope (it really depends on whether it's done tastefully and what the message is) as I'm simply tired of it. Move on, K-Drama writers.


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P.S. See my update below!:)


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RMPW E7 was WONDERFUL!! And, that sidewalk scene was spectacular. Oguri & Ishihara's acting elevated that scene. I pretty much died when Makoto's all flustered and Hyuga looks at her, braces himself, and hails her a cab. ackkkk!!

I will also reccommend Sprout. It's a simple HS love story but done really well. Also wanted to pimp Stand Up. SO funny yet heart warming. <33


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The non-confession confession scene was superb, and I don't think I will ever forget their faces.


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Unnie, their faces have been gif'ed already on tumblr!! LOVE!! I had every intention of tweeting abt it before my laptop crashed.


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oh man...do you remember the tag, maybe?


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DONE!! Check zeeeeee twitter.


Is that a Craig Ferguson reference? If so, I will love you forever!


oooh I'm jumping in on the Craig Ferguson love. If I can't have a pretty Korean boy, give me a snarky Scottish reformed alcoholic


Thank you Saima! You are a good yeodongsaeng!


@JoAnne, check ze tvits - und also iiiimails! I love Craig and GP.


@JoAnne and Saima,
If it were a K-drama, they would've kissed with a dramatic song playing in the background, game-over-hamnida-style!


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True say!! I've read on various forums for fans clamouring for kisses, fan service b/w our OTP. I'm like, "Dude, have you NOT watched J-dramas before?!!" At best we'll get two-ish kisses or so. And, am okay with it....I love the OTP interactions so much. They kinda sweep me away with their saccharine sweetness and the little quiet
moments they share. (On an unreated note, Yoko knows she butchered her chances with Hyuga by keeping mum. Sayonara, girl!!)


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More ideas on how to get a job according to dramas:
Rely on luck - there’s a high chance that *someone* will just give you a job. You simply have to run into the right person. Keep walking around town, and you will inevitably bump into your future employer. Once you bumped into them, keep asking for a job until they give up and give it to you (see also: annoy a chaebol).
Apply to ALL the companies! It doesn’t matter if the position is for a fashion designer/graduate program in a high-tech company, and you’re selling knock-offs or are a science student. In the drama world, employers seldom care about things like education or previous experience (see also: rely on luck).
Replace your sibling. This might require cross-dressing, but don’t worry about it too much - no one will ever notice you’re actually a girl/boy.
Become a civil servant. You’ll get a stable job and - potentially - a hot chaebol boyfriend. Try to avoid teaching jobs, though.
If all else fails...annoy a chaebol. This works in every situation, but especially if you are a (1) poor hardworking girl, with gender-ambiguous looks OR (2) a 30-year-old patissier who studied in France. If you do not fall into either of these categories, your chances of a getting a job from a chaebol become slimmer, but don’t lose hope - if there’s anything we’ve learned from dramas, it’s that only hard working people get to successfully annoy chaebols with great results. Who knows, this might also get you a boyfriend/girlfriend.


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Love it!


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:) so awesome


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Happy OT!!!
How was you drama watching week?
I'm finally up on the kdrama wagon once again, thanks to Arang, AM1997, and Faith.
I want to drop TTBY, but reading about people's reactions makes me curious, so I might go back and check, at least the recaps.
I watched the first ep of The Thousandth Man, and it looks promising
Slowly but surely watching my jdrama obsessions, particularly RMPW, can't wait to see what will Hyuga do next, ans Sprout, the acting wont be the best, but is pure innocent teen love.
I'm a few eps away from finishing Densha Otoko, loving it.

I'm happy to announce I'm back writing, it's been months since the last time, so I hope I keep up with all the work.


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I loved Densha Otoko. I also saw the J Movie, How to Date an Otaku Girl .

The girl, Yoriko, is a
a ‘fujoshi’.

Basically she’s a very big fan of boy-love manga and butler cafes.

AM1997 & Arang are my two favorite current shows.


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Hi John!!
I saw that movie some time ago. Is cute, how he tries so hard to adapt to her obsession


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Hi zgznoona!
Happy OT! ^^

I'm still loving RMPW. Sprout is cute. Aww... hs love, makes me feel old. LOL

TTBY: cute so far. Not bad.

Faith: I'm still liking it so far.

Arang: wowow. I have to say, they have taken the fantasy part to a new level. I like it so far! Hope it stays that way!


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Hi cs,
my problem with TTBY is that I love so much the funny and quirky they have erased from the story, that I can't look pass it. By the the after effect of too much jdrama watching. Who knows? but I had my hope high for this one and I hate all the characters they have changed


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Oopsss, I just changed your name. Talking about character changing ;)


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lol It's okay.^^

Well, in TTBY, you don't have to think at all. Just watch the pretties. That's what I'm doing. :p


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I agree with you. Among the many gripes that I have I can't believe they edited out Yusuke's character altogether. o_O

I guess if one watches TTBY w/o thinking about its predecessor then they'll enjoy it more.


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I know, right. That character is so great


@zgznoona: Mizuki's stone-hearted, lulz. NO ONE would resist THIS face --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-RPbrNUtjs


@Saima: LOL, thanks


Ugh, I hope Hyuga starts a new company and gets the entire team to leave NI for it. This often happens in the industry, after all, and NI is nothing without the creativity of its programmers.


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That's exactly what I hope for. But I'm pretty sure Makoto didn't go to her interview after seeing the news. By now, we all know that girl.


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Hi zgznoona!

you're quite busy on the drama front! as for me I've shelved everything except for Arang, because it's been years since I last had my Joonki vaccine and I was due for a booster shot... and boy is it super effective... or not since I've caught the joonki bug so powerfully... it makes me want to go back and see Iljimae, and TBDAW, and his movies... lol unfortunately there's no time... heh.


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You're back to school, aren't you? :(
Well, I'm loving Arang, but I'm not a big fan of Jooki. I love Shin Min-ah and Yoo Seung-ho, and the story is beautiful


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Happy OT everyone! Been watching bridal mask. Loving the tension in each episode. Has anyone catched five fingers? The title is meh to me, plus that whole bizarre episode about the lead actress, i'm a little apprehensive to start it. Pretty boy lee seung gi is in town this weekend! The thought of him stepping on same ground makes me happy!

I'm still clinging on to Rich Man poor woman to see how it turns out in the end...


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Oh yeah. Some of us are following "Five Fingers." It's sooooo freakin' good, and the younger cast is beyond awesome as always. Episode 3's ratings are already pushing 17%! ::happydance::

In case you need more persuading, recaps are up on my Tumblr! ::big evil grin::


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Another fan of Five Fingers here. Can't wait til the subs are out so I can see JJH again. Initially I wasn't too comfortable with the makjang elements but I think the show knows what it wants and isn't afraid of embracing the genre wholeheartedly. Full blast makjang is always better than half-assed attempts (New Tales of Gisaeng, I'm looking at you).

I've chucked Rich Man Poor Woman weeks ago. It was interesting for the first few eps, but I made the mistake of expecting something like Kimura Takuya's old j-doramas. OK that was unfair of me, but I yearned what I yearned.


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Happy OT everyone!

I just complete my first week of Couch to 5K training, and as someone who hasn't run since high school a million years ago, I'm just happy I'm still alive! It's interfering with my Kdrama watching, though, because I fall asleep every night while watching something.

I'm trying to keep up with RMPW, AM1977, and AATM. Slow going, though.

On another topic, does anyone has the urge to join a flash mob of Oppa Gangnum Style somewhere???


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are you / want to come to Europe? then yes :)


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I just got back from a vacation there a few weeks ago. Where are you in Europe?


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Switzerland. And I know one more person who would be in the flash mob with us :-)


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We went from Sweden to France but didn't make it to Switzerland. Next trip, hopefully! And we can orchestrate a flash mob then!


Let's flashmob in Newark bfore the BigBang concert!!


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But is there even a date for that concert?
*hiding knowing she touched a sensitive subject*


My thoughts exactly! I bet one will already be planned, or at the very least, if we suggest it on the fan page, one will happen!



It's slated for November 9th, but even if they SBS themselves, there's some of us that are still going.


Just saw a tweet from someone at the 2NE1 concert that the whole theater is up dancing to Oppa Gangnum Style. Do you hear that Big Bang???


We could always try GDragon's "One of a Kind" - hee


haha, yes, if i heard about a flash mob being put together in my area, i'd be over there immediately. i can not hear that song or watch the video and not smile and suddenly feel better about life!!


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Flash Mobs make me cry.

I don't know why. I think it's just the expression of human community.


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I know the feeling. It's like I can never watch little kids sing in church or old couples hold hands without getting weepy. Although some of the Gangnum flashmobs on Youtube are pretty hilarious!

You would join us, right JoAnne? I think you said you weren't into dancing, but I hope I'm wrong!

(BTW, I do know correct English - just noticed I made a typo in my post.....ugh)


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No but I will film!


A Gangnam Style flashmob sounds like an awesome idea. How come nobody's organized one yet?
The most hilarious flashmob I've seen in my life was a Titanic flashmob organized in France - wish it were still o YouTube...


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Wow, that's hard to picture! Were they singing Celine Dion's song? I'm sorry I didn't get to see something like that when I was in France (or anywhere for that matter!)


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@KL, It was in Strasbourg - the video is on Dailymotion, and it's hilarious. Basically, everyone just fell down on the ground and started screaming for help, and then four guys suddenly appeared, carrying a rescue boat with another guy paddling and asking if anyone was alive. The instrumental version of My Heart Will Go On was playing in the background, obviously.:D
Found the link as I was typing - the flashmob starts around the second minute: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5olp2_s73f0388_webcam


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Thanks OTS!

People certainly are creative (or should I say crazy?) You could spend days on Youtube. Speaking of Youtube, have you seen any of the Oppa Gangnum Style parodies? There is one that a bunch of high school girls did that is hysterical.

Ok, now I am spending way too much time on the computer.....


Happy OT!

LOVE LOVE LOVE Answer Me 1997!


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Happy friday! hows everyone doing? loving the new shows, and my verdict is (normally I'm easy to pleased):

-Arang: like. Good chemistry b/n the couple and liking the fantasy element. feels very diiferent and unique.

- May Queen: dropped. Or, on hiatus, until adult cast comes in; just too overdramatic and makjang. Hate the ott music they play. Feels like they squished every drama cliche into one drama.

-Haeundae Lovers: dropped. Urgh. Too many characters that I don't really care about. The humour doesn't ring me.

- Panda and Hedgehog: LOVE. had a soft spot on lee dog-hae from skip beat. wasn't planning on watching this and came with low expectations. love both the guys and the ost.

- Five fingers: like. Better plot and better characters than may queen. More intense and interesting.

-To the beautiful you: love. Its so adorable, love lee hyun woo, but min ho started to impress me by ep 4.

-Faith: okay. Didn't watch this solely for Lee min ho ( wasn't a big fan of him) but I like it that his character is flawed and isn't too perfect. Like him with the lead girl as well, she's my fave character.

I also have a question: what thriller drama would you recommend to a guy? I'm trying to get my dad into korean dramas. Can't be any longer than 25 episodes. Thanks!


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Special Affairs Team TEN.


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Vampire Prosecutor. If I ever try to get my dad into dramas, that's the one I would use. It's one of the few kdramas that handles the procedural format well, and since it lacks the usual cliches (which I consider an acquired taste among us more avid viewers), I think it would be good at drawing in someone who is used to Western television (as I'm assuming your dad is). Also, it's only 12 episodes, so it doesn't drag on.

If he doesn't care for vampires, my other suggestion would be City Hunter: action-packed, thrilling, tightly-plotted, engaging and full of heart. 20 episodes.

Good luck, and please let us know how things go! I'd love to hear which drama did the trick... or failed miserably.


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Story of a Man, Special Affairs Team TEN (though that's more mystery than thriller), I also heard The Chaser is really good.


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Hi story of a man chingu!


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I third Story of a Man, also recommend Time Between Dog and Wolf.


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Time between Dog and Wolf and Resurrection. Two of the best drams ever.


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Hmm... I would say Five Fingers is more makjang than May Queen actually.

Personally, I LURVVEEE the child actors in May Queen. I can't get enough of them :)


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Yes, the kids. What a power house Kim Yoo Jung is. I swear the writer is creating scenes to use her power. Re: KYJ at the end of Ep 4 was just a dramatic as "Flames of Ambition" but in a very different style. Even her smile vocablulary is increasing as are her eyes. Too bad most peeps can't see this because they're reading the sub.
Old USA saying, "the eyes tell everything about him" but many can't see that.

14 yrs old Seo Young Joo, WOW! He shoud learn English, his talent to too big for Korea. I want to see if Yoo Jung can equal him whe he was 13. They are only 1.5 yr different.


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Not series; but a movie; Bow : The Ultimate Weapon.


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"Joseon X-Files" (Secret Investigation Record) - one of the best series ever done anywhere.


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Hello everyone! can I join you guys?? :


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Anyone can join in. The more the merrier! And welcome!


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Of course you can! Welcome to the OT!


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that's a silly question, don't you think? ;)


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You're more than welcome to join OT, ledilab22! :)


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Hello and welcome :).


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HI! welcome!!


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It's the open thread, we welcome everyone with open arms :-)


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welcome! Happy OT! ^^


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Happy OT Friday, everyone!

Can I have my victory dance now? Because Arang is every bit as wonderful as I wanted it to be. I love the world, the characters, the humor... and I'm chomping at the bit to find out Joo Wal's secret. Who/what is this dude??? I can't wait to find out, but I love the way the writer gives us just enough to make us curious. For me, Joo Wal is the bigger mystery than Arang's death... but like everyone else, I'm pretty sure they're connected somehow. Love. It.

I'm watching most of the shows that are airing right now, so inevitably, I've fallen behind on a few... including Gaksital, for the first time since episode 12. School starts on Monday, so I know this is just the beginning: I'll keep watching dramas, but I'll have to get used to being behind.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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You're behind on Gaksital? This called for the "Gaksital will never forgive you!" line :D
Btw I share your pain, becca_boo. My school started on Wednesday and I'm already slumped with homeworks, research, and reading. I miss the time when the first few days/first week are all about adjusting... I so want to watch Arang, but I guess I have to wait until Gaksital is over, it looks like another drama that I might get emotionally invested with, and I don't think I'm ready yet, not when Gaksital is still airing anyway :D


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*hangs head in shame* I know, I know... but there were ghosts and pretty boy gods, and... I caved. I'm sorry, I was weak. But how can you expect me to resist Yoo Seung-ho?

Earlier this summer there were only one or two shows that I followed weekly, but now that school is starting, there's a whole truckload that I want to watch. I think someone is playing a cruel joke at my expense.


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I've been trying to avoid any screencaps with Yoo Seung Hoo in it because I don't want to get lured in.. yet. Believe me it's hard! They're EVERYWHERE.. But I just need to resist for another 2 weeks so that I can trully enjoy the show. It'll come soon, right? Without me noticing it?
And yes, why do all the good shows have to come out when school has started? Why dramaland? Why? WHY?

*rant over, back to reading papers*


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YSH is so fantabulous in his role :-))


So, once again, Happy OT everyone! I wish you a relaxing weekend or a successful house removals or both!!

My week was veeery busy, I prepare my move. I really hope, it is over soon. Sigh... Anyway, didn't even have time to watch k-dramas besides the Hana Kimi Remake and Gaksidal.
To the Beautiful You is nice but I like the japanese version with Oguri Shun too. Both versions have elements, I like very much. In the japanese Hana Kimi I like Oguri Shun as Sano. He is athletic, arrogant and sensitive (drol) the perfect sportsmen. For me, the perfect genius high jumper, better than the korean Sano. ( I damit, it is not so easy to beat Oguri) And I like the japanese gaydoctor with his woman phobia - sooo funny.On the other hand, in the korean version the fluffy white dog is the cutest!!! And like the dorms. Wish my student room had looked so. The heroines are cute in both dramas and I think they look alike. Maybe they are sisters or cousins - you know - birthsecret. Anyway, the japanese drama is more colorful and overexcited, the korean version more serios and not so close to the mangaversion. For the moment, I can´t decide, which version I like better.

And I watched Gaksidal. Sooo good. But my poor nerves. Unfortunately I think, it is a drama, where everybody dies in the end.
So sometimes I wonder how they will die??
Maybe Rie dies while protecting Kang-to, Shunji dies while protecting Mok Dan, Kang-to dies while protecting Mok Dan. Mok dan survives.
Or Rie dies while protecting Mok Dan, Mok Dan dies while protecting Kang-to, Kang-to dies while protecting Shunji - his old friend. Shunji survives and become the new Gaksidal. What do you think???


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Gaksital is really channeling Wagner. I'm waiting for the final scene where the stage is littered with bodies as the lights fade to back.

Does anyone think there's going to be a happy ending?


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I really hope for a happy end. But I am afraid there is an ending like in the Hong Gil Dong drama: everyone is dying, but hope never dies


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I'm voting for a pile of bodies, too. It's funny you mention Shunji becoming Gaksital because that is the ending I wanted from the early episodes. I'm still hoping Shunji will redeem himself, but I think the chances are slim. I thing the best we can hope for is that he will die saving Mok Dan. So my call is that Shunji will kill Kang To, then die protecting Mok Dan and Tamao becomes Gaksital. It would be awesome if Rie became Gaksital.


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it seems, that Team killed himself. So he can't be the next Gaksital. But Rie is still became Gaksital. That would be an unusual ending in a k-drama, but why not.


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I mean TAMAO killed himself...


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thank you soo much! hehehe I am an avid reader of dramabeans and I think i envy you guys because you can talk at your heart's content about k-dramas and all. Whilst i can talk to noone here.. they'll like tease me for being a k-fan.. but i just dont mind them.. :)


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um most of us talk to our hearts' content HERE. Or we barely manage to convert 1 or 2 people who only care about cute guys and are not very useful when it comes to real drama watching.


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Yeah...we do it here, and some of us continue the conversation on twitter. Belinda and I are very guilty of live tweeting exciting episodes but we're both experienced at not providing spoilers, LOL.

I don't do much mentioning of it in RL as I have only converted one young friend of my daughter. The best I can manage is to get my daughter to eat Korean food with me. Our fridge always had random Chinese ingredients, but now it also has Thai and Korean.

I do laugh tho, at all the Psy talk in the halls and around the water cooler...these people are SO late to the game. It allows me a moment of feeling ahead of the trend.


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Oh my gosh, I thought the same thing! I feel like shouting - hey, you make fun of my drama watching, but I know what "Oppa Gangnum Style" actually means! haha


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haha, same kind of thoughts here! I'm like... whoa, am I actually IN THE KNOW for once?!?!


Hello everyone! Happy OT!
Won't stay with you today since it's "work in progress" at home: Writing on my script + finishing the recap for AGD ep 19 (posted today or tomorrow).
Have fun this WE!
♥ you all!


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ohh, this is a pity.


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hope, you can relax, when your work is finished. Have a nice weekend too.


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Lots of dramas to watch this week. Enjoying TTBY (more so this week than last), Arang, and Faith. AM1997 is still the best drama on the air at the moment, even though eps 9-10 are not yet subbed :(

I’ve been noticing that AM1997 is the first drama I've watched that has a feeling of realness to it. I think that is one of the reasons it resonates so well with the viewers. Unlike so many other dramas I’ve seen, people seem to genuinely care about each other. There is no scheming and no backstabbing. The characters actually express compassion and empathy towards each other. Yes there is silliness and contrivances, but nothing that comes across as damaging. I know in my heart that Korea is an amazing place filled with real, good, down to earth people. But I have to say that every time I watch a drama with an evil mother in law or scheming business tycoon, I can't help but have some of that negativity rub off on me. I really hope that AM1997 is the beginning of a trend away from all of that.

Any recommendations for dramas/movies that represent more of a "real" Korea, not some crazy stylized place where no one wears the same outfit twice and where people are hospitalized from standing in the rain for 5 minutes?


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I don't know how closely it represents "real" Korea, but one of the most naturalistic shows I've seen is Coffee Prince. (Even in spite of a girl pretending to be a boy for most of its run, which says something about how far out there most Kdrama actually is.)

I've also heard good things about A Wife's Credentials, which aired this spring. I haven't seen it yet, but people who have seem to rave about it's real-life approach to storytelling.


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Thank you! That was what I meant really, more of a naturalistic presentation. I'm just so sick of our heroine always having to deal with such horrible situations, like cruel and malicious family members/friends or crippling poverty. It's just been bumming me out recently.

I have seen (and enjoyed) Coffee Prince, and I do think it has a more realistic feel to it than most dramas. You're right about the premise being considered "natural" or "normal" though! Lol. I haven't seen A Wife's Credentials yet either, so I'll look out for that one. Thanks for the rec!


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Hello everyone!!! Been working with pain. But watching K-Dramas make me forget about it. Haha. The doctor said my pain is spine related. Imagine that? Let me just watch my K-Dramas then I'll be fine. That's my pain killer.


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Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. But at least k-dramas seem to be working their magic. :)
Take care, and I hope you feel better soon


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Feel better soon!


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Happy Friday everyone!

Watching: Gaksital, Arang, Faith and Answer Me 1997. Surprisingly, Answer Me 1997 is my current favorite by a long shot. It's so nostalgic and warm! If only the subs came out faster--I've been spoiled by the insanely fast subs for trendies.

Has anyone watched The Chaser? I've been hearing good things about it but the news of the writer's collapse before the last episode worries me. I hate it when a good/decent drama has an ending that doesn't measure up (notnamiinganynamescough).


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me too! waiting AM1997 subs made me go crazy >o< and i can't resist the temptation of watching it raw even if i only got a gist of it T_T


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On The Chaser - the ending wraps up nicely. They repeated a few scenes "flashback" style probably to cover for the writer's collapse but not much is left hanging...


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Happy OT everyone!
My first time posting here... Been an avid lurker since...probably 3 years ago? When Dramabeans hasn't gpt mad popular like now :D


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Hi, Titi! And welcome.

OT can get crazy, but it;s a good place to talk about our favorite dramas, actors, and scenes!


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Ah! I meant got, not gpt! (My phone's autocorrect never works when I need it... while it almost always works when it doesn't have to, making several of my texts become porno jokes to friends T_T)

Dramas I've been currently watching this week can be chronogically listed as these (hahaha):
1. To The Beautiful You. Like, soon will be progressing into love, if it doesn't messed up in next episodes :D So far, so good, just my taste of drama.
Including this, I've watched ALL 4 ADAPTATIONS of hana kimi, and for me, Sulli makes the best Mizuki/JaeHee, appearance-wise. I'm pleased with Hyun Woo and Minho as well, the only complaints so far is the character Hanna. Kim Jiwon is really, reaally cute in all her scenes, especially the stabbing-ipad-for-virtual-food one, but I think her character will only be a romantic-false-lead fodder, serves as a hopeless suitor to make JaeHee jealous and an annoyance to viewers :/ I don't think she has other importance beside that.
When I was impatiently waiting for episode 3 and 4 of TTBY, I got curious of the next storyline and thus, I was digging through my old DVD collection and rewatched...

2. Hana Kimi Japanese version with Shun Oguri and Horikita Maki (2007)
...in only 3 days! Some episodes in my 4-year-old DVD couldn't be played, so I downloaded all the episodes in 2 days. How drama-productive I am in span of last week, hahaha. I watched this drama about 4 years ago, but somehow it wasn't very memorable to me, and all the part between First Episode (Mizuki enters Sano's school as a boy) and Last Episode (SPOILER (?) she got caught and went back to US) is hazy to me. After rewatch, now this drama holds a special, special, special dear place in my heart. It made me remembers my fondness to His Hotness, Shun Oguri. He isn't traditionally good looking, but God, I've never seen someone smolders, broods, be cranky while still being SCALDINGLY hot, better than Shun-kun. He wasn't a perfect Sano (too much of too-cool-for-school attitude), but I think he is very believable as actor. When he's angry, I am angry with him. When he (finally, actually) smiles, I melt and feel happy for his character. Maki is always adorable, and while she made a very unconvincing boy, she manages to pull off her character and has a nice chemistry with Oguri and Toma Ikuta. About Toma as Nakatsu... just. just. perfect. Just like broodiness and angstiness are Shun's strong point, comedy is Toma's.
What I love about this drama (and most of Japanese drama I've watched in general) is that no matter how exaggerated the comedy is, how bizarre the plot point is, but it never, never fails to have a lot of heart. It has some very ridiculous circumstances (all the dorm festivities, all characters from Dorm 1 and 3), but it also has alot of heart tugging moments which makes me cry together with its characters (Nakatsu being accused of cheating, entire last episodes).
After watching this drama, I found out the news about its remake and got curious, so in the next two days right after that, I downloaded all episodes of:

3. Hana Kimi Remake, with Atsuko Maeda and Aoi Nakamura(2011)
Right now I am still waiting my download of episode 10, but so far:
Less ridiculous, more heart, if it's even possible. Many people dislike this drama for not being as funny as its predecessor (that's what you got for remaking drama only 4 years after original aired), but I think it hits all the right drama buttons for me. Aoi Nakamura-kun isn't as charming as Shun Oguri, but he makes a very approachable and smiling Sano... which I haven't thought possible before, hahaha. Maeda-chan is very, very girlish pretty, even more unconvincing as a boy than Maki, but she totally pulls my heartstrings more than Maki! Those sparkly eyes also helps in her crying scenes. The storyline is also a bit different, and I think, the plot and storyline are better here. A lot of its plot (Possible spoiler?) like attempted rape, school demolition, with its actual complication tugs me right in the heart, rather than endless dorm festivities in the 2007 one.

In conclusion, I downloaded 24 episodes (including the special) of three dramas in just four days... What a productive week! What's even better (or worse), I celebrate Ied Fitr Day (Islamic annual tradition) last Sunday, and that's exactly the first day I started watching Hana Kimi 2007 drama, LOL. I brought my laptop to watch in family meeting, or even watched on iPod in car. My mom scolds me for laughing suddenly in car, and for looking miserable with almost-crying expression in family meeting but what can I do?

(Sorry it got too long... First time posting here, I think I got carried away >_<)


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Thanks Shukmeister! How are you and what do you watch these days? :D


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I watch a little bit of everything. lol. I've been doing a combo of currently running and 6~7 years old. Some stuff in between is waiting for a marathon: Gaksital, Ghost, Papa Doru, Ending Planner...

I like to mix it up with other countries, so, as eng subs become available, I squeeze in Thai and Malay movies and shows too.

The only thing I've never been able to watch on a regular basis are th variety shows. I like an occasional 2N1D, but I'm not fond of laugh tracks and cartoon graphics.


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Happy Friday fellow beanies!!!

My list of currently watching shows looks like this:

Haeunde Lovers
Answer Me 1997

A tidy little bunch that I'm happy with. :) When Gaksital is over, I bet I'll be watching Arang and marathoning a little to get current. Oh dramaland, I love you!!! Funny how I've kind of left off watching any older completed series lately, just kind of happened... I think I have to save those up for times when I have a lot of time on hand and can hole up and cave in to "just one more episode" 20 times in a row. :)

Hope everybody had a good week!!!


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Same with me! I used to only marathon the older shows and not watch anything live. Now, I just patiently wait for the eps to come out two at a time. I think the overpowering obsession of watching 16 eps back to back was burning me out!

How's Haeunde Lovers btw? It's on my list to watch in the future, but I haven't heard too much about it.


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I just dropped Haeunde Lovers at ep.6. It's light and fluffy but got boring, for me at least. How they'll manage to stretch this to 16 episodes is beyond me.


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Oh no, I hate it when that happens. The writers might come up with a fun premise, but they just can't flesh it out properly *cough* Big *cough*.

Oh well. On to bigger and better things. I hear Panda and Hedgehog is cute!


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Exactly, I'd finish one and be like... huh... I just spent 16+ solid hours of my life laying in my bed with my laptop. I'm surprised parts of my body didn't completely atrophy when I was doing that.

I'm enjoying Haeunde Lovers. I find it rather slapstick and corny, and I like it precisely because I'm NOT addicted to it and so I'll watch it when I feel like it. I actually skipped over one ep and just read the recap and was fine moving on to the next ep, soo.. whatever that tells you about it! The guys are cute, the girl is adorable in her rain boots, and I think it's perfect if you want to something you don't have to take seriously. I think I need in the mix to help balance out all the Gaksital crazy!!


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And its Friday again. Between trying to balance work, classes, and my k-drama addiction there is no time for anything. I am trying to follow Bridal Mask, To the Beautiful You, Answer Me 1997, Faith, Panda and Hedgehog, Ma Boy, and We Got Married and I am not doing a very good job. So far I am enjoying this set of dramas, and its making up for my disappointment in the last group (seriously Big and I do I do, I am looking you). I am also looking forward to City Conquest when ever that airs. I know I know, but with Kim Hyun Joong all my logic goes right out the window. Should have seen me at his concert, 21 year olds should not be that swoony.

Now its time for the weekend. Its my dads birthday, and I have to make his birthday card. Seriously Michaels $15 for 4 sheets of paper and 2 sets of stickers?! I also work. Better to be busy then bored though.

Song for the week. I had never heard Phantom before this week, but I heard this song and automatically fell in love with it.
Burning - Phantom


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Hi Ashley!
I've been looking for you since I saw the Lady Microwave Hand (as coined by jomo, and what I will call her from here on since I don't remember her name) in Faith. I immediately thought that I finally found someone who can do something almost like an element bending just like avatar! :D And I do think the costumes are getting more avatar-like, doncha think? :) I am enjoying Faith so far as well, not crazy about it, but I like how I can just sit down and relax and see how the story unfolds without getting emotionally invested.
Btw, have fun making the birthday card, and I hope your dad will have a great birthday.. :)


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Hey Maya!!
I will try to post on the Faith recaps this week, but not going to lie Faith has not gripped me yet and kind of took the back burner this week. As I said above, I am not doing a good job balancing all the dramas I like at the moment, and there are a couple shows I enjoy more then Faith. Not to say I wont really get into in the future, but I think its that I do not feel a connection between LMH and KHS. Its weird to me too, because before this I thought LMH could fake a romance with a monkey if he needed to. So I have not read through the recaps for the past two episodes, but I hope to do that this weekend. I cant wait to see Lady Microwave Hand and discus her with you :)


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Hey Ashley!

Sorry I just managed to reply to your post. I hope you do come back to check OT again over the weekend. Yes, you should see her, her outfits and appearance really oozed with Avatar vibes. It's just that she is not bending the fire from the environment, but produced it from within. And I see what you mean with putting Faith in back burner, sometimes you just gotta do it especially with the short amount of time that we have. I normally give a drama about 4 episodes to see whether I will follow it or not, but on rare case, especially when I had an infinite free time in summer, I will follow it until about 2/3 of it before dropping it (case in point, I followed Big until episode 12 and Dr Jin until episode 14 (it was the biggest mystery in the universe why I was still following the drama despite how nonsensical the whole thing was in Dr Jin)). But since I'm enjoying Faith thus far, I think I'll follow through, as long as it doesn't go downhill from this point on. And yes I hope to see you on Faith's thread as well, not sure I'll be there when the post is up though (since the show is normally subbed (fully) 24 hours after it's aired in Viki), but I'll drop by after I watch it. :)
Anyway, I hope you've had a great weekend! And all the best for next week! :)


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Btw, yes I haven't felt the chemistry yet between LMH and KSH, but I like her character in these past 2 episodes. So I'm hoping that I can feel her sincerity in her acting when she starts to fall for LMH.
Btw, lol at "Its weird to me too, because before this I thought LMH could fake a romance with a monkey if he needed to"


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Ohhh~I am currently obsess with Arrrangggg~
SMA and LJK is showing so much love~
I like!
RMPW is making me fall in love with Jdrama all over again,
It has been a long time I waited deperately to watch a Jdrama RAW!
Last but not least, a surprise, MA BOY!
How come no one mention anything about this little gem?
I watch this RAW for 2 episodes.
Even though I don't understand much,
I totally enjoy this mini drama throughout.
Gender bender with a twist.
TTBY cannot match the satifaction I get from Ma Boy.


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Waiting for Ma Boy to be subbed.


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I'm patiently, or maybe so much patiently, waiting for Ma Boy subs to come out. Fortunately I have so many dramas in my plate right now, I can't even think about doing much more.


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Good Morning and Happy Friday. Gahh I feel like I am behind on so many dramas (why is stupid life getting in the way of my drama watching!!!) Part of the reason is I have gotten a tad addicted to some old ones so watching them in addition to the ones airing.

So watching Vampire Prosecutor due to my new found love of Yun Jung Hoon!!! Its really good and I think Yun Jung Hoon is fantastic. He is a really good actor. (him being smexy doesn't hurt!)

I am also watching the Japanese Hana Kimi which is HILARIOUS! I decided to watch it after reading all the comments when To the Beautiful you was announced. And yes it lives up to the hype. I am having 2nd lead syndrome bad with Nakatsu!!! Its making me actually want to watch To the Beautiful you even though I know there will be about 80% more angst and 75% less humor. (Those are very accurate and mathematical calculations btw).

So I am actually really getting into Faith, I enjoyed the first 2 episodes but kind of felt Lee Minho didn't have much to do. These last two episodes went along way in helping me to identify not only with his character but all of them (I am especially loving the King and princess dynamic - she rocks and can't wait for him to fall in love with her because I am pretty sure she already loves him.) He got a chance to show a lot more range. I also really really love the doctor lady, i have never seen her in anything before but she is a really good actress. (going to try to find her stuff) I find her totally believable and hilarious. The stuff with the vases were priceless!!! Can't wait to see how this show develops.

I am also oddly really liking Hauendae Lovers which was on the bottom of my to watch list with this new batch of dramas. There are still some things that I am not comfortable with (His marriage for one) but loving the dynamic between the OTP and finding the guy and his reactions laugh out loud funny. (Like whenever he curses her and screams in frustration). I hope they give Jung suk won more to do than look like adorable puppy. Also he better not be her brother!!!!!

Other than that I am sooo behind on everything else. :(
But thank goodness thats what weekends are for.

Also I finally found friends who watch Kdramas! Yaaaay, we are getting together in a couple of weeks to watch Girl K and drink soju!

And finally Park Shi-hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo is coming back to dramaland! This makes me insanely happy! All is right in the world. Considering the ardor I have for him I think something might really be wrong with me, its just not normal. Sigh
Park Shi-hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!


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hihi. I like Nakatso too. The poor thing. No Mizuki for him..
What do you the about the doctor in the japanese hana kimi


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Haven't started watching it yet, because haven't finished the Japanese version. (I will this weekend)
So we will see!


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Watching K-dramas with friends is the best. I also have a group of friends who loves K-dramas but since I'm the one who got them into it I get to pick which one we will be watching together. We are on the Arang train right now and we all love it.
I dont drink but they do so they get to bring their own soju and we all share the bills for Korean food. We have a Korean restaurant here called "Arang" (no kidding) so we order take-out when we get together.


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Thats awesome! I am really excited for it! I have tried to get my friends hooked with out much success so its been really awesome to have met people (new friends) who are in to it so we can bond! Though i think i am the most obessed!

(90% of my FB post of drama related)


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LOVED Nakats's nose bleeds, "homo janai", & being told by Mizuki to back off since he'd get too close for comfort. hahaaaa


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I know!!! He is hilarious (I study japanese so it was really funny because I understood that line with out the subtitles but never would have thought thats how you say that - though it makes sense! lol)

I love it when she is like to close and he is like Oh. Lol the humor is soo good.

So what happend with the actor who played Nakatsu, i tried looking for what else he is in, but it seems this in his biggest role! That is a travesty!


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Don't know too much about Ikuta Toma. Do know that he is primarily an idol/singer. It is a travesty that despite his awesomeness as Nakatsu he didn't get another opportunity (awesome script) to showcase his acting skills. :/


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Ikuta Toma does a lot of stage - he was Danny in the Japanese version of Grease recently, as well as West Side Story.


@Shukmeister: That's awesome. It's the perfect place to hone his acting & singing skills. Thanks for the info!! :)


,haven't really followed much of Ikuta Toma's filmography but I am certain that he played the role of Uhm Taewoong's role in the Japanese remake of The Devil/Mawang...


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Greetings Beanuts Gallery,
I've spent this week watching dramas until my eyes hurt. Regretfully I only finished 2 dramas this week, one of them was I love lee tae ri. I loved it. I also started the moon and sun drama and caught up on golden time. I saw someone mention they dropped it because it wasn't going anywhere- I think it's really organic. I know a lot of my opinion about the show is influenced by the music though. Arang's preview was on one of the videos of golden time and it looks sooo good but 4 episodes is 2 few. I'm holding it in for 8 episodes! Are you guys enjoying the shows you're watching? Have a great weekend!


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Good morning / evening / night / afternoon / time zone!

This week I:
- Watched
-- Faith Epi's 3 & 4 - still not completely sold but I want Shin Eun-jung's wardrobe!
-- Arang Epi's 3 & 4 - love love love, even the Pokemon ball was elegant and well done.
-- RMPW Epi 7 - Aja Hyuga! Fighting!
-- Queen of SOP epis 24 through 28 - enjoying the story and acting immensely, but now that the main leads are together, I'm not looking forward to the angsty episodes that are surely coming up - more cute, please!
-- The entire Love Contract, starring Mike He and Ariel Lin - pretty decent story until a completely nonsensical what-kind-of-drugs-was-the-writer-on final episode.

- Completed
-- 18 vs 29 Epi's 4 & 5 recaps - things are starting to percolate for our canon couple
-- Chapters 5 & 6 of my current fiction
-- A scrub-down in my kitchen top to bottom including the refrigerator
-- A clean-out of my car, which yielded 8 pairs of shoes, numerous socks, several (clean) food containers, a bunch of fast food napkins, assorted gas receipts, and the umbrella I was looking for in the first place!

In between all that, the usual RL stuff that gets in the way of my drama watching! Hope everyone is well and happy. I will be popping off and on as my sleep schedule dictates. Take care everybody!


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Okay I'm envious of your kitchen clean up mission complete status! I only managed to clean the stove and the square of floor by the stove and sink. The task is daunting!


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And disgusting. lol. Roommate was gone and trash pickup day was today, so it seemed a good time. Of course, when returns next week, it won't take long to revert back. [sigh]
Much like my car. I hate driving with shoes, so I kick them off before the key goes in the ignition.

Oh! And I missed one - last week I also marathoned the dorama Densha Otoko, as recco'd by John, a DBOT here. It was pretty decent, although I started getting tired of the over-emotional male lead.


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Hey Shuk!

I'm not sold on Faith either. There are parts of it I really like -- the tension between the king and queen, and I really like how all the female characters are either interesting or badass or both, and I love the music. But the directing is soooo terrible.

I really like Arang (so pretty!), but I don't love it yet. And I got stuck on Queen of SOP when they kept on going on about business and office politics :(


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I FF the old fart scenes in QofSOP to focus on the cute. Especially since you find out what they are planning and you already know the motivation - revenge and power.


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Is any one else having super crush on Arang like me ?


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Happy OT all! :)

Hope everyone's drama week is going well so far! I been busy and haven't caught up on all the Kdramas yet. Still need to watch ep 4 of TTBY and Arang. I will do that later or this weekend.
I'm liking the new batches of Kdramas and Jdoramas. Ones that I'm really into:

I'm thinking of watching Tdrama Miss Rose. The sub is slow on this one on Viki so I'll wait a while longer.


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I'll have to give Sprout a try.


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Awww... hs--young love. ^^

It's so cute. To be young again. (sigh)


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SO I'm not the only one thinking I'm 14 again? Ricky made me feel guilty the other day while I was admiring Hayato


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LOL No you're not. I thought Hayato was cute too! haha! Such adorable serious look for one so young... but when he smiles--*dies* fanning self---he's going to look really good in a few more years when he turn into a man. ^^


Yeah, I'm on that train to damnation, too. Hayato is worthy of wishing on a ILLTR clock and going back to 14, as far as I'm concerned.


LOL got that right. ^^ IF only such thing was possible. :P


If only we could go back in time but remembering all life has taught us


I"m with you, too, JoAnne, he's adorable. The other guy...his smile reminds me of JGS, don't you think?


subs for the new vision should be out later today, right?


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Not sure. I know I've seen up to ep 7 already. There's only 10 eps right? sooo close to done. hehe will she get the guy she likes, or the guy that likes her. awww.....can't wait!


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I watched Ep. 1 of Sprout and I'm hooked. G-Girlfriend? Poor Miku!


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Anyone see G-Dragon's new MV yet??? I LOVE it. Just a sucker for a great beat and Choice37 is amazing at just that.



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i LOVE it. the song is really addicting. *-*

and taeyang is cute.


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had the screen primed to show it the minute it popped up, LOL

Likes: beat, tall dark handsome long-haired dude, Tae's little hip wiggle, the way GD dances. Dislike: yellow hair


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LOL it makes me think of Justin Timberlake's ramen hair back in his N*SYNC days. But, in my books GD can get away with most anything.


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Um I kind of ABSOULUTLEY love this video. It makes giggle. Gdragon is one of a kind, (not sure I get the mixed race kids in the video - that feels alittle weird).

*Also a fan of hip wiggle! lol


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All hail the hip wiggle! Gotta love Taebaebay!


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Ah, really? I think the kids are cute. I'm wondering if they are related to Lee Michelle who is of mixed race and part of YG. Or if they're future YG trainees (I know you can see a tiny G-Dragon and Taeyang in earlier YG vids)...or something. Who knows. I enjoyed their presence though--so adorable :3

And yes, the hip wiggle.


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Yeah, I didn't like his hair, either. Long yellow cornrows is weird.


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I thought it was awsome! He sure " IS one of a kind" ! ^^


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Indeed. I'm certain he's the only person in K-pop who can pull off yellow corn rows.


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i can't wait AM1997 recap in DB, i've been refreshing this site since yesterday~ xD i want to read you guys' comments and spazz with you~~~ don't you feel it's too frustrating now?!!! >O< arggghhh. this felt like mystery/thriller drama! xD


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hallo all. am a newbie n a lurker. jus to say that i enjoyed the recaps n comments on this site v much and am most appreciative of all the contributors.

wishing u all a happy weekend ahead!


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welcome and happy OT! ^^


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Welcome whimsicalnet:). Happy weekend to you too.


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Who is the hottie brother of JaeHee I think I've seen him in a drama before? A wife's credentials so underrated every episode it just gets better .


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Have you found a place where A Wife's Credentials is subbed past episode 5? I really want to continue watching it!


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Greetings, My Wondrous Beans!

Glorious weather here on the CT shore - the heat is creeping back in though :(. Good to see that Leaf is enjoying all that Seoul has to offer, and that Our Lady of the Methodical Response Process, Ivoire, has made one of the decisions needed for her future :) Here's hoping that students get back into the swing quickly, relocating friends find warmth and comfort in new homes, and job-seeking friends find work that feeds them, body and soul.

Let's see...new music for me this week - Tasty2Wins are the only 'new' people for me. Sigh. Korea, please stop with the embarrassing names in English. But boys? You keep on dancing with your bad little selves. Because you jam. And of course, yes, GD's new solo. Liking it. No surprise there - have I ever met a BigBang song I didn't like, whether it be the group or solo? Not yet.


OMG Sprout. Sprout, Sprout, Sprout. Z-Noona got me on it. I got Shel and Ricky on it. Now you two guys have to get 3 people each on it. Keep the multi-level marketing of J-Doramas that totally deserve it going, my friends. This is the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

Also watching Gokusen because I needed something while waiting for subs of other stuff. Very enjoyable.

RMPW - Ep 7 SOOOOOOO much more satisfying than Ep 6. What I love about JDorama is that they resolve conflicts quickly. But seriously...Asahina is creepy scary I can't figure him out wierd...and I am glad that I was right, and Yoko is not a bad person. And as has been mentioned: the non-confession confession was wonderfully done. I wonder if there's a clip of just that part on YT, or if watching it without having seen anything else would lessen the impact? Because it's really, really, REALLY well done. Shun, my man..you rock.

Answer Me 1997 - still knocking it out of the park, this one. And I will still feel that way even if things go horribly horribly wrong at the end, as they hint to this week. It's too early though. Wags finger at KDrama: you can't fool me THIS time. Unless....it's a double fake out? Shit. Now I'm worried again. Seo Eun Gook, Hoya, Ji Won, Fast Talker Boy, Girls, Hyung, Mom, Dad...you are all perfection. Every one of you. How is that possible?

Araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang - I love you. I love you to bits. I love how fantastical you are, and how...something about how they filmed it. It's just this side of reality, visually speaking. I can't explain it. Alua could. Or Kim YoonMi. Or maybe Mysti but she's more about the writing. Anyway. Story has taken some really interesting turns into unexpected territory and I cannot wait to see how those little hints feed into the story.

Faith - I am not bored the way others appear to be, but I suppose it's telling that I can easily delay this to watch others currently airing. I find LMH very interesting, and am particularly enjoying the little king and his spitfire wife.

Gaksital - I really love where they are taking us. This show - so unexpected in so many ways. Watching how people rise to the occasion or succumb to fear and hate and let that make them monsters...if Shunji doesn't get an award out of this, we should picket. In a cast that's doing quite well, over all, he really stands out as someone to watch. I did find myself wishing, at one point - when MD turns down RR's request: why doesn't RR just go do that HERSELF, but with Katsayuma the world's hottest silent samurai?

To the Beautiful You - I think people gave up on this too fast, maybe. It doesn't have much in common with HanaKimi, but that's not really a bad thing. I LOVED HanaKimi, don't get me wrong. (2007 - haven't seen 2011 version) But this show is doing some interesting things. Sulli is holding her own, Minho is perfectly cast as a brooding silent dreamboat, and Lee Hyun Woo is adorable. Yeah, he's no Nakutsa, but he's his own guy, and good to watch as well. They went into some territory I didn't expect this week and did it well, and I appreciate that I can see Minho falling for Sulli where I never really COULD see it that clearly with HK. I do wish, like someone said earlier, that the dorm heads were more crazy like in HK - and I miss the crazy Principal and her idiot henchman - but it's not enough to sway me from anything.

Waiting for subs on Five Fingers. Do not bring up Eun Jung to me. Period. The whole thing is stupid and regretful and I will not be nice about anyone involved at this point.

Also hoping to watch: The Thousandth Man. And possibly glancing at Panda and HedgeHog. And May Queen. And any variety show that MBlaq stars in. Forever.

I know it sounds like I just love everything but there's a LOT I'm not watching at all, and it just so happens that everything that appeals to me at this moment is doing a really good job of being the exact kind of appealing I want!


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UNNI, saranghae!!!
Panda HedgeHog was cute, I'm keeping an eye on that one. And thanks to your comments on Twitter yesterday I might give a second chance to TTBY


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Saranghae do! I think. I mean I DO...but did I say what I thought I said? Haven't really covered 'do' yet. Given your strong love for HanaKimi and your acceptance of the J-Do crazy... I do get why you weren't into it. But as things go, it's well-done so far and I'm able to enjoy it as a stand alone item, I guess? You could just pick up with the most recent episode, which had a lot of movement. It's the trip to the beach pension.


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Why is it I haven't heard of this Panda and Hedgehog thing?


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Unni, you've been to busy canning tomatoes and home schooling :P Just kidding, it's a channel A drama, so not much talk about it, even when Donghae is in it. The main girls is Yoon Seung-Ah (for ever Oh Ha-ni's friend in my book)


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and she would be the reason I was interested


The cartoonist friend? Or the hairstylist friend? I guess I COULD just go look it up, lol....


You are watching a lot! I'm struggling with 2-3 dramas/week. Still two episodes behind on Arang but once I catch up I might attempt that explanation of why it's so wonderful (since you have enough faith in me to be able to explain that!). Definitely very much enjoyed eps 1 and 2 already.

RMPW: Yeah, episode 7 was better than ep 6 - the leads actually got a decent amount of screen time together. Although I can't help but wish for Natsui to show her gutsy side more, more and yet some more - like she finally did when asking Hyuga to hire her. I was like, you go girl! Tell him! I don't know how he could not react to that request by doing a celebratory dance on the pavement!
Asahina: I thought it was interesting how unclear his character was in this episode. Except towards the end there were very few hints at his double-facedness, they didn't play the "he's pulling strings behind Hyuga's back" card as much as I thought they would, and if you turned away in crucial moments (like his smirky remark at the end of the episode before walking out of the room), you could almost believe that he changed his mind again. Hmmm. I hope Hyuga never trusts him again.

Answer Me 1997: Still on the To-Watch list. I'm actually insanely busy (and neither September or October will be any less busy from what I can foresee already).

Faith - I'm not bored either. It's still too early! Okay, I didn't love eps 3 and 4 as much as I loved the first two, but the whole drama is still being set up and with 24 episodes it's going to be a bit of up and down in any case (unless if it were spectacularly well written and all meticulously preplanned, which I would be surprised by, since k-dramas operate on that infamous the week-by-week filming schedule). At the moment, the animated sequences pack the most punch (love them, and love the mixed media style), love the queen and the ruffled-hair cutie pie sidekick of LMH, but I am still warming up to the leads. Ms Dr is still a bit too whiny for me - and she doesn't seem like the smartest shed in the tool. I mean, she is from the future! She can milk that knowledge for something, to in intimidate people (like the guy who challenged her). There are hundreds years of knowledge and technology that she has... even if she only knows it in bits.

Sprout - it's sort of on my to-watch list. People seem very divided about the manga (some fervent hate for the female lead), including the ending (no idea what it is), but I get the impression that the dorama adaptation is done slightly differently as people seem rather enthusiastic about it. Maybe the female lead is a less divisive (more sympathetic) figure?

Beyond that, I watched a few films (nothing Asian though), but I can't say which because I was previewing them for one indie festival in London and the programme hasn't officially been announced yet. I can only say that there were two films among them that I looooooved and can't wait to review.

Have a good weekend JoAnne!


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Alua! So glad to hear from you :)

I can watch as much as I do because I am not in school and lately my job has been easy-peasy and my daughter is pretty much grown and on her own, even though we live in the same house. No menz around...and social life is mostly weekends!

Re Sprout: we are headed into territory where the girl could easily become hated by viewers. Particularly if she sticks to her decision, should she make that particular decision. If that happens, well...I'm not one to hate a show because it doesn't feed my particular fantasy ending, as long as getting to the ending I hate takes me down a plausible road. So even if she makes the choice that will cause me to cut her dead for the reat of her life, I would still be able to say it was a great, natural, realistic story. You know? There's me the emotional watcher, and there's me the lover of a good story. We don't always match up.


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That sounds like you have a job you don't take home with you. And like you haven't roped your daughter into k-drama viewing yet ;-)

Hmm, I see what you mean about Sprout. I agree, you don't always need that fantasy ending, natural and realistic can make it just as worthwhile. I'm not sure what happens in the manga, I think she's quite mean to others or chooses the wrong boy or something of the sort. Mostly the mean thing I think...


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@alua: Sprouts is done different than thee manga. Some characters from the manga are not present on the drama, and the one we all love in the drama, is not in the manga.
Also the way they fall in love with each other in the love square, has a nicer approach in the drama, I think.


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That's the impression I've been getting... which makes me much more keen on the dorama than the manga!


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ZOMG JoAnne I think I love you, lol.

Yessh!!! The Tasty 2wins are indeed delicious. I can't help myself from singing along with them, "I KNOW, I KNOW. SO HOT!!" And GD's new song doesn't knock me out of the ball park, but I suspect it will grow on me. "I'm one of kind...lalalala....I'm one of a kind...."

My crack drama is currently May Queen. I'm disappointed that it's not getting more attention and interest because I find the production, directing, acting, script, basically everything, to be very solid. I wouldn't classify it as a makjang per se, because it has a lot of heart and warmth. In that aspect, it reminds me of King of Baking, Kim Takgoo. Script-wise, King of Baking, Kim Takgoo is rrrreally similar to Five Fingers. But 5F is pure straight up drama, drama, DRAMA. (It's penned by the same script writer who wrote Temptation of Wife). The child actors of May Queen are also infinitely better than the child actors in Five Fingers. Granted, the child actors in May Queen are few years older~~ (However, 5F doesn't have Joo Ji Hoon and Ji Chang Wook now, does it :) )

And I'm also watching Arang~~ It's refreshing and a delight to watch. I agree with you and prolly everyone else watching it, SHOW PLEASE TELL US WHAT'S WRONG WITH WEREWOLF BOY!!

Thank you for being protective of Eunjung. She was treated quite unprofessionally and unethically by the 5F production team. I could probably write a whole essay on how they could have managed this situation better, but I will spare everyone the paragraphs, lol.


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Errr... scratch that last part. It seems like you're p'od at everyone involved(?).


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Good morning (my time, which is also DB time) JoAnne,

I am usually too busy writing (or responding) with my long posts that I don't always get to scroll down and read the rest of the posts the same day they were posted. I keep thinking not many people will respond to me, or that my urge and love of writing would somehow turn into me keeping it short. I am still (very slowly, it seems) working on it.

All of that to say that it was only late, very late last night that I finally was able to scroll down and read some of the posts below mine. I came across yours, to find that I had BEEN NAMED!!!!! WOW!!!!!

You had me (literally) LOL for 20mns straight. I couldn't believe my eyes because well... the name was so fitting. Every time I see that line, I burst out laughing. In that honor, and to do it justice, I will wear my name well and I accept the new name. I seriously considered using it as a screen name on DB (at least some people here would understand) and thus changing my screen name. What do you think?

I guess you skimmed enough of my post to know what is going on in my life :-). You made my evening yesterday, thank you!

I agree with you about Faith, and I loved what you had to say about Gaksital. I actually think that PKW (who plays Shunji) should win ALL the awards, period. Just round up all the awards of all the ceremonies (minus a few for LSG because he did an excellent job in TK2Hs) and give them to PKW, and LSG and the guy who played Earnest Bot in TK2Hs. Yes, the cast in Gaksital is really good, and yes, PKW is doing a stellar job, even with his voice which he modulates depending on the context and his mood. I know he is that good (and it shows), I just wanted to join you in saying it. PKW has been (shunji) my favorite character for a very long time, because of the actor. He was really well casted, makes me want to watch "The Musical" to see him in it. He is an actor through and through.

On a last note, I was glad to see that your post was long as well :-). Neat to see that I am not the only one who has things to say and takes space to say it :-). Not that we are the only ones, I have read this blog enough times to know there are many people who write long posts. I hope you are having a long weekend.


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Can't wait for the next ep of Ma Boy! It's great to see a switched around gender bender I hope it can get an extension that would be awesome!!


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Isn't AM1997 great? Arang is living up to expectations. So many good shows all of a sudden.


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It IS great, John. And Arang is just my cup of fantasy ghost story tea - we are living in good times for drama, my friend.


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My wife has started watching an Indian drama named Geet. First foray into Indian dramas.


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you'll have to keep us posted


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JoAnne & Shuk-

Well, let me say that the guys take jerk to a whole new level. There's not a "hero" amongst them.

Our female lead is a pretty, simple , pure girl, (what else), who is set to be married. She gets married to a con man, who rips off her family. Oh and knocks her up too.

There's a 'mystery man" that shows up to help our girl Geet, however, he's a jerk too. If she falls for him, there's a miracle in order.

There's a creepy banner that they run across the bottom of the screen reminding people that this is a work of fiction, ( that's ok ), it goes on to remind viewers that violence against women is illegal.

The guys are always wailing about family honor and are willing to kill for it and threaten the women with violence all the time. Beating or killing the women seems to be the go to solution for these poor excuses of men.

The production values lag behind J,K, or C Dramas. Despite all the short comings , you do hope Geet makes it out okay and you want to see what happens next.


Wow, sounds like a Thai lakhorn, where the kidnapper / torturer almost always gets the girl... O.O


Ooh let us know! I haven't really dabbled in the Bollywood set yet.


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Agree! There were a few weeks of "There is nothing to watch"/"I'm still getting over the travesty of Big", and now wham! a whole lot of shows that are awesome already or show lots of promise.


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Totally inlove with dramabeans!the recaps are wonderful n iv been following it for months now.
its addicting n i anticipate for each upcoming recaps.
thankyou dramabeans for creating this different world here.


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Happy OT everybody!


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Posted before, but now I'm posting again!

Right now the dramas I'm focusing on are A Gentelman's Dignity, I Love Lee Tae Ri (which is actually a lot better than I thought it would be-tVN you magical people, you), and a j-drama called Liar Game which is AWESOME. Though the last episode in the first season is nearly 3 hours long @___@ which is WILD.

Waiting really really really impatiently for Gaksital to end so I can watch it non-stop. Forever.

And for the Lee Min Ho fangirls out there. Your boy is getting a wax figure at Madam Tussaud's in Shanghai !! Hahahaha, officials stated that since he's so tall, the cost of his figure is going to be high BAHAHA. Imagine the line to take pictures with it once it's completed...


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Hey, Candy!

AGD was a blast, especially for us...um...older set.
ILTR was everything Big should have been, so I'm glad you like it!
Liar Game I haven't looked at, but I'll put it on my radar for future consideration.

And can they make a wax figure out of a guy that hawt?? Just wondering... kekeke


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Hi Shuk! :D

Ahaha, I was actually enjoying AGD too, the memories at the beginning of each episode make me laugh hysterically. Then I hit episode 14 & 15 and wanted to throw things, but I'm past that now, so it's all good!

ILTR is really sweet, I actually like the characters and even the OTP. I'll be sad when they have to part ways )': Also liking the burgeoning romance between the coach and Tae Ri's idol friend. And how much do I love that the antagonist goes crazy when you mess up his hair??? Hahahaha!

And yes, Liar Game is great and it pretty much zooms on by. I really enjoy it.

Lol, they'll just keep him in a colder part of the museum XD


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I've been wanting to watch Liar Game for a long time. I should make time for it, but it's so hard. Too many dramas, too little time
We have to love tvN, I haven't seen a drama I didn't liek from that tv channel


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I hope you get time for it! Maybe on a sick day? Haha. The episodes are not that long except for the last one (I've only finished Season One right now) but it was nice to sit and work my brain and take a break from the Korean romance dramas. (: It's cool and the lead Matsuda Shota is climbing up in my radar, he's awesome.

And yes, tVN--I really love their dramas. They have this frankness to them, that is nice and I really feel they take a different approach to the usual drama tropes and twist them around. It's nice. I kind of wish their Flower Boy Series was longer. After Ramen Shop & Rock Band, I feel like there should have been a third.


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tVN and OCN have come out with some great great series, and I hope they continue to thrive.


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I've hemmed and hawed about watching Liar Game, because I really like the manga, and (as we have seen) sometimes the translation from manga/manhwa to drama/dorama aren't exactly.. good. Did you read the manga yet still liked the drama? I'll totally watch it on your word ^^ Although I will add that I kinda appreciate Matsuda Shota from the movie Ikigami (also manga-based)


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Hello All.

I scrolled through but didn't see any mention of GOLDEN TIME. I've been watching it, but I'm not surprised that it doesn't seem as if it is a very popular series.

If anyone is watching, i have a question. What are the obstacles to Dr. Choi and Nurse Shin getting together. Yes she has a fiance, but????


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Hi Yumi! I've watched Golden Time for a while - but I've dropped it now. There's too many other shows that I like much better. I think I can answer your question, though: I've seen this happening in real life many times, people don't dare to tell the other how much they like or even love them, because they are afraid of the consequences ... for example, how the people around them might react, how the loved-one might react (fear of rejection!), and in the case of Dr. Choi and Nurse Shin, I think it's just that he is the kind of person that would never interfere with an existing relationship, even if it doesn't seem going all that well. It's a question of morale, really.


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I'm not surprised you dropped it. It is not an exemplary drama but I find I've developed a sense of loyalty to it.

I'm fascinated by lead male character's lack of competency and I'm looking forward to watching him grow. I really like the dynamics between the lead couple [are they a couple?]. Their supportive friendship and caring for each other works for me.

I like Dr. Choi and I like Nurse Shin--I'm not sure why they are acting like a pair of mid-life Romeo and Juliet [without courage] who won't take the risk to overcome the obstacles keeping them apart.

I also like the anesthesiologist.

I will say that this drama give the Korean medical system a black-eye. It seems that if you are not a VVIP don't go to a Korean hospital.


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I've marathon all of golden time to ep 13. It's not bad if you like this kind of drama. One thing I liked about this show is that after every episode, I want to watch more--to see what happens after a certain situation. I'll stick to it until the end. ^^


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I'm watching Golden Time. I like the interaction with the characters. The ensemble cast is a lot of fun. Some of the medical stuff is so outrageously bad it is stunning, and the senior level staff behavior is horrifying. I know it's fiction, but really, wow, can we aay lawsuits waiting to happen lol I care enough about the characters to continue to watch them grow and evolve in the series.

Dr Choi is just an outstanding character. The actor is awesome.

Dr. Choi and Nurse Shin. Are we projecting a love story on them when it's more a case of mutual admiration and such a close symbiotic working relationship to the point that they do not know how to function without each other? Certainly Dr. Choi is having pre separation anxiety, but is it romantic? I do not know. I'll be okay if it works out either way.


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Loving Faith and Arang. And the anime Natusuhiki (?) rendevvous. I keep waiting for the subs of Ma Boy to pop up. I think I'll really like it. I like those kid shows as well. Although Arang has my heart, I am not disappointed in Faith. Perhaps it's because I have no great memory of an epic warrior drama. So I have nothing to compare it with. I do love Lee Min Ho's perfect body though. AMAZING! Was armor ever worn so sexily? I wouldn't be surprised if Faith's greatness creeps up on the viewer. Not in an epic way but ya know... in its own epic way. But even if it doesn't acheive epicness, I'll be watching.

Liking Joo Wal in Arang a lot. Can't quite see his body under the hanbok but he's got this quiet noble desperate rich youth thing happening...so, yeah, am hooked.


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Just wanted to drop a line and say thank you Dramabeans team for making dramabeans even more than it already is with the integration of social network. I'm probably going to be tweeting and liking every single post.


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Hi everyone!

A couple of my friends are going to South Korea in September (just 1 week stay) and were wondering what to wear at this time of the year.

We only know it's summer, but is Korea's summer hot? Or is it going towards autumn now? Ack. I can't tell...

Does anyone have packing or dressing tips? Please share them... thanks! :D

- Trying to be a thoughtful friend so they'll buy me a Lee Min Ho action figure or something :P


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Happy Weekend, Chingus!

I know...I've dropped off the face of the map. Again. Half of the now-regular posters to the OT probably have no clue who I am -- which is okay, b/c by Wednesday I hardly know who I am either ;)

Um, what's up? I have been killing my brain for the last 2 weeks+ writing a Buffy/Dark Knight Rises crossover that went on much, much longer than expected. As such I've watched NO dramas, had very little sleep, and am behind on another competition that is due in...oh about a week O_o Yes, I'm insane, but sometimes I like me that way.

Work isn't getting any busier (which is good and bad) but now I have to track the non-busy and make it look, um, less/more than it is. If that doesn't make sense, then you are following along perfectly!

Um...what else what else what else... No hot guys, at present. I left them all back at the main office :( Still keep in touch with the Hot Spanish Guy, although that's all friendly. Can't wait to go back. I miss my guys, hot or not. I miss the ppl I'd say hi to in the departments downstairs. I miss the other admins on my floor. I DON'T miss scurrying about like a crazy-woman, but that's a different issue.

And that's the long and short of The Life of CMR. Now it's time for me to be brave and try responding to everyone. Meep!


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Hi cmrprindle,

I'm a fairly new OTer, but I'd like to say your life sounds really interesting! I look forward to reading more of your comments. (And yes, I lurked long before commenting on the OT, so your name is familiar!)

BTW, I'm curious as to what kind of competition you are referring to. Are you a writer also?


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Welcome to the OT Korazy Lady! Although I'm sure you've been welcomed by other Beaners already :)

I am a writer. The competition that killed me is to write a BTVS crossover story, 300-3000 word long every day for the month of August. I managed 20 stories total, most of them the BTVS/DKR stories I managed, but I'd already signed up to do a rare-pairs-in-major-fandoms challenge that's due on Sept 1st. Which I am struggling with now, even though it was half done before August started. I am a sad, sad creature. ;)


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I remember you because your name sounds like pringles. :)


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That's how everyone always remembers my name, IRL too. I can make for interesting spelling mistakes. ;)


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Just thought I'd share this wonderful piece of article from the PD of ANSWER ME 1997.

[NEWS] 120825 - ‘Reply’ Shin Wonho PD “The real reason for putting in homosexuality although it can be criticized”



1. Even during our staff meeting we only said ‘Junhee likes Yoonjae..’ and the words ‘homosexuality’ or ‘gay’ never came out. The story that we wanted to tell was ‘so and so likes so and so.’

2. “To be honest I treasure Kang Junhee and Yoon Yoonjae’s love line the most. Even while editing it, my heart hurts so much."

3. “The process of Junhee’s casting being difficult was because I had said I don’t want a feminine person to be cast.”

It's not a very long read so I hope people who watch ANSWER ME 1997 will read it :)


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Thanks, Ian. I am currently enjoying AM1977 so appreciate this article.


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I just want to say thank goodness for Dramabeans. It's just wonderful.

I'm watching Golden Time, Arang, Faith, and Answer Me 1997. I watched the first episode of May Queen, maybe the second, I cannot remember. I plan on checking out Five Fingers.

The only one that I have any addiction to is AM1997. It's just stellar, lovely, and gives me a warm fuzzy. Nothing has me on the edge of my seat. Faith has its good points, and as much as I love the Queen and enjoy the other characters, we need more General Choi and Eun-soo time and interaction, so we can get to know and love them better. I just keep thinking, it's Lee Min Ho, his hair is awesome, he makes me smile, I'm liking his work, but damn, can we get some cinematography going on up in there or did they blow the budget on the first episode and again, we need to see the two leads get more air time TOGETHER. Arang, well the cute is just all over the place, and the camera work is way pretty, not to mention the fun supernatural element, but I'm not like omg, I've got to know what happens next. And frankly pretty, edgy, Lee Jun-ki, we need a mane of glory and....well there are just too many clothes and not enough cheeky smiles.

May Queen, wow, the beginning was a bit hokey with the double cross stuff sily chase scene and the toupee bad guy, that was just bad acting and bad hair wtfuckery. I am confused about what kid is going to grow up to be who and, well, just a lot of it was okay who is who and who's parents are who and okay just roll with it, can I crawl into the tv and bitchslap that little kidnapped girls "adoptive" mother? That made my head hurt. I like Jae Hee so maybe I'll watch more of it later.


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hey hey hey! happy OT guys! havent been around the drama world since Rooftop-LoveRain-King2Hearts circle. But i am slowly catching up. Haha. I'm finishing up Dr. Jin, which I find quite amusing despite its out of the world and very unsanitary ideas LOL. Im in the middle of a BIG identity crisis. hahaha. Im a big fan of the Hong Sisters but I quite havent got in touch with this drama even if i am halfway through it already. Suzy has been improving and I cant help but swoon everytime Gong Yoo acts as the adorable Kyungjoonie :) he and minjung are a total match as well :)

Now, im currently following the new series, To the beautiful You and Arang and the Magistrate. GAHH! Shin minah is a total cutie! From a gumiho to a ghost... LOVE IT! it also pays that yoo seungho and lee junki are on that show as well. LOL. OLD MAN JADE EMPEROR I LOVE YOU!!! <3 Also, in all fairness, Sulli can pull off the acting as a boy character. I cant say much about minho's acting since he has only one expression, but i hope he can improve in the next episodes LOL. all in all I love the flow of the story especially having gay moments with gu jae hee and eun gyeol are daebak! LOL <3

it's good to be back to kdramaworld :))


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Welcome back to dramaland, tinatot! We're happy to re-have you ;)


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