Romance Town: Episode 1
by kaedejun

Hallo everyone! I have joined the brigade of “All Dramas – No Sleep” – at least, until 49 Days ends. It was hard to get excited about this drama, what with Cha Seung Won being funny on one end, and Yoon Eun Hye back where she belongs in romantic comedy. But I guess all I needed was a bit of Jung Gyu Woon to get me back on track.
“Oppa” by Wax [download]
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It’s the summer of 1988, and a young Noh Soon Geum (later played by Sung Yuri) is watching the Olympics with her mother and grandmother. The Korean team wins the gold medal in ping pong, and it gives the grandmother hope that perhaps Soon Geum can be a national athlete too. (Like it’s so easy.)
Soon Geum is the third generation to a female household of maids, and it’s a point of contention between mother and grandmother. Both are bitter about their occupations and only want Soon Geum to work hard, go to college, and marry rich. However, Soon Geum is kind of oblivious to all this, as if she’s heard it all before and really doesn’t care. She just mindlessly scratches her neck… until she notices that smoke is coming out from their window.
As her family freaks out, Soon Geum calmly walks out on her own. She knew it wasn’t a fire; she just wanted to alert them about the strangeness of the smoke. Outside, there’s a pickup truck with a smoke machine in the back. She decides to chase after it, thinking that if she does, her body wouldn’t itch anymore, and that she won’t grow up to be a maid.
Skip to 2003, and Soon Geum is now a high school student. (Fair warning: in one episode, we get plenty of time jumps.) She’s a smart ass student who is no stranger to getting yelled at by her teacher every so often for her wisecracks.
No worries though – at night, she parties it up at a club with her best friend Yoon Shi Ah. At that same club is Kang Gun Woo (Jung Gyu Woon) – terribly chubby with nerdy glasses and crazy curly hair – and his buddy Kim Young Hee (Kim Min Joon) – who looks more like the “rich boy” with his good looks and sparkly jacket. He plays wing man to Gun Woo, trying to snag some girls to dance with them. Suffice to say – the “hot girls” leave after Gun Woo shows off his “moves.”
I gotta say though – Jung Gyu Woon can really shake his booty in a fat suit…
Soon Geum and Shi Ah collect money from the club owner – they’re pretty much there to dance and entertain some of the guys – and then leave, using studying as an excuse to bounce early. Shi Ah would rather stay a little longer though for the boys, but Soon Geum knows that all those boys just want a one-night stand, which will just lead to more trouble.
Soon Geum leaves for her second part-time job as a waitress in a restaurant. As she cleans up the tables, she spies a few leftover pieces of meat and stuffs them in her mouth, taking a sip of soju while she’s at it. A few tables behind her, Gun Woo is helping himself to a few servings of barbecue.
It’s at that moment she races back to the club to find Shi Ah making out with Young Hee in a private room. She barges in and dumps a bucket of ice over the two of them, berating her friend for being in a room with alcohol and a man. Suddenly the club owner rushes in, surprised that they’re still around, and quickly rushes them to leave out the back.
Too late, the police arrive doing their rounds of inspections.
They are all brought to the station, and Young Hee adamantly denies knowing that they were underage. Gun Woo arrives to bail out his buddy, while Soon Geum sullenly lies that she has no mother.
But you know how mothers just have impeccable timing? Soon Geum’s mother arrives just in time and starts yelling, “You don’t have a mother?!” She grabs a mop from another officer and starts chasing her daughter around the station, ready to beat her. She goes after Young Hee and Gun Woo – which one of them dragged Soon Geum to the club? At the sight of the stick, Gun Woo falls weak at his knees, completely freaked, which honestly befuddles the mother for a moment. I mean, he is twice her size…
Soon Geum’s mother hands her bank book to the teacher and asks that he help Soon Geum into college. The teacher sheepishly says that no student from this school has ever gone to college though. When they get home, Soon Geum’s mother yells at her – why can’t she study hard? Why won’t she just go to college? Soon Geum fires back: college is worthless. She just wants to work. Or, she’ll just get married to a rich boy. She can get married right now if she has to. But Mother thinks that all those boys are worthless – they all will just end up being like her dad.
Soon Geum has had enough – all she hears is her mother saying that she has to work so hard as a maid just to send her daughter to college. She’s tired of hearing her mother sound like a martyr and screams at her. Mother slaps her square across the cheek.
That evening, Soon Geum is still smarting from the slap while her mother is outside on the porch, drinking in the rain. Her mother quietly says that Soon Geum’s father had told her she smelled like a refrigerator. It was a moment where she was stripped of her identity as a lady, and that resonates with Soon Geum. When they both fall asleep that night, Soon Geum wraps her arm and leg around her mother’s body. It’s also when her father takes their money and makes a run for it, leaving only a note: “Honey, I’m sorry. I love you, Geum-ah.”
Now we’re in 2008. Soon Geum is standing outside of a bar with a baby wrapped around her back in a blanket. She’s a single mother?!
A taxi drives Kang Tae Won (Lee Jae Yong) and his new wife Seo Yoon Joo (Yang Jung Ah) to a rich fancy neighborhood. As they drive by the other houses, they see the other maids of other houses, including Jung Da Kyum (Min Hyo Rin) washing a car and Oh Hyun Joo (Park Ji Young) mowing the lawn. Yoon Joo is one spoiled woman, as she doesn’t mind calling them “maids” rather than “housekeepers” since it’s fewer syllables to say. The maids pause in their work to take in the new girl in town, who even has a huge diamond as a toe ring.
In another taxi, an old grandmother comes out with a baby boy on her back. She takes her time in getting out, annoying the two rich ladies in the car behind her. The grandmother belatedly realizes that she’s left something behind in the taxi and tries to call after it, but to no avail. She raises a ruckus though, and the two rich ladies are so annoyed that they honk at her.
Surprised, she drops her bag and falls backwards onto the baby. Good thing the rich ladies are human enough to get out of the car and make sure she’s alright. The other maids come rushing to her aid as well, trying to figure out what was so important that was left behind in the taxi.
Grandmother: “I had the father’s name written down.” Oof – important information indeed.
She was sent by the mother to deliver the baby here, but while she has the right address, she forgot the name of the father! It becomes an awkward guessing game as she tries to remember the last name… was it Jang? or Kang? or Hwang? Da Kyum asks if it was a Kim – just to see if she can eliminate her master from the list of candidates.
They come to another solution – present the baby to all the men in the neighborhood. A father is sure to recognize his son, no?
Hehe – it becomes an awesome line-up of veteran actors checking to see if the baby is theirs: Hwang Yong (Jo Sung Ha), Jang Chi Gook (Lee Jung Gil with an awesomely bad mustache), Tae Won, and also Young Hee. The grandmother thinks it’s Young Hee’s, because he’s the youngest. Tae Won breaks up the group by inviting everyone else to come by their home sometime. The two rich ladies turn out to be Chi Gook’s wife Kim Soon Ok and mistress Oh Boon Ja. (Cohabitation?!) They are suspicious it’s Chi Gook’s kid (no kidding), while Da Kyum warns Young Hee not to drink so much lest he has an “accident” during one of his blackouts. She openly admits she gets worried about him, since they are “living together.”
Suddenly, grandma remembers the name! The child’s name is Kang San – meaning, it’s Kang Tae Won’s son. Young Hee immediately jumps in – the baby looks an awful lot like when Gun Woo was a baby!
Tae Won is having difficulty getting in contact with his son. He yells for his housekeeper, Yoo Choon Jak (Ban Hyo Jung), looking every inch like Mrs. Doubtfire. Choon Jak knows Gun Woo the best – better than Tae Won – and since Kang San is definitely not Tae Won’s son (or so he says), Choon Jak will certainly know what Gun Woo has been up to.
Meanwhile, Gun Woo is passed out in a karaoke room, having drunk only half a glass of whiskey, while his friends are partying it up. Soon Geum has also decided to enter that same karaoke bar with the baby. It’s Shi Ah’s, who’s shocked to see Soon Geum bring her daughter to a “place like this.” Soon Geum shames Shi Ah for not raising her daughter properly.
As they fight, they don’t realize that Gun Woo is in their room. He wakes up, and notices the crying baby. He tries playing peek-a-boo to make her calm down, but Soon Geum smacks his face and pushes him back down on the seats. She’s all, “Who the hell is this guy getting up all over me with ‘Peek-a-boo’?!”
Soon Geum tells Shi Ah that baby Ji Min finally said “Mommy,” and that’s enough to get Shi Ah to reclaim her role as a mother, and remind Ji Min that Soon Geum is an “Auntie,” not a “Mommy.”
Unfortunately, just as Soon Geum is ready to leave, she realizes that Gun Woo is sleeping on Ji Min’s blanket. She tries to pull it out under his weight but to no avail. Instead, she falls on top of him, and it’s in this compromising position that a waiter enters demanding that Gun Woo pay the bill.
Soon Geum denies knowing Gun Woo, who’s hugging onto the blanket, half-drunk, and without a wallet. A couple of men start searching Soon Geum for cash. They find an envelope, full of her rent, and they take it from her as payment. If she doesn’t know the guy, then she can get the money back from him later.
Back at home, Choon Jak is ready to assume responsibility for the child. Tae Won is frustrated and wants Gun Woo found immediately, and Choon Jak invites the grandmother inside. Yoon Joo refuses to let the grandmother in, trying to assert her position as mistress of the household. Choon Jak: “Since when? and until when? He’s had numerous wives, but only one maid.”
Gun Woo stumbles out of the club half asleep, and Soon Geum chases after him – to a parking lot, where he takes off his shoes, places the blanket under his head, and falls asleep in an empty lot. HAHA! Even Soon Geum has to note that he took off his shoes neatly for a half-drunk.
She tries to slap him awake, using his own hand, but he accidentally slaps her instead. That’s enough to wake him up, and he starts pleading “I’m sorry!” She hands him the bill instead, and he invites her into his car, where he searches for extra cash. He’s found himself in this situation before, so he usually has backup money. He moans about wanting coffee – if he had a little bit of money for coffee, he could sober up, drive her home, and then pay her back there. Soon Geum gets right up in his face, and Gun Woo’s eyes widen. Yeah – I don’t think he’s had many girls get that close to him before.
Soon Geum wants to smell his breath, but Gun Woo holds it in until she backs off. She orders him to drive, but Gun Woo knows he’ll get caught. He gets caught on half a bottle of beer. He compromises – at least let him have a snack! He grabs two bags of chips: “Do you want the sweet one? Or sweeter?” No response. “How about salty?”
Soon Geum grabs the sweeter one, just to get him to stop. She struggles with opening her bag, so Gun Woo takes it, points at the tiny arrow, and expertly tears off a corner. Yeah – he’s totally done it before. Soon Geum eats one piece at a time; Gun Woo grabs it by the handful. You see why they’re the size they are, right?
He then gives her a tip about eating chips: “You have to eat it this way so it’s tastier.”
Soon Geum is disgusted, but he doesn’t stop bugging her until she does it as well.
What a cute couple the two of them make.
They start driving, and Gun Woo feels worse about losing the picture with him and his grandmother (he means Choon Jak). It was hard for him to get a photo with her. Soon Geum doesn’t mind her dingy wallet was taken from her too – it just made her feel worse that she barely any money in it to begin with. She suddenly asks him to stop at a cafe.
Soon Geum hands Gun Woo a cup of coffee. The restaurant she worked for always sent her on coffee errands, and so she was able to collect enough stamps to get a free one. She wonders aloud why he’s in a car full of snacks rather than girls, and he says defensively that she’s a girl. Soon Geum refutes the point – she’s not a girl, just someone in debt.
Gun Woo suddenly asks her if he should go to New York. He doesn’t want to go – now that he’s kind of made a friend in her. He never really wanted to go to begin with though… Soon Geum asks him – does he like her? Gun Woo can’t answer – it’s so cute he’s so shy!
That’s when Soon Geum gets a call from Shi Ah about her father being at their house. She has to go, so she gives Gun Woo her number and tells him to please call her. She trusts him to – even though they don’t know each other’s names. Poor Gun Woo though – when he gets up, the chair is stuck around his butt. It would have been funny – if Jung Gyu Woon had not played the scene so poignantly.
Turns out, Soon Geum’s father had gambled away all of their house deposit. She calls him up and begs him to stop hurting her this way. She says Mother will return from the grave – and that’s the first we hear of her mother actually passing away. But her father heartlessly hangs up, knowing that despite having caused trouble for his daughter, she’ll find a way to survive anyways. Soon Geum arrives home, upset and embarrassed to face her friend (since the house deposit was Shi Ah’s money). Shi Ah comforts her – at least Soon Geum’s father comes back looking for her. There are people in far worse situations than the Soon Geum.
It’s the middle of the night and Da Kyum is fixing up a midnight snack. Young Hee comes looking for a bottle opener, and even though she tells him it’s right in front of him, he refuses to “see” it. Da Kyum has to come over and pick it out for him. When he grabs it from her hand, his arm brushes her chest, and they freeze in the moment – he completely aware of what he’s done, and she refusing to move away until he moves his arm first.
She is called away to her room, and there she brings in the food for the other maids in the area – Hyun Joo, Soo Jung, and Zar Lin (Hwang Yong’s maid). They’re all playing Go Stop while Zar Lin announces they’ve won the lottery! They matched six numbers, and the ladies freak out. Da Kyum grabs the slip to check – and reveals they haven’t won – they didn’t win all six numbers in one row. They all beat Zar Lin for giving them such high hopes.
Gun Woo finally arrives home. His father is outside, waiting for him. He begs his son to let him enjoy his post-wedded bliss, and that it’ll all be OK since Gun Woo is leaving for New York tomorrow. Choon Jak, the grandmother, and Yoon Joo come out, and they show the baby to Gun Woo. In just a matter of looks and sighs, Gun Woo knows he has to take the fall of being the baby daddy.
The next day, Young Hee assaults Gun Woo – who the hell would have thought Gun Woo would be a father?! But Young Hee is smart – he knows the kid resembles Tae Won more, and wonders if Gun Woo was just forced to take the fall. Gun Woo pays more attention to the number Soon Geum left for him on a napkin, and so Young Hee takes the non-answer to mean a “yes.”
Meanwhile, Yoon Joo is fretting. Who will take care of the baby if Gun Woo leaves, and is she already a (God forbid) grandmother!? Tae Won tells her not to worry about it – they can hire someone else to take care of “Gun Woo’s mistake.” Yoon Joo goes to Gun Woo’s room, and notices the baby blanket and number on the napkin. Hmm…
Choon Jak takes Gun Woo to the airport to see him off, and Yoon Joo is highly annoyed that the maid gets to do anything she wants. Meanwhile, Soon Geum is nervously waiting for Gun Woo’s call. She needs his money to pay her rent. Suddenly, the phone rings.
Yoon Joo called Soon Geum over thinking that she’s the baby mama. She waits for Soon Geum outside the house, carrying the baby in such an insecure way that I seriously feel like she’s going to drop the baby. Thankfully, Soon Geum arrives in time to take the baby away from her, and soothes him. Kang San stops crying, and all the maids notice Soon Geum’s calming presence. Yoon Joo is impressed; if Soon Geum is not the mother, she will offer double the amount Soon Geum wants as long as she becomes a maid in the household and takes care in raising the baby.
We’re now in 2011. Kang San is a cute, perky three-year old who runs to Soon Geum’s room in his pajamas. He pinches her cheek, trying to wake her up.
Soon Geum is dreaming of her father. He’s telling her to come home with him instead of working as a maid. He asks her to just follow for ten minutes, and drives the pickup truck with the smoke machine. Soon Geum finds herself chasing after the smoke like in her youth. Then, the smoke turns into money, and she cheerfully runs after him, watching money floating from the heavens.
That’s when Yoon Joo yells, “The rice is burning!” Woops.
Later that day, she stops by a quick mart to drop off all her change – winnings from playing go-stop. She uses it to buy a game ticket from the guy behind the counter, Choi Gun. When she steps outside, standing next to GUN-WOO-LOOKING-MIGHTY-FINE-WHILE-SIPPING-A-SODA, she decides to take another chance. She purchases another ticket – this time with her cash. This second ticket is solely for her, and the first ticket is the one she’ll share with the other maids.
Outside, Gun Woo muses that the neighborhood hasn’t changed very much from three years ago.
He’s really the motivating factor in why I decided to recap this drama (and also because I asked javabeans and girlfriday and they kindly let me do so). This drama is so unexpected. I honestly did not think I would like it, but since I have been recapping (read: rewatching) Sign, I kept thinking I should give Jung Gyu Woon a chance. And by extension, I would be giving the entire cast a chance. I’m glad I did though, because this drama is so interesting. It’s similar to Pasta where not much seems to happen, and yet a lot is happening. The beginning was quite enjoyable because Gun Woo keeps popping up in Soon Geum’s vicinity, and you just keep wondering when they are going to formally meet each other. Even when they finally do talk, they still don’t know each other’s names. It’s so nice to see that this is a couple who have been around each other for years and don’t even realize it – one of those happy coincidences.
I have to say, Min Hyo Rin and Kim Min Joon’s storyline is strong. For a first episode to have that much tension between the two of them? I am really rooting for this couple-dom.
This is my first Sung Yuri drama, and I like her – so far. Mind you, I’m watching her without the bias of her previous dramas. Her scene with her mother was well played in that I could feel her hatred and frustration for her mother, as well as her mother’s frustration at not being able to raise a smarter daughter. I have hopes for her chemistry with Jung Gyu Woon, although at this point, I think Jung could force chemistry with anyone. Kim So Yeon was not that comfortable with him in Dr. Champ but he sold the relationship to me. Him and Uhm Ji Won was cuter.
I’m fastening my seat belt – I think it’s gonna be a bumpy ride…
- Ratings report: 49 Days, Best Love, Romance Town
- Romance Town releases cute stills
- Romance Town unveils its posters
- Jung Kyeo-woon gets fat (suited), Romance Town teaser
- Why do so many dramas change their titles?
- Romance Town’s Sung Yuri goes back to high school
- Sung Yuri transforms into a maid for Romance Town
- Maids changes its name to…
Tags: featured, first episodes, Jung Kyeo-woon, Kim Min-joon, Min Hyo-rin, Romance Town, Sung Yuri
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51 Alvina
May 15, 2011 at 12:01 PM
For some reason, the drama reminds me of Stormy Lovers... only with better acting :P
Honestly, there's so much bittersweetness in the drama that it hurts my heart to watch it. I know there's going to be troubles up ahead and that's the only thing keeping me wary.
So, question: Should I give it a chance, despite the tone? Do you think it will be better?
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52 bopbopbop
May 15, 2011 at 12:13 PM
i LOVE this drama!
i find it better than best love.
hope it gets good ratings after 49 days ends
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Soo Ae
May 16, 2011 at 1:52 AM
I agree too! This one has an interesting story, very relatable and full of unintentionally funny cute scenes. I thought Lie to me was just too full of Kdrama cliches, sigh!
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53 Meru
May 15, 2011 at 1:15 PM
I was really pleasantly surprised by this drama. It has a totally different tone than what I was expecting out of a romantic comedy. It's more dark, if you will, than a normal rom-com. Along with Best Love, I think Romance Town has great writing and a great start.
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54 Bluefyre
May 15, 2011 at 1:55 PM
This one definitely deserves recapping. Thanks so much kaedejun!! :)
I'm looking forward to more eps. This one was good.
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55 Sethe
May 15, 2011 at 2:07 PM
I didn't feel like I really connected with (or even really liked) any of the characters in the first episode, but I'll give it a chance.
Thanks for recapping :)
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56 beggar1015
May 15, 2011 at 2:14 PM
This is kind of off-topic, but am I the only one thinking this song Oppa sounds an awful lot like Cyndi Lauper's She Bop?
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57 MJP
May 15, 2011 at 2:18 PM
Oh, I am glad you are recapping this one. I watched 1 and 2 eps RAW and can't wait to read the recap on ep2.
By the way, thanks for the recap on ep 1. :-)
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58 Sethe
May 15, 2011 at 2:52 PM
BTW, I'm curious about something. The American media (including New York Times) has been referring to a hotel "maid" in stories about this IMF chief's scandal. I guess the term is PC in certain circumstances?
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59 Auntiemame
May 15, 2011 at 3:01 PM
Anyone else sense a darker mood coming? As in the murder in the American "Desperate Housewives"?
The way Yoon Joo looked at her sleeping husband gave me that impression. And, this was after she witnessed a touching scene between her husband and Gun Woo.
This drama should be interesting since the cast is full of familiar faces with lots of acting experience and acting skills. Hopefully, their talent will not be wasted by a poor executed drama.
I look forward to your recaps. Thank you so much!
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60 le
May 15, 2011 at 3:49 PM
thanks for the summary, hope you continue. i like this drama the 2 leads are very good, and the male lead when he was chubby was very nice and funny.
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61 bluemoon
May 15, 2011 at 4:00 PM
thanks for recapping. i watched the first two episodes and i love it. it has a lot of potential and I like yuri's character.
I can't wait to see how the story will developed. can't want for next week
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62 grasya
May 15, 2011 at 5:23 PM
my kdramas are killing me this month of May. but i love it!
i will be watching this. thanks.
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63 laya
May 15, 2011 at 5:38 PM
It looks very interesting! Thanks for the recap!
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64 kerik
May 15, 2011 at 7:05 PM
thank you kaedejun!!!! ma saviour, heh
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65 Linda165
May 15, 2011 at 8:03 PM
Thanks for the recap kaedejun, and welcome back!
I was going to wait until 49 days finished to begin with Romance Town, but now I can't :)
*runs off to watch RT*
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66 xiandi
May 15, 2011 at 9:45 PM
Call it crazy guys.. but I'm also into this "No Sleep Brigade Season" Yes, 49 days will end this week, but City Hunter was on my list since last year ^__^
Here's my May List:
-49 days (episode 19-20)
-Midas, episode (18-21)
-RT (I do miss Sung Yuri a lot)
-Greatest Love(It's the Hong sister, no Question about it, i never missed any of their stories)
-Lie to Me ( For me, this is a pairing of the year!)
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67 maricor102
May 15, 2011 at 10:47 PM
I love it! saw the first 2 eps already and I'm looking forward of watching the next eps..and see how the relationship will develop after...
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68 girlatsea
May 15, 2011 at 11:50 PM
I liked it a lot! It has a lot of potential. I think right now I have two good reasons to stick around.
1) I love JGW's character! I loved him in the fat suit and his undying love for his "amoni".
2) And I had totally forgotten that the Pasta screenwriter is writing this one too. I'm one of the few people who saw absolutely no flaws in Pasta. Personally, I loved the pacing and the chemistry between the lead couple is what kept me watching.
I also love the aura of mystery in the drama. I agree, it totally has the Desperate Housewives feel to it. Which is a good thing as long as it doesn't fall into the cliches.
This is my first Sung Yuri drama as well. I've heard a lot about her, both good and bad, but so far I'm enjoying her performance. Her character isn't anything new but I'm excited to see how her character will develop.
So, I think I'm sticking with this one. It's safe to say I'm already addicted to Best Love... And I'm so far gone into 49 Days, I'll mourn this Thursday when it finally hits me that I won't be seeing KANG-AHH every week. :'( Hopefully, a now-shaven Cha Seung Won and beautifully fit Jung Gyu Woon (drama gods, more shower scenes please) can fill the void that will be left in my heard when it ends.
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May 15, 2011 at 11:51 PM
not heard, heart*
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69 jenny
May 16, 2011 at 2:18 AM
good job and keep it up!!!
i think this drama is pretty awesome. even with the competition, in terms of storyline it is much more fresher and after watching 2 episodes i still dont noe where it could go definitively.
anyone who is wavering definitely give it a try. i mean why not? u can stop after a few minutes or even the 1st ep.
but defs recommend this!
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70 avocado
May 16, 2011 at 7:16 AM
omo..this is the first time when i love three of same airing time K-dramas...ohhh ...I love each of them...very sorry because they have to share the rating...
Nice plot with their own charm..., and I love all of their actors/actresses..I like gyu won..I like bae soo bin and Jo hyun jae..but especially loooooove Yoon Kye sang...
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71 BiKyofanforever
May 16, 2011 at 7:25 AM
thanxxx 4 writn te recap 4 tz dramaaa!!!!in 2nd epi she winz te lotteryy!!frm all tat i cud understnd ,soo am kinda confused by te anyway Romance town fighting!!luv it already!!!aannnndd yeaaaa ii truly wish sum1 do te recapz for baby faced beauty!!i luvv it esp JN,DC&RJ are amazing!!!!anyway thnxxx againn!!!
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72 vialin
May 16, 2011 at 7:36 AM
Looks like cafe which used 49 days same as cafes where sung yuri giving telephone numbers ... Is it right?
I love this drama .... Can't wait for the next episode....
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73 AnaleenT
May 16, 2011 at 9:39 AM
Oh please! Please! Please help me to recap "Can you hear my heart"! =)
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May 16, 2011 at 11:55 AM
Softy already recap this drama.
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74 JJ
May 16, 2011 at 10:42 AM
JB was it just a typo you said Yoon eun hye? instead of song yu ri? i can't wait to see this as usual there's just too many dramas & so little time, that's my biggest prob and frustration! i started watching baby faced beauty & i'm liking it so far also! i can't seem to watch lie to me it won't load in my comp arghhh!
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75 Boowha
May 16, 2011 at 11:25 AM
I just watched episode one to see what it's be like...My gosh I loved it!! It's so good!! I can't wait for the recap of episode 2. Even though I've already watched episode 2. But still! XD
Thanks for the recap!
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76 E
May 16, 2011 at 12:48 PM
Thus far this has been the only drama from the drama craze that i went to see, not just read recaps of.
Because the interactions between the main couple have enough friendship before the bickering that I am totally behind their pairing (as opposed to it just being "how annoying he is... lets get married!"). Both the ltter-writing and the fatty-friendship... not to mention I'm semi-willing to accept his reasons for being a jerk to her. So.
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77 KDrama Fan
May 16, 2011 at 2:13 PM
Episode 2 was so much better. I'm now into this drama. Look forward to all the recaps.
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78 Barbara Starks
May 16, 2011 at 4:01 PM
@ by kaedejun nice recap simple and straight to the point, very nice.....Thank You
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79 sUn
May 16, 2011 at 10:36 PM
The All Dramas - No Sleep will only be completed with the addition Baby faced beauty. I watched with no expectationm, and hook at it.
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80 letmeeatcake
May 16, 2011 at 10:59 PM
Yay! Thanks for the recap!
Keep going.
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81 Marie
May 17, 2011 at 1:31 AM
This drama is included in my Top 5 Dramas that are currently airing in Korea, to name:
1. 49 days (final week)
2. Best Love
3. Romance Town
4. Manny
5. Do You Hear My Heart
And, since 49 Days will end this week, Romance Town will definitely jump a higher notch on my to Best Love
2011 is definitely one of my fave year for Korean Drama.
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82 kaycee
May 17, 2011 at 2:35 AM
OMG!! I've just finished watching the second episode and this drama is soooo good! It's so cute and vibrant and has a quality about it that's so fresh. I think after 49 Days ends, Romance Town is going to be the one I'm going to be hooked on. I can't wait to see the romance develop, how Soon Geum and Gun Woo came to know each other is already so sweet! gahhh =DD
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May 17, 2011 at 2:45 AM
Hahaha and I just want to add that Kim Min Joon's character is hilarious here xD
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May 17, 2011 at 3:00 AM
OK I know I keep posting and am just talking to myself LOL I'm watching the episode right now and these things are just coming up that I can't resist commenting about xp Just wanted to add that I had to fastforward through the bare abs shower scene LOL. I just get too embarrassed, can feel myself blushing, just can't handle it LOL.
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83 fanwho
May 17, 2011 at 4:29 AM
I love RT! I've never ever seen this many great (acting credit wise) actors and actresses in one drama ever. And SungYuRi (not just pretty fact anymore), and Damo and Friend's KMJ is plus! Looking forward to your recaps!
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84 Nikkaa
May 18, 2011 at 11:32 AM
@kaedejun- try watching hong gil dong , its with sung yuri . totally adore that drama although i hate period dramas. but that one is made for all of the ages ;D
so far R.T. is good ;D
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85 kaka
May 19, 2011 at 10:19 AM
thanx for the recap! good job!
its beeen waaay too long since i last watched kdrama
n mi decided to watch this one!
really really hope it will be great cos i really think yuri is sooo beautiful!
neway... just wondering... does anyone know whats the song being played in the 2003 disco scene? im guessing its a old kpop song cos its in the '03
but its sound reaaalllly catchy!
hope someone out there knows the song
thanks in advance!!
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86 tiffanyshin
May 20, 2011 at 7:28 AM
just caught onto this drama tonight, haha i shld really be doing my uni assignment instead >< but .. haha really enjoying this drama so far! its surprisingly cute :)) definitely shipping MHR and KMJ kekekee~ her voice is jst adorable !
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87 Sarang
May 23, 2011 at 6:25 PM
This episode is so unclear. I hope it won't be like that for the rest of the drama.
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88 adelaide
May 25, 2011 at 1:37 PM
In the aftermath of viewing 49 Days and currently watching Lie to me and Best Love, Romance Town isn't doing it for me. Trust me, I'm very eager to watch another drama but this first episode is dragging. I'm not familiar with any of the cast, so that may be part of the reason why I'm not as invested. I will give it till Episode 8. I hope the plot and characters improve on me by then.
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89 lei2010
June 5, 2011 at 3:00 AM
well if u ask me, i'd rather like this drama than Lie to me... i don't know why but the lead actress in LTM, i began to not like her now..
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90 fraulein
June 7, 2011 at 10:33 PM
There are so many reasons I like this but the main one is Jung Gyu Woon. Can anyone not like this guy?
Sung Yuri impressed me in Hong Gil Dong, not so much in Snow Queen but I like the premise of this story and I'm sticking with it.
So glad it airs on KBS so that we get to see it on KBS World pretty soon after it airs in Korea. Yay to episode 3 tonight ! Am counting down the minutes....
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