PD Na Young-seok to also leave 1 Night 2 Days?
by girlfriday
I hate to say it, but it’s gettin’ worse, people. Straight on the heels of MC Kang Ho-dong‘s announcement that he might leave hit variety program 1 Night 2 Days, producer-director Na Young-seok (Na PD) has also given notice that he plans to leave the show. Okay, I’m trying not to become a blubbering mess here. But did someone piss off the universe or something? Because this is JUST WRONG.
Na PD has reportedly put in a transfer notice to leave KBS in the fall, and join his fellow old-school 1 Night 2 Days PDs Lee Myung-han and Lee Dong-hee over at cable network CJ E&M (they own Mnet, TvN). Apparently CJ E&M has been wooing Na PD for some time now, which makes sense of course, given that his comrades have already jumped ship. This puts Na PD in the same situation as Kang Ho-dong, basically having given notice, and sitting at the negotiating table with KBS.
(PDs, more specifically variety PDs, work for a network and often produce multiple shows at once, so they’re more like a stable of directors that work for a large company. This is how dramas used to work in the old days too, but now scripted shows are more often produced independently by outside production companies and then bought for distribution. Not so with variety, which means that a variety PD job is much like being a salaried employee at any large company.)
At the same time, rumors of Kang Ho-dong’s possible move to cable network jTBC have also surfaced. So basically, what you’re telling me is that cable is trying to take over the world. Okay, I’m being melodramatic. But it’s hard not to hate cable when it’s breaking up my favorite tv brotherhood. If you’re poaching them, can’t you just poach them ALL and make a new show, called 2 Nights 3 Days?
For now we just hope and wait, because nothing has been decided and nothing is set in stone. Filming for 1N2D commenced as usual today, and Kang Ho-dong finally released an official statement while arriving on set (below): “I haven’t decided anything yet. The 1N2D producers and I are discussing many things sincerely and seriously. I will announce the decision as soon as it’s reached.” He is of course the consummate professional, and added, “Today’s shoot is the Viewers’ Training Camp. I’ll focus on the shoot and do well. I’ll work hard. Thank you.”
Am trying to think happy thoughts. But sadly, without Kang Ho-dong or Na PD, there IS no 1 Night 2 Days. *WAIL* I need a hug. If there was ever a time to call in a favor with the powers that be, this is it.
Via Star News, 10 Asia, Sports Chosun
Tags: 1N2D, Kang Ho-dong, Na Young-seok
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1 DeeDee8906
August 11, 2011 at 6:57 PM
I thought allkpop said that KHD wouldn't leave?
Either way, this is seriously horrid. D: Gah.
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August 11, 2011 at 10:30 PM
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August 12, 2011 at 4:20 PM
I guess I should take allkpop articles with a grain of salt. -___-
Thank you for the info :]
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2 nokcha
August 11, 2011 at 6:58 PM
No KHD, no show. He's the perfect host! This definitely is the end.
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3 Lala
August 11, 2011 at 6:58 PM
TwT D: Noooooooo
Though I would like 2 night 3 days :P Hehe
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4 Do-ra-ma
August 11, 2011 at 7:01 PM
Oh, please, TV Gods, pleeeeeease keep this show alive! There's been scares like this over the years regarding 1N2D, but this one is very legitimate. If Ho Dong AND Na PD walk out, the show is pretty much dead. I don't want that to happen! It's selfish I know, but 1N2D really does brighten up my weeks; and I honestly believe it is the best variety show in the Korean landscape.
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5 Peppy
August 11, 2011 at 7:05 PM
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6 Ruby
August 11, 2011 at 7:08 PM
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7 peony
August 11, 2011 at 7:09 PM
The show will die like Family Outting did. after the original cast left the next season just went downhill.
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8 mmmaggie
August 11, 2011 at 7:11 PM
I'm going to cry. I got into this show when you and javabeans started posting recaps and since then, I've gone back and downloaded every episode since MC Mong joined the cast. And to have to suddenly taken away..... I understand Dokko Jin. HEART. BREAK.
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9 momosan
August 11, 2011 at 7:12 PM
If Kang Ho Dong and Na PD leave, then the show just needs to fold their tent and go home.
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10 mud
August 11, 2011 at 7:12 PM
NOOOOOO! OMG, this is devastating news!
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11 stars4u
August 11, 2011 at 7:14 PM
NOOOO!!!! 1N2D without Kang Ho-dong is not 1N2D... then without Na PD... then what happens!!!!
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12 nabithoj
August 11, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Do we know what's the reason Kang HoDong might leave 1N2D? Money? (Which seems to be the main thing, unfortunately.) Time? New opportunities?
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August 11, 2011 at 7:27 PM
I don't think it's money, supposedly he's already rich as Midas. So maybe it's creative freedom or someone's wooing him with some completely new idea.
Here's an
opinion piece on the whole matter.
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13 noonajumma
August 11, 2011 at 7:19 PM
I'm pissed. PISSED. This feels like a break up where I get dumped out of the blue, for no good reason - "I still love you very much, but I need to move on." WTF. They're just gonna pack up and jump ship like this? Et tu, Na PD?!?!
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14 Yuki (the one who fangirls A.N.JELL with her mom)
August 11, 2011 at 7:19 PM
*bawls out a puddle of tears*
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15 Ivoire
August 11, 2011 at 7:20 PM
Wow! No comments yet and I am the first one to write. Always wondered what the big fuss was about writing first, hum...
I should probably go finish reading the article now. I agree that MC Kang Ho-dong will be dearly missed if he does indeed end up leaving. I used to watch 1 Night 2 Days (haven't watched in a while) and the one I liked most was at the end of 2010 when the gang were matched with foreigners who live and work in Korea and as a result were away from their families. Those families were (as a surprise) brought to Korea for a visit and MC Kang Ho-dong was sooo cute with the 2 daughters of his new friend. He kept holding them and asking for kisses by showing his cheek. It was sooo nice and endearing to see that side of him, he looked and acted like a big (tender hearted) teddy bear.
I cried the whole time I saw the 2 episodes devoted to that theme. As a foreigner living in the US, I could totally related to what those workers and their families were feeling and going through. The element of surprise was great and it was moving (for me at least) to see so many men (and it seemed that it wasn't only the gang and their guests who were moved but the staff as well, from what I sensed at least) get emotional and be touched and appreciative of foreign workers in their country and of what they endure (loneliness, physical separation, worrying about their families back home, etc...) to make a living and support their families.
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August 12, 2011 at 6:04 PM
Props for seeing that you were first and taking the time to write something thoughtful out anyway.
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16 lapetite
August 11, 2011 at 7:21 PM
The rumors have been escalating, the most common one being that variety PDs are jumping ship from the big 3 especially KBS and moving to cable.
I want it to end well, but it has to be tough filming this show and I want what's best for them. Hopefully it all works out, but if not 1N2D had an amazing run and will be a classic.
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August 12, 2011 at 11:45 AM
After reading a post on the 1n2dfansubs blog i think it may be a good thing if KHD leaves. Like I wrote on the blog, as much as I want to be selfish and say I dont want him to leave, if he does leave it could be the start of something. Each of the big 3 networks have KHD on one of their shows and all are doing well. KHD is as free as a bird and if he wants to leave, he can and this should make them nervous. If a big star like KHD leaves all his shows, there is no doubt that his presence will be miss. His actions can influence other big names like Yoo Jae Seok and others to make a move and this will definitely shake up the variety world. It's time they (the big 3) realize that even though the entertainers do need them for exposure, the networks need the entertainers just as badly if they want a good show b/c the entertainers could always go else where. The big 3 aren't the only ones that can produce good TV. The tvn drama "I Need Romance" was good and Mnet also makes good variety shows. The aren't the only tv networks out there and the way they treat some entertainers is just bad, finally they can take a step back and see that their power in the industry can crumble.
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17 -eina-
August 11, 2011 at 7:21 PM
this is soo.... arghhh~~ i'm so speechless... it is cannot be.. what will happen to the show..?? i'm still feel a sad during mong left the show.. even, until now still clear in my mind their show with mong.. what will happen without hodong and PD na..??? i'm going to cry.. need a hug....
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18 merlyunho
August 11, 2011 at 7:22 PM
man, this is MADNESS.
KHD leaving alone is heartbreaking, and just plain hard to believe. But now, Na PD as well?
Darn, might as well end the show instead. I'd hate watching the show go downhill, because 1N2D without KHD or Na PD is just not the same.
Heck, it will be completely different.
If this really comes true, I think I'm gonna cry.
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19 Ivoire
August 11, 2011 at 7:26 PM
OK, I stand corrected. When I first click on this article to read it, there were no comments. In the time it took me to write my comment and post it (unfortunately, my computer is slow and was taking a long time to post my comment), I lost the first place.
Oh well... Maybe some other day...
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20 Maho
August 11, 2011 at 7:28 PM
1N2D without Na PD isn't 1N2D...if Kang Ho Dong leaves it's not the end of the world sure his departure would leave a huge void but it could also work out however without Na PD and his sadistic games and tasks it wouldn't be the same at all...here's hoping Na PD stays and Kang Ho Dong as well. :/
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21 chance
August 11, 2011 at 7:31 PM
You know you should expect the worst once the management spouts off that "Nothing has been decided as of yet" nonsense.
It's like an execution warrant for shows whenever the PDs says something like that.
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22 hehe
August 11, 2011 at 7:41 PM
Omo!!!!!!!!!!! What's happening?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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23 ayeyyy
August 11, 2011 at 7:42 PM
Whats going on I guess 5 years is enough and everyone needs to grow huh?
Seunggi will go to the army eventually and I dont think taewoongs appearance will take over the hole.And I bet the viewers wanted a change bec. as far as I know they covered all sides of SKorea already.Ill be ssoo sad but well everything change right now Iam liking Running man
so I guess Iam ok hehehe
I think when you get big like Hodng and the PD bec. of one hit show you want more for yourselves and maybe for the show KBS is a goverment TV right!so many restrictions I bet and low salary pay.Im sad bec.1n2d is really at the high of thier popularity ang Hodong highest or best show in his life till now so for me its no brainer its a bad decision to end give it atleast a year or 2 then end it hehehe
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24 sangay
August 11, 2011 at 7:46 PM
okay, so NA PD and Kang Hodong's 'jumping' ship to cable .... so GO but make sure you bring the dongsengs along with you and go create another superb variety show there for us !
else .... don't go please ?
sigh ..... i do know good things don't last ... but just can't keep recalling the guys saying they'll be there even when they're at their late 60s, 70s, 80s wondering where's their eldest hyung Hodong doing now .....
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25 sup super supper
August 11, 2011 at 7:46 PM
Waaaaaaahhhh, more and more upsetting.
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26 myweithisway
August 11, 2011 at 7:47 PM
Na PD is my evil genius ahjussi crush...he can't leave!
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27 yong in
August 11, 2011 at 7:53 PM
what the hell is going on????
i'm gonna die without 2Days and 1Night for my weekends!!!!
I wonder how the other guys are feeling right now. : (
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28 soiia
August 11, 2011 at 8:07 PM
But I recently eard on Allkpop that apparently, Kang Ho Dong or his agent denied the rumors of him leaving... or did this get re-confirmed?
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29 anna
August 11, 2011 at 8:07 PM
Oh ok, why don't you just call it quits and then kick my face on the way out? :(
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30 mary
August 11, 2011 at 8:09 PM
Tae Woong must be thinking: "WHAT THE HELL? I JUST JOINED THIS SHOW!"
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August 11, 2011 at 9:08 PM
dammit, JB must be thinking the same!! hell, I'M thinking the same! ho dong oppa!! *OPW*---(do you think that'll work??) please stay!!!! NA PD!! please stay!!
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31 liam
August 11, 2011 at 8:09 PM
This is family outing all over again! I was heartbroken after it ended, and this is deja vu of the worst kind. I really believed that this show would go on for another 10 years, and I was only preparing myself for when Seunggi was to go to army . . . but now : (
What about Seung gi and Ji won's long term contracts?!? Don't they mean anything anymore? That corndog wasn't free buddy!
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32 hamsandwich
August 11, 2011 at 8:11 PM
nooooooooooo!!!! Don't they realize that THEY are 1N2D??!?! I have faith in the remaining guys to carry the show but walking away from the 1N2D as it keeps climbing the peak is probably the stupidest career move.... just sayin... I hope they dont pull some Jay Leno crazyness when they realize they've made the bigest mistake of their lives.
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33 Arhazivory
August 11, 2011 at 8:11 PM
*sighs* There's a very good article on the 1N2D fansub blog that was written by a Korean blogger. I'd paste it but I'm on my mobile so, too much navigating. *sighs*
It really puts some things in perspective though and kinda makes me feel a bit selfish for wanting him to stay. If he's tired ot wants to move on like all the other PDs who're moving away from the Big 3, then he's free to do so. Now that Na PD is leaving as well and Seung Gi already said he's thinking of enlisting soon....it does not bode well for 1N2D. If the evil mastermind and the main MC are gone, they should just end the show on a high note. I'd hate to see the ratings decline.
And another thing, it must be hard working for an agency that has other people pulling strings and lots of restrictions (eg. The JYJ thing).
1N2D. :(
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August 11, 2011 at 8:41 PM
Yeah KBS is sniffing some one's bootae! I always wondered what the different hosts thought of that.
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August 11, 2011 at 9:06 PM
yeah that article really changed my mind about this issue, part of me is sad about this ofc but now all i can think it's ''i hope they make the decision quicker'' so we can all move on and anticipate Hodong's and the other members next step.
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34 cinta
August 11, 2011 at 8:12 PM
Honestly, all the news regarding Ho Dong and now PD Na news have ruined my week. :( Because nobody saw it coming, we just saw a big banner on 1n2d 200th episode - "congratulations on the 200th episode, we've done well so far, so keep continue the good work". Then, on the 5th August they celebrated their 4th anniversary.
It is a big shock to everyone, and most probably to the other members too. But to think about it again, even though we may miss our weekly laughter, however, hopefully if the rumor is true (that Ho Dong & PD Na are moving to the cable network), they can produce greater show. Even though I hope they will bring the other members with them as well.
Please don't hate my comment below, but if 1n2d is indeed finished, then I'm also happy for the members.
Without 1n2d fortnightly shooting / trip, all 1n2d members can continue building their career.
Seung Gi: new album & new drama (he mentioned that he's going to do them both at the same time this year)
Ji Won: new album / mini album with Clover
Jong Min is now back with Koyote
I heard that Tae Woong will soon start shooting for his new drama and Su Guen is also a busy MC and gagman.
I guess people sometimes forget how tiring it is to go on overnight trip every 2 weeks. So whatever decision Ho Dong makes, I'll definitely support him. In the meantime, I'll re-watch 1n2d past episodes to cheer me up ^.^
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August 11, 2011 at 9:00 PM
there is nothing to hate about your comments, i really like what you wrote :)
i also think it's tiring to film 1N2D, and they were doing that for 4 years while still having their main jobs on the side like MCing, Dramas, CMs, singing...
i'll definitely will be sad when the definitive decision comes but i hope it's all for the best.
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August 12, 2011 at 1:13 AM
Yeah, you're right, and at the very least it is nice to know that everyone is doing well at the moment (well, everyone besides MC Mong which makes me sad), and that if it all comes to an end, they really will be going out on top. There can only be affection and longing for more, which is definitely a nice way to be remembered!
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August 12, 2011 at 1:35 AM
That's true, the one thing that I'll miss the most from 1n2d is their brotherhood bonding and their affection.
I do hope MC Mong will be back to K-entertainment and Kim C, I miss him alot too :(
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August 12, 2011 at 11:53 AM
MONG! ♥ I really hope he gets back on his feet soon. I adore him.
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35 Anvesha
August 11, 2011 at 8:15 PM
I don't mind "2 night 3 days" or any other name as long all of them stays together (incl Na PD) what IS happening??
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36 laya
August 11, 2011 at 8:17 PM
Nuuuuuuh! 1N2D's gonna die! T___T
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August 11, 2011 at 8:47 PM
I wish he could just bring 1N2D with him and keep everyone together. Wishes, wishes.
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37 misachan
August 11, 2011 at 8:17 PM
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August 11, 2011 at 10:14 PM
lol. Ikr. I feel like me jumping on the ship jinxed everything. Now that I'm almost caught up with watching the old episodes....I've purposely slowed myself down too only watching one trip per week.
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August 12, 2011 at 10:27 AM
Same! I decided to focus more on catching up on British shows before starting up on the newest 1N2D eps and look what happens!
Do they realize that without Na PD 1N2D is nowhere near half as fun?
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38 crizzy
August 11, 2011 at 8:18 PM
aw.. Hate that it is happening again.. It's stressful u know.. Can we just enjoy the show please.. I dont want to mess tears with laughters especially if it has nothing to do with the show.. I want this show to be my stress-reliever, not stress-giver..
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39 hurlock
August 11, 2011 at 8:18 PM
my teardrops fell.. Kim C, MC Mong, now Hodong..
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40 Mia
August 11, 2011 at 8:24 PM
Na Pd is my favorite of the "crew" - and by "crew" that includes cast. I love his humor, his cruel omniscience, I have a complete fan-girl crush for him (*sigh* he's married).
So HIM leaving the show is, to me personally, the biggest of blows.
(What other show would he ever be able to produce where I could see HIM interact so comfortably and favorably with the "actors/singers". To me, him leaving is more significant then them changing the whole cast.)
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August 11, 2011 at 8:29 PM
In addition I don't think Kang Ho-dong (and therefore Na Young-seok) would be leaving based on purely "grass is greener" logic for the "greener" cable channels - and by grass I mean money.
How exactly does KBS treat their employees that their leaving a show so loved and so successful at its most successful and loved?!
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August 11, 2011 at 10:24 PM
It's more a question of what the cable networks offer, as a whole package. Not just money, but Kang-Ho-dong-as-producer, who gets to call the shots, or Na-PD-as-showrunner. We joke about Na PD's evil mastermindy plots and all, but really he's just the on-set PD, and he's got bosses upon bosses who pull the strings.
It doesn't mean that KBS treats them badly. It's just the way the tv landscape is changing. Cable networks are putting out more original programming, and if they can capture the Big White Whale (a megastar like Kang Ho-dong), then it means they have a shot at putting a dent in the current Big 3 ratings hold. (Which is exactly how television grows--just look at the american model.)
But it doesn't mean I have to like it, because anything that breaks up the boys just breaks my heart.
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August 12, 2011 at 12:18 AM
Thank you, Girlfriday.
Your comment helps me understand the situation with a bit more clarity as well as detail. Someone had mentioned the JYJ restrictions and ever so often articles come out about cruel treatment to singers. I was wondering - because I really didn't think money was a huge factor in these decision - what else could be motivating such big names to leave such big shows that they helped create.
If cable networks help PDs like Na Young-seok and MCs like Kang Ho-dong go further into what they are so skilled in, without the restrictions of higher-up "string-pulling", I would be truly thrilled.
I read an article recently where PD Na spoke on how much *more* variety shows could do. How much more they can explore the genre. While 1n2d is quite different from other variety shows (and how lovely that it is) I am sure he has greater ambitions and visions that perhaps large networks restrain from materializing.
I'm not sure about Kang Ho-dong but perhaps his case is similar.
Either way, thank you for furthering my understanding of the issue!
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41 Merewen
August 11, 2011 at 8:34 PM
Hmm... This will be sad, but they're probably thinking about going to cable because the major networks are so restrictive. There are some things they can and can not say and certain guests they can and can not have one. I for one wouldn't blame them. The big 3 have been screwing the pooch royally as of late.
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42 lenrasoon
August 11, 2011 at 8:53 PM
My feelings today after i woke up to this news was DENIAL than i finally got ANGRY at the thought of KHD leaving us and the show, but now Acceptance finally took place, because we can't do nothing about this really, i honestly think that Hodong is going to leave and i even want that to happen now because i don't think i can watch the show anymore without thinking that he wants to be somewhere else.
Anyway i wish all the best for KHD and everyone from 1N2D team (the other members, pd's and staffs etc), it was so fun to watch while it lasted and i doubt that will be a tv show as funny, touching and simple as this.
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43 Kacey
August 11, 2011 at 8:55 PM
Words fail me. Someone please stop this trainwreck asap!! I'm not ready to say goodbye to 1N2D, not now, not ever!
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44 spazzy06
August 11, 2011 at 9:04 PM
They might as well just cancel the show if Ho-dong and PD Na are leaving.
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45 aimei
August 11, 2011 at 9:52 PM
this is the worst birthday present EVER. argh. they both cannot leave!
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46 min
August 11, 2011 at 9:55 PM
waaaaaaaaaaaaa.. :'(( >that's me wailing and crying.
First it's KHD and now PD Na?! This can't be happening.
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47 fatim
August 11, 2011 at 10:10 PM
if the two is leaving, better 1n2d being cancel. I can't bear to see the fall of 1n2d. Its not because the two is really amazing, its because I cannot see the 1n2d family is break apart.. -crying-
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48 Toya
August 11, 2011 at 10:12 PM
Damn it all, just when I started loving it...
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49 Ariel
August 11, 2011 at 10:45 PM
I'm sad so sad it's a sad sad situation and it's getting more and more absurd...
it's sad so sad
why can't we talk it over...
If this happens I'm going to put a curse on KBS that they would never recover from just a warning. Give the boys what they want or else'...
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50 Tweety
August 11, 2011 at 10:54 PM
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! omg what's going on with everyone !
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