The Moon That Embraces the Sun: Episode 20 (Final)

Finally, the finale! The show sure has poured on the speed in the last several episodes. hurtling us toward conclusions and endings, both happy and sad. Whether or not the show’s ratio on that latter point is satisfactory is up to you to decide.

The show bowed out with series high ratings of 42.2%, crushing the (nonexistent) competition. (To be fair, there was basically no competition, with a Drama Special on one rival station and a Salaryman special on the other.)


Wheesung – “눈물길” (Tear ducts) from The Moon That Embraces the Sun’s OST.
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The brothers face off over their drawn swords, surrounded by rebels. In flashback, we see that Minister Yoon had demanded that Yang-myung be the one to kill the king, in order to convince everybody this wasn’t a trick. Yang-myung had agreed.

Now, Minister Yoon shouts at Yang-myung to finish the deed without hesitation. The brothers stay frozen in place while everybody watches, waiting for him to make his move.

Another flashback takes us to a previous confrontation, when Hwon had given his brother the opportunity to attack him and Yang-myung hadn’t taken it.

Yang-myung’s words had sounded cryptic then, but make sense now: this was a test to determine how Yang-myung would act the next time he challenged Hwon’s life.

Ergo, both brothers know in advance that Yang-myung won’t do it. So do we, for that matter, and the suddenness of Yang-myung’s flip-flop (and subsequent flop-flip?) means that none of this carries the dramatic impact it ought (oh, what could have been). But points for trying.

So now, Yang-myung raises his sword and sounds a battle cry… then whirls and strikes down one of the minister-rebels instead. This gives Hwon the chance to race to safety alongside his brother.

More flashbackery shows us that this was all planned by Hwon, who had predicted that Yang-myung would be approached by the traitors, and given him the instructions to go along with the plot. Everything had been Hwon’s idea, to crush the rebels once and for all, for the safety of the nation and, specifically, Yeon-woo.

Minister Yoon leads the charge to advance anyway, since they’ve got numbers on their side. Until, that is, a surprise contingent of troops swarms in, having waited for their moment to catch the insurgents off-guard. Tide turned.

The king’s troops shut the gates, ensuring that the swift battle be confined in the small courtyard. Hwon orders the “hunt” to begin.

The fight commences, with Woon and Yang-myung joining the fray together. Minister Yoon holds his own and demands the deaths of the king and prince.

Without needing to be told, Bo-kyung already knows that her father and her husband are battling it out. No matter which way the wind blows, she’s doomed; as she walks despondently through the empty palace dragging a white cloth, she knows she is about to be deposed. She thinks sadly, “From the day I first saw you, all I wanted was one thing: your heart.”

She comes to her destination and starts tying the cloth to a tree. She has decided that she will die a queen, still Hwon’s woman, before others strip her of that title. Aw. Suicide can be a storytelling crutch for many a melodramatic finale, but there’s a sad logic to her actions.

One by one, the lesser ministers in the Council of Evil go down. Yang-myung declares that he’s got the roster of traitors: “Take it from me if you can.” No, don’t tempt Fate! I have a bad feeling about this.

Minister Yoon is literally the last man standing, and he sees all his men lying dead around him. Now it’s Hwon’s turn to raise his weapon, and he sends an arrow flying into his leg. It’s not a fatal injury, and Minister Yoon charges the king anyway. Yang-myung cuts him down, delivering the deathblow, and the brothers smile in relief that all is done.

Except no, it’s not quite done. A rebel staggers to his feet behind Yang-myung’s back — ack, you can’t kill him now, when he’s safe! Hwon sees the danger and calls out a warning as the traitor grabs a spear.

Yang-myung sees the threat, who’s gathering his strength to attack… and then turns his back to the rebel. WHAT? You could just walk away, and you’re giving him a clear shot?

He faces the king, who looks at him in dawning horror, and thinks, “Please forgive my foolish choice. The heavens can only contain one sun. Now I will be the cause of no more chaos.”

Yang-myung drops his sword and awaits his fate. Arrrrrghasldkfjaldkjfalkjfas. Hulk angry, keyboard smash.

The spear flies through his abdomen, and Hwon screams, “Hyungnim!”

Nok-young and Jan-shil look up at the sky to see two suns converging. Just in case the metaphor wasn’t clear enough and you spent twenty episodes not getting it. The moment the suns meet, we also see one moon being swallowed up, symbolizing the death of Bo-kyung.

Woon cradles Yang-myung in his last moments while Hwon cries at his side. Yang-myung is smiling to the last, joking with his dying gulps that he’s gotten tired of playing the profligate. He tells Hwon not to cry: “I am fine.” He takes out the book of names and hands them over.

Yang-myung: “Once, I resented you for having everything. And so, I even desired your throne. But my friends and you, my brother, were too precious to me, to take that place from you. Be a strong ruler, and protect this nation’s people alongside her. I will watch over you from that place.”

Yang-myung looks up at the sky, now thinking inwardly that he will meet his father soon — not as king, but as a parent. If he has regrets, it’s for the mother he leaves behind. His last memory is of young Yeon-woo, and then he dies.

Hwon begs his brother to open his eyes, sobbing that it’s a royal order.

Yeon-woo is taken to a house where she will be safe, and steps inside the gate. Who should cross her path but her mother, who recognizes her on sight. Yeon-woo bursts into tears, and confirms that she’s really alive.

They hold each other and sob, which brings Yeom outside to check on his mother. His reaction is more contained, although it’s not a surprise to him because he was prepared for this by Seol.

Yeom has told his mother the gist of Min-hwa’s involvement, and she laments the dilemma of Min-hwa’s wrongdoing with her place in this family, and her unborn child to boot.

Yeon-woo leaves her mother to rest and finds Yeom outside, but he refuses to look at her. She understands that he blames himself, and tells him not to — that so doing would just make her blame herself for staying alive. Oh good lord, you wonder duo of noble idiocy. Then again, I suppose it’s an argument that works, since they’re equals on this front.

Yeom says he’s wronged her horribly, and that everything is his fault. (Which… totally doesn’t compute. Is he blaming himself for being so pretty that Min-hwa couldn’t help but be forced to dark sorcery to have him? That just takes “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful” to new extremes, yeah?)

Yeon-woo just asks for him to be pleased that she’s here and living, and he hugs her, thanking her for being alive. She thanks him for the same.

At the sound of a visitor, Min-hwa insists she won’t eat, thinking it’s her lady in waiting, only to realize Yeon-woo stands there. Yeon-woo asks if she has decided to die along with her baby, and Min-hwa asks if that’s what Yeon-woo would like; it makes no sense to her that Yeon-woo would want her to live. Yeon-woo concedes that Min-hwa consoled her mother over the years, and has given her brother a child.

If Yeon-woo’s excessively good response is cause for frustration, at least there’s consolation in the fact that she doesn’t sound happy about it. Min-hwa can’t understand it and tells her to fly at her in a rage, or grab her hair, or do something — then, at least she could beg for forgiveness.

Yeon-woo fires back angrily, “Do you need my forgiveness? Fine, I’ll give it.” She says she’ll do it for Yeom and Hwon, who have been hurt by Min-hwa’s actions and have begged her forgiveness and suffered in Min-hwa’s place: “But live. Beg for that forgiveness, and atone for your sin yourself. Not through the king or my brother, but you yourself.”

Well, that’s actually pretty satisfying, as far as conflicted smackdowns go. Chastened, Min-hwa starts to eat and says, “Thank you… for living.” Yeon-woo replies, “Give me a reason to say the same.”

That night, Woon imagines Yang-myung coming to see him, healthy and joking. It’s not a crazy vision; Woon speaks to him as a ghost, asking how it feels on the other side. Yang-myung answers that he likes not having to fake smiles anymore, or pretend to enjoy drinking, or be a danger to the king. Most of all, he can carry a torch for Yeon-woo to his heart’s content.

Woon asks a question he’s often had to answer: “Do you still consider me your friend, even now?” Yang-myung replies, “Of course. All this while, and from now on as well, you are my friend.”

Another body lies silently in the palace: Bo-kyung, who has been discovered and laid in her chamber. There’s a rope burn around her neck and her ladies sob.

Hwon comes to her bedside and closes her eyes, then staggers out of the queen’s quarters with a heavy heart. Yeon-woo meets him in the courtyard and comforts him as he cries.

Hwon presides over his court — with some conspicuously empty seats — and outlines the path to recovery. Fitting punishments will be doled out to the guilty, while the falsely accused will be cleared.

This includes punishment for Princess Min-hwa, who will lose her status and be made a government slave after giving birth. Yeom is culpable by association, and as punishment he will be divorced and “demoted,” taking back his previous status before marrying into royalty. At least silver lining isn’t hard to find there, since the so-called punishment effectively gives back his clipped wings.

Nok-young is given special consideration for saving the princess’s life, and will leave Seongsucheong following the upcoming memorial rites. Jan-shil wants to follow her, but Nok-young tells her to remain behind and watch over Seongsucheong.

Nok-young performs rites for the recently departed, assuring them that she will take them on to the hereafter. She prays for heaven to wash clean the evil from this land, and offers up her own body — an instrument in so many sins — as the sacrificial offering for this last spell. (It sort of makes you wonder at all the grief that would’ve been spared if she just refused to cast the first spell, doesn’t it? I mean, what was to stop her from lying and just saying, “Sorry queenie, that’s not possible”?)

She prays for the remaining sun and moon to see happiness and light, and falls to the ground. Dead.

With order restored, it’s time for another wedding ceremony as Yeon-woo is made the new queen. On their wedding night, Hwon practically twitches in impatience and interrupts the court lady — who’s pouring wine slooooooowly — telling everybody they’re dismissed. Rawr.

The court lady reaches to help him out of his robes, but he rears back and warns her away: “The queen hasn’t even touched this body yet!” He declares that the queen will attend to him (I’m sure she will; waggles eyebrows) and orders them out.

He holds out a hand to Yeon-woo, then pulls her toward himself, sliding her across the floor. That’s a pretty slick move for a virgin king. Then he whirls her to the bedding, landing on top of her, in an echo of that night he discovered her as his sleep-aid amulet. He repeats the same words: “Who are you? What is your true identity?”

Yeon-woo replies, “I am your woman, the mother of this nation, Heo Yeon-woo.”

Fade to black…

…and when we reopen, several years have passed.

At the palace, two young boys run around the courtyard together — cousin princes, from the look of it. Yeon-woo sits with her brother, now wearing the robes of a government official. One son is his, and the other one hers.

She tells Yeom that Min-hwa has been granted a status change, raised from the lowest class to commoner status. The king has deemed her punishment fulfilled and released her from servitude. Yeom looks troubled at the news, but Yeon-woo tells him that if his continued resistance toward Min-hwa is out of lingering regret for Yeon-woo, he can stop feeling guilty. Furthermore, the child needs his mother.

To underscore that point, the prince trips and falls, and Yeon-woo hurries to check that he’s fine. His cousin looks sad (I’m going with sad; it’s hard to tell the acting of kiddos this young) and envious over the example of motherly affection.

The king joins the party and the prince totters off happily with Woon to learn swordfighting. Yeom’s boy says he likes books better than fighting, prompting a comment on apples not falling far from trees.

Hwon says that the prince is a lot like Yang-myung, given his interest in swordsmanship and his fondness for Woon. Yeom replies that you could say the prince resembles Hwon, too, in that.

As Yeom leaves the palace, he asks his son if he misses his mother; it’s something the boy has tried to hide, but Yeon-woo’s words have made Yeom attentive.

A group of shamans happens across their path, and Jan-shil recognizes him, asking if he knows Seol. She explains that Seol asks her the same question every day: “Is he happy? He must be happy, he must.” Yeom looks pensive at the question, thinking it over.

That night, Yeon-woo surprises Hwon with one of his games: She has hidden a gift in this room for him. The word “gift” strikes a chord, though, and he immediately gets up with a nervous gulp and excuses himself. His departure makes his court ladies wonder — he’s usually so insistent on being with the queen that he won’t leave until he’s called away. Could he have finally tired of her? Does he perhaps have another woman hidden away in his quarters?

In his own chamber, he asks if preparations are complete, and sure enough, a woman steps out of his secret room: his gayageum teacher. She’s here to prepare him for a surprise performance on Yeon-woo’s birthday, ha. Hwon boasts that he’s a fast learner and will be a quick study, then hilariously struggles to follow along. I think Hyung-sun’s expression says it all.

Frustrated, he shoves the gayageum away and blames it for sucking. Hyung-sun offers to check the validity of the instrument, then demonstrates his own amazing proficiency on it. He determines that the problem doesn’t lie with the gayageum, rubbing in the fact that he learned by watching the king’s lessons. Haha. Thoroughly schooled, Hwon pouts, “Face the wall.”

Yeom and his son walk hand in hand down the road, not seeing Min-hwa peering around the corner. In tears, she watches her men walking away before continuing on her own way.

To her surprise, she finds Yeom and her son standing in her path. To explain her unwanted presence, she tells him that the king has lifted her slave status, but now she has nowhere to go: “I wanted to see you one last time…”

The boy guesses that she’s his mother, and her spirits lift. Out of respect for Yeom’s feelings, she keeps her distance and promises not to come looking for them anymore. She keeps her head bowed and meekly asks forgiveness for this transgression.

Yeom watches tearily as she turns to leave, and then runs after her. As he back-hugs her, she says that she thought he wouldn’t forgive her. He says he meant not to, if anything as self-punishment: “But now, I want to be happy.” Family hug.

Hilariously, the king steadily practices his musical skills in his spare moments, taking a meeting with a puzzled Hong Kyu-tae (now a minister) while working his air-gayageum. That cracks me up.

Hwon’s preoccupation with his wife’s birthday present leaves Yeon-woo bored and alone, until she’s finally taken to Hidden Moon for the performance.

Hwon awaits with his gayageum and wishes her a happy birthday, then proceeds with a relatively proficient performance that Yeon-woo finds moving. All goes well until Hwon breaks a string, and Yeon-woo hurries to his side to check on his hand… at which point a gayageum continues playing, elsewhere. Omg, did you just pull a Singin’ in the Rain? Is Hyung-sun hidden in some room, rockin’ out?

Thoroughly busted, Yeon-woo levels him with a mock-reproving look, while he looks like an errant schoolboy with his hand in the cookie jar. He asks if she’s disappointed at this weak gift, and she says no, she enjoyed it.

He offers a different gift instead, and she teases, “Will you send flower petals from the rooftop?” He laughs that Hyung-sun’s too old to climb roofs these days. Good thing he has something even better.


And yes, as we pull away, we find Hyung-sun indeed around the corner, playing his little heart out.


And the juggernaut comes to an end. How’s that for a way to tie up loose ends, nice and neat? Regardless of whether they were tied in logical ways, that is. The point is: they’re tied, all right?

I suppose how you feel about the drama’s finale depends on what you wanted out of it: A return to its heyday of feel-good warmth? A sudden upswing in storytelling skill to do the premise justice? A happy romantic ending for Hwon and Yeon-woo? A happy ending for everyone? Retribution for all the evils perpetrated and a return to “order”?

Some of those things, we got. Others were a pipe dream. It was a pretty bloodthirsty wrap-up with a high body count, especially counting yesterday’s deaths. That’s not surprising given the gravity of crimes and conflicts we’re dealing with, but it does feel a bit like people got killed off because that was the easiest way to tie off that loose end, rather than necessarily working with our story. (And we’ve established that narrative integrity isn’t exactly this drama’s high point.) In that regard, the final body count sort of proves the skewed focus of the drama all along, because Hwon and Yeon-woo are the only ones who get their happy ever after, and the others die.

It proves (lest we forget) that this has always been, first and foremost, a romance drama. In fact, it’s basically only a romance drama. The other stuff — court plots, family strife, struggles with power — are just incidental to the love story. As such, they’re used as story tools, picked up and dropped when convenient, without having a life of their own. That’s a shame, because if any of the characters outside of Hwon and Yeon-woo had purpose beyond their function in Hwon and Yeon-woo’s story, they could have been lovely and interesting.

Nowhere is that more evident than in the character of Yang-myung. I’m deeply dissatisfied with the way he went out, even though I recognize that it makes a lot of sense for him to die. His life would always endanger Hwon’s (although I’ll argue that it’s no reason to kill yourself), so I get his stupidly noble decision to spare his brother more strife. And I was predicting that he probably would sacrifice himself; thus, death in itself isn’t the issue. It’s the fatalistic, offer-myself-up-to-fate way he faced his attacker that drove me a little bit insane.

It’s something of a no-win situation to begin with, because if he’d been taken by surprise, that would’ve been horrible. And yet for him to march into the face of death willingly? Urgggg, I just hate that he gave up, and worse, the drama then had the audacity to tell us he’s happy with this because he can stop pretending to be happy when he’s not. Or, yunno, you could’ve just become an emotionally honest person WHO’S ALIVE. In this case I would have preferred the extremely cliched, unoriginal scenario where he takes the deathblow saving his brother, because at least there it’s a choice that isn’t quite so much like suicide.

But, as we know, Yang-myung isn’t really an autonomous character so much as he is a narrative puppet to the whims of Storyline Hwon and Yeon-woo — so he is easily sacrificed, right? Just as long as we camouflage the death in the trappings of glory and sacrifice. Ugh, stupid moon-sun metaphor.

Another example of a wasted character: Seol. I’ll hand it to the show for knowing how to wring out the pathos of a moment in a purely technical sense, because I found myself crying over her death despite having no particular opinion of her character. In fact, that goes for the entire finale, because this is a drama that has long ceased to have any emotional grip on me, and yet I found the tearful moments appropriately tear-inducing, and was surprised at how much I cried along with the characters. Even though I could really not care much less about them as characters.

I feel like Seol got her heroic death as an afterthought, because what else were they going to do with her? Sure, let’s give her an ending that’s completely out of step with her place in the story, if that means we wring a few extra tears out of the audience. (I say this having wanted for Seol to play more of a role all drama long and being disappointed at her lack of presence or significance.)

Bo-kyung, too, got knocked off because the story needed the queen out of the picture and death was a convenient way to do it. Like Yang-myung, death was the only way to remove her as a threat to our characters, because even if she had been merely deposed, she would always be a threat who might garner support from more rebels. So yes, it makes sense. On the other hand, it feels like a cop-out to just wipe out all our opponents; in that, you’re not really solving problems. You’re just benefiting from happy coincidence. But of all the deaths, I’ll give the drama some credit for giving Bo-kyung a compelling logic for her actions, as her last way of asserting herself in a situation where she had no power. She could at least choose to die the queen, and not a dishonored usurper.

I do have to say the drama drives me batty with its shit-for-brains approach to women characters, though, which has been a problem all the way through. The ending only solidifies the problematic approach to the ladies, who are depicted as pawns or slaves to love. Every single woman has reduced her own identity to its association with a man. That she does so of her own accord makes it more infuriating. You have a queen, a princess, a noblewoman-turned-princess, a (supposedly) badass warrior — and each woman defines herself in relation to a man. I want to scream at them to have a little agency, to be better than that.

Even the smart-as-a-whip Yeon-woo — who as a thirteen-year-old railed against the injustice of the class-based social order — in the end just sat around, willing to leave her fate in the hands of others, until her man stepped in solved the problem, all, There ya go, little lady, I fixed it fer ya.

All that said, I thought the finale was true to the spirit of the show. It wasn’t going to miraculously turn a corner and start making perfect logical sense, but our good guys prevailed (although some in death), and our baddies saw the business end of the pointy stick. The drama was never at the top of the narrative game — or even the acting, or production-quality games, for that matter — but sometimes you have to give props to something that can capture attentions. Regardless of whether it was for the “right” reasons, Moon/Sun had a certain something that had the nation tuning in, eager to see how things ended up for our characters. You can’t quantify that kind of magnetic pull. Or maybe you can, and its name is 42.2%.


URG. What the frack, drama? WHY DID YANG-MYUNG HAVE TO DIE? It wasn’t even a heroic death, or a strategic one. I thought that if he were fated to die, it’d be motivated by a last big heroic deed to protect his brother. But to just lay down his sword? I get the basic concept (repeated ad nauseum) of there-can’t-be-two-suns-in-the-sky, but it’s kind of moot when you’ve already conquered all the baddies. They’re all defeated. Time to party. Not time to die. You could go live your life as a wanderer and have all the friends you want, or have no friends and tell all your problems to rocks! Whatever! Gah. I’m fine with death if it’s properly motivated, but this was just senseless.

I think my biggest problem with this drama is that all our main characters were entirely reactive, passive characters, always one step behind and reacting to whatever happened to them. It took twenty episodes of build-up to have the king orchestrate one really big coup-reversal, but there was so much more that both he and Yeon-woo could have done to actively change their fates. It just wasn’t a priority for this drama, which consistently drove me crazy.

Overall they took one flimsy premise and then tried to stretch it for twenty episodes, instead of building a complex world with layered characters and trusting that new conflicts would drive the story forward. We basically knew exactly what would happen with the central story from day one, and it never once deviated from that path. I was behind the main couple, but their journey never really gripped me or swept me up in an epic way. And I wanted it to, really.

Perhaps when everything is left to Fate and the players given so little agency, it’s hard to root for them because they just remain in the same place for so long. I actually think the reason everyone praises the childhood portion of this drama compared to the adult years has little to do with the actors, and more to do with the characters. They were young, idealistic, and had wide-open possibilities. They spoke their minds and wanted to change the world. Of course we rooted for them.

But they quickly grew up into dutiful, passive adults who time and again let other people decide how their lives would be. Yang-myung giving up like that was just the nail in the coffin for me. Yes, Hwon turned it around in the end, but it doesn’t make up for the drama hours I spent watching him be a shell of his former spunky prince. Had THAT been the central focus of the drama, it might’ve helped to ground the conflict in something a little meatier than restoring the princess bride to her rightful place.

It was undeniably a very beautiful show to look at, and there were adorable moments of lightness and cute that made the episodes themselves very easy to watch and enjoyable. I had a good time, so I certainly don’t hate the drama or have any horrible grudge against it. I just wanted more from it, because the story had potential to be much more complex. But it chose to stay on the surface, which means I consumed it much like cotton candy – it was sweet and colorful, but disappeared into thin air.


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I was just happy for Min Hwa- she was a victim and had not deserved any of the bashing. I hated all the hate going for her. I am glad she was forgiven, although I hate how shallow it struck me as in the end. Honestly, the drama was mostly showy and flashy but for me it did not have the same pull as The princess man, TPM was way better.


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Thank you for recapping the whole series! One beautiful indeed. Sad that it wasn't satisfying enough though.. I agree with you both. Why did the Prince give up just like that? Now I really hate the two suns- two moons metaphor.. urrrgghhh

I did enjoy the show nonetheless. Thank you, til the next series! ^_^


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Thank U so much for sharing this story .. ^.^


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I'm very happy with the ending. Finally, these cute couple can have their happily ever after.
However, I'm going to complain about Yeon U's character. She first started out strong because she is very considerate of others, thus she fights for other people when they are mistreated. Due to this, I was expecting her to fight for the justice for her own murder. Unfortunately, she didn't because she doesn't want her loved ones to be hurt by the truth, which makes me mad. I'm like.. are you really Yeon U?
I want her to fight for herself instead of letting Hwon solve her murder case for her. That, I just don't get.


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I think if I watched this when it was airing I would be swept up with the fan fever. I couldn't wait to watch this but put it aside because of other priorities. Now that I have watched it boy am I not impressed. Sure there were good things about it but the story was so lacking and paper thin. I loved our main pairing and the side characters but the story wasn't as layered as I would have liked.

And weak female characters drive me nuts!!!. And I know its a saeguk and its a time period thing but yeon woo had so much spunk as a kid. And this is the author who wrote Sangkyunkwan scandal where we had an awesome female heroine!!!


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it wiil be watch soon in GMA!!


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This epic drama will be premiered in my country this August 2012...

Can't wait to do a recap on this on my own language...


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Ve the ending .. Hohoho .. Javabeans n girlfriday thank u for the recap ;)


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I Hate that there were so many deaths especially Yang-Myung's but I can see the logic. If you link it back to the legend that was told in the first episode, you'll see that the legend was more than likely a foreshadow to his death. In the end, the heroes were the second sun, yang-Myung and the second moon themselves.


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I come her because javabeans and girlfriday are occasionally funny but they just dont make any sense. I get that you guys are feminists but you cant expect that in every drama EVERY woman has to be strong and have some agency. First of all we are in the Joseun Era. Women were just supposed to look pretty and sew things up and have babies so no i would not expect any "agency". Also Yeon woo was only outspoken in her youth because she was talking to a laid back, childish prince. Now she's talking to a king and she probably knows that life will never be as idealistic as she wanted to be. Last thing, In every asian drama i have ever watched most of the major characters are either controlled by their parents or by their spouses so i want to ask are you guys new to that. Even in THIS day and age i know some asian kids whose parents tell them what career path to follow. I thought it was just an asian thing to let things happen to you, and that this happens to be a super conservative time based on Confucian teachings i really dont get why you guys would expect women with "agency" or any sort of will and drive really.


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I loved all your recaps of TMTETS thank you...but i have a quick question, what is it that court lady jo call yeon u when seol went to speak to her about what happened the night yeon u got "sick"? i'd appreciate anyones answer....spelling is greatly appreciated


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I love this series!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!! Though why did Prince Yang Myeung die? That's not fair...thank goodness bo-kwung died...I really got tired of her bothering my sweet Lee-Hwon......As foe Seoul, Y did they make her die....dat princess min-hwa should have died instead....Anyways I love when Lee-Hwon wants to start his water works...follow me now...it starts with him staggering and catwalking at the same time then the tears drops and before you know it he's kneeling and he opens his mouth and finally let's out a shout...Cute, isn't it?All in all kudos to all who made this a success.....


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thank you dramabeans..love this series..love it reading till the very end...


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it was nice it was a happy ending 4 the kingdom


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i love that movie very muchh??? the ending was so drama but im so enjoy in watching?


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gogogogoooo??? korean movies


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i real like this drama


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I just watched the whole episodes... I was touched, I learned some lessons also. Thank you :-)


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One of the best Korean Drama I watched. Haay.. I'm so inlove with this. I'll miss watching it..


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This drama was great. Yang Myung had to die because he couldnt get the hint.

Bo kyung had to die because she was going to be disgraced and humiliated.

Seol had to die for daring to play with swords. You aint Woon bitch!

The story was about hwon and yeon woo, the rest of the cast just got in the way of their love so of course they had to be removed.

I hate people who dont get the hint and i hate men like Yang Myung in dramas, who think they can force someone to love them. She doesnt want you!

I dont like dramas who focus on anyone else and i never feel any sympathy for the villains. Bo kyung had no excuse. You are raised by your parents but you always have a choice.

Yang mYun was pathetic and ugly. i am so happy he died. He's like jacob from twilight except he's not willing to date someone else.


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Yang-myung ahhhhhhhhhhhh wae!!!!!!! wae!!!! why did you have to die?! especially in that way? I get the point about the sun and all but really?! why did he have to die like that. I love the gesture of him sacrificing for the greater good but it just hurts to think that most of his life was just filled with sadness, never fully getting what he wanted.
I love this drama but i will never be able to accept the way he died. That is the only thing I hated about the ending. I could accept how things ended with everybody else. LOL though at the king's attempts at playing the gayageum. xD

The casting was absolutely wonderful. I just loooove Kim Soo Hyun and Jung Il Woo


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well..,, its pretty good from the beginning to last but, im not satisfied,, their would be part 2 also..:) i can't help crying.. As i watch this movie.. Since kim soo hyun is my crush....:)


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While there were definitely wasted characters (particularly Seol), I would have been satisfied with this finale if only Yang-myung had survived! Earlier in the series, I really believed that he would end up living in the sick village as a physician, taking care of the children and finding a measure of happiness in that way. His death felt so unnecessary. He sacrificed himself so that his existence would never cause the king any trouble in the future, but couldn't he have accomplished the same goal by simply disappearing from the court? An unnecessary sacrifice is the worst kind.


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Exactly Jung Ill woo is wasted in this drama..I don't understand why he took a second lead role... :(


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I thought so too...with Jan-shil by his side...cause I think there was something more that they could've done with that...


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Now that I'm done with the show...I'm disappointed about one thing..Princess's Minhwa's involvement... Even with the childish tantrums she did'nt seem the cruel kind to do such a thing. So I was disappointed that they made it that way. And I so agree with javabeans comment about the portrayal of ladies here... Each and everyone with the exception of jangshil is related with a man.... Overall I'm pretty pleased considering this is the first historical saguek that I have finished. (I simply can't stand the slow pace of historicals) I actuallt liked this for the amazing child cast.. The mature yeon woo was too soft for me considering the sharp part played by the child. Even with its flaws I can't refuse that this drama was amazingly pleasing...


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its was a complete joke how his brother died at the end .. he was supposed to die.yeah we get that but the way they made him die was too lame.I thought the king himself was going to save him since he held his bow in his hand but no, he just stands there for a whole longer than a minute to watch his brother being deminished. I got so irritated there . .. it would have been better to have a sacrificial display death action rather than just standing in the middle of a swords fight eveready to be killed


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i know i watched this show waaay late but i still cried my eyes out when his brother died. my little sister was laughing at me >.


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:'( i should really stop reading recaps here....it's a good alternative for not being able to watch the actual episodes (don't get the chanels and cant understand unsubbed videos) but i cried all the way through the last 2 episodes....Soel's death was heart-breaking especially since i was rooting for her instead of Min-hwa with Yeom and Yang-Myung just whhyyyyyyyy??!!!! I loved this drama and the recaps...not exactly the best for such high ratings I agree...but nevertheless heart-breaking, and lovable...now on to the next I guess :p :D


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For some reason I always thought that seol liked woon/un because she copied him with the sword and stuff but then it turns out to be yeom...


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I finally got down to watching this show after 2 years hearing people rave about it, but didn't find it as enjoyable as I did with Master's Sun.

I'd like to know your take on Minhwa and Yeom's relationship though--I've gotten the feeling till the very end that he does not have romantic feelings towards her . What say you?


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I may be cheating because I haven’t quite finished. Ten minutes into episode twenty and finally remembered why I quit watching the first time. The lack of regard and development for the side characters, and even the two main characters. The thing that bugs me the most is the lack of anyone who tries to make a social statement. Don’t get me wrong, I do realize this is a period drama, but the beginning had so much potential. Yeon Woo as a child was a much more developed and individual character. In the end everyone was just a pawn in the overly perfect love story. I stopped watching a while ago, but I still remember the parts I found that really stuck with me. They were the ones when the characters had meaning. I know the ending without even finishing, and reading a quick summary says it all. I never cared for the love line, but for the people along the way. The best dramas are the ones that give you a story even if it’s filled with imperfection, not a perfect ending with total disregard for the journey.


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I love this movie, but didn't understand why the prince had to die.


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I still can't understand the reason why minhwa had to be punished for what she couldn't understand is happening, she was also being used :-/
They just wanted to blame someone and she was handy.
And the plot around Hwon's brother was just soo pitiful, they could make him a much more useful and interesting character, you know, even if he was never there in the story, it wouldn't make a change -_-


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I Really Like Korean Drama ♥


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The series was very emotional and beautiful.

Thanks for this collection of ...


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Am I the only one who's reallysad about Bo Kyung. Such a sad love story for her too.


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I'm going voting crazy!


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The writer of this drama is somehow foolish, y did seol av to die. That was a foolish scene to put in the script


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Ikr! Seol was very caring and protective....and wanted to see more of her


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I've just finished watching this now (4 years late) and when I started it, I thought I would not like it. But like it I did, but deeeemn, there were just a lot of moments where I nearly threw the laptop to the ground. I find myself rooting more for the non-primary characters, the likes of our resident Sherlock Hong Gyu Tae--which in keeping with the theme of the drama, gave me a premonition after the first appearance that Hong Gyu Tae is destined for more and that his stint as University student body prez is not going to be his last. I feel truly bad for the princess though. If anything I think she was just too young to comprehend everything--aren't we all like that?--and given a twisted grandmother who's thirst for power is unquenchable, she sure as hell was the easiest pawn for evil Nan's plans. It's like her punishment was meant to have been for her evil Nan, but since Nan was dead, no use in punishing the dead eh? Also, I was thinking, why couldn't they have just dug Yeon Woo's grave then? It would have been morbid at best, but to shut down the suspicions once and for all--was she there or not--surely, they have thought of that? Ah and Seol. OH MY. The evil ministers were sure fast. They just gave information to the prince consort, and in one night decided he should die. WTF? He's not even privy to the whole mess why the need to kill him, and in effect have our Seol die needlessly? I would have liked to see Seol and Woon have a swordsman brother/sister bonding thing toward the end. But deeemmmn. And Hyung Sun. I just love our ever-harassed eunuch. I would have loved to see him be in cahoots with a court lady counterpart in carrying out all the secret orders from the king ha! I basically hated the part that those characters whose stories were a bit troublesome were just weeded out. Like kill evil Nan, it would have been great to see her deposed or something like that, or Yang Myung not dying--although premonition-wise, again in keeping with the theme, I knew he would die, or at least he had to. Evil Minister Yoon was actually a good character because he seems to be the only one not affected by those fates and all--he is a proactive guy albeit a conniving evil one, but deemn, I do feel that guy had an amulet that he just forgot to bring in the last episode. Lol.


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OMG this drama was very nyz ...BT I tink it cud be more nicer and switer next tym especially the final episode..I Wnt sumtin that wud make me luv watching it over and over again...


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This drama series was very nyz . BT pls in ur nxt drama series kindly make the final episode more pleasing to the eyes...thanks.


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rather than the story i found your personal comments on every scene much better ;)...


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