Jung Yumi joins City Conquest

Rooftop Prince’s Jung Yumi has been cast as the lead in the manhwa adaption of City Conquest, starring Kim Hyun-joong as a city-conquering noir hero on a revenge mission. I…don’t really know what city conquering is, but it sounds badass? One can only hope.

Jung Yumi hasn’t played the most likable characters in her career, but she’s thankfully got a likable quality in her screen presence, so I don’t ever hate her even if her characters make me want to do unspeakable things to voodoo dolls. She’ll be playing Lee Dan-bi, a jewelry designer who is honest, innocent, glamorous and beautiful. Er… does anyone else feel like they just looked up all positive adjectives and just threw them into the character description? She’s also described as having simple dreams for her future happiness.

Directing is PD Yang Yoon-ho, of IRIS. Which also explains why Kim Seung-woo is doing a special stunt-cast cameo in the drama. He’s been cast as Kim Hyun-joong’s father, and he’ll only be in the first five episodes, but it’ll probably help to have him play such a pivotal figure in the story. (Dad abandons the hero and his mother, which sets him on the path to revenge.) And writing is Hong Joo-ha, of Lie to Me. Oh NOES. That was my ounce of middling interest, leaving the building. EEP!

City Conquest still doesn’t have a broadcaster, but hopes to start shooting in a few weeks.

Via Sports Chosun, Arts News


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Kim Seung Woo, wasn't he supposed to act in some medical Drama. Has it already started filming?! I haven't heard of it for a long time.

Kim Hyun-joong, he ruined BOF for me. I cannot see him in the acting field. But good luck anyway!

And Jung Yumi, fighting!!!


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Lee Minho ruined BOF for me. KHJ was pretty and his role was such that he had to play emotionless guy. He is very funny in real life while LMH is very boring in real life.


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U r soo rite! LMH looks dull in real life and wearing a fake smile...KHJ on d other is soo lively in all his concerts...always laughing and smiling and totally njoing with his fans and he is so damn funny! BuT LMH is better in acting altho i personally think they r both bad. But as a person i would love to see more...dat ll definitely be KHJ!


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here we go again.. this is a place for discussing drama, acting quality.. not some kpop idols' real life..


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Agrees and shakes head in amazement that these "conversations" keep happening...


OMG are you kidding me!!
Leaving BBF appart have you actually seen other dramas of either Lee Min Ho and Kim Hyung Joon!
Lee Min Ho is without doubt one of the best young actor nowadays! KHJ frankly sucks! And him being a singer or an idol being all lively and fun doesn't make him a good actor!
I would rather watch my dramas with a person who is a good actor albiet boring in RL than a mediocre or perhaps even bad actor who cant even emote properly in the simplest of scenes!

As for the drama, i will probably check out the first few epis to judge it..i like JYM so ya i wanna watch her..


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I kinda agree with KHJ's stage performance is entertaining, but it's probably because he doesn't have to act. *shrugs*

But once he started to get his hand on that cool-outside-but-warm-in-the-inside kinda script... blah!


Thank you for this comment. For a moment I thought Kim Hyun-Joong took over the whole world, without me knowing it.


@ Apple, you had me literally LOL with your comment. I had tears :-)!


for god sake , do you guys even a bit knows what a good actor is??? its not by how many expressions he shows. because most of the times the people who makes lots of it ends up looking way overacted, well i like LMH and i think he is a good actor though sometimes he gets it overrated. but yeah he is good. as for KHJ, i dont think the guy's bad at it. I think you are just too foolish to know what kind of character he portrays, of course he wont show any emotion on most of it, his character was an arrogant genius remember?!the one who is less likely to care about others than himself. So if you'll make a rant at least do a constructive one.


Actually he was one of the reasons why it was a HIT!! Everyone loved it especially him as JI HOO. Many was awed by him then the main character , he was like a scene stealer. How could he not be. HIS PERFECT!


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Hong Joo-ha?! **gulp**
Kim Seung-woo? Yes.
Jung Yumi as a good girl? Double Yes.
KHJ as the 'City Conquistador'? He may be my cyber-hubby, but I'm praying to TPTB that his acting/action lessons are going to stick - he's always said this is the kind of role he's wanted to do.
I shall light my 'Kick Ass' candle for him and say a few prayers..


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I was excited to see him do something different. But I think the "Lie To ME" writer may have done my interest in, though.

I'm sure my daughter will watch it no matter how good/bad it is, though.


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I find her likable and I love Kim Seung-woo, but nothing else about this appeals to me. *sigh* Lie To Me was a train wreck, and Kim Hyun-joong's acting usually makes me want to push him into oncoming traffic, so...


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couldn't help but laugh out loud...

"Kim Hyun-joong’s acting usually makes me want to push him into oncoming traffic, so…"

but kinda harsh... hehehe

When I see Kim Hyun-joong act, it make me want to tear my hair out... good thing I have long hair or I'd be bald.



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Maybe not into oncoming traffic but at least OFF MY SCREEN... XD


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Go ahead and push him my way. I'll take him. Bad acting and all. I have a daughter that would be perfect for him. They could sing duets together and make beautiful babies.


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I don't usually say this, but I wish you were my mom.


Srsly u r the coolest mom a girl can ever have! This is what i try to tell my mum ( anyone remembers KHJ n HwangBo's son in WGM? :P )


@ Zoe,
Hi, KHJ and Hwangbo had a "pretend" son in WGM? I think I miss that. Who was it? *very curious now* :-)


@ Zoe again, do you remember what episode(s) this was in?


KHJ and Hwangbo never had a 'son' in WGM - unless you consider Hwangbo's little dog as a child?


@ Cynthia, thank you for the info. I thought I had missed something :-).


@Ivoire: No no there was no real/ pretend son in WGM...it was during Chuseok Special where they made pics of son n daughter of each couple.
Bottom left is their son and one on the right is their daughter. Their son was the prettiest!


I thought you were shipping LMH for your daughter. Or maybe that was for my daughter. I'm confused now, lol. I have a whole list of possible grooms...I need more daughters.


Yeah, let those who want to push him away do that. My arms are open wide!

I don't really like Jung Yumi (perhaps it has something to do with all her previous role) but I'll take a lot at this one.


@ Zoe, thanks for the clarification. I will look @ the link later today :-)


@ Zoe, I saw the link, funny! Thanks again :-)


"and Kim Hyun-joong’s acting usually makes me want to push him into oncoming traffic, so…"

LMAO, you had on the floor. lol


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err, Lie To Me? :/


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woo I'm excited for this drama. I'm glad that Kim Seung Woo joins the cast. This man nails every role he's in. Not sure about Jung Yoo Mi but never mind, I'm watching this drama anyway.
Pray that the writer won't screw the script like she did to Lie to me


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Yeah,yeah say all you want -the guy is laughing all the way to the bank.


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Oh boy, another lisp-fest. Maybe she'll have learned to speak clearly by now.

I like KHJ as a singer, but holy crap was he not believable in Playful Kiss (still ashamed I actually watched that whole show).


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omg thank god someone said it. i thought i was the only one bothered by it. she doesn't enunciate and it bothers me even when most of the time i have no idea what is actually coming out of her mouth. lol


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Did anyone hear that screech of a car crash about to happen in their heads as soon as Lie to Me was mentioned?

I was a little interested and then SCREEEEEEEEEEEE *BOOOM*


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My thoughts exactly!


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Me! Me! Me!

I still hate that show and in effect, decreased my affection for the leads. But yeah, that writer shouldn't write ever again.

I actually like KHJ and watched PK (twice! It was cute,so sue me. And his character was more likeable than the TW version). Jung Yumi, so-so. Saw her first in Rooftop so that does not endear her to me. Kim Seung-woo, check. IRIS PD, check. LTM writer, 땡 땡 땡 땡 땡! But will probably check it out during it's second week run. That's when you know for sure the writer has lost it completely. ;)


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Ahahaha! I really want to see meanie Sena as a nice girl and also want to see if KHJ's acting is better when he is given a character with a personality instead of a social disorder. But oi! That writer....I don't know...


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maybe there is no respectable K writer who would want to write for a drama that would star KHJ....

only other writer i could think of is the writer of spy myung wol... but she's busy right now with Dr. Jin... and look what has happened to that drama- a train wreck from the get go


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Oh really??? Is that the same person?? Oh my!
I actually was cool with Spy Myung Wol. It was so angsty and angst is enjoyable to me, because I don't know why, hahaha. But, it was also the first drama I had watched with Eric in it, so maybe I was just enjoying him and not the drama per say, 'cause Eric is awesome!

And lol, I dunno, I think KHJ could be really good if he takes all of that pop-idol/stage charisma and channels it into his acting. Someone should tell him to do that!


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I think if he was playing a more outgoing character, he would do well. Both roles have been reserved, quiet characters. Which I thought he did well, as it's totally against his true personality.

I liked Playful Kiss, BOF was kind of OK, a little crazy makjongy for me.


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God, I hate this girl and her cat-mouth.


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Maybe this particular city was rumored to have lots of spices. Thus, the conquering.


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I think KHJ will do well this time. His acting was stiff in BOF but it was pretty decent in Playful Kiss. People improve by learning and practicing, and KHJ is more hard working than anyone else I've seen. So give him a chance and if you will watch the drama, watch with an impartial mindset and without prejudice.


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well said ^.^


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Has some people who just can't improve even if they try.

I watched him in PK and he wasn't decent, he was still very stiff, but fans use the excuse ''his character is supposed to be like this''


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i agree...i hate it how people(more specifically, the fangirls) make this excuse for how horrible their idol's acting is. i watched PK with a fervor, i'm not ashamed of it. but now that i came out of that bubble i realize how bad his acting was. it improved, but it was stiff, and 50% of the time, he looked bored and sleepy (he probably was, in the BTS he kept yawning) while saying his lines.


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thats exactly what i think,we might me soulsisters


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Wow la Mala fama that lie to me has I don't get but then again it was my fourth ever k drama and i absolutely adored it (except for the lag) and I didn't watch it week to week... But yeah I still see her as sena and want to punch her like automatic reaction so we'll see if she can change that


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Lie To Me writer? How does she even score another drama writing stints. Seriously.

I'm out.


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i have also wondered this. how do writers who can't write decent stories which make sense get jobs again?


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But then again, the writing in "Secret Garden" was almost as bad and that writer has gotten plenty of accolades (and I'm sure offers).


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despite Secret Garden's spotty writing, the drama was a ratings hit..and so were other dramas written by that writer (Kin Eun Sook)..so its not surprising that she would succeed and get people like Jang Dong Gun to star in her stuff but Lie To Me doesn't even have that, except maybe some online buzz so it really puzzles me


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Maybe industry insiders, and Jang Dong Gun, who was picking his 1st drama in 12 years, know a thing or two about scripts that you don't? Is that possible?


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No, people watch crap (see "Two and Half Men", "How I Met Your Mother" and countless others).


True enuf, but my comment was solely about how crappy writers keep getting jobs.

If I were a network exec, after watching SG, I would have attributed its rating success to the hype and to the casting of Hyun Bin and Ha Ji won as the leads.

The writing for SG was pretty like for LTM - cliche-filled plot and stereotypical characters, dialogue that was devoid of any wit, and storylines that meandered aimlessly w/ things left unresolved, skipping to some other insipid storyline.

The only diff. is that SG had that whole body-switching thing and it wasn't even done well.


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You must hate Secret Garden a hellva lot that every time something comes up that has nothing to do with it that you've got to speak ill of it. It's been 2 years hence. How long would it take before you can get it out of your system?


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What's it 2 you?

Until another romcom is awful as SG and LTM, I'll keep mentioning the 2 as the baseline for awful writing for a romcom (RTP came close, but that writer was saved by the Joseon Power Rangers).


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a lot of kdramas get high ratings despite it being so so so flawed and badly written (BOF anyone? and I agree..Secret Garden was just...I couldn't understand the hype of it). and the same thing goes with kdramas having actual quality get low ratings.
AGD in terms of profitability, i think JDG chose it cause its "safe" and a project likely to get high ratings since it will be riding on Secret Garden's popularity (I've seen countless comments on how they're watching AGD because they miss Sega so much) and it being a weekend drama, easier to get high ratings.


For those paying attention, the drama writing goes roughly like this:

Stage 1: Assistant (Apprentice)

You start out as an assistant or a co-writer on a show. This usually means a daily drama or a family drama where they have three to four writers anyway. If you get compliments for your part in these dramas, you graduate up the latter.

Stage 2: Adaptation. (Journeyman)

You absolutely do not get to write your own plot. Almost all writers seem to go from assistant to adaptation. It also seems that if you can't get series ratings, you get stuck back in an adaptation or are given projects until you can prove yourself. You can see this with Boys Over Flowers and the adaptation of Proposal Daisakusen--she hasn't graduated yet.

They usually try to make up for these dramas with a back up writer just in case to swoop in and also seem to try to stack the drama with a good director and a good set of actors to cover for the writer (though usually this is fail.)

You graduate this phase roughly when you get compliments or write a hit.

Stage 3: Your own work. Master/Teacher

Once you graduate the previous stage, you are given an opportunity to pitch your own stuff--like both Hong Sister teams. In the case of the makjang Hong Sisters, they struggled a lot, so they really were put back and forth a few times. The Hong Sisters of the Chun Hyang run were put on My Girl which did well, and then seemed to choose to do a few other adaptations on their own. They particularly seem to choose adaptations when they aren't sure what they are going to pull or when they simply are experimenting. I also think they just love movies that much that they like adapting them.

If you do well, then the network lets you write others, and if you get a few hits (Like City Hall/Secret Garden/My Princess writer) then you get absolute free reign. If you do really well, then you are there to tutor someone else, catch mistakes and are put on to rescue dramas--which often fails, due to the live shooting system. (They don't let the writer write all 16 episodes in one shot, it seems. I can detect that in the writing)

You can figure this out from Dramawiki--look up a few writers in the Korean system and you'll see a similar pattern. (Non-makjang Hong Sisters both individually apprenticed before teaming up.)

I Do, I Do is currently working with a newbie writer trying to iron out some kinks. (The actors are trying to make up for it. KSA is acting her heart out.)

Korean system kind of works a bit more like an apprenticeship compared to the US system--Korean system tends to raise its actors visibly and in the public. Whereas in the US it's "Hey, kid, you don't have it--go outside."

Japan and Taiwan differ in some ways, but it is a similar system. (Korea just looks rougher along the edges.)

Writer, if you notice, failed the adaptation phase from Lie to Me, which was also a novel. She's failed enough that they back tracked her with a manhwa. I would consider that a punishment. I won't expect a high amount of sponsors ether. (In Japan you can taste the amount of sponsors from the first frame.) And again, they tried to get good actors to cover for her.

If the sponsors are thick, they have more likelihood to bring in big name stars and a good director and a good writer. However, the networks seem willing to gamble with certain time slots to raise their talent (talent as in people).

I also expect that the I Do, I Do writer will have failed...


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Oh and it seems the majority of Drama writers tend to be female... while the PDs tend to be male. (Exceptions apply, of course.)

They also usually have ONLY ONE writer per 16-20 episode drama unless there is a back up or a rescue effort underway. Occasionally there is a split simply to play to the writer's various strengths. (Writer of City Hall took over for the politics portion in Episode 8 of My Princess, for example.)

Personally, I think rescue efforts fail because they kick out the failed writer rather than figuring out a smooth and better transition.

Anyway, just correcting the usual "Writers" "He" in the comments. "Writer" "She" is usually more correct. Use dramawiki to double check.


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Thank you so much, Kim Yoonmi, for your detailed explanations. I have been interested in what happens behind the dramas we get to watch since I became interested (addicted is more like it) in Kdramas two years ago. I always wished I could be a fly on the wall (who understood Korean really well) and be in those meetings and follow the people behind the dramas (and the actors/actresses) around because I am so interested in (and curious about) the whole process.

Thank you for taking the time to break it down for us. I appreciate it. Also, I have visited (briefly) your site, and I like the way you write and your stand for adoptees. Your writing is witty. I enjoyed it. I hope you will get to see this response.
Have a great weekend!


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Damn...I was getting so excited until I saw that the script is bring written by the same writer as Lie To Me.

Decisions...decisions. What to do now?!


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One can only hope Kim Seung-woo is as badass as Cha In-pyo in first five episodes of Gaebak.


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am i the only one who is NOT excited about jung yumi headlining this drama? i disagree and don't find her likable at all. i think she over-did some of her acting scenes in rooftop. i would have much preferred the other jung yumi! (from i need romance 2)


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come on people give the poor writer another chance?!! i know i know she should go perfect her skills first b4 invading our screens again but...but....Lie to me wasn't that bad (i know lots of us shallow/perveted ones immensely enjoyed them skinships!!!)


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City Hunter.... LMH

City Conquest.... KHJ

What's next?? and who's next? @.@

About Jang Yumi, saw her in Innocent Steps last night. She's pretty good at dancing.

Ayyway, good luck to her! And congrats on her first lead role!


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City fighter... PYC

lool no but seriously i want yoochun to make a badass role nest time... (i nominate jimin as the main)


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She was in innocent steps, who??

Only remember of MGY lol


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LOL it can be a trilogy!

First the city was hunted, then it was conquered...now in 2013 the city will be...


City Seizure....coming soon!
Starring......... T.O.P (FINALLY in a drama)!!


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City Occupation....Kim Bum?



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Sh*tty - sorry - City Fashion with Jang Geun Seok, then. I would watch it for the lulz.


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lol!! yall are too funny!!!, all are my fave man on earth ..yoochun, top, JGS haha


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My 1st impression of JY was as the smart but sweet palace maiden investigator in "Dong Yi" so - her turn as the baddie in RTP didn't change my impression of her.

But KHJ and the writer for LTM?

That's a double whammy of badness.


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Lie to me writer? Oy.


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never seen Jung Yumi in anything but I heard she's ok, but set her alongside Kim Hyun Joong and with that writer and I'm running far far away....EXCEPT the second lead in this drama is Nam Goong Min aka Maroo Oppa/Joonha Hyung ....and now I'm torn...might at least want to check out the first few eps for him


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Every time I hear that I think of the dude from family guy.


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I'm sure Jung Yumi's going to be adorable in her first likable role, but I can't help feeling that this drama's going to be a disaster.


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She's had nice girls roles before lol


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Whoopsies. Sometimes I equate second lead with unlikable and type before I think. I suppose she was quite nice in A Thousand Day Promise. . .


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KHJ is HOT and I will watch him do *anything.* I heard he's been taking acting classes for his return to dramas, so I'm hoping he'll be much improved. but as long as he flashes his mega-watt smile at least once, I'm sold. And here's to hoping for some shirtless scenes... [/creepy noona mode]

but Jung Yumi has yet to impress me, and then we have Lie to Me writer... I dunno...

but I probably will suffer through it all for my love of KHJ. I guess I'll be one of the five people on earth who will actually watch.


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Six, plus thousands more! CC has already been sold overseas in excess of $10 million (US) for broadcast rights.


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Hi Cynthia, what is CC? Seriously, $ 10 million (US)? Wow, is that the power (and popularity) of KHJ?


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CC is City Conquest


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Ah yes, didn't connect and realize that... Thank you!




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Eight!! Give the guy a break for God Sake and see what is really going on, you all are bashing and trashing this CC before one shot took. It is so biased comments from all, if you all are such experts in acting why don't you all became some mega stars/kpop idols or whatever.


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kim hyun joong in a dark noir revenge drama???
are you @#$*& kidding me?????
His acting is hands-down the worst I've ever seen(Even by idol standards)not to mention he has the charisma of a stick.This guy should stay away from doing any kind of acting If he failed to deliver in such a simple role in BOF how can he possibly deliver in this role.I'm sorry but it's the truth I can look past the writer but KHJ?This is definitely going to be a train-wreck.


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So, you're on the fence about this drama?


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@ Gaeran: Yeah, seriously, tell us how you feel:-)

@ Cynthia, LOL at your cheeky comment :-)


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Sounds like a train wreck again with the Lie to Me writer.
KHJ should stick to singing. Maybe he can improved if he is taking acting lessons. KHJ in BOF and PK was painful to watch his wooden acting. I know he has buff up in his muscles lately.Maybe, he can look the part as an avenger?
Jung Yumi is pretty, but she doesn't have any charisma. I think it's too soon to see her as a lead actress.So- So acting.Not impress with her acting in Roof top Prince.
Too bad Kim Seung woo is only in the first 5 episodes. At least he can act, but he can keep this drama afloat before it stinks?


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i agree. khj just need to sing, smile, hold fan meet and rack in money. i rather invest money for him in those field than waste time watch his acting. but the muscle definitely an eye candy for us.


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Please give KHJ a break. If you think his acting sucks then dont watch. Words of encouragement would have been better.


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So Kim Seung Woo is gonna be the Shin-Hyun-Jun-in-Gaksital type of role? One who will possibly die a horrible death at the end of his cameo?

And it's about revenge against the corrupt establishment, too?

Imagine just how many comparison people are gonna heap this drama against both CH and BM. Top it off with KHJ's cringeworthy acting (and NO, boy has had his chance to prove himself twice in major roles, he's just that - BAD - and should stick to singing. Period.), the bad taste Hong Sena left in my mouth and the writer of Lie to Me, this drama is a disastuh waiting to happen.

Still, stranger things have happened. Maybe gonna check a couple of episodes to confirm my suspicion lol


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I like this girl...she can go evil with a smile...will probably check this one out..


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True, but she was totally sweet in A Thousand Promises. A doormat, but really sweet.


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Jung Yumi's character in A Thousand Days' Promise was totally sweet that's why no matter how bad her character is in RP, I still love her. As for KHJ, I don't know why but I always end up watching his dramas. I'm still wondering on how did I finish Playful Kiss. Lol. I'll give this drama a try. :)


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Probably because of the totally enduring Jung So Min. That girl carried the whole drama on her shoulders. And despite KHJ's lack of acting skills, she managed to have really good chemistry with him.

Sigh, is this looking like a train wreck.


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jung o min was the only reason why i watched playful kiss,and the whole time i was telling her to move on and find some one better cause i had no compasion to beak seung ju,in fact i hated him (part of the reason was khj's awful acting and the other half was that his character was an ass or atleast felt like one to me)
i think i will just read the recaps were first few episodes and then decide if i should continue.i have to give it a chance no matter what the odds are


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Seems like the writer of Lie to Me has CONNECTIONS!!!

I'm willing to give Jung Yu Mi a shot (can't really blame her in Rooftop Prince since they pretty much made her a one-dimensional character anyway), but Kim Hyung Joong? Shucks.


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Now sure that this is NOT the sequel to 'City Hunter,' I'm off to watch something that is NOT another testosterone fest.


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Maybe KHJ's been MIA because he's been taking acting classes?


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He wasn't MIA... he just completed a tour with a truckload of concerts in SG, TW, HK, and China. Recorded an OST for the Wedding Scheme... new Japanese album is being released on July 4th. That's a pretty busy schedule.


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im thinking, maybe the reason why idols acting suck is because they do a lot of things in between instead of focusing on just their acting and respective dramas. acting, singing, promoting, these are things you can multi task but acting is a different skillset, you just can't afford to breeze by it unless you're a person naturally born with acting talent.

vet actor lee soon jae called out all those idols trying to make into the acting biz. basically he said, the idols take years and years of practice perfecting their singing and dancing, so it should follow that acting deserves the same type of dedication, not something you can just do overnight. so he feels these people disrespect the art of acting. true that!

lee seung gi dropped out strong heart and k2h, so he was able to focus solely on his drama, and it did his acting well, not just by "idol standards" but by professional acting standards as well.


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And then there are idols who are actually good at acting, too

T.O.P., Ham Eun Jung is pretty good, Yoochun, Kwon Yuri surprised me in Fashion King--but we'll see!, Uee, Lee Seung Gi as mentioned, L from Infinite did a great job in SUFFBB...

Maybe, KHJ should take some pointers from these guys...I mean, even if you know you're going to be busy, I'm assuming you're doing something because you genuinely want to get into it, so you should give it as much focus as anything else--so I agree w/ Lee Soon Jae. He may be trying his best, of course, but he isn't owning it yet. If he takes all of his pop-idol charisma and adds that to his acting, I think he'll be good. I wonder if he may be hung up on looking "cool" or taking on those types of roles and that inhibits him.


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I wasn't even aware Lee Seung Gi was an idol. I thought he was an actor and a popular show host.


Lee Seung Gi wasn't part of group, I don't think, but he has a pretty successful solo career. I have both of his albums and really like them.


Now that you mention T.O.P
I would so watch this drama if he starred in it.


I hear what you are saying, but not many people outside of Korea would even know who that veteran actor is (or most of the "good" actors in the korean dramaland, for that matter), but they would know KHJ.

>vet actor lee soon jae called out all those idols trying to make into the acting biz.

They are not "trying". They get signed in, and just their name (before the broadcaster, director, writers, other lead and supporting actors, etc. are even known!) ensures that the drama sells for upwards of $10mln (that's US$). And there's merchandise to sell on top of that. It is time to accept that we are not even looking at the same type of entertainment product anymore - for one thing, it is made with the overseas markets in mind (not the domestic Korean one), and the drama itself is just a delivery mechanism for the idols to do their "work".


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Thanks for the insight... Quite enlightening!


Hm, a train wreck in the making....I've got to check this out.


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yeah...that's the spirit!!!


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Lie To Me had the worst writing I've ever seen (in a drama with big name actors). But CC has KHJ, so doesn't matter, will watch anyway ^^;;


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I'm surprised they cast Jung Yumi for the drama. I didn't like her in her previous roles, and the way she cites the script *urgg* Even in one of her likeable roles in A thousand day's promise, her presentation is forced and came off as overly innocent and fake, to me

Anyway, I'm gonna watch this drama for Kim Hyun Joong. He's pretty and hot. Believe me he's hotter than ever these days *look at those bulky muscles* I don't know what he did to me but I'm kinda attracted by his screen presence and then forget about the acting. I watched BOF and PK several times. He must have cast a spell on me, haha.

And I heard that he has been diligently taking acting class and studying the script, so his acting will get better this time. I believe this guy can do anything. Look at how weak a singer before going solo and how decent it is now, it is almost unbelievable. This guy tried his utmost and I believe he can do it.

This drama seems my type, hot guys, dark and action-packed, invested (shooting in many countries)...another IRIS?


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Please never disrespect IRIS, the actors, or anyone associated with such an amazing production to this mediocre one that cannot compare. Jung Yumi needs to get rid of the lisp, horrible wigs, and her one blank face. Now KHJ is hot but never seen his acting but it will take him years to get to LBH level. If ever he sure can dance and sing though love him for that.

If I sound mean sorry my personal feeling that just shocked me and made me laugh.


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my prediction for this drama is a total failure. just my 2cent, hate it if you want.

a) khj acting (i can't even bear to finish playful kiss even i looooove him to death)

b) jung yumi just an average actress but dear!you need to speak clearly

c) lie to me script writer-whatever the name was. a major factor for this drama to suck. have you ever watch a drama where you try to skip almost every scene? i swear i have

but hey, GOOD LUCK....


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It's time for a City Hunter sequel, methinks. Instead of pink pants, LMH could wear nave blue ones, and the prosecutor will have to turn out to have magically survived, so that they can hide from the authorities together and have an epic male friendship. Yay?


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Wtp how many acting geniuses do we have here.. Criticising before the show even begins filming.. Seems like there are many fortune tellers here..


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Kim hyun joong in a dark noir revenge drama is bound to be an epic failure.


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sounds like city hunter :|


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edit: LOL lie to me writers? I'm wrong, this won't be the next City Hunter or even close to it. XD


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From the comments, you would think there was a gun pointed at your head to watch. If you don't like it, don't watch it. But please get off the actor/actress/writer/producer and whatever else bashing bandwagon. If you wish to criticize, at least give an objective one that is not blinded by your prejudice; that would make your comments sound less like a whinge.


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So happyyyyy my Yellow Hair is back!!!!! *plays violin madly* I've been waiting for forever for him to act since Playful Kiss. I loved PK, and I think he has improved tremendously since BOF, and I have high hopes for this one. And if he's wooden, who cares? I love, love, love KHJ!


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In fact, I love this show soooooo much, I decided I would

I will. I promise.



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Thanks, YY.
I think that you are one of the most creative thinkers around. I would love reading your words about the yellow haired violin player conquesting the city.

Are you sure you want to make such large committment?


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What the...hey, that's not me! Someone is PRETENDING to be me! hahahaha so funny OK 'fess! WHO DID IT? I'm no recapper, just a simple yellow-hair lover. Is it you, Jomo? *looking suspicious*


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Ah, you caught me....what can I say. I guess I love this guy so much I just wish someone would recap this show. He's my idol and I'm his Number 1 Fan! I love you KHJ!


Hi, everyone, my name is jomo and I love the yellow haired person who plays the violin...

Phew! They said that admitting the truth was the first step to recovery. I feel better already...

YY - you were right all along! What was I thinking to compare smoking hot Lee Jung Jae, acteur to hotter than heck KHJ singeur?


In fact, I've decided, if no one wants to recap this show, I WILL. How about that?


Omg, Jomo, seriously?


Yes. I can't fight it anymore. I LOVE I repeat LOVE LOVE LOVE the yellow-haired guy who plays the violin. I've been denying it so long here, but late at night, when I'm in my room deep in my house which cannot be located on google-earth, I take out his cut-outs and my scrapbooks which are so thick and pasted sky-high with his clippings and his face -oh, that face! - from my secret treasure box hidden deep in my secret drawer and I just gaze and gaze at them and then I feel so STRONG.


Sometimes, I have to remind my self that they're just acting out these parts not really these people. It will be nice to see this pretty actress get a chance to be one of the "good guys" this time around...


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Sound interesting. Me live badass drama. I can't wait.


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okay so i read all these comments very precisely... and i have to admit that i agree with most of you.. I hated lie to me.. RTP girl is OKAY.. couldnt they have gotten a more A listed actress or somthin.. so if KHJ couldnt act properly.. which i think he wouldnt.. or he might .. who knows... could ACT instead.

wel... we'll see.. i 'll give it a try ... and drool over KHJ before i m totally out of it


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When it comes to KHJ, he should definitely throw that "challenging role" mindset out of the window. I don't care if he's playing a character that's an exact replica of his real life persona, I'd still lap it up because I KNOW he's a humorous guy. Just don't give me any more of that shoddy "cold" character, or the whole "taking on a role that's outside of my comfort zone because I want to be recognized as a serious actor." I know he hasn't had much experience under the belt yet so it may be harsh of me to say this, but he's proven that he absolutely cannot handle it. He should learn to do what he's good at first - the funny, cheery types - and only then should he try to stretch his skills a bit and take up other challenges. It's just a shame there are many actors out there who are better qualified for the role, yet it's only handed out to the popular idol.


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Not sure what the huge fuss is about KHJ or LMH as "ruin"-ers, but I've shown Boys Before Flowers to 7 different people and they've all LOVED it BECAUSE of LMH and KHJ. I feel the same. Maybe it's an American thing...

I can't wait to see KHJ in an action role! So excited! And I liked Jung Yumi in RTP - for some reason kept wanting her to be redeemable despite all of her mistakes.


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Their acting roles speak for themselves. No one is bashing this looks like a disaster waiting to happen. just because you have a huge fanbase doesn't mean people will keep watching crap drama's or watching you in it.

Jung Yumi worked with one of the best actresses in RTP why is she rushing to be a lead? After watching RTP it's clear she is not ready. The lisp is annoying , the expressions, and she always is typecast because she does nothing with her range or look anything but the pretty girl.It's not bashing it's the truth . You hated that character so bad but mainly because to me half the time she wasn't even needed in some of the storyline. J3 should have been more of a focus.

Now I feel bad for KHJ because if she is the lead no one is going to even give him or this drama a chance except his fans. I hope he worked hard because he will need it.When you do comeback drama's you pick actresses that are either unknown or were fierce as the 2nd lead. And sorry to say she wasn't.I hope to see range from her in future because I know she is close enough to some of her Unni's that they definitely will help her become a better actress.


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KHJ is a man who puts his soul into everything he does.


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Looks to me like some of the comments above is just a biased statement from the hate she played as Hong Sena. I thought she played her character well, the fact that most people hate her ass extends to the fact that she did play it well.

If you're gonna talk about appearance (seriously lisp?) for being the reason for the hate, you're doing it wrong.

I somewhat agree that she might not be the best role as the lead, but I think she can handle it well, if given the chance.


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Just wanted to share my opinion but I don't think one is a good actor if they're playing a villain role and the viewers hate their guts because isn't their character supposed to be evil and dislikeable? I think that if they're able to portray the villainous character as bad but not heartless and still a human being (unless the writer makes the character bland and two-dimensional) then I would call them a good actor.

Sorry, it just kind of bothers me when people say "Oh, you may hate them but that means their acting is good!" and I'm just like "seriously..." .___.


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You can't play a villiain role given the script she was given and still portay yourself to be a human being. If you're handed a script saying to abandon your sister, no matter how good your acting is, unless there is a subliminal message saying "make it seem like you feel guility of doing it", it isn't going to happen.

Clearly her script never showed that, as the entity of RTP sans the 18th and 19th episode showed that she had to continuously play the role of the evil bitch that has no heart (with the same being her Joseon Counterpart of being the Crown Princess and how she got that to begin with).

That's what my arguement to this reply is about, I was more intrigued about the whole physical appearance bs that someone was spewing above though that makes her not able to hand lead roles.

No matter what people say, she may not be the best actress but she is well more deserving to have a chance to have a lead role at this point regardless of how small or big it is. I really do think it's just to the point of people being jealous of her


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