Myung-wol the Spy: Episode 13

This show makes my blood boil. It’s not necessarily always a bad thing, since it means I’m that invested in the characters. But when they do stupid, assy things, it makes me tear my hair out. Once in love, Kang-woo is the bleeding heart kind of hero, which means that the brokenhearted version of him is a dark and twisted black hole of pain. It’s bad. Like Spike without a soul kind of bad. There’s gonna be some swearing in this recap… Er, more swearing than usual.


Kang-woo sees Myung-wol sneak in and take the goddamn book of mystical secrets, breaking his heart into little bits all over that diamond ring in his hand. Worst timing ever for a B&E.

He does the scariest thing – okay maybe only for me because my dad used to do this when I tried to sneak in and out of the house – he sits on the couch in the dark and flips on the lights just as she’s about to walk out.

She quickly puts the book behind her back and makes up an excuse about having to run off and see her parents, as his heart sinks further to catch her knee-deep in lies. She manages to get out, and stops to look at the book regretfully.

At the same time, Kang-woo sits and stares at the ring, twisting the knife in his own heart. Then he gets up and suddenly reaches under the piano… where he’s stashed the REAL book! Ooooh, smartypants. No wait, that means she’s got the wrong book! How will she rescue Ryu now? Aaaargh, I’m so torn.

He talks to it as if wanting it to answer back, “She must have a reason. There must be a reason…” Aw, he wants to trust her. His desperation, his desire to cling to his trust – it totally makes up for the assy denial earlier.

Myung-wol brings the book to Chairman Joo, asking why he’s so interested in these books, and if he has anything to do with Kang-woo’s father’s death. He turns the same question on her, wondering why she and Ryu are after the same books, and who they really are.

He snidely congratulates her friendship with Ryu, saying that it must be something special if she’s willing to betray the man she loves. Ouch. That stabs her right where it hurts. He digs a little further, adding that poor Kang-woo knows nothing and trusts her completely.

She gives up the book after asking for his word to hand over Ryu, and he thankfully doesn’t have an expert on hand to tell him that it’s a fake. Only once outside, he tells his minions to kill Ryu anyway since they confiscated the two books he had, and no longer need him.

Myung-wol waits and follows them to Ryu. Wait, so then why did she do the exchange in the first place? What did she gain from that? Sigh. I suppose I should just be thankful she only gave up the dummy book in the useless exchange in which she gained nothing. Bah.

The minions move Ryu outside (because killing him in the basement isn’t public enough) and In-ah happens upon the scene. He manages to hulk out of his ropes and grab her as a hostage.

He whispers, “I’m sorry. And thank you,” before flinging her at the baddies and running off. They give chase, but Myung-wol arrives on her bike to speed him away to safety.

Chairman Joo declares that having the books is not enough. Ryu knows too much, and needs to be found and killed. Again.

Meanwhile In-ah is all spun around from her hostage moment, only she’s mostly attracted, not scared. Ha. She admits that Ryu was pretty badass, and then catches herself and tries to snap out of it.

Myung-wol brings Ryu to her apartment and he tries to leave, not wanting to put her in more danger. But she tells him that he’s in no condition to move, and the other agents know nothing of this mission, which means it’s safest to stay with her.

She puts his arm around her and they walk in, which is the scene that Kang-woo watches from his car across the street. Oh dear, oh dear. That looks bad from far away. His eyes narrow, “For that guy? Lying to me… for him?”

Upstairs, Myung-wol treats Ryu’s wounds and frets over his condition. He tries to push her hand away because it clearly breaks his heart to even be near her, and he apologizes for bringing her into this mess.

She tells him that he’s being ridiculous, since to her he’s not only a comrade, but family. She says that after her father died, he became just like a father to her. He sighs as he repeats her words: “Like family… A father… That’s what I am to you.”

AW. It’s so heartbreaking when he says it, the same words, but from him, meaning: so I will never be the man you love.

She tries to pretend not to understand his meaning, rambling on about how much she respects him, and he raises his hand slowly up to her face. She dodges away from it before it gets too awkward, and leaves him hanging.

Just then, Kang-woo calls, wanting to know where she went, and she tells him that it was getting too late so she just came home. He tells her that’s great, since he’s just outside her door. Uh-oh.

Panic sets in as Kang-woo starts pounding on the door and shouting for her to open up. She comes to the door and he storms past her, looking for signs of Ryu. He’s hiding in the closet, which Kang-woo can probably guess, but he doesn’t search the place or anything.

He notes some bloody bandages sticking out of a drawer though, which lines up with Ryu’s limping walk up to the apartment. I’m really curious how all of this adds up in Kang-woo’s head.

Myung-wol tries to convince him to go out for something to eat, but he grabs her in a sudden hug. He tells her that he wants to stay here. Oh. Oh no. Are you doing this for Ryu’s benefit?

He pushes her up against the wall and tells her that he’s not leaving tonight, making his intentions clear. She tries to squirm free but he slams her up against the wall, pinning her hands up above her. Aaaaaugh, no Kang-woo, no!

He gets increasingly leery and threatening, and she finally has to push him off violently to get him to stop. And then he gets totally hurt at her rejection, as if he wasn’t just being completely egregiously WRONG just now.

What’s crazy about this whole ugly thing is that he’s doing it calculatingly to get a reaction out of her and Ryu, only he takes her rejection seriously. He’s acting a part, and yet he’s taking her rejection to heart because he can’t separate the two.

It’s as twisted as it sounds. It’s intentional, which both makes his actions better AND worse, because he’s setting himself up for a confirmation that she doesn’t love him, and never did. Because attacking a girl is really the best way to test that?

She chases him downstairs and asks him not to misunderstand. He asks if she has anything she wants to tell him. Caught off guard, she shakes her head and he sneers, almost at himself for trusting her, and at her for confirming his suspicions. Go catch him! Tell him the truth! Graaaaaaar.

He comes home to his big romantic proposal setting, now just a cruel reminder of his broken heart. He throws the ring, screaming, “What is he? What is he to you?!” Ugh, I do feel bad for him that he’s so twisted around that he can’t see straight. But what happened to that trust you were clinging to? Couldn’t it have lasted a little longer, to keep you from going straight back to assyville?

Hee-bok and Ok-soon hear of Dae-kang’s night spent begrudgingly setting the stage for Kang-woo’s proposal, and they get all excited at the thought of finally returning to their homeland, preparing speeches and souvenirs.

But Dae-kang kills their short-lived joy with news that he just spent the morning cleaning up the whole thing since the proposal’s been scrapped. They stare dumbfounded. Yeah, a lot can happen in a night.

Kang-woo picks Myung-wol up in the morning, pretending that everything is fine. See, this is why you’re all bitter and angry and inappropriately violent. Just confront her already. Repression leads to heart attacks and jackass behavior. She notes his coldness and asks if he’s still mad, which he denies. Guh.

He asks if she had someone over last night, and she says no. He asks if she noticed anyone coming or going in his house, since that book he told her about has gone missing. She says no. What’s with the constantly trying to trap her in lies but secretly hoping she doesn’t lie?

His agent tells him that he’s got a good shot at reviving his career even without Chairman Joo’s backing, and is surprised at his nonchalant attitude, half-listening and telling her to pick his next project for him.

He tells Myung-wol he wants to be alone and leaves without her, and she in turn ends up as distracted as he is, knowing that something is clearly amiss. For a spy you really lack some basic reasoning skills. Those questions in the car aren’t a dead giveaway?

Kang-woo calls In-ah out for coffee, and she feigns being so put out by it, then hilariously follows it up with a request for a date. He asks her about Ryu, and she asks if he died.

For some crazy reason, he doesn’t press her on her reason for asking if he DIED, and wonders how he came to work for Chairman Joo. She doesn’t know either, but does remember that the first time she met Ryu wasn’t when he came to work for Grandpa; it was in Singapore.

The dots, they are a-connectin’!

He asks if it seemed like Ryu and Myung-wol knew each other back then, and she doesn’t think so. But she does know that Ryu is interested in that musty old book that Kang-woo bought at auction.

She wonders again if that’s why he’s having trouble with Grandpa, but brushes it off as an afterthought. She lights up thinking that something’s finally causing a rift between Kang-woo and Myung-wol, happy that he’s at last beginning to suspect her.

Kang-woo rushes home to go through the other versions of the Singapore showcase footage. He finally comes across one camera angle that catches both Ryu and Myung-wol together in the audience.

He freezes it in shock. “Then the two of you… for the book… was it like that?”

Aw, you can’t argue that it’s not true, but it’s not the whole truth.

Ryu wakes up in Myung-wol’s apartment, where she’s watching over him. He can tell something’s weighing on her, and asks if it’s because of the book, if she really feels that badly about betraying Kang-woo.

Myung-wol: He’s the person who accepted all of me. So much has happened, and yet he trusted me and accepted me in the end. When I think about that person being disappointed in me, and hurting because of me…
Ryu: I think he must be happy. Because he has someone who worries for him like that.

Kang-woo calls her over and she gets up to go, and Ryu grabs her arm. “Do you have to go?” AW.

Kang-woo waits on edge, and receives a text that she can’t come now and she’ll be by in the morning. Oh, I didn’t expect her to actually stay. Damn. Kang-woo stews, declaring that he was going to give her one last chance to explain, but she’s chosen to close that door.

Well, no, stupid. YOU are the one who’s arbitrarily deciding when to open and close that door, while she has no idea what you’re thinking. He tortures himself some more, staring at the freezeframe of the two of them in Singapore.

Ok-soon worries at her spy daughter’s condition and asks her if anything’s changed with Kang-woo. She can’t divulge anything about the books, so she just says that maybe she’s projecting the weirdness. Ok-soon tells her about the almost-proposal, and suggests that she change up her look today.

Meanwhile Kang-woo tasks Dae-kang with something new – spying on Myung-wol’s parents and reporting back with what they talk about. I guess it’s a good thing that Dae-kang is less than perceptive?

Myung-wol arrives in a new dress, and Kang-woo tellingly puts his sunglasses on as soon as she walks in. And on with the sunglasses, he puts on the happy boyfriend act, walking hand-in-hand and buying her a separate cell phone just for his calls.

He pours on the gifts and puts on a big show for the public, which gets her feeling guilty of course. She tells him that she’s sorry, just in general, and he tells her to enjoy it all, since there’s no telling how long it’ll last. Yikes. That’s not ominous or anything.

In-ah continues to obsess over the headlines about the happy couple, and attempts to convince her assistant to come back to the fold. She gets soundly rejected, which is neither here nor there, but satisfying to watch.

Dae-kang begins his spy mission, and when he overhears Hee-bok talk about orders from above, he wonders what “above” could mean… and decides on Heaven. Pfffft.

He wonders if Hee-bok is talking about death, and then comes across a suitcase. He finds pictures of North Korea (for a trip, he assumes), a radio, and even a GUN, and he laughs at Hee-bok for keeping toy guns like a big kid. Sigh. Oh, simple obtuse Dae-kang.

Ryu is well enough to get out of bed, and angsts over a photo of Myung-wol by her bed. He hears someone breaking in and hides, and avoids being caught by Chairman Joo’s thugs, by hiding behind a door, but whatever.

He listens until they leave and opens the door to step out, running right into Kang-woo. Whoops.

He asks Myung-wol to pick up some dinner on her way over, and she arrives at Kang-woo’s house with dinner in hand, and finds him sitting on the couch… with Ryu. Uh…

Kang-woo plays dumb and says he invited Ryu to dinner since he’s been looking out for her, and says he thought she’d be happy about it since they’re friends. Well, you totally win Passive Aggressive Boyfriend of the Year.

They sit down to the most awkward dinner possible, and Kang-woo makes sure to hold her hand and act sweet, all the while asking pointed questions like when they first met.

He basically sounds like a crazy jealous boyfriend, which isn’t really untrue either, because as much as he’s feeling betrayed and duped, he’s still rabidly jealous that whatever the truth is, it has to do with this other guy.

Ryu asks if he’s jealous or worried, and challenges Kang-woo’s trust in Myung-wol. Kang-woo gets defensive and puts his arm around her to stake his claim in this increasingly ridiculous pissing contest, until she finally stands up to try and leave.

Kang-woo stops her and yells at her to stay, barking a command at her like a dog. Ryu gets fired up and tells him to stop, and the two are basically inches away from fists flying. Myung-wol tells them to stop and Ryu makes his exit.

She asks Kang-woo why he’s doing this, and he blows up at her words, “Reason? You’re asking me the reason I’m doing this?”

He storms upstairs, muttering to himself, “Do you really not know the reason?” At the same time, Ryu walks out and screams in frustration.

Chairman Joo finds that the book is a fake, and decides that they needn’t look for Ryu any longer, since they have a card to play.

Dae-kang reports on his big spy mission, and Kang-woo asks if there isn’t anything he found out about Myung-wol. Dae-kang complains that there’s nothing TO find, since it’s not like there are any pictures, any albums, any remnants of her childhood.

It dawns on Kang-woo that he never did get a straight story out of them about their family background, and decides to stop in for a visit. He asks the parents for a baby picture of Myung-wol, and Mom has to lie quickly that her birth father ran a bar and did nothing but drink and wreak havoc, and one day he lit the place on fire and everything burned.

While the story is plausible, there’s one major hitch: Myung-wol once told Kang-woo that her father was a soldier. He asks about it, and Mom sticks with her story that he was no soldier, just a drunk.

Kang-woo leaves more confused than ever. “The more I dig, there’s nothing that isn’t weird…” He decides to hire someone to run a background check.

He spends the afternoon feeding his angst with scotch, and In-ah shows up hoping to have him confirm that he finally suspects Myung-wol. She guesses correctly that he’s upset because things are going well between Myung-wol and Ryu.

Being In-ah, of course, means that this is all about her and if that’s going well, it means Kang-woo should come back to her. He tells her to buzz off, and she pouts that all she wishes is that he’d understand her heart a little.

Kang-woo: “I would like to know another person’s feelings. I want to live as that person’s heart, just for one day.” Aw, he heard you, but yours isn’t the heart he wants to understand.

Myung-wol waits outside Kang-woo’s place, calling him over and over. Someone walks up and surprises her…

Ryu begins a one-man plan to infiltrate Chairman Joo’s fortress and reclaim the books, only he gets interrupted by a message that Joo is holding Myung-wol captive. Ryu comes guns a-blazin’, but Myung-wol isn’t there, and Chairman Joo offers him a deal – the real version of the book in exchange for their freedom from him for good.

He tells Ryu that he knows about their true identities and will go public with his knowledge if he doesn’t bring him the real book.

But it turns out that he doesn’t have Myung-wol after all, because it was Kang-woo who arrived at the house first. She brings him inside, stumbling around like a drunk mess, and he calls out her name over and over.

“Do you love me?” She tells him that he knows she does. But he asks over and over, saying that he doesn’t know. Tears swirl around in his eyes as he hits rock bottom. He takes off his jacket.

“You love me?” He pulls her down onto the bed and hovers above her. “Then show me how much you love me.”


Myung-wol: Why are you doing this? You’re drunk.
Kang-woo: Why? You said you loved me. You said you loved me, so then why not? Why not?!
Myung-wol: Can’t you trust me?
Kang-woo: That’s right. I can’t. I can’t trust you. You said you loved me, so then why…? You say you love me, but why…? Why are you making it so difficult for me?
Myung-wol: What do I have to do to make you trust me? If I do this, will you trust me?

She starts to unbutton her blouse. Okay, here’s your moment, Kang-woo. You can turn this around. Get off of her. Get the fuck off, RIGHT NOW.

Kang-woo: “Show me your heart.” And he leans in for a kiss. Oh, HELL NO.

Oh gross. I don’t know who to be madder at right now. What the fuck is she doing? Aaaaaaaaargh. What, is she gonna sleep with him to convince him of her love? And don’t even get me started on Kang-woo. What’re you, gonna screw the doubt out of your brain? Aaaaaaaaaaack.

What the hell is wrong with you people?! Why are you turning sexy fun times into a sick and twisted abyss of emotional vengeance? Gah.

After they sleep together, Kang-woo holds her, whispering to himself: “I don’t know what I’m doing right now. I don’t know why I’m doing this to you. I’m really sorry. I’m sorry.” He closes his eyes.

Myung-wol opens her eyes, having heard his words. She thinks to herself: “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

And this is the moment that Ryu chooses to break into Kang-woo’s place, looking for the book. He opens the door and comes upon what looks like a happy vignette and crumples to the ground in agony.

In the morning, Kang-woo watches Myung-wol sleep, and when she wakes up he teases her about snoring, drooling, and grinding her teeth. Wait, what’s with the happy? Did you people bump your heads together and lose your memories?

He tells her to stay in bed while he gets the mail and coffee, but as soon as he walks out, Ryu enters, having waited all night for Kang-woo to leave. She sits up in shock.

Kang-woo gets a phone call from the guy who did the background check on Myung-wol, and says that he sent the results by mail. He looks down and sees it in his hand with the morning mail.

He ponders it, and then decides all that matters is her heart, and throws it in the trash without opening it.

He heads toward the bedroom, but then stops short when he sees her standing upstairs, talking to Ryu. He hears Ryu say that the book she brought was a fake, and she tells him to leave before Kang-woo gets back.

He runs out to his car, stunned to realize that she’s still lying, and been lying this whole time. He drives away and she runs out after him.

Ryu finds the real book and takes it with him. She hesitates, and he cuts her off, telling her that he has no time for her feelings anymore, and storms out.

Myung-wol heads home in a daze, and then gets a call from Ok-soon, asking if something’s going wrong with Kang-woo. She says that Dae-kang confessed to being tasked with spying on her, and that Kang-woo recently hired a professional to run a background check on her.

Her lightbulb finally goes off, realizing that Kang-woo’s suspicious questions lately weren’t all random. For an undercover agent, you really are strangely trusting. She realizes that the last thing Kang-woo did before driving off was get the mail.

She rushes back to his house and rifles through the mail. She opens up the trash can where he had thrown away the file… but it’s empty.

His voice calls out behind her: “You must be looking for this.” He holds up the papers in his trembling hand, that show her records as being falsified.

Kang-woo: “You certainly fooled me well, all this time. Everything, all of it… was a lie. What’s the truth? You! Who are you? Tell me. Please, tell me. TELL ME!”


I really didn’t expect this show to go so dark. The thing is, I want to hope that the show is not stupid enough to treat their sleeping together like that as any kind of good situation – Kang-woo is clearly drunk, and totally fucked up, and making stupid choices – he acknowledges it’s something to be sorry for right away. When the scene at night was followed up with apologies, albeit to themselves, I felt like the treatment of it stayed firmly in Mistake Territory (as in: I was wrong for doing this).

BUT… the morning after? Why are they all happy and shit? Like they forgot how totally twisted their night was? Please don’t tell me I’m supposed to read that as: it doesn’t matter why, but now that we’ve slept together it’s all roses?

And don’t even get me started on Myung-wol actually agreeing to sleep with him to “prove her love.” *VOMIT* What the fuck is that about? Sex proves a lot of things, like which organs are in working order, but it does not prove love. Certainly not in the way Kang-woo wants, for her to sex the doubt out of him. IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY.

My only consolation is that he discovers right away that it doesn’t work that way. And in the end it backfires on him completely – now it’s worse, and his black hole of despair is actually deeper than it was before. Now it’s turned into: “she slept with me to convince me that she loved me…to keep her cover” which is just a self-fulfilling prophecy of badness.

It’s pretty much the trajectory of Kang-woo’s entire spiral of doom in this episode. Everything ends up being the darker version of what it could have been because he twists it to prove that his worst fears are true. I’ll at least give Show props for showing a clear trajectory for Kang-woo into a hell of his own making, and for Eric’s portrayal of it. Sigh. I really hope this is rock bottom. Because if there’s another bottom under THIS bottom, I don’t know if I can take it, Show. I’d normally follow that up with advice on how to fix it, but I’m way too pissed at you right now. Go stand in the corner until Monday.


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Even though I don't approve of what he's doing, I get it. He was going to risk his whole career for her and about to ask her to marry him! He really loves this girl, then he catches her stealing from him, taking some other guy up to her apartment and lying to him about it. If I were him, I would go crazy too. As a viewer, you can see everything happening, but he can't. We're supposed to feel sorry for her, but if I were him, I wouldn't trust her either. How can someone you love so much look you in the eyes and lie to you like that? I would be so hurt. :(


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yeah,pretty much the same sentiments with my post here earlier.I don't condone the act,but I'm not gonna just hate KW solely for that reason.He was driven completely to the brink in his situation,because unlike we the viewers he never had any knowledge what was going on and from his POV MW was just messing up again and again.Which is why its hard to feel sorry for MW too,I mean when you get in the spy business,manipulating people and their emotions is always part of the espionage,and surely there is a huge price to pay for it if one gets caught,regardless of whether the feelings turned real or not at the end of the day.And mind you,KW was not just going to risk his entire career for her,he ALREADY did risk his everything.He threw it all away just to break free from the evil old man's grip and be with MW.He just got lucky they still wanted him to have a public career.

BTW I pity Choi Ryu, must he found out abt what happened that way?!Like,really..opening the door to see their joined bodies together on the bed?Sheesh.


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Show and I are not on speaking terms at the moment, and that's for damn sure.


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haishhh....this is getting so heart-breaking-emotional-confused-situation!!!! and Ryu shouting? i cannot watch that? i canot even watched KW having his heart torn like that?? Aishhhhh.....can just someone go and tell the truth? i mean how can a drama with a low rating ( btw, i just have no idea how this drama got a low rating like this??) can be soooo tempting to watch? and with all the scene...call me crazy but i find the scene where KW pinned MW against the wall was soooo hot..or am i the only one? and all the investigation by KW to MW is soooo cute..okey i'm sick. totally sick.


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omgosh. what the flip is up with this show.

i would've been down for the script doctors' "kang woo is a sleeping agent about to be wakened in the abscence of his love" plotline.

what they did was just.. X_X'.


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I OFFICIALLY HATE THIS EPISODE! What the Hell were they thinking? Really. I would love to know.


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hmm..i think he react quite realistically speaking, hes so hurt and mad that he wants to cling on something so that he can stay sane.while the girl wants to understand to the guy that she loved her dearly yet she cant competely reveal her identity.not just yet. poor guy, since they are inlove (despite their miseries) their sexual instincts is there. so its entirely surprising.. "you have each others "HOTS".. i really get it.. and they made love, the next morning guy feels happy becoz he kinda get the assurance (he wants) ...i kinda get every character where they coming from.

I dont get it what the big deal on this.

i know, MW proving love by giving herself is not acceptable of its like promoting it to the girls. i get it. but in reality that what is happening.-_-


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btw, i feel bad about ryu as well....damn, why do he have to witness KW and MW in bed -_-


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I don't think you quite get it.
A lot of people don't mind that she had sex; what we mind is that he pressured her into it by using emotional blackmail and twisted mind-games.

We want them to have sex, lots of it, but fun and lusty. Not sad and drunk and f***-up.

Believe me, we're a lusty bunch on this blog.


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Amen! (and I'mn not even religious!)


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Ohhhh ... After reading your recap, I can see why they used Leonard Cohen's song, "A Thousand Kisses Deep" as background music in the bar scene where Kang Woo was downing his sorrows.

One interpretation of the lyrics would fit Kang Woo's spiral into doom.

I thought for sure that Kang Woo wouldn't press the issue of sleeping together. I'm really surprised at the route the writer and director took that scene.

For me, the saddest segment of the episode was their first date and watching Myung Wol's giddy responses to everything because she had never experienced the thrill of courtship and the joy of dating.

Thanks for the speedy recap.


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Maybe the sexy time was added so they can give a proper ending? (ie: KW dumps MW, later finds out she's preggo, they get back together, & happy ending.)


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Thanks for the recap. I enjoy reading your recaps very much.

Actually, I like the show very much, except the overdose of emotional coastal rides. One barely gets less than 3/4 of happiness before bieng thrown back to "I'm agree with you for lying and hurt" state.

As a romantic comedy, I would prefer less darkness but a little more romance and humour.

But sigh, still, I love watching Eric (KW) and the leading actresse coz they look so compatible. I do wonder if Eric will become schinzophrenic - happy->angry->sad->happy..... in such a short span of time.


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oops, i mean "I'm so angry with you"


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OMG! I wish they would give Myung Wol her quirkyness back from the first few episodes. And you're right, I would love it if they extended the romance & humor more and less dark but I guess considering the actual storyline, its understandable.

I wonder if they will still be sticking to 18 episodes. Anyone know? I really hope so!


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Haha you've got to calm down girlfriend!
Guess you're taking the show too seriously here whereas the show has been pretty logic-defying so far.
My bet was the scenes were devised by the writers in a bid to boost its ratings (which are still languishing post-scandal)!
So cheer up & just watch SPW with an open mind alright my dear?


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Ohhh Eric ! I Lovee Your Acting ! <3


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I felt that the sexy time was shown to tell us how confused KW is. He is obviously madly in love with her and he knows something is missing and MW refuses to tell him. He gave up everything for her. Revealing all the truth about himself to the public (for her!!) To find out that she is lying and kept secretly meeting Ryu and not being entirely honest to her is heartbreaking.

I think i can understand why KW wants to do that. It's entirely only-human to ask for it although as a woman, you should just give in when a man said to "show him you love him by having sexy time" But i guess from MW's perspective is that she can't convince him enough how much she loves him (and at the same time, it's really NORMAL that she can't say because she is a trained NK spy - they can't just blurt out everything!!)

I felt that KW's actions are well justified as he is just a normal man who loves a woman so damn much and unwilling to face the possible "cold hard truth".


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Sorry i meant to say "SHOULDN'T GIVE IN!!" not "should give in" :P


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Thanks so much for your reviews! Was just referred and I read both your MWS recaps (and SOAW, sob) - your acerbic wit is incredibly refreshing, and your comments are hilarious. :) I feel like reading your recaps is better than watching the episodes! I think I'm gaining more insight through this website, lol.

This episode just sounds crazy out of control! I too expected MWS to be nothing more than a fluffy romcom (with a little bit of angst thrown in, of course) but this sounds like it's turning into a melodrama.

Can't wait for more reviews!

(PS - I also recommend Protect the Boss - it's hilarious enough as is, your recaps would probably have me slapping my knee and rolling around on the floor)


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I like "Protect the boss" too coz is more like a romantic comedy minus all the darkness. :)


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omg, protect the boss is seriously daebak. i'm not the type who likes slapstick comedy, but i'm basically powerless when it comes to protect the boss. i can't resist, it's too funny. and jisung is awesome. he can pull off the over-acting, crazy, childish, crazy guy.

why are recap gods javabeans and girlfriday not covering protect the boss? i want to read how they would do the recaps. eeuheuung. :(


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i think the creative team are taking revenge on the lead actress by having the damn sex scenes / bedroom sex on her for her earlier behaviour. as show is not getting numbers , may be it is for that , or myung was desperate to have ............. with kang. damn plot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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"What's with the happy?"

Well, why not? KW got what he wanted (a "confirmation" of her feelings for him) and MW, well... she just spent the night with Halluy star KW (drunk or not, don't matter.)

However conflicted they are, however twisted this whole affair may be, they still seem to have spent a good "first-time" together.


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I think an important contributor to the "happy" is that KW felt he got his confirmation so that his suspicions were eased and he could finally breathe free of the heartache (not saying I agree to his assy method of confirmation, though); as for MW, she heard KW's apology (so she could forget the unhappy part of what was probably still a very special night for her) and just indulged in the giddy feeling of waking up in the arms of one's lover. I also believe that a lot of things can change quickly and wordlessly in real life -- they did have sex, after all, and could have given themselves to the moment so completely that it was easy to forget how they got there in the first place.
The murky grays of real-life relationship. That's why I liked this scene in its entirety, although I hated where it was going at first. It was daring and complex, and took the drama to an interesting new place. Now here's to hoping that they can actually have a happy sex scene, as well! But I'm not anticipating it too hard, knowing the stingy kdrama norm of 'skinship scenes'.


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I think what best is, this episode trully flowing naturally. Without any pressure to do what the audience think's right. I mean, considering in Kang Woo's feet, all drunk up, jealous and uncertain with what the hell is really going on with the woman he's madly in love with. Do you ever think he would pull his self together, specially when he's coming to that bed scene with Myung Wol? Reality's speaking? I don't think so, and that's the best part that I love!

Not that I'm some kind of k'drama's sex's scene lover, but just admit it, sex sometimes happen in any adult relation ship. Whether it with a right clear mind, or even with the messed up drunk one. And maybe because I'm kind of boring with all those pure innocence k'drama, with only stupid cupid kiss. Sometimes we do need a real action even in a k'dramaland. Specially this drama involves all grown ups character and not a teenager, so this is great!


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Thank you for writing my thoughts down. :)


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wuaaaaaaaaaa thank you very much...:D


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And don’t even get me started on Myung-wol actually agreeing to sleep with him to “prove her love.” *VOMIT* What the fuck is that about? Sex proves a lot of things, like which organs are in working order, but it does not prove love.

Maybe she decided on doing it since she's inexperienced with love... She's the NAIVE North Korean Spy after all.


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You forgot to close the italics code.


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I'm thinking she did it for exactly this reason. A smarter girl wouldn't have fallen for the whole "Prove you love me." At the same time, I think MW may have been trying to convince herself that what she was was doing right. I hope this gets addressed in the next few episodes, because it's infuriating.


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Do you think maybe a part of her was trying to find and in this case, even if it means sleeping with him? That is because she IS falling in love with him and that is something she doesn't want.


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The one thing I thought of after watching this episode was: RYU should go back to North Korea. He's (unconsciously) ruining Myung-wol's supposed mission and he's just everywhere in between the new lovers. In-ah, please seduce him and keep him away. Both of you just keep away and bring grandpa with you. Seriously.

Myung-wol's situation is really, really bad. The compromising positions that Kang-woo finds her in...is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. Just tell him the truth asap whether he believes you or not. The guy's going crazy. Scratch that. He's going insane. I actually like how they've gone dark with this, because as much as I like rom-coms (with substance please!), sometimes I want to be shaken out of my complacency and watch something that's maybe uncomfortable to many. As a viewer, I know and get what's happening but the fictional characters don't, so it adds something to my usual reactions. I'm not arguing the morality or ethics or whatnot of their actions because I'm not in their position to be able to judge their words/actions. I've never been been in love to know whether I'd do something as stupid, but I know some people who did do crazy stuff, and I'm actually half-afraid that when I do fall, I'd do my share of stupid and assy stuff. People do stupid stuff all the time and they're not even in love. But for a fact, people in love do stupid things. People who are desperate do stupid things. People going insane by circumstances do especially stupid things. Put'em all together and you get Ep.13 Kang-woo.

Ah, writers. If it were different actors...but Ye-seul & Eric is just amazing. Their eyes are so expressive. Just give me something happy soon and let's not draw out the angst.

Oh yeah, I'm still pissed off @ Ryu.


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This episode has put me right off!! This is like que sera sera all over again!! Played by Eric again !!! Wtf!!! I dislike the fact that impressionable young women might watch this and think it's ok to be pressured for sex or any physical contact or that it's ok if a guy does it out of jealousy !! Not good show!!! Very very disappointed!!!


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Totally agree with you. And what the most painful is... HE will be THE ONE at the end. Bloee :(((


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Bah, Kang Woo, first the public face slapping and now this douche move? I get that he has issues but he's taking it a bit too far. As if I needed more reasons to be on team Ryu anyway :P

I just hope in the end Ruy won't sacrifice himself so that Myung Wol can escape North Korea, cause that would totally suck. Now that I've seen the show can really go to the dark side, well... Don't pull a Prosecutor Kim Young Joo on me, show, or I will hate you forever!


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i think that ryu is getting the books so he can get out of NK...i mean if not, then other operatives would have helped him. and hes only staying because of his feelings....i dont believe hes mr. goody-2-shoes [as much as i do want to believe that]


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This is another week of I-TOTALLY-DIDN'T-EXPECT-THIS reaction.
KW, I don't know whether to be disappointed in you or not. I was applauding on your unwavering love for MW despite all odds. Looking it the other way, he was at a point where he didn't want to let MW go but didn't know how to deal with her. Which is why he slept with her. MW was desperate too. She needed affirmation from him that he trust her.
But then again, it's true. It's hard to find someone who would actually believe you despite everything. Sighs. There is another 5 episodes to go, I hope it doesn't turn way too twisted.
Regardless, I thought Eric did a good job in portraying KW. From the crying to the anger to being a drunken.
Good job.


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Myung Wol was a virgin, right? (I remember, fake-mother saying something like "you never treated by men before" or "you hever loved before") So when they do this thing Kang woo must have realized that. LOL


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another reason why he could be so dang guilty after and went so far into dark mode


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Will this stop the leaning?

Oh well.

Thanks for the gem studded recap...My favorite line is "Kang-woo sees Myung-wol sneak in and take the goddamn book of mystical secrets." Those four books better have the cure for the common cold to be worth these plot manipulations.

The decision to have sex with KW was MW's. She had turned him down before, and really could have again. He was drunk; she's a trained soldier who could have thrown him off. The problem is she signed up to seduce him. In order for her to complete her trajectory as Mata Hari, she HAS to make KW her lover. She has to completely win over his trust.

I am actually satisfied with how they handled this subject as far as the woman. It wasn't romantic. It wasn't pretty. The candles and flowers were gone. The music certainly didn't foreshadow a loving moment. The scene following - her wrapped in KW's arms, shows me at least that it was consensual. They could have filmed her facing away from him, hiding her tears. With all the apologizing, as GF pointed out, we get the impression it was NOT a happy outcome for either of them.

Only immature boy types think that the girl willing to have sex with you LOVES you, and then, that lasts until it is over. Nobody gets a tattoo on their forehead that says "Property of XXXX." It doesn't stamp and seal the relationship. KW, even in his desperation, knows this.

MW, by completing this part of her mission, after stealing the (fake) book from KW has completely sealed herself off from future happiness with him. Her double (triple, quadruple?) betrayal of KW must have also eaten away at any lingering self-respect. What is she now but a lying, cheating whore?

Mata Hari gets executed for her crimes. Her lover was powerless to save her. We have a few episodes left to get there, but I have to guess KW will have the opportunity to save MW later.

I like the dark, by the way. Eric does very well with dark.


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agreed. I love a twisted, angsty dark Eric.


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Eric is amazing. Let's not confuse Eric the actor with Eric the man. That he takes on such dark twisted roles shows the emotional range he's capable of.

Right, I'm going to post this and join the Tilting Club.


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Pretty sure The Hand Towel has infiltrated DB like so many NK spies after your mystic books.


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SHE STOLE THE BOOK TO SAVE RYU OUT OF DUTY.....BUT I THINK SHE KNEW IF SHE DIDNT KANG U WOULD BE MADE DOG CHOW BY EVIL IN AH'S GRANDAD......[srry caps] and out of her desperation to save him. i mean she was about to give up the mission to save his career, i think that proves that shes thinking about him...poor things.....politics really screws up everything.


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Totally agree with you, Jomo.

I actually really liked this episode - the sh*t's finally hitting the fan. It had to happen sometime. As much as people are lamenting the loss of the earlier lighthearted tone, in a story that deals with potential loss of life for a few of the characters if the main couple gets together, it's not exactly your normal fluffy rom-com.

My heart sank for the characters when I saw Kang-woo go so dark - and yet I love the show even more. Because I like a story that's not afraid to push the limits and make viewers uncomfortable, if it's all resolved properly. Flawed and weak characters who make bad decisions are ok - even interesting to watch - as long as those characters have to face the fallout and pay the piper for their actions. As long as this incident isn't painted in a rosy light - which I don't think it will be - I won't break up with the show. In a sense it's ironic because Kang-woo thought it was a way to bring them closer together, that if they can't communicate with words they might do so with their bodies - but that obviously failed and it made the rift even wider and harder to cross.

And like you said, it was Myung-wol's decision. There was a split second where it seemed like Kang-woo was going to stop, like he was waiting for her to stop her, when she offered herself up - and then he was lost. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's what I saw. The morning-after-happy was probably just lingering endorphins... and those didn't last too long.

Also, Eric was AMAZING in this episode. I love him when he's funny, but he twists up my insides when he gets all dark and disturbed. I loved him (and hated him) in QSS.

I think Myung-wol will probably sacrifice/risk her life to save Kang-woo, and then he will make the decision to save her instead - and that's the only way they can reconcile, after having gone this far.


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YES! "I think Myung-wol will probably sacrifice/risk her life to save Kang-woo, and then he will make the decision to save her instead – and that’s the only way they can reconcile, after having gone this far."

I am really hoping we get a re-replay of that scene where they face off she shoots herself, or where she has to pick between KW and Ryu.

I don't think it'll end that way, meaning a final episode where they are dragging away corpses, but I do think it is headed that way for a spell.

I am not sure the writers had planned to go as dark as this, but these are not the funny spy days of KAOS and Get Smart. It is hard to write a romcom around actualy betrayal. You're just not gonna get laughs with that plot!


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Ooh, how awesome would it be to have an echo of the scene from Shiri 2, except this time the guns are real? This time, will he forgive her? Shoot her? Will she shoot herself?

Yup, agree. After all this isn't the usual rom-com conflict of jealous exes or The Misunderstanding that wouldn't die - it's big stuff. And I gotta say, it's nice to have an actual conflict with stakes for once.


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Jomo, this was my favorite comment of all time. Is there a like button around these parts? :)

Can I also add that, a lot of the things MW's done have been pretty shitty. From pretending that she loves him in the beginning to trying to force him to sleep with her, etc etc. If the roles were reversed, it would look really, really bad.

Can I also, also add that KW is not literally saying "Sleep with me to prove your love" but he's saying "Sleep with me so I can let go of all of my fucked up insecurities due to your blatant lies, because I really, really love you." Either way sleeping together doesn't PROVE anything but it's actually quite brilliant in the context of the show because they BOTH THINK it will prove something.

So we should all take a deep breath, settle down, and not think about that scene in the 1-dimensional manner that we media-literate folks have always perceived similar scenes. It's not an After-High-School-Prom situation starring the cocky jock and insecure teenage girl. It's a bit more complicated than that in this case.

Also, how AWESOME was Eric in this episode? I will be watching his other stuff QUITE soon.


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I read that Eric can't wait for this to end...he's heading over to Poseidon...


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this http://s630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2011/spy13/spy13-00379.jpg
and this
And I like Eric crossing over to the dark side, considering how well he does it. Bring on the twisted I say


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So she sleeps with him, and it's her first time, Kang Woo was so drunk he forgot to bring along a condom. Next week, omo! she finds out she's pregnant!!!!! *cue: ominous music*


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Yep! Because there is no such thing as that small tricky window of ovulation in Kdrama. K drama girls drop eggs constantly it seems.


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Aigoo~ i;ve watch this and i was noooo, noooo, nooooooooooo,, why?? aaaah~ now? this was like a semi slow killing style and now mollah~~ >.<


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Does any1 know the ratin for this episode? ThNks


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Still not that good:

Date Episode Nationwide Seoul
2011-07-11 01 9.6 (18th) 10.6 (13th)
2011-07-12 02 7.6 7.8 (19th)
2011-07-18 03 5.9 (<7.7)
2011-07-19 04 6.4 (<6.5)
2011-07-25 05 8.3 (16th) 10.0 (11th)
2011-07-26 06 7.6 8.7 (17th)
2011-08-01 07 7.3 (20th) 8.4 (14th)
2011-08-02 08 7.3 7.3 (20th)
2011-08-08 09 6.8 (<8.8)
2011-08-09 10 8.1 (20th) 10.1 (11th)
2011-08-15 Special 5.6 (<9.1)
2011-08-16 11 5.9 (<9.2)
2011-08-22 12 5.8 7.7 (19th)
2011-08-23 13 6.6 7.8 (19th)


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idk y its the best drama for a while...dear i say i think its better than city hunter. i would recommend this to anyone!!!


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*Gasp* The horror!


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Thanks for the way awsome recap!

But I stil gotta say that I don't compleatly agree with you. The sex scene in my opinion was okay. At first when he pulls her to the bed, it seems like he's just theatning and wants to know if she really loves him. I think he's testing if she's gonna push him away. Then Myung Wol says "if I do this, will you believe me?" quite desperatly. Then there's a pause before he replies, like he thinks if he really should do it or not. And when they kiss, he kisses her really softly and carefully. In the morning (after saying sorry an' all) they are happy, cause sex is something you usually do out of love and you feel good after it (spending a night with a person you really love). It is and isn't a way to prove your love, but people does it when they have a relaisonship. And they are adults, propaply at least 5-10 years older than most of the watchers. So I think it takes the plot forward and the fact that Ryu saw them, is a really important thing for his character. Just as at the mornig he came and said they need to leave. So he became pretty harsh, like in the beginning of the drama.

But still feeling bad for Ryu...


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i agree. i think he started it to prove to himself but was hoping shed push him away. he feels guilty but he cant help but like the fact that hes with the person he loves....i think that was the part that some ppl missed. i mean if it was me even if i was pissed if i woke up next to the person i love no matter what everything would be great....even if its just for 5 mins


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you have a point.. and if i may add my own explanation of why the morning after was made that way...

in the SMw world in my head, MW is a virgin. she was so focused only on being a soldier and was so clueless about romance and flirting as was shown in the first few eps, so i think it's safe to assume that she's a virgin. and based on KW's lines, he was so jealous of Ryu, he couldn't understand why MW lied to him for Ryu. so then maybe after they had sex and he found out that he was MW's first, it sort of gave him an assurance that MW's relationship with Ryu is not of the intimate kind. so maybe that soothes his jealous heart. that's probably also why he felt sorry for treating MW the way he has been. so in the morning-after-scene, KW was (not like himself) pleasant and the mood was light. as for MW (acting as if she has forgotten the whole drama that happened last night), i still don't get her. i've given up on trying to understand MW's reactions. =_=


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Maeby MW was happy about the fact that KW was in such a good mood, and that he had apologized. And you have to remember, that MW had given a really deep tought of sleeping with him in the earlier episodes. So she kinda was prepared for it, it wasn't a new thing for her


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okay....well its not consensual rape....its just the stupidness of 2 adults unable to figure anything out...i understand WHAT U MEAN BUT IT seems he was trying to convince himself more than her....i blame the movies she watched before..ryu getting his heartbroken is sad because the poor man doesnt know how to love as a normal person either....just like myung wol and kang u is too messed up to express anything. he feels like he'll be abandoned again which is even more sad </3 .....this whole show seems to be their inability to express love. as much as i dislike in ah she seems the only 1 who understands a bit about showing love outright...as twisted as she is.......KANG U <3 MYUNG WOL FIGHTING!! RYU....U CAN CRY ON MY SHOULDER....



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@jomo thanks much. Despite all the hoopla, i really want this drama's ratings to improve! Atleast it's not falling. :)


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i like the princess man better..=)


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What a fucked up drama. It totally lost its charm since the 1st slap in chap 5, now it just goes insane and psychotic, because I don't know if it works there in Korea, but in my country, people throwing everything that they have in their lives for the sake of love, like KW did, is NOT a proof of love, but is the act of forgetting yourself to pursue the other. Now, that he doesn't have much, he only has MW and is trying in a very psychotic way to posses her only to himself, since he doesn't care about anything else. Love here is equal to you give me your body to proof that you love me the same way I do. PEOPLE, sex is important, yes, it is, but it isn't even the half of what true love means, which in my own personal experience, means compreension and trust to the fullest. FUCK, if you ain't liking the way the girl acts, just talk to her, and say that you saw all the shit that she is doing, if she keep on lying, just kick her off of your life or accept the way she is, just DON'T go in the rape-mode on her, it just make everything else more sick. NOW, the people that is hurting and feeling the true love of KW, imagine the contrary, if everything he did was not a man doing, but a woman. WOULDN'T YOU THINK "HOW MUCH FREAKING SICK CAN SHE GETS? YOU STUPID WOMAN!"


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I thought it was a fluffy rom com... =.=?


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ikr. i've already forgotten that it's supposedly a rom-com (and in your words, a fluffy one at that). haven't seen much of the "-com" part. -_-


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there's not enough "rom" too... rape is not romantic... not at all...


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Thanks for the recap! :)


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i know i may be the oddball here, but i don't hate KW. i actually hate everyone else (well, except for ryu, i think). sure the sex thing is twisted and wrong and funny(?).. i mean, KW went through with it and even said, "Show me your heart." huh? by "heart" does he mean "naked body"? okay fine, he's not thinking straight, whatevs. although i enjoyed it because of my-new-obsession-eric, lol?

okay, so we've established that his actions are not to be condoned... but just think about what KW has been going through. the roller coaster of emotions he's been subjected to. he freaking chose myungwol over his hallyu star status. and by the way his character was made, that couldn't have been easy. he is proud and arrogant and acts like an ass because he feels he can 'cause he's a hallyu star. but he chose myungwol, hallyu star status be damned. and then later catch myungwol in the act of stealing from him (and then continuously lying about it). i know he's fictional, but i mean.. "has everything been about the book? so were her feelings all fake? dang, i was being played." - KW-me would say. the greater the love/trust, the greater the betrayal. so i totally get him. he was in pain, and the way he knows how to act out that pain is to be like an ass. haven't you guys experienced that feeling, like you're wanting someone to tell you the truth (or what you suspect to be the truth), yet not wanting that someone to prove your suspicions correct. it's like, "tell me, but no don't say it." i'm sorry but i sympathize with KW (or maybe it's because i'm too "in-obsession" with eric right now, idk).

and puhleeaase!! do the writers really understand what "spy" means. this drama's version of spies are just too infuriating!! spy = sarah walker or john casey (haha). but spy in this show equals stupid, dense, totally unsubtle morons. what kind of NK spies are totally oblivious that someone can see/hear them? (and it has happened not just once in this show!) and seriously, talking about spy stuff right inside KW's house when he can arrive any minute?! seriously! and MW being so stupid as not to deduce what KW has been passively-aggressively implying with his questions and actions.. seriously!! aaargggh!! and why didn't they concoct a solid story before jumping into this whole marry-KW-operation. they could have brainstormed and made up one unified story about MW's background. why are they so not prepared!??! they're supposed to be spies/ special agents, for the freaking love of eff!! .... sorry for that..

being lied to, being betrayed, when you've given so much.. it's just not one of my favorite feelings in the world.. i've been on the receiving end of that, so i'm sorry but i am on KW's side. add to that KW's almost-tears. when a man reaches the point of crying.. that's deep. after this episode i was just saying, "stop it, KW, just stop. it's too much. just leave her." .. but then if that does happen, we wouldn't have much of a story, would we? hehe.

i may be over-reacting a little too much, but i'm too invested in this show, i kinda hate myself actually. it's just a show, why am i so riled up?! gggrrrrr!!

eric, saranghae. ♥


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uh oh, haven't watched yet...but spike without a soul bad? oh my...


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Thanks for the recap. l have to read the recap first since eng sub has not out yet. But after reading it, l'm really lose my appetite interest to watch either ep 12 or 13. It seems like SWM is not SMW anymore. Anyhow, l'll wait for next Monday and Tuesday's episodes to see what is actually going on for that two characters.

Actually to be honest l've already stopped watching and just do the reading in JV since l hate to see slapping scene, it is really irritating without any apology. Until 13 episodes, all l have is frustration throughout this drama. Its some sort of drama that's just fulling the slot. No feelings and emotions shown just seems fake (except Ryu). Dear Director and writer, do something about SMW before the rating keep going down.

l need Protect the Boss to cheer me up after tearing my eyes with Scent of a Woman. But SMW, forget it.


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why do I have a feeling that this drama will not have a happy ending??


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MTE. :( i'm hoping against it, but the future is dark..

i would really want to see how the writers would wrap this up. if they made KW go to those extremes just for MW lying to him about her identity and about stealing the books, imagine how much darker he would go once he finds out about the NK stuff and about the plan to bring him to NK by seducing him. all will be lies in his eyes. how does one recover from that? if i were KW, i don't think i'd ever ever ever be able to forgive MW. how can they make a happy ending after all this drama? :(


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I agree with chanbb. But after all... a drama still is just a drama...


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Eric has acted Kang-woo's repressed anger and pain awesomely. Bravo Eric! Fighting!
Thanks Girlfriday, your recap is always enjoyable!


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I don't understand the outrage in the post or comments. People tend to be happy after sex because it's...sex. Women have been known to want to have it, even *gasp* enjoy it even though the reasons are stupid.

She planned to seduce him under false pretenses earlier in the show, she even threw him on the bed. So if KW is a "rapist" for asking her to sleep with him in a drunken state then she is too for deliberately trying to seduce him and pushing him on the bed despite his protest.


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Thank you for your level headed comments. It's the one or few in this thread that makes sense to me. I also can't understand why their "sex" act is considered rape. Do I morally condone what they did? NO. But she's supposed to be a spy, isn't she? Aren't spies willing to do whatever it takes to get their mission accomplished? True, her developed feelings for MW doesn't help.

But, she IS a spy, nonetheless, so if she really didn't want to go to bed with him, she should have had no problem karate chopping him to bits since he was already inebriated and probably off balance and this would have easily taken cared of him.

But in the end, I think she fell for his seduction because she wanted to, even though her brain was telling her that she'd probably regret it later and that this wasn't the right time to do it. But she acted with her heart rather than her head and allowed her feelings for him to override her objections and hesitations and to damn the consequences later. Not great thinking but sometimes one has to do what one feels at the moment it's happening. It would be great if we all had great foresight but we don't. We can only live in the moment and hope for the best and hope that whatever hits the fan, it won't be so horrible.


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definitely reminds me of Que Sera Sera, Eric is so good in this, and love the spy parents.


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Rape? Seriously? Am I watching another show?
He asked her to prove her love. SHE unbottoned her shirt, and SHE tottaly agreed on that. She should just go off over there, and let him be. Just like she pushed him in the forced kiss (Ruy on closet)
He didn't use force or violence.

The reason or way that was made, is wrong, there is no doubt for that, but a wrong-reasoned sex, to rape, is tottaly different


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That made me laugh . Over the years I've often thought I was watching a different show than everyone else. :) This time included.


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He pressured her, emotionally and physically. Right there, it becomes iffy on consent. Educate yourself.


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There is no way for rape, not even a bit.
She had a choice(s), and she made a choice.

So if someone asks you to sleep with him to prove your love, and you do, then he is raping you?
So half of the girls that dumping this jerks are clever, and the rest are raped for giving in?

She could kick his round ass, in the blink of an eye, she could have pushed him away like she already DID when he tried to kissed her (when Ruy was in closet), but she did nothing to prevent it this time. On the contrary SHE unbuttoned herself, and KW was even kissing her gently, and with fear, and he only continued when SHE responded on his kiss.
Let along the whole giggling faces after that.
There is not question for the consent of MW's part.

Of course the reason for them to sleep together was wrong, and all the circumstances, but rape? Woah !!!

And for the next time, please learn to be more polite. Just because you disagree with me on that matter, doesnt mean that ''I should educate myself''


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I can't understand a thing you're saying.


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How do you get "iffy" on consent? If she wanted to say NO, then she should have. It's RAPE after she says NO in whatever form and he doesn't STOP. Was he supposed to read her mind? Plus, this is a DRAMA and she is supposed to be a SPY - a hardened, tough ass-kicking SPY. She can't handle someone like KW? I've watched movies/shows where a spy without a weapon take on bad-ass enemies WITH GUNS and WIN. MW allowed herself to be in that situation because in the end she wanted to. Notice I didn't say it was good thinking on her part. But if she wanted KW to stop, she should have said it. If he continued to pressure her after that, then IT IS RAPE.


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If she wanted for him to stop she could have said so, not even use any physical force, coz even KW didn't use force in the first place..
But she didn't say NO, she didn't reacted negatively.
And she had a choice.

Also, while is not so important, SHE unbuttoned her shirt

And in order to ''stop'' something should have started. KW did nothing, before her unbuttoning shirt. While she did it, then he leaned to kiss her, and when she replied to his kiss, then he leaned more to her.

I am not sayin that this is a good action from KW, but this is not rape.


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Let's get this straight. She CAN'T say no to Kang-woo. 1) It's her mission. 2) She was feeling guilty. 3) It was literally her last chance/option to salvage a messy situation.

NONE of this makes for a healthy sexual experience, especially if she was a virgin. She didn't say no, fine. But he made it IMPOSSIBLE to say no. Seriously, how is this even being debated? Her willingness to sleep with him that night (when she'd pushed him away previously) is dubious at best.

And seriously, how enjoyable is sex with a disgustingly drunk dude? For a virgin? For ANYONE? Let's be real here.

Also, you guys need to stop bringing up "oh, she's a spy, she would've fought him off if she didn't want to have sex." No. He emotionally blackmailed her into, to be vulgar, spreading her legs for him.

He's irredeemable now.


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Are you serious? What an insult to her and to women who "REALLY" can't say no. Feeling guilty about HER deception and wanting to complete a mission does not a rape victim make. I seriously wonder why the heck some of you are so determined to make women so infantile and helpless in the face of external pressure.


Ι agree with imp.
Also, what of those 3 reason did KW know? Did he knew that she couldn't say ''NO'' and pressured her? How the hell did HE made it impossible to say no?

He didn't rape her in anyway. She agreed to sleep with him. Yes, the reason and the way was wrong, but that wasnt rape in any way.


I agree with Imp & vasou, KW doesn't know she's a spy on a mission and her feeling guilty toward him. We audience see all that but KW DOESN'T. He can't 'blackmail' her what he doesn't have knowledge of.

while I don't quite like what led up to the scene but I agree it's NOT rape. She is capable of saying NO or even fencing him off if she wanted to. If KW just wanted to have sex with her, he could easily had that when MW jumped him with her Great Wall of China operation in earlier episodes.

I actually feel sorry for this man. After being lied to & betrayed many times by MW, he still threw away a thriving career for her and what he got is her cozy up with another man and stole his his book (even though fake) for another man. I would be pissed if I were him too.


I learned something new from this drama, having sex means being love 0.0 well looks like I fell in love with many diffrent guys! Lol, the only word I can say to this episode is FUCK!


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* showing love


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Hahahaha! You go girl!


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I love this drama..


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that's it, i'm done watching this drama -.-


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I'm sorry to say but lot of the posts here are just exaggerated - its too much reaction from a simple scene. Some people just want to create more drama outside the drama. Tsktsk. What a waste of time. I don't even know why i'm wasting my breathe. Go on, go on. Rant all you want. Create some more media frenzy. Any publicity is good exposure. More!!!


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Hmm. I was shocked when I read the sex scene at first, but re-reading it, I think we're missing the big point here.
Kang woo is saying 'prove you love me'- but essentially, he's wanting to prove he can trust Myung-Wol. After all, you can love someone, but unless you trust them, it's very hard to take the next step. Yes, he was drunk, but it just means his emotions are intesified.
I think this scene was quite well done. Myung Wol can't tell Kang woo who she is- so instend, she is proving that she trusts him, and he can trust her- by giving herself to him. She consents- because she wants him to know her true self, something she can't actually reveal with words.
Well, that's my reading anyway ^^


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I can't believe Kang-woo! This is so bad! But it was about time he starts to figure stuff out. But will this mean that she tells him the truth? Everything? Every little detail that she's been hiding? True, if she told him she'd get in trouble with the North Korean guys, but still. Honesty is the best policy!

About the sex thing. I'm mad at Kang-woo for feeling the that it was the only way for her to prove her love. Dude. Come on. There are other ways to do that without getting physical. I'm also mad at Myung-wol for giving in like she did. WHY would you do that?! I'm so mad right now.

Where will the story go next week? What will happen to our characters? What will Myung-wol do? What will Kang-woo do? What will Ryu do? I don't know, but next week will tell us!

Thanks for the recap, GF!


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