Secret Garden: Episode 10

Apparently everyone woke up on the right side of the bed this episode, because every eligible bachelor in town starts lining up at Ra-im’s door, and fighting each other like the ten-year olds that they are. Oska wins for Best Smile, Jong-soo wins for Most Embarrassed, and Joo-won wins for Sparkliest Boxers. Yup. You heard me.


Joo-won discovers Ra-im and Oska mid-flirt outside her apartment, where he’s clearly been waiting for her like the stalker that he is. The best part is that Oska and Ra-im gang up on him like a pair of older siblings, just to rub it in his face. Wait, scratch that. The best part is the new tracksuit, this time hand-stitched by French artisans. HA.

Ra-im: “Why are you wearing an ajumma’s long underwear?” Heeeeee. She adds that she told him quite clearly that she didn’t want to see him anymore, so he’s either got rocks for brains, or he’s REALLY REALLY into her. I just love her right now. She’s so much better as a sassypants than the over-apologetic meek girl.

She pointedly tells “oppa” to drive home safely, and walks right past Joo-won without a word. He follows her to her door like a little kid, whining that he didn’t get a proper goodbye. She slams her front gate in his face, and he screams, “My nose is higher than other people’s! It could’ve gotten hurt! Didn’t you think of that?” Haha. Even in his rants, this guy is all about how awesome HE is. It kills me.

She goes in without a word, and Ah-young gives her a package—it’s some books she ordered. She tells Ah-young that she went to someone’s house and it had a library filled with books, and it made her wonder if he had read them all, what he was thinking when he read them, and if she read them too, she might find some truth about him that she may have missed before.

Aw. How freaking ADORABLE is that? Trying to know a person (who is outwardly unknowable) by reading the same books as him? That’s the cutest and nerdiest thing ever. It hits me right here.

She puts the copy of Alice in Wonderland on her shelf, and we see that she’s started a little collection of her own. Next to her collection of action DVDs is the beginnings of her own mini library, with the likes of 1984 and One Hundred Years of Solitude. I love that juxtaposition of their two personalities sitting side by side on her shelf. Strangely enough, it looks a lot like my bookshelf, which perhaps means I have a split personality, but that’s neither here nor there.

Joo-won follows Oska home to ask if he really meant that stuff he said to Ra-im. He throws the question of sincerity right back at Joo-won, asking if he can really take responsibility for his feelings, and for Ra-im. Joo-won: “Responsibility? Did you take responsibility for all the women you dated?” Oska: “That’s why I get cursed at.” Heh. Point taken.

Oska tells him to be honest about himself—that he isn’t the type to give up everything for a woman because he doesn’t feel the need to. He couldn’t even handle the bag incident, let alone the wave of terror that’s bound to come from his mother. He points out rather correctly that Joo-won thinks of marriage like a business deal; hence he should just meet some girl more like him, and stop with Ra-im before she gets hurt. Aw, I sort of love Oska oppa coming to her defense.

He questions Joo-won about his motives with Seul too, citing the handholding incident from the golf course. He wonders if he’s planning to marry Seul and just have some fun with Ra-im: “Rotten bastard. Take your hands off of both of them. They’re both too good for you.” Dayum. And woot, Oska! I love that Joo-won has SOMEONE in his life that’ll tell it like it is.

Joo-won sits alone in his empty palace, brooding over his hyung’s words. He puts Ra-im’s map back together, and above his own name writes, “Cowardly.”

Ra-im stays up to read Alice in Wonderland, and this time the titles on her shelf form a little poem:

Alice in wonderland
Like a fairytale
The night that Eun-ha shot through the galaxy
A bad boy is standing there
This insignificant melancholy
She walked at the pace of memory

(I’m approximating on the third title, which is a play on the name Eun-ha, the same word for galaxy, or Milky Way—it could be The Night that the Milky Way Pierced the Galaxy, but that makes no sense. Hence, the pun.)

Jong-soo records himself reading the script for Dark Blood and gives it to Ra-im, the helpfulness of which I don’t really understand, as he’s reading a script in English, in English, but anyway, she’s touched, and she trains fervently for the role.

Both Joo-won and Ra-im go back to their daily lives, and as Joo-won gets ready for work the next day, he discovers a little memo that Ra-im left behind—a printout of instructions on how to tie a tie. Ha. Something about that stirs Joo-won, whether it reminds him of the body swap, or her.

Oska gets nagged to go to his fan-signing, which he’s afraid to do, given the current plagiarism scandal. Meanwhile, Seul is still brooding over being falsely accused for leaking the song, but when her friend points out that she’s still got the wherewithal to get her hair done, Seul reminds her that even if the world is crumbling around her, the one thing a woman must guard is her appearance. Ha, the fervor of your superficiality is astounding. Truly.

Oska holds his fan-signing, which is depressingly spare at first, but a small group of fervent fans show up to cheer him on. He decides to give them signatures as Choi Woo-young, and not Oska, for their belief in him as a person. Seul decides to show up in line, and asks for a signature addressed to her as his forever love, and without a reply, he writes, “To Yoon Seul, Thank you for loving me all this time. –Oska” She reads it with tears outside.

Joo-won goes to the opera, where he of course buys three seats so that he can use both armrests for himself. (Okay, I will confess to secretly wishing I could do this, but never having the gall. Or the money, let’s be real.)

He imagines Ra-im sitting beside him, and spends the entire opera thinking of her. The next day he tells Secretary Kim that he couldn’t concentrate at all; this time he’ll need an entire row of seats, to keep the riffraff at bay. Okay, now you’re just being crazy.

He leads a presentation for a new resort that he’s got in the works, which utilizes the natural mountainside surroundings as a retreat. Director Park steals some of his thunder as soon as he finds out that Joo-won’s grandfather is stopping by for a peek.

Joo-won comes home to find Dr. Lee waiting, having just stopped by because he strangely hasn’t been calling all the time, like he usually does. She asks if he hasn’t run out of his meds, which reminds him that he hasn’t taken his meds for a while now…how was it that he slept in that tiny apartment without them?

He shakes it off and says that it seems he doesn’t need them anymore, and doesn’t explain the rest since he doesn’t actually want to be committed for being insane. Yes, I would agree. Best not to tell your shrink that you’ve been running around in a woman’s body.

He asks if people usually need to give up something in order to get something that they really want. She says yes, since usually the thing you want so ardently is outside your means. He scoffs that anything, let alone “that woman” is outside his means, or above his social standing.

Just then, a delivery arrives, and it’s all of the stuff he had bought for Ra-im’s apartment. He stares down at all of the returned boxes, and rants that she has to be so righteous and proud. Dr. Lee points out that it’s not what most women would do, and tells him that she IS out of his league. HA! Damn straight!

Oska breathes a sigh of relief as the plagiarism scandal gets reneged, and when Seul meets with Tae-sun, we find out why—Tae-sun was the original songwriter of the copied song. She offers him a contract to do any music the way he wants.

On a snowy day, Joo-won sits at home and reads Alice in Wonderland, and then plays with a smurfs app that repeats everything he says: “Omo, Kim Joo-won-sshi, do you know how long I’ve waited for your call? I miss you like crazy.” Aw, such a lonely little boy.

He goes for a walk in the snow, and then comes upon a shiny new toy that’s fun in two ways—as a video game, and as a means of torturing Oska. Oska comes over fuming that Joo-won’s snaked the arcade game he’s waited three months to get, and when he tries to take it back, Joo-won threatens to out his scandalous pictures with his ex Chae-rin. They strike a deal for Joo-won to keep it for three months, after which he’ll return the game AND the original pictures. Ha. These two. Giant kids with way too much time and money.

Oska tells Joo-won again to be honest with himself about Ra-im: “Stop with your Lovers in Paris cosplay and go back to your normal self!” Hahaha.

Joo-won actually HAS decided to stop seeing her…but not right now. Pfft. He says that he likes her too much because she’s curious and new, but that he’ll eventually probably grow tired of her, and she’ll become like every other woman in his eyes—the typical nine out of ten women who are just common. Um, shouldn’t your obsession with her and her constant refusal of your advances tell you that she’s probably that ONE in ten that you’ve never encountered before? Moron.

He thinks a few months of seeing her will do. Gah. The only reason I’m tolerating you right now is because you’re just digging your own grave. A few months of seeing her will only make you more in love with her, genius.

Oska calls him out for being a bastard, and Joo-won just sticks to his ridiculous obsession with The Little MerMistress, refusing to face the fact that HE’s the one who’s in love with her, and not the other way around. He plans to date her for a few months and have her disappear, as per Operation: MerMistress.

To that end, he shows up to the action school day after day, with some new flimsy excuse to see her: first it’s that he gained weight while she was driving his body around, and now he wants his abs back. Next he gives her the boxers she wore and washed while she was in his body, telling her to wear them. One pair is actually SEQUINED. No, really.

He then shows up to complain that he’s constipated—what did she feed his body? Pwahaha. At each turn, she calls him crazy, and eventually perverted. Yeah, I’d have to agree. Finally, he shows up to complain that his department store’s profits are down, due to something she signed off on, heart-signature and all.

She tells him that she was just following Secretary Kim’s advice, to which he says he’ll have to fire Secretary Kim then. She doesn’t want him to get fired so he offers up a trade that he gets to come see her whenever he wants, and she’ll greet him with love and gratitude and joy. Pfft. Yeah, she’ll greet you with swearing, is what she’ll do.

She makes one motion with her latte towards his be-laced tracksuit, and he freaks out, “Get mad at ME, not the clothes!” Heh.

She takes a sip and ends up with foam on her lip, which he calls out as a typical coy maneuver when women are around men. She reaches to wipe it off, but he grabs her hand out of the way and leans in, getting up out of his seat. With a soft kiss, he licks the foam off her lips. Yowza.

How is it possible that you can be so unattractively metro about your tracksuit one minute, and then make my stomach do flips with a move like that, the next? Gah.

She makes a move to hit him, and he warns her that from now on, if she hits him, he’ll do the same thing (kiss her, not hit her back). Awesome. I see lots of hitting and kissing in their future.

The action school gears up for a sageuk shoot, and Joo-won manages to tag along, with help from Ra-im’s sunbae. His outfits as an extra are just…priceless, and he tries to get his sunbae to switch outfits with him claiming that “there must be something wrong.” Heh. Serves you right to play a lowly commoner.

He’s terrible, naturally, since he refuses to lie down on the dirt to play dead (choosing instead to lie down on TOP of another dead body), and using the opportunity to attack Jong-soo, who’s on the same side in battle. Keh.

Ra-im comes out, dressed in her Damo costume, and Joo-won goes gaga. So cool to see Ha Ji-won playing Ra-im, playing this role. She does a beautiful swordfight with Jong-soo in the snow, and Joo-won watches in awe from the sidelines.

In voiceover, he remembers a line from Alice in Wonderland, about looking through the wrong end of a pair of binoculars, so that everything seems like a fairytale. Joo-won: “I must be suffering from the same thing. Otherwise, why is every second with that woman, who means nothing, like a fairytale?”

At lunch, he asks why on earth Ra-im does this work, when no one will ever know she was in this film, or reward her with money or anything else. She says that he’s right, but that her fellow stuntmen will remember her as she’ll remember them. She asks him how many people will remember him, or break their arm in his place. Naturally, he can say nothing, the man with zero friends.

She adds that it’s the work they’ve chosen. “What are you to judge what we do? Who the hell are you?”

The action school goes out after the shoot for some gopchang (pig intestine lining) which you’ll remember Joo-won refused to eat the last time. Ra-im does the Korean thing of putting some on everyone’s plate around her, but purposely leaves Joo-won out. She reminds him that he doesn’t eat such things. He complains that she should still offer him some regardless of whether or not he’ll eat it, asking her not to treat him differently.

She counters that being treated differently is what “his people” pay for, remember? Ha. Awesome thing to throw back in his face. One of the guys calls him out for not being a man if he can’t eat this stuff, and Joo-won postures that of course he can, which is right when Ra-im pops a piece in his mouth. Heh. Ra-im: “Chew and swallow.” Joo-won: “NO! I’m gonna melt it down!” Everyone has a good laugh at his expense, including Ra-im.

The next morning, Joo-won wakes up…in Ra-im’s bed. He turns over to find Jong-soo lying next to him. HA. He screams and Ra-im comes running in from the kitchen, and he panics, “Did we swap again?” Heh.

He asks why he’s there, and she tells him to try a little harder to remember last night…which we find out devolved into a drinking contest between Joo-won and Jong-soo. Boys.

They match each other shot for shot, and Joo-won declares drunkenly that he’s going to have breakfast with Ra-im the next morning, and that he’s going to sleep over. Jong-soo says that he can’t. Joo-won: “I’ve slept over plenty of times! You don’t even know.” Haha. Ra-im’s eyes widen in horror, “Hey!”

They end up in front of her place, and Jong-soo stops Joo-won from going in. Joo-won: “What, this is my house! I’ve lived here. I’ve worn her panties. I’ve washed her body. I brushed her teeth three times a day.” OMG I’m dying. How can he say, “I’ve worn her panties” with a straight face??

Jong-soo wakes up, confused as to where he is, tipping Joo-won off that he’s never been here before. Well that shouldn’t be news, given his demeanor with her. As Jong-soo sits down for breakfast, Joo-won washes up, and he peeks out to ask Ra-im if she threw away his toothbrush, and if he can have the blue towel, because he likes that one best. Awkwardly awesome.

The three head back out, only to be encroached upon by a THIRD suitor. Hahaha. This is becoming like a clown car of eligible bachelors. Oska appears, wanting to kidnap Ra-im for a consult on some stuntwork, and she asks Jong-soo for permission to go. He obliges, and she heads off with Oska happily.

Left behind, Joo-won asks why he just let her go. Jong-soo asks why HE didn’t do anything to stop her then. Jong-soo: “Are we…on the same side?” Joo-won wonders why he doesn’t know: the-enemy-of-my-enemy…

Oska asks Ra-im for her help on a CF that he’s shooting, and they go back and forth with their usual level of overly cutesy play-flirting, but this time Oska betrays some sincerity. She’s caught off guard and says that she’s kidding. He knows that she is, but adds that he’s being careful, because he’s growing fond of her…Ruh-roh.

She gets a call from Joo-won’s mother, and heads over to meet her. Ra-im asks tentatively if Joo-won returned the money, and Mom has a fit over her gall, thinking she’s spent they money, and then told Joo-won to pay it back. She curses her for her daring to face off with her, and when Ra-im says that her words are harsh, she grabs her water and tosses it in Ra-im’s face…only Ra-im’s got the reflexes of a stuntwoman, and dodges it swiftly.

Hilariously, she realizes what she did and apologizes, passing HER glass of water over, saying that they can go again. Hahaha. Just then, Joo-won walks in to stop his mother.

You think for a moment that he’s going to be all gallant and noble, except this is what he says:

Joo-won: Why? What for? There’s no reason for you to treat her this way. You’re wasting your energy on something useless. I didn’t say I was marrying this woman. Why are you dragging her here and making her the star of some third-rate drama? If I happen to hang my life or death on her, stop me when that time comes. This is only for a moment. You can’t even wait one moment?


King of Bastards, Kim Joo-won. My god, I don’t know how on earth you’re going to redeem yourself in her eyes after this. Part of the enjoyment of watching you be such an ass is the light at the end of the tunnel—that we know you’re bound to change, and grow, and STOP being such an ass.

Currently, though you are falling ever deeper in love/obsession/whatever you want to call it, you’re also not growing as a person, and it pisses me off. Don’t get me wrong—I don’t dislike the drama because of this, since I clearly enjoy any chance for Joo-won to get his comeuppance, and I do love his character for all his quirks and lonely isolation. But at this point I’m rooting for Ra-im to stomp on his heart and gleefully skip away.

I love that the momentum of this episode (until the last five minutes) is that Ra-im is gaining the upper hand. She’s free because she doesn’t have the same emotional attachment that Joo-won does, and even if she’s attracted to him, his off-putting personality is enough to nip some of that in the bud. It’s actually hilarious to watch all three men stumble over each other to gain her affections, however ineffectual they may be.

In the end Joo-won is the only one who really gets under her skin, but so far most of that is a beehive of negative vibes, so I don’t blame her for hating him. Theirs will probably go down as one of the great bickering courtships, which I love, but man, if I ever found myself in that kind of relationship in REAL life, it’d be cause for an intervention.


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Thank you for the preview drama beans..
God only knows what's in store for the relationship (if it can be called that) between Ra Im and Joo won..
By the way, would anyone be interested helping to sub secret garden..If so, just send me a comment..
It would be extremely helpful and also mean you could watch SG A LOT quicker :)
Thank you


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I can help to sub in Malay but I don't think there are many Malay speaking lurkers here.


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woot! i speak malay! :)


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Thanks for this great recap, girlfriday!!

I've only been able to watch this episode in 'raw' form, and am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to see both episodes 9 and 10 with subtitles. Still, though, I wanted to post a few comments.

I won't pass judgement, yet, on what Joo-won said to his mom in front of Ra-im at this ep's conclusion. He certainly sounded like a world class jerk, YET AGAIN. And, maybe he was being exactly that, YET AGAIN. Or, as others have mentioned, maybe he was simply trying to defuse the situation by saying what he knew his mother wanted to hear- that this low class woman meant NOTHING to him; that she was just a play thing for him for the time being.

But we've been made witness to some of the things that Joo-won has been thinking to himself(out loud, thanks to the world of drama). His own wonder at why he keeps finding himself in awe of this poor low class woman who means nothing to him; why he can stop thinking of her. And he's done this a number of times, now, thus far. So, I'm inclined to think that Joo-won, on some level, believes in this snobbish elite crap. Perhaps it's a lifetime of conditioning, due largely to having been treated like a prince, but also due to the dreadful stuff that we can all imagine his horrible life-sucking mom telling him all throughout his life. So, maybe he really does believe in some of the crap coming out of his mouth.

But- even though he's constantly dishing it out to Ra-im, hurting her deeply and making her feel degraded and humiliated...at those moments when he gets close to her, the time he hugged her and when he softly kissed her lips to remove the foam...at those moments he is so utterly sweet, loving, and tender with Ra-im, behaving as though she was the most precious thing in his life(and Hyun Bin is simply amazing at those moments). I think the conflict is that he believes all that elitist crap...in his head...but not in his heart. Ra-im owns his heart.

I can't wait to get the back story on all this. Why does he have such an estranged relationship with Oska? What happened in the past that has driven a wedge between them? Ra-im's dad was a fireman who died while rescuing someone. Was it Joo-won and his father, and was Joo-won saved but the father didn't make it? Did this event cause Joo-won's claustrophobia? And is it why Joo-won is so socially awkward and so much like a lonely little boy? And what's the deal with the story of the little mermaid?


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*edit*- "why he can't stop thinking of her."


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awesome! yes, I actually think JW said all this to deflect his mom's anger and that he will try his best to explain it to RI. But I think the damage is done...she will never believe in his sincerity towards her again. And his obssession with the Little Mermaid does not help him at all!


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I love the way Ra im just does her stunt women moves and dodges the water..so swift soo totally awesome..i wish i had her dodging moves. :) :D and yes I think Joo won should soften up a bit more with Ra im he obviously likes her...no wait LOVES her..so he should show it. :) :D


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The writer is amazing with creating the character of Joo-won. He's like the typical chaebol (privileged, got the CEO attitude down, money up the wazoo and knows it, looks down on people), but instead of making him hot and dreamy, he's pretty obnoxious (but the writer's magic and Hyun-bin's charisma makes him lovable). What is supposed to be a cool, manly, and suave sort of move (reserving a restaurant to himself or reserving extra seats), he makes it look like uncool, petty behavior. He would be like the most embarrassing husband and father.

But I love him in drama form! Though I hate how he's treating Ra-Im like some kind of mistress he can just use and throw away later like a piece of tissue and his assumption that she won't mind. He must not know Ra-Im that much; even though she is a tough stuntswoman, she is still a woman and can be vulnerable. I don't even think she has dated before. There is no doubt in my mind that he means what he said to his mom and that it isn't some sort of technique to deflect his mom's anger towards Ra-Im. I thought him thinking himself totally justified in taking his mom's money for Ra-Im was low. How could he trample on her pride like this?! This speech at the end had hit a new low. Now he has trampled on both her worth and her feelings, in front of his evil mom. Ra-Im, go do a cliche-drama-makeover and go on blind dates with some cute guys.

I hope Ra-Im leaves him (preferably go overseas for a movie) and makes him get on a tiny plane to get her back. I love Ra-Im! And the way she defended her occupation and her fellow stuntsmen! I wanted to end it with giving Joo-won the finger for looking down on them.

I also love Oska and how YSH plays him. This is much better than his role in My Fair Lady. He makes a believable idol who has aged a bit. I think part of why I love him so much is that he never gets to one-up Joo-won, not that he is trying very hard. Felt really bad for him that Joo-won stole the game he has been waiting 3 months for. I wonder how long this has gone on. Can you imagine spending your whole life like that with your bratty little cousin stealing your stuff?

I don't get how Tae-sun ended up being the composer of the plagiarized song. I love this kid and felt betrayed by this.

I'm a bit disappointed though that we didn't get any magical stuff these past 2 episodes (except for the switch-back). In the pre-switch episodes there were little hints of magic, but now na-da, unless i've missed something. Now I'm like 'did the switch really happen'? and 'what was the point'? Isn't Ra-Im's father going to be disappointed to find that they've switched back and that his little girl may still be in danger?


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Now, my eyes could be playing tricks on me but right after JW discovers the diagram that RI had to tie a tie, the next scenes have to do with what I call a "couple's" bench near a tree overlooking a pond or lake.

In RI's drawing of the estate that JW ripped up and later taped back together, and other shots, there are only two such benches and NONE were near JW's house, but now one magically appeared it seems with this episode or so I imagined.


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To be frank, I feel kind of disappointed with this show. A pity because I love the first 2 episodes so much. Especially Joo-Won as a character is shaping up to be one of the biggest jerk in Kdama history. Some people likes to compare Jon-Won with Darcy in P&P, but there is one major difference between the two of them. Darcy may appears to be cold and arrogant on the outside and he too is very much aware of his high social status but as the story progress, we (together with Elizabeth) realizes that he is also actually an honorable and generous man. Joo-Won on the other hand, demonstrates no such redeeming qualities. Good looks and cute/funny antics only goes so far with me, I need a hero I can root for. Not a selfish jerk who is incapable of thinking for anybody outside of himself.

I don't know why the writer writes him to be such an asshole all the time. I get that she set him up to be someone full of flaws so that he can improve later on and so forth and I generally like that kind of setup too, but it's been 10 episodes and there is still no signs of growth in him. The Joo-Won at the end of episode 10 is not much different from the mermaid Joo-Won in episode 5. What is the point of the soul-swapping and the past 5 episodes? Just for laughs? In fact, from episode 6 to 10 the only serious development is the Oska-Seul relationship and the evolution of Oska as a character. Joo-Won and Ra-Im keeps on repeating the same story over and over: Ra-Im rejects Joo-Won, Joo-Won does a lot of crazy and cute things to win her over, Ra-Im starts to warm up to Joo-Won, Joo-Won suddenly turns cold and abrasive and says something mean, Ra-Im gets hurt again. Are we going to repeat the same cycle until the last episode? Please give me some serious development dammit.


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maybe THATs her "sickness" - complete inability to learn from the past. So she's stuck feeding herself into the frankly kinda pathetic, vicious cycle that is her relationship with JW. I thought you described it well.

Me, I'm not declaring myself disappointed YET - I'm giving the show a little more time to develop. But, if JW does not have to suffer MAJOR comeuppance at some point I will be very so let down.


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the first picture with gil ra im wearing the bonnet reminds me of go mi nam (go min yu)


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The kiss <3 JW was hilarious as an extra.


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i was refreshing the page all last night until 1 am until i realized i had to go to bed...haha!

but thanks for the recap! :) its truly one of the best ones out there!!!! :)


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interesting drama.. i want to try to watch it.. hehe.. hey, may i know.. is ji sung popular in korea or not? i'm one of his fans.. i want to know.. i'm also a fan of lee min ho and hyun bin(since he starred in a millionaire's first love and my name is kim sam soon).. please answer my question please anybody..


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thank u so much for recapping!!! i had to watch the ending 3 times to make sure i wasn't dreaming about what a dick he was being at the end!!! can't wait until next saturday!!!!!!!


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How can Kim Joo Won be such a jerk and be adorable at the same time? His character is just making me crazy. More meds please, Dr. Lee.

As usual, Ha Ji Won as Ra-im is a brilliant actress. I just love it when vulnerability and passion shows in her eyes.

Thanks for the recaps, btw. Awesome!


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before i start reading your recap THANK YOU SOOO MUCH. i have been dying to know what really happened ^^


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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i haven't watched this episode yet but DAYUMMMMMMMM the kiss/lick scene looks so HOT. ^^;; Hyunbin, you're such a jackass in this drama but you always seem to make up for it. LOL.


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LOVED this ep. The 3 'suitors' are amazing in 3 very different ways. Hope more great stuff is coming in the future. Thanks for another awesome recap. ^.^


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I don't know why but I'm fixated on the toothbrush ^^ If Joo-wanda used it to brush "her" teeth, would JW really want to use it to brush his teeth now?


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I probably meant Ra-Him actually.


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Oh right, nice catch!


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did anyone notice that RI was wearing a smurf shirt when he visited her?


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Did not! You have excellent observational abilities!!


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i checked it again after reading this.... nice!! that's so cute. i love this drama~~!


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Loved this episode. as Oska says, "nice shot." Thank you girlfriday and Javabeans for your excellent, funny, and quick episode summaries.


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oH my gosh! I died laughing at this ep. lolz


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That latte kiss...left me 0.0
How can a man wearing such a ridiculous tracksuit be so hot?

On a different note I really enjoyed how crazy hyun bin looked with that mole. It did make me appreciate that he obviously has no problems sacrificing vanity for his roles.


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joo won and oska have SO much potential for bromance-ship ;9


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No way. They're cousins!


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i can't wait for the next episode...totally bringin my computer w/ me on my vaca so that i can catch up w/ ep 11, which i'm totally sure is gonna blow this episode out of the water...i predict, another kiss scene coming up :-)


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bwahahahah "Next he gives her the boxers she wore and washed while she was in his body, telling her to wear them. One pair is actually SEQUINED. No, really." did jw..by any chance include Ra im wearing "sparkly boxers" in one of his crazy fantasies?? lol


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Joo won's Operation:MerMistress reminds me of Ji wan's Operation:Cha Kang Jin. :) And we all know how THAT turned out...


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Whew! That kiss-wipe was smokin'!


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For some reason, I like Dr. Lee. XD

I hope they'll show a little bit more of her relationship with JooWon; I want to know how close they really were/are, if she really was his girlfriend before, etc.


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Thanks for the recap. Love this drama!


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hyun bin and ha ji won together is such a lethal combination. this drama is so hilarious, touching and unique, that i dont think i have or ever will watch a drama like it. i can't actually imagine what life will be like when this drama is over. its kind of like a drug i swear. weeks seem to last eternity ever since this drama appeared in my life.

i honestly want to applaud the writer for the creativity of the character's skinships. it makes it so much more heart melting and squeal worthy to watch when you see skinship in the form of close-contact sit ups, crowding together in the same changeroom and kissing latte off lips.

i am dying for a preview for next episode. i really can't wait until ra-im starts to fall for joo-won majorly and joo-won realises that she could never be a little-mermistress-esque existence in his life. i sense that we're building up to some major angst, and im looking forward to it, though it's gonna hit us hard what with the fact that it's been pretty easy-going so far (compared to what i expect for the future).

once again, thanks a billion GF for your hlariously insightful recaps!


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Joo won!!! how can u mek me love u n hate u at the same tym...GOD can't wait for anothr ep!!! & what's with i stayed in her house, worn this and used that!! It's mekin the drama much more njoyable and hilarious!!! Cudn't stp myself from LOL!!!
U rock!!
&& aww Ra-im u bought the BOOKS jus so u cud undrstand him!!! dat's reeely sweeeet of u!!!
aww!! i jus want to see the nxt ep!!!!
Hyun bin u really rule it!!! luv u zillion times more!!! :swooned:

SECRET GARDEN Best drama evr!!! (although ther r mamy dat add to da list but still )
<3 it


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Joo won!!! how can u mek me love u n hate u at the same tym...GOD can't wait for anothr ep!!! & what's with i stayed in her house, worn this and used that!! It's mekin the drama much more njoyable and hilarious!!! Cudn't stp myself from LOL!!!
U rock!!
&& aww Ra-im u bought the BOOKS jus so u cud undrstand him!!! dat's reeely sweeeet of u!!!
aww!! i jus want to see the nxt ep!!!!
Hyun bin u really rule it!!! luv u zillion times more!!! :swooned:

SECRET GARDEN Best drama evr!!! (although ther r mamy dat add to da list but still )
<3 it


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joo won, you king of bastards, can i slap and kiss you at the same time???


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I love this show so so so so much!!!!!!


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Thanks for the recap!!!

Hope Ra-Im would just step over Joo-Won and walk over to Oska. That would show him.


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Maybe he said that so his mom will stop.

By telling his mom that Ra-im is not important (he's not that serious with her), maybe his mom will not give Ra-im a hard time anymore.


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Totally agreed... And that would be the most effective way as JW knows cos he's literally the same as his mom.


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after a long tiring day here comes my prize!
yeah me too will hate him and will trample on him with my might if it is in real life
such a MEANER!
clap clap for Ra-im for clearly displaying that she's no ordinary woman in front of Ji-won's mom


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Could anybody tell me what the background music(an english song) is when they are in cafe?


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I like jong-soo.
I just wish they didn't do this to his character. It's frustrating to watch because he's not a real competitor yet they keep making him look pathetic. I really don't like this idea of a 2nd lead that is not really a love interest at all. the girl just ends up with the one you expect anyways. What I hate more is to watch the 2nd guy torture himself even though the girl never shows any real interest. It's just stupid to me. I think I'll just watch this actor in another drama. by the way, reading the script in english is helpful because she can hear how the words are supposed to be pronounced. Thanks for the summary.


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I think adding Oska as another secondary male character helps mitigate this so that we don't feel like we have to accord the Jong-soo character or his unrequited love for Ra-Im that much importance. We've got 3 guys to focus on instead of 2.

At least it looks like there may be something in the future for Jong-soo and Joo-won's little sister. I think Jong-soo needs a girl who can defy him. Ra-Im sees him too much as an older family member.


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In my opinion, the car racing video game taken by JW from Oska is a plan by the writer to let JW prepare for car driving stunt scene on behalf of RI after another body change upcoming. In one of the recent interviews, the writer(Kim Eun Sook) has already acknowledged there will be another body change.


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My apologies if someone has already commented on this-

Is it just me, or did anyone else here get a mild case of the goosebumps or the "oooohs", when Ra-im appeared, dressed as Chae-ok, and then proceeded to perform that beautifully orchestrated swordfight with Jong-soo...whom I'm guessing was portraying Sung-baek, the rebel leader...? Watching this scene immediately brought back those amazing fight scenes in Damo.

I don't think Ha Ji-won looks more beautiful than when she's Chae-ok in one of her swordfights. The gracefulness of her skilled movement, and the expression on her face...the intensity, the ferocity, and the pain...both so unforgettable.


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Thinking about the term 'anti-fan'.

Does not wanting Song Hye Kyo to be in a relationship with Hyun Bin make me her 'anti-fan'?

I don't want to be 'anti' anyone but whenever I see her picture I'm like 'Oh, it's you again:('

It's not just that she's going out with HB there is something about her that just gets on my nerves.

Does anybody have any suggestion for dramas which would make me see her favorably?


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go watch Full House (even if u have watched it, watch it again), she's super cute in it! i find myself not bored with her once i re-watch Full House~


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Thanks Geanna,

will give it a try:)


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realize I've already seen Full House. I really liked it the first time.

I'm watching the final episode now to re-familiarize myself with it. This is probably my favorite drama that Rain's done and Song Hye Kyo isn't that bad in it either:)

Mission accomplished.


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i think rain's best drama is A Love To Kill :)


what a bastard. i totally agree with you. i hope she will stomp on his heart.


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omo~ joowon's stunt look really cracks me up, he's so cute, esp the part he attacked jong-soo and lied on top of others' body omo omo~hahahah

cant wait for the next ep~~~~~~~~~~~


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Me the same..
I really love this drama and think, I can understand JW.
I agree to those who suspects him acting as a jerk was really needed, to distance his mom from the apologetic Ra Im.
Cause she wouldn`t be able to defeat herself. (She also put the next glas of water for herself).
Or maybe she wouldn`t even defeat herself , cause she sees there no relationship with him. She already told him, that she is not in love with him.)
(He knows her pride wouldn`t allow her to go against his mom, so this would be the most effective way, to win time
from his mother for the relationship.)

I am sure that he is in love with her. And he knows this, too. He even got in pretty awkward situations and is always jeleous about her swarming for OSKA :)).

To me it was just a way to control the sitation.
Of course, Ra Im will feel in an other way. ( But maybe even she understands him, but I thin she will not admit it).

His whole attempt is to find a way to her heart but since she refuses to give him am possibility it makes the whole sitation even more interesting to him. And he tries harder to reach his goal.

But there is one point I am not sure about. What will happen after he reaches his goal.
Will he die instead of her? (Bodyswitch during a stunt?)
Or will he loose everything he posses just to save her?...
Or what kind of a sitation will develop after this?....


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I don't think Joo Won is interested in finding a way into her heart; he is interested in seducing her to satisfy his own desire and curiosity, then dumping her. That is why he said he has decided to stop seeing her after three months. During the filming scene he rationalizes his desire for her as an illness.


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Does anyone know the model for Joo-won white car ? Please tell me !!

Anyway sometimes really don't understand why Joo-won keep treating Ra-im this wasy. HOT & COLD !! But at the same time also give me a very fresh story line.

I guess he just haven't accept the fact that he end up liking this kind of girl, not saying Ra-im not good, super love her !! Is just that Joo-Won must be expecting his wife is from rich family all those kind of thing.

Hope they faster together so we can see they show each other their way of treating their another half ;D


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luv this drama so muach,,,,,,
i like the pairing between hyun bin and ha ji won,,,,


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luv this drama so muach,,,,,,
i like the pairing between hyun bin and ha ji won,,,,
thank you dramabeans for the fast recap,,


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I think DJ Doc wore the track suit to the Melon Music Awards! lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxaR1_zqJxY&feature=player_embedded

Thanks for your episode summaries and input. It makes me feel like I'm discussing the latest episode when I read your posts.


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Ok, I love this drama again after this episode. RI does show at least some curiosity about JW instead of treating him like a pest all the time, which he deserves anyway, but still. JW's inconsistency is starting to get old, one minutes he's spouting dumb speeches about being above RI and the next he does something really charming, then daydreaming/pinning about RI even though he thinks so little of her. I don't know if there's something supernatural going on that attracted him to her, but it seems like he's falling in love with her against his own will. In that case... then it's no wonder he thinks it's just a 'phrase' he's going through. Or am I just over-sympathizing with his pretty jerk face? But even I'm starting to root for RI to leave him behind and move on. If only there were better alternatives than crossed-eye director/older brother figure and the not-too-bright Oska who's still hung up about another woman. And I'm still not over the adorable Tae-sun, more of him in the story plz :D


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When you "almost saw" this? :D


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Oska at the beginning of this episode was so silly/cute. Nice shot! and then with the tongue out.. so funny. I watched that part like three times. Great screen shot of it!


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Secret Garden: WHERE IS THE MAGIC???

Getting mighty tired of these dramas that rely solely on bickering couples.

Proposed come-uppance: The DIRECTOR is also a rich guy, but a 'closet' rich guy. He is kind, considerate, humble, and without Joo Won's myriad neuroses. Or Joo Won's mother, the she-witch of the East.

Jong Soo declares his feelings to Ra Im, they start seeing each other, his family approves. Joo Won is depressed and becomes even more upset to learn that Jong Soo is also from a wealthy family that doesn't discriminate against Ra Im because of her lack of family background.

Joo Won changes, but it is too late. Ra Im rides off into the sunset with Jong Soo, leaving Joo Won with his dysfunctional familyand their money, and a renewed interest to find a 'normal' girl.

What about Ra Im's father?
What about the body-swapping?
What about the magical daisies?
What about the 'Secret Garden?'

Yeah, what about all that stuff? Currently, this series is at the half way point and we are narratively at episode 3. Why the Oska plagiarism nonsense? My vote for the stupidest scene ever: Seul having her hair all rolled-up and then having it washed! First wash, then roll-up. That scene didn't move the narrative forward at all either, it just burned screen time. Are the writers so inept that they have to pad a 20 hour series featuring great acting talent with that kind of drivel?

10 more hours remain, I would like to say I can't wait to see how everything is resolved, but it wouldn't be true. I think I can wait to be disappointed.


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