More from Yoo Ah-in’s Esquire shoot

If yesterday’s Yoo Ah-in post taught us anything, it’s that we cannot be trusted to formulate coherent thoughts or carry on lucid discussion when in the presence of adorable new Yoo Ah-in photo shoots. Which I suspect bothers nobody, myself included.

On the other hand, can we all handle TWO such instances, back-to-back like this? I dunno, he’s mighty cute…

These newly released images are from Yoo Ah-in’s recent trip to Thailand, and show a more playful side to his personality than we saw in his intense, tough-guy persona in Sungkyunkwan Scandal. THAT guy was the one who made your heart do little flippity-flips in your chest as he gruffly tried to keep his feelings hidden under a stern shell, while THIS guy is the one you’d just squeal to have call you “noona.”

These photos will be published in his December Esquire spread. I never buy fashion mags just because an actor is in it, but for once I’m mighty tempted…

(It just occurred to me that he looks like he’s standing amongst a bunch of green onions — you know, those long green stalks of 파 — which would make him ever so wee, and therefore portable, like you could tuck him in your pocket and carry him around with you…)

Via Joy News, how appropriate


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the last pic makes me think "can I have him, mom?"
he's like sumthing spoiled girls want to have and want to keep


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......................................... *first thought* awww he is sooo *scrolls down to second picture* ABSOLUTELY CUTE!!!!! .
How do I make my preorder for a mini An In? Are you doing a survey? Please tell me you are!!!!! I hope he comes with a maximise button so he goes to regular size and I could "have my way with him".
I thought ..could he call me noona? *goes to check his age* then exclaims " awwwwggg BOY you can call me noona anytime". Gotta love the Korean age system where if your only older by one month can be called noona. .......


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i cant stand it... he is driving me mad with his cuteness!!!!


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ahhhhh, he's so cute!!!


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lol.. not trying to be funny.. *i absolutely adore YAI!!* but isnt it horribly hot to put on all those winter wear in thailand?!


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it is part of the concept hehe so he endured it for "fashion's" sake..though i'd like to believe that he really did it for us all, just so we can see him so adorable!


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Is that a pagoda on his head in the first image? Haha. I want his jackets! Yoo Ah In has good fashion sense.


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sooo..fun pict!!! I heart him so much YAI oppaa :-*


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Ahh the cute!


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Guys, check this one out -- YAI trying to mimic SJK/yeorim's twirl --- he is funny!



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samgetang thanks for the dosage...shutters..nose bleeds ............ :-)


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and bleeds, and bleeds, and bleeds :-) hahaha!


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I have seen it before and I laughed like a crazy noona that I am watching it again and again... :)

Thanks samgetang for feeding our addiction... :)


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Hi there my soul sister samgetang!! I am back in Moony-land... :)

Missed you gals so much... :)

The whole day in school I was physically there but mentally here, waiting to get on line and continue the madness-but-goodness-Moony-mooning... :)


I agree with you about how totally wacky, zany, insane and downright CRIMINAL the posts are in this blog simply over a few photos of YAI…

I can only imagine if ever YAI were to appear in front of us the Moony-Loons…

izzie would probably expire from her deafening screams while running to grab YAI first…hehe…

sumee will probably fall flat on her face running to grab YAI first…hehe…

I would probably be dragged along by izzie and sumee with my hands clutching their jackets while TRYING to run and grab YAI first…hehe…

What about you samgetang? Hehe.. :)


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"sumee will probably fall flat on her face running to grab YAI first…hehe…"

OMO what great imagination koreandramalover .. applauds !
I sure will get him first ! :-)


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the youngest moony-loony wins!!!! :-)


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ha ha ha well I take the trophy ..PS that's YOO AH IN !


i dont know, koreandramalover....i would probably die of heart attack even before i can say "you had me at hello!" or some other bad habit that he'd try to lecture me against doing (at least, we would be talking...yay!...like intelligently??? hahaha!)

and yes, we sooo missed you...i almost had a search party organized to look for you all over the world wide web (who knows...you might be lurking other YAI sites...his twitter or cyworld sites?) :-)

sooo good to have you here sharing with us our daily dose of moony-loons :-)


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four noonas: koreandramalover, samgetang, sumee, and izzie were in a pojangmacha somewhere in Seoul, having an eating binge/drinking spree - coming from a location scouting for the headquarters for the Fellowship of the Moon. inevitably, the drunk discussions led to counting the many ways the Moony is awesome. the enumeration went on - which, by the way, started to draw blood out of the other drinkers' ears in the tent - and with each mention of Moony-awesomeness, the voice of the contributor upped one decibel. it was becoming to sound like a debate, and the ahjumma was already contemplating on calling the cops.

and then a tall, young man in a black ensemble of knitted sweaters, skinny jeans, and killer boots entered the tent. his short, scruffy hair looked like he was just pried out of bed by his handler who walked in with him. his ears caught the discussion of the noonas, so he looked at their direction. he chuckled.

that chuckle like no other, silenced the noonas. they initially looked at each other with the expression that said "Is that what I think it is?" they turned to look at the source and there stood the object of their admiration. the subject of the debate.

izzie didn't get any chance to scream at the sight of the happy lines on the Moony's face. in her place, suddenly, there sat a statue. samgetang clutched her chest and fell unconscious on the table, knocking down the soju bottles and sending them all rolling to the floor - which didn't seem to bother sumee and koreandramalover. koreandramalover was first to achieve a synapse and got up to run towards the Moony. but before she could lay her hands on him, she got aware of the short hair and the baby face, which sent visions of her high school students flashing before her eyes. she burst into tears and was disabled from sheer guilt. sumee, on the other hand, vanished into thin air on her way to grabbing the Moony - all from his utter awesomeness, and not to mention those pearly white teeth that he flashes on oncoming fangirls to supposedly render them blind. it was too much for sumee to take. she later re-materialized under a ginko tree near the Sungkyunkwan campus.

and then I woke up screaming. to find Garang painting my toenails black. "Are you alright?" he asked me. "Why are you here? Where's Jae-Shin?" I insensitively inquired. Tears rolled down from his eye. (yes, only an eye. it's a talent of his.) he stormed out of the room. Yeorim went in flashing dagger looks at me. he grabbed the mani/pedicure set from the bed and scolded me, "to think that I even ordered this for you from China!" he flounced out as well. And then Daemul came in next with a bow and arrow. I passed out.

when i came to, i found my forehead stuck on my computer monitor. my fingers on the keyboard, and the cursor above the "submit comment" button.

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izzieeeeeee! OMG! you have outdone yourself : our very own Fellowship of the Moon adventure!!! this is superlative work! see what YAI-crazed postings and commenting can do to this certain noona! i never had so much fun and sheer delight while reading this....i almost lost my voice in between the shrieks and the guffaws!!!!

wait til sumee and koreandramalover see this...they might have their own versions to tip the scales/ turn the events to their favor.... weeeehhhh! :-)

thank you so much, izzie...you are one of a kind! super Moony-loony genius!

seriously! any plans of writing your own book? manga? film script? play? whatever...anything where you can release all those creative juices? i will be the first one to grab a copy (if the other 2 noonas dont get to them first :-)


lol lol ..i am dead laughing !!!!!!!!!!!!
see we have become the new quartet..izzie..kdramalover,samgetang & sumee !!! yeh ! :-)


izieeeeeee!!!! OMG! OMG!!!! Oh. My. God!!!!!

How much more AWESOME can a mere mortal be????????????? Hehehehehehahahaha........

I. CANNOT. STOP. LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I second all of samgetang's and sumee's words/reactions above....


I. CANNOT. THINK. ANY. MORE............

My brain cells just EXPLODED from all the shrieking, guffawing, choking-my-throat-laughter...........



Oooohhhh...we are the new QUARTET????

Hmmmm...what shall we call our quartet??

The Moony-Loon-Noona Quartet???
Not creative at all...

Any suggestions, my partners-in-crime-noonas?

Hehe.... :)


hehe, guys! you have no idea how much fun I had while writing this! :D it was equal parts crazy and taxing. I think I strained myself recalling details from your other posts. :P I enjoying sewing the things together, though.

i hope you'd forgive me for not allowing any of you to lay hands on the Moon! :D


*enjoyED sewing. :P


What?????!!!! izzie!!!!!
lay your hands on the Moon?????!!!!!!!!!!!
you want to DIE????!!!!!

wait till I get MY hands on YOU!!!!!!!!!!! ROAR!!!!!!! :)


(hides under a rock)


Awwww....you missed me that much???

Awwww............... :)

*bows* of thank yous....


"sooo good to have you here sharing with us our daily dose of moony-loons"

Same here, samgetang!!! Same here!!!! :)


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KDL ......... short & sweet .. i like i like ..see its Saturday & I am again glued to my system reading the crazyyyyyyyyyyyy CRAZY ! posts ! ;-)


Why, thank you, thank you, Sumee!!! :)

And am I glaaaddd you are soooo enamoured of this blog that you don't mind to be GLUED here reading the crazyyyyyyyyyyyy posts!!!! :)


i am laughing how you are emphasizing on "koreandramalover or kdl [as suggested by samgetang :) ]"
so FUNNY .. :-)


Hehe...you see, after samgetang started calling me "kdl", I thought...hmmm...not bad...as you said, Sumee, its short and sweet....hehe...and so....

now I am koreandramalover or kdl....
at your service... *bows* :)


i just realized the post crossed over 300... MR Yooh Ah in ...your magic ! the Noona quartet @ your service ;-)


wow! it did cross the 300 mark! OMG... and maybe 80% of that were all just these crazy posts from the wild and wacky JQNoonas, hahaha!

this is record-breaking! :-)

javabeans, so sorry if your site suddenly explodes to kingdom come because of all these keyboard-happy noonas....

forgive us! forgive us! we are but victims of Yoo Ah In's pocket-sized apparition in shabby robes nonetheless hahaha!


Hehehaha!!!! I agree with you totally regarding the following, samgetang!!!

"maybe 80% of that were all just these crazy posts from the wild and wacky JQNoonas, hahaha!"

"we are but victims of Yoo Ah In’s pocket-sized apparition in shabby robes nonetheless hahaha!"

Anyway, since Javabeans was the one who put up the SECOND post of the Mooony here, even after reading the insanely-out-of-control responses from the FIRST posting of the Moony, then it is TECHNICALLY NOT OUR FAULT, that we have gone berserk here, now is it??? :)

But, we thank Javabeans anyway, right????

We have a chance to go berserk in the safe haven that Dramabeans is... :)


it's like Moony's running a marathon and all the noonas are at the sidelines cheering for him. how many records did he break this time? I'm curious. this is the magnetism (or should I say, gravity?) of the Moon in action.

a way to break this crazy trend is to post yet another feature/set of pics of YAI. but do we really need another dose of the Moon Crack? this soon? :P


Hmmmm...I for one am all for MORE of the Moon but hopefully the next post contains pictures of YAI looking like the broodingly sexy yet adorable Moon Jae Shin than as YAI, the 25-year-old cutie-pie... :)


I think he needs the styling hands of samgetang and sumee to achieve that. but then again, I take that back... no hands on Moony! :P

goodness! for the love of everything pretty! are we aiming for 400 here?!


Just so you know, I've checked the past posts in Dramabeans and except for the Open Threads,
NOT A SINGLE POST came even close to the phenomenal comments that this post has garnered....

the most number of comments (above 200-mark) for the posts have all been for the recaps of SKKS's episodes but even then none even came close to the 300-mark...

Wow!!! Just imagine!!! A mere 2-photo post of the Moony caused a record-breaking feat in Dramabeans...


lay my hands... Ex-cues me ..keep off every one !
Eternal lover here .... ahem ahem ! :-)


Oh dear, correction...

Apparently, there were other posts that exceeded 300 comments and they are for some of the Playful Kiss episode recaps.

But since I didn't really follow the drama (I mostly read the recaps for it done by either Javabeans or Girlfriday), I couldn't really be bothered about how comments the posts garnered... :)



yeah, you ARE right!!! i will probably join you in the heart attack ZONE even BEFORE i could lift my feet to run after the Moon... hehe :)


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girl!!! twice the happy lines on YAI's face showed up! it can't get any better than that! :D

thanks for sharing this with us! :)

P.S. that one with Micky crying with tears falling from only an eye cracked me up. good times!


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yes, he is a sight for sore eyes!!!

micky's one-eyed-crying-spree? looked a bit funny to me, too...but hey, that must be his eyes being too strained from all that book-reading? (not the racy red one, i hope...haha!)


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omg it is weird that I find the 'pa' so fascinating because it's taller than him??

But I just wish he wasn't so skinny - but swoooonnnn


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Hi there my lovelies - samgetang, izzie, sumee!!! :)

Great to hear from all my crazy-Moony-noonas... :)

Sorry I couldn't log on earlier...school's not out yet for teachers in Singapore... siiigh...

WOW!!! SO MANY POSTS from you gals!!! :)

I've read them all...and died laughing from reading the zaniest, hormones-barely-in-check kind of comments on "pocket-sized YAI"...

hehe... :)

You gals are TRULY PRECIOUS!!!


Thank you samgetang for mentioning my name is some of your posts but for the sake of sanity, I thought I just post my reply here instead of at all the posts that you posted... :)


I am beginning to feel dizzy from all the hyperventilating noonas...hehe...barely keeping their emotions in check... :) ...how do I know?...cos I am one of them!!!! :)


Hehe...I can't believe that only yesterday Javabeans put up the blog on YAI modelling for Hazzys that almost crashed under the weight of the over 220 comments and hyperventilating noonas.... :)

then...she put up ANOTHER ONE!!!



Javabeans, I have sneaking suspicion that you did this on purpose...

having seen the emotionally-explosive reactions from the zany-Moony-loons, perhaps you want to see if it is going to be repeated in this blog...


and sure enough...
ANOTHER round of emotional-explosions ensued...
and HOW!!! Hehe... :)


BUT, thank you ever so much for feeding our insane addiction to the Moon...


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heyyy!!! welcome back, koreandramalover!

teehee! i'm sensing another riot her. :D


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*here. :)


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Oooooohhhh...give me a minute to close back my hanging jaw...

Hehe... :)

Hmmm...another minute to check if my head is still on my shoulders...OK! All's fine!

LET'S GOOOO....to the zany-but-goody-Moony-land... :)


Thank you so much for the wonderful welcome!!! :)

I missed you gals so much!!!


The whole day in school I was there physically but was here mentally, shrieking inwardly...I WAAAANNNNT to go online....I DOOOONNNT WANT to be here...hehe :)

You people here are my sugar-fix, laughing-fix, snorting-fix, rolling-on-the-floor-fix...MAJOR addiction...arrggghhhh!!!


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same here! all day, I had to go to different floors in our building, transacting with people and I so wanted to return to my cubicle badly to check out the progress of the conversations here. :)

as for help on your addiction. oh, sorry dear! we can only indulge you more, not help you out of it. :P (we can't even help ourselves out of it.)


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Yes, yes!!! How frustrating it is not to be able spend every waking moment just Moooooonnnniiiing, rite? :)



"You people here are my sugar-fix, laughing-fix, snorting-fix, rolling-on-the-floor-fix…MAJOR addiction…arrggghhhh!!!"

tnks, koreandramalover...loudly echoing that one from this part of the world!!!

and we're overjoyed that you are oh so back here in Moonland, as sumee calls this YAI-crazed place! :-)

but as izzie said, "sorry dear! we can only indulge you more, not help you out of it. (we can’t even help ourselves out of it.)"


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yes yes thats why we all are helping each other out ! :-)
or rather immersing more & more in !


it's the classic "the hand you hold is the hand that holds you down." :P

tsk. tsk. there's no getting off this quicksand. (shakes head)


@samgetang : thank you for echoing my insane addiction across the oceans... :)

@Sumee : so glad you gals are around to hold my hand, while I continue to lose myself in the Mooooony.. :)

@izzie : "quicksand"...hehehaha... :) Is there any other other writer with such perfect linguistic ability??? Maybe samgetang is one of them... :)


it's perfect lunacy, I think... :P

yep, quicksand... the more you move, the more you're stuck. :)


yeah!!!! that's it!!!!! perfect lunacy!!!! haha :)


Hello koreandramalover welcome back to Moon land..
Ditto ..I have a feeling JB did this on purpose ! ;-)


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Hello there Sumee!!! Thank you so very much for your warm welcome to Moony-land!!! :)

The WHOLE day I was in school, physically I was there but mentally I was here... :)

Moony-land addict...that is who I am...and PROUD to be one...hehe... :)


Thank you for all your posts that contained such wacky thoughts!!! Hehe...

My laughing-fix...that's what this blog with all you Moony-Loons is to me... :)



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@ koreandramalover mentally we all belong right here with out Moony ! ;-)


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OUR **** not *OUT*


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a pocket YAI??? now i know what i want for christmas...


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sings: All I Want for Christmas is a Yoo Ah In...
a Yoo Ah In...
a Yoo Ah In...


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Hehehaha...rolling on the floor... :)


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come on! sing with me! :)


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I am...I am...I aaammmm... :)


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izzie!!! koreandramalover!!! sumeee!!!

i almost died laughing...wanted to control myself as i tried to sing along. have u ever tried singing and laughing at the same time??? :-)

i just checked out to bring my oldies to a weekend open street food fiesta from midnight til the wee hours of the morning:-) food-galore, yes!!! but my mind was somewhere else...here with another kind of yummy, the kind that you can put in your pocket....and as soon as i got back i had to check in at this site... only to find a gazillion posts from u guys that made me go all nuts and giddy at the same time! hahaha!

thanks now i know what i will ask for christmas.... hahahaha!


Hehehaha....sooooooooooo glad to be of entertainment value to you, dear samgetang!!!! :)

And how right you are....
"go all nuts and crazy at the same time"....
indeed!!! :)

Hahaha....singing and laughing at the same time???

You are PRECIOUS!!! :)


"have u ever tried singing and laughing at the same time"

i'm better off with crying and laughing at the same time. :)


i can't agree any more ..we all sure are major multi tasking Noonas.... i even went for a marriage & peeped in the posts through my i-phone ! glory glory..this sure is obsession !


Wow, Sumee!!! Well done in your multi-tasking but you are right - we are ALL OBSESSED with the Moony... :)

God help us!! :)


Yes, izzie!!!! Crying and laughing at the same time!!!!
Let's gooooo.......... :)




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Please include squeeing & drooling ;-) tag it along !


hahaha! sumeee! squealing and drooling and laughing and crying and singing and.....the list is endless. we are multi-tasking geniuses here! typing here while talking on the phone, swooning over moony while sketching designs, cooking dinner while reading izzie's fellowship of the moon adventure...this is a buffet feast of all wonderful and happy things to do while doing moony-loony-noony stuff ;-)


and I'm posting comments/laughing and rolling at the posts here/designing a product catalog/watching the TV/ordering food delivery...

yep! we're definitely busy. :)


Wow, samgetang!!! You are amazing!!! :)

You did all that while moooning over the Moon?? Hehe...

But, then...SO DO I!!!!! Hehe :)


Btw gals, have you SEEN the Moon in the following video? If you haven't, YOU MUST!!!!

I almost died from the overdose of CUTENESS and SEXINESS... :)


Enjoy!!! :)


i sang along instantly! lolx

might be my LSS til..Christmas?? ^^


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let's bug Santa. sing this over and over until he gives in. :)


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aye!!! lolx

i'd prolly even sing my grown-up Christmas list and list him multiple times..just in case Santa misses it/forgets! ;)


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oh wow Lizzie..its so rhythmic ! you have disguised yourself into a poet now ..........! I am singing along soooooooo loudly !


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ok, you're so awesome jb that i'd quote u 3 times!!

.."but for once I’m mighty tempted…" - haha, go for it! he IS all sorts of special ^^

"like you could tuck him in your pocket and carry him around with you…" - my dream come true basically

"Via Joy News, how appropriate" - mwaha-mwahahahah how appropriate, i think this is the 1st time (atleast) I saw you side-comment on this part of a post.

i love this post for..like..everything really!


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the second shot is just brilliant- that pose, that expression.

YAI just ooze cuteness................

I mean there are a lot of cuties in korean tv but YAI is unique. he is so cute, but his acting chops in the serious department is convincing and plus he writes poetry too.

This boy is on track to more success.


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ahahaa also AGAIN, it has more comments than a lot of drama recaps..mayn he is soo hot right now i can't even

..there. your expected incoherent thoughts &/or inability to carry on lucid discussion


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yes, im_eve, noticed that, too! other kdrama recaps has no more than 20 comments while this simple picture post has what? an overwhelming 265 comments as of this writing!!!

this pocket-sized YAI sure is driving all of us extremely mad and totally insane, hahaha! :-)

thank you, javabeans :-)


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When I refreshed this post, the banner showed Kim Nam Gil. I scrolled down and saw Yoo Ah In's photo again.

Geol-oh and Bi-dam... :)


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i would really love to do that!!! put him in my pocket and carry him everywhere i go. Gosh, all this cuteness is killing me.

I also like the eye of the photographer, the first shot looks like he's part of the wall, if not for his clothes. The second shot makes him look like as tall as the reeds surrounding him. Love it. I hope he will have kdrama soon!


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It's already snowing in Seoul, and I'm glad those 70's leg warmers are coming back in style. They really keep your legs warm in the frickin' cold.


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"Via Joy News" > I chuckled at that! ROTFLMAO. Second pic is epic! Now I'm going to haunt his videos again...


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LMAO! Knee high socks.o , 0


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I want me some portable Yoo Ah In!! lol
he's pretty adorable... his look is always changing however he can't change one thing and that's his lips, I can always recognize him because of them^^


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i can imagine YAI sweat a bucket using winter cloth in super hot n hummid thailand ..hhahahahhahh


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Yoo ah in sshi,,, look so cute,,,,,I love him,,,, I wanna give him big hug,,, hehehe,,,,
Can I imagine,,,meet him in the future,,,and call him as oppa,,, wow.. I really want to see him,,,,
*my dream*

He look so great in SKkS,, the first I see him.... I can't imagine him as he role in antique movie,,, he look different,,
sorry but antique like just for JJH....

I hope in the future he have good movie and drama,,,,and as the lead actor and catch the girl.....
Maybe with Yoon Eun Hye unnie,,,,,(•ˆ⌣ˆ‎​​​​•)


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OMG javabeans LMAO i am dying at this post.


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The first pic is a killer =)


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so many comments over only 2 pictures. but I have to join in because they are 2 really great pictures. there's this boy in one of my classes who kind of looks like YAI (though he's not even asian, so that's weird, but he is dark and they really do just look alike) so I spend most of class staring at him. But I don't want to ever talk to him because then I would just be disappointed that he's not Ah In.


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MY goodness, JB! You've gotta post YAI piccas from Cine21 mag as well coz e looks dayum hot there. And your mission to get the Moony loonies suffering from heart attack will accomplish! Guaranteed.


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haha 300+++ crazeee


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Do check out this slideshow of MORE Yoo Ah In photos:


My precioussssss! (as izzie would say :-)

Sumee, don't you love his attires and poses here?

kdl/anais, more reminders of how young this hottie is :-)

- from your moony-loony-noony :-)


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Thanks so much for the link, samgetang!!!

I LOOOVE more pictures of YAI/MJS...

BUT I prefer if the pictures does not make him look sooo young...


Btw, which drama are your following next? I looked up Secret Garden to see if you have put up any comments and haven't found any.

Pls, pls let me know which drama you are watching and commenting on next...

I really love reading your comments... :)

Take care! :)


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how do you breathe again?

really, I'm turning blue right now...


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izzie!!! :)

inhale and exhale SLOWLY before and after looking at each of the photos... :)

Btw, which drama are you commenting on next? :)

I would love to read your comments and have looked up Secret Garden but didn't find your comments... :)

You know, I still have not gotten over SKKS and YAI/MJS and so hv little interest in the other dramas now...

But from the recaps and comments for Secret Garden it seems to be interesting...i don't know...

Somehow knowing that Hyun Bin is in a real-life relationship with Song Hye Gyo has caused me to less than interested in Hyun Bin's acting lovey-dovey with the female lead actress in Secret Garden...

knowing he is in love with someone, makes me feel even more that HE IS JUST ACTING in the drama even with someone as pretty as Ha Ji Won as the female lead...

siiiiiiiigh....the Moony virus is still sapping my energy for any other drama for now...

Pls let me know which drama you are watching and commenting on next cos I love to read your comments... :)

Take care...pls don't expire...I really need to know you will continue to share your brilliant ideas as comments in Kdramas... :)

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muchas gracias for the reminder. :) he looks sooo young in the photos, no? my goodness! I so feel for his female classmates back in high school. he must've been the quiet, not-so-sociable albeit nice, campus heartthrob whom no girl could dare to flirt with. or even befriend. he must have caused so much frustration to girls in school.

anyhoo, I'm gonna watch MSOAN to see if JGS can cause any dent on my Moon obsession. (though I highly doubt it can). I've seen the first ep of Secret Garden - found it interesting, but doesn't find Hyun-bin as swoon-worthy as the Moony. (My apologies to Hyun-bin fans. Ya know, to each her own. At any rate, I'm one girl off your competitors list.) But I think, Secret Garden's already gaining momentum in terms of its pull on the audience - basing on the recaps and reviews. Not to mention, the ratings.

I look forward as well, to reading your comments (and samgetang and sumee... and other wonderful people I've met here.) re: other kdramas, and hopefully, more Moon stuff. ;) nothing's more fun than interacting (and going bananas over a pocket-size moon) with kindred spirits. :)

As for now, while I'm not yet over my SKKS/Moony addiction (too!), I'mma have to put a lot of effort on watching other kdramas. :) you're so right about the Moony virus. it's so hard to move on. :(


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Yes, izzie, I will also have to put in a lot of effort in watching other kdramas because I expanded so much energy over SKKS and the 2 Moony photo-posts...

And I agree that Secret Garden has garnered much attention what with the recaps by Javabeans and Girlfriday on the episodes...

And I agree with you about "to each his/her own" with regard to your attraction to the actors/actresses...

But as of now, I will take a wait and see attitude whether I will watch the episodes...I will read the recaps because of Javabeans and Girlfriday but maybe after you have started watching the drama and giving your comments, I may be motivated to start watching the episodes... :)

Without seeing your comments (as well as without samgetang's and sumee's comments) in the recaps made it all the more undesirable for me to watch the drama...so once you decide to give your comments in the recaps of the drama, I may just start watching it too.. :)


i was browsing the other threads earlier, checking if you guys have posted comments. :) LOL we're all waiting on one another.

so we're basically stuck on the Moon on the way to the Secret Garden, while Mary stayed out all night waiting for us. :P


"so we’re basically stuck on the Moon on the way to the Secret Garden, while Mary stayed out all night waiting for us."

haha! izzie!!! you are amazing! haha!

i think this picture post of javabeans has become our JQNoonas' headquarters where we first all log-in before we do anything else in dramabeans or the internet, for that matter!

let's go for the 400 hehehe ;-)

i should confess: there is no group like the group of crazee commenters here in SKKS (and anything remotely related to it).

JQNoonas ROCK!!! missing the banter and wit and all-around good fun!!! :-)

promise you will post here anything you find swoon-worthy about the Moon so we can continue with the Fellowship, haha! and so all other moony-loonies can have their feast as well, hehe :-)


@izzie : How right you are on all counts... :)

Haha, how aptly you put it - stuck on the Moon, while Mary stayed out all night waiting for us.. hehehaha :)

@samgetang : Yes!!! No other crazee-noona-groupie even come close to emulating our JGNoonaQuartet... :)
So not motivated to read the recaps and comments of secret garden without my dear crazee-noonas' sooo entertaining inputs... :)


"let’s go for the 400 hehehe"

and then what if after the 399th, nobody bothers to post anymore? :D


my dear samgetang thanks for this lovely treat ..i loved the attires ..but the Vogue poses I was not able to digest them ..looked kinda OTT.. ~ ;-)
but to say the least Yoo Ah In is always HOT HOT HOT !


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haha! yes, its kinda OTT hehehe :-) but our YAI can definitely carry the OTTness :-)


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I sooo want to do a portrait shoot with him and come up with images that fit his age.

I'm envishioning a half-body shoot of the shirtless YAI with his back towards the camera and him looking back so his profile shows. His hands on his waist to add a little muscle flex. It would be in a dim-lit room and I would light him from the side to show the countours of his back muscles and the profile of his face. And then his hair would be scruffy. I'm also thinking of him having an-armor-looking henna tatto on one arm (think LOTR's Minas Tirith bird-like armor) that would run from his shoulder to his wrist - as an allusion to his warrior character in SKKS.

that, or I'll shoot him sitting on an oversized soju bottle that's lying empty on the ground - in Geol-Oh getup and a smirk on. :)


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*half-body SHOT

this noona is woozy. :P


ohhhhh! izzzieeee! that sounds like a definitely sizzling hot photo shoot :-)

can you maybe make that happen with help of technology if not the real thing? photoshop maybe? hehe! the way you described it is really fantastic... the tattoo is a beauty!

the lengths we go to, haha!


:D hahaha! it almost drove me nuts forming that picture in my mind! sooo wanting to do that photoshoot. :)

i'm glad you appreciate it. :) unfortunately, I don't have the Photoshop prowess to create such an image. i can try but it would most probably turn out like a frankenstein. :P and then I'd have to deal with more projectiles coming from all corners of the world headed my way. :)


izzie! im so wanting those projectiles, hehe...been awhile since ive heard from kdl and sumee...are they perhaps meeting in the secret garden without our knowledge? hehe :-) or maybe staying all night out again with Mary? ;-)


i think they're on forced rehab. :D

me, I sneaked out of Betty Ford for this Moony fix. :)


wow!!!!! izzie!!!!!

your imagination working overtime???? :)

but i LOOOOVE it!!!! :)

samgetang...we really need a special straight-jacket to rein in our dear izzie....before....it's toooo late.... :)

but then....i fully expect izzie to have the magical powers to bite through the restraints...

and soooo....JUST LET HER BE....hehe :)


"your imagination working overtime????"

couldn't. help. it. :(

am I in trouble for this?


whaddaya think???

hehe...tried the American slang/drawl,
but failed miserably.... hehe... :)


but this Moony Noona can't think! :(



LOL!! :)

oh boy...my poor dear mooony-looony-noona, izzie!! :)


Ordinary guy who tries plastic surgery would become like BOOM and ordinary girl who does plastic surgery would become like Shin bong-Seon.. That's the reality sadly. It's like I can't ever become like Shin Min Ah or Kim Tae Hee even if I do plastic surgery. lol.. Ordinary men wouldn't become line Wonbin or Yoo ah in even after they have massive surgery, but they'd only look awkward. So I'll just suggest to keep up with your natural look. It's just funny when ppl point out plastic surgery when ppl start to talk about Korean beauties and good looking boys, mainly b.c I've come to admit that most TOP korean celebrities like Wonbin and Kimtaehee are born good-looking and it's true that there are no comparable hotties out there in other Asian industry. I definitely looked for them, but haven't seen any. If I had, I'd have become fanatic for other dramas rather than Korean ones although I might sound so shallow. lol


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Thanks for the link samgetang but I really prefer seeing YAI looking older than his age... :)

Btw, which drama are you commenting on next?

Pls let me know so I can read them. Thanks! :)


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hi sumee, izzie and kdl...was about to sign off when i thought of checking this post once again just to see if you still came back here. glad to see you all 3 noonas here...reminiscing good ole times :-)

i decided to watch "secret garden" for now. i might continue watching MSOAN too but its giving me the same feeling as "playful kiss" - a nice-to-watch-when-you-don't-have-anything-else-better-to-do kind of feeling.

although i really loved SKKS i have no problems moving on to the next kdrama as long as it will rivet me once again to its different intricacies and intimacies. after all, we are here for the stories and much as i found SKKS awesome and magnificent we already know how the story went and ended. i'm always searching to disentangle a new yarn, unveil a new mystery, get to know new characters, befriend new hero and heroines, explore new drama landscapes and so i'm always always eager to seek and discover that something new and fresh.

but definitely SKKS will always have a special place in my heart...and my heart is as big as an ocean...i can still accommodate a lot lot more of its kind... :-)

here's to discovering "secret garden" with you guys! ;-)

cya soon!


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Thanks for the response...I shall try to find the energy to at least read the recaps and comments even if I have yet to find the interest to watch the episodes... :)

I agree with you about MSOAN fast becoming like you said : a nice-to-watch-when-you-don’t-have-anything-else-better-to-do...sad because I love both leads...

And I respect your outlook in watching dramas because I agree with you and I hope your enthusiasm can rub off on me... :)

See you around Dramabeans! :)


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hi kdl! yes, hope you can watch it with me/us...without the bias of hyun bin's real-life relationship with sing hye go (i had no idea they were an item until u mentiond it in one of your posts there or was it here? so perhaps it helped that i went into 'secret garden' without any preconceived notions but just simply opened up myself to the probability of the situation presented in the drama)

in a way, this is probably why watching foreign films works for many. when we watch it we dont watch them with the biased eyes of a viewer who knew the actor before the role he is playing. they just go into it as if getting acquainted with a new neighbor, totally curious and completely unprejudiced. i find that i have a difficulty in keeping this objectivity when it comes to dramas produced in our local entertainment scene. sometimes i know a lot of the actor's background and if i dont like them personally for some reason then its hard to concentrate on the role that he is playing unless he is really that good in his craft where he can make you believe by his sheer earnestness that he is the role that he is playing, completely obliterating his own identity. but it takes a genius and a remarkable artist/person to achieve this.

hope you will give "secret garden" a chance, same with izzie! wouldn't be the same without you there ;-) i dont know if the story will remain interesting as it is now for me or if it will get better, but let's see if we can learn anything new from this drama ;-)

hope to catch you in the secret garden together with izzie, sumee and all the other lovely ppl in SKKS...

if you are following another kdrama, do let me know so i can drop by there sometime...

missing yah ;-)


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hi there dear samgetang!! :)

thanks so much for your wonderful sharing and kind, encouraging words... :)

i shall join you in secret garden and am so looking forward to reading your comments and responding to them while enjoying the drama... :)

missing yah too!!! :)


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yey! yahoo! weeeee! ;-)

kdl, cant you tell when im happy? hehehehe ;-)

all i need now to make my day complete is to hear from izzie and sumee :-)

izzie, sumee... izzie, sumee... izzie, sumee....and they rhyme, too ;-)

crazy moony-loony-noonies...where are you? hehe


ahaha! I have to learn to type properly while laughing. :D (thank goodness for the backspace button!)

reading samgetang's post, it also dawned on me that my handle also rhymes with "crazy." :P

I've just finished watching Secret Garden ep 2. Having more fun watching Hyun-Bin - he's a gem of an actor. As for Oska, I have for him the urge to cut his hair - something I've never felt for Geol-Oh - even though the earlier's locks looked healthier by far. (What am I talking about here, YAI wore a wig!) :D

So I have two more episodes to battle before I could join in the discussions on SG.

looking forward to see you all at the garden. :)


same here, izzie! i have this secret urge to cut Oska's hair, too. hair and men, haha! MJS's wig is really something...it was perfect for YAI...and of course the SKKS costume made him look bulkier than his youthful slight frame. and yes, Hyun Bin is a fine actor...he was great in MNIKSS! and he did not fail us here in SG.


LOL! I can't believe how the disco-glittery tracksuit's presence has spanned episodes! :D is the iconic item of clothing *cough*shabby robe*cough* becoming a staple thing in kdramas?

and Oska... LOL, after the sock-removal scene, everytime he goes onscreen, I am reminded of his cartoon images on the socks. can't get over it for some reason. that and his hairstyle that had reigned supreme in the mid-90's.

"the SKKS costume made him look bulkier than his youthful slight frame"

right on! :) gosh! sans layers of clothes, he looks more like a teenager. (chicken legs, right?) in the youtube video, they mentioned about him starting his career at age 18. and then they showed a photo - which caused me to blurt out "Are you sure that boy was eighteen??!" he looked more like 14!!! could it be that he's been lying about his age all along? if so, what for?


**which caused me to blurt out “Are you sure that boy was eighteen??!” he looked more like 14!!! could it be that he’s been lying about his age all along? if so, what for?**

could it be... to avoid wacky noonas like us?? :)


but posing older than he actually is, is setting his age near the wacky noonas'. :D


hehehaha....you ladies jussst cracked me up!!!! :)

@samgetang : “the SKKS costume made him look bulkier than his youthful slight frame”

@izzie : "right on! gosh! sans layers of clothes, he looks more like a teenager. (chicken legs, right?)"

my take : YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! he IS REAL SKINNY, SKIN and BONES...just re-watch the episode in which he wore the purple outfit for the hockey competition...
the tight waistband REALLY emphasised his super-slim torso... hehe...

@izzie :
"but posing older than he actually is, is setting his age near the wacky noonas"

hehehaha...how true!!! :)

sooooo.....it's NOT REALLY OUR FAULT that we go all mooooony over the Mooon considering... hehe :)


@izzie: oska's cartoon images on the socks worn by GRI, yeah! it's sooo funny! :-)

@kdl: yea, not our fault! we are innocent victims here ;-) hahahaha!


yes, you said it, samgetang!!!

we are REALLY the innocent victims... hehe :)

pooooorrr us... :)


lol the 파 is called a green scallion XD
i just LOVE how you say that he can be carried in a pocket...


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why thank you, koreandramalover/kdl ;)

if i'm not mistaken, i've read somewhere up there that you're a teacher? your comment just brought me back to my school days... being praised by a teacher in front of the whole class... especially in front of a particular hot-smiling-manboy in a shabby robe that happens to be in my class...
uh. ok. i'm back.


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aargh... why did i put this post here? pls excuse my clumsiness...


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Hehehaha...pastmidnite, you are too funnnnyyy!!!! :)

Swoooning right in the middle of your sentence? :)

How typical of a pupil who is sooooo smittened with his/her idol... hehe :)

And yes, you are right, I am a humble teacher from Singapore... :)

Please to make your acquaintance here, pastmidnite. :)

Btw, I love your name "pastmidnite"...so creative...
it conjures up interesting images and thoughts...hehe :)


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Ooopss, correction!!! "Pleased", not "Please". :)


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*Pleased to make your acquaintance here, pastmidnite.*

the pleasure is all mine, kdl :)

and thank you for your compliment, dear humble teacher from Singapore :) (there comes the classroom flashbacks again...)


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You are most welcome, pastmidnite!! :)

And the pleasure is all mine! :)

Hehe...hope your classroom flashbacks are full of fond and interesting memories.. :)

Btw, which drama are you following next? Hope to read your comments in the next drama... :)


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373?! Omo! hahaha! is this unstoppable or what? :D


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izzie, yeah! 373 and counting....


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384! does javabeans even know about this? afterall its HER blog... why do I feel like an accomplice in committing some kind of crime?


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it's been a crime since the time you mentioned "pregnant." :D


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no no. uh uh. gotta straighten the facts here...
the pregnant thing was only a part of a myth that happens to cross my moony mind... with no intention whatsoever to induce a record-breaking series of neverending comments from a bunch of moony-loony-noonies (borrowed this from someone back there...) haha :D

anyway... been such a pleasure chatting with ya all here :)
i'm pretty sure i'll read many more witty and entertaining comments from izzie, samgetang, koreandramalover, and many others here in other posts as well!!


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hahaha! yes, izzie...pastmidnite is playing innocent now, is she? just kidding yah, pastmidnite...we had so much fun bantering with yah here ;-) see yah around other dramabeans recaps soon...what are you watching now?


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by the way, since u asked, samgetang is a korean dish..rice and ginseng inside a chicken in broth/soup...loved it first time i tasted it ;-) now im hungry ;-)


moony-loony-noonies, have you seen this Yoo Ah In interview? ;-) not to be missed!


- feeding your YAI addiction


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okay, so who was encouraged by the "old enough to be an ahjumma" line? (in response to the "have you dated older women, and what's the oldest you're dated" question.)

ooo... I could see raised hands. :D

his responses in this interview are so different from those in that 3-part Q&A where he spoke about existential angst. maybe it's due to the setup of the interview this time, which is pretty much laid back.

I could imagine the older ladies he dated, contemplating if they were the "ahjumma" he referred to, after watching this video. :D

thanks for sharing! :) made my day.


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this explains why this kid talks older than his age....he loves to date older women...or rather the other way around? did you see him squirming when he was asked the question? :-)


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i think it's the other way around - he appreciates older women because of his mature outlook. although... I'm doubtful that he's serious about him dating older women because of his squirming. :)

despite his revelations, his personality remains tough to figure out. or I may be over-analyzing. :D (must remind self to not take this seriously. LOL)

happy lines... they're there again. good times! :)


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its that mystery that surrounds him...he is difficult to figure out...explains why the girls and women swoon ;-)

same applies to the opposite sex, i guess :-)

mystery, mystery ;-)


with mystery, there's curiosity, and then there's challenge. and with YAI's age & looks, there's also GUILT. :P


guilty, guilty, guilty :-( huhuhu ;-)


oh and he "takes the lead" in a relationship? and he dated older ladies? I'm intrigued about many things now.

my song of the day: Bella Luna (Jason Mraz)
"Bella Luna, my beautiful, beautiful Moon
How you swoon me like no other"


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im not too sure what taking the lead means? but he sure gave the idea that he is some sort of casanova hehe :-)

careful, noonas...this kid is just too hot to handle ;-)


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"im not too sure what taking the lead means? but he sure gave the idea that he is some sort of casanova hehe"

i "read" it as: (1) taking the initiative to show affection; and/or (2) taking the role of the decision-maker in the relationship. :) with an older girl, I wonder how we would manage to do that.

"careful, noonas…this kid is just too hot to handle"

seems like it. :) he surprises everytime he reveals something about himself. from the prior interview, he came across as someone uncomfy around women (esp. the pining kind), but lo... considering himself as a cassanova? hmm... which is which, YAI?


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that's what im curious about...when applied to older girls/women...so maybe u are right: he is just pulling the leg of the interviewer hehe :-)


**i “read” it as: (1) taking the initiative to show affection; and/or (2) taking the role of the decision-maker in the relationship. :) with an older girl, I wonder how we would manage to do that. **

weell... i know someone whose in a younger man-older woman relationship *coughmecough* and the man managed to do all (1) and (2) in the relationship... so who knows, this KID could be of the same type :)


"this KID could be of the same type"

must you emphasize "kid?" :(


pastmidnite, well, that's certainly speaking from experience. we trust you noona ;-)

and now that i think about it, i do have several friends also who are in the same boat and most of them do have a great relationship going for them. so, yes, i would say age does not matter after all. i noticed that in these cases the younger men are intellectually and emotionally more mature than their counterparts that is why they are able to carry such a relationship and be successful at it.

based on his interviews, YAI seem to be cut from the same cloth (no, not from the shabby robe hehe) so...
perhaps he is uncomfortable with younger girls or with older girls who act younger than their age! :-)

oppps...wacky noonas must act more our age to catch his attention, tee hee hee...(uh-oh this is bringing this moony-loony to the moon and back, hahaha!)


**must you emphasize “kid?” :(**

did i?? must've been my subconscious...


wow, pastmidnite!!! :)

i take my hat off to you for your courage in your relationship and to your husband for his courage as well... :)

im sure age didn't matter once you realise how much you cherish and love each other and how important you are to each other, right? :)

way to go, pastmidnite! :)


i just noticed... he looks like Kwon Sang Woo when he smiles. :) the eyes, the lips... the happy lines... EEK!!! :D


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Kwon Sang Woo...must you remind me of him??...he was the first kdrama actor I've watched in "tutor friend"...yes, YAI has the same aura ;-) if they were going to do a remake of his movies/dramas, YAI sure could easily fill in his shoes anytime :-)

*swoon* ;-)


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I'm sooo sorry if this caused you agony. :D I just couldn't help it. It's been like a mind itch - me thinking where I've seen that smile before.

KSW was my first kdrama love as well! the guy whom I first laughed and cried with - AS IF! :D (and much to my delight, I had an officemate who looked a LOT like him - had, as in he's no longer with the company. sad. I've had "moments" ;) with that guy and those were such happy times.)

EEK!!! :D


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oh, izzie! our first kdrama love, weeee! ;-) KSW is the guy! :-)

me, too...i had a korean male friend with exactly the same look/aura and he was sending the signals, you know.. plus cards, flowers, chocolates and all, ehem... but my mind was on other lofty things back then.

but yes, it was a giddy-happy moment...wonder where that guy is now? haha! :-)

no wonder we are so taken with this boy-man YAI -- it reminds us of KSW big-time, not to mention the KSW-look-alike :-)

i almost died with all this nostalgia trip :-) we are undone :-(


ikr? i hope the Moony doesn't mind the comparison. after all... it's KSW! :D


@samgetang :

thanks so much for posting the interview link....

hmmmm...YOU KNOW WHAT????

after watching the interview, i can't help but be STARKLY REMINDED of HOW YOUNG he is....and how YOUNG he behaves, so obvious from his open mannerisms and body language, his smiles and laughter...

but MOST OF ALL, the words that he used....
simple, rather abrupt, without much elaboration...

i have to agree with izzie who said :
"his responses in this interview are so different from those in that 3-part Q&A where he spoke about existential angst. maybe it’s due to the setup of the interview this time, which is pretty much laid back."

OR could it be because he was interviewed ON-CAMERA, while the 3-part in-depth interview was done OFF-CAMERA???

MAYBE he is shy, thus his responses ON-CAMERA tend to be more spontaneous and short because he seemed a bit nervous and restless to be on camera for too long...

his constant turning to his left and right and nervous laughter seem to say that about him... :)

i don't know if im right...:)

what do you ladies think??? :)

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hi kdl!

i think maybe it was all because of the interviewer -- he was ticked off by the way she was questioning her ;-)

and also, he's a bit shy, too ;-) he comes out as a very private person and do not easily open up to other people hence his nervous laughter...

and so an off-cam interview would be more his style than an on-cam one ;-)


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ooopps *she was questioning him* not her, hahaha! keyboard problem hehe


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welcome to the club of the quick and errant typists! :D


yes, my thoughts exactly... :)


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it's probably cuz of all the people at the set too. u know, the altered behavior in the presence of an observer - in his case, observers. :)

wait, is it me or was someone gasping during the interview? :)


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no! it is not just you!!

i heard someone laughing/gasping/choking in the background as well...

was wondering who it was cos the face was never shown... :)


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whoever it was, I hope he/she was okay.

could it be that the Moony's hair got scruffy from all that gasping? :)


oh, im sure whoever it was, he/she was jusssst fine...

after all, what is a little bit of choking/turning blue when you get to ogle the Moon up close??? :)

wouldn't you want to trade places with him/her???

wouldn't you?

say you do....ya know ya dooooo.... :)


I'd trade places with whoever fed him the kimbap. and then I'd add a little love potion... ahahaha! ;)


whoever FEEDS him*

girl is woozy. :)


"whoever feeds him*
girl is woozy"

LOL!!! :) steady there...soul sistah... :)

can't have you go all woozy on us now...

or your stalker wings on which we are hanging on for dear life as we fly off to the "him" would no longer hold us!!!!

heelllllppppp!! :)


Yoo Ah In and Jang Geun Seok IN ONE CF!!!! :-)


They are in their element here -- showing angst and intensity!


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they looked so young and different.

my ex and my current flame in one CF... (sigh)
... oh right, you hate me. :D


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haha! oh yes...your ex and current flame...hehe :-)


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OMG, JGNoonaQuartet!!! What have we DONE???!!!
407 comments and counting... hehe... :)

We are REALLY in need of PROFESSIONAL help... hehe... :)

Btw, samgetang, I am ever so humbled by your enthusiastic response to my comment that I shall try to follow secret garden... hehehaha :)

See you there!!! (along with izzie and sumee??) :)


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kdl!!! :D I've just finished watching episode 2 of SG. (sigh) 2 more episodes to go. I think I can watch 'em all tonight. see you at the garden! :)


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way to go, izzie!!!! :)

i have yet to catch up with the episodes...

but, once i'm done, see you there!!! :)


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I'm multi-tasking again: reading comments, laughing, replying to comments, watching Secret Garden while waiting for posts to reload, pausing Secret Garden (and then back to step one.) :D


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noona-turned-robot, i tell you! ;-)


wow, izzie!!! talk about multi-multi-tasking!!!! :)

you are definitely in the "superwoman" category... :)

* bows *


"noona-turned-robot, i tell you!"

coming from another noona-robot. :D

"you are definitely in the “superwoman” category…"

now if only I could fly to where YAI is. (oh! I'm growing wings! stalker wings!) :D



oh...just wiped away a tear from my LEFT eye..oh wait!!!
another one from my RIGHT eye!!!

Yeah!!! THAT'S what my poooor eyes are doing...
while my jaws hurt so baaaadddd...
from the non-stop laughing.... :)

OMG!! (peered at myself in the mirror)

ive turned into....
noona-panda-loon!!!! mwwwwaaaahhhh!!! :(



"ive turned into….

cuuuutttteee!!! :D

at least you've morphed into a cuddly stuffed toy-like animal. I turned into a smelly racoon... :P


no, izzie, you are not the normal raccoon,
but a sweeeeet-smelling one
because you get to wrap yourself up with
the sexy-smelling-shabby-robe of the Moon... :)


"the sexy-smelling-shabby-robe of the Moon"

but the Moon doesn't bathe :( nor he washes the robe :P LOL
*sniffs* mmm!!! The Essence of the Moon! :)


"the sexy-smelling-shabby-robe of the Moon"

but the Moon doesn't bathe :( nor he washes the robe :P LOL
*sniffs up at the robe* mmm!!! The Essence of the Moon! :)


but if he really did not wash the robe nor wash himself, how would the other 3 in the Quartet be able to stand his smell, standing so close to each other??

hehe :)


his scent has potion-like qualities, i guess. :D


hehehaha, izzie!!! :)

trust u to be able to come up with some of the funniest one-liners i have ever read!!! :)

"potion-like qualities"????? toooo funnnyyy!!! :)

no wonder then so many of us noonas are sooo enamoured of the Moooon....it explains everything!! :)


love the essence of the Moon with potion-like qualities! hahaha!

ingenious, izzie ;-)


"love the essence of the Moon with potion-like qualities! hahaha!"

can we make a perfume out of that? :D


hi izzie and kdl! ;-)

yes, we are just not giving up our moony-loony bin that easily hehe...

secret garden is a respite from SKKS; if in SKKS we saw the main leads ever building each other up til their point of revelation/confession, in SG we will see the main leads fantastically tear each other down which makes it necessary for the body switch to happen for lack of any human intervention that can stop them from being at each other's throats all the time.

in both kdramas the chemistry sizzles and so provides for some fun and electric entertainment, hehe...but i hope SG will give the two main leads ways to redeem themselves from each other in the end ;-) excited to see how they will do it! ;-)

on to the fellowship! ;-)


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others can't wait to see Hyun-Bin pining for Oska...

I'm curious at how Ha Ji-Won would imbibe the Kim Joo-Won character and how she would deal with the Im Jong-Soo affection. :)

I have another curious thought... can YAI handle a character like a Kim Joo-Won?


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i dont know, izzie, if YAI can handle or be believable as a Kim Joo Won character. He is funny, yes, and crazy, definitely. Neurotic, he can be good at that. But cold businessman and a snob, hmmm....YAI seems to me to be earthy and artsy. But he is a fine actor and I think he may just be able to pull it off. He will have the same feel as Rain when he gets older, kinda badass, street-smart-type of businessman maybe. yes, it might be very interesting to see him in this role.


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you're right... maybe the KJW role would better fit Yeorim territory?


hmmm...yeorim? yes, he would be perfect in the KJW role -- loving all the money and power, haha! as for guh-ro he'd be more at home in the role of Kwon Sang Woo in cruel love (otherwise known as bad love), rich and moneyed but not so comfortable with the restrictions of being a "suit".


what if they do a drama together? KSW and YAI? like brothers of some sort?

*passes out at the idea*


yes, samgetang, i totally agree with you...

YAI taking on the role that's similar to the one Kwon Sang Woo did in Cruel Love/Bad Love...

THAT would definitely be stretching his talent and gift in his craft...

the character in Cruel Love is an adult (probably in his 30s), with so much emotional upheavals in his life...
while MJS in SKKS was probably in his late teens,
experiencing young love...

hmmm....i wonder how YAI would tackle such a role if it were his next project??? :)


izzie!!! ROTFL at your words :

"what if they do a drama together? KSW and YAI? like brothers of some sort?

*passes out at the idea* "



passing out, too, at the sheer thought of KSW and YAI in one kdrama...waaaaaahhhhh! izzie you have no mercy for yr noonas ;-) hahaha!


can we possibly start a petition for that? like 1million signatures of some sort? :)


1 million? so little...hahaha! what's the total population in yr country/ies? how many are female between 18 and 81? do u think we can get them to sign for this petition just by showing this 2 YAI photos? :-) remember the legendary moony effect!


hehehaha....i was ROTFL with both of your posts raving your heads off on your idol KSW...

wow, looks like we have to brace ourselves from another onslaught of the crazy noonas going bonkers over KSW and YAI in the same drama,
in the next posting perhaps???... :)

personally, i am neither a fanatic of KSW nor a hater...
so....im afraid i can't join you in the raving...

but as for the petition - count me in, if only for the 2 dear crazzzzzyyyy noonas here... :)


"do u think we can get them to sign for this petition just by showing this 2 YAI photos?"

we might not get the photos back if we do that. :(
or we'll run out of signature sheets. :)

"count me in, if only for the 2 dear crazzzzzyyyy noonas here…"

we've got signature #1!!! :)


@samgetang :

"YAI seems to me to be earthy and artsy. But he is a fine actor and I think he may just be able to pull it off. He will have the same feel as Rain when he gets older, kinda badass, street-smart-type of businessman maybe. yes, it might be very interesting to see him in this role."

YES!!!! Only YOU could have said it so succinctly and so accurately reflecting my (and probably countless other commentors' thoughts) on YAI.... :)

I am hoping his next project will allow him to stretch his talent and gift in acting...and give us the mooony-looony-nooonas something else to MOOOON over.... :)



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we are all waiting for that next big project, kdl!!! ;-)


thanks so much, samgetang, for sharing the info on the characterisation of secret garden's main leads...

its really helpful because i have yet to find the time to catch up with the episodes...haiii.... :)

i'll alert u once im ready to give my thoughts on secret garden... :)


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take your own precious time, kdl...ive just watched til epi 3 myself :-) no eng subbed version yet of epi 4 when i last checked...


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try kimchidrama. they have the 4th eng subbed. :)


ooohhh, thanks izzie!


yes!!! thanks izzie and samgetang!!! :)


yer welcome, soul sistahs. :)


awww....now you're making me cry...tears falling from BOTH eyes, mind u...
nothing of that "one-eyed tear from LSJ"...hehe... :)


*passes hanky to KDL for the tears*

oh wait! that was the Moony's! :O





Omo! you're going berserk again? :D


well, what do you expect???

when you dangle MJS's hanky in front of me???

*caught the hanky*

OH. MY. GOD!!!

*ran to grab....
a bottle of CLOROX...
and poured a WHOLE BOTTLE of it over the hanky!!!!*


oh, there she goes... :D

and there goes the hanky... :(


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LOL! bye bye hanky!!! :(


good thing, I got another one here...

*runs away VERY quickly*


hello again! thought i'd stop by, take a little peek to see if my moony friends are still hanging around here and voila!! 408 comments!! well i really never expected it will stop at 400... with u guys around?? highly unlikely :)

@kdl & samgetang... MSAON and Secret Garden are the ones i'm currently following. by following i mean reading the recaps here in DB since i don't have the patience and means to watch them ol. KBS World is still airing SKKS and the Fugitive, so that's the ones i'm watching. And i have Coffee House disc #3 in my laptop. yeah... i have a lot of catching up to do to have the honor of being a called a kdrama fan or addict... i've only started to watch kdramas like last year with MNIKSS (i ADORE hyun bin *covering YAI's ears first before saying this*) and i've been in this crazy hunt for kdramas -old or new- ever since... this site and the wonderful people here really helps a lot!!

@samgetang... wow, food!! i'd never guessed that! oh now my stomach is making funny noises... btw is it the same dish that was made by hwang buin for her shillang in WGM, if u ever watched the show? if yes, looked sooo yummmyyy *me to stomach: stop growling!!*

now, YAI talking about dating older women?? Him AND JGS in ONE CF??? youtube... HERE I COME!! :D


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this will seriously scare me if it reaches 500. :P

"well i really never expected it will stop at 400… with u guys around?? highly unlikely"

and with comments like yours that tend to spark conversation threads? haha! highly unlikely indeed! you're so in the Moony-Loony Bin! (hands pastmidnite her own straight jacket with the Geol-Oh logo.)

kdl, samgetang, sumee... glad to see that you still drop by this thread at least once everyday. :) I think this will continue to be a place of fellowship for the crazy noonas until a new Moony thread is posted.


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hello pastmidnite!

congrats on the straight jacket masquerading as a shabby robe with the guh-ro logo, haha! :-)

you will forever be our pregnant honorary member to the fellowship, hehe!


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:D :D

hahaha izzie, my own straight jacket with the guh-ro logo?? you're really one of a kind! hahaha thank you :P it's such an honor....

*bows and solemnly receiving the jacket a.k.a shabby robe of moonyship*

and samgetang... for me to be a pregnant honorary member to this fellowship... i'll say amen to that :) 'cos i'm actually trying to conceive for some time now, and i'll take your statement as a prophecy from samgetang the fortune-teller :D


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wow! conceiving a baby! pastmidnite, this is the best place to be. you just might get a baby looking like YAI by frequenting this site. cute and adorable guh-ro look-alike...my wish for u! would this be yr first baby, if ever? ;-)

but wait...does your hubby know your stalking this page? he just might feel jealous that instead of spending all yr waking moments with him, you instead log on to this site and moon over YAI photos and videos. maybe you can invite him into the secret (err...would that be a good idea? well, at least you're not hiding something from him ;-) and we would love to have his acquaintance (but God forbid, just dont let him read our crazy moony posts hahaha! he might get a heart attack or be seized with uncontrollable laughter, haha!)

- your reluctant but excited fortune-teller


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yeah! I think it would be wise to let your hubby know about the YAI addiction, so when there's the new baby and he/she looks like YAI you won't have to explain yourself. :)

samgetang's right. if you let him read our posts here, he might ask you never to visit this site again out of concern for your well-being. LOL.


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awww....pastmidnite...thanks so much for your hilarious sharing!!! :)

sooo funnyyy!!! :)

sooo glad to have you join us in our madness here in Moonland... :)

hmmm....looks like we still have so much to share over here...

hehehaha...that's all i could come up with...
cos there are so many hilarious posts exchanged between you, samgetang and izzie...

do continue with your sharing, please... :)

thanks so much for making us laugh... :)


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moon and music: accidentally in love! ;-)



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will check this out later when I get home. where I am, YouTube is banned. :)

I wonder what kdl and sumee will say about these new crazy posts. :)


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aww... brings back memories of SKKS (like I've been there before!) :D

imagining myself now in place of Kim Yoon-Hee :D


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i know ;-)


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if this were a trap, i'm so caught up in it. :P


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we are trapped in a web of our own making, waaaahhhh! :-)


can i "waaaaahhhhh" along with you... :(

LOL! :)


waaaaahhhhhh... :D


samgetang - thanks for the link... :)
so much fun gathering so many links... :)

samgetang and izzie -

i have a link tt i found,
which i just FELL IN LOVE WITH...
fantastic music (sung by Korean singer ZIA),
perfect as the background
to the excerpts from the drama...

heart-rending sounds,
heart-breaking scenes...

enjoy!!!! :)



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great music, kdl! moony-worthy vid...super thanks!


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awww....super thanks for YOUR super thanks for appreciating it... :)


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again... I am Kim Yoon-hee... :D


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hehe...a noona can dreeeeammm, can't she??? hehe :)


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I'm always dreaming... daydreaming. :)


hehe...i can see that...hehe...

oh my god!!!

look at the time!!! (it's 1.45 am in Singapore)

LOOK AT THE COMMENT COUNT!!! 501..and counting!!!!



Oh, my God....

Oh. My. God!!!

OH... MY.... GOD!!!!!!! :)

samgetang!!!!!!!!!!! izzie!!!!!!!!!!!!! pastmidnite!!!!!!!!!!!

432 COMMENTS!!!!! And counting.... :)


wait...wait...give me a minute to catch my breath...

(what??? that's me trying to catch my breath!!
what went through your minds, huh??? :) )

my sincere apologies my lovelies for my late replies...

i was busy with some school stuff (even after school's out for the year...haiiii....) and thus could not log on...

then, at times when i tried to log on, the system had some problem, and so i was PREVENTED from coming here and
to SAVOOOOOUR the sheer, unadulterated JOY of reading the NEVER-ENDING?? crazzzzyyyyyy posts....hehehaha.... :)


tell me, my lovely moony-loony-noonas,
HOW DO i express how
positively EUPHORIC!!!
i feel when I get to
feeeeeast my eyes on your lovely,
beyond lovely posts,
soooo long since this post of the Moon has been posted,
my dear moony-loony-noonas!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

tell me how....


And here i was thinking that our JGNoonaQuartet has met with an early demise.....haiiii.... :)

THANK GOD!!!!! :)

THANK YOU my dear samgetang, izzie, and...
pastmidnite (our new recruit???
welcome to the Moonland, pastmidnite!!!!) :)

for all your UNDYING LOVE for the Moon
to continue with our PERFECT LUNACY (izzie's words) right here in Moonland (sumee's word?).... hehe :)

Now, on with my responses to your latest posts in the following posts...look out for them... :)

Yippppeeeee!!!!!! :)

Yabedabedoooooo!!!!!!!!!! :)

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aww... shucks! :) welcome back, kdl! :D


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awww....why, thank u, thank u, izzie!!! :)

my apologies, but if you scroll back to your earlier posts, you would be able to read my replies to them... :)


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no problemo! :)

we're totally camping out here. i hope they don't kick us out of the property. :D


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hehe...my sentiments exactly... :)

while i was frantically trying to reply to all your posts,
i was sooo afraid my posts would be blocked... :)


are we giving them ideas or what? :D


ooooppssss....we just might have...hehe :)


yabadabadoo, hello, kdl! :-)


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yabadabadoooo, hello there yourself, samgetang!!! :)

my apologies, but if you scroll back to your earlier posts, you would be able to read my replies to them… :)


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surely, my dear ;-)

thanks mucho!


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thanks mucho, mucho to u tooo!!! :)


RED ALERT, dear members of the
Fellowship of the Mooony-Loons!!!

samgetang, izzie, pastmidnite, sumee (where r u? :) )

i had a thought when i was (for the umpteenth time) gazing lovingly at the Moon in one of the YouTube links...

pleeeeasssee answer this question of mine after giving it much thought :

WOULD we, the Fellowship of the Mooony-Loon-Noonas, be SO ENAMOURED of the Moon,
if at the end of SKKS, he GOT THE GIRL????

the thing is, after thinking...and thinking...
and thinking about it...
my answer would be an EMPHATIC NOOOOO!!!!!

AND....i suspect that i would ALSO not be in the same position as i am now,
still moooning over the Moon,
and thus, our fellowship would probably...
have no reason...
to exist....


but back to what i was talking about :

once LSJ and KYH confessed their feelings about each other and kissed, i lost all interest in their romance and was totally absorbed with the Moon and the intrigue behind the Geumdeungjisa...

SOOOO....my point is...

am i thankful that the Moon DID NOT GET THE GIRL, because it became the catalyst for the creation...
of the...
Fellowship of the Mooony-Loon-Noonas!!!! :)
or the JGNoonaQuartet,
or whatever else you can come up with... :)

HOW WONDERFUL life is now with you gals,
to keep me entertained and
laughing my head off like there is no tomorrow,
considering HOW it all started, no??? :)

I feel SO blessed!!! :)

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"WOULD we, the Fellowship of the Mooony-Loon-Noonas, be SO ENAMOURED of the Moon, if at the end of SKKS, he GOT THE GIRL????"

probably a bit less crazier... but...

YEP! I'm in too deep with the Moony obsession that I wouldn't mind him getting KYS in the drama. after all... it will just be in the drama... harharhar!!! :D

*spots KDL and samgetang approaching with the Geol-Oh straight jacket. runs away fast.*


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samgetang!!!! hehehaha...you had me in stitches by just a mere few words!!! :)

"I’m in too deep with the Moony obsession that I wouldn’t mind him getting KYS in the drama. after all… it will just be in the drama… harharhar!!!

*spots KDL and samgetang approaching with the Geol-Oh straight jacket. runs away fast.*


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what in the world possessed me to address the earlier post to you, even after reading your words "spots KDL and samgetang...".... :)

sooooo sorry, dear izzie!!! :)


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no problem. :D it's the Moony's effect. :D

happens to me too - in my case, it's grammatical error. where's that edit button when you need one, right? :D


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awww...thanks so much, for empathising with this pathetic fellow of the Fellowship... :)

hehe...the Mooony's effect :)



pathetic? nooo...

if you are, then what is the rest of the fellowship of the moon? :)

(okay, nobody answer that!)


(not answering) :-)


(i'm not just NOT answering, i'm mute!) :)


same here, kdl! like izzie would not mind if MJS got the girl in the end...anyway, its not YAI who got the girl hahaha! :-)


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right on, right on! :D we can still have YAI to ourselves! :D


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"we can still have YAI to ourselves!"

now, THAT'S what ILLUSION is alll about... :)


or DELUSION is all about... :)


delusion...illusion...is this not all the YAI fashion?

waxing poetic here :-)


ahahaha!!! way to go!!! :D


LOL!!! :)

well done, samgetang!!! :)

let the creative juices flow freely... :)


Guys... have you checked the comment count yet? this is getting out of hand!!!

not that I'm complaining. :D


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Oh! My! God! hehe...

Let's go all the way to 500 and beyond, why don't we?


this post is turning out to be :

the Fellowship of the Moony-Loon-Noonas'
GOING BERSERK ZONE!!!! hehe...:)


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ahaha! I can only imagine the admins "walking in" here and yelling at us, "What happened here, you crazy noonas?!" :D

wait till sumee and pastmidnite come around too.

should we stop counting already? :D


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@izzie :
ahaha! I can only imagine the admins “walking in” here and yelling at us, “What happened here, you crazy noonas?!”

hehe...yeah, like THAT'S going to stop us.. :)

yes, stop counting already...and just ENJOY the ride... :)

it's not like this is the first time a post generated so many comments...one of the Playful Kiss episodes generated over 660 comments!!!

WHAT??? you want to CHALLENGE THAT???!!!!

why not??? hehe... :)


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but that was an episode recap! :( what do we have here, 2 photos?

oh my, this is reaaaally crazy! :)


yeah, you said!!!

out-of-this-world-and-into-the-Moon-CRAZZZZYYYYYYY... :)

hehehaha... :)


am i sensing competition here? hahaha! we are all BEYOND crazy! :-)

i take a nap and get up and check this post...i take a nap, get up, check this post...and so on and so forth!

noona-turned-robot... wahahaha! ;-)

this may not be an episode recap but it is a photo recap...2 YAI photos, to boot! the coolest, craziest photos, if I may say so since its getting all this mileage...

go, go, go moony-loony-noonies ;-) dig out those loonies from the bin....




noona-turning-racoon here. :D


@samgetang :
"dig out those loonies from the bin…."

LOL!! LOL!! :)


@izzie :


LOL!! LOL!! :)



better known as...



ai! evolution! :D


let me start another post, as it is another day ;-)

what's with all this panda and raccoon talk while i was away...???

just turned my back for a wee bit and noonas turn into zoo creatures, hahaha! :-)

if izzie is a raccoon and kdl is a panda...what is samgetang? the best guess gets to feed YAI with kimbap (or was it bibimbap?)

then there is the hanky...and the robot talk...and the signatures for the KSW+YAI film/drama...illusion/delusion...trap...web....


moony-loony morning everyone!!!


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heyi ..whats up robot noona ?????????????


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hiya, sumeee!!!!

we missed yah....it's terrible, you not being here by our side...cheering with us to the moon and back :-)

not the same, not the same without you...

but pastmidnite pitched in in yr absence and we had lotsa fun but can be more fun with u here ;-)

where have you been? err...sorry, forgot time zones. got almost the same time zone as kdl...izzie is located...oh, i remember, the rock hehe...izzie, help us out here! pastmidnite is also same as kdl n me...


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aw..thanks ... but it feels like i am 100 light years behind you guys..
I am imagining you with soar eyes ! ;-)


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right on! bloodshot eyes in dark rims. sooo alluring... for vampires. :P

I look like a rabid raccoon. :D


twilightesque beauties, you mean, sumee ;-)



hehehaha....rotf laughing my head off!!!! hehehaha... :)

such a wonderful, wonderful recap
(oooohhh...are you taking over Dramabeans' recappers' job now? hehe?)
and summary of the moony-loony-noonas'
or better known as "comments" in Moonland so far... :)

what a wonderful way to start the morning, huh?

lol!!! samgetang, you had me in stitches!!! :)

lol!!! thanks so much!!! :)

and a great morning to you too, dear moony-loon... :)

may you have a great day ahead too! :)


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you and izzie are the craziest and wackiest!hahaha! almost gagged while laughing!!! hahaha!

if left to your own devices this post/site will sure to explode to smithereens...in a good and happy way, i know, hehehe!

lovely morning, noona-panda! ;-)


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i second that ..seriously missed you guys ;-)


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seriously missed you too, Sumee!!! :)

and like samgetang said,
not the same,
not the same without you,
the one and only Sumee,
the one who came up with the name 'Moonland'
for our seriously-positively-insane-space here
devoted to moooning the u-know-who
by the mooony-looony-noonas
who are really in need of
professional help...
or else.... :)

haha :)




(out of laughing my head off at your funnnnyyy words)

and at being...called...noona-panda...hahaha :)

lovely morning, noona-robot! :)


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*trying to revive noona-panda with hanky from you-know-who drenched in soju* :-)


samgetang!!! LOL!!! :)

you are a genius!!! that's what you are!! :)

LOL!!! :)


"you and izzie are the craziest and wackiest!hahaha! almost gagged while laughing!!! hahaha!"

i think there was a bigger riot when you and KDL were left alone here. and when sumee and partmidnite came along... royal rumble! :D

my apologies for not being able to say goodnight last night, cuz I just zonked out - couldn't even remember what time I lost consciousness. :P


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its ok izzie :)

no apologies necessary for we are soul sistahs after all, so we know and understand how you just zonked out...
cos it happens to the rest of us too... :)

but the riot here is not the same without you, izzie...

so, very glad to have you back :)


what would u have for dinner? woozy izzie or zonky izzie? hehehe

take your pick, noonas! ;-)


so when did I turn into a delicacy? :D

do I have to point out whose handle is a dish? :D

ai! if you want to feast on something, there's the "steamy" Moony with fresh herbs and oversized grass.


"do I have to point out whose handle is a dish?"

ooohhh! cant we all be edible here? hahaha! ;-)

flexible, stretchable, movable, pliable...anything that would make us edible is definitely...possible :-)

- loving the delectable serving of woozy izzie :-)


bwahahahahahahahaha it's almost 4 in the morning and i'm trying to hold back tears from *silently* laughing so hard!

u gals are hillarious!! started with the moon, to gardening, hankies, zoo creatures, robots, and now... delicacies?? there's no end to this...


yeah, how right u r, pastmidnite! :)

there really is no end to the crazy-moony-loony-noonas' round of hilarity!! ;)

i laughed my head off yet again from the latest -
delectable serving of the crazy-woozy-izzie??!! LOL!! :)


OMO Gurlies.... you all are still alive & kicking .. my my ..i am totally lost here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way ..Check this out !
Our man/boy loves to date noonas ;-)


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oh, hi there, Sumee!!! glad to have you back in Moonland! :)

thanks for the link but you know what, samgetang has also given us the link and we had so much fun watching and commenting on it (kindly scroll above to see our crazy posts)... :)

enjoy! :)

and i agree with you too...*faints* :)


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already fainted....now revived...but sumee posted that link again....so, fainted again....

help!!!! :-)


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LOL!!! :)

sorry, dear, can't help u,
cos im hanging on for dear life to woozy izzie's
stalker wings to fly off to the Moon...

izzie got all woozy from thinking
"whoever FEEDS him" (from her earlier post) :)

LOL!! :)


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hahaha! woozy izzie....love the rhyme, hehehe :-) thanks, kdl, hahaha!


yeah, after izzie used the word "woozy", i paired it up with her post-name "izzie" and realised the same thing -how wonderfully they rhyme... :)


ahaha! :D woozy indeed! who wouldn't at the sight of the Moon? :)

- crazy woozy izzie. :)


he he he KDL I just realized i am super late in posting this one ..i must have known this will be a stale news here in moonland ! :-)


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oh no, sumee! nothing becomes stale here in moonland...

it keeps coming back...alive and kicking! :-) bringing nourishment to our shabbily-robed souls everytime ;-)

any other vids that haunted/moved/electrified/mummified err solidified your love for YAI, share it here....

we live for all of them (now turning into a twilightesque-moony-loony noona!)


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i bet ..its total nourishment ;-)
But i seriously thought that no one will be coming back to this thread...SLAPS my self..i was WRONG !
PS I am also following secret garden & actually liking it ..all the more MSOAN is not all that challenging ..just going with the flow nothing exciting :-(
YOO AH IN ..... i love you ;-)


samgetang!!! another one of the gems from your brilliant mind :)

"any other vids that haunted/moved/electrified/mummified err solidified your love for YAI, share it here…

(now turning into a twilightesque-moony-loony noona!)"

LOL!! :)

just brilliant!! :)


Sumee!!! we are so in sync...

izzie, samgetang, pastmidnite and i were asking each other which drama we want to watch next and we thought that secret garden would be a good choice...
and you have already started watching it!!! :)

how in sync are we, the moony-loony-noonas!!! :)

let's continue our fellowship over at secret garden as well, shall we? :)


i am through all he 4 aired eps of secret garden..& yes lets rock secret garden now... ;-) i am all in


ohhh! so glad we will all get to watch secret garden together...

now this is going to be a fellowship of the moon over the secret garden...or something like that (kdl/izzie/sumee, help pls! need inspiration here, hehe)

the in-sync noonas, hahaha!...thanks, kdl! spot-on! ;-)


yeah, you are right, samgetang! :)

we do need more inspiration with the name for the new fellowship... hehe :)

like the funny character who is LSJ's servant/butler, who once told Gu Yong Ha -

we need our brains to work - "jagachak jagachak"



"now this is going to be a fellowship of the moon over the secret garden…or something like that (kdl/izzie/sumee, help pls! need inspiration here, hehe)"

i don't know about you, but I've been secretly gardening at the moon. :)


izzie!! :)

"you have been secretly gardening on the Moon?"

once again, you did not disappoint!! LOL!! :)

so...what have you been gardening? :)
dooo tell.... :)

LOL! :)


secretly gardening at the moon!



"so…what have you been gardening?"

magical yellow daisies! :) they go extra petals when you end up with an unfavorable answer. (he loves me, he loves me not) :)


they GROW* extra petals

where is that edit button?! :(


ohhh! so that's what it's all about...the new petal that grew magically was bcos he did not get the answer he wanted! if only he waited a few seconds more, right? :-)

cool! thanks, izzie...that was really clever! would not have thought of that myself :-)


no problemo. :) I'm enjoying the garden because of its hidden treasures and the clues that lead to them. but not quite like SKKS (maybe yet). :)

KDL, I hope you join us there. :) (and sumee and pastmidnite too.)


no, not at all, Sumee!! :)

sorry if i made you feel left out cause its definitely not my intention :(

samgetang said it best in her post - i wouldn't be able to say it any better... :)

we soooo love all whatever you wish to share, whenever you feel like it... :)

i just said that we had watched the link and commented on it to share the joy of the posts with you.. :)

enjoy!! :)


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absolutely nothing like that dear KDL ..i am more then happy to catch up on all the fantabulous posts ....you are totally awesome ;-)


thank you so much for your kind understanding, Sumee!! :)

you are totally awesome too!! :)


dear izzie and samgetang :)

i would like to say how much i admire both of you for the following reasons :

i. how unfailingly polite, gentle and respectful both of you sound in all your posts, even when you are making jokes/saying basically everything, while i frequently come across like a shrieking hyena with so many words in my posts in capital letters.

i know that using capital letters is like a person shouting, but i sincerely did not have that thought in mind when i used the caps.

so, if i have offended either of u, please accept my sincerest apologies, because it definitely was not my intention... :)

ii. how extraordinarily gifted both of you are in your choice of words that neither of you fail to make me laugh so easily with just a few words, while i had to resort to using caps and lots of nonsensical punctuation marks in my vain attempts to make jokes because i had the greatest difficulty in finding the correct words... :)

both of you should seriously consider putting your gift/talent to good use and write novels/dramas...and i would be the first one to buy them all... :)


i truly believe that i am blessed by God to have met both of your good selves here, for i have learnt what i needed to learn from your kind selves, within such a short time. :)

thank you so very much, samgetang and izzie! :)

God bless you both!! :)

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KDL ..i missed you all..i have to catch up on sooooooooooooooo much 550 post...wohaaaaaaaaaaaa..i am tripping ;-)


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sumee! enjoy reading the posts...sorry they are soooo many haha!...pls pace yourself cos u just might die from severe laughter and joyful exhaustion....1, 2, 3 breathe in, breathe out...okay? if you feel any signs of dizziness or shortness of breath just dial 911-JQN for Jalgeum Quartet Noonas :-)

dont tell me you've not been warned....


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awwww... kdl!

what's this? i knew it.... all those uncontrollable and giddy laughter is bound to have its after-effects of sudden melancholy and retrospect. don't be, my dear.

we are all here because of the generous encouragement that you have directed to us, yr humble moony-loony noonas.

you are the glue that binds us together...your boundless enthusiasm brought out the wacky crazy in all of us!

please accept our sincerest gratitude and heart-felt thanks.

we wont have you any other way...seriously! i mean, wackily ;-) please continue being you! ;-)

we are the ones who were blessed, and continue to be blessed, with your lovely self.


PS sumee...izzie...pastmidnite, pls help me out here ;-)


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and, kdl, i wanna share a secret....im just simply blown away with the fact that anybody at all would care to laugh at any of my puny attempts to dish out a joke. in my vast experience (haha!) there were only 1 or 2 who genuinely loved them, and not even one of them was my mom (how can that be? haha!)...so you can just imagine...i'm practically surrounded with more lunatics and crazies here who are just overflowing with gag and wit. my jokes would pale in comparison to them. so your generous laughter at any and all of them just makes my heart pitter-patter. you are the best, in my book! :-) love you to bits, koreandramalover! :-)


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how can it be that not more people (including your mom) find your jokes hilarious?

i am the one blown away by the ease with which you could come up with the seemingly-endless stream of words that could instantly cause a grown woman like me fall all over myself laughing like there is no tomorrow...hehehaha... :)

and that is the genius that you are, samgetang! :)
your talent/gift/ability with words is such that even you yourself does not see it because that is the nature of all genuises...they are the last one to be able to identify that in themselves... :)

not that i am someone who is so special that i can identify your genius but the way i see it is, God has given me the honour and privilege to be on the wonderful side where i get to savour your genius... :)

so, you need not thank me for appreciating your genius, instead i thank U for allowing me the privilege of enjoying your genius, without any cost... :)

thank you so much, dearest one and only samgetang :)

my heart has a special place just for you, samgetang,
never to be taken up by anyone else :)

love you to bits, too, samgetang!!! :)

u are the best! :)


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i think you are, kdl....a genius! a very special genius for finding the best in other people, seeing the gold under the mud...

i noticed that's what i love about teachers and mentors who rock, just like you...they always choose to believe the very best in their students/other ppl.

take a bow, pls, kdl :-) :-) :-)

but hey, YAI should read all these posts for himself...he is bound to be more amazed than scared because of all the heart and skills that go into these posts...these are really warm and caring people who love to have fun and just happened to have been triggered to inspired wackiness because of the Moon :-)

La Luna :-)


i humbly accept your kind and utterly heartwarming words, dearest samgetang.. :)

however, i credit everything and anything good and beneficial that i say or do to God the Almighty, for i am nothing and can do nothing without God’s Favour, Love, Guidance and Assistance… :)

and as i am only human, i need to constantly evaluate myself, correct my errors and strive to improve myself till i draw my last breath… :)

i truly agree and try to follow the following profound saying by the American poet, essayist and lecturer, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) :

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children…to leave the world a better place…to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”

isn’t his saying so profound and true? :)


and i absolutely agree with you about YAI –
if he is given the privilege of reading a translation of our posts, he would definitely be able to see for himself how enriching an experience exchanging thought/ideas/feelings is over here in Dramabeans between the moony-loony-noonas,
for us, as well as, for whoever else who would like to join us… :)

we are not just sprouting nonsensical stuff but are actually learning from one another, appreciating our strengths, talents and uniqueness and having a wonderful time getting to know other people from all corners of the globe! :)


take a bow yourself, samgetang :) :)

for there is a saying :

“it takes one to know one” :)

if you see there is good in me, it is because there is so much good in your good self… :)

thanks so much! :)


FYI : i don't know how this post was posted all the waaaay down in this blog, so im re-posting it here. :)

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and yes!!!! :)

you came up with the perfect name for our fellowship :

the "La Lunas" :)


thanks so so much samgetang! :)

i can't tell how touched and honoured i am to be on the receiving end of your kind words... :)

*hugs* *mwah*

hmmm..how right you are...
my late grandma used to say the same thing -
that too much laughing can and does lead to moments of melancholy and tears...
which i where i guess i am now...

cos everything that goes up must come down, right? :)

any way, thank you once again for the person that you are and i pray to God that i will continue to be blessed by your presence for an infinite time to come... :)

let's continue to enjoy the honour and privilege of this wonderful space in expressing ourselves so beautifully... :)

Thank you, Javabeans! :)


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likewise, my dearest soul sister! :-)

and YES! We love dramabeans! :-) Thank you, javabeans !


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oh my goodness! please, don't apologize. there's nothing to say sorry for. AT ALL. (see? I use caps lock too every now and then.) I never took your emphasized words for rude shouting. and if you shout, I know that it's not anger nor hate. we share common emotions here - that I understand and what I'm thankful for.

so rarely in cyberspace (or even in the real world) do I meet wonderful people like you (KDL, samgetang, sumee, pastmidnite, anais...) who know how to have a good time and discuss stuff like we do here without regard of what other people might say - just the way it should be. (if it doesn't cause harm to anyone, you should never have to explain doing what makes you happy.) and it's a delight for me to know that who I talk to aren't mere characters but real people.

let me tell a secret too: I melt at your praises. heaven knows, I don't have a good idea on how to properly respond to incredibly good words tossed my way, which I think are much more than I deserve (or I don't deserve at all). Let me say that I'm extremely grateful - for your amazing feedback, the camaraderie, and the no-guilt fun that I share with you. And also, from things that I learn. I know that "thank you" is not enough for what I get from you.

Please know that although I don't express it much here, I too roll on the floor laughing while reading your posts and interacting with you. Anyone who sees me here must think I'm crazy: constantly smiling and giggling while browsing the web. (of course, I watch myself to keep from rolling, laughing on the office floor. the carpet's dirty. :P at home, it's no holds barred.)

but hey, if I do (or have done) anything untoward here or if I accidentally step on someone's toes... please let me know. (I hope excessive commenting doesn't count. :) ) sometimes my crazy ways put me on overdrive and I tend to forget to step on the brakes.

looking forward to having much more hilarious, enriching, and all-around fun Moony Loony times with you.


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dear izzie, how do i express how thankful i am that both you and samgetang did not see my posts as offensive? :)

i was scrolling through the posts here and i realised how my posts (with the caps) could easily be seen as offensive...thus, i apologised, just in case that is the case, because i thought it is best to apologise at the time of that realisation, rather than ignore the realisation and take for granted that people would not find my posts offensive... :)

reading through your and samgetang's posts, that realisation came to me and i view it as God's way of highlighting to me something which I need to pay to attention to in order not to offend others, intentionally or unintentionally... :)

and one of life's principles that i abide by is :
be the first to apologise. :)

i found it to be truly profound, life-affirming and therapeutic to the soul - which is why i wrote that post to you and samgetang :)

hehe...i apologise for my lengthy explanation but i thought that with it, the reason behind the apology to you and samgetang is a lot clearer... :)

oh! i hope i did not come across as pompous or overbearing! i really hope i did not!! :)

what i hope i had managed to convey is the message that i hope i had not offended my dear friends,
because if i did, please accept my sincere apologies
but if i did not, i am truly thankful and relieved... :)

also, i can't express how grateful i am to you for sharing the secret..thanks so much, izzie!! :)

i also wish to share a secret :

i am also never sure how to accept praise from others (especially lavish praises) because i also always think that i don't deserve any praise and then, thank God, i learnt to use this method :

i credit everything and anything good and beneficial that i say or do to God the Almighty because i am nothing and can do nothing without God's Love, Blessings, Favour, Guidance or Assistance,
but anything bad that i say or do are my fault alone.

not only are the words true, but they also help me a great deal when dealing with people praising me.

thus, i say the exact same thing to you for all your praises in your post... :)

i can't tell you how happy and appreciative i am that you are kind enough to laugh at my puny attempts at making jokes... hehe.. :)

i guess that is why we click so well!! :)
we are able to appreciate each other's effort in making others feel happy, however puny we may think our efforts are...hehe :)

and please be assured, izzie, that you have never ever offended me in any of your posts... :)

so, strike that thought out of your mind, ok! :)

you have made me laugh like i have never laughed before because of your masterful handling of words :)

so, please do not change a thing about yourself ok! :)

none of us moony-loony-noonas would want it any other way.. :)

and i echo your sentiment -
"thank you" is nowhere near enough to express my gratitude to you for what ive learnt from you.. :)

what i can say is : only God can amply reward you and samgetang and the other lovely noonas in this blog for the wonderful things i have learnt from all of you... :)

and i echo your sentiments exactly -
i look forward to having much more hilarious, enriching and all-round fun Moony-Loony times with you adn the rest of the moony-loony-noonas. :)

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thanks so much, izzie, for helping me out here ;-)

you have said it soooo beautifully...

koreandramalover have been so amazing since the beginning that i don't know why she would think of herself that way!

but i guess she's right - we sometimes do not expect other people to lavishly appreciate us and be so generous with praises for us (maybe due to cultural norms or social customs) that when confronted with it we secretly cringe and in fact try to avoid it unless we think we are on the neurotic side and would need constant affirmation from other people.

i find that in raising kids for example many studies show that those kids who were praised generously by people that matter to them like their parents were found to grow to be the most successful and well-rounded individuals in later life. while those who received meagre to almost nil appreciation became problems in society.

so if that is the case, then we are ever so happy to have met a koreandramalover here in cyberspace.

kdl, your country and the world owes you - we're glad you are teaching the kids and passing on to them not only instruction but most of all inspiration! now i know why Singapore has produced the most admirable students for their courage, devotion and love for their country. with that we can see more success from your country that has a special place in my heart!


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thanks ever so much, kdl, for the blessings of rewards from God. we accept them wholeheartedly, even if we think we do not deserve them, for they do not come with troubles or mishaps and will bring pure joy to those who receive them with cheerful and grateful hearts :-)

God bless you more and more!!!


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i echo all your sentiments, samgetang,
many times over!!! ;)

thanks so so much!! ;)


yes, samgetang! how right you are ! ;)

i. "cringe" is THE word to express how i react when people praise me because i always think i don't deserve them

but i don't feel awkward giving praise to others such as u and izzie because i am thankful for the kindness, generosity and warmth that i receive from you
and i wish for you to know how grateful i am,
because that is how i was brought up -
if i am thankful to God,
express my thanks to the people around me first,
then, i can express my gratitude to God. ;)


ii. you are right about children who have been brought up with much love and appreciation, in good and bad times, will grow up to be successful and well-rounded individuals - but i don't consider myself as successful or well-rounded at all because i see myself as still constantly striving to be one, till i draw my last breath ;)

iii. as for your praise for my countrymen/women,
i can only say that though you may see us in that way,
we have so many faults, shortcomings
and terrible habits, idiosyncracies and peculiarities
that are also well-known
to citizens from other countries... ;)

we are definitely NOT perfect.. ;)

thanks ever so much, samgetang,
for appreciating us in Singapore,
but you know, we in Singapore,
are so appreciative of you in the Philippines
because i know from personal experience,
how genuinely warm, generous and kind
you and your fellow countrymen and women are,
and how intelligent and creative you are
that we wish we can emulate your special qualities... ;)

we all trying to find our place in this world
in our own ways but i am so thankful
that i am given the honour and privilege
to learn from exemplary individuals from other countries
such as your fine selves, samgetang and izzie,
in my effort to be a better human being..;)

God bless you, always!! ;)

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thank you, kdl ;-) many times over :-)

i agree, nobody's perfect...although we love on others what we don't have ourselves...hoping to excel in those areas/aspects too and yet knowing we each have our own set of gifts and talents.

somewhere, somehow, someday our light will shine too so we can illuminate other's path the same way your nation has brought inspiration for us. we continue to learn and grow... acknowledging our own responsibilities but also trusting God for the grace, privilege and favor that only he can give to nations, people and races. faith, hope and love...but the greatest of them is love! :-)

let's keep the love alive here amongst us! :-)


yes, absolutely, samgetang dear! ;)

echoing each and every one of your wonderful words,
let's keep the love going strong
by loving one another always!! ;)


544!!! r u kidding me???

haven't read the new comments tho... i'll catch up tommorrow.... *big YAAWWNN* oh right, it IS tommorrow (its 3.54 am my time)


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have a good rest, pastmidnite!!! :)

im amazed that with a 2-year-old son, you are up so late....

sweet dreams... :)

see you again soon... :)


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hi pastmidnite! hmmm...sorry, i missed that one on u: u got a son already? cool!!!!


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pastmidnite ..hello from fellow noona ! ;-)
wish you a Good Moony sleep !


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hi there Sumee and pastmidnite! :)

my sincerest apologies for not including both of your names in my earlier super-long post to izzie and samgetang apologising for anything offensive i might have said in my posts so far...

my not including your names in that post is absolutely NOT saying that both of you are not as polite, gentle, respectful or brilliant as izzie and samgetang...
not at all!!! :)

it was simply because i was scrolling through the posts so far and it dawned on me that i might have come across as rude and offensive in my posts and as i had sent the most number of posts to them which could have been viewed as offensive, i immediately put their names in the post, without stopping to think about the posts that i sent to you and pastmidnite... :)

my sincerest apologies, dear Sumee and pastmidnite.. :)
please excuse my oversight.. :)

you are both just as polite, gentle, respectful and brilliant as izzie and samgetang... :)

i am truly blessed to have been given the honour and privilege of meeting and knowing all of you here, for i have learnt what i need to learn from your kind selves, within such a short time.

thank you so very much, Sumee and pastmidnite! :)

may we continue to light each other's lives for an infinite time to come... :)

God bless you both!! :)

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