You’re Beautiful: Episode 16 (Final)
by javabeans
Well, here we are: the final episode.
I liked it quite a lot, and thought it tied up our ends nicely. I enjoyed the way the main conflict was resolved, and while it wasn’t perfect, I like its balance between hitting that dramatic climax and reminding us of its sense of fun.
Wheesung – “사랑해” (I Love You) [ Download ]
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Mi-nyeo stops to look at some stars on display in a storefront, and turns just as Tae-kyung spots her through the crowd. The music stops and the world goes silent as the two stare at each other… until Mi-nyeo breaks the moment by bowing in greeting.
Tae-kyung tries to find his way out of the crowd, but when he looks over at Mi-nyeo, she’s gone. The background song (“Without Words”) echoes his sentiments as he asks, “She went without a word? She just bows in greeting and leaves?”
He returns to the agency, feeling dissatisfied. When he encounters Sung-chan with the stylist, he asks to see Mi-nam, who is supposedly out with Hoon-yi.
He’s not actually with Hoon-yi, however, as the latter runs into Mi-nyeo in the street and the two stop to chat. Mi-nyeo hears that her brother is currently making an appearance in Jinju, and asks if it would be possible to meet him before she leaves. She’s headed to Africa to join a nun acquaintance in charity work. It turns out she’s leaving on the day of Mi-nam’s first concert.
Tentatively, Hoon-yi asks if she’s going to leave without seeing the others. Mi-nyeo answers that she’s always watching them from afar, and has been keeping up with all their news. Hoon-yi asks if something happened between her and Tae-kyung, because Tae-kyung never asks about her, nor does he talk to Mi-nam.
Prompted by Tae-kyung’s questioning, Sung-chan wonders where Mi-nam is; he was supposed to have returned from an event with Tae-kyung. Nervously, the stylist calls Hoon-yi to tip him off, and warns that Sung-chan can’t find out that Hoon-yi sent him to Jinju without his knowledge.
A colleague mentions seeing Mi-nam in Jinju, so Sung-chan looks at the stylist suspiciously. They’re not doing stuff behind his back, are they? He wants to see Mi-nam in 30 minutes.
In a panic, Hoon-yi wonders how to handle this, then looks to Mi-nyeo with pleading eyes. In a familiar gesture, he gets on his knees to beg her (as he did in Episode 1) to become Mi-nam for one last time. Just for a short while, to prove to Sung-chan that he’s still in Seoul.
Mi-nyeo vehemently says no — she’ll be discovered right away. In desperation, Hoon-yi reveals the reason he needed to send Mi-nam to Jinju in the first place. He’s about to become a father, and Mi-nam is helping him save up extra cash by doing side gigs in order to prepare the baby’s essentials. The mother… is stylist Wang! Things happened on the trip to Japan, and now she’s pregnant…
HAHAHA. Mi-nyeo is no match for such a pathetic story, so she reluctantly agrees.
Still mulling over their encounter in the street, Tae-kyung tries to understand why Mi-nyeo disappeared:
Tae-kyung: “She may have not seen me. No, she bowed in greeting, so there’s no way she didn’t see me. She saw me and just ignored me. Pig-Rabbit, why on earth did you do that?”
This segues into another fantasy sequence. In the first scenario, Mi-nyeo is dressed in her habit and decides to become a nun. So did she disappear because she has decided to take her vows? But no, she definitely gave that up, and it’s not a path someone could return to easily.
Then, did she decide to become a pharmacist’s wife? No, he recalls that Dong-joon is still in the army and was going to seek her out after he had been discharged.
Then did she decided to join the fan ranks instead, content to be a spectator cheering him on and writing him fan letters? But no, he mutters, “If she’s a fan, she should have at least come to me to ask for my autograph. Is she no longer a fan at all? Have I been dumped entirely?”
Mi-nyeo uncomfortably dons Mi-nam’s clothes to be presented to Sung-chan. This allays Sung-chan’s suspicions, and he apologizes for doubting Hoon-yi.
Hilariously, when the stylist starts to energetically hit Hoon-yi for the close call, Mi-nyeo cautions her to be careful for the baby’s sake. The stylist wonders, “Huh?” Hoon-yi hurriedly brushes this aside, tipping us off that he invented the story to appeal to Mi-nyeo’s sympathies.
An angry voice calls out Mi-nam’s name: Jeremy comes storming down the hall, demanding that Mi-nam confess where Mi-nyeo is. Hoon-yi intercepts him to avoid subjecting Mi-nyeo to a face-to-face confrontation.
(I only include this screencap at above left because it’s hilarious to see Hoon-yi dragging away a persistent Jeremy by the feet. Oh, Lee Hong-ki, you’re adorable.)
Shin-woo arrives from the other direction and confronts Mi-nyeo, about to say something. The stylist ushers her away quickly and detains Shin-woo. Mi-nyeo turns back with sad eyes to say, “Shin-woo hyung, I’m sorry.”
After thinking it over, Tae-kyung comes to a conclusion:
Tae-kyung: “I don’t want to admit it, but I’ve been dumped. Believing that she would come back when she was feeling better was my delusion. Pig-Rabbit looked totally fine. I was the only one hanging on. Before things get any worse, I’d better reply that I’m okay.”
Mi-nyeo trudges down the agency hall, stopping a few feet away when she spots Tae-kyung. She thinks, “Mother Superior, I have to leave my star far away, but why is it twinkling brightly before my eyes again?”
As she turns to go, Tae-kyung calls out to her, thinking it’s Mi-nam. His tone is cool and sarcastic:
Tae-kyung: “Tell your sister that I saw her message that she was okay. If I’d seen her in person, I would have felt bad, but now that things have ended cleanly, tell her thanks. I saw her briefly earlier, but because of the fans, we couldn’t meet properly. Make sure to tell her I’m fine and doing really well.”
His sardonic manner is a front to cover his true feelings, but the words hurt Mi-nyeo. She thinks sadly, “It’s a relief to hear that you’re doing fine. From now on, I will be fine too.” So when Hoon-yi asks if she’s sure she doesn’t want to see Tae-kyung, she answers that Tae-kyung is fine without seeing her. It’ll be better for both of them not to meet.
Her exit is thwarted by an oblivious Sung-chan. He has prepared a meeting that Mi-nam had requested of him, and is enthusiastic to be of service. He drags her off for the meeting, and Hoon-yi furtively makes baby sounds to remind her of his sob story.
When she arrives at the restaurant, she’s shocked to realize that the person Mi-nam has been begging to meet is Heyi. Apparently, he’d been very good to her in the aftermath of her breakup with Tae-kyung, and now wants to take things another step forward. As Sung-chan greets Heyi, Hoon-yi hurriedly advises Mi-nyeo to not engage with her. It’s too bad for the real Mi-nam, but she’d better ignore her as much as possible.
Mi-nyeo keeps her head down and her answers brief, while Heyi adopts an air of annoyance. Her words express displeasure that he’s been following her around, and she has told him that she’s not interested, but her attitude indicates that she’s actually enjoying playing this part. She calls his plan to reveal his feelings for her at the upcoming concert “immature,” and tells him not to do it.
She adds, “Does Hwang Tae-kyung know you like me and keep following me around? Doesn’t that bother him at all? Anyway, you haven’t told Tae-kyung about your sister, right? If she meets him again, I won’t see you anymore.”
Back at the studio, Tae-kyung broods about the message he had given for Mi-nyeo: “Will he have told her what I said? When she hears it, she’ll think I’m over her, and won’t want to see me again. What do I do?” He makes a decision and calls Hoon-yi, asking where Mi-nam is.
At the restaurant, Sung-chan doesn’t take Hoon-yi’s hints to leave and is determined to stick around for moral support. In fact, he also called Jeremy and Shin-woo.
Dreading the impending scene, Hoon-yi fortifies Mi-nyeo with soju. She says she won’t be sober if she drinks it, but that’s exactly the point — if she is herself, she’ll be recognized right away. If she drinks the soju and collapses, Hoon-yi will usher her out and handle everything. He overrides her last protests by reminding her that Sung-chan will suggest going to the sauna together afterward. Mi-nyeo is horrified at that thought and chugs.
By the time the others arrive, Mi-nyeo is passed out. Tae-kyung grumbles, “What’s with him?” Happy to have avoided potential trouble, Hoon-yi announces proudly, “He’s drunk!” Heyi fawns over Mi-nam to make Tae-kyung jealous, while Sung-chan invites everyone to sit for a drink. It’s been a while since they were all together.
A little while later, Mi-nyeo stirs in her sleep and ends up slumping over, onto Tae-kyung’s lap. At first he’s irritated and starts to move her — but he notices something odd. Touching her hand, he remembers how it felt to hold it and recognizes that this is Mi-nyeo. He keeps his surprise well under control, but Shin-woo notices his reaction and catches on.
Tae-kyng offers to take Mi-nam home, and when Hoon-yi returns to the table, they’re gone. Shin-woo tells him quietly, referring to Tae-kyung, “I think he knows who it is. The president hasn’t caught on yet, so it’ll be okay.”
Tae-kyung remains parked in the driveway for a while, until Mi-nyeo wakes up. She mumbles for Hoon-yi, but is shocked to find Tae-kyung beside her instead. Quickly, she tries to think how to act in this unexpected situation. She fumbles for the door, forgetting that she still has her seat belt on. He unbuckles her, and as she stumbles out of the car (still a little drunk), Tae-kyung says to himself, “I’ve caught a Go-Mi-nam-impersonating Pig-Rabbit.”
Mi-nyeo thinks she’ll have to confess her identity rather than trying to keep the lie going, but tummy troubles force her to make a quick decision: it’s too embarrassing to reveal her identity and then go to the bathroom, so she’ll have to go to the bathroom first. With that decision made, she hurries inside to use the facilities, rushing by Tae-kyung without saying anything.
When she comes out of the bathroom, she starts to tell Tae-kyung who she is… but is hit with thirst. Deciding to get a drink first, she ignores him and rummages in the refrigerator, trying to decide how to act.
From Tae-kyung’s point of view, this looks like she’s being rude, and he waits to see how she’ll act. Seeing her clumsiness, he tells her she’ll have to sober up first, and makes her some honey tea. He hands her the cup and holds up a hand, asking what it is. (This calls back an earlier moment, when she’d answered, “A palm.” He’d corrected her then, saying that the answer is five, as in fingers.) This time she answers, “Five,” and he replies that the correct answer is a palm.
At this, Mi-nyeo guesses that he knows the truth. He tells her, “Your hand has no scar, and your shoe size is a lot smaller than your brother’s. I know a lot more about you than that — did you think I wouldn’t recognize you?”
Curious to know if she got his message, he asks how long she’s been Mi-nam today — was she at the agency earlier? Mi-nyeo understands that he’s really asking whether she heard his message. She confirms that she did. Tae-kyung is uncomfortable and starts to explain, but she says, “I’m glad you are doing well.”
Having taken his statement at face value, she feels sorry that she messed things up — she had sung his mother’s song to make him feel better, because she was worried he’d still be feeling bad. If she’d known he was already over everything and feeling fine, she should have left things alone, but meeting again must be an inconvenience to him.
He asks if she’d intended to turn away earlier without seeing him. Tears start to fall as Mi-nyeo answers, a little drunk and sad:
Mi-nyeo: “I told myself I couldn’t see you, but you’re someone who draws the eye. But if I see you, it hurts and makes things tough for me. After only living at the convent, I came to live in this land of stars and was hit by electricity, and lost my senses. I flew up right into the heavens, and then crashed down to the ground. Fireworks exploded in my head, and in one moment a thundering rainstorm crashed down on me. Since I’ve left this star-land, I saw the path I am to live. I would have to leave the star-land and just watch it from afar. If I see the brightest-shining star close up, it’s so blinding to the eyes that it hurts. That is why I am going to go far away.”
After saying her piece, she falls asleep with tears on her face. Now he understands that she was only saying she was okay to make him feel better, not because it was true. He asks the sleeping Mi-nyeo, “Are you actually in pain, instead of being okay?” He wipes the tears from her face.
Tae-kyung: “Then I can’t hold on to you. I wanted to be able to see you well when you came back, so I was trying to see even in the dark. Every day, I even ate the carrots and spinach I hate, because I worried that I might lose you in the dark. Because I didn’t want to lose you. But I can’t even hold on to you when I can see you well.”
After this reminder that he’s still causing her pain, Tae-kyung tells Hoon-yi to take Mi-nyeo away. Hoon-yi says that if he lets her go now, it might be goodbye forever, since she’s going to Africa. But Tae-kyung is resolute.
In the car ride back, Hoon-yi gives Mi-nyeo a ticket to the concert. She’s not sure if she can make it because of her flight, but she’ll try.
Tae-kyung decides he can’t keep the Pig-Rabbit doll (now wearing the star necklace) in his room anymore. He thinks back to the times he had seen Mi-nyeo making the pig-nose, such as the time he had serenaded her. He retires Pig-Rabbit to the storeroom from whence it came, saying, “The Pig-Rabbit that only appeared in front of me is now extinct.”
Mi-nyeo has been living at the convent all this while, teaching at the orphanage. One of the girls gives her a book containing pictures of stars, because it’s one of Mi-nyeo’s daily habits to seek them out.
The little girl points up at the sun and says, “There’s a star in the sky in the daytime, too.” Mi-nyeo sees where she’s pointing, and corrects her: “That’s not a star, that’s the moon. The moon isn’t a star.” The girl wonders, “There’s no star in the daytime?” Mi-nyeo answers, “There is a bright, blinding star in the daytime. The bright sun is always in the sky.”
She continues to make her preparations to leave, meeting her aunt to say goodbye. Aunt Mi-ja says with dismay that the other boys will be disappointed if she doesn’t see them before going, because they’re always asking about her. And then she adds hesitantly: “There’s another person who wants to meet you, but I’m not sure whether you should. Mo Hwa-ran wants to meet you.”
It’s not an easy decision, but Mi-nyeo contacts Hwa-ran, who is grateful for the meeting. Hwa-ran gives her a CD containing songs that had been sung by her mother, Lee Su-jin. Hwa-ran had used her connections to ask around and collect them, explaining, “I felt I had to do this before I could say I’m sorry to you. When your father was with your mother, he never once came to me. As you said, he said my love wasn’t really love and didn’t accept it. Your mother would have known that the person he loved wasn’t me but herself.”
Because she hadn’t thought Mi-nyeo would want to see her, Hwa-ran says that it means a lot that Mi-nyeo called her. Mi-nyeo responds that this means a lot to her, too, because “You told me what I wanted to confirm. I’m glad to hear this before I left.”
Hwa-ran: “Are you really going far away? If you leave like this, Tae-kyung won’t forgive me. He won’t see me. This is the first time he’s been like this. Couldn’t you go and tell him you’ve forgiven me?”
Mi-nyeo: “Why don’t you go to him directly and ask forgiveness? The person you need to seek forgiveness from the most is Hwang Tae-kyung. Please ask his forgiveness, so you do not pain him any more. He has always yearned for his mother.”
Hwa-ran: “Why do you say this when he’s in your heart? If I’m with him, don’t you know that it will be more difficult for you to be with him?”
Mi-nyeo: “Because causing a precious person to leave you isn’t love.”
Concert day. Jeremy frets over whether Mi-nyeo will come and asks to borrow the Pig-Rabbit for luck, but Tae-kyung tells him that he got rid of it. Jeremy wonders, “Weren’t you waiting for her?”
Tae-kyung: “Why should I wait for someone who won’t come? It’s over.”
Jeremy: “Did you even say you waited?”
Tae-kyung: “Why would I say that?”
Jeremy: “Not saying that you waited is the same thing as not waiting, you arrogant butthole!”
Next, Tae-kyung runs into Heyi in the hallway, who rubs it in his face that she’s here for Mi-nam, not him. She wonders if it’s really true that he got over Mi-nyeo as he insists, and guesses, “You’re faking that you’re over her, right?” Then she tosses his words back at him: “You aren’t embarrassed about being caught faking, but it’s embarrassing being caught for real, isn’t it?”
In the dressing room, Shin-woo also asks whether Mi-nyeo is coming; he can’t believe Tae-kyung just let her go the other night. Tae-kyung answers, “She said it hurt to be close by, so I let her go.”
Shin-woo: “I bet you didn’t let her go, you shoved her away. Letting go is only something you can say when you’ve held on till the end. Have you held on to her? What you saw in Japan was me holding on to her till the very end. It must have looked pathetic and laughable to you, but because I took it all the way, I could let her go. You didn’t do that, did you? You just stood there in your place, and didn’t think of following her when she said it was hard, didn’t you? Fine, keep preserving your pride and stand there until she runs far away, mighty Hwang Tae-kyung.”
Hwa-ran shows up at the concert, spurred by Mi-nyeo’s words. Even though he might not listen to her apology, she has to say it anyway, and for once her words sound sincere, not bitter:
Hwa-ran: “I’m sorry, Tae-kyung. I left you alone because I thought you were someone who would never abandon me. I only felt the pain of being abandoned myself, and hurt you. It’s natural that you wouldn’t call me mother.”
Tae-kyung: “Why are you saying this all of a sudden?”
Hwa-ran: “I’ve become scared. You’ve decided to really abandon me now. I’m trying to hold on to my son.”
Tae-kyung: “How surprising. I thought you were someone who’d never beg.”
Hwa-ran: “That girl told me to come to you directly and beg for forgiveness.”
He’s surprised to hear that his mother met with Mi-nyeo.
Hwa-ran: “I thought if I apologized to her, you might meet with me. She’s going to go far away, do you know that? I have no right to say this to you, but I hope you don’t lose someone precious to you and regret it, like I did.”
Tae-kyung: “Why are you telling me this?”
Hwa-ran: “She said that making someone precious leave you is not love. Telling you this is the love I can show you as a mother.”
Tae-kyung starts to walk away, but pauses. Without turning back to face her, he says, “I can’t tell you now that I forgive you. I’ll hear out today’s apology someday later. Goodbye… Mother.”
After all this tough love from his friends, Tae-kyung is jolted out of his stubborn pride. He finds out Mi-nyeo’s location from Hoon-yi and speeds to the orphanage, where he asks a kid where her teacher went. Hearing that she has already left, he wonders where to go next. Then he spies the photos the girl is holding — they’re all pictures of stars. He looks around the room, which is plastered in similar pictures, remembering Mi-nyeo’s promise to think of him every time she sees stars — this is proof that she’s always thinking of him, and that she still loves him. The little girl notices him looking, and adds that there’s another “most handsome star,” which her teacher is going to see today.
She means, of course, the concert. Tae-kyung understands the implication and speeds back to the arena, where Mi-nyeo is one of a multitude of fans waiting for the concert to begin. She eyes her watch worriedly, sad that she may not able to see much — or anything at all — before she has to leave.
I love this shot, because we know that this comes from the filming event that opened its shoot to fans, and we know that the fan excitement in this scene is real, not just enacted for the sake of cameras.
When Tae-kyung comes back, he tells the others that Mi-nyeo is here, in the stands. But when he goes onstage, he can’t spot her among such a huge crowd. Trying to think of a solution, he changes their concert plan and decides to start things off with a solo.
Tae-kyung takes the stage, squinting at the fans to try to pick out Mi-nyeo as he sings “What Do I Do”:
As I let you walk another step away, it brings tears to my eyes
As you walk another step away, it brings tears to my eyes
I reach out my hand, but you go where I can’t approach
I can’t hold onto you, I can only cryWhat should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me,
because I’m only crying out with my heartAll day, I try to erase you but I keep thinking of you
All day, I say goodbye but I think of you again
I reach out my hand, but you go where I can’t go
I can’t find you, I can only cryWhat should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me,
because I’m only crying out with my heartWhat should I do? What should I do?
You’re still the one for me
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me
because I’m only crying out with my heart.
As Tae-kyung wraps up the song, Mi-nyeo starts to leave, working her way toward the back of the audience. Tae-kyung finishes his song and says into the microphone, urgently:
Tae-kyung: “You’re listening now, aren’t you? It’s so bright here, and your side is so dark that I can’t see you. Please, don’t be where I can’t see you! Come to where I can see you. Give permission to let me see you.”
The crowd goes wild! Moved to tears, Mi-nyeo turns back around and slowly starts to make her way toward the front again. But Tae-kyung still can’t see her, shrouded in the dark as she is, so Shin-woo tells the producer to cut the stage lights and turn on the audience lights.
When the stage lights flick off, Tae-kyung, now standing on the dim stage, scans the audience intently. It’s nice imagery, as Mi-nyeo emerges from the dark into the light. Tae-kyung spots her.
Keeping his eyes fixed on her, Tae-kyung makes his way to the edge of the stage, and steps among the fans as they scream excitedly. The crowd parts ways to let him pass, until he comes to her.
He grabs her to him in a hug, and says:
Tae-kyung: “I’m going to keep telling you, so listen good every day. I love you.”
Now for our epilogue: A short while later, Mi-nyeo and Tae-kyung look up at the night sky, enjoying a relaxed mood. She’s still going to Africa (which he doesn’t love), but she’ll return soon enough and tells him to wait for her. Responding to her lighthearted tone, he says, “You’ve gotten arrogant. Aren’t you even sad to leave the brightest, most handsome star in the sky?” She reasons, “Still, I can’t take you with me.”
Tae-kyung makes a sudden plucking gesture in the air, and tells her, “You pick [the star] out like this.” He opens his fist to show her the star necklace, and tells her to wear it.
She accepts it happily, then comments on the romantic gesture by telling him he’s changed. “Do you like me that much, to pluck me a star from the sky?”
Tae-kyung: “You keep getting more arrogant. If you’re going to do that, give it back!”
Mi-nyeo: “No, you cannot! This is mine!”
Tae-kyung: “They have lots of diamonds in Africa. Give that back.”
Mi-nyeo: “I cannot make that! I have no skill.”
Tae-kyung: “So treat me nicely while I’m here.”
The playful bickering settles down as Tae-kyung pulls her toward him and puts an arm around her. They look up at the sky as a shooting star falls:
Mi-nyeo: “I will never, ever let go of the star I have finally grabbed!”
Tae-kyung: “Yeah, don’t ever let go. I’ll only shine in front of you.”
Jang Geun-seok – “말도 없이” (Without Words) [ Download ]
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Phew! It’s finally over, and I still have so much to say! (Big surprise.)
As for this episode in particular…
I really liked the ending. I have some quibbles, which I’ll get into in a moment, but for the most part I was satisfied with the way the big separation was reconciled and how the conflicts were resolved.
Some people are disappointed that we didn’t see more Mi-nam, but I for one like it this way. We all know that it’s Park Shin-hye acting the part, and they’ve made sure to keep the glimpses of Mi-nam brief and mysterious. If we were to get entire scenes featuring him, we’d just get more reason to nitpick at the boyish image, and I’d rather be left wanting a little more than feeling dissatisfied for little things that would likely stand out — the voice, the girlish face, etc.
What I particularly appreciate is that we get our big dramatic moment, but we also get a lighter, cuter moment to go out on. The concert scene was done well, I thought, and also satisfies our desire for a grand climax. For instance, the song: I freaking love this bit, and not just because it’s a big romantic gesture and Jang Geun-seok is singing, ooh wow swoon, etc. In addition to all that, it’s just so appropriate on multiple thematic levels.
He chooses this song because it’s a message to Mi-nyeo, so even if the words meant something else entirely, it would still work to the same effect. But it carries a double meaning now, because the lyrics that her father used to beg her mother to return are also applicable to Tae-kyung as well.
Furthermore, when Mi-nyeo asked Tae-kyung in Episode 15 not to let his mother redo the song, he didn’t answer, “Yes, I’ll stop her” — the words he used were that he would “return” the song to Mi-nyeo (and her mother). He’s not only returning it symbolically by making sure his mother doesn’t claim the song again, he’s quite literally returning it with this performance.
And then, after they affirm their feelings for each other, I think we need a little bit of a denouement to give us time to come down from that high, which has the added benefit of showing us Tae-kyung and Mi-nyeo in a more “normal,” everyday interaction. Their dynamic isn’t as extreme as the fantasy wedding sequence from Episode 15, but it’s still amusingly offbeat. I don’t see why Mi-nyeo has to go to Africa because that’s just a throwaway line and they could have easily left that out, but I’m not going to nitpick that (much).
As I mentioned previously, I liked the separation in this drama, if only because it could have been a lot more drawn out and contrived than it was. I thought it made a lot of sense, because the obstacle wasn’t necessarily insurmountable, but it wasn’t something Tae-kyung (or Mi-nyeo) could fix merely by pushing for it. He needed to let her grieve for her mother and learn to accept him again without pain, and while their love is strong enough to overcome this, it’s not ready yet. The solution here is time, and he gave that to her.
But of course, the introduction of time into the relationship also opens up the chance for further miscommunications, as we saw here. The culprit wasn’t just mistiming or mixed message; it was Tae-kyung’s pride, like his friends pointed out. Like Heyi, throwing away one’s pride over something fake isn’t hard at all. But it’s much more difficult when you have to throw it away for something real, which would hurt more. For Hwa-ran, that is the difference between her manipulative love for Go Jae-hyun — which she went out of her way to claim — and her feelings for her son, whom she was afraid to approach.
On the other hand, both Jeremy and Shin-woo expressed themselves fully, so they are frustrated with Tae-kyung for stopping short of that. It’s also why they’re able to be happy for Mi-nyeo even after they’ve lost her, because they could give her up cleanly. Tae-kyung’s need to keep his pride is understandable, and I don’t blame him for it — with his upbringing and lack of maternal affection, all he had to cling to was his pride, since he sure as hell didn’t have love. He just needed a big push in the arse to realize that there things worth giving up that pride for, and now that he DOES have love, it’s worth the risk. Thankfully his friends are there to give him that push.
A few criticisms:
The plot of a drama often drags about two-thirds of the way through. It’s inevitable, and is partly due to writing fatigue, and partly viewer fatigue. The Hong Sisters are better than most at avoiding this problem, and although they aren’t immune to it, at least the episodes with some drag still have a lot of funny moments to balance it out. In You’re Beautiful, those slower moments tended to be about the Hwa-ran storyline, because for the longest time she was out there on her own, drinking and moping and not really connecting to the main story. In the end, it came together nicely and I appreciated how this resolved with our main characters, as I mentioned in the previous recap. But for a long while, she was off on her own tangent, and whenever the story cut to her, I felt the energy drop. She was a fascinating character, to be sure, but only slightly connected to the main plot.
The song remake plotline was rather overwrought, and Hwa-ran’s manipulations in relation to that. In resolving the big mystery of the parents’ generation, we got an answer that works for the story and for our protagonists, but on the downside, it reduces the wrongdoing to one single person. I don’t love that.
The Hong Sisters are great with twisting funny beats out of dramatic and/or emotional moments, and they have a great sense for plot pacing. I think they’re so good at keeping our interest high with their fun-filled, energetic developments that they don’t NEED to rely on makjang elements like birth secrets, evil mothers, and other overly melodramatic devices. So when they do use those elements, I think it’s a waste to highlight moments that aren’t as fluid with the rest of their material. They don’t need those plots, because I think some of my favorite episodes were the ones that didn’t focus on them. And even in episodes where the melodrama came to the fore, my favorite moments were the funny scenes tucked in around them.
Furthermore, I think that they have done a great job creating new situations to keep audiences laughing, but sometimes their dramatic beats feel recycled from prior dramas. When a scene is tweaked and reused, the second time may lose a lot of its punch, because it no longer feels organic to this particular story — it feels like it was tweaked and reused to fit a square peg into a round hole. It fits very WELL, of course, but one can’t help notice that it wasn’t something that arose naturally from these circumstances.
(Mi-nyeo’s hairclip is one such device, as is the Hong Sisters’ tendency to drum in Significant Metaphors a bit too long. The stars, light, darkness, and seeing motifs are all excellent analogies that correspond to the emotional developments, but would pack as much — or more — punch if they were more judiciously applied. They don’t need to be in every scene for us to Get The Idea.)
But those are essentially quibbles in what has been an overwhelmingly enjoyable drama-watching experience.
Of course the Hong Sisters have flaws. Perhaps more than some less-famous writers of more well-regarded dramas. They don’t write the most polished or intellectual scripts around. They are sometimes clumsy and/or heavy-handed. Occasionally they take their humor too far; sometimes a gag is too obvious to be witty or sharp.
But they don’t condescend to their audience, either, and their dramas aren’t pretentious. I loved their comment in the interview post where they say that they each have IQs of 100, which makes their writing team a collective 200. While their dramas aren’t intellectual, that doesn’t mean they’re dumb — their brand of comedy can often be quite smart, actually. (And sometimes it’s silly, jokey, laugh-out-loud funny. That’s cool too.)
They approach writing with energy and joy. Their skill isn’t in creating perfect dramas, but in establishing heartfelt characters and situations that tug at the heart. They manage to tap into that source of giddy, youthful wonder that we may have thought faded well into our adulthoods, and for that I am not only pleased, but grateful.
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 15
- Profile on Hong Sisters writing duo
- A.N.JELL holds its last concert
- Drama theme-song ringtones
- A.N.JELL to hold a second mini-concert
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 14
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 13
- Chinese fans show support for You’re Beautiful
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 12
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 11
- Pig-Rabbit for sale (calling You’re Beautiful fans)
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 10
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 9
- Cast of You’re Beautiful buoyed by fan support
- You’re Beautiful’s passionate cult following
- Small dramas stay afloat amongst blockbusters
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 8
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 7
- Jang Geun-seok flooded with CF offers
- Park Shin-hye is tired but happy
- A.N.JELL’s music is a hit
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 6
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 5
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 4
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 3
- Behind the scenes with You’re Beautiful’s cast
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 2
- You’re Beautiful: Episode 1
- FT Island’s Hong-ki ready to return to acting
Tags: Jang Geun-seok, Jung Yong-hwa, Lee Hong-ki, Park Shin-hye, You're Beautiful
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301 serendipity
November 28, 2009 at 11:59 PM
@ 270 Ber & @271 Lilly
JGS' acting -- To be honest, I was surprised by how well JGS acted in YAB. He caught my eye in Hong Gil Dong not because of his acting, but because of his sublime cuteness, which even the period costume and wig could not conceal. I actually thought he was sadly miscast as a tormented and power-grabbing prince. He ought to have made me feel intrigued, or angry, or caught up in his politics - but instead he made me want to adopt him like a cute puppy I found on the streets, to fuss over and play with. Not, I suspect, the reaction the script called for. Most of the time he just looked sad, or troubled (over what, I had to work hard to figure out). I think he was in over his head, and it didn't help that he was sharing screen space with Kang Ji Hwan, who makes convincing acting look effortless.
In fact, I was so unimpressed by JGS' acting I didn't watch Beethoven Virus. Well, I tried one episode and got bored. (Also, I already have one abusive music director in my life, and I didn't think I needed two.) Hey, everyone, is Beethoven Virus worth catching for a JGS-fix?
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302 serendipity
November 29, 2009 at 12:13 AM
@259 sweetaddiction
My dear, you are definitely to be forgiven for "rambling". In fact, you are not rambling at all; you are extremely coherent for someone who is about to meet JGS. I'm sure that if I were in your place you wouldn't be able to catch me as I bounced off the walls...
Have fun! And tell us all about it! The great thing about JGS is that he's not reserved and he understands and enjoys fan service, so I think it's definitely worth making a trip to see him. My only fear for you is that you might be crushed to death by the hordes of adoring fans as they rush forward screaming "Tae Kwung oppa!". Good luck!
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303 obsessed_dhudai
November 29, 2009 at 12:15 AM
so this is the end of it. . . T_T if there's a word that is beyond "WONDERFUL", that's how i would described this drama. . . i will surely miss the cast!! T_T (flooding tears)
TO the SHOW (YAB) that has been my GREATEST ADDICTION, undergoing this WITHDRAWAL is MORE PAINFUL than undergoing a CHEMOTHERAPY. . . saying GOODBYE is torturing me. . . might as well I'll dedicate the song "WHAT DO I DO" to the show. . . because that's what I feel right now T_T :
"What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving
What should I do? What should I do?
You’re leaving me and going away
I love you, I love you
I call out to you but you can’t hear me,
because I’m only crying out with my heart
All day, I try to erase you but I keep thinking of you
All day, I say goodbye but I think of you again
I reach out my hand, but you go where I can’t go
I can’t find you, I CAN ONLY CRY"
______________________ I can only CRY T_T ____________________
A N Y E O N G ! ! ! ! T_T
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304 serendipity
November 29, 2009 at 1:22 AM
@ 87 reluctantbutaddicted
Did you watch footage of the concert on Youtube? At one point, the racoon tail slipped off JGS's shoulder (during a "Still" rendition with the rest of A.N.Jell, if I remember right), and he had to hitch it up as one hitches up a bra strap. Haha!!
@ 209 ilovebinderclips
I agree with you about the music. I liked its use on the whole (after all, it's a story about a music group, so music should feature large), but it was starting to become obtrusive and obvious - all those swelling and cutting and booms, as you say. Fortunately the show ended before I could get seriously irritated with it all.
And, yes, the droopy eye was funny, the poor baby. I think this is proof positive that JGS hasn't had plastic surgery. If he had, surely he would have fixed the eye. I rather like the theory that his trick eye is why they reverted to his one-eyed fringe in the last scene - so that we can't tell that his eyes are not in step with each other!
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305 diana
November 29, 2009 at 2:04 AM finally ended.. i guess TK's gruff side is a part of him,event in romantic's only realistic,rite.. haha.. i'll miss YB for sure..and will just have to rewatched the drama all over again.. thank you JB for recapping this series!! i'll be waiting for another romantic comedy!!
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306 Pig-Rabbit
November 29, 2009 at 2:04 AM
I have been a constant supporter of dramabeans (thank you dramabeans!) to catch up on my favorite/d shows but never once have I been so attached to a drama I feel like crying that it ended,
I really really love this show and not because of any actor/actress..
I almost did not know them before this show..I only know Park Shin Hye however I'm not a fan of hers or her many (very dramatic dramas)..
this one however really knocked off all the shows I've watched I think..
or atleast while I'm still highly-crazed over it..
Now I'm just really really a certified fan!!!(first time ever I'm admitting!!!)
I love Hwang Tae Kyung, MiNam/MiNyeo, ShinWoo oppa and Lee Hong Ki
I love this whole drama and the songs too!!
I wish there's an A.N.Jell so that even if this drama would end..
there is something we, fans, could hold on to...
Because I love this show so much I want to be the 306th member to put a comment in here!! and i've been adding myself to the fansites.LOL!:D
A.N.Jell Rocks!
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307 yvhsien
November 29, 2009 at 2:40 AM
This has been a great journey with YB. Thank you to JB for your recaps and this site that brought all of us together. Thank you to all the wonderful posts and people I've been able to share this addiction with. And of course, the cast and crew of YB. Not only JGS, PSH, JYH and LHK but all the supporting casts too.
If anyone has the mp3 version of JGS' What should I do?', can you please post it here? I wished they had included it in the OST.
@262 Norma
Are you serious?? They are going to show it on KBFD in Hawaii?? This is too good to be true. Where did you see this? Was it in the Advertiser?
And finally, I'll never look at another star the same way again. It'll always remind me of YB.
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308 achie8275
November 29, 2009 at 3:52 AM
" So just to let you know how things are going =)
Our moderator/head of committee 'songa' had a meeting with the DVD producers, and the overall response was extremely positive, so she is quite sure that things are going to work out nicely. We're not too sure about Chinese or Japanese subs but we will definitely have English subtitles. Praise the Lord! =P There were apparently a LOT of scenes editted out towards the end of the series, especially the last scene (!), so make sure you register and spread the news~
Jesus all about life "
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309 sheena
November 29, 2009 at 5:12 AM
@ 288 serendipity
You have to bear in mind that they have huge time constraints - they had to delete 30 minutes worth of filmed scenes from the original last episode. That is probably the reason why the ending "was too rushed", which I definitely agree with you. 30 minutes sure make a huge difference, and probably would have made the ending (even) better. (I liked the ending, it wasn't that bad actually) If you really want the "emotional punch", you can buy the director's cut when it is released, which will include all the deleted scenes. I definitely will!! Really want to see the orginal episode 16.
The fact that all of us have to re-watch and analyze carefully just got to show that the last episode lacks clarity. But we can't really blame them, since they have such little time to finish the story.
"JGS rocked the simultaneous acting and lip-synching, oops, I mean singing (for those of you still too much in love to admit he can’t really sing live). "
Lol, yes he can't sing live very well. He lip-synched for the fiming, but later on during the actual concert he sang live. His first line of "Goodbye" was out of tune, but the rest was definitely awesome.
But aw come on, he isn't a singer, and mind you, he hasn't had any real, professional training, but he sure has a great voice! It is a pity that he doesn't want to launch his singing career. They are plenty of singers now who cannot sing PLUS don't have a good voice.
Just want to clarify, and hope you will try to appreciate the ending more knowing that they have their difficulties as well! At least it is a sweet and happy ending. (:
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310 sweetaddiction
November 29, 2009 at 5:32 AM
Just got back from meeting Jang Geun Suk. It lasted for three hours, not that I'm complaining. Where to begin...
Got there super early, I got to see JGS come in for a few seconds. He looked so cool and handsome with his shades on and he smiled and waved at us. XP
JGS singing, dancing, doing a rendition of Elvis with his fake elvis hair. lol. Doing the pig nose. We watched CF of his and the Making of YAB clip. Daisy, another JGS and YAB fan, and I shouted "Jackpot!" We did it twice. The first time, they were looking through his bag and his mp3. We shouted for him to play "Good bye" which he did and while JGS was talking he kinda chuckled when we screamed "Jackpot" and the second time, he shouted back. LOVE!!! He said a line from YAB. It where he told her he gave her permission to like him. Damn Japanese lady got the pig-rabbit JGS kissed! So freakin' jealous! Oh well my came today but I wasn't home. Anyways, later, he before ending the show, he sang "Goodbye" and got teary eye toward the end. Love JGS!!! Then waved goodbye, but came back out later to walk around the stadium, waving and posing for fans to take pictures. Unfortunately my row was the only one he didn't come by, so Daisy and I walked up to the front and snapped a bunch of photos. Then he sang "Without a Word"--the end.
Went outside and waited. he came out eating an anpan, I think. We waved goodbye and they drove off.
I'm so happy I got to see JGS. It was a great way to end YAB. It still feels surreal. I got some pretty great shots of him. Ahhh. what am I to do now?
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311 serendipity
November 29, 2009 at 5:48 AM
@309 Sheena
Yes, I fully intend to get my mitts on the director's cut, by hook or by crook. I suspect it may become the "real" version. Like "Lord of the Rings": I devoured the extended version and now refuse to watch the cinema-release version. Gimme gimme!
Actually, I adore JGS's voice, and prefer its quality to Hong Ki's. His studio recordings are fine. I just can't get onto the "OMG JGS is such a great singer I want to hear him do a live concert" bandwagon, unless he can get his intonation fixed. (I would at this point offer the dear boy a date with me and my pitch fork, but I think that joke is getting a little old.) I hope he sticks to acting, studio work and lip-synching for live performance. Because I love him more than I can decently say, and I don't want my love to die just because I wake up one morning and realise, "y'know, that toothpaste tube squeezed in the middle, that wobbly live performance, I don't think I can stand it anymore".
But it's all good. I have thoroughly enjoyed obsessing over YAB. And as you say, for a fluffy romcom it bears our ardent over-analysing rather well. I wouldn't deign to subject a lesser work to such intense scrutiny. Dear heaven, if I described all the flaws of My Lady Castle and all the ways in which it irritated me, it would be no fun for anyone.
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312 serendipity
November 29, 2009 at 6:00 AM
@ 310 sweetaddiction
What are you to do now? You are now to upload your photos onto a website and post a link for us all to see and feel jealous, that's what! Lucky you. Sounds like great fun. And intense - 3 hours you say? What an amazing meta experience it must have been for you.
And what did I say - I knew he would not disappoint. And nice to hear that the boy is not languishing in hospital or at death's door. What a life it must be, to be a real idol.
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313 sheena
November 29, 2009 at 6:18 AM
@311 serendipity
“OMG JGS is such a great singer I want to hear him do a live concert” bandwagon, unless he can get his intonation fixed."
Ah yes! I was watching the fancam videos of the A.N.JELL concert posted on Youtube, and realised that he has a quite a bit of problem with his tuning. I'm very particular with tuning, and cannot stand in when he always go a few cents flat! Do you remember the chorus of "Promise" he sang in the toilet some episodes back? Ahh, I was wincing in front of my laptop screen when I heard that.
But still, he has such a deep and soothing voice, *thinks "Fly me to the Moon", which was thankfully, studio-adjusted* and he can act! Ahh, Jang Geun Suk is my first celebrity crush!
And yeah, I actually enjoy reading the comments you posted, great analysis. You should set up your own blog like JB already!
@ 310 sweetaddiction
Lucky you!! Hope you will post up pictures of him sooooooooooooon. So happy to hear that he is a nice person in real life too!
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314 sweetaddiction
November 29, 2009 at 6:42 AM
@serendipity and sheena: I will put up a link once I organized everything. lol, I took a ton of pictures and several videos. I'll tell you when I put them up. I might start with the videos on youtube. stay in touch!
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315 Judy
November 29, 2009 at 7:56 AM
I just re-watched the final episode again, probably the 3rd to 4th time now. Well, I like it even better watching this episode again. Maybe because I watched it raw the first time, I just cannot feel it. But with the subtitles and lyrics, you can feel TK and MN's pain.
JGS' "What should I do" just kill me...... I like the concert scene very much. His performance is just marvellous. Cannot describe my feeling with words. I guess every lady would fall in love with him if he sang like this for you.....
Anyway, I think some fans have overanalysed the story/last episode. And some fans are so addicted that they felt unsatisfatied because this is the last episode and they do not want it to end. That's why they complained. Why don't you just follow the story, relax and enjoy it. You would fall in love with it lah...
Anyway, I miss YB and JGS and the rest of the cast. I am re-watching the whole series again. When rewatching it, I found JGS' guyliner to be acceptable now. I remembered I hated his make-up and clothes so much in the first few episode when I watched it the first time. Well, I found that JGS still looked so handsome with his guyliner.
Talking about JGS' other dramas, I like Hwang Jin Yi a lot. JGS looked so young and refreshing in Hwang Jin Yi. Although he looked like a small boy in Hwang Jin Yi, I just could not help but fell in love with Eun Ho in Hwang Jin Yi. Really a flower boy even in ancient clothes. If you think F4 in BOF are flower boys, then you should watch JGS in Hwang Jin Yi. He should claim this title better than any of the F4. I do not like ancient dramas, but I really like JGS part of Hwang Jin Yi. I cried so much when Eun Ho passed away.
But JGS looks different nowadays. I really miss his cute, lovely and innocent face in Hwang Jin Yi. Not sure how he will look if he becomes muscular like all other Korean actors. But I like the thin JGS the best. No need to be the muscular guys.
I have not yet finished Beethoven Virus. But he is not the main lead. I also watched JGS movies - Happy Life, Doremefaso, Baby and I. Baby and I is easy and lovely to watch. He looked handsome in Happy Life but he was not the main focus. He was very young in Doremefaso, but the story was a bit loose and the female lead was the weakest link.
After watching JGS dramas/movies, I just love watching him smiling.. His smiles make me melt....
Anyway, I first notice JGS in YB, not because of his handsome face but because of his good acting. But now, I am a complete JGS fan. Look forward to his next drama/film.
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316 elisa
November 29, 2009 at 8:42 AM
@ 315 Judy,
Hahaha I bet you are a Singaporean! Could tell from your "lah" and your tone. Anyway, hope Channel U will air this show, and make it popular like Boys Over Flowers, which I think is a bit ovverrated leh.
If you want you can write in to them at I wrote in to request already! The more requests they receive, the higher the chance they will buy the show and make it popular here!
To other Singaporean fans here! Help tp write in to our local channel if you see this!
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317 Marj
November 29, 2009 at 8:44 AM
*cry* It's over -- omg, what drama do I squeal about now?
Thanks dramabeans, another drama finished with your recaps.. I do love Hong sister dramas. You're right, they can create those characters that tug at the heart - I feel all sorts of emotions watching their dramas. I can't wait for their next project..
It's a shame this drama didn't get higher ratings.. though as most people have said, they did do well against IRIS. Still, it's a shame.. I enjoyed it so much. I have new found love for Geunsuk.. I miss Taekyung already :(
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318 errrk
November 29, 2009 at 2:18 PM
thank you for the recap! i loved this drama soo much!
could you please post your rating for you're beautiful on your 10/10 scale? i'd be interested in your overall rating.
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319 Rika
November 29, 2009 at 2:25 PM
Wow finally an opportunity to comment. I wanted to put forward my two cents last friday, but everytime I would lcick submit comment. It wouldn't process. Obvious love for JB and YB.
Have to admit havn't watched the final episode yet. I've been heavily restraining myself until the dvd comes. Guessing it will take at least two weeks to reach Australian shores. (I would love for someone to prove me wrong - just hope it doesn't have crap subtitles or I should have just watched it online.)
YB has been the year's high. So glad for it. I was a total kpop snob before. Because of YB, I've been obsessed with SJ - Sorry Sorry, WG - Nobody and their related dance moves. lol... I'm actually looking for their old and new songs on youtube. a bit sad actually. I always throught kpop and jpop were a bit much, but YB has got me bobbing ans swaying from side to side with their catchyness. lol
New fan for Anjelll.. Looking forward to their next projects.... It will be interesting to see how they follow up...
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320 sweetaddiction
November 29, 2009 at 2:32 PM
Okay as promise, here are some videos so far of the fanmeet in Tokyo.
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November 29, 2009 at 2:37 PM
How about not a season 2 but a movie?? Lol I can just picture it now:
Mi nyeo goes to Africa and TK is lonely without her. He wonders what shes doing and how she is (of course in his own TK way) and gets pissed when she blows him off when he calls her. So he gets the group together and they travel to Africa!
In Africa, TK is about to surprise Mi nyeo with his arrival when all over a sudden a guy appears in his vision and she smiles at him! TK is instantly jealous and storms off.
(the guy turns out to be...umm....a lost friend????? LOL)
The whole movie is filled with cries and laughter as Mi nyeo tries to find out why TK is so angry at her and when he sees the guy kissing her, he gets so mad that he calls off the relationship entirely)
Though we have a happy ending with TK proposing marriage saying:
"I cant share you. I wont share you. Go Mi Nyeo. Marry me."
Haha, a girl can dream right?
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322 yvhsien
November 29, 2009 at 3:38 PM
You lucky girl. I'm jealous. Thank you so much for posting those videos!
Is the pig-rabbit like the one on the show? Where did you order it from?
I am so excited they are going to start showing You're Beautiful this coming week on my local channel. I thought I was going to go into major withdrawal maybe not so much now I know I'm going to be watching it all over again in two days!! Yea!!!
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323 Fran
November 29, 2009 at 3:50 PM
@320 sweetaddiction
Aw..... the Elvis bit was hilarious! Lucky you! I actually like him better w/o the eyeliner.... he looks so fresh? But i guess he is still a baby :)
No, I live in London but the hubby was born and bred in TKY. Wow... this site really draws them in from everywhere huh?
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324 sweetaddiction
November 29, 2009 at 4:27 PM
@322 yvhsien: I ordered my pig rabbit from you need a paypal account to pay for the items. I'm getting mine today. I just called for them to deliver it tonight!!! Oh, but I so want the one JGS kissed.
Daisy and I were the only Americans there. It was so cool because after we shouted Jackpot the first time, ever time after that, Jang Geun Suk would look our way. Love!!! He's so cute.
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325 sweetaddiction
November 29, 2009 at 5:08 PM
@320, thanks for the links. JGS looks so cute & so much younger without too much guyliner. I'm not crazy about the shoulder pads he's wearing though. Nevertheless, he looks so refreshed.
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326 arlyne
November 29, 2009 at 5:11 PM
ooppss sorry i forgot to type in the name so it copied the name of the last person who posted, "sweetaddiction". i apologize.
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327 crazy_rabbit
November 29, 2009 at 5:25 PM
Hello, if my comment make you guy unhappy, please forgive my rude. My bad habit is that I can't remember name of those who I hate so much. And I can't remember the name of main actor in this drama, and I hope that I forget Go Mi Nam name either. I'm absolutely regret that I watched this drama. The main heroine in this drama, I mean Go Mi Nam, if it's not because of the director, but she still fall for the main actor (I can't remember his name by all mean), that mean she is the kind of girl fall for face. There no way any girl ignore what Shin Woo treat her, and fall in love with some other rude guy except that girl the same as Go Mi Nam in this drama, "Fall for face". About your recabs, what the main actor do, you think it's cute or all sort of good thing, while when Shin Woo do a little bit selfish action at epi 15, you called that "evil Shin Woo" although that is just that he want her have time to understand clearly what he just said, what kind of attitude is that?After watching epi 6, I was starting hate Go Mi Nam so much that I decide that I don't watch this drama anymore, I just read recab to know what's going on. This kind of girl make me hate the most. Always act nice and innocent but actually.... In epi 6, even though she didn't know Shin Woo behind her, but he said that "I will give you a surprise", at least she must have try to find out what surprise is it, instead, she absolutely forget about him right after she receive the call from other guy. Ah, then, you guy said that all of Shin Woo miserable in this drama is because of himself. No, it's because of stupid director and because of the interfere of other guy. Everytime when he want to say something to Go Mi Nam, he has always been interfered by the ugly main actor. I hate everyone in this drama except Shin Woo and Jeremy, and it's true that after epi 6, I only watched episodes that having the presence of this two characters and when they all have fun together. The character that I hated the most is Go Mi Nam, then the main actor, I hate his stupid hair, I hate his make up eyes, I hate his make up face, I hate every thing about him. With Go Mi Nam, at first, I think this girl has such a cute face, and she act cute as well. But the more I watch the drama, the more I hate her, I hate her to the term that I wish that I can forget about her name in drama, but the name kind of easy to remember.
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328 Cherrie
November 29, 2009 at 5:33 PM
Still SO sad that this drama ended! -_-
It was my FAVORITE (seriously), FAVORITE drama of all!
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329 sweetaddiction
November 29, 2009 at 5:58 PM
One thing I forgot to say. We saw the clip that he and his classmates made that won them second place. It was actually pretty cute. It goes like this. The main guy in running around Soeul with his camera of memories of every place that he and his girlfriend went too. He runs to those places that they went too and thought back to when they were together and were there. Then he runs into her and her new boyfriend. He thought back to the things that they did. (So sad). He smiles, drops the camera, and continue running. Then, JGS comes and picks up the camera (lol. free camera)
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330 buyong10
November 29, 2009 at 7:04 PM
Tq HB for ur very wonderful recap!! i luv it a bunch!
Gonna miss everyone and KUDOS to YAB crews esp JGS, PSH, JYH, Hongki n Manager Ma (he's juz so damn funny ^,^)..
vote for season 2 guys! yeyeah! =D
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331 serendipity
November 29, 2009 at 7:47 PM
@ 320 sweetaddiction
Lovely! Thank you!
What a star. The boy is so sporting and so adorable, I completely forgive him for singing flat. JGS honey, you can karaoke with me any time. I promise I won't wince visibly
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332 jyyyin
November 29, 2009 at 7:48 PM
did you ripped the part he sang what do i do??? pls pls upload it...i like his voice so much...i cannto believe it is over...what is ur next drama synopsis?hope there is season2
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333 sheena
November 29, 2009 at 8:22 PM
Hey, here you go:
The ripped part of "What should I do?" Enjoy!!!!
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334 sucker for romance
November 29, 2009 at 9:34 PM
@333 sheena - Good job! Thanks! I love Jang Geun Seok's singing of this song. I am very moved everytime I listen to this song and recall the concert scene in the last episode.
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335 sweetaddiction
November 29, 2009 at 9:37 PM
Sorry I took the videos off youtube. I don't think I can upload clips of fanmeetings. I don't want to get in trouble. BTW my pig rabbit is arriving tonight!
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336 serendipity
November 29, 2009 at 10:18 PM
@ 335 sweetaddiction
Don't worry about it. Definitely your staying out of trouble is more important than gratifying us here. (Besides which, I've already watched the vids so I don't care - haha!)
@ 313 sheena
"You should set up your own blog like JB already!"
You know, I've been having so much fun it did cross my mind. But I know I won't do it. Because I'm fundamentally lazy and it's too much work. Besides which, I travel a lot and in blogging I believe momentum is important. There will be weeks on end when I won't be able to pay any attention to anything that's not in front of my nose.
So, just playing on Dramabeans is perfect for me. Someone else does all the hard work of hosting and maintaining the site [deep bow towards JB]. I condescend to appear once in a while and post like crazy like a hostess on speed, then flit out again when I'm done. Actually, I feel a bit guilty about this... :-P
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337 alert
November 30, 2009 at 12:01 AM
Ouch! I missed the videos! :(
But I got really jealous you got the chance to be in the fanmeeting with JGS.. wish I were there and yell Jackpot too! Great way of getting his attention LOL!
I'm sure hoping that the coming dvd will be full of director's cuts. I've never bought any Kdrama dvd online before, but planning to do so for YAB. I watched the last episode again last night, and although am not fully satisfied with the grand confession (i prefer quiet, sweet confession anyway) but i still squeel at the hug and the confession. What to do? I just feel like squeeling in the last ep LOL! Anyways, maybe I expect too much from the last episode -like some of us here- so I did get a bit disappointed with the choppy editings. And I thought the b/g music got a bit overboard. I love the OST so very much, but some of the parts were way overdone with them haha.
But the good thing about the ending, as choppy as it is, it leaves us plenty of things to discuss, to comment and to whine about in filling the withdrawal period. Which I think was pretty cool hehe.
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338 Raiya
November 30, 2009 at 12:13 AM
I'm still sad...I don't have anything to look forward to anymore on Wed/Thurs ahhhh I'm still made me very happy while it was on the air, I guess I will just have to keep doing marathons of the drama when I miss it too much.
I need to order the Director's cut once it becomes available...I hope they sell it on yesasia because I don't know how to order anything from Korea...might have to ask my friends for help if I get really desperate!
JB, I hope you can tell us crazy fans if you find out where/how to order the DVD if/when they are available.
You rock by the way!!!
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339 Van
November 30, 2009 at 12:53 AM
Lovely recaps, Javabeans.
I'm totally going to miss waiting for Thursdays and Fridays to come quickly so I can watch You're Beautiful. But then again, that's what I say with most of the other dramas I've watched in the past. But I think it's different this time. This is probably by far, the only drama that I've gotten so attached with. Haha, anyways, I agree with Javabeans about the whole "keeping the glimpses of Mi Nam brief and mysterious" and "rather be left wanting a little more than feeling dissatisfied for little things that would likely stand out" but then I'd be lying if I said that's what I really wanted. I really, really, wanted to see more of Mi Nam in general because I was so crazed before about seeing how Park Shin Hye would pull it off. Nonetheless, I still love everything about this drama. I'm just sticking with the positives here cause I love it so much and the good totally ruled out the bad so it's all good. Haha. Overall, You're Beautiful was absolutely amazing. Amazing songs and fantastic cast.
Looking forward to the DVD already! I hope they add EVERYTHING in it! Deleted scenes, behind the scenes, and all the little parodies they do. Oh, and some of you guys are talking about a "Director's cut"? What's that about? Do you guys know what's gonna be on it?
@ sweetaddiction
Gosh, you lucky girl, you. I'm definitely jealous. I got all psyched by just reading about your trip to meet Jang Geun Seok. So imagine how it would be like for me to be IN YOUR SHOES. It must have been a blast for you, huh? You said some Japanese lady got the ACTUAL Pig-Rabbit that was used in the drama? Really? Like, was it some kind of random drawing and people from the audience could of won it? Awesome. And since I came here late, I can't watch the vids of the fan meeting you've posted on Youtube (boo) but I would love to see the pictures! So yes, do tell us if you ever post em' up! Btw, Ima freak when it comes to websites being safe to use or not so that site you gave out (, is it safe? Oh, and last thing! That little clip you were talking about of JGS free camera thing, sounds like a CF. Is it a CF?
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340 Van
November 30, 2009 at 1:03 AM
@ 337 Alert
Don't feel so bad. I missed the vids too. :(
Oh, but I do have to agree with you about planning to buy You're Beautiful online! I've never bought any Korean dramas (or dramas, or anything, now that I think about it. Heh, I'm sorta old-fashioned.) online before. I checked and they're having some annual sale thing but nothing You're Beautiful - related is on sale (I think). Because I also want to get the OSTs. I'm pretty sure that the OSTs would be the first soundtrack I would never get tired of listening. :D
Does anyone else know of safe, Asian entertainment similar to
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341 Beary
November 30, 2009 at 1:56 AM
Hey can you rip the song " what do i do" that jang geun suk sang and post it? i love it so much:D if possible... your recaps:D love the show. so sad it ended:(hope there is a second season.
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November 30, 2009 at 2:04 AM
@341 Beary - Commenter Sheena @333 had already done so. Here is the link
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343 sweetaddiction
November 30, 2009 at 6:16 AM
Hello everyone.
Sorry I had to take out the clips of the fanmeeting. For the next day, you can visit my facebook site on this link. I posted some pictures of JGS up. After tomorrow night, I'm going to delete the album.
If you could be so kind, please don't take any of the photos. If you do, promise it's for personal use and you won't upload them anywhere. I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't.
@Alert: Here for a short time, 25 of the 600 photos that I took.
@Van: the website, dvdheaven, is pretty safe I guess. I got my pigrabbit tonight. As for the clip being a CF, I don't know, but what I do know is that it was for a project/contest he had to do for his class at the university. And no, the pigrabbit that the Japanese lady got wasn't the actual one from the drama. It was another one, but JGS kissed it. :( still so jealous, even though I have mine now.
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344 Angela
November 30, 2009 at 6:28 AM
I'm sure that someone else has already mentioned this in one of the 300+ comments above, but if anyone's seen "Star in My Heart," did anyone else feel that the concert scene was kind of similar? It had felt familiar, but I hadn't been able to place it until my mom mentioned that. But, of course, that didn't take away from my enjoyment of the last episode. I'm still rather sad that the series has ended -- I was hoping for some more Jeremy at the end, but the story is about Mi-nyeo & Tae-kyung, so I guess it makes sense it ended with the two of them instead.
In any case, I also wanted to ask you -- what program do you use to rip audio from your video files? I've been trying to come up with ways to get the audio of Tae-kyung singing "What Do I Do?" but I can't seem to get a clean clip.
Otherwise, thanks for the recaps! They've really added to my enjoyment of the series :)
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345 Fran
November 30, 2009 at 6:52 AM
Hey all, just i was reading a chinese site on my lunch break and apparently someone's translated the missing parts of the various episodes from the scripts i.e. the scenes that were left out of the final cut. Made me quite mad to read it bcoz it appears that they cut out so much good stuff especially from episode 13 and 14! Ridiculous! fingers crossed they come out ont he DVD....
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346 Judy
November 30, 2009 at 7:35 AM
Someone mentioned about JB's drama rating for YB. Hong sisters said that out of a rating of 10, they gave JGS 100 marks. I hope JB can give the same marks to this drama. I personally loved and enjoyed this drama very much. This drama is really a combination of good actors/actress, good script, good directing and good series of OST. I like all the songs in this drama, particularly those sang by JGS.
So I gave YB and the production team "100" marks.
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347 alert
November 30, 2009 at 7:43 AM
@343 Sweetaddiction
*squeellll* you are fab! thanks for the photos!!! Now I'm soooooooooo jealous of you! But at least I got to see JGS.. he's so cute I thought of squeezing him haha..(even when he still wears that raccoon on his shoulder LOL! and what's with the shoulderpads?!) But he's super adorable in his blue elvis outfit though hehe.
Now I'm officially on the withdrawal symptoms. *Sigh* I start digging for all YAB-related news online. And not only I've rewatched all the eps, I found myself translating word-by-word on those raw vids while watching with my sis. when in reality, I don't even understand Korean!
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348 snap
November 30, 2009 at 10:45 AM
i'm seriously having withdrawal symptoms...
i joined soompi 3 weeks ago but because i didn't want to spoil myself i didn't look around. and now that i'm missing everyone *sobs*, i'm reading all the forum posts from start to finish. and there are 579 pages!!! i've reached the 29th page now... so hopefully i'll be done reading all of them by the time you're beautiful starts airing here in the Philippines, lol!
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349 cullenhale
November 30, 2009 at 3:20 PM
Amazing. I only started watching based on your recaps which always read right after I finished an episode like I did for Story of Man/BOF. Thanks always for your beautiful thoughts!
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350 yvhsien
November 30, 2009 at 5:01 PM
Thank you so much for the pics. He looked so cute. I like him best in that last outfit, regardless of the raccoon. By the way, did he speak Japanese? Apprently, he knows the language some.
Is that picture of the pig-rabbit the one you got from It looks just like the one in the drama.
@345 Fran
Which chinese website is this? I would like to check it out too. thanks.
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