Kang Ho-dong to quit 1 Night 2 Days?
by girlfriday
Nooooooooooo! What the hell is going on over there, KBS? Gagman and MC Kang Ho-dong has just announced that he plans to leave hit variety show 1 Night 2 Days, and has notified PDs that he’ll be wrapping up by the end of this month. He’s kidding, right? This is some sick, cruel joke?
The Happy Sunday PDs are reportedly scrambling to do everything they can to convince him to stay, which means the decision’s not really set in stone. This makes me wonder if it’s just a bit of a power play, especially now that Kang Ho-dong has gone solo with his own one-man agency and therefore stands to make a great deal more money if his contract gets renegotiated. Listen, I don’t care if you have to buy him one of those tiny islands or something. Just DO IT.
Kang Ho-dong has been the main MC on KBS’s Happy Sunday: 1 Night 2 Days since its start four years ago in August 2007. Since then it’s climbed to the top ratings spot on Sunday nights, which has long been the coveted power seat of variety shows. He reportedly wants to leave while the show is at the top, which sounds like entertainment doublespeak to me. Who goes out when they’re the top dog? Either he knows something we don’t know, or he’s more of a mastermind than Na PD is.
Everyone, including the head of the network, is scrambling to change his mind. Seriously, people — scramble harder. Who would scare Seung-gi and make him cry? What would Su-geun do without his weekly beating? Who would tell Jong-min and Tae-woong to do better? WHAT WOULD BABY BEAR DO WITHOUT PAPA BEAR?
Fix it, people. Or we will have words.
Via Star News
Tags: 1N2D, Kang Ho-dong
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51 m2
August 10, 2011 at 5:28 AM
I want to cryyyyyyyy............ What would 1N2D become if there is no Ho Dong??
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52 bakedshrimp
August 10, 2011 at 5:33 AM
This is such shocking news! But girlfriday, it's unspoken rule in entertainment that you leave as a legend if you leave while it's still hot/ as a top dog.
Ho-dong's just wise that way.
But really, what is 1N2D without Kang Ho-dong??
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53 Angielee
August 10, 2011 at 5:54 AM
No no no no...this can't be another Family Outing. Please no.I just started watching =( huhuhu
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54 Jen
August 10, 2011 at 5:57 AM
Pretty much as everyone else has said here, there is no 1n2d without Hodong. Which again, no!
However more than anything else, I hope this decision hasn't arisen due to health issues or anything else along those lines...
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55 lenrasoon
August 10, 2011 at 6:15 AM
damn! i didn't expect that.
seriously if Ho Dong leaves the show it's pretty much over (we saw the same thing happening when Yoo Jae Suk leaved Family Outing).
i don't really know what happened for him make this harsh decision but it's stupid to leave hit show like that when he know he is the spirit of the show and Seung gi even quit the idea of leaving just because he didn't wanted to harm the show.
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56 Cam
August 10, 2011 at 6:17 AM
O_____O WHAAAAAAAAATTT???!!!! Is......Kang.....Ho.....Dong.......leaving.....soon?!!!
I don't know what to do IF you leave this show, what will happens to all of people like us lose their interest to this Korean reality shows WITHOUT Kang Ho Dong, huh? O_o Oh aigoo, aigoo!!!!
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57 Lucia
August 10, 2011 at 6:20 AM
** (staggers & fell on the floor & faints) **
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58 fiona
August 10, 2011 at 6:21 AM
OMG OMG OMG if KHD ever quit the show would rather end...
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59 Ubo
August 10, 2011 at 6:39 AM
Yessssssssssssss you will get over it and then wondered what's all the fuss about with all the "Noooooooooooosssssseeeesssss" - this I guarantee.
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60 misachan
August 10, 2011 at 7:19 AM
BUT BUT I JUST started watching 2D1N when taewoong joined!!!!!
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61 jenny
August 10, 2011 at 7:21 AM
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62 Irene Lim
August 10, 2011 at 7:51 AM
It's no fun without Kang Ho-dong hosting the show.
I really can imagine the 1N2D entertainment show without Kang Ho-Dong around.
I mean for what reason mr Kang Ho-Dong suddenly tell the viewers that he is gonna stop entertaining 1N2D show?
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63 DNH
August 10, 2011 at 8:04 AM
The economy, falling stocks... and now THIS? I'm not sure I can handle much more madness this week.
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64 wawa
August 10, 2011 at 8:10 AM
nooo... i dont want Ho Dong to go.. I taught that Jiwon want to leave show since he said he want to quit being celebrity during the 1N2D episode where he dug the potato... I'm not expecting Ho Dong to leave ye... I love all 1N2D's member, PDs and staff... I dont want any of them to go.. Please!!! Kang Ho Dong, dont leave!!! The pain when Mong and Kim C left is still there you know....
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65 Lizzie
August 10, 2011 at 8:20 AM
Maybe the won him money? Like they didn't pay his and he decided to leave the show??? OMG....
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66 Tweety
August 10, 2011 at 8:40 AM
NOOOOOO!!!!! 1N2D wouldn't be the same!!!! :(
And to make matters worse Lee Seung Gi said he's leaving for the army at the end of this year :(
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67 ajewell
August 10, 2011 at 9:04 AM
This is horrifying. I may just cry.
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68 Yuki (the one who fangirls A.N.JELL with her mom)
August 10, 2011 at 9:17 AM
OMG please tell me this isn't true T__________T
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69 Arhazivory
August 10, 2011 at 9:30 AM
Or maybe it wasn't and he changed his mind and they're tagging it as a rumour. Who cares?! KANG HO DONG is staying! My day has been soooooo blue and I woke up thinking it was a nightmare. Turns out it really was and I can dry my tears now. I <3 Ho Dong. He needs to sign a lifetime contract like Ji Won did. XD
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August 10, 2011 at 9:35 AM
Na PD has spoken so let us all rejoice that KHD is going no where!!
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August 10, 2011 at 2:11 PM
You're going to trust Na PD?
On allkpop?
Yeah, I'll believe it when I hear javabeans or girlfriday say it. (Or, you know, other reliable people.)
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August 10, 2011 at 4:50 PM
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Yuki (the one who fangirls A.N.JELL with her mom)
August 10, 2011 at 10:06 AM
Yeah seriously, they need to make every one of members sign a 100 year contract with the show XD
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August 10, 2011 at 1:04 PM
srry but i'll believe it whenits from somewhere NOT ALLKPOP
allkpop has hardly been credible; they often jump the gun to quickly
maybe nate, osen?
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70 stars4u
August 10, 2011 at 9:35 AM
1N2D will not be 1N2D without Kang Ho-dong!!! NOOOO!!!
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71 momogi
August 10, 2011 at 9:43 AM
Even I who never watch the show (yet), know that Kang Ho Dong is the heart of 1N2D. He can't leave the show, he NEEDS the show and SHOW NEEDS HIM. Their relationship based on mutualism symbiosis.. It can't happen...
If this is going to be real, WE need to make some kind of petition or something. We Must!!
Oh No, this is shocking!!!!!
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72 Fafa
August 10, 2011 at 9:49 AM
I can't imagine this show without Kang Ho Dong!
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73 renzillag
August 10, 2011 at 10:09 AM
Omg nooooooooooooooo how can this be??? He can't leave- hes the main mc!!! The show will be horrible without him!!!!! Please let this be proven untrue!!!
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74 SweetiePie54
August 10, 2011 at 10:37 AM
What! WHHHHAAAAAATTTTTT!!! This can't happen. 1N2D is one of my fav show and while I love the other 5 guys so so much there isn't a show without Hodong. If he leaves I just don't know what I will do with myself.
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75 show2007
August 10, 2011 at 10:56 AM
Oh NO...a BIG NO NO NO...how could he leave? No matter how much I adore Seung Ki or Tae Woong. It will be different w/o Ho Dong Shiii. He is the main support for the show and no one else within the 2N1D cast has this kind of leader ability. The rest can't lead the show by his own self. I wish Ho Dong can reconsider. If it is the matter of money just give it him.
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grace, the one from Jersey, USA
August 10, 2011 at 11:27 AM
Thanks to the English subtitles, :)
I've seen a number of these shows and really
enjoyed them, but three in particular stand out:
1. The gang went to this little one-horse-town.
Actually, it was a tiny fishing village, so there
weren't ANY horses around. Just (mostly) very
elderly people, living a hard life.........
So that night, they had a talent show starring
the residents, and the "star" was an elderly
Everyone was falling over from laughter........
But the next morning when it was time to leave
KHD called the couple that he had stayed with
"grandmother" and "grandfather" and promised
that he would return to visit them with his family.
I can't remember which of these 3 people were
crying the most. A very touching episode.
2. The gang climbed a killer flight of steps carved
into the side of some mountain to get to some
important-to-Korean-history lake (name ?). It sat
right on the border with North Korea, and nobody
was allowed to "plant" a small Korean flag on
the South Korean side of the lake. ANOTHER very
touching episode. No laughs, but...........
3. The gang held a beauty contest. The winner
wasn't too much of a surprise since two of the
contestants had beards. Oh, did I forget to
mention that THE GUYS were wearing long wigs,
and STRAPLESS evening gowns. The "talent"
portion of the pagent was to hit a metal target
with a sledgehammer and see if the strength
of the hit could make a "thing" go up a measured
chart to ring a bell. Needless to say, the tops of
the strapless ballgowns kept falling down. I'm
still laughing at this episode just thinking about it.
These guys modestly "yanking" up their fashion
statements was funny beyond belief......
Great show! I hope that it runs forever!
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76 halfmoon
August 10, 2011 at 11:16 AM
Of course the agencies, representatives or KHD himself could state that this was a rumor…
Part of me really wants him to stay. 1N2D would not be the same without him. But the other part of me thinks there’s got to be a reason (for which we don’t know the details of) to this incident. Especially if there's already been a similar one in the past... If he indeed stays with 1N2D, I truly hope things will work out for him. I wouldn’t want him to stay if that would make him feel unhappy or miserable.
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77 seradante
August 10, 2011 at 12:57 PM
If KHD leaves, there will be some damage done to his "image". Regardless of whether 1N2D continues to exist and whether it continues to be successful or not or stops running, the blame will be put on KHD.
For this case, I think maintaining the status quo would be the best scenario.
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78 rilanna
August 10, 2011 at 1:01 PM
well... all the more power to him! he is one of korea's top 3 best mc, right. (yoo jae suk is #1 for me, srry pig king ^^)
besides, seung gi is still hosting with kang hodong on strong heart, right? i like sbs better anyways...
kbs has been making bad decisions since almost the beginning of 2011, and it doesnt surprise that bad karma is coming back to haunt them; its hard for me to forgiving and forget how kbs has lost my respect for them in the passing months >xP
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79 Chillout
August 10, 2011 at 1:08 PM
Chill out people. Apparently it's not true. There was a previous rumor about his departure before and.. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!
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August 10, 2011 at 1:11 PM
again, allkpop...
do you have another MORE CREDIBLE source?
sorry, but i dont easily believe in allkpops reporting...
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August 10, 2011 at 1:29 PM
I'm not going to believe that it is just a "rumor" until another source confirms it is.
Nate (the original korean source, before it was translated on allkpop) seems to be the only one so far that is claiming it is just a rumor.
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80 leddik
August 10, 2011 at 1:37 PM
Wow. This just ruined my day. Not even the dreary weather has depressed me as much as this news has. I love Kang Ho Dong! He really is the glue that holds all those ragamuffins together. Without him, I don't know if 1N2D is going to be able to stay on top. Pleeeeeease don't leave! >:(
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81 ixx
August 10, 2011 at 3:11 PM
Nooooooooooooooooooo~ what is this??? noooooooooooo KHD cant leave the show, i mean the 6 guys are the heart but he is the machine who moves everything... T-T
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82 peter
August 10, 2011 at 3:53 PM
oh no!!!!!
1N2D will not be the same if the the BIG MAN leaves.
Pls. make him stay.
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August 10, 2011 at 4:35 PM
OMG KBS better think of something to keep him on the show or the show will just hit rock bottom... nooooo i love him on 2night 1day
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84 hehe
August 10, 2011 at 5:46 PM
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85 maidzdrose
August 10, 2011 at 6:29 PM
Oh no WTH! 1N2D will never be the same without Kang Hodong!
Nang PD do something!!!
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86 hanjanman
August 10, 2011 at 7:40 PM
They should try and do what they did to Seunggi, make him do a BUNGEE JUMP. After several hours Seunggi still couldn't muster the courage to do it that he was willing to sign a longterm contract to stay in 1N2D rather than jump. LOL!
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87 Isabella
August 10, 2011 at 9:11 PM
I dont care if you have to kidnap him every time the show has to be recorded but DO IT!
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88 sugarpunch
August 10, 2011 at 9:57 PM
at first when I saw this article, I was in denial and shock... and I even doubted hodong's character. but then it served as a wake up
call for me and for many viewers that maybe he had been struggling to balance his work and family time. he couldn't be disloyal because if he were, then why would he have done strong heart and x man for so long?
The entertainment junkie in me wants him to stay no matter what, but the rational human in me would like him to quit 2d1n if he were getting burdened by it. I think he loves his family a lot and I would rather he be a father figure for his kids than being one for jiwon and the audience:')
still, if kbs can do something about his schedule, pls do!!
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89 rumbalumba
August 10, 2011 at 10:35 PM
if 1N2D ends like this, where the hell will Jongmin work? lol.
on a serious note, i'm quite disappointed with Hodong. KBS' official statement said he expressed his desire to leave 1N2D.
i mean, he's sensible enough to know that if he were to leave 1N2D the show will collapse. i want to know the reason why he made that decision and if it's a fair enough reason.
i still think that even the episodes right now, Hodong, Sugeun, Jiwon and Seunggi are the ONLY members that run the show. sure, Taewoong is shy and Jongmin is just (to quote dramabeans) endearing, but the presence of Kim C and MC Mong on screen were much, much better.
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90 Audrey
August 10, 2011 at 10:56 PM
Whattaa sad news!! Kang ho dong, please stay until u celebrate your 77th birthday!! I can't even imagine 1N2D without u KHD. :( I believe that this news is true. PLEASE STAY KHD!!
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91 tea
August 10, 2011 at 11:26 PM
i just hope the show will go on until lsg goes to army..Ho-dong hyung please will stay on, there is still upcoming audience episode. I really missed the previous 2 audience episode where Kim C and mc mong still there.
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92 Loverilindra
August 11, 2011 at 1:31 AM
Updated from allKpop:
KBS announces official stance on Kang Ho Dong’s possible exit from ‘1 Night 2 Days’
plis,, don't exit........
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August 11, 2011 at 1:58 AM
I was just about to post the recent update.
What's this ache in m heart? Damn...I really feel like crying.
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93 anna
August 11, 2011 at 4:27 AM
Oh god, the first thing went through my mind was, "Taewong is going to be so heartbroken." lolwtf
Priorities woman! SERIOUSLY KBS! I don't care if you have to get on your knees, you make that man happy and staying. No more words.
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94 yong in
August 11, 2011 at 7:47 AM
tell me you're joking, guys!
oh my goodness, no, no, no!
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95 Lauren
August 11, 2011 at 2:31 PM
ajdfng;kjfgjangbgsgbth. If I spoke Korean I might just get on a plane and fly over there to tell Ho Dong myself, in very strong and loving words, that this is simply not allowed and that he must continue to do the show until we say he may stop, which will be never. And I mean that with love, because my love for 1night2days grows with every single episode.
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96 sup super supper
August 11, 2011 at 5:33 PM
What the what now? I am highly disgruntled by this possibility, Korea, and it is, quite simply, unacceptable. FIX IT, NOW.
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97 hamsandwich
August 11, 2011 at 6:30 PM
whaaaaaat? I agree, this better be fixed soon or else.... 1n2d will be ruined without him!!!!
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98 Maria Monette Hernandez
August 12, 2011 at 10:33 AM
Please don't do this to me! 1D2N is the ONLY program I watch religiously on KBS World. I read somewhere that the earnings of the show due to its consistently high ratings is bigger than all the variety shows of KBS combined. If he wants more money, GIVE IT TO HIM! Losing MC Mong was bad enough, but to lose Kang Hodong? It's unimaginable. He's the glue of the show, people. He bullies Seugeun, he nurtures Seunggi, he argues with Jiwon, he encourages Taewoong and Jongmin. This is stupid, just stupid! Hodong oppa, I beg you. Don't leave the show just because you feel it's better to leave while you're on top because 1D2N will always be on top. KBS, don't make the mistake of letting him go. 1D2N won't be the same and I swear to God, I will cancel my subscription for KBS World!
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