KBS speaks about Myung-wol the Spy’s future at press conference

KBS held an emergency press conference on the 16th at their broadcast station, to address the issue of Han Ye-seul’s departure from Monday-Tuesday drama Myung-wol the Spy.

  • Presiding was KBS’s drama department chief, Go Young-tak, as well as other executives EP Lee Kang-hyun and CP Jung Sung-hyo.
  • Their official stance was that Han acted “irresponsibly” and independently, in such a way that they can’t tolerate the reason for her actions. Go stated that the station “cannot accept that she refused to shoot based on discord with producers.”
  • Go called Han’s reasons for leaving the drama — the killer schedule and the late, piecemeal script deliveries — “an excuse” because “Myung-wol the Spy‘s schedule is not more arduous than other dramas.”
  • He denied that the drama was behind schedule or putting out script pages late. The scripts were released in bound form, not loose pages (loose pages is what happens when they’re so behind that the writer churns out pages rather than full scripts at a time). (Note: There were previous rumors that the drama was already in loose-script mode.)
  • CP Jung confirmed that Han made the request early on for a five-day workweek and stated that they made concessions to reduce her schedule and let her out of shoots to film CFs, but also stated that the reality of live-shooting dramas requires the lead actress to shoot long hours.
  • CP Jung added that Han didn’t want to act with certain actors, and scripts were revised when she didn’t want to do physical gags. “We did everything she asked.”
  • CP Lee said that he spoke with Han on the phone on the 13th, who said that the producers were ostracizing her on set. Lee told her that it didn’t make sense for producers to alienate their leading actress, and that they were probably just upset that she was late.
  • Lee added that Han had a positive reaction prior to the broadcast. “However, after seeing Episodes 1 and 2, she seemed dissatisfied with the result, which didn’t live up to her expectations. She also had complaints about her character, such as the physical gags and the personality that was limited to cheerfulness.”
  • KBS stated their intention to see the drama through the end.
  • A new actress will be brought in to replace Han if necessary.
  • Go added, “Actually, KBS was waiting for Han Ye-seul to return through it all. If she returned by Sunday night, the Monday broadcast would have been possible, and if she returned Monday the Tuesday broadcast would have been possible. Even now, although we don’t expect that she’ll return to Korea, if she were able to film Episode 13 and the situation could continue as planned, we would consult with the production company. If that’s the best [Han could offer], we would choose it.”

Han Ye-seul upon arrival in LA

Other points:

  • As of the 15th, less than 50% of this week’s intended episodes had been filmed.
  • Monday’s episode was pre-empted for a (pointless) special, which was basically the drama’s first 10 episodes condensed into the hour in an extended highlight reel.
  • The drama resumed shoots on the 16th with the other cast members. Apparently they intend to air an episode as scheduled for Tuesday evening. (How they will manage that, I have no idea.)
  • Han’s early-morning arrival in LA on the 16th was confirmed, and she spoke with an SBS program, Entertainment Tonight upon her arrival to say, “I left everything behind. I hope that as a result [of my departure], the other actors will be able to film in a better environment.”
  • Production company Lee Kim Productions has stated its intent to go after Han for civil and possibly also penal suits.
  • Han’s own agency, Sidus HQ, also plans to sue for damages, in conjunction with the producers.
  • Advertisers are also likely litigants; some of the companies she has been contracted to endorse have also expressed the possibility of filing lawsuits.
  • The fate of Han’s next movie, Penny-Pinching Romance with Song Joong-ki, is unclear. The film completed shooting a few months ago and is currently scheduled for a fall release.
  • Rumors are therefore rampant that Han intends to retire. Chances are, that choice is out of her hands now.

Yeah, it looks pretty bad for Han. Keep in mind that we haven’t heard her side of the story, and perhaps we won’t. And I wish I didn’t have to say it again, but it never hurts to repeat: Keep comments civil and keep the mudslinging to a minimum, please. No, scratch that — a minimum isn’t good enough. Let’s go for zero, shall we?

Via Yonhap News, Star News, TV Report, Star News


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I can understand and sympathize with her for the situation (as we see it now, not knowing her side of the story), but leaving the drama halfway is unfair to every other person who works on the show - the actors, the PDs, the writers, the stunt team, the wardrobe and make-up people, even the janitors, etc. Everyone who works on this show is up the preverbial creek right now because she took off so I'm really hoping that she had a VERY good reason to be hurting all of these other people.

I really liked this show and I'm sad that this had to happen, I really hope some resolution can come from this.


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i agree with you,leaving the drama halfway is unfair to everyone who involved with drama making..because everyone try to feed their family with their work.so now how to survive if there no job..im not pointing to only HYS,but practically before shooting she already know what she will dealing with,rite?im HYS fan since couple or trouble,but i dont want she turn this way to protect her right..i still believe we have another way to deal with the problem.even she want to retire from the industry she still need to finish what she already start.but still we dont know what happen in her side,just hope that she will explain anything,whatever reason is,still acceptable..peace no war!:)


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I don't get her, she's a korean actress what does she expect?

This is like a formula 1 driver pulling over half way through the race and complaining that they're making him drive too fast


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ha2x.... that is so truuuuueeee... love how you described it


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I think you forgot..they forced her to be a formula1 driver when she clearly wanted a parade pace lol.


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well she made herself very famous this time!!! everybody knows her now!!!

i feel like bad for the cast that work with her.. especially eric!!! read in allkpop that he's the middleman in the set , he's the one persuading her to continue shooting

i feel so mad after i read the line that after ep2 the rating is not up to her prediction she lost interest !!! imagine the ppl ard her are trying ever harder when they saw the rating not doing well ~~~

how i wish that the rating for this drama would shoot to no.1 spot next week so we all know it's her FAULTH!!!
but this is miracle


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Everyone knew her before. She's very very famous.


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Oh my goodness! HYS left the country?!

I hope HYS is OK but now I really feel more for the other actors in Myung-wol the Spy and Song Joong-ki who filmed Penny-Pinching Romance with her.


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Awww, i really really really wanted to watch penny-pinching romance...



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Me too.


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I pity KBS..with all the rumor about Kang Hodong and PD Na leaving 1n2d...and now this. If I'm the CEO of that company...I will surely go nucking futs right now.


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nucking futs huh?



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you know what i mean...i don't want to directly curse here or else they might erase my comment or worse ban me in commenting. ^_^


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Thank you JB for the update =)
I anticipate a new chapter for this real life drama come tomorrow morning. Ohhhhh the dramadrama.


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I don't know about you guys, but I am very,very,very,very,very sad that I won't get to see Myung Wol Spy end the way that it should have.Putting all this drama aside,I just want my kdrama!I really liked this series,and oh!the!potential!Especially after that last episode...*runs to the corner and sobs.


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But don't you think it'd be dramatic if she fakes her death and comes back with ps? That would be an interesting twist, it could fit in easily if they find an actress that has the same amount of chemistry.


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I was sad to see the troubles the show was facing and worried about HYS (come on, someone doesn't do something this radical unless pushed to a breaking point - she's no newbie, she's been in films and dramas for a while so things must have really gotten out of hand for her to do this now) and the rest of the cast, 'tis a messy situation all around.

But finding out that Song Joong Ki's film might be in danger, and it's obvious a shadow will be cast over it in terms of public reception even if it does get released, well, now I'm hurtin' inside.


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maybe she left because she got a decent hollywood offer? i can hope, can't i? i agree with whoever said that her leaving the country is better than suicide.

she is luminous as myung wol but as a viewer i'll get over it.


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The fundamentals of the live-shooting system is seriously broken. Even if the production is going as "normal" as other productions, the working conditions for everyone involved must still be very brutal. I do not buy KBS' argument that their doing everything they can to appease Han is enough on their part. The Korean live-shooting system is simply inhumane and irresponsible.

If we want to stop future obstructions like this, blaming Han Ye Seul's diva attitude is inadequate and kind of pointless. I think Han makes it clear that she'd like to make her departure a statement against the live-shooting system. For that, I bow to her.

For the rest of her story, I have no judgments. There's so much we don't and will never know in the dark.


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Aye aye!


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she could have made her point about the live-shoot system by........not doing the drama in the first place, instead of quitting half way through


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shes making her point BECAUSE she did the drama (which is liveshooting)



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South Korea seriously has to re-think its work habits. Long hours are a burden for family life as much as for health.
No wonder South Korea has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world (1,2 children per women).


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....So you're saying happy countries have far more then 1 or 2 children per woman....Do you realize how that sounds?

Women aren't apple trees or cattle....they don't have to produce more then 1 or 2 kids to have their country deemed as having lovely work environments and their fertility functioning splendidly.

How did you even tie those together? A live shoot drama production and fertility rates? I think you should reconsider that point.


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I agree. The two points are completely unrelated. Most 3rd world countries gave very high birth rate and its not because of lovely work environments.


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I agree, but yeah, your last point about the birthrate is kind of moot. There may be some connection, but low fertility rates are characteristic of most developed countries in general, even those with healthier work habits.


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HYS's behavior has set a precedent on this live-shoot system... this system seems set to stay for now but to save their asses, the companies might impose heavier penalties on actors/actresses who leave unilaterally or without valid reasons... it seems actresses are no longer afraid of making a point through drastic actions... there might be more of such cases in the future... whether professional behaviour or not...


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Very well-said. In that case, off to episode 7 of Spy Myung Wol!


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I find it hard to believe that Han Ye Seul would put herself in this position on purpose, unless she had a really good reason. She would probably know the consequences of walking out on a drama midway through, which in my experience is unprecedented. It looks like relations between her and the producers were bad from the start, but I wonder what really escalated the feud.
Whoever's to blame, she's taking the majority of the flak.


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to bad she decided to stop filming when the story is at its peak... :( I am looking forward to how the story would turn on since they knew each other's feelings.... i wont judge anyone since i havnt head the other side... but she did make a HUGE mistake but maybe she has reasons maybe she doesnt, all i would like to see is the ending to this drama which i grew up to like!!!


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I hate the fact that this is how she chose to stand against the filming system, but it does need to be said. I feel so sorry for Eric and the cast and crew, they are going to be so hurt by this. But something does need to change, and maybe this will start something good within the industry. Although that's probably wishful thinking.


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thumb up :)


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Poor thing. I wonder if she knew the repercussions of her actions. There goes her acting career.

As for Myung Wol the drama, the show must go on.

Another actress to replace Myung Wol would be awful unless they find a Myung Wol look-a-like actress.

Best is that Myung Wol dies bec of the gun shot and another agent is sent to replace her. This would make the transition easier, although a major change of script.

Alternatively, Myung Wol dies and Eric goes on a journey on trying to discover who Myung Wol was; the piecing together of the mystery of the books; etc. These could be done in a few episodes but at least, it will have a decent ending.


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Hm...I can not find she acted wrong, maybe just a bit unwise.

What I understand from the PD side is that there were conditions for her beeing in this drama. And they did not meet them. She had to accept them grudging and always asked for a change.

I think something happened that went her overboard. Something what wasn't told us or isn't significant for others but for her.

Remember me at the Park Shin Yang's issue about War of money salary that ended him banned instead paid like promissed.


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And the plot thickens. Now HSY said that she's going to return to Korea soon and resume filming..?


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How many buses can you throw one woman under? Let's find out!

Whatever the circumstances, her reasons, and the outcome, I wish Han Ye-seul the best.


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I completely agree.

KBS seems to be going at all lenghts to take Han Ye Seul down. I still can't figure out why it's necessary to sue her for criminal charges.

That's ridiculous!


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Like, even if she DID just throw a tantrum (which I find very difficult to believe), this just seems way, way too overboard. The constant maligning of her character and insistence that they did nothing wrong? Civil AND criminal suits? The very little they've done to counter the misinformation and gossip?

Ugh, IDK, maybe I'm just stanning too hard, but it just comes off like they're trying to brow beat her into submission (and she IS coming back now) or to pin all wrongdoing on her so nobody looks at them. (Hahaha, maybe I need to adjust my stan hat so it isn't quite so tight.)


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Can I just say I love you guys?


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Civil suits, yes.

Criminal? That's just a buncle of executive anger talking. On what grounds? It won't pan out.

KBS probably won't sue Han directly. They'll sue the production company and maybe her agency.

Oy vey.


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A+ comment. <3


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i just read on soompi that she want to go back filming


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This hoopla could have been lessened if she just 'fainted' at a shoot, and rested in a hospital. The media attention would probably have brought about a lighter workload.


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I could see that!


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they've released the preview for ep 11... http://youtu.be/pmPPs09oYMg


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OH. Okay, you know what would solve all their problems? Have MW flee with Ryu to NK and end the show.



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I expected things to go down this way already.

With that said, I'm ready to move on with the drama. Bring on the next actress, but hopefully it will be a suitable actress. Han Ye Seul played Myung Wol at best, therefore, I hope they just don't find a simple actress.

My choice is still Yoon Eun Hye or Shin Min Ah but considering they're both busy, I doubt this will happen.


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She's coming back!!! ^^


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This is horrible... for everyone involved. HYS, KBS, the crew, the cast, the writers, and Eric, I mean, ERIC, poor Eric, it's like he is cursed or something, his projects are either troubled from the get go, or never gets a go at all.

Whatever did that PD do to HYS? HYS just hopping on a plane to LA was really impulsive, like she's running away from it all, so she and the PD must have had some effed up argument/butting of heads. Either that or the rumours that she wanted to retire and get hitched are true. But she should have gone out with a bang, and a good kind of bang, not this bang, this is bad.

I wonder how they are gonna turn the drama around... Its the best K-drama I've seeb this year, with all the Bringing Up Baby-esque screwball comedy going around. It will be such a pity if MYTS goes down into the pits.


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thanks for the update. this is the first time that I seen dramabeans had 3 articles on one drama in consecutive days.

I have been heartbroken since yesterday. I am not sure how all these will turn out. I really hope she returned.

Its just like the ending of ep 10, when kang woo said: just stay here, whatever you want I will give it to you, I will forgive you....

but then even if she come back, I am not sure how I will view the drama from now on. I can now understand why some beautiful woman are viewed ugly by some. when the heart is ugly, everything is ugly.


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From the audience POV, I just want KBS to scrap SMW altogether. It's pointless to keep it going now.
But from the SJ fan POV, I want them to just keep going, to keep Poseidon more time to film, so that we can at least get to keep Siwon on some music show stages (since we can't have him in all).
So now I'm all conflicted D: The show's only going to end up even crazier than it already is right now, rawr.


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Well the latest report seems to be that she's rushing back back from LA to resume filming the show & hence KBS will not be replacing her. Apparently her mum flew in early this morning to negotiate with her company & to understand the situation. There maybe some resolution to the problem afterall...
Let's keep our fingers crossed!


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lmao at people who think she's trying to stand up for something.

Running back to set. Her company claims she was "too tired" to be rational. Uh huh.... I'm buying that one.


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she had her "moments" ok? maybe shes taking consideration of other people whose suffering by her decisions..

i dont she has a choice..her integrity and pride has been lambasted upside/down.. GO HYS,

fuck her agency..they can say what ever the fuck they want. they've never been with her anyway..until now...


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This is the untranslated version (from STAR NEWS i think):
한예슬 소속사 "한예슬 신속히 귀국..현장 복귀"
[이데일리 스타in 양승준 기자]KBS 2TV `스파이명월` 촬영을 거부하고 돌연 미국으로 출국한 배우 한예슬이 곧 귀국한다.

한예슬 소속사 싸이더스HQ는 16일 공식 보도자료를 내 "(한예슬이)최대한 신속히 귀국해 현장에 복귀, 최선을 다해 끝까지 촬영에 임하도록 하겠다"고 밝혔다.

한예슬 측근에 따르면 실제 한예슬은 귀국 준비를 하고 있다. 한국에 돌아올 가장 빠른 비행기 편을 알아보고 있다는 게 한예슬 측근의 말.

한예슬 소속사는 `한예슬 사태`에 대해 먼저 "한예슬과 소속사 모두 큰 책임감을 느끼고 있다"며 사과했다.

그리고 "당시 한예슬이 바쁜 촬영 스케줄로 인해 심신이 상당히 많이 지쳐 있는 상태였다"며 "그런 상태에서 촬영을 강행하다 보니 판단이 흐려져 이처럼 많은 분께 손해를 끼치게 되었다"고 했다.

한예슬은 연출을 맡은 황인혁 PD와 갈등을 빚고 14일 촬영을 거부한 후 15일 미국 LA로 떠나 파문이 일었다


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Give me a sec, I'll translate it.
Title: Han Ye Seul's Representative: "Han Ye Seul will be return home soon and come back on site"


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It's 이데일이 스타in. I don't think that's the same as 스타뉴스

Anyway: The actress Han Ye Seul who broke off the filming of KBS 2TV's 'MyongWol the Spy' and abruptly departed for America is coming home.

Han Ye Seul's management, SIDUS Hq's official statement: "Han Ye Seul is coming back as quickly as she can and will attend filming until the end of the drama.

Han Ye Seul is preparing to come home at this time according to her representatives. They are getting the fastest plane for her to return to Korea.

Her representation first apologized about her situation that they "feel a great sense of responsibility".

And also, "At that time, Han Ye Seul with her busy schedule, was in a different state of mind and was in a condition of breaking down" and "And in that continuing situation, she was not able to judge clearly and in this manner cause difficulties for many people".

Han Ye Seul came into conflict with Hwang In Hyuk PD, quitting filming on the 14th after, on the 15th going to LA causing a stir.


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Thanks dear! :)


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So sad, It's a drama in a drama.

I just can't imagine how much money she has to pay for the penalty.

Hopefully she has a strong excuse for it so it won't end her career in korea.


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So she's coming back now (according to the latest news)?

*rolling eyes* Well, well, well, that was an "interesting" beginning of a week...


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In all seriousness, I just think the whole situation is just so sad. Sad for the actress, sad for the crew and all who were affected, sad for the netizens who started calling names, sad for the whole situation and the reality of the working conditions in the Korean entertainment industry...


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“I left everything behind. I hope that as a result [of my departure], the other actors will be able to film in a better environment.”

WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN??? How is her departure beneficial towards filming in a "better environment"? THEY CAN'T EVEN FILM BECAUSE YOU LEFT WOMAN!


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first 1N2D, now Spy? KBS must really be f***ed up...


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You forgot about the Lesbian thing and the JYJ thing. I'll say it again....this is not a good year for KBS. >.>


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There is that thing about any publicity being able to be good publicity...hope it works out with this drama in drama.


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I was anticipating for this show... but now it seems that I'll drop it if they have to change the lead actress... Dang... wth is she even thinking? Well... I guess I'll just see Heartstrings... sigh...


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Err... ok now I'm really confuse.... Why should she said that she will throw up everything and then now she will come back again? This case really have something hidden in it...


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HYS.....I believe life is like a "Rollercoaster" but it didn't mean you have to jump from "rollercoaster" and "hit the bottom" just because it "scary" or annoyed by all the "loudly scream". Arrows are pointed at you now whether for right reason or wrong. Don't ruin your beautiful career for nothing. I don't want you to "hit the bottom" like Gu Ae Jung (Best Love) .... see,even Dokko Jin mentioned your name as Top Star in the wine bar. So,... take the responsibility and return home b'coz you have a long list of homework to do...... After finish it, you can decide what to do next.....


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I watched the beautiful spy interview.I cann't believe she left the team. she cann't be such a irresponsible woman. she was happy for being in this team and was laughing most of the time. There must be a good reason for her acting here...she did her best in 10 episodes I've watched. judging her from just one perspective is not ideal I guess. I'm really looking forward to hearing her words. I hope everything will settle down soon.Certainly replacing another actress for her affects on this drama.I don't like this idea at all...


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hi guys! i don't know if this is true, but i just got the news:)



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oops i'm so sorry I didn't know the link was posted in the previous comments. SORRY FOR THE SPAM!


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If she really is returning, what will the mood be like on set? If she was protesting the live-shoot system, then why didn't she go all the way and not bother returning? Damn....I wish I knew what was really going on in her head. Its hard to believe an actress would just throw everything away with no good reason.


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I agree with you. The environment on this set may not be good enough to continue...................................


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this is more of a drama than the drama itself =p


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I think she should go back and tell the true why she leave the drama set.
If she tell the true, all party can find solution for the rest episode.

I hope she didn't get pregnant or something worsen.


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so acc. to Koala her mom flew, while HYS was on her way to LA, to Seoul to do some damage control? she's apparently met with the Sidus and the show's reps!


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i just totally feel for eric since this is his comeback drama :'((


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This is getting really crazy. I've never witnessed a situation where the leading actress leaves a drama in mid broadcast.


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maybe she should just quit Korea and do porn in the U.S


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how profounding


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I was going to catch up on this drama, as I only watched a few episodes... but I guess I'll have to wait and see it's fate before I bother, eh? :\


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Aigooo, I can't believe that this week there won't be any Myung-wol the Spy! My life is ruined.... I used to watch it on Tuesday and Wednesday after work, but now I can't..... C'mon Myung-wol the Spy asap recover!!!!!!!!!!


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I think I might be on Han Ye Seul's side. But honestly, it's sad her career will be over now, she's going to be blacklisted after this. On the bright side, she returned home almost-healthy, no broken bones (well, not that I heard of :P). I kinda do believe that she might've been ostracized tbh. But anyway, I wish her the best. I think I might have to drop Myung Wol the Spy. I can't picture it not being a crap load of a mess when it's lead actress has poofed (not that I'm saying it's success is all due to Han Ye Seul, I'm just thinking of the crazy plot points they'll need to inject to smooth things out, and bringing in someone new and pretending it's the same person isn't going to cut it, Show, you will NOT be fooling anyone or moreso the ratings :P).


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reminds me of LEE DA HAE in EAST OF EDEN who withdrew with short notice....


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LEE DA HAE is the pioneer in this trend of "surprising withdrawal from dramas" .. han ye seul follow suit
this shows that these actresses are not resilient enought to go thru these dramas as these dramas were no longer promising in their view.. they want success.but do not want to persevere...life has its own ups and downs..they can't expect their dramas to be top all the time..


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Not a fan of LDH but at least she gave more notice to the team and allow for script changes for transitioning through the plot. This is quite a different fish altogether.


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I love how LDH haters find every opportunity to throw her under the bus. You guys are so pressed, seriously, enough to post under multiple names. If anything this situation is showing how professional LDH delt with her departure from EOE. Did she flee? No. She and the production for that drama agreed to have her character written out of that drama. She left only after she had completed all her filming obligations for EOE. I can see how people can liken what happened with LDH and EOE to what is transpiring now (eventhough the situation and likely aftermath is a lot different), but how anyone can not see that LDH went about the matter much more preferrably to what has gone down with HYS and SMW is beyond me.

People insulted LDH so much back then. Even javabeans was the first to call her out on it. Honestly, this is much worst, but the reaction is so different including that of javabeans'. I hope people realize now how unfairly they were judging LDH back then.


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took he words right out of my mouth


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so true. the comments were so harsh back then, i'd be depressed too if i was LDH. but look at this now, all sorts of theories come out backing HYS when nobody accept w/e reasons given by LDH back then. sad. very sad.


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Is this news true? :))


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This is the content:

Han Ye Seul announced that she will return to the drama set.

On the 16th, Han’s agency said, “Han will return to the drama set and do her best until the end. We are truly sorry for what happened and we are responsible for it.”

Han’s agency, sidus HQ wrote wrote their feeling below.

Hello, it’s sidusHQ.

First of all, we are truly sorry for causing troubles.

Han and sidusHQ are responsible for it.

Han was exhausted at the time due to her busy schedules. Even though she needed to rest, she had to shoot the drama so she couldn’t think properly and caused many problems. We are sorry again for what happened.

Han will come back to Korea and shoot the drama as soon as possible and do her best.

I have no words to apologize to all of you.

Source: TV Report from Nate

(I'm not sure about this. I just wanted to share ^^;)


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