Myung-wol the Spy unable to complete shoot, to air special
by javabeans
Oy vey. The reports are conflicting, the response is growing heated, and confusion abounds over the immediate fate of Myung-wol the Spy, which was thrown into chaos over the weekend when its star, Han Ye-seul, didn’t appear for her scheduled shoots.
The trouble began on Saturday the 14th when Han, who was scheduled for an early morning shoot, didn’t appear. Her side seemed as confused as everyone else, and stated that the shoots had gone so far into the night that she only had two hours after being released before her next day’s call time. Then stories emerged that Han and the PD, Hwang In-hyuk, have been at odds since the very start, which has only grown more contentious as filming went on. They’d fought fiercely on set earlier in the week, and Han had repeatedly requested a PD switch. A new PD was brought onboard but PD Hwang remained, which appears to have been a halfhearted non-attempt to appease her.
According to a production rep, Han expressed her problems with the schedule, and when those differences were not resolved, told the director that she wouldn’t make the Saturday shoot. The explanation was her ill health due to the shooting schedule, but apparently the crew still expected her, and the cast was in standby mode until shooting was eventually cancelled.
Han didn’t shoot on the 15th, either, and with the drama up to its neck in live shoots, that left the show with only 40% of its scenes shot for this coming week. KBS and the producers met on Sunday for emergency meetings to try to resolve the conflict, but ultimately the show was too far behind and they decided to go with the time-honored solution to many a last-minute broadcasting emergency: a special episode, whipped up to fill the timeslot.
That’s the plan for Monday; producers are still not sure what to do with Tuesday’s broadcast.
Okay, so those are the facts. To be honest, this story doesn’t add up for me, which is why I hesitate to make any declarations. I recall that Han had made the request before the drama began that the shoots adopt a less killer schedule, along the lines of a five-day workweek. Those rumors faded once the drama got under way, which suggests that she found a way to reconcile herself with the schedule. Or perhaps (and now I speculate) she was assured of a lighter load, only to be worked to the bone anyway.
I do think that Han’s behavior is clearly unprofessional, but because of the way this story has been reported and sensationalized in the past day, I’m not ready to condemn her yet. She would have to know how damaging to her image it would be to refuse to shoot — and she’s already getting lots of heat from netizens — so I wonder how bad it must be for her to risk it anyway. Then again, maybe she didn’t think. Who knows what the real story is?
As we know, the K-drama live-shoot system is hectic, possibly dangerous, and definitely crazy. It’s flawed, but as long as productions believe that the rewards (freedom to adjust on the fly, cater to ratings) outweigh the costs, they’ll keep doing it as long as they can get away with it. But one can’t help but wonder when the broadcasters will get sick enough of the madness to impose some rules from the top down to create some safety nets. In the case of Myung-wol the Spy, it’s one actress refusing to shoot, but in other cases, a delay of just a day or two from accidents and injuries can take a drama off the air (see: Boys Before Flowers, You’ve Fallen For Me). Surely we need more buffer time than that.
If Myung-wol fails to air this week, on the upside (glass half full!), perhaps they won’t need their two-episode extension after all. The story doesn’t need the extension, and it was more out of consideration for follow-up drama Poseidon than for Myung-wol anyway. If Myung-wol resumes broadcasting next week, it can end with Episode 16 and still let Poseidon premiere as scheduled.
There, I turned that frown upside-down. It’s sort of a twisted grimace, but hey, it’s not ALL bad news, right?
(Also: I say this because of the massive derail in the thread below, but let me just remind you to please, please keep things civil. Arguments fine, attacks not fine. Don’t make me come over there.)
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101 sg
August 15, 2011 at 5:39 AM
Power to HYS for standing up!
What I know about the Korean work culture, I have gleaned from the many korean dramas I have watched. May have been stereotyped but I do believe that there is an inkling of truth in fiction. Korean workers seemed to be expected to work so long hours, not supposed to complain and under the thumb of bullying superiors.
Don't they have unions to protect workers' rights in Korea? If I were to work late and socialise with coworkers after that, I will definitely migrate! I often thumb my nose at my boss who stays late every day while I leave on time cause I believe after eight hours (plenty much!!) at work, one needs to recharge at home- staying on would hardly be productive at all.
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102 conan
August 15, 2011 at 5:43 AM
Okay, so I've been "monitoring" the news the whole day, which is like years in WWW time. I don't even watch SMY, but this whole mess got me thinking. This is what I came up with. There's been many arguments stating one side is to blame more than the other. I disagree. If you're asking me who I think it's to blame, I think it's fair to say that both HYS and the production team has equal parts to all this mess.
HYS should be to blame because it's her duty to at least try to work, be it only a few hours a day that's fine, as long as you work. Some of you have been comparing it to regular office work. Okay. So if you already committed yourself to work, would you skip 2 days without telling your boss? Just go MIA without a word? I don't think so. And if you also compare HYS to corporate jobs, she's in a pretty high rank. If your boss didn't go to work without saying anything, wouldn't you be pissed off too? If some of you are saying she's protesting against the system, why do it in a bratty way? I say go big or go home. Sue the production team or ask other actors to protest as well. Acting like a diva doesn't really help.
On the other side, the production team is also at fault. There's a lot of arguments already mentioned about all the gory of the entertainment business. People can do ugly things for money, which includes putting people's lives in danger. Enough has been mentioned above so I go much further.
I want to mention the victims of all of this which are the co-workers in this drama. I'm not comparing HYS to her other co-stars or the crew. But they too have a job they want to finish, and this hullabaloo just halts everything. I mean, they have to wait 8 hours (maybe more?) doing nothing, waiting for nothing. I just hope things can be solved ASAP so news like this won't happen again.
PS. I read on allkpop that HYS flew to LA? This is still just a rumor but still... Everyone's on their toes and she still manages to go to LA? Taking an afternoon nap is okay I guess, but LA? I don't even know what to say. I'm not liking this lady at all. She looks very likable, but looks can be very deceiving.
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August 15, 2011 at 8:30 AM
I tihnk you have a good point here, HYS could "work to rule," and stand by the hours of her contract--despite the bathmouthing of the production company, at least she and the production would be in jeopardy. However, it looks like she did try to accomodate the production by working longer hours and ended up being totally exploited.
Quite frankly, it's still not to late to resolve this dispute. Even if the show skipped a week, and everyone had a chance to cool down, the audience would still welcome the show when it returned.
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103 sobohomom
August 15, 2011 at 5:48 AM
HYS may have underlying health concerns that led her to request a more reasonable, humane schedule--lots of health problems including MS, asthma, anxiety/depression, and immunodeficiency disorders are greatly exacerbated by stress and exhaustion. She really might not be able to handle the work load, and may told the production company at the very beginning before filming began.
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104 Y-u
August 15, 2011 at 5:53 AM
I say Han Ye Seul should just get a damn twitter account. SAY SOMETHING WOMAN!
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105 Evie
August 15, 2011 at 6:03 AM
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed when I saw this post. How did things end up like this?
It's not justifiable on all accounts IF HYS has indeed left for USA. What happened to being accountable?
A true professional, always knows how to seperate work and personal feelings. If HYS was indeed dead tired, she should have found an alternative. This is not solving anything but running away from everything.
Disappointing, very disappointing.
I need to rant, so ignore my comment if you find a certain distaste for it.
All in all, I am not in a position to judge, aren't I?
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106 miniejungle
August 15, 2011 at 6:13 AM
someone needs to play "World Withins" for HYS to watch! :D anyone remember, one of the staff said "I had to wear pampers, and got bladder infection becos I didn't even have time to pee?" :D
jokes aside, this industry is known for extreme hard work. if you're in it, i guess you must weather it. If you want to fight it out, by all means, but do consider the audience and be professional about it rather than playing disappearing act. I have always liked HYS and loved this drama so I hope I'd be able to see the end of this drama - don't want it to get cancelled just because the issues can't be ironed out.
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August 15, 2011 at 6:23 AM
There is a time and place to make a stand - this is not the best timing or place to make a stand effectively on the Korean live-shoot culture. Also, there is a way to do it professionally without being offensive to viewers or co-workers. This is not the best way either...when you have so much to lose.
Also, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I did not see Myong Wol doing anything differently to prevent live-shoots. They did not pre-shoot this drama entirely before the broadcast. So, to request for a different work environment but not doing anything different is insane. The action itself is insane.
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August 15, 2011 at 10:06 AM
“I had to wear pampers, and got bladder infection becos I didn’t even have time to pee?”
I remember that, but it wasn't funny or commendable. -__- It was pitiful. Have some self-respect and take care of yourself. Treat your body in a dignified manner.
Are you gonna take a dump on yourself too and walk around like that all day? *giant eye-roll*
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107 Amy
August 15, 2011 at 6:14 AM
At this point, isn't it easier to just switch actresses? Continue with the filming but just a new actress playing her role. May cause some viewer confusion at first, but at least the production can continue.
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August 15, 2011 at 6:35 AM
I think the myungwol parody twitter account said there's rumours about the production looking for someone to replace her... but I don't think that's the best way though it seems to be the only way right now.
the thing is, there will be a disconnect for both cast and viewers... it's such a waste of a potentially excellent development to the end of the drama.
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108 haha
August 15, 2011 at 6:16 AM
if only if... the report is true that hys flew to LA at 3pm then her mgt co (sidus hq) who said that she is not quite well....
.... hmmm....
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109 alesandra
August 15, 2011 at 6:27 AM
I think what is done is done. Now is the time for the producer to solve it so that the viewers wont get further dissapointed. As the true business people, they must find quick solutions to minimize their losses due to this. Well... any kind of business is always at risk...So now they need to manage this as the risk was not mitigated before....
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110 jat
August 15, 2011 at 6:33 AM
omona what about us? after the tragic ending in ep 10!!! why must they filming on weekend, the script arent ready before that or what? I thought they have many writers. and I believe Han ye seul unni is not entirely wrong, I hope Korean fans will still have faith in her.
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111 natus
August 15, 2011 at 6:51 AM
While she might had good reasons for doing what she did, she handled it poorly. And her silence is making things worst. As some comment stated above, she is familiar with the system and how it works, so she should had known the long hours she will had to put into. And if she wanted to "protest" the system, which I agree that's in fact very flawed, she should had done it differently. I'm not saying she is this diva and bla bla, but she should put on her big girl pants, do the work she was hired for, and fulfill her commitments and then take the necessary actions to complaint about the system/production. She needs to speak out because the only side of the story we are hearing is of the production company and the other actors.
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112 stratosphere
August 15, 2011 at 7:06 AM
Several Korean news sites are now reporting as though it's been confirmed that she left for LA, and also KBS and co apparently had a meeting and decided for now that they'll attempt to find a new lead actress and continue filming... dunno how much to trust these articles yet, but that's what they say. Regardless of who's to blame here, I really hope Han Ye Seul is okay mentally (as in not having a mental breakdown or major depression) :|
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August 15, 2011 at 7:33 AM
I suppose replacing her is the only option available. So sad. I can't imagine anyone else playing Myung Wol; I love the show because Ye Seul was so cool and funny and quirky; she was the main reason I watched the show in the first place. Eric and her were perfect together. I'm devastated that this had to happen. This was one drama I really liked - I'm using the past tense here cos it's like Myung Wol died for me in that last ep.
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113 p3rk3le
August 15, 2011 at 7:40 AM
I heard she left korea and they're looking for a new lead actress for the remaining episodes!
because Myungwol is yeseul and because I'm afraid this will ruin her career!!
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August 15, 2011 at 7:58 AM
OH NO! It doesn't make sense.
I mean, it's not funny to see a different Myung Wol in the following episodes. ugh
my dear Leslie Kim, please show up! I'm waiting for you!
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114 Ace
August 15, 2011 at 7:45 AM
Got tired of reading the posts after the 10th. Anyway, I'm really a HYS fan and refuse to speculate about what really happened. I guess everyone has opinions about it, negative or not, but I don't have to read everything. Mostly I think everyone's overreacting (the netizens & some other sites that's making this issue worse) and I'm quite sorry for Eric too since I've become his fan because of this drama. I'm also doubtful about KBS' statements since the time they made some excuse about JYJ not being able to perform on one of their programs or something (not really a JYJ fan but I can tell KBS' statement was full of @#%^). But I hope HYS comes back so they can finish this really underrated drama.
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115 ananke
August 15, 2011 at 7:53 AM
Actually - if it hasn't been mentioned already (tried scanning above posts) - the timing is perfect to kill her off. It's possible that she did minimally consider the situation for both herself and the drama and an exit at this time, when she's just "committed suicide" could be an awesome twist anyway...
Still watching in any case - Eric is fun to watch in all his dramas, but feel bad for the cast and crew.
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August 15, 2011 at 8:12 AM
Do we really want Myung Wol to die? And who would be Eric's love interest for the next 8 eps? That's too little time to build up a new story arc - apart from the logistics of having to write a completely new script within the next 1 or 2 weeks.
I am all for the solution of having a new actress, as I value the original storyline. Everybody knows about the circumstances leading to the change - the press coverage will take care of that - so there is really no need to explain why Myung Wol looks different.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:56 PM
You're right, I didn't think it all the way through. I'd hate to see so much left hanging without the loveline continuing as well. Temporary coma could have bought HYS time to straighten things out but it seems too late. What an awkward set if she returns.
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August 15, 2011 at 3:59 PM
lol I just thought of the drama-in-drama (shiri 2) where the main actress dies and the male lead gets amnesia and then JOO IN AH BECOMES THE FEMALE LEAD? no TT_______TT
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116 elizabeth
August 15, 2011 at 8:05 AM
I am not a new k drama fan, I am not new to HYS too.
I have been following this news for a few hours and I am totally heart broken.
I have watched quite a number of korean shows live altho I dun live in Korea but Myung wol will be the last time I watched any show live.
The next time I watched any show, I want to be sure it has a proper ending.
Yes, please change the live shooting system, it is just not going to work out in the long run!!
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117 nixxochick
August 15, 2011 at 8:38 AM
i just read Erics comments about this situation and I totally think he has a point..she is not the only one working on this project, every other actors schedule, including his, is just as packed but they endure because of the commitment they've made...Im trying not to say bad things about her but I'm sure she is not the only actor with a tight schedule, if this is the case than what does that make her..?
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August 15, 2011 at 9:12 AM
eric and lee jin wook don't get very much screen time though..
we have to understand that han ye seul is doing a LOT of the acting in this drama... usually the leading man gets a lot of screentime as well, but he's not...
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118 Christine
August 15, 2011 at 8:44 AM
If the lead actress actually did a runner so be it.
The show must go on.
Come to think of it Eric is a much more busier actor but as a professional, he never backed out and faced the hectic shooting skeds. The same could be said with the other cast members & crew.
It's not as if the system is new. How many dramas have had such gruelling skeds. Even those who were involved in accidents made it a point to come back to resume as soon as they are able.
Park Shin Hye, youthful as she is, is a good example of having had an accident and yet resumed shooting as soon as she was able.
Goodluck on "Myungwol" but whatever her reasons are for absconding, I hope those people out there would be able to forgive & forget.
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August 15, 2011 at 9:07 AM
well..eric doesn't get half as much screen time as han ye seul in myungwol the spy. i would love to see more of him in the drama.
and what do you mean, by eric is a much busier actor, but as a professional,...? they are both busy. and they are both professional...she's not an amateur...
i don't mean to be rude, but i think you could have worded the first paragraph a bit better.. because this drama is awfully unequal in screentime. jang hee jin is always yelling, lee jin wook is either talking to myungwol or kicking ass, eric is acting in his drama or getting irritated with myungwol, and han ye seul is just..everywhere.
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119 f1yh1gh10
August 15, 2011 at 9:00 AM
yoohoo, guys, (this is for people bashing hys)
do you guys work till 5am and then go to work at 7am?
all right, she's an actress, and they have busy schedules..but whether it's her health or her just being plain ole tired, why are you guys being immature in trying to bring her down?
she has acted before. she's NOT a rookie. so, she knows what she's doing..she may have been a bit unprofessional about it, but guess what? not everyone can be professional 100%, every single day.
to you "insiders", that's pretty cool. but honestly, how would i know for sure that you know him who knows her who knows her who knows han ye seul? so, i'm sorry if i'm not agreeing with your opinion, but maybe she is picky/rude. well, she got through the other dramas/movies without all this, so they must have solved problems somehow.
if she's being unreasonable, then there must be ANOTHER side who's being just as unreasonable.
personally, KBS aren't the most rational people my opinion.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:01 PM
I was all supporting HYS.... before leaving Korea. Since she had problems for shooting weekends and overhours, at least she should go and film working hours.
Leaving for another country, and dumping the rest of crew and cast, its irrespensible and unproffesional.
Really, I was blaming 100% the production, but all that was before her departure.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:52 PM
Her family live in LA.
If she's really sick (this includes depression), the best way to recover quickly is family and friends
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120 ripleyfell
August 15, 2011 at 9:12 AM
Personally I feel like if this had been Eric no one would be faulting him. Because of what she's done in the past apparently she's a diva. And now, for taking a stand in what she believes (wrong or right) she's not only considered a diva, she's also considered unprofessional. Does anyone realize that they have to memorize sixty pages in between their shooting scenes (for each minute of the episode is one page) and then do while shooting whatever changes the PD asks of them? They're also ACTING which is equally draining. When you watch SMW, the quality of their acting is amazing and I feel like despite the fact that Ye Seul may have argued with her PD, I have to say that she still went in there and did an extremely good job. Is that not professional? Look at episode 10 and that very last scene, it was very well done. Then there are all these rumors of her being unprofessional. But I look at that and all the previous episodes and the situation she must have been in, and something just doesn't add up.
I might not work fourteen hours a day but I do study and exam week at my university is a terrifying ordeal. Unlike most universities, we have a week and a half to study for five/four exams. I've had dormmates faint of exhaustion, get sick in the auditorium, be admitted into the hospital. I myself was admitted into the hospital because I had all of my exams in three days and I slept two hours and just studied the entire time. When I think about that and compare to Han Ye Seul's situation, it seems like hers is much worse.
Actually, it's the live shoot situation and the corporations that are much worse. Actors and crew members are expected to have little to no sleep and when they get home, if there are changes to the script, they're expected to drive all the way back, sleep or no sleep. They don't seem to be treated like they're human beings with rights and NEEDS. When you think about it, when you compare the highly scrutinized industry of Hollywood and South Korea, it seems like the Korean actors are the ones who need a union the most. Who else is going to speak up for the actors who sleep two hours a day?
In conclusion, I think Han Ye Seul is doing what's right for her. She probably experienced the same thing with her other dramas as well and has gotten fed up. Especially since she insisted on having certain hours on her contract. Everyone should be doing that, not just her. Why do all these big stars even sign these contracts/death wishes? They should be coming together and refusing to take any project that hasn't been already confirmed to shoot half the drama before airing. If this happened, wouldn't the corporations have no choice but to change the system?
PS This whole thing does seem really similar to the Megan Fox/Michael Bay thing. I applauded Megan Fox for getting out while she could and I'm doing the same for Han Ye Seul. Both of them have rights and sure, Ye Seul might not be considering other crew members but KBS can always get another actress. The drama might suffer, yes, but who knows? The ratings might increase with the amount of publicity this is all getting. My only regret is that Ye Seul is going to be black-listed from the industry for taking care of herself.
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August 15, 2011 at 9:14 AM
Oops. Didn't realize how long it was. O.o
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August 15, 2011 at 9:17 AM
thank you for a sensible post. cheers.
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August 15, 2011 at 9:24 AM
You're welcome. I'm just sick of all the double standards in acting industries around the world. Sure, Park Shin-Hye was great going back to her drama despite her injuries, but isn't that just fueling the corporation's trust that actors will take all the shit they give them? I mean, think about the crew members who have families to support. They can't speak up so no one thinks of them in all this live-shoot business. The actors are the ones WITH the power. They have all of South freaking Korea behind them. Only a few words via Twitter or media from most of them and the people would be at KBS/SBS/MBC's throats.
And if the live-shoot system is changed because of Han Ye Seul's "selfish actions" then guess what? In a few months, people will be worshiping at her feet. On this site as well.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:10 PM
TOTALLY agree with your post!
I find it amazing (and perplexing) that these actors aren't unionized. But, then again, seeing the stranglehold these management agencies have over their manufactured Idol groups, unionization would pose an enormous threat to their bottom line.
This Korean entertainment industry needs a massive shake-up. You'd never see this crap happening in present day Hollywood.
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August 15, 2011 at 11:54 AM
I love how people assume the you must be a sexist to not take the side of a female person in a conflict.
Cop out argument.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:24 PM
I never said that it was sexist to not take her side. I just said that there are double standards. Do you hear the word diva being used in context for a guy who argues with his boss? Just because she's confident and says what she needs to say, people use that word as a cop out. Besides, I kind of only mentioned at the beginning of my answer. Did you read all of it?
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August 15, 2011 at 1:24 PM
Yes, I did read all of it.
My point is that, if a man did this I'm sure he'd be labeled "coward" just as quickly.
I have no arguments with you on the live shoot system. But she signed the contract.
Yes, she's doing what's right for her, but what about everyone else?
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August 15, 2011 at 1:34 PM
I see your point but I don't think I could ever see that happening in regards to male actors. When Lee Jung-woo expressed his disappointment with his character on My Fair Lady, I remember some people saying he ought to just drop it. I know the situation isn't the same but it feels sometimes that netizens always ask for something they're never happy to actually get. Some people were even saying they'd rather Park Shin-hye not do the drama at all if it was that dangerous but I'm sure everyone would get in an uproar if she had done so without getting into an accident beforehand.
I know that there are other people to consider in making a drama but in comparison to the actors, those people can't do anything about the system they're in. Personally, I find it better if the stars come out and say something about the live-shoot. I mean, at least now the crew members get a break with all the craziness. They can't say anything because they'd lose their jobs so really, I find it's up to the people who are really control to say something or do something no matter how drastic. Like someone said, the k-drama industry really needs to be shaken up and looked at and hopefully this will make them reflect.
Besides, it's not like the crew members are going to lose their jobs. I approve of what she's doing but Han Ye Seul might never get a job in the industry ever again. Those crew members are still going to be KBS employees. She on the other hand is pretty much screwed now.
August 15, 2011 at 2:02 PM
Well, I wasn't one of those people.
Anyway, some people still supported LDH during her mess, though that's a little different.
Well, Park Shin Hye got into a car accident. That's a little different than showing up late consistently without word and request the whole show to fit your personal schedule and then getting mad when they wouldn't, then trying to fire your own PD, etc. If she was sick, she should have gone to a hospital.
I don't understand why people are backing her and saying she's trying to fight the system after now that OUTSIDE sources (as well as inside ones) are saying she's off to get married. HYS herself said she wanted to get married this year.
I think that stars should definitely get a union or at least go through the labor union.
If they are going to do live shoot at all, they should at least film 50% ahead of time. That would give some flexibility and less of a rush and they could still change stuff up in the end if they needed to.
Or they could get writers who actually write the whole thing out before and stick with it.
I see your point about them still having jobs, but this still affected them. I don't see how someone could disregard that at all, they are still losing money. The show loses money by having them there doing nothing, which means they probably won't get paid for that time waiting. (Knowing Korean business practices)
August 15, 2011 at 2:38 PM
I don't think though, that she really did go to LA to get married. That would have been just completely stupid and I really don't think it's something someone who's been in the business for this long would have done. But I don't think she's trying to fight the system. I think she's just tired of being tired. She has her rights to protest. If her contract didn't stop the long nights and mornings, I don't think even getting admitted into a hospital would have. Especially when you think of Park Shin-hye and the fact that she went back. And the same for the BOF actors. They still spent weeks with no sleep after. It just isn't worth the ratings and all that jazz. I mean, are the people who implement this system working day and night without any sleep as well?
I completely forgot that Korea's different from North America. They seriously need a labor union. Are the crew members really not going to get paid for nothing even though they're THERE?
August 15, 2011 at 12:09 PM
She is unproffesional.
Up until the departure to US, I was supporting her 100%. Actually, I always though that she should just go and film, as it was agreed in her contract. 8 hours per day (i think) 5 days per week. Even they whine about it, SHE should do (she did?) because this was the deal. But leaving for another country, and ''leave'' the rest of cast and crew in the air, is unproffesional. It's not a working job in an office, when you can quit anytime, her job is tottaly related with lots of other people. It WILL affect other people.
Even if a production chooses her for a drama, even if a managment company chooses her, I don't think another actor would like to work with her again.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:28 PM
That is true but the film industry anywhere's a lot more complicated than you think. The crew members have their own lives. Why does she have to think of them? It's her own life and there's no way she could have escaped all the paparazzi without leaving the country. And isn't her family in LA? I don't know, it makes sense. Apparently she's been dissatisfied for a while and it doesn't seem like it's the actors who won't want to act with her. It's the big three who won't let her be hired.
Professionalism means nothing if you can't do your job properly anyway.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:43 PM
"The crew members have their own loves. Why does she have to think of them?"
That's not a very good way to think. I hardly think you would take that stance with political figures, doctors, or any form of managerial or education position.
She should think of other people because other people are thinking of her. Dramas aren't individual productions. They revolve around the chemistry of the leads, good direction, good writing, all the staffs cooperation, and teamwork. If someone's job depends on you then I think it's not a stretch that you have to consider them in your decisions.
No matter how large the conflict with her and the PD was....if she really was protesting the live shoot or harsh work environments she should have done a better job communicating that protest, and no matter how bad the conflict was surely she didn't have to go to such extremes as to leave the country and so many peoples jobs in medias res.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:49 PM
But we don't know why she left. There are plenty of legitimate reasons she could have left for (other than just marrying her rich boyfriend. People, I don't think she's that stupid) and most of which we might even never know.
I agree that dramas need teamwork but what would be the point of that teamwork if it was all on the expense of someone else? I'd rather have the teammate who's being abused/arguing too much to leave than make them come back and just cause tension.
Someone mentioned the comparison to Yeon-jae from SOAW and Gu Ae-jung from BL and both of them are relevant. You see everyone applauding Yeon-jae for slapping her boss but how many commented on how selfish it was for her to quit after she was the one to do all the work? She left things a mess and yes she has cancer but how do we know Han Ye Seul doesn't? BL is a perfect example of how the media usually place the blame on someone who's had mistakes on the past without knowing the real reason. They sensationalize and exaggerate things.
August 15, 2011 at 2:09 PM
Sorry Ripleyfell but I honestly don't understand where you are coming from. (I will try though, if you give me the chance.)
But here are some things I would like to respond with:
Firstly, I never, in my own post at least, used "her rich boyfriend and potential marriage" as a lever in any way to prove my point. There's simply too little information on that aspect and, like yourself, I find it far too vague a point to focus on.
Secondly, why are you bringing up that point and calling the people who are bringing up that speculation ridiculous when you yourself are speculating things like "cancer" and sighting imaginary drama scenarios to help with your justification of her character - isn't that a controversy on your part, even if you are just bringing it up as "what-ifs"? A what-if can't fight with a what-if....they feel silly doing it.
I definitely agree with you that the media is making her out to be, very much-so so in some articles, the "villain". But at the same time there are some things that I feel shouldn't be done in that manner of un-information. When so many people rely on you, and if you are determined on leaving, clear communication about the abuse/arguing that you mentioned would be certainly informative, especially to all those people that have placed quite a lot of their own sweat into the success on the project - imagine the writer who wrote the thing? All the staff who slaved away for it? If she truly felt that the only solution was for her to leave the country (which is a fact) then I would certainly hope she would feel it her "job" to inform those people who have put their own efforts in why these efforts are no longer ever going to be seen.
August 15, 2011 at 2:28 PM
I understand. About the boyfriend thing, you never mentioned that. The cancer on the other hand was just my way of saying that we have no idea what is going on with her. I don't think she has cancer but I do think something is wrong to have made her just up and leave. (I didn't mean to speculate.)
Like other people have stated, it doesn't seem like someone as experienced as her would do something that would endanger her career. It really IS unfair to everyone who worked on the project but I have a feeling all this conflict has existed for a while. Instead of saying that she should have thought for other people, I think it's more of the fact that her agency, who seems to be really irresponsible in handling this, and the people in charge didn't address the issue when they could. If her tardiness has been happening for a while, someone should have just sat them both done and talked. Unfortunately with this whole live-shoot system it would be near impossible to find the time to do so. It's the system here and the people refusing to change it that is the real problem.
For all we know, she might have said as much about her situation but it never got to the media. Half of these things never do, especially since she's being painted as the villain in this.
But you know, in the end, she does have some accountability to own up to when she comes back. The thing is, she stood up (whether it was right or wrong) for herself. I admire her guts to do so in a society where it's frowned upon to take care of yourself before your work. Maybe now more people will do so.
I just hope, even if she is responsible for this whole thing, that the pressure doesn't get to her. I don't want her to be another statistic in that NY article someone published up there just because she decided on standing up for herself. :(
August 15, 2011 at 3:20 PM
I actually think that we both want, or rather desire, the same thing.
I am also worried for her health. It would be a shame, even if she was "in the wrong" to the degree that some people are claiming, if this ends in an extreme. Even if it doesn't end in an "extreme" even injuring one's physical or mental health would be a terrible price to pay. If she truly felt that she needed to leave that situation for those kind of reasons I have absolutely nothing against that whatsoever. After all, the individual knows best what they need, and I wouldn't be one to assume anything else.
But at the same time, I think we both acknowledge that it's not reasonable for so little information to be produced on her side and in her defense (and I do admit, I think I should have mentioned "her management and her" rather then just "her" singularly).
I see what you mean by the media not letting all the news through, but I can't help but think that there are other ways that they could have gone about explaining her situation and justifying the loss it would mean to so many people (staff, viewers, writers, etc.) There's always things like twitter that other actors on set have been using to voice their own concerns, it doesn't all go through a second hand sources (fortunately).
I think when I originally posted I was more concerned with people thinking that "her as an individual" making decisions has nothing to do with "her as a lead role with people relying on her" making decisions. Because she is the latter, and with that comes a certain degree of responsibility.
If I give her the benefit of the doubt (which I am inclined to do) I would hope that if her health was really poor enough to justify her needing to "get away from it all" her management certainly should have stepped up and took the responsibility of informing everyone clearly of their side of the story (of course, not having to get too private, but enough to not make her seem like such a "villain" as the other side has been seemingly quite successful in) - her actions influence many people, those people should have the right to know why their hard work is being in danger of being thrown away for what many people seem to believe as "a personal dispute"
I think me writing was, in it's largest attempt, trying to acknowledge that her decisions are many other people's present realities. Therefore a little more consideration for all those invisible (staff) and visible (actors) people would seem natural, if not necessary.
August 15, 2011 at 3:40 PM
I agree. I always tend to give people like this the benefit of the doubt so I think that sometimes people get so caught up in themselves and the drama surrounding them that they forget about other people and how dependent they are on them. The thing that I wholeheartedly agree on you with is that she has impacted a lot of people's lives and it would have been a good move if she had been able to get around her management and make a statement.
Guess this is the best time than ever for her to get a Twitter account. (Or does she already have one?)
girl with tardis
August 15, 2011 at 5:24 PM
Excellent analysis of the double standard in play here.
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121 cheonsa
August 15, 2011 at 9:30 AM
I do not think we should be encouraging actors and actresses to resume filming at the expense of their health if they still have not fully recovered. As some commenters mentioned, will they stop the inhumane live shoot system only when a life is lost? With the frequency of these accidents, it is really only a matter of time.
From the one-sided accounts so far, what HYS set out to do with her contract is commendable given the current absurd shooting conditions. Every actor should insist on such contracts, but of course, most of them can't coz live shoot is status-quo.
Anyway, it just struck me just how high the stakes were for HYS to do something like that. Remember how we cheered and applauded when Yeon Jae of SOAW quit her job and called her a-hole boss a jerk in his face. Something some of us stuck with horrible bosses dream of doing all the time. We can make it reality - we'll just end up losing our job. Period. but for HYS to do that - she knows she will be incurring the wrath of the whole nation, especially that of the most-feared blood-hungry netizens, and getting slapped with billion won lawsuits. So for her to have done something so shocking and incomprehensible - she must have been pushed way past her limits.
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August 15, 2011 at 10:12 AM
"Anyway, it just struck me just how high the stakes were for HYS to do something like that. Remember how we cheered and applauded when Yeon Jae of SOAW quit her job and called her a-hole boss a jerk in his face."
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122 renzillag
August 15, 2011 at 9:41 AM
I don't think anyone here knows the full story. Perhaps she didn't go to KBS or the media first because she was hoping it wouldn't become a huge scandal. Perhaps she has anemia or something similar which is quite common in women in her age group. I know from experience that if you're anemic and you have even just 6hrs of sleep for a week, you are constantly tired, constantly yawning and driving become extremely difficult/dangerous.
Also, a lot of people have said that she isn't the only one under pressure but I think they're forgetting that, aside from being in 90% of the drama and therefore enduring long shoots, Han Ye Seul is also in the eye of the public constantly, which is a huge strain, no matter what people like to imagine.
But, in the end, no one really knows the full story, it is impossible unless she speaks the truth or we somehow become able to see every aspect of her life and therefore understand her situation.
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123 malta
August 15, 2011 at 9:54 AM
HYS is the lead actor for the show, but my question is why doesn't anyone see this as massive FAIL in leadership and production on the part of the PD (what is his name anyway) and ultimately KBS that is responsible for getting this drama properly filmed and completed on time? Sure HYS has her share of responsibility for going to work, but KBS should ensure they run a set properly. KBS is responsible for their employees. HYS may not be completely in the right, but she did not sign contracts with every person on the set of SMW.
I would not look at this situation and the other issues KBS has had recently and think, "wow, I want to work for them!"
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August 15, 2011 at 11:49 AM
Good point. Unfortunately it's just not playing out like that.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:20 PM
I totally agree with you. If anything, I’d like to think that HYS is taking the hard and desperate line against the live-shoot method of filming. She was obviously aware of what filming under these conditions was like – she apparently set up her signing contract with SMW specifically to avoid having to perform under those onerous conditions.
She must have felt the PD to be totally dismissive of her contract stipulations and the continual violation of said contract just pushed her into a corner and forced her hand.
Could she have handled it better? Maybe. She most likely attempted to in the beginning when she saw the PD ignoring her rights (filming times, etc,) – it was probably like talking to a brick wall for her.
The Korean society as a whole isn’t exactly pro-women – especially in the entertainment industry.
So, she picked up her ball and went home. If she’s got the backbone to stand up for what’s right, regardless of the personal cost to her, then I say more power to her.
Maybe this situation will prove to be the catalyst for change – because change is certainly needed here.
Or, an actor’s right to unionize. That would be novel, right?
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August 15, 2011 at 1:00 PM
I agree.
Furthermore, if the contract stated that she would not work after midnight, she was apparently nice/professional enough to work far beyond that point.
Until she could not take it anymore.
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girl with tardis
August 15, 2011 at 5:30 PM
If it was KBS that breached the contract, then wouldn't HYS have the right to sue as opposed to the other way around? I'm really curious about this, because I don't see how they would have the legal upper ground.
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124 Auntiemame
August 15, 2011 at 10:02 AM
Acting that requires walking onto a set and speaking dialog is hard enough. Acting that also involves physical action work of any kind must be even more exhausting.
Regardless of who is being a 'diva', filming this drama must be more tiring than some others. And, each person's ability to tolerate and sustain physical activity differs. Just as how it's been medically proven that different people can tolerate different levels of pain.
So, who knows the real story behind the scenes. It's sad that any person has to go to such lengths to protect her own health and well-being. But, if she doesn't do so, who will? She could even be considered irresponsible for not doing so. It's just unfortunate that the situation has to come to this stage of things.
I hope everything will be straighten out soon because I'm enjoying the drama very much. I love the wackiness.
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125 stee
August 15, 2011 at 10:09 AM
This is just so sad. For the drama's sake, which is bound to have troubles with keeping to the story now (or even with just making sense); if it will turn into an unwatchable mess that will have even lower ratings, the staff and actors will suffer. Currently it seems that HYS won't be returning to the set at all so whatever route the drama will take now, we will not be having our OTP anymore.
And it's sad for HYS, too, because whether she was at fault or not, her career is bound to take a devastating blow. Who would want to hire an actress that appears to be irresponsible and has a bad image? Especially considering the harsh Korean entertainment industry (and easily condemning society, it seems to me), she'd be hard pressed to get a job now even if she turned out to be in the right. And honestly, I don't think these actions by her will serve as any blow against the live shooting system. She is likely going to be the object of hot criticism for a while, but everything else will simply resume as it is. Sad, sad, sad!
On a side note, although I get the feeling that there has been a lot going on to force HYS to go completely no-show like this, I do think she should have at least kept to the original hours in the contract and finished the drama before taking some sort of action -- this way all the other people working on the drama would not be significantly affected. It's a different story if her health really did get so bad that she felt she simply couldn't continue.
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126 Elena
August 15, 2011 at 10:12 AM
Well - exactly how great is she supposed to be with no sleep? That explains why she looks so tired in some scenes.
And, ones first duty is to one's health ! You know.. the flight attendent says .. get your own face mask on first... or something like that.
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127 Elena
August 15, 2011 at 10:21 AM
Ah, about Eric. this is his first thing in a couple years... he cannot afford to fall off the radar or alienate anyone.
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128 amy
August 15, 2011 at 10:28 AM
ha, people were saying that it wasn't fair that she had to shoot through the night and morning and then have her return to the shoot just two hours after being released from the previous shoot...but it's not like she's the only one that is working alone, there's the pd, staffs and crew, and other actors too...if they are willing to put in the extra hours than why can't she...if her mental and physical health wasn't up to par, then why did she take up the role in the first place? and what is this about her asking to replace the pd? leave your personal issues at home, work is work...learn how to get along with people! i hate that she is putting everyone that's involved in with the drama in a really bad spot...take some responsibility and release an official statement! she at least owes that to the viewers and everyone involved in the Myung-wol the Spy.
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129 cheerios
August 15, 2011 at 10:28 AM
if she really left for LA, this girl got guts and really don't care what others think of her. true swagger
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130 tinnybo
August 15, 2011 at 10:40 AM
Okay i just read they are suing her 10 billion won, what is that in U.S. dollars?
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August 15, 2011 at 11:10 AM
It's around 9.2 million dollars
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August 15, 2011 at 6:58 PM
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131 cheerios
August 15, 2011 at 11:04 AM
she doesn't care...why should she care about people that don't care about her health or requests? Just because others are willing to be taken advantage of, she should too?
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August 15, 2011 at 11:52 AM
lol tell me what had she been taking advantage of and why does everything & everyone has to revolve about her?
she got the hours she wanted but she didn't show up for work and fulfill her contract, "the one" she had agreed to at least? If she did her share, the public would probably be more sympathetic with her
if she's not happy with the hours, the PD, go ahead and sue them why put herself in this mess and getting sued for? Sure she has reason but all these are worth the troubles?
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132 joZD
August 15, 2011 at 11:14 AM
well, it's confirmed that she flew to LA. wow. what a loser. running away is totally the best way to deal with the mess you've created.
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133 Birdie
August 15, 2011 at 11:18 AM
I do not know exactly the facts about this mess, but it sure leave a bad taste. I can honestly say that I cannot continue watching the drama without thinking of the mess behind it. Now I just want to see the ending and move on to another drama. It is sad to see grown-ups not being able to settle differences in an amicable way.
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134 Luna
August 15, 2011 at 11:23 AM
I was really disappointed when i saw this episode.. entire week I watched episodes waiting for new episode and now.. :( damn!!!
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135 Mandelbrotr
August 15, 2011 at 11:27 AM
I'll try not to speculate about the real story and who's really at fault. The shoot schedule discussion does make me thankful for the Screen Actors Guild (union) in the U.S.
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August 15, 2011 at 11:42 AM
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136 aznative
August 15, 2011 at 11:31 AM
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137 sara
August 15, 2011 at 11:37 AM
On one hand I feel sorry for Han Ye-seul but on the other hand what can the crew for this, they waited for her to shopw up!
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138 lynn
August 15, 2011 at 11:49 AM
just plain annoyed :(
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139 Laeah
August 15, 2011 at 11:57 AM
So apparently she ran off to LA to get hitched and escape all the drama. Lovely. lol
Can people really keep defending her after this?
Do people really honestly think she's "fighting the system"? That's laughable. Sounds like she just got tired of actually having to do something and decided to get married so she could retire and live at home. ha.
Sounds like a sick person to me.
Sounds like a responsible person to me.
I feel sorry for the cast and crew. I hope they are able to recover from this and move forward and not lose too much pay (the smaller staff, I mean, don't really care about the PDs, they are loaded anyway).
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August 15, 2011 at 12:44 PM
Your hate-boner for HYS is appalling. But I love how you're not even trying to hide your misogyny. Rock on, I guess?
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August 15, 2011 at 12:51 PM
I am a woman, how can I hate myself?
Thanks for playing, try again.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:58 PM
...I really hope you're a troll.
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August 15, 2011 at 6:14 PM
He/she is an 'anti'. I'm actually excited because you hear about them in dramas but if you don't live in Asia, you don't really get to see it up close. Enjoy :-p
August 15, 2011 at 1:05 PM
"I am a woman, how can I hate myself?"
Yes you can. Yes you are.
Just like the women who wants a male mechanic to repair their car but wants a female president (as long as she doesn't cry in public... that would be irresponsible).
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August 15, 2011 at 1:30 PM
I just don't like PEOPLE who skirt responsibility.
Lol, I love how you bring in totally unrelated stuff into this. You examples have no correlation what so ever.
If I was attacking a male for doing the same thing as Han Ye Seul, would you still be arguing with me?
I like women who are strong. I don't like women who run off to another country to be with mommy and daddy while the shizz hits the fan. I'd be right there supporting her if she actually stood up for herself and gave an explanation beyond her management saying "she's feeling under the weather" and "she wanted to fit the filming schedule to her whims but didn't get her way so she stopped coming".
August 15, 2011 at 3:11 PM
Oi, I'll bite.
1: Internalized misogyny. Please look it up.
2: Where on Earth are you getting this information about Han Ye-seul running off to get married? (And for the record, yes, there is a problematic and distinctly gendered undertone to your assumption that she's run off to get married and play housewife.)
3: I think it's ridiculous that you are so passionately and so loudly set against her when we know nothing of why she has done any of this. Maybe she's sick, maybe she's depressed (in which case I'm glad she got the heck out of dodge and back to her family), maybe she's just fed up with the set conditions, maybe she *is* just playing hooky, maybe it's unprofessional and maybe there's extenuating circumstances of which we know nothing. Yes, this is extremely damaging for the production, and yes, there are many, many ways she could have addressed her concerns with the production other than simply skipping out, but again: we don't know why she did this. I just don't think it's appropriate to be passing value judgements on her.
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August 15, 2011 at 3:47 PM
I have no issues with her getting married and being a housewife, I think it's a commendable profession, if you do anything. But come on, let's not kid ourselves here. You don't think she wouldn't have servants to take care of that crap? All rich people do.
I have no issues against women. :) K. Thanks. I have issues with women who blindly follow feminism and instead of wanting equal rights use the opportunity to say that all women are good and all men should be suspected. I have issues with people who say I'm anti-woman simply because I don't like one woman. That's silly.
My point is, if that's the case, why is she running to LA instead of giving a press conference about it. Why is SIDUS now against her too? I mean, there is not logic to this at all. I want to her to return or give a statement at least. There is no evidence of her being "good" in this case simply because she hasn't said anything.
You are passing value judgements just the same, but just on the opposite opinion.
140 weissman
August 15, 2011 at 12:19 PM
I hope this is resolved , I love HYS and have for a long time and begain to really care about the charcters in MYS.
One of my favorate actresses and characters what do we do??
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141 Mia
August 15, 2011 at 12:26 PM
awww no~~~ i've been waiting for the whole week, really anticipating today's episode and now nothing?! TT^TT
hope this conflict gets fix soon! FIGHTING everyone
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142 YJ
August 15, 2011 at 12:44 PM
I doubt she lost her marbles to cause this havoc to get married. I think it's just the media stirring things up and netizens unearthing anything Han Ye Seul related.
I feel like there's a big puzzle piece missing. Because really, she's an actress who's done many many dramas, CFs, and has an established career. She wouldn't just ride a plane just to eliminate her career like that. She's already used to late night filming. In addition, if she's "running away" from her problems, I don't think she's that dense to realize that she can come unscathed from this. She's getting sued not just from KBS, but her own agency for millions of dollars and she's going to face even more difficult emotional hardships.
UGH. And why is her agency not doing anything?! I'm guessing HYS and her agency also have rifts. God, I want to watch episode 11 tomorrow, but what the heck is going to happen afterwards? They're going to replace her character...but UGH
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August 15, 2011 at 12:52 PM
If she really wanted to retire and this blew up, why wouldn't she go off to and just start early? If she's retired, it's not like her rep matters to her anymore.
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143 Goyangi
August 15, 2011 at 12:46 PM
Selfishly, I'm totally bummed out that I may never see the end of SMW. :(
My spidey sense is telling me to support HYS. I realize that this isn't a situation where one party is guilty and the other is innocent but HYS's actions (until she fled the country. Oy!) do not read 100% "diva" to me. Please, folks (mostly talking to allkpop commenters), look up the definition of diva before you throw it around. Now I like HYS well enough, but a woman has to earn the title of diva and she ain't earned it.
Reading between the lines, I'm getting the impression that HYS dared to assert herself and advocate for her own well-being. Silly woman wanted a decent night's sleep! I don't know about you, but if I had a signed contract that stated I would only work M-F and no later than midnight, I'd be mighty piqued if I was expected to work weekends and early mornings, too. I can see "taking one for the team" and working a couple of extra hours once or twice but if working a couple extra hours turned into working five extra hours or working on my day-offs I'd feel taken advantage of, too. It all comes down to "If I give an inch, you'll take a mile."
Admittedly, a one-man strike can look downright petulant. I take it, South Korea does not have unions? It's sad that it seems HYS failed to find any support in Korea. I mean, did she have to fly to LA just to find a friendly shoulder to cry on? No one in the cast/crew had her back? Everyone else is totally fine with shitty working conditions? Listen, I get that the Eastern work ethic is different than the Western work ethic (and I'm not saying that the Western work ethic doesn't have its problems, too) but that doesn't mean that it's A-Ok to work someone to exhaustion.
All the speculation (including my own, of course) and rumors are totally getting out of hand. Just read that HYS flew to LA to marry her rich older boyfriend and that she is retiring. Gah, all this gossip is distracting me from more important things like, well, my own life.
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144 leonardswench
August 15, 2011 at 12:52 PM
GOOD GIRL, HYS!!!!! I hope she is single-handedly de-constructing k-drama production SOPs!!!
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145 jomo143
August 15, 2011 at 1:03 PM
I can just picture everyone in the writing room's reaction when they found out she left the country.
WTF doesn't cover how hard their jaws hit the floor, as they sat there blinking slowly for 10 minutes.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:20 PM
I just had a moment where I imagined the devastation of being one of the writers (or anyone on the staff or production, but I was focusing on "writers" in this case). Can you imagine working for months, or even years, on a script and then having all your hard work fall apart? Ah.....Heartbreak.
I mean, from what I've seen the script wasn't a masterpiece or anything (though the meta and parodies are truly charming)....but still....someone out there probably loves it very's sad to put so much effort into something and then have it placed in so much turmoil.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:30 PM
totally LOL'd at this...
"ok, the daily news... the economy's going to shit, the cordie-noona told me eric's underwear last night was blue, and oh hey, looks like han ye seul just scarpered."
"that's great, give me real news--WHAT?!"
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August 15, 2011 at 1:39 PM
I know right. I would have loved to see the pic though
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146 Leila
August 15, 2011 at 1:16 PM
Alright, this is like a drama in itself. Now I'm hearing she left the country and is now planning to get married? Now everyones suing her and Eric's upset. When is this drama gonna be airing?
I don't know who to blame at this point because I definitely don't feel we're getting the full story. My gut is telling me to go with Han Ye Seul. There is no way a well established actress would mess up her career, ruin her reputation and flee the country if she was just unhappy with the PD. Something must be really wrong if she fled the country and made a mess like this. I also wish Eric hadn't commented like he had because it only made the deal a whole lot worse. And now her agency is going to join the production company to sue her? Wow they definitely had her back -____- I would understand if she didn't want to share everything with her agency because they don't seem very trust-worthy.
As for people complaining about her lack of professionalism, are you saying that she should take whatever treatment/abuse/etc she is subjected to without complaint, just for the sake of a drama airing? Does that even make sense? Its because opinions like this, that actors/actresses have deep depression and are on the brink of suicide, then the netizens come around with their sympathy. For the people saying she should just suck it up and report her problems to the police if they're that severe, you must understand it's not as easy as it appears. It can take years before a victim of abuse (if that's what happened to her) comes out with what they've experienced. But for now, I say good for her for getting out of the limelight and going back to her home. She needs a break.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:36 PM
Actually I think it's best for her if she returns to Korea to clarify and explain her position asap..
KBS, the production team & her agency have already stated that they're giving her the deadline of 16 Aug 4pm to turn up for a last-chance discussion. Failure on her part to do so may result in a 10 billion won lawsuit. And that's not including other parties that may also take legal action against her like the sponsors of her CFs which may also add up to millions. She will have to face very serious consequences if she chooses not to return and therefore for her sake I really hope that she shows up soon to prevent further escalation of the matter.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:40 PM
I hope she swallows her pride, comes home to fight it out, but finishes the show. She will need the public on her side through this fight, and we love a comback more than anything.
She doesn't deserve to be blacklisted for this extrememly complicated, we don't know the half of it situation.
Can she physically make the deadline if she is already on a plane?
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August 15, 2011 at 1:43 PM
alright, we got the picture. It's everyone's false but Yeseul right? Everything & very one must cater her way for the drama to work.
just leave Eric out of this mess. He wasn't rude to her when he commented. He was the one that is stuck in this situation because of her personal problem with the PD. If the table turns, would you think that's a fair statement?
it's puzzling me when every one else are blamed to justify for what she did. At first it's about long hours, then it's the PD problem, c'mon get the story straight.
If she was ill treated or abused why didn't she sue the PD & the production but abrupt the broadcast & then ran off to the US and getting sued for if she doesn't show up tomorrow (highly doubt she'll make it). Is that how to deal with the problem?
I can't sympathies with her when she showed no willingness to fulfill her new negotiated filming hours. If she was tired on the 14th, fine, took a day off but not showing again the next day? woa she doesn't care for any one at all.
regardless the reasons or problem with the PD, all I'm saying is SHE could had dealed with this better and more mature than putting herself in such bad light. At the end of the day it's her who has to deal with the aftermath (for better or for worse)
I feel bad for her since I start to like SMW and the cast then she dropped da bomb.
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August 15, 2011 at 4:06 PM
I never said that I'm blaming everyone besides her. I said I don't know WHO to blame. At this point, I just felt like something is definitely sketchy with this PD, and I'm not going to go around calling Han Ye Seul "unprofessional" because we've only heard one part of the story. I never said Eric shouldn't have commented, I said he shouldn't have commented the way he did because not only is it adding more pressure to everyone but it's causing his massive girl fanbase to attack HYS more. He has every right to comment because he is right in the middle of everything but I wish he would had a more neutral statement instead of adding more fuel to the fire.
"If she was ill treated or abused why didn’t she sue the PD & the production but abrupt the broadcast"
As I said before, IT'S NOT THAT EASY. Korea is a male dominated industry, female new comers are asked for sexual favors all the time. Most of the time, victims of abuse often to do not come out with that they were faced with because they wish to either forget or would be victim blamed. Sometimes it just spirals out of control leading to suicide. Do you not remember Jang Ja-Yeon from Boys Over Flowers. She ended up committing suicide but not before leaving a list of her abusers that happened to name top producers---but the court threw it out because it "wasn't her writing.". She hadn't come forth will it now had she? Korea has such a bad way of dealing with sexual harassment, depression, etc.
Look at Choi Jin-sil the woman who was sued by her company for being beaten to death by her husband (and the company ended up winning which was messed up):
Or the case of a woman who reported being raped and put in jail under the suspicion that she did it to herself:
If you need more evidence to why it's not that easy, I would be happy to supply you with more links. Now I am not saying this is what happened to HYS, but if it did now do you see why she wouldn't come straight out with it? This is conservative Asia and she is a high profile celebrity. Admitting anything close to that will bring shame not just to her but to her family. Her legacy will be reduced nothing. If this speculation is true, is a tv drama worth it?
Also please do not bs me with how she didn't "try". She sure as hell did, she told the production company before the drama to give her a lighter workload, they refused. When she told the PD to cut her some slack he told her to work harder. She stuck it out for 10 episodes before she called it quits. She even noticed the company that she wasn't coming in to film, yet the PD made the staff wait around for hours. The production even admitted the fault lies 80% with the PD and 20% with Han Ye Seul. Now I'm not saying HYS was a saint in her position, she hadn't considered the feeling of all the other staff, crew and actors, leaving them in quite a dilemma. A part of me feels that she just had a mental breakdown and could not stay around any longer.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:44 PM
I KNOW! I think there are two probabilities:
1. Eric fans threatened to kill her
2. she had an affair with Korea's president or the president of KBS and someone threatened to kill her
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August 15, 2011 at 1:59 PM
THANK YOU. It's like people lost their damn minds. She's not a commodity and this is going to mess her up financially, professionally, physically, and -- most importantly -- emotionally.
She's probably the victim here and her standing up for herself is resulting in some horrible victim-blaming everywhere and I can't believe there are SO many unreasonable people bitching her out.
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August 15, 2011 at 3:42 PM
What is there to suggest that she is a victim of anything? Even if the PD is more to blame with what went down, she should still be held accountable for her actions. I don't agree with those that are bitching her out, but accusing people of victim-blaming is a bit much.
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147 Kay
August 15, 2011 at 1:38 PM
Is that bad if I wish they will replace Park shi Yeon if she cant come back?
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148 savelatin
August 15, 2011 at 1:39 PM
just wow...what are the writers going to do?
Like other have mentioned, last week's ending could be a perfect opportunity to write myung wol out of the story...but awkward considering she's the title character.
I'd hate to see han ye seul replaced--she is myung wol--and I can't think of a time that an actor has been replaced half way through a series/movie that has worked well.
If HYS needed a week off, I could imagine kang-woo/eric pacing and looking distraught in those fancy pajamas. It could see myung wol just going AWOL and kang-woo and spy parents all frantic...and ryu being broody.
When new first broke that she wasn't showing up to shoots, I was reserving judgement, but going to L.A.? I can't believe that an actor would do that in real life... I hope she is well and that everyone working on Spy Myung Wol can make the best of a terrible situation.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:52 PM
Kang Woo/Ryu?
Since you know, they can't air their lesbian drama episode again.
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149 Janny
August 15, 2011 at 1:52 PM
If everything that was said n those articles es TRUE, then I have to say that Han Ye Seul is behaving unprofessionally and selfish. I mean, demonstrating against the live-shoot-system, okay, but (possibly) leaving for a marriage, not okay.
And if she really left for a marriage and she really said she wanted to retire after Myung Wol anyway...well, then she doesn't have to worry about her image anymore.
IF she is only protesting against the live-shoot-system, then kudos for doing so, but PLEASE in another way dear LESLIE KIM. .__. Cause in the end, she'll have to return to filming and if not, someone else will replace her or something. And with the lost time, her (ex-)co-actors will have even tighter schedules than before.
Oh, not to mention thanks to her way of protesting a bunch of editors has to work overtime now. They're people, too, you know. They're waiting for her, all the time.
I personally, and judge me I dn't care, for ONCE at least believe this one thing: That she is doing this not out of the purpose to protest against live-shoots (or she would've said so already), but simply out of selfishness.
Cause she doesn't like the PD, she doesn't like the working conidtions.
Cause if she really cared about the fate of her co-actors, she wouldn't do it like this, cause this causes them even MORE stress.
I mean, of course live-shoot system is kind of inhuman, but just like Eric said, ALL the actors AND staff have to put up with it, not just her. Even the PD has to, since I don't think he works any less than the actors.
And not to forget, there are YOUNGER actresses *parkshinhyecough* who force themselves to return to filming one day after an accident (even though she had to leave afterwards again, but at least she tried), when clearly, in this situation, everyone would've understood if she wouldn't have.
And then Han Ye Seul comes along and just stays away from filming cause it pisses her off, causing trouble for the entire staff and cast. She's NOT doing any good here.
Yes, you can argue with me, but I'll stay with my opinion until Han Ye Seul gives us a PLAUSIBLE explanation for her behaviour. And she better does, soon.
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150 S.M
August 15, 2011 at 2:12 PM
I JUST WOKE UP to find out that she fled the country!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still on the fence, because we have yet to hear her side.
But seriously she needs to come out and say something, anything!
I really think that she just doesn't know what to do, and left the country, usually its the company (Sidus HQ) that should take care of these matter, and have a representative say something.
But it seems that she might be also having a hard time with her company. They don't seem to be backing her up at all. Or giving reasons for her leaving.
Apparently now they want to sue her too? I don't even know.
But it seems that they let her swim with the sharks.
This is the first that I heard anyone do this. And usually people have there company's/ representatives guiding them and backing them up.
She left the country to go to LA to see her family. When you leave the country to go and get comfort from peers and family memebers, you know that she must be very depressed.
I still think that she should say something, and maybe that's why she went to LA to get some backup?
All of this is just getting so out of hand.
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