Secret Garden: Episode 10

Apparently everyone woke up on the right side of the bed this episode, because every eligible bachelor in town starts lining up at Ra-im’s door, and fighting each other like the ten-year olds that they are. Oska wins for Best Smile, Jong-soo wins for Most Embarrassed, and Joo-won wins for Sparkliest Boxers. Yup. You heard me.


Joo-won discovers Ra-im and Oska mid-flirt outside her apartment, where he’s clearly been waiting for her like the stalker that he is. The best part is that Oska and Ra-im gang up on him like a pair of older siblings, just to rub it in his face. Wait, scratch that. The best part is the new tracksuit, this time hand-stitched by French artisans. HA.

Ra-im: “Why are you wearing an ajumma’s long underwear?” Heeeeee. She adds that she told him quite clearly that she didn’t want to see him anymore, so he’s either got rocks for brains, or he’s REALLY REALLY into her. I just love her right now. She’s so much better as a sassypants than the over-apologetic meek girl.

She pointedly tells “oppa” to drive home safely, and walks right past Joo-won without a word. He follows her to her door like a little kid, whining that he didn’t get a proper goodbye. She slams her front gate in his face, and he screams, “My nose is higher than other people’s! It could’ve gotten hurt! Didn’t you think of that?” Haha. Even in his rants, this guy is all about how awesome HE is. It kills me.

She goes in without a word, and Ah-young gives her a package—it’s some books she ordered. She tells Ah-young that she went to someone’s house and it had a library filled with books, and it made her wonder if he had read them all, what he was thinking when he read them, and if she read them too, she might find some truth about him that she may have missed before.

Aw. How freaking ADORABLE is that? Trying to know a person (who is outwardly unknowable) by reading the same books as him? That’s the cutest and nerdiest thing ever. It hits me right here.

She puts the copy of Alice in Wonderland on her shelf, and we see that she’s started a little collection of her own. Next to her collection of action DVDs is the beginnings of her own mini library, with the likes of 1984 and One Hundred Years of Solitude. I love that juxtaposition of their two personalities sitting side by side on her shelf. Strangely enough, it looks a lot like my bookshelf, which perhaps means I have a split personality, but that’s neither here nor there.

Joo-won follows Oska home to ask if he really meant that stuff he said to Ra-im. He throws the question of sincerity right back at Joo-won, asking if he can really take responsibility for his feelings, and for Ra-im. Joo-won: “Responsibility? Did you take responsibility for all the women you dated?” Oska: “That’s why I get cursed at.” Heh. Point taken.

Oska tells him to be honest about himself—that he isn’t the type to give up everything for a woman because he doesn’t feel the need to. He couldn’t even handle the bag incident, let alone the wave of terror that’s bound to come from his mother. He points out rather correctly that Joo-won thinks of marriage like a business deal; hence he should just meet some girl more like him, and stop with Ra-im before she gets hurt. Aw, I sort of love Oska oppa coming to her defense.

He questions Joo-won about his motives with Seul too, citing the handholding incident from the golf course. He wonders if he’s planning to marry Seul and just have some fun with Ra-im: “Rotten bastard. Take your hands off of both of them. They’re both too good for you.” Dayum. And woot, Oska! I love that Joo-won has SOMEONE in his life that’ll tell it like it is.

Joo-won sits alone in his empty palace, brooding over his hyung’s words. He puts Ra-im’s map back together, and above his own name writes, “Cowardly.”

Ra-im stays up to read Alice in Wonderland, and this time the titles on her shelf form a little poem:

Alice in wonderland
Like a fairytale
The night that Eun-ha shot through the galaxy
A bad boy is standing there
This insignificant melancholy
She walked at the pace of memory

(I’m approximating on the third title, which is a play on the name Eun-ha, the same word for galaxy, or Milky Way—it could be The Night that the Milky Way Pierced the Galaxy, but that makes no sense. Hence, the pun.)

Jong-soo records himself reading the script for Dark Blood and gives it to Ra-im, the helpfulness of which I don’t really understand, as he’s reading a script in English, in English, but anyway, she’s touched, and she trains fervently for the role.

Both Joo-won and Ra-im go back to their daily lives, and as Joo-won gets ready for work the next day, he discovers a little memo that Ra-im left behind—a printout of instructions on how to tie a tie. Ha. Something about that stirs Joo-won, whether it reminds him of the body swap, or her.

Oska gets nagged to go to his fan-signing, which he’s afraid to do, given the current plagiarism scandal. Meanwhile, Seul is still brooding over being falsely accused for leaking the song, but when her friend points out that she’s still got the wherewithal to get her hair done, Seul reminds her that even if the world is crumbling around her, the one thing a woman must guard is her appearance. Ha, the fervor of your superficiality is astounding. Truly.

Oska holds his fan-signing, which is depressingly spare at first, but a small group of fervent fans show up to cheer him on. He decides to give them signatures as Choi Woo-young, and not Oska, for their belief in him as a person. Seul decides to show up in line, and asks for a signature addressed to her as his forever love, and without a reply, he writes, “To Yoon Seul, Thank you for loving me all this time. –Oska” She reads it with tears outside.

Joo-won goes to the opera, where he of course buys three seats so that he can use both armrests for himself. (Okay, I will confess to secretly wishing I could do this, but never having the gall. Or the money, let’s be real.)

He imagines Ra-im sitting beside him, and spends the entire opera thinking of her. The next day he tells Secretary Kim that he couldn’t concentrate at all; this time he’ll need an entire row of seats, to keep the riffraff at bay. Okay, now you’re just being crazy.

He leads a presentation for a new resort that he’s got in the works, which utilizes the natural mountainside surroundings as a retreat. Director Park steals some of his thunder as soon as he finds out that Joo-won’s grandfather is stopping by for a peek.

Joo-won comes home to find Dr. Lee waiting, having just stopped by because he strangely hasn’t been calling all the time, like he usually does. She asks if he hasn’t run out of his meds, which reminds him that he hasn’t taken his meds for a while now…how was it that he slept in that tiny apartment without them?

He shakes it off and says that it seems he doesn’t need them anymore, and doesn’t explain the rest since he doesn’t actually want to be committed for being insane. Yes, I would agree. Best not to tell your shrink that you’ve been running around in a woman’s body.

He asks if people usually need to give up something in order to get something that they really want. She says yes, since usually the thing you want so ardently is outside your means. He scoffs that anything, let alone “that woman” is outside his means, or above his social standing.

Just then, a delivery arrives, and it’s all of the stuff he had bought for Ra-im’s apartment. He stares down at all of the returned boxes, and rants that she has to be so righteous and proud. Dr. Lee points out that it’s not what most women would do, and tells him that she IS out of his league. HA! Damn straight!

Oska breathes a sigh of relief as the plagiarism scandal gets reneged, and when Seul meets with Tae-sun, we find out why—Tae-sun was the original songwriter of the copied song. She offers him a contract to do any music the way he wants.

On a snowy day, Joo-won sits at home and reads Alice in Wonderland, and then plays with a smurfs app that repeats everything he says: “Omo, Kim Joo-won-sshi, do you know how long I’ve waited for your call? I miss you like crazy.” Aw, such a lonely little boy.

He goes for a walk in the snow, and then comes upon a shiny new toy that’s fun in two ways—as a video game, and as a means of torturing Oska. Oska comes over fuming that Joo-won’s snaked the arcade game he’s waited three months to get, and when he tries to take it back, Joo-won threatens to out his scandalous pictures with his ex Chae-rin. They strike a deal for Joo-won to keep it for three months, after which he’ll return the game AND the original pictures. Ha. These two. Giant kids with way too much time and money.

Oska tells Joo-won again to be honest with himself about Ra-im: “Stop with your Lovers in Paris cosplay and go back to your normal self!” Hahaha.

Joo-won actually HAS decided to stop seeing her…but not right now. Pfft. He says that he likes her too much because she’s curious and new, but that he’ll eventually probably grow tired of her, and she’ll become like every other woman in his eyes—the typical nine out of ten women who are just common. Um, shouldn’t your obsession with her and her constant refusal of your advances tell you that she’s probably that ONE in ten that you’ve never encountered before? Moron.

He thinks a few months of seeing her will do. Gah. The only reason I’m tolerating you right now is because you’re just digging your own grave. A few months of seeing her will only make you more in love with her, genius.

Oska calls him out for being a bastard, and Joo-won just sticks to his ridiculous obsession with The Little MerMistress, refusing to face the fact that HE’s the one who’s in love with her, and not the other way around. He plans to date her for a few months and have her disappear, as per Operation: MerMistress.

To that end, he shows up to the action school day after day, with some new flimsy excuse to see her: first it’s that he gained weight while she was driving his body around, and now he wants his abs back. Next he gives her the boxers she wore and washed while she was in his body, telling her to wear them. One pair is actually SEQUINED. No, really.

He then shows up to complain that he’s constipated—what did she feed his body? Pwahaha. At each turn, she calls him crazy, and eventually perverted. Yeah, I’d have to agree. Finally, he shows up to complain that his department store’s profits are down, due to something she signed off on, heart-signature and all.

She tells him that she was just following Secretary Kim’s advice, to which he says he’ll have to fire Secretary Kim then. She doesn’t want him to get fired so he offers up a trade that he gets to come see her whenever he wants, and she’ll greet him with love and gratitude and joy. Pfft. Yeah, she’ll greet you with swearing, is what she’ll do.

She makes one motion with her latte towards his be-laced tracksuit, and he freaks out, “Get mad at ME, not the clothes!” Heh.

She takes a sip and ends up with foam on her lip, which he calls out as a typical coy maneuver when women are around men. She reaches to wipe it off, but he grabs her hand out of the way and leans in, getting up out of his seat. With a soft kiss, he licks the foam off her lips. Yowza.

How is it possible that you can be so unattractively metro about your tracksuit one minute, and then make my stomach do flips with a move like that, the next? Gah.

She makes a move to hit him, and he warns her that from now on, if she hits him, he’ll do the same thing (kiss her, not hit her back). Awesome. I see lots of hitting and kissing in their future.

The action school gears up for a sageuk shoot, and Joo-won manages to tag along, with help from Ra-im’s sunbae. His outfits as an extra are just…priceless, and he tries to get his sunbae to switch outfits with him claiming that “there must be something wrong.” Heh. Serves you right to play a lowly commoner.

He’s terrible, naturally, since he refuses to lie down on the dirt to play dead (choosing instead to lie down on TOP of another dead body), and using the opportunity to attack Jong-soo, who’s on the same side in battle. Keh.

Ra-im comes out, dressed in her Damo costume, and Joo-won goes gaga. So cool to see Ha Ji-won playing Ra-im, playing this role. She does a beautiful swordfight with Jong-soo in the snow, and Joo-won watches in awe from the sidelines.

In voiceover, he remembers a line from Alice in Wonderland, about looking through the wrong end of a pair of binoculars, so that everything seems like a fairytale. Joo-won: “I must be suffering from the same thing. Otherwise, why is every second with that woman, who means nothing, like a fairytale?”

At lunch, he asks why on earth Ra-im does this work, when no one will ever know she was in this film, or reward her with money or anything else. She says that he’s right, but that her fellow stuntmen will remember her as she’ll remember them. She asks him how many people will remember him, or break their arm in his place. Naturally, he can say nothing, the man with zero friends.

She adds that it’s the work they’ve chosen. “What are you to judge what we do? Who the hell are you?”

The action school goes out after the shoot for some gopchang (pig intestine lining) which you’ll remember Joo-won refused to eat the last time. Ra-im does the Korean thing of putting some on everyone’s plate around her, but purposely leaves Joo-won out. She reminds him that he doesn’t eat such things. He complains that she should still offer him some regardless of whether or not he’ll eat it, asking her not to treat him differently.

She counters that being treated differently is what “his people” pay for, remember? Ha. Awesome thing to throw back in his face. One of the guys calls him out for not being a man if he can’t eat this stuff, and Joo-won postures that of course he can, which is right when Ra-im pops a piece in his mouth. Heh. Ra-im: “Chew and swallow.” Joo-won: “NO! I’m gonna melt it down!” Everyone has a good laugh at his expense, including Ra-im.

The next morning, Joo-won wakes up…in Ra-im’s bed. He turns over to find Jong-soo lying next to him. HA. He screams and Ra-im comes running in from the kitchen, and he panics, “Did we swap again?” Heh.

He asks why he’s there, and she tells him to try a little harder to remember last night…which we find out devolved into a drinking contest between Joo-won and Jong-soo. Boys.

They match each other shot for shot, and Joo-won declares drunkenly that he’s going to have breakfast with Ra-im the next morning, and that he’s going to sleep over. Jong-soo says that he can’t. Joo-won: “I’ve slept over plenty of times! You don’t even know.” Haha. Ra-im’s eyes widen in horror, “Hey!”

They end up in front of her place, and Jong-soo stops Joo-won from going in. Joo-won: “What, this is my house! I’ve lived here. I’ve worn her panties. I’ve washed her body. I brushed her teeth three times a day.” OMG I’m dying. How can he say, “I’ve worn her panties” with a straight face??

Jong-soo wakes up, confused as to where he is, tipping Joo-won off that he’s never been here before. Well that shouldn’t be news, given his demeanor with her. As Jong-soo sits down for breakfast, Joo-won washes up, and he peeks out to ask Ra-im if she threw away his toothbrush, and if he can have the blue towel, because he likes that one best. Awkwardly awesome.

The three head back out, only to be encroached upon by a THIRD suitor. Hahaha. This is becoming like a clown car of eligible bachelors. Oska appears, wanting to kidnap Ra-im for a consult on some stuntwork, and she asks Jong-soo for permission to go. He obliges, and she heads off with Oska happily.

Left behind, Joo-won asks why he just let her go. Jong-soo asks why HE didn’t do anything to stop her then. Jong-soo: “Are we…on the same side?” Joo-won wonders why he doesn’t know: the-enemy-of-my-enemy…

Oska asks Ra-im for her help on a CF that he’s shooting, and they go back and forth with their usual level of overly cutesy play-flirting, but this time Oska betrays some sincerity. She’s caught off guard and says that she’s kidding. He knows that she is, but adds that he’s being careful, because he’s growing fond of her…Ruh-roh.

She gets a call from Joo-won’s mother, and heads over to meet her. Ra-im asks tentatively if Joo-won returned the money, and Mom has a fit over her gall, thinking she’s spent they money, and then told Joo-won to pay it back. She curses her for her daring to face off with her, and when Ra-im says that her words are harsh, she grabs her water and tosses it in Ra-im’s face…only Ra-im’s got the reflexes of a stuntwoman, and dodges it swiftly.

Hilariously, she realizes what she did and apologizes, passing HER glass of water over, saying that they can go again. Hahaha. Just then, Joo-won walks in to stop his mother.

You think for a moment that he’s going to be all gallant and noble, except this is what he says:

Joo-won: Why? What for? There’s no reason for you to treat her this way. You’re wasting your energy on something useless. I didn’t say I was marrying this woman. Why are you dragging her here and making her the star of some third-rate drama? If I happen to hang my life or death on her, stop me when that time comes. This is only for a moment. You can’t even wait one moment?


King of Bastards, Kim Joo-won. My god, I don’t know how on earth you’re going to redeem yourself in her eyes after this. Part of the enjoyment of watching you be such an ass is the light at the end of the tunnel—that we know you’re bound to change, and grow, and STOP being such an ass.

Currently, though you are falling ever deeper in love/obsession/whatever you want to call it, you’re also not growing as a person, and it pisses me off. Don’t get me wrong—I don’t dislike the drama because of this, since I clearly enjoy any chance for Joo-won to get his comeuppance, and I do love his character for all his quirks and lonely isolation. But at this point I’m rooting for Ra-im to stomp on his heart and gleefully skip away.

I love that the momentum of this episode (until the last five minutes) is that Ra-im is gaining the upper hand. She’s free because she doesn’t have the same emotional attachment that Joo-won does, and even if she’s attracted to him, his off-putting personality is enough to nip some of that in the bud. It’s actually hilarious to watch all three men stumble over each other to gain her affections, however ineffectual they may be.

In the end Joo-won is the only one who really gets under her skin, but so far most of that is a beehive of negative vibes, so I don’t blame her for hating him. Theirs will probably go down as one of the great bickering courtships, which I love, but man, if I ever found myself in that kind of relationship in REAL life, it’d be cause for an intervention.


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Every time I see Ra-im do her 'coy pose' ie. tapping her toes on the ground and Joo-won greet people with a raised hand and say 'Sorry' in English I feel happy because I think that the writer is setting up the 2 characters to be found out when they do their next body switch. Excited to think what will happen then. Will Joo-won try to get it in on with Ra-im when he is in her body and she is in his?

Only 3 days till the next episode :)


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I have two questions:
Did anyone translate to eng the map of JW's grounds? I googled and searched soompi, but couldn't find anything.

Does anyone know which opera JW went to and what the lyrics were?


After finally watching with subs, I have to say that this was also my favorite episode. The part from when JW was talking to the Smurf until Oska left Key Lime's boys in front of her house is the best televsion I have seen ever.

I really liked drunken manly JS bellowing at JW. How can Key Lime not love him? The fight scene with him was hot!


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rewatching previous episodes (again!).

In episode 1, when Ra im and Joo won were on their way to the hotel, there was a crow in the background. When they were unsuccessful at their "kiss to success" in Episode 6, there was another crow in the background. Anyone else thinks the crow is a "shape shifter" of some sort? RI's dad or his spy, something? Was the weather reporter in Epi 1 another of his "mini self?/spy? He certainly was able to "spy" on Ra im through her locker picture....Or is this just me?

If RI's dad exchanged with another "soul" just so he can use the woman's body (when RI and JW stumbled in to Mysterious Garden Resto), who was the woman?

If his dad can make souls swap...is it so far fetched to consider the possibility that he can make potent love potions, too? bec...i think he drugged joo won or something, for him to be so besotted with her so suddenly. And I remember now, he met Ra im the day he heard the weather report about Indian Summer.

I feel there's something niggling at the back of my consciousness..that somehow, if we figure out the writer's pov/framework/pattern/line of thought where all these clues would fit, we can better anticipate the direction of the story and understand better the writer's motivation for the pace, content, events in the story NOW (and not be too frustrated, if you are. frustrated, that is.) I feel we're all looking through a telescope with blinders on. Just a veerry microscopic view of the whole story. And in the past 4(?) episodes, the telescope focused on one scenery for a really long time. I can't see much of the background (story) right now. ALL I can focus on are the character's SOULS. Gah. But then, these characters are funny so I can watch a hundred episodes with them in it and never get bored.

Anyway, I read somewhere the writer was a bit overwhelmed with the 20 episodes....approximately, Epi 10 is equivalent to Epi 8 in a 16-epi drama. And nothing major ever happened before episodes 9-12....Positive thoughts. Love SG!!


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just wanted to throw in this little tidbit - the "Raims" that JW were imagining while watching the opera were all when he had fights with her: Raim with the handbag-that-was-worse-than-a-plastic-bag, RI with the vacuum cleaner, and last but not least, RI with the money. And here, he grimaces in pain, realizing where he went wrong and remembering her last words to him, "The Little Mermaid loved her man."


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One of my favourite parts of the episode was when he lied down on top of the guy who was pretending to be dead. Just priceless. Haha.


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Yeah, sometimes Joo Won is as hilarious as Ra Him-- Binnie is a great comedic actor.


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Oh my, that part just cracked me up! I've re-watched it several times and I start laughing before he even does it. And then his explanation to the poor man underneath him..."It's muddy!!"


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Major bummer having to wait three days for the Eng. subs (but I'm oh-so-grateful for the subbers' hard work).
Delightful recap, as usual-- thanks a million, GF! What a fun episode!

Can anyone tell me why on earth Seul's hair was set in rollers just BEFORE it was washed?


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GAH. I watched Episode 10 with subs today. I crack up at Joo won's conversations with Jong soo!
"...You weren't an Arabian spy? You look like an oil seller from the Middle East." and
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Don't you know? How come you don't know this proverb? It is from an Arabian country."


He has so many hang ups about people it makes him a ridiculous person to talk to!


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i can't imagine anyone else playing Oska.


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The way he can go from laughable to sympathetic to angry then sweetly romantic... and he can dance!

What a great role for a talented actor. You wonder how much of the character is on the page and how much they create for themselves.

I have to guess that Hyun Bin added a lot of ideas to JW.


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'Seul’s hair was set in rollers just BEFORE it was washed?",
I was curious too.

I like the scene:

Oska was teasing JW : " nice shot " and RI dodge , when JW's mum tried to splash the glass of water at her.


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"... I clearly enjoy any chance for Joo-won to get his comeuppance, and I do love his character for all his quirks and lonely isolation. But at this point I’m rooting for Ra-im to stomp on his heart and gleefully skip away."

That is how I feel for the most part. I want to Joo-won to start to grow into a decent man already! And wouldn't it be cool if SG broke the mold and Ra-im fell for Jong-soo? Of'course there's no way that will happen and there hasn't been nearly enough time spent on his character. I just hope that Joo-won would be able to give everything up, including his life, to be with Ra-im by the end. Which reminds me of MGIAG, the best couple EVER.


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This episode totally killed me. I almost choked on my dinner when Joo-won goes and lies on top of another "dead" person because he doesn't want to get mud on himself and when he starts hitting Jong-soo when they are on the same side. EPICALLY HILARIOUS.

The foam kiss was super sweet. We all know JW is just making up excuses because he wants to kiss her. But that last five minutes-OUCH to be Ra-Im. Knowing JW, he probably meant what he said because he did tell Oska he will break up with her in 3 month's time. But to say that with Ra-Im right there was very insensitive.

Well onward to episode 11. Love this drama. Thanks JB and GF for all the recaps.


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I have been thinking about the kiss...How did JW got the foam off GR's lips? Did he open and close his mouth/use his tongue? If he just used his lips surely the foam would have been transferred to his lips? More research needed I think. Will have to go and have another look...


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For those interested in seeing the kiss scene again it starts at about 35 mins 30 seconds in...


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he used his lips to sought the cream into his mouth~
-y am i feeling weird telling u this? hahaha!-


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I am one to wonder, is Ha Ji Won do all of her stunt herself?

I mean, in the sword fighting scene, it seems like she's actually doing it on her own.. and not to mention those lean biceps muscles shown on the previous eps sauna scene..

Can someone tell me about her stunts?


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Finally an explanation of Joowon asshattery supported by research.

So he is not a caricature but an extreme example of his class. So let's not blame the man, he is a victim of his wealth and background.

See article below.


Rich people don't choose to be rude. They simply can't help it.

Affluent people -- in terms of income, social status and education -- have trouble detecting others' emotions, a study in Psychological Science found. While lower-class people are generally skilled at figuring out what other people are feeling, their upper-class fellows are more insensitive.

The wealthy don't need to rely on others for help, the study determined, and so their people skills have atrophied.

"They're less concerned and less perceptive of other people's needs and wishes," said study co-author Michael Kraus, according to MSNBC. "They show a deficit in empathic accuracy."

In the study, people with more education and from wealthier backgrounds had more difficulty interpreting pictures of faces. While "lower-class" people tended to correctly identify emotions, "upper-class" people had trouble.

Even as they will likely enjoy extended tax cuts under the Obama administration's deal, the nation's wealthy won't be well equipped to share their delight.


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Thanks, Anonymous. Funny how some psychological research studies or surveys just tend to sometimes explain the obvious ;-) but it adds to the validity or at least adds credibility to the claim, so I guess that's okay, especially for some people who do not easily accept things unless they are backed by scientific or empirical research.

In Secret Garden, I think the writer/s tend to exaggerate the characterizations for comedic effect so in the case of Joo Woon he just displays an extreme example of his type/class so the viewers will have better grasp of the social divide between the 2 main leads. They even made him incline towards neurosis so that they do not fall into the trap of generalizations and so imply that not all those who are in this class behave in the same way and in fact we have the neurosis to blame for the attitude problem :-)


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I was thinking that JW was probably half serious about what he said to his mom in the last 5 mins. He did truly want to believe that this obsession with RI is just temporary, but somehow his eyes looked so sad when he said it...it just seems like there is something more. The other half was prob for his mom to leave her alone..

The scene where JW discovers the tie-tying technique memo is just so touching. JW had this look....I can't explain it, but it makes my stomach do belly flips too.


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Oh dear, been very busy for the past few days for a Major Exam tomorrow. Thank you gf for making my day awesome. tomorrow and the day after when i finished my exam Il be right back on you Joo woon.. This drama is too awesome for words!


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Idk if u guys have thot about this, but i was reading the recaps from ur guys and comments and i think this is what happened;

Joo Won and his father was in an incident and there was a fire. Joo Won was saved but had major mental damage because of the trauma. Ra Im's dad went to go and get Rat bastards dad and he tried really hard but couldn't and ended up dying in that process

^ does that make sense? ;p

btw, im very curious as to what the neckercheif thing is :P


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Where is everybody getting the info about the fire etc? Have I missed an episode? Shock horror!


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im annoyed with the male lead. his character is just too immature. it does not fit in the drama where all the other characters are normal. sure, they wanna build him up as this bad guy. sometimes it's hilarious, but sometimes it's just too annoying. how can one manage to run a company while being immature? that's my beef with this drama. all the other characters are relatable and normal. Ra-Im is not always a nice girl. but the male lead is just too one-dimensional. you know, only good to Ra-Im but a jerk to others. bleh.


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this was one of the cutest episode ever.
it was so funny when the director and joowon were drunk and were fighting because of ra-im like little childs.
but we all know with whom she would end up.
so i will be rooting for jongsoo and joowons sister, its
obvious she will be the one to do the first step. and
thats something HE needs :D
i thought the filmig part was hilarious, which was like totally a parody of sungkyunkwan scandal. LMFAO ... loved it.


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This episode is definitely a 10 out of 10! I never giggled so much from re-watching an episode.

I can finally see the Oska Appeal. I think I've just jumped on the "Oppa~" bandwagon!


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THANKS, girlfriday, for a most awesome recap of one of the funniest and at the same time steamiest and mushiest episode ever!!! :-)

I had never laughed so hard til my sides ached and my lungs expanded so much it felt like they were gonna explode!

I declare the best comedic scene to be where Joo Woon joined the stunt people in filming and when he was hit instead of simply falling on the muddy ground in his crisp sageuk costume as he was expected to do he chose to avoid being muddied by falling presumably on top of another guy!!! But he was not very smooth about it at all...HE IS just SOOOO HILARIOUS!!!!

I'd say the steam between Joo Won and Ra Im in the cafe scene is the best -- even steamier and frothier than the coffee froth itself that JW removed from RI's lips, haha! (Did I really just type these words here? :-) And yet it did not pretend to be too sensual for the two funny characters which makes this scene so precious cos it did not try too hard. The acting was just right and you feel like it was the most natural thing for JW to do at that very moment.

Mushy does not even describe how JW misses RI and uses his Smurf phone app to rehearse what he would've wanted to hear from RI....awwwww! ;-)

I should add cutest scene ever when JW and SJ were in an unspoken drinking match, and like any testosterone-driven male, tried to compete for poor RI's attention all the way to her home in their drunken stupor only to wake up and find Oska steal the damsel away from their very noses! Hahahaha!

Your recap opening, girlfriday, says it all:

Apparently everyone woke up on the right side of the bed this episode, because every eligible bachelor in town starts lining up at Ra-im’s door, and fighting each other like the ten-year olds that they are. Oska wins for Best Smile, Jong-soo wins for Most Embarrassed, and Joo-won wins for Sparkliest Boxers.



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I usually don’t make comments about dramas on this site, but I have so much to say about this drama that I just can’t resist.

Joo-won without a doubt, is THE BIGGEST A-HOLE. The things he says to Ra-im are so uncalled for and so harsh, but for some reason, I kind of like it. By that I mean, it doesn’t make me hate him at all and it doesn’t make me like him any less. He’s digging his grave deeper and deeper but that’s okay because in the end it’ll make his transformation all the more amazing and loveable. I absolutely love that he liked/was intrigued by Ra-Im from the get-go. He’s not your typical rich bastard. In some ways he is, but in a lot of ways he’s not. For one, he’s absolutely insane. He’s not the type that won’t even look at the girl unless they’re forced together by some stupid reason, which is the case in most dramas. He was attracted to her from the beginning and acted on that, even when he knew she wasn’t rich and on “his level” he couldn’t get her off his mind, and I really like that. I like that they show how crazy he is about her and not how crazy she is about him, though he hasn’t really given her any good reason to be crazy about him.

Ra-im is just amazing. I love her character. I like that despite everything that Joo-won has said to her and as hurtful as they were, you can tell she enjoys his company when he’s not being a total jerk. He intrigues her just like she intrigues him, but probably not as much, but enough for her to buy books that he has and read them to try and figure him out. I thought that was really cute.

Oska/Woo-young is a so-so character. Sometimes I really like him but the scenes with his scandals don’t interest me as much. I always want them to end faster so we can get back to the better scenes with Joo-won and Ra-im. He told Ra-im that he’s starting to like her, but I don’t think he sincerely likes her. I think it’s more of a he feels sorry for her because of what Joo-won’s doing kind of like. He likes her personality and how nice she is and he doesn’t approve of Joo-won playing with her for 3 months or until he gets tired of her and that’s where I think his like-ness for Ra-im comes in. They’re more pity feelings, rather than true romantic feelings. He clearly still has some feelings for Yoon-seul, and I think before he can have true feelings for Ra-im he’ll have to get closure with Yoon-seul.


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I hate to admit it but I'm getting bored with Secret Garden because the romance is taking soooo long! Mary Stayed Out All Night may be silly but at least the romance is in place and going strong. Secret Garden is losing it's pull.


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my thoughts exactly. :\
get on with it already!, ya know?


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my reaction at the end of this episode, regarding what he said: ಠ_ೃ what is this. i don't even.


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Hahaha! I loved this episode! However, made a complete fool of myself while watching it on the train. Lots of snickering/snorting/shaking with laughter! Ah well, beats crying on the train because of a drama! (Which I have done...)

Thanks for the recaps - made me laugh all over again!


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By the way! Anyone know which cafe Secret Garden always visits? Not the foam kiss cafe, but another one, where Oska and Ra Im were chatting away at. I've seen that cafe a couple of times, the last time was on High Kick Through the Roof (which I just rewatched a few days ago by the way).

I was really surprised to see that cafe in 2 different TV dramas let alone 2 TV broadcasting companies, MBC and here SBS. I really want to go there once! Someone tell me about it please :)


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this is so funny and i was trying to wait until it was done coz i watch 4-5 hours og kdrama in a go
but it even funnier when i have read the recaps coz i know what to look for


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I'm not thrilled with this series.... :/ Maybe it's because I JUST finished watching Gumiho, which zips along at a speedy clip, but Garden is meandering and monotone to me. I am 10 (TEN!) episodes in and I still don't get the story. This isn't a fifty episode drama, is it?

Yeesh. I love the acting, and the actors, but I don't like the drama so much. BIG FAT MEH.

I wish they'd stayed switched. That was by far the best part of the show but, obviously, the writer didn't have enough confidence (in her audience?) to keep it up. I have no idea what story the writer is going for. Ugh.


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was that... Wan Seobang?!


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you know what's fabulous about this drama, is that at mid-point, the star-crossed lovers have swapped bodies, etc, and still in denial about loving each other.

he doesnt know what love is, so that's excusable. she has already started to love him a lot, but she knows it's impossible and keeps her distance. of course, it helps that he keeps hurting her intentionally.

cant wait to see how it develops....


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i don't understand anything about the the plagiarism scandal of oska's song who wrote it who stole or copied it ????????


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Thank-you!!! I don't either. The conversations everyone had about plagiarism don't really seem to align with the definition of plagiarism. I am watching it with English subtitles - maybe it's a translation / cultural thing?


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I never in my life wanted to be a comforter so badly! The scene with the boys in the bed nearly floored me. Was hoping there was some touchy-feeling going on when they were drunk or atleast some snuggles.


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omg i love the way you recap. you managed to keep all those emotions flowing through just words and static pictures. great job ! :))


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theres a moment where 2nd female had is getting here hair done and the hair stylist mentions she is using an imported shampoo but in real life its a shampoo found in your avg. pharmacy store in the US true it may be imported but its not as high quality as they make it out to be


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