Park Shi-yeon also in Cosmopolitan magazine

Coffee House‘s Park Shi-yeon, like Sohn Ye-jin, is also featured in the August issue of fashion magazine Cosmopolitan.

In the interview that accompanied the shoot, Park said, “These days the thing I most think about is, ‘Have I lived well?’ I’m happy when I film dramas or movies, but in this kind of life you should turn back and take stock of your life at least once, and I think that time has come.”

Park also said, “I want to love. I want to marry soon and live boisterously.”

Meanwhile, her Eun-young character in Coffee House is setting trends for summer, with her casual and breezy clothing, as well as her various braided hairstyles.

(The one with the pink dress is by far my favorite photo. I wish the rest of the shoot had more splash of color, but she’s looking lovely as usual. Personally, I prefer her casual look in Coffee House — while the clothes sometimes make me scratch my head, she has an easy confidence that makes everything look good. And the braided hair really is flattering on her.)

Via TV Daily, BNT News


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I feel bad for these Korean actors. People are so harsh. Wait until they screw up like Lindsey or Paris to be mean to them! I'm so glad her acting skills have grown so much!! She's come a long way from her My Girl days. Idk what was worse for me in that drama, her acting or her character! But she did well by choosing a wonderful drama to star in!


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Yea.. the pink dress looks good. Is that a corset she's wearing in the third picture?


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@ Kayt:

LOL, I definitely approve of the PSY/KJH couple, but I know that JB sure won't! x)
After all, KJH IS hers hahaha!

Ahhh PSY is really stunning! I can't wait to see her in another drama! :D She's
so charming! <333


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Thank you very much for updating the news of PSY.

I become her fan as I see CH. She looks great!

I also have the same wish that PSY can find her true love, and it is extremely wonderful if her love life is KJH!!!

A lot of casting figures in CH showed that they have the same gesture,..Although I hope that it could be true if they are couple. I do not know why they have a lot of chemistry in CH, perhaps they are professional actor and actress, or some things else...


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i should appologize

no need for negativity

and I must admit I had never watched her until Coffee House

she IS incredible talented, particularly in revealing subtle shifts in her characters' emotion



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She is so beautiful. My certified girl crush. :) I love her since My Girl. Will be watching Coffee House after I finished Iris. Can't wait!


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I always admire her for her beauty... and yes her acting has improved in Coffee House. But I thought she could act... perhaps not in My Girl but in Story Of A Man. Isn't she dating Philip Lee, her co-star in that drama? But I would love for her to be with KJH. They do look good together. Smokin Hot if they get together! Can anyone say if she is a real beauty? I do seem to feel she's done something on her face... nose perhaps? But she is still very beautiful and I don't mind. At age 31, she rocks!


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I don't know if there are any tennis fans here, but she kind of resembles Ana Ivanovic in the first picture [or the other way around, hehe]. So so pretty!


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I am still waiting for JB approve for PSY and KJH
For some reason, I think she 'd ..... this time
haha **CH did the good convicing , didnt it?** lolz :D

And my fav are the first and last one, yet I think her skintone seems to match with any color perfectly...
Yeah, she definite ROCKS for being at 31!!!! I mean she doesnt even look like 31, perhaps, 25-26 range.
And I dont think it's matter what people talk about her, as long as she knows where she stands and what it takes for her goals/ dreams come true. ( which she has cetainly proved in the carrer development aspect)
I love her nevertheless


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so pretty. it's true that her acting is getting better and better.


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talented, effortlessly classy, charismatic, extremely beautiful.

Whoever gets her, will be one lucky fella.


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I am so happy to see images of PSY looking happy and sexy. I hope she doesn't have to go another day like the one she had at PYH's funeral.


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