The Ending Scene to My Love Patzzi: Is This Love, Or Am I Dreaming?

In an effort to get a full analysis of whether My Love Patzzi had an ambiguous ending (as proposed by javabeans) or not, I feel the only possible way to do this is is to go ahead and re-translate from scratch, and then recap, the Final Episode scene where Jang Nara as Yang Song Yi, comes back to Kim Rae Won. I’ve done my best to translate the dialogue verbatim, no tricks or omissions or half-way translations, and I’ve added screen-caps just like a real episode recap. Then you guys can decide whether Jang Nara has actually chosen Kim! Rae! Won!


Jang Nara – “I’ll Be There For You” [ Download ]

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Song Yi has apparently gone with Kim Jae Won to Germany. It’s all over for Kim Rae Won, whose heart is broken. A very sad KRW wanders an empty amusement park, remembering the things he loves about Song Yi. He ends up by the fountain, the site of many a heart-to-heart chat with her.


KRW wades into the fountain as he spots a coin in the water, which looks alot like the coin that Song Yi dropped in there, when she maked aloud her fervent wish (in front of KRW) that she would realize her true love. Here she is, in the past, making that wish, and then tossing the coin.


KRW, at the time, joked around with Song Yi about the efficacy of a fountain wish. And later, he had waded into the water and tossed out the coin because he didn’t want her to be in love any more (and thus be hurt, if the love wasn’t returned) with KJW.  Well, apparently that didn’t work. KRW grabs the coin, laughs ruefully as he says to himself: “Wow, there’s at least another person as half-witted as Yang Song Yi.”

Yang Song Yi‘s voice from off screen.

Song Yi:  “Ya, what do you mean half-witted, where am I lacking that would make you think that!”


KRW slows turns around, not sure what he will see… and he sees Song Yi, alone, standing nearby. Song Yi walks toward KRW.

Song Yi: “Ya! When did you turn out to be sub-human like that? What’s with insulting people when they aren’t around?”


Song Yi walks up to a stunned KRW , taking the coin out of his hand and tossing it back into the water.

Song Yi:  That’s my coin, dummy. In truth, I threw two coins in this fountain. One that I would realize my true love, and one so that I would get caught for the parade car fire. But you know what, any which way I think about it, I think that the coin you fished out of fountain was the SECOND coin… since my FIRST wish already came true… that’s totally amazing, no?


(Samsooki note: Song Yi’s other wish, the second coin wish, was that she wouldn’t get caught for causing the parade car fire. That wish failed to come true, however, as the evil bitch Kongzzi made sure that Song Yi would get caught, and it appears that the scriptwriter wants to emphasize that maybe it’s actually because KRW tossed out THAT coin, thinking it was the true love wish coin.)

KRW: wha-what happened? isn’t today the day you were supposed to leave?


Song Yi (looking MIGHTY CUTE):  I……. didn’t go?

KRW (still confused): Why not?


Song Yi (still looking MIGHTY CUTE):  Just because…


Song Yi (continuing): Ya.  When you look at me, does your heart race and do you get all nervous and stuff?

KRW: ….


Song Yi : But you know, I don’t think that I will get that kind of feeling with respect to you.

KRW (feeling a bit insulted): Ya ima, Yang Song Yi…

(Samsooki note:  the word “ima” is a korean word like the way that Southern ppl in America call each other “chile” or “child”…  as in, “Oh child, you have NO idea…”)

Song YiBut even so, what I want is to be with you now.

KRW:  ….

Song Yi (thinking back to what KJW told her): He told me to choose based on what was most important to me, and so I chose you…whether this is really lurrrve, or whether it is only friendship, or if not both of those, maybe it is some of crazy mix… I really don’t know…


Song Yi: Fighting with you, talking with you, just being with you, those are the things I want more… and that’s what I didn’t leave.

KRW (searching Song Yi’s face): ….

Song Yi (embarrassed): …


KRW sighs and then embraces Song Yi in a patented Kim! Rae! Won! hug. Rocking her back and forth.


Song Yi smiles happily. KRW smiles happily.


Samsooki smiles happily.


Now, you tell me, is that love, or am I still dreaming?

My contention is that the first coin, the true love wish coin, DID come true, because it never got tossed away. It was the second coin, the trying not to get caught causing the fire wish coin, did not come true because KRW tossed it out, thinking it was the true love wish coin.

Song Yi says to KRW that the true love wish coin came true. I think she is talking about him, and the way she feels about him. She may not get the goose-bumps and the heart-racing kind of feeling that some people get, but that doesn’t mean that what she feels toward KRW isn’t real, and isn’t true love. She is just being as honest as she can toward him, and what she is saying is, “My love for you is true, even though I might not get the goose-bumpy kind of feelings.” That’s why she didn’t go to Germany with Kim Jae Won. Boo-ya!


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