Queen of Housewives returns as Queen of Tears

Nearly two years after enjoying a popular run on MBC, Queen of Housewives will be coming back to television for its promised sequel, and the second season will broadcast with the title Queen of Tears. According to a source with the production team, it will share a similar theme with Queen of Housewives in its portrayal of a housewife overcoming adversity and standing on her own.

Kim Nam-joo, who starred in the original series as the housewife determined to get her husband back on his feet no matter what, has made an unofficial agreement to return for the sequel. The drama will retain its director and writer, Go Dong-sun and Park Ji-eun. As yet, none of the other main cast members have decided to reprise their roles (although with the main character returning, it would make sense for some others to join her).

Queen of Tears will follow the currently running Monday-Tuesday sageuk Dong Yi for a September premiere.

In my opinion, the title change gives the sequel a very different vibe than the comedy-filled original, perhaps unintentionally. I don’t know if they’d get Oh Ji-ho back playing Kim’s husband — it looks like he’s cultivating bigger interests after starring in Chuno — but I don’t think fans would care about that if they managed to get Yoon Sang-hyun to return (who I think really ought to jump at the chance). Yoon Sang-hyun was the undisputed scene-stealer of the original and I know many were clamoring for him to end up with Kim Nam-joo, which was hampered by the whole she-has-a-husband-and-a-child issue, which may work better in sequel format. But I’m just speculating!

Via Hankook Ilbo


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wow, it's been two years already?? time sure flies.


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Well, it hasn't been two years yet, but it'll be close to it by the time the drama actually airs.


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Just speculating:

If they can't get Oh Ji-ho back (no big loss - I really wanted Ji-ae to end up with Tae-bong), then it would dove-tail with the title Queen of Tears and the idea of a houswife "overcoming adversity and standing on her own" - all they have to do is make her a widower.

Like, all birds killed with one stone! Makes the title of the drama so appropos, removes the obstacle between Ji-ae and Tae-bong, and no Oh Ji-ho = no problem.

This is just me writing fan-fiction, of course. :-P


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I hope It is just a completely different stories and the characters are not related. I don't I think the ending was kinda complete no real need to extend upon it. If they use the same character for Kim Nam-joo's without her husband and any of the other cast from the last movie it would they tossed the whole first series out the window.


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@ockoala, no I totally agree! I was thinking more along the lines of divorce, but death makes it better (er, you know what I mean) since there's no culpability factor. I feel like everyone really wanted Ji-ae and Tae-bong together in the first series, but there was just no way to do it without making people way unlikable. All they need is a time gap and kapow! Ji-ae and Tae-bong, reunited! Er, um, united!


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Great news I really wanted Ji ae to end up with Tae bong so if Oh Ji Ho doesn't return all the better. Looking forward to this.


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This drama won't be smae without the original cast-as someone said OJH may not scene-stealer in here, but there are fans (mostly out side Korea-surprisingly from middle east) who really love him here, they don't care much abt Yoon Sang-hyun.

In scene-stealer case, it depends on the story, I bet get Yoon Sang-hyun don't have 1% OJH's charisma if he is in Chuno as general STH-OJH is a scene-stealer in Chuno.


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I hope the second season will have the sam comical freshness. I think the flair of this series was extremely trendy in terms of ruling the viewership of Mon-Tuesday. I have to say though that EoE helped them gain some good ratings due to it's ratings. KNJ is the other reason , no one knew the drama would be this successful!


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I'm actually kinda excited about this sequel. I watched 'QUEEN OF HOUSEWIVES" with my mom and were both wanting an extended ending but we both agreed that their reason for 'divorce' was over-exaggerrated.


So he kissed the girl and that alone should be enough for you to be upset about but it was obviously a mistake and SHE kissed him. And also not to make any excuses for him, the only wrong he did was doing the 'assuming' game with his wife where he said that his 'friend' who was married was growing a crush on his sunbae but he still loved his wife... and we know the whole time, he was talking about himself.


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@aX: Oh Ji Ho just didn't have the chemistry with Kim Nam Joo as Yoon Sang-hyun had with her. So even if he technically might have only made a "few mistakes", I (can't speak for others) was more concerned with the Tae-Bong/Ji-Ae relationship.. so Dal Soo became just an annoying obstacle. He also gave off a very unlikeable personality (IMO), which only made the Kim Nam Joo and Yoon Sang-hyun stronger. I don't know. Maybe it's just my dislike for Oh Ji Ho, since I never liked him in all of his dramas. Maybe it's the way he talks... or the way he acts....

@samoa: We're not really saying that Yoon Sang-hyun is better than Oh JI Ho as an actor... (that's another matter) and it's not exactly that people deliberately try to be a "scene-stealer" or whatever. Of-course it also depends on the story, but Yoon Sang-hyun just has this charm that attracts viewers.


Queen of Tears sounds like a melodrama. I don't understand why they couldn't just name it Queen of Housewives 2.

Even though it's a sequel, I can't imagine Kim Nam Joo ending up with Yoon Sang-hyun. I mean.... it doesn't work in comedies. And it was pretty one-sided for the most part on Tae-bong's side. It'd be pretty sad if we had another pairing that had great chemistry.. but would never come true (again). Than again, some dramas tend to change their scripts to increase viewer ratings and might change a few things here.... (ahurhurhur.... *looks at ockoala's comment*). Or Tae-bong would just be the "friend". I pity him.


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There are different type of tears, let's look at it that way. We definately know that this series won't be a melodrama, since most of us were drawn to the quirky misery of KNJ's character.

Tears of Laughter, Tears of Joy, Tears of Sadness...etc....


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@otk: LOL. That's true. Reminds me of Wonder Girls' recent song; 2 Different Tears.

"gave me 2 different tears
after all these years
tears of joy, tears of pain
like sunshine and rain"


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"Queen of Tears" sounds like something... I wouldn't want to watch, despite my love (okay, tendency) to watch the more melodramatic Kdramas. but i did watch QoH all the way through so if the full cast comes back (or half) I might just tune in for a bit. thanks Javabeans for the update! :)


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i can't even imagine how they'll continue the story (if that's the route they take), but i'm excited. i really loved queen of housewives, aside from the dragged out ending. somehow i'm hoping kim namjoo and oh ji ho stay together- not because i love oh ji ho, but if they do away with oh ji ho, it would make the first season somewhat meaningless in terms of the characters' overall growth and maturity. i'd hate for the second season to be a rehash of the same angst and problems. killing off oh ji ho seems overly dramatic too.... not that i wouldn't love a taebeong-jiae couple! this is all just my opinion :) i am still excited

i definitely want lee hye young back as well. she was a gem.


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Oh and I never wanted Ji Ae with Tae Joon whatsoever!!! I was irritated by their interactions and the main reason is that I thought Ji Ae & Dal Soo's issue was over-exaggerrated.

In fact, I was REALLY hoping (and still do) that Tae Joon & his wife, Woo Sun, would get back together even after their divorce. Seriously! I was secretly rooting for them throughout the series and wished that eventually, circumstances would bring them closer but that wasn't exactly the case. :( Unfortunately, the writers were pretty stuck on the whole Ji Ae and Tae Joon & Dalsoo and Woo Sun ordeal that they missed out on this great opportunity.

I mean think about it, Taejoon & Woo Sun were forced together by their parents due to business but even so, I really liked their development especially towards the end. Even though, yes, they did divorced I truly wished that they would eventually learned & grow to love each other once again. I loved their chemistry together and I was really dissappointed that the writers didn't really give them a chance.

@ Biscuit, I think I know where you are going regarding Oh Ji Ho. There's something about how he acts and talks that I can't get myself to like, but he is a good looking guy. He was likeable in 'Couple or Trouble' so ever since then, I've always been fine with him but I wasn't a fan of his in 'Chuno' which is surprising. hahah

With all that said, I am going to watch the sequel hoping that MAYBE Tae Joon & Woo Sun will get back together. AHH! Their story intrigued me more than anything.

All the need is just time for themselves and yes, their divorce was necessary because they were both suffocating which we all have to admit, only existed for business purposes! That alone is damaging for anyone--and sure it may work for some people, but those two needed the divorce.

As for Tae Joon, his marriage has always been a business deal that he never wanted and because of that, I do believe he never fully gave Woo Sun a chance. That is why I felt so bad for Woo Sun who had to deal with the repercussion. That's why to some extent, I don't blame HER for wanting something more and to feel loved since neglect & turmoil was all she was getting from her (ex)husband--unfortunately, that person had to be Chul Soo and we all know how damaging that was in his own marriage.

Now that Tae Joon has matured (thanks to Ji Ae) over time and learned how to love, I am hoping we'll see a growing interaction and romance between he & Woo Sun in the sequel. It's something hopefully the writers will do. This time around, instead of being forced into marriage, they'll blossom together on their own terms. ;-)

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The real draw of this drama for me was the portrayal of the high school-like cliquishness and bitchiness going on behind the scenes of the company husband--though it is shameful they don't portray more female workers. The subtle nuanced politicking was totally delicious.

When the story switched to the love angle, I kind of switched off though Choi Chul Ho continued to amuse me.


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i think yoon sang hyun needs to jump on this as well. his role as tae bong made me fall in love with him (not in the romantic way lol). i think i need to go re-watch. my favorite scene was when he threw his cellphone on the ground and immediately plopped on the floor to fix it ahahaha and the ahjumma's crazy fortune teller friend needs to comeback she made me laugh every time.


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LMAO...just reading these comments ....he only thing that pops in my head is "

"Wow.....these guys totally want to separate a wife and her husband....how immoral LOL"

I am confident OJH won't return, but most probable for a cameo in the first episode. I hope we get some side plots of the little girl....I also hope the other casts return...without them....this drama would be non charming.

I don't need Tae Bong's wife, but I DEFINATELY WANT LEE HYE YOUNG to return!!!!! ftw.....she was the cheese in the sandwhich while KNJ was the lean burger.


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Pretty much from the beginning of the series, I felt that the main couple wasn't suited for each other. They just didn't click. Sure, they loved each other. Sort of. But as time went on, it became clear that there was a deep philosophical divide between them that only widened as the series progressed.

I feel like the characters aren't going to grow together, that they're both giving up something important, without gaining much. There's the kid, of course, and maybe that's enough, but I was disappointed when the drama left them like that.

Death would be a nice way to handle this, since there's issues with divorce. He can even have had cancer or mysterious heart clutching problems, although I think work-related stress is probably more realistic! If it were my drama, I'd kill off the husband, hire the wife into the food company, and let things develop from there. Since it's new ground for her, there's plenty of ways to misstep, and she'd have to claw her way up from the bottom again, which is always sort of satisfying. Especially since the character really brings a lot of her own pain on her head.

Fantasy: At some point Lee Hye Young teams up with Kim Nam Joo to take on evil mother-in-law.


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How about "fake tear", housewives sometimes cry out load with their husband to obtain what they want (a new car, a ring...), thinking of TEAR that way makes this drama much more like a comedy.


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somehow the title Queen of Tears doesn't appeal to me. However, if they get Yoon Sang Hyun to reprise his role, then I'm on board!


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I dont really care for Oh Ji Ho to be honest.

Just give me Kim Nam Joo, Yoon Sang Hyun and Lee Hye Young and i am on board :D


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Soooooo excited!! I absolutely LOVED Queen of Housewives! Certainly better than a lot of the dramas which have aired in the recent years :)
I actually would like to see all of the characters reprise their roles! (Except Sun Woo Sun - have nothing against the actress. I just hate her character in the show). I hope that it keeps its upbeat, happy role :) Please don't turn it into something depressing! Cinderella's Sister has given viewers the year's necessary dose of depression...


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HEY HEY HEY! No Oh Ji Ho bashing...

*in a small voice* Seriously, I liked him, and he's not THAT bad .... Though I admit I liked Yoon Sang-hyun too. Grumble. Grumble

*in normal tone* I don't know how they are going to do this, but I hope it turns out well.


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I hope Oh Ji Ho won't return, because He should take better roles now as he so popular after Chuno ( I don't even think he wants to be back anyway ) Let Tae Joon & Woo Sun get the story, I'm sure fans would disappointed because the first season , there was forbidden love, that's why fans like it ( we usually excited for that kind of love) but if this season they go for it. what gonna excited about? get married, fighting...??????


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@anya: agree with you. I also think Jiho would be busy filming Block7 with Ha Ji Won?
about QOH: It should be different story then, if not what can be about? Relationship between Kim Nam Joo and Yoon Sang Hyun should leave it at that, if not it will turn into boring married life again


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The prospect of Ji Ae and Tae Bong ending up together makes me smile. I totally wanted them together at the end of QOH. I think having her husband die and her having to learn to completely fend for herself and her daughter would be good. Then somehow she grows and is successful as she meets Tae Bong again or whatever. But yeah, I loved Tae Bong.


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@aX: I definitely AGREE with you !!!! I want Tae Joon and So Hyun (Woo Sun) to be emphasized in the sequel !!! I mean what's the point of their relationship if they wouldn't make up in the end, right? I really love them together :D I just can't wait to watch it though the new title doesn't seem to attract me. ♥


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Ohhhh, so maybe I'll get my wish for pairings if they show up! Ji Ae and Tae Bong. Woo Sun and Dal Soo. I was major shippers for that since I just didn't see chemistry between Ji Ae and Dal Soon. Especially when the reason for divorce was basically being egged on for superflueous reasons (the extension really killed it, otherwise I could've gone with the silly reasons because it was Ji Ae being so and it would've been shorter) and the other constantly felt like a better fit. Otherwise...

Dear lord! A sequel with one of the main leads already as a yes? If the others come around, I'll be mighty surprised, and maybe willing to actually watch it.


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Sequels are mostly failures..I hope Oh JiHo wont be doing this..hi-5 @anya n Queen!!


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I thought Oh Ji Ho protrayed his Dalsoo character very well, so much so that it is convincing and makes viewers dislike his weakness. He is the most handsome and lovely husband that one can wish for. I'd rather have a weak husband who listens to me than a husband who does his own thing and breaks my heart.

I thought Oh Ji Ho and Kim Nam Joo had a lot of chemistry.

Yoon Sang Hyun aka lovely Taebong was more like a little brother in love with an older sister. Maybe viewers prefer forbidden love.


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Despite somewhat negative and at times rather harsh comments about OJH, i'm still of the opinion that viewers should give him a chance to prove his worth as an actor.... he did say he prefers tough-guy character roles. i prefer him in romantic dramas such as Single Dad but with happy endings though.


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Yoon Sang-hyun!!!You better come back!! Tea Bong! Tea Bong! Tea Bong!! =D


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can i mention i STILL refuse to watch last season's finale because I can't stand that she didn't end up with Tea Bong.


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more please!!!!! i love the show! cant get enouugh of it! and my favourite character of course..sun woo sun! aka eun so hyun...i was wishing she and ohn dal soo ended up together somehow... =(


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how to view the new season? im from Singapore


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pls pls pls have a better happiness for sun woo sun's role!!!! i pity her soooo much...maybe ohn dal soo will look for her...or maybe tae bong falls for her....its time she got to love and be loved!


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the good thing that made me loved this drama was its way of addressing every woman and its struggle to make her husband succcessful even if she is just a housewive~~the three related couples formed interesting drama lines in first season~~should the writers work on such lines: make them intersect or parrallel~~or it was just decided at the end of season1?? i am really not sure and adding more characters perhaps with past background will be interesting~~maybe..
however,i would appreciate if they keep the original cast ifnot,i would prefer the end of some characters rather than replacing then with new performers~~for OJh as Dalso~~i actually think this character didnot preveal the potential of OJH compared with his former character as Pungho in single dad or later role as Song Tae-ha~~i would love him to go for the role if it really contains serious development that interests him as talented actor (as i always believe) if it is just the kind nice guy~~no need for it even if it has its high moments~~he is more capable and needs more challenges..especially after CHUNO
me too..not very optimistic about the new title and in korean dramas there is only one kind of tears...sad..bittersweet tears~~~
i would still like it as a comedy~~however,we can`t do anything but waiting and in season 1..only one episode was enough to get you hooked,i wish it is the same in season 2


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I am a 22 years old but I love this drama..
my korean friends said that this series is mostly loved by the ahjumma hahaha...
but I don't care..! powerful stories and empowered by brilliant acting and of course ost, this is my most favorite korean series!

I am excited about the sequel.. and still hope the old cast would stay. kim nam joo and oh ji ho are really perfect.. even through the good and bad times they keep thinking about each other. aissh.. I cried a lot watching this.

as a young girl I learn a lot on being a housewife from this drama. so this one is a remarkable one in my heart! queen of housewives season 2 fighting! daebakkk!


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Wow......those who love OJH, those who are indifferent to him, those who love Yoon SangHyun......

My take of these 2 in QoH :

OJH portrays very perfectly a sweet guy who had certain weaknesses coping with the the hard cynical world of office life with all the jockeying and politicking, but he had this 'pureness' in him that shone thru.....like even when he is tempted with Sun Woo Sun, he's honest about it. Another example when he won't descend and succumb to the corruption of office politics, maintaining his intergrity mostly through out.

Who says he doesn't have chemistry with his wife? It is this special love between them that made his wife hanging on in there despite their almost dire straits and that's why the wife was totally crushed when she found out that he had feelings for someone else because this special love between them that's the ONLY thing that keeps her being whole notwithstanding all the bullying, beating and bellyaching she's laid on him all the 7 years of their marriage !

OJH just have that sweet innocent smile that's so natural and not easily come by for most actors !

And now Yoon SangHyun....

He's just have that something about him that most women have fantasy about.....and of course he shines in this drama QoH which propels him to stardom.

So all in all, both these actors are essential for the success of QoH. As for the sequel QoT, if it is intended as a 'proper' sequel with both the same director and writer being back in. then it only make sense to have all the main casts back in here......

Side note : KNJ did very very well in that scene when she's portraying her extreme anguish when she confronted her husband about his 'infidelity' and realises that he truly was attracted to the other woman altho he so loves her too.

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Is this series now called "Queen of Reversals"?? Or is there a "Queen of Housewives","Queen of Tears", "Queen of Reversals" now? Ahhh confused! I watched the "Queen of Housewives" though, but I'm in other parts of Asia so I only got to watch it recently, and now I'm super confused with all the terms! heh sorry, please help! Thanks (:


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