Secret Garden writer not thrilled about rampant plot speculation

The popularity of SBS’s Secret Garden has the internet abuzz with speculations and spoilers about future episodes, such as the nature of the body-switch, the motives of Ra-im’s dead father, and the possibility of the dreaded Cancer making an appearance in the storyline.

And while speculation is to be expected with hit shows, it has writer Kim Eun-sook just a little exasperated. She wrote a light mock-threat on Twitter this week, “These days there’s a lot of talk about the ending. There are a lot of fake endings running rampant, when I haven’t even written it yet. If you keep this up, I’m just gonna break down. I’m having a case of the Monday mornings.” (Note: her “break down” comment is part of a pun and therefore half-joking.)

I’ve read a number of creative theories here about possible future developments — is Dad trying to keep Ra-im’s body safe, or does he want to make Joo-won really deserve her love? Or perhaps he’s trying to teach her an important life lesson — though it seems we haven’t gotten as outlandish as some of the Korean fans. For instance, Lovers In Paris is not far from the memories of some of the viewers [LIP SPOILER AHEAD], and there are some who wonder if, like in that drama, this whole series is just a dream in Ra-im’s mind. Or, perhaps she died (?!) in the first episode and this is all a product of Joo-won’s overactive imagination.

Okay, if that happened, not only will I swear off all Kim Eun-sook dramas FOREVER, I will personally have some words with a certain voodoo doll that I will have to learn how to make and then curse. (And curse at.)

Via Hankyung, Newsen




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"swear off all Kim Eun-sook dramas FOREVER"


I'm not into much of the guessing game because it'll eventually come around, why so serious?
BUT! if the writer makes this thing to be JW's (or whoever else's) sheer imagination then yes....be ready to feel my wrath. :'<


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The writer KNOWS that viewers don't want a dream ending or a tragic one, so for her career, she wouldn't write something so drastic...right?! I really hope she doesn't lose steam and that the ending (as far away as it is) will actually make sense. I love this drama too much for something bad to happen to it!


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Wow, I regret even reading this because it is my sentiments exactly. I hated how LIP ended and it was just a complete damage to my brain for about a month. Refreshing? Don't give me that kind of bull. I like to guess the situation in dramas but I wouldn't voice them and would rather just anticipate the upcoming episodes.

Your voodoo doll and mine my friend. :D I'm with you both on this.

I'm loving this drama so much that I've caught up within one day. I can't wait to see the rest. Ra-im's character is selfish. Even though JW's character makes me mad sometimes but he is at least learning more than she is. She "never has thought about him even for 5 minutes." Ugh. YS is really pissing me off as well but I feel for that couple. A simple misunderstanding can lead to many injuries mentally and physically.


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how could she not think of him for 5 mins when she put on a mini freaking fashion show before going to meet him? he deserves every word she throws at him and more.


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i've been watching dramafever's subs so I wasn't aware of the "not thinking for 5 minutes part"... it's translated without a specific time on dramafever... which leads me to the question.... which website has the best or most accurate subs for Secret Garden? what do you guys prefer? viiki subs on kimchidrama or anonymous subs on dramafever? Thanks for your tips. I got deterred from Viiki subs because it had "???" sometimes for lines that can't be understood


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Wait, Lovers in Paris was supposed to be a dream?!?! I mean that ending made no sense whatsoever to me but I figured Kim Eun Sook was just trying to show that no matter what, they would have met.

And if she does a similar ending, I'm going to have a huge bone to pick.


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OMG. Same for me. I was like WTF, ending?
But then again, I was young(er).

It makes sense now. T_T


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Whoa! I thought of the same. I didn't think that the LIP ending was a dream. I thought that the story said that even if in a different setting, soul mates and true love will always cross paths. :)

Oh well... I hope that Secret Garden's ending would not be as mind boggling like that of LIP. And I hope it isn't a tragic one as well.


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Wow, that is really an optimistic way of looking at it. I've never once thought about it like that. I feel a bit better but I'm still going to make a few voodoo dolls if it does end up like that. If that type of ending in LIP was to EVER be a trend I'd probably have to swear off Korean dramas and that would be like swearing off life itself since I've watched dramas since I was two. *Sigh* I'm glad it hasn't come to that...


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I may be the only one that didn't mind the ending in that drama, heh.

The relationships between the three leads was too screwed, and whoever would end up as a pair would ultimately be awkward for the other person, imo.

Yet the ending gave the female lead a second chance in starting fresh with the guy (can't remember their names right now).

Still, once is good enough. SG doesn't need to go that route.


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The way I understood the ending (it's been a while since I saw LIP) is that the whole series was a storyline that the heroine wrote as her movie script. Only similar started happening to her in real life.

Either way, I was so turned off by that ending that I was very hesitant about starting Secret Garden. Didn't think I could stomach for the second time what I felt was a betrayal of viewer investment.

If Secret Garden ends similarly, JB just may find herself a mambo leading a vodun ceremony.


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Am i the only one who thought Lovers in Paris had a happy ending. I watched it long long time ago. Don't remember much. The ending that stuck in my memory is them meeting in Paris ... near the fountain.

Don't tell me, that was just a dream ??????


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I'll hate it too if it all turns out to be a dream or something. I'll rather have Ra-Im and Joo-Won die. But mostly I hope for a happy ending, with both of them still alive and happy together.


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what about lovers in prague ? i think is a lot underrated compared to lovers in paris,it was a good drama ?


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i love lovers in praque; the dialoques're great, the ending was sweet, it is a male version of modern day cinderella story. and , also, there is JGS :D


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Yes, i love lovers in prague. In fact, i find the acting in this drama a lot better as compared to lovers in paris. On another note, if secret garden will have a sad ending, i swear i will ban all future k-dramas that has this writer's name on it! I so love this drama that having a sad ending will find myself in denial, utter agony for sure for a long while. My witch side will come out and go for hunting! Grrr!


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Me too! I love lovers in prague. I think I have watched it at least 3 times. It barely featured JGS though... haha.


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c'mon! I cant have such a sad ending!!
I'm going possitive! Like, to understand/deserve each other...


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maybe one of the speculations has hit close to home that's why she's annoyed 'coz somebody stole her thunder lol! if all of them is far-fetched from her intended ending, then she should've just laughed it off and be a sport about it.


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word! ahahahaha and if the ending of
this drama is just a mere imagination then
forget it! its gonna go down to my worst
drama list together with lovers in paris even
if hyun bin and ha jiwon is here...


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If this is all in Joo-won's head, I will burn an effigy the size of Texas. My hatred for writers who break the unspoken contract with their audience knows no bounds. There's a separate circle of hell devoted to such people. They spend eternity re-writing their dramas with the proper endings.

At least that's how the universe SHOULD be.


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Amen to that, girlfriday!

And if it does turn out to be all in Joo-won's head, I'll have the matches and gas cans ready for you! LOL


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hear! hear!


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i love you!^^ we can ask the powers-that-be to make sure it happens...^^ will call wolfram and hart and see how it works...^^ <3 <3 <3


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OOOhhh! I see your a Buffy and Angel fan!

Yes, let's do some magic and chant for a happy ending!


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yep.^^ die hard fan.^^ let me check my supplies with angel so we can start brewing some magic!XD


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You're totally right, gf. I read about that particular circle in Dante's Inferno. It isn't pretty.


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I'll be right behind you dousing the fire with petrol/kerosene... whatever it takes.

Hopefully all our 'threats' are strong enough to get the writer to re-think the ending :)


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I hear you Girlfriday and like Javabeans...never I will watch a drama of this writer again. I think she better not do anything drastic about the plot just to be different because viewers just want a good happy or just a good ending....


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haha love the idea of 'separate circle of hell'
and there are certain writers i already enlisted to it

i don't think its in Joo-won's head because i believe the writer is not skewed


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If this forum had existed when I saw LIP I would have had a
Ranting Session beyond belief. I was a Kdrama newbie at the time and just went HUH? NO YOU DID not do that!!!!!!!!
And I was afraid to watch another KDrama for weeks. It was the most mad I ever got.......( until Bad Guy.)


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what is LIP?


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Lovers in Paris, a k-drama from 2004


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If the writer is offended by public interest, opinions & speculations, she shouldn't read them & avoid them. Everyone knows the ending to Romeo & Juliet, but it doesn't stop its remake often. Even if someone guessed right about the plot, just be graceful about it. Or if the writer is brilliant, come up with a different ending just to show off then. Don't even offend the public. It's all in good fun. That's why people watch tv dramas - to be entertained & have fun.


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I agree!


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Ditto.. .. I don't dread sad ending. Come'on who am i kidding, Autumn Fairy Tale is my all time Fav drama and i still have all the OST in my playlist. So, bring on show... i don't mind a tid bit melodrama at the end.

I just hope it don't turn out to be a bizarre ending.


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Oh the madness and the addiction of K-Drama Fans!
Well this time around I am
just going with the flow, am not so involve in this drama as to go "crazy" with whats going on, I think the story line is kinda unique and fanny so I will take what ever the writer does.

But I want to point out that as the writer stated in her twitter post she has not written the end part yet, so this implies that she is following the "OPEN STORY FORMAT", and we see how problematic this issue has been for a lot of dramas out there where they clearly loose track of the story line only to tank in the last quarter of the drama and with only 20 episodes to go I fear that "Secret Garden" will tank in the last past of the show, since so far the show has shown to suffer from "Multiple Personalities"!!!


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*Edit* I meant "Funny"....


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If your prediction about Ra-im dying was true, then I would be seriously upset! Hopefully, that's not happening!! I hope we have an ending that we would never expect! But, nothing sad please. I absolutely hate sad stories!!


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Now there's talk of her making Oska and TS have a love interest....WTH! I will swear off her dramas if she does that...why bring in the Seul relationship and then twist it?

She is not focusing....focus lady, focus on the story at hand!

I agree with you @Amg1 because it looks like she will self-destruct and should not blame it the netizens for her breakdown.....


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hahahah..yeah when i read about TS + Oska my first thought was WTH?!?! you can't change teams almost half way into the storyline..it'll make no sense...


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I think they are going there because Oska and TS have more on set chemistry in the drama then Oska and seul. I think she is just speculating on it now, and I seriously doubt they intended to have him gay from the beginning. When oska and TS were fighting I actually sat up and was like "hello what is this? This wonderful tension...oh how delightful"
I wanted to stroke it and tell it how special and beautiful it was. But im weird that way.

Im kinda more interested in that then in this seul business as good as she can be acting wise. I dont like seeing the soft white underbelly of the second lead psycho bitch too soon. Thats for the last two to three episodes and everyone knows it.


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lol your comment. agree completely. every time Sun is on screen I thought to myself - did they intend to make Sun a female singer so that Oska can have his consolation prize but then realize RI needs a foil and creates Seul and just for the sake of kdrama convention makes Oska involved with Seul? also, OSka being the womanizer that he is, might not have such wonderful tension with a female singer, whom he'd probably try to land in bed instead of paying attention to her talents. sad but true ~


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yer right. if Tae Sun was made female, then there'd be too many serious girl relationships/interactions involving Oska (3), as against that of Joo-Won (2) - the male lead.

more than being another love angle for Oska, maybe Tae Sun was also used as bait for Oska to go to Jeju, to be followed by Ra-Im, and then Joo-Won... to Jeju where the spooky fireman daddy of Ra-Im was. I mean... if you don't want to be found (because you're being stalked by a rich and desperate hallyu star), why would you post your whereabouts and photos on Twitter for everyone to have access to?

maybe Tae Sun is a female soul living in a male body - but then again that's something my gay friends say about themselves.


Haha, I've been wondering the whole time what the point was for TS to be in the drama. And if the answer is as Oska's gay love interest then that would make sense. I do feel the tension each time they bicker. But Oska being gay or maybe bi. LOL now that would be a twist.


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I can understand the writer feeling a bit overwhelmed and exasperated over the flood of speculation and predictions that have been pouring in about Secret Garden. I was amazed at how many were getting posted on the episode 8 recap. In fact, I was just about to post my own speculation when I saw this article pop up. hehe So I won't.

But- the writer should also feel complimented on the highest level. It's only because SG has been so freakin' excellent, and has all of us completely invested in it and its main characters, that we're all trying so hard to figure out how this is all going to play out. How many more body swaps(if any), which of Life's lessons will be learned, what's the deal with Ra-im's dad(dead or not so dead?), sickness or injury or simply fate, and most importantly- will Joo-won's and Ra-im's love be allowed to have a happily ever after?

Thanks, JB!


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I added the clarification that her comment is mostly joking -- she's not seriously threatening breakdown. In case that didn't come through!


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Thanks for adding the clarification, JB!

I had a strong feeling that the writer was just being facetious, though she probably does feel a bit inundated by all the speculation that her great drama has generated.

Btw- I love this drama! ;)


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Well, I for one am so freaking tickled pink that the writer even bothers to read, no less react, to our views and speculations on the ending! I mean, think about it - we have the power to affect how the story goes! Wow!
Whether the writer is joking or not, I'm really, really invested in this drama and I hope the writer does try to move away from her tendency to suddenly pull the rug under our feet at the last minute.
Hooray for SG! Love love love the characters!


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Its one reason why I lot the sit-com Community.
The writers straight up said at comicon that they read the forums and then add suggestions from fans to the plot. Its why the love interests keep changing as the fans grow to like one pairing then another and then switch back again.


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If the ending ends up similar to Lovers in Paris, I will never, ever watch another one of her dramas again.


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ditto, i still remember watching the last episode with my entire family. we all looked at each other and everyone went,,, NOOOOOOO


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What a serious bummer! Frenzy means lots of interest which is a good thing for a drama. Its puzzling as to why she is offended.

It might be the distrust she's feeling from us because she had written such ending before in Lovers. I have only seen Lovers which I felt 'cheated' at the end after all the emotional roller-coaster. I remember I could only utter 'What!" and took a while to come to terms with the ending.


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Ok, now read JB's note - not offended, jokingly threatening.


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well, she may not be offended, but the writer ain't so happy ("not thrilled", "a little exasperated") about it either.

the speculations should be flattering. but at the same time, it can put the writer in a corner with very minimal space to move. that can be very frustrating for a creative writer, and can cause a severe writer's block.


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"Okay, if that happened, not only will I swear off all Kim Eun-sook dramas FOREVER, I will personally have some words with a certain voodoo doll that I will have to learn how to make and then curse. (And curse at.)"

I shall join you in your voodoo doll making and cursing should that occur.

I think she's partially flattered by the attention her writing is getting, but hopefully is just a little annoyed by the fact that most "predictions" are tragic. Meaning there will be a nice happily ever after (with all our questions explained before that happens).


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This all better not be a dream. Lovers in paris was such a disappointment.


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Actually I think she should read the wild speculation, have a nice laugh, then she should get off the internet and go about writing the story she had in mind all along. (unless it was all a dream or there is the big scary "C" in there somewhere...See! There I go!) The way I see it, she should feel extremely complimented the public is going mad speculating about and loving the show. Ultimately it is her writing, her story, that has everyone going crazy town. Her ego should be on the moon right about now.


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come on guys, she is one funny lady. she is just saying that to make fun, just remember how she loves to mock herself. she did that big time in her previous drama, On Air.


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I cant put into words my disgust for the Lovers in Paris ending, disgust is not even the right word…its like the hurricane Katrina in dramaworld. As much as I respect the characters, the ending really sucks! The writer’s ability is really in question especially in the succeeding drama she did, On Air wow! It’s a hallelujah waste of time drama and a lot more drama that did not just make it! It is only the Lovers in Paris in her sleeve to be proud of but at the end day people just want to beat her up. Anyway this is unspoken warning what to expect from Secret Garden…be ware, be prepare… voodoo doll is not a bad thing…. I love you jb…


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^^agree. i felt so jipped after watching lovers in paris...all the character development and plot/storyline seemed to go to waste in one stupid ending. i hope this isn't the case with secret garden...i'm too emotionally invested =)


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I think we are all suffering the fate of watching an on going drama, too much anticipation for too long leading to a possible huge dissapointment at the end.

It wont be so bad if say we were watching an old drama, could finish it quickly unlike here where the whole show will only end in another 1-2 mths time. Then all the speculation and guessing will just heighten all the expectations.

I didnt watch the other shows of the writer but I think they were all a bit sad right? Secret Garden seems to be in a different genre - comedy. Lets just hope it stays that way.


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"I didnt watch the other shows of the writer but I think they were all a bit sad right?"

1. Lovers in Paris : :(
2. Lovers in Praque : happy ending, for me, it is a very warm love story.
3. Lovers : yeah, lots of suffering, but still considered having a happy ending, i guess...,
4. On Air : a very happy ending for all characters
5. City Hall : another happy ending show for its main characters


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'and there are some who wonder if, like in that drama, this whole series is just a dream in Ra-im’s mind. Or, perhaps she died (?!) in the first episode and this is all a product of Joo-won’s overactive imagination.'

Actually, if this happens, it's more like LOST than Lovers in Paris.

Between LOST and Lovers in Paris, I would like Secret Garden to be more of a LOST...

Exciting, thrilling and unpredictable. Lovers in Paris had all the canon K-drama elements but if they twist everything upside down it's gonna be a roller-coaster ride and that will be fun.


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sorry but i don't think the wild speculations just cropped up by themselves. she dug herself a hole here by all those bruises on ra-im's body (cancer?! platelet problem?) and all that "save my daughter" stuff.... rofl....XD XD XD

anyway, it'd be seriously annoying if it were that long a dream! i mean in terms of inception, it'd be a very very very deep dream to last as long as the whole drama right? and if joowon were crazy and he made it all up, i go with the effigy burning, boycotting, and voodoo dolls!XD


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I would be sooo disappointed if the whole drama was a dream!!! i love this couple! :P


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Well I have my theories too but thats what makes it fun because I really like this drama and the characters. Though if it turns out to be a dream or one of them dies Ill be ready with my torch. Lovers in Paris I havent seen.


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wow...i love all the speculations...wanna hear more...though i totally want Kim Eun Suk to surprise us all with the end....i do see the drama going into major angsty territory soon enough but before we even get there since the likelihood for more soul switcheroos is possible, i wish she'd play around a little and give the other characters a dose of it too...like just imagine how awsome it would be if we got a Joo Won- Oska body swap??


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There better be no deaths and it better not be a dream nor an imagination.


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dear javabeans,

if u really have to learn how to make a vodoo doll and how to curse..

then i'll help you, with the best i can do..!!


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Now seriously I didnt know that theres such a thing as different types of hell, I thought you just get burned but if you can re-write things I guess by GF books there is! I better not see SG go down that "any unrealistic path". Because if that happens I will join both javabeans create a voodoo doll and ask my grandmother for some chanting words along side GF and send them to outside of hell to re write things better!


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Read Dante's Inferno for an explanation on the different types of hell. Ahhh renaissance Dramedy you serve so well.

And yes, it is a fitting punishment for bad writing. Now tell me is there a separate area for people who write Bad!fic or do they just throw them in the same pit together?

I hope they all get old typewriters with the E key missing.


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lolz for the missing E!^^


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I was astounded to read the writer hasn't even written the end part yet! How do you start filming a 20-episode series without knowing how the story will end??? And I also read Oska and Ssun will have a gay relationship??? Why at this stage, nearly in the middle of the series and after spending so much time rehasing Oska and Seul's past?? Does this mean the writer only writes a bit of script for one or two episodes and then continues in bits and pieces? Can't be. There must be a complete script somewhere, and she may be gauging viewers' reaction and decides to change the storyline accordingly. I hope she'll read all the comments by the fans and not resort to the overdone "C" device nor the Lovers in Paris "dream" device. That will utterly make a travesty of "Secret Garden" which seems so refreshing to us with the weird storyline and crackling dialogues (thanks to the translators/subbers, we non-Koreans can follow what the characters are sasying mostly). The writer can make either KW or RI as ill as she wants, but please don't kill either of them off as that'll be taking the easy way off. I can accept if they don't end up together due to the huge gap in status/background which really bodes ill for a happy future. But I hope the writer will be reasonable and logical in bringing this very funny and interesting drama to an acceptable ending.


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I think that's how the system work in the kdramaland. I suggest u to read the news about DAEMUL's writers-director saga to get more information about this stuff. Or simply just watch On Air to get the bigger picture :D


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I just remember the 'ending scene' of BOF, when Jun Pyo and Jandi holding hands happily at the beach. It was leaked before the story reached its half. And after that, we know the ending is so much different. Maybe the writer want the audience get a surprise ending, so they changed it - or something caught in between, just like the On Air.


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Last: they better not be brother and sister/ cancer or any illness type of death/ no death/ no bromance ending/ dont even try going to the States or any country or even the country side! Just end it with all four characters at peace with their choices!


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Yes, yes, yes to all of the above. LOL re: not even going to the country side!

Like someone said and most have inferred, I'm going positive. Ix-ne on the agic-tre!

May the kdrama powers-that-be smile down upon us and give us what we want.


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I have not seen her drama Lover in Paris. However, I did saw her other dramas which are On Air and City Hall. On Air was okay...City Hall was a really good drama and I enjoy that one the most. I was hoping that SG is just like City Hall without that much body switching and the big C.


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Lovers in Paris was enjoyable until the big HUH? ending. On Air, I heard, was exasperating for the first one or two epis and then got better and better, ending well. City Hall I loved. Oh please let all, or at least the main two, in SG end happily like that (not necessarily exactly like that, but get the gist).


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"Last: they better not be brother and sister/ cancer or any illness type of death/ no death/ no bromance ending/ dont even try going to the States or any country or even the country side! Just end it with all four characters at peace with their choices!"

I'll agree with you KC, absolutely!

If it does have a tragic ending, I will stop watching any Korean dramas forever, and I mean forever!

It would have been a waste to have all the humorous and funny moments & episodes if in the end the ending would just be tragic. If that was the plan, it would have been better that it started with a sad story line & then have a happy ending.


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1. I was born in New Orleans, I know lots of things about voodoo dolls and can be of assistance there. We New Orleanians are quite proud of our unique culture!

2. I moved to Texas half way through schooling so I know lots about how big things are in Texas. We are also quite proud of our unique culture (even if sometimes we shake our heads at some of the silly things our state does... no more comments there). Everything is bigger here! I can also be of assistance there.

Voodoo dolls + Texas sized things is right up my alley. Just call the yogic hotline if things are getting ready to go down.


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count me in....lol........


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Oh yogic, you are the person for the job! (should your services be needed)


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I tmight just be me but I dont really care to speculate. But on the other hand im eerily good at it, I can usually predict how a drama is gunna end...oh wait thats because they are all the same.

One of these days I wanna see the girl fall for the second lead. At the end the main actors just smile at each other and say "wow its so great that we can be such good friends" and then go bone the hotter, romantic, non wrist raping guy.

I can just hear the screams of anguish now, all of you would have your world tilted off its already precarious axis, The flames from your voodoo dolls could be seen from space, there would be events to make everyone run backwards to try to turn the world in reverse and turn back time. Utter. Chaos.

Dont ask for things your not prepared to handle.


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I agree. If I were Ra-Im, you know whom I'd pick. :)


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I had the dirtiest fantasy today while I was getting the oil changed on my car. The mechanic had longish hair and he had a streak of grease on his face and looked surprisingly like whom I am sure your thinking of and suddenly my mind turned to steamy shower scenes. I washed those Abs, I washed them ALOT. They were Dirty...just....oh. ...so dirty.

It was beautiful, I even took a mental picture and hung it in my steamy shower scene mental picture gallery.


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What do you think of the director and Joo-won's sister? Personality-wise, that might work.


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whoa whoa whoa.....lets not get crazy k? No use having dirty fantasies about someone who got less then 15 min of screen time. Your just in for a world of hurt and frustration there.

She shows up more in later episodes I might consider it.

...Snerk I just looked over and my dog dropped his squirrel toy on top of his giraffe and its a very suggestive bromancy position then I just thought of a squirrel and a giraffe. ok I digress


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Oh pleeeeease nooooooooo!!!!

As I ve said time and again, I have been in constant fear that the C word would make an appearance and the D word as well( Ah Young's dream anyone?? she said she dreamt they were in a car and RI was unconscious while JW was crying!!! is that a forecast of the future??)

but I seriously would be even more upset at the other option( turn away if you hadnt read JB's note: about the fact that it was all a dream..a segment of his imagnation...or something of that sort). I d rather go for the C and D option than that imagination awfulness! I d seriously throw a fit and ...well do some bra burning or something!!!

Ahhhh I havent watched the writer's other stufff but from what I hear the writer tends to pull surprises and mood/atmossphere changes.

Oh please noooooo! My heart wont take it!!!


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Wait I have put on my speculation specs *pushes them up nose with middle finger*
But my special speculation senses tell me that Key lime really did scream, the scene in the woods was really too freaky, and the sign for the restaurant showed up out of nowhere. So im not gunna go with dream or imagination and I dont think its The Big C, but something more sinister and terrifying.

Ah! What if this is a forces of evil Vs. Forces of good thing?! Maybe something dark an twisted that was originally out to get man momma is now after Key Lime and only Joo-wanita can save the day? Dopplegangers? A Dark force of destruction? Glowing butterflies and sparkle dust everywhere?

Bring it on I can take it.


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*Prepares armour, shield and special heart band aid* now I m ready too!

hehehe well I sure do hope it isnt going down the 'imagination' path.Haha I feel we all should hold hands and chant 'I believe in happy endings! I do ! I do ! I do!'

I really do hope they explain what the whole deal with man momma is..is he a wizard,angel..fairy?Did he really die when she was 17? Did his death have anything to do with JW?( btw kekeke I totally giggled when I read your naming of the dad heeeheee)


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Misery, the Stephen King story, comes to mind, guys!

Are you seriously gonna go all Kathy Bates on Kim Eun-sook's legs if Key Lime dies? Cause I'll help and hide her typewriter...(I guess it would be her laptop now a days.)


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Oh my dear JB... your "swear off all Kim Eun-sook dramas" and " Voodoo doll " comments just too funny. Honestly I never understand the ending of Lovers in Paris but I didn't know that it was a dream either. If Missy Kim dare to write a similar SG ending like LIP, I swear I will never ever watch any of her drama (including the coming drama - My Princess). As of the Voodoo Doll, I will make one BIG ONE myself so I can XXX....lol


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Ughh.... that would piss me off so much! I would rather just not see the ending and just pretend everyone was happy and well on their merry way. Not some dream sequence crap being thrown at the audience in order to be a "different" or "fresh" writer. Seriously, thats the last thing audiences want to see!

And the 'Cancer' card has been used to death (haha pun not intended). It's run it's course. Why bring back this "trend" back?


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I thought it was going to be like Who Are You? where the body-swappery was supposed to give Seung-Hyo a second chance at life, cos he otherwise would've died... so I thought that when they heard that scream in the forest something awful happened but the body swap was her dad quite literally saving her life... idk[: i don't care how she decides to end it, so long as it isn't over the top ridiculous.


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Ah, have a decent & happy ending plea.....sssss....eeeeeee!


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Lovers In Paris ended with it being a dream?!? How did I miss that after watching like 3 times.... ): WOW.....


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You must be joking!


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wasn't the ending not a dream but her writing it as a fanfic or novel??? and it was all made up in her mind? that was my impression of it. i never realized it was a dream sequence....a long long long dream sequence..


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I'm sure its a joke! hahahaha..


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LOL u crack me up hahahah


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i think the reason of ra-im's father is for her child to be safe cuz she is makin alot of stunts that can cause death..


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i mean HIS child.. sorry..


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uh-oh this is getting me nervous. I hope they don't pull a Shyamalan on us with the ending!


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OMG --- I agree. And I'm usually super open-minded even to the sad endings (not that I love them, but I understand that even in real life that happens). However, I just have to make an exception here. Was not loving the whole LIP thing. If it does end up like JW's dream -- I also will be right there with you guys. I might not do the voodoo doll thing, but I can think of a few other choice things I might do. LOL

But seriously, the drama has been pretty comical, and it seems to make sense for it to have a happy ending.


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...She's joking, right? She does have some big, logical plan behind it all to run with, right?

*crosses fingers*


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i watched the drama because its fun, i laugh, i cried, i swoon.... and then you're giving me a crappy ending? what the....

im with you too JB with "I swear off all Kim Eun-sook dramas FOREVER"....


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With complaints abt the infamous LIP ending, I don't think the writer will repeat it. And she has written other dramas too with decent endings.

I can understand her frustration with all the speculations. She had put all these little hints and hope to give everyone some sort of great payoff later in the series...but some of these speculations out there are so good, they sort of steal her thunder. so how can you keep your drama fresh and unpredictable (well as fresh and unpredictable as you can possibly get for cliche-ridden kdramas) for the viewers who are now picking apart the mystery that is Ra-Im's dad and his intention for the body switch.


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That's what I was thinking! Since its a write as u go deal, the writer probably pondered many possible ways things could go down for the seeds she has planted in the plot and haven't decided what they will lead to. But no matter how creative she is, some of her thoughts must have overlapped with the speculations at some point since there can only be so many combination of outcomes.
Her frustration probably shows that she is someone who really cares about originality. It's hard to stay one step ahead of these discussions and come up with a plot that no one has guessed yet by the time the ep airs and still be crowd pleasing ... Drama takes time to make and speculation only takes 1-2 mins to become public on a blog. But at least now she knows what people don't want.


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PLEASE.....not another dream.


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LOL! Kim Eun-sook must be reading Dramabeans a lot! :P

For someone who follows the series, I can't help but speculate on the twists of the plot - and the ending - too! This is because:

- Clues for twists were strewn all over the story, not to mention the dialogues with multiple layers of meanings. As I've mentioned before, it's like a murder mystery game.

- And then there are the flashbacks, which have caused me to be on the lookout for possible flashback items.

- The history of the characters are not told outright and leave a lot of space for guessing. It's not only the characters' history, but also their potential that the story keeps on hinting on, and in turn trigger speculations.

Well, you can't blame the audience who have seen hundreds of dramas before, to speculate on where the story will go - epecially if the drama hints and teases with its elements and dialogues. These fan theories can either be helpful or frustrating for the writer.

aigoo! they guessed it right!
omo! they got it all wrong!
darn! that's where I was supposed to take the story to!

The way I see it, fans air their speculations either to have fun discussing possible forks on the road with fellow viewers, (and) or to send a warning to the writer about what they don't want the story to turn out/to be.

Me, I'm enjoying the guessing game. Although there are times when I get bored.


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hi izzie!!!!! moony loony noona... sistah...how are you? hahaha! this is sooo exciting! :-)

ive been away from dramabeans for a while and have not even watched episodes 7 nor 8 yet and this is the first news i come across here in db: what a feedback from the writer of Secret Garden! cool to know she reads the forums/comments from viewers and keeps tabs on them...

but i dont know if i should be amazed or worried that the writer has not yet written an outline of where she want the story to go/finally communicate to the viewers.

izzie, i so agree with you that the writer should not be surprised that all this speculation is going on because i would like to think that it was deliberate on his/her part to reveal those hints and clues along the way and what should a poor soul do but...yes...speculate! ;-)

she was really asking for all of these wild guesses. that's what suspense thrillers/detective/murder mystery story writers do...they throw crumbs and baits and poor unsuspecting viewers bite and hook on them and try to imagine/foretell/guess what they are all about and for. elementary, watson! hahaha!

i think the writer is actually having a field day having all these brains go crazy over SG clues, mystical scenes and magical potions.

i am guessing that in the writer's previous life (not that im a believer of reincarnation, hehe) she must've been a mean old witch (or is it wizard?...sorry, SG writer...even your gender is still a mystery to me..hahaha!) for her/him to write SG in this way! she/he does not plan to show any mercy at all to any one of us and she/he does not care if we don't just become addicts but also crazies trying to decipher those bits and pieces of clues strewn all over the secret garden. ;-)

so, to get back at writer for all of the mind calisthenics i will keep my mouth...err keyboard...shut and never reveal any of the things running around my brain as to what should and could and would happen in SG. i want writer to amaze me, surprise me, thrill me, shock me... if need be. please do the thinking for me!!! then in the end...i will say: "writer, congrats, you guessed what was on my mind/ writer, sorry, that was just plain boring/ writer, what was that all about?"

if all things fail...please hand me the doll...hahaha! :-)

kudos to the SG writer for inciting witchcraft and sorcery here in the internet over a kdrama.... ;-)

and to javabeans, our huge thank you once again for a mystical, magical bit of drama news! ;-)


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hey there, Moony-Loony sis! :D

it's the opposite for me - unbusy time! :D after I've dealt with serious concerns at work, it's vay-kay/holiday time o'er here. :) (now I can allot more time and attention for my neglected travel blog. :) )

"so, to get back at writer for all of the mind calisthenics i will keep my mouth…err keyboard…shut and never reveal any of the things running around my brain as to what should and could and would happen in SG."

- the little Moony-Loony (smaller than the pocket-sized Yoo Ah In) in my head wants to do the opposite: express more insane speculations about the drama! :P especially when I get bored. (I hear someone yellin' at me to get a life. :D )

I miss our moony-loony friends! :)


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izzie, my dear, we will let you do the ranting and speculating for all of us...im speaking also in behalf of sumee and kdl...in absentia hahaha! ;-)

ooohhhh! what travel blog is this? pls let us read it...pls pls pls....email me at [email protected] if u dont want others to link to it, hehe...

a hundred-run dosage of PK...wooooahhh!...that's torture! i watched it once because of the lead actress (as javabeans said...she made us love a character that would otherwise be annoying) and that's it...dont think i can go through even a second dosage...


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LOL! I will send you the addy once I'm done "renovating" :) I'm struggling with all the photoshopping tasks (adding borders & watermarks) on lots-n-lots of photos. (sigh)

re: PK... your endurance for that series is unbelievable! I wasn't able to finish watching it. although the actress was good, I can only watch so much of her character being a total doormat. and I watched too much! I gave the proposal episode a chance. other than that, I merely read recaps here. which brings another writer in mind that we should put to torture. (the PK writer, and not dramabeans'!) :D


thanks, izzie...sorry was gone for a while....yes, pls let us in when u finish your blog...it would be so much fun!!!! ;-) we will be your very first readers...me, sumee and kdl ;-)

yup, had nothing better to do when i watched PK...and i only tried to finish it bcos i wanted to know what was all the hype about the ISWAK and then PK...and if there was anything that would redeem it all in the end. sadly, there was nothing at the end pf that tunnel...pffft! almost had a seizure trying to stop myself from throwing my laptop in frustration...hehe...


"if all things fail…please hand me the doll…hahaha!"

- how about tying the writer down to a chair and forcing her to watch the entire Playful Kiss series? a hundred times?

(haha! projectiles coming from PK fans coming my way!)


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Um, OK, she hasn't written the ending yet? I'd kinda been feeling like the show was driving along not sure what road it was on, so this... well, worries me.


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