Open Thread #224

Memoryhouse – “The Kids Were Wrong” [ Download ]

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Happy Open Thread everyone!!!!


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happy open thread Friday!


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Happy open thread to you too Unni!! Hope you had a good week!!!


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Leaf!!! Ajummabunny!!! Greetings!!!


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Unni!!!!! Hope you had a good time in New York!!


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Sure did. Got to do some fun things, eat some food I couldn't even pronounce, and touch Alan Rickman!!!

Now I'm just settling down and writing a romance novella starring some of our regulars here in OTLand.

Finished all three "Hunger Games" books, "White Christmas", and "Dream of 400 Years".

All caught up on PdPd, CoW, and OB.

Downloaded Sun/Moon/Touchy/Feely for my future viewing pleasure.

How have you been?


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You're so cool!

Who's your novella starring?


I'm reading it at the moment!!!!

And my week was fine thanks :D Finally starting lectures again now....


Oh and the Hunger Games are brilliant :D


YOU TOUCHED HIM? You didn't say that last week.


Ha... I know a lot of people who would be jelous of you there!!!


Sorry JoAnne, missed that one - I guess I wanted to savor the moment.

Of course, I took off my glove and shook hands. What I really wanted to do is hug him wildly and throw myself at his feet screaming "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"

But I stayed cool...


Lol... sageuk style?


@ Sethe - I'm gonna try and incorporate a bunch of regulars, including a bar called Bourbon's, where everyone hangs at the end of a day. Plus intrigues galore!


Yay!!!! A Bar of regulars sound awesome!! Are they the people who say witty intelligent things from the sidelines? :D


@ Leaf -

I think so.

Still working on some of the outline, as I usually do my research and then start writing the story. This one sprang, Athena-like, from OT # 223, so it's not as put together as I like. It's been a lot of fun so far, especially the research.

Kuching is apparently a city that celebrates all things feline, so I'm hoping to add some cat elements (but not part of the pub menu, I promise!).


You touched Alan Rickman? So, if I touched you, I'd be three degrees separated from God?!


Well,Cab, it wasn't like I rubbed his naked chest or stole a few hairs off his fluffy locks. Wasn't trying to make a Polyjuice Potion LOL.

He really is a soft-spoken, gracious guy in real life, which is wild considering some of the evil roles he's taken on - Robin Hood comes to mind, Hans in Die Hard, etc. etc.
And he is like, 60-something, I think!


Sexiness has no age limit. We should totally make a polyjuice potion with alan rickman's hair. Why didn't I think of that earlier?


Shuk, I've been reading, I just haven't been able to comment for some reason. What a lovely writer you are! I"M LOVING IT!


Thanks, Raine! I appreciate everyone's comments and I hope I don't disappoint!


Shuk - you'd NEVER disappoint. Trust me on that one!


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Salutations shukmeister!


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Konnichiwa, AB!


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Happy OT, happy Friday, happy weekend!


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Happy Open Thread!!! Hope you had a good week!!


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Yep. The week was stressful but ended happily.

I passed an important exam (oral interview) at uni and, more importantly even, had the happy happy news yesterday that an oppa of mine who works for the UN in Yemen and was kidnapped two weeks ago, was released unharmed. That sort of thing always puts everything into perspective. :-)


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Wow... that's great news about your Oppa!!! I hope he's ok!!

And good luck about the exam!!!



Happy for your oppa!

but really...just...wow.

I no longer feel like complaining about anything going on in my life at all. Things are looking downright DUCKY, in comparison.


Alua! congrats on passing the exam!

And even better knews to hear about your oppa! I'm SO glad!


So.. I feel a bit depressed here. Well.. RIP Megaupload, .. bye bye fileserve. How am I going to download those over a year ago korean dramas? No seeders for torrent, no megaupload or fileserve.. gahhhh... Does anyone have the same problem? Are there any other solutions? I don't like to watch online though. Anyway, done fenting my sadness. Have a nice weekend folks.. :)


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Which dramas are you watching? Can you watch them streaming online?


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I want to watch a family drama like Smile, Dong Hae (100+ eps.) and other dramas as well.. :). I was hoping to watch while waiting for the newest dramas (like moonsun) finish airing. Alas... megaupload and fileserve are gone bye bye.. and so does my sanity. I don't like streaming online, too much lag in my server *sigh*


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The following kdramas are being currently seeded, but not for long:

Gwanggaeto, The Grand Conqueror, eps 1-15 of 60

My One and Only, Eps 1-20 of 100+

Ojakgyo Family, eps 1-30 Here's the link for this last one :



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OMG! Good luck with those long dramas. I watched Dong Yi I think in a few days once and it was waaaayyyy too much for me. I can only handle the 18-20 episode dramas.


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It's like when your computer stops working, you've bought the new one but you can't find the correct hd enclosure for your old hd!!! I've noticed a lot of websites offering mediafire alternative downloads. Hold on to hope, believe in the power of drama fans!


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I've noticed that most of the websites (the few that I know, that is) offering alternative downloads, even just streaming has been closing down. That's why I'm back to watching from legit sites like viki.

I'm also starting to read books again!! I haven't done that in a while.....


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"smile" is on doramax264.com. It's currently hosting it under mediafile.
I pulled out my list and did a marathon download, saving up a whole slew of dramas onto an external harddrive for future viewing.

Good luck!


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This is why I'm SOOOO glad I'm OCD when it comes to my dramas. I download and then copy to an external hard drive. I usually dl both SD and HD versions when available, because I'm an HD ho but some of the people I share dramas with have older PCs or laptops that won't handle HD videos. Once I've watched a drama, I burn them to dvd. I even make labels for them :)

I also hard-sub dramas for my mother to watch. We have a blu-ray player that plays most video formats, including xvid avi and mkv, and it will also show srt sub files - but they are way to tiny for my mother to see, so I hardsub them with larger fonts. The hardsubs also get burned to dvd and fancied up with a pretty label :)

I don't mind using torrents, but MyAsianCinema and AM-Addiction often had versions I couldn't find elsewhere. Not to mention that MAC had tons of older and more obscure stuff that there were no torrents for. If necessary, I'll learn how to use clubbox, or any other method folks want to use to share dramas.

What I'm curious about right now is the Korean channels package that can be subscribed to through Dish or other satellite services. I'm not sure what channels are available. But it could become an alternative to acquiring some dramas, even if they air later than they do in Korea. Anyone here subscribe to these channels and can tell me more about them?


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Stacy, good to see I'm not the only 'hoarder' here... I've been torrenting for ages and have THREE 500 GB hard drives filled with dramas and movies and specials and OSTs and... well, you name it, I've probably got it going back to around 2004. I'm hoping that once the dust settles on this whole situation that I'll be able to give back to the community that has fueled my dorama addictions for so many years.

Still, it was a dark day in history. Our grandchildren will be asking us, "Where were you when Megaupload was closed down?" And I will probably answer, "Huddled in a corner, softly weeping..."


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what site do you use for torrenting? I've only found european sites and nothing that caters to asian dramas.


I have dish network, it has only KBS World. Glad to know I'm not the only kdramas hoarder here.. lol. I download, burn to the discs as well. I have a special room to keep all my DVDs.


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@cabbage, you can find asian dramas at d-addicts.com (torrent). Or soompi.com also has it, just go to the forum, every drama has its own thread, and they usually upload the torrent link.


I get the Korean package on Verizon FIOS - it has SBS and MBC (also Yonhap News and something else...like a Christian station) - they only show about 1/2 the shows with subtitles, usually the dramas. The shows lag Korea by anywhere between 3 and 6 weeks, although they also show older shows a lot - Coffee Prince tends to run once a year or so. Also the subs....yeah, sometimes not the best. Tree With Deep Roots just ended, and lets just say that the subs were. Well. Inappropriate might be the best term. I have a particular bone to pick with subtitles that take someone talking formally to the King and translate it as informal English - "Yes, Your Majesty" does not equal "Oh, sure." Just drives me nuts.

We used to get KBS in that package, but it swapped out to MBC over a year ago.


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I was actually thinking of getting the Korean package as it is available on direct tv (and I am a subscriber). They have 2 different packages but the core is SBS, MBC and YTN. Am not sure about the subtitling.

However, as I watch a lot of shows on KBS2, I decided against it. Instead, I am using the iOnAirTV site which provides access to all major channels (KBS2, SBS, MBC, etc.) as well as the cable channels (Channel A, JTBC, etc.). I watched Moon Embracing the Sun live on it on Thursday and used the English close captioning (which at least provided me with more details that just watching the raw, while I wait for recaps and subbed episodes). Not sure how many shows are close- captioned but I am going to check out OB this week and see if close captioning is available.


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Sigh... I just wish iOnAirTV would get Channel A (for BVS) and Chosun TV (for Yoo Seung Ho's "Operation Proposal" starting on 8 February) out of beta testing so those channels could stream live here in California. I keep getting that annoying "coming soon" title card whenever I pull up the main site page. GRRR!!

Patience... must exercise large amounts of patience... ::twiddling thumbs:: WAAAAAAH!! WANT NOW!!!


I live in Illinois wand was able to tune into both of those channels, so not sure what is going on. I caught a piece of the Color of Woman rerun on Channel A and some sort of talk show on Chosun TV (and that was yesterday).


*Chicago ex-pat waves at the Illinois gal* I read on their FAQ that certain streams were not available in all areas at present, but that everything will officially go live everywhere as of 1 February. And every now and again, I do see 3-4 minute snippets from the cable channels... but then they fuzz out to the "coming soon" screen.

So I just sit there at my desk and keep refreshing the page over and over and over... kinda like I'm doing in the OT today... :)


Wow, ionair looks interesting.


It worked great for Ojjakyo Brothers as well which aired over the weekend. I think it was about 75% accurate.

Now if only I can get something similar for Taiwanese TV, I would be all set.


Based on comments by users over at another blog (one that follows Ojjakyo Brthers), they were able to use the site and close captioning feature even outside of the US. I know for a fact that one person is based in Austrailia and another was based in England. So much more people "understood" Korean using it so the discussion that was going on while streaming was much better and of course, we were able to help those who could not stream and were waiting anxiously for the recaps. Followers of OB tend to be obsessive. Still need the recaps of course (because it is not totally accurate and recapper gave us non-Korean cultural perspectives that are not apparent to us.)


agree with you Stacy... MAC had the most extensive collections of drama and going crazy for not being able to DL most of it while it was up and running. :( i had been using torrent and neglected to complete the dramas on my list that are only available form MAC.


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omg!! thank youuuu so much for the link :)..


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No worries. Good luck.


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Panic downloads. :(


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I'm sad, I discovered a 2007 drama (La Dolce Vita) which seems awesome just when all the filesharing sites went down. If it had just been one or two days earlier :"(
I can't find torrents that are sill seeded, and the quality is too poor on streaming sites T_T
And it seems so good! And I've just seen enough to know I would have loved it! And it has Lee Dong Wook in it! T_T


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@ locturne - at doramax264.com under "Bittersweet Life" as a mediafile download. FYI


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Thank You!! I didn't know this site. You made my day! ^^


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[modest bow] Good luck.


And I downloaded and archived "Bittersweet" as well for later viewing - thanks for the input!


Happy open thread! And happy Friday, too. :-)


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Wild Romance:

So, we finally get to see Kang Jong Hee, the ex-girlfriend Mu-yeol has been pining for, and I disappointed. Not by the acting or actress because I don't care so much about that right now - by the way, I would not have known this was an SNSD member until I went on youtube and there was a spazz-fest going on by her fans. I was building up this image in my head that it would a very regal woman who pretty much commands attention. She would be mature and at the same time sassy and full of personality. I was looking forward to a Kang Jong-hee that would make me jealous. And than we got a character who was childish at best, and all I could think was: Eun-jae, she's not worth getting jealous over. I feel Eun-jae should be like Jane Eyre who was never jealous of Blanche Ingram because, well, beautiful on the outside, but not much there on the inside. And Eun-jae straightened her hair. Sad day. But at least they made a believable enough reason why she changed it. I'm not a fan of the change, and I especially hate that Mu-yeol lost his 'stache. I actually found him more attractive with it than without. And Dad looked waaaaay better with the beard too. Sigh. Changes all around.

Fermentation Family:

I can't wait to watch this week's episodes. GAH! They kissed! The show is moving along quite nicely and I'm loving it. But... they KISSED! And it was one awesome kiss. <3 <3 <3

Happy Friday Everyone. I gave up alcohol a couple of weeks ago, so my Fridays haven't been the same. But it just cuts into my money you know. SO I figured I can go without for now..... Unless someone else buys. XD


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On FF, I just finished watching Ep 15 and 16. SIK is phenomenally good - he made me his fan now. We now have a few new and additional mysteries. Eight more episodes to unlock all these. Let's savour and enjoy what remains. I never expect this drama to be this very good.


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Ah, I love the mysteries. They just make F-Fam even more addicting than should be legal. Hahaha. 8 episodes left? It just flies by doesn't it? X)


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Yesh~ the episodes are like white doves in the sky.

I think I gained a few pounds watching this show. Darn the food porn! Haha~


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You know it was pretty interesting that they made Jessica/Kang Jong-hee have bipolar disorder. I'm not sure if that's supposed to make people feel sorry for her, or scared of her. However, they had to figure out some reason that she broke up with Mu-yeol without making him hate her too much. Blame it on her condition, right?

As for the changes in hair (facial and head), they kind of all implied that the fact they were changing their styles is because it was Christmas, and if you start something on Christmas it will be successful. In this case Mu-Yeol wants to get a new start with baseball, and also with Jong-hee. Eun-jae's father wants a new start with this woman he's seeing (I don't know if it's her mom or not), and Eun-jae herself said to Mu-yeol that the reason she wore lipstick is because it was Christmas (when she went to his house to eat dinner -- I know her hairstyle change was before that part).

I'm expecting her to separate from Mu-yeol because there is no way she can work for him without difficulty. She would be miserable. I know what you mean about jealousy on her part, but even she had to admit to Mu-yeol that Jong-hee was pretty/nice/had a good style/etc.
I'm not sure if she is jealous of Jong-hee (and her pretty look, style, personality) per se, but rather the fact that Mu-yeol shows attention to her -- the kind of attention that Eun-jae wants from him. I am eager to see what Mu-yeol thinks about Eun-jae's confession, though. I'm eager to know how that will affect him, especially since Jong-hee is in the show for the rest of the episodes.

I agree with you about Jong-hee -- I thought they would pick someone more like Soo-young's age, but they picked Jessica, who in reality is a little more than 10 years younger than LDW, hence making her look more like a teenager compared to him. Seeing how Mu-yeol acts around Jong-hee, though, you can see he's definitely re-living his college time feelings for her.


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Obviously talking about WR here. hehe oops


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Everyone is saying they changed for Christmas, but we all know they changed because of a crush. And I was wondering if that was Eun-jae's mom that the Dad was meeting. It would be sad if it is.

I think you're right that Eun-jae is jealous that Muyeol gives Jonghee so much attention, but my bet is also that Eun-jae wishes she were more like Jonghee and less like, well, Eun-jae. Which is sad, since I may find Eun-jae petty and childish, but she definitely skews more into the mature territory and I like her for it. Ack. The only thing I'm happy about Jonghee being as childish as she is is that we're seeing what Muyeol fell in love with in college - a childish girl - and we can only hope he moves on from this crush soon. I too can't wait until we find out what Muyeol will do with the confession.


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You're right about the Christmas/crush thing. Eun-jae is not the only one who wants to change their appearance for someone they like. Even though we're disappointed that Eun-jae wants to change her looks to attract Mu-yeol, are we as disappointed that Mu-yeol and her dad want to change their respective looks for their crushes? It doesn't seem like it. When they do it, it's more disarming, but almost cute/sweet.

Re: Eun-jae wanting to be more like Jong-hee:

I think Mu-yeol is partly to blame for that because he keeps saying that she isn't a woman. He only said she was a woman that time in the gym because he wanted an answer to his question and she was like, how can you ask me that. You don't even think I'm a woman." (Or something to that effect) Also, he laughed at her when she told him the story about how her first boyfriend dumped her because she showed her strength in beating up those dudes that tried to rob him. Mu-yeol said guys would get embarrassed because of it, which is what happened with her ex. If she ever wanted to attract Mu-yeol, he's sending off the signal that she should be "less Eun-jae" and more "woman", which, I also think, is a little sad. I hope, that as time passes, he will come to like her more for who she really is, and not because she's trying to be more girly. I wonder, though, if not her looks, or her physical strength, what would be the thing that gets Mu-yeol to see her in a different light? Hmm...


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Actually, I'm sad that dad and Muyeol lost facial hair. But because I'm in this for Eunjae, I'm more invested in everything she does and what happens to her. Yes, Muyeol is to blame for some of Eunjae's current insecurities right now. I want Eunjae to be the kind of person who's confident in who she is, but I understand and find it realistic when the first crush she's had in a while finds her more of a guy than a woman. I also hope that when Muyeol likes Eunjae in return, he'll make up for all those mean comments he made about her being more of a dude than a dudette. I want Eunjae to get payback Kdramaverse. Payback. Heh.


*find it realistic when the first crush she’s had in a while finds her more of a guy than a woman and that causes her to feel uncomfortable with who she is


I really hope they don't go full Cinderella with Eunjae. If he finally starts seeing her as a woman after she changes appearance, then I'll give up on the thin strings of hope I have for his character.
All the sympathy gazes when she was weepy-weepy-dependence ticked me off. If it's a "prince saves poor girl" kind of drama, it doesn't bother me as much, but I think it betrays what this drama is about.

And there's been a shameful lack of Director Kim this week.


Amen Cabbage. I'm willing to forgive this drama for letting Eunjae fall victim to the need to change my hairstyle and wear lipstick thing. She's entitled. But if they make Muyeol fall in love with her after being slapped in the face with outright femininity and saves her in some hero-damsel way, than I'd be pissed. She should be the one doing the saving. Eunjae IS the bodyguard afterall.


For those who love food dramas like FF, there is a new J dorama " Hungry ". I've seen 2 eps already. It's like a mix of FBRS, Veggie Store plus a pinch of Ratatouille. Like it !
I've noticed something funny about FF : Ep12 was quite Padamish : Fishing village, sunset at the sea and warm hug to chase the cold. For a moment i was like ??? Crossover ? I just love both... :)


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You forgot to mention that Hungry! has Mukai Osamu and Tsukamoto Takashi. Hehehe. Sorry, major j-dorama fan over here.


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Ooooo~ George! After Paradise Kiss, I've decided to follow Mukai Osamu's work. He was pretty good and HOT in BECK!

Another food porn drama? I need to tighten up for a May wedding; oh, I don't know if I can take any more of this.


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Where are you watching Hungry?


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At Dramacrazy.


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Hungry (Japanese Drama)

Description: Mukai is taking on the role of Eisuke, a former bassist of a rock band who gave up his music dreams to carry on the tradition of his family?s French restaurant. The show will involve a love triangle as Kuninaka and Takimoto play rivals for Eisuke?s heart. Kuninaka has been cast as Eisuke?s older girlfriend Maria, who works at a bank. She is shocked to learn that Mukai has abandoned his music to devote himself to the restaurant, leading her to uncertainty about their relationship. Takimoto?s character is a 20-year-old college student named Chie who comes from a farming family. Although she initially had a bad impression of Eisuke, she begins to develop feelings for him after tasting his cooking. SMAP?s Inagaki will play Tokio, the owner of a competing French restaurant. In the past, he was fond of the restaurant that Eisuke?s mother ran, but after she passed away, he deceived Eisuke?s father and bought out the restaurant?s chefs and staff. Knowing of Eisuke?s ability as a chef, Tokio views him as a rival. Eisuke?s friends, who were part of his band ROCKHEAD, are being played by Tsukamoto (guitarist) and Miura (vocalist). Both of them help Eisuke with his restaurant.


That good, Myst? Time to start sleuthing. I don't have a current JDrama I'm watching.


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Went ahead and downloaded the first three epis...


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Ooh, and you didn't mention shower scene and sizzing bacon in the first 20 seconds! I'm in!!


I'm trying to get rid of the habit " talk / type too much ". I want to preserve some pleasant surprises for you. Glad you like it Shuk.


WAit! What show is this again?


Hello Shel : Hungry !

poster and trailer



Sorry, Myst. Just spontaneously flew off my fingers [shaking finger at fingers] Bad fingers! Bad!


Yup, grabbing torrents now and am glad the eng subs are spitting out fire! Hurray!

I'll still kiss sardine mouth Osamu any day!(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧



Man, so glad to meet someone that gets mad at their fingers too. I hate it when the things my fingers type totally stray from what I was thinking. *gives her own fingers a dirty look* Hahaha.


Have you seen Atashinchi no Danshi? Because if you haven't you should. And yes. Yes yes YES! I would kiss sardine mouth Osamu any day..... Can I get into some of that action please? XD


I was neither disappointed nor intrigued. She just seems like the average ex that's overly gorgeous compared to the plain-Jane heroine.

I haven't yet watched ep. 8 so I have only seen her come in and do that exaggerated hug-jump-on-you (?!?!?). Whatev! I agree Eun-jae should not care either, but unfortunately I think that's the typical way for it to go in k-dramas... I would LOVE her (Eun-jae) to be a character that just totally doesn't see or pay attention to Jong Hee, but unfortunately I don't think that's gonna happen. But it wasn't set up that way anyhow - even before Jong Hee showed up, Eun-jae was already starting to get totally self-conscious.


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Honestly... I think I'm yearning for a 'love rival' a la Protect the Boss. I know that's not going to happen here, but that was so refreshing!


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Yeah, a love rival where both sides are worth rooting for and you just can't seem to decide which side you're on. That would really be nice.... We're not getting that here since all I want to do is get Jonghee out of the story; she has no appeal (so far). X/


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True ,they should have had an actress a little older or same age as MY.


See and I don't even think she is gorgeous. But maybe it is because I just don't connect with that singer/actress (nor did I like her in Oh My Lady either). She looks so petulant. I wished they did not change Eun-Jae. Isn't true love supposed to overlook all those flaws? When you have to change to make the person fall in love with you ... it doesn't count does it?


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Nope. Doesn't count if someone falls in love with you when it's not you they're seeing, but the image of you that you manufactured for them. And, I don't think the girl playing Jonghee is from Oh My Lady. Different girl. Same face? In my eyes, I don't think she's drop dead gorgeous either; no Kuroki Meisa this one, but we have to admit that she falls under the Korean standards of pretty, heh. Eye of the beholder? I guess a lot of us aren't happy about the direction this drama might be heading down. I hope it steers away from it, and remains true to it's original course.


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WR-I haven't watched ep. 7 and 8 yet, but I fear disappointment. Tumblr is filled with Jessica gifs. I have no idea who she is, but I'm already annoyed. Eun-jae looks sad and MY looks weird and fake without his stache. I also hate that she changed her hair. I want her to stay awesome and quirky (in her cute little winter hats) and make him yearn for her. I'm getting sad just thinking about it.


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Me too! :( but watch Ep 7 it is good. Lol!


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I know! I was partial to the moustache and the hair as well!

I mean, I totally DON'T like moustaches, and I would never ever ever want hair like Eun-jae's, but having that moustache (MY) and that hair (EJ) just totally suited their characters. Because they are quirky individuals with particular kind of personalities that don't suit everyone and don't quite fit the norm (and don't bother to either). But they were so totally awesome in their own way, moustache, wacky hair and all!


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Me, too. I hope he grows it back. And the dad, too, really.


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Yes! I love EJ hair bec it just shows she is different, not in a mold! It's like ,this is me: take it or leave it!


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Anyone doing recaps for FF? I have been enjoying the recaps for the other shows by bloggers here.


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Sadly no. Not that I know of at least.


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I find that I don't dislike Jong-hee much. I loved how she went and confronted the cute bar guy about him talkiing crap about her when he doesn't really know her. And the bipolar angle was surprising reason for the breakup. I think her character would have more impact if she was played by a different actress.

I hate that Mu-yeol lost his mustache too. I feel like he isn't Mu-yeol without it. I was sad with episode 8 with all that angst concerning Eun-jae's feelings for Mu-yeol. I like it best when they're on the same team, working together (I LOOOVED ep 7). I liked how Mu-yeol's gang of supporters just keep on growing - first with Dong-soo...then Eun-jae..then Dong-ah..and secretary Kim..and even Reporter Go...sort of. Now it's focused on the love triangle.

I haven't watched this week's episodes of FF, but I love how even at episode 14, this drama is not losing any steam and is delivering week after week.


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I love how Dong-soo made Reporter Go apologize to Muyeol and Mu-yeol thank Reporter Go. It was so funny watching these two enemies have to listen to their hyung. Hahaha. Birth of a grudging alliance perhaps?

As for Jong-hee, maybe in a different actresses hands I might have liked her just a smidgen - because that confrontation shows she has ovaries of steal, and it's something I like in characters.... But I think the character itself is the annoyance, no matter the hands it is put in to portray it. I hope we get to see a side of her that has her live up to the expectations I held concerning the woman Muyeol once loved. Because if he liked her just for her ageyo and purty face.... Than that just doesn't sit well with me and makes for a very boring love rival.


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Timing is a little too pat, isn't it?
Just when they were starting to get close - ba-dum!
Without hardly any signals in the beginning.


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With Jonghee showing up? Yes. Timing is waaaay too on the nose. But it's a kdrama. Kind of expected.


Yeah. I'm disappointed in the choice of ex-girlfriend. Perhaps it's the acting, but I really don't see her as competition for EJ. She's like a Stepford wife and I need her to go away soon. She's kind of creepy.

I kind of get where they were trying to go with her. Maybe a kind of flighty, happy go lucky little pixie (early Meg Ryan or Julia Roberts) that you can't help but to love, but it didn't really work for me.


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oi! olen maneya!

i rarely go here nowadays and glad to see you're watching WR. haven't watched ep 7-8 yet. ah, i also hate changes, i was wishing mu-yeol and eun jae would end up together without her changing. and what? he's done away with his 'stache? he's actually looking better with that!


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Yeah! Muyeol/Dong Wook totally looks better (to me) with the 'stache. Long time no see (speak? read? Hahaha) nonski. My love for Fermentation Family family got me here on OT so I could try to have convos about it as much as possible and get other people interested in it. I'm just sad I always wait until the weekend to watch the current week's episode because dramafever is spitting out some good subs for F-Fam. And since my other current watch is Wild Romance, I figure it's ok to talk about that too. XD


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P.S. Truthfully, I have this feeling I'll be done with OT Fridays after F-Fam and Wild Romance are over. It's tough coming here every Friday. But my love for F-Fam is keeping me around. It's so underrated. X( Maybe if I find another drama that needs love and attention, I'll be sure stop by on OT again. But it's still about 4 weeks until F-Fam is done, and I think WR too. I have great respect who are diligent about coming on OT every Friday. I just find I don't have that much to talk about when everyone already said I wanted to say. XD


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Hi Ani, it's hard to find FF discussion around even at Soompi. Great that you are doing this to spread the FF love. I've seen bits of WR here and there and like what I saw. I'll definitely watch it when it's complete. FF is my main game right now. I actually started watching Flower Boy Raymeon Shop, at episode 9 now, but didn't feel any urge to continue. Maybe I'm really old now :)


Hahaha. I actually followed the recaps for FBRS, and watched a couple of scenes here and there, but I'm in no hurry to see it in it's entirety. Maybe we're both old, since I feel like F-Fam fits my tastes more. I like me dramas like FBRS, but sometimes.... You're not in the hurry to see it.

And epyc, I saw ep 15 for F-Fam, and 16 was just posted so I gotta say, I'm loving the support Kang San is giving Tae-ho in his search - even when most of the time she doesn't know what's going on. And grandpa won me over to his side just a tad bit with his yellow posters. Aaaaw. And the teacher correcting his mistakes was hilarious and cute. We're on a roll with mystery upon mystery. And I'm worried about Lee Kichan and his Alzheimer. I've been thinking.... Do you think Madam Jung is possibly Taeho's mom or relative of sorts? I've been wondering about that. Gotta be a connection somewhere. Do you think gangster Choi will turn good and end up with Woojoo? It's like he flip flops. One minute he's calling her simpleton, the next he's head over heels in like with her. It's hilarious. Man, this drama just gets better and better. The suspense.The family theme. The food. The cinematography. The chemistry between the leads. Ack! What am I going to do after it?


The yellow poster really speaks to us FF fans as the grandpa has been annoying as hell until that scene. It reminds me of the Keira Knightley-Andrew Lincoln arc in Love Actually. How I wish to be able to taste that meatball soup...

Yes, I do think the CEO woman is the birth mother of our hero and that her son working as sous chef in the restaurant was adopted from the orphanage (maybe at her husband's suggestion). The three boys might grow up together in the orhapnage thought at different point in time. Hope we don't have to wait long for the truth.


With respect to FF, there is an intensity when he looks at her that sends shivers up my spine. Heard his wife (actual) is expecting twins soon, so maybe that is what is reflected in his acting.

And it is the same way with the lead for Padam Padam.

I just love how these two actors look at their OTP women. Very jealous.


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Make that triplets.


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EEEEEEEH! Song Il-kook's wife is expecting triplets? WOW! Maybe he is channeling that love he has for his wife. Gosh. That would definitely explain the convincing way he looks at Kang-san with love and admiration and truthfully he has this thankful look that he gives her when she's uber supportive to him and when she's worrying about him. Thanks for the insight Hillary. X)


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Dramabeans did not report about the break up between Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young.
btw happy weekend for everyone<3


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I was actually glad about about that. I don't really think it's very newsworthy.


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Well I guessed they would report that because they report the break up between hyun bin and song hye kyo aswell, so I was expecting something. Well I am also glad about that because I am a Minsun shipper:-D


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That was a long relationship and they were seen openly in public as a couple. Much as I love the MinMin couple theirs was not long enough. For reporting I mean.


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I like to think they were taking the high road? This isn't a very gossipy site in that sense.


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it would be wonderfully ironic if one of the next 3 posts is a post about that.


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ha... maybe they're saving it!!


lol I like how they're not very gossipy though. It gives them a certain aura that makes them different from others. Sometimes less is more, right?


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Happy weekend too! :) Yay! The Flower Boy Trifecta are all available again!


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Umm... sorry where did you hear that infomation? You have been misinformed!
Kim Bum is most certainly NOT available!!!


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(laughing at Leaf) (but in an amused way, not a mean way)


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Don't worry you're allowed to laugh at me in a mean way ;)

I mean, I would...


lol - Leaf has dibs.


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And everyone better remember :P




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It's a long running joke.... it's not like serious or anything...

I mean.... that's what everyone should think...


*puts tissue box away*

Okay then! :D



I didn't say he was available!!! :P


Bummie is under Joint Ownership Law. Everyone can enjoy the pretty but you have to take care of him and send him back home.


hmm.... I'm not sure I can follow "and give him back" rule....


Is there a "borrowing period" indicated in this Joint Ownership Law?


Excuse me?!
It's not like Bummie is the only Flower Boy OFF limits.
I just checked on the where-abouts of mine, and he's still cuffed to the bed. And, he's smiling.

Oh, and 'Good Morning' everyone!


LOL @ people fighting over flowerboys while am snuggling to real men like Choi Min Soo, ji Jin He and Lee Sin Jin who are all mine!



Bummie's so nice he's letting them believe for a while...

and fortunately I never had to use handcuffs :D But you know... if times had called for them...


geez girls! Unless he's changed professions, I don't think he's an on call escort!

Give back his innocence and purity!!!!

Lol jp, jp.


@Cynthia - cuffed to the bed because that's the only way you can keep him from me! Better not run out of milk, girl...cause if you run to the store, I'm breaking in.


Oh yeah?
Well, just got a phone call from Rain - he wants us to try out the Conjugal Visit room on the Base. Also said he's been working out like crazy and I'll be pleasantly surprised.
And good luck with KHJ. He's exhausted. I made sure.


@cynthia (screaming incoherently)

I give I give! No one touches my guy!!!


Catfight! Catfight!


***brushes hands off***

See? I like you when you're reasonable.
Tell Rain I said 'Hey!'


Sits back and watches the fight :D

Glad I only have one Boyfriend!!!


You gals made my day... too funny! I'm glad I didn't miss any of this.

Now I know certain someone's Achilles Heel.


Do you have a picture, Cynthia? He says he doesn't quite remember who you are...


Ha... only ONE person's achille's heel?


**Ouch! - head flies back**

Good one, J! ~ what's that word I'm looking for?

Oh, I know - B*eotch!


It all started from LMH & PMY's break up. For which I rejoiced. :)

Anyway, anybody knows the best remedy for bruises? Bummie's here and his wrists are black & blue. He's totally being a baby right now.


Oh... we was wondering were his lookalike had got too...

We found one to do public apperences and stuff when we were ^ahem^ too busy....


Aww they did? ): I liked them, they were cute.
Ah well.


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I don't think it's all that important. I figured it was from the closeness of filming. Although they looked cute, I hope they find people they really jive with!


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So ACTA is going to happen tomorrow? Does that mean no more Asian drama watching time for me now? can Dramafever open up to everyone now? I am so pissed off.

Dream High 2 on Monday, I will hopefully watch it on Tuesday if the subbing will be as fast as it was for the first season I am so excited! Please be as good as Dream High 1. Please!


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Honestly, this entire debacle is a big mess and I can't believe what is happening. I thought glabalization was to be exalted, well, of course only if the big guys keep making 'theirs'.


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yeah, it is just one big mess and I don't like it. No one really benefits from it except the "big guys". Like I get why we need copyright laws and stuff, but if you don't want us to download stuff like that then create something so we don't have to download this stuff. Make websites like Hulu and Dramafever available to everybody or something.

Honestly I would watch these show legally if I could, but I can’t. I watched Asian dramas on streaming sites (like youtube) for quite sometimes before I started to download them and I could do it again, if only legal sites like Dramafever would open up to everybody, because then I wouldn't feel the need to download it, that much.

idk, this whole thing just pissed me off.


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Two things. The MU boss obviously had criminal activities and earned a lot of " undue " money from both sides ( clients and producers / authors ). On the other hand, some people ( not me, i find insane to save sensitive files on a foreign server without any guaranties. Here is the proof that i was right... ) had personal files and PAID to use the services. There must be a clever way to calculate and negotiate a payback to rights owners without screwing everything up. Plus they should have informed users of the site before shutting it down so they could recover their files. As people say, Nature abhors a vacuum and i'm sure replacement is already effective. Those kind of spectacular measures won't stop piracy and won't certainly not solve the big problem.


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Good morning DBers! Happy Friday!

Mom in law is staying with us for a week, because my SIL has a film in a film festival this week. The trailer:


She's won several audience favorite awards, and finally has a distributor. It will go direct to DVD and be available in Christian bookstores, WalMart and assorted other places. She made it on a shoestring, but that shoestring was her entire retirement fund, so she's relieved that she finally sold it. I'm proud of her, but anything she does, she does big, so I'm not surprised. This was her first (and she says LAST) moviemaking experience. Her son is a talented cinematographer, so she got some labor for close to free.

In dramaland, I finished Return of Iljimae this week. I really enjoyed it. I like historical/fusion, and although it was a dramatic storyline, there were plenty of fun characters to give it a little comic relief. Hubby and I started it on the flight home at Christmas and while he didn't watch the entire thing with me, he'd get updates and probably watched about half of it with me. I'll get him hooked someday... ;0) PP and FF are AWESOME and I've kicked ATK to the curb until the last episode and hope that it can redeem itself then.

So, I got something in the mail this week from my niece who just got home after 2 months in Ethiopia that made me smile. I'll put it in a comment, since it'll have to be moderated or whatever.


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Picture love!!!!!


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Aren't they an adorable family? I love them all to pieces, their oldest daughter is my daughter's favorite cousin and I love having her around, she's delightful. And how many 13 yr old girls can you say THAT about, lol.


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Apparently, one. So glad she's in that family! They deserve blessings :)


Shel!! {{{hugs}}} Glad to see everything is going well with the inlaws.

I have a friend who made it to the final five Doritos commercials for the Super Bowl. He's already scored skybox tix and a chunk of money. If his CF is voted one of the final two, and if it makes it into the top best Superbowl commercials, he and his brother will earn a nice chunk of change, and hopefully start their next indie film (their 3rd).

It's cool to be surrounded by creative types! That way you can enjoy the process without being in the drama tornado!


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Watched your SIL's movie trailer, and it sounds like a great story!


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It's a great story...Dad was one of a kind. We have tons of funny stories about him. And it was fun making it...lots of family members in extra spots and occasionally cameos. Me, hubby and The Kid are all in it. The only major role that went to a family member was Lizzy as a little girl (the little girl in Dad's lap)....that was Lizzy's granddaughter, who turned out to be an awesome little actress.


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Hopefully I'll see it, Shuk! I only watch the commercials during the SuperBowl but we all get together for lots of good food and some watch, some play games, but this one will be mostly watched, I think, since it's the home team (Patriots) but my neighbor is dyed-in-the-wool Giants fan.


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[hint] If it makes it, it involves a rather large brindle Great Dane named Huff.


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So, this morning, after The Kid's early morning religion class, we went to take her friend home and the front door was locked (it was 7 am) and we could not wake anyone up. So....we left messages on cellphones/housephones and I took the girls to breakfast. Had a blast, made me wanna be 15 again. Ok wait, not 15...maybe 17, lol.

My daughter tried the hard sell on K-drama, but apparently this girl has Korean neighbors who yell alot (really?? would they DO that) so she's not convinced yet, lol.


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daughter does complain about the yelling when I watch


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So cool, Shel! I will definitely check it out tonight! Take it easy as you can this week even with Mom-in-law in the house, ok?


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Just mostly hanging around....avoiding housework, doing jigsaw puzzles with mom and going to assorted Dr's appts. So far, I've avoided doing too much cooking, the sisterwives are coming over for a potluck tonight, so I only have to make one thing.

Yesterday at the cardiologist (he has to clear me for surgery) he told us that he wants to do a "stress test" next week. Hubby said, "She's already pretty stressed. Just give her the bill and if that doesn't do her in, it's all good!".

Unfortunately, my Indian doctor has no detectable sense of humor. He just looked at us like we were nuts. But, we laughed all the way home.


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Love your hubby's sense of humor! That was a good one!


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Adorable Shel!


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Hello everyone! Moonsun anyone?!


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So obsessed with MoonSun that I used to watch it raw. Now I watch it close captioned on iOnAirTv and stream it live as it is airing in Korea. Love that show and wish I can fast forward to Wednesday already. As today is Sunday, I keep telling myself, only 3 more days to go. It helped that I also watch Ojakkyo Brothers (so I have something to follow Saturday and Sunday). Not sure if it is a good thing or bad thing, but the subs on 7 of the 8 shows that I am following came out within 1-3 days of airing so I don't have much to look at this weekend. The only exception was the Color of Woman but I decided not to watch the raw as I didn't like what they are doing to the OTP and only follow the recaps.


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Happy Friday everyone! It's raining in Virginia but sunny in OTLand!


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It's always sunny in Dramabeans Land :D


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It's always sunny in OT land. How are you? Saw your story this morning. I'm loving it.....

You know, we have several Filipino markets here, I haven't looked in one yet, because I'm not sure how I would get it to you if I found it. I noticed when I was looking online that they only sold it frozen online. Must be an issue sending it fresh....


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Hee hee hee. I've got a friend of a friend who is checking in Washington DC, and, if they find it, I should have the stupid legume by Valentine's Day.

Thanks for reading! I uploaded most of Chapter 6 this morning. I hope you like your avatar once I flesh her out...


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HA!! This is a Dramabeans story :D Yay!!


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It's really fun!!!! Please continue!!


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Makjaeng! Makjaeng!

Chapters 7 & 8 are now available for your purview.


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Yay! I'm pretty sure you can't write fast enough, lol.


Happy OT!

Pouring rain here, and very dark. But OT will cheer me up!

Not really marathoning anything right now...casually watching My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and really enjoying it, though. Lee Seung Gi and Shin Min Ah just have such sweet, open faces and enjoyable personalities that it fits perfectly with the (so far) light romantic comedy. And Noh Min Woooooooooooooooooooooooo...wow, what a pretty face!

I watched Ep 11 of Bachelor Veggies last night and without spoiling anything for those of you haven't seen it yet, I'll just say that when Wookie leans in for the kiss in the billiard hall my heart actually raced. They have good chemistry - and Ice Cream is my favorite favorite favorite girl now, having seen her in 3 things and enjoyed her performance in all of them. I don't know if she's a dramatic actress or not but she certainly has the ability to show a range of emotions in a comedic setting.

Am current on What's Up (through Ep 16) and man, there's just not enough good things to say about this drama. It's the only one I've watched so far that hasn't ever disappointed me in any way. (fingers crossed)

Looking forward to this week's episodes of Padam Padam and beyond happy with that long preview of Shut Up!


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happy Ot!
Icecream!!! I haven't started any new dramas I'm glad they're all good!


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I'm hearing great things about Wild Romance and Fermentation Family so they will be watched at some point - for currently airing stuff I'm pretty maxed out with Padam Padam, What's Up, and my cute little Veggies, plus the ONE SUBBED EPISODE of Vampire Idol that exists in this universe. I'm trying to save room for my hopefully crack-drama addiction to Shut Up! and Dream High 2...and I've secretly started watching Ojakgyo Brothers (up to Episode 7) plus I have the Gumiho thing going on, and every now and then I watch a few random minutes of A Love to Kill (sigh) and The Devil (also sigh) and Goong (yet another sigh).

In American news, I watched the preview episode of Touch (Kiefer Sutherland) and am completely happy. I also watched the second episode of The Finder, and am really liking it. Ricky oppa, it's quirky and funny and touching and set in the tropical location of Miami so maybe it will remind you of a Thai drama and you will watch it.


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It's a pity that I'm back in school, otherwise I would have checked it out.


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Ricky! If you have access to the Fox website online, they have the episode up for people to watch.


oh wait, that's for Touch. Not The Finder. I don't know if that one will be on line...


GUMIHO! I finally got my sister to watch it with me and a couple times she wouldn't let me make her watch it cause she had homework and needed to get it done. LOL. PADAM PADAM! I'm on episode 12 cause of all the recapping I'm doing but I LOVES IT!

I'm glad you intro'd me to What's Up? I'll be heading to get a dose of Veggies soon too


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Only three days left before Dream High 2 and Shut up premiers ! OMG I'm so excited <3 , I misssed actress!Jiyeon so much ! Hope Lian will not be another lifeless and depressed character like Seoyul(JF 2 ) & Sehui (DB 2)


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Is Jungle Fish any good? I am thinking about watching it because I adore Jiyeon, she is my T-ara bias so. Should I give it a try or just skip it? the only drama that I have seen her in is God of Study and I loved it and I am of course going to watch Dream High 2 ^^


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Jungle Fish 2 is a really good drama , one of my favorite 2011 dramas !
You should totally give it a try ; all the characters were attaching!


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Thank you. I will check it out when I have time. So many dramas to watch, so little time.


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Happy Friday everyone

I haven't been watching k-dramas recently but I have been reading up on the Game of Throne series. I have read till book 4 the feast of crows which was not as good as the first three. I haven't read the dance of dragons yet but I read the reviews which mainly said it was a disappointing book to wasit 5 years for. My question is it worth it and do you know when the next book will be out? I really hope its faster than 5 years.

Be careful where you take ur car to and take pics. I took my car to Maaco for some bodywork and paint job but they ended up wrecking my bumper and blaming me for it. Talking to them was like talking to a wall. Plus they have poor customer service.

My birthday just passed but I cudnt celebrate it as I had to prepare my apartment for terminix to come and exterminate bedbugs. And they only found 3! Bedbugs r the worst ever!!!!!!!! Sneaky bastards!!!!!!! So now am going to avoid malls and movie theatres to avoid picking them up.

Hope you guys had a better January than me. I love the new mobile theme although I wish they left the handy recaps tab on.


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Hey there, I read dance of dragons and liked it though it wasn't as good as the previous ones. Basically the author only told some of the stories and don't know what is going on with some characters. Also some new or newer characters are introduced and developed that weren't as interesting as the characters who were missing. But some major stuff goes down that makes it worth it! I say go ahead and read it you will want more but, it actually helped with my obsession with that series because
Everyone dies.... lol not really but towards the end that's how it feels.


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Shiku, want me to take those car jerks out. I pack a pretty mighty punch!


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So, please, does someone among you know something about epilepsy? (As in, having experience with it?)


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I had "fits" as a child. I can't remember why right now but I do remember having them until I was about 6. What do you want to know about it?


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Working as a paramedic for 25 years, I know a little - what's the question?


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I only know a tiny bit as the younger brother of one of daughter's friends had quite a bad case of it, and it took a very long time to diagnose because he was having 'absent seizures' which only lasted seconds to minutes - for years they thought he was just being stubborn or spacing out, but then he began to have anger issues - scary ones - and they learned that the area of his brain affected was that area. I hope this is just a general question?


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I've seen someone going through it once. I could relay what happened if you want to know what happened throughout the episode.


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I have epilepsy, and I'm not sure what to expect people to think if I tell them about it. Plus, I just had a giant seizure a couple of days ago, and it completely wipes my memory clean... It takes me a few days to really get my sense of self and sense of work (as in, where the hell do I work and what the hell do I do?) back... I guess what I want to know is if, in the opinion of all of you, having seizures would be a fire-able offense. Should I tell people about this to explain my strange behavior and memory losses, and to prepare them for the on-the-job seizure that'll likely be coming? Or is it better to keep it quiet, and hope the issue never comes up?


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If I didn't put it clearly... would telling an employer I have epilepsy be job-ending or no?

And if I didn't reveal it, how bad would it be if a seizure just surfaced, maybe during a sensitive time...?


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I don't see how they can discriminate against you for having it, although I can't remember where you are exactly but in the States that would be illegal. Job advice here is always: get the job, then reveal any physical issues. All we are allowed to ask a prospective employee is 'do you have any health issues that would prevent you from doing this job as describe?'. I'm guessing unless you're applying to drive a vehicle for epilepsy the answer would be 'no'? (If I remember correctly, some people with epilepsy can't have a driver's license, but it may just be the people who can't control it with medicine.)

Anyway. I say don't mention it until hired. When hired, you need to tell someone, because they have to know how to respond when/if a seizure takes place. Probably your boss, or someone who would be working next to you.


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Sorry, somehow I missed the first part of your message and only saw your add-on; you already have the job and have been working there.

You have to tell them, for your own safety. You could be hurt by someone who responds without understanding what's going on, or follows outdated information about what to do to help you or protect you during a seizure. And for the safety of others - depending on what you're doing when a seizure strikes, someone might need to be able to step in quickly.

I don't remember where you are. Here in the States, it would be illegal to fire you, in most positions. They would have to demonstrate your inability to do the job, and 'she might have a seizure someday' wouldn't be enough.

Good luck - I'm sorry you have to deal with fear and ignorance on top of physical distress.


Sethe -

You didn't mention if it usually controlled by medication, but I'm going to go on the assumption that it is with the exception of an occasional grand mal. Also, I don't know what kind of work you do, so excuse me for assumptions.

First of all, from a medical point of view:

One of the problems with significant seizure activity is the inability for a person to articulate what is going on.

It is important that medical professionals and emergency care providers are aware of any pre-existing medical conditions (that goes for anyone that has anything, really), including medications, allergies, and the like.

In the states, we have medical bracelets that identify certain conditions such as diabetes, seizure activity, and medical implants.

It's something we look for in a patient who is unable to supply any information. We also look inside wallets, purses, or other personal items for additional medical information.

From an employment point of view:

I'm going to have JoAnne be on point for that one. Depending on the country, there should be laws protecting employees from discrimination based on medical conditions, pre-existing or otherwise.

From a personal point of view:

Your loved ones, significant others, and close friends should be made aware so they can support you from the aura all the way to the post-ictal state (if it happens again). This is even more important if the activity hasn't been sucessfully controlled.

Your final question is self-evident I think. "...that'll likely be coming..."

**YOU** are the most important factor in this situation, and anything and everything needed to protect **YOU** needs to looked at, seriously.

(1) I would highly recommend you write down a brief medical history, meds, and allergies, and keep it with your person at all times. If you have an empty drug bottle, roll it up and store it in there with "Medical Info" written on the outside with a permanent marker as a convenient "File Of Life".

Also include anyone you'd want contacted, and any special accomodations (like for religious purposes).

Basically anything that would allow a person like me to swiftly start treatment even before reaching the hospital.

(2) If not your entire staff or coworkers, at least your boss ought to be made aware, in order to have some idea of what to do to physically protect you in the event of episode.

I know it's a scary business being diagnosed with something like this, but those that love you will be with you know matter what. (And if they make you mad, just smack them on the side of the head and claim you had a several-second episode.)

Stay strong.


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Sethe teaches school in Seoul.


Unless I have her mixed up with someone else, which is always a possibility, I suppose. But I'm pretty sure...


Ah - then apart from her personal safety and health I assume a big worry would be scaring the kids if it's a violent seizure? If I remember correctly they're youngish?

Oh, Sethe, what a tough spot to be in! Do you want to try to explain it to your class in case something happens? Is that what you are worried about?

Shuk had really good advice about what to do to protect yourself medically but I don't know what employment law is like in Korea. Before you talk to your employers, perhaps you could get some background on the law from the consulate?


You guys are great -- thanks! You all had excellent advice, especially about keeping some medical info with me all the time. I've thought about doing that, but for whatever reason, I've never actually followed through.

Yeah, I teach school in Seoul (hi, Shel!). And yeah, I'm afraid if I mention this to any of the boss-types, they'll decide it's not worth the risk to have me around the kids.

I have to mention, though, that at the teaching job I had before this one, I did have a seizure in class one day, and the kids, my co-workers, and the employer ended up being fine with it, so maybe I don't give people enough credit.

(Oh, and I have temporal lobe seizures... simple and complex partial, along wih grand mal.)

Yeah, I guess my concern is that they'll fire me on the spot if I tell them about this (don't want someone like that around the kids)... and generally speaking, teachers at English academies in Korea have no rights, employment-wise. In the US, I knew they couldn't fire me for epilepsy (as long as I wasn't, like, a truck driver), but I don't think it's the same for foreign English teachers here.

I actually did finally tell one of my co-workers (someone I totally trust), so someone I work with does know :)

Thanks again, guys, for your listening and understanding and help!



Most definitely tell them. As long as you are not working with other people's lives in your hands, it shouldn't be a fireable offense and then need to understand your troubles in order to help you get back into the groove. It would be more of a fireable offense for you to seem to have random bouts of inattentiveness.

Also, as JoAnne said, it is for your safety. They can know what actions to take if an event occurs. Many people do not know how to deal with seizures and that could be dangerous for you!


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Excited for Shut Up's premiere as well. On the other hand, Dream High's promo material did not spark my excitement one bit. I'm just gonna hold my breath and hope for the best. Plus I shall stick around for at least the cameos of the original cast. I saw a pic of Sam Dong and I was hoping it would be the old country bumpkin one...o well.... Though bumbling puppy Sam Dong was my favourite.


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I've been watching the j-dorama Ouran High Host Club and I love it! it's so over the top and hilarious. Very true to the manga!


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Holy smokes Leaf! That was hot! Kyouya is hot. whoo..I just started the series so I haven't gotten to some of those scenes. I am definitely have something to look forward too now though! Thanks!


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Kyouya senpai!!!! <3


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That's a good fanvid. I may need to see that again...


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Oh I had that on repeat for ages :D

And I hate the song... but now it's associated with Kyouya so is a good song lol...


I enjoyed it! It had a similar pacing to the anime, although I would have liked to see Tamaki's hair done a little less...er...wiggy. After all, his mom was the equivalent of French Barbie.


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Shukmeister-completely agree! I was expecting more of a pretty boy vibe too. The actor is doing a great job and I loved him in Hana Kimi and other roles that I have seen him in but the hair is not good.


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The actor who played Tamaki was a supporting character in a just-finished series called "Nankyoku Kairiku" - based on the first Japanese scientific expedition to the Antarctic.

The cinematograhy is wonderful, and I thought the plot was very engaging. I heard it was the most expensive TV drama ever produced in Japan; they did it for the 50th anniversary of the network. FYI.


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ohh, OHHC. gosh, i loved it.....so over the top but tightly controlled acting. My only beef is someone please tell these J-actors to gain some weight.....when they search for her wallet and de-shirt....i literally cringed. interestingly, J-actresses are typical/normal weight!


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I just assumed it was a metro-cultural thing, like guyliner.


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Hello all, is anyone watching Bachelors' Vegetable Store? I really like it but have a question. I read that this story is based on a real life story. Do you think the whole "switched daughter" is part of the real story too? Or that it's just the drama-lords taking the liberty to do whatever they want with his story? Curiouser and curiouser...


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I would hazard to guess that the only thing true to life about BVS is that a young guy began a huge chain of vegetable stores. Everything else is fictional drama.


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Thanks for the reply. Hm... that would be my reply too. I never believe koreans. But once in a while I get a surprise. Haha.. Oh well. Just got to enjoy the drama without a plausible real life story in it.


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The book by Lee Yeong-suk (the real Chonggakne Yachaegage CEO) is quite a dry and boring read -- I got ahold of a translated copy at my local Kinokuniya about a year ago, and could only get through half before setting it aside for future reading. Maybe I should brush it off now that the Show has reached the halfway mark...

But to answer your question, the only trope that permeates this drama which is true-to-life is the immense struggle that Our Lead Bachelor faces on the path to open his first store. When the real story takes place in the early 90's, unemployment was at an all-time high in Korea, and that seemed to be his stumbling block in establishing his Veggie Empire since no one would take a chance on such a young pup with no money nor collateral to offer. It was the Ahjumma Voting Block that eventually helped him gain his first veggie vendor contract... and then another... and then eventually success!!

There's some moments where even *I* go WTF?!?... but then shift my brain back into "park" and just stare at The Pretty unfolding in front of me. Yum. :)


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Hello Everyone! *HUGS to all!*

Happy Friday. It's very cloudy/overcast. It was snowing but it's making mush since the temperature is above freezing, just slightly which makes for lots of traffic accidents. We passed one on the way to school.

I'm planning on doing this "Header" if you will because I have various topics I would like to address and it makes it easier for me to "package" the responses based upon sub-comment.


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{{{MJP}}} Good seeing you!


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Happy Friday too, MJP!!! *hugs back*


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MJP! Hi! You must have showed up when I was writing my epistle down below. Or I'm blind. Could be either, lol.

How's stuff!?


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yoo hoo!
Happy Friday, drive carefully, stay healthy, eat well.


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Hello to everyone. I don't know about you, but the dramabeans website crashed for me and I had been unable to get back on during my free time. So sorry I wasn't able to chat! Wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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MJP! How are you doing? What sort of 'header'?


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Drama instant report :
- Padam ep 16 : love it from A to Z. I'm even starting to like Ji Na's father.
- Ten Special Affairs ep 5 : Nothing better than a good cop story to activate your brain after being toast by pretty boys everywhere. That said, Joo Sang Wook is not ugly either and he plays the Boss a little bit like our dear Vampire Prosecutor : The cold guy with sense of humor, a little bit on the fringe of human society.
- What's up ep 16 : Already a classic. I'm really worried for DH2 now and i can't wait for Shut up !
- Salaryman ep 17 : Still love it but i'm starting to get used to it. I need something completely unpredictable and crazy to relight the passion. Love the secondary effects of the anti-aging drug : Can i have some to put in a boy's coffee. I will do my part of the job with the cappucino foam on my lips...
- Color of woman ep 13. Where are the subs ?? The ratings are tanking according to Korean Drama. Well, 2 cute guys are not enough. The competition is fierce and we also need a solid story to go with.
- Bachelor Veggie store ep 11 : I love the mute bachelor. He reminds me of Lee Byung Hun in The good, the bad and the weird. Wookie is too cute in ( maybe not so ) confident lover.
- Wild romance ep 7 : Still watch it for the back players and read Mad Dino recaps. Not into it.
- Take care of us captain ep 6 : JJH is hot, GHS has improved her acting : Less manerisms, nice emotional scenes, and she seems to be comfortable around kids. See GHS hardcore fans : If the criticizing is done politely, with valid points to help artists evolve, it works. Nothing to gain in worshipping someone blindly, because nobody's perfect.
- The Vineyard man ep 5 : Love it, even if half the cast of ATK has done a raid on it. Old Toad here is a sensitive and clever and joyful abohji, i swear. Those stories of a city girl transplanted in the retarded countryside never get old.
- Glowing she ep 2 : Promising start. First ep was rated 19 by censorship, i still don't know why ( naked shoulders ?? ). Kim Hyung Jun is way better than expected : expressive and funny.
- TW Skip Beat ep 5 : Last ep finally gave us something to eat, from comedic and romantic points of view. There are only 13 eps, so it's about time.


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Good noon-time, M! :)

Padam Padam: Ji-na's father? Still hate him.
Wild Romance: Adore it!
BVS: The mother is getting crazier by the episode. Plus, I'm feeling some Noble Idiot rumblings coming on from Ice Cream Girl. Uh-oh.
ATK: We're so far beyond crazy at this point that it can't even be called 'crazy' anymore. Need a new word here.
Vineyard Man: Isn't this a murder mystery? I'm confused.
Glowing She: I've watched the first 2 eps (subbed) and I'm liking it. I admit I have a bias for SS501 members - KHJ is doing a surprisingly good job. I think that scene was censured probably 'cause of that shot where she's undoing his pants. I know it caught MY attention.
TCoUC: Liked your comment. Not that it will make a dent in the fangirl mindset, tho.


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LOL at Vineyard Man !! At this point there is no murder or mystery expected, just people trying to work on recalcitrant vine plants ( me looking suspiciously at some rusty scissors ). Wait, maybe the ex but not exactly ex of the entitled Vineyard Man could cook something nasty for Yoon Eun Hye's character. Stay tuned.
About GHS : I don't have any illusions. Mostly talking to myself here. I think if i were adored by fans i wouldn't like to have those extreme labelled specimens. Prefer mentally and emotionally healthy ones.


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@ JoAnne - new word: "Stupifying" - and with a little work, you can change it to "Stupidfying" if you really feel the urge.



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Oops, I met @ Cynthia. When you are fighting over Rain, it's hard to tell you two apart....


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I was just scrolling back up to see when I said that word, LOL!!!

There is no fight over Rain. He is mine. I toyed with her little flower boy but if she thinks she's gonna touch MY MAN? Oh hell no. things is gettin' serious.


Thanks for the new word, S! I shall be using it with regularity for ATK - especially after seeing the last ep.

JoAnne ~ big talk. I left you a message up-thread..


I saw that message, Cynthia, but I couldn't respond at the time because I was sneaking into your room to show KHJ what he was missing.

Love a man in handcuffs. Twice, if he's lucky.


You KNOW we're both going to Hell, right?



Oh yeah. But we'll be smiling...


STUPIDifying. That's a perfect word for ATK. That's how I feel wasting 44 hours of my life that I won't get back watching that. Certainly STUPIDified me. I watched the last ten minutes of ep 46 (which isn't subbed yet). STILL no progress on the WooBin JooYoung front. So I"m gonna skip those two eps, and the next two and wait for #50. Then I"m gonna read the comments on the epdrama site as soon as it's posted raw and if everyone is not happy, I'm not gonna bother with that one either. Totally disgusted with the whole thing.

I know, I should stop holding back and say what I really feel, lol.


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[Sarcasm Girl swoops in]

Really, Shel, we have to work on your shrinking violet personality.

[Sarcasm Girl swoops out]


(Advice Girl drops by)

count to 10?

(Advice Girl drops out)


What's funny is that I'm really known for being pretty even tempered (other than my daughter....yeesh. I had a good friend/brother die when I was pregnant with her and I SWEAR he was up there, coaching on how to drive me nuts before she was born. He's probably looking down and having a great laugh, but if I run into him in the afterlife, he's in trouble, lol).

BUT when I spent perfectly good drama-time that I could have been spending on a GOOD show, it irritates me. I'm mostly mad at myself for getting sucked in this bad, though.


BVS; Abit too confident maybe? seriously did he just bring a girl who he thinks is not related to his past at all to the church and confess his feelings for his childhood love? sure it's cute because we know that Ga On is really in fact Jin Shim. BUT he doesn't. imagine if this really was some random girl that had no relation to his life whatsoever. awkward.


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I thought it was unusual, but he's an really honest person and I think in his mind, he was sharing a very important part of his life with her. In many ways he is the man he is because of Jin Shim, and he wants this new person he loves to know that.

What I found heartbreaking is that she didn't take that opportunity to tell him the truth...because really, when he finds out and thinks back over that conversation? That's gonna be bad. I understand why she thinks she can't tell, but still my heart really sank.


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True, it's very like him to do something like that.
I'm also dreading the moment when he finds out who she really is, but I doubt he'll take it badly being the person he is, and his love for Jin Shim seems to be over everything else in his life.
I don't actually understand why she can't tell him, i mean she's a grown woman now and clearly she's proven that she can survive without help from her parents wealth.


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I don't think the money enters into it at all for her. She loves her mother, despite seeing her clearly, and doesn't want to cause her problems.

But she adores her father. She wants to make him proud more than anything in the world. She is so grateful for his love and so guilty over the fact that she doesn't 'deserve' it since she isn't Ga On that she goes to these extreme lengths of working at the auction market, etc, to be more deserving of his love and pride.

Can you imagine the devastation he would feel if he discovered (we know he will discover it, don't we?) that the woman he loved perpetrated such an enormously heinous fraud on him? Because let's face it, Mom did it for the money. His entire life is a lie, and the daughter he adores isn't his daughter, at all. (Yeah, ok, we can assume he'll still love her when he finds out because he's a decent guy...but she's not the daughter he thinks she is. It's going to hurt.)


Meh. The relationship attraction Ga On has for that malignant narcissist 'Mom' is the thing I find fatally flawed with this drama, and is why I just can't get into this show with any heart. I don't empathize with Ga On, or feel fondness for her because the writers have created a character that doesn't seem possible in real life. Surely they will bail her out of her bad decisions and lack of character with the poor guilty orphan excuse, but I'm not buying it. She chose 'Mummy' over him as a teen, and continues into adulthood to be with and protect her over him, so... to me she isn't a heroine, but just a loser. She lacks a consistent and mutually exclusive set of values in life. If they had set up Ga On's conflict differently, and believably, this could have been a great drama. Gah, sorry to be so negative on this one. I'll still watch just to see how it all comes out as long as there is enough free time.


While I find the whole 'substituting a child' premise crazy-insane at worst and implausible at best, I don't have any problem at all believing that a 12 or 13 year old girl who's been an orphan her whole life wouldn't JUMP at the chance for the family she's always wanted, and why, over the years, she wouldn't develop real love for this substitute mother, no matter how nuts she is at heart. You have to imagine that for long stretches of time, life just went on for Jin Shim/Ga On as if she really WERE Ga On; and how many of us think that a boy we like at such a young age is going to turn out to be the love of our lives?

Now she's YEARS into the deception and while she feels guilty about it - something made clear over and over again - she also feels like it's too late to DO anything about it. So she tries to make up for it in every other way. I don't see her as a loser at all. I see her as a young person who latched on to something that appeared to answer her prayers at a point when she was really too young to understand fully the depth of what she was committing to.


I'm loving Padam...although the father reallllllllly gets to me. Seriously. I can't really handle violence.

SKIP BEAT! So cute despite the sometimes waaaay overdone scenes!


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Yay Dramabeans is working again!!!

Did everyone else have that problem?


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I did when I tried to access using both my phone and computer. It also happened yesterday!


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Yep, I wrote a long comment and got shafted. Will try and keep it short and sweet next time.


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ooooh.... it always bad when that happens :(


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Simplified comment below:

1)not liking direction of WILD ROMANCE-fav couple = manager and bodyguard's friend

2)enjoying OB amd METS rcaps

3)stopped watching CoW

4)re-caught and enjoyed 1st half of COFFEE PRINCE and 2nd half of SHINING INHERITANCE-nice to know and be happy with the story

5)enjoyed 2 movies-COUPLES and TROUBLESHOOTER

6)like 1st 2 episodes of GLOWING SHE

7)like 1N2D so much went back and watched some old episodes


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Yeah. DB is just waaaaay popular these days.


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Well.... it deserves to be!!! :D


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Have you seen how JB and GF reacted to please their readers ( movie reviews, comments and replies on the different threads etc... ) ? I say the reward is deserved.


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Of course. I didn't say "way too popular". I said "way popular". It means I'm happy about it.


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yeah I did, I was very sad.


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I did. I almost freaked out thinking that it was taken down by "The Man". It was a diffifult morning, lol :)


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"So difficult it was diffifult!" lol


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I'm channeling Mushmouth from Fat Albert :) Friday's shouldn't be this hard *sigh*


[Sympathetically slides a freshly-opened icy-cold bottle of Moscato towards cruel]

[then deftly spins a wine glass between her fingers and places in on a cocktail napkin].


Praying that it's one of those giant, rhinestone embelished wine glasses with words like "Diva" and "Shopping" written on it in script. You can fit a whole half a bottle in one of those pimp glasses. It's definitely going to be a drinking and drama night.


Absolutely, with a feather boa wine charm around the stem, being poured by a tall Norweigian named Sven with no grasp of English, but very good hands...


Yes, I had a bit of a panic!


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Padam Padam episode 15: one of my favorite episodes of a drama ever. It was just that awesome.

(SPOILERS) So I know theoretically that the on-again/ off-again cancer issue is a little wonky, and yet the emotions that came from it from Kang Chil's mom, Im Jung, Ji Na, and especially Kook Soo were just so damned moving that I honestly don't care. I'll admit it, I cried a little as I watched Kook Soo's pleading at Kang Chil's bedside. And again, the first fifteen minutes of this episode were gripping. The miracle being Kang Chil's self-sacrifice in order to save Ji Na's dad was perfectly painful yet inspiring to see, and the visuals complemented it perfectly. The time-travel sequences were just so seamlessly edited.

I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with myself when this drama ends. Only two weeks left!


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I bawled like a baby when Bummie was doing that scene. Since I avoid most really melo dramas like the plague, my hubby was "what in the heck are you watching????"


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Isn't that funny? I cried HUGE burning tears complete my fists crammed against my mouth during the scene in the hospital hallway - the one with everyone, and then again with just his mom - and actually, again when Mom and Jung were having dinner...but Bummie's big tear jerker scene left me dry. I felt bad, and some tears welled up a little bit, but not enough to spill over.

And we all picked up on that vertigo diagnosis, right? Right?


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I cried when Mom did, too. I think it's one of those "mom" things.....nothing terrifies you more than something endangering your child.


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I think it'll be an emotional rollercoaster from here on out, and I bot totally look forward to it and fear the end simultaneously.

And, yes, caught the reference, J.


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Somehow, I reaaaaaaaaally thought we would get away with Kang Chil not dying. These last few episodes are going to kill me with suspense and then crush my dead body with sadness.

Yay! I do love a good cry. But oh, how I wish they would all live happily ever after. And really, at this point, I even feel sympathy for Ji Na's dad. The way that he responded to Ji Na's questions and declaration in the police station? The expressions on his face?

I wept. I have seen that mix of recognition and sadness, regret, and resignation on my own father's face. That actor could not have done a better job in that scene. It was Academy Award-worthy.


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Agreeing with you, JoAnne. I'm not seeing any way for a happy ending. A satisfying ending? Maybe.

I think JiNa's father is going to assist with a positve outcome to Kang's declaration of innocence, but one tiny moment of regret / mercy at the end does not ever make up for a lifetime of ugliness, and I want karma to smack his butt.

Praying for a good ending!


I agree, Shuk, I think her dad is going to do the right thing in the end. I don't think it 'makes up' for anything, but I'm too much of a softy to want him to suffer for the rest of his life, alone, without even his daughter. Big believer in redemption and second chances and accepting who we are today, here.


Maintenance during OT ?? If i catch the culprit... Grrrr


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me too I was stuck


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Doing repairs while the plane is up in the air. Tsk.


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posting from Beijing Club! Lol out clubbing and i'm bored read; sobered up :D
Hoping all is well in DB land, felt the urge to do something productive while my friends are downing the greentea&whisky haha

Any Brain watchers?
Omo love Shin Ha kyun, so, Charismatic tehe and f4 neurosurgeon? Hellurrrrr :) ㅋㅋㅋ


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Ha... I heard Beijing clubs were awesome!
My Friend is trying to get me to go there (like I would say no! Except you know... money ^cries^)


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lol me too! don't you wish you could check out the different clubs each country has and just experience it?! I know I do. Not to go crazy or anything, but just have fun a little while we're young...

Ohh how i wish all of us were rich and could travel wherever we wanted and experience common interests together... haha


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If everything goes to plan (ha.... likely) then I may be going to Beijing, Vietnam and then Korea for a few months...

But.... that would require a miracle!!! But... I should have enough money with my student loan....

^sigh^ One of my friends here is megarich so I am always in awe... she's just like "We should go to Bali and Japan and hop off at Singapore as well!!" :O

^sigh^ I have so many places I want to visit....


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My friend, whose father worked in Asia most of her growing up years, LOVES SIngapore. That's her hands-down favorite Asian city. She loves shopping there, loves the food, etc. So, if you get out that way, you should try and find a way to include it.

I haven't been anywhere in Asia yet. I'm anxious to go all kinds of places, but I promised hubby we could go to Italy first....he lived there back in the 70s and hasn't been back. His brother lived there at the same time, so we're sort of planning a trip back with brother and my son to celebrate my son's graduation from law school in a couple of years.


You know, it doesn't seem fair. Most of us, when young, don't have the resources to travel very much. A few get lucky....my sister got a really good job right out of college and made travel a priority, knowing that if/when she got married and had a family that it would be harder. I made one trip to Europe, but really didn't have the funds to do much overseas traveling.

Then, when you get my age, you have so many more responsibilities, obligations, aches and pains, so that even when you do have the cash, you just can't do it.

I say, if you can find a way to do it when you're young and single, see as much of the world as you can get to. I really regret not finding a way to do that.


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That's my plan!! Every since I was little my number one priority has been to escape the UK!!!

This hasn't been easy given that my Family are K drama poor ^cries^ or that my dad decided the only person who deserved holidays was himself ^sigh^


And really? Singapore's that good? ^sigh^ I don't need any more places I want to go to ^cries^


Old and single works to for travelling, although you definitely need to be in pretty good shape.

My choir and I sang for the Pope at Saint Peter's Christmas 2009, along with several concerts in Rome and Assisi, and some sightseeing in Ostia. I would definitely go back as a pure tourist. My parents (who are extensive travellers and appear to be spending my inheritance...just kidding!) loved Venice and Florence the most.

I'd still like to do a SE Asia trip, but most of my traveling hen-friends (ie old and single) want to stay in Europe, and I'm not comfortable traveling alone outside the US.


haha I've always wanted to backpack through Europe.. heck, me and my friend were looking up flights the other day and found some REALLY cheap flights, but we momentarily forgot that traveling within Europe ALSO costs money....

Ever since K-dramas though, I've also been dying to travel throughout East Asia. I've heard Singapore was amazing too! Clean, safe, and bustling with different ethnicities and things to do.

Teaching English in different countries would work, you'd be making money at the same time. I just need the guts to go and do it by myself! Leaf let's go together! lol


Yeah!!! Totally!!! If any Dramabeans people want some company in the UK they can just call me!!! :D

And Jennifer you should do what I do!!

All my friends are international so I can crash at theirs!!
Hence why I'm gonna (hopefully) stay in Beijing (plus maybe Shanghai) with my super rich friend at her apartment (which should be entertaining as I am NOT at all....) and going to Vietnam!!!

So yeah... everyone just get international friends!!! lol...

And Teaching English Abroad would be awesome!!!


Right now my Japanese is slighty better than. "Hello. I am an Amercan. I can understand a little japanese. Excuse me." So I think I'll need a tour guide anywhere in SE Asia.
@ Leaf, my favorite UK city people-wise was Edinburgh; my favorite all-around place was probably York. I also visited London, Stratford and Birmingham during a three-week stay. Great country, but you all talk funny.


Ha... We're not the ones which talk funny, all you Americans here are given English comes from England :P

LOL... my friend onece told me off for speaking too American...

And your Japanese sounds as good as my Mandarin ^sigh^ But Foreigners get some much credit for trying!! :D


We went to England when my SIL was living there. We went with four of hubbys sibs and their wives and my MIL in 2003. We had a blast. We didn't get much London time because Lizzy wouldn't drive in London. She was renting a manor house out near Hereford, so we based there. My favorite cities that we visited were Stratford-Upon-Avon, the Cotswolds villages, Cardiff (Wales), Hay-on-Wye (which hubby and his bros were calling "Ham on Rye").... Actually, we loved it all. We'd really like to go back and do some touring on our own. Lizzy drives like a crazy person anyway, and driving on the "wrong" side of the road didn't improve that much, lol.

And ya'll do talk funny, lol.


If we talk funny then explain the american H. H should be PROPERLY PRONOUNCED!!!!! ^yes, my english is pretty posh^

'erbs has got to be the ugliest word ever. It should be HERBS WITH AN H!!!!

Yeah... thats my proof americans talk funny....


Two of my bests are from Ireland (one Sligo, one Derry) - the one from Sligo says the letter H like this:


Kills me every time. And when she's had a bit to drink, she says ye rather than you. And then there's the random Gaelic curse, and calling a toilet a bog, that kind of thing. I am fully up on the difference between a minker and a tinker, though. The other one has an accent but only says garage differently than we do.


Happy Friday and Happy OT, minasan!! Hope that Bourbon opens the pojangmacha really soon, because even though it's barely 8 AM here in Cali, I could already use a stiff drink! I missed last week's gathering, so the first round is on me!! ::hic::

Returned from Japan only long enough to drop my bags and head up to The City, where I was a volunteer at Sketchfest (the annual San Francisco Comedy Festival) for the Rifftrax events (my buddies from Mystery Science Theatre 3000, whom I'm still in touch with even after the show stopped airing in 2007). Six days of that, and now it's back into preparation for yet another trial that will start up on 25 February. Lather, rinse, repeat...

In between that and getting the BVS recaps up-to-date (Changwook-ssi, I'm sooo jealous of your guyliner!!), I'm one tired little ahjumma. I need to hop on the phone for a conference call, but will check in later today. Everyone have a nice morning!!


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Wait wait wait... Did you just say that you know the MST3K guys?! I am a HUGE fan of the show, and have also downloaded a couple of their Rifftrax (the Twilight and The Room tracks are simply spectacular)! JEALOUS! Please give details!


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Oooo... me, too!
I make a point of giving my kid autographed Mike Nelson MST3 dvds for Christmas!


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MST 3000?

OMG YOU KNOW THEM (fangirling)

It's not like I got to watch it regularly but seriously - THE BEST THING ON TV for a long time.


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And once again I will reiterate that the three of us were separated at birth....


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Yup, that's the other drain on my bodily resources at present. I need to draw up one of those Brain Charts that show the various things I think about daily... with 1/3rd going to work stuff, 1/3rd going to MST3K, and the last 1/3rd set aside for Ji Chang Wook fangirling. :)

MST3K and I go back all the way to 1989, when the show premiered on KTMA in Minneapolis. At one of my first real law firm jobs after getting my paralegal degree, I was handling deposition prep for a trial in St. Paul and happened to catch a few episodes at the hotel. Fell in love HARD! Then when our cable in Chicago started carrying the Comedy Channel, that was it. Been an uber-fan ever since, attended both Official Conventions in 1994 and 1996, have been to 15 MiniCons that groups of fans put together, am very active with the Satellite News website, and after 18 years straight, I still participate in weekly online riffing (when I'm not traveling all over hell-and-creation). After all that, there's a small group of us that the main players keep in the loop about appearances and other gossip, so when I found out the Rifftrax Boys were opening Sketchfest, it was a no-brainer. Unfortunately, Mike Nelson couldn't make it up for this trip due to a prior commitment, but Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy were there to take up the slack.

If it wasn't for the monsoony weather, we would have had more time to pal around SF, but the boys were only there through Monday. We did get a chance to catch up prior to the Opening Night gig at the Castro, got some great front-row seats for the three events Rifftrax was headlining... and even got a kiss from Kevin (my favorite of the boys -- no matter what state I've ever lived in since 1990, my license plate has always been "TOM SRVO"). ::blush::

LOL "The Room"... "Oh hai!" LOL LOL LOL!! My favorite to date is still "Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny." I almost wet my pants watching that one!! And I'm very partial to the Shorts, since they're quick and my attention span mirrors those most lately. But yes, I loves me some MST3K!!

Enough babbling. Remember... Keep Circulating The Tapes!! :)


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Your story is TEARING ME APART Cherkell!

The MST3K I show to my friends in order to get them addicted to is a season 8 movie, "The Thing that Couldn't Die." ("I think you're all evil and I hope you all have snacks!") Either that or season 9's "Pumaman." Unfortunately, I can't find them on DVD, so I have to use the tapes I recorded from TV about fifteen years ago. How I love that show!


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A TOM SRVO license plate?! Omg - priceless!!

There isn't one MST3 movie where I haven't laughed myself silly. Good times!


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Cherkell - you are one of the BUSIEST people I know. And I thought IIII was busy.


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Happy Friday! It's almost February! OMGosh doesn't it feel like time flew by?

I'm finally following several dramas now, I'm so proud of myself. What's Up?, Dal Ja's Spring, Pasta, How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor and Padam Padam! Shukmeister has me wanting to watch Last Scandal too. I want to get started on MoonSun tho. Kim Soo-hyun....

How's everyone doing?


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Hello Raine,
How are you? I've been watching only one drama Park Jung Geum Iyagi. I'll be finished tonight and I think I'll start all the new dramas and see which one makes me say out loud "I love this drama, I love her, I love him." February will be over in a blink too.


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Jumma, might as well just start with What's Up, then.


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chong mal? araso kaki!


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neomu neomu daebak, this drama! Jjinja daebak!


I'm currently like that with Padam and What's Up? How was Park Jung Geum Iyagi?

February is ALWAYS fast for me. It's my birthday month! YAY!


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I, too, have started watching "Perfect Neighbor", basically on a recommendation from a certain two-sided blog we both know ;-). As a matter of fact, Episode 6 is playing in the upper corner of the screen.

Glad I got you to watch The Last Scandal: Confessions and Obsessions ought to shared, don't you think?



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TOTALLY! I totally am adoring watching PSH's pretty although it's starting to get to a point where my eyes widen at the audacity of some of the characters.

Bae Doo-na is an AMAZING actress.




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Finished "White Christmas" and up to epi 17 in "Perfect Neighbor"

Skimming a TWDrama called "Angel Lovers" while waiting for PdPd / OB current epi's.

It's cool that most of the younger actors from WXmas are currently in productions (VampIdol, SU:FBB, etc. etc).

Especially since they ain't exactly hard on the eyes...


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White Christmas! White Christmas! Gotta keep the love for that going. KDrama needs MORE of that kind of thing.


Isn't that awesome about White Christmas' actors? JoAnne Unni pointed that out to me. They all do SO well in it. It's pretty flippin' amazing to watch the transformations in them.

I'm going to start to recap White Christmas hopefully by the end of next week! I'll be done with Pasta by then.

How's Perfect Neighbor going for you? You're actually ahead of me 'cause I got stuck on the recapping part. Haha.

Unni- I love how Kdrama nutty you are!


The Last Scandal is deff a must watch! I believe it was wayyyy underrated.


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but um, isn't last scandal that actress' last work?


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Yes. It aired in May 2008; she committed suicide in October 2008.

Part of it was a judge who upheld a lawsuit by several of her endorsement companies for "tarnishing" her image when she published pictures taken after her ex-husband assaulted her. She had him arrested for domestic violence but he was a well-known baseball player.

Apparently some netizen/anti-fan backlash stating she caused the suicide of a good friend finally sent her over the edge.

When I watched "The Greatest Love", I realized that the Hong Sister actually did a pretty accurate, although toned-down, portrayal of how Hallyu stars are treated in their own country.

Still, it's an awesome performance IMHO.


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I'm one of those anti-memorials type. I don't like to watch last movies knowingly.


so that's what happened? it's frightening what people do to each other.

But I must say both the mains' performances were worth the watch.


I thought everyone acted well (with the exception of the jilted girlfriend). And it aired long before the actress died, so there aren't any 'tribute' scenes.

All in all, one of my favorites series, maybe because I'm an aging ahjumma who remembers meeting my first love 17 years after we broke up, searching out the similarities and differences of our younger selves after that much time.

(that would be the farmer mentioned in OT 223, by the way).


Shuk - thanks for the indepth. I heard minorly what had happened. That is so sad. My heart aches for those in that situation...and there are too many for my liking.


I imagine for many in the entertainment world, it can be hard to separate what is real and what is hype, from your talent all the way to your friends.

That's why I consider myself a B+ grade talent.
I've performed on stage and behind the scenes for local theater, sing / play a couple of concerts a year, relatively funny / poetic / literary on a regular basis, can play enough guitar for an open-chord singalong. And I draw a bit with charcoals and knit golf socks.

I'm not spectacular in any of it, but I'm happy just doing whatever feels right at the moment.


I'm officially loving Wild romance! Eun jae should just be herself bec if a guy wants you to be in a creak an wat / look , that's a recipe for disaster. I mean, he would just accept her for who you are either you act more like a dude than a dudette , What does he want a simpering girly girl that jumps at every noise or shadow! Eun Jae, Aja!you can just do your judo moves on her! LOL!


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Correction: certain way/ look. My fingers are slower than my brain!:(


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I have the opposite problem. My brain is slower than my fingers, lol.


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Oh Shel , don't think so. I love reading your comments!


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Thank you, that's very nice of you. :0)


TGIF!!! I am waiting for Moonsun ep 7 and ep 8 with english sub... hrmm... It is a nice day in Sunny Southern California... I hope everyone have a great day.. Remember tomorrow is OB for those who are OB fans....


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Happy Friday, Trina! Yep, OB is now in the extension phase of the story line. In order to have the best possible outcome, I'm speculating how the writers are spinning these final eight.

I think I will feel sad when it is over. It is the longest one I watched from beginning to end (the first one was Sparkling / Twinkle Twinkle). I really enjoyed the ride!


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Viki has finished subbing both 7 and 8.


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I've been sick most of the week, but I'm headed back to work today.

I've been loving Wild Romance this week especially as I recap it. That confession was brilliant. I'm really curious what other people think about it. I tend to share a lot of my own opinion, but finding others' opinions is harder.

Last weekend I had a Brain marathon and I'll be writing up some short little recaps over the next month. Maybe...It's harder recapping something that has already aired.

I really missed Skip-Beat! this week.


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I think Eun Jae is brave for confessing( my pride would not let me if I was in that situation) but I think it is just a phase for her , you know , stockholm syndrome.


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I loved her confession ♥. So candid and so her. I loved his reaction, too. Looked like she rung a bell somewhere deep inside him that he wasn't expecting and/or didn't even know was there. This show has snuck up on me and I'm really enjoying it now. Looking forward to recaps :)


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Deeeeno feels better now! w00t! I'm going to start Wild Romance and Brain and Last Scandal as soon as I finish writing Pasta recaps!


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Anyone else feeling a little annoyed with Wild Romance? Out of all the plot lines, I care about the relationship the least- that girl will NOT STOP MUMBLING. Plus, I'm pissed that she never once acted professional, that part when she thought the guy was cheating with his best friend's wife? That was sooooo painful to watch. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, LADY.

I kind of wish they would switch the focus to the landlady and the uptight business guy.


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Mmm. Me too.


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Hi everyone!! Happy friday!


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Happy Open Thread to you too!!!!

Hope you had a good week!!!


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Happy OT everyone!

I'm currently watching Wild Romance and I'm just wondering where all the cute went. It's so angsty most of the time. Not to mention that most of the angst started happening the moment the attraction started. Making that take a backseat. What happened to my drama!?


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Hey....Sethe! How's our man doing this week? I haven't been keeping up with the news....entertaining Grandma so I've not gotten in much computer time.

Ricky-Oppa???? Where are you??? Maybe he's on his way back to school or wil show up later.

Raine! How's the music biz? It's slow here, but I'm enjoying the break and just playing for church. Which isn't a real gig, as it's a freebie.

Cherkell! How's SV? Hubby is working from home these days, have to say we don't miss the commute. Especially when the weather sucks. Downside is that we can see the Bay from the great room and it makes it hard to not run down and sit on the beach.

Leaf...you might have to fight TammieR for Bummie, cuz she's reserved him for her daughter. (It makes her feel better about her "inappropriate crush", lol)

Mystisith: I bow to you dramawatching prowess. I don't have enough hours in a day. How do you do that?

Cynthia...lucky you to be Ricky's assistant in Shukmeister's story. :0)

MJP??? Are you there???

I'm sure I forgot someone...but hey to everyone else. ;0)

OK, I have a question. I've only been watching PP, FF and ATK due to time constraints. Oh, and Return of Iljimae, which I just finished. Now that Iljimae is done, and I've kicked ATK to the curb because I was DISGUSTED (I'll go back and watch ep 50 when it's all over.....maybe)....I wanna watch something else. But, I don't have time for major time suckage. So....these are the shows I've been downloading and not watching. What I want is opinions as to which one or two I should absolutely be watching NOW.

What's Up?

Shut Up (which I know hasn't started, but is starting soon and maybe I should leave a slot for it?)

Sun/Moon/FunBuns (as someone said last week)

Wild Romance


Bachelor Veggie Store

Is anyone watching all of these, or most of these, or a few of these and if you had to limit yourself to only two, which two would you pick???


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Happy Open Thread Unni!!!! Hope you had a great week!!!

And don't worry I'm totally prepared to fight!!! :D

And about the dramas.... I've cut back a LOT and am currently only watching Padam Padam and MoonSun...

I know, I'm shocked about this too... but I decided to only watch Dramas which I really really enjoyed. And so I cut most of the ones I was watching....

So.... basically MoonSun is really good :D


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If I could only watch two one would absolutely be What's Up.

The second...I'm only actually watching BVS at this time but I do hear very good things about WR and SalaryMan; the recaps of Salary Man are hilarious...but I think I would wait and add Sun/Moon/FunBuns


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I have yet to hear anyone in all of the internet say anything negative about Moon/Sun in all of the internet. I think it's a safe bet if you watch that one.

Also, I am definitely and excitedly anticipating Shut Up: Flower Boy Band. The promos/pictures/news about it really just builds up the hype. Even if the drama turns out to be just OK, I think it'll be well-watched. Kinda like BOF in that way -- not perfect, but still well-watched (and loved for that matter).


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Jeez I should edit myself more...


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How i watch so many dramas ? I don't watch anything else anymore ( meaning american or french dramas ), and i've stopped going to cinemas ( expensive, and bleh movies ). Also, i will sleep when i'm dead.
As for your list selection, that's a tough one : Trying to choose without thinking, only with my heart....
What's up ? and Salaryman.
Shut up for later, and if you have some appetite and time left, Veggie store ( skip 2 first eps : What is best is the bromance and all the let's start the business stuff ).


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LOL at "I'll sleep when I'm dead". I don't watch American TV either. But I do homeschool a 15 year old (hopefully this is the last year) and take care of my 84 year old mom in law from time to time, and babysit my favorite pseudo-grandkids fairly often. I do go to the movies occasionally, but usually I send hubby and daughter or hubby with his friends because (and this is embarrassing, lol...) more than half the time you get me in a dark room and I fall asleep. Doesn't matter what else is going on. And, I figure if I'm gonna take a nap, I'd rather do it at home where it's free. :0)


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Sleep vs Dramas...... Dramas win everytime!
Ha I too don't watch any other TV anymore.


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Um, Cynthia is NOT Ricky's assistant. I am. She's busy chaining boys to beds.


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LOL. Brain fart on my part, because I knew that.

Oy, what visuals you guys came up with up in that thread, lol.


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...the weekend is still young, and Ricky has yet to make an appearance. This WAS his last week of freedom, though, so perhaps this time he really is travelling back to school.


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It's just not the same without him. I hope he travels safely and is back soon...and not so swamped with school that he can't "check in" from time to time.


We do need Ricky. He inspires badness and restraint, all at the same time.


Ooh, I inspire badness and restraint?
That's fascinating! I sound like the killer with a moral code like that character, Dexter Morgan.

Yes, I'm back in school. My last week of freedom was spent celebrating Chinese New Year.

I read the whole Kim Bum war above.
You girls intrigued and scared me a bit.


Yeah, they scare me a bit sometimes, too, lol. :0)


Well, your character development will show badassed-ness. If you want restraints, I can probably work that in too. [evil grin]

Anyway, I hope the transition back to school is a smooth one, and that you are able to get back up to speed with your studies.

Stay in touch!



Suddenly re-thinking my assistant position. And smiling.


I multi-task.


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I do too. It's funny because there are certain things where I ONLY do them and I focus so deeply that I honestly am not even aware of my surroundings...but for most of the stuff in my life? I need to be doing a couple or three things at a time or else I get impatient.


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My two would be Sun/Moon and either Wild Romance and Salaryman. I am watching all three at the moment (Salaryman is the one that is totally out there ... avant gard, even). Adore Sun/Moon so much that I am following it in the raw.

For some reason, I cannot seem to get into What's Up (through I plan to once I have dropped a drama off my list ... maybe when it is finished) or Bachelor Veggie Store. I started both but wimped out during second episodes. I sought of follow What's Up through the recaps.


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Shel! *waves* Once I finally got back to the Valley of Heart's Delight, it's been groovy! I'm soooo glad the monsoons have ceased for a bit -- isn't it such a beautiful day today? I keep telling myself this weather is why we pay such a high premium for living in California. :)

Oh honey, you KNOW what drama I would tell you to pick up out of your list... but I'm a bit (okay, a LOT) biased towards it right now. All I do these days is eat, sleep, breathe and daydream about Our Hottie Veggie Boys. I haven't picked up any other watching, outside of the odd episode of "Vampire Idol" that runs at 9:30 PM here. But because it's wiping the floor in the Rating Department, I am leaning toward starting Sun/Moon/Funbuns soon, just to stare at The Other Pretty that is Kim Soo Hyun. Mmmmm... yup, I'm shallow. What of it? ;)

BTW, how are you feeling? Last I remember, you were a bit under the weather (no pun intended)...


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I"m still kind of just hanging in there until they get this big thing outta me. Surgery is scheduled for the 8th, and I've been visiting the cardiologist for stress tests to make sure I don't croak on them mid-operation, etc. My MIL is here, so I'm kind of housebound unless she feels like going anywhere, but most days I don't really feel like going anywhere anyway. As long as I don't spend too much time on my feet, then I'm OK. Having hubby working at home is helpful, too.

Today though, the Bay looks so beautiful and the beach is mocking us. But, MIL gets too cold on our beaches and hubby needs to be working. So, I just took my lunch out on the deck and pretended I was at the beach. :0)


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PP and FF
What's Up and Sun/Moon/FunBuns


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Padam and What's Up are rocking my WORLD. Especially Padam. It's such a fine piece of work in every aspect - cinematography, acting, writing, directing. And of course, the preeeettttty.

Music is going well. I keep getting more students. If I get another offer I think I'm going to have to turn them down! THATS AMAZING in this economy. I seriously feel so blessed to have this kind of work. I love being financially stable for the first time in my life.

I started practicing a Brahms clarinet trio for a recording I'm making for a friend. It's soooo lovely.



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I'm partial to Baroque music myself, which is a bit amusing in that my fave classical pieces are "Air for G strings" and "Claire de Lune".

That Brahms piece is lovely - good luck with it!


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Baroque and I have a love/hate relationship. So Air and Claire de Lune are Baroque and 20th Century respectively. Which...if you look at Debussy, he DOES give some respect to the 18th century in his writing.

And there's a WICKED cello solo in the beginning of that movement. I wish we were doing the 4th because the cello really sets the mood. But we're only doing the first. Which is for the best. It's wicked difficult to put together and we have a different pianist. (Which is good, our last pianist was kinda a diva.)


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I think true story is about the guy selling veggies. I am not sure about the daughter, watching baker king Kim tak goo, I think writers added daughter storyline to make it more well dramatic!


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Hello Ranters and Ravers:

How many are you interested in reading “The Moon That Embraces the Sun” Well, I found at Electric Gound.

Just click on Electric Ground. Electric Gound can be found under the bolded yellow LINKY of Dramabeans.com just scroll down to the bottom where you see Resources, Archives, Recapped Series, and Linky.

Or you can go to Electic Gound internet address: http://belectricground.com/

Attn: Electric Ground’s Book Club is now in session … “The Moon That Embraces the Sun” here's the internet address of Electric Ground's Book Club:


Finished reading the English translation of "The Moon That Embraces the Sun" Chapters 1 - Chapter 6 (brought to you by Electric Ground's Book Club) after watching The Moon Embraces the Sun Raw Episode 7 on 25-JAN-2012.

Enjoy reading "The Moon That Embraces the Sun", watching the drama, and reading the recaps too (Thank you Dramabeans and Girlfriday).


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I love Electric Ground. I'm actually going to write a blog post on them. I did one on Dramabeans already. They really provide an excellent source for K-drama/ K-pop lovers. It's amazing what they do and how they keep up with everything and produce at a HIGH quality.


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Happy Friday fellow OTers!

Why is OT so addictive and interesting? My once piping-hot egg and cheese sandwich now has been sitting there for 45 minutes untouched.

I think we might need to start an OTAA (Open Thread Addiction Anonymous) club soon! *had to spell it out, sometimes you guys used so many acronyms unknown to me, mostly because I have yet to watch the show so I do a lot of Google-ing at the same time :D


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Hi Jennifer !
Participating in the OT sure takes some time, but it's one of the best ways to relieve stress ( at least for myself ).... And it's undeniably addictive.
Sometimes i wonder if acronyms really make us save some time. Not sure about that indeed !


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It's OK, but keep in on the DL, so the CEO of MIPAA doesn't KO us with ACTA.


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I don't want to report, but someone is playing sadistic here...
" Mom !!! She's annoying me ! I'll stay and lock myself in my room ! "
Add the aegyo or the frowning to complete the scene.


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I sure MIPPA doesn't mean 'The Motor Industry Public Affairs Association'....
And I'm also pretty sure ACTA isn't 'Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement' (although given all the laws trying to get though recently maybe?)
And is DL 'Deputy Lieutenant'? I think not....

Which can only mean one thing.... Google has failed for the first time in my life and therefore we should boycott it and create our own more K drama friendly version :D


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LOL - good one, Leaf.

"DL" - down low - it means keep it quiet, under wraps.
"MIPAA" - one of the music industry conglomerates trying to curb p2p sharing.
"ACTA" is another attempt to close down the internet like they did with MU.

And no more sadism, I promise promise promise. I'll behave and be a good girl from now on [rub shoe in dust].


So Google got one right!!!



Since so much of the internet is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it's amazing that we can find anything we are looking for.

Especially in KDramaland, where the same title can have multiple interpretations that aren't even close from a word-search point of view (i.e. Shining Inheritance / Brilliant Legacy).


That's why I said we need a more K drama friendly google!!! So that when we type in.... ^thinks of worst names^

What are the worst Drama names to google?




Lol, I'm glad I waited until someone on OT spelled this one out for me. :D

If not I might have spent eternity searching and making sense of those acronyms! ;)


Worst names to google...
Well, "my girl" "greatest love" "you are beautiful." It's just too darn generic, and there's songs and other movies and dramas, and it's just a headache to weed through.

But dramas with multiple titles - twinkle twinkle/all that glitters/shining/WHATDOESTHISEVENMEAN! was a problem,also because it wasn't terrifically popular.


I have found great success when googling by adding 'korean drama', 'korean movie', etc, after the title of something that I think will return a lot of false leads - when I know that there's an english-language movie with the same name, for example.

So, I type 'Sorry I Love You Korean Drama' and usually the 2d or third item returned will be the Wikipedia article, and almost everything on the first page will be related in some way to what I am looking for.


Seriously addicting. I post on Friday and then try to avoid or I'll be on it all weekend. And then i cave in on Monday and spend an hour on OT and then cave again and go back on at night. Why do you guys rock so much?


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Like a hurricane? lol

I know, next week, I'll prolly be off OT due to several commitments. I have a dummy phone, so no sneaking peeks during intermission or ostensibly heading for the salad bar.

Have a great rest of the week!


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You too! I have a phone that dangerously connects to the internet...very, very dangerous.

Have a fab week Shuk!


Tks! I got tickets to the Saint Olaf College Choir for Friday, and 1/2 dozen of us are making it a dinner / show / karaoke night on Friday. I'll pop up on OT when I can on Friday day but definitely Friday night EST.

Take care!


Shuk - my friend was in that choir! That's so crazy! ENJOY!


Yep, it's seriously addictive. I have to check back several times a day to see what I've missed, lol.


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Oh... that's bad...

I'm pleased to say I am TOTALLY not addicted and I only refresh every few seconds cause I want to but I can STOP any time I want.... honest....


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Hi... my name is cherkell and I have an Open Thread Addiction... (...HI CHERKELL!!...).

But if there's a 12-step program out there, I don't wanna know. I like living in my own little fantasy world. :)


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My name is Leaf and I am an addict of Open Thread, K dramas, K pop, other Asian Dramas and Chocolate....

Admittedly I would like help with the last one (I'm not exactly K drama heroine skinny yet...) but apart from that I'm fine with my addictions <3


Oh you don't need help with the last one. Don't you know chocolate is GOOD for you? It has antioxidants and gives you bursts of happiness. It's like apple and wine, a piece a day keeps the doctor away. (If it's a small piece, you can have like 5!)


Heh... small chocolate bar isn't in my vocab....

I just ate a whole massive one not that long ago ^sigh^

It's amazing I'm not completely obese to be honest...


*smile* they had buy 10 get one free boxes of Meiji bars at the grocery store.
It's just too much to resist.


Yeah, you can stop any time you want! I know better than that, lol.

OK, I REALLY need to go do something productive, lol. I'm gonna make some Vietnamese fresh rolls for lunch so I gotta get the peanut sauce started.

BUT!.......I'll be back. Because I just can't tear myself away for too long....


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there's this malay/thai fusion place I used to go to all the time- I'd take everyone there just so I could eat their peanut sauce. It's the best, I was craving it recently I think I'll invite my brother and his girlfriend to buy me dinner.


I'm thinking Pho soup myself. All those weird but tasty pieces of cow hanging around with bean sprouts and basil...yummy!


hmm peanut sauce is delicious! I don't know if this originated from China, but sometimes authentic Chinese restaurants sell egg noodles whipped in peanut sauce (the dish, not the peanut sauce :)) and it's delicious!.

And Pho... ahhhH!! I think I'm gonna go to a Vietnamese restaurant tonight. I like mine with extra basil and limes, along with some hot sauce!


It was tasty. But, it makes a big mess. We've been craving them for some time, and this is a rare day when I have no dr's appts, nowhere the kid has to be, hubby is working at home and I have to feed the MIL anyway, or she would just live on chocolate. I guess when you're 84, you ought to be able to eat anything you want, right?

If you watch the movie trailer that I posted WAY above, MIL is "Jeannie" in the movie. She's a cutie, a serious chocoholic and it's totally not fair that she can eat that much milk chocolate (she doesn't like dark) and not be overweight.


lol of course, if I don't get any health issues when I'm that age, I'd eat the world.

Somehow I'm not getting any audio from that Youtube video so I'm not sure which one's Jeannie. But the movie seems touching and like one of those cozy family movies. Hope it does well and gains a wide audience!


She's the mom...I think they show her and Dad dancing in the trailer.


Totally a "chick flick" according to hubby. But the kids that play he and his sibs are adorable and most of them were pretty good actors. Hubby thought his sister did a good job of directing them so that they really caught the personality of his sibs very well.

His only complaint is that it's written from a girl's point of view and he thinks they have a persecution complex 'cuz it sounds like the 3 girls had to help with all the housework, cleaning, laundry, ironing, canning etc and all the 6 boys had to do was take out the trash and mow the lawn. He swears that it isn't true....


I kinda think you HAVE to check back several times a day because that comments number changes so quickly!


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Happy friday everyone!

A question to Moon/Sun followers: Please, explain me how is princess Minhwa responsible for what is happening to Wol and King...because that is what I read on some blogs. I dont get it.

Also...Cant wait for Dream High 2! I hope it will be good.
I got interested to see DH2 because of the cast, but I felt it is necessary to watch DH1 first...so I marathoned it last week and dowloaded it (just in time)...cant believe I missed this great drama when it aired...

Did somebody try to download from MediaFire?...it seems we need to be registered from now on... :(


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Evil Grandma told Minhwa that this was the only way that Minhwa could have Yeom, so she was 'responsible' for it.


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More than that, though, I felt that she could have told her father, the King (maybe), about what the Dowager Queen and Shaman did (rather than staying in bed). Don't you think if the King or Hwon or anyone knew about the shaman's actions at the time that they could have done something to help her. The King could have forced the shaman to reverse the spell (or whatever).

And I wish the shaman has just gone ahead and kill the Dowager Queen and just cut off that infection right out of the palace.


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JoAnne and Hillary thank you...I didnt notice when Minhwa learned about what happened. ...I know now.

When her husband finds out, it is going to be hard for him to stay by her side, because YW was/is his beloved sister.


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That is what I think as well. Because while she was not responsible for it directly, she was an accomplice to his sister's death. If it were me, I don't think I would be able to forgive. I am hoping that Electric Ground book recaps can get ahead of the story to provide background (even if they change it in the drama).


Hi everyone,

So I've been just a silent observer for the most part of OP Fridays and I just want to say that y'all make my Fridays so much better.

Thanks to DB family and friends for being awesome.
I'm a totally fangirl of some of y'all ( Shel: so freakingly awesome, Ricky: wishing you were my neighbor Leaf: why so funny why!?!?, Mystisith, Shukmeister: can I be the prez of your fan club, JoAnne, Rainie and Ahjummabunny: who warms my heart every time I see that name) and many others

Wishing everybody a Happy Fan freaking tastic Friday!!!


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^bows^ Thank you thank you!!!!! You are far too kind!!

According to my Friend that only thing stopping me from being awesome is the fact that I play Quidditch lol....


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Why thank you, KStyle! I'm glad if my babblings, scribblings, and snarky comments make someone smile!

We couldn't do it without all the crazy bunch participating!


And don't forget these wise words of wisdom:

You don't have to be a farmer to be out-standing in your field....



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Thank you...you're a sweetie. But don't lurk anymore, come in a meet the gang!


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I second the not lurking thing!!! It's too much fun here as everyone is so nice!!!


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AWWWW - you make me all BLUSHY


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Kstyle your name just warmed MY heart! I hope to see you more often. Happy Friday, what are you watching?


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Wow ! Is it my birthday ? No, it's not :) ! So happy to see our mystical delusions can brighten your day, KStyle. About building a fanclub, be careful. You could end overwhelmed by blood threatening letters and crazy love confessions. And i don't even speak about sexy underwear of questionable taste...
It feels so nice to relax and heckle in good company. DB is the best place on the web for me. You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends, so welcome aboard !


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nae panty!


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is that korean for choose your panties?


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there has come a time when Nae panty doesn't come across! It just means "my panty/underwear" and is from Best Love.


Answer from 0.40 to the end. Sorry for bad quality, but it will explain better than a long speech... :)



oh is it that scene where he sneaks into her bedroom and eventually hides behind the clothes rack?


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nooo, it's the scene where she goes over to his house to deliver the water he called his assistant to bring water ( to punish him for insisting that he wouldn't like to celebrate with aejung) and she spills the herbal tonic she bought ( that she'd given to him, when she thought that the dr was a jerk) and to clean it up she grabbed anything and it happened to be his underpants and he wanted to make their situation sound strange while she was talking to the dr. on the phone. I just realized how much I really like best love!


oh I LOVE that scene!!! Yes, I really enjoyed that show - and since it was my first exposure to CSW I was completely surprised to discover that this is an atypical and quite newsworthy role for him, the quintessential tough guy. I LOVE when someone goes against type and knocks it out of the part - an example here would be John Travolta, who was the goofy, hot, dumb guy in EVERYTHING...and then plays a KICKASS bad guy in White Arrow, or Straight Arrow, or whatever that movie was he did with Christian Slater about the nukes.


Aw, that brings back a laugh.


@ JoAnne "Broken Arrow" and I loved how Travolta smoked cigarettes in that movie, with this kind of crazy finger position.


KStyle, Hello!

What an awesome name. Does that mean you do everything K-style?

Why would you want to be my neighbor?
You should be scared of me. Hehe :D


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Kstyle, you're cute! Welcome to OTTT!!!


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Hello everyone

Currently watching Moon/Sun, History Of Salary Man and My Lovely Sam Soon.

Thanks to the folks at Viki for their hard work subbing HOTS & Moon/Sun.

A food question, in New Tales of the Gisaeng, they eat Red Beans (?) over shaved ice.

How does that taste? I take it it's sweet?


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My local Asian market has several ice cream popsicles based on veggies / sugar / water (lotus bean, taro root, red bean paste, and icky durian).

Since they're made with sugar, they are relatively sweet anyway, but I do like all of them! Durian excepted.

So I would think your description would be tasty.


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Shuk.....that reminds me, did you catch where Ricky says he LOVES durian? Might have to work that in there somehow.

I can't imagine, myself. I've never seen one, smelled one, etc, but the description is enough to put me off it and it's nowhere to be found on my bucket list, lol.


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are you really anti-durian? is it the stinking toe smell?


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That would do it for me, lol. But I heard it smells like rotten meat. Or maybe that's that big flower that was blooming at Berkeley.....hmmmm, can't remember.


Wikipedia describes it as "french-kissing your dead grandmother".

RHRH describes it as "buttery pungent goodness".

I imagine the truth is somewhere in the middle. But I am very very frightened...


I"m confused because my grandmother was not very buttery. Pungent, yes. She swore she had an allergy to to deodorants and always smelled vaguely onion-y.


@ Shel. On my list to try and add into the storyline: a shower scene, a white bathrobe, spying, Bourbon's bar, the harem aspect, durian, the roles for Mystisith, Leaf, Sethe, ajbun and Raine, a Malaysian car manufacturer called Ssangyong, palm oil production, Chinese nationalists and a noraebang. Oh, and that awesome onsen bathtub from OT 223. It's quite a list.

I think it'll be like one of the "I Spy" books - "Can you spot the DB/OT reference?"

This story (# 3) currently is at 2800 words.

My completed story "Hidden Agenda" (#1) had 28,000 words, and my partial story "Hidden Love" (#2) is about 1/3 of the way through at 11,000.

So, I still have a long long way to go. If I can "stay on target" to coin a StarWars line, I think it'll be a pretty good read. I am crossing my fingers that my ADD doesn't trip me up --- oh look a chicken!


and @JoAnne






Woot!!!! I'm in the Dramabeans story!!!!

Shukmeister Unni I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How did i land on that adventure novel Shuk ? :) Anyway, can i ask to be associated with the japanese bathtube ? please... And i wouldn't mind some male company in it.
And i want the Star Wars line too ( my webname doesn't come from outer space you know ! I'm a dramafan AND a pop culture geek at heart ).


LOL Leaf

Stay tuned for your moment of glory.

And if you want to give me any particulars that you want to be (favorite colors, hair/eye color, tats, age, etc, etc,) send me a msg via my blog, and I'll try and incorporate them in.

I'll be in the story too, lurking just under the radar ... maybe.



Well, this is probably all you need to know:

Age: 18
Looks: 12 (sorta... I maybe look 14 by now though...)
Maturity: 7

Blonde Hair and blues eyes but friends always cry over my tragic inabilty to use this to my advantage (ie, get a boyfriend)... (note to everyone: BLONDE HAIR IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OVERATED!!!!)

Loves: KIM BUM OPPA!!!!

Yeah.... that's me... ^sigh^


I just assumed you were Meaghan, Shuk!


Nope, Meaghan is a complete fabrication. Even the name I randomly pulled out. In fact, I was thinking about wordsmithing to a softer sound ending in a vowel - Angela? Christina? Regina? That implies a certain helplessness...

As for me...

I'm shorter, my original haircolor was dark auburn but I started turning grey in my teens, blue-grey eyes, long fingernails with one extra long pinkie nail (no reason, just to be different, but I tell people it's my cocaine spoon). My nail colors are exclusively black, most shades of dark purple (I have about 20 or so), and silver crackle when I can get away with it.

My amethyst jewelry is set in silver. My sapphire jewelry is set in gold. I don't usually mixed metals, except with a few copper/brass pieces that are stand alones.

I only wear black / dark greys and browns / jewel tones when I'm not in uniform, and my makeup is plum-toned. I guess I'm the original goth.

I'm also 45, seeing a guy who just turned 29 two weeks ago. So I guess that makes me a goth cougar. LOL


@ Shuk....I'm echoing your "ewwww!".

I think you need to work in the chaining boys to beds going up upthread. LOL. But, I'm staying clear of that. Although, that'd get censored in Kdrama-land for sure, lol.

My inappropriate crushes are much older than those kids. KJH, JiSung, Gong Yoo, CSW, SSH....all post army, 30-ish. LMHot, KHJ and SJK are gonna marry my daughter or adopted daughters and give me some beautiful grandkids, lol. I need to find more daughters though...that list is getting long.


Yay!!! Go Goths!!!! I want black hair ^cries^

And I LOVE black nail polish :D ^Looks proudly down at my really badly painted nails^

And short people are awesome!!!! :D It's makes us cute!!
But being 152cm (or 5 ft for you Americans) is the main reason why I look much younger and according to my Mum the reason I don't have a boyfriend LOL
She forgets my personality....


@ Shuk

My daughter's name is Meghan, so I like that. :0)

You sound remarkably like one of my co-workers from before I got married. She had a couple of kids REALLY young, and was a grandma before she was 40. She used to go clubbing on the weekends, and preferred younger guys. She got a kick out of stringing some 20-something guy along for a few weeks, then dropping the "Grandma bomb" on him. If he didn't run, then she was set, lol.

She was short, latina, dark hair, wore dark colors, etc.

She finally married some guy about 10 years younger than her...I made her wedding dress.

I'm 6 ft tall, blue eyes, dark blond/brown hair (hah! who'm I kidding, I'm mostly grey...but I dye it because it bugs my mother to have a grey haired daughter, lol). I was a tomboy growing up and still kind of lean that way, I'd rather wear jeans than a dress most days. Most of my friends growing up and through college were guys, I only had a few close girlfriends until after I was married. I'm religious, love my church family, love all my adopted kids and my 100+ nieces and nephews (that includes greats). I play the piano, and accompanied choirs through high school, college and occasionally now. I have a gnarly scar on my left middle finger (no joke, really) from a car accident that broke that finger into several small pieces. I had a terrific hand doctor that got it all back together again, but left what the my co-workers called my "frankenstein scar". I wasn't supposed to be able to play the piano again, but HA!, I fooled them.


Thanks for the info, Shel. I went ahead and updated the previous chapter to reflect your description. I also added Chapter 7 as a teaser...mwahaahaa. lol

Thanks to Raine, I am about half way through "How To Find A Perfect Neighbor". The soon-to-be jilted fiancee is actress Min Ji Hye, who was also jilted in "Personal Taste" with Lee Min HoT, and dumped in "Protect The Boss".

Do you think think actors and actresses prefer to repeat similar roles rather than branch out into something riskier? Is that something their agencies decide with no input from the actor?

As an averted example, King of saegueks Lee Won Jong taking on the sidekick role in "Vampire Prosecutor".

Just wondering what other people think.


I would think branching out would be better....it would make them more marketable. Look at CSW, he mostly played heavy characters....but now that he's done a comic character in Greatest Love....and did it so well....I would think it would open up a lot more opportunities.

I know some people, if they don't branch out early can get kind of pigeon-holed into a certain type of role and that's all they get offered. Look at William Shatner....he couldn't get a decent role for anything because everyone saw him as Captain Kirk. Which was a role that wasn't great, and his acting wasn't great.

Until Boston Legal and Denny Crane. Who knew he was a comic genius? He shoulda tried to branch out YEARS ago....he was a much better comedian than he was a dramatic actor. Wow, that was a sleazy show, but it was one of my guilty pleasures....Denny Crane and Alan Shore...what a duo! I'm not usually a fan of gratuitous sleaze, I really hate it actually. But they were so funny at it.... :0)


@shuk YAY we make an appearance. I'm totally stoked. You totally rock everybody in OT's socks!

@JoAnne...Unni, guh...


Shuk- I think doing a few similar roles is okay, but after a while you get type cast. I keep reading articles about people turning things down for fear of being type cast.


I grew up eating durian. So I suppose it actually smells good to me. But when I actually think about it, it smells close to that of a rubbish dumpster.

The texture is awesome. It's like custard. It can be sweet and/or a little bitter. Quite awesome actually. Think about it, eating custard puff without all the fat from heaps of man-made sugar. Durian is a fruit btw...

But if I do eat it, I would choose to stay indoors for at least a day before going out.


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The pods look scary - all pointy and sharp an assymetrical. I admit I've never tried one, mainly because they don't just give you a taste, you have to buy the whole thing.

Quite frankly, I'd rather eat rambutan.


Glad to know that you like durians too. I can eat a large one all by myself. And yeah, it is a bit like custard. Except sometimes you get some fibrous bits (which i love to suck on).

I cut myself a few times trying to crack open durians a few times but that never deter me from enjoying them.

Rambutans are heavenly. Have you tried mangosteens, Shuk?


Mangosteens? Nope, been spending my time looking for the elusive tamerind. I'm convince it is extinct in captivity and can only be found in the wild.

I did see that in Chinatown, but it was in a can and I figured it was several different fruits together, not a name.


Durian, the king of fruits!

Here, in the Philippines, the description is...


Admittedly, it's an acquired taste, but love love love that melt-in-your mouth buttery taste.

Do you know that it goes very well with Coke?


Ah, durian! The king of fruits. Here in the Philippines, durian is described as the fruit that


Love that buttery taste melting in the mouth goodness...

Admittedly, an acquired taste...

Do you know that it goes well with Coke?


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Had to look that up. I'm tempted to taste one.

The red bean & ice seems to be popular throughout Asia,
Patbingsu in Korea.


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i'm a durian lover! :) i love durian shake, durian cake, durian candy, anything with durian i can eat it...it's so tasty! And i love the smell!! oh wells, maybe i'm just immune to it...they say " it taste like heaven but smells like hell" ...it's delicious tho you guys try it sometime :)


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Do you eat it while holding your nose??


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Hello, John.

Red beans over shaved ice are delicious!
I eat it often.


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Since dramafever is going to get more expensive, is it worth it to buy the membership? I feel funny buying it when I cud see shows on hulu, viki, dramacrazy.


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I finally caved and bought it because it just drives me insane to see the same commercial approximately 1,576,489 times. :0)


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I just giggled so hard at the advertisement thing- I'm watching a drama on crunchyroll and they have the same ad playing back to back. amurado, I'd subscribe to anything that lets me watch live in style subbed right now.


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I really thought that one would be good, but with no one subbing it, I struggled for about ten episodes and gave up.
Still hoping she ends up the doctor, but I'll never know.

That and "Bride of the Sun" made me much more careful not to watch anything Korean that didn't have subtitles forthcoming.

I still download Japanese fare, but mostly because I'm learning the language, so it's a little easier.


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I didn't realize this until I was trolling Viki for something yesterday, but there's tons more KDramas going at any one time than we ever hear about. Not that I'm bothered by that, because the one that caught my eye was called....

When Women Powder Twice

Yeah. I'll pass.


how far did you see? I saw up to about episode 18 or 20. I was watching on tv then I canceled cable and I'm not really sure which episode I last saw. I think I could watch it without subs at home, but I would need a lot of time. The last I saw the doctor greeted the family and asked for her hand but her mother is against it and so is her brother, and she was going to meet his daughter. I hope they end up together too, I saw screen caps for the latest episodes with her in a wedding dress. she doesn't look very happy though.


The first episode, when she landed in the doctor's lap and drank his beer, I thought "this is who she'll end up with". But it never seemed to materialize.
Instead her mother kept collapsing, she kept going between kicking and kissing her erstwhile boyfriend, and her sister's shadow kept either getting beat up or giving all his money to the floozy sister.
So, yeah I gave up just a little past where you are now.
Heck, I don't even know if she ever kissed the doctor; I know they missed at the beach in the moonlight. (for the record, that's one of my favorite places to snog, so I couldnt see how she could resist.)

I switched to OB after that and didn't look back.


It showed up unannounced on DramaFever yesterday?


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I KNOW! The thing is, it was on mvibo and then disappeared and boy am I glad they got rid of it!


I bought a DF membership and love it for all the same reasons as everyone else. Just fyi, Firefox with 'Adblock Plus' blocks those intrusive commercials that aren't part of the video itself. I get a bit of synch problem on longer videos that is easily corrected with a very slight bump to rewind, which to me is worth it since I'm allergic to commercials.


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I can't cave. I need to save to go to England...Lee Min-ho, you're hot, but if I hear "Naega jooniah" ONE MORE TIME...


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^sigh^ If I could get Dramafever I fear my addiction may force me to buy a suscribtion (at the cost of my food budget ^sigh^) just to find a quick reliable source...


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Good point - if I didn't have to work so hard finding and downloading my dramas, or waiting for sapo to load, then I might NEVER get anything productive done.


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I got a membership in early December and have LOVED not having to deal with commercials. And if it's 39.99 per year (less than 4.00 per month) and NEVER GOING UP? good deal.


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they said if you buy before 01/31 you'll have the price for life- the lower price.


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I found it was totally worth it (of course, I have had it for close to 9 months now). I loved the fact that it was commercial free, it tracked every drama that I watched and I could resume watching a show at the exact point where I left off. I also loved the fact that I could track my favorites (because there were shows that I keep on going back to watch over and over again ... SS and Princess Man being two of them).


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Those of you who say it keeps a list of your dramas, are you talking about the queue? I delete stuff out of the queue once I'm finished with it...was hoping there was somewhere that kept a more permanent record.


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Yes. Under My Shows, there is a "Currently Watching" and "My Queue". I use "Currently Watching" to keep track of all dramas (either watched or sampled) so I don't ever delete from there. I use "My Queue" to keep track of my favorite dramas, so that I could go to that shorter list and access my favorite shows again, and again, and again...


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there's the history area. although my history is a bit spotty these days, but if you google your user name for that site "bonitaabby" for instance you see your recent watching activity and reviews.


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No, it's in your History section. I have PAGES of dramas, etc., in mine. Plus, if you click on your user name, it brings up any review you've ever left on the site.


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I never do reviews - I'll have to look for the History section, thats what I was thinking there would be but when I looked I didn't find.


Click on your login name, then click 'Your Account' then at bottom you'll see 'My History' next to Gift Subscription.
Click in History and it should pull up everything you've ever watched on the site.
I'm one of their original premium members, so my list goes way back.


I renewed my membership in December and I love it and most importantly, I use it all the time. I got it because the commercials were driving me up the frickin' wall and I couldn't take it anymore. I do still go on Viki (the subbers are so damn quick), Hulu, mysoju etc etc but I probably use dramafever the most. DF doesn't have every drama but they have a lot and get more on a pretty regular basis

I swear if I see that 5-hour energy commercial on Viki one more time I'm going to reach through the computer and choke the everyone in that damn commercial.


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YES YES and I"ll be right behind you, just to make sure you don't leave any survivors!!


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Have you ever tried skipping ahead to where you left off on viki? It then goes into a loop and gives you the same commercial over and over again.

I also tried skipping ahead on dramacrazy and depending on where the subbed episode is residing it either lets you do so (up to the point where it is buffered only ... so you may have to wait until entire segment is buffered to jump to the end) or moves the cursor ahead without actually skipping ahead (so you still end up watching something that you have seen before). At least the raw version in Tudou has a way of letting you skip ahead (and skip embedded commercials... however slowly).

Which is why I love dramafever. Allows you to pick up that episode exactly where you left off and I don't have to remember that I need to start at 16.44 minutes in (for example).


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I've been a member of DF since August. It's been worth every cent.


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Hello fellow OT'ers, Happy Friday!!! I haven't been here in a while. I'm in grad school and it has taken a toll on my K-drama watching time. I have missed what seems like a million dramas already. I'm currently watching two dramas. One's a K-drama (Take care of us, Captain) and the other's a J-drama (Lucky Seven). Anyone else watching Lucky Seven?

Have a great weekend everyone!


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Yay! Someone else who is watching "Take Care of Us, Captain"! What do you think of Captain Kim's past? I know so far that he saved Manager Hong from a fire when they were kids, and her dad hates his guts, but I'm not sure why. Something about making his wife go away...is that right? I don't know. Let me know your thoughts. I watch this drama pretty slowly so I can absorb it all.

I haven't seen "Lucky Seven" -- what is it about, and how is it so far?


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I thought that her dad hates Captain Kim because he blames him for starting the fire (it was actually the daughter and Captain Kim saved her, took the blame for starting the fire and was then abandoned by the family ... or at least ... sent back to the orphanage by the father). I also thought that the mom died with a broken heart (because her adopted son was sent back to the orphanage). Of course, I could be really wrong about it.

I am also confused about the daughter's feelings. Because it seems to me that she flirts excessively with the captain (so she wants him to be the boyfriend kind of oppa) but this week's episode she said that she will continue treating captain kim as her oppa (which I assume was as a brother because she was speaking to her father).


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I agree with your take on Captain Kim's past. As to the daughter's feelings. I think she has a crush on the captain, but to reassure her dad who hates the captain, she pretend it is just like a brother. Saw the glare she gave DaJin.

I really like this warm drama.The acting from the cast is good, tith some humour in it. It touches on social and human issues and human emotions. It goes a little slow on the emotional parts but I like the pace,the cinematography, the way the emotions are treated. It allows the audience to feel the human emotions, which is lacking in a lot of other dramas. Of course it is not the kind that will appeal to a broad audience in terms of competition and high ratings. After watching so many dramas, it is nice to watch something like this.


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I have to admit that it is the least favorite of the dramas that I am watching but I still want to know what happened and kind of like it so I am loath to drop it. My current viewing list (in order of preference) for dramas are:

1. Ojjakyo Brothers (OB)
2. Moon Embracing the Sun (MoonSun)
3. Padam Padam
4. Fermentation Family
5. Wild Romance
6. Color of Woman (CoW)
7. History of the Salaryman
8. Take Care of Us Captain


Yeah I agree with you about the daughter/Mgr Hong's feelings. She totally likes Captain Kim, and not in the brotherly kind of way, and that she just told her dad that she would protect him like a brother-oppa.

I also wonder why her dad is looking into Captain Kim's past. Is it just because he showed up "suddenly"?

I am enjoying this drama as well, and Gu Hye Sun's acting has improved since BOF. She still has that funny laugh, though. Anyone else think the girl who plays her sister Da-yeon/Fluffy is adorable??? :-)


@kewbie The little girl who plays Fluffy is the MOST ADORABLE and CUTEST child actor . I would watch that drama just for her. I am a fan now . LOL Do you know her real name?



Da-yeon/Fluffy is played by Kil So Won (길소원). I love how she calls Capt. Kim "Penguin Ajusshi". CUTENESS!!!! He'd be a fool not to fall for her charms. ;-)


@kewbie Thanks for the info. There are so many cute scenes with Fluffy. I especially like the one where she said Captain, press me,and GHS pressed her and she goes "I love u I love u" just like a doll. LOL


Hi Kewbie!

I think Hillary pretty much summed up it all up. Although, I'm starting to think the mom actually died in that fire and since Captain Kim took the blame he got sent back to the orphanage.

Lucky Seven is about a part-timer who inadvertedly ends up getting hired to work for a detective agency. It's somewhat of a comedy (although it has its touching moments). I only started watching because I wanted to see Eita in something that wasn't sad. I thought the first episode was pretty good but the second one dragged a bit. I'll keep watching though, I'll let you know how it goes.


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I don't think that the mom died in that fire. Because won't the daughter be laden with guilt that her actions caused her mom's death? She sure doesn't act as if she has anything to be guilty of.

And I thought that in one of the episodes that the daughter told the Captain that his mom never blamed him or something ... I just thought that their house burned down.


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I didn't think of that. Silly me! But you're totally right she would probably be pretty messed up with guilt. If the wife died with a broken heart then I can imagine why he's so angry with Cpt. Kim. He's displacing his guilt. He was the one who sent him away in the first place and he doesn't admit he had a hand in making his wife so upset. Cpt. Kim's just his scapegoat for those feelings. Oh well, It's all conjecture on my part but it makes me more curious to see how the story plays out.


Yeah, in episode 4 they kinda made it sound like Mgr. Hong's mom died in the fire, but she would be feeling terribly guilty. Her dad definitely blames Capt. Kim for "leaving us too early", as he says in that same episode. He also tells his daughter not to trust anything Capt. Kim says. I wonder if there's more to his hate of the Capt. than just the fire.


Oops, I mean that the dad blames Kim for making the WIFE "leave us too early". Damn editing...haha


Lucky Seven (Japanese Drama)

Cast: Matsumoto Jun, Eita, Naka Riisa, Kadono Takuzo, Tanihara Shosuke, Fukuishi Kazue, Kaneda Akio, Iriki Mari, Koyama Koichiro, Okae Kumiko, Oizumi Yo, Matsushima Nanako

Synopsis: Tokita Shuntaro (Matsumoto Jun) becomes a detective at a small detective agency in Tokyo’s Kita Shinagawa as a result of some incident. A detective should be level-headed, but Shuntaro gets too emotionally involved with his clients and investigation targets, which spell frequent trouble for this passionate rookie. In contrast, the cool Nitta Teru (Eita), who works in the same agency, is not impressed with Shuntaro’s tendency to step over the line, and the two are always at odds. Asahi Junpei (Oizumi Yo), their senior, has been a detective for a while. He regards himself as their older brother and serves as a buffer between the two. The agency of seven people initially starts off hard on the trail of small case(s), but they soon develop into a major event.

I enjoyed watching it.

Where to watch Lucky Seven website addresses:







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I'm watching it and loving it!
I've never seen Eita in a role that was big enough to catch my attention, but he is stealing the spotlight right out from under Matsujun!
And how much do I love Naka Riisa in this!


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Thanks for the links! I will be sure to put it in my queue. :-)


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Awww y'all are so awesome ( sorry that's one of my fav words to describe when I'm happy) ^.^

Well I'm kind of in a runt, I've been watching more Kmovies then anything later but I do love me some ATK ( ahhh yes I do love to torture myself I know I know it's a problem).

Like no show so far has turned me into a crazy obsessed stalker, like some do in the beginning but then I just lose interest, idk why but I can say I'm so freaking excited for my Oppa Yoochun to be back in Kdramaland ( sorry but Ms.Ripley just didn't appeal to me at all).

I'm gonna try and get back into my Kdrama groove cuz I'm hearing great things about certain dramas that are out.

K thanks for reading my rants :)


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Has anyone seen operation proposal's trailer? I can't play dramafever at work! and my google search returned sample business plan! ! I really loved the japanese drama.


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okay I just saw it- it seems to have one of those strange late 90's early 2000 dramas scent. gah


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i'm really excited for it. except ysh didn't look any older/different in the wedding scene compared to the high school days. but i'm assuming the footage for this trailer was shot only for trailer purposes bc they just casted the 2nd lead male. and you can't have the wedding scene w/o the groom.


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I was thinking he'll look like a kid forever and then I remembered kim bum who is all growed up now.


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So last week I was watching Taboo on national geographic channel and they wwre talking about objectsexualization which is being inlove with an inanimate object. So they showcased this lady who was so inlove with the berlin wall that she moved across the Atlantic to Germany so she cud be close to her hubby (Berlin wall) and have uh sexual relations with it (I know gross and how?) Anyway I was watching the news today and there was this lady in the news who was getting married to a warehouse that was being demolished! I honestly do not how it is possile to love an object. I think this people need help.


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Well, i can like an object. But falling in love requires some interaction. I don't think those women " love " those objects . I see it more as a fetish and an obsession. I suppose for fragile minds anything can be erotic. The fact that those objects are constructions make me believe they are unconsciously searching for a home, a shelter, a center of gravity. That's my psychological 2 cents conclusion anyway. Or maybe it's just people trying to attract attention playing mad characters... And who enjoy fooling others.


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An open thread for my birthday! I don't have any drama friends yet and have only just started commenting on db, but I love reading open threads. Thanks for contributing everyone!!


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Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Hope you had/have a fantastic day!!!


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Happy birthday!


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Happy Birthday!


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Happy birthday!!!


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Happy OT birthday!
I had ot for my birthday too, well last year you know.


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Happy B-Day, ravin!!


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Happy Birthday!!!


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There was was a lurker named Ravin
Who liked a little misbehavin'
But then on her birthday
She had something to say
And popped out on OT a-wavin'!

Happy Birthday! Don't be a stranger!!


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Ravin, saeng-il chukha hamnida, and welcome to the OT Clubhouse. Slippers are at the door; come on in and sit a spell. Happy Hour has started (because it's always 5:00 PM somewhere in the world), so here's a drink in your honour!! :)


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Happy Birthday! (and lucky that you have your bday on a Friday)


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Happy Birthday, Ravin!


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Ravin, saeng-il chukha hamnida!

Many happy returns, and many more RAVIN' and ranting hereabouts.


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OMG Hello baby season 5 with Mblaq !! This has got to be the cutest show ever.

Oh BVS how you let me down this week;


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hi everyone! i was watching this g.o.d. music video the other day and it's driving me crazy that i can't figure out who the male actor is. does anyone know? thanks much!



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Happy Friday everyone!

School has been killing me lately so I've had very little time to watch dramas. Also, I am now weeping at my lack of foresight ;_; I should have downloaded all the dramas I was interested in before megaupload/fileserve/etc... went down. Where shall I get the older dramas now? :(


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YOu can get most of them at dramaload.com, but it's not free. It's not terribly expensive either. You could buy a 3 month membership and download like crazy.


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Whimsyful - doramax264.com has some in mediafile, but I would recommend you start looking and downloading asap - there's no telling where the madness will end.


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Yup, I've started downloading Resurrection and some older dramas that are harder to find streams for--most of the newer dramas I can stream on dramafever or viki. I'm actually very tempted to get the 3 month membership because I prefer the higher picture quality of downloads, but I think I'll wait until I've built a decently sized list of dramas I want to own.


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Finally got around to watching Wild Romance Ep 7. Still watching but had to take a moment to say that I love the costume director. The characters clothing is an extension of their personality. Eun Jae in her cute boyish layers and quirky knit winter hats. Eun Jae's bestie in her comfy, disheveled lounge clothing and the strawberry sponge roller was too adorable. I could go on, but I need to finish watching the episode.


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I agree - especially the get-ups in the high school flashback. And I love the slightly old-fashioned look on the reporter


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Hi everyone.. as of late, I watched Me Too Flower, and I love it so much, I make some video for the OTP... They are one of my fav OTP in 2011 drama... SO hope u will enjoy my vid...
THe song is from the soundtrack itself...



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Cool ! Another Me Too Flower fan. Bong Sun and Jae Hee are just irresistible. So many people didn't bet a peanut on them at first, but when you see them on the screen YOU fall in love with their story. And that soundtrack is just so good. Nice vid missjb !


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I cannot believe A Thousand Kisses and Padam Padam end next week. Both are super sad this week. Noble idiot syndrome won't stop torturing me on ATK and all I want is woobin and Jooyoung back together. It's sad her mom is going to die without ever making up with both her daughters and the dumb writers won't even give us the real backstory on the affair.And sigh I am off this till Ep 50. I hate when people get a clue on the eve of the wedding.
Being an Noble Idiot is just dumb.

Now as for Padam Padam why do they have to break up. Is the wedding really going to happen along with that bed scene? Hoping my couple gets to reunite and be together and Kc lives.

I love Brain so much does anyone else and I am going to marathon it again when Viki opens the rest of the episodes. I love the subs there but I did want 2 more episodes for an Hot Tension wedding and family.

Deeno where are you going to do Brain recaps at and for anyone else check the show out it is so funny, sad, romantic, and unbelievable sometimes.The cast is solid even though some do not act like residents and the love plotline should have had more passionate kisses.Missing it already.

Also Glowing She is so good and I am excited for a mature romance. It's about time a woman can show she is in control while falling in love.


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Doing recaps on my blog site. I only have one so far.

This should help you find them


I'm still not sure if I'll continue. More likely to recap if it gets some love and comments. Recapping after a drama has aired is hard unless you love and adore the show. It's a rather thankless task.


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The funny thing about the Brain episodes on viki. When episodes were closed using computer, I was able to access on the viki app on my iphone. Strangest thing. Of course, I only discovered that after the series ended.


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Oh, the start of 2012..i'm finally on the k-drama ship.

Last year, I totally skipped.

Currently on the 'watch' list:

The Captain.

MoonSun - This is a good show. Despite being sageuk, it's quite heavy on the romance area. The writing is good even though most of the elements of the story I have seen elsewhere. Additionally, the acting is really good too - except a few...

The Captain - a hard series to swallow. If MoonSun is light/funny and tragic (a weird combo...O.O) then The captain is... tragic and aggravating. It's probably in the whole conflict revolving around the main characters in the show. *sigh... I cried from episode one to five. -_-;


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