You’re Beautiful: Episode 13

What an utterly delightful episode! I wasn’t exactly disappointed with last week’s, but I do think they took a small step back from the giddiness and/or angst of previous episodes. Well, it’s all back today, and in full force.

Also: When did Jung Yong-hwa learn to act?? He wasn’t ever terrible, but he seems much better all of a sudden. I like.


Lucite Tokki – “손” (Hand) [ Download ]

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Although we understand what Tae-kyung means by giving Mi-nyeo “permission” to like him, because Mi-nyeo is simple-hearted, she takes it at face value. She asks, “Can I really like you? Won’t that be ridiculous and make you feel awful?” (She’s referencing the words he’d said when he thought she liked Shin-woo.)

He answers, “Well, it is a little surprising and feels strange, but it’s not bad.” She worries that he’ll find her feelings bothersome, so he says, “Go Mi-nam, I’m someone who receives love from a tremendous number of people. That’s my job. Adding you to my fan club isn’t a bother. That’s who I am, so you can like me.”

Hilarious! Her pure nature allows Tae-kyung to save face while seeming oh so magnanimous, but what adds icing to this cake is her response: “Thank you. Even if it’s just as your fan, thank you for letting me like you.”

Tae-kyung didn’t mean it that way, that she should like him just as a fan would like a star, but he’ll have to work with it. He motions her closer and holds out his hand: “Welcome to my fan club.”

Thankfully, this scene isn’t a total letdown for those of us who wanted more because he grabs her in a surprise hug.

She’s startled, but he maintains his nonchalance as he says, “This is because you’re a special fan. It’s an honor, you know.” But his boyish smile conveys how he actually feels about this.


Mi-nyeo says goodbye to Mother Superior, who looks over at Tae-kyung and asks, “Is that person your star?” Mi-nyeo replies, “Yes, he’s like a very distant star.”

Mother Superior watches Mi-nyeo leave with Tae-kyung in a moment that somewhat reminds me of a father giving away his daughter at the wedding altar. Mother Superior muses, “That distant star came all the way here to find her. The two of them shine brightly. Even if stars shine more brightly in the dark, I pray that when darkness finds them, they will not lose their light.”

Which is a nice way of saying, (1) Mi-nyeo is an equal partner for Tae-kyung, and (2) They aren’t lone stars, but each other’s light.

On their drive, Mi-nyeo eats some tangerines given by the nun, but finds them too sour and advises him not to eat them. Not one to be left out, Tae-kyung tells her, “I like sour things” and asks for one.

She hands him one, and he points out that he’s driving and can’t peel it. Basically, he wants her to feed him.

Tae-kyung adds, “Go Mi-nam, from now on, don’t be with Shin-woo when you’re dressed like that.” Thinking he means that she doesn’t look pretty as a girl, she decides to change back into men’s clothing, and he clarifies, “You can dress like that with me. Don’t do it in front of Shin-woo. Because of you, Manager Ma, the stylist, and I all thought you liked Shin-woo.”

Thinking that her behavior has again inconvenienced Shin-woo, Mi-nyeo decides, “I’ll have to treat Shin-woo hyung well.” Tae-kyung frowns: “Treat Shin-woo well? How did we end up at that decision?”

Meanwhile, back at the greenhouse, the reporter sniffs around for clues and finds Mi-nyeo’s dropped photo of herself as a girl. He recognizes the face as Mi-nam, and hurries to A.N. Entertainment to confront the team about the woman. Hoon-yi explains that the woman is Mi-nam’s twin sister, and shows the official birth records to prove it. The reporter accepts this, since it makes sense that Mi-nyeo would be at her brother’s concert and photo shoot. This also means Shin-woo is dating Mi-nam’s sister, which is a big scoop.

The best way to handle this is to call Mi-nyeo over to “prove” that the story is real. Mi-nyeo worries whether she’ll be able to hold up under scrutiny — it’s like she’s gotten so used to everyone playing along with her boyish appearance that she thinks she’s more credible as a boy than a girl. Tae-kyung tells her encouragingly that she can do it, and to let Shin-woo do the talking. He hands her the hairclip and assures her, “In my eyes, you are clearly a girl.”

Shin-woo then steps forward to take her hand. He says, “She’s my girl now. I’m taking her.”

As Tae-kyung watches them leave, he mutters a complaint — even though he knows it’s only for pretend, he chafes to hear Shin-woo addressing Mi-nyeo as “my girl.”

Show time. I LOVE how befuddled Sung-chan is to see Shin-woo present Mi-nyeo as his girlfriend, although he pretends that he’s in on the secret.

Shin-woo asks the reporter to go easy on them, since Mi-nyeo is an ordinary citizen and very nervous about this. Reporter Kim is happy to oblige, since in exchange he’s getting an exclusive interview that will announce their coupledom in an article to come out over the weekend.

Sung-chan sees that Shin-woo likes Mi-nyeo a lot, particularly given the story about how he confessed his feelings with the gift of shoes, to make her into Cinderella. (Tae-kyung scoffs, “The shoes have to fit for her to be Cinderella.”)

Now that two of his boys are allegedly dating, Sung-chan advises him to think not only about their love lives, but to put some effort into their fan clubs too: “Fans are people who cry and wail over liking you, but go on to marry another man. That’s also the limit to the love a star can receive.”

Wise words! This conversation is a nice echo of Mi-nyeo’s declaration at the top of the episode — sometimes the Hong sisters get too on-the-nose with their symbolic statements, but I like it better when they’re a little less obvious.

Tae-kyung thinks to himself, “That’s right, a fan can change easily and go to another man. But you can’t argue with a fan. What do I do?”

After Mi-nyeo changes back to Mi-nam’s clothing, Shin-woo tells her she did a good job and suggests they practice their explanation about how they got together.

As he provides their story, Mi-nyeo accepts it unquestioningly, although we recognize his words as a quasi confession of his true feelings. For instance, they first met on the roof of a club the night of Mi-nam’s induction into the group. She had been drunk, and he’d caught her from falling: “That’s when I first met you as a girl.”

In this version of their love story, Mi-nyeo called him Shin-woo oppa from the start, and they grew close very quickly. They had their first date at the amusement park, where they rode the rides together. Afterward, they went to Myungdong and ate noodles and ice cream together, and went shopping. Mi-nyeo memorizes the story as he provides it.

But there’s one important detail that’s bound to come up — what about their first kiss? She’s uneasy, and suggests they say they haven’t done it yet. Shin-woo kisses his fingertips and presses them to her lips. He tells her, “Let’s tell them it was today. I liked you so much I decided to confess my feelings for you.”

Then, as they face their shadows cast on a large wall, he thinks back to his preparations for the restaurant date that never was: “I borrowed an entire restaurant and waited for you to come. I wanted to stand in front of the mirror and show you — that this is the person I liked. Then, you’d look in the mirror and be surprised. And then I told you, I knew you from the beginning and had been watching over you all this while. I really like you a lot.”

Mi-nyeo is oblivious to his underlying meaning and treats his story as pure fiction, and adds, “Then I must have answered like this: ‘I like you too, Shin-woo oppa.'”

Since this scene is using the mirror and their shadows as analogues, Mi-nyeo looks at the wall and comments that she can’t see his expression in the shadow. Shin-woo can see from hers that “Your shadow looks happy. Are you okay about Tae-kyung making things hard on you?”

She answers, “Actually, he found out how I feel. But he wasn’t upset. That alone is a relief.” In his sad, quiet voice, he tells her, “I see. That’s what it seemed like. I guess I won’t see you crying anymore.”

He hints that his expression in the shadow is sad, but when she looks at him curiously, he smiles for her benefit. He assures her that her story has a happy ending.

Aunt Mi-ja is bitter over Hwa-ran’s confession that she caused the death of the twins’ mother. Hwa-ran admits, “We separated because of my mistake, but we continued loving each other.” Mi-ja is indignant, since the woman had to watch her man be in love with another woman while she was pregnant: “You’re right, she did die because of you!” Hwa-ran answers, “That’s why I said I would repay that debt to the children.”

Sarcastically, Mi-ja retorts, “Oh, the kids’ll be so grateful for that. Hearing this song, written by the father who left their mother to cling to you, ought to make them dance for joy!” Mi-ja stomps on the CD (which is the first really sympathetic thing she’s done, I think). Hwa-ran bursts out, “I’m going to leave them half of my inheritance! If Jae-hyun hadn’t died, I would have become their mother. Please bring them to me and help me repay my debt.”

So, Mi-ja deliberates over the right thing to do. The twins will surely not be pleased to face Hwa-ran, but perhaps they deserve to take the woman’s money.

Taking Sung-chan’s advice, Tae-kyung looks at their fan club, bothered to see that they’ve lost members. He grumbles, “Pig-Rabbit, you can’t drop off like this with so little loyalty.”

Thinking back to his conversation with Mi-nyeo, he’s dissatisfied with the way they settled on having her be his “fan.” He wonders, “How can I make the ungrateful Pig-Rabbit take on a loyal fan attitude?” To his surprise, he sees a recent message posted in the fan cafe, written by a new user named “Pig-Rabbit.” He gapes: “She joined the real fan club?”

That she did. Mi-nyeo sees that a number of fans have recently quit, understanding that one can join and leave pretty easily. (Again, this ties in to the metaphor of her feelings as a fan and her feelings as a woman.)

Just then, she receives a message from the “administrator”: “You have passed the new member test.” She writes back, “If I don’t pass a test, am I not able to join?”

On the other side, Tae-kyung smirks and says, “Pig-Rabbit, I’ve got you now! Shall we first test your interest in me?” His next message asks her to rate her knowledge of Tae-kyung. Mi-nyeo thinks this over honestly, and writes back her response as a rating out of 10.

Surprised, he frowns: “A 7? That’s it?”

His next question asks her to rate his looks. Recalling her compliments about how cool he is, he’s pretty confident about this one — only to get back the ego-crushing answer: “A 5?! That means I’m only average!”

Tae-kyung calms himself, reminding himself that he can’t argue with a fan. He types furiously, and the next question receives a 4. Another question yields a 7. And then he hiccups to actually get back a 2.

Overall, this means he has averaged a 5. He is not at all pleased, since this means that the fan could be swayed either way with a little pressure. He hesitates to ask his final question, worrying, “What if the answer comes back less than 5? I feel more nervous than when I went out on my first piano competition.”

Mi-nyeo receives the question, which asks, “How much do you like Hwang Tae-kyung?” On the other end, Tae-kyung awaits her answer with a pounding heart, and opens the message to find:


Here’s the gif — if only I could reproduce that little squeal Jang Geun-seok makes.

Tae-kyung grabs Pig-Rabbit for a hug, and tells it gleefully, “I cancel what I said about you being ungrateful. You’re the best. 100 points!”

Mi-nyeo awaits the administrator’s response, then receives a text message from Tae-kyung summoning her in the name of a “fanmeeting.” She finds Tae-kyung at the piano, tapping out the child’s tune “Mountain Rabbit.” She thought he hated that song, but he says, “I conquered my trauma over the rabbit.”

Mi-nyeo asks asks what a fanmeeting is, and he replies, “It’s what happens when I invite all the people who like me and make them feel good.” Taking on the demeanor of the host of a real fanmeeting, Tae-kyung asks his “audience” for song requests. Mi-nyeo picks, and he complies.

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Jang Geun-seok – “Fly Me to the Moon.” This is ripped from the episode. [ Download ]

Mi-ja still feels torn over whether she’s doing the right thing, but brings Mi-nyeo to meet with “her father’s friend.” The two are startled to recognize each other, and Mi-nyeo connects the dots, remembering Hwa-ran’s revelations to Tae-kyung about being in love with the songwriter. She asks, “Were you really friends with my father?” and emphasizes the word friend.

Hwa-ran expected Mi-nyeo to know the details, but decides not to reveal them herself, answering that they were friends. She’s remaking the song because she felt sorry for how he struggled when he was so talented.

When Hwa-ran reaches out to pat Mi-nyeo gently, the reaction strikes her as odd — the boy use to shrink back when she touched his ear, which was the only way she could tell the twins apart. She tests her theory by asking Mi-nyeo for help zipping up her dress — which she does without any problem. Hwa-ran decides this must be the girl, not the boy.

Heyi is, once again, annoyed to have such a hard time getting in contact with Tae-kyung and invites herself over for lunch. Tae-kyung rejects her lunch plans, and when she announces that she’s going to take photos to prove they’re friends, he retorts, “Photoshop it.” HAHA.

Of course, she reminds them of her threat to expose Mi-nam, so they reluctantly comply. She assigns each guy a task, enjoying having them cook for her. It’s pathetic, really, how desperate she is for companionship that she’d prefer to coerce someone into being with her, and then acting like it was done willingly. She accepts their spaghetti offering as though they’d really done it out of friendliness, and prepares to dig in.

In a cute moment, Shin-woo whispers to the guys that it’s going to taste bad because he oversalted it. Jeremy asks, “You too, hyung?” — because he’d added sugar! Tae-kyung smirks that he also added something.

Jeremy readies the camera to capture Heyi’s reaction, while the guys wait in anticipation… but just before she takes a bite, Mi-nyeo arrives. This may just be the only circumstance in which they’re actually bummed that Mi-nyeo interrupted a moment with Heyi, lol.

However, Heyi checks their reactions, suddenly declaring her appetite gone. She offers her lunch to Mi-nyeo instead, who accepts cheerfully. The guys groan inwardly — and at the last minute, Jeremy jumps in (sweet Jeremy!) to spare Mi-nyeo the experience. He forces himself to eat it instead, and guesses the third secret ingredient that Tae-kyung added: “V-vinegar?”

To make up for Jeremy’s sacrifice, the guys make a new lunch (fried rice), which they all eat together. As they sit around the table, Heyi clocks Shin-woo’s looks at Mi-nyeo, and suspects something more beneath the surface.

Therefore, when he excuses himself to grab some tea from his car, she follows. We see that his trunk holds a dying bouquet of flowers as well as his gift of shoes, which he quickly puts away when Heyi approaches. Annoyingly, Heyi pokes her nose in, trying to gauge his feelings. She asks whether Mi-nam liking Tae-kyung makes him feel bad. to which he answers, “Just talking to you makes me feel bad.”

Guessing that the gifts in the car were for Mi-nyeo, Heyi follows Shin-woo back inside, then swipes his car keys. She draws Mi-nyeo aside, where she presents the items and tells Mi-nyeo to try on the shoes: “If they fit you, I’ll think of them as yours and give them to you.”

Mi-nyeo has no idea what this is about, but tries on the shoes, which fit perfectly. Heyi’s hunch thus confirmed, she grabs Mi-nyeo and heads inside “to confirm this together.”

The look on Shin-woo’s face as he registers that Mi-nyeo is wearing the shoes is pretty awful, and by awful I mean heartbreaking. Mi-nyeo doesn’t understand so it’s not that he feels embarrassed because of her — it’s more about having his emotions stripped bare before he’s ready to do them himself, and having them exploited by someone as hateful as Heyi for her own amusement. Ouch!

Heyi asks pointed questions about who the shoes were meant for. Mi-nyeo doesn’t know they’re for her, but she recognizes that Shin-woo is feeling hurt and that it’s related to her wearing the shoes, and takes the shoes off apologetically.

Tae-kyung is sharper than the rest and starts to see what Heyi is getting at. He drags her out as Shin-woo says, with difficulty, “I should have just thrown them away.” He looks at Mi-neyo and says, “Mi-nam, throw them away for me.”

Tae-kyung orders Heyi, “Don’t show up again. You’re through here.” She repeats her threat to spill everything, but Tae-kyung challenges her, “Then what? How will Korea’s Fairy Yoo Heyi come out of that?” This makes her pause. She answers, “I can pretend I didn’t know.”

Tae-kyung counters, “But I’m going to act like you did. Aren’t you afraid of what I’ll do?” He tells her to leave.

Mi-nyeo finds Shin-woo alone on the deck and tells him, “You were a big comfort to me when I was in difficult times. I want to comfort you too, but I don’t know how.” He asks her to “just sit by me,” and after some time, he explains, “I put all my heart into those presents. Seeing them like that made me feel bad.”

Mi-nyeo apologizes for acting foolish and tells him not to throw the shoes out — she’ll clean them, and he can give them to the person he meant them for. Sigh. I know Mi-nyeo is hardly the brightest star in the sky — or moon — but she can really be dense. (It’s a really good thing she was set up as a nun, because her naivete really helps to make her seem simple rather than brain-dead.)

Shin-woo is of similar mind, because her failure to read the situation hits him as another letdown: “I haven’t been able to confess my feelings once, but it feels like I’ve been rejected a hundred times. I don’t think I’ll be embarrassed now even if I’m rejected for real.”

We return to the theme of them both being idiots in love, and Mi-nyeo says, “We can become cool idiots who love diligently.” But regardless of what happens, they can’t force someone to like them. They can’t ask the impossible.

The guys check up on Shin-woo to make sure he’s feeling better. Tae-kyung senses there’s meaning behind the shoes, but hasn’t fully made the leap — he wonders what reasons Shin-woo could have had for giving shoes to Mi-nyeo. Come on, buddy, just take a few more steps and you’re there…

Later, Mi-nyeo accompanies Tae-kyung to the studio where he’s working on the song remake for Hwa-ran. He tells her, “This is work that makes me feel extremely bad. Go Mi-nam, as a fan, stick right by my side.”

But she has to decline because she’s going to Busan today. She and Shin-woo are going to visit his parents to explain the situation before the article comes out. Hoon-yi, the stylist, and Jeremy will accompany them, so they’re going to make a fun trip of it, and she invites Tae-kyung. He declines because he’s busy, expecting them to return that night, but is surprised to hear that they’ll be making it an overnight trip. Mi-nyeo announces happily, “Shin-woo promised to buy us delicious kkomjangeo [hagfish]!”

Tae-kyung attempts to change her mind with subtle suggestions (which he should know never work on her): “Go Mi-nam, they have that in Seoul too. If you come back today, I’ll buy it for you at a really delicious place.” He’s stuck with her response: “But they say the Busan kkomjangeo is the best!”

Hwa-ran drops by to check on the progress of the song, and uses the opportunity to ask Sung-chan about Mi-nam. Sung-chan tells her she can drop by and see both Tae-kyung and Mi-nam, since they’re good friends.

That tidbit strikes her as odd, but she agrees that they are looking chummy when she sees them together at the studio. She thinks, “If he knew that she’s Go Jae-hyun’s child, he wouldn’t even bother talking to her. Until the song comes out, I’d better pretend not to know.” But a second thought occurs: “He can’t be acting like that knowing she’s a girl, is he?”

Hoon-yi announces that he and Jeremy can’t make the trip because Jeremy has a last-minute appearance scheduled, and sends Shin-woo and Mi-nyeo off together. This is a deliberate ploy, and Hoon-yi congratulates himself for doing the couple a favor, still thinking that Mi-nyeo is in love with Shin-woo.

The plan is for Mi-nyeo to change into girl’s clothing, then meet up with him separately. Shin-woo asks tentatively, “When we get to Busan, do you want to say we’re dating for real?” It’s the hesitation in his voice that makes my heart twist for him in this scene, as he adds, “You’re a girl, and if we really date, the reports will be true.”

Mi-nyeo answers in puzzlement, “But we both have people we like.” Shin-woo asks, “What if we leave the people who don’t like us back and start new together?” He offers, “Will you like me? I’ll like you.”

Tae-kyung finds out that Hoon-yi and the others won’t be accompanying the couple to Busan, and can’t hide his dissatisfaction over this. As he often does, he talks out his dilemma, trying to reach a decision:

Tae-kyung: “Go Mi-nam gave me 100 points. Then why am I still uneasy? Because she might not keep giving me 100 points. If I want to keep receiving 100 points, what do I have to do? I have to tell her I’m glad to receive 100 points, and that I don’t want to lose even one point.”

He grabs his jacket and heads out.

It’s nearing boarding time, and as Shin-woo readies to go first, he tells Mi-nyeo: “I’m not telling you to give your feelings all at once. If you think you could give even a little bit of your heart, that’s the beginning. I’ve already begun. I’ll leave first. If you think you can begin to have feelings for me, come with me. I’ll wait for you.” He gives her the ticket and heads inside the airport, leaving Mi-nyeo to make her decision.

Tae-kyung arrives at the station and searches all over for Mi-nyeo, growing frustrated when he doesn’t see any sign of her. He just misses seeing Shin-woo waiting for his departure, who finally walks to the gate to board alone.

Thinking he’s missed his chance, Tae-kyung stamps his foot in frustration. He walks outside, shoulders slumped as he wonders, “When she gets back, will I not have 100 points? What if she starts to take off points while she’s in Busan? I can’t tell her not to take points off after she’s already cut down the score.”

Making up his mind, Tae-kyung checks his watch and sees that he still has time — if he drives as fast as he can, he can make it. (It’s 5 hours by car, 1 by plane.)

Just then, he stops short to see her: “Go Mi-nam — you didn’t go!”

She startled to find him here, but that doesn’t even compare to his reaction, which is a sudden burst of surprise, relief, and happiness. He’d thought he’d missed her.

Overcome with relief, he grabs her in a sudden hug, and tells her, “Go Mi-nam, I give you the same score.”


Finally, we get a straight confession out of Tae-kyung! Okay, granted Mi-nyeo has no idea what he’s talking about with “scores” and she’s not as caught up in the emotion of the moment as he is, but the significance of the statement is that he’s finally declared something without beating around the bush, or twisting around her words to give himself the upper hand. He’s startled into making an uncharacteristically honest declaration that doesn’t put his pride ahead of their feelings.

I love Shin-woo in the airport scene, when he comes as close to declaring himself as he ever will. Ultimately I think he still makes a huge mistake, by trying to protect himself and not admitting the full truth that he always knew she was a girl. He tries to work his true feelings into the constructed truth he has presented to Mi-nyeo, and in the end it’s not enough to be half-honest. Mi-nyeo is still going to feel more sorry for him than anything, and although he tries to make a case for a “fresh start” for both of them, they’d be building it on a false base — one where he knows her truth but she doesn’t know his. She’d still think he was pining for the girl he really liked, and that they were each other’s secondary choices.

This doesn’t mean I dislike Shin-woo, of course. It’s just another reason why he’s the dreaded Second Lead and not the big hero in this drama.

This was kind of Shin-woo’s big episode, wasn’t it? I’ve been sympathetic of his predicament before, but this was the first time I actually felt something for him, rather than just thinking I was supposed to feel for him. Shin-woo has been drawn as a gentle, lovable guy but I haven’t really bought the act, other than as a stand-in for That Guy we’re supposed to feel sorry for. So I was very glad to finally see Jung Yong-hwa making some real progress here. Funny how I thought he was rather stiff doing straightforward emotions like jealousy and/or sadness, but thought he did a nice job with more complex expressions of ruefulness, tentative hope, and melancholy.

The scene where he tells Mi-nyeo their story of how they supposedly met is a key example. It’s also really sad, because while Mi-nyeo accepts his story as merely their cover, Shin-woo is again enamored of romance, constructing his version of what would have happened if his wishes came true. Mi-nyeo thinks this is a fun exercise, but Shin-woo’s building his sad fantasy. For instance, he recalls their Myungdong date and tells Mi-nyeo that in their story, “Wherever I wanted to go, you came running.” He says this as he remembers the opposite example — that when she got a call from Tae-kyung, she went running to meet him instead.

There’s a moment after their interview with the reporter where Shin-woo looks at Mi-nyeo, dressed in her boy clothing again, and says half-jokingly that he wanted to spend more time with his girlfriend. He wants to pretend to be the couple longer to extend his fantasy, because that’s the only time he can be honest with his own feelings — when Mi-nyeo is acting the part.

Funny enough, Tae-kyung has the opposite problem in this episode. Shin-woo wants to maximize his false relationship — like Heyi, he’ll take the illusion over nothing, sadly — but Tae-kyung is trying to move past the false “fan-star” framework he has inadvertently created. In the beginning of the episode, he finds himself confined to a boundary he doesn’t actually want. This happened because he sought to preserve his pride by calling Mi-nyeo just another one of his many fans.

In contrast with Shin-woo, who’s still hiding behind half-truths, Tae-kyung acts in an honest reaction at the end. Even disregarding the fact that Mi-nyeo and Tae-kyung are So Meant To Be, you have to respect the guy who’s learned from his first almost-missed-chance to grab it (literally!) the second time. Shin-woo has had multiple chances, but he’s still too afraid to take them.


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I always love reading Javabeans screen caps since most of the time your comments usually similar to what I think and feel. I'm always the silent reader, but this time I really think I should express my gratitude for doing the screen cap. It's very detailed and I really loved your thoughts/ comments at the end. Exactly the same as my thought. Thanks Javabeans for taking your precious time doing this. Love you a lot!


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though I still think this drama is childish, I somehow find myself waiting for each episode :) that's weird
besides, I really think shin woo is better than TK a 100 times in all ways, he is more of a gentleman than TK, more handsome, and more manly.
MN on the other hand seems really stupid, I mean being naive has limits, and she really went over those limits, i mean common, even those who are really simple minded would get it if someone coinfessed his love, only those that are selfcentered or really dum would not not be sensitive to other's striking love.
any how, having said that, i am still want to see the end of this story .


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Thank you JB. this made my day...I read your recaps before watching or opening both at the sametime...using your recaps as guideline. Thanks again..always appreciate it.


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beautiful episode, even better recaps!!!! seriously, some points were even better for me after reading your take on things. i was actually thinking that,

1) this epi really worked for me, just not in the way i expected it to. i never thought i'd be invested in shin woo's plight, while i ALWAYS expected to be enamoured over and over by TK and MN's courtship. ...and while this hasn't flipped the tables for me, the feeling this episode left me with was sort of like, "okay, big confession from TK... now what about the guy who's on the plane?" ..and then, "Oh wait: .*squee* (i seriously almost forgot to squee, i was wondering so hard about Shinwoo!! ...that's never happened before!!!!!!

2)i LOVE LOVE LOVE Jang Geun Seok's facial experessions! ..especially when he's being physically giddy and love-drunk. ...actually, i love the triad of expressions Javabeans has going on in the first picture: *ARRRGH (^-^)*, *WUT. O_o*, *BUSTED. @-@*

3) i'm glad shinwoo himself said it already, or i would've been annoyed at his sorry-ass. but as it is, HE HIMSELF apparently knows that it already feels like he's been rejected hundreds of times, even though he hasn't confessed even once! ..javabeans is right, he's literally given up so many opportunities for this *fresh start* he's talking about with MN, but he never really makes the jump needed for that!

3) i have finished cursing at my laptop everytime HEYI's around, for i have decided that.. i feel sad for her. you're right. she's so desperate, she'll heartily accept even effort she coerced out of people. that just hints at a sad sad life right there, and TK has already stood up to her and said the things i kept wishing someone would say to her, so i'm good. as long as she doesn't do something out of Carrie again, i'm good. .......wait: "heyi, you're an asshat. ..and you have fat cheeks." ......okay, NOW i'm good.

4) i love how jeremy (literally) ate that shit for her... he truly is the unsung knight in shining armor of this show.

5) i'm happy at the pace they've taken to revealing the Tk'smum-loves-MN'sdad-ad-if-TK-and-MN-knew-that-there-will-be-consequences plotline, and i can honestly say i am FREAKING NERVOUS for how that'll play out. well played so far, hong sisters... 100 points. (pun intended)



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I LOVE THE GIF U MADE. OMG. He's so damn cute! And thank you for the recap, because i'm still having exams i don't really have the time to go watch spoilers or the show even. =(

But I'm so happy!! Taekyung is finally feeling the heat with Shinwoo!! OMG~
Seriously, he's meant to be TK in this show. He totally rocked it.

Thank you so much once again!


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Thanks again JB for a wonderful recap. Like what #144 said, we will give you 100 pts. Good job.

This episode is a heart breaker to watch ...poor SW. I wanna give him a hug from the fake date, the shadow symbolism, his reaction from seeing MN wearing the shoes and the airport scene. Please Hong sisters, stop torturing him. Give him more happy scene like the cooking one .

I agree with you JB , when did Jung Yong Hwan learn how to act? He really shine on this episode. Finally, we got to see his emotion. As a beginner without any experience of acting he's doing good. Kudos to him.

On a happy side, It's funny to watch HTK reaction once he saw the 100 points. He acted like a young girl so gaga with her love. Love to watch their fan meeting and their duet. The song "Fly me to the Moon " correlates with their star/moon convo.

The hugging scene at the airport parking lot is awesome. It's different from the opening scene. See how tight it is , like marking his territory , as if he's saying don't ever go anywhere and you're mine now.

How I wished to see the park date with TK instead of SW. Curious to see two adorkable creatures having a date.hahaha.

I will hate to see the next episode coz of so much angts. My heart can't handle those scenes. Poor Jeremy, he will be the next victim. Hope he feels better after his ride on his magic bus.

The only thing that I'm looking forward to see, is the assumed kiss that was shown in Korean tv. Based on the radio interview of JGS , it's not just a popo but a deep kiss. omo omo. Hope we will see it before the angsty moments.


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what made me smile:
uee's phone background as a grumpy htk that reacts when you poke it !
htk hugging pig-rabbit after receiving 100
the official korean drama airport chase scene
shin woo's pinstripe metallic suit at the end

what made me sad:
i didn't like gmn's hair as a girl, i thought it looked bad and they kept it for so long!
SHIN WOO GETTING HUMILIATED with the shoes. heartbroken :(


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uwah i need to be able to watch this soon!!!


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You're heaven sent,JB!! Reading your recap and finally being able to watch the full episode 13 with English subs,definitely made my day.
Cant wait for your episode 14 recaps later....Thanks very much,as always, we can count on you!!


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but...the previews for 14 look painful! Our happy couple can't even manage to get one episode of joy?!

Oh god, that scene where he recieves a 100% and goes into squee mode with the pig rabbit almost gave me a heart attack it was so freaking cute!!


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Whoa! Loads of long long comments this time round.. probably shows how the episode struck a chord in many. Haven't had time to read all the comments (I usually read almost every single one), so pardon me if someone has already mentioned it ... but can I express how much I LOVED the fact that TK actually computed the average score given by MN? Give TK a pencil and paper, and heaven knows what kind of logical computations he uses them for!


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Just watched and adore this episode.

As always Taekyung was brilliant - he's consistently great and I’m completely in love with this character when he was asking Minam those question of the fan site and he was getting 5 and 2's lol. But then when he got 100 that big old smile was utterly priceless - my favourite Taekyung moment in the whole episode, maybe even the series....TOO CUTE.

For the first time I really felt it for Shinwoo, bless him he seems to really be suffering and then he put himself out there at the end - I thought finally, but then it crushed my heart cos I know how much he's going to really get hurt a lot. It so saaaaddd!

Minam was as always cute too. Loved how she associated liking him to that of a fan. - And then joined the fan club ha ha.

Looking forward to today's episode.....I Jeez, I really should go to work otherwise I might get FIRED. Haven't read re-caps JB yet, but wanted to comment before it got to like a gazillion comments!


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TK and his obsession with 100, I love his reaction whenever she gave him 5. LOL his pride is on the line here, and when he didn't expect 100, she gave him 100. His squeal was so adorable, I love him and Pig Rabbit. 'Fly me to the moon' = TK wants to fly to his moon, so cute.


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My love for this show can no longer be held in, which means... long analyzation of my squealiest moments! Also, thanks for the excellent recap, javabeans, because I would have a much smaller clue about what the heck is going on without them.

-->the fan predicament- imagination on the Hong sisters' part! It's just so close, yet so far away from what's really going on. And the fan club test? The whole sequence had me rolling. I've decided, besides his voice, that my other favorite Jang Geun Seuk quality is the facial expressions- his little eyebrow movements are so awesome.
This leads into my fascination with why I find these vaguely effeminate guys so attractive. I mean, JGS is stuck with emo eyeliner, silly hairstyles and nutty clothes. Why am I swooning? Is it the charisma? But that's such a nebulous, indefinable, subjective term that it doesn't really satisfy me as an explanation. Maybe that's what enables him to inhabit his character so completely, which might be what is working so much for me. Like someone else in previous comments, I find his personality (and a lot of the other characters') to closely mirror those in Hana Yori Dango. While his cockiness covers a more insecure and intelligent personality than Domyoji, you can't excuse the Mommy Issue parallels. (Unfortunately, even with that gorgeous speaking voice, what is with the singing? He's tuneful and all, and I know he's playing a boyband idol, but the high-pitched crooning! Oh, it grates when I expect to get the aural equivalent of languidly floating melted chocolate and get overly sweet, abrasive rock candy instead.)

--> the bit where the boys are watching with barely suppressed evil glee as Heyi is about to take a bite of booby-trapped pasta... aaaaaand... DENIED! All the boys did a great job, but TK's "oh maaaan" half turn-away reaction was absolutely priceless. The whole prank thing was fantastic. I think it was Tae Kyung's facial expression as he vindictively dumps vinegar in (and sweet Jeremy!) that finished me off for that one.

-->... and then, like Jekyll and Hyde, the boys turn around and bust out their best cooking moves for Mi-nyeo, and the atmosphere magically transforms. I'm glad to see Heyi putting together the Shin-woo thing for herself, and like you said, java, Jung's acting makes it believable in this episode.
Of course, she then proceeds to rip his heart out and stomp on it holy crap, which was simultaneously horrifying to see, as well as exciting since finally everyone will know. I've had very little sympathy for Shin-woo, because how's she supposed to know how he feels if he wimps out in all these flowery metaphors? I know that this is a drama, but for pete's sake, man, love doesn't work that way! Also, you have no right to mope around until you've really, truly tried, instead of relying on drama-induced coincidences. Maybe that's not his fault... still, he totally did not deserve that.
-->slightly related- I like how their interactions with Heyi really bring out the personality differences with Shin-woo and Tae-kyung. Like they weren't already obvious, but still. TK turns around right before the horrid spectacle of mangled feelings, and I love how he puts his silverware down like "Damn, she's at it again. That's it, it's throw-down time." He's had altercations with Heyi, but he's always been in control- she hasn't been able to get to his heartstrings quite like she does with the more vulnerable SW in this sequence. I mean, sadistic much, girl? She is watching his face, which pretty much looks like he's being stabbed in the gut, as she relentlessly twists the knife. His face! In the past, I have not been such a fan of the Nice Guy- he can't be horrible, but he's got to have some backbone to him; niceness isn't enough; all you need for that is a hardcore mom. The chemistry comes with personality, which S-w just doesn't have enough of. And yet, the face.
And then TK's protective tendencies flare up- I love how he starts to put together what's going on and confronts Heyi. I think this straighforwardness makes even more sense as a match with Mi-nyeo. And also his endearing denseness. I thought he'd finally connected that S-w had feelings for Mi-nyeo, but I think in this case it's his self-centered personality that's to blame. It takes him forever (and about three trees' worth of paper! Bless.) before he realizes he has fallen for M-n, and maybe he still hasn't fully, so it's not surprising to realize that he doesn't believe that anyone else can do the same, even with his increasingly frequent bouts of jealousy (speaking of which, could we dial that down a little? Borderline abusive boyfriend quality there, hon. Endearing at the moment, but I can see it getting out of hand.)

--> AND FINALLY- Mo Hwa Ran developments! I know java has expressed apathy in the past for this storyline. However, the way they have built the tension with TK's emotional run-ins with Mommy Dearest and now her insidious, potentially jealousy-inducing connection with Mi-nyeo, will make for logical wrenches in the romantic works. Not entirely reasonable ones, if TK ends up unjustly projecting his mommy issues onto M-n, but ones that make sense for his personality, and which will make for satisfying emotional catharsis in the end, methinks. I think this may have to happen for him to come to finally come to grips with his emotional abandonment issues- no matter what he's feeling for M-n, he's got to deal with those before the relationship can be stable.
And from the other end of that whole madness, I'm kind of psyched to see Mo Hwa Ran's reactions to her recent revelations of 1) her lover's kid 2) being in her son's band 3) masquerading as a boy 4) that her son very likely has feelings for. I mean, that's a lot of stuff to come into the light. Will the irony give her satisfaction that at least their descendants have found peace in love, or will she pick now to become the protective mother- and to TK or Mi-nyeo?

--> Also YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY last scene. You go Tae Kyung! Seize that moment. His logical reasoning always amuses me, and that pull that he has towards Mi-nyeo, almost without his knowledge, is so endearing. I love these guys. Clearly Tae Kyung is the driving force behind my love for the series, but I do love how they've built Mi-nyeo as well, and I hope to see some tension with her brother (please bring him back, Hong sisters, I want to see that storyline too! You only have three more episodes! *weep*) and hopefully some more depth for her. Anyway yes- that ends my opinionatin' for the moment.


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Ah, finally got to watch this episode, but yes, it looks like next episode will be painful :-(
JGS is a really good actor, I love all of his scenes, which I can't say about the rest of the cast. I agree with some that GMN's denseness is getting annoying, anymore and the cuteness factor will truly diminish. Maybe it's the dialogue, I felt that some scenes just didn't flow as well, maybe they're trying to twist things around too much and are not getting to the point. I love the moon and stars theme, the fan and the star/idol, but maybe it's getting overstretched? It seems to be at a point where all this indirectness of saying things/not saying things is just not making anything happen, but things are moving along and getting more dramatic. Maybe it's the genius of the Hong sisters...
Episode 14 looks like it's going to be over-dramatic, with everyone going out of their minds/reaching their limits...i guess we had the calm before the storm...but oh well, that is kdrama, and I guess it is what we have go through to get to the good stuff, so, I'm really looking forward to the last 10 minutes of the last episode!
Until tomorrow, as no matter what we get, we just can't stay away!


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Thanks for the awesome recap :)
Looking forward to next week


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Thank you so much! I read your recap right after I finish an episode just to compare reactions. I love the way you write! (:


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Javabeans, thanks again for a wonderful recap.. that and all the comments your recaps generate keep me going for that evil week in between. xx

I was surprised on different forums how so many people seemed to be peeved at the episode saying there was just too much drama. I think there was just enough, considering how everyone knew it was building toward a mighty showdown. First, let's not forget that all the guys in the same band have fallen for our happless heroine and she can only choose one... or none. The boys are gonna have to up the ante and either fight for her in their own way or beat each other to hell. How else, realistically, would the group ever stay together. How could you live with the object of your affection flaunting her love for another in front of you, knowing you didn't do enough to win her over?
In reality she would be the Yoko factor.

Second, there's the Heyi factor. She went overboard in her meanness in this episode. People have argued that her ridiculous stunt did no favours for her in her quest to get TK. But I think we've seen Heyi change throughout the show where she's no longer trying to get TK, but trying to ruin or at least severely hurt MN (as a lot of jealous girls do). She might have gone overboard and ended hurting SW instead (she's not exactly the queen of strategic planning), but I can understand why she did what she did. She's jealous and desperate. And seeing all the guys dote on MN must kill that little bit of normal girl she's got inside her.

All the characters were so well written in this episode, it was just a full on squealfest for me.

And just as SW killed me in this episode, Jeremy will do so in the next. Bring on the angst YB!


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Thank you so much JB for your entertaining recaps. You really are the BEST!!!

This drama is amazing so many feelings at once just loving it.

Looking forward to a HAPPY ENDING!!!


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totally screaming like a FANatic LOL


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Jung Yonghwa is the 2nd 2nd lead I feel VERY sad for after Bae Soo Bin in Shining Inheritance! Makes me want to reach into the comp screen and hug him!


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I managed to watch ep 13 on live stream yesterday. This is the most heart-breaking episode ever to see shinwoo hurt like that. And i'm a bit sick of Go minam's character that is too dense & timid. She seriously need to stand for herself .

I just hope that sw gots his chance to confess his feelings to mn & gave her the shoes that he bought for he in the earlier episodes. And i can't stand the fake fairy either. How dare she treated sw that way?.. I bet she will have 100X more anti-s. LOL.

I hope they won't rush everything since next week is the final episode.


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gooooooooosh....... i waited the whole of yesterday and today for this! thanks javabeans! your ep summary cures my temporary sickness to immediately watch you're beautiful coz i'm currently sitting for a major exam.



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"100." key of his love!! yaaay~ okay, while reading this recap, just cant help but remember again ji hoo's acting role in bof and compare it with shin woo, shin woo is simply WAY BETTER!!!( jihoo fans dont hate me pls. i love ji hoo too. :-) ) I know they are two different people, but their character roles/intentions for these girls(jandi/minyeo) were indeed the same --superhero wannabe, and i feel bad that ji hoo wasnt able to establish that well, sigh. also that he's jandi's soulmate --like what shin woo did for min yeo..BUT overall, I am GLAD that bof and yb BAITS IT WITH GOOD LOOKING MAN!!! I indeed enjoy my 'koreanovela ride' with these boys!!!~

thanks! fighting JB! <3


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oh man. )): i'll be missing the last two episodes cos i'll be away on a vacation!! WHY OH WHYY... ))): and there's no internet connection at the place i'm staying at (it's a school trip you see). GRAH. CAN'T EVEN READ YR AWESOME RECAPS. )):
anws, i have to say you always do a super awesome job with the recaps!!!!! it's really super wonderful. off to rewatch the episode!


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This drama is pure love. From the excellent script to the intelligent directing to the outstanding cast, ost, everything, totally enjoyable. I'll hate to see it end next week.

Jang Geun Seok as Hwang Tae Kyung is just brilliant - a many layered character acted out with great sensitivity and understanding, a joy to watch indeed. On top of that, JGS with guyliner, earrings, outlandish hairdos and clothes, is boy band leader personified and smoking hot! Ah, be still my heart.

I also like that Park Shin Hye, the clueless nun-in-waiting, is cute without being cutesy. Lee Hong Ki/Jeremy is adorable and such a sweet character. I am always smiling when I see him.

Ahh…can’t wait for the next episode and the next and the next….


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I woke up at 5am to watch raw eps before going to work and i have massive committments that are keeping me away from the subs.... help... only you saved me from a totally crappy day...

again!! THANK YOU!!!

am so looking forward to this episode... am sure it will be great!

and for #176... i check the recaps through my phone during meetings :) maybe you can turn on your internet settings just for your trip...


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here i am, shivering (coz i was caught in a sudden rain), but still stayed in the office just to read your recap...
SHINWOO... i haven't watched the episode, but with the way you describe it, i feel really heartbroken just by reading your recap...
i'm happy because TK finally 'kinda' admit his feelings, but my heart goes all out for shinwoo... TT
is there no news about extended episode(s)?? it depresses me when i remember that we only have just another week of YB... TT


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i just love tae kyung more and more when he smiles...


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your comments this time: totally true! i agree completely!

it's definitely a SW episode though, that i agree too. Heyi was wayyy too much this time around, i really felt like smacking her face "-_-

looking at ep14 preview though, things don't seem to be too good in the just-progressing relationship of MN and TK, sigh. i know it's her charm (and i honestly feel Park Shin Hye is really really adorable) but MN's denseness is getting a lillll too much to bear.

will be back tomorrow haha!


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sorry. may i also add that I LOVE YOU, SARAHBEANS for calling mi-nyeo "simple-hearted" instead of "simple-minded?" ....coz truly, that's what she is. she has a simple heart, and it's what i like best about her, i think that's what tae-kyung likes best about her too.

also.... THANK GOD SOMEONE'S MAKING JANG GEUN SEOK WEAR CLOTHING THAT DOESN'T MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE MISTER BAG, THE BAG-MAN!!!!! he was always almost-preppy with a twist, but his clothes this epi made him look downright sizzling. :D ...i'm a happy girl. ;p


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Thanks JB!

I watched this episode lastnight live for the first time in my life and it was UBER FUN! its gonna be a bittersweet moment when it finally ends... in the meantime i'll enjoy every bit of it! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3



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#177 should be me "loveYAB" and not "pols". Dunno why "pols"'s name came out.


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I'm looking at this from SW pov.: I like this girl. I know she likes someone else. But perhaps if I've been good to her one day she'll see me and perhaps like me back. The closer I get to her, the more I wanted to tell her how much I love her, but I can't. And the more I can see how much she's in love with that other man. I wanted to tell her, so I plan and plan and plan for the grand gesture, so that she'd be impressed with me. Even though deep in my heart I know it would never happen, I do not want to give up hope. But when she told me that the other man accepts her, I know there's no hope at all. But again, I keep on hoping that perhaps, being a nice guy would pay off. I wanted to cherish her, making her happy, make her smile for me etc.. and the worst part of it is that even when I did that, she still can't see me. It's tiring that I keep on chasing her shadows, knowing fully well that I would never catch it. I must be pathetic. Really, really pathetic.

And for that I really pity him.

As for the Mo Hwa Ran, I think she's somehow disillusioned at some point. The fact that she repeatedly keeps on assuring herself everytime she listens to the song was a bit weird to me (it happened in previous eps too). As if she's trying to tell and convince herself that the song was meant for her. That she's his true love. But what if.. I mean what if the song wasn't truly meant for her. What if it was meant for MN's mother? And she can't accept the fact? Like HY, she's trying to live with memories that are of her best interests. If that really happens, I would really pity her for being that way. But again, we'll have to wait to solve the real mystery.

Btw, I think TK has his mom's traits more than he thinks - they're both very blunt with their words - saying what they think, instead of going around the bush. Both are also very stubborn, and will do anything to get what they want.

As for the progress btw MN and TK's relationship, I love the cute Internet scene, and the fact that he's now has fully come to terms with his own feelings. But I was not really moved on the duet piano singing. The gesture was sweet, the song is nice, and the voices are ok.. the pronunciation was a bit off (haha), but I don't know.. I don't really get that scene. Perhaps it's kind of weird seeing TK being all lovey dovey LOL. But if everyone's prediction is right.. that they're preparing us of the storm, I wish they could give us 1 or 2 more cute scenes, so if would soften the blow LOL.

As for HY, I do pity her too, and I think she knows that she's being pathetic in her actions, but in denial of that She's so disillusioned that I think TK's the only one who mananged to tone her down. Which is one of the reasons why she is attracted to TK. Despite his harsh words, he always managed to push her to the ground.

I could only watch ep 14 earliest on Saturday, :( ...coz I'll be going off somewhere. Won't watch the raw tonight, because I need to feel the words. Especially in these last three eps. Waiting for the whole 2 days will definitely test my patience. Arrgh!


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uh oh.... something bad will happen next episode ??? :'(

anyway I LOOOOOVE the last scene!! sooo cute..!! :D



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thanks for the recaps and insights... Carpe Diem. Seize the day...

"you have to respect the guy who’s learned from his first almost-missed-chance to grab it (literally!) the second time. Shin-woo has had multiple chances, but he’s still too afraid to take them."

reminds me of 'My Best Friend's Wedding'
"if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just... Passes you by."


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as always Kudos to you JB, it's always so amazing how you bring so much joy to us Kdrama addicts...SW's pain is so heartbreaking to me who can relate to one sided love..great acting....!!! now Tk and Mn's story is a joy..... Tk's affection for Mn has evolved so much though Mn has not realized it.... just this and your recaps.... Jb you are such a bright spot and so quick.....the battle for my
sanity will be so difficult after next when YAB ends.....SOB!!!!! Ok I need to get over this......Now which drama do you recommend?


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Was a supportor of shinwoo but became a supporter for tae-kyung! I don't like the way how shinwoo kept his feelings ! Taekyung expressed his feelings quite well , just that MN doesn't catch it! Love the way how taekyung questioned MN! BUNNY RABBIT AS WELL!!

Oh anyway , for those singaporeans who wants a pig-rabbit, i chanced upon this website having pre-order on it now! yourpaperplanes.livejournal.com i think! I'm gonna get one! Imagine having a similar one as them! OMG!


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First of all, thank you for yet another wonderful recap Javabeans. I think it's granted that we should be thankful of your effort to make a recap so quick, precise and well written. What a day of watching drama would be without your skillfully written recaps, and I have to say I'm growing accustomed to reading your recaps in order to have a full grasp of what was happening in the story because I feel that you are better in relaying the details and strips the hidden depth of each scene beautifully. For instance the part where Shin Woo sees Mi Nyeo in the shoes that he's trying to give her in the past, though I know it's heartbreaking for him, I couldn't figure out as to why it would hurt he deeply, but you manage to make me see how it affects him as the character he is. And I love how you bring up more joy into reading your recaps by putting scenes (i.e. the gifs) that really cracks me up as the drama would. All in all, great job and I look forward to more in the next episode to come. ^^ Good day.


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Ooh! Have to comment since we're onto the last 3 episodes!

Firstly a pat on the back for JGS for not butchering a Sinatra classic. I'm so proud of the boy : ) except for the "jupiter & mars" and the "in other words" as mentioned above, i think he did good. Very often any english dialogue (let's not even go to singing) in Korean, Taiwanese or Japanese dramas really, really makes me cringe. I thought I would feel embarassed for JGS, but he actually exceeded my expectations. BTW, i thought the song tied in well with the stars and moon theme.

Agree that JYH seems to tackle the complex emotions like anguish and regret much better than the straightforward ones. I think the Hong sisters must quite like him coz they gave him really good material to work with in this episode. With episode 13, SW has become a character you can emphathize with and feel for. He is officially Mr what-might-have-been. Although he is still caught in his web of half-truths, i would like to think that it is out of selflessness that he's still there. I think he figured out that confronting MN with the whole truth would not change anything except add to her burden of guilt and self reproach. Better to be her friend in the shadows. I think that's what is really appealing about SW right now. He's not just concerned with how he feels about MN but also about her bigger picture and how his actions could adversly affect her.

MN's stupidity is starting to get to me. I mean she's never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but her current level of denseness is just off the scales. If she gets any dumber she'll need a post-it to remind her to breathe. Just because you grew up in a convent doesn't give you license to be that dense.

But my fav scene was the cooking scene ;p I loved how TK threatened HY with the knife when she tried to slide up to him. And Jeremy's face when he ate the pasta! Hilarious!!! I actually really enjoy TK and HY moments. Their oneupmanship really adds to the humor. I am a little sad that HY's face doesn't look as big as it used to though.... someone feed that girl!


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Oh JB, forgot to add that I'm you "pan" too! Awesome recaps!


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thanks soo much for the recap! subbed versions are not out yet. your recap really helps a lot!!

the only thing i like about heyi in this episode (probably in the entire series) is that phone application of tae-kyung. so cute, i want one. one for each of the A.N. Jell, lol!

i'm amazed at how Jung Yong Hwa improved on his acting. in the previous episodes, his acting was kinda lame but i let it pass since his eyes are very expressive. not as expressive as Jang Geun Seok but still you'll get what message he's trying to convey.

by the way, i accidentally read the spoilers. dang! accidentally because i saw a link in facebook about where i can order the pig-rabbit but... there it was. at the top of the page. next thing i know, i'm reading it. sigh... but i didn't let myself think about it that much. thus, i enjoyed this episode as much as i did episodes 1 to 12.

i'm looking forward to watch episode 14 tonight. although, half of me is not looking forward to seeing Jeremy cry. i think i'm going to cry too.

i can't believe that You're Beautiful's coming to an end next week. it seems that there are still a lot of issues to resolve. especially that thing about Tae Kyung's mom and Mi Nyeo's dad. worst case scenario, is if Hwa Ran does not approve of Tae Kyung and Mi Nyeo's relationship.

about that rumor regarding season 2, i kinda like the idea of that. because if the real Go Mi Nam does not show up in the last episodes that would be disappointing. for me, lol. i want to see Park Shin Hye act like a boy.

so excited for episode 14...


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*.* Where to start?! People didn't like this episode? :(

Like you, my heart broke a little for SW this episode, and I suspect that it'll break even more for Jeremy soon - too much angst on the horizon! But JYH in the shoe scene was so GOOD, I felt so bad for him and that's the only time I really hated HeYi in this series. But I love her camera and want one XD

LOL I was so annoyed at TK when he went in for the handshake. Lame! But then he hugged her and I started squeeing...and at the end, I was so waiting for a kiss, but no, I got a hug. Oh wells, better than nothing, eh?

I'm so sad this series is ending, can't wait till next epi!! Thank you as always for the recap JB! I'm always late because I hold myself off until I've watched the subbed episode. I managed to avoid the ep13 preview but I couldn't prevent myself watching the one for ep14. CAN'T WAIT!!


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Loved this episode except that there are too much scenes between SW and MN.. I had deliberately stayed away from forums and blogs that might give out spoilers so i was imagining all sorts of sweet dating scenes between TK and MN after the cliffhanger ending of Episode 12.. Turns out it was SW and MN who went out on a date, well sort of..

But anyway, i loved all scenes between TK and MN, except for the piano part. The writers should just have chosen a Korean song.. Making TK sing in English (when he can't pronounce all the words right) just makes him less cool. I can't even focus on his voice because i was cringing the whole time.. Thankfully, towards the end it becomes bearable when MN started singing along.. Oh well..

I still love TK. The scenes are boring when he's not on them. I love Jeremy too. And his facial expression after eating the "spaghetti" was just so so priceless. I watched w/o subs so at first i have no idea what he said but just by looking at his face i was laughing like crazy!

Thanks Javabeans for the recap! I almost fainted when i can't find anything of this episode w/ english subs. It was my first time following a drama that is currently being shown in Korea. And i have just recently started watching YAB. The week long wait sucks but just seeing TK and his pout makes everything worth it for me.. =)

Go YAB! Go TK!


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How cute and adorable is TK when he smiles!! We've had so many episodes of him smirking and acting angry --> and when he smiles he just looks like this adorable little boy. Esp the scene with him hugging the pig rabbit after getting 100 points. I LIKE :)


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Dearie JB, hat down to you for a brilliant recap!! Had a hectic day but reading your recap and watching the Eng subbed at Viikii more than made my day though it's now late at night..... 30 minutes to go for Ep 14. I am seriously worrying about the withdrawal from Nov 27 :(


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Words…words…words! Symbolism and metaphors! The Hong sisters are so good with these. I thought this episode was great in many levels. There were hilarious moments. There were sweet moments that made me squeal with happiness. But the Hong sisters sure know how to spin webs of excitement and beauty with their choice of words. For example, some of the cruel things TK said to MN in episode 12 was reversed this episode:

MN: You won’t be taken aback and feel bad?
TK: …But it’s not bad (reversal of piano scene with MN crying)

And when he gave her the pin: I can clearly see you as a girl (reversal of TK and HY’s conversation after the kiss).

I love the fan club questionnaire scene. So hilarious! I couldn’t stop laughing at TK’s reactions especially the hiccup with the ‘2’. And of course his reaction to the ‘100’ was priceless. I’m so, so happy to see so many smiley JGS in this episode. MN sure brings out the best in TK. Like everyone that commented, I’m glad he acted on his feelings in the end. Though I sure hope he explains to her what he meant with ‘I give you the same score’ because we know MN is really dense when it comes to love talk, no matter how beautiful and poetic the words.

I agree with JB about SW. His acting sure improved and I could feel every emotion he was feeling. That fairy tale love story was beautiful. I was all mushy listening to it but also sad knowing it was just make-believe. I really felt bad for SW. And when HY did that despicable act, I so wanted to slug her for SW sake. You know they don’t really have a chance when MN didn’t know what to do to comfort him. She sure did lots to comfort TK. But I did wonder though if TK did not show up in the last scene, would MN have considered SW’s proposition? After all, realistically, SW is right. She can’t keep having a one-sided love for TK (not knowing of course it’s not one-sided at that point).

Tomorrow’s episode seems to be full of angst….Jeremy/MN and the boys, MN and MHR, TK and MN. It looks like MN will be mad at MHR. She now has two reasons to hate her – i) for killing her mum and ii) for hurting TK so much. But TK, aigoo, without knowing the whole truth, channels his hate for his mum abandoning him towards MN, without even wanting to hear the truth. Though I’m really hoping the Hong sisters will do the unexpected again and it’s just MN imagining things. Boo…hoo…Between that and Jeremy crying, I’m getting ready my box of tissue.

I have lots of thoughts circling in my mind but will stop now. Thank you all for letting me unload.

Oh…I agree with those who mentioned this, they should have TK remade “Fly Me to the Moon” for the second OST too. His voice was like silk singing that song. Is it possible to be in love with a voice?


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Also: When did Jung Yong-hwa learn to act?? He wasn’t ever terrible, but he seems much better all of a sudden. I like.

coz i come to his dream and whisper...my dear yong hwa....you're beautiful man with talents..keep up a good work....gambate...hehehe...

tq 4 your recaps,JB


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OH MY Gosh.. i love Shin Woo.. but I love Tae Kyung too.. Shin Woo is really poor.. I wish there is an episode which shin woo have a romantic moment with Mi Nam.. and make Tae Kyung so jealous.. I love this drama a lot.. more than IRIS.. :)


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