Gaksital: Episode 22

OH. MY. GAKSITAAAAAAAAAAAAL. I’m just hugging my knees and rocking back and forth, telling myself it’ll be okay… but I DON’T KNOW IF IT WILL. *whimper* We’ve entered the final quarter and true to form, this show puts our hearts on the chopping block. Our hero becomes a key player in the larger independence movement, which also means he’s risking a helluva lot more. The scale gets bigger, and the net around him just gets tighter, and tighter…


Gaksital OST – Bohemian “You In My Arms” [ Download ]

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After killing newspaper honcho Park, Kang-to sneaks back into the station still buttoning his jacket. Kang-to-ya! Superhero Rule Number 1: Complete outfit change before returning to cover job! This guy.

He sneaks in…only to find Shunji sitting in a chair, waiting to catch him in the act. Okay, anyone who had a father who did this knows how much your heart lurches. It’s pure terror. Kang-to doesn’t do a good job of hiding it either.

He gulps, eking out that this is how he comes in when he’s tardy. Shunji walks up, sending Kang-to’s heart rate skyward…

And then he asks for an iced coffee. Am I the only one who finds that scarier than the other thing? Because it means he’s convinced he was right—that Kang-to is Gaksital.
He watches Kang-to walk out, thinking to himself that he’ll catch the slippery bastard once and for all, and “I’ll make you take off that mask.”

He then asks Kang-to to help him and take over the Gaksital case, because his hands are full with the flag-manseh outburst during the parade, and urges him to use the opportunity to get back his rightful job.

He complies with all of Kang-to’s requests, to keep Koiso out of his hair, and even stops Ishida from tailing him. He tells Koiso that making Kang-to think he’s safe is what’s important now. Aaargh, why is Shunji so smart?

At least Kang-to throws a suspicious look behind his back. Don’t trust him! He takes a call from Mok Dan who tells him that a very important guest is eager to meet him at the tailor shop.

He enters the tailor’s and Damsari greets him with a smile and leads him into the back. That leaves the tailor totally turned around. His face is like, But… that’s… Lee Kang-to… Is it opposite day?

Damsari brings him to the inner room to meet Yang Baek, who smiles up at him. We see that his hand shakes as he writes. Kang-to gets ready to bow to the ground, but the teacher stops him and grabs him in a bear hug instead. Awwww.

He thanks Kang-to for what he’s done and then sits down at the table to offer him potatoes, saying that his 80-year old mother commanded that if he ever met Gaksital, he must give him these potatoes.

He peels them with his own shaking hands, and when his assistant offers to do it, he insists that he’ll do it himself. Damsari reminds her that Teacher spent the entire journey to Kyungsung anticipating this very thing.

He peels the potato and holds it up to Kang-to, “Say aaaah” just like a mom, and I’m already about to cry. Kang-to takes it gently in his hands and takes a bite, and immediately tears start to pool in his eyes.

Why is this so poignant? It’s the simple food, the mother’s gesture, Kang-to’s loneliness… it’s just so damn heart-wrenching.

As he eats, he flashes back to Mom and Hyung, and their happy simple days when Hyung was studying for exams and the boys were stuffing Mom’s potatoes in each other’s faces in a loving tussle.

*WAIL* Hyuuuung! We miss you!

The tears come tumbling out as Kang-to eats, and Teacher just watches silently with a peaceful smile on his face. This is officially the most heartbreaking eating scene ever. Kang-to just cries and cries and stuffs his face, suddenly seeming like a little kid again instead of a man who carries the weight of the world.

At the Angel Club, Tamao is on a days-long bender of self-loathing, drinking himself into the ground and ordering around the employees, all because of Tasha’s cold slap the other day. He shouts in the waiter’s face, “That’s right—I am pathetic, and thoughtless! So what?”

The waiter returns, “Are you proud? That you’re pathetic and thoughtless? Is anyone NOT scared? No matter how scared we are, we do what we must do!” Aw. That gives Tamao pause, but he’s too drunk to fully process.

He goes charging into Tasha’s meeting with Comrade Eyeliner and blusters drunkenly about being dissed for her new boyfriend, and acts like a general ass. He gets up in the guy’s face, and Comrade knocks him out with lightning fast moves. Hahaha. Poor Tamao. You take a nap until you can sober up and act like a grown-up.

The comrade’s main concern is that their message made it to Independence leader Dong-jin, but Tasha informs him that Reporter Song was arrested after the parade.

Kang-to asks Teacher Yang Baek why he risked death to come to Kyungsung, and finds that it’s because of Dong-jin. Every effort made by them to contact him has been intercepted by the Japanese, and he says they must find Teacher Dong-jin and unite their efforts for one very important project.

The comrade returns to tell them that Reporter Song has been arrested, and that their message never reached Teacher Dong-jin. Reporter Song, meanwhile, is currently strapped up in the torture room.

Shunji stops the whipping and threatens him with the Box of Nails, only to get Song’s feisty comeback, “I was wondering when we’d get there!” Shunji orders him stripped, but then discovers a note tucked into the lining of his clothes. No!

Song hangs his head and Shunji smiles—the note, about grandfather coming to visit and wanting to meet Jin-sshi ajusshi who lives on the east (dong) side of the club—clues him in right away. Grandfather is Yang Baek. East, Jin-sshi = Dong-jin. Damnit.

Kang-to offers to meet Reporter Song and find out how to contact Dong-jin. But they worry that he won’t trust enemy police officer Kang-to no matter what he says. Yang Baek produces a piece of paper that reads: “Solidarity.”

It’s something he handwrites for his comrades when he meets them, and Song will know it. They worry that Teacher’s handwriting has gotten shakier lately, but Damsari tells Kang-to to say that it’s because of the bullet (it can’t be removed, causing nerve damage), which Song will know is the truth.

Problem is, he has to get in to see Song first, but Shunji’s not having any of that today, and denies Kang-to access. He tells him to change the direction of his investigation and with no recourse, Kang-to complies.

Shunji watches as Kang-to hightails it to the records room to read something, and then reads the file after him—Dong-jin’s criminal record. Damn, Kang-to, you couldn’t have found a sneakier way to do that?

Shunji’s wheels turn a mile a minute: Yang Baek and Dong-jin, Dong-jin and Gaksital… Is Kang-to really on the same side as Yang Baek? Is Kang-to really Gaksital?

Newspaper honcho’s son Reporter Park bows before Kishokai, crying that his father be avenged. Ueno blames Rie for not killing Gaksital in time, and she apologizes for her failure. He warns that if one more member of Kishokai is slain by Gaksital, it’ll be her head on the chopping block. Crud.

Ueno gives Park’s place in Kishokai to his son, who pledges his allegiance to the Empire. He reminds Rie that there are plenty of Koreans who would do the same, reminding her just how expendable she is.

Kang-to braves the chance to sneak into the torture room… only to find it empty. Oh no, Song isn’t dead, is he?

Shunji storms into the gisaeng house and drags Rie into a room. He slams her up against a wall and growls that he could rat her out to her father in the next room at any moment. He asks one last time, “Lee Kang-to is Gaksital, isn’t he?”

She sneers that his judgment seems to be impaired ever since he fell in love with that Korean girl. She says that when she fought Gaksital he was cut on his right arm and right thigh. She checked Kang-to, and he was clean.

Shunji: “How did you check?!” Uh… really, Shunji? Your imagination only goes that far? She yells at him to ask Masako and storms out.

He gets confirmation from Masako and then drinks away his confusion—is he really losing his mind, as Rie said? All the while, I’m just nervous that he’ll want to check Kang-to’s scars for himself. Then what?

Kang-to and Baek Gun try to figure out some way to find Dong-jin. Baek asks if he doesn’t have family somewhere, but Kang-to says they were all killed when the Japanese bombed his house. But perhaps if they can find someone else who helped organize the parade demonstration, then they’ll find a link back to Dong-jin’s network.

Count Lee cries to Kimura, having wanted the position of Joseon Joongang Ilbo’s president (Why, I wonder, since he’s already a count—but money seems to be driving force with this couple). Kimura informs them that he was rejected, and it doesn’t much matter, since Kishokai is content to have the Kyungsung Ilbo be their representative newspaper.

Sun-hwa swoons as she tells Mok Dan about the parade, and how emotional it was for everyone there. Mok Dan asks to see the Korean flag and wonders who managed to make these, under the nose of the Japanese. Sun-hwa tells her about the man she met in the street, from the Dong-jin association.

Kang-to comes by to talk to Mok Dan, and Shin Nanda hides the flag in terror at his arrival. Once alone, he tells Mok Dan that he needs to help Teacher Yang Baek, but doesn’t know how. He has to find a way to connect him to Dong-jin.

Mok Dan perks up at the name. She tells Kang-to that Sun-hwa met a man in the street who gave her a flag and said he was a part of the Dong-jin association, literally Dong-jin Death Squad (as in, fight-to-our-certain-death corps). Damn, what a name.

She says she’ll go to the marketplace to try and make contact, and Kang-to worries for her safety. She counters it’s actually safer than if he were go there, and he just holds her hands in his.

Shunji calls Kye-soon to the station to ask if Damsari has shown up around Mok Dan. She says no, but Lee Kang-to shows up often, and in fact was just there earlier.

He fumes and pays her to follow Mok Dan like a shadow, and note when Kang-to comes and goes, how long he stays, and what they talk about. Lordy. Do your own stalking! He takes his Kishokai ring out and puts it on.

Kye-soon follows Mok Dan and Sun-hwa to the marketplace, where they search for Village Hothead. Sun-hwa sighs that she only knows his face and wishes she had a name. You and the rest of us.

Mok Dan sees Kye-soon on their tail (thank goodness) and goes to confront her. Kye-soon runs and Mok Dan corners her, asking if she doesn’t remember the fact that Shunji killed Dong-nyun and tortured Boss Jo. Does she really think he won’t do the same to her?

Smart girl. I like that Mok Dan is arguing with her from a place of concern, not anger, though I wouldn’t have such restraint. “No matter how much you value money, is it worth more than your life?”

Mok Dan reminds her what would’ve happened to the girls if Gaksital hadn’t rescued them—either of them could get hauled off at any moment, and helping Shunji is hurting Gaksital. Kye-soon just breaks away defensively and says she’ll handle her own affairs.

Sun-hwa scans the people in the marketplace one by one, but it’s Village Hothead who spots her first. Aw, he thinks you’re purty. He runs up and says he wanted to ask her name the other day, but instead of answering, Sun-hwa just shouts for Mok Dan.

Mok Dan comes up and he recognizes her right away as Damsari’s daughter. He proudly says he helped her once when she was running from Lee Kang-to, and she says she remembers. I… sort of can’t wait till you find out who Kang-to really is.

She calls Kang-to at the station to let him know, and Boss Jo marvels that Kang-to is really on their side. He doesn’t know that he’s Gaksital, but just thinks that he’s joined the movement.

Shunji goes to see Chairman Ueno to ask, “Can I kill your daughter?”

Uh… What, now? He says Rie knows Gaksital’s identity but refuses to give up the information. Ueno tells him to focus on Yang Baek, but Shunji says they’re all tied together—if they catch Gaksital, they get Yang Baek and Dong-jin too.

Ueno asks if he’s certain Rie knows, and Shunji offers up his life to back his word. He asks for the chairman’s bodyguard. Oh noes. That guy is So. Scary.

Kang-to sets out make contact with Dong-jin, dressed as Gaksital. He rides into the forest where Hothead is waiting, having only been told that someone wants to meet Teacher Dong-jin.

When Gaksital rides up, his jaw drops. He bear-hugs him, beside himself that he gets to help his hero. Augh, if you only knew what heartache you’ve caused the man underneath that mask. But his reaction is really touching—he slaps himself in the face, wondering if this is all a dream.

He takes him deep into the mountains, where Teacher Dong-jin presides over an army in training. Damn, Dong-jin Death Squad was in no way an overstatement. This guy is hardcore, and doesn’t even crack a smile.

Gaksital bows and hands Dong-jin the solidarity note from Yang Baek, and conveys the message. Dong-jin betrays no emotion and says he understands Yang Baek’s request. He says he needs to rescue Reporter Song first, in order to get any further.

Kang-to asks to be tasked with that mission, but Dong-jin is reluctant, quoting the adage that divided they fall, together they stand up. But that’s all the more reason Kang-to argues that Dong-jin needs to unite with Yang Baek for the greater mission, and he’ll rescue Reporter Song.

He asks to be trusted with the task, and Dong-jin takes a moment to consider it, and silently puts out his hand for a shake. What an interesting character. He has none of the fatherly warmth of Damsari/Yang Baek—he’s a hardened war general, and not easily impressed. Perhaps to him, Gaksital is just another soldier.

Kang-to goes to work the next day and Shunji comes out to check with Koiso that Reporter Song is back in holding. He orders him moved to the Prosecutor-General’s office, since they’re not going to get anything more out of him.

Shunji coughs and stumbles, and announces that he’ll be resting today because he’s not feeling well. Why do I get the feeling this is a trick?

He stumbles up the stairs to go report to the chief… and totally Keyser-Sozes down the hallway, straightening out his limp, miraculously healed. Damn, Shunji.

He tells Chief Murayama that he’ll be out of the office all day, on a mission that he refuses to disclose. Murayama calls him quite the arrogant punk, and warns him to succeed, because he has no intention of giving him special treatment because he’s Kimura’s son.

Kang-to calls the comrade hideout to say that Mission Rescue is on, because Song is being transported today. No! It’s a traaaaaaaap!

But Kang-to goes forward with the plan. As soon as the truck leaves the station, Gaksital appears in their path, and knocks out the officers. Okay, his beatdown of Koiso is just really delightful. *rewind*

Comrade Eyeliner does some awesome fighting of his own, and takes Song away to safety, as Gaksital holds the line.

BUT! Out of nowhere, Samurai Assassin shows up, swinging his sword right at Kang-to’s head.

Ohshit. Ohshit. Ohmygod this guy is so fucking scary.

He moves So. Fast. Every swing slices at Kang-to and draws more blood, until he’s barely standing, while Assassin hardly breaks a sweat. They lose their weapons and start to throw punches, but Kang-to goes down hard.

I can’t watch! *peers through fingers*

He manages to retrieve his cane and tumble out of reach, and then Assassin stops his attack. RUUUUN!

Urg, I hate that he has to run away, but I’m pleading for him to make a break for it. He does, and then Assassin doesn’t give chase, and just watches him go. Oh crap. You weren’t sent to kill him, were you?

Kang-to stumbles onto a side street and starts to feel woozy. Where is Horsital?! He drops his cane…

…and collapses in the street, unconscious and bloody.

And THEN… Shunji walks out from the alley behind him. *GASP*

He makes his way over to Gaksital in the deserted street and crouches down next to his limp body. He takes a deep breath and braces himself.

He unties the mask… ohgodohgodohgod

He peels it away, ever so slowly, like he’s drawing out the anticipation until I can’t stand it anymore.

And there, beneath the mask, is Kang-to.



He knows! He knows! He really really knows! It’s horrible, and awesome, and terrifying all at once. Narratively, it feels great to have the story shift with this major reveal. We’ve been circling the wagons for quite a while in this dynamic—Shunji suspects, Kang-to deflects, Shunji gets thrown off the scent—and ’round and ’round we go. There’s only so much of that you can sustain before we start to feel that the villain is not so formidable, and he loses his bite. So it’s fantastic to go into the entire final quarter of the show with this huge reveal, putting our hero in the worst possible position: Shunji knows, and he doesn’t know that he knows. ACK! Is there anything worse?

But that’s what’s so great about the setup—the show is at its best when Kang-to has his back up against the wall, when he has insurmountable odds stacked up against him. Not just because it’s tense and gripping, but because he’s meant to be a metaphor for the small and powerless few who fight against the massive Empire—the egg against the rock. He has to be put in that position: completely backed into a dead end, and about to lose everything.

And even as far gone as Shunji is, I’m still on pins and needles for his reaction to the truth. Because he hasn’t fully let himself believe it until now, that his friend Kang-to could have betrayed him so completely. From his perspective, he’s going to see it all—Mok Dan, Young Master, Gaksital, Kenji’s death—as Kang-to’s betrayal, which is sure, the pot calling the kettle black, but not entirely unfounded. I don’t think Kang-to can save Shunji, but I do think he’ll break his heart. As much as Shunji wanted to find out the truth and prove he was right about Gaksital’s identity, I honestly believe he didn’t want to be right.

And just as Rie’s reaction to knowing the secret identity proved to be the most interesting dilemma she’s had to face yet, I think this turn will bring the best kind of angst between hero and villain. I’m so excited about the larger scope of the story, in bringing in independence leaders like Yang Baek and Dong-jin. The covert operations amp up the secret-spy thrill, but I like that beyond the cloak-and-dagger stuff (which is awesome), it’s not about Gaksital as one hero, but how he acts as a linchpin in a movement, with leaders and citizens alike, all joining forces.

But the reason this show has my heart is because it gives us the small moments too. Like Kang-to’s tears as he eats the potatoes, a gesture from Yang Baek’s mother that links him to his own. I just welled up at the very simple connection between Yang Baek and Hyung, feeding Kang-to Mom’s potatoes, and nodding in that outpouring of empathy. I sometimes forget because of how far we’ve come in 22 episodes, how little time has passed in Kang-to’s life since he lost his family. That reminder that he’s all alone in the world just ripped me up, and I swear I’ll never look at a potato the same way again. In moments like that I just want to tell him to forget the mission and just run away with Mok Dan and have a nice family, but of course then he wouldn’t be the hero of the story. Sigh. Curse the universe for the price of heroism!


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Honestly, after watching today's episode, I'm kind of frustrated by Gangto. It seems he just repeatedly falls for Shunji's traps and continually believes Shunji's words EVEN WHEN he knows that Shunji is suspicious of him. I was kind of speechless how he just kept falling into Shunji's hands this episode. I get the difficulties of being a hero but come on now.
but since it HAS happened now, I hope Shunji doesn't just...altogether fall into the evil side and instead really look at Gangto's predicament, though that'll probably never happen.

:.sigh.: onto next week, i guess...


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Thank You. KT's recent slip ups remind me of MD!! :/ As much as SJ's lost his mind I find him to be one of the more intriguing characters alongside Rie.


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The potato eating scene had me in tears. It was so simply done and it was both heartbreaking and satisfying to watch. Gaksital is so different from all the other dramas I have ever watched and I am so glad that I am on-board for the ride!!!


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I gave up watching Gaksital after about 4/5 episodes but your recaps make me want to start watching this drama again.


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Horsital?!? OMG girlfriday you kill me. I bust out laughing at that one :D


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I loved that, too! And don't forget "Notsital" from a couple of episodes ago! :D


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Horsital is back!
Shunji is such layered character, even though he set the trap for kangto his hands still shook at unmasking bc deep down he didn't want his bestie frenemy to be the enemy who killed his brother with his bare hands.


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Wow... intense episode...
Aww, I liked the part about Sunhwa and the village dude. I searched him up and turns out his name is Deuk-Su.
Anyways I liked that part...
And I knew Shunji kinda had this intuition that Kangto was Gaksital, but now, as he found out, it was kind of jarring.
Thanks for the recap GF!


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Next Wednesday will be felt so loooooonngggg!! Thank to this mega cliffhanger!!
I love when the show doesn't hold back the moment of gasping!!!
Kang To-yaaa Fighting!!


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Just a short history lesson:

Teacher Yang Baek was indeed a real historical person, and when they mention that his writing has changed--it was because of the bullet that affected the nerve.

So when Gaksital shows the words on the sheet of paper, and then added the next code word "bullet", people in the Independence movement actually did the same thing.

I'm just more and more amazed at how this drama incorporates things that really did happen--making this beyond just a period drama.

Thank you for recapping this drama!


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Drama of the year as far as I am concerned!


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Here's my theory (and my theories are always wrong when it comes to kdramas, but I'm going to say it anyway) - Kang To is going to die at the end of the show but Village Hothead will pick up the mask and continue the legend of Gaksital.

Or not.


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Oh, I guess I wasn't the only one with that theory!. Sorry that I didn't read your comment before posting!


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If KT dies in the end, I've always thought that it would be because of village hot head killing him thinking he was striking a blow for the good guys. Not knowing till afterwards that he was Gaksital.


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I had the same reaction like you when I watched the ending scene -> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!

OMG!! I'm worried about what'll happen to our dear Kang To yaaaaaaaa!!!


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I was literally screaming for Baek gun ahjussi to come save kangto in those last moments of this episode!!! Noooooo... We all knew this was coming... Shunji was bound to find out sooner or later, but I was still freaking out when he actually did find out that kangto was gaksital. Gahhhh... Another week!!!


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I love the way you write... I tried watching Gaksital in the first ep but I may have been distracted by other dramas such as Big and The King2Hearts (and others). So I never paid attention to this until I started reading your recaps. You make it even more interesting, I really like how you just subtlely insert your own opinion without taking the drama suspense away.
Anyways just wanna say thanks for recapping it in such an awesome way so that it makes me feel like I'm watching it.


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Sadly, I think that this is nearly the end of Kang To but not Gakistal. One of the points of the drama is that there is always someone ready to transform into a hero. I think that maybe that cowardly guy in the club will be the next Gakistal.


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thx GF for the recap.

this episode ending is very intense, really can't wait for wednesday. i would think shunji will pretend he doesn't know that kang to is gaksital to destroy the independence movement once and for all.

i don't think shunji will have dilemma as rie when he confirms his suspicion that kang to is gaksital. his hatred has run so deep that he is beyond redemption. so fear for how kang to will fare to the end, hope he does not die.

oh, the moment when kang to eat potato bring tears to my eyes, so very touching.


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btw, does any obe kbow the song at the end when kang to pass out n shunji takes off his mask? it's the gregorian chant but not the ending song


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Sorry, I don't think this is the one you meant.


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Kyrie Eleison, is from the Latin Mass. It means "Lord have mercy."


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OMG...This episode had me in tears. I cried more at the potato scene than when Kang-To's family died. There's just something about eating a simple vegetable in tears that just chokes you with empathy. All throughout the episode, I just wanted to give Kang-To a big bear hug, because he SO needed one. (Okay so what if Yang Baek and Damsari already hugged him? I promise mine will be much sweeter *wink*)

With each episode, I'm fearing more and more for the ending. Am I the only one who thinks that it's very likely that Kang-To won't make it out of this drama alive?! T^T Please Show, I don't care how epic and logical Kang-To's death would be; this needs to be the only exception! At this point, I'm willing to have a mediocre/lame ending where our hero gets to live instead of a justified ending where he dies.

DO YOU HEAR ME DIRECTOR?!?! *Waves kitchen knife threateningly*


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Hahaha !!! You cracked me up. I would do the same thing too if the director had it end this way.


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GUAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm so....I just....I can't take this anymore!! This show is so EXCITING!! ASDFGHJKLGHJKL;_;_;_;!!!!! It's 2 am and I'm ready to explode!


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Ooh, can I beg for a Symbolic Food Thing vs Thing post?

Ramyun from FBRS, caramel macchiato, potato flowers, and sentimental potatoes with weepy eyes?


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i'm so glad this show got an extension. ive always hated extensions, but i'm glad gaksital got one. It would've ended next week and that is just not enough time to wrap everything up.

i read some rumor that Joo Won is sick & production has been halted? Gah i hope this isn't true, but i wouldn't be surprised. His schedule is grueling with filming for this and 1N2D. Besides, he didn't get much rest after Ojakgyo (5 month drama?) & went straight into Gaksital.... :(


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Also, now that Shunji confirmed that Kang-to is gaksital, this also pretty much confirmed that Rie was lying to him. she's in danger now too.

I definitely did not consider that Shunji would quiet. I was thinking someone would come rescue Kang-to because SHunji told that new Japanese guy, Murayama (?) that it could all end today. But it would be so much more dangers with Shunji keeping quiet and then busting Kang-to & Rie. *UH OH*


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Horsital..... hahhahaa...... really Girlfriday, I hold my breath from the middle to the end.... but when I read that "horsital".... Im laughing out loud..... hahaha.... it seems that u give this *sital to everything aroud Kang To....
Anyway.... thanks for the recap... always found the story is "better" after reading yours....


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Joo Won should get best actor actor award!HE is soo GOOD!


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Horsital..... hahhahaa...... really Girlfriday, I hold my breath from the middle to the end.... but when I read that "horsital".... Im laughing out loud..... hahaha.... it seems that u give this *sital to everything aroud Kang To....
Anyway.... thanks for the recap... always found the story is "better" after reading yours....


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Oh lord i'd much rather someone knocks shunji down and rescues kang to so he knows shunji knows rather than shunji letting him go and kang to not knowing he's been found out, that'd be too scary to watch! It was hard enough when shunji was suspecting him, i swear i skipped any scenes with them two, my fragile heart couldn't take it!
Rie's not dying yet, kang to's gonna save her again for sure and then she's gonna switch allegiances, or atleast thats what i hope will happen!


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Thank you!


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testing... the forums seem to not post anything for me...


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I knew it was bad and I just came back from watching the episode. I cried and cried for him and Kan San in the flashback scene. Poor Kang To all alone in the world. Thank you for the recap. Geez this drama is not good for my heart yet again. I've never gone week after week dreading and anticipating the drama.
How in the world does it get better? It is theoretically impossible. K drama always turn to crap somewhere


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I kept screaming out for Baek-Gun & the other comrades to appear and knock Shunji out before he took the mask off TT.TT

Hope someone drags Shunji off before he tells anyone else!!


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is general wada the highest rank in the country? or who is higher? is it the emperor? who is the emperor?

so konno is a good guy? yes he is pro-japanese but he wants to rule the country the right way? does that mean he has a heart for the joseon people? because usually those who want to rule a country take everything by force. i think joseon people dont hate konno? they just hate the corrupt ones right? konno is the only righteous person in the government? if konno became the highest rank/president and got rid of the corrupt ones, would joseon people still hate the japanese? or that would have solved everything and joseon people wouldnt have a problem being under japanese? do you think damsari, comrades and gaksital would fight against the japanese if konno was the one ruling the country?


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MOTHER F! Shunji knows! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
damn you, Rie! why did you give him ideas to find out who's gaksital????
Poor Kang to, he's been sliced to make ceviche in so many episodes. dude, you need an armor soon.
can't wait to watch the episode tonight, i need subtitles ASAP!
thanks for the recap :)


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I want to say Shunji got nothing out of Rie, but he did in fact get ONE thing out that confrontation with her -- he realized the best way to reveal KangTo as Gaksital is to wound him (almost fatally) and then check him out when he's knocked out. Kinda similar to how Rie did it with her bodyguard and then some of her concoction. But Shunji -- damn. Using Kinpei was something I thought about before. And as much as I hate to admit it, he was pretty resourceful without being greedy and ambitious by asking Ueno for the loan of Kinpei (the Samurai/bodyguard). Shunji's going to take Rie's place and be Ueno's 'adopted' son now, isn't he? Not that that was something he wanted in the first place. But he is good accumulating power even when he *doesn't* want all that power. He just wants Mokdan. "Are you hiding something from me? Whatever it is, I'll seek it out and then snuff it out!" Those words are coming back to haunt me now...


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I want to say Shunji got nothing out of Rie, but he did in fact get ONE thing out that confrontation with her -- he realized the best way to reveal KangTo as Gaksital is to wound him (almost fatally) and then check him out when he's knocked out. Kinda similar to how Rie did it with her bodyguard and then some of her concoction. But Shunji -- damn. Using Kinpei was something I never thought about before. And as much as I hate to admit it, he was pretty resourceful without being greedy and ambitious by asking Ueno for the loan of Kinpei (the Samurai/bodyguard). Shunji's going to take Rie's place and be Ueno's 'adopted' son now, isn't he? Not that that was something he wanted in the first place. But he is good accumulating power even when he *doesn't* want all that power. He just wants Mokdan. "Are you hiding something from me? Whatever it is, I'll seek it out and then snuff it out!" Those words are coming back to haunt me now...


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I'm reading the recap with bated breath all agog at the tension and danger and I get hit with - Where's Horsital"!!!

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!! I literally rolled on the floor laughing my head off with tears streaming down my face!!!

My husband's going - what's wrong with you - and I can barely speak!!!

Thanks for being so witty!!

As always = the recap was awesome!


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Narrative-wise, it was good to have Shunji finally discover Gaksital's identity. We can only have so much of the following scenario: Shunji suspects that Kangto is Gaksital; he lays a trap to prove his suspicions; Kangto narrowly escapes the trap. That being said, I am both excited and terrified to see what happens next. Is a visit to the torture room in store for Kangto? Will he be rescued at the right moment?


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If I'm not mistaken, Gaksital is so far KBS2's highest rated drama of the year. If nothing more epic (i doubt there will be) comes along in the next drama seasons, there's a huge chance Joo Won might net his first Daesang! OMG please be, this boy gives his all and then some for this role. One of the best characters in Kdrama history, hands down!


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please share it with pkw


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Shunji knows, Shunji knows; Shunji knows, SHUNJI KNOWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god, this drama is really making me crazy

how can Kang-to be so careles ? it seems to me ever since he started working with freedom fighters he was in more danger than when he was alone, but the potato scene really broke my heart T_______T and I was happy somehow that Yang Baek and Dam Sa ri are by Kang-to's side

I wonder what is Shunji going to do now, he didn't just confirm that Kang-to is Gaksital, but also that Rie was lying, add to that Mok Dan and his brother, Shunji is definetly in the last phase of becoming a total monster.

waiting an entire week for next episode is really torturing, but I'll try to be patient, Ill just rewatch epiodes and read your recaps again and again until then.

thnx for the great recap Girlfriday

P.S: I really really miss Horsital, and what happened in this episode proves his importance


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I just want to take a moment and say that this recap is brilliant. I love all of your recaps, but this one in particular just struck a chord with me. This line specifically, "I don’t think Kang-to can save Shunji, but I do think he’ll break his heart." I know this doesn't add much to the conversation. I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your efforts!


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that potato scenes i really can feel the sadness and kangto's yearning of his family that's just so sad
and the moment when gaksital vs kinpei i have to admit it it was briliant action scene, like my heart stop for awhile it was so cool but i reallyyyyyyyyy feel bad for gaksital T^T omygod my kangto ya ~ :(
and the moment shunji open the mask GOD
can next wednesday come faster??
kangto was so overconfident i think when he said to save the reporter without the help of dongjin sunsaeng :(
and so now his identity revealed
like seriously come faster wednesday T^T


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That's what I like about this show. They know how to keep an audience captivated unlike other shows, not revealing everything until the very last ep.

I'm glad Shunji knows. Maybe Mok Dan will play a more pivotal role if Shunji is still obsessed with her because he knows that she likes Gaksital.


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Actually, we don't need to wait 'til Wednesday. just get through the weekend. Then KBS will post the preview promo for Ep 23. That will be enough to keep us 'til Wednesday.


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thats how i survive every week!
i've never looked forward to a preview soooo much before gaksital


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haha! I just wrote on my blog last night that I give Shunji 3 more episodes until he finds out. This show made that entry a big joke!

Now what Shunji?!

The eating scene is just heartbreaking. I realized that he is alone and that he was the one who killed his brother.

Thanks for the recap girlfriday! Its awesome as usual!


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I have also been disturbed by Kangto's carelessness when it comes to Shunji and his traps. It was glaringly obvious in this episode when Shunji came to the meeting just to reveal that the prisoner would be transferred to another location before dismissing it. To add to it, this is not the first time such a trap as this one was set up, but Kangto still fell for it willingly. Well, I was like, didn't he even get suspicious? I'd rather buy it if he got suspicious but still took the risk because he did not want to miss the chance. But a careless Kangto has begun to get on my nerves. It was as if love had taken his wit away.
That said, I'm still fully into this show. This is far better than any show I have been watching this year, save only for QIHM. There is so much tension, pain and emotion to this show that it really touches me. I suppose when this show comes to an end, it will leave a gap that not even a combination of Faith and Arang will manage to fill. Not for me, ever.


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Thinking about it, is there really anyway this series can end without Kang To dying? He has very little to live for other than being Gakistal, and Korea isn't going to be liberated from Japanese rule until 1945. Practically speaking, as long as Gaksital doesn't do more than relieve the suffering of a few families, others can take up the burden of being Gakistal after Kang To's death, but if he ever looks like he's accomplishing something, then the hammer will come down: a regiment of Japanese soldiers, slaughtering as many locals as they need to to create a wasteland they can call peace. That's how they handled these problems everywhere else in their Asian empire.


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seriously what does comfort women even mean and if you`re going to tell me a sex slave forget it I dont know what that means either


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Lily . . . "Comfort Women" were young Japanese and Korean women (and other nationalities) tricked or forcibly recruited to serve as prostitutes for the enlisted men in the Japanese army before 1945.

According to the account I read from one of the young women shipped overseas to serve in Burma in 1943-1945, she was given a damp rag and a limit of 10 minutes per soldier. That account was particularly pathetic, as the woman was Japanese, a simple girl raised on Imperial propaganda, and she recalled apologizing to the soldiers who were too sick to be serviced properly.

When the British/Indian army drove the Japanese army out of Burma, the soldiers took the Comfort Women with them, as it would "dishonor" them to be captured by the enemy. Most of them suffering horribly in the rotting Burmese jungles during the retreat, most of them starving, being mutilated by bullets and shrapnel, dying along with the soldiers.


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seriously what does comfort women even mean and if you`re going to tell me a sex slave forget it I don`t know what that means either


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got alot of heart attack for this episode...
now is gonna be an open war where all the main cast knows that Kang To is Gaksital....
what's next?? what's next???
arrgghhh it's drive me crazy...:D

but i thinks that the comrades or someone will come back to save him from shunji then all that shunji do just "why?? why Kang To?? just like Lala..:D


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I finally got my mom to jump on the Gaksital ship and when we were watching ep 9 & 10, I finally found out Village Hothead's name. It's been mentioned twice. His name is Kim Deuk Su.


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when kang to collapses... for some odd reason, i was hoping katsuyama would come out and save him... and when i saw black pants, I thought it was going to be him...

but alas, it was shunji. no idea why i was thinking katsuyama.


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I have sort of anticipated the cliffhanger. I mean, Shunji has failed many times to catch Gaskital, the writers would want him to succeed once right? Haha. It is good that Shunji knows Kang to double identity. I wonder what will he do next. Rie's reaction would be anticipated too. Will she stop Shunji from killing Kang to? what will Rie's bodyguard too? He seems like a charming character.. i hope he does something in the show too. :D


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I didn't like it at first but I guess it had to be done, shunji has to know who gaksital is sooner or later. Speeds up the plot too. I just hope kang to manages to miraculously escape again, because no matter how I admire shunji, I'd hate for him to beat kang to. But I really loved rie in this episode, she practically signed her death warrant when she lied to shunji to protect kang to. She could have said weaker statements, which she could get back if things got out of hand, but she chose to lay her credibility - and her life - on the line, to give a statement that can easily be confirmed to be untrue. I'm not as convinced shunji needed the talk with her to come up with this plan, though. I'm actually wondering why they thought of using kinpei only now.


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