You’re Beautiful: Episode 12

The drama hit its series high rating with this episode, although that only translates to a very modest 11.1%. Still, yay for upward mobility. (IRIS, in comparison, is far out in front with its own series high at 33.7%. We’ll see how Hero fares next week.)


Spicy Soda – “나에 곁으로” (Stay by my side). Love the crescendo and the chorus on this one.
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Yes, the kiss was a real one, and it takes both participants by surprise. In fact, what makes this scene (for me) is Tae-kyung’s gobsmacked expression as he pulls away, completely confused with what he’s just done. Mi-nyeo is just as startled, and the moment she recalls her bearings, she presses her nose.

At a loss, Tae-kyung tries to cover up the moment. He very awkwardly laughs, “Ha. Ha? HA! Go Mi-nam, you’re funny.” Turning stiffly, he hurries away and heads into the building. I love how utterly discombobulated Tae-kyung is. He rationalizes to himself, “I was just so angry that I lost reason. I’m not this kind of person. Why did I do that?”

Mi-nyeo is lost in a daze and prays, “Mother Superior, the star in my heart has exploded into thousands of them. What do I do?” She stumbles into the building (after first geeting lost in the revolving doors) and sits down to rest: “It’s like fireworks are going off inside my heart. I’m dizzy.”

When Shin-woo calls, she vaguely recalls that she was supposed to meet him. She’s too stunned to be very coherent, and murmurs, “Where am I? I’m doing fireworks.” Shin-woo tells her to calm down; he’ll come to her.

Mi-nyeo wonders what prompted Tae-kyung’s kiss, and imagines a few possible answers. Was it out of anger? (But he’s never done this and he’s been angry before.) Was it out of flirtatiousness? (No, he’s not that kind of guy.)

Heyi arrives outside the agency, wondering at the best way to send Mi-nam back home. She considers telling Tae-kyung about the nunnery, but cautions herself to handle this with care. She spots him leaving the building, but he’s so lost in his own thoughts that he walks right by without acknowledging her. Thinking he’s ignoring her out of anger, she asks if he’s still upset with her.

Tae-kyung replies that he’s not angry, nor does he have anything to say to her. But it’s almost worse that he doesn’t care enough to be angry with her anymore. She asks, “Am I nothing to you? How could a woman like me be nothing to you? I’m pretty and popular. We were voted Korea’s best-suited couple — how could you not like me?” (What saves this speech from being aggravating is the honest-to-goodness confusion in Heyi’s voice as she asks it. She genuinely believes her own hype.)

Tae-kyung agrees that Heyi is pretty and popular, but she’s also fake, “so don’t confuse things.” She asks, “Then what will you do if Go Mi-nam confuses herself and says she likes you?” That makes Tae-kyung pause before answering: “That won’t happen, not when she’s foolish enough to cast away her pride. I’m sure.” He doesn’t sound quite convinced, but he’s recalling Mi-nyeo’s supposed feelings for Shin-woo.

Heyi spies Mi-nam exiting the building, and takes advantage of the moment to ask pointed questions that will get overheard while Tae-kyung remains ignorant of Mi-nyeo’s presence. Heyi warns Tae-kyung not to get “confused” regarding her: “Go Mi-nam is a man — don’t mistake her for a girl.” I’m pretty sure she knows that by pushing Tae-kyung’s buttons, she’ll get the desired answer out of him:

Tae-kyung: “I’m not someone who gets confused. Go Mi-nam isn’t a woman.”
Heyi: “Then when you bought her the hairclip and clothes and protected her, did that mean nothing?”
Tae-kyung: “Yeah, it had no meaning, I just did it. It meant nothing.”

He doesn’t see that Mi-nyeo has overheard and turned away in sadness. Heyi asks if he can be sure that those gestures also meant nothing to Mi-nam. Tae-kyung tries to convince himself, “It was nothing to her.” Then he stops, bothered. “How can it be nothing to her? Forget it, it was nothing to me too. If I let it make me feel bad, I lose.”

Shin-woo tries to get in touch with Mi-nyeo, but she doesn’t hear her phone ringing as she cries in a darkened studio. Now that Tae-kyung has said she means nothing, she’s mortified for hoping and feeling more.

Shin-woo worries that she’s sick and rushes back to the agency. Hearing her sobs, he comes upon her in the studio, but Mi-nyeo stops him before he can turn on the lights: “I want to stay in the dark. I feel so embarrassed, I want to hide in the darkness.”

Shin-woo may be patient, but he has his limits and raises his voice as he asks, “How long were you going to cry like this? After you were done, were you going to come to me? I see, you totally forgot me. Even so, I was waiting for you and came running and worried about you — I feel like an idiot!”

She apologizes for breaking the promise and for thinking only of herself. Shin-woo answers that he’s tired of always thinking of her: “Take a good look at how I feel in the light.” With that, he flicks on the lights to show her how upset he is — but in the light, he sees how miserable she is, and his anger starts to dissipate. Mi-nyeo repeatedly apologizes, and he says in a gentler tone that he’s sorry for getting angry.

Sit together after Mi-nyeo stops crying, Shin-woo admits that he was going to confess his feelings to “that woman,” and had prepared flowers, presents, and a song for her. He jokes that it’s Mi-nyeo’s fault it didn’t work out, but smiles and adds, “No, it’s not your fault. I don’t think she was ready for it yet.”

He doesn’t have gifts or flowers now, but he picks up his guitar. Under the guise of practicing, he asks Mi-nyeo to listen. The lyrics describe Shin-woo’s emotions of feeling like a fool (for caring despite always getting hurt and disappointed). Here’s the song as sung by Jung Yong-hwa — I’m sure there’ll be an official track released at some point, but this one is just an audio rip from the episode, so beware of the quality. [ Download ]

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Although she doesn’t pick up on the meaning behind it, Mi-nyeo says it’s a good song: “You’re not embarrassed of your feelings, or sorry for them. You’re diligently liking her. If you’re a fool, you’re a cool one. Can a nobody be cool like that?” Shin-woo says consolingly, “Even if the other person doesn’t know it, no love is nothing.”

Tae-kyung has retreated to his own studio, where he tries to work out his feelings. Why did he kiss Mi-nyeo?

Tae-kyung: “Because I was angry. Why was I angry? Because like an idiot, Go Mi-nam was going to Shin-woo. Why did I stop that? Because I didn’t want her to get hurt. Why would I hate that? What is Go Mi-nam to me? Ugh, this is complicated and confusing. I’ll have to see Go Mi-nam in the bright light and think things over.”

When he walks out intending to find Mi-nyeo, he sees her leaving with Shin-woo, who has teasingly told her to buy him dinner. Watching the two together, Tae-kyung thinks, “Seeing her in the light makes me even more confused. What the heck is she to me?”

Tae-kyung is called to his own dinner meeting with Sung-chan and Hwa-ran. Sung-chan is surprised that Hwa-ran was able to persuade Tae-kyung to do the song, and hears she has worked out the copyright issue with the songwriter’s heir — which is a shock to Tae-kyung, who didn’t know the songwriter was dead. Hwa-ran explains that she’ll probably be able to locate one of the twins, and smiles as she wonders if the kids will remember her — they were such cute things who used to fight over the cookies she brought them.

(I spoke too soon when I wondered previously if Hwa-ran had lost her power to hurt Tae-kyung, because hearing her speak fondly of another man’s children hardens his expression. That can’t be pleasant, and Hwa-ran is so coldly honest that it doesn’t occur to her to watch her words.)

When Sung-chan steps aside, Tae-kyung bitterly tells his mother that she and her lover are the same — she’s a woman who would abandon her child for love, and he’s the man who would write a song for that woman. As though to dispel any misunderstanding that she was a usurper, Hwa-ran makes clear that the twins’ mother died after giving birth.

He sneers, “Is that why you played the mother to them, bringing them cookies?” She says, “Yes. Because I loved him so much, I could be like a mother to them.” (Ouch. The implication is that she didn’t love his father, and therefore Tae-kyung.) She adds, “If he didn’t die early, they would have been your siblings.”

(Hwa-ran doesn’t mean they’re blood-related, but that she would have raised them as her children, since she would have stayed with the songwriter.)

Tae-kyung notes sardonically, “For him to make a person like you think of being a mother, it was a frightening love.” Hwa-ran: “Yes. My love is great enough to be frightening.”

After dinner, Tae-kyung comes home in a funk, thinking that he could use Mi-nyeo to distract him from his darker thoughts.

Mi-nyeo worries how he is but is too timid to bother him. As she peers into the hallway at his room, he walks by, and the two freeze uncomfortably. Mi-nyeo ducks back into her room without saying something, and at her reaction, he feels a tiny bit of satisfaction, because “She must not feel nothing, then.”

Mi-nyeo vacillates between leaving Tae-kyung alone (not wanting to add to his burdens) and making some kind of overture. Finally, she decides it would be best to assure him that she’s completely fine in the wake of the kiss, and not feeling bothered about it.

She texts: “Hyungnim, I’m truly fine.” Belatedly, she realizes she has mistyped a character, and now the message connotes something else. (She meant to tell him she is okay about the kiss. Instead, her message suggests the kiss felt okay.) Oh no! She doesn’t want him to the get the wrong idea.

Mi-nyeo decides that she has to erase the text before he has a chance to read it, and sneaks into his bedroom. It’s empty, so he must be in the bathroom. With relief, she spies the phone on his bed, and grabs it just as he emerges from the bathroom. Mi-nyeo dives to the other side of the bed to hide.

Unfortunately, the phone is locked with a PIN number. In frustration, she tries a few combinations, but is unsuccessful. Tae-kyung turns off his music and calls out, “It’s 4820.”

Mi-nyeo enters the password before registering that Tae-kyung is aware of her presence. With dismay, she faces him as he indicates that he’s already read her text, and mocks her for it.

Tae-kyung asks if she’s really fine with everything, and when she answers yes, he deletes the message: “Everything today is deleted.”

He sees the redness on her forehead — she smacked it on the ground when she dove behind his bed — and gives her medicine to apply. However, his warning not to get it in her eyes comes too late, and she yelps in pain. He flushes out the ointment with water, then treats her eyes with some drops.

Mi-nyeo stumbles up to go back to her room, running into things because she can barely open her eyes. Tae-kyung grabs her hand, then leads her back upstairs.

She asks, eyes still closed, “Are you still very angry with me?” He answers, “How can you know whether I’m mad when you can’t see?” She reminds him that she’s a public nuisance who’s always angering him.

Tae-kyung tells her, “At first, you were. Now, you’re…” He trails off and Mi-nyeo again assures him that she’s fine with everything. He finishes, “In any case, I was smiling just now. I’m not angry with you.”

The next day, the guys have a photo shoot with Heyi, to make up for the aborted press conference. The air is distant between the A.N.JELL guys and Heyi, now that they know what kind of person she is. She watches them cheerfully interacting with Mi-nam and pouts, “I’m the one wearing the princess’s clothing, but she’s receiving the princess treatment.”

She tells herself that as long as Tae-kyung stays away from Mi-nam, she can put up with it. And she only has to wait a little longer, because Mi-nyeo will be heading back to the convent soon.

Heyi ropes the guys into helping her, wielding Mi-nam’s identity as a weapon to get them to do what she wants. They’re reluctant, but do as she wants. You’d think that forced attention isn’t very satisfying, but Heyi will take it where she can get it, and is pleased to monopolize the guys as long as Mi-nam is kept at a distance. It’s pretty pathetic, if you think about it.

The stylist points out how pretty Heyi looks, making Mi-nyeo feel inferior, since she’s always dressed as a boy.

The guys treat Heyi like a necessary evil, addressing her with thinly veiled distaste. Tae-kyung doesn’t bother hiding his low opinion of her, which prompts her to threaten, “You know that when I’m in a bad mood I talk a lot, right?” Jeremy and Shin-woo remind him to be careful.

I think Heyi hates his new attitude even more than the old one. In the past he was hostile, but now he’s dismissive, and indifference is worse. Therefore, she latches onto the first bit of leverage she stumbles across, when the stylist comments that Mi-nam must envy Heyi because she wants to look pretty to Shin-woo. Heyi’s startled — Mi-nam likes Shin-woo? (In the stylist’s defense, she assumed that Tae-kyung told his girlfriend and therefore isn’t spilling a secret.)

This gives Heyi newfound hope — and a new plan. She might be able to solve her problems by hooking up Mi-nam with Shin-woo, and asks the stylist to help her.

Heyi proposes that Mi-nam would enjoy a chance to look pretty in front of the boy she likes. Therefore, when sudden rain calls a halt to the shoot, the stylist takes Mi-nam aside and makes her up as a girl. She explains that she wanted to do something nice for her: “Just while it rains, you can be a pretty girl. When the rain ends, you can go back to being a guy.”

She convinces Mi-nyeo that it’s safe, since the rain is keeping the crew indoors and they’re in the greenhouse, which is a separate building.

Mi-nyeo enjoys the brief moment of feeling pretty, and the stylist snaps a picture so she can hold onto the memory even when she has to dress as a guy. The stylist steps out for a moment — and sends Shin-woo in on a false errand.

Seeing him, Mi-nyeo is flustered and her instinct is to hurry to change, but Shin-woo tells her not to: “If nobody saw you, what a waste it would have been. Mi-nam, you’re very pretty. Beautiful.”

He says she’s like a fairy-tale character: “When it rains, you’re a girl. When it stops, you return to being a guy.” He recalls hearing a similar story somewhere (he means RANMA!), then calls her the swan princess — a swan in the daytime, a princess at night.

At the same time, Heyi drags Tae-kyung along for a walk outside. (She sighs that it’s like a scene in a movie, and he agrees — a horror movie.) Spotting the greenhouse in the distance, she suggests they head there to get out of the rain, knowing who’s inside.

And so, Heyi and Tae-kyung walk in to see Shin-woo sitting with a girly Mi-nam. Heyi coos at how nice they look together, and insinuates that they’d make a good couple. She says, “You’re working hard to look good to Kang Shin-woo. It’s pretty. Doesn’t it suit her?”

Tae-kyung doesn’t betray an outward reaction but his glare is furious as he says harshly: “It doesn’t suit you. It’s laughable.” He whirls out, leaving his words to cut at Mi-nyeo’s own fears. When Heyi catches up to him, he says with contempt, “Get lost.” Heyi is startled at the intensity of his reaction: “Why is he so angry? I thought he’d mock her, seeing her like that.”

Mi-nyeo beats herself up, agreeing with Tae-kyung’s assessment: “He’s right that it doesn’t suit me. I did something really laughable. I told myself I wouldn’t be ashamed. I told myself I would be fine. But I’m more foolish than a fool.”

Shin-woo tells Mi-nyeo not to cry: “Don’t cry anymore because of Tae-kyung.” He confesses, “I’ve found out that the reason you’re crying is because of Tae-kyung. You like him.”

Shin-woo: “I didn’t want to make things difficult for you by getting involved. But I hated seeing you always crying.”
Mi-nyeo: “I thought I was doing well enduring it and hiding it. You figured it out?”
Shin-woo: “Yes. Because I’ve been looking at you.”
Mi-nyeo: “My feelings must be visible.”
Shin-woo: “Tae-kyung can’t see them clearly yet. Do you want to show him?”
Mi-nyeo: “No, I don’t want to shock him or make him feel bad. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of my feelings and make sure they are not seen. I’ll change my clothes and return to being a man.”

The snooping Reporter Kim wanders around the grounds, intent on uncovering the secret of A.N.JELL’s mystery woman, and sees Shin-woo walking off in the rain. He suspects some drama must have gone down in the direction of the greenhouse, where Heyi has returned to find Mi-nyeo berating herself for being foolish.

Heyi: “It was wrong for you to have come here from the start. You should have stayed at the convent and become a nun. When you’re done being Go Mi-nam, do you intend to go back to the convent? In my opinion, why don’t you go back to Rome to become a nun? Go back to that.”
Mi-nyeo: “Yoo Heyi, although I have given up that path, it’s not something to speak so lightly of.”
Heyi: “I said, go back home!”
Mi-nyeo: “Ms. Yoo Heyi.”
Heyi: “Do that and Hwang Tae-kyung! You want to stay with him so he’ll see you, don’t you? If he’s nice to you, you raise your hopes. You act like you don’t, but you want that, right? Do you want him to see you being so foolish? Do you want him to find out?”
Mi-nyeo: “I don’t want him to see me looking foolish. I won’t be found out.”

Just then, the reporter steps inside, interrupting the scene. Seeing the two women and knowing that Shin-woo has just been here, he smells a scoop. Mi-nam whirls around to keep her face averted.

Heyi mutters to her to run away, so Mi-nyeo knocks the reporter aside and runs out into the rain, while Heyi holds the reporter back.

The rest of the crew is still indoors to wait out the rain. Hoon-yi thinks Tae-kyung looks sick: “You look like you’ve been really hurt and are in pain.” Tae-kyung answers tersely that he’s not hurt — he’s mad and surprised. Hoon-yi guesses, “You saw something you didn’t like, which made you feel shocked, which made you angry, which made you feel hurt.”

Tae-kyung has to admit to himself, “I want to deny it, but he’s right. I was shocked to see her like that, and angry that someone else was with her, and that hurt. Since it hurt, I lost.”

Hoon-yi flips through photos and sees Mi-nam making the pig-nose and comments, “She’s still doing that.” This grab’s Tae-kyung attention, and he asks, “Mi-nam does that every day. What is that?” Hoon-yi explains that he told her that whenever she feels her emotions overtaking her in front of the person she likes, she should make the nose. He assumes that Shin-woo must have been in front of her in the photo.

The truth dawns on Tae-kyung as he asks, “Is that what that meant?” He rifles through the photos to confirm his hunch, and sees that the shot of Shin-woo doesn’t line up. Instead, the photo matches with one of himself, and he realizes, “She’s looking at me.”

Hoon-yi’s part idiot, so he doesn’t catch on and chides Tae-kyung for being mean to Mi-nyeo. He urges him to be nicer to Mi-nyeo, especially since she looks up to him. Why, she even treasures the hairclip he gave her, even though it was a cheap old thing that broke.

That strikes him as strange too, so Tae-kyung grabs her bag and fishes through it, until he finds the broken clip. “She found this again?”

You know a storyline has gotten good when you’re frustrated that it cuts away to Mi-ja and Hwa-ran, even though we do finally get some clear answers about the big birth secret.

Mi-ja asks why the singer is so keen on meeting the twins. She saw her scar — is she the twins’ mother? Hwa-ran laughs at that ridiculous idea, and answers that she owes the kids a debt, but she didn’t give birth to them. She’s searching for them “because it was my fault they lost their mother. She died because of me.”

(Note: This clears up that Mi-nyeo is not related to Tae-kyung, not that it was ever really a concern, right? Hwa-ran cares for the Go twins because she loved their father and feels indebted to their mother. Since her love died, the closest thing she has is his children, who are living ties to the person she lost years ago. Her own son represents bitterness and a loss of her great love, and since she has a small heart, she just couldn’t love him with the same openness.)

Mi-nyeo seeks out the comforting embrace of Mother Superior as she cries out her heartbreak.

Mi-nyeo: “He’s like a bright, shining star. When I receive that light, I feel brighter and also darker. When it’s bright I get my hopes up, and when it darkens I feel disappointment. I hate myself for this and feel ashamed.”
Mother Superior: “As you have come to know this love, you are quite beautiful.”

A bit later, Mi-nyeo sits outside, looking up at the night sky. She can’t stop crying, and says, “Because the tears keep coming, I cannot see the stars. If I continue to not see them, I won’t get my hopes up or feel disappointment. I wish I didn’t see them.”

A car screeches up and interrupts her thoughts. Mi-nyeo looks up at the source, squinting against the bright glare of the car’s headlights, which are directed at her.

It’s Tae-kyung, who gets out of the car and faces her, leaving the headlights on:

Tae-kyung: “Go Mi-nam. I see you very well right now. You can’t see me because it’s too bright, can you? When I couldn’t see you, were you always crying like that?”
Mi-nyeo: “I won’t cry anymore. Please pretend you didn’t see me.”
Tae-kyung: “How can I pretend not to when I can see you so well? Go Mi-nam, you were looking at me like that all this while, weren’t you? I couldn’t see you so I didn’t know.”

Mi-nyeo: “Please act as though you don’t know. I won’t look anymore.”
Tae-kyung: “Don’t stop looking. You can’t quit of your own accord. Keep looking at me! Like you are now, keep looking only at me!”
Mi-nyeo:”Hwang Tae-kyung…”
Tae-kyung: “Go Mi-nam, from now on, I’ll give you permission to like me.”


I’m a little dissatisfied with that last line translation because that sounds condescending in a way he doesn’t mean. He’s being sincere and the tenor of the message is, “I know that you like me and from this point on, I’m okay with it.”

Maybe it’s the lack of spoilering, or maybe I’m just thrilled to have the truth (finally!) out in the open, but I loved the way this episode ended. Truth be told, I was feeling let down by the first half of the episode — it felt like stuff we’ve come to expect. It’s sort of standard to feel a little lag at this stage, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it, especially when I think the writers are good enough to keep things moving. The wacky appeal of the earlier episodes was because so much zany stuff flew at us unexpectedly, and that kept us on our toes: Mother Superior emerges from a gym locker, Jeremy’s imagination runs wild, Mi-nyeo believes making a pig-face will control her emotions, Tae-kyung throws away Heyi’s shoes, Tae-kyung gets lost and refuses to admit it…

Therefore, when Tae-kyung finally figured out that Mi-nyeo’s in love with him, it comes as a nice huge breath of fresh air. Finally, we can lay to rest one tiring plotline and get busy with the next phase.

Surprisingly, I liked Shin-woo better in this episode. Maybe it’s not surprising since the reason I liked him was that he was finally honest. He didn’t outright tell Mi-nyeo that he liked her, but he dropped a very big hint when he told her that he was always looking at her. (If she were a sharper person, she could pick up his meaning.)

It was interesting when he got angry at Mi-nyeo for standing him up at the restaurant, because (1) you could say that his anger made him look petty or small-hearted, because he was thinking of his own foiled romantic gesture more than her pain. But (2) I liked that flash of anger because it made him seem human, rather than that Robotic Second Lead With Perfect Responses To Every Crisis and Perpetual Understanding. I don’t care if Shin-woo shows a flaw or two — heck, Tae-kyung’s flawed up the wazoo but he’s insanely charismatic — so I welcomed his moment of bitterness. And then he saw how hurt Mi-nyeo was and his anger melted, so he’s not entirely selfish.

An example of plot tiredness is the Heyi and stylist connection. (I say “tiredness” because the plot itself is fine, it’s just that it’s been drawn out a wee bit too long so it’s worn out its welcome.) I don’t really mind Heyi’s continued bossiness in this episode because even though she’s still blackmailing everyone, at least the situation is different. It’s only for show now and everyone knows her true nature, whereas before she was manipulating people’s emotions. I’m okay with her character at this point because she’s so irrelevant to the relationships that she’s like an amusing pest. Also, Tae-kyung’s reaction to her has changed, because now he can’t even bothered to care about her. That brings out her inner vulnerability, and that’s actually something I find interesting. I want to see more of that Heyi — the girl who has been so surrounded by yes men that she draws her own self-worth from how people see her.

The stylist, on the other hand, greatly grated on my nerves because at this point she has turned from amusing minor character into Plot Device. She just keeps blabbing information to Heyi. I don’t care that she’s a blabbermouth so much as I wish Heyi were cleverer about finding out her secrets. She just keeps falling into information.


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"Hoon-yi's part idiot, so he doesn't catch on..." javabeans, you made me snort my coffee in a laughing fit this morning. hahaha.

I must be part idiot too, because I don't really follow Tae-kyung's reasoning why Min-nam would get hurt by meeting Shin-woo at the restaurant. It's now in the open (amongst the band members) that she's a girl, so why would Shin-woo's liking her cause her to be hurt?


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URgg... I'm a johnny-come-lately, can't believe I got here after the 200th comment! Okay,


I did the same! Thank you JB, you should feel proud of all the coffee, water, food-stuff that's being sprayed on laptops across the world because of you! :)

Answer to your question:

TK and manager overhear SW telling MN that the girl he loves is bothered by the fans and everyone asking about his girlfriend, and he wants MN to come clean with said girl (obviously SW has other plans).

But based on that the Manager goes into this amazingly funny but also very touching chest pounding, heart-broken moment on MN's behalf as he imagines her sending herself, like a lamb to the sacrifice, magnanimously and bravely telling the girl her beloved loves that said girl is "the one" and that MN is nothing.

(I admit, I came close to tearing up myself... even as I was trying not to giggle... at the manager's pure, open-hearted, mothering of MN- he's a sweet-heart... idiot, but who can hold his IQ against such a a sweet idiot?? :) )

Hence the lynch-pin to the whole episode 11 and partly why TK gets so agitated by MN is that he also thinks MN is willingly headed to having her heart shred to weeeeee little pieces by going to meet SW's girl and coming clean.

He keeps snorting and rolling his eyes at what he perceives as MN continuing to be encouraged by SW (think badminton game, dropping to the ground when she gets kissed by SW, learning keyboard from him) even while knowing full well she's in for heartache.

And actually, and here's the most touching part for me, while with the pharmacist and other jealous moments, he would just be sarcastic and annoyed, i.e., for himself he would be annoyed but not upset enough to DO something about it. Here he actually ACTS. Shouts at MN over the lime juice, drags MN away from taxi cab, ... because he can't bear to see MN hurt! Awwww....

You'd notice when he makes MN cry at the piano, (but for soooo much different a reason than he thinks!) he even gets startled into asking if MN wants him to somehow go intercede with SW for her.

MN isn't the only magnanimous soul in this series. :)

Sorry for the long response, but I thought you hit on a great point here! :)

Thank you JB... I'm sure I'll be back once I finish going back and reading all 200+ comments before me and rereading your review again!

Hooray for a vibrant, enthused, crash-inducing YB netizens community!!

It's a beautiful day for the universe of YB now that the clouds have lifted and TK/MN are finally seeing the stars and moon for real! :) Yay!

(And Hong sisters, don't you dare back off from _this_ one!)

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it has been so hard staying away from this site and the soompi thread in attempts to avoid spoilers before i get to watch the subbed version...
but the hell was well worth it!! I actually enjoyed the drama a LOT more not knowing what's gonna happen next. it surprise me! i usually love spoilers....

i read that this site crash because of this drama's recaps.. last week? yesterday? O.O
has it ever happen before? for any other drama? BOF?
n i heard that vikii sites had troubles too... high traffic...
hmm.... amazing what 1 tiny drama with modest ratings can do to hundreds of people worldwide.... ;)


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Is it just me or does this drama sort of give off a The Sound of Music vibe?

Anyways, great episode!


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Oh, about the last line. Tae Kyung said it Tae-Kyung style, so I loved it :)


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“I’ll permit you to like me,” -- i think TK meant that exactly the way it sounded. it would be very much in character anyway. and come to think of it, it's cuter that way--him getting confused and flustered and not knowing what to do, so he just switched to haughty and arrogant mode.

so yeah, basically he was expressing his feelings the only way he knew how, and i actually appreciate his effort just as much as his message. that's what makes it cute for me.


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@188 Fran - At last, the voice of sanity! No, MN's dress was not beautiful. It was a caricature of what a misguided person might think a beautiful Western dress ought to look like. If HY was Marie-Antoinette, poor MN was the Bride of Frankenstein.

At first, I was disappointed with the ending. Surely, after all the Thomas Hardy we've had to put up with (that is, everything that could possibly, remotely go wrong in order to thwart Our Lovers, will), I thought we deserved something more, well..., more... explosive.

But when I re-watched, I realized it was satisfying in the sense that TK didn't turn all sappy, but yelled ungallantly at her as he always does. Perhaps something is lost in translation, but a less romantic declaration of love I'm sure I've yet to see. I expect they will be true to form and bicker right up to the end (a la Mun Ryong & Choon Hyang) - after all, they are cute-est and most animated when they are having a go at each other. I should be so grateful he stayed in character.

Because at the start of this episode it felt as if we've reached the point where we've run out of steam for originality, and have just buckled to down delivering What People Want and Expect from a K-drama. As if whoever has been seating firmly on the Romantic Trope Chest has gotten tired and relented, and all the Tropes have escaped and are running through the house. As if we feel we have amassed sufficient iconoclasm to raise ourselves above the hoi polloi, and have just stopped trying.

I realise they have to spin out the "tension" for one more episode, for the romantic plot-line to work. I wish they didn't have to, but understand that they had to. It's a basic rom-com, after all, with a fairly frivolous premise, set in a world populated by adolescents. Its mission is to entertain, not make statements of originality or break boundaries or confound expectations, necessarily.

What I appreciated:
- MN circling through the revolving doors - hilarious, especially coupled with TK's gasp of horror and scuttle away as he sees her coming.
- That we were not subjected to a relentless series of flashbacks (a la BOF) when TK realised the meaning of the piggy nose etc

What I appreciated less:
- TK's ill-fitting shirt stretched too tight across the chest. Are you that tight for time you couldn't get him the right shirt size, chappies?
- What in the name of Judy Garland is this Korean obsession with "Over the Rainbow"? Guys guys. It's a twee song. Twee. Not beautiful. Twee.
- Just when will people learn that when your arch enemy keeps looking over your shoulder when saying provocative things to you, they are playing you for an audience behind you? TK, it was so obvious HY was setting you up, her eyes kept going over your shoulder.
- When JYH was singing, and they spliced the studio recording over, the key shifted so that for a moment he sounded out of tune. Production guys, so short of time you couldn't tweak the pitch, eh?

And can I just say:-- I predicted EPISODES ago that TK's mother "caused" the death of MN's mother (hence balancing the moral debt they owe each other) - should quote chapter and verse, but can't be bothered now to dig up that comment. I feel a mixture of pride and disappointment. It's nice to guess right; but if I can stay one step ahead of the game, it means the game can't be very sharp, eh?

Poor PSH must have gotten the mother of a headache from all the crying she had to do this episode. Now we've had our angst-fest, can we have the funny back? Pretty please? Where is Jeremy! Bring back the party!

Verdict: Satisfying -- for some long-time-in-coming resolution
Disappointing -- for all the well-worn tracks it went along
A dose of reality -- Hey, this is just a rom-com, bapu over-analyser!

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I love this episode...it made a great transition from ep. 11...KUDOS to the Hong Sister they have found the right balance and that why YAB it so unique.....

Love MN fireworks display it was so Cute and her imagination running wild is awsome to see...PHS hands down is the best......

Love TK reaction after the kiss he simply "speechless"... LOL... that right TK speechless, out of breath, and barely walking.....

Love MN sending the wrong text...cause she was daydreaming about the kiss.....hilarious......

Love TK holding MN hand it was the cutest thing ever...Mr. OCD holding Ms. Public menance hand....LOL.....and TK smile to die for.....

Love last scene....because is character consistency for TK...he is very straightfoward and I love that about him.....even though he could be dense sometimes.....PHS look beautiful in her outfit.....

I love that TK finally got to see MN true form which symbolizes a lot of things....finally TK was able to see crystal clear.....

I'm looking forward to wath the last 4 episodes....Hong Sister please give us a original ending, instead of the typical Kdrama ending......which is....
A hug at the airport.....hopefully we get to see closure with all the characters......
NO MORE SPOILERS for me LOL........


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wonderful drama


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@sugarpunch Pretty obvious why she helped Mi Nyeo escape - right now if the truth comes out, it's not doing her any good (she'll lose control of the guys since she would've have lost control of the secret, and she'd also have no reason to stay together with TK - he would have initiated a breakup immediately).

Love your Ranma comment JB LOL because that was the FIRST THING THAT CAME TO MIND WHEN I SAW IT (it had to be the water = turning into a girl comment LOL). What I love about YB is the way they manage to insert the best throwaway lines ever.

Am VERY HAPPY with the episode ending (FINALLY!!!! TK REALISES!!!) and can't wait for the next 4 eps since there's bound to be more drama (this is the Hong Sisters after all. I liked Hong Gil Dong a lot, so I'm expecting the ending to be good).


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@202 birdscout

TK doesnt know ShinWoo likes MinYeo.He is assuming that MinYeo is totally inlove with ShinWoo, who he thinks likes another woman.

cant wait for the next ep!!!!

I will definitely buy the DVD for my collection!!!!!!


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oh geez... 4 episodes left.... wow surely this episode was steamy aside from the kiss but all for the revelation!!! i love it! thanks again JB for your wonderful recap and insights...


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This episode was much improved from ep 11 since I refused to watch or read spoilers for ep. 12. However, it is missing the fun and zanniness I love and adore in the earlier episodes.

Hate the dress as well. I actually think Minam looks better as a boy--she is adorable especially when she was wondering why "hyungnim" kissed her. I love how she keeps calling him that even when she is alone by herself. She is so formal.


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Hey JB!!! Love you so much for the recaps.... seriously, i would not survive without them and and reread them like tons of times....
Are you referring to the jp manga/anime ranma?
I love this episodes, especially JGS acting!!
I want more Jeremy!!! (in the preview for ep 12, there was a scene where he mentionned going to England! where did that go???)
I really hope this drama will not disappoint me...
It's my first time being this addicted! usually, i lose interest even with BOF, full house or Coffee Prince after the 11-12 ep but not here...
anyways, thanx so much


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OMG. Thank you ssoooo much. I saw this ep yesterday without the subs. I couldn't understand a thing but I had to see what happened after the kiss. I totally agree that Shinwoo's anger showed a more human side of him. human not as in I'm nice, I understand, I'm the perfect patient guy who'll always love you and forgive you ( uumm boriiing). But human as in " hellooo I'm here too. I like you and I want you to notice me." Don't get me wrong I'm all for TK & MN but I liked the passionate side of SW.

TK is soo sexy . I just want to bite him.lol

Awwww... I missed Jeremy on this ep. Okay...Off to youtube to get my daily dose (of repeats) of Jeremy's cutest clueless moments.lmao


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LOVE YOU Javabeans!!!
I love all your recaps... how can you be such a smart person... LOL. seriously, between you and sevenses, I don't get why you guys aren't millionaires. haha

I love all the comic moments in this ep... I really hope the comic still keeps coming in the future... I dislike it when a drama turns all serious and dramatic in the end like Full House... Actually, I think that I would like more comic moments!
and Jeremy too!!! what happened to the scene in the preview about England! And I really want his feelings for MiNyu to be resolved somehow! I mean, he likes her right? or is it a light attraction??? I'm too greedy... I want her to triple herself and be with all three guys... lol
Love Jang Geun Suk reaction (Ha.. Ha... HaHa... LMAO!!!), the fireworks, the 4280 PIN code, the smile Jang Geun Suk gave when holdng her hands, and of course the ending!!! wow, i can say that I'm satisfied with the ending but afraid that the rest of the drama will disappoint after it... (Please no illness or too much angst and stupid actions.... in short, no cliches please..)
and Ranma!!! LOL... I loved that series.. remind me of my elementary school days where I would wait for it to show...
I though PSH was dressed kinda like when she was in Goong S...
I like seeing Heyi vulnerability.. To be truthful, although I dislike her, I'm quite impressed with UEE's acting as a villain... and I do not think she's ugly whatever others' opiions about that (I'm not an After School fan).
The mom is seriously $#@%#%... How can she be so cold and selfish?
JGS's acting!! a jewel.. gosh that guy can ACT!! (and be hot!! but so is Jeremy that I heart and shin woo)
I do hope that the couple will share a real kiss cuz the one here is kinda "hidden" with both opening their eyes... although even though I knew about the kiss, it didn't ruin the episode for me.
I love the three songs released of the 2nd OST... I wonder if JGS goodbye is the remake of What should I do that he has to do for the mom.
I probably have more stuff to say but I'll stop for now...


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also... i love TK's diagram... so typical of him
Glad MiNyu is standing up for herself against UEE and that she realizes that being a nun is not for her... (i really do hope there will be no scene where she goes back to being a nun and has to be convinced in a dramatic way by TK to drop it... that will be just too cliche unlike they make it right and change my mind)
and when is the real Minam coming back??? seriously... i do want to know what happens to him.. and do they have no phones??? how come we never hear of him.
also... I laughed out loud when i heard Over the rainbow in the background... mainly because it sounded so wrong there.. is there really no other songs?? (don't get me wrong, i do like that song. i just think it wasn't needed there).


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Feels good to finally be able to read your recap JB. Great job again!

For the previous 11 episodes I've been critically analysing every little things in the drama, but by episode 12, I thought I now should just enjoy the drama. JGS has been remarkable in the drama, and I truly believe that he would continue doing so for the rest of the 4 episodes. I too, am looking forward to see how their love blossoms, in those cute, accident-prone-vs-ego-maniac-ways.

I think its really cute and refreshing that they don't even use the word 'saranghae'
during the confession time. I predict that phrases like "Thank you for being born" and "I'll give you permission to like me" will be the new "Happy Birthday' and "I love you" LOL.

And like most of us here, I feel depressed when thinking that the drama will end in two weeks' time. That's why I would cherish this drama most now, not allowing myself to read any more spoilers and truly enjoy the drama for what it is. Of course the drama had flaws of its own, but the awesomeness blinds my eyes to them, so I choose to see what I want to see. I seriously didnt expect the drama will be this good, nor do I expect JGS would totally bring new definition to the word 'cool', in his dorky, psychotic, adorable way.

I still disapprove the wardrobe for most of the scenes tho.


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"Tae-kyung's flawed up the wazoo, but he's insanely charismatic." Absolutely my most favorite line from your comment. You nailed it. You're such a good writer!!!!


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The "I give you permission to like me" line was from the ep they were looking at the stars in the country, MN asks TK (he thought she was asking a star) if it's okay for her to like him (it).

Haha, when they cut to HR and auntie I was like "urrrrrrrrrgh"


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Don't quote me on this but I have a feeling that the real GMN is due to come back anytime now....The Hong Sister are going to gives us a great surprise...wouln't be funny that the fake fairy confuses the Real GMN with MN...and she goes in to her little tantrum...and the real GMN is like who ARE YOU???? and he gets to defend his sister.....or have TK attitude.......

@217 I hope MN doesn't have to go back to the convent...or no seperation...that too cliche in all dramas ( globaly I my add).....why can't they stay together and faced all obstacles together, even if they get mad at each other......

Hopefully we get more funny scenes in the last 4 episodes...that's what has made this drama so great and fun to watch........


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Can someone give me the English version of the Goodbye song by JSK? Thank you.


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@ serendipity

I'm with you

1. The dress was a caricature. Maybe, maybe, just maybe, they borrowed the dress from the other production (as several people have mentioned seeing it elsewhere) on purpose--one more pop culture reference? Or as an indication that of course the stylist wouldn't be prepped with a girly outfit for Mi Nam who was on the shoot as a boy, so she just took whatever came to hand? And too bad it had to be that...

(and 1B : I've just given up on any hopes TK's wardrobe will get better. I was grateful most of his shirts actually covered him in this episode. That trenchcoat -- not that I'm counting but he has at least 2, who has 2 trenchcoats? -- was positively dowdy. Next we'll be seeing him with his pants belted up around his nipples and his t-shirt tucked in.)

2. Over the Rainbow. I cringe every time I hear that in a K-drama. And I hear it FAR TOO OFTEN.

3. This episode was missing the laugh out loud craziness of earlier episodes and if they don't bring that back I will be very disappointed. This episode just seemed a little tired in that respect. The fireworks Mi Nam experienced were cute, but didn't make me really laugh.


1. TK working out his feelings consciously and deliberately (and on paper)? Fabulous. The way he's always repeating "If I get upset, I lose" makes me think maybe they're having a little jab at pop therapy mantras. It reminds us that he has carefully crafted his Self in the face of what must have been an epic-ly unhappy childhood. But it's also so pat and so banal.

2. TK acting on his conclusions once he's reached them but not straying out of character to do so... also fabulous. He's still the diva. I was so thankful there was no sappiness in that final scene.

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Can I just say the part where Shin-woo asked (more like stated) if she likes Tae-kyung that's why she's crying so much... Really reminds me of Hana Kimi? "Because I’ve been looking at you." But HK does it better, KEKE^^, "I don't care who you love... But he's hurt you to the point of tears. Leave him and be with me. (...) Don't worry! You like him, don't you? I've known it for awhile. Actually I felt it because your eyes are always staring at him. I only discovered because in my eyes, there's only you." A bit too long, eh? HAHA. Still. :p Nakatsu's a bit more like Shin-woo and Jeremy put together. :)

As for Tae-kyung, I'm hoooooWOOOOOW dude! :) Good job. He's always gonna be weird but he always wins us, doesn't he? :) Despite the front, he's so lovable. He gave his permission for Mi-nyeo to like him--which is only appropriate if it were Mi-nyeo if it were to be another girl? Pwahaha, disaster. He means well, it's just his ways are hilarious. Cute even in a very weird way. :) So he permitted her, how about him? Oh we'll just have to wait and see, I guess. 'Til episode 13! :)

Btw, it's really amazing how fast you were able to post your recaps. I guess you the fact that many are waiting drives you to finish it aside from your own excitement. Thanks JB!


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Is the site crashing again? I can't view my first comment for this recap... :(


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First off- hooray for recognition in a Korean language article re: YB's online popularity! :)


(And for those of us who keep track, I think YB 12 was #1 on tudou for a few hours at least last night!)

@ Serenpidity

I love reading your analyses! :)

"Just when will people learn that when your arch enemy keeps looking over your shoulder when saying provocative things to you, they are playing you for an audience behind you? TK, it was so obvious HY was setting you up, her eyes kept going over your shoulder."

No kidding! :)

Actually the whole episode was like a play-

TK staggers in, talks to himself so the audience knows how he thinks, and then says "Hark, MN comes!" and scampers off, while on Stage Left MN circles the door and then makes her entrance.

She too goes into a Soliloquy to tell the audience how she feels.

Then we switch scenes and she comes upon TK and HY, HY makes OBVIOUS acknoledgements of MN's stage entrance, while TK must remain entirely oblivious.


Some people mentioned some odd echos of Shakespeare in this series and I think it's true that there's lots of "Stagey" elements here!

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My interest in the last 2 episodes is waning slightly.
Where's all the fun, quirky moments? You still have the cute, the awh moments but something is lacking. I hope that for the remaining episodes we will find the fun, quirky, different, endearing, addictive moments once again.
Saying that I've watched ep 11 and 12 more than once. And I might be rewatching the whole thing again this week-end. A part from that I 'm barely what you would call addicted.


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I surely agree with you on the last line of the episode...it sure would be nicer if the writer would have blurted out the line like "Go Minam, don't stay in the dark in anymore coz the star is asking you to like him too"....for me, this would have been more appropriate than "Go Minam, i give you the permission to like me" ...I find this line too obligatory...i mean, they kill the poetic approach in the line as they are trying to depect on the story...Well, anyways I'm sure the Hong sisters has there reason about this..

Thanks again for the recap...looking forward to the next...


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Love it. Love it. Love it. This show makes me so happy.

Oh and this : "Robotic Second Lead With Perfect Responses To Every Crisis and Perpetual Understanding." had me rolling javabeans. I think that since there's the church element to this drama that Shin-woo should be made the saint of this.

Cracks me up.


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Oh my! The Hong Sisters... Takahashi fans?!?! I'm in HEAVEN, LOL.

I can't believe there was actually a RANMA reference!!! I've been obsessed with that manga/anime for over ten years... so when I watched this episode on viikii, that was the first thing that came to mind. However, the translations totally missed it, so I figured it was just wishful thinking on my part. I'm so glad it really was inferred!!!. ^_^

Thank you so much for the brilliant recap. It always completes my viewing experience!!


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# 226 Fan Thanks for the article. And I also agree that there're a lot of theatrical elements in YAB, which makes it so different and appealing. :) It's hilarious to see how everybody did soliloquys but I really appreciate that coz it's so refreshing!

I hope someone would do an interview/ article regarding the Hong sisters. I'm seriously curious to know what's in their mind, and how they get the creative juices squeezed from their head (of course 2 heads are better than 1). And would love to know their inspirations/ influences when making dramas. And I also think TK is one of the greatest, well rounded characters they've ever made. It would take a while for JGS to step out of TK's mould later, coz he's so convincing in it.


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great. that picture!! argh...
next episode will probably be something like...the reporter is gonna pick up that polaroid (which MN dropped in a hurry to leave the greenhouse) and the big secret is out!!!!


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i spotted something interesting:

1. Heyi looked like a witch wearing that orange outfit -- just like a horror movie!
2. Minyeo was the princess in fairytales, dressed in mysterious colors.
3. .. and we had depressed 2 angels..

I also loved the symbolism when TK guides Minyeo after he was too late to warn her of the hurt.


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@ 232 jo

i hope not =X unless the picture got all soaked from the rain.

i wanted taekyung to pick up what minyeo dropped while running from him.. ^^


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Yeah, finally watched the subbed version!

I wish the series was longer too, I think they would have been to incorporate a lot of the missing parts that feel like they should have been there at the end of this episode. I know it's cliche but I guess we get so used to these:

--when TK finds out the truth about the pig nose, they should have shown a flashback of all the times she did that in front of him, that would have been cute

--they probably didn't have time to include TK's then chase/search of GMN, I can just see him driving wildly and fast, thinking to himself...

Ok, I just want to see more of TK!


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I absolutely love this drama!!!!! I was really touched by the rapid fire dialogue between Tae Kung and Go Min Nam before he kissed her.....and now to see Tae Kung finding out "why" on the pigs nose......dontcha love the way love can smack you right in the face even when you're looking right at it???!!!! I have a feeling that when Tae Kung really goes with the flow in how he feels about Go Min Nam....that handsome face is gonna be smiling all the time!

Oh yes....and to be enlightened and looking towards the light!!!!

Can somebody fast forward the next 2 episodes PUHHHLEEEEZE?????!!!!!


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#233 omo, Somehow the symbolism of TK guiding MN to the stairs reminds me of episode 7. Previously, it was TK who can't see and MN was the one guiding him at night. During their conversation, it was MN who told TK that she 'saw' him (the star-moon conv) but TK was still unable to 'see' that. In this ep, in complete reversal, TK was the one who's guiding MN, and he has started to 'see' MN, and interestingly, MN still fails to see that he's already seeing her.

Ok, I think I use too many 'see' in this post.


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Thanks for posting your excellent episode recaps ;) Even after I watched each episode I still love to read what you have written because it's always interesting from your perspective and it's always an entertaining read. Keep up the great work! And I love SW in this episode too :D


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loved the ending of this episode....i was so happy that tae-kyung FINALLY figured out that she likes him. took him long enough huh? i agree with JB about the stylist/He-yi stuff; it's starting to grate on my nerves how easily he-yi can screw up things for go mi nam. i hope she doesn't keep this up all the way till the end of this series...it would be really annoying.

now about shin-woo: i know you liked him better in this ep, but idk he irked me still. i mean he did give out pretty big hints, but i think by now he knows that mi nam isn't the brightest crayon in the box and NEVER picks up on hints. at this point, i hope he just keeps his feelings to himself and lets mi nam and tae-kyung work things out. seriously, they have enough problems without shin-woo adding to it , with his random forehead kisses or guitar playing lol. don't get me wrong...i really do like shin-woo, i just hate the 2nd lead guy role in general and it always bothers me when they won't move on when they know the girl likes someone else. well at least shin-woo hasn't cried yet or anything haha...



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exactly!!! teens appreciate this drama more than the old people... that's why they would better of watching Iris than Yb.. right??? and i dont feel bad when they get low ratings in korea because i know it by heart that YB is NUMBER 1. major success online. money is not extravagantly spended in terms of production but still have a huge popularity..!! i love YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!!!


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Omo i just finished watching both Ep 11 and 12 and i don't know how much i've cried or how many times i've felt that heartwrenching feeling... Still pretty much in shock. Just how am i going to survive till Wednesday?



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@ 237 alert

Well now that i think about it, it feels like that scene was foreshadowing(for maybe the next ep?).. but you do make an interesting point despite all the 'see' words. LOL


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I think Viikii has just fallen over and DIED from all the hits - I think i might loose my mind. Thankfully, JB your recaps are here to save my sanity!

Thanks as always.


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Another episode to love! The fireworks were totally cute! It's not so bad now that they know she is girl. But Jeremy needs more screen time, I adore him. And stylist needs to get put into place. She works for AN JELLS and not HY so why is she so chummy and giving all those info to her. There should be such thing as protecting where your bread is buttered lady. And Fake fairy needs to get her just rewards for all this mischief. I want her to go down! In a big way....
Poor Shinwoo , there is no such thing a perfect timing. He should just SEIZE the DAY! But the song totally swoon worthy! But TK was just way too cute , being a green eyed monster certainly becomes him. And the end...can't wait for next week. We need to know what happens next! But OH NO we are getting so close to THE END. I don't want it to end yet.


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To 240 @lay..... I'm a grandma and I've thoroughly enjoyed Boys Before Flowers, 1st Coffee Prince Shop, and now You're Beautiful.....it doesn't have anything to do with "age".....just in the eye of the beholder or mindset in being able to enjoy fun drama! The young people acting in the dramas are so talented and it's really a nice change from the american soaps!

I'm so glad there's kdrama cause I'm not in the mood to read any book right now! :)


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Yay! I liked this episode better than the last one, I think, even with the (incredibly fake, mannequin-like) kiss. I know people have been shooting it down a tiny bit for being less silly, and I hope that aspect comes back. Still, this one came off as one long, sweet heartstring-tugger, which I did not mind in the least. I'm just so glad he finally found out what the pig-nose meant.


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@ linz 239: "i hope he just keeps his feelings to himself and lets mi nam and tae-kyung work things out. seriously, they have enough problems without shin-woo adding to it ,with his random forehead kisses or guitar playing lol. "
I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you're saying. For all twelve episodes, he HAS kept his feelings to himself. Mi-nam still doesn't know, and every time he wants to do it, he holds himself back and puts her feelings above his own. Like in Episode 7, when he saw Mi-nam's face fall when she saw it wasn't Tae-kyung, how did Shin-woo respond?

Shin-woo: "Would you like to stay here? You can stop doing the things that pain you and just stay here. Would you like to do that? Tell me what I can do for you. I won’t add to your troubles, so please just relax when you’re with me." (quoted from thundie's translation of the lines)

Even when he told the press that she was his girlfriend, it was to protect Mi-nam's identity -- that's why he hid her face in his shoulder. Tae-kyung recognized this -- that's why he handed him his jacket. As for giving Mi-nam "random forehead kisses" -- a.k.a. treating her like a girl -- that only happened ONCE, and it was a cheeky response to Mi-nam's challenge. It's the same sort of cheekiness when Minam looked back at him in surprise when he told her to call him hyung, to which he responded with wry humor, "Why, do you want to call me oppa instead?" It has more to with his cheeky personality than it does his desire for her to see him as a man and not as a brother.

As for Shin-woo's playing guitar, it's a clear signal that he plans on giving up in favor of Tae-kyung -- hence the bitterly self-critical words of the lyrics: he feels stupid because he can't help but be there for the girl who is clearly NOT interested in him and unconsciously keeps on hurting him. In fact, here's what he sings in the song:

Until the person she loves comes, I'll be by her side. Because it's a happy kind of love, I could give her everything, and I don't expect anything in return. [...] I'll always be there for her, because I love her. Because I'm stupid...

If "Until the person she loves comes, I'lll be by her side... Because I'm stupid" isn't a message blatantly telling us that he'll resign himself to be the shoulder she can cry on until Hwang Tae-kyung comes to his senses, I'm not sure what is.

Shin-woo is singing -- not so much because he aims to confess to her, since he knows that Mi-nam is too oblivious to catch onto the meaning of his words: "I don’t think she was ready for it yet" -- but for himself and for us. That scene was supposed to allow us to see the situation from Shin-woo's perspective, which I liked, because as javabeans said, many dramas portray them as a robot who is programmed to give the perfect response rather than as human beings who would make the right choice even if it's a bitter pill to take.

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thanks for the recap. i read the recap for ep11, & right after i got ep12 raw & watched it. even without subs it was so good. i haven't even seen any of the episodes before ep12, so i was surprised at how good this drama is. Uee is really good at giving off an evil presence, also her eyes are really round & scary. PSH is really good, i loved how she was still in shock after the kiss & keep going through the revolving doors. And JGS, he is so good, i love how his character has this really intense stare, he reminds me of Kim Myung Min in Beethoven Virus, a mix of kind of arrogant/angry/but also caring. i'm going to watch ep1-11 now. sad there was no preview for ep13.


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Yippee to another brilliant ep!! sigh.. now another loooooooooong wait to next week.

This time, its my turn to pause the player and laugh myself to stitches while watching the wrong text message portion. And I also agree, I like Shin-woo better for his flashes of anger. JB, you've got it summed up nicely: Shin woo is not the Robotic Second Lead With Perfect Responses To Every Crisis and Perpetual Understanding. :D

what am I gonna do next... hmmmmm..


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Kudos once again to JV for a great recap. This week i watched the raw alongside the recap by opening two windows to get better understanding of the drama. LIke #249 JAM, i actually paused my player to laugh hysterically in many instances. Thanks to JV, I am able to understand the message part. It was certainly brilliant scriptwriting there. ..with MN clumsily typing the 'kiss was great' rather than it was okay...she didn't mind".

Both TK and MN were endearing..I loved the part where TK pieced everything together and realised that the nose pressing was because of him. I noticed...there're tears in his eyes in the final scene. I guess it's not easy for TK (who have always been cold and guarded his feelings ever since young) to lay his feeling out for MN but that's the closest he can do...
Looking forward to the next episode. I expect to see them lovey dovey and of course, there's the photo....hope it won't fall into the hand of the nosey reporter. Perhaps the actual MN will come.
Just a thought: all this while the 3 guys are used to calling Mi nyo....Mi Nam..., it will be difficult for them to adjust and call her by her birthname...of course TK can always call her 'pig - rabbit'....Ke ke ke....

So sad it's going to end soon.....Hopefully there's a movie or a sequel....


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