Kim Nam-gil goofs off on set of Bad Guy
by javabeans
It’s kind of hilarious to see the goofy side of Kim Nam-gil coming out on the set of his drama Bad Guy, since it’s a thriller-melodrama with a darker edge. These photos make up a sort of “before and after” set with the first image showing Kim in character as the bad guy out for blood and revenge, and the second showing off his lighter side.
I remember thinking Kim had a dry sense of humor back in Lovers (when he was acting under the name Lee Han), and his Bi-dam character in Queen Seon-deok had a brash, funny side as well. Makes me wonder how he’d do in a straight comedy…
Via Arts News
Tags: Bad Guy, Kim Nam-gil
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51 Jo
October 10, 2010 at 9:33 PM
We all truly miss you!
We'll wait for you so do take care always..coz we love you.
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52 TS
November 23, 2012 at 4:11 PM
Wow, he's so skinny. Makes me want to diet so that if I ever meet him, I don't feel chubby!
He's really gorgeous. I hope he does more period pieces and wears his hair long.
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