Open Thread #252


Hands – “Warm Night Home” [ Download ]

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Happy OT everyone!


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Happy OT, Ivoire! How are you doing?


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Good morning (my time,which is DB's time as well) OTS, I am pretty good :-). How are you? Please read my update below :-)


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Good to hear you're doing well!:) Good luck with moving, let us know how everything goes! I'm moving in September - just found a flat, but still need to sign the contract.
By the way, I'm sorry if I missed any of your comments from last week's OT - if I owe you anything, I'll try to make up for it this time!
Also, you raise an interesting question in your comment below on how to understand who is at fault when the drama isn't good. Have to think about this and will reply soon.


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Bonjour Ivoire!


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Bonjour Mysti, comment vas-tu? :-)


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Bonjour Mysti, comment vas-tu? :-) How is the weather in France (more like in your area, actually) these days?


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Hehe. Weather is getting better but still not famous. Oh well, I will take my vacations in September: It's always the best time. (Hotel prices and less people on the beach! :) )


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Bonjour, Ivoire!


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Bonjour KL,
how is your day faring, so far? Will you be spending some time with your grandson (or grandchildren) today or this weekend? (One time you emailed me and you were at the park with him)...


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Happy OT Friday Unni!!! Hope you have a good week!!! <3

love xxx


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Hello Leaf, my dear,

How are you? And how was your week? I still owe you some responses from last OT (and maybe the one before that, I will check) and I will (eventually) answer, promise! You know what happened to me last night? I dreamed of LMH, yeah, really! He had made a short foreign movie and was in my area (or he was somewhere in Europe and I happened to be there as well), I wasn't really sure.

Anywoo, he and the other actors and actresses were staying in a big cottage like kind of place and I was there too, the whole time they were staying there. People had rented suites or something like that, and I happened to be staying there somehow. They had interviews and visited the town and just did what tourists do. The interesting thing was I could actually see them (mostly him, because he was the one I was mostly interested in) up close and I did. One could actually walk up to him and interact and talk with him (somehow, his English was pretty good. I KNOW :-), it was my dream, what can I say? :-)). He was really approachable and really down to earth and a little shy, and REALLY CUTE!

So, the other interesting thing was that my dream was very vivid. The people in my dream felt like real people I was talking to, and hanging out with, having lunch with, etc... (these were the movie people), LMH being one of them. It was a very interesting dream. I could actually touch them and the dream felt real, like I wasn't dreaming but being in real life kind of dream... This is what I get for looking at the link for the blog Dramafever sent me yesterday, with 150 pictures of BTS of Faith (I haven't looked at all of them yet) and for watching the 6mns latest trailer of Faith as well, at least 3 or 4 times, before going sleep.

So, using the 6 degrees of separation (more like one degree here) theory, do you think that it might work for you? Starring at pictures of your boyfriend and trailers of some of his dramas/movies and maybe you could have really vivid dreams in which you are interacting with him (hanging out, talking to him) in a really nice place? Just a thought my dear :-), you never know what might work, until you actually meet him, which for you, I hope will happen some day :-). Any news of said boyfriend?

Have a great weekend as well, my dongsaeng, and love you back :-)! (Please,remind again, what do the xxx mean again?)


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I meant to say :"Please remind me again..."


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HAHA.... oh Unni I love your message!!! <3<3<3
I saw those 150 pictures and decided my brain wouldn't be able to cope so didn't look haha.
But that sounds like an awesome dream!!! Maybe one day it will happen? And please... I'm sure Lee Min HOTs english is more than good enough ;)
Ahh so super excited for Faith!!!

And I love would totally love to have a dream about my boyfriend!!! But I don't dream (ok ok I dream just don't remember them at all) so it wouldn't be much use... ^cries^

And xxx are kisses so basically the same as love.

Hope your week is better!!
Love xxx


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Ivoire, I'm trying not be jealous that you dreamed about my boyfriend! ;)

Seriously that sounds like an awesome dream. I'm one of those people who almost never remembers what they dream. So even if I have an awesome Min Ho dream, I wouldn't remember it.

As for Min Ho speaking English...I don't think I'd be doing much talking if I dreamed of him...LOL!


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Hi Ivoire!! Happy OT yourself :P


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Helloooo Minnetter (aka: Min), how are you today? Fine I hope. Good to hear from you. I hope you will have a wonderful weekend :-)


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Hi! :) Yes I'm doing really well today, woke up early went to school, checked OT after a class ended and then I went back to class... I'm on a small break between classes right now... lol... I guess that just goes to show how much I love OT :) especially since you all will be my main source of k-drama since I won't be able to watch them much... :'(

As for this weekend I have two movie outings planned with two different sets of friends who don't know each other... lol... so I'll meet up one group on Saturday and the other group on Sunday... I don't even know what movies I'll be watching since I've pretty much seen everything that's on... (I spent my summer at the theatres... lol I think that in four weeks I went to over 15 movies... )


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I have a question:

Sometimes, when the recappers analyze a drama as a whole, they would say that the drama could have been better if the director would have done a better job ("I blame the director," I think that JB said that about BOF). I have read that comment and I have usually taken it as a fact.
Now however, I wonder, how does one know that the drama (or movie) wasn't as good, not because of the actors, but because of the director? From a viewer's chair, could we (could I) differenciate and know how much responsibility goes on the actor's shoulders and how much of the drama (movie) "failed" (or wasn't as good) because of the director?
Would that have anything to do with an actor/actress past performances? What if it is their 1st acting job, like the actress playing Me A Ri in AGD? How do we know she wasn't as good vs the director didn't do as good a job as he could have? I am wondering if I could recognize or see something like that and so I wanted to ask: what are the things that you guys use as clues? I hope my question makes sense.

Also, I have to tutor French this morning, so I will not participate on OT as much today, or least not right away. I am looking forward to reading your answers and comments when I come back :-).

2nd question actually: I love this rendition of this song:


and then there is this version by Jo Sung-mo alone:


I am trying to find both versions , but really the 1st version is my favorite (with the original singer). Could someone please tell me what the title of the song is, and where (as in on what album/CD) I could find it? And please don't give me the title in Korean characters (like they did for these videos) as I don't read Korean. Is there a Romanization title of the song, please?
I tried to look it up on Yes Asia so I could eventually buy the CD, but I don't know the title, so I am not sure what I am looking for. Again, I am interested in both versions, but more so in the one (1st one) with the original singer that has the Flamenco beat and sounds in it. Thanks!

Also, there are a number of OTers I owe responses to from comments left to me on the last OT and the one before that. I haven't forgotten (I usually don't) but I have had a challenging and busy week, so I haven't gotten to that. Please know that I will, simply because I like to finish a conversation that we started and close that arc, that's just me. Just like if someone eventually answers a question I had asked, I ALWAYS appreciate that. So please be patient with me :-)

I will have to move soon (yes, AGAIN, 3rd time in the last 6 months or so) and so I need to go through my things and pack (AGAIN)! So again, please be patient with me.

@ Maya: I think you were supposed to move last week, if I am correct? Did that happen? If yes, how did it go? Were you able to be ready on time? ( I think you procrastinated on packing, which I TOTALLY understand :-))

Any news on the Indonesian- Korean drama? Can't remember the name right now. How is that faring? (If anybody knows). I know some people here on OT are from Indonesia (some live there) and one actually is out of the country, but they had let me know what the drama was about a few OTs back (sorry, I just can't remember your screen names off the top of my head right now), but you know who you are.
Do you guys know if I could catch it online with English subtitles? (I currently live in the US). Thanks!


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What directors do:
They take all the creative folks, listen to them, and decide what ends up being filmed.
This includes final decision on sets, wardrobe,make-up, lighting, sound, music, timing.
So which scenes from the script are shot, how they are filmed, how the actors read the lines.

A good director is adept at pulling the best performances out of his actors. He needs to be sensitive to how everything gets translated to the screen, too, as opposed to how it sounds/looks on the set. Sometimes the actors say "He makes me feel comfortable" "I really wanted to give my best because of him" or they may HATE the director who keeps them on edge. That is also a technique to motivate and challenge the actors.

A bad director allows poor performances, or even bad performances. (See Dr. Jin) He doesn't pay attention to the small details that take away from or derail the story the writer is trying to tell. So you get OVER THE TOP acting, or sluggish acting, or absent acting with a bad director.
You get stupid scenes that don't end, or confusing scenes that don't move the story along. You have low quality sets, wardrobe and music that doesn't fit the mood.

Another key part to good filmed show is the editor. That person has to be just as much a story teller as the director, but ulitmately, it is the director who approves the final version. If they don't like the editing, it should be redone and redone until he is happy.

My favorite recent example of a great director is the person from White Christmas. He manged to get real, raw and compelling performances out of a rookie cast. Some of the same actors have been in other projects where we did not see the same level of talent. In that case, it is easy to blame the director.

Does that help?


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Well I remember I think JB saying that if the drama is bad and you don't know why then it is most likely the direction.

Basically I take direction to mean how well the story flows and whether it is logical. haha.
Yeah... I'm not quite sure either now I think about it...

Anyway I hope this week is better for you Unni!!! xxx


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Each scene is a collaboration between writing and the director's interpretation of the writing. He tells, describes to the actors which emotions, which motivations- you've probably seen that in movies or shows about actors, the actor asking the director "what's my motivation?"The director's vision is very important for the picture.


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A well-directed drama, to me, has direction, or, as the users above said, flow. With a poor script, you may get storylines and twists that make no sense whatsoever, but good directing can still still save it, and you might still end up enjoying what you watch. I also agree with Jomo on the role of the director in ensuring that the acting is good. With poor directing, I think, you just always feel lost.
City Hunter and Coffee Prince, to me, had good directing - their scripts, if you analyze them, were often far from perfect, but together, everything somehow worked really well. There are better shows out there, with better scripts and acting, of course, I'm just using these two as examples, because both had so much potential to fail without good directing.


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I also wanted to say that I thought the Youtube links would get red so you could just click on them. Those two songs are the rendition of the song that JR sang to his wife Min Sook (sp?) in AGD at the end of one episode. I will try again and see if it works, otherwise, please copy and paste to see the videos I am talking about. I would appreciate it if you think you could help me find out how to find those songs (so I can buy them). Thanks again!


and then there is this version by Jo Sung-mo alone:


Thank you to those who have already responded to my post, I will be back later to read your comments :-)!


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The song is "If you come into my heart" but I can't seem to find those versions. Though if you just want the song, they do have the original one by Jo Deuk Bae, it's number three on the first CD.


A link to Jo Deuk Bae's original:


Oh, the second version you listed is on Sung Si Kyung's Best of Album, but Yesasia doesn't have that either.


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Ivoire, I would've forgotten about that drama "Saranghae I love you" if you didn't mention it, lol. I did a quick googling, but I couldn't find any updates on how the drama is faring. Tried a couple of Indonesian based forums, but no one really talked about it, so I guess Makito (I hope I got your user name right) and Kelinci Biru would give better help. :) btw, I'm not sure about this, but I don't think it's subbed yet.

And my 2 cents on directing/acting, I would normally compare the actors/actress past performances to decide whether it's the case of bad directing/bad acting. Case in point: Park Min Young in Dr Jin, I think she's a decent actress as shown from her previous roles. But I found her acting to be over the top in Dr Jin (e.g. during that c-section scene). So I would blame the bad directing...


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Hmm, good question. Honestly, I can't tell if something is the director's fault unless there's something like crazy editing (the first few episodes of Playful Kiss come to mind) going on or if there's an abundance of inappropiate music (BOF, Equator Man).

I guess like everyone else said, it depends on how well the story flows or maybe more accurately how it feels. If there's too many things that just feel too out of place in a drama, then I chalk it up to the director.

One that stood out to me as good directing was Bad Guy which was pretty crazy plotwise, but was only tolerable, to me, because of the directing.


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That's actually a really good question.

The director is, in the end, the boss of everything and although s/he does not write the script, do the cinematography, act, compose the music, edit the film material, etc. s/he does have the final say in these things. And even before: s/he will direct people in certain ways, e.g. say "I want this scene filmed from this particular angle". But this depends very much on the director and who they are working with - some may control this a lot more than others (I'm thinking Michael Haneke right now, who had the English remake of his film "Funny Games" done exactly like the Austrian original, except that the actors were replaced by American A-listers. But apparently the set was identical, e.g. the exact same clock stood on the exact same mantelpiece in the exact same spot). For acting: well, there may be separate casting directors but again, directors do get a voice. They can bring out the best in their actors, but they should also be able to spot wanna-bes before they are cast.

I don't think we can always clearly identify whether it's the directing or something else. Probably, if the whole thing is bad (i.e. not just terrible choice of music) it's the director's doing (or lack thereof) - could be either that s/he is getting bad stuff from all sides and can push people to do better OR sh/e has good raw material but doesn't know how to handle it (select the best shots, the edit the scenes at the right point, etc.).

But even if just the music is bad, it still means that the director has some part of the blame even if s/he didn't choose the pieces/compose the music. Because s/he can object and if they are any good they should have a sensitivity and talent for all aspects of filmmaking - and bringing out the best in the entire crew (not just actors).

Well, there are producers too who provide the money, so they will be pulling strings in the back and budget limitations may come in as well.

I don't think there is one good way of directing by the way. There are different types of directors and different types of cast and staff, some who will work better with one person, others with another.

I do think sometimes you can just tell that a different director would have done better - often because see basic errors (too many clichés, consistent flaws, repeated gaps in the story line) that either scream carelessness or simply demonstrate that the director doesn't have that kind of sensitivity that can take something to another level.

Okay, I'll stop rambling!


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If everything or most everything is bad, I blame the directors. Of course the producers can be blamed as well. They hired the director and sometimes they hire the production staff. But if all the actors are universally bad, or stilted, I think the director is to blame.


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Happy OT Ivoire! :)

Btw answering your question on Gaksital thread, my move went well although exhausting. I practically had to pack the whole 2bedroom apartment by myself since my roommate is out of the country right now. The whole moving thing lasted for 4 days. And apparently the new apartment is infested with fleas. I started living there on the fourth day and when I woke up in the morning, my feet and ankles are covered with bumps. I called the leasing office immediately and they sent the pest control guy. I think it's under control now. Although I read on Internet that I still need to sprinkle some salts and baking soda on the carpet and vacuum it daily to make sure that it will be completely flea-free.
Anyway enough about me. How's your week going Ivoire? Did you manage to find the instrumental piece of that song in YouTube? The song is starting to grow on me too (it's no wonder, since I've been listening to it all day :D), and I like that operatic song as well. The one called Judgement Day, which is sung by Joo Won apparently?! :). It's kinda funny since I didn't like it that much at first.


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The electricity just went. The internet is working though. Water has been intermittent too (though we've got it at the moment).

I am in the middle cooking dinner! With gas, but it's a bit hard to see, even with a flashlight. In fact, my computer is the brightest spot at the moment!

Very much waiting for Arang and the Magistrate.
I tried Haeundae Lovers but, ummm, not very taken by it so far.
So I'm really only watching j-dramas, finished Lucky 7 (John, you're right, I do want a second season), bits of Liar Game (because I saw the latest Liar Game film on the plane and reviewed it, so I wanted context) and Rich Man, Poor Woman. That last of which is getting intense. Didn't love episode 5, because somehow I felt they could have made more of it. It establish a number of turns and twist in the dorama though, both in terms of betrayal and love (no spoilers).

Watched a k-film too, Lee Yoon-ki's This Charming Girl (will review that next).


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Iv! Always good to see you up early!

I'm a little late popping up on O/T but it's about 100 entries right now so I think I can slog through them before I have to get back to my familial duties.

Take care!


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Hello everyone, (well, at least those of you who will visit this page over the weekend),

I wanted to thank you for your responses, which I have quickly skimmed and some of which have elicited more questions on my part (you guys are making me think, and you know that I love that :-)).

Due to my upcoming move and my still looking for a full time position, I have been busier, as you can imagine and appreciate. I will respond to your comments, because I ALWAYS usually do and because I personally like to keep the conversation/discussion going. So please, know that I haven't forgotten and that I will be back (besides, as you guys know by now, I LOVE to write and analyze. Why deprive myself of that pleasure?)

I am hoping that you are having a great weekend and that the weather is bearable where you are. It is going to be really hot in my neck of the woods today.


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Hi, I'm so happy new subs for Answer Me 1997 whoooeee, loving the show so much. Not that I don't appreciate the first subs that came out, subbing is hardwork yo... so to all the wonderful subbers thank you lots.


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Answer Me 1997 is turning out to be a great little drama. So funny and relatable. But I have to say that everything tvN has put out this year has been pretty good. Cable dramas have the edge in my opinion.


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I haven't seen Answer me 1997 yet but so far the recaps make it seem like it's a wonderful little drama and I think I'll be putting it on my to watch list... which grows longer by the second!


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Dear Ariel, may I know where you get the eng subs for Answer Me 1997? Thanks.


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Where ave you been watching Answer Me 1997? I know Dramafever just started subbing them.


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Subs are really slow to come out on Answer Me 1997. REALLY APPRECIATE subbers, do not get me wrong. Just a tad frustrating when you get addicted lol. Charming drama.

I'm watching Golden Time also, mostly for The Voice though. Wow, really amazing how sloppy some of the medical stuff is portrayed in that drama, not to mention the actions of the doctors and department heads, really, really, silly.

Disappointed The Voice has gone back to his goofy skinny guy character portrayal with GT though. I'd thought he was going in a different direction, more leading man, especially after Pasta. I really appreciate the step up he took in Coffee Prince, and then really loved how he went to a more mature looking and more refined character in Pasta. Loved his more groomed hair style in Pasta, and also that he gained some weight, just loved his look in that drama period.

I also an enjoying Lee Sung-min as the mentor doctor in GT, fabulous performance.

Looking forward to Arang and The Magistrate and Faith. Fall semester will start soon so tv, movies, and pleasure reading will be on the back burner, but as I have to wait for subs, I'll not be jonesing for the next episode to come out lol. Pre game-AATM s looking like it is well put together and makes sense. The stuff coming out on Faith is less than well knit, so I am a little concerned, but Lee Min Ho pretty is a huge draw. But hey, we all though Big was going to bring it and it did not, so only time will tell on these two new dramas. I also have To The Beautiful You and Panda and Hedgehog on my radar for future viewing if they seem like they are going to work.


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Answer me 1997 is there on dramacrazy as Reply 1997... although the subs are a bit slow ^u^


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Happy Friday everyone!

I've had to make a vow with myself that I will not marathon any more dramas until I have completed my course work for my degree - which will be next March! I'm allowing myself to keep up with dramas as they air (if they are streamed somewhere) but that's all. I figure weekly episodes is no different that the time I used to spend watching all kinds of regular shows like American Idol and such that I never watch anymore. The only American shows I watch anymore are Bones and Once Upon a Time.

However, I'm still downloading stuff for future use :D


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Haven't seen many dramas this year also because of my degree *sigh*. I got a little break today so I decided to visit the OT in what seems like months if not a year lol. I'm so curious to watch Answer Me, 1997 though. I will probably have to marathon that and many other shows when I do have my break (and when subs are finished).

I love Once Upon a Time too! I thought it would be really cheesy at first but it's been such an addictive watch. Looking forward to that, The Walking Dead and the last season of Fringe in the fall :)


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Once Upon a Time is indeed addictive - I'm really looking forward to the new season. Have you heard the news on the new characters yet?


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The Walking Dead is awesome!


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I applaud you for your strength of character!! I'm also going to limit my drama watching because I just don't have the same time anymore, what with clinicals abounding this year.
Anyways congratulations on finishing in March!! wow you already see the light at the end of the tunnel! I'm still only half way XP four more years to go~!


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Glad to see I'm in good company :) When I first started watching dramas - doramas and then Kdramas - I marathoned everything because there were so many dramas and I had to watch them all NOW! hehe Up until a few months ago, I refused to watch dramas while they aired because marathoning was the only way I knew...however, once I tried watching dramas as they aired, to my complete surprise I found that I liked that method better! Not only does it prevent me from spending one to two days absorbed in a drama and neglecting everything else (including school work), but I found myself more invested in the story and characters. I think because I spent more time with the drama overall - several weeks as opposed to a couple of days. I dunno. Whatever, I'm totally converted now.

Over the past couple of years I've slowly accumulated a number of dramas that I intend to watch one day. I'm continually adding to the pile dramas that sound interesting but aren't high on my priority list (like AGD and INR2), plus with some of these I like to wait and see how they end before using up any of my limited bandwidth to download.

So yeah, Faith, Arang, and Hana Kimi Korean Style will be watched weekly because Lee Min Ho is my husband (I don't care who else has MINE'd him, he's still MINE!!!) and Lee Jun Ki + Shin Min Ah = CRACK and HKKS, well, I'll be watching just in case it turns out good cause I lurv me some Hana Kimi!

One of these days I'll post pictures of my collection of home-made drama dvds.....


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Lol. I did the exact. Same. Thing.

I've got a hard drive full of good dramas that I'm saving up to watch.


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Agree! I prefer watching dramas as they air now as well. It helps me restricting myself from watching too many dramas and neglecting other things. And I actually find myself more invested in the story this way too, because it gives me more time to think & analyze that one episode after watching it. Like how complex the characters are, and what kind of conflicts/plot developments I expect to see in future episodes. While dramathoning, although it satisfies my curiosity, the enjoyment of watching the drama seems to be fleeting and I'm not as invested in the story as I do when I watch it as they air.


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Wow this is early right? yay OT!!!!


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Good morning, JoAnne. Has the storm hit you yet?


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Hi KL - driving in to work I could see REALLY dark sky over the horizon and I mentioned to my daughter that I hoped she got home to take in the towels before the rain hit - she immediately googled weather and said we had only a 30% chance of storms, which surprised me based on that sky. Nothing is happening yet...if it were storming badly we have a skylight here in the office and from where I sit I could hear it hitting the glass but only if it was coming down hard. It was VERY muggy though...I would like a storm to clear the air. But don't kill my tomato plants!


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Hey JoAnne ~

Intellicast was showing vertical bands of yellow and red, so it looks like an intense but short-lived excitement, much like some recent dramas [cough cough BIG cough cough]. Bring those towels in! lol

Hope your Friday is going well!


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I sent her a text! Thank you!


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I love line dried laundry! Especially sheets. Exceptions being jeans(talk about stiff) and towels. I'll use the dryer even in summer because I just can't do the sandpaper towels. :)


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I love sandpaper towels!! lol It beats using scrubbing bath salts.


Ok My Wondrous Beans I'm back with time to actually write something ;)

So let's see - BIG HAPPY DISCOVERY last weekend - a really, really yummy Korean restaurant 45 minutes away from me. Looks like a hole in the wall until you go in, and food was beyond delicious. As well as lovely, lovely family who owns the place, and a great market across the street. I FINALLY got to try ddukbeoki and - yum. Does anyone know if you can freeze the refrigerated pre-made rice cakes? I bought some, and they're vacuum packed. We'd have a hard time eating the entire package in one sitting though, so I wanted to use half, freeze half for later. I bought two packets for sauce just in case :) My NOTORIOUSLY picky daughter loved her meal enough that when I said we would be visiting once a month from now on until forever she was completely on board. Her more adventureous friend who accompanied us loved her meal too - between us we had vegetarian mandu, ddukbeoki, cold buckwheat noodles with tempura and dipping sauce, galbi, manduguk, pickled daikon radish, pickled cucumber, broccoli with gochujang, kimchi...and yes, soju. Oh! and patbingsu! And I made a drama friend with the daughter, although she laughed and said I watch a curious mix of shows she likes and shows her parents like. She said she would help me with my Korean learning and I got another compliment on my pronunciation so it was an all-around STELLAR trip in my eyes :)

Dramas - marathoned I Love Lee Tae Ri in 4 days. That was really well done, and I spent a lot of time musing about how a well-written drama can have some of the same 'sins' as a poorly-written drama, and we barely notice. Like Big, there was the squick factor, or should have been. I don't think it was as squicky. Like Big, we didn't see some big scenes. (When he changed, how that worked, what happened to Seung Jae, etc) Like Big, we had to wait until almost the end to find out exactly WHY Uncle was such a dick. And like Big, they meet again accidently years later but we don't really know what happens next. And you know what? All those things pissed me off in Big, and I didn't care in the least with Lee Tae Ri. I had faith it would work out, because the writer gave us enough to go on. and I was SO HAPPY to see so much of Coach - love that actor. And actually, like the actor playing the uncle too - he was that ineffective gangster in Kimchi Family. Yeah..I liked this one a lot.

Gaksital - just so much win. I can't even stand it, how much I want to watch this show forever and ever and have YEARS of well-done Shunji - KangTo maneuvering.

Ok. INR 2012. So last week I talked at length about exactly why I was so happy with the ending of INR 2011. I got what I thought I wanted with this one, too, but am left strangely unhappy by that fact. Why, you ask? Ok, you didn't, but I'm going to talk about it anyway. All the way through I adored both men. I ended it adoring both men. I always knew they BOTH loved her deeply, and I completely accepted Oppa's behavior once I understood the reasoning behind it. I'm not saying I thought it was the best way to handle it, but I'm saying I understood it and could forgive it. And when she left Ji Hoon to go back to Oppa, I got that. (Man, did he act the SH** out of being heartbroken. SO.GOOD.) But when she was so clearly hearbroken to make that decision too...I, well...ok. I waivered. My heart left Oppa and went to Ji Hoon. I never thought it would happen! I thought I would always want her to make the choice she made! But she was so SAD about it, so torn. They were all broken hearted, all 3 of them. So when Oppa made the big mental speech about their time having past, their opportunities having been used up? My heart said YES, SHOW! YES! This time, the decision will be to keep those precious memories and sad memories, and move on to the new love, the one that is so much better for you (if we're being honest.) It seemed real to me, and very organic. I also loved how it affected the narrative arc of the two seasons, because there were SO many nods to Season 1 in Season 2 - and having the heroine make the OPPOSITE choice this time, and having them BOTH be the right choice? How real would THAT have been?

So I'm sad, because show didn't have the balls to go there. Even though I adore Oppa and I didn't want him to be sad and alone after everything he went through.

In other news: new music to me this week: Verbal Jint. See also Phantom, and Sanchez, and everyone else VJ collaborates with. I'm like a kid in a candy shop. Thank you, Tablo, for leading me there.


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So awesome that you found a wonderful Korean restaurant! It sounds fab!

I wanna try making some patbingsu some time... some of the cooking blogs I frequent have been posting recipes and it sure looks good (and I'm saying that as someone who eats just about not frozen sweets/icecream).


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the beans were interesting but it was good!


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I'm sure I wouldn't mind the beans. I have had beans in Asian desserts since I was a kid. Red bean icecream (and taro ice-cream), red beans with mochi, etc.

You probably just have to switch off that beans = chilli con carne (or whatever) switch in your mind!


Love taro icecream, and taro/green bubbletea. I've seen thee red bean iceceam, but I've been a bit hesitant to try it.


@Shukmeister Beans and sweet work surprisingly well. You should try it!


INR2012 - I am right there with you with everything you said!
YES, SHOW! YES! was pumping through my system at that speech too!! I always was rooting for Ji Hoon even though I figured it was futile, but at that point, I was like really? REALLY? YAAAAAAYYYY! But then they showed that "what if" at the coffee shop and my heart fell. I still get it, I still think the ending makes mostly sense, I liked Oppa too, but it does feel like lost opportunity to show a legit moving on to a new love. It's a bittersweet ending, which happens to, so I can still count this as one of my favourite chick flick dramas.


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I liked both guys, too, but I think the ending made a lot of sense. The drama let us know that Yeol Mae and Seok Hyun had been separated before but always got back together, no matter how bad the breakup was. I think Yeol Mae genuinely moved on after being pushed away so vehemently and certainly would have been happy with Ji Hoon. I was convinced at some point that she would choose Ji Hoon in the end (even though he clearly was the second lead concerning screen time etc.).
But when she went back to Seok Hyun I thought that was the decision that allowed for the most character growth. In a way, staying with Ji Hoon would have been a more selfish choice for her, because happiness would have been certain. Going back to Seok Hyun meant staying true to her earlier declaration that she was determined to find love with him and it was still uncertain whether she could ever truly be happy with him. But in that moment what mattered more to her was Seok Hyun being unhappy than her own happiness.
Of course, leaving Ji Hoon after promising to marry him also was selfish - I liked that there was no clear-cut solution in this drama and the characters had real human flaws (except for Ji Hoon - he was very level-headed and secure for someone who had been abandoned early in life... but maybe his flaw was choosing someone more or less unavailable). The most problematic trait of Yeol Mae was, I think, that she wasn't really honest with Ji Hoon from the beginning and pretended not to be so close to Seok Hyun - that also doomed their relationship and caused the rude awakening for Ji Hoon.
And by the way, I think Yeol Mae must have had many happy memories with Seok Hyun, too, or she wouldn't have gone back. We almost exclusively saw scenes of their breakups and relationship problems, but they were together for more than 10 years and I can't help but think what we saw of their relationship led to a rather skewed view that they were never on the same page (a problem with the script).


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Your assessment of YMs thought process is spot on - in that context I agree with the ending


you make a lot of sense reeen :)


I usually store them in the regular fridge. They're usually in the cold air section of my superm. I didn't notice soondae on your list of things that you ate. I'm not sure if soondae varies from place to place, as in whether or not it comes with liver or if you just get the soondae, but I can't go to the ahjumma's kage and not get soondae with my dukboki.


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no sausage in the one I had but there was onion and fish cake - I didnt buy any of that but they had it


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I freeze my rice cakes all the time. I split them in smaller serving sizes so I don't have to thaw out the whole thing and re-freeze. You can cook frozen rice cakes if this is sliced ones, right from the freezer. If the rice cake is round ones, thaw out first. Cooks better all the way through.

You can also freeze store bought nengmen (cold buckwheat noodle and soup). Even though noodle is frozen, it can cook in 3 minutes!

Happy eating!


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I also freeze mine. From the way I use my rice cakes, a fozen package gets broken down to 4 servings. I vacuum seal them and toss them back into the freezer.

JoAnne I'm glad you found a good KorRest! I did a happy dance when I found mine, and try to get there about once a month. They got me hooked on Fuji apple sake and bibimbap dol sot!


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thank you!


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Happy OT, everyone!
How has everyone's week been?
I have been reading, writing and househunting. Fastforwarded through the first half of Prosecutor Princess while changing buttons on my shirts (exciting, I know, but I was feeling crafty) - while I don't find Hye Ri annoying, I constantly feel this awkward second-hand embarrassment for her. I just want her to grow up a little, because she's actually brighter than she seems, as the later episodes show.
Rich Man Poor Woman was a bit underwhelming this week, but it's still really good. I realized that what I enjoy about it is not so much the romance element, but the mentor-mentee aspect of it. There's nothing I love more than character growth, and I especially enjoy stories about professional growth and development, so probably that's why it gets me. Throw those organic tomatoes at me, but I honestly wouldn't mind if the two leads didn't end up as a romantic couple - what I really want is for Makoto to become a true professional.


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Hi hi~ Lookie, my first timid foray into the open thread~ I agree with you about the underwhelming in RMPW, I had to watch it twice to appreciate all the little things, but even then I still liked it much better than anything else I watched this week (have yet to watch the Gaksital though..). The nuzzling though, more than made up for it~ In fact, it made me write character analysis for all the main characters >.<;;

And mentioning that now, I want to go back and watch it again... if only I didn't have to deal with screaming toddlers in a bit TT_TT


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Hi Nutella,

I'm sure Gaksital will be better, but yes, I agree, we have to learn to appreciate the small things. I had no expectations whatsoever when I started RMPW, so even with the recent episode it's been doing well in my books. And the Hyunga-Makoto scenes were incredibly cute this week, so that definitely helped. Will read your blog this weekend - good luck with the toddlers!


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Welcome Nutella!
I know that name. :) I noticed your comments on the regular posts of DB.
Screaming toddlers are better in your side of my screen: Not fan of them at all.


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Ha ha, I was thinking too, with that name you are going to be welcomed with open arms on the OT!


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@Nutella ~

Welcome! And don't be shy!

I'm liking RMPW. It's a nice change from some of the more melo offerings Ibrecently watched.

I am surprised at his partner's behavior in Ep5, and I fail to see the motivation. Oh well, I'm sure it'll be explained later on.

And the nicest thing about my nieces and nephews is I get to give them back!


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I, on the other hand, think that Asahina's been planning this for a long time. His sister saying he is a great number two might have been the ultimate tipping point, but I felt from the very beginning that Asahina wasn't entirely happy with Hyuga's way of doing business. Still, if it's not clear to people (I know some were taken aback by this turn of events - and I can understand why), it probably means the writer could have done a better job on this!
Also, some have said they don't get how come Next Innovation got those personal files in the first place - it's mentioned several times in the first few episodes that they received them from the government, because we are shown in one of the flashbacks how Hyuga uses the files to build some sort of a prototype for the system.


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I think Asahina has been musing about it for while as well - I'm not sure I would say he had it planned for a while, although there certainly was some planning involved.

There were hints, pretty much from ep 1 (or at least 2) that he wasn't happy being the shadows...


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D'aww thankies all of you *glomps* The toddlers I was referring to are the ones at the daycare I'm currently working at... thank god I can give them back in a few hours... as much as I love babies, having 7-10 of them at a time is... exhausting to say the least :3

To say I adore Rich Man, Poor Woman is currently an understatement, at least thus far. And because of that, I was prompted to write about (what I think are) Asahina and his motivations (as well as Yoko, Natsui, and a not-yet-completed Hyuga). They're big walls of text, so I'm going to write what I think here... But I did post them here http://butaneandthebeast.tumblr.com/tagged/moya-goes-crazy-over-a-drama and here http://rockharlequin.livejournal.com/5058.html (whichever one you guys like better) o(^u^)o


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With Japanese dramas having a shorter number of episodes than Korean, I expect everything will be clearer in the next installment; for the record, I hate to wait!


Read your rant on your site, and I agree about the company.


Yes Hyeri really did give me a case of third person embarrassment when I watched her- however I found myself constantly jealous of her shoe collection~!


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Oh yes, the shoes. I think my list of ways to get a boyfriend according to dramas should be updated with 'wear crazy heels, trip/twist ankle/break a heel and get the guy to help you out in some ridiculous way'. :D


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I know!! I wear heels all the time but unfortunately i've never broken a heel! :( so no meeting a guy for me lol :P


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So it wasn't just me! I also thought Rich Man Poor Woman was a bit underwhelming this week, lacking heart somewhere in the middle of it all. It did move things along - throwing us twists of both betrayal and love - but somehow something was lacking? (I can't quite put my finger on it.)

Maybe most of all that I didn't really feel we got to see anything new and interesting from Makoto. Even if she gave Hyuga her little pep speech and grinned from ear to ear in the train, I kinda wanted more development from her (not run away whenever she happens to run into Hyuga and Yoko together!). And more reaction from Hyuga (not necessarily romantic, although I am rooting for them). He just seemed more moved (i.e. unsettled) by her presence in the first two episodes or so, which I found really interesting (him going "Why can't I get that girl out of my mind?" - him who remembers no one!). Instead, he is paying way too much attention to Yoko and it seems more of that will follow.

I also sort of wish the betrayal would have been more secretive. You know, leaving the viewer guessing also, not revealing (at least some) things quite clearly at the end of the episode.

Didn't fancy the preview either - feel like it might go in directions I don't want it to go!!!

I'm still wondering whether Yoko is telling the truth about that she knew Hyuga in the past and, now with the betrayal developing, I wonder maybe if she's in on it and her love quest for Hyuga is possibly not real? Totally guessing here, I may be way off.


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I keep having connection issues, but just had to find a way to comment on your ideas re: Yoko. I also think that what she told Hyuga is not entirely true! In fact, that would make sense because if they indeed had met several times (as she tells him when they're having lunch outside in ep.4), would he still not remember her? There was something weird about the way she admitted she was joking when telling him how she never came after they agreed to meet. If Yoko is indeed lying, this would make for an even more interesting comparison between her and Makoto: they would have both lied to Hyuga to get his attention, arguably with different aims (career vs.love).


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Ep 4 definitely had suspicious moments. I'm not so surprised about Hyuga not remembering - that make sense with his illness. (And the writers would be dumb not to use his illness as something to create plot twist - characters taking advantage of his illness for their own gain).

I'm just not sure if Yoko is possibly lying for love, or if it's not something else as well. If she's in with her brother, it could be something else. Money. Revenge (maybe she was wronged by him in the past?). Who knows.

There might be a lot of people around Hyuga that are lying to him - it would be so easy, given there is much that he just can't remember (what a dangerous disease to have, especially when you are that much in a position of power and influence!).


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I think this week's initial underwhelmingness was due to a few things: Firstly, nothing big happened directly to Hyuga or Natsui right uptil the very end (when the stuff got leaked) so even though we *know* that something major happened, since it didn't reflect on the characters we love the most, we didn't really feel like anything happened except for the fluff, and the 45 minutes seemed to zip by~

Note that I'm not complaining about the fluff in the least. In fact, I advocate throwing everyone else off of the show and keeping only Hyuga and Natsui in it just being together~

As for Yoko... it's farrrr too long to post here (it's the longest analysis yet, which is weird cos she didn't get as much screen time and neither do I go ga ga for her) so here http://rockharlequin.livejournal.com/5515.html or here http://butaneandthebeast.tumblr.com/tagged/moya-goes-crazy-over-a-drama

P.S. Is it just me, or does Shun look GIGANTIC in this dorama? He's even taller here than he looked in Crows.. and he sort of looked terrifying in Crows (for the first 2 minutes anyway..) Ishihara looks party-sized next to him..


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How tall is Shun? I did strike as well, especially when the Makoto-the-tomato-grower walked up. And when Shun had to bend down walking into a room so as not to hit the head on the doorframe.


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It says everywhere he's 6ft (183 cm) but there're a lot of Japanese actors who (claim) are 6ft or even taller, but Shun's looking much taller than them...


Hey Oftheshore, I know what you mean about Prosecutor Princess. It actually is probably my favorite drama ever (despite the flaws) but admittedly its gets better around episode 7. Then it is like so Awesome!


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Oh yes, she is much less clueless from ep. 8 onwards, whereas before that I just had to fast forward the poor girl's Epic Fail scenes, because I really couldn't stomach them anymore. Also: Park Shi Hoo creeps me out, and I think his hairdo has something to do with it...


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Happy OT all!

I am trying to hide puffy eyes from the last two episodes of INR2. I do feel it kept you guessing up until the end and boy, did they put us through the ringer first! Another drama - fait accompli!

We're supposed to head to visit friends on the Chesapeake today and it's absolutely pouring. I hope the sun is shining where you are!


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How did you feel about it? I will be expounding. I've never been so unhappy about getting what I wanted before, and it's confusing me.


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My sister and I watched it (in different cities) and were texting the whole time. I absolutely agree with you 100%! At least they didn't play up the plot line that I thought they were going to, so I was really relieved about that.

I'm leaving soon, so will have to check your comments on Sunday. It was bad enough when I was missing dramas while being away, now I'm going to miss the OT, too!


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After the ending of INR1 I was wary of this drama but Shin Ji Hoon was just wonderful. I thought that maybe I would be all right this time, or maybe I just convinced (read that as deceived) myself because I just wanted to watch more of Ji Hoon.

Anyway, by the middle, I was at a point where I wouldn't mind so much how it ended BUT now that it has, in the manner that it did, I can not say that I am satisfied.

I kept saying, if she knew she would falter, would turn back and return to that which was her first love, first choice, first always then why did she begin something new with someone else.

It was messy, but I cannot fault it like INR1 because isn't this the way life is sometimes. Even when you make difficult decisions, we can not walk away untangled. Some regret for what will now never be, lingers on inside us. More than often we are not steadfast and revert despite our determination.

Anyway, I don't think I can go through this again, this theme of INR! Well, I say that now...


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Hope you have a wonderful time at Chesapeake and your eyes are no longer puffy when you meet your friends there! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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Thanks, Minnetter! We still haven't left because of the torrential downpour. Hopefully it stops soon! Hope you have a good weekend, also.


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oh noes... hope you did finally make it to Chesapeake! Where I'm at this is Hurricane season so I also have to be wary of the weather for my Sat-Sun plans... hopefully no freakish weather for me!


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The sun IS shining where I am, and it's lovely. What I needed after finishing INR2012 last night and being all wrung up.

Oh I wanted her to pick Ji Hoon!! They kept teasing it right up till the end and although I figured I was hoping against hope, I couldn't help but hope anyway. Sigh. It's not that I hated the main guy, I AM glad all the crazy made that couple address their issues, so I understand the ending, I just thought Ji Hoon was much the better for her guy. I LOVED the scene where his little arm squeeze helps her calm down and not say things rashly. Also it just makes me sad that she pretty much gave up kids for him, she may know the reason WHY he's unsure about marriage and family now, but it feels a bit like an unanswered question... will he ever agree to it? will she really be okay saying they'll get married "in a little while" for the rest of her life? Sigh, a happy ending and yet somehow not. Still really loved this drama! And her friend's story lines were really great too!

Have a good visit!!!


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Hi Christy,

***Spoilers**** I was on team SH so was happy in a way. While I was glad not to have to deal with the sadness of the disease, it was kind of a cop-out how they never mentioned it again. Also, she really, really seemed to love JH (it was all soooo heartbreaking - how could she throw that stuff away?) And then the whole year thing - my sister and I were like WTH??? But, I was so glad to see that they could finally have the relationship they should have and were both genuinely happy. I've seen long term couples go both ways - some split and some come back together. But these two were so darn cute I was routing for them. But like her with guy 2, also. But didn't really like her much at all, haha! So confusing! I did like the fact that it was never clear cut up till the end.

By the way, do you understand Korean? Because there were pretty many subs missing and I feel some things were lost to me. I hope they finish it as I'll definitely rewatch (without teary eyes this time. I'm a hopeless romantic, what can I say!)

Ok, we're going to make a dash in the rain. Good weekend to you!


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*sneaks on at work*

I KNOW! the year thing threw me at first, i'm not sure it was really necessary- it made the last few minutes feel more like an epilogue after a cliffhanger than a real ending to me. They just kinda dropped the disease issue...I mean he still has a 50/50 chance of dying right?! I kept thinking... isn't there some sort of test he could have to find out and put all the uncertainty to rest? But at least he finally learned to let her in and they are facing the future together. :) I totally liked that it wasn't clear cut at all too, probably why I'm still mostly happy with the ending even though I'm heartbroken for Ji Hoon!

I only wish I understood Korean!!I'm only a few months in self-studying Korean so I only understand a few phrases or words here and there. I watched on viki last night, but plan to watch it again when Dramafever gets it up with full subs.

Ah rain, I wouldn't mind a little of it here on west coast, it's hot today. I ALSO wouldn't mind a guy that offers to bring me an umbrella! ;)


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Hey Korazy!

No rain in my neck of the woods (mouth of the Chesapeake Bay) but we've had afternoon showers almost every day.

Have a fun time with your friends!


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I'm off to bed now lol. It is officially 11:30PM in Sydney, Australia. All I can say is I've spent the whole day in-doors due to horrible weather and used up my time watching Japanese and Korean dramas [well once I start my degree in 2 weeks there will be no more squealing like a crazy fan-girl over Joo Won/Kang To *oh-the-pain*].
I just finished watching "A Million Stars Falling From The Sky" which stars Kimura Takuya and [POSSIBLE SPOILER AHEAD:] I remembered a conversation in the comments section about family secrets and whatnot, let me just say this drama totally blindsided me & I didn't see the end coming. The thing is the show invested in the pairing from the beginning that even at the end I still had a little hope they would end up together *tears*.

Anyways this thought has been bugging me for the past week and I want to share it with someone LOL.
I want to see Won Bin back on the small screen, I hate that we only get to see him in CF's & photo-shoots. Someone anyone please offer him something awesome that he just has to sign on. Would love to see him twice a week for 2-3months ^^


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Good luck with your degree! hmmm I've been wanting to see A million stars falling from the sky, but I hadn't added it to the queue yet... now maybe I will xP but the list it is growing!! ah when will I finish!


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Thanks :) - Definitely recommend it. It is one of those dramas where people will either love it or hate it, luckily for me I fall into the first category. Although the show has different shades to it and is twisted but you become so invested in it and that is due to the great cast and production team.


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I love "A Million Stars Falling From the Sky". It has my favourite couple ever Kimura Takuya and Eri Fukatsu (she is such a great actress....she can do serious, funny and everything in between). First saw them play husband and wife in 'Chuusingura' , then the tough secretary to the novice politician in 'Change' and cried buckets in their doomed relationship in 'A Million Stars'. I am hoping that they act together again , It's been 4 years since 'Change' and they really should play love interest again soon!


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After I watched the show I went and put their names together in google because I wanted to see some pictures of them together and found out they starred again in another show [Change], now your telling me they were also husband and wife in Chuusingura ?!! *squeals*. I'm heading off to watch those shows now lol. I would love to see them together again as well, can never get enough of a good pairing ^^


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Warmest greetings!

I discovered this MV last week and have been sharing it with everyone which is why I am posting it here (sorry if it has already appeared in an OT.)

It is beautiful.

However I just realized that one of the actors that has me enamoured is Song Jae Rim from Moon Embraces the Sun! I was taken aback and though I thought I never would, I might watch that drama again. He is wonderful here, every nuance in his expressions causes movement in my soul.

It also has Lee Min Ki and I will also add a warning, it will make you cry so maybe leave viewing until those Sunday Blues.


or the raw version


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oh gosh when I read sad and Lee Minki I had an inkling that it would be Nell's song which I'd just seen about two weeks ago.... and so I clicked on the link and it was!! oh no that MV is so beautifully heart wrenching... it's such a difficult subject! and Minki is so heartbreaking in it~ but I think it's more difficult for the person left behind...


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oh yeah, we spazzed about this on OT big time when it came out. And then all rushed off to download or buy the CD, too. Nell is now a favorite of mine, separate and apart from this gorgeously sad video.

Have to say - I watched it randomly just last weekend and I start to tear up immediately even now, because I know what's coming.


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I wish I'd been on that OT! but my spring and summer was so hectic I barely made it to read some of DB's articles... hopefully this fall I'll be able to participate more with the family here :P

I understand how you can tear up at this song, it's actually really hard not to do so! ah... I need to go eat some sugar to cheer me up!


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They are both so wonderful in it. I watched first without understanding the lyrics, and it still moved me. Then again with the lyrics which added another layer of depth.

I read a few posts on forums and I was surprised about the numerous interpretations. People see what they want to see; incorporating their own secrets into it.

The music is beautiful and the lyrics wondrous but I really liked how they choreographed the MV. Just outstanding.


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Yes definitely an overall beauty... voice, lyrics, mv- everything was incredible.


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I agree. That is what I took from the song and those closing lyrics and end scene,

"They won't ever reach you, the words that let you go."

He reached his own closure after he lost his friend and therefore he won't ever really be able to put it to rest because of those things left unsaid.

As you say, it is heart twisting (Yep, from Bones.)


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For some reason my posts ended up below. 8.1.3 was meant for you.


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Argh! Anyway, You can read which ever post you like.

Thanks for replying, Minnetter and Jo-Anne


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Happy OT everyone. The olympics ae coming to an end :( glad that the final 2 episodes of AGD are finally going to be aired on saturday/sunday. To fill my time, i've been watching gaksital. Now it's my new addiction!! The plot gets so exciting. Now i need to wait another week...


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Rich Man, Poor Woman
Answer Me 1997
Joseon X-Files
The Legend of Zhen Huan

My wife brought Psy & his Gangnam Style video to my attention. LOL


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OPPAH GANGNAM STYLE! bahaha! I just saw it for the first time yesterday and I think I've watched it about 5 times now. Insanely fun music video and a catchy hook to boot!


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Why oh why did I click on that PSY link?? That song and video will not leave my head!


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Hi John! My husband started watching the Gangnam Style video last night and repeated it a few times. He says he likes the video better than the song. Either way I appreciate how the song has showed up on the radar over here.

BTW where are you watching Joseon xFiles?


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I'm watching it on Dramafever.

It's listed as Secret Investigative Files. It's a short series though, only 10 episodes.

I do have the C-Drama The Legend of Zhen Huan
to get me through those anxious hours and days of waiting for subs for the current shows.


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Gangnam Style!
I am tickled pink to see this video reaching so many people and making them all fans!

WHY is his video is good?
WHY it is so successfully getting attention in other countries.


1. his sense of humor
2. not "trying" to break into other markets/countries
3. his "I don't give a flock" attitude
4. really well done
5. star cameos

This song would be the ultimate flash mob song.
If I saw people dancing Gangnam Style I would immediately go over and try to make friends!


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me too! It would be awesome to know people who'd dance to it^^ I'd even join in even if I'd end up embarrassed due to my two left feet hehe but hey it'd be a memory to keep forever~ Someone plan a flash mob :P


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Episode 20... *sigh* I guess Rie can't resist KT's hotness.
I don't blame ya, girl.


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Yeah... though he is bad there is definatly something about him... even though he is less evil than I still think he is... ah... me and my lack of forgiveness...
But still... that doesn't stop me loving him!! haha


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Hey, how can you love him? don't you have a boyfriend already? Are you cheating on KB *lowers eyebrows*?

Do you love him, LOVE him? or do you like, jut like KT, the character? I don't think I can have you cheat on your boyfriend after all that you have told us and how much you have squeeled about him:-)!


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Oh Unni how could you think that about me???

Of course I mean it as in love that the character is so complex and how well written he is.
And as I said... I still think he's evil even though now he really isn't... haha. There's a bit of my brain which whenever he does anything completely good goes... 'but Kangto-ah... you're evil...'

But seriously... me cheating on my boyfriend? :O Never gonna happen!!!


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It's almost school time, which means less dramas. In fact, I might be putting my looooong list of upcoming dramas on hiatus and completely immersing myself into study.
Guess i'll just marathon everything after school ends in june next year, which is a whole 9 months....

What is a student to do when withdrawal symptoms kick up? Keep pictures of Joo Won on her phone for health purposes.
*run off to marathon everything while I still can*

Btw, just finished watching Bad Family. I recommend it for rainy days. It's the cutest, most adorable and heartwarming family drama I've ever seen, all packed into 16 eps! I love Kim Myung Min.


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Oh gosh! you've watched Bad Family??? yay it is the best for rainy days! so wonderfully cute! i've watched that drama at least once a year since it came out! lol so that makes it around 5-6 times? I think... heh.
and I feel you about school and dramas.. but I think I'll have to watch at least 1 drama at a time because then I really will go into withdrawal! Besides it can be the hour break that I take from studying! instead of watching regular tv just watch k-dramas! yay! heh....


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Hey!!!! How is everyone???
Hope you all had a good week!!

I just tortured myself earlier with the final episode of Big and am bitterly regreting watching it. It didn't start any big trends that Hong sisters dramas do and why I end up watch the stupid things ^sigh^

But I don't feel too bad as I am watching many good dramas such as White Christmas!!! I still can't believe the little brother in Big is the same guy!!! I mean, why oh why did you accept Big when you are actually awesome????

Other fav drama at the moment GAKSITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love it!!!

And I have one more week here before I am flying to Seoul!!!! Can't wait!!!!

love xxx


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Hi Everyone!

I just love love love the Olympics. It's amazing to see people train for years for a race and give their all to win. (on the flip-side I feel sad for the athletes who pull a hamstring, break their legs in the crucial moment.)

What has been your favorite moment of the Olympics? I have many like David Rudisha setting a new world record in 800m final, Bolt defending both his titles, the Flying Dutchman winning the high bar men's gymnastics event final (if you haven't seen it what are you waiting for?), Gabby winning the AA gymnastics final, Phelps winning his 5-6? medals, Sanchez winning and crying at the podium when he won (400?)m final, Mo Farrah working with his teammate and winning the 10,000m final and hugging his daughter at the end, etc.

I never knew there were events like Trampoline and synchronized swimming and BMX racing.

What events do you think they should add to the Olympics? Rugby.

Who also loves the google memes they have when you are about to do a search?


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I love the OG too!

The flying Dutchman was definitely amazing! I was on the edge of my chair, unbelievable how hard that looks. I also loved the swimming, with very young teenagers winning gold, Phelps securing his 18th gold ever and unfortunately the last, but my favourite was Kromovidjojo(also Dutch), she won the 100m and 200m freestyle.

I am sad that windsurfing won't be included in the next OG in Brazil.

Love google!


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Rugby will be in the next Olympics, actually. I have a couple rugby-mad friends who make sure to bring that up often.


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I guess I'm not much of an Olympics fan though I do love watching the swimming competitions... Phelps is friggin' incredible.
and of course the only other sport that I can't miss is soccer (soccer is my favourite!)- I'm so proud of Mexico getting to the Finals!! it's a first time for them so it's an incredible honor and to play against Brazil! wow so proud and so excited! Brazil is a tough team so even if Mexico loses I think it will be great!


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Happy Friday everyone!

I've been watching Gaksidal, very thrilling. Forgot to breath sometimes.
And I watched the latest episode of Dr. Jin. I really do not know why.
I wanted to forget what I saw, and watched the Olymic Beachvolleyball-Finals.
Very thrilling indeed. Tanned athletic tall men to jump and dive through
the sand - mmmh - sugar!!
But it wasn`t enough to forget. so I need a summer-sports-drama about swimming, or
beachvolleyball, or...what else. With hot athletic boys with REAL abs. No fake
abs please, please please. I `just can`t get the DocJin-pictures out of my head.
Maybe because of a brain fetus, who generated the pictures again and again.
Oh my good - now I think of the brain fetus thing...
Maybe there is hope - Arang and the Magistrate and Faith coming soon. So Arang
and you gods from Faith: please chase away the fetusthing... I count on you!!!

So but tonight no k-dramas. I will enjoy the summernight with a friend of mine
at a beach-bar in Berlin.(Hope it does not rain.)
Anyway, have a good day and a nice relaxing weekend!


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Happy OT Beanies!
I haven't watched Ghost yet this week. I'm saving it for the weekend and plan to watch the two final episodes back to back. Btw that olympics preemption really hurted the rating as well as the excitement. I'm not following AGD, but I can imagine what is going to happen with its 2 week-break.
And I can't wait for Arang and Faith to start next week! :)


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Hello everyone and happy Friday!
Kdrama verse is at low tide: At last we will have the last episodes of AGD this WE. That long cut was really a bad idea...
I just saw the long trailer for Faith and it's definitely a show I'm impatient to see. So many references to my beloved Sci-Fi movies... :) How could I resist. Lee Philip will be my anchor, I already predict it: Magical Medicine? Oh Yeah!
On the other hand, Arang is still on probation for me. Will need to see the real first 2 epis to take a decision.
Seen the last epis of Ghost and INR2012. Well, nothing to say really. Quite low key for me. Not bad but I wouldn't die of frustration either if I missed them.
The first 2 episodes of Haeundae Lovers were... Weird. Discordant. Love the secondary characters but the main leads leave me cold for now. If eps 3 and 4 don't do it for me I will drop it.
J doramas: RMPW is still my crack of the moment. Love everything in it, absolutely everything. GTO2012 is OK: Love the actor who plays Onizuka but the kids not that much. The sidekicks are bleh.
Can't wait for the last episode of Dr Jin. We need to bury the show and drink champagne for our lost brain cells.
New shows starting soon that I'm anticipating: Vampire Prosecutor 2 (1 month!!!). May Queen for Kim Jae-won: Already know I will FF the makjang but what can I say, I just love that guy.


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RMPW is seroiusly like crack. I sometimes find myself googling the screencaps in the office. Have you seen this week's episode yet?


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I watched ep 5 and liked it. The grandma? The kid? City boy in the countryside? The funny farmer? I could go on and on... So much heart AND brain in that show.


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Yep! I loved when Makoto fiercely pulled out that computer cord - dude clearly needed a break from the machines and brooding. All of the grandmas were awesome, especially the one that was good with computers. That scene on the plane was sweet enough, but when they added the smiling kid, and I nearly died from cuteness overdose. Compared to the previous episodes, I felt that this one was a bit weaker (for me), but it also gave characters space to breeze.


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I usually prefer kdrama to japanese dramas but RMPW turned out to be some much more awesome than its title...glad to see that I'm not the only one who loves it, every tuesday/wednesday I sit and refresh the page waiting for the subs...
Oguri Shun is defo my favourite japanese actor and I like both of the main characters, they're just so lovable <3

wish there was a new episode right now to help cheer me up!


I always though Oguri Shun was a good actor, but he was never physically attractive to me until this show. Satomi Ishihara is just gorgeous, and I love her outfits and haircut.


How come nobody is talking about Tono's, um, tight pants?
Did you see what I saw?


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OMO you went there! Hee*Hee*

What did you see and when LOL

I need to confirm this with mine own eyes (smirk)


Hello Mystisith! hope you have a wonderful weekend~!

wow it looks like you have a full plate of dramas to watch :)

I'm the opposite of you for right now... Faith isn't really on my to watch list (despite being a Med student the only medical show that I've ever enjoyed was Dr. House... and in k-drama land the only med drama I've watched was Ob/gyn which was totally just for Song Joongki... I guess my LMH love isn't strong enough for me to try Faith out quite yet... I'll wait until somebody recaps or reviews the first few eps)

Right now the drama I really want to watch is Arang. god the scenery is so beautiful and I love stories about ghosties... especially if they are so adorably spunky! And I love that it seems to have a rather well planned out mythology so things aren't likely to just happen because they can, it looks like everything will have a reason to be. yep I'm definitely looking forward to it.


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Happy OT!!! dramas being delayed because of Olympics might be turning into a good thing with me.... I'll be having exams next week so it is a good thing :D at least I'll have my reward after :D


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Hey OT friends and family hope you've had a wonderful week! As for me is it weird that I'm both happy and sad that I'm back in school? I'm going to miss my family in the US but I was going stir crazy cuz I already missed school! crazy huh?
I'm also not going to be as caught up in dramas because things are going to get more demanding but I'm going to count on all of you to fill me in :)

I think I'll drop everything I was watching to see Arang at least... It's LJK's comeback drama and boy have I missed him!!!

And boy does Psy's Gangnam Style video crack me up... I've also listened to SJ's Spy and love their performances in the music shows XP

I'm also tired of the whole issue with T-ara and I'm totally in agreement with Simon and Martina's (eatyourkimchi) take on the issue! yay for rational beings on the internet!


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Just read the article at eatyourkimchi. I must say I agree totally with them. Feels good to read coherent writing from time to time.


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Big fan of Eatyourkimchi here. Simon and Martina introduced me to so many cool things, including Gangnam Style and Itaewon freedom, and the magic that is the Knockout video by GD and TOP. :D


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Argh, posted too early. I wanted to say that I completely agree with Simon and Martina re: K-pop politics (or pop politics in general).


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@Mystisith yes indeed it's wonderful to read well thought out and rational writing- especially in relation to the k-pop world where fangirls can go so crazy!!


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Happy Friday OT, everyone!

I watched Joseon X-Files, as recommended, and was so blown away. Even after everything I was still going, "Why, WHY, WHY?!" Wonderful, wonderful series. Tickles the mind so much, I love it.

There's a thunderstorm brewing outside, while I'm listening to Vertical Horizon and speed reading romance novels.

How is everyone?


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I loved Joseon X-files! It made me feel dumb and confused at times, but hey, can't exactly complain about tv that works your brain right? My favourite thing is probably the creepy, moody atmoshpere though.


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I love the feeling that after every particularly good episode I was just sitting there frozen, my mind going miles a minute trying to figure out everything. I love the fact that it's so open ended, one can practically write out what ending one wants in his or her own head.


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I've been on a bit of a drama drought recently. I think I was just so caught up in this past season that I needed to take a step back before getting sucked into new ones. Been watching some great movies though. And a few J-doramas. I marathoned the first 5 eps of Iki mo Dekinai Natsu last night and I'm really excited about that one. It has a really interesting plot and I'm sad that it's not getting much attention.

Also, I loved the first 2 eps of Answer me 1997. Can't wait for more subs to come out!!!

Films to recommend-
- First Time (Sweet, sad Chinese movie. Remake of ...ing)
- Usagi Drop (Super cute Japanese movie based on the manga of the same name. About a man taking responsibility for raising a little girl.)
- Patrick, Age 1.5 (A Swedish film about a gay couple who think they are adopting a 1.5 year old boy, but end up with a 15 year old homophobic teenager. Funny and heartwarming. Not to be missed.)


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First Time looks interesting, I think Dramacrazy has it.


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Yeah, Dramacrazy does have it. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm not always a fan of Chinese storytelling for some reason, but this one got me in the end. I haven't seen the original movie, so I can't compare, but I enjoyed the unique way the story unfolded (don't want to give away any spoilers).

Great ending. And the romance was really sweet too.


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I'm also watching Iki mo Dekinai Natsu. Serious drama that one but I like it: The subjects raised are interesting.


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I do like a serious drama from time to time. I think the issues it shines a light on are really different from anything I've seen in previous dramas.

I know the "forbidden love" story between the two main characters is billed as the drama's selling point, but I think the concept of people without identities is much more compelling. All of the things that go with not being on the family register are fascinating - being associated with a man who is not your father or who did something bad to your mother, not being able to live on the grid (and having to do some pretty horrible things to get by), living as a second class citizen in your country or even in your own family.

I enjoy plots that haven't been done to death *cough* body switching, Cinderella, noona-love, gender-bending *cough*


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I am also watching Iki mo Dekinai Natsu and really enjoying it. It has been interesting learning about some of the family laws in Japan. The one they are writing about seems really destructive to the futures of children affected by it. You would think they would amend this somehow to make these people's lives easier.


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LOL Hi guys I was told to hide my usual moniker. But needed to drop it somewhere.

Pg 228 on soompi QIHM page- The Queen Team has released the softsubs for Queen In Hyun's Man from your reliable fansubbing group. In case anyone actually rewatches it and wants to keep the subs. I think they are pretty good and we did have really good subbers.

Since I am not using my usual ID- we're releasing subs for Golden Time as well. It's just that I am wa...ay behind doing the medical edits. So it's going to be given out in one hit like ep 1-9 or something. Real life got in the way.


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Happy OT everyone!

Watching Gaksital and Answer me 1997 right now. Gaksital ep 20 made me feel sick in my stomach because of the subject matter they tackled, but show definitely gets points for going there.

In other new: 6 min teaser is out for Faith, and ep 1 previews are out for both Faith and Arang! So so excited. Poor recappers on db will get flooded again though. I mean for the next few weeks we have Arang, Gaksital and the Hana Kimi remake all on Wed-Thurs X_X.


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Take a deep breath and get lots and lots of coffee. lol.
Yeah, this next batch is looking promising.

I think I'll probably marathon Ghost in the forseeable future. GAKSITAL!! will have to wait until all epis are out and subbed, basically due to time constraints. Darn that RL stuff!


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Good Morning and Happy Friday OTers!!!

I've got to head out to work really soon, but I HAD to stop in here first. :)

This week, I Need Romance 2012 had me wrapped around it's little finger. I'm going to have to go up and comment where people were already talking about it but man, the word that keeps coming to me after finishing it in one week...Bittersweet. Never have I had such a case of 2nd Lead Syndrome!!! It's only my second time with that and it was a doozy. :( Yet I can't say I was disappointed with the ending either, I liked the main guy too so I understand how it went with reason and all... just... Ji Hoon! Sigh. Bittersweet. :)

Gaksital has me in that twitchty, itchy stage right now... another week to get through...

I also started watching Haeundae Lovers, liking it so far as one of those that is light and entertaining and I could put down/put off when I need to much easier than some others!!


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I officially love the writer director team of golden time and obgyn doctors. I thought bong dal hee was good but obgyn is way better.


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I loved ob/gyn. One of the few medical dramas made in Korea that I liked actually.


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are you watching golden time too? I think what makes obgyn different is it's actually a medical drama without the ridiculous hospital intrigue part that most of the include.


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Don't feel attracted by Golden Time, don't know why. Maybe when it's over I will start watching it. I've heard it's a mix of serious and funny and it's quite graphic. What do you think of it?


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I wouldn't call it serious or funny. Just kind of warm and sincere. I've only seen 8 episodes, there isn't much humor it's very dry versus jokey. All the medical shows are graphic, I'm not particularly bothered by it as much as I was by the brain or heart surgery or the obgyn surgeries. Might just be an immunity from medical program exposure at this point.


Hi ahjummabunny! hope you have a wonderful weekend and ob/gyn is awesome :) it actually has the dubious honor of being the only medical k-drama I've enjoyed.


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you too min, weekend-like. You picked a good one.


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Ooh, it's Friday night. Hope everyone has a happy weekend!

Just got back from watching Kathryn Bernardo and Khalil Ramos's mall show here... The lengths to which my Princess and I addiction drives me.

My list of K-dramas to watch is getting so long already. Also excited about Arang, Faith... even Nice Guy simply because it has both SJK and MCW in it. I wish we had more hours in a day so we can watch more dramas lol.


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I know. I just don't have all the time for what I want to watch. I still need to catch up on about 5 dramas from this past season before I get sucked into the next. I think a few weekend marathons will probably get all those out of the way though. :)

I'm also excited about Faith, Arang, Nice Guy and To The Beautiful You (I hate to admit it though!). On the TW/C drama front, I'm looking forward to Joe Cheng and Winnie Helms' new dramas. They Kiss Again is my all-time favorite drama, so I'm hoping their new projects will be good.


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LOL why do you hate to admit it. :D
I have to do a weekend marathon one of these days... K-drama deprivation is something awful. :(
But first I need to bribe my brother to go DVD shopping with a list because I don't know where to go... ooops. :D


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I just hate to admit how much I'm looking forward to a teenaged gender-bender rom-com is all! As someone well past her teens, I should be watching something with a bit more gravitas. But screw that, I want pretty boys and silly antics and lots of manufactured angst. That's why I love K-dramas so much! ;)

Hope you found a way to bribe that brother of yours :)


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Silliness keeps us balanced! ;) There's already too much heavy stuff in the real world as it is. (So my love for Princess and I is also justified! I am well past my teens too. :D )

I will probably need to keep my brother supplied with Coca-cola for a month or something, lol.


Hello everyone! It's been a while since I could play on OT day, but I just have to pose this question.

For those who watched both, which did you prefer: I Need Romance or I Need Romance 2012? I must say, as much as I loved the actors in 2012, I think I ultimately thought the stories from the first season were more interesting.

I thought that 2012 ended up ending everything WAAAY too neatly, with marriages seemingly for everyone and babies for most, just because finales need babies.


Did anyone else like the first season better?


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The thing is, INR2012: I saw the end coming. I didn't agree with the ending for first season but at least it had an element of surprise. Here it's just "well on tracks". I also loved more the group of girls of the first season.


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Finished I Need Romance 2, and while I enjoyed it, I'm glad it's over because I don't think I can handle the wishy-washiness of it any longer. Liked the way it ended for the main couple, very realistic like season 1 even if I didn't like that ending. Now that INR2 is done, I can say that neither season is better than the other. Each has its charm but are both flawed and frustrating. I loved the friendship in INR1 and the friends' personalities as well as their storylines (Kim Deuk-su, you are one sexy, ping-ponging nerd boy). In INR2, I ended up not caring about the friends, disliked how each of their stories got tied up into little neat bows, and I blame the writers for that. They didn't showcase the friends enough, so I didn't have time to love them. But the love triangle in INR2 was more interesting to me because both guys were so even, whereas in INR1, it was, to me, once a cheater always a cheater. If they make a third season, they should make it where both the love triangle and the girls' friendship are compelling at the same time.


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I was watching this Hindi Drama called 'Iss Pyaar Ko kya naam doon' and it's got a great story line.... But the thing about Indian Serial's is that they tend to drag. A lot...

So I just watch the good parts and skip the rest.

Anyway my to watch list is getting bigger and bigger with each passing day! Too many dramas and yet so little time! ;D


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Do the camera also zoom in to the main characters over and over again at crucial moment in the drama? :)
Because I always think that Indian dramas and Indonesian dramas bear this similarity, in terms that they tend to exaggerate certain scenes. :D oh, and Indonesian dramas also tend to drag a lot too..


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Ugh, I mean Hindi dramas. I translated it directly, and just realized that I used the ambiguous term.


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Hey guys!!!! So does any one watch/know about the OCN series Yaksa? I heard it's really good. Kinda of like Games of Thrones-ish. Anyone?

Anyways, just moved into my dorm for college! WOO!!! School in 3 days though :[ booooo!!


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Hello everyone! Running a bit late as I hauled topsoil to my parent's house to fill in a hole left my a late, lamented maple that went down in a windstorm. First batch of dirt is in, and I'm resting before tackling the next.

I'm watching RMPW, up to ep 5.

Also watching 18 vs 29, recco'd by an OT member, broadcast in 2005. I'm up to 10 on this one.

Also also watching Queen of SOP, a CDrama involving department stores. No shoes (sorry all you IDID peeps), but a pretty cute storyline with only one really evil character (who is not any of the leads).

Finished a Thai lakhorn, Sawan Saang, which begins with racecars but unfortunately doesn't stay on them.

So two amnesia cases, and one plucky girl / two chaebol triangles.

I'm still waiting for the final two epis of AGD, but given the moment is kaput, meh, I can wait for subtitles.

For the next batch of shows, I'm leaning towards Arang and VP2, but I have the attention span of terrier....Oh look! A rabbit!


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Oh I started RMPW this week and surprisingly really liked it!!!

Hope you have a good week Unni!!! <3


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Thanks, Leaf!

Going out to play in the dirt some more with my dad. Next RMPW epi is Tuesday, I think, and the subs are done quickly! I love it!

Take care!


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Loving RMPM! First dorama I've watched in a long while, because there simply wasn't anything that appealed to my tastes.

How is Queen of SOP? I want to watch it, but it's got to wait a while. I can't find any raws to download, unfortunately, but only Viki is subbing it so there won't be any softsubs so I guess my only option is streaming it on Viki. I just hope the show is still available once I have time to watch it.


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Hey Shuk!

The weather seems to be crazy everywhere. There's been a couple of thunderstorms where I'm living.

Queen of SOP doesn't have shoes, but the characters do have very nice clothes. I want to steal the female lead's wardrobe. There's an evil character? *racks memory* Who?

Oh right, VP2 is coming out too...ohgod, I have school...not.enough.time....


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@ Whimsy

Hello! The one evil character in QofSOP is the uncle manipulating stocks and inventory to spiral the company out of control. It's like the premise in RMPW, while take over a company that is going to hit the skids because of your machinations? It just doesn't compute.

And, yes, the wardrobe is choice. Not to keen on the male lead's sweaters, but knitted fuzz is not normally a look I like on a man.


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Hi Shukmeister!
oh gosh 18 vs. 29 was one of my faves!!! and it has my ahjusshi crush Ryu Soo Young!!! hehehehe AND It has a very baby faced Choi Siwon... yep wonderful wonderful drama hope you are enjoying it!

don't strain your back as you shovel dirt in!!


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@ Min!

Yep, too late on the back thing, LOL. Dad sat in a chair and directed all the many many wheelbarrow drops, but insisted on raking it smooth by himself. He's healing nicely for an 80+ year old, but I think he misses his yardwork activities.

It took a couple of episodes before I realized that Siwon was the young doppelganger. I thought his acting was better in this than in "Oh My Lady" - maybe it's a director issue (remembering the conversation upthread)?

Between that amnesia and RMPW's prosopagnosia, medical quirks are running rampant in my current watch schedule. Still, it's nice to be able to watch a series all the way through. I plan on marathoning Ghost once all subs are in place.


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Happy Friday, OTers!

Just finished INR2 (literally - I told myself that I couldn't join in the OT until I watched the finale), and I have to say, I'm satisfied. At the end of ep. 15, I was sure that any possible ending was going to leave sad and depressed, but the finale was just the right mix of bitter and sweet for me.

Haeundae Lovers - For the most part, I really like it. It's just quirky enough, and Kim Kang-woo is perfect. It's hard for me to ship the OTP, though, because the hero is married. Woah that's a big problem, no matter how much I enjoy the rest of the show. So until I see a few more episodes, I'm on the fence.

Answer Me 1997 - Watched the first episode and really like it so far. I'm hoping to watch some more later today or tonight.

Gaksital - I'm going to be brief because if I don't watch myself, I'll go on forever about every little detail. Here's the short version: I love this show. It definitely has its flaws, and sometimes (okay, pretty much every episode) it seriously creeps me out, but I appreciate that it doesn't shy away from the darkness of the subject matter, and I love the complexity of (most of) the characters.

I'm also watching the original INR (3 episodes in) and the Tdrama Autumn's Concerto (15 episodes in) on the side. And AGD ends this weekend! I sympathize with all the fans who want more, but I'm ready to close the book on this one. So yay for finales! and yay for HeadsNo2 only having one more episode of Dr. Jin! You can do it!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and that this new batch of dramas doesn't let us down!


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Autumn's Concerto! Welcome to the #wuniverse! oh, how I loved Ren. Bitter Ren especially. You'll see. At some point...this may move off 'side viewing' for you and become a marathon.


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Thank you! It was a marathon for awhile, but (SPOILERY??) now that he's remembered, it's easier for me to watch at a slower pace. Savoring a drama can be fun, too. And, yes, bitter Ren is fascinating. : )


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Hello all, and happy Friday!

My Joo Won addiction has no end. I've watched 1N2D, which had me laughing nonstop when I marathoned it. I've watched Ojakgyo Brothers, which I liked a lot, but I don't ever want to tackle another long drama. And I've watched most of Baker King despite my better judgment, and that drama only confirmed 3 things: 1) I love Joo Won, 2) Joo Won is beautiful, and 3) I'd watch anything with Joo Won.

Okay, so I'm gonna go off on Baker King because I could not get over the stupidity of the characters. Most of the plotlines in this drama could have been solved if the characters (in most cases, this would be our lead, Kim Tak-gu) would just f-ing tell someone the problem. But then there'd be no drama, which makes me upset with the writers for not covering up these obvious, gaping plot holes. And partly because of my Joo Won bias and partly not, I did not hate the Ma-jun character. He was the only character I kind of rooted for. Objectively speaking, he was the only character who actually did things when he was wronged, no matter how justified or unjustified. The good guys just sat back and let all the bad things happen without budging. Plus, Ma-jun was the only character who had potential to change, so that made me root for him even more. The good guys were so quick to vilify Ma-jun when among their group, um hello, one of them cut the gas line for money and could have killed Tak-gu and anybody else, really, and another guy with the windmill tattoo might have inadvertently killed Tak-gu's mother. (Do not get me started on her! What-the-hell-are-you-so-angry-about-you-purposely-left-your-son-on-the-rich-doorstep-of-his-father's-mansion!) Alas, I ended up watching for Ma-jun's story, which was more compelling to me than Tak-gu, whose reunion with his mother was meh, could care more but why waste the energy? Tak-gu's got two parents that love him, whereas Ma-jun's parents are at opposite ends. His (supposed) father (so selfish and hypocritical) can't seem to give a shit about him, and his mother loves him too much it suffocates him. Can someone just hug him? Actually, the saddest scene for me was at the end when Ma-jun visited his real dad in prison, the evil Manager Han. When the biggest emotional reaction for me come from two hateful characters, that tells you something about the rest of this drama, eh? All that said, I didn't dislike the drama, but it's nothing to gush about. But one of the things I did like about this drama was that it was set in the 1980s, so no silly cell phones were used for blatant advertising and as plot devices where the characters leave it in cars so others can intercept badly-timed phone calls. A+ for that?

Now I'm left with Joo Won's movies, and that makes me sad because I want more! I'm just glad his dramas were no mere 16-episoders. I think I'll just take a break from watching completed dramas now and let all the Joo Won-ness soak in.


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I imagined you writing that in one or two really long, excited, rant-y breaths, and I giggled the whole way through. BKKTG *was* infuriating, wasn't it?


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Glad I could provide you a small laugh. Yes, this drama was infuriating, and I needed to vent about it. Thank the heavens for Dramabeans!

I consider myself a nice person in general, I don't say no often, but this drama made me wary of being too nice. Tak-gu's nice guy act got tiring as much as the bad guys' evil plotting.


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LOL. i was going through the same thing when i watched it last year. i remember being traumatized with the ugly wigs >.<

watched it because i was curious to see Eugene as a b-tch but discovering Joo Won was a pleasant surprise. and yes, if it wasn't for Ma-jun either, this drama would've been included to my growing list of dropped dramas. and yes, Tak-gu's optimism and Mr. Nice Guy act was too annoying.

btw, have you watched the Baker King Special? if not, please do ^^


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I don't know what special you're talking about, but I did watch one where the cast were on a talk show. It was funny to watch. And I didn't think Eugene's character was a bitch at all. Misguided, yes, but I liked that about her and that's the reason why I loved her and Ma-jun's relationship. It felt uncomfortable at times, but you still wanted them to end up together because these two lost people needed each other to be happy. And I liked that Yu-kyung owned up to her decisions and mistakes and recognized that Tak-gu was too good for her (because he was).


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Hello all!

I just have a quick question. There's a song that I have heard a few times in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop that I have also heard in another drama that I cannot remember right now, but the time in FBRS that I particularly remember was in ep. 11 (I think?) during the kiss scene between Chi Soo and Eun Bi. I don't know the title or artist, but would someone else maybe know? I've been wanting to find out what it is for a while now. Thanks!


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Yes! I was like 99% sure it was Jung Il Woo, but couldn't ever find it for some probably stupid reason. Since it's for the FBRS soundtrack, is it normal for it to be in other dramas?


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Happy OT everyone! So here in my time, it's mornin' bright and shinin' and... HOT. *pants* Hahaha, well, I'm going to Taiwan in a few days! Random, I know. But it's so sweltering hot there... how am I gonna live? ~(-o-)~ I can just imagine myself... in my grandma's aparment, AC on, on the computer, watching dramas and whatnot. Hahaha.

So any of you watching Gakistal? I have a question. Right now, as with the recaps, I can tell that this drama, in JB and GF's opinions, is very favorable and they like it a lot. Do any of you guys who have watched City Hunter, think that Gakistal is up to par with it? Maybe a 10/10 or 9/10 later on the ratings list? Looking back at it (probably because I missed Lee Minho as City Hunter, aka nostagia) it's the 3rd time I've rewatched bits of it. Although I guess City Hunter and Gakistal are the tiniest bit similar in that the leads hide their identity, would you guys compare these two dramas? And if you would, which one scores higher?

Aaaannnd that was question No. 1.

Second question, would you guys prefer faulty acting and great screenwriting or great acting and faulty screenwriting? I know, I know, great everything (directing, writing, and acting) is the best. BUT, I'm saying, if you had to choose. Better acting or better plot?

ANYWAYS... I love Gakistal right now. <3
Gakistal's pretty much near perfect if you ask me. Probably the only problem is... I'm not as interested in Mok Dan as I guess I'm "supposed" to be. I know that she's the main girl, (as opposed to Rie, who is... 2nd main girl) but I feel like suddenly Rie is the main girl... she just does more stuff than Mok Dan. And Kang-to? I love you as much as Yoon Sung (Lee Minho).


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I will always take a good script over actors. Why? Because even the best actor can't save a story without head or tail. Bad dialogues, messed up story line and lame humor can't be compensated. On the other hand, a skilled person in charge of the cast can find THE actor who fits for the role. Look at So Ji-sub: He doesn't act really. He is living in front of the camera as himself. And it's fine.
Also, a bad actor (or a rookie) can be helped by a brilliant script with lot of side infos about his character. The worst is a bad actor + a crappy scenario and a director who tells you "do what you want". It's a recipe for a disaster.
There is some exceptions to my rule: When the chemistry between the actors is so strong than you can lean on it, even if the story is flawed: See Me too, Flower or The King2 Hearts, or even QIHM.


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Oh yes, QIHM. How that broke my heart. Almost perfect. Almost perfect. Goddamn that cell phone thingy. But then again, I wouldn't know how to end the story without that, other than heartbreak for a million years. But I still loved it. And yes, thanks for your answer, Mystisith(:


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I knowww! Up until the second half of ep 16 QIHM was brilliant. And then the cell phone thing happened. :( I do think the writer wrote her(?)self into a corner and couldn't figure out any other way to end it happily but still.


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Question 1: It's fair to compare because they are similar. I loved City Hunter when I watched it. In the back of my mind, I rate dramas when I finish them. CH is a 10. But Gaksital is totally taking control of me and blowing my mind off to wonders in a way that City Hunter never did that I have to give it a 100. I've only started watching dramas regularly two years ago, and for the longest time, Coffee House was my favorite (love that to death). But Gaksital is shooting straight for the top of my list. And even though it's not finished, I have enough faith in the drama to keep being excellent until the end.

Question 2: That's a tough one. Ultimately, I choose better writing with sub-par acting over bad writing with great acting. I love writing, and the thought of presenting crap makes me cringe.


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Thanks! So far many people choose better plot and subpar acting over horrible plot and wonderful cast. I'd have to say I'm with you guys


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City Hunter and Gaksital are both awesome, but for totally different reasons. City Hunter had constant payoffs and twists but never went as quite dark as I wanted it to, especially with regards to Yoon-sung, whereas Gaksital is the opposite: it's just as twisted and dark as I could want but the overall plot movement is kind of stop-and-go.

I think a lot of people feel that way about Rie and Mok Dan. On their own, I like both girls but have to admit that Mok Dan doesn't have as interesting arcs or as many layers as Rie, which is disappointing. With Kang-to, however, I like them pretty equally and think both pairings work. It's just that Mok Dan and Kang-to have that achingly, sweetly romantic type of chemistry, and Rie and Kang-to have a raw, sizzling chemistry.


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About the Rie and Mok Dan thing. I totally agree. Kang-to and Mok Dan are really your typical sweet candy pretty romancy couple. Kang-to with Rie? It's like putting two tigers in the same pit, watching the tension filled air. *Sizzle* Rie makes me intrigued, Mok Dan leaves me all, "So... that was it?" I do acknowledge that they both have the skills to act, but I like my characters with layers. I'd prefer that to a character who I could read like a neon sign. Thanks becca_boo!


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Bingo! *flashes devilish grin and winks*


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Question 1: I've watched both City Hunter and Gaksital, I like both of them and think each has it's own strengths and flaws. Both are action series, but City Hunter is lighter with more comedy and bright colors, while Gaksital is much darker and with a greater social conscience. Personally, I think City Hunter has the better love story and better directing (cinematography and soundtrack), Gaksital has the cast of morally grey and complex characters, a more interesting setting, and is much much darker. Both suffer from plot holes in the writing, but that seems to happen with all action series.

Question 2: Better writing for me. I find that weak actors are bolstered by a great script far more often than great actors save a terrible script. For example, White Christmas had a very very green cast, but it's one of my all time favorites because the writing and directing were both brilliant.


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Ahh, yess. White Christmas. I really liked Moo Yul(:


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Ah well... yeah, obviously the dramas are quite similar. Both revenge against corrupt people while using a secret identity. However I believe City Hunter wins in terms of directing (not that GAKSITAL!!!!!!!!! is bad is this) as the way it was filmed was just perfect. Also I think the writting maybe slightly better on City Hunter too. Can't explain that but Gaksital felt a bit uneven in the middle (basically after ep 6) but well... it got awesome again :D

However I kinda think Gaksital is better because the story is so much more interesting and unique. Japanese occupation and your 'Hero' starts out completely evil?? I think that beats City Hunters standard revenge plot by MILES. Also as I just said Gaksital is DARK. So so much more dark than City Hunter. And they certainly don't airbrush anything out of history which leaves you with horrific inccidents which make you want to scream.

And the second question is easy. Good writing is paramount. Good acting can never fully save anything whereas bad acting is merely just annoying.


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Thanks Leaf! Looks like the second question was a no brainer for you. (:


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Happy OT all! ^^

I finished watching GHOST last night. OMG! Awsome! IF you have not seen it, you should. Fast pace edge of your seat thrill ride. Yep. I was even happy with the ending. :p

Rich man, poor woman---definitely my new crack. haha! Strong character and storyline. A tweek here and there would be better but overall, not bad.

Can't wait until next week for Arang and Faith. ^_^

Have a great Friday and weekend. :)


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*Warning: Spoilers Galore*

Ghost's script is the definitely one of the most well-written of the year, in my opinion, but the ending was an anti-climactic cop-out.

One part of the ending that I appreciated was that Jo Hyun Min was remorseful in the end, and that he chose to kill himself when he realized he killed someone who truly loved him and was also bearing his child. There was a certain poetic justice in that. Kudos to Uhm Ki Joon for doing an excellent job portraying Jo Hyun Min because we could always see sparks of his humanity beneath his megalomania.

But the ending was still a major cop-out. The script writer slacked off in so many areas. For example, one of the recurring motifs in the drama was how easily data was manipulated and yet Jo Hyun Min chose to believe his arch-nemesis' words that Shin Hyojung was pregnant just based on a few ultrasound images? Come on, there should at least have been a video of her at the hospital, happily filming and talking to herself about seeing her baby for the first time.

Also, Kiyoung-Woohyun concluded in the end that the legal system was flawed and couldn't bring about justice, so he turned to illegal methods and released Jo Hyun Min's x-files. In fact, he frequently used his hacking skills throughout the drama. Yet in the end, he chooses to keep pretending to be Kim Woohyun, who personifies rigid adherence to legal and police codes. The ending reiterated Kim Woohyun's last message to Kang Mi, "become a good cop, unlike me." But how is Kiyoung-Woohyun supposed to be a good cop when his very nature is to be a renegade hacker? And doesn't Woohyun's son deserve to know the truth? Kiyoung-Woohyun's whole purpose of becoming Woohyun was to avenge his friend and clear his name. He accomplished that, so why can't he begin the steps towards reclaiming his identity? With Jo Hyun Min gone, there's nothing stopping him.

And since we had a nice happy ending, couldn't the script writer have closed some ends on the budding Kiyoung-Woohyun and Kang Mi relationship? Just one scene of him teasing her or something would have been enough.

And I can't believe the whole solution to Jo Hyun Min's master-mind plotting and manipulation was simply to release Jo Hyun Min's x-files. If that's the case, why the fudge couldn't Kiyoung-Woohyun have released them sooner? Kiyoung-Woohyun realized that Jo Hyun Min's power of coercion lay in blackmailing ever since he talked to the crooked prosecutor and found out that Safe Tech's antivirus software contained backdoor trojans.

This series was amazing, but it dragged on in the last few episodes, recycling the same plot devices. It should have been shortened to 16 episodes.

Sorry for the paragraphs -_-" Despite my ranting, I still think Ghost is one of the best dramas of the year.


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I just learned that I can't teach English in Korea as a non-native speaker, no matter how qualified I am :(

very sad :(

very VERY sad :(

one more dead dream...


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Hey Mia,

It might not be absolutely impossible... depends on what you're willing/able to do, I think. For example, a Seoul hagwon might not hire someone not from a native English-speaking country, but outside of Seoul, it might be possible for a highly qualified teacher from a country where English is in common use to find a job.

There are also the niche markets -- private tutoring, TOEFL, SAT, business English, college application consulting... expertise in those areas might transcend nationality (not to mention, teaching in those areas is much more lucrative than teaching at a hagwon or a public school).

I'm just saying, if you're determined to teach in Korea, there might be a way... :)


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I am sorry to hear this. The same thing happened to me last year. Although my degree and years of experience were appreciated, I was told that I would not qualify because I was from a country that was not "on the list." Broke my heart into pieces as I had completed all my paperwork and was looking forward to teaching in Korea. I hope a better opportunity comes your way :)


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Koreans love me because I'm a white American female with an undergrad degree in English from Harvard. Does any of that mean I can teach English as a foreign language? Of course not, but the hagwons in the rich areas of Seoul like to advertise that they have teachers like me (North American, white, Ivy League) because that appeals to what the mothers want for their kids (an American Ivy League education).

It's certainly true that a North American accent is most highly valued here in Korea, but from what I've seen, there's plenty of room in the niche markets for people other than North Americans.


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H.O.T!, H.O.T!

LOL, waiting for more 1997.


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I will catch up with Ghost as it has not been done subbing yesterday... I am looking forward to Arang and Faith..... =) Have a great week-end...


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I thought i have more time to watch drama ( Shut Up Flower Boy Band and Joseon X Files) this past two weeks but olympics and pinterest kept be busy.

Im only watching Rich Man Poor Woman. Started Haeundae Lovers but im not that impressed yet.

Excited for Arang, Faith and may also watch Beautiful You also.


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I would like to see more of the korean films everyone is watching in Estonian cinemas, but we only get some korean during the Dark Nights Film Festival. Do I really have to wait till December? *whine whine whine*

can you tell me if there are any really good films available online?


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Totally random question: just finished Ojakkyo Brothers last week and was wondering what's with the matchy matchy pink for girl blue for boy honeymoon jammies (complete with printed cutesiness) that crop up in kdramas (Big too, if I recall rightly).

Is this a kdrama PG friendly trope to foster a sense of continuity between squeaky clean romance and marriage-sanctioned sexy times, or do Korean couples really get those for honeymoon trips (I'm presuming to be supplemented with something flimsier and hotter)?


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Random question but a good one, Farpavilions!

As an American, I also wondered about that, but I have no clue what the answer is. In Playful Kiss, they were wearing exactly the same pattern. It may be that, as a more conservative country, they may no appreciate the lingerie shown in, say "Desperate Housewives".


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Ah! Still no answers .... maybe it makes as little sense to native Koreans as to befuddled kdrama viewers.


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Good OT my fellow Beanies!! I think its been about a month since I last posted. Internet out here in the boonies is still weird: youtube, hulu, dramafever, etc load slow or never while Netflix zips along. Strange right? Even my brotherinlaw who works on computers for a living couldn't answer that one except for maybe the commercials were messing with the buffing.
While I'm sad i haven't watched any dramas (i haven't even finished House) because of these issues it doesn't feel like I'm missing out too much because i've been able to read recaps (except for Gakitsaaaaal). But i have been watching a lot of Korean movies on Netflix: 50+ for almost 2 months all other genres be damned. And even watched a few dramas there: Midas (frustrating!! and feed poor No min-woo!), rewatched My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (can't wait for Arang and the Magistrate) and You're Beautiful (cute but frustrating), and I have a couple more on my queue. I'm not yet hard up enough to watch Boys Before Flowers (though, I'm sure that'll happen in the winter).
On another note my friend, who is a radio DJ for mostly Indie Rock & Rap and Metal, LOVES Psy's "Gangdam Style."
The rogue antelope is still coming into my yard. He's not scared of people (my dad attempted to chase him away but the antelope just gave him a 'wtf weirdo?' look). My neighbors are constantly taking pictures of the antelope when he's in their yards. The sprinklers don't scare him, he just moves to another spot in the yard. Neither does cars or even the garbage truck. What finally scared him enough to leave the yard (at least for a little bit)? I was coming from the garage, my phone rang, and it was TOP's "Turn It Up" :) I wonder if "Gangdam style" would work too?


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that is one strange antelope. I wouldn't get close to it at all. how is your netflix volume? Why don't you try an adblocker- dramafever and viki are very obliging while hulu will tell you that you need to watch their ad so that they can give you free programming. Quite rude, really.


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There's an adblocker my brotherinlaw installed. He suggested upgrading my software including adobe flash even though i already have or better yet getting a new computer as this one is 5 years old and falling apart. I'm going to have him look at it again to see if he can salvage it, i doubt it, and to look at the internet to see if that's the problem.
as for hulu i stopped using it because i still had to deal with commercials even after paying. i figured that would get the message across that i was unhappy with them. i also convinced a few other people to just use their free version instead of hulu plus.
netflix volume is quiet, i have to have it at maximum just to hear it.


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Happy OT everyone!

I'm on a GTO craze lol. Watching the 2012 version as well as the anime. Still need to watch the movie.

I watched Jeon Do Yeon in My Dear Enemy. I thought it was boring as all hell so hopefully Countdown is as fantastic as it seems to be. Anyone watch it? Is it good?


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I loved the original GTO! I guess that's why I'm not planning to watch the new one. Is it any good?


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I think it's good. I was really surprised by the original. There was so much porn everywhere! lol.


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Ha! But I'm not sure that the original drama is that hentai though, I think it was hinted but not explicitly shown (again my memory is fuzzy since I watched it many moons ago). The mangas on the other hand are filled with many blurry pictures (they were censored in my country :D)

Is the story similar to the original one?


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Hey all DB peeps! Long time no talk. I have been a bit lazy with OT Fridays, as well as in the drama department. The Olympics messed up my drama groove. The only drama I'm really watching right now is "Rich Man, Poor Woman" which is a J-drama. So far, so good. I'm just waiting for "A Gentleman's Dignity" to come back so I can finish it off, and feel comfortable starting a new drama. It seems some of the new ones are looking promising. I should really watch "Answer Me, 1997", since I said earlier that I would watch it just for Hoya. I figure, I saw L in a drama, I might as well watch Hoya. ;-) Hope everyone is well!


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Has anyone seen the JDrama and/or movie Densha Otoko?


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Hi John! I have and I loved it. There are so many interesting and funny characters portrayed in the drama. And it's definitely one of the funniest j-doramas I've watched. :)
Btw, what do you think of Liar Game? Are you planning on watching the second season as well?


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Btw, I prefer the drama version to the movie because it doesn't focus solely on the love relationship between densha & otoko, and the drama gave a more satisfying ending compared to the movie.


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I just watched Ep 1. I like it.


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Glad you like it John! :)
Back then, I was hooked from the first episode and dramathoned the whole dorama in 2 days..


Haven't seen Densha Otoko, but checked it out now thanks to you mentioning it. Sounds interesting! Might give that a try. Putting it on the to-watch list for sure.


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I'm on Ep 2. An uber-dweeb meets the girl of his dreams while stopping a drunk from harassing her on the train.

With the support of his group of chat room friends, can the dork transform into Don Juan?


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Thanks you. I remember seeing something about it months ago.

Liar Game was ok, (watched primarily for Erica Toda ), I'll probably watch the 2nd season but not right away. The last episode was a way-too-long season recap and that kind of put me off a bit.

Is there any romance between Kanzaki and Akiyama? That would move it up on the watch list.


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I think some undertones romance between Kanzaki and Akiyama was hinted, but the drama never really went there. And I felt the same thing, I kept watching it with hope that their relationship will blossom as they would make a really cute pairing! :)


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I have only seen the second film (in which Erika Toda is replaced by another actress) and because I reviewed it, I did some research on all of the Liar Game versions. From what I can tell, neither the source manga, nor the doramas nor the films really have romance developing. Remotest hints of it - but the manga itself is classified as "psychological seinen manga" (seinen = targeted audience are young men, 18-30), which pretty much rules out romance. You would need shoujo or josei for that.


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It seems as though Erika Toda's characters never get romanced. Have you seen SPEC? I really enjoyed her character in that.


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I have seen parts of SPEC, need to get back onto it!


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I wonder if anyone here watches Beloved. It's slow but painful to watch but I cannot stop now.


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I thought of marathoning it later...watched 4 ep.


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Does anyone post on the Open Thread after Friday/Sat morning :o? I keep missing it...


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Hi MeeisLee, it normally starts on Friday morning around 6.20 AM PST.


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Wait...guys...WHAT IS THIS??? I think I get that this is an open forum and the only features are comments but are there any particular topics we're focusing on? HELP!


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Hello Miss D! Welcome!
Originally it's a forum for K drama lovers but it became a nice place where DB faithful followers can talk about all and everything. Well, by experience "religion & politics" can be a bit tricky. LOL. But for the rest, feel free to share, rant, rave or even ask for infos. You can browse the last OTs to have an idea on what is trendy.
I'll never tell enough: DB community is the best and the OT is a great place to be.
PS: Love your blog! Keep posting. :)


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Aww thanks so much for the help :D you indeed prove your point by being the first to share the love. Thanks!


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Is anyone else nursing a steadily worsening crush on Sung Sikyung? I've liked him well enough in the occasional guest variety role i saw him in, but now in 1n2d I am fast becoming hopelessly besotted.

Please tell me I'm not alone! I don't even know why he's so sexy. >.<'


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there is this kbs entertainment program that asked the question better with or without glasses? they featured chae daniel and sung shi kyung among others I didn't know well or at all at the time. Anyway, choi daniel was voted as better looking with his glasses ( I disagree) and in sung si kyung's experiment they put him on the street without his glasses and everyone just passed him as if he was some random ahjussi! All kinds of funny, really. I agree that he does look better with his glasses. He was part of yoo hui yol's sketchbook "the touch" one summer, and this bf wrote in that his gf was all kinds of obsessed with ssk. It was pretty embarrassing. I'd like to be embarrassed like that on yu hui yol's sketchbook someday.


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