Myung-wol the Spy: Episode 8

Twists, feelings, and fisticuffs! And yes, that look on Kang-woo’s face is the very first time he’s awed by someone’s beauty… other than his own. I may have squealed out loud on more than one occasion in this insanely hilarious episode, but I swear, it had nothing to do with the shower scene. Scout’s honor.


It finally dawns on Kang-woo that he likes Myung-wol. But of course that will never do, so instead of confronting his feelings, he attempts to avoid. He does everything including yoga in an attempt to clear his mind, but he keeps seeing her everywhere he goes.

He decides that going to see some art will get his mind off of his crush, only he simply starts to see Myung-wol’s face in all the paintings. Ha. Okay, let’s put aside the question of why a Vermeer, a da Vinci, and a Millet are hanging side by side in a Korean gallery (Did France have a garage sale or something?) but it’s downright hilarious. As is Kang-woo’s face every time it happens.

The topper is Myung-wol sitting there, posed like The Thinker, smiling up at him. I do love how sassy imaginary Myung-wol is. She taunts him much more than the real Myung-wol does.

She’s currently busy brooding, feeling like she’s finally hit rock bottom with Kang-woo. She tells Ryu that opening that man’s heart seems impossible. But he tells her to get her head in the game in the only way he knows how—by waving a stick at her and yelling. Sometimes a girl just needs a hug, okay?

Kang-woo convinces himself that this is just a blip, and feels assured that there’s no reason he’d have to see her again. So if he doesn’t see her, his feelings will fade. Uh-huh.

But what he doesn’t know yet is that he and Myung-wol are back in the headlines, for her second big rescue of the Hallyu star. It looks like someone snapped photos from the kidnapping, and now they’re everywhere.

Chairman Joo gets a report on Ryu’s activities, and his lackey tells him that Ryu often goes in and out of a private investigation agency, which is run by Myung-wol’s parents. Eeep! He’s finding out an awful lot about you!

Kang-woo cools his heels for a while and then shows up at the airport for another trip to Singapore, and sees Myung-wol standing at the edge of the crowd. He sighs, “I thought I was all better, but I’m seeing things again.” Heh.

Only it’s not imaginary Myung-wol this time. His agent informs him that after the kidnapping went public (which saved them from fans lashing out over the no-show at the showcase) they had to reinstate her. Plus he’s in more danger than ever, so Myung-wol has been ordered to stick to his side at all times.

This infuriates him, which he claims is because he wasn’t consulted. Yes, it’s definitely that and not because she’s going to make it impossible to not feel your feelings. I love this.

He treats Myung-wol brusquely, playing his part as Hallyu star Kang-woo so that she can’t tell he’s really turned into Lovesick Puppy Kang-woo. She heeds Ok-soon’s advice and plans to make the most of this trip, despite the fact that In-ah and Ryu are also going. Grooooooooan. Can’t they ditch her somewhere?

In Singapore they go straight to a photo shoot, where Kang-woo starts out distracted and staring at Myung-wol. In-ah complains so he obliges, saying, “I forgot that you’re so simple that you have to have everything handed to you.” HA. It cracks me up that he’s constantly insulting her, but she’s too stupid to realize it.

She whines later about him reinstating Myung-wol, and plants a seed of doubt – could Myung-wol really be risking her life for him time and again, just because she likes him?

Meanwhile Dae-kang enjoys some time off while Kang-woo goes to Singapore, and lounges around Hee-bok’s office. He watches a spy movie and starts to rattle off all the telltale signs of an undercover spy, realizing that it describes Hee-bok to a tee.

Hee-bok gulps as he wonders if he’s been made… as Dae-kang breaks into laughter. “How can a spy have such a large belly? If you’re a spy, then I’m Hallyu star Kang-woo!” They’re interrupted when Chairman Joo walks in, unannounced.

He comes by under the guise of wanting to thank Myung-wol’s father for Kang-woo’s sake, since she save his life twice. But he mostly asks questions about Ryu, and catches Hee-bok in a series of contradictions—yes they did know him before he arrived, no they didn’t, yes he and Myung-wol are close, well actually only recently…

He hands Hee-bok an envelope of money as a thank you, and leaves with a smile, but tells his lackey to look into this agency more closely.

Kang-woo gets antsy and decides to sneak out of the hotel, and Myung-wol catches him in the act. She tells him that she was warned to stick to him at all times, so he just shoves her in the taxi and takes her along. Or you could just ASK the girl on a date.

He ends up basically taking her on a tour of the sights, cozying up next to her and putting his arm around her on the bus, and offering her flowers… and then sticking one in her hair (to indicate that she’s crazy). Ha.

He comes across some costume masks and takes the opportunity to try and test out his theory about her being the same girl from the auction, (sneaky) but she turns away to avoid it. I like that he’s constantly questioning this, because he should. She’s way too skilled a fighter to be a random fangirl-turned-bodyguard, and he knows it.

He finally says, “There’s something strange about you.” He takes her hand.

Without looking up, he continues, “You’re a little strange. You strangely make people confused. Is there some other reason? Or do you really want to stay by my side because you love me? You confuse me.”

Aw, it’s a sweet confession because it’s not flowery or more than the simple truth—he’s just confused. On impulse, she just plants a light little kiss on his lips.

He looks up at her, wide-eyed (RAWR) and pulls her in for another kiss. Swoon.

And then they take the world’s most awkward elevator ride together afterwards. Oh, please tell me it’s extra awkward because you’re taking her up to your room, right? RIGHT?

I guess we’ll never know, because as soon as they get to the hallway, In-ah and Ryu are standing right outside, waiting. In-ah is peeved (what else is new) and Kang-woo just tells her she’s overreacting and walks past her into his room. Damnit, you squash-faced ninny!

Ryu asks Myung-wol hesitantly if anything has developed. Aw, I love how he simultaneously wants her answer to be “yes” and “no.” He reminds her that Kang-woo is no angel, that he’s someone who strings In-ah along because of her wealth, and she says she won’t forget.

It’s really sad if you think about this mission from Ryu’s perspective, because he’s just hoping against hope that Myung-wol succeeds but doesn’t give her heart away in the process.

Myung-wol returns to her room still swooning from the kiss, while Kang-woo takes a cold shower. He tells himself that he doesn’t know anything about her, or her true motives, so it can’t go any further. Bets on how long that lasts?

They return home, and it’s even more awkward now, because neither of them knows how to act. Kang-woo fidgets nervously, and when Myung-wol brings up the subject of “yesterday’s thing,” he just blurts out over-casually that it’s no big deal.

“I just did it because I was curious how it would feel, with you, but it didn’t mean anything, so…” She just tosses back that it’s a good thing, since she feels the same way. Oh, good. Complete agreement then. Oh, you two.

Later he finds her in the kitchen with a milk mustache, and has a conniption at the flaunting of kissable lips, only what comes out of his mouth is more like, “You’re so messy! Can’t you eat without getting it all over yourself? Don’t ever eat in front of me again!” Pffffft.

When she tries to straighten up his scripts, he gulps at the sight of her exposed collarbone and yells, “Hey, you’re… standing in front of the tv!” Myung-wol: “But the tv isn’t on…”

Kang-woo: “The tv isn’t on… because it’s going to be turned on right now, so don’t stand in front of it!” Omg, this is cracking me up.

So she turns to leave, but he sees her cute little bum in her short shorts, and freaks out again, this time taking issue with her wardrobe choices. Oh, ’cause THAT’s the reason you can’t keep your eyes off of her body parts. She tells him she’s wearing the same exact stuff she’s always been wearing, clearly not catching on to his behavior.

Even he realizes it’s ridiculous, and mumbles to himself, “I’m getting worse. Petty, petty, king petty.” Hee. No argument from me.

He decides to nip it in the bud, and shows up the next day with Myung-wol’s new wardrobe, filled with ajumma flower pants. She hesitates, but he insists that he’s a fashionista, and tells her to change.

So she puts it on and he looks up expecting this to do the trick… and totally goes googly-eyed anyway. His inner monologue pretty much drools as he says, “She’s purty…” HA.

Okay, you’ve got it pretty bad if you’re still going gaga over her in ajumma pants. He shakes his head, “No. No no no. What is it? No, your hair’s all wrong!” Omg, how hilarious is it that he’s trying to uglify her to try and squash his own crush?

He gets up to fix her hair, tying it up in pigtails, but that only makes her look cute, so he turns her back around in a panic. He musses it up thinking that’ll do it for sure, only she turns around and he literally goes, “WOW” out loud at her sexy bedhead. Hee.

He’s totally cracked out like a loon by now, trying desperately to blame it on something, anything except real feelings. He finally decides, “It’s your face. Your face is the problem,” and just covers her entire head and walks away. HAHAHAHA.

His last resort? “I’ll just have to ignore her. Pretend she’s not there.” So he literally pretends he can’t see her, even when she’s standing right in front of him. Ha. I just thought he meant he’d avoid her, but this is hilarious.

He keeps using Dae-kang as a conduit, telling him to tell Myung-wol this and that, all the while she’s shouting, “I’m right here!” And he just pretends she’s invisible.

Chairman Joo takes the entire crew out to party that night, and takes the opportunity to gauge Ryu’s reaction when he asks why he lied about not knowing Myung-wol. He gets by making excuses about not wanting to mix his personal and private life, but realizes that Chairman Joo is digging around.

Meanwhile Kang-woo takes every effort to avoid Myung-wol, unscrupulously using In-ah to keep her at bay, just like he’d done in reverse before. Well, at least he’s a consistent ass?

Dae-kang convinces Myung-wol to sing a song, and she chooses an old-fashioned totally unhip song, but while everyone else tunes her out, Kang-woo gets completely entranced. He imagines her standing up there alone, singing just for him, and gets so lost in his fantasy that he doesn’t even realize he’s stood up in the middle of the room.

That brings the whole room to a stop, and he’s finally shaken out of his reverie. Trying to recover, he just shouts at her for her poor song choice and stalks off angrily. She chases him out to ask what’s going on with him, and he just yells at her to stop buzzing around him.

She goes to consult the parents on what to do about his bitter hatred, but Ok-soon and Hee-bok catch on right away that these are signs of Kang-woo liking her. She doesn’t understand since all he does is annoy her. Did you skip the first grade? Were there no boys to pull your pigtails in North Korea?

They convince her that this is a good thing, and there’s just one way to be sure… And thus begins my favorite portion of the drama: Operation Jealous Outrage. *clap clap*

They bring Ryu in to be her partner, but of course he’s the stiffest board around, and can’t even manage to put his arm around her for practice. (And that’s not even a screencap mid-arm-slinging. He literally stops right there.) Hee-bok finally has to push them together, and Ryu gets so flustered that he leaps to his feet and has to go outside for air. Hee.

Myung-wol tells them that Ryu has always disliked her. Ha. Well I guess you’re consistently clueless.

The next day they follow Ok-soon’s instructions to the letter, making sure to laugh and smile together within Kang-woo’s line of sight. It works like a charm. Kang-woo tries to ignore it, but his irritation just grows bigger by the second.

Dae-kang even helps unknowingly, by musing that it must be true what Myung-wol’s parents told him—that they really are dating. Kang-woo’s like, but she likes ME, she likes ME, remember? Dae-kang figures that when he mistreats her so, there’s got to be a limit to her love.

They come home that night and he finally mentions peevishly that she sure looked cozy with what’s-his-name (I love that detail—it’s a dead giveaway that he refuses to call him by his name). She sighs that the more she gets to know Ryu, he’s such a kind and wonderful person, unlike someone she knows.

He snaps that he didn’t ask, so then she whips out her phone, adding that the charm was a gift “from oppa.” Kang-woo flips. “Oppa? Is everyone an oppa to you?!” HEE.

He rips the charm off her phone and rants about it looking cheap and throws it down in a fit. He stalks off and tries to calm himself down, repeating over and over that he has to be cool about it and just wish them well. He kicks the closet in response, landing him crouching on the ground, trying to suppress the screams of pain.

Time for the final stage of Operation Green-Eyed Monster: an overnight trip, sharing one room, in plain sight of Kang-woo. They head to one of Chairman Joo’s resorts, where Kang-woo is shooting a commercial.

In-ah shows up on set and they each note that the other’s bodyguard isn’t around. They each say that theirs asked for time off, and then In-ah wonders if it isn’t a coincidence. And then like clockwork, they appear on the beach.

Kang-woo and In-ah gape, as Myung-wol and Ryu do their best to look natural. They purposely sit nearby on the beach, and the way they go about skinship is hilarious. Ryu: “I’m going to make contact with your shoulder now.” Heh.

He puts his arm around her, and Kang-woo gets so mad that the director has to interrupt, “No, no, you’re giving me angry. I need happy.” When she leans on Ryu, he has to force his face into a smile.

And then when they get up to walk away, he calls for a break. I love that he complains that they’re right in front of him, but then when they walk away, the torture of not seeing what’s happening is worse than having to see.

He finds Ryu and they have a stand-off, only it’s not quite as fake as Ryu would like to believe. Kang-woo accuses him of playing with a naïve kid, and Ryu calls him out for doing the same, warning Kang-woo to stop hurting Myung-wol.

He adds that he knows “Myung-wol-ie” better than anyone, and Kang-woo’s face twitches at his saying her name with such familiarity. It seems he’s lost this round.

In-ah finds Ryu later that night on his way up to his room with a bottle of champagne, and has it out with him, but he calmly reminds her that logically speaking, if she likes Kang-woo, this works in her favor.

She agrees, only she’s still pissed but she doesn’t know why. I wonder if it’s as far as liking Ryu and not knowing, or just her princess nature in wanting to possess everything and everyone. Not that it changes how much I hate her or anything.

She finds Kang-woo drinking at the bar and tells him that the Myung-wol ship has sailed, since she saw Ryu heading up to her room with a bottle. Kang-woo starts seeing his horror version of the makeout session in his glass of scotch, and calls Myung-wol in a panic, with some lame excuse about the gas being left on.

When she doesn’t answer, he runs out after her.

Myung-wol and Ryu sit awkwardly and wait, and Myung-wol nervously wonders if Kang-woo will really come. Ryu can’t stamp down his jealousy, and wonders if she’d be disappointed.

She tries to say that it’d be because of the mission, but he wonders if it’s really that, or Kang-woo’s heart that matters to her. He asks if she regrets it (this mission), and she asks if he’s never had thoughts of regret.

Ryu: “I regret it. Always. Every time I see your face.” Eeeee! Confession!

But then they’re interrupted by Kang-woo, knocking incessantly on the door for them to open up. Ryu tells her that everything he’s about to do is for the mission…

Kang-woo bursts into the room, and Ryu goes in for the kiss. This is So. Awesome. Myung-wol and Kang-woo both go bug-eyed at the same time, and then Kang-woo peels Ryu off of her and punches him.

He tries to drag Myung-wol out, but Ryu gets all fired up and hits him back, mission be damned. Hahaha.

It turns into an all-out brawl, and In-ah runs up just in time to see it, pouting that all the men in the world only like Myung-wol. Well next to you, yes. All the men would.

After the fight, Myung-wol sits down with Ryu for a debriefing. She puts her hand up to his face to ask if he’s okay, and he quickly knocks it away insisting that he’s fine. She asks if he had to take it that far, since Kang-woo isn’t like them.

That only fires up his jealousy again, and he asks her directly, “Do you like him?” Taken aback, she answers quickly, “No, absolutely not. My objective is but one thing: marriage.”

He seems relieved at her answer and reminds her not to forget her objective. She sits in her room, her head swimming with kisses and fisticuffs, not knowing what’s what. She almost runs out to find Kang-woo, but heeds Ok-soon’s advice to just stay put and wait it out.

Kang-woo meanwhile paces back and forth with his bruised up face, trying to sort out his feelings. He wrestles with it for some time, finally texting her to come meet him outside.

She sits down expectantly, and he starts out saying that he’s given it a lot of thought, and he’s figured it out…

“I think I love you.” He takes a ring out of his pocket. OMO! “Let’s get married…” He leans in closer for a kiss. She closes her eyes in anticipation…

“…Is what you thought I’d say?”

Huh? Waitaminute…

He snaps the ring box shut and takes out his phone. He plays a video for her – it’s her conversation with Ryu, where he asks if she likes Kang-woo, and she says, “No, absolutely not. My objective is but one thing: marriage.”

HOLY CRAP. He knows!

Kang-woo: “I think it’s time you take off your mask now.”


Wow, I really didn’t expect him to find out so soon! This changes everything, and just when we thought their relationship might gain some traction! Such a cruel, cruel twist, but a great way to subvert expectation. Both the timing and the way the moment is played is so fantastic – I love you. Marry me… is what you thought I’d say? GRWAR! *shakes fist*

Now his extra-long brooding session makes sense in a totally different light. That was him wrestling with the fact that he’s fallen in love with her, PLUS her betrayal, all at once. Aw, poor Kang-woo, just when he was ready to finally confront his LUUUUUURVE!

I wonder what conclusion he’s come to in his head. Proabably something like golddigger plotting to marry him for the money/status? Although her fighting skills are still suspect in that scenario. This doesn’t necessarily blow her spy cover, but it certainly puts the brakes on the love train.

I love that the entire episode was build-up for the couple, with growing feelings, constant denial, even an entire plot to make him jealous, only to actually culminate in that jaw-dropping twist. How great is it that Kang-woo isn’t an idiot? It makes the job that much harder for Myung-wol, but all the more complicated and interesting for us.

And how insanely awesome is it to finally have Mr. I-will-now-make-contact-with-your-elbow to be all fakey fakerson, this kiss is purely for the sake of the mission, I swears it! Pffft! Good one.

It’s been pretty predictable up until now, but from here on out it’s anyone’s guess how severe the blowback is going to be. I really want it to be extreme, like Myung-wol ends up deported back to the North and about to be executed or something, and Kang-woo has to cross the border to rescue her. Because why not go all out? I think this show is stronger the zanier it gets, so let’s just go all the way.



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You want this drama to go all out crazy AGAIN?!

Didn't you wish that for Eric's sageuk too?

Does that mean Eric is only good at all-out-crazy-dramas?


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JB was doing recap for the sageuk and this one is GF's. They (we) want that craziness since that's how the vibes of the dramas are best at.

And no, he's not only good at all-out-crazy dramas, check out QSS or Phoenix if you're curious :D


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"Well next to you, yes. All the men would."

i'm not a man, n i would too! i swears!


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Soooo many kissing. *sigh* Skinship. *sigh* Jealousy. *sigh* You know, now that we have one shower scene (Kang-woo's) it's time for Ryu's shower scene. Show me your body. HAHAHA. What? I'm just saying out loud what most people reading these recaps are thinking. XD


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thank you. you read me. ^_^


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What do you think Ryu's body will be like? Choco-abs? None-choco-abs-yet-still-scrumptious? A six-pack? A four-pack? *shivers out of giddiness* Holy cow!!! Normally I don't really think about this stuff (growing up on an island, you get tired of shirtless guys and you end up liking personalities more... or maybe even just the face), but maybe it's because I've been away from home for so long and away from any kind of beach that I'm starting to notice men and their bodies (I liked the toned ones. Not overly muscular. Think Jake Gyllenhaal's body in Jarhead or PoP, or Hugh Jackman in Australia or when he's at his fittest, or even Jesse Williams when he's... well shirtless. HAHAHA). Aiyo, I think I've become quite a perv. Darnit. Need to go back to the islands and build up my ability to be immune to shirtless men again. Especially good looking and fit men. XD


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Think Jake Gyllenhaal’s body in Jarhead or PoP, or Hugh Jackman in Australia or when he’s at his fittest, or even Jesse Williams when he’s… well shirtless.

I'm thinking...I'm thinking...


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when ryu's eyes changed when myungwol touches his face...oh god, that was so good! I laughed more than I should with this episode. The operation jealousy outrage got me rolling on the floor laughing out loud literally cause ryu was just so awkwardly adorable with myungwol. hahah..man, i love this drama :)


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I love this episode so much! I am rooting for Kang Woo and Myung Wol all the way.

His disappointed face at the ending was heartwrenching to me. :( Poor KW.

And how much do i love jealous KW! He's. too.cute. The part when he says that her face is the problem and just covered it with that cloth, i was laughing so hard, i almost had a seizure! LOL.Even thinking abt it makes me smile so, in the office! :)

I am looking forward to how the drama will unfold next week!

I cant wait. Cant wait. Cant wait! Thanks girlfriday!

Your recaps rock my life! ;)


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OMG! What a twist at the end of this episode. Didn't see it coming, so it makes it more tantalizing and interesting. I love the wackiness of the plot.

I'm rooting for team Ryu, but you know 2nd leads never get the girl. Ugh! I hope Ryu doesn't end up with the rich bitch, In Ah.

Thanks for the speedy recaps!


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OMG Eric is freaking hilarious in the ep!!! Ahhh i love operation jealousy..why did it have to end sooo soon??? Why oh why??!! Cant wait for next week!!!


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"I really want it to be extreme, like Myung-wol ends up deported back to the North and about to be executed or something, and Kang-woo has to cross the border to rescue her. "



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Woah baby!

I'm thinking KW doesn't know MW is a spy. I think he just thinks she's using R to get him to confess.

But what the heck. What an ending!


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Frigging love the turn of event!!! And whoa, MW has so much chemistry with both male leads I was worried my screen would implode with the heat. Even when KW called MW out on her supposed betrayal, I could still see how much he's into her- passion mixed with anger...


I don't care what the show's critics say & where the ratings are, I love this baby to pieces and CANNOT wait for the next dose XD !!!


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Oh and! Thank you GF for the hilarious recaps, I was laughing from beginning to end.

Almost every minute of this episode was funny but when Ryu proclaimed he was going to kiss MW for the country & her people, I completely lost myself & said out loud, "Yeah right!!!" XD

Although, as much as I adooooooooore Ryu, I'm firmly rooting KW/MW. It's not about which guy is cuter/hotter/loves MW more, it's just that I seriously dig the KW/MW relationship.

I don't think I have EVER rooted for an on-screen couple this much =P But I also want a happy ending for Ryu, I hope he finds his one-true-luv too =D


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Awesome! I am so glad there's more development on Ryu's side. I replayed their operation get jealous so many times because it was simply hilarious to watch Ryu's reaction. It pains me to know he is torn between his care and love for MW and his loyalty and need to stay professional so that she completes her mission and stay alive! Oh, another noble-love-sacrifice. Although KW is adorable I just wish for once the second lead gets the girl!
Thanks JB for this awesome recap! Love it!


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omg, me too. I really want Ryu with MW.


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Omg. The ending was great. I was like AHHHH when he proposed, and then WAIT WHAT after what he said.

Tehehe. Ryu's so cute. Man, I'm gonna feel really bad for him later when he doesn't get the girl. :'(


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Thanks for the recap.

Even a lot were saying that they're at Ryu's team, but l stick with KW, he's the hero anyway. Its him who should get the girl. Otherwise the ending will be purely sad.

Its only episode 8, but a few scenes look suprised to everybody. Its this soon. That's meant a lot more coming which l think will make it more interesting. After CH, l still wonder what dramas to be addicted next. That will be SMW.

So far this episode is the best, with 2 kisses with different guy and confessions. With Ryu not too fully hide his feelings, l wonder what MW going to feel if she knows the truth about Ryu's feelings towards her.

Aahhggr...KW knows it, damn it. But should the drama be more and more interesting for the viewers to be unpatiently wait for the next episode. (where can l get ep 9 preview??/ Anybody??).

One thing for sure is other than sence of comedy be added up to most of the scenes, it is more likeable if some scene to be heartbreaking and sob sob. Then only we feel the power of love, otherwise, its just comedy and funny all along.

Enough of bodyguarded scenario, is it suppost start with the 4 books story together with the love triangle and the l-think-l-know-who-you-really-are-thing.

However, with CH withdrawal, SMW is good. Now l'm also watching Heartstring and Scent of a woman.


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Wow, just want to agree with you... I mean, my CH withdrawal includes, SMW on Mon-Tues, Heartstrings on Wed-Thurs and Scent of a Woman on the weekends... hehehe...


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i don't know it's just me is the weird one but i really hope that Myung-wol can end up with Ryu because they both deserve love....


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hmmm review need to come with cold buckets of water for the fangirls. All we guys get is Myung-wol little backside in shorts...:-)


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i've been shipping MW with Ryu for a couple of episodes now, while also hoping that Kang woo would win me over eventually, but this episode just made it final: I'm team Ryu all the way!
Kang-woo is wacky, comical, and funny, but as a drama character, he is bland, one-dimensional, and just obnoxious. Eric is charismatic but not good enough to make Kang-woo likable to me. and this was all before the slap.
Choi Ryu as a character is so much more complex and interesting. his gradual change from stiff to falling for MW and trying to suppress it has been so much fun to watch. loved the awkward skinship scenes and i find his reactions to MW so adorable and endearing. Lee Jin Wook is doing a great job showing Ryu's inner conflict and i love it.
the drama's only halfway done, so here's hoping that the writers change their mind and put MW with CR! but i'm probably hoping in vain.


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so much plastic surgery with the females in this show


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What do you mean????


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and who cares less or more don't make either better actors dramas


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that's a good one!


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I know, just a random observation


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although the last scene was the most hooking one, there are a lot of suspicious things...
First of all if the conversation was full recorded, KW must have heard, how Ryu said " its O.K. if you focus on the marriage."
So its absolutely clear that there is a scheme.
There are only 2 possibilities.
1.) It was Ryu who recorded this and cutted the last
sentence out. Because he couldn't stand it longer...
Just to bring her out of this .......(In this way)
Because he knows KW` s personality.. She wouldn`t
give up on herself.

2.) They were really caught. This would mean their beeing
a spy is clear....her skills, her appeareance in
Singapore, and the old books they are looking for.....
(In Ahs Grandpa was looking for Ryu ...so that was
how he found out....)

These are my thoughts ....

Of course I am curious if I am totally on the wrong ship....

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that would be if this drama happens in anything like a real universe. It in one all of its own and they never seem to worry what makes real sense in this one.


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yeah, my call is Kang-woo himself. maybe he was there boording? i dunno why or how - but who else can it be?

on second thought, it could either be the Chairman or In-ah. most probably it's the Chairman's henchman but why wud he mail it to Kang-woo?

oh btw, i kinda missed the agents, hope they'll make an appearance next week


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I would go with your #2 but I doubt the spy mission is completely busted though. He may think she wanna marry him for money and stardom though. Will see how it turns out & if MW can cover this or she will let the cat out


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aaaaaah and I would also like it if Ryu and KW endup together......
I think he deserves her because he is always caring for her and trys to be protective even though KW never knows....


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I was giggling while reading the recaps. I so wanted to watch this show. Thanks so much:) Will watch right after I meet all the hectic deadlines. Need something light hearted. And this is shot in Singapore. Must watch must watch:)


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I always laugh when team spy claim everything is for the sake of great mother land.


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I'm going to put my arm around you...pull you tight...drink some champagne. Oh, yeah, it's all for the sake of the motherland.


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really I just look at the drama without subs and with your recap just next to it so that i don't have to wait for the subs but I enjioy my way also better because you also have this little comments that always make me laugh like when she hided in the 7th ep or now with the paintings ^^ thanks for the recaps :D


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ahhhhh he figured it out.........waiting another weeeeekk...pfffff


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I can think of one possible excuse that would save MW's image:

"You're right, KW. All of this, all of it! was just to get a marriage proposal. See, Ryu and I are childhood friends and when we met again this summer, he told me I still had no sex appeal. I couldn't bear that coming from him. So, I said I could have any man in the country on his knees in love with me. It was a stupid bet, I know that, and who would imagine that he'd chose you. And how could I know that I would...that I..." (proceed with collapsing and heart-pounding until KW insists "You what!?" ) "I love you!"

Granted, it doesn't make for a very interesting story and I want to see how they handle it instead.

I agree with GF that the last episode is going to have to be wild and crazy, no holds barred, all chips in. Hopefully, KW will fight his way to Pyongyang with Ryu's help to declare that the mission wasn't a failure. And I still want the last scenes to be him basking in the fandom of N. Korean ajhummas.


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What will MW come up with right there on the spot?

Remember Ryu's complaint of MW is that she acts first, then thinks.

She has lied so many times to KW at this point, and really terrible terrible lies, not too well thought out.

While brooding after he rec'd (or took the bench video) he prolly tried to walk through the maze of all her lies to come up with something that makes sense.
KW may not allow her to confess, but tell her what he thinks. That he remembers her in the mask in Singapore, that she has been stalking him for his money all along.

She could say, "Yes, that is how it started. I dragged my childhood friend into this mess to try to seduce you and marry you for the money, but now, I have fallen in love with you cincha! I really do love you, KW. I am sorry I lied, but, I love you."

It is anyone's guess now!


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Ryu does not deserve MY. Im in MW n KW team all the way. The victim is KW. Hes been played by everybdy. Poor him.


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After watching 7 and 8 again, I started thinking "poor KW," too.

He has resisted MW's approaches as Kandi pointed out, when he could have taken advantage of her many times.

He was NOT at ALL interested in this pretty and aggressive girl for the longest time, rightfully distrusting her.

Even when he kissed her, he distrusted her motivations.
Then, two times he is forced to show his emerging feelings before he could admit them to himself:
1. When he went to rescue her from the kidnapping.
2. When he went over to stop Ryu from kissing MW.

So after all his foot dragging, fighting his conscience, fighting his self-preservation, he gives in because he really finally believed that MW liked him.

Then BOOM! A kick in the gut! He was right and she lied AGAIN! He is prolly more angry at himself than everyone else.

Poor Kang Woo!


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I hope next ep won't see the melo thing coming into play, you know, the betrayed guy being cold to the heartbroken heroine, tears being shed bla bla. I like this show cos it's so quirky and weird, so I want to see a quick return to the crazy plot. She'll come up with some explanation, he'll accept it and that's it! Trouble is, I really can't see how she's going to explain her way out of this....maybe the other agents will step in and explain to KW instead? Use her craziness as an excuse? She IS supposed to be mad, after all. Still rooting for KW, despite Ryu's stony-with-cracks-appearing hotness. I just like KW more than Ryu....he's a good actor, and his quiet hurting makes me ache for him....he has such expressive eyes, and I think hat's his strength - being able to convey his feelings with them without saying a word. I doubt this story will end in marriage, it'd probably just go on with her as bodyguard and him as Hallyu Star, but with the public accepting their romance, the older agents will go back to North Korea, and Ryu - poor guy - will be left alone with a broken heart.


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Ok, I'm guessing here - KW seems to have an agenda also (he's interested in the ancient books, in the black market..nothing much was mentioned except he bought one)

Though at the moment it seems like he's been played around by NK agents, his boss, Chairman Joo, etc, etc. Myung Wol & fake parents being played by Ryu and Ryu by NK high-ups.....

Prolly keen to see what's next..


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i wanna see Ryu smile and laugh in his next show please! he's cute!


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OMGee!!!! I want RYU and MYUNG WOL!!!!!


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Hola, Ryu my baby you stopped being a stalker and made a real,hot move! Thanks god you made him jealous, thank you!

Next Misson: Let's see Ryus body in the shower */////*, I want to see it at least once! Ok, this won't happen of course! damn it -.-

Real next Mission: Confession, no this won't work MYUNG WOL...Se a bigeducing Eric, no you suck at it,hm maybe a kiss will work but Eric will for sure push you back, hm....Girl you hav problem :) Nothing will work except a perfect explanation, yeah this may work! Go for it girl

Next Mission: Time for a good explanation!


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*try a big step and seduce eric


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Ryu doesn't look all that beefy next to Eric.
On the plus side, LJW DID complete his Army duty, so there may be abs...


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I am hurting more for Ryu than Kang Woo. >.< Poor him who've always liked Myung Wol...

I wonder what will happen next episode now that Kang Woo thinks that Myung Wol is only after the money.


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May be I am in the minority here but I like Kang-Woo character more, I even like his colorful style (well some are grind worthy) but it’s cool and versatile….. it also build up more to his character and magnify the cockiness of the character.

As for character development, despite being such a bad ass, his character has more dimension and rooms for development. Choi-Ryu is consistent with being the elite spy but there’s nothing more to grow from here other than showing more of his feeling to Myung-Woo (which Kang-Woo is slowly coming to that realization as well). Underneath the very annoyed Kang-Woo, I see that soft side of him (to Myung-Wol at least).… stopping the bitch from slapping her in earlier episode, saving her from the forceful dance and the very latest throwing away his showcase to rescues Myung-Wol (well ,he can’t save her but it’s the thought & scarifying that I give him extra brownie points). On top of that, he doesn’t take advantage of Myung-Wol despite her keep throwing herself to him on many occasions. With In-Ah, even though Kang-Woo gets a backing (financially) from President Joo, again, he doesn’t take advantage, mislead or fuel up In-Ah’s 1-sided love for him just to keep the cash cow nearby…. and that’s is nice to see. He keeps it diplomatic, actually telling her in many occasions that he’s NOT interested….

It may not happens but I’m interested in Kang-Woo more because:

1. More range of emotions
2. How will he response to Myung-Wol when he find out her true identity
3. How will he change (better himself) when the MW love-bug really infests him
4. Why did he buy the old book at Singapore auction that everyone are after
5. Who is this mysterious Goblin that Kang-Woo has been looking for all these years…

So yeah, all that said, that’s why I find Kang-Woo character has more color and dimension. It’s refreshing to see such character in K-dramaland for a change. As for Myung-Wol, I wonder sometimes why such elite spy could fail so much in her missions (toilet paper as negotiation for her employment? seriously?) so crazy but it sure makes me laugh out loud :D

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Well said! I agree!


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omg i totally agree withh all your comments above!! i like KW more than Ryu because there so many things that we dont know about him that need to be explained..about his father loss, the goblin, why he's searching for the book, why is chairman joo related to him, so many angles that can be explored...plus i like how his emotions are going through his face!! XD eric is a very good actor!!

and we have yet to know what the south korean spy(the girl, i forgot her name) is doing in between MW and KW <3

although maybe..maybe its because my bias when i start to watch this drama is because of eric :p

btw favourite ep so far!! ^^


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Like Like Like Eric FTW!!!! He's such an great actors that shows all his emotion on his face!!! Love him here and in Que Sera Sera!!


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am i the only one who thinks that ryu is wayyyy too cute when he smiles?? *rawr*


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you're not the only one!! He's always so wide-eye and stoic, the transformation to his face when he smiles blows me away!


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ah those kisses! kang woo and ryu.. ryu and kang woo.. myung wol is such a lucky lady! haha!

i don't know where this series is going but i like it! twists here and there! and that epic ending scene! i'm not going to miss an episode!


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i called it, i so called it! i was right about operation jealosy but really didn't see that ending coming. what is myong wol going to do? what is she going to say? cringing at the thought, she really doesn't think first. can't wait for episode 9.
know what would be funny? that the goblin kang woo is looking for is somehow related to myong wol's father or gasp, is her father :-O what another shocking twist.
and when will the south korean spies going to get entangled in this mess.


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totally love this ep! sooo funny!
especially the part where kang woo went wow over the bedhead!wahhaa...

about the ending part....i wonder how they're going to make kangwoo marry myungwol when he knows the fake like thing...



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in the last episode, Choi Ryu the spy's fighting scene with the kidnappers was very awkward and weak while myung wol kicks but with her martial chops, kang woo's moves was even sharper than Ryu's.... can we blame it on bad editing too? :P


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I love this series. Thank you for the recap.

Hehe it's so funny to see KW going gah, gah over MW and his growing jealousy of CR. I knew the proposal was too good to be true but I didn't expect that. Yeah I don't think it has been revealed that she is a spy (it's only half way through the series so it's a bit early) but KW probably thinks she is a gold digger. I guess she can make an excuse of her parents' financial situation but we'll have to wait till Monday to see.

I'm hoping for an extreme ending as well. MW has saved KW so many times and for once KW needs to properly save MW. I think she is going to end up failing her mission to bring KW to the North and will have to end up being executed. Then KW will have to go save the day with his fake action star skills lols

I like both ships but I'm leaning towards MW/KW but as long as CR doesn't end up with IA, it's all good for me at least =)


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I think the same :) she will fail for sure or she won't force him! Ryu will be depressed then =(


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FINALLY! almost dropped this drama...but the past two episodes saved it!


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am I the only one thinks that Ryus smile is damn hot? my heart couldn't stop beating loud when I saw it :) I think I am in love with that actor but Eric is also my love! Omo it's the same as is BOF, crap!


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This is like my new crack. I just can't get enough of it!


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When he said: "Let's get married." I got kinda dissapointed..I wanted them to drag out the: Seduce Kang-Woo Mission out just a little bit longer, but then when he he actually revealed that he knew...i just died. :o I love that! ^_^


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I love this episode! Thanks so much for the recap, now I can't wait for the subs :)


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I think with half the series to go, where is the rest of the 2 books and why kw want to get one? Who is this person that kw want to find (via the PI)? at least one quarter of the book should be in north korean, so we need to go there.

ryu now have the upper left and kw have the lower left.

I really hope this overall arc of treasure hunting get resolve in a satisfactory manner.


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haaa, it makes me to stay with this drama


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I just don't know how it's going to go. What is MyungWol going to say? I would love her to just come out and tell him the truth, but he probably wouldn't believe her anyway. Argh, I literally have no idea where the story is going to end up, and that frustrates me! In a good way. Poor Kang Woo, I feel so sorry for him!


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I must say... I think I am on the Ryu with Myung-Wol boat. Kang-Woo... Hmm... I just am not sure about him with Myung-Wol. He is her first crush that she realized, but Ryu is her first unrealized crush. Which one will be true love?

Probably Kang-Woo since that is the way most of the Kdramas go, but I do agree with many of the previous commentors that Ryu and Myung-Wol would be better off together than Kang-Woo and Myung-Wol.


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And there was a moment when she was thinking about her kiss with Ryu, I wasn't sure if she liked it or if she was just thinking it was weird. Or both.


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i think when she was thinking about her kiss with Ryu, it doesnt seem like she like it to me, its more to she was thinking about KW, how Kangwoo think and feel after seeing her and ryu kissing..she dont want him to misunderstand.thats what i thought. or confuse might be possible too


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So happies! Usually, if I read the recap first, watching the actual episode isn't as pleasurable. However, even though I knew full well what would happen, thanks to your recap, the episode made me bust out laughing! That's some feat! Whomever the Show brought in to freshen up the writing has done a fabulous job of bringing back the funny!


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I really enjoyed this episode. All scenes are hilarious and how Gang U insanely reacts about his feelings to Myung Wol. The only bothers me is the kissing scene of Myung Wol and Choi Ryu, its kinda STIFF! hehe


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What is kinda STIFF? hehehehehe


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I thought that happened at the bedhead scene.


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It gets better n better every ep! Thanks for the recap of this show!!! ^__^


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I can't wait for episode nineeeee..
Oh monday, please come faster :p


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