Playful Kiss chooses Kim Hyun-joong
by javabeans
Kim Hyun-joong of SS501 has beaten out fellow contenders Jung Yong-hwa and DBSK’s Chang-min for the lead role in Playful Kiss, aka the It Started With a Kiss / Itazura na Kiss remake.
With those options, it seems they were determined to cast an idol-star-turned-newbie-actor, which just confuses me when you’ve got such an open field of talented actors. (Kim Soo-hyun? Ji Chang-wook? Im Joo-hwan?) Aie, what a waste of a director.
According to a rep from Keyeast, Kim’s new management, the contract hasn’t been signed yet, but they’ve made their final decision. The character he plays is “Baek Seung-jo,” who’s the best at everything at his school. There’s nothing he can’t do, and he’s a perfect example of the “eomchinah” — the boy next door all mothers love. He falls for a scatterbrained “Moon Ha-ni,” who has yet to be cast. Top contenders right now are Park Shin-hye, Kara’s Han Seung-yeon, and f(x)’s Sulli. (Man, if they make this an all-idol newbie cast, this may just turn into incredible snark fodder.)
Playful Kiss will air on MBC on Wednesdays and Thursday, and follows the current war drama Road No. 1.
So….. pretty much all of my legitimate interest in this drama is dead. Since the news is apparently final there’s no use crying over it, I suppose, and I’ll try to be open-minded enough to the possibility that Kim has improved since he made his debut role in Boys Before Flowers and murdered the Rui character with his disconnected acting. Hey, Park Shi-yeon started out pretty bad in My Girl and has recently won me over in Coffee House with a much improved performance. (Then again, she has been steadily improving for years, and has taken on many film and drama roles since My Girl five years ago. And even if I can wish for improvement from Kim, I can’t wish him into another person. Booooo.)
Via TV Report
Tags: Kim Hyun-joong, Playful Kiss
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451 HyunLover
July 10, 2010 at 10:39 AM
Yeppudaa! I be happy very much:)
Kim Hyun Joong is BEST. He was great İn the BOF :)
The great player, the great popularity:)
...and killer smile:)
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452 Kayt
July 10, 2010 at 2:34 PM
Could someone please tell me if they have cofirmed the female lead?
Please say YES!!!! Then I dont have to worry that PSH 'd take the role....
She 'll have to go to Taiwan for a FM soon ^^, just saying.... :P
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453 haru
July 10, 2010 at 4:25 PM
Kim Hyun Joong's acting in BOF was ok when it came to scenes where he just needed to look pretty. I admit to laughing at scenes where he had to cry or show any other emotion. Having said that, his Rui made me become his fan. Like what the manga writer of Hanadan said, Kim Hyun Joong has that pure quality and the look that she envisioned Rui to have. Oguri Shun is hands down, no comparison a better actor than Kim Hyun Joong. But I preferred Hyun Joong's Rui than Shun's.
Since you are judging Kim Hyun Joong based on acting, it's no surprise that you are negative towards him. But there are many people out there, like me, who are more superficial^^ I love Jihu sunbae because he looks pretty:) And Kim Hyun Joong appeals to me aesthetically. Of course, when it comes to aesthetics, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I do agree with you that if they cast another idol as the female lead--the drama might turn into crack. Therefore, I'm hoping that they cast PSH. Although I feel that from PSH's point of view, this role wouldn't be as challenging. Also, she will most probably easily overshadow Hyun Joong. Many fans of YB will also compare whoever she's with, with JKS.
Anyway, as a Kim Hyun Joong fan, I am happy if this role will be played by him.
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454 pig-rabbit
July 10, 2010 at 4:32 PM
aww.... this is kind of disappointing. Yup. I have to agree that for appearance, he fits really well for naoki but I rather he picks up another drama and land for a supporting role 1st. I dun know why you all say that just find a super hot guy to act as naoki will do. What?? Does it mean that you are admitting that hyun joong cant act?? And I know that millions of fans are rooting for him for this role. But I think they are still treating him more of a singer than of an actor. Although some of the fans are really happy if he accept the role, I tell you, when there’s kissing scene, drama among the fans will arise and start cursing the lovely female lead. I think he should act in other drama to lead his fans get use to his presence of acting then for a while, they will accept the fact that kissing a female cast is part of his job. I dun want the female lead to get all the blame and then hyun joong get all the love. Or maybe he can take up the role ‘ah jin’ in playful kiss? It will be better for him.
To those say that naoki’s role is not much of a acting and just cast a handsome face? NO NO NO. It’s wrong. Joe’s naoki is really good because he portray it really well in his eyes. I love actors to act with their eyes like Joe, Jgs, lmh and ksh. i admit hyunjoong is damn gd looking but i rather he act in a smaller role. It’s kind of unfair. He only acted in one drama and people says that he acted really well in bof. i think his acting is okay okay for a newcomer but i don’t think he’s ready for a lead role.
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455 pig-rabbit
July 10, 2010 at 4:32 PM
and lastly, he is climbing way too fast as an actor, what about those young actors that have been working for more than 5 yrs and yet none of those drama roles have been offered to them.I really want hyun joong to work from a smaller role to prove his acting ability and then rise to fame as an actor 100% based on those who love his acting, not by his ex-singer background. I’m sorry if his fans are offended by what i say but it’s what i really want to say.
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456 haru
July 10, 2010 at 4:48 PM
The reason why there are many ad hominem attacks towards the person who posted the article above is mainly because her post was also not worded in a style that would elicit an intellectual and objective discussion. Especially when it comes to criticizing Kim Hyun Joong, it wouldn't be realistic to think that Kim Hyun Joong fans will just take it sitting down--given the nature of fandom. By posting her opinion publicly and allowing the world to post comments to her site without censorship, it wouldn't be realistic to think that all comments will turn out to be wank-free.
I understand that you're more critical about the casting, because you already have an emotional investment in Itazura no Kiss itself. I felt the same way about Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge. I really didn't like the live version, despite being a KAT-TUN fan. But when it comes to Itazura no Kiss, I'm not a follower of the manga and I haven't seen the previous versions; therefore I'll be looking at it as it is.
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457 lets_get_our_facts_straight
July 10, 2010 at 5:43 PM
To all KHJ fans who said they don't care if he can't act as long as they can see his handsome face so soon again in a new drama - WHAT A SHAME :) . No offense but you are giving a diservice to him as an actor. if you are really a fans of this guy you should look out for what is good for him, you want him to grow more and you want him to be remembered as one actor with a potential to excel at his craft not someone who will be remembered as some actor who is easy to the eye but zero acting talent. That is how fans should act, but I guess we can be blinded by it and be superficial at times, Whatever makes US happy (that sort of mentality). But in a long run, what a pity for KHJ.
Also KUDOS to JB. I'm a huge fan of your no holds bar blog. I like the fact that you do a great justice in recapping dramas and your objective comments on actors/actresses. I like the fact that you don't get easily taken in by face value. I like your honesty and your pod cast is great too! keep up the good work! Lastly, this portion is what JB calls RANT and RAVE, so whatever people want to write has a right to it (as long as you don't call people names or demean somebody's personal opinion/comment). Its a free country after all ( where I live at ) :)
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458 Dara
July 10, 2010 at 9:59 PM
Now ,off with KHJ topic, another top contender for me how about that kid who played in 'Will it snow for Christmas?' for Go Soo in his younger age?( I forgot his name and if his name hasn't been mentioned here already)
@45 Poo
Yes, I agree. We are going to watch it anyway. It's KeyEast and KHJ and Playful Kiss!
Just a peek wouldn't hurt.
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459 Blue Mountain
July 11, 2010 at 12:00 AM
Group 8 has been in favor of KHJ @BOF. Just looked at how many EXTRA AND UNNECESSARY scenes had given to this guy in BOF. Why? Money!!!!!!!! I just wonder whether his new management company is one of the big investors in this upcoming drama.
Well, thanks to him or his poor acting skill @BOF, Lee Min Ho could be sooooooo extraordinarily outstanding.
KHJ is good as a singer but definitely not as an actor.
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460 dorisPngPinas
July 11, 2010 at 2:25 AM
though I don't think KHJ can pull-off the role of the main lead as what I've seen from his BOF acting, I still am interested enough to take a peek, am just hoping the main girl that they would choose is not another new idol, crossing my fingers (again) but hopefully this time my wish will come true.....
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461 Serena
July 11, 2010 at 3:02 AM
Yes, having 400+ comments and rising is a sign of popularity indeed.
In the entertainment business, any form of news is news.
For those against KHJ, let the directors/ producers do their job. KHJ was casts for the role not because he was picked out from nowhere. There will always be reasons for being. If he's popular & has a strong fan base - so be it. If, the anti's here in the thread think he is the worst actor for the role, well let the director be the judge of that.
Let the cameras start rolling, allow the ratings to judge, and then let's discuss.
Irregardless, once again after having said so many times on this thread - I support KHJ fully & unconditionally.
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462 mymayflower
July 11, 2010 at 7:55 AM
it's been confirmed that him and PSH are the male/female lead. ......oh well.....i'm passing out the tissue box.....whoever want to cry it out.....go ahead let it'll feel so much feel after a good cry ahhaahaah hhehehheheh :-) let's move on to the next drama.....i'm sure there will be a lot more interesting and better dramaa out there. I'm looking forward for a really good drama ...something like korean version of "twightlight" ahahahhahahaha wahhh imagine JGS as a vampire???? yupeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ahahhahahaa
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463 K_dramafan
July 11, 2010 at 12:38 PM
I came here hoping to see a fair and balanced review as described by aka I was hugely disappointed. I guess KHJ, good actor or not, somehow ended up on the wrong side with dramabeans. Talking about "analyzing" and "deconstructing" a drama even before it started? Producers are not going to throw millions if not billions on a drama down the drain for fun. They conduct thorough researches before deciding on the casting. We are fans and we don't put out the money nor stand in front of the camera. Let them do their jobs and let us enjoy as true fans. BTW, if you want more people to truly enjoy reading your blog, try to be fair and balance. Don't let your personal emotion get in the way. Stay true to what you intended to do in the first place.
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464 k_dramafan
July 11, 2010 at 2:36 PM
To Javabeans aka dramabeans: Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. You seem to have good knowledge and passion doing what you're doing. You will sure will earn respect from a broader base audience if you stay true and be fair. You said it yourself that PSY redeemed herself to you. Well, KHJ should also be given a chance according to your logic. There seems to be a curious pattern that you've become really upset with KHJ since BOF and that obsession has somehow affected your view point. Should LMH, JGS and LJK stop singing for their fans because they all suck at it? Fans appreciated their efforts. Why not let the fans enjoy the show rather than trying to sabotage it?
Can any one ever imagine Tom Hanks becomes a 2-time Oscar winning actor and Clint Eastwood a 2-time Oscar winning director if everyone told them to stick to being a comedian and a tough guy?
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465 Pig-rabbit
July 11, 2010 at 5:41 PM
@Mymayflower. 'pat pat' sun be upset. I heart sukkie oppa too. Haha. Ar. So psh is cfm acting with hyun joong?? Lol I can imagine her call Naoki as tae kyung during filming. Hope sukkie will faster hv a drama come-back too :(
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466 CeeCee23
July 11, 2010 at 8:32 PM
I posted this on a different site which gave this as a link so I decided to copy and paste my comment here too. Do any of those here bashing Hyun Joong's acting think that Bae Yong Joon is a good actor or do you think he is bad too? Because he obviously sees something in Hyun Joong that none of you do and since he is an actor I think he might know a little more about it. Why prejudge the drama? Either watch to see if you like it then make your judgment or don't watch it and leave others to decide if they like it. I know I am probably in the minority (then again maybe not) but I actually liked his acting in BOF. Now I didn't really like BOF at first because I found the characters unrealistic but that was before I found out it was based on a manga. Once I found that out I watched it again and it was better. Again I am probably in the minority (and then again maybe not) but the Jihoo character was the one I liked the best and not because of Hyun Joong's looks but because of how he portrayed the character. I suppose it all comes down to each individuals opinion so maybe instead of saying he can't act, since that is just your opinion and others might or might not agree, maybe you could be a little kinder and just say you aren't fond of his acting. You catch more flies with honey you know.
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467 Kayt
July 11, 2010 at 8:33 PM
I think that I can ... finally breath now ^^*
If I'm not wrong, PSH just clarified about the casting rumor in PK :
She is too busy to take a new project right now with school, FM, and other activities.... Yet her next roled be more challenging as she hopes.
Whatever She wants to do, I wish her luch and support her all the way!!!
Could someone confirm it for me please?
Thank you
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468 Kayt
July 11, 2010 at 9:05 PM
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469 CeeCee23
July 11, 2010 at 9:11 PM
Oh good grief. I just read the petition comment. LOL! Are you serious? I don't know if you ever heard of little movie called Twilight but the fans also had a petition to get rid of the actor that was going to play the main character. If you don't know anything about it then you might want to do some reading and see how that all turned out. Please forgive me because I know it's rude and I am sorry but I just can't stop laughing at that comment. LOL!
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470 CeeCee23
July 11, 2010 at 9:28 PM
@70 Umm, I do believe this is a blog to give opinions and it does have open comments. Since the writer of this blog gave her opinion then I would think she expects to get responses. Since she has posted a negative response then she should expect some negative responses in return . You shouldn't come to someone else's blog and say who can and can not comment and what they can or can not say. You don't like Hyun Joong's acting and that's fine but there are others who do. Yes some seem to be upset, but it's because they have just read the rather rude comments about Hyun Joong, so they have responded in kind. While that doesn't make it right it is just human nature. It seems it is ok with you when it is a rude comment saying he can't act or whatever, since you obviously agree with those comments, but if it is a rude comment arguing back you now have a problem? That is a bit hypocritical don't you think?
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471 tuesdhei
July 11, 2010 at 9:36 PM
OTTEOKAE!!!! after years of being so addicted to ISWAK now comes the korean version c",) now this is something to look forward to.... i hope they pick park shin hye c",) her goofiness is so cute and i would love to see her with KHJ... yay c",) thanks again JB!
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472 Pig-rabbit
July 11, 2010 at 11:09 PM
It is cfm tt park shin hye will Not act in playful kiss. It says in allkpop. So i dunno if Sulli is going to be the lead. Oh dear.
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473 Serena
July 11, 2010 at 11:16 PM
No need for caps...your message is well understood.
Perhaps if you've mellowed down a bit, read it again.
I am just hoping that you're just an anti- KHJ and is not in any way affiliated with DB. I would be SO disappointed on you, otherwise.
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474 Tilney
July 12, 2010 at 2:26 AM
I really love Kim Hyun Joong since BOF. But honestly, i have a bit dislike idol-turn actor. I feel like they're disconnected to the characters. However, i'm waiting for this drama because it will be KHJ's first leading role
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475 eugene
July 12, 2010 at 2:39 AM
Finally, we got new drama of KHJ. I was impressed by YJH in BOF. Hoping, KHJ will do a great job in this drama. I always support him. HYUNJOONG ssi, hwaiting!!!
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476 Phi
July 12, 2010 at 4:06 AM
some crazy KJH fan girls just make this worse for him
STFU and let it die. You like his acting because he's your idol, we can't stand his acting cause he was just BAD in BOF. Same drama, same character but Vic Zhou's 1st acting chop in Meteor Garden was waaaay better than KHJ. And like it or not, of course we judge his acting from his 1st acting chop in BOF (ever heard of how important 1st impression is?). KHJ may win us over if his acting improve, till then it won't stop us (not antis but non bias viewers) from (pre)-judging his acting capability & future projects based on his past one(s). Just like Park Shi Young, she also got harsh critics for her stiff acting for years till she won us (Javabeans included) over with Coffee House
If you don't like it, then tell your KHJ please don't take up LEAD ROLL in high profile dramas till his acting is much more capable. And don't tell me the production casted him for the roll cause they see his acting potential. It's all about the rating potential! He's popular, I give him that but as an actor? nah not yet, not at this moment.
CeeCee23, why Bae Young Joon signs KHJ up with his agency, you aked? of course because of KHJ's popularity hence good potential source of income, simply as that.
Dramabeans simply states she doesn't like KHJ taking up this role + stating her preference and that's her rights just like you have your rights to state your disagreement CIVILY! Some of you call DB names and even haul in the blog ethic, WTF? go tell that to Allkpop, not here. Yes DB has dislike of KHJ as an ACTOR (cause the guy couldn't act) just like you guys adore his acting but no way she steps over the line of being ethical so stop the nonsenses.
I'm glad Drambeans is not affraid to state her mind instead of sweet talking to win KHJ's fans (or >i>"you catch more fliles with honey..." / like CeeCee23 put it in post #68 ROFL). It makes her blog more interesting and credible by not pleasing ANY ONE'S fans
Keep up the good work DB!
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477 Nancii
July 12, 2010 at 4:13 AM
noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! according to allkpop Park Shin Hye has now declined the offer of starring in the drama!!!
*sob sob*
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478 mymayflower
July 12, 2010 at 6:27 AM
omg it is so cool of PSH that she declined the role!!! wow
la la la la la la la la la la la hahahahahahhaha
i'm so happy she's still JGS 's girl :-)
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479 Peace is Ease
July 12, 2010 at 6:53 AM
what a WORLD issue here... dont waste your time over nonesense... people, get a life!!!! your guys so called 'debate' aint change anything!!! da...
-not a fan nor antifan
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480 meteorflower
July 12, 2010 at 7:25 AM
the fight in this articles is so hot
I can't wait for this drama to air
I am a big KHJ fan, I'm praying hard that he can pull this off and make his anti's shut up
i wonder, if other idol turn actor was selected for this role
will people pay attention like the attention we all giving to this drama,
i can see other biased opinion
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481 CeeCee23
July 12, 2010 at 11:56 AM
boooooo- I suppose you could be right about Bae Young Joon signing Hyun Joong because of his popularity but Hyun Joong is more popular for his singing, I believe, than his acting. From what I have read Bae Young Joon is a very smart man, so I guess I was making assumptions that he wouldn't want to sign someone who didn't have some talent or ability in acting, since that is what his company specializes in.
As for the fan girls, I was not a fan of Hyun Joong before BOF. I did not know him before that so I'm not basing my feelings on his acting because I like him on a personal level. I just think he did a good job. It's just my opinion.
I have to confess I was kind of aggravated with the comments at first but it honestly doesn't bother me that people don't like Hyun Joong's acting. I just feel there is a difference between critiquing and criticizing. They say he can't act but I rarely see why they think so. They even criticize his looks. What does that have to do with his acting? Mostly they just say he sucks or that he can't act and that's it. Some have said he was stiff and emotionless but I actually believe that is how the character was supposed to be portrayed. His character was supposed to fear attachment to others or so I believed. I also didn't think he was expressionless. I thought he did a good job in expressing his emotions but those are just my opinions. I even read a comment that he was playing himself and if anyone knows anything about Hyun Joong's personality they know that the Jihoo character is no where close to Hyun Joong's personality. Ok I will even admit there were times at the beginning where he seemed a little unsure but by the end of the drama I thought he had it.
Still I can not stress enough that this is all just my opinion. I wasn't going to bother with giving my opinion because as someone said the debate won't change anything but I felt some of the comments towards Hyun Joong were unnecessary, just as some of the comments towards the writer of this blog were unnecessary. But people are passionate when it comes to the things they love I suppose.
Oh and I am truly sorry but I still find the whole petition thing a little over the top but that too is just my opinion so no one should have any reason to take offense.
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482 Saltik
July 12, 2010 at 12:55 PM
i don't know why people don't like the way he acts in dramas, but i don't agree....
if directors and people who choose actors for different roles chose or took the cast who are professionals, what would happen to people who don't have much experience but for those who have potential? Everyone must try, cause all famous and amazing actors had their first roles, and some of them maybe wasn't that good))
first, he must play in some dramas to see if he improves or not.... maybe in that "Playful kiss" drama he will show everything he can as an actor? who knows....
and i don't think that his acting in BOF was bad, it was really good::))))) he didn't have big roles before, that's why it was his chance to show himself for the first time, and now its time to see him again, growing up as an gorgeous actor I hope.....)))))))
well, its like when u finish university and go to work, u are told that they arent employing u cause u dont have experience!!!!!! so what shall u do? just look. if the same thing will be in drama or actting style production, will we find any good actors if we dont let them show if they can play)
first you shall wait and see before criticising and sayng not good things about things if u don't know him or if you are not good critic or supporter......
let's wait and see if this upcoming project gonna be good))))))))))))
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483 Fan
July 12, 2010 at 2:24 PM
A recent poll showed KHJ received over 1.9 Million netizen votes as the most suitable actor to play the lead role in the KDrama "Playful Kiss". FYI...
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484 Phi
July 12, 2010 at 6:32 PM
@82 meteorflower, since when not liking one's acting becomes anti? That word is so overly misused.
@84 Saltik, well a freshman from college or university will start their work up with a ROOKIE position, that's the difference.
@85 Fan, good for him. With 1.9mil votes for him, this drama is a sure win in the rating. You guys should not be sweat over a few critics here at all.
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485 caroline
July 12, 2010 at 7:19 PM
i love him fighting! hyun joong oppa
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486 Pig-rabbit
July 12, 2010 at 9:36 PM
Wow 1.9million? Can anyone give me the link. I wonder who the female lead will be. Hehe maybe shin hye pull out bcos the male lead ain't sukkie. Lmao. Anws I think I'll still watch it. Btw I realize tt the Taiwan ver use 1 entire year to film for part 1 and now Korea is only using 1 month to film the entire plot. That's hell of a work to do!! Hope tt hyun joong will be able to cope it well Even though I'm not a fan of hyun joong( shinsuk shipper) I wish him all the best and prove tt he is a decent actor. Fighting!!!
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487 Lee
July 12, 2010 at 9:40 PM
OMG this is nuts. All I have to say is I will wait and see, I'm on the fence just because you don't know how their gonna spin this version it might be the same or they may add their own twist to it. I also feel that KHJ's wooden-ness in his acting is inherent as his personality is kinda wooden which could work to KHJ's advantage.
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488 therainhouse
July 13, 2010 at 3:11 AM
I don't know if you've read Hana Yori Dango the manga or watched the anime..
I forgot where I heard it from but I heard that Kim Hyun Joong really put a lot of effort into his role for Boys Over Flowers. I heard he read the manga again and again.
But to do so much work for the role with hardly any improvement. He did improve slightly in the last two episodes. Especially when he proposed to Jandi. I thought he handled that reasonably well.
Anyway, this shows two things, that he is a very hardworking person and that he doesn't have a lot of acting talent. But, was it Thomas Alva Edison who said that genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.
If he works hard enough, one day, although the world might not think of him as a talented actor, Kim Hyun Joong would be recognised as someone who worked against the odds, against the negative feedback to come out stronger and better.
His skills will be recognised not because he's easy on the eyes or because of his fans but because he decided to put in more effort than those who had a lot of talent but did nothing with it..
To improve, you need to practice. As a toddler trying to run, first you have to put your hands on the floor and go on your knees and crawl. You crawl for days and days. The floor is cold and hard and you're bruised. You cry a little. Then, you try to get up and stretch your hands to balance yourself. Wobbling from side to side, you try to reach the loo or reach your parents' open arms. Sometimes, you fall down and your parents are anxious for you. You cry and they cry as well. After a few weeks, you're walking. Little wobbling. Hardly any falling down. You're a walker. Then, you wanna go faster. Faster! Faster.. So, you pick up speed and start walking faster and faster.. Months after, you're into the running stage. . Run like the wind.
Kim Hyun Joong's previous roles in Spotlight, the Japanese Hotelier had him making appearances in them. He wasn't crawling yet. That was watching other toddlers, other children, teenagers, and adults walk, run, and cycle.
Boys Over Flowers was the crawling stage. He was bruised when he received negative reviews. I know that he did hear about the negative feedback.
But, he was pretty determined to crawl to the finish line, where his anxious parents (fangirls and fanboys) were waiting for him.
Those MVs and CFs were part of the crawling stage. He practiced crawling.
He fell down (received criticism). His parents (fans) were of course delighted that he was still crawling. Better to crawl than to lie in the sleeper all day.
Then... meantime, he decided 'crawling's pretty good but I want to run too.'
He once said that he wanted to play a mentally deranged person. He also mentioned in a video on YouTube that if a good script comes along, he'll take it. It doesn't matter whether he has to uglify himself or not. Great attitude.
So, now, he's stretching out his hands, still wobbly.. He wants to run now..
Why is this role in Playful Kiss running and not walking?
Because it's a heavy role. It is not just a cold-hearted genius.
And because he has a responsibility to play it as faithfully as he can so that his portrayal won't disappoint the fans of the anime or the manga or the Taiwanese adaptation.
Because he is playing a fictional character based on Kaoru Tada's husband.
I am all for crawling and walking and running. But, don't start running when you've just finished crawling.
This drama will do well. No matter whether they cast singers from girl groups or actors with high calibre and years of experience.
1.This story already has a strong fanbase.
2.Kim Hyun Joong's fans, most of them, if not all, will watch it whether or not they think his acting is the best.. If Group 8 decides to cast any other pop stars in the show, regardless whether it's a supporting role or a cameo, fans of those celebrities will tune in.
3.Group 8 seems to think that 'We've got a great director, a great scriptwriter, and an actor whose fans will surely follow him. It's definitely going to be successful financially.'
They chose Hwang In Roe for Goong S.. Hong sisters for Couple of Fantasy. Se7en for Goong S. Boys Over Flowers had quite a few celebrities who made cameos here and there.
My petition has lots of possible outcomes :
1.It pushes Group 8 to realise how seriously we take this adaptation and makes them keep their promise about being faithful to the manga. So far, I haven't seen any sign of them consulting the copyright holders for insight... Have you?
2.It'll pressure Kim Hyun Joong to deliver a performance that makes us drop our jaws. Hopefully this is the case. I have no qualms offering a public apology for starting a petition to get him dropped from the main cast. Perfectly happy if Kim Hyun Joong plays my favourite character that well.
3.It'll make Group 8 lock all their money-making ideas in a cupboard somewhere in a temple in the Tibetan plateau.
It's okay to make money and sell merchandise.. Some percentage of the profits goes to the actors as well. But, when your efforts to make money affects the production quality, I'll be the first person to stand up and say, "That is not right.'
4.Hopefully, all the other actors and the rest of the production team will sit up and take notice as well. This is serious business.
5.There's about a 20% to 10% chance that Kim Hyun Joong will get dropped.
It's not likely though.. Why do I bother then? Because this is something I feel strongly enough about ..
I wouldn't call my liking for It Started with a Kiss an emotional investment, since an investment has returns and you profit from it. I don't do this things so that I'll get some emotional profit. I do it because I feel a need to protect it from people who don't understand what it's all about, from people who produce remakes incessantly just because it was popular elsewhere. If Group 8 doesn't intend to do it well, they should let someone else do it. It's Group 8 that irks me. Their actions have shown that they intend to make this a money-making franchise without caring for the welfare of the actors, staff and fans.
Remember that whole issue with the fanmeet right after Jang Ja Yun died?
What was that? If that's not proof of their intentions, what is it?
Remember how they constantly pushed the cast to go for promotions eventhough those actors hardly had any time for themselves? Remember how packed the production schedule was? Remember how tired the cast looked constantly?
Oh, I'll definitely bring all this up against Group 8. If I 'attack' anyone or anything, it'll be Group 8.
Of course, there are more worthy causes to start a petition for, releasing Suu Kyi from house arrest, stopping the sex trafficking trade in Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, China, asking for the bombings in Indonesia and Philippines to stop, praying that Japan gets a great leader, protecting women such as Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani from cruel sentences? I could start a petition against SM's ill-treatment of certain artists but I don't feel a connection to SM or its artists, that's why I'm not doing anything.
If it's an idol drama, let it be an idol drama that is of the highest quality. If they intend to cast experienced actors with one or two pop artists, that's okay as well. But, let them bear in mind, if they write the character of Baek Seung Jo like they did with Geum Jandi, leading Kim Hyun Joong to misinterpret his character and either overact or underact, I'll have something to say. If they treat the actors like they did the BOF cast, giving them little time to rest, shooting every day with 4 to 5 hours of sleep, that's ill-treatment . If they know of any actors who suffered the same issues Jang Ja Yun did or they know that a certain actor is suffering somehow but ignore it, that'll be too much.
If they let production quality slide just so they can put in certain controversial scenes that'll pull up ratings or place sponsored products hence affecting the storyline significantly, so much so that the plot is twisted.
Hell hath no fury like a fan scorned. If you add certain twists to the characters just so it'll be Korean instead of Japanese or Taiwanese, that's alright, that's called putting in a local flavour. What's not alright is writing the characters so differently that it's too different from the original characters. What's not alright is disrespecting the original author or putting in certain plot elements which you know the author wouldn't have liked. What's definitely not alright is abusing your actors and staff by squeezing them of their time and rest. What's not alright if you underpay your staff and actors. What's not alright is starting rumours just for the sake of publicity. It's okay if fans start to wonder whether the two leads have connected romantically offscreen. But, it's not okay for the production staff to go, 'Oh, I don't know. They seem pretty cosy to me. They're often seen laughing. They seem very happy.' just for the sake of driving the ratings up.
I think I've finished ranting... So, you can see this petition is directed more towards Group 8 than towards Kim Hyun Joong. I'd be so pleased if he could nail the character. What's the worst that can happen with Group 8 directing Kim Hyun Joong around? His acting might be described as 'average' or 'slightly below average'.. But, as a fan of the series, I don't want to settle for 'average' or 'slightly below average', I want Kim Hyun Joong to deliver an 'exceptional' performance. I'm looking for 'brilliance' , 'excellence' and 'worthy of Baeksang Awards' . A lot of people say, don't expect KHJ to outshine Joe Cheng and it'll be alright, I am praying that he's equal to Joe Cheng and even outdo the former actors...
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489 Serena
July 13, 2010 at 3:21 AM
Make that 1,900,001!
I'm so looking forward to the first episode already.
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490 CeeCee23
July 13, 2010 at 11:27 AM
therainhouse - Even though I still don't agree with the petition thing, I would like to thank you very much for your explanation and the kind way you gave it. You have some very valid points, and as I have tried to explain over and over I just have a differing opinion than others, because I actually thought he did a decent job. I am not saying I am right. I just saw things differently. I don't actually believe there is an exact right or wrong because it is all just opinions.
As you have stated, he may not be ready for this and he may be getting ahead of himself, but then again we don't know exactly what he has been doing as far as his acting goes. Like you also stated, he has done a few MV's and he did well but those are hard to judge by. Still he may have been working hard to improve, for those who think he needs it, in other ways too. He may be taking lessons or doing other things. I also believe Bae Young Joon will guide him but who really knows. I am just not going to prejudge the drama. I will make up my own mind after I actually watch him in it.
I just thought it would be nice if everyone who didn't want Hyun Joong in this drama could be a little nicer to those who do and actually those who do want him in this drama should be a little nicer to those who don't. You can give a fair critique without being ugly about it (as you have just proven to me) and I do believe you can oppose those critiques without being ugly back (as I hope I might have proven to you). So I would like to once again thank you very much for because you took the time to explain your reasoning even when I was being hypocritical and laughing at your petition idea. I apologize for that.
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491 CeeCee23
July 13, 2010 at 1:59 PM
therainhouse- I forgot to add that Group 8 definitely has it's flaws but it is a production company so I never expected anything less, because the bottom line is that in the end of the day they do only care about one thing and that is for their productions to make money.
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492 abc
July 13, 2010 at 10:02 PM
It all comes down to a difference of opinion. There are people that despised his acting performance in BOF and there are also people that loved it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It doesn't mean one is right and the other is wrong. If you're so against KHJ taking the lead role in this drama, then my suggestion to you is not to watch it. As for me, I'm going to let the directors, producers and actors do their jobs and judge their performances after I've watched the drama.
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493 Tara
July 14, 2010 at 3:18 AM
That kind of reminds me about the smokers, who are arguing that,"If you don't like to breathe smoky air, then don't visit the restaurant/bar!"
Of course, this is just a drama series and not something that endangers the health of someone, but the principle is the same...
There's something potentially enjoyable (the restaurant with its food -- the drama itself, story being told).
A decision is made by the owners of the place for financial reasons (smoking is allowed --- a popular idol is hired for the lead role)
Group A (The Non-smokers - fan group A) argue that their enjoyment is diminished because the place stinks, they can't breathe and their own clothes stink after visiting the restaurant, and thusly they are limited in their freedom of having a pleasurable visit at the restaurant.
Group B (The Smokers - Fan Group B) argue that their enjoyment is dependant on being allowed to smoke after eating, that it's relaxing and that it's their right of freedom that they can smoke wherever they please, plus the restaurant allowed it.
And they tell the non-smokers to go elsewhere if they ask the smokers to maybe tone it down a bit because the non-smokers have kids in their group.
It's a no-win scenario, because everyone feels threatened at a basic level over something they are passionate about, and react because they feel that something is taken away from them that they have a RIGHT to have.
For smokers, there's at least a possibility to satisfy both sides by creating special smoker rooms/sections in restaurants. For a drama series, there's unfortunately no such thing possible, because you either cast or don't cast an actor, either hire writer A or writer B for the script, have either director A or director B conduct the show. Because, I somewhat doubt that there will be a version of Playfull Kiss being made parrallel to the KHJ version, casting a different lead who's considered commonly as a great actor, so that those who feel not so hot about the KHJ-version actually have a choice to enjoy the drama, too. It's either watch or don't watch... go into the restaurant, or don't go into the restaurant. And such a choice is causing a lot of frustation. :) Just a thought. :)
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494 poo
July 14, 2010 at 3:36 AM
Wow the posts are still increasing! Hyun Joong oppa U R THE BEST! Any publicity is good publicity you!
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495 Tara
July 14, 2010 at 4:23 AM
Your "oppa" must really be down in the pits and desperate if you have to use the "any publicity is good publicity" angle...
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496 poo
July 14, 2010 at 4:37 AM
lol am saying it from the director's point of view (they are down in pits and desperate)...i love the your 'oppa' thing :P
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497 doh.
July 14, 2010 at 6:19 AM
Duh. Do you think they care whether you like khj to act or not? They still gonna shoot the drama, and you can whine/bitch all you want here, sign 450 petitions and sell your house, but it's not gonna change anything.
By saying things like "this is not your blog, and the fan girls make things ugly" and such, doesn't mean you agree with the blog owner and makes you right.
You think the viewership will go down just because a handful of people here are upset because his acting suxs and godknowswho didn't get chosen instead?
If you don't like it then don't watch it; it's for the koreans to watch anyway.
So no matter how much you think you are right or whatever smart comments you post, who cares if YOU like it or not?
like anyone really cares about what you think.
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498 Tara
July 14, 2010 at 7:29 AM
@98 haha! If you put it that way, then of course you are right. :)
But the way you phrased it earlier made it sound like you were trying to say that KHJ actually needed all sorts of publicity to keep himself in the eye of the public, like, say Lindsey Lohan.
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499 Phi
July 15, 2010 at 5:26 AM
@99 doh.
"So no matter how much you think you are right or whatever smart comments you post, who cares if YOU like it or not?
like anyone really cares about what you think."
and why are you here reading the comments and replied to it?
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500 shei
July 16, 2010 at 9:04 AM
Anybody who has been observing Kim Hyun Joong's latest CFs and SS501's latest MVs could see that he has been improving in his acting. Now, whether or not he can manage to pull off a male lead role is another question. On the comments about his exerting more effort, from what I've read I can say that the guy is extremely hardworking. He had actually been reported to have collapsed from not eating and working overtime while shooting for BOF. For those who think his acting was stiff in BOF, well, his character was supposed to have Asperger's syndrome after all and it was KHJ's first major acting gig. I think overall, he did well and was partly responsible for the huge success BOF had internationally; even my grandma watched BOF because of KHJ. LOL.
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