Moon Geun-young and Park Shi-hoo team up in rom-com

Okay, these are not two actors I’d peg for a weekend drama, but I AM suddenly a lot more interested in Alice in Cheongdam-dong, a weekend romantic comedy that has just secured Moon Geun-young as the leading lady and Park Shi-hoo as her love interest. I KNOW! Who’s excited?

The drama, based on a novel titled Cheongdam-dong Audrey, features an “infinitely positive” heroine, Se-kyung, who lives by the motto “Hard work creates your success.” So far, so good.

The title is a riff on Alice in Wonderland, with Se-kyung playing the newcomer to this strange, insular world of designer clothes and consumerism that is Cheongdam-dong, Seoul. Okay, I’m still with you. Cheongdam-dong has a very specific image, and I can see how it could be cute to have a drama’s exploring the character and quirks of the locale.

Se-kyung is a talented young designer who wins a number of contests and gets hired at an apparel design company, only to find herself relegated to errand girl for the boss’s wife. To make things worse, that hoity-toity wife was once her high school classmate, who was way worse a student than Se-kyung.

We don’t yet have a lot of info about Park Shi-hoo’s character, but it seems he’ll be a president of a clothing shop. It sounds like the basis of a standard Cinderella setup, but with these actors I’m sincerely hoping there’s a lot more to it than Star In My Heart Redux.

Moon’s last two dramas have been pretty spectacularly disappointing for me, but she’s always a boon to any project — she’s such a great actress regardless of her age, but especially so considering it. It’s too bad Cinderella’s Sister dropped a PD and went so angst-mopey in its second half, and that Mary Stayed Out All Night fired a writer and went from boring to insane. But she was wonderful throughout despite it all. Meanwhile, Park Shi-hoo really turned it up for his last drama series, The Princess’s Man, which netted him some awards and a nice big boost in popularity (not that he was so lacking in it before).

Alice in Cheongdam-dong is written by the scripters behind Tree With Deep Roots and Queen Seon-deok in what I assume will be a big departure from their epic sageuk background. It’ll follow Five Fingers and plans to premiere later this year.

Via E Daily, Osen


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Okay, even though there is NOTHING even remotely new about the story, the lead pair makes it for me. MGY is indeed an amazing actress and PSH is just... hot. :D


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Looking forward to December to see the two, I see the already magnificent pair before my screen mGy is no longer a little girl and I look for him given Psh hot kisses lol


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Omo romeo back with the princess of Korea in December, I love this couple it, even if the story seems a bit more of the same but I trust both to crush the story are two good actors strongly in December can not wait good luck!


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I still can not see him, but they are both very talented and I'm sure they'll make it work.


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Moon Geun-young Park Shi Hoo and are two actors who have chemistry crazy with their co-stars, whatever you happen to think the pairings are, I think that says a lot about their work. I suspect none of them date their costars, but I can always count on them to put on the performance of novel highly credible in mGy drames.Je think this almost magical ability to make her fall for her role in male when it is on the set of a series or a show together because it is known to be very nice with not only the male lead, but also the staff working behind the cameras. Psh has great expressions and the ability to make the audience feel what he feels. So that the mixture of these 2 will explode our screens :) everyone loves them!


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I'm excited.
I love both of these people, and I agree with you about her last two dramas not being so hot. So hopefully - the writers take this cliche and own it!


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And yes innattendu really see them one day in a drama that is more are my two favorite actors, while at first mGy I love in almost all of these roles, she has a sense of life even more impossible dramas (Mary Stay Out All Night) it is so incredible that you carry in your role before the camera, it looks like she was born there that's the talent and Psh;) oh what to say to me this is the best I love his expressions, so that it takes you is taped to the point of not wanting to breathe lol, seriously he honed his acting, put the two together I think the final result is just a feast for eyes!


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So excited and look forward to Dec. Finally PSH will be back on screen! I will watch the drama regardless who is the female co-star as long as PSH is the lead. He is so magnetic and have good chemistry with his female lead.


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Frankly no matter the history of drama, the main thing is that Psh and mGy have a talent pool and they will make a great drama and a good team


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oh I'm glad they can work together on this project and that we are dying to our screens


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Basically, I am convinced that these two can bring chemistry and transform a "been there, done that" throughout history into something special. Shi hoo Park is an incredible actor and he always brings something new and unique to the table and Moon geun young has emerged as a multi-talented actress, Park Shi-hoo and Moon Geun-young are both amazing players, both have enough charisma to make it work, then they expect more us into this beautiful story ^ ^


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Moon Geun-young needed to go back and do a romcom (none of this this melo stuff, altho she is a very fine actress).

That girl has great comic timing, isn't shy about facial expressions and just has a lot of charm.

While her movies like "My Little Bride" and "Innocent Steps" weren't what one would consider great films, they were just good fun.


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hey the beautiful mGy back so I waited for her in the most beautiful smile with Psh kills humm, I expect hot kisses that will warm us strongly for christmas lol


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MGY is a talented actress is not for nothing that she has won so many awards for everything she has done so far, despite his last drama was a failure but was rewarded for his talent! !!!!!!!!!!!!


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Yeah mGy is a great actress and the best of his generation and what is more there are so many actors and actresses who want to work with her because they recognize that it has a great talent, its proof see all awards for his films and dramas, psh I saw in PP and the princess man I loved his smile and his game and I think the duo will do a good work


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strongly in December to see mGy Psh paliiiiiiiiiiiiii


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Wouaaaaaaaaaa psh finally dropped this guy is, his smile always makes me cracked and will benefit mGy :), I want so much to see
what more with these two wonderful actors


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Yey! Another drama for MGY!


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Moon geun young is back!


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Park shi hoo is back too!


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Park shi hoo + Moon geun young = sweet, nice, respect, and talent worker crazy they have in common!


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Just reading the title makes me feel EXCITED!! I wanted to see MGY and I miss PSH! and two of them in ONE drama!!

can't wait!!hjasdaghsdfahgsjdkals


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My goodness, who is not excited to see Park Shi Hoo, in anything? He's so gorgeous.

I have to say I am totally baffled on the Moon Guen-yung appeal. I saw her in Mary..., Cinderella's... and Autumn's Tale. What is her appeal? She seems like a cool girl, intelligent and clearly accomplished. The juxtaposition of her photo above, the preceding article with an image of Han Ye-Suel... Do you see where I am going? Someone please help me understand her appeal?

Right now, I cannot see PSH and MGY as a believable couple at all. Is this to demonstrate that physical appearance is not everything? The male character has depth? what?


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MGy has nothing to prove she has already done so it is already recognized as a great actress, glad to see her more with Psh!


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I love Moon Geun-young! She was in the very first korean movie I ever watched a couple years ago. Before I knew it I was watching kdramas and got hooked!

And after Princess' Man I've had such a soft spot for Park Shi-hoo! PM is def somewhere on my top 3 and i HIGHLY recommend it.

Looking forward to this!


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Psh this is true from princess loved only man I loved the way he played, the different facets that I could see had a great actor, and c mGy my favorite actress so I am happy that they can work together!


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Park Si Hoo in it? You'll get a guarantee at least one person will def watch it. ME.


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I love it! they are back together my darlings more
this is a dream come true haha


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MGY is back, I waited for her


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Happy return of the two, I can not wait to see my screen


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I've been waiting centuries for him to come back. I'd watch anything religiously with him in it. And Moon Geun Young's a crowd pleaser, so I'm totally signed up for this drama.


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happy to return, there's more to wait until December!


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I'm looking forward to it already December, I want to see them in action lol my bb


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yeah.. Park Shi Hoo
I didn't really warmed up with MGY but Cinderella's Sister was full of angst and she projected,,.


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I'm sure they have chemistry, MGY has already played with older players that Psh, so I think it will work between the two, just have a good story and lots of kisses with more lol two actors talents could ask for more in December so I wait impatiently!!


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PSH!!! need i say more?!


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Oh Romeo and princess Moon back , my favorite actors are back together in what is more a drama, I'm all exitée to see them act together!


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So after Shi Hoo Park worked with Moon Chae Won, he returned with his best friend, Moon Geun Young. Let's see which of the two ladies had better chemistry with Park Shi Hoo, it will be interesting haha


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Park Shi Hoo and Moonie .. unexpected combo, but I'm looking forward to the drama ^ ^


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Moon.....She is the only one actress that I love in Korea.
I'm a girl but I'm really LOVE her. Hey I'm not a tomboy nor lebsin. I love not only her but also all of her movies
and dramas.

CS is the best love drama for me. I feel love
everytimes i watch it. And MMM, at first i think it's really
bad drama for her. When I saw Geun Geun fan page in fb, I think i have to watch MMM once more again and now I'm really like.

PSH, I'm fall in love with him when i watched How to meet a perfect neighbor. The boy with cold-blood maner and love for only one!

Anyways, In korea, there are only two person I love. They are PSH and MGY.........Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy..(THX GOD)


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I like to love these two actors


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How to tell? I'm surprised they will do a drama together, they have the talent but the story is that I hope to revisit our writers will make a good story, I love you mGy psh


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Uh what's the story with plagiarism Cheongdamdong Alice? I hope they will fix it as soon as possible because I want to see and Psh mGy


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Psh I have found excellent in TPM and I'm a fan now, his game was simply enormous if not mGy say oh it's just a great actress and the best of his generation, this girl is back then we still expect prices for end of year and Baeksang Art Awards and yes she misses not like what the queen is back OSCARDS strongly in December to see the two!


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For those who have hatred MGY or do not know please read and open your eyes :)

Moon Geun-young
Star. Icon. Nation's little sister. Now we call her by her name "Geun-young."

Shin Ae-duk
Moon Geun-young's grandmother. As a child, Moon began her day watching morning dramas with her grandmother and at nights would fall asleep while talking with her grandmother on what happened during the day with her parents being busy working. Her grandmother told her, "In life, people go through various ups and downs but I don't want you to think about that too much and rather work on refining yourself and grow up to become an intelligent actress." Moon Geun-young’s mother told her that the money she makes “is not our money" and suggested in donating it as "a way of investing your love to society.” One of the biggest reasons that Moon was able to act from a young age until now without faltering is because of the unconditional support she received from her family.

Yoo Dong-geun
Actor who played Moon's teacher in "Burnt Rice Teacher and Seven Potatoes," her father-in-law in "Empress Myung-sung" and then her father in "Wife." In her school's production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," Moon played one of the seven dwarfs and wanted to take up acting because it was "fun to show and express different images of myself to the audience.” The story that Moon's mother had promised to allow her daughter to become an actress if president-elect Kim Dae-jung wins the elections is well-known. Once Kim became president, Moon enrolled into acting school. And after an official from a broadcasting company saw her profile picture, she began working as an actress in KBS' "TV Brings Love," where she would re-enact real life stories, and in "Burnt Rice Teacher and Seven Potatoes," playing a villainous student who is bad influence on classmates.

Yun Suk-ho
The director of KBS' "Autumn Tale." Director Yun asked Moon to "act like a girl who is a mix of Cinderella and Candy” when she played the role of the younger version of Song Hye-kyo's character, but Moon actually had no idea who Candy was. But Moon pulled off her character well, saying "The whole script is so sad that I didn’t need to think of anything else". She had her own understanding of the story. “If I were Eun-seo [the female lead in “Autumn Tale”], I would choose Won Bin. There were too many obstacles in loving Song Seung-heon’s character but Won Bin's character loved Eun-seo from the start so I think only good things would have happened for them." At the time, Moon had her own acting know-how. "I would try to become the character that I am playing but if it doesn't work, I would try to drive my character to the extreme.” This is probably why Moon Geun-young seemed to have more depth and maturity for her age when she appeared in “Autumn Tale" and the music video of "Heart Break."

Lim Soo-jung
Her co-star from the movie "A Tale of Two Sisters." Lim Soo-jung described Moon as “a vigorous and cheerful child-adult" who would “send a lot of text messages at the start of the month but fewer by the end because her mobile phone plan only allowed her to send 500 a month.” Like Lim said, Moon has the face of a child which also contains expressions which might be felt by a grown-up feeling complex emotions. Director of "Two Sisters" Kim Ji-woon called her "the kind of actress who is able to make those around her feel guilty with the deep sadness in her eyes." For Moon Geun-young, who likes “the kind of acting which gives off a certain odd, unexplainable feeling,” “Two Sisters" was the perfect film where she was able to show her unique style as an actress. And Moon Geun-young started to gain attention as a new kind of teenage actress.

Kim Jong-do
CEO of Moon's agency Namoo Actors. Talking about how much he likes Moon Geun-young, Kim said, "Moon and her mother are my teachers. Most people only concentrate on their own lives and don’t have time to look around but these two helped me to look around and see what’s going on.” It was also Moon who named her agency Namoo Actors -- in the hopes that “it will be a place where actors can root themselves, yield strong leaves and become a resting place for them.” ['Namoo' is the Korean word for 'tree'.] Fellow actor Ahn Seok-hwan once said Moon Geun-young is “so great that I even respect her.” Moon is the kind of person who likes famed poet Jeongcheol's "Sokmiingok" because it expresses “all kinds of human emotions in just three lines” and who “uses loneliness as an excuse when having lots of time or feeling vulnerable.” When she appeared on MBC's "Sunday Nights - Love House," she gave the child of the family a scholarship instead of a computer or cellular phone because the service fee will be a burden and it was probably her deep, considerate nature that helped the public feel a sense of purity and fondness about her.

Kim Rae-won
Actor who has acted with "Two Sisters" actresses Moon Geun-young, Lim Soo-jung and Yum Jung-ah. After Moon became convinced by director Kim Ho-jun telling her "I am confident that I can bring out your bright side," she starred alongside Kim Rae-won for the successful film "My Little Bride." And when director Kim told her "it is possible to change the parts that don't work by discussing it with your co-star since the scenario was written by a thirty-something man," Moon starts the "kind of acting where there was room for me to be creative." However, "My Little Bride" only portrayed Moon in a cute and bright light which paved the way to her gaining the image as the 'nation's little sister.' The film increased Moon's popularity but it blocked the growth of an actress who was mature on the inside and knew "that actress Moon Geun-young was being driven by an entirely different force, something outside her acting skills." It starts becoming a problem for an actress who is in her twenties who said "it's a bit sad because I know that I want to play feminine and mature roles but I can't."

Park Geon-hyeong
Moon Geun-young's co-star in movie "Dancing Princess." She chose to play the female lead who matures while learning how to dance and love because the audience had an image of her as someone who has ceased to grow from her role in "My Little Bride." She was praised on how fast she was able to learn the dance moves from her teachers. However, she still maintained the image of the 'little sister' because her character in the movie was a pure and sympathetic young Korean girl who came from China. Moon said she "hated how the public would draw a line between an adult and child over a day's difference" but as she became close to turning 20 years old, the media became increasingly curious to when she would transform into an adult actress.

Kim Ju-hyeok
Her co-star in the movie "Love Me Not." Moon Geun-young who felt "sad and sorry [for her co-stars] because we made the movie together but in the end it always ended up being about me" in her previous works, starred in "Love Me Not" under less pressure. The media has been focusing on Moon's acting transition and she found herself once again in the situation where she was responsible for the commercial success of the film. Around the time when "Love Me Not" opened, Moon became the center of controversy over her college entrance although she had applied for the rolling admission based on her work experience. Others even brought up her personal affairs, turning her continuous donation activities into something political. She suddenly gained anti-fans even though nothing had changed about her, making her feel as if she was "packaged into someone completely different by wearing a thick layer of clothing that it not my style." She gained an inferiority complex which made it difficult for her to sit in the classroom at the beginning of the school year although thankful of the public's attention. This was when Moon experienced her first slump.

Park Shin-yang
Her co-star in the SBS drama "The Painter of the Wind." Moon received the grand prize at SBS' Acting Awards ceremony for her role in "The Painter of the Wind." Instead of playing the role of Shin Yoon-bok as neither a girl nor boy, Moon expressed her character as a 'human being' who grows up in the process of opening her eyes to love and painting through artists such as Kim Hong-do and Jung-hyang. Like the writer he himself mentioned, the series lacked in some areas and would have liked to express draw on the melodramatic elements between the characters in more detail. But Shin Yoon-bok's eyes, which showed her transformation from being a troublemaker genius to knowing more about love and painting, was enough to make up for what was not written in the script. Moon has proven to be an actress who was able to show that she had matured without having to reveal her feminine or sexual side. With that she bid farewell to her image as the 'nation's little sister.'

Jang Dong-gun
Moon Geun-young had chosen Jang as her role model because she was “impressed that he kept on walking his path despite all the ups and downs.” Moon gained huge popularity after starring in the film “My Little Bride” and learned various acting techniques through her sequential acting roles -- playing a dancer in the film “Dancing Princess," a blind woman in “Love Me Not” and a painter in TV series “The Painter of the Wind." And in KBS TV series “Sister of Cinderella," she chose to play a character who is the opposite from her image as 'nation's little sister.' This is somewhat similar to the steps that Jang has taken in his career, who, after a few acting transformations, went from being a good-looking actor to a movie star with good acting skills. What is more important, however, is that Moon Geun-young, who is only in her early twenties, is making her own choices in her life as an actress. Moon Geun-young has endured the pressure of being labeled 'nation's little sister' after appearing in “My Little Bride” and widened on her scope of acting by learning various techniques that her roles as dancer, painter and blind required. It is hard to find an actress who has as much star quality and acting ability as Moon Geun-young and one whose acting is not limited to a melodrama. She has weathered through her sudden surge in popularity Instead of getting swept away by it and has become someone in her twenties determining her own future.

Lee Mi-sook
The actress who Moon said "I want to grow up to be an actress just like Lee Mi-sook." They are currently starring together in series "Sister of Cinderella." Moon, who considered herself as someone with high tolerance for pain, took on the role of Eun-jo who swallows all her pain on the inside and rebels on the outside. Through her role as Eun-jo, she can express everything including how she rebels against the world, the loneliness she feels after being alienated from her own mother and new family, and the indifferent attitude she tries to put on when Hong Gi-hoon (played by Chun Jung-myung) calls out her name when she is actually feeling smaller. She was finally given the chance to break away from the image of the 'nation's little sister' and show her deep inner self. And beginning from episode five where Moon plays someone in her twenties, Moon was be able to show the audience the kind of acting that she thought of and had prepared for all this time. It will be a chance for her to receive verification for her acting techniques and prove how well she can play a woman who has been faced with a lot of pain in her life. When Moon appeared on the SBS program "Chocolate" she sang the song "Musical" which said "Just leave me alone and don't try to interfere with my life and I will live in a world where I can make it on my own." Just like the song's lyrics, will Moon be able to find her own way?

Senior Reporter : Kang Myoung-Seok two@
Editor : Lee Ji-Hye seven@, Lucia Hong luciahong@

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I hope you understand now!


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PSH, yay! I'm super jealous of MGY. >_<


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same here, I so hook up to KNJ & PSH in QOR . they are so adoable, amazing chemistry, so touching, they just had that wonderful chemistry together, I wish to see another drama with the two again and again


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i dont know if its a good idea seeing this... I like PSH... like a LOT really... but the lead actress... she was kind of AWFUL in Cinderella sister... wich i hav to say was one of the most boring dramas all over!


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the reason i like PSH is simply because of QOR , he is just so so in his other drama but QOR makes me love him so much and love him pair with KNJ . watch KNJ KBS drama award you guys will surprise how so gorgeous she is .
i vote 100 for PSH-KNJ pairing


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